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Construction and Building Materials: F. Bektas, K. Wang, H. Ceylan

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Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1909–1914

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Construction and Building Materials

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Effects of crushed clay brick aggregate on mortar durability

F. Bektas *, K. Wang, H. Ceylan
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper reports an experimental study that aimed to investigate the effects of recycled clay brick, used
Received 15 February 2007 as a part of fine aggregate, on mortar durability. The brick, in crushed form, was from a local brick man-
Received in revised form 4 September 2008 ufacturer that salvages its off-standard products. It was used to replace 10% and 20% (by weight) of the
Accepted 5 September 2008
river sand in mortar. Effects of the brick replacement on the mortar flow, compressive strength, shrink-
Available online 22 October 2008
age, freeze–thaw resistance, and alkali–silica reaction potential were investigated. The results showed
that as the brick replacement level increased, the mortar flowability reduced. The 10% and 20% brick
replacements had no negative effect on the mortar compressive strength and very limited effect on
Crushed clay brick
the mortar shrinkage. The freeze–thaw resistance of the mortar was improved by the brick replacement.
Freeze–thaw However, the use of crushed brick as aggregate appeared not to reduce potential alkali–silica reaction.
Alkali–silica reaction The microscopy study revealed the alkali–silica reaction product and associated cracking in the mortar.
Pessimum Additional study indicated that the brick aggregate used in the study had pessimum proportion, 30%, for
the alkali–silica reaction expansion.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction necessitated to remove the rubble left from the war era and to pro-
vide aggregate for the new construction. Rubble recycling plants
Up to 80% of volume of concrete is made of aggregate, which is were built. The benefit would be twofold: removal of the rubble
usually derived from natural resources. As the natural aggregate and supply of aggregate for the new concrete. These plants were
becomes depleted in an increasing rate, the concrete industry is reported to produce around 11.5 million m3 crushed brick aggre-
seeking for other alternatives. Recycling aggregate from demolition gate by the end of 1955 with which 175,000 dwelling units were
rubble is one of the prudent methods: it is not only economically built [5]. After that era, research on brick aggregate has been con-
viable, particularly, in urban areas, but also targets an environmen- tinued to date. It has been proved that using crushed brick aggre-
tal friendly approach. gate, it is possible to produce concrete for a wide range of
In the United States, the annual construction and demolition applications [3–11].
waste production was estimated as 136 million tons by the Envi- Research on crushed brick has generally been concentrated on
ronmental Protection Agency [1]. It was about 180 million tons its effects on the mechanical performance when it is used as coarse
per year in the first 15 countries of the European Union [2]. Signif- aggregate in concrete. On the other hand, research concerning
icant portion of this demolition waste is masonry rubble consisting durability is limited. The goal of the study reported in this paper
of clay bricks. In addition, brick and tile manufacturing industry was to evaluate the effects of crushed clay brick fine aggregate
produces a large number of rejected fired products due to being on durability employing mortar specimens. The mortar aggregate
off-standard: these units may be broken, distorted, underburned, was partially replaced by crushed brick at levels of 10% and 20%
or overburned. This material is sold for landscaping purposes, if by weight, and the effects of crushed brick replacement were
economically feasible, but usually dumped into sites around the investigated on compressive strength, shrinkage, freeze–thaw,
brick factories or recycled in concrete as aggregate where natural and alkali–silica reaction (ASR). A special emphasis was given to
rock deposits are scarce [3,4]. the ASR investigation since there is no reported case involving
In the 20th century, a number of studies had been done in an crushed clay brick aggregate within the knowledge of the authors.
effort to evaluate the potential of crushed brick as concrete aggre-
gate. Systematic investigations on the practice of crushed brick 2. Materials
aggregate have been carried out since 1928, particularly, in
1940s and 1950s. After the World War II, in Germany, it was Portland cement (ASTM Type I) with a Blaine fineness of
368 m2/kg was used in this experimental study. The chemical com-
position is given in Table 1. River sand and crushed clay brick
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Bektas). (referred as brick or crushed brick in this paper) were employed

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1910 F. Bektas et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1909–1914

Table 1 testing, the mortar bars were stored in the normal lab environ-
Chemical composition of the Portland cement ment: the temperature and the relative humidity were in the
Oxide % ranges of 19–25 °C and 35–55%, respectively. The bars were al-
CaO 64.61 lowed for free shrinkage and the length changes were recorded
SiO2 20.58 up to 56 days. For the freeze–thaw testing, the mortar bars were
Al2O3 5.38 exposed to ASTM C666 Procedure A [16] conditions: the specimens
Fe2O3 2.14 were kept in fully saturated condition with temperature cycling
MgO 2.08
K2O 0.46
between 17.8 and 4.4 °C, each cycle being 4 h. The ASR testing
Na2O 0.26 was carried out according to the accelerated mortar bar test, ASTM
SO3 3.01 C1260 [12]. The mortar bars were demolded after 24 h of moist
Free lime 1.00 curing and cured for another 24 h in water bath at 80 °C. The bars,
then, were stored in 1 N sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution at
80 °C. The vertical length change was reported as the measure of
expansion. Representative cross sections (25  25 mm2) were cut
100 using a low speed saw and dried at 50 °C for overnight. The sec-
90 tions were, then, epoxy impregnated under vacuum and their sur-
Cumulative Passing (%)

80 face was polished for microscopy examination. The micro study

was carried out employing a variable pressure scanning electron
microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spec-
trometer (EDS) for chemical analysis.
30 4. Results and discussions

4.1. Flowability
0 Fig. 2 shows the mortar flow results together with the best fit. It
0.01 0.1 1 10 is apparent that the flowability, which is a measure of mortar
Sieve opening (mm) workability, decreases as the crushed brick content increases.
crushed brick concrete sand Compared to the control sample, the reductions was 11%, 23%,
and 32% for the replacement of 10%, 20%, and 30% brick aggregate,
Fig. 1. Gradation of the aggregates used in the mortar mixtures. respectively. The trend is almost linear as 10% reduction occurs for
each additional 10% brick aggregate. It is obvious that the high
water absorption capacity of the brick significantly affects the mor-
as mortar aggregate. The brick was obtained from a local brick tar flow. Water absorption of the brick used in this study was
manufacturer that salvages its off-standard products. It was re- found as 7.00% according to ASTM C128 [17]. Brick is a porous con-
duced in size and the fraction passing No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve was struction material whose porosity may be as high as 40% depend-
used. The gradations are shown in Fig. 1. The fineness modulus ing on the raw material and manufacturing process, hence,
of the river sand and the crushed brick are 3.01 and 3.51, respec- aggregate produced from brick has high water absorption. To-
tively. In the ASR tests, manufactured limestone sand, which was gether with the angular shape the high water absorption results
utilized as non-reactive component, and crushed brick were in mixing problems in concrete production. Pre-soaking or adding
graded in accordance with the ASTM C1260 [12] requirement extra water in account of absorption has been recommended [3,6].
and blended in desired proportions. Tap water was used in the On the other hand, even 30% brick incorporated mixture had suffi-
study. cient workability and good consolidation with the given mixture
proportions in this study.

3. Experimental methods

The crushed brick was introduced as weight percentage of the 140

mortar aggregate. Essentially, two levels of replacement, 10% and 122
20%, were investigated. However, higher percentages were also 120 108 R2 = 0.99
tested depending on the specific purpose such as 30% for the
flowability, and 5%, 30%, 50% and 100% for the ASR activity. The 100 93
initial mixtures were B0 (control), