How To Behes'-A Quick Guide: A Behes' Debate Flows in The Following Manner
How To Behes'-A Quick Guide: A Behes' Debate Flows in The Following Manner
How To Behes'-A Quick Guide: A Behes' Debate Flows in The Following Manner
Scoring Criteria:
Every speaker in every debate is scored separately on three criteria-
a. Matter (Content) - What was the actual argument(s) presented by the
speaker? Were any actual examples, facts or studies stated? If so, how
relevant were they?
b. Manner (Presentation) – How good was the speaker’s body language
and poise? How well did s/he maintain eye contact? Did s/he use their
voice and rhetoric well?
c. Method (Structure) – Were the speaker’s arguments structured in a
way that was easy to understand? Was every point elaborated
sufficiently? Did the speaker’s rebuttals flow naturally?
Every tournament is held in a knock-out format with one winner (and one
best speaker) emerging at the end of two days. All our adjudicators have
been trained in the finer points of this format of debate.