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everal proverbs in English contain examples of assonance.

assonance in these phrases helps to make them more memorable in a
subtler way than through rhyming words. A few of these proverbs are
highlighted below:
 The early bird catches the worm.
 Honesty is the best policy.
 Let the cat out of the bag.
 A stitch in time saves nine.
 The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

In folklore among all the variety and richness of its poetical significance and form it is
difficult to find more interesting and researchable genre than proverbs and sayings. It
was the subject of deep study of scientists in most different ideological branches.
Most of the scientists agreed that the proverbs are folklore speech. Where was not
only the person's point of view but also general people's outlook is expressed.
Proverbs and sayings play important role in language. They give emotionality,
expressiveness to the speech. They have certain pure linguistic features that must
always be taken into account in order to distinguish them from ordinary sentences.
Proverbs are brief statements showing uncondensed form of the accumulated life
experience of the community and serving as conventional practical symbols for
abstract ideas. They are usually didactic and image bearing. Many of them become
very polished and there is no extra word in proverbs and sayings. Summarizing above
mentioned information the following definition can be given to a proverb: It is a short,
meaningful has the rhythmic organization in poetic style - that people had created for
centuries in their social and historical life.

The subject of my qualification paper is devoted to the study of lexical-semantic

classification of proverbs and sayings in English language.

The object of my research is English proverbs and sayings and its classification

The aim of the qualification paper is:

To give the definition of the phraseological
To classify proverbs and sayings ;
To show the difference of proverbs and sayings;
The following task has been solved in this qualification paper:

To deal with the history of the proverbs and analyze them. To show their
components or equivalents if they exist in compared languages, and the ways of
their translation.
To point out the difference between proverbs and sayings.
To research the structural type of English proverbs, to differ in the groups of
types of proverbs according to their equivalents and synonymic row.

The actuality of the study of the proverbs in Uzbek, English is that the usage of
proverbs in speech is very important. The correct usage of these proverbs is also
important, while translating any other work of art we should pay close attention to this
point, and that is the reason of the study of the theme we have taken under discussion.
So express any idea or plot of the work in translation as in original demands a person's
high skill and deep knowledge. Translator ought to know the rules of translation,
furthermore the history, slang, life, customs and traditions of the people whose
language he / she translating into.

The novelty of this qualification paper is that the analysis of the problem of the folk
proverbs have been taken under discussion in related and non related languages.
Modem and classic writers' works have been used in collecting the examples. The
qualification paper also includes the Shakespeareans and other proverbs
used by English poets. The aim of the qualification paper is to study the proverbs and
to distinguish the cultural features in every language that was taken under discussion.
This qualification paper mainly discusses the Uzbek proverbs and their translation
into foreign languages.

The theoretical value of the qualification paper is to investigate the structural types

of proverbs and sayings in English, to give their equivalents in related and related
languages, to analyze and differentiate proverbs and sayings in investigated

The practical value of this paper is that, practical result and all the given examples
can be used in practical lessons, writing compositions in colloquial and written
speech. This qualification paper also can be useful to other students who are'
interested in this field as in this qualification paper there is given the table of the most
often used proverbs in English.

^ The sources of the qualification paper. While investigating the diploma work we

have widely used the following literature: 'Фразеология английского языка' by V.
A. Koonin, textbooks on lexicology, on stylistics, scientific literature on phraseology
and phraseological units, books on origin and translation of proverbs and sayings in
English, A universal proverb definition. Scholars around the world continue to find
their own so-called "working definitions," of which some of the most recent attempts
in the English language are those by Shirley Arora, Nigel Barley, Otto Blehr,
Margaret Bryant, David Cram, Alan Dundes, Galit Hasan-Rokem, George Milner,
Peter Seitel, Jan Fredrik Kindstrand "The Greek Concept of Proverbs," Bartlett Jere
Whiting, "The Nature of the Proverb." 1932, V.I. Dal “dictionary of vivid Russian
language”, V.L Dai "the proverbs of Russian nation", Benjamin Franklin 'Poor
Richard's Almanac', The Advanced Learner's Dictionary by A. Hornby, E. Gatenby,
H. Wake-field; The Universal English Dictionary by H. Wild and Л General Service
List of English Words with Semantic Frequencies by M, West, English idioms in:
Logan Smith. Words and Idioms. London. We have also had information on internet

The structure of this qualification paper is as follows: introduction, main part,

conclusion, the list of used literature.

Introduction, main part, conclusion and the list of used literature.

^ The introduction is the brief plot of the qualification paper theme, and also it gives
us information about the structure of the qualification paper.

The main part consists of two chapters

Chapter one has three paragraphs: phraseology as a subsystem of language, a short

information about phraseological units, the proverbs and sayings and their definitions.

^ Chapter two includes three paragraphs which deal with the problems of the study of
the history of the origin of proverbs and sayings, scientists who worked on proverbs
and sayings, the semantic classes of proverbs and sayings.

Conclusion deals with the theoretical and practical result of the work.

Bibliography directs us to the list of literatures that have been used in carrying out the



By phraseology I mean the branch of linguistics dealing with stable word-

combinations characterized by certain transference of meaning.
Despite differences of opinion, most authors agree upon some points concerning the
distinctive features of phraseological units, such as:

Integrity (or transference) of meaning means that none of the idiom
components is separately associated with any referents of objective
reality, and the meaning of the whole unit cannot be deduced from the
meanings of its components;
Stability (lexical and grammatical) means that no lexical substitution is
possible in an idiom in comparison with free or variable word-
combinations (with an exception of some cases when such substitutions
are made by the author intentionally). The experiments conducted in the
1990s showed that, the meaning of an idiom is not exactly identical to its
literal paraphrase given in the dictionary entry. That is why we may
speak about lexical flexibility of many units if they are used in a creative
manner. Lexical stability is usually accompanied by grammatical
stability which prohibits any grammatical changes;
Separability means that the structure of an idiom is not something
indivisible, certain modifications are possible within certain boundaries.
Here we meet with the so-called lexical and grammatical variants. To
illustrate this point I shall give some examples: "as hungry as a wolf (as
a hunter)", "as safe as a house (houses)" in English, «как (будто,
словно, точно) в воду опушенный», «оседлать своего (любимого)
конька», «раскидывать умом (мозгами) Раскинуть (пораскинуть)
умом (мозгами)» in Russian.
Expressivity and emotiveness means that idioms are also characterized
by stylistic colouring. In other words, they evoke emotions or add

On the whole phraseological units, even if they present a certain pattern, do not
generate new phrases. They are unique.

Interlanguage comparison, the aim of which is the exposure of phraseological

conformities, forms the basis of a number of theoretical and applied trends of modern
linguistic research, including the theory and practice of phraseography. But the
question of determining the factors of interlanguage phraseological conformities as
the main concept and the criterion of choosing phraseological equivalents and
analogues as the aspect concepts is still at issue.

The analysis of special literature during the last decades shows that the majority of
linguists consider the coincidence of semantic structure, grammatical (or syntactical)
organization and componential (lexeme) structure the main criteria in defining the
types of interlanguage phraseological conformities/disparities with the undoubted
primacy of semantic structure.

Comparing the three approaches discussed above (semantic, functional, and

contextual) we have ample ground to conclude that have very much in common as,
the main criteria of phraseological units appear to be essentially the same, i.e. stability
and idiomaticity or lack of motivation. It should be noted however that these criteria
as elaborated in the three approaches are sufficient mainly to single out extreme cases:
highly idiomatic non-variable and free (or variable) word- groups.

Thus red tape, mare's nest, etc. According to the semantic approach belong to

phraseology and are described as fusions as they are completely non-motivated.
According to the functional approach they are also regarded as phraseological units
because of their grammatical (syntactic) inseparability and because they function, in
speech as word-equivalents. According to the contextual approach red tape, mare's
nest, etc. make up a group of phraseological units referred to as idioms because of the
impossibility of any change m the 'fixed context' and their semantic inseparability.

The status of the bulk of word-groups however cannot be decided with certainty with
the help of these criteria because as a rule we have to deal not with соmp1ete
idiomaticity and stability but with a certain degree of these distinguishing features of
phraseological units. No objective criteria of the degree of idiomaticity and stability
have as yet been suggested. Thus, e.g., to win a victory according to the semantic
approach is a phraseological combination because it is almost completely motivated
and allows of certain variability to win, to gain, a victory. According to the
functional approach it is not a phraseological unit as the degree of semantic and
grammatical inseparability is insufficient for the word-group to function as a word-
equivalent. Small hours according to the contextual approach it is literal meaning. If
however we classify it proceeding from the functional approach is a word-groups
which are partially motivated is decided differently depending on which of the criteria
of phraseological units is applied.

There is still another approach to the problem of phraseology in which an attempt is

made to overcome the shortcoming of the phraseological theories discussed above.
The main features of this new approach which is now more or less universally
accepted by Soviet linguists are as follows:

Phraseology is regarded as a self-
contained branch of linguistics and, not
as a part of lexicology.
Phraseology deals with a
phraseological subsystem of language
and not with isolated phraseological

3. Phraseology is concerned with all types of set expressions.

4. Set expressions are divided into three classes: phraseological units (e.g. red tape,
mare's nest, etc.), phraseomatic units (e.g. win a victory, launch a campaign,
etc.) and borderline cases belonging to the mixed class. The main distinction between
the first and the second classes is semantic: phraseological units have fully or partially
transferred meanings while components of, phraseomatic units are used in their literal

Phraseological and phraseomatic units are not regarded as word-
equivalents but some of them are treated as word correlates.
Phraseological and phraseomatic units are set expressions and their
phraseological stability distinguishes them from free phrases and
compound words.
Phraseological and phraseomatic units are made up of words of different
degree of wordness depending on the type of set expressions they are
used in. (cf. e.g. small hours and red tape). Their structural separateness,
an important factor of their stability, distinguishes them from compound
words (cf. E.g. blackbird and black market).

Other aspects of their stability are: stability of use, lexical stability and semantic

Stability of use means that set expressions are reproduced ready-made
and not created in speech. They are not elements of individual style of
speech but language units.
Lexical stability means that the components of set expressions are either
irreplaceable (e.g. red tape, mare's nest) or party replaceable within the
bounds of phraseological or phraseomatic variance: lexical (e.g. a
skeleton in the cupboard – a skeleton in the closet).grammatical
(e.g. to be in deep water – to be in deep waters), positional (e.g. head
over ears – over head and ears), quantitative (e.g. to lead smb a
dance- to lead smb a pretty dance), mixed variants (e.g. raise (stir
up) a hornets' nest about one's ears- arouse (stir up) the nest of
Semantic stability is based on the lexical stability of set expressions.
Even when occasional changes are introduced the meaning of set
expression is preserved. It may only be specified, made more precise,
weakened or strengthened. In other words in spite of all occasional
phraseological and phraseomatic units, as distinguished from free
phrases, remain semantically invariant or are destroyed. For example,
the substitution of the verbal component in the free phrase to
raise a question by the verb to settle (to settle a question) changes the
meaning of the phrase, no such change occurs in to raise (stir up) a
hornets' nest about one's ears.
An integral part of this approach is a method of phraseological
identification which helps to single out set expressions in Modern

The diachronic aspect of phraseology has scarcely been investigated. Just a few points
of interest may be briefly reviewed in connection with the origin of phraseology has
scarcely been investigated. Just a few points of interest may be briefly reviewed in
connection with the origin of phraseological units and the ways they appear in
language. It is assumed that almost all phrases can be traced back to free word-groups
which in the course of the historical development of the English language have
acquired semantic and grammatical process of grammaticalization or lexicalization.

