CHLORELLA - The Fountain of Youth PDF
CHLORELLA - The Fountain of Youth PDF
CHLORELLA - The Fountain of Youth PDF
What Is Chlorella?
Nature's abundant storehouse of plants and animals has given us many treasures to be converted
into nutrients and medicines. But scientists have only scratched the surface in uncovering potential
life-saving ingredients among the earth's flora and fauna. For example, thousands of plants and
animals remain unidentified in the remote Amazon rain forests, their beneficial potential untapped.
Until recently, the study of medicinal and nutritional plants was on the decline because
pharmaceutical companies-which had worked so energetically to isolate vitamins and other
substances from the 1920's to the 1950's-turned their energies into producing synthetic chemicals.
The reason was obvious: synthetic substances could be patented and earn the company huge
profits. Even of the $8 billion spent on prescription products annually in the United States, only 22
percent is allocated to products derived from the plant kingdom.
One of the plants arousing interest among researchers for its health potential is chlorella. This single -
celled, fresh-water alga is one of the earliest forms of life, approximately two billion years old; it and
other forms of green algae are critical to life, participating in photosynthesis, the process
responsible for removing poisonous carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and producing the
massive amounts of oxygen that are required by all animal life.'
Chlorella, which is roughly the same size as a human blood corpuscle, was discovered in 1890 by a
Dutch microbiologist, M. W. Beijernick, who
studied the algae from a small pond under a
microscope. His fascination with the question of
why sweet-water ponds turned a deep green led
to the discovery of chlorella, which is rich in green-
pigmented chlorophyll.
The Little Green Cell Simple- appearing though it is, each chlorella cell is a complete individual with
a well-defined structure. The sizeable nucleus is contained in the nuclear envelope, outside of
which are the chloroplast and mitochondria, with a grain of starch off in the "northwest" quadrant;
the cell walls confine and defend the whole unit.
During Earth's first billion or so years of existence, the atmosphere consisted of deadly gases-such as
ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide. It became the role of green plants, such as chlorella, to
transform this lethal soup into an environment which could support plants and animals
Chlorella is so small that it cannot be seen without a microscope; a single cell is 6/1000 mm across.
It reproduces at a rapid rate though. A single cell can divide and subdivide into four cells every 16
to 20 hours. At that rate, a single cell could in 63 days generate enough chlorella to equal the
volume of the earth. Fortunately, there are natural elements which limit its reproduction.
It requires substantial sunlight, and if the "crop" becomes too large for the available space, its
reproduction rate simply slows down. Because of its rapid growth, a relatively small space needed
to grow it, and its abundance of nutrients, chlorella offers researchers many a potential for
improving our health. It has been shown to be useful in:
The chlorella cell splits four ways and quadruples its numbers; this happens every 16 to 20 hours.
Because of the small space needed to grow chlorella, it yields about 40 tons per acre. This same
acre can only produce about a half a ton of soybeans per year. And soybeans are only 39 percent
protein. The most popular food grains, wheat (10 percent protein) and rice (7 percent) provide
correspondingly less protein per acre.
Chlorella contains all eight essential amino acids, the constituents of protein. Its amino acid content
compares favourably with that of animal-derived protein, except that it has a slightly lower amount
of methionine.
It contains impressive amounts of vitamin C, beta-carotene (provitamin A), Bl, B2,.B6, B12, niacin,
pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, choline, inositol, PABA, vitamin E and vitamin K. Its mineral
content includes phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, calcium, manganese, copper,
zinc, iodine, and cobalt. It is also a source of lipoic acid, an important microbial growth factor.
During World Wars I and Il, German scientists investigated chlorella as a wartime food source. After
World War 11, the Carnegie Institute, using the initial German research, developed a method of
growing chlorella on a commercial basis. However, commercial production never materialized,
probably because of the abundance of food in the United States and the difficulty of making
chlorella products digestible.
