TIPCO-HSE-OCP-046. PTW Procedure

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PO Box: 1040, Ruwi, PC: 112, Sultanate of Oman
Tel.: +968 24526083/84, Fax: +968 24526422
E-mail: [email protected]      

Permit to work Procedure


Safety management system


Prepared by Asst. Manager –HSE Sheet: 1 of 7

Reviewed and Management Representative Date : 11/12/2013

Issued by
Approved by MD Date 11/12/2013

PTW procedures Page 1

PO Box: 1040, Ruwi, PC: 112, Sultanate of Oman
Tel.: +968 24526083/84, Fax: +968 24526422
E-mail: [email protected]      

1. Purpose and Scope................................................................................................................... 3
2. Definitions.................................................................................................................................. 3
3. Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Permit to work................................................................................................................ 3
3.1.1 Activities requiring a permit to work ........................................................................... 3
3.1.3 Authorisation.............................................................................................................. 4
3.1.4 Completion ................................................................................................................ 4
3.1.5 Cancellation ............................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Roles and responsibilities .............................................................................................. 5
3.2.1 Managers and Supervisors........................................................................................ 5
3.2.2 Permit Issuer ............................................................................................................. 5
3.2.3 Permit Receiver ......................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Hot Work........................................................................................................................ 6
3.3.1 Prior to Work.............................................................................................................. 6
3.3.2 After completion......................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Confined space.............................................................................................................. 6
3.4.1 Prior to work .............................................................................................................. 6
3.4.2 After completion......................................................................................................... 6
3.5 Excavation.............................................................................................................. 6
3.5.1 Prior to work .............................................................................................................. 6
3.5.2 After completion......................................................................................................... 6
3.6 Working at height...................................................................................................... 7
3.6.1 Prior to work .............................................................................................................. 7
3.6.2 After completion......................................................................................................... 7

4. Review & History .......................................................................................................................7

PTW procedures Page 2

PO Box: 1040, Ruwi, PC: 112, Sultanate of Oman
Tel.: +968 24526083/84, Fax: +968 24526422
E-mail: [email protected]      

1. Purpose and Scope

The permit to work procedure provides a system for managing certain high risk activities at the site.

The purpose of the procedure is to:

 Provide a level of control to ensure risks associated with certain work types are eliminated or minimised
to prevent incidents occurring in the workplace.
 provides a consistent and systematic approach to the control of specific activities occurring in
the workplace
This procedure is intended to provide information to those persons involved directly with the issuing or
receiving of permits. This process authorises work only after safe procedures have been defined and they
provide a clear record that all foreseeable hazards have been considered.

This procedure is applicable to all staff and contractors working at all TIPCO sites. Work activities
 Non routine
 The type of work is not normally performed in the specified location

2. Definitions
Competence: Demonstrated personal attributes and demonstrated ability to apply knowledge, skills
and experience.

Confined space: An enclosed or partially enclosed space that is not intended or designed primarily for human
occupancy, within which there is a risk of one or more of the following:
 An oxygen concentration outside the safe oxygen range.
 A concentration of airborne contaminant that may cause impairment, loss of consciousness or
 A concentration of flammable airborne contaminant that may cause injury from fire or explosion.
 Engulfment in a stored free-flowing solid or a rising level of liquid that may cause suffocation or

Hot Work: Grinding, welding, thermal or oxygen cutting or heating, and other related heat-producing or
spark-producing operations.

An excavation means any man made cut, cavity, trench or depression in the earth surface formed by earth removal.

3. Procedure

3.1 Permit to work

3.1.1 Activities requiring a permit to work

There are activities and types of work that have been deemed high risk which require a permit to be issued
prior to work commencing. The following permits are in use at TIPCO site:

PTW procedures Page 3

PO Box: 1040, Ruwi, PC: 112, Sultanate of Oman
Tel.: +968 24526083/84, Fax: +968 24526422
E-mail: [email protected]      

Table 1: Description of TIPCO permits, responsible persons & issuers

Permit type Area Responsible person Issuers

Hot Work Camp premises and fuel storage Camp boss / Supervisor HSE / PM

Confined Space Reservoirs/ pipeline / workshop Supervisor / Engineer HSE / PM

& any others
Excavation All areas Supervisor / Engineer HSE / PM

Working at height All area Supervisor / Engineer HSE / PM

3.1.2 Authorisation

Work may only commence after the appropriate permit has been completed and issued by the permit issuer. A
list or permit issuers who may issue and cancel permits are listed in section 3.1.1.

The permit shall have the appropriate level of authority endorsing the Permit. Methods to be used and
precautions to be taken shall be agreed to, by parties beforehand and clearly stated on the work permit. All
parties must sign off before any work commences.

Authorisation is evident by the signature which confirms that the required isolations have been made and
precautions taken, except where these can only be taken during the work.

3.1.3 Completion
Once the work activity is complete, the permit receiver is required to return the permit to the permit issuer.