Cases of grammaticalization may be illustrated by the transformation of free word-

groups composed of the verb have, a noun (pronoun) and Participle II of some other
verb into the grammatical form- the Present Perfect in Modern English. The degree of
semantic and grammatical inseparability in this analytical word-form is so high that
the component has seems to possess no lexical meaning of its own.

The term lexicalization implies that the word-group under discussion develops into a
word-equivalent, i.e. a phraseological unit or a compound word. These two parallel
lines of lexicalization of free word-groups can be illustrated by the diachronic analysis
of, e.g., the compound word instead and the phraseological unit in spite (of). Both of
them can be traced back to structurally1 identical free phrases.1

There are some grounds to suppose that there exists a kind of interdependence
between these two ways of lexicalization of free word-groups which makes them
mutually exclusive. It is observed, for example, that compounds are more abundant in
certain parts of speech, whereas phraseological units are numerically predominant in
others. Thus, e.g., phraseological units are found in great numbers as verb-equivalents
whereas compound verbs are comparatively few. This leads us to assume that
lexicalization of free word-groups and their transformation into words or
phraseological units is governed by the fewer phraseological units we are likely to
encounter in this class of words.
Very little is known of the factors active in the process of lexicalization of free word-
groups which results in the appearance of phraseological units. This problem may be
viewed in terms of the degree of motivation. We may safely assume that a free word-
group is transformed into a phraseological unit when it acquires semantic
inseparability and becomes synchronically non-motivated.

The following may be perceived as the main causes accounting for the less' of
motivation of free word-groups:

When one of the components of a word-group becomes archaic or drops out of
the language altogether the whole word-group may become completely or
partially non-motivated. For example, lack of motivation in the word-
group kith and kin may be accounted for by the fact that the member-
word kith dropped out of the language altogether except as the component of
the phraseological unit under discussion. This is also observed in the
phraseological unit under discussion.
When as a result of a change in the semantic structure of a polysemantic word
some of its meanings disappear and can be found only in certain collocations.
The noun mind, e.g., once meant 'purpose' or 'intention' and this meaning
survives in the phrases to have a mind to do smth., to change one's
mind, etc.
When a free word-group used in professional speech penetrates into general
literary usage, it is often felt as non-motivated.^ To pull (the) strings
(wires), e.g., was originally used as a free word-group in its direct meaning by
professional actors in puppet shows. In Modern English, however, it has lost all
connection with puppet-shows and therefore cannot also be observed in the'
phraseological unit to stick to one's guns, which can be traced back to military
English, etc.

Sometimes extra-linguistic factors may account for the loss of motivation, to

show the white feather - 'to act as a coward', e.g., can be traced back to the days
when cock-fighting was popular. A white feather in a gamecock's plumage denoted
bad breeding and was regarded as a sign of cowardice. Now that cock-fighting is no
longer a popular sport, the phrase is felt as non-motivated. 2

d) When a word-group making up part of a proverb or saying begins to be used a self-

contained unit it may gradually become non-motivated if its connection with the
corresponding proverb or saying is not clearly perceived. A new broom,
e.g., originates as a component of the saying new brooms sweep clean. New
broom as a phraseological unit may be viewed as non-motivated because the meaning
of the whole is not deducible from the meaning of the components. Moreover, it
seems grammatically and functionally self-contained and inseparable too. In the
saying quoted above the noun broom is always used in the plural; as a member-word
of the phraseological unit it mostly used in the singular. The phraseological unit a
new broom is characterized by functional inseparability. In the saying new
brooms sweep clean the adjective new functions as an attribute to the
noun brooms, in the phraseological unit a new broom (e.g. Well he is a new
broom!) the whole word-group is functionally inseparable.

e) When part of a quotation from literary sources, mythology or the Bible begin to be
used as a self-contained unit, it may also lose all connection with the original context
and as a result of this become non-motivated. The phraseological unit the green-eyed
monster (jealousy) can be easily found as a part of the quotation from Shakespeare "It
is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on" (Othello, II, i. 165).
In Modern English, however, it functions as a non-motivated self-contained
phraseological unit and is also used to denote the T.V. set. Achilles heel - 'the weak
spot in a man's circumstances or character' can be traced back to mythology, but it
seems that in Modern English this word-group functions as a phraseological unit
largely because most English speakers do not connect it with the myth from which it
was extracted.

1. The final criterion in the semantic approach is idiomaticity whereas in the

functional approach syntactic inseparability is viewed as the final test, and in the
contextual approach it is stability of context combined with idiomaticity of word-

The concept of idiomaticity is not
strictly defined. The judgments as to
idiomaticity are passed sometimes
within the framework of the English
language and sometimes from the
outside - from the point of view of the
mother tongue of the investigator.

It is suggested here that the term idiomaticity should be interpreted as an interlingual

notion and also that the degree of idiomaticity should be taken into consideration
since between the extreme of complete motivation and lack of motivation there are
numerous intermediate group.

Each of the three approaches has its
merits and demerits. The traditional
semantic approach points out the
essential features of all kinds of
idiomatic phrases as opposed to
completely motivated free word-
groups. The functional approach puts
forward an objective criterion for
singling out a small group of word-
equivalents possessing all the basic
features of words as lexical items. The
contextual approach makes the
criterion of stability more exact.
All the three approaches are sufficient
to single out the extreme cases: highly
idiomatic phraseological units and free
word-groups. The status of the bulk of
word-groups possessing different
degrees of idiomaticity cannot be
decided with certainty by applying the
criteria available in linguistic science.
The distinguishing feature of the new
approach is that phraseology is
regarded as a self-contained branch of
linguistics and not as a part of


It has been repeatedly pointed out that word-groups viewed as functionally and
semantically inseparable units are traditionally regarded as the subject matter of
phraseology. It should be noted, however, that no proper scientific investigation of
English phraseology has been attempted until quite recently. English and American
linguists as a rule confine themselves to collecting various words, word- groups and
sentences presenting some interest either from the point of view of origin, style,
usage, or some other feature peculiar to them. These units are habitually described as
idioms but no attempt has been made to investigate these idioms as a separate class of
linguistic units or a specific class of word-groups.

The vocabulary of a language is enriched not only by words but also by

phraseological units. Phraseological units are word-groups that cannot be' made in the
process of speech, they exist in the language as ready-made units. They are compiled
in special dictionaries. The same as words phraseological units express a single notion
and are used in a sentence as one part of it. American and British lexicographers call
such units «idioms». We can mention such dictionaries as: L.Smith «Words and
Idioms»3, V.Collins «А Book of English Idioms»4 etc. In these dictionaries we can
find words, peculiar in their semantics (idiomatic), side by side with word-groups and
sentences. In these dictionaries they are arranged, as a rule, into different semantic
groups. Phraseological units can be classified according to the ways they are formed,
according to the degree of the motivation of their meaning, according to their
structure and according to their part-of-speech meaning. A.V. Koonin classified
phraseological units according to the way they are formed. He pointed out primary
and secondary ways of forming phraseological units. Primary ways of forming
phraseological units are those when a unit is formed on the basis of a free word-group:

a) The most productive in Modem English is the formation of phraseological units by

means of transferring the meaning of terminological word-groups, e.g. in cosmic
technique we ran point out the following phrases: «launching pad» in its
terminological meaning is «стартова площадка», in its transferred meaning -
«вiдправний пункт», «to link up» - «стикуватися, стикувати космiчнi човни» in its
tranformed meaning it means - «знайомитися»;

a large group of phraseological units was formed from free word
groups by transforming their meaning, e.g. «granny farm» -
«пансионат для старых людей», «Troyan horse» -
«компьютерная програма, яка навмиснестворена для
приведения з ладу компьютера»;
phraseological units can be formed by means of alliteration , e.g.
«a sad sack» - «нещасний випадок», «culture vulture» -
«людина, яка цiкавиться мистецтвом», «fudge and nudge» -
they can be formed by means of expressiveness, especially it is
characteristic for forming interjections, e.g. «My aunt!», « Hear,
hear !» etc
they can be formed by means of distorting a word group, e.g.
«odds and ends» was formed from «odd ends»,
they can be formed by using archaisms, e.g. «in brown study»
means «in gloomy meditation» where both components preserve
their archaic meanings,
they can be formed by using a sentence in a different sphere of
life, e.g. «that cock won't fight» can be used as a free word-group
when it is used in sports (cock fighting), it becomes a
phraseological unit when it is used in everyday life, because it is
used metaphorically,
they can be formed when we use some unreal image, e.g. «to have
butterflies in the stomach» - «вiчувати хвилювання», «to have
green fingers» - «досягати ycnixiв як садовод-любитель» etc.
they can be formed by using expressions of writers or polititions
in everyday life, e.g. «corridors of power» (Snow), «American
dream» (Alby) «locust years» (Churchil), «the winds of change»
(Mc Millan).

Secondary ways of forming phraseological units are those when a phraseological unit
is formed on the basis of another phraseological unit; they are:

a) conversion, e.g. «to vote with one's feet» was converted into «vote with one's feet»;

changing the grammar form, e.g. «Make hay while the sun shines» is
transferred into a verbal phrase - «to make hay while the sun shines»;
analogy, e.g. «Curiosity killed the cat» was transferred into «Care killed
the cat»;
contrast, e.g. «cold surgery» - «a planned before operation» was formed
by contrasting it with «acute surgery», «.thin cat» - «a poor person» was
formed by contrasting it with «fat cat»;
shortening of proverbs or sayings e.g. from the proverb «You can't make
a silk purse out of a sow's ear» by means of clipping the middle of it the
phraseological unit «to make a sow's ear» was formed with the meaning
borrowing phraseological units from other languages, either as
translation loans, e.g. « living space» (German), « to take the bull by the
horns» (Latin) or by means of phonetic borrowings «meche blanche»
(French), «corpse d'elite» (French), «sotto voce» (Italian) etc.

Phonetic borrowings among phraseological units refer to the bookish style and are not
used very often.

There are different combinations of words. Some of them are free, e.g. to read
books (news papers, a letter, etc.) others are fixed, limited in their combinative power,
e.g. to go to bed,, to make a report. The combinations of words which are fixed (set-
expressions) are called phraseological units.

A free combination is a syntactical unit, which consists notional and form words, and
in which notional words have the function of, independent parts of the sentence. In a
phraseological unit words are not independent. They form set-expressions, in which
neither words nor the order of words can be changed. Free combinations are created
by the speaker. Phraseological units are used by the speaker in a ready form, without
any changes. The whole phraseological unit has a meaning which may be quite
different from the meaning of its components, and therefore the whole unit, and not
separate words, has the function of a part of the sentence.

Phraseological units consist of separate words and therefore they are different words,
even from compounds. Word have several structural forms, but in phraseological units
only one of the components has all the forms of the paradigm of the part of speech it
belongs to e.g. to go to bed, goes to bed, went to bed, gone to bed, going to bed, etc.,
the rest of the components do not change their form.

