Journal of Biotechnology
Journal of Biotechnology
Journal of Biotechnology
Journal of Biotechnology
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Article history: Usually, small molecules like single metabolites used in clinical diagnostic can be quantified by instru-
Received 13 July 2016 mental approaches like LC–MS or bioanalytical techniques using antibodies or aptamers as selective
Received in revised form 1 September 2016 receptors. The present work comprises the generation of aptamers with an affinity towards the medi-
Accepted 12 September 2016
cally relevant metabolite phytosphingosine via the previously reported just in time-Selection approach
Available online 13 September 2016
(Hünniger et al., 2014). The whole approach could be seen as a proof of concept to extend the existing just
in time-Selection protocol for selection towards small molecules with dissociation constants in the low
nanomolar range. Moreover it is conceivable that the shown methods could be quickly adapted to further
just in time-Selection
scopes. Aptamers could be applied for clean-up or concentration processes prior to further analysis. As
Urine an example, we used the selected aptamers towards phytosphingosine bound to magnetic particles for
Aptamer affinity enrichment in both selection buffer and urine samples. As an outcome, enrichment factors of up
Trapping to 9-fold (selection buffer)/4-fold (urine samples) were achieved by this approach.
Small molecule © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.
0168-1656/© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.
C. Fischer et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 238 (2016) 30–34 31
using thin layer chromatography, high-performance liquid chro- 2.2. Characterization of selected aptamers via fluorescence assay
matography, immunochemical and coupled mass spectrometry
methods. Thus low detection limits could be achieved especially The target beads used for selection were also used for deter-
by mass spectrometry, but these technologies are in terms of costs mination of dissociation constants using a fluorescence assay. The
and time highly demanding. As the concentration of biomarkers fluorescently labeled aptamers (labeling protocol see supplemen-
in real samples were often near the detection limits of instrumen- tary material (SM)) were diluted in a total volume of 90 L to
tal approaches, a trapping/enrichment prior to the analysis can be 20 nM, 40 nM, 60 nM, 80 nM, 100 nM, 200 nM, and 400 nM with
useful to gain a valuable diagnostic tool. binding buffer. Afterwards, 10 L of target beads (10 mg/mL) were
Generally, trapping applications e.g. with antibodies are known added to each dilution and the resulting solution was mixed and
to be important for routine analysis as they allow a rapid clean-up incubated for 30 min under agitation and exclusion of light. The
of samples. Considering the directive 2010/63/EU on the protection solutions were centrifuged (10 min at 18,400 × g) and the super-
of animals used for scientific purposes, the demand for alternatives natant was removed. The resulting pellet, containing the bound
for antibodies is continuously increasing. The physical properties fluorescently labeled aptamers, was washed once with 100 L
of aptamers (e.g. binding constants) are comparable to antibodies. binding buffer to remove unspecific bound aptamers. Afterwards,
Aptamer driven trapping enables the enrichment of target com- the solution was centrifuged (10 min at 18,400 × g), each pellet was
pounds such as pesticides, antibiotic residues, vegetative cells or resuspended in 100 L ddH2 O and used directly for fluorescence
spores, which could not be detected without an enrichment step measurement using the SpectraMaxx® 2 (extinction 485 nm, emis-
which can be time consuming (Hünniger et al., 2015). The pre- sion: 525 nm, Molecular Devices Analytical Technolgies GmbH,
sented enrichment technique, which is based on aptamer-linked Ismaning, Germany). The obtained fluorescence data were fitted
magnetic particles, offers a rapid and easy to handle applica- nonlinear (Hill-fit) using OriginPro 9.0G and the dissociation con-
tion demonstrated in spiked urine samples and could be seen as stants were extrapolated at Vmax /2.
proof of concept for aptamer-based biomarker enrichment in real
samples. 2.3. Magnetic trapping and enrichment of phytosphingosine
Table 1
Selected aptamer sequences towards phytosphingosine and fluorescence assay estimated dissociation constants (primer regions are marked in italics).
Table 2
Enrichment factors for aptamer-based magnetic trapping of phytosphingosine in binding buffer and urine samples determined by LC-ESI–MS/MS measurements.
trapping measurement Area after trapping [counts] Determined concentration enrichment factor**
after trapping [M]*
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