Unit-II: Different Stability Limits
Unit-II: Different Stability Limits
Unit-II: Different Stability Limits
Transient Stability: Study of power system which are subjected to sudden major
Dynamic Stability: Study of power system which are subjected to small continuous
It is the study which implies small and gradual variations or changes in the working
state of the system. The purpose is to determine the higher limit of loading in the
machine before going to lose the synchronism. The load is increased slowly.
The highest power which can be transferred to the receiving end of the system
without affecting the synchronism is termed as Steady State Stability limit.
Consider the above system which is operating on steady state power transfer of P e0=Pm
Assume the power is increased by a small amount say Δ Pe. As a result, the rotor angle becomes
from δ0
This is to maintain the steady state stability limit
A system can never be operated higher than its steady state stability limit but
it can operate beyond the transient stability limit.
By reducing the X (reactance) or by raising the |E| or by increasing the |V|,
the improvement of steady state stability limit of the system is possible.
Two systems to improve the stability limit are quick excitation voltage and
higher excitation voltage.
To reduce the X in the transmission line which is having high reactance, we
can employ parallel line.