One reason chlorella has been around for two billion years is its strong cell walls, which armours it
against all sorts of perils. They also, however, make it hard for human beings to digest it, and a
valuable source of protein was for a long time denied to a world in which malnutrition is a serious
problem, both in the Third World and in the developed countries among such groups as the poor,
the old, those in ill health, and even health conscious people who go overboard on dieting.
In the 1970s a Japanese firm devised a means of breaking down the cell walls without removing
them from the product (the Dyno-Mill process) the disrupted cell walls are an important source of
nutrients. This process increased the digestibility of chlorella to up to 85 percent. Other methods in
use include blanching, which produces a digestibility of 50 percent.
Chlorella is now widely available as a food supplement in tablet, granule or liquid form, and is
digestible enough to be prescribed for infants; it is particularly popular with pediatricians in the Far
Growth Stimulator
In the early 1950s, Dr. Fujimaki of the People's Scientific Research Center in Tokyo separated a
substance from a hot-water extract of chlorella by electrophoresis (electrically induced movement
of suspended particles through water). This hitherto unknown fraction of chlorella was found to be
rich in nucleic factors and was named Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF).
Early experiments with young laboratory animals (rats, rabbits, pigs and chicks) showed that adding
5 to 10 percent of chlorella to the regular feed brought dramatic increases in weight gain and size.
These gains ranged from a low of 10 percent to a high of 47 percent compared to control groups.
Dr. Yoshio Yamagishi received permission from the authorities to try chlorella on human volunteers.
They were healthy ten-year-old students, 22 boys and 18 girls, studying at Okuno Primary School in
Tokyo. Another group of the same age and composition served as controls.
The height and weight of all the children were recorded on a regular basis. At the end of the
experiment in which the test group received two grams of chlorella daily (except on Sundays) for
112 days, the average increase for boys taking chlorella was one inch in height and 2.3 pounds in
The boys in the control group grew 0.6 inches in height and gained 1.6 pounds in weight.
The girls of both groups gained an average of 0.9 inches in height, but the girls who took chlorella
gained an average of 4.2 pounds, while the controls gained 2.7 pounds.
This capacity to promote growth in the young is apparently related to chlorella's ability to stimulate
the healing process in the body and work against many disease states-probably due to its nucleic
acid content more than anything else-since the same substances and process that accelerate
growth in the young promote repair of damaged tissue in mature Animals and humans.2,3
He theorized that, as we age, our natural production of RNA and DNA become sluggish, possibly
around age 20. To counteract this drop in the efficiency of cellular reproduction, which could, of
course, affect how long we will live, Dr. Frank put his patients on a diet rich in DNA and RNA foods.
He expected an improvement in energy levels and wellbeing as the nucleic components were
made available for repair and replacement of cellular nucleic acids. DNA and RNA in all living
things are made up of the same basic chemical building blocks.
Dr. Frank found that his treatment actually did help his patients regain energy and a more - youthful
appearance. In addition, long-standing problems with arthritis, memory loss and depression began
to abate. He recommended the use of such high-RNA foods as canned or fresh sardines, salmon or
other seafood, legumes, wheat germ and green leafy vegetables. Canned sardines are thought to
be among the highest sources of RNA at 590 milligrams per 100 grams.
Since Dr. Frank's research was published, it has been determined that chlorella has several times the
nucleic acid content of sardines. Chlorella also reportedly provides nucleic acids that are more
readily available to the body than supplements made from synthetic sources.
Chlorella's antioxidant properties are important in immune system function, and are discussed in
detail in the section on beta-carotene.
Digestion is Improved
Bowel detoxification and bowel health are also in chlorella's domain. The cell wall material
included in natural chlorella products has a highly important effect in the intestines: it has the
capability of improving bowel function, it stimulates the growth. of aerobic, friendly bacteria,
and the cell walls act to absorb poisons within the intestine and promote normal peristalsis. The
intestinal tract, especially the small intestine, is lined with patches of lymphocytes which are
stimulated by chlorella to destroy foreign invaders such as anaerobic bacteria.
Peristalsis is the muscular contraction that moves material through the bowels. This normal
movement prevents constipation and also plays a part in preventing toxic material in the stool from
being reabsorbed into the bloodstream.
By stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria, chlorella promotes bowel health. Besides helping
to prevent constipation, these bacteria fight off infections, help detoxify some potentially poisonous
substances in our food and even manufacture some of the vitamin B12 we need. The ability of
chlorella to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria and to detoxify chemicals can be put to
good use by persons suffering from a Candida albicans infection.'
Chlorella’s B12
Vitamin B12 has perhaps the most complex chemical structure of all the vitamins, and is not readily
available in the diet. It is found in great quantities in beef liver and muscle meats and in lesser
amounts in milk and cheese. Chlorella is a reliable source of B12, since it has more of the vitamin
than liver. One tablespoon of chlorella provides 333 percent of the RDA of B12 for adults.9
This is especially welcome news for pure vegetarians (vegans), who are often deficient in B12 and
therefore face the possibiility of developing pernicious anaemia. In addition, B12 works with folic
acid in maintaining healthy cells, and adequate amounts of these nutrients promote a sense of
Dr. Anthony Helmen and his colleagues at the University of Sydney in Australia studied 60 men and
60 women who had become vegetarians. It was found that 5 percent of the males and 27 percent
of the females were deficient in iron, and that all of the volunteers had borderline low levels of
vitamin B12.10
Chlorella’s Beta-Carotene
Chlorella contains 180 mg of beta-carotene in each 100 grams. Beta-carotene has the greatest
vitamin A activity and antioxidant activity of all of the known carotenoids. Beta-carotene has two
potential mechanisms to lower the free radical burden in the body, and it is one of the most
powerful singlet oxygen quenchers. It can dissipate the energy of singlet oxygen, thus preventing
this active molecule for generating free radicals. It can also act directly as an antioxidant and
scavenge free radicals generated by reactions other than those involving singlet oxygen.
Beta-carotene, synthesized in chlorella, can protect us from singlet oxygen damage due to photo-
oxidative reaction. People with light-sensitive skins can also use beta-carotene to help protect their
skins from photo-oxidative damage.
Although singlet oxygen is found only in small concentrations in air pollution, it does pose a
significant health risk. Beta-carotene's protective effect against UV radiation is being studied
extensively by Andrija Kornhauser, Ph.D. of the Food and Drug Administration' Washington, D.C. His
most recent studies were discussed at the 1987 beta-carotene conference in Boca Raton, Florida.
Theoretically one beta-carotene molecule can provide two molecules of vitamin A activity. The
RDA is therefore calculated in the overall utilization of beta-carotene as one-sixth that of vitamin A
A 1983 study showed that dietary beta-carotene protected guinea pigs from the free radical
damage caused by an injection of carbon tetrachloride. This toxic chemical caused free radical
destruction of fats in guinea pigs not fed beta-
carotene. The experiment and other work in 1982 clearly showed that beta-carotene can serve as
an antioxidant both in the test tube and in the body.11,12
The antioxidant function of beta-carotene complements the other antioxidant protective
substances such as catalase, glutathione peroxidase, vitamin C and vitamin E. As an antioxidant
and singlet oxygen quencher, beta -carotene may protect cells from the carcinogenic effects of
free radical damage. Although the exact mechanism for protection by beta-carotene is not
known, epidemiological evidence suggests that individuals whose diets are low in carotene have a
greater incidence of lung cancer,13 stomach cancer, prostate and cervical cancer. 14 There have
also been data showing that those who consume high levels of carotene have a lower risk of
developing these cancers as well as dying from cancer. 15
The immune system is as susceptible as any other system in the body to the damage generated by
free radicals. If the immune system is damaged to any extent it may lead to an inability to defend
against and remove potentially cancerous cells from the body. One of the prime purposes of the
immune system is to stop trouble before it starts. Destruction of precancerous cells is one example
of this protective function.
Studies done in animal models have shown that beta-carotene can act as a stimulant to the
immune system. 16
With so much research showing the ability of beta-carotene to influence human health, why not
just take beta-carotene supplements alone or increase the ingestion of beta-carotene containing
Certainly, both these suggestions have validity. However, there's something called synergy-which
helps one plus one equal three!
