Hpha042 Exercise (1st)

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University of Limpopo

1.1. Consider the following types of wave infrared, ultraviolet, sound, X-rays, radio.
1.1.1. Which of these is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum?
1.1.2. Which is unlikely to be detected by a photographic method?
1.1.3. What is significant by their speed?

1.2. The HPHA 042 students performed a photoelectric experiment. The following are
the results obtained by one group of students.

Voltage = 0 AND Intensity = 100%

Currents for different metals
Wavelength Calc. Sodium Zinc Copper Platinum
(nm) frequency
___ ×10 14 Hz
500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
400 0.141 0.000 0.000 0.000
300 0.556 0.000 0.000 0.000
250 0.975 0.060 0.000 0.000
200 1.677 0.398 0.248 0.000

1.2.1. On the same set of axis, plot the current vs. frequency graph for each metal.
1.2.2. Which metal has the most weakly bound electrons? Motivate your answer.
1.2.3. Explain how the Photoelectric effect helps us understand the nature of light.

1.3. The results of a photoelectric effect experiment are plotted on the graph.
Stopping potential vs Frequency

Stopping potential (V)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Frequency (10-15Hz)

1.3.1. Calculate the work function (in eV) of the cathode.

1.3.2. Determine the experimental value of Planck’s (in J.s) constant obtained
from the data.
1.3.3. What is Einstein conclusion from the photoelectric effect experiment
concerning The nature of light? The intensity of light?

1.4. The X-rays detected at a scattering angle of θ=163°, have a wavelength of

0.1867 nm.
1.4.1. With the help of a diagram, explain Compton scattering.
1.4.2. Determine the wavelength of an incident photon.
1.4.3. Determine the energy of the scattered photon.
1.5. X-rays with initial wavelength 0.0665nm undergo Compton scattering.
1.5.1. By means of a diagram, explain Compton scattering.
1.5.2. If the largest wavelength found in the scattered x-rays is 0.0714nm, at
which scattering angle is this wavelength observed?

1.6. By means of a graph, show the spectrum of frequencies emitted by a blackbody

at two different temperatures.

1.7. A blackbody emission spectrum peaks at 300 nm. Determine:

1.7.1. The temperature, in ℃, for this peak.

1.7.2. The total radiated power per unit area.

¿ W/m 2. K 4 ;

Wien displacement =2.90× 10−3 m. K ; Planc k ' s constant h=6.63 ×10−34 J s ¿

1.8. When UV light of wavelength 300nm falls on a metal surface, the maximum
kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is 1.10eV. Determine:

1.8.1. The work function of the metal in Joule.

1.8.2. The speed at which the electron is released from the metal.
(Take the mass of the electron to be 9.1 × 10 -31kg)

1.9. Consider Compton scattering with visible light. A photon with a wavelength of
500nm is scattered backward (θ=180° ¿ from a free electron that is initially at
rest. (h=6.63 ×10−34 J . s ; mo=9.1× 10−31∧c light =3× 108 m/s)

1.9.1. Represent the above scenario by means of a diagram.

1.9.2. Calculate the fractional shift in wavelength, , for the photon?

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