Brigada 2020 Narrative Report
Brigada 2020 Narrative Report
Brigada 2020 Narrative Report
Kicking off on June 11, 2020, the Department of Education (DEPEd) Brigada Eskwela
(BE) and Oplan Balik Eskwela (OBE) initiative were setting the school-based launching to
assist the teachers and stakeholders in their respective preparation for school opening and were
implemented under the joint theme “Pagpapnatili ng Bayanihn Tungo sa Kalidad na Edukasyon
para sa Kabataan” which ran on June 1 until August 29, 2020 until it was prolonged until
September 30 because of the movement on the opening of classes on October 5, 2020.
The 2020 Brigada Eskwela Forum and Relaunching of Brigada Eskwela adherent to
Deped Order No.9 s. 2005 entitled “Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-On-Task and
Ensuring Compliance Therewith.”
The Brigada Eskwela is the National School Maintenance Week that aims to bring
together all education stakeholders to participate and contribute their time, effort and resources to
prepare public schools facilities for the opening of the school year.
There are benefit that come with Brigada Eskwela, it saves resources on the part of the
school, it builds oneness and cooperation to all stakeholders were their camaraderie among them
develops, the learning of the students is ensured, the cleanliness of the facilities becomes
pleasing and the environment is safe for the learners.
This year, Brigada Eskwela is very much different compared to the Brigada for the past
years. This is because of Corona Virus Dicease -19 (COVID – 19). This virus infected the whole
world and sadly our country is greatly affected by this pandemic. It is a potentially severe
respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus and characterized by fever, coughing, and shortness
of breath.
By this program, it is very beneficial to the school head, teachers and learners. It is in this
area that effectivity of the school to establish functional linkage and networking to stakeholders
is being tested amidst of the COVID - 19 situation.
Teachers were advised to have skeletal workforce and were equally divided to report to
school to perform their duties and responsibilities. We released cards, retrieved books, had the
enrollment proper, established partnerships with external and Local Government Units (LGUs),
simulation of online classes, preparation and making of modules, contact our partner barangays
and cleaned our areas.
We also conducted the Parent Orientation on the Implementation and Guidelines on
different Modalities of Learning (August 11-14, 2020 for Grades 7-12). Signages were posted
and we followed health and safety protocols of the parents and teachers. Sanitation was really
implemented. The parents were advised to have footbath and hand wash using the washing
facilities at the entrance. Have them signed in the logbook and their temperature were checked
upon entering to the rooms and gave the alcohol for hand sanitation. Social distancing was
observed. There were about 400 parents so they had a schedule per grade level. And last
September 24-30, parents and other stakeholders came to help in cleaning the school area.
The goal was achieved through the collaborative efforts of parents, teachers, stakeholders
and to our supportive principal Ma’am Miriam O. Aurelio.
Despite of this pandemic we are facing; education must be served. Dr. Quintin Balcita Sr.
National High School teaching force ensures the production of modules to be given to the
learners for the opening of classes on October 5, 2020.
We deeply expressed our gratitude to the LGU headed by our city officials, to the DEPEd
City Schools Division of San Fernando (La Union) officials headed by our Schools Division
Superintendent, Dr. Rowena C. Banzon, CESO V, parents, volunteers and stakeholders for all
the support and supplies given our beloved school.
Nothing can stop the Act of Bayanihan even we are facing this pandemic!