Drs. Joel Schwartz, Diana Suda and Gerald Shklar of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine
reported their research at the 1986 meeting of the American Academy of Oral Pathology in
Toronto. They demonstrated a dose-response effect of beta-carotene on hamster cheek cancers
induced by the use of a carcinogen, 7,12-dimethyl-benzanthracene (as found in tobacco smoke
and chewing tobacco).
Extracts of algae were also studied and were shown to be more effective than beta-carotene
alone. This result caused the Harvard group to speculate that other factors may give algae more
anti-tumour effects than can be accounted for by their beta-carotene content. But these results
must be duplicated by other researchers before they can be completely accepted by the medical
profession. Encouraging pilot studies with AIDS and Epstein-Barr virus patients employing chlorella
suggest further effectiveness in immune system stimulation and, when completed, should provide
important information.
At a beta-carotene conference sponsored by the Vitamin Nutrition Information Service, and held
April 10-12, 1987 in Boca Raton, Florida, a number of researchers discussed the value of beta-
carotene in treating and preventing a variety of cancers.17
Marilyn S. Menkes, Ph.D. of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore said that studies have shown that
populations with higher beta-carotene intakes have lower rates of lung cancer, and those groups
with less beta-carotene in their diets have a higher cancer rate. In a controlled study involving 99
people with lung cancer and 196 volunteers who did not develop cancer, Dr. Menkes and her
colleagues studied the levels of beta-carotene and other nutrients in blood samples. They found
that those with low blood levels of beta-carotene had a four times higher risk of carcinoma of the
lung than the others tested:
Peter Greenwald, M.D. of the National Cancer Institute in Washington reviewed 14 ongoing studies
investigating the role of beta-carotene and other nutrients in the possible prevention of cancer.
A Canadian study headed by Hans F. Stich, Ph.D. should be of interest to the many young men
now chewing tobacco. He and his colleagues of the British Columbia Cancer Research Center
found that the administration of beta-carotene (or beta-carotene and vitamin A) significantly
reduced the frequency of cancer cells in snuff dippers in Canada, tobacco-betel nut chewers in
India and "reverse smokers' in the Philippines. Dentists in the
United States are reporting an alarming increase in the number of lip and mouth cancers among
those chewing tobacco or dipping snuff.
Frank L. Meyskens, Jr., M.D. of the Arizona Cancer Center told the conference that epidemiologic
data support the notion that "many human cancers are associated with diet, and that laboratory
experiments show that cancers can be prevented by dietary alteration or pharmacologic
supplementation with certain agents."
One of these agents, he said, is beta-carotene. It is especially promising because: (1) There is a
strong inverse relationship for the incidence of some cancers and beta-carotene consumption in
many epidemiologic studies; (2) beta-carotene is useful as a cancer preventive agent in
experimental animals; (3) it is a strong antioxidant; (4) it is available in vegetable sources and as a
drug; and (5) it has very low toxicity even in high doses.
*As the term indicates, but you probably didn't allow yourself to believe, reverse smokers hold the lit
end of the cigarette or cigar inside the mouth.
Chlorella’s Chlorophyll
We noted earlier that chlorella's name translates as "little green." Chlorophyll means "leaf-green"
(phyllon = "leaf") and is what gives chlorella, and all green plants, both their characteristic colour
and their ability to create energy from sunlight.
Chlorella contains more chlorophyll per gram than any other land or sea plant. Another alga,
spirulina, considered a good chlorophyll source, contains 7.5 milligrams of chlorophyll per kilogram;
chlorella runs 30 mg/kg, or four times as much.
"Green algae are the highest sources of chlorophyll in the plant world; and, of all the green algae
studied so far, chlorella is the highest, often ranging from 3 to 5 percent chlorophyll,'' says Dr.
