What Does Teambinder Do?: Benefits of Using Teambinder

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What does TeamBinder do?

Issue: 3
Last Reviewed:11/07/2008

TeamBinder is a web-based document management & collaboration solution that has two primary

Ø Management of the Communications between parties on projects.

Ø Management of the distribution of documents on projects.

All project documents and communications are maintained on a secure, open platform, facilitating
tighter communication and increased accountability.

Benefits of using TeamBinder

Ø Maintains a single, secure, centralised document register

Ø Maintains a list of the latest revision of all documents

Ø Ability to access information, anywhere at anytime

Ø Full backup and firewall protection

Ø Powerful report generation Output reports to CSV for import into Excel

Ø Time saving in the area of releasing drawings

Ø Reduction of document approval turn around times with on line approval

Ø Reduced errors in document control due to the inbuilt drawing control process in

What makes TeamBinder different?

Ø TeamBinder has a document register rather than being built on the windows folder

Ø Drawings can be downloaded from email notifications without the need to log into

Ø TeamBinder can be self hosted by larger customers and fully branded to a corporate

Ø For project communications, TeamBinder keeps a track of the correspondence thread

automatically meaning that a unique thread view is available to see the trail of questions
and answers

Ø TeamBinder has built in viewing and red lining without the need to download additional

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What does TeamBinder do?
Issue: 3
Last Reviewed:11/07/2008

TeamBinder Key Features

The tables below identify some of the key features of the TeamBinder Web-based Project
Document Management and Collaboration System.

Functionality Team
Controlled Documents
Maintain a single, secure, centralized document register. ü
Maintain a list of the latest revision of all documents. ü
Maintain a full revision history for all documents (including changes in status). ü
Efficient batch upload of documents. ü
Validation of all document uploads to ensure complete and accurate data. ü
Controls to stop upload of superseded revisions of documents. ü
Automatic distribution of documents via a distribution matrix. ü
Batch download. ü
Support for document review workflows. ü
Support for on line viewing without the need for additional software. ü
Support for redlining of documents as part of the document review process. ü
Support for distribution of documents via Transmittal. ü
Automatic notification of revisions to documents. ü
Powerful search engine to find documents. ü
High level of access control to documents and document and electronic file ü

Include own logo on correspondence. ü
Automatic reference numbering on all correspondence. ü
Predefined mail workflows to ensure correspondence is replied and forwarded as ü
per the project protocols.
Automated and simple filing into Sent Items and Inbox. ü
Powerful search and find capabilities to retrieve correspondence. ü
Use of Binders and Sections to simulate a hard copy filing system. ü
Send mail to external contacts (people outside of the system). ü
FAX-IN module to automate the receipt of faxes directly into system. ü
Definition of customized mail types with custom fields. ü

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What does TeamBinder do?
Issue: 3
Last Reviewed:11/07/2008

Document Management Features

Centralised document register with:
• Traditional Master Document Register concept.
• Document History file to automatically segregate previous revisions.

Automated Document Review process – for sequential or parallel review processes.

Automated document distribution based on matrix via:

1. Discipline distribution Matrix
2. Previously transmitted documents
3. Subscription

Automatic reminders and alerts about key items requiring action.

On-line viewing of drawings.

Off-line Document Upload tools to save time on preparing data for uploading and uploading itself*.

Communications Management features

• Simple mail creation and sending methods.
• Mail Register concept automatically filtered for a user or company mail
• Automatic threading of Mail communications.
• Binders and Sections concept similar to traditional manual filing systems.
• Management Summary for an overview of the project status.
• Automatic reminders and alerts about mail requiring action.
• Email In and Email Out*.
• Fax in and Fax out*.

Miscellaneous features

• Exportable registers/reports to Excel.

• Customisable mail types, mail templates, and transmittal formats
• Project Archive is a functional database application archived to CD that has search
capabilities etc
• Project dashboard – Summary statistics
• Integration with IDMS – Inspection and Defects management system*

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What does TeamBinder do?
Issue: 3
Last Reviewed:11/07/2008

Optional Features for TeamBinder

FAX-IN: The Fax-in option enables any participant on the project to have incoming faxes routed
directly into TeamBinder. This is a popular feature with contractors who receive faxes from sub
contractors and others who do not have the infrastructure to use a web based solution. The cost
of the FAX-IN service is $20 per month per company wanting this facility.

FAX-OUT: The Fax-out option enables users to send mail by Fax directly from within TeamBinder
to contacts who prefer to receive mail via this method. The pricing for the FAX-OUT option is
$0.50 for the first page of each fax and $0.25 per page for any additional pages. There is a
minimum cost of $50 per month.

EMAIL-IN: The Email-in option enables emails sent to a dedicated email address to be
automatically routed directly into TeamBinder. The cost of the EMAIL-IN service is $20 per month
per company wanting this facility.

CUSTOM MAIL TEMPLATES: TeamBinder the supports the full customisation of mail templates
and the transmittal format to meet company standards. This is a service provided by QA Software
and a quotation for this option can be provided based on sample templates supplied by the

PROJECT ARCHIVES: TBARCHIVE is a unique archiving facility for use with TeamBinder to
archive both project data and the TeamBinder application to CD. Project Archives can be
supplied on request to any company using TeamBinder. The minimum cost per company per
archive = $150 based on the archived data and application fitting onto a single CD. Additional
CD’s are $50 each.