By the classification of Academician V.Vinogradov phraseological units are devided

into three groups: phraseological combinations, phraseological unities and
phraseological fusions.

Phraseological combinations are often called traditional because words are combined
in their original meaning but their combinations are different in different languages,
e.g. cash and carry - (self-service shop), in a big way (in great degree) etc. It is
usually impossible to account logically for the combination of particular words. It can
be explained only on the basis of tradition, e.g. to deliver a lection (but not to read a

In phraseological combinations words retain their full semantic independence

although they are limited in their combinative power, e.g. to wage wax (but not to
lead war), to render assistance, to render services (but not to render pleasure).

Phraseological combinations are the least idiomatic of all the kinds of phraseological
units. In other words, in phraseological combinations the meaning of the whole can be
inferred from the meaning of the components, e.g. to draw a conclusion, lo lend
assistance, to make money, to pay attention to.

In phraseological combinations one of the components (generally the component

which is used figuratively) can be combined with different words, e.g. to talk sports,
politics, business (but to speak about life), leading worker, leading article (but the
main problem), deadly enemy, deadly shot (but a mortal wound), keen interest, keen
curiosity, keen sence of humour ( but the great surprise).

Words of wide meaning, as to make, to take, to do, to give, etc. Form many
phraseological units, e.g. to take an examination, to take a trip, to take a chance, to
take interest, to make fun of, to make inquiries, to make a statement, to make friends,
to make haste.

Sometimes traditional combinations are synonyms of words, e.g. to make

inquiries = to inquire, to make haste=to hurry.

Some traditional combinations are equivalents of prapositions, e.g. fry means of, in

connection with.

Some phraseological combinations have nearly become compounds, e.g. brown


Traditional combinations often have synonymous expressions, e.g. to make a

report=to deliver a report.

Phraseological combinations are not equivalents of words. Though the components of

phraseological combinations are limited in their combinative power, that is, they can
be combined only with certain words and cannot be combined with any other words,
they preserve not only their meaning, but all their structural forms, e.g. nice
distinction is a phraseological combinations and it is possible to say nice distinctions,
nicer distinction, etc., or to clench one's fist. (clenched his fists, was clenching his
fists, etc.).

In Prof. A. Smirnitsky's5 opinion traditional combinations are not phraseological units,

as he considers only those word combinations to be phraseological units which are
equivalents of words.

In phraseological unities the meaning of the whole can be guessed from the meanings
of its components, but it is transferred (metaphorical or metonymical), e.g. to play the
first fiddle (to be a leader in something), old salt (experienced sailor) etc. The
meaning of the whole word combination is not the sum of the meanings of its
components, but it is based on them and the meaning of the whole can be inferred
from the image that underlies the whole expression, e.g. to get on one's nerves, to cut
smb short, to show one's teeth, to be at daggers drawn.

Phraseological unities are often synonyms of words, e.g. to make a clean breast of=to
confess; to get on one's nerves=to irritate.

Phraseological unities are equivalents of words as 1) only one of components of a

phraseological unity has structural forms' e.g. to play (played, is playing, etc.) the
first fiddle (but not played the first fiddles); to turn ( turned, will turn, etc.) a new
leaf ( but not to turn newer leaf or new leaves); 2) the whole unity and not its
components are parts of the sentence in syntactical analysis, e.g. in the sentence He
took the bull by the horns (attacked a problem boldly) there are only two parts: he -
the subject, and took the bull by the horns - the predicate.
In phraseological fusions the degree of motivation is very low, we cannot guess the
meaning of the whole from the meanings of its components, they are highly idiomatic
and cannot be translated word for word into other languages, e.g.. to pull one's leg (to
deceive); at sixes and sevens (in confusion); a mare's nest ( a discovery which turns
out to be false or worthless); to show the white feather (to show cowardice); to ride
the high horse (to put on airs).

Phraseological fusions are the most idiomatic of all the kinds of phraseological units.

Phraseological fusions are equivalents of words: fusions as well as unities form a

syntactical whole in analysis.

Prof. A.I.Smirnitsky worked out structural classification of phraseological units,

comparing them with words. He points out one-top units which he compares with
derived words because derived words have only one root morpheme. He points out
two-top units which he compares with compound words because in compound words
we usually have two root morphemes6.

Among one-top units he points out three structural types;

units of the type «to give up» (verb + postposition type), e.g. to art up, to
backup, to drop out, to nose out, to buy into, to sandwich in etc.;
units of the type «to be tired» . Some of these units remind the Passive Voice in
their structure but they have different prepositions with them, while in the
Passive Voice we can have only prepositions «by» or «with», e.g. to be tired
of, to be interested in, to be surprised at etc. There are also units in this type
which remind free word-groups of the type «to be young», e.g. to be akin to, to
be aware of etc. The difference between them is that the adjective «young» can
be used as an attribute and as a predicative in a sentence, while the nominal
component in such units can act only as a predicative. In these units the verb is
the grammar centre and the second component is the semantic centre;

c) prepositional - nominal phraseological units. These units are equivalents of

unchangeable words: prepositions, conjunctions, adverbs, that is why they have no
grammar centre, their semantic centre is the nominal part, e.g. on the doorstep (quite
near), on the nose (exactly), in the course of on the stroke of, in time, on the point
of etc. In the course of time such units can become words, e.g. tomorrow, instead etc.

Among two-top units A.I. Smirnitsky points out the following structural types:

a) attributive-nominal such as: a month of Sundays, grey matter, a millstone round

one's neck and many others. Units of this type are noun equivalents and can be partly
or perfectly idiomatic. In partly idiomatic units (pharisms) sometimes the first
component is idiomatic, e.g. high road, in other cases the second component is
idiomatic, e.g. first night. In many cases both components are idiomatic, e.g. red
tape, blind alley, bed of nail, shot in the arm and many others.

verb-nominal phraseological units, e.g. to read between the
lines, to speak BBC, to sweep under the carpet etc. The
grammar centre of such units is the verb, the semantic
centre in many cases is the nominal component, e.g. to fall
in love. In some units the verb is both the grammar and the
semantic centre, e.g. not to know the ropes. These units can
be perfectly idiomatic as well, e.g. to burn one's boats, to
vote with one's feet, to take to the cleaners' etc.

Very close to such units are word-groups of the type to have a glance, to have a
smoke. These units are not idiomatic and are treated in grammar as a special
syntactical combination, a kind of aspect.

phraseological repetitions, such as: now or never, part and
parcel, country and western etc. Such units can be built on
antonyms, e.g. ups and downs, back and forth; often they are
formed by means of alliteration, e.g. as busy as a
bee. Components in repetitions are joined by means of
conjunctions. These units are equivalents of adverbs or adjectives
and have no grammar centre. They can also be partly or perfectly
idiomatic, e.g. cool as a cucumber (partly), bread and
butter (perfectly).

Phraseological units the same as compound words can have more than two tops
(stems in compound words), e.g. to take a back seat, a peg to hang a thing on, lock,
stock and barrel, to be a shadow of one's own self, at one's own sweet will7.

Phraseological units can be classified as parts of speech (syntactical classification)..

This classification was suggested by I.V. Arnold. Here we have the following groups:

a) noun phraseologisms denoting an object, a person, a living being, e.g. bullet train,

latchkey child, redbrick university, Green Berets.

verb phraseologisms denoting an action, a state, a feeling,
e.g. to break the log-jam, to get on somebody's coat tails,
to be on the beam, to nose out, to make headlines.
adjective phraseologisms denoting a quality, e.g. loose as a
'goose, dull as lead.
adverb phraseological units, such as: with a bump, in the
soup, like a dream , like a dog with two tails.
preposition phraseological units, e.g. in the course of, on
the stroke of
interjection phraseological units, e.g. «Catch me!», «Well,
I never!» etc.

There is one more type of combinations, also rigid and introduced into discourse
ready-made but different from all the types given above in so far as it is impossible to
find its equivalent among the parts of speech. These are formulas used as complete
utterances and syntactically shaped like sentences, such as the well-known American
maxim Keep smiling! or British Keep Britain tidy8.

A.I. Smirnitsky was the first among Russian scholars who paid attention to' sentences
that can be treated as complete formulas, such as How do you do? Or I beg you
pardon; it takes all kinds to make the world; can the leopard change his spots? They
differ from all the combinations so far discussed because they are not equivalent to
words in distribution and are semantically analysable 9. The formulas discussed by N.
N. Amosova are on the contrary semantically specific, e.g. save your breath 'shut
up'or tell it to the marines (one of the suggested, origins is tell that to the horse
marines; such a corps being non-existent, as marines are sea-going force, the last
expression means 'tell it to someone who does not exist because rel people will not
believe it') very often such formulas, formally identical to' sentences, are in reality
used only as insertions into other sentences: the cap fits 'the statement is true'(e.g. "He
called me a liar." - "Well, you should know if the cup fits.") Cf. also: Butter would
not melt in his mouth; His bark is worse than his bite.

And one more point: free word combinations can never be polysemantic, while there
are polysemantic phraseological units, e.g.

To be on the go 1. to be busy and active

to be leaving
to be tipsy
to be near one's end

have done with 1. Make an end of

give up
reach the end of

Two types of synonymy are typical of phraseological units:

Synonymy of phraseological units that do not
contain any synonymous words and are based
on different images, e.g.

To leave no stone unturned = to move heaven and earth

To haul down colours = to ground arms

In free word combinations synonym}' is based on the synonymy of particular words

(an old man = elderly man).

Phraseological units have word synonyms: To
make up one's mind = to decide

To haul down colours = to surrender

American and English dictionaries of unconventional English, slang and idioms and
other highly valuable reference books contain a wealth of proverbs, saying, various
lexical units of all kinds, but as a rule do not seek to lay down a reliable criterion to
distinguish between variable word-groups and phraseological units. Paradoxical as it
may seem the first dictionary in which theoretical principles for the selection of
English phraseological units were elaborated was published in our country. 10

Attempts have been made to approach the problem of phraseology in different ways.
Up till now, however, there is a certain divergence of opinion as to the essential
feature of phraseological units as distinguished from other word- groups and the
nature of phrases that can be properly termed phraseological units.

The complexity of the problem may be largely accounted for by the fact that the
border-line between free or variable word-groups and phraseological units is not
clearly defined. The so-called free word-groups are only relatively free as
collocability of their member-words is fundamentally delimited by their lexical and
grammatical valency which makes at least some of them very close to set-phrases.
Phraseological units are comparatively stable and semantically inseparable. Between
the extremes of complete motivation and variability of member-words on the one
hand and lack of motivation combined with complete stability of the lexical
components and grammatical structure on the other hand there are innumerable
border-line cases.

However, the existing terms,11 e.g. set-phrases, idioms, word-equivalents, reflect to a

certain extent the main debatable issues of phraseology which centre on the divergent
views concerning the nature and essential features of phraseological units as
distinguished from the so-called free word-groups. The term set-phrase implies that
the basic criterion of differentiation is stability 6f the lexical components and
grammatical structure of word-groups. The term idioms generally imply that the
essential feature of the linguistic units under consideration is idiomaticity or lack of
motivation. The term habitually used by English and American linguists is very often
treated as synonymous with the term phraseological unit universally accepted in our
country.12 The term word-equivalent stresses not only the semantic but also the
functional inseparability of certain word-groups and their aptness to function in
speech as single words.