Bernard Jensen. "Chlorella supplements can speed up the rate of cleansing of the bowel,
bloodstream and the liver, by supplying plenty of chlorophyll. In addition, the mysterious Chlorella
Growth Factor speeds up the healing rate of any damaged liver."18
He adds that, although green, leafy vegetables are a source of chlorophyll, they contain less than
half of 1 percent of the substance. Alfalfa, from which chlorophyll is offered extracted
commercially, has only 8 to 9 pounds of chlorophyll per ton or about 0.2 percent when extracted,
even though alfalfa is one of the plants richest in chlorophyll; commercial liquid chlorophyll actually
often contains only about 1 percent chlorophyll. Chlorella's chlorophyll content is important,
because it makes an important contribution to chlorella's effect in the body. One example of this is
stimulation of erythrocyte (red cell) formation in the blood.
Two University of Liverpool scientists performed several studies on Laboratory animals.19 In one,
induced anaemic rabbits were given varying doses of chlorophyll (refined or fresh). The rabbits
were able to convert chlorophyll into hemoglobin, thus correcting the anaemia. Although the
reaction occurred with both types of chlorophyll, the percentage of conversion was higher when
the fresh chlorophyll was used.
Chlorophyll is able to influence bacterial and animal growth, metabolism and respiration, hormone
action, nutrition, the immune system and a number of disease states. It also speeds the healing of
wounds and burns and can act as a deodorant. Chlorophyll and odour control have long been
associated. It has been used and documented as effective against bad breath and underarm.
odour In nursing homes, chlorophyll is an important aid in controlling the odours of incontinence.20
Its high chlorophyll content makes chlorella an effective deodorizing agent. People taking it as a
food supplement often find that body and breath odours are greatly lessened. It can also be used
in some odour-causing skin conditions, in which the odour is that of bacteria -caused putrefaction.
A filtered solution of sterilized chlorophyll powder has been helpful in some such cases, but such a
course should be checked with a physician, not tried on one's own.
More than 1000 cases of colds and respiratory infections treated and cured
with chlorophyll 20 cases of colon disorders treated with chlorophyll; most
cases showed definite improvement
25 percent improvement in wound healing in more than 1300 laboratory animals treated with
(As chlorophyll is loaded with carotenoids, it is interesting to speculate on the extent to which these
curative effects are the result of carotene.)
In 1941, Dr. S.L. Goldberg reported on treatment of 300 patients suffering from pyorrhea (bleeding
gums and loosening teeth), noting significant improvement. Vincent's stomatitis, a gum infection
which occurs most often in persons suffering from stress with an underlying cause of a severe
vitamin C deficiency, was also treated by the doctor with chlorophyll. The technique included using
a chlorophyll solution as a mouthwash at least twice a day and squirting chlorophyll between the
teeth and around the gum line at least three or four times a day The squirting can be done with an
ordinary eye dropper.
Goldberg noted that the use of chlorophyll resulted in a tightening of the teeth, the cessation of
bleeding from the gums and the growth of new tissue to replace damaged tissue. 23
(The procedure can be approximated at home by purchasing chlorella granules or powder and
preparing a solution in water. The solution should be made fresh for each application. Chlorella
powder may also be placed on the toothbrush and gently massaged into the gums. As with any
dental process, be sure to check with your dentist before attempting any form of self-treatment.)
With these and so many other investigations pointing to the positive effect of chlorophyll, why did it
lose popularity for about 30 years?
Disappointed expectations may be the explanation. In 1949, Reader's Digest magazine carried an
article on the "Mysterious Power of Chlorophyll," and chlorophyll became a vogue. It was added to
every product possible from toothpastes to deodorants to medicines. The problem was that the
chlorophyll being used by the manufacturing companies was not pure chlorophyll. It was a
substance called copper chlorophyllin sodium, made by decomposing natural chlorophyll and
binding a copper ion to it. It looked like chlorophyll, it turned green, and it sold products. But it didn't
work like chlorophyll. Natural chlorophyll has magnesium in its center. When you substitute a
different mineral, you have a different substance with different qualities.
