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Lab Report On

Experiment Number:- 05

Name of the Experiment:- Determination of Flakiness

Index of Aggregate.

Submitted to:- Submitted By:-

Md. Tanbir Khan Name:-Sourae Mridha
Lecturer Roll No:-5310
B.Sc in civil engineering Batch:- 69(A)
World university of Bangladesh B.Sc in civil engineering
World university of Bangladesh

Date of Submission:- 06/11/2020


SI.No. Contents Page No.

Related Theory
Sample preparation
Data Sheet
Calculation & Result
Flaky particles are comparatively thin as compared to their length.
Those particles whose least dimension is less than 0.6 of their mean
size is known as flaky particles. This test is carried on aggregate of
having particles larger than 6.3 mm. Let a particle of aggregate
passes through 20 mm sieve but retained on 10 mm sieve. The mean
size of this particle is (20+10)/2 = 15 mm. When mean size (15 mm)
is multiplied by 0.6, 9 mm size is obtained. Hence for this aggregate
if thickness of the particles is less than 9 mm it is said to be flaky.
The flakiness index of aggregate is the percentage by weight of
aggregate particles whose least dimension or thickness is less than
0.6 of their mean dimension. To treat the thickness of the particle,
standard thickness gauge are used.

Aggregate particles are classified as flaky when they have a
thickness (smallest dimension) of less than 0.6 of their mean sieve
size. The flakiness index of an aggregate sample is found by
separating the flaky particles and expressing their mass as a
percentage of the mass of the sample tested. This test is not
applicable to aggregate passing 6.30mm sieve and retained as
63.0mm sieve.

To obtain detail of aggregates. To determine the suitability of
aggregates. To determine the Flakiness of aggregates. To determine
the suitable aggregates for highway construction.

The following apparatus is required:-

(1) A metal thickness gauge:-

A metal thickness gauge of the pattern shown in figure 4.1 or
special sieves having elongated apertures shown in figure 4.2.
The width of the apertures and the thickness of the sheet used in
the gauge or sieve shall be as specified in the following figures.

(2) A balance accurate to 0.5% of the mass of the test sample.

(3) Testing Sieve:-

Sample preparation is given below:-

Aggregate passing through 63.0 mm BS test sieve and retained on

the 6.30 mm BS test sieve.


1. A sample of the aggregate to be tested is sieved through set of

sieves (63.0 mm, 50.0 mm, 37.5 mm, 28.0 mm, 20 mm, 14.0
mm, 10.0 mm, 6.3 mm ) and separated into specified size
2. The particles retained on each sieve are then made to pass
through appropriate slot, (0.6 times the mean size) of standard
thickness gauge.
3. The material which passes through the appropriate slot of the
gauge is said to be flaky. The flaky material that has passed
through the appropriate slots of standard gauge, for each size
range of the test aggregate, are added up and weighted.
Experiment No: 05
Determination of the Flakiness Index

Type of material : Stone Chips

Sieve Gauge Wt. of the Percent of Check if Flaky

size size material the greater Particles
(mm) used, retained (gm) material than 5% (amount
(mm) retained (ok/ passed)
not ok) gm
63.0 - x x
50.0 33.9
37.5 26.3
28.0 19.7
20.0 14.4
14.0 10.2
10.0 7.2
6.3 4.9

Name :- Sourae Mridha

Roll No:- 5310
Batch :- 69(A)

Signature of the Course Teacher


After conducting the experiment in the lab of the

transportation engineering premises of World University
of Bangladesh, we collect the data of the experiment
which will be given below:

1. Total Weight of the test sample, W = 1551.7 gm

2. Weight of flaky material from the whole test sample,
W1 = 175.6 gm

Flakiness index of an aggregate is the percentage by

weight of flaky material present in a test sample. Flakiness
index of aggregate, to be used in road construction should
not exceed 25%. It is perfect if it is kept below 15%. The
flakiness index shall be reported to the nearest whole
number. Flakiness index is determined as follows,

Flakiness Index = W1 /W x 100%

= (175.6/1551.7)*100 = 11%

So, flakiness index is 11% which is perfect for road

The Flakiness Index is the mass of particles in that aggregate
expressed as a percentage of the total mass of that aggregate
which will pass the slot or slots of specified width for the
appropriate size fraction. While elongation index test is used to
determine the quantity of aggregate particles that are elongated
instead of cubicle in shape.
In this experiment, flakiness index was used as independent
variables and other properties such as gradation are kept constant
as far as their properties met the specification required for the
asphalt mixture. According to British Standard Institution (BSI-
812. 19751cbssifies aggregate into six classes that are rounded.
Irregular , angular.. flaky and elongated and elongated.

The rounded, irregular and angular for special purpose are group
into the category an equidimensional or cubical. The aggregate
are flaky, elongated or equal dimension are determined by the
ratio of the shortest. the biggest and average diameter of the
From the experiment, firstly we separate aggregate sample by
sieving into different size fraction, each falling within a narrow
size function is essentially a single size aggregate.
From the data experiment, we made the calculation and discussed
by the all group member. When this experiment is doing, we
make some experimental error such as when sieving process is
being take place. For example the aggregate may not trough sieve
by machine and some of aggregate we shake manually by hand.
the error do occur when weighing the amount of aggregate that
need. The careless attitudes that we gauge the particles by hand.
Maybe we pass the particles to the wrong gauge. It is because we
have separate too many panicles in the short time.
The value that we get from the test is 5.6% for flakiness
and not exceeds 20% the NCR requirement. Aggregate
particles are classified as flaky when they have a thickness
(smallest dimension) of less than 0.6 of their mean sieve
size. The flakiness index of an aggregate sample is found
by separating the flaky particles and expressing their mass
as a percentage of their mass of the sample tested.
As a conclusion, the sample that we tested are flaky.
Which is there are not suitable to use in parameter design.
This will cause the increase of void in tire mix. If we use
in highway construction, we must doing more compaction
to ensure that the void meet the prescribe specification.

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