Thus differences in terminology reflect certain differences in the main criteria used to
distinguish between free wore-groups and a specific type of linguistic units generally
known as phraseology. These criteria and the ensuing classification are briefly
discussed below. Phraseological units are habitually defined as non-motivated word-
groups that cannot be freely made up in speech but are reproduced as ready-made
units. This definition proceeds from the assumption that the essential features of
phraseological units are stability of the lexical components and lack of motivation. 13 It
is consequently assumed that unlike components of free words-groups which may
vary according to the needs of communication, member-words of phraseological units
are always reproduced as single unchangeable collocations.

Thus, for example, the constituent red in the free word-group red flower may, if
necessary, be substituted for by any other adjective denoting colour (blue, white,
etc.), without essentially changing the denotation meaning of the word- group under
discussion (a flower of a certain colour). In the phraseological unit red
tape (bureaucratic methods) no such substitution is possible, as a change of the
adjective would involve a complete change in the meaning of the whole group. A
(blue (black, white, etc.) tape would mean 'a tape of a certain colour'. It follows that
the phraseological unit red tape is semantically non-motivated, i.e. its meaning
cannot be deduced from the meaning of its components and that it exists as a ready-
made linguistic unit which does not allow of any variability of its lexical components.

It is also argued that non-variability of the phraseological unit is not confined to its
lexical components. Grammatical structure of phraseological units is to a certain
extent also stable. Thus, though the structural formula of the word- groups red
flower and red tape is identical (A + +N), the noun flower may be used in the
plural (red flowers), whereas no such change is possible in the phraseological
unit red tape; red tapes would then denote 'tapes of red colour' but not 'bureaucratic
methods'. This is also true of other types of phraseological units, e.g. what will Mrs.
Grundy say?, where the verbal component is invariably reproduced in the same
grammatical form. Taking into account mainly the degree of idiomaticity
phraseological units may be classified into three big groups: phraseological fusions,
phraseological unities and phraseological collocations. 14

Phraseological fusions are completely non-motivated word-groups, such as red tape -

'bureaucratic methods'; heavy father – ‘serious or solemn part in a theatrical
play’; kick the bucket - 'die'; and the like. The meaning of the components has no
connections whatsoever, at least synchronically, with the meaning of the whole group.
Idiomaticity is, as a rule, combined with complete stability of the lexical components
and the grammatical structure of the fusion.

Phraseological unites are partially non-motivated as their meaning can usually

be perceived through the metaphoric meaning of the whole phraseological unit.
For example, to show one's teeth, to wash one's dirty linen in public if interpreted as
semantically motivated through the combined lexical meaning of the component
words would naturally lead one to understand these in their literal meaning. The
metaphoric meaning of the whole unit, however, readily suggests 'take a
threatening tone' or 'show an intention to injure' for show one's
teeth and 'discuss or make public one's quarrels' for wash one's dirty linen in
public. Phraseological unities are as a rule marked by a comparatively high
degree of stability of the lexical components.

Phraseological collocations are motivated but they are made up of words possessing
specific lexical valency which accounts for a certain degree of stability in such word-
groups. In phraseological collocations variability of member-words is strictly limited.
For instance, bear a grudge may be changed into bear malice, but not into bear a
fancy or liking. We can say take a liking (fancy) but not take hatred
(disgust). These habitual collocations tend to become kind of clichйs15, where the
meaning of member-words h to some extent dominated by the meaning of the whole
group. Due to these phraseological collocations are felt as possessing a certain degree
of semantic inseparability.

The current definition of phraseological units as highly idiomatic word- groups which
cannot be' freely made up in speech, but are reproduced as ready- made units has been
subject to severe criticism by linguists of different schools of thought. The main
objections and debatable points may be briefly outlined as follows:

The definition is felt to be inadequate as the
concept ready-made units seems to be rather
vague. In fact this term can be applied to a
variety of heterogeneous linguistic
phenomena ranging from word-groups to
sentences (e.g. proverbs, sayings) and also
quotations from poems, novels or scientific
treatises all of which can be described as
ready-made units.
Frequent discussions have also led to
questioning this approach to phraseology'
from a purely semantic point of view as the
criterion of idiomaticity is found to be an
inadequate guide in singling out
phraseological units from other word-groups.
Borderline cases between idiomatic and non-
idiomatic word-groups are so numerous and
confusing that the final decision seems to
depend largely on one's "feeling of the
language". This can he proved by the fact that
the same word- groups are treated by some
linguists as idiomatic phrases and by others as
free word-groups. For example, such word-
groups as take the chair—'preside at a
meeting', take one's chance—'trust to luck or
fortune', take trouble (to do smth)—'to make
efforts' and others are marked in some of the
English dictionaries' as idioms or phrases,
whereas in others they are found as free word-
groups illustrating one of the meanings of the
verb to take or the nouns combined with this

The impracticability of the criterion of idiomaticity is also observed in the traditional

classification of phraseological collocations. The extreme cases, i.e. phraseological
fusions and collocations are easily differentiated but  the borderline units, as for
example phraseological fusions and phraseological unities or phraseological
collocations and free word-groups, are very often doubtful and rather vaguely
outlined. We may argue, e.g., that such word-groups as high treason or show
the white feather are, fusions because one finds it impossible to infer the meaning of
the whole from the meaning of the individual components. Others may feel these
word-groups as metaphorically motivated and refer them to phraseological unities.

The term idiomaticity is also regarded by some linguists as requiring clarification. As

a matter of fact this term is habitually used to denote lack of motivation from the point
of view of one's mother tongue. A word-group which defies word by word translation
is consequently described as idiomatic. It follows that if idiomaticity is viewed as the
main distinguishing feature of phraseological units, the same word-groups in the
English language may be classified as idiomatic phraseological units by Russian
speakers and as non-idiomatic word-groups by those whose mother tongue contains
analogous collocations. Thus, e.g., from the point of view of Russian speakers such
word-groups as take tea, take care, etc., are often referred to phraseology as the
Russian translation equivalents of these word-groups (пить чай, заботиться) do
not contain the habitual translation equivalents of the verb take. French speakers,
however, are not likely to find anything idiomatic about these word-groups as there
are similar lexical units in the French language (cf. prendre du the, prendre
soin). This approach to idiomaticity may be termed interlingual as it involves a
comparison, explicit or implicit of two different languages.

The term idiomaticity is also understood as lack of motivation from the point of view
of native speakers. As here we are concerned with the English language,, this implies
that only those word-groups are to be referred to phraseology which are felt as non-
motivated, at least synchronically, by English speakers, e.g. red tape, kick the bucket
and the like. This approach to idiomaticity may be termed interlingual. In other words
the judgment as to idiomaticity is passed within the framework of the language
concerned, not from the outside. It is readily observed that classification of factual
linguistic material into free word-groups and phraseological units largely depends
upon the particular meaning we attach to the term idiomaticity. It will be recalled, for
example, that habitual collocations are word-groups whose component member or
members possess specific and limited lexical, valency, as a rule essentially different
from the lexical valency of related words in the Russian language. 17 A number of
habitual collocations, e.g. heavy rain, bad mistake, take care and others, may be felt
by Russian speakers as peculiarly English and therefore idiomatic, whereas they are
not perceived as such by English speakers in whose mother tongue the lexical valency
of member words heavy, bad, take presupposes their collocability with rain,
mistake, care.

3. The criterion of stability is al so criticized as not very reliable in distinguishing

phraseological units from other word-groups habitually referred to as phraseology.
We observe regular substitution of at least one of the lexical components. In to cast
smth in smb's teeth, e.g. the verb cast may be replaced by fling; to take a
decision is found alongside with to make a decision; not to care a two penny is just
one of the possible variants of the phrase, whereas in others the noun two penny may
be replaced by a number of other nouns, e.g. farthing, button, pin, sixpence, fig, etc.

It is also argued that stability of lexical components does not presuppose lack of
motivation. The word-group shrug cue's shoulders, e.g., does not allow of the
substitution of either shrug or shoulders; the meaning of the word-group, however, is
easily deducible from the meanings of the member-words, hence the word-group is
completely motivated, though stable. Idiomatic word-groups may be variable as far as
their lexical components are concerned, or stable. It was observed that, e.g., to cast
smth in smb's teeth is a highly idiomatic but variable word- group as the constituent
member cast may be replaced by fling or throw; the word-group red tape is both
highly idiomatic and stable.

It follows that stability and idiomaticity may be regarded as two different aspects of
word-groups. Stability is an essential feature of set,-phrases both motivated and non-
motivated. Idiomaticity is a distinguishing feature of phraseological units or idioms
which comprise both stable set-phrases and variable word-groups. The two features
are not mutually exclusive and may be overlapping,' but are not interdependent.

Stability of word-groups may be viewed in terms of predictability of occurrence of

member-words. Thus, e.g., the verb shrug predicts the occurrence of the
noun shoulders and the verb clench the occurrence of either fists or teeth. The degree
of predictability or probability of occurrence of member-words is different in different
word-groups. We may assume, e.g., that the verb shrug predicts with a hundred per
cent probability the occurrence of the noun shoulders, as no other noun can follow
this particular verb. The probability of occurrence of the noun look after the
verb cast is not so high because cast may be followed not only by' look but also
by glance, light, lots and some other nouns. Stability of the word- group in clench
one's fists is higher than in cast a look, but lower than in shrug one's shoulders as
the verb clench predicts the occurrence of either fists or teeth.

It is argued that the stability of all word-groups may be statistically calculated and the
word-groups where stability exceeds a certain limit (say 50%) may be classified as

Predictability of occurrence may be calculated in relation to one or more than one

constituent of the word-group. Thus, e.g., the degree of probability of occurrence of
the noun bull after the verb take is very low and may practically be' estimated at
zero. The two member-words take the bull, however, predict the occurrence of by
the horns with a very high degree of probability.

Stability viewed in terms of probability of occurrence seems a more reliable criterion

in differentiating between set-phrases and variable or free word-groups, but cannot be
relied upon single out phraseological units.
Proverb is a brief saying that presents a truth or some bit of useful wisdom. It is
usually based on common sense or practical experience. The effect of a proverb is to
make the wisdom it tells seem to be self-evident. The same proverb often occurs
among several different peoples. True proverbs are sayings that have been passed
from generation to generation primarily by word of month. They may also have been
put into written form. The Book of Proverbs in the Hebrew Bible, or old Testament, is
the most notable collection of such sayings. They include: Hope deferred month the

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.

A soft answer turned away.

Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.

Proverbs often find their way into literature. Hany of the lower-class characters in the
Canterbury tales. By Geoffrey Chaucer refer to proverbs. Miguel de Cervantes' novel
Don qui xote (1005, 1615) contains many proverbs. Cervantes collected the proverbs
from the Spanish pea sands. The term itself phraseological units to denote a specific
group of phrases was introduced by Soviet linguists and is generally accepted in our

Who supposedly could early on a sensible conversation for a whole evening in

nothing but proverbs. Benjamin Franklin used many proverbial expressions in his
Poor Richard's Almanac", issued every year from 1733 to 1758 Franklin wrote
many of them himself, and took the rest from other sources.

Proverbs, Book of is a book o f the Hebrew Bible, or old Testament. It is also known
as the Proverbs of Solomon because according to tradition king 'Solomon wrote it.
However scholars believe that the book's assortment of moral and religious saying,
poems and warnings come from various periods in the history of ancient form until
after the period of the Babylanian Exile, which ended in 538 B.C.

The Book of Proverbs is a product of ancient Israel Children, were educated primarily
at home. The introduction value of many sections of Proverbs reflects the teachings of
parents trying to raise their children to become successful and responsible adults.
Other sections of the Book of Proverbs may come from a palace school for the
training of government officials.
The Book of Proverbs has earned universal appeal because it contains material
valuable to all people who hope to live a life of wisdom, honesty, responsibility, for
God Hany as the book's saying have become part of everyday Speech.

Proverbs were always the most vivacious and at the same time the most stable part of
the national languages, suitable competing with the sayings and aphorisms pf
outstanding thinkers. In the proverbs and sayings picturesqueness of national thinking
was more vivid expressed as well as their features of national character. The proverbs
and sayings are the paper of folklore which is short but deep in the meaning. They
express the outlook of the amount of people by their social and ideal functions.
Proverbs and sayings include themselves the some certain features of historical
development and the culture of people.

The semantic sphere of proverbs is very wide and cannot limit them. The proverbs
describe the every branch of people's life. The fact is that proverbs and sayings are
similar in meaning in spite of their diversity in form and language. To prove the said
above some examples:
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль на небе.

Nasiya saryog'dan, naqd о 'pka yaxshi.

Even if the form, the word structure and the stylistic structure of these proverbs are
different they have the same meaning. The proverbs change their meaning and form
very rare, they have long living features. The spreading of any proverb among people
is implemented as slow as it is created. Proverbs are retest by geographic area which
is going to admit it only after that the proverb can become its property.

Many scholars tried to do the researches to show the differences between proverbs
and sayings in order to point out their border of limit. One of the outstanding Russian
scholars the author of "dictionary of vivid Russian language" and "the proverbs of
Russian nation" V.I. Dal wrote: saying is the bud and proverb is the fruit. So from this
point of view we can see that proverbs express the full finite meaning and saying is a
phrase which expresses the fugitive meaning. The sayings are considered to be the
half part of the proverbs. We can also add that proverbs and sayings are separate
genres which are different from each other. The meaning and explanation of these
terms in Turkish language show that the semantically their meanings are various and
this fact confirms our above given ideas. For example in the dictionary "o'zbek
tilining izohli lug'ati"18 there are given two meanings. The first meaning is that it does
not express complete meaning and it is emphatic phrase and wise words. This
explanation can express the folk saying. Another meaning refers to Arab word
"masal" that (in English means fable) was changed phonetically. The explanation can
be used for emphatic phrase and incomplete meanings that is sayings.
There are some features that can be helpful in identifying the proverbs from sayings.

When there are tow logical counters became complete composition the brief
summarizing thought appeared. That explains the lack of spare word or
to express the idea straightly and logically proverbs are characterized by their
features. Every proverb values or appreciates any event both positively and
negatively. Such kind of features serve to make the proverbs popular among
Proverbs express wise and complete idea and sayings express the description of
something but do not give complete meanings. They consist of one
compositional composition.
Proverbs can be used in neutral figurative meaning. This features of proverbs
widen the sphere of their usage thematically. That's why proverbs are famous
among different nations and people. Sayings are characterized by limited usage
in one or two nations who are near to each other geographically and in non
related languages. For example in Russian «заморить человека» means to eat
something has no equivalent or component in Uzbek or English languages and
translated by analogy. The same way of translation is used while translating
such sayings as "qovun tushurmoq" and etc.
The sayings are the means of devices or pointing in speech the function of
proverbs is to prove any event or situation.

In spite of their own specific features proverbs have general sides which also belong
to the other types of folklore. One of such features of the proverbs is that they are
created in language in a very long time and disappear in a long period. It is connected
with the formal feature of the content of the proverb. To turn some wise thoughts into
proverbs some conditions are required. And this conditions may be the followings:
first of all the proverbs should describe the economic, social and politic life of the
people. To the instruction to the dictionary of Dal, 19 wrote that among all the proverbs
which are closer and more important for them and reject those which are old and not
suitable for them to build a new life. For example in Russian we can find the proverb
"Где хан, там и Орда", "Старших и в Орде почитают"; these kind of proverbs can
be considered as old ones and are not used in nowadays, because they do not describe
the nowadays life and politics. But such kind of proverbs could be changed and said
"Где царь, там и народ".

Secondary the idea expressed in the proverb must have global character. It means that
those proverbs that describe the characters related to the human beings are the same in
all the languages.
Thirdly the idea that can be used as sample and answers to the above conditions must
be complete in literary Christianized form. When the pattern idea answers these three
questions it turns to be a proverb. Also it should be pointed out that the character of
immediate creation of proverbs are connected with sociable structure, the dominance
and non dominance of politic, cultural, social - economic life. The content expressed
in proverb changes depending on the change in. of social life.

It can be approved from the above mentioned proverb about "хан" and "Орда". It
either widens or narrows and it gives completely another meaning. In this term we can
see that second feature of the proverb is that it is connected with social life, and it is
close to people's way of living.

Proverbs serve as rare base in researching or studying of people: the level of their
cultural, politic, economic life in ancient time or periods. As proverbs reflect the life
practice of people over different periods and also they reflect moral norms and
religious faith of nation. One more feature of proverbs is that proverbs are often used
in colloquial speech of people and are extended in varied forms.



As we know, proverbs do not function as mere optical phrase mongering. As a rule,

they are used for some practical, pragmatical purposes in various circumstances of
everyday communication. With the aid of a proverb on poetic adornments of speech;
neither are they used, normally, to meet man's needs for philose can aim to provide an
endorsement to his statements and opinions, forecast something, express doubts,
reproach someone with something, accuse someone of something, justify or excuse
somebody, mock somebody, comfort somebody, jeer at somebody's misfortune,
repent something, warn against something, advise something or interdict somebody
from doing something, and so on, and so forth. It is unthinkable to consider the
proverb apart from such pragmatic functions.

Unfortunately, scientists have so far only some vague ideas of the functions of
proverbs. Moreover, the proverb lies just somewhere on the borderlands between
language and folklore, and shares its functions with both of them, and one cannot say
there is a notable agreement between the conceptualism of different authors on the
functions of language or folklore, neither is there a notable unity in the terminology
used by different authors who have written on these matters. We accept here a simpler
and widespread scale, namely the set of three degrees:

Statement → evaluation → prescription

We suppose, however, this scale should fit in with the nature of the proverb, and it
has, incidentally, the virtues that it operates with concepts general enough, and allows
to consider the set of its subfunctions (or functional aspects) as a unified system. The
functional aspects mentioned are in certain relationship with grammatical moods of
the sentence. Hence the illusion may arise that proverbs can be classified functionally
straight on the ground of their "superficial" grammatical moods, so that the proverbs
with stating (designative, informative) function were represented with indicative
sentences, and those with normative (prescriptive, evocative) function, respectively,
with imperative sentences. This illusion, however, would be immediately shattered
against two complications:

The evaluative, (emotive, expressive) function has no separate or distinct
manifestation (or "surface equivalent") in the shape of any grammatical mood;
As affirmed by several authorities, every verbal utterance fulfills not only one
function, e.g. that corresponding to its grammatical mood, but all its main
functions (or at least several different functions) simultaneously; otherwise, a
context-free proverb, like any other utterance, is functionally indefinite.

The place of proverbs, sayings and familiar quotations with respect to set expressions
is a controversial issue. A proverb is a short familiar epigrammatic saying expressing
popular wisdom, a truth or a moral lesson in a concise and, imaginative way. Proverbs
have much in common with set expressions because their lexical components are also
constant, their meaning is traditional and mostly figurative, and they are introduced
into speech ready-made. That is why some scholars following V. V.
Vinogradov20 think proverbs must be studied together with phraseological unities.
Others like J. Casares2 and N. N. Amosova21 think that unless they regularly form
parts of other sentences it is erroneous to include them into the system of language
because they are independent units of communication. N. N. Amosov 22 even thinks
that there is no more reason to consider them as part of phraseology than, for instance,
riddles and children's counts. This standpoint is hardly acceptable especially if we do
not agree with the narrow limits of phraseology offered by this author. As to the
argument that in many proverbs the meaning of component parts does not show any
specific changes when compared to the meaning of the same words in free
combinations, it must be pointed out that in this respect they do not differ from very
many set expressions, especially those which are emotionally neutral. Another reason
why proverbs must be taken into consideration together with set expressions is that
they often form the basis of set expressions. For example; the last straw breaks the
camel's back: the last straw; a drowning man will clutch at a straw: to clutch at a
straw; it is useless to lock the stable door when the steed is stolen: to lock the stable
door 'take precautions when the accident they are meant to prevent has already
happened'. Both set expressions and proverbs are sometimes split and changed for
humorous purposes, as in the following quotation where the proverb. All is not gold
that glitters combine with an allusion to the 'set expression golden age: It will be an
age not perhaps of gold, but at least of glitter.
Taking a familiar group of words: A living dog is better than a dead lion (from
Ecclesiastes) and turning it around, a fellow critic once said that Hazlitt was unable to
appreciate a writer till he was dead" that Hazlitt thought a dead ass is better than a
living lion. A. Huxley is very fond of stylistical, mostly grotesque, effects achieved in
this way. So, for example, paraphrasing the set expression marry into money he says
about one of his characters, who prided herself on her conversation, that she had
married, into conversation.

Lexicology does not deal more fully with the peculiarities of proverbs created in
folklore, they are studied by folklorists, but in treating units introduced into the act of
communication ready-made we cannot avoid touching upon them too.

As to familiar quotations, they are different from proverbs in their origin. They come
from literature but by and by they become par and parcel of the language, so that
many people using them do not even know that they are quoting and very few could
accurately name the play or passage on which they are drawing even when they are
aware of using a quotation from Shakespeare.

For example: Something is rotten in the state of Denmark; Brevity is the soul of wit.

Quotations from classical sources were once a recognized feature of public speech
'times change, and we change with them'; I fear the Greeks, even when bringing gifts'.
Now they are even regarded as bad form because they are unintelligible to those
without a classical education. So, when a speaker ventures a quotation of that kind he
hastens to translate it. A number of classical tags nevertheless survive in educated
speech of many countries, in Korean no less than in English. There are the well-
known phrases, such as for this special reason'; 'in good faith'.