When manufacturers, M.D.'s and the public found that chlorophyll as manufactured didn't live up
to the claims made for it, they lost interest in it-and, consequently, in chlorella as a prime source of
The Un-poisoner
In Japan, interest in chlorella has focused largely on its detoxifying properties-its ability to neutralize
or remove poisonous substances from the body. Japan, with the earliest and most catastrophic
experience with nuclear by-products and growing problem of industrial pollution, as exemplified in
the outbreak of the mercury-caused Minamata disease, has a special concern with environmental
contamination, and paid immediate attention to early medical journal reports of chlorella's effect
on pollutants
One such test in the United States involved the administration of the poisonous hydrocarbon
chlordecone to animals, which were then fed chlorella. The chlorella interrupted the recirculation
of the chlordecone and eliminated it from the animals' bodies. The researchers concluded that
chlorella was a potentially effective detoxifier for not only chlordecone but for compounds with
similar properties, such as dioxin and PCBs.
The presence of such contaminants in the food supply and atmosphere was already seen as a
problem requiring solution, and such reports encouraged research in Japan, but it was the studies
indicating chlorella's effectiveness against radioactive contamination that really stimulated
chlorella production in that country. As early as 1950 a paper in Experientia reported that guinea
pigs on a diet rich in chlorophyll showed increased resistance to lethal X-rays; the U.S Army
repeated the experiment, with the same results.
A Japanese study of heavy metal poisoning with cadmium revealed that when 8 grams of chlorella
were administered to the test animal daily, cadmium excretion increased threefold in the stool and
sevenfold in the urine. 24
A 1986 Scottish study reported that cadmium is accumulated internally in algae as a result of a two-
phase uptake process. The first phase involves a rapid physiochemical absorption of cadmium
ontc, cell wall binding sites, which are probably protein and/or polysaccharides, followed by a
slow, steady intracellular uptake.
Another example of chlorella's ability to detoxify was shown in a study in which a culture of brewer's
yeast was given a lethal dose of four highly toxic substances, mercury, copper cadmium and PCB.
When chlorella extract was added to a mixture of these poisons, the brewer's yeast remained
Chlorella can also detoxify uranium and lead. Many more studies substantiate the ability of
chlorella to remove poisonous materials from the body. Interested readers will find further scientific
material to support what has been said at their local medical library.
It appears that the detoxification effect is due both to the chlorophyll content of chlorella and to
the composition of its cell walls. This is the reason that cell walls are included when chlorella is
prepared for sale.
The cell walls of chlorella have three layers, of which the thicker middle layer contains cellulose
microfibrils, and the outer layer a polymerized carotenoid material. It is this cellular material which
first binds the toxic material to it and then removes it from the body.
With the fallout from the Chernobyl accident expected to be with us, especially large areas of
Western Europe, for 100 years or more, and an anticipated rise in leukemia deaths around many
nuclear plants, it would appear that chlorella is worth investigating as a possible antidote. It was
mentioned earlier that beta-carotene, found in great abundance in chlorella, offers protection
against the singlet oxygen that is one of the constituents of air pollution, as well as against harmful
ultraviolet radiation from the sun. That leaves many other areas open for investigation, such as the
potential harm from radon gas
The FDA's select committee, reviewing the status of algae, stated that seaweeds have been an
accepted food in the Far East for centuries, constituting up to 25 percent of the daily diet.
The Huntington Research Center studied green and yellow chlorella for possible toxic effects.
Laboratory animals were fed varying amounts and, although no toxic dose was ever reached, the
researchers concluded that a person could sicken if he or she ate a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of
chlorella at one sitting.27,28
(Of course, if you ate a whole kilo of any one of a number of foods at one sitting, you would be
likely to suffer severe discomfort at the very least. Think about 2.2 pounds of peanut butter.) In other
words, no toxicity was found at the highest doses of chlorella tested.
Human volunteers have followed a dietary regimen with chlorella as the only protein source for
three weeks, without any ill effects.
