Quantitative Study
Quantitative Study
Quantitative Study
Quantitative measurements were carried out on the fatigue fracture surface of the SIC/AI composite by a sectioning
method. It was shown that the cyclic plastic strain amplitude, Sic volume fraction and particle size have effects on fracture
surface roughness R,. The measured fracture surface roughness R, is closely related to the fatigue-crack propagation path
and may corresponds to the fatigue life. Moreover, it was found that there is an obvious difference in the R, values for
fatigue fractures which are due to different fracture mechanisms. These results show that it is possible to reflect the fracture
mechanism using fracture surface roughness and relate it to the fracture properties of materials.
Keywords: Composite; SIC/Al; Fatigue fracture; Roughness: Fractal dimension; Sectioning method
where L is the true length of a fracture profile and were analyzed using a IPS-500 image analyzer and
LO is its apparent projected length. the requisite profiles were selected and then digi-
Most of the fractal analyses on fracture surfaces tized. By utilizing the technology of image process
have shown that the fracture surface or profile does and analysis and a self-designed program, the values
show a fractal character [9-l I]. The corresponding of R, and D, can be obtained. The detailed proce-
fractal equations are: dure can be found in Ref. [7].
where C, and C, are constants without dimension 3.1. Effect of plastic strain amplitude on fracture
and 77 is the size of the measuring unit. sulfate roughness
In the present study, the sectioning method was
applied to obtain a quantitative analysis of some The fatigue tests were performed on pure alu-
fatigue fractures of Sic particulate reinforced alu- minum reinforced with 20% Sic particles of 10 p,m
minum composites. The correlation between the frac- average size using three plastic strain amplitudes, i.e.
ture surface roughness and fatigue properties of the 0.15%, 0.2% and 0.3%. The three corresponding
SIC/Al composite was explored tentatively. fatigue fractures are shown in Fig. 1. It can be seen
2. Experimental procedures
the measured results. From Fig. 3 it can be seen
a 202
qualitatively that there is quite a difference in the
E 1.97 features of the three fatigue fracture surfaces. So,
83 192
their surface roughness should be evidently distinc-
tive, which can also be seen from the different
profiles (see Fig. 4) obtained by sectioning the frac-
1.82 ture surfaces. From the measured results shown in
0 10 0.15 (1.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0 40
Fig. 5 it was found that with increasing SIC volume
Strain Amplitude A& (9k) fraction, the fatigue life Nr decreases and the frac-
Fig. 2. Roughness parameter R, and fatigue life Nf versus strain ture surface roughness R, increases. For the com-
amplitude AC, /2. posite that has less ductility than the unreinforced
238 X. W. Li et al. /Materials
2 1.60
Table 2 E
9 1.40
The measured values of fatigue life, Nr, fracture surface rough-
ness, R,, and fractal dimension, D,, for composites with different 1.20 o Rs l N
volume fractions, V, of SIC
v (%) Nt
1.00 ’ J 102
Rs Ds 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
VI 0 2260 1.382 2.053
SC Volume Fraction (%)
v2 6 1340 1.768 2.082
v3 25 788 2.222 2.101 Fig. 5. Roughness parameter R, and fatigue life Nr versus SIC
volume fraction.
X. W. Li et al. /Materials Letters 29 (1996) 235-240 239
Fig. 7. Fracture profiles of composites with two particle sizes: (a) 32 km, (b) 10 pm.
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