In giving this review of English set expressions we have paid special attention to the
fact that the subject is a highly complex one and that it has been treated by different
scholars in very different ways. Each approach and each classification have their
advantages and their drawbacks. The choice one makes depends on the particular
problem one has in view and even so there remains much to be studied in the future. It
is likely unreasonable to imagine that the proverb could have its say, about the matters
which have no social relevance or topicality, or in situations including no alternatives,
or that it could state something with entire indifference, or put forward statements
which let no strategic (prescriptive) advices or hints to be derived from them. It also
appears to be obvious that a proverb cannot order, interdict, advise anything without
qualifying previously as good or bad (or axiological irrelevant) either the suggestible
or forbiddable activity or attitude itself or something linked to this activity or attitude,
e.g., its end, means, degree of intensity, speed, time, place, etc.; and if the proverb
puts forward appraisals, these appraisals are, in turn, likely to be founded on some
cognized truths, laws and, regularities (or current opinions, beliefs or at least

The problem of defining a proverb appears to be as old as man's interest in them.

People who consciously used them or began to collect them in antiquity obviously
needed to differentiate proverbs from other gnomic devices such as apothegms,
maxims, aphorisms, quotations, etc. Jan Fredrik Kindstrand 23 reviewed some of these
early definition attempts in his fascinating paper on "The Greek Concept of Proverbs,"
and Bartlett Jere Whiting24 had already in 1932 assembled dozens of definitions from
ancient times to the modern age in his remarkable essay on "The Nature of the
Proverb." The last fifty years since Whiting's detailed study have* witnessed highly
scholarly articles, monographs and even books which all seek to come to terms with э
universal proverb definition. Scholars around the world continue to find their own so-
called "working definitions," of which some of the most recent attempts in the English
language are those by Shirley Arora, Nigel Barley, Otto Blehr, Margaret Bryant,
David Cram, Alan Dundes, Galit Hasan-Rokem, George Milner, Peter Seitel, etc 25.
And yet, despite their erudite and important new definitions based on structural,
semiotic or linguistic insights, all must eventually agree with the contention of the old
master proverb scholar Archer Taylor that "an incommunicable quality tells us this
sentence is proverbial and that one is not." The newer definitions might in fact fit
those sentences which we know already to be proverbial, but, again in the words of
the insightful Taylor, "no definition will enable us to identify positively a sentence as
proverbial." A definition cannot deal with such aspects as currency, tradition and
familiarity which certainly are necessary ingredients for a true proverb.

The following tentative typology draws of the material of Korean proverbs. The
classification criteria are as follows:

the "normality" versus the contradictory or "broken" nature of the literal sense
of the proverb text;
the presence versus absence of semantic transformation (trope);
the totality versus partiality of the semantic transformation.

The classes will represent different combinations of those alternatives. The result is
not an exhaustive typology but rather a list of predominant combinations that is bound
to get us into a scrape in more complex cases, being unable to decide between
competing alternatives while trying to classify certain concrete proverbs.

Proverbs in traditional Korean society differ from those of western societies, in that
they are a cultural heritage of the lower class of society and therefore they are not
shared by the upper class, who had for their cultural vehicle the "sijo" poetry, the
three-lined, forty-five syllables form of vernacular language. Though there are some
proverbs borrowed from Chinese and Korean classics, the majority of Korean
proverbs were made by the common people as lessons and guidelines of life for
themselves. This explains why the language is vulgar and coarse in most cases. The
Korean word for proverb, "sokdam", in fact, means a vulgar saying of the common

Proverbs often have scatological and abusive references, reflecting the crude and
uncouth pattern of life. The common people used the proverbs to describe the inner «
thoughts of their hardship, to warn against the dangers of life, to vent their grievance
against the oppressions of the ruling upper class, and to express the joys of life. In
short the proverbs disclose most revealingly the realities of lower class life. The
proverbs in this sense function as important social documents. What is mirrored in
these proverbs show how poor the common people were who these poor vulgar people
were, how they struggled to survive in tough circumstances, and what their
philosophy of life was. These are random selections from Korean proverbs which
typically portray the life of the common people. They show a picture of a poor man,
who does not like rich men, and who hates the noble, ruling' class. Although he is
always victimized, he is secretly longing for the days when he can have his revenge.
Meanwhile he has to be quiet and careful not to make mistakes. All he can do is to
help educate his children for a future opportunity.

^ In this paper I try to describe who the poor people were, what their identities were,
how they lived, and what they regarded as the most important purpose of life. In so
doing I aim at defining the core of the common culture of the traditional society of

As that trend goes on, English proverbs which are part of traditional culture lose their
conventional significance. The proverb used to be a form of collective' consciousness
and has evolved in its language based on traditional experiences. Transmission of
proverbs was an essential part of culture and a prerequisite for education and the
formation of self. Those past proverbs, however, have been driven away from
education. What is more, the proverb is even on the verge of extinction. The proverb
has been left as mere information which is individualistic, but not imperative or social
at all.
But let us leave the world of the serious paremiologist for a moment and consider
Taylor's "maxim" of the incommunicable quality that supposedly tells us what a
proverb is. What do non-specialists of proverbs think about them and what are
proverbs to them? How do they in fact identify a statement as a proverb and what are
the characteristic elements that comprise a proverb in their minds? In other words,
what is a proverb today to the general public? In order to answer this question let us
look at a sample of 55 proverb definitions which I collected from students, friends and
acquaintances in the past year or so. To my knowledge nobody has ever bothered to
undertake such a survey, and even though my sample is a relatively small one, it
should still be able to give us a basic idea of what people today think a proverb to be.
To this I will add an analysis of a number of popular articles on proverbs in
magazines and' newspapers which have also not been considered by proverb scholars.
These essayistic treatments that appeared from 1877 to 1984 in such publications as
The Ne w York Times, Saturday Review, Atlantic Monthly, Time, Newsday and
others will certainly help to come to terms with a general definition of the proverb as
the "folk," and not the scholar, sees it.

Before starting this discussion, it might be wise to mention here at' least some of the
English proverbs which in themselves are folk definitions of a sort: "A good maxim is
never out of season"; "All the good sense of the world runs into proverb"; "Proverbs
are the children of experience"; "Proverbs are the wisdom of the streets"; "Nothing
can beat a proverb"; "Proverbs cannot be contradicted"; "Though the old proverb be
given up. it is none the less true"; "The old saying cannot be excelled"; "The wisdom
of the proverb cannot be surpassed"; "Common proverb seldom lies"; "The old
saying, long proved true, shall never be belied"; "Old saws speak truth"; "Every-
proverb is truth"; "Old proverbs are the children of truth"; "What everyone says is
true"; etc. It appears that to the mind of proverb users, i.e. the general population in all
walks of life, the proverb contains a good dose of common sense, experience, wisdom
and above all truth.26 Do such "definitions" still hold true today, or do modern adults
in a technological society see proverbs in a much more critical light? Are proverbs
still considered to be solid kernels of wisdom and truth, or are they laughed off as
antiquated bits of moral teaching? The following 55 recent definitions of proverbs
might include some surprises when one considers that they come from members of a
sophisticated and highly educated society. The definitions were collected by merely
asking various people to write their definition of a proverb on a piece of paper without
any previous discussion of proverbs whatsoever. They represent spontaneous
reactions to the simple isolated question "How would you define a proverb?" Here are
the fascinating answers in alphabetical order:

A proverb consists of a short sentence which contains a general piece of
A proverb contains wisdom which has been handed down from one generation
to the next.
A proverb describes situations which happened before and which are repeated
again and again.
A proverb expresses folk wisdom in formulaic, short and metaphorical
A proverb has been passed down through many generations. It sums up, in one
short phrase, a general principle or common situation, and when you say it,
everyone knows exactly what you mean. It is often graphic, symbolic or
rhyming, so that it is easily remembered.
A proverb is a common expression whose origin is not known or has been
forgotten. It expresses wisdom concerning life.
A proverb is a common, repeated and generally known phrase which expresses
a general idea taken to be true. It usually draws upon everyday occurrences or
events in nature which are easily understood.
A proverb is a commonly-known, easily understandable example of
descriptive, colorful, "folksy" wisdom, which, independent of the era, carries a
lesson to and conveys a philosophy of life for the common man.
A proverb is a commonly-known, often-quoted, concise saying which
expresses a generalization concerning some aspect of everyday existence.
A proverb is a commonly used or known phrase, expressing knowledge, a
conclusion or an attitude about aspects of life that are universally familiar to
A proverb is a complete sentence which usually contains a moral or didactic
A proverb is a condensed form of age-old folk sayings and biblical teachings.
The proverb attempts to teach us, via the trials and tribulations of others who
were not as fortunate as we. Proverbs can be positive or negative in nature;
unfortunately, far too many of them are anti-women in their conclusions.
A proverb is a condensed version of basic opinions, prejudices and beliefs
common to a group of people. These are usually in the form of very short, easy-
to-re member sentences or phrases.
A proverb is a fixed-phrase, metaphorical statement.
A proverb is a fixed phrase piece of folklore consisting of a comparison or
analogy, applying one set of circumstances to a different but similar situation.
A proverb is a formulaic expression of a certain truth which is applicable only
in a special situation. Used generally a proverb is only half a truth.
A proverb is a linguistic attempt to express a general truth or wisdom in a few
A proverb is a metaphorical statement that illustrates a lesson of behavior.
A proverb is a one-sentence statement which encapsulates an element of folk
wisdom; a specific reference which applies to many generalized situations or
A proverb is a phrase or sentence, accepted and integrated into common verbal
usage of the general population, although often regional in character, which is
most likely generated by astute, humanistic, albeit didactic, assessment of the
human experience, offering tidbits of wisdom applicable to these paradigms of
existential encounter.
A proverb is a pictorial phrase in which a message is given, many times a
picture of an oft done action.
A proverb is a pithy statement or comment usually involving advice or a moral.
A proverb is a saying or generalization often accepted as truth; it contains
words of wisdom.
A proverb is a saying that is known to the public; sometimes a moral or a
A proverb is a saying with which people often identify because it is universal
and meaningful in some way or other.
A proverb is a sentence or phrase which expresses the generally accepted
thought or belief of a group and which has, through use, become of a group and
which has, through use, become standardized in form.
A proverb is a sentence that has been developed orally and is still used by the
people of a region. It has usually come about from experience and it is a
statement that teaches the learning within an experience.
A proverb is a short and general statement which is handed down by tradition
and which changes its meaning according to the speaker and the situation.
A proverb is a short and poetic statement used by the folk to express rules or
wisdom concerning life.
A proverb is a short, concise, colloquial saying, easily memorized, and
containing traditional beliefs taken to be true.
A proverb is a short, concise phrase which states a moral principle, bit of folk
wisdom or similar rule by which one should live.
A proverb is a short condensation of a piece of folk wisdom, formed in such a
way that it will be memorable. Its main goal is thus to teach, whether it be a
semi-scientific fact or a viewpoint.
A proverb is a short expression known by many people. It usually contains a
commonly held view of life.
A proverb is a short phrase. It is used to convey a traditional bit of folk wisdom
A proverb is a short saying which teaches a point or establishes a cultural norm
based on the tradition of the people who use it. It is generally to be understood
analogically - at least I have never heard of a proverb fundamentalist.
A proverb is a short, sentence or phrase which capsulate a thought about human
nature, values or ideals, and is generally thought to be for instructive/exemplary
A proverb is a short sentence or saying which expresses a rather simple didactic
concept, and which usually implies a right as opposed to a wrong action.
Proverbs are brief, often not direct (metaphoric), and a great majority of the
community will be familiar with the proverb and its meaning.
A proverb is a short, traditional statement which teaches or gives advice on a
subject. Comparisons are often used to illustrate the point.
A proverb is a small saying that describes wisdom in a way that either teaches
or makes fun of it.
A proverb is a statement often articulated in parallel or allegorical terms with
the intent of expressing a general truth
A proverb is a traditional, fixed-phrase saying, usually one sentence that
expresses an opinion, often considered wisdom, on a subject or recommends a
course of action.
A proverb is a traditional saying or sentence which summarizes an attitude
towards something or describes a certain situation. It is an often used saying
through which one learns. A "picture" or "image" accompanies, or is within the
expression, which gives light to the lesson to be learned. This lesson is often
referred to as a moral.
A proverb is a traditional wisdom, advice or statement in a fixed phrase. It is
short and precise, consists of at least two parts, and contains actor and verb.
A proverb is a well known saying which belongs to folk poetry and which is
used by everyone.
A proverb is a well known spying without a known author, passed on from
generation to generation, which gives advice, admonitions or a moral lesson -
usually a few words to not more than one sentence in length and stated in a
manner that is easily remembered i.e. rhyme, workable language, alliteration,
analogy, etc. It is related to man as a whole and often begins with whom.
A proverb is a witticism which combines clarity and precision of thought with
brevity and profundity of word usage. The statement generally applies to a
situation which is commonly understood and appreciated by all peoples of a
given culture.
A proverb is an expression in colloquial or biblical terms which illustrates a
moralistic point.
A proverb is an often repeated and metaphorical expression.
A proverb is generally used to provide "wisdom" in a concise way. It spares the
speaker of the proverb the chore of being philosophically original.
A proverb is the wisdom of many, the wit of one. This is known as defining a
proverb with a proverb. It doesn't hold up too well as a definition, but it sticks
in my mind. 1
Certain principles and conditions of everyday life are expressed in proverbs,
which in turn help people to understand the world and to learn from experience.