Directions usually appear on the bottle or package of chlorella. Generally, the maintenance dose is
1 to 5 tablets (or the equivalent amount of granules or powder) three times a day with meals.
It is possible that the initial reaction may be an increase in the amount of abdominal gas released.
This will cease as the system is restored to normal activity.
In general, allow three to four weeks for chlorella to produce the desired results. Constipation and
bad breath/body odour can show a noticeable improvement within 7 to 10 days.
Spirulina is a multi-cell, spiral-shaped plant, whereas chlorella is a round, single- cell alga. Spirulina
does not grow in fresh water; it requires brackish or salty water. Also, spirulina does not have the
specialized cell walls found in chlorella, nor does it contain as much chlorophyll. In fact, chlorella
contains five times as much chlorophyll as spirulina.
Case Histories
As indicated earlier, chlorella has been used successfully for a variety of illnesses. In Japan alone,
during the past 20 years, over 4 million people have used chlorella, either as self-medication or as
prescribed by their doctors. Here are some illustrative clinical studies reported by the Saito Hospital
in Fukuoka.29
Case No.1. A 27-year-old male was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed as having stomach
ulcers and chronic pancreatitis. For the previous two years he had complained of a bloated feeling
and a loss of appetite. Shortly before he was admitted, he began vomiting blood
A preliminary X-ray examination revealed an enlarged duodenum and there was a niche in the
lesser curvature of the stomach. A stomach camera confirmed ulceration in this region. His
stomach fluid registered a high acidity.
The physicians prescribed chlorella, which the patient took for 50 days. After three weeks, he
reported that his symptoms had disappeared. About a month later, the physicians determined that
the niche was very small and that the ulceration had begun to heal.
Case No.2. Upon examination, a 45-year-old man was found to be suffering from duodenal ulcers
and chronic inflammation of the stomach. He had had a "weak stomach- since birth, but reported
that in recent days the pain had become more intense, and he had vomited frequently. A camera
view of the stomach revealed hypertrophic gastritis and hidden blood in the urine. The drug
Mesaferin and other medications had not been effective. However, his condition rapidly improved
seven days after he began taking chlorella. After 25 days of the algae his symptoms had virtually
Case No.3. A 24-year-old man was admitted with chronic gastritis and severe inflammation of his
galI bladder. He had complained of heartburn for almost a year. Four months of treatment with the
usual therapy had been unsuccessful. An X-ray showed that the duodenal bulb was deformed, and
the resulting pressure was contributing to the pain. The galI bladder bile was quite cloudy. After
taking the prescribed chlorella tablets for 40 days, the subjective symptoms had virtually
Patients with difficult-to-treat injuries and infirmities were prescribed chlorella tablets and extract by
the Iguchi External Medical Class in the medical facility at Kyushu University. A 39-year-old woman
with acute myelitis or swelling of the spinal cord, experienced a loss of mobility and numbness of
both legs. This resulted in an obstruction of the bladder and rectum. During the eleventh day of her
hospital stay, she developed large bedsores, especially on the sacrum, trochanter and right heel.
During six months of therapy with antibiotics, vitamin B and a drug, the sores on the trochanter and
heel began to fade. But the bedsore on the sacrum remained rather large, and a swollen
malignant granuloma was found.
The physicians decided to give her chlorella tablets, along with the previous therapy; and, after 50
days, the sacrum bedsore was somewhat improved. They switched her to a chlorella extract, and,
after only three days, the bedsore on the sacrum was less than half the size it was originally, and
there was a reduction in the discharge from the granuloma. The swelling was also noticeably
Dr. Takuma, a pediatrician, reported the case of a five- month old boy who had a heavy rash on his
head and neck because of an allergic reaction to cow's milk. The infant was given a substitute
"milk" of chlorella for 27 days; there were no noticeable side effects, such as diarrhoea. On the
seventh day of this therapy, the rash began to subside and it was completely gone by the tenth
day After the baby was again given cow's milk, the rash returned the following days. 30
Another five-month- old boy, also allergic to cow's milk, had an unsightly rash on his face, ears,
forehead and cheeks. Cortisone cream had been ineffective. When the infant was given soy milk,
his stools became watery and he had seven or eight bowel movements per day. The doctor
switched the boy back to cow's milk and his condition worsened. As with the previous baby, a
chlorella extract brought complete relief from the rash in 10 days,
At another hospital, an 18-year-old man was admitted following a traffic accident. The skin of his
left forearm was scraped away during the accident and had become infected. His head was cut
open, he had a fractured pelvis, and there were various bruises over his entire body. Conventional
therapy for three weeks failed to heal the forearm. After chlorella was administered, healing began
within four days. After three weeks of taking chlorella, the physicians reported that the wound was
reduced to three-fifths of its original size and the granulation was judged to be benign. Following six
weeks of chlorella treatment, and three weeks of skin grafts, the wound was completely healed.
