Matrix-Vector Multiplication Using MapReduce in Big Data.
Matrix-Vector Multiplication Using MapReduce in Big Data.
Matrix-Vector Multiplication Using MapReduce in Big Data.
Big Data.
Snehal Nikam Pallavi Girase
One of the large challenges facing big data analysis MATRIX MULTIPLICATION USING MAPREDUCE
is multiplying matrices which is implemented using
many approaches and frameworks like There are tons of applications that use matrix
MapReduce. operation during which the matrices are
considered big. Thus, finding efficient matrix
MATRIX MULTIPLICATION IN BIG DATA operation algorithm may be a popular research
topic. Time and price are the most challenges
Many problems are solved using matrix operation
facing this problem during which several
because it is an important operation in algebra .
algorithms were proposed within the literature
Fig. 2 shows how matrices are multiplied to make
so as to unravel this problem.
the resulting matrix. In matrix operation , number
MapReduce may be a parallel framework for
of columns of the primary matrix is that the same
giant data, which contains two jobs when is
as number of rows of the second matrix, where the
applied on matrix multiplication:
sizes of the primary matrix and therefore the
First job: the reduce task is inactive,
while the map task is simply used to
read the input file and create a pair of # Here all are 2, therefore when k=1, i can have 2
elements for multiplication. values 1 & 2, each case can have 2 further values of
Second job: the map task implements j=1 and j=2.
the multiplication independently for
# Substituting all values in formula
each pair of elements, while reduce job
combines the results for each output k=1 i=1 j=1 ((1, 1), (A, 1, 1))
j=2 ((1, 1), (A, 2, 2))
i=2 j=1 ((2, 1), (A, 1, 3))
MapReduce is a technique in which a huge
program is subdivided into small tasks and run j=2 ((2, 1), (A, 2, 4))
parallel to make computation faster, save time,
and it is mostly used in distributed systems. It has 2 k=2 i=1 j=1 ((1, 2), (A, 1, 1))
important parts:
j=2 ((1, 2), (A, 2, 2))
Mapper: It takes raw data input and
organizes into key, value pairs. For example, i=2 j=1 ((2, 2), (A, 1, 3))
In a dictionary, you search for the word
“Data” and its associated meaning is “facts j=2 ((2, 2), (A, 2, 4))
and statistics collected together for reference
o To compute the mapping for matrix B:
or analysis”. Here the Key is Data and
the Value associated with is facts and i=1 j=1 k=1 ((1, 1), (B, 1, 5))
statistics collected together for reference or
analysis. k=2 ((1, 2), (B, 1, 6))
Reducer: It is responsible for processing
data in parallel and produce final output. j=2 k=1 ((1, 1), (B, 2, 7))
So let us consider the matrix multiplication
example to visualize MapReduce. j=2 ((1, 2), (B, 2, 8))
Consider the following matrix:
i=2 j=1 k=1 ((2, 1), (B, 1, 5))