In a few words proverbs explain human problems and behavior.
Proverbs are general statements of truth which can apply to certain instances in
a commentary fashion, and which can act as wise words for future actions.
Proverbs are golden words of folk wisdom that have been treasured from
generation to generation.
Proverbs are short and aphoristic expressions of wisdom which reflect basic
human situations and concerns27.

A word analysis of these definitions results in an interesting composite of what a

general definition of a proverb might look like. Taking the frequency of nouns first,
the following picture emerges (the number :n parentheses indicates how often a
particular noun appears in the 55 definitions): wisdom; phrase; sentence, saying;
statement; folk; situation; expression; life; truth, moral, people; generation,'
experience, advice, lesson, word; principle, analogy, belief, behavior, meaning,
action; language, generalization, attitude, message, opinion, picture, comment,
thought, comparison, tradition, rule, viewpoint; origin, idea, occurrence, philosophy,
knowledge, conclusion, prejudice, folklore, paradigm, threat, form, norm, nature,
value, ideal, image, poetry, author, admonition, rhyme, alliteration, witticism, brevity,
profundity, clarity, precision, culture, condition, concern. From this it becomes clear
that a proverb is commonly thought of as "a phrase, saying, sentence, statement or
expression of the folk which contains above all wisdom, truth, morals, experience,
lessons and advice concerning life and which has been' handed down from generation
to generation." This composite definition basically includes all those words that
appear from 4 to 20 times in the collected definitions. But since the words phrase,
saying, sentence, statement and expression simply define a proverb as a basic
sentence, it can certainly be stated that the shortest general definition of a proverb is
simply "A proverb is wisdom expressed in a sentence."

Looking at modifying verbs, adjectives and adverbs in the 55 definitions, the

following frequency picture arises: short; general; known; common, teach, traditional;
metaphorical; concise, fixed ; repeated, remembered, everyday, didactic; handed
down, formulaic, true, understandable, often quoted, universal, moralistic, colloquial,
memorial, learned, familiar, biblical, human; sum up, graphic, symbolic, rhyming,
colorful, descriptive, old, linguistic, regional, pictorial, pithy, standardized, accepted,
oral, poetic, parallel, precise, aphoristic, cultural, instructive, exemplary, small,
allegorical. If one adds the 18 occurrences of "short" together with the 4 of "concise,"
the one of "precise" and the one of "small" it is clear that 24 or almost half of the
definitions stress the shortness of the proverb. Adding to this a few more of the
frequent descriptive words, a composite definition could be something like "A
proverb is a short, generally known sentence that expresses common, traditional and
didactic views in a metaphorical and fixed form and which is easily remembered and
repeated." But again, the shortest common denominator for this group of descriptive
words would simply1 result in the definition "A proverb is a short sentence."

There are several types of proverbs describe below:

^ Universal proverbs – On comparing proverbs of culturally unrelated parts of the

world, one finds several ones having not only the same basic idea but the form of
expression, i.e. the wording is also identical or very similar. These are mainly simple
expressions of simple observations or simple ethical concepts, but not all expressions
of simple observations became proverbs in every language.

^ Regional proverbs – In culturally related regions - on the pattern of loan-words -

many loan-proverbs appear beside the indigenous ones. A considerable part of them
can be traced back to the classical literature of the region's past, in Europe the Greco-
Roman classics, and in the Far East to the Sanskrit and Korean classics.

^ Local Proverbs – In a cultural region often internal differences appear, the classics
(e.g. the Bible or the Confucian Analects) are not equally regarded as a source of
proverbs in every language. Geographical vicinity gives also rise to another set of
common local proverbs. These considerations are illustrated in several European and
Far-Eastern languages, as English and Korean.

Proverbs were always the most vivacious and at the same time the most stable part of
the national languages, suitable competing with the sayings and aphorisms pf
outstanding thinkers. In the proverbs and sayings picturesqueness of national thinking
was more vivid expressed as well as their features of national' character.

The proverbs and sayings are the paper of folklore which is short but deep in the
meaning. They express the outlook of the amount of people by their social and ideal
functions. Proverbs and sayings include themselves the some certain features of
historical development and the culture of people.

The semantic sphere of proverbs is very wide and cannot limit them. The proverbs
describe the every branch of people's life. The fact is that proverbs and sayings are
similar in meaning in spite of their diversity in form and language.

While investigating on the given qualification theme we have analused proverbs on

the semantic point of view. We have come across on the following noticeable themes,
such as Friendship, Motherland, Time, Knowledge, Beauty, Health, Work, and a lot
other different subjects. We have classified some example on the given topics:

A friendship in need is a friend indeed.
A friend's frown is better than a foe's
Among friends all things are common.
Even reckoning makes long friends.
Who keeps company with the wolf,
will learn to howl.


East or West home is best.
Every bird likes its own nest.
There is no place like home.
Never cast dirt into that fountain if which you have sometimes drunk.
Don't cut the bough you are standing on.

Time and tide wait for no man.
Time cures all things.
Time flies.
Time is money.
Time is wonders


To everything is to know nothing.
Soon learnt soon forgotten.
Live and learn.
It's never too late to learn.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


All that glitters is not gold.

Appearances are deceptive
Handsome is as handsome does.
There is no rose without the thorn.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
A sound mind in a sound body.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man health's, wealth's and wise.
Good health is above wealth.
Health is not valued till sickness comes.


A bad workman always blames his tools.
A good beginning is half the worn.

A good beginning makes a good ending.

An attempt is not torture.
AH is well that ends well.
As you sow so you reap.
Chickens are counted in autumn.
Man proposes bad disposes.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today



A psychological method of analysis has been developed (Date, 1996) and will be
presented in order to show which psychological mechanisms the proverbs use to reach
their goal of giving help (or advise) for human action regulation and human action
organization. Some examples will be given to show which psychological insight there
is inside the proverbs. Comer's theory of human action organization (e.g. Dorner,
1990, 1991) is used in this first analysis and compared with a lot of proverbs taken
from Simrock, 1846. It can be shown that the proverbs have a much' differentiated
"'knowledge" about human action organization and errors people make while planning
and acting; even in complex and uncertain situations. Proverbs are "Guides to Right
Behavior". This also means that a lot of psychologists' ideas of action organization are
already included in "grandma's wisdom", although the proverbs use (of course) a quite
different language.28 Since psychologists have used proverbs mainly for testing and
differentiating groups of persons it will be very interesting to have an exchange
between paremiologist and psychologists about the psychological significance of the
wisdom in the proverbs.

Many people have loved proverbs for the wisdom embedded in them. Others have
treasured proverbs for the vividness or earthiness of their imagery. But students of the
subject are impressed by still another characteristic of the proverb: its verbal
economy. Proverbs are rarely wordy. The usual proverb is spare and austere in
expression, and some are marvels of compactness.

"Wisdom" and "shortness" doubtlessly belong to the popular notion of what makes up
a proverb. Even when a scholar such as Mario Pei wrote a short piece on "Parallel
Proverbs" (1964)29 for the Saturday Review, he basically adhered to this general view
of the proverb in his article dealing with national and international proverbs, their
cynicism, philosophy and humor, their obvious misogyny and their contradictor)
comments on life's experiences around the world: Proverbs are among the most
ancient of human institutions. Criticism of life, in brief and pithy form, is
characteristic of proverbs, while their popular philosophy is indeed, proverbial.

"Proverbs are the wisdom of peoples" goes an Italian saying. This is perhaps an

exaggeration, but there is no doubt that much of a nation's folk-philosophy gets into
proverbs, along with the spice of national customs and, above all, the peculiar flavor
of the nation's language and phraseology... Proverbs are generalizations of human
experience, condensations of oft-repeated occurrences of the trial-and-error variety.
Above all, they are the fruit of observation and inductive reasoning, two of the great
faculties of the human mind... A generalization... caught on, became popular, and was
passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation.

Ultimately it became an integral part of the group's folklore, and was repeated
whenever the situation it described recurred. Every proverb tells a story and teaches a

This lengthy discussion of the nature of the proverb by Pei reads almost as an attempt
of summarizing the common understanding of proverbs. Many of the 55 definitions
stated above are similar to Pei's points, and it is amazing to notice how congruous
these definitions are to those defining attempts printed in magazines and newspapers.
There certainly is much agreement in the non-scholarly world of what a proverb is
even if scholars seem to be unable to agree on a reasonable definition at all.
A proverb is by definition a popular maxim. Proverbs are among the most ancient
literary forms, and among the most universal. Enough if it [the proverb] holds its
measure of truth. Proverbs are anonymous wisdom-literature of the common man in
ages past.30 Matti Kuusi once defined proverbs simply as "monumenta humana," and
this is exactly what they are to the general population. Our survey of 55 non-academic
definitions has shown that proverbs are thought to express human wisdom and basic
truths in a short sentence. Popular articles in magazines and newspapers fend to share
this view of the proverb. Altogether proverbs are still seen as useful generalizations
about life, even if at times their value of appropriateness in certain situations might be
questioned. We can poke fun at proverbs, we can ridicule them or we can parody
them, but eventually we are all governed by their insights to some degree. Proverbs
and their wisdom confront us' daily, and modern people seem to have a clear idea of
what proverbs are, what they express and what they can do for us. Proverb scholars
would do well to pay more attention to the present use of proverbs while obviously
also continuing to tackle the frustrating question of whether a universal proverb
definition can be found. But in their enduring search for such an erudite definition,
they can take solace in the fact that the people using proverbs do know in their minds
what makes a good proverb - an incommunicable quality tells them that a short and
repeated statement of wisdom, truth and experience must be a proverb.

