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10 1126@science Abb9318 PDF
the continuum (17). The fraction of the photon far—would likely depend on a and b, but they The analogy between electron emission from
energy that exceeds the sum of the adiabatic are equal for the different pathways that inter- the H2 molecule and a classical double-slit ex-
double ionization energy of H2 (31.03 eV) and fere under a certain emission angle a and do periment suggests that the birth time delay
the KER is shared between the two electrons. not influence our measurement. could be interpreted as the travel time of the
The symmetry of this energy sharing is a We compared our experimental findings with photon from one molecular center to the other,
measure for the strength of the Coulomb two simple models. First, we assumed that t′ b is which is up to 247 zs for the average bond
interaction among the two electrons, which given by the time difference with which a point length of H2. Our experimental results support
has the potential to destroy the single-particle of constant phase of the photon wave hits the this picture, but studies targeting more-complex
quantum interference pattern (12). Therefore, two centers molecules and applying more-sophisticated the-
we restricted our investigation to fast elec- oretical models are necessary to further unveil
trons that carried >96% of the excess energy R the scope of birth time delay. This work can
t′ b ¼ cosðbÞ ð3Þ
(fig. S2). For such fast electrons, double-slit c function as a benchmark for such studies.
interference effects are well established on
the single-particle level (11, 18). Corresponding where c is the speed of light. In the case of REFERENCES AND NOTES
slow electrons of the double ionization pro- cos(b) = 0, the photon wave hits both centers 1. M. Schultze et al., Science 328, 1658–1662 (2010).
cess had <4% of the excess energy and are not of the molecule simultaneously, and there can- 2. M. Isinger et al., Science 358, 893–896 (2017).
3. A. L. Cavalieri et al., Nature 449, 1029–1032 (2007).
shown here (19). not be any birth time delay between electrons 4. Z. Tao et al., Science 353, 62–67 (2016).
In Fig. 2A, we display the electron angular emitted from one or the other center because 5. J. Vos et al., Science 360, 1326–1330 (2018).
distribution of those fast electrons for the aver- the outgoing waves are exactly in phase. On 6. S. Beaulieu et al., Science 358, 1288–1294 (2017).
7. J. M. Dahlström, A. L’Huillier, A. Maquet, J. Phys. B 45, 183001
age internuclear distance of 0.74 Å (purple line). the other hand, cos(b) = ±1 resembles the max- (2012).
maximum of the distribution was displaced to of calculations of molecular photoionization in We acknowledge DESY (Hamburg, Germany), a member of
the Helmholtz Association HGF, for the provision of experimental
the right, which suggested the existence of a the frequency domain if nondipole effects are facilities. Parts of this research were carried out at PETRA III,
birth time delay. To confirm this assumption, included in full (22). This model is in reason- and we thank J. Seltmann and K. Bagschik for excellent support
we depicted the interference fringes as func- able agreement with the experimental results, during the beam time. S.G. is grateful for discussions on the
topic with A. Kheifets and H. Kremer. Funding: We acknowledge
tion of cos(b) in Fig. 3B. The histogram shows but more theoretical work including electron- support by BMBF and by DFG. K.F. acknowledges support
a clear dependence of the central fringe on the electron correlation is needed to clarify the by the German National Merit Foundation. Author contributions:
photon direction. For a quantitative analysis, deviation. M.S.S., T.J., K.F., N.S., A.P., L.K., S.E., M.W., S.G., D.T., L.Ph.H.S.,
R.D., and F.T. designed, prepared, and performed the experiment.
we determined cos(a0)—i.e., the angular posi- We have shown that the birth of a photo- S.G. performed the data analysis. S.G. and M.K. created the figures.
tion of the central maximum—for each row of electron wave from a molecular orbital did not All authors contributed to the manuscript. Competing interests:
the histogram in Fig. 3B through a Gaussian fit occur simultaneously across the molecule. With None declared. Data and materials availability: Data presented in
this study are available on Zenodo (23).
(red curve in Fig. 3A). Figure 3C shows the re- an electron interferometric technique, we ob-
sults of these fits and the corresponding birth served the resulting birth time delay, which
time delays (according to Eq. 2) on the right was imprinted as a phase difference between
vertical scale. The birth time delay might be the parts of the wave launching from the two Materials and Methods
interpreted as a nondipole Wigner delay be- sides of the H2 molecule. The observed effect Supplementary Text
tween photoionization from different locations is general and does not only alter molecular Figs. S1 to S3
References (24–26)
of the spatially extended molecular orbital. photoionization, but it is also expected to be
However, the usual Wigner times—treated relevant for electron emission from solids and 28 April 2020; accepted 26 August 2020
entirely within the dipole approximation so liquids. 10.1126/science.abb9318
SUPPLEMENTARY http://science.sciencemag.org/content/suppl/2020/10/14/370.6514.339.DC1
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