When the permit issuer is satisfied that work has been completed to job specifications and safety
requirements they may sign off the permit.

On hand back of the work area the permit receiver should sign the permit stating that the work area is now ready
to be returned to the issuer.

On the completion of work, and before the work area or plant is returned to service, a check shall be
conducted to ensure:
 The work has been completed;
 Any temporary arrangements/installation (e.g. temporary barricades, excavation holes) have
been removed;
 All personnel and equipment are accounted for;
 The work permit has been cancelled or signed-off as being completed; and
 All related equipment and facilities and emergency/ fire equipments are operational and have been
inspected and tested appropriately.

PTW procedures Page 4

PO Box: 1040, Ruwi, PC: 112, Sultanate of Oman
Tel.: +968 24526083/84, Fax: +968 24526422
E-mail: [email protected]      

3.1.4 Cancellation

Where a permit has been written and is not required to be issued, or is not used for any other reason it is
required to be sign as cancelled. .

If the nature of the work changes or any other part of the permit becomes redundant or is no longer
applicable, the permit must be cancelled and a new permit issued.

3.2 Roles and responsibilities

To ensure the permit to work system is effective; all individuals involved must clearly understand and take an
active role in meeting their responsibilities. Due to the potential hazards associated with permit to work, the
specific responsibilities outlined below must be followed.

3.2.1 Managers and Supervisors

 Supervisors must understand the work for which a permit has been sought and understand isolation and
tagging procedures,
 Ensure that a permit is granted before work commences.
 Ensure that the person(s) doing the work are appropriately qualified to do the work
 Ensure that all checks are undertaken to ensure that the permit was used correctly
 Ensure appropriate persons are informed when a job is completed or suspended and that the
permit is cancelled.

3.2.2 Permit Issuer

 Ensure all hazards associated with the proposed job have been identified, assessed and controlled.
 Be familiar with the intended task(s).
 Ensure that the area and equipment are made safe before handover.
 Outline how the work is to be undertaken (eg procedures, precautions, equipment, location, start time,
duration) - verbally and where necessary in writing.
 Maintain records of work permits.

3.2.3 Permit Receiver

 Satisfy themselves that they understand the requirements of the permit.
 Be skilled, qualified trained and competent to perform the work, including the use of any personal
protective equipment.
 All aspects on the permit must be completed and documented.
 Adhere to the Permit to Work requirements.
 Ensure the job is performed in a safe manner and safe system of work and attached.
 Be aware of the hazards that could exist and have the necessary controls in place.
 Make equipment and area safe on completion of the task.
 Make the work area safe and seek immediate advice if a doubt or if circumstances or
conditions change.
 Ensure that all barricades /tags and signs are prominently displayed so that personnel are aware that the
pits /equipment & etc. is isolated / not to be operated.

PTW procedures Page 5

PO Box: 1040, Ruwi, PC: 112, Sultanate of Oman
Tel.: +968 24526083/84, Fax: +968 24526422
E-mail: [email protected]      

3.3 Hot Work

3.3.1 Prior to Work

Permit receiver to be provided with form by Permit issuer and to fill in Section 1,2 &3.

Permit issuer to:

 Sections 4 and sign
 Allocate Permit Number

3.3.2 After completion

 Permit receiver must sign the Section 5 and return form to permit issuer.
 Inspect the work area
 Sign off,
 Permit issuer to file permit

3.4 Confined space

3.4.1 Prior to work

Before a person enters a confined space, it shall be ensured;

 the confined space contains an oxygen level of 21%;

 the concentration of flammable contaminant in the atmosphere is zero of its LEL;

Where the oxygen level is below 21% or atmospheric contaminants cannot be reduced below relevant exposure
levels, entry may only occur with suitable PPE including supplied air.

Entry shall not occur to a confined space when flammable contaminants are greater than or equal to 1%
LEL or where oxygen exceeds 21%.

3.4.2 After completion

 Permit issuer to obtain signed off permit and file.

3.5 Excavation Work

3.5.1 Prior to Work

Permit receiver to be provided with form by Permit issuer and to fill in Section 1,2 &3.

Permit issuer to:

 Sections 4 and sign
 Allocate Permit Number

3.5.2 After completion

 Permit receiver must sign the Section 5 and return form to permit issuer.
 Inspect the work area
 Sign off,
 Permit issuer to file permit

PTW procedures Page 6

PO Box: 1040, Ruwi, PC: 112, Sultanate of Oman
Tel.: +968 24526083/84, Fax: +968 24526422
E-mail: [email protected]      

3.6 Working at height

3.6.1 Prior to Work

Permit receiver to be provided with form by Permit issuer and to fill in Section 1,2 &3.

Permit issuer to:

 Sections 4 and sign
 Allocate Permit Number

3.6.2 After completion

 Permit receiver must sign the Section 5 and return form to permit issuer.
 Inspect the work area
 Sign off,
 Permit issuer to file permit

4. Review & History

This procedure will be reviewed in accordance with the OHSMS review procedure.


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