QCAD SOFTWARE: QCAD is QA Software’s unique batch document upload utility for AutoCAD.
QCAD enables drawing files to be uploaded to TeamBinder direct from within AutoCAD with
automatic extraction of document attributes from drawing title blocks, auto generation of PLT/PDF
files, and binding of Xrefs. QCAD Licenses can be supplied to project participants at a cost of $50
per user per month.

QPRINT: QPRINT is a standalone application for use with TeamBinder that automatically
downloads and prints every document uploaded to TeamBinder. QPRINT can also be configured
to auto convert every document to TIFF/PDF format and stamp documents with received dates,
and approval signatures electronically. QPRINT can be provided to project participants at a cost of
$250 per month per installation.

SITE CAMERA: A Site Camera can be integrated with TeamBinder to stream photos of the site at
predefined intervals to the TeamBinder Dashboard. The cost for this service which includes
Camera and Installation is approximately $2,500 but may vary depending on the camera selected.
This cost does not include the cost of a PC on site and additional cabling if the camera is located
in a precarious position of more than 50m from the PC.

TENDERDOCS: TenderDocs is QA Software’s tendering website for the publishing of private and
public Tender packages from within TeamBinder. TenderDocs can be provided to a project at a
rate of $250 per month.

DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD: A TeamBinder project can remain live with full access to users
after practical completion during the defects liability period for a nominal monthly fee of $250/

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What does TeamBinder do?
Issue: 3
Last Reviewed:11/07/2008

TeamBinder Verses QDMS and QTRAK

For Consultants: For large consultant organisations with multiple offices and people from
different offices working on the same project, TeamBinder replaces QDMS and QTRAK.
TeamBinder is a web based document management system that has a centralised server and
securely stores all the physical documents in a vault. TeamBinder can be accessed from
anywhere over an Intranet or the Internet and hence is ideal where people in different locations
require access to the same information.

For Contractors: TeamBinder is a project specific solution. For example if you have a large
project that needs to be fast-tracked with consultants, the head contractor and sub-contractors
using the same system, then Team Binder is definitely the solution. On the other hand if you have
a small project, where design is substantially complete and you need project management tools to
help manage the control of documents and mail, then QDMS and QTRAK is the way to go.

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What does TeamBinder do?
Issue: 3
Last Reviewed:11/07/2008

How is TeamBinder Different from QDMS and QTRAK?

The follow is a summary of some key differences between TeamBinder and QDMS and QTRAK:

Item TeamBinder QDMS and QTRAK

1.0 Is a web-based product and therefore you can access Is a file server product and therefore you
it from any windows based PC from home, overseas need a PC that can access a server on which
etc. the data is stored (usually in your office).
2.0 Can be used as a collaborative system where several Are for a single Company to manage their
Companies share the same system and same data drawings, transmittals and correspondence.
under strict security controls.
3.0 Being a collaborative system, distribution of Transmittals and mail are distributed by Fax,
Documents and mail is instantaneous, which means Post, Courier or Email. This information
that responses can be much quicker as well. cannot be imported into a recipients system
unless they also use QDMS and QTRAK.
Hence turn-around times tend to be longer.
4.0 Can utilise a distribution matrix to automate the Document distribution is solely by
distribution of documents in addition to the traditional transmittals, created by users.
transmittal concept.

5.0 Stores the physical document files securely on a Web Store only the path to where the documents
Server. are saved on a file server.
6.0 Has facilities to manage the approval cycle and Does not manage the approval cycle on-line.
commenting of drawings on-line.
7.0 Users can download drawings they have been given Users need to be transmitted soft or hard
access to form anywhere, anytime copies, which they can misplace.
8.0 All project documents are managed via a central Each Company manages its own project
database. documents and may not manage it via a
database that can be queried.
9.0 Has a security module that enables security to be Users with access to the Document Register
controlled down to individual documents (and even in QDMS can access all documents.
individual formats for each document)
10.0 For consultants, TeamBinder can be used to manage QDMS and QTRAK do not support check-out
a check-out and check-in process for revising or check in of documents.
11.0 Being a collaborative system, there are less In order to reduce arguments of who sent
arguments as to who sent what, when and where. what, when and where a semi-manual form of
receiving and recording acknowledgements is
required. This is very rarely practiced.
12.0 Selected users are automatically notified off certain Notifications are semi-automatic.
events like:
Drawing uploads of a specific Discipline
Drawing approval/rejections of a selected discipline
Specific drawings being revised
Mail read receipts
13.0 Can be used to create an intelligent, application Cannot create an application independent
independent, fully searchable archive at project archive without exporting each database to
completion. Excel manually.
14.0 TeamBinder needs to be hosted on an internet server Is suitable for smaller projects with a
and is more expensive restricted budget.
15.0 TeamBinder requires only Internet Explorer on each QDMS and QTRAK require software on each
PC, reducing the IT maintenance cost. server and on each PC.
16.0 Is a centralised system meaning that there is only one Are generally installed both in all offices and
application to maintain and upgrade which saves on IT all project sites meaning maintenance and
resources. software upgrades are time consuming to

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