Comparing the three approaches discussed above (semantic, functional, and

contextual) we have ample ground to conclude that have very much in common as the
main criteria of phraseological units appear to be essentially the same, i.e. stability
and idiomaticity or lack of motivation. It should be noted however that these criteria
as elaborated in the three approaches are sufficient mainly to single out extreme cases:
highly idiomatic non-variable and free (or variable) word-groups.

The main features of this new approach which is now more or less universally
accepted by Soviet linguists are as follows: 31

Phraseology is regarded as a self-contained branch of linguistics and not
as a part of lexicology.
Phraseology deals with a phraseological subsystem of language and not
with isolated phraseological units.

14. Phraseology is concerned with all types of set expressions.

15. Set expressions are divided into three classes: phraseological units (e.g. red tape,
mare's nest, etc.), phraseomatic units (e.g. win a victory, launch a campaign,
etc.) and borderline cases belonging to the mixed class. The main distinction between
the first and the second classes is semantic: phraseological units have fully or partially
transferred meanings while components of phraseomatic units are used in their literal

Phraseological and phraseomatic units are not regarded as word-equivalents but
some of them are treated as word correlates.
Phraseological and phraseomatic units are set expressions and their
phraseological stability distinguishes them from free phrases and compound

Phraseological and phraseomatic units are made up of words of different degree of

wordness depending on the type of set expressions they are used in. (cf. e.g. small
hours and red tape). Their structural separateness, an important factor of their
stability, distinguishes them from compound words.

The vocabulary of a language is enriched not only by words but also by
phraseological units. Phraseological units are word-groups that cannot be made in the
process of speech; they exist in the language as ready-made units.

They are compiled in special dictionaries. The same as words phraseological units
express a single notion and are used in a sentence as one part of it. American and
British lexicographers call such units «idioms». We can mention such dictionaries as:
L.Smith «Words and Idioms», V.Collins «А Book of English Idioms» etc In these
dictionaries we can find words, peculiar in their semantics (idiomatic), side by side
with word-groups and sentences. In these dictionaries they are arranged, as a rule, into
different semantic groups.

Phraseological units can be classified according to the ways they are formed,
according to the degree of the motivation of their meaning, according to their
structure and according to their part-of-speech meaning.

A.V. Koonin classified phraseological units according to the way they are formed. He
pointed out primary and secondary ways of forming phraseological units.

By the classification of Academician V.Vinogradov phraseological units are divided

into three groups: phraseological combinations, phraseological unities and
phraseological fusions.

Proverb is a brief saying that presents a truth or some bit of useful wisdom. It is
usually based on common sense or practical experience. The effect of a proverb is, to
make the wisdom it tells seem to be self-evident. The same proverb often occurs
among several different peoples. True proverbs are sayings that have been passed
from generation to generation primarily by word of month. They may also have been
put into written form.
A proverb consists of a short sentence which contains a general piece of wisdom.

A proverb contains wisdom which has been handed down from one generation to the

A proverb describes situations which happened before and which are repeated again
and again.

^ Universal proverbs – On comparing proverbs of culturally unrelated parts of the

world, one finds several ones having not only the same basic idea but the form of
expression, i.e. the wording is also identical or very similar. These are mainly simple
expressions of simple observations or simple ethical concepts, but not all expressions
of simple observations became proverbs in every language.

^ Regional proverbs – In culturally related regions - on the pattern of loan-words -

many loan-proverbs appear beside the indigenous ones. A considerable part of them
can be traced back to the classical literature of the region's past, in Europe the Greco-
Roman classics, and in the Far East to the Sanskrit and Korean classics.

^ Local Proverbs – In a cultural region often internal differences appear, the classics
(e.g. the Bible or the Confucian Analects) are not equally regarded as a source of
proverbs in every language. Geographical vicinity gives also rise to another set of
common local proverbs. These considerations are illustrated in several European and
Far-Eastern languages, as English and Korean.

Proverbs were always the most vivacious and at the same time the most stable part of
the national languages, suitable competing with the sayings and aphorisms of
outstanding thinkers. In the proverbs and sayings picturesqueness of national thinking
was more vivid expressed as well as their features of national character.

Proverbs were always the most vivacious and at the same time the most stable part of
the national languages, suitable competing with the sayings and aphorisms of
outstanding thinkers. In the proverb-; and sayings picturesqueness of national thinking
was more vivid expressed as well as their features of national character. The proverbs
and sayings are the paper of folklore which is short but deep in the meaning. They
express the outlook of the amount of people by their social and ideal functions.
Proverbs and sayings include themselves the some certain features of historical
development and the culture of people.

The semantic sphere of proverbs is very wide and cannot limit them.

The proverbs describe the every branch of people's life.

The fact is that proverbs and sayings are similar in meaning in spite of their diversity
in form and language.
While investigating on the given qualification theme we have analysed proverbs on
the semantic point of view. We have come across on the> following noticeable
themes, such as Friendship, Motherland, Time, Knowledge, Beauty, Health, Work,
and a lot other different subjects. We have classified some example on the given


A friendship in need is a friend indeed.
A friend's frown is better than a foe's
Among friends all things are common.
Even reckoning makes long friends.
Who keeps company with the wolf,
will learn to howl.


East or West home is best.
Ever' bird likes its own nest.
There is no place like home.
Never cast dirt into that fountain if which you have sometimes drunk.
Don't cut the bough you are standing on.


Time and tide wait for no man.
Time cures all things.
Time tiles.
Time is money.
Time is wonders


To know everything is to know nothing.
Soon learnt soon forgotten.
Live and learn.
It's never too late to learn.

5. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


All that glitters is not gold.
Appearances are deceptive
Handsome is as handsome does.
There is no rose without the thorn.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
A sound mind in a sound body.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man health's, wealth's and
Good health is above wealth.
Health is not valued till sickness comes


A bad workman always blames his tools.
A good beginning is half the worn.
A good beginning makes a good ending.
An attempt is not torture.
All is well that ends well.


Aмосова Н. Н. Основы английской фразеологии Л. 1963.
Aмосова Н. Н. Основы английской фразеологии Л. 1963.
Алехина А.И. Фразеологическая единица и слово. - Минск, 1991.
Англо-русский фразеологический словарь. М., 1955).
Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка.М. 1959
Виноградов В.В. Об основных типах фразеологических единиц в русском
языке // Виноградов В.В. Лексикология и лексикография: Избр. Тр. - М.:
Наука, 1986.
Кунин A.B. Английская фразеология. M., 1970.
Кунин А.В. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь. 3-е изд.,
стереотип. – М.: Русский язык, 2001.
Кунин А.В. Фразеология современного английского языка. - М.:
Международные отношения, 1996.
Кунин А.В.Англо-русский фразеологический словарь, М., 1956.
Литвинов П.П. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь с тематической
классификацией. – М.: Яхонт, 2000.
Смирницкий А. «Лексикология английского языка» М.,1996 стр.23
Смирницкий А.И. Лексикология английского языка. М., 1956.
Смит Л.П. Фразеология английского языка. – М., 1998.
Arnold I.V. The English Word . M. 1986.
Bartlett Jere Whiting, "The Nature of the Proverb." 1932
Collins V. «А Book of English Idioms» 1981
English idioms in: Logan Smith. Words and Idioms. London, 1928.
Ginzburg R.S. et al. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. M., 1979.
Hornby A. The Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Lnd. 1974.
Jaii Fredrik Kindstrand “The Greek Concept of proverbs” 1992
Kunin A.V. English Idioms.3d ed. M., 1967.
Potter S. Modern Linguistics. Lnd., 1957.
Smith L. «Words and Idioms». 1976
Yoo Yushin. "The Legend of Tan-gun." Golden Pond Press, 1987.
http:// www.cogweb.com
http:// www.proverbs. com

1 The process of lexicalization may be observed in Modern English too. The noun
yesterday, e.g., in the novel by Thomas Hardy occurs as a free word-group and is
spelled with a break yester day.

2 See sources of English idioms in: Logan Smith. Words and Idioms. London, 1928.

3 L.Smith «Words and Idioms» 1976

4 V.Collins «А Book of English Idioms» 1981

5 А.Смирницкий «Лексикология английского языка» М.,1996 стр.23

6 А.Смирницкий «Лексикология английского языка» М.,1996 стр 25

7 А.Смирницкий «Лексикология английского языка» М.,1996. стр 45

8 Arnold I.V. The English Word . M. 1986. с44

9 Смирницкий А.И. Лексикология английского языка. – М.,1996. с67

10 It should be recalled that the first attempt to place the study of various word-groups
on a scientific basis was made by the outstanding Russian linguist A.A.Schachroatov
in his world-famous book Syntax. Schachmatov's work was continued by
Academician V.V. Vinogradov whose approach to phraseology is discussed below.
Investigation of English phraseology was initiated in our country by pro.: A.V. Kuriin
(A.B. Кунин. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь. М., 1955)

11 А.В.Кунин Англо-русский фразеологический словарь, М., 1956.

12 for a different interpretation of the term idiom see: А.И. Смирницкий.

Лексикология английского языка М 1956.

13 this approach to English phraseology is closely bound up with the research work
carried out in the field of Russian phraseology by Academician V.V. Vinogradov.

14 This classification was suggested by Academician V. V. Vinogradov,

15 See 'Word-Groups and Phraseological Units', § I, p 6-t. Here the terms

phraseological collocations and habitual collocations are used synonymously

16 Cf., e.g.,^ The Advanced Learner's Dictionary by Л. Hornby, E. Gftenby, H.

Wake-field; The Universal English Dictionary by H. Wyld and J1 General Service
List of English Words with Semantic Frequencies jy VI, West.

17 Word-Groups and Phraseological Units', § 1, p. 64.

18 o'zbek tilining izohli lug'ati'' 1981y. b40

19 Dal. Dictionary of vivid Russian language. P112

20 Виноградов В.В. Об основных типах фразеологических единиц в русском

языке // Виноградов В.В. Лексикология и лексикография: Избр. Тр. - М.: Наука,
1986. стр.17
21 Aмосова Н. Н. Основы английской фразеологии Л. 1963. стр123

22 Aмосова Н. Н. Основы английской фразеологии Л. 1963. стр144

23 Jaii Fredrik Kindstrand “The Greek Concept of proverbs” 1992

24 Bartlett Jere Whiting

25 Shirley Arora, Nigel Barley, Otto Blehr, Margaret Bryant, David Cram, Alan
Dundes, Galit Hasan-Rokem, George Milner, Feter Seitel

26 http:// www, cog web aim

27 www.proverbs. com

28 Yoo Yushin. " The Legend of Tan-gun." Golden Pcnd Press, 1987,- 270p.

29 Paralle! Proverbs" (1964)

30 Shalant, and Soyoo Hyunjoo Park "The Sun and the Moon."

31 this approach is suggested and worked out by prof. A.V.Kunin. -See: A.B. Кунин.
Английская фразеология M 1970.

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