Dr. Tchimura of Toyama University gave 30 chlorella tablets per day to five patients with itai-itai, the
"ouch-ouch" disease caused by mercury poisoning and other kinds of pollution. He reported that
the patients with second-degree symptoms experienced less pain in their joints after one week on
this therapy. He also said that the patients were excreting larger than usual amounts of cadmium in
urine and foeces.
Chlorella is useful in alleviating chronic constipation, according to Dr. Saito and other researchers He
recalls a 59 -year-old man with paralysis of all limbs, which was due to the fracture of the third cervical
vertebra and complicated by an injury of the cervical medulla. Unable to walk, he soon developed
chronic constipation and an inflation of the abdomen. An enema was required every few days.
However, after he was given chlorella, his bowel movements became regular each day. 31
Another patient, a 48-year-old man, was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, abdominal inflation and
dropsy. He complained of gas and constipation. Chlorella tablets not only improved his appetite
but also increased the discharge of gas, and he had a regular evacuation daily.
Dr. Sonoda did a double-blind study of 58 women between the ages of 45 and 55 who had various
menopausal complaints. Half were given chlorella and the remainder a placebo. He reported that
chlorella had an especially remarkable effect on constipation, sweats and fatigue. And he noted
that, if two of the symptoms disappeared quickly, the third symptom would go away after a short
At the Nutritional Clinic in Tottori City, Dr. Tokuyasu gave 10 grams of chlorella daily (containing
approximately 7 milligrams of iron) to a group of high school students who had been diagnosed as
anaemic He also recommended a balanced diet. After four months on this therapy, 83 percent of
the students were found to be no longer anaemic.
It is remarkable that chlorella, so tiny that it has to be seen under a microscope, offers so many
health benefits to mankind. Originally investigated for its potential in helping to solve the world
hunger problem because of its high protein content-and its ability to produce its protein about 50
times more efficiently than other protein crops -chlorella has developed into one of the finest
health food supplements available.
Although researchers around the world are unable to pinpoint the exact ways that chlorella is able
to detoxify pollutants and heal wounds s well as restore good health to a variety of patients-it is
logical to assume that other ingredients besides protein/amino acids are the reason. In addition to
its storehouse of chlorophyll, which in itself offers many health benefits, chlorella is a reliable source
of vitamin B12, beta-carotene, vitamin E and other essential vitamins and minerals
It should be noted that, while much of the research discussed has been done in Japan, a great
deal of interesting and important work is now being done in the United States.
The Chlorella Growth Factor that has been isolated in chlorella confirms Dr. Benjamin Frank's original
theories on aging and chlorella's RNA content (many times that of sardines, one of the richest
alternative sources) has stimulated faster, healthier growth in children and appears to be the same
process which stimulates tissue repair in adults.
Even the few case histories reported here confirm the effectiveness of chlorella in healing various
types of wounds; in lessening some of the complaints of menopausal women; in substituting for
cow's milk in infants allergic to milk; in removing toxic metals from the body; in correcting chronic
constipation; in helping to alleviate the common cold; and many other arresting applications.
These results are not folklore, tales, or testimonials from satisfied users. They are studies done in the
best scientific manner by some of the most concerned and brilliant medical researchers
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