The Wonder That Is Sanskrit

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36 Phe Wonder ta is Sarabis Inserting and Amazing Creations ix Sabre 37 ‘se of consonants For example, are isa lake where all the 33, jconsonansin Senskst come in tv nara one Bruner ‘Who she, the lover ofbirds, pre in nelligence, enpet in stealing the stength of ote, leader among the de- stroyers ofthe enomits, the sends, the fares, the fone mo filled the ocean? He ithe king Maya, the Pository ofthe blessings thatcan destroy the foes ahaha ‘Aman is not a man who is wounded by alow mon Sinilarly, he isalso nota man who wousds alow ma ‘The wounded one is not consideredto be wounded fis ‘master is unvounded. And he who wounds 2 man who isalready wounded, isnot aman, wedged aed eetet: | wertcee ERAT ‘And here is « oka which use ony tree consonans out ofthe 33 ~ (40), (00) nad > (na), anirchattct atten: fei gua atts et eres i? ‘The God (Vishn) who cassespleasure tothe ether gods ‘nd pain othe opponents of te Jada, filed te hea fs with aloud sound as be killed Hienyakashipu [o demon who forbade his sonto ake the name of Vishnu] ‘ti Krishna, the giver of every boon, the scourge ofthe evil minded, the purifier, the one whose ams can an hilate the wicked who cause sufferings io others, so: his pan-causing arow at th enemy. ‘And here i a sfoka, where each quarter is writen using only one consonant. The fist quarter is formed of (a) the second of = (Go), the third of (bha) andthe four of). This isa loka which uses enly wo consonants, # (bho) and Tro) Rites ‘The fearless elephant, who was like a burdea tothe earth because of ies heavy weight, whose sound Was like a Ketde-drum, and who wes like 2 dat cloud at tacked the enemy elephant, Balam, the great warir and winner of great Wer, resplendent like Shukra and Brihaspat, the deswoyero ‘wandering enemies, went to tho bate lie a lion o> ping the movement ofhis foes, who werosndowed fourfold army. Sthanacitras and Svaracitras ‘The sthinacitras are formed either by using the consonants of | only one group of avoiding certain groups. This isa so using only the utara ‘Most amazingly, ene Jokas have been writen using a single consonant. Here are two examples - one using * (na) and the other using = (do) + The Wonder that Sanstrit STREETER | Steere ETERS you (the waveller of mary countries, who bates in ‘he tortuous curent of te rippling Ganga; you have no sequatance with the sorrowful sound ofthe suffering ‘orld You have the abityto oti the Mera mounts YOU are not under the control ofthe crooked senses ‘You, being the cispelero sins, have come on this and In the svoracras the restaons are onthe use of vowels. This stoka uses only the vowel §(/) in the first line and the vowel (a) the second line. FBG ee ee EE © Lord Shiva the possessor of thre eyes, the knower ofexistence, measurerani destroyer ofthe earth, exjoyee ofthe eightfold superhuman power an nine reasutes of Kubera, you who kilisd Daksha and Kamadeva, O “Lord, do remember me. [Next is ota formed entirely with the vowel (a), See ‘Sunt vowels retain fl ors ely nthe bingo wok a he nla or te cod ty we ia tips bois fs Pore. tort S10 =). ERC. fel. et oh aa fro), for (a); erased sadctsroves leer, og iad vercaly aid dt on the i ie cen Inaeresting and Amazing Creations in Sons ‘The gods took refuge in Brihaspti the lord ofspoes, the preceptor of the gods in heaven, when they went forthe battle. They prayed so that he would remain happy and strong, and not withdray into unconscious ness again and again, nant and one vowel in the enite verse (ja) and = (3). ‘STEEP | ‘STATEPTEAPARTATAT prose order, 0, 8 60, Ga), T 6d} WO, 460). ‘The meaning ofthe verse i as flows: ‘The sandals (dc) which ador the Loré, whic help in atanment of al that is good andanspicious,» hich give knowledge, which cause the desire (oF havin the Lord as one's own), which remove all that i¢ hoe, ‘which have atsined the Lord whic are used fe going _andcoming fom ane pace to another by which paces ‘ofthe work canbe reached, these sandals are for Lord Vishaw, ‘Amiti Compositions And this unbelievable Soka of 22 syllables ses only one conso- ‘Toenable the reader to understand this dificult verse, we give the anvayaor te arrangement ofthe words ofthe verse i ee proper ae (Daya, AE (Ga), A (yah “saTE (appa), (apaya) se (aya) 70 (ayy), ATH (0.3) APE Gayave) srereH papaya), IT (HHA), VT = DT ‘There are many othe possibilities nthe ntrplay of consonants, vowels and syllables othe words result fam ther. This loka has an interesting sound effect through the use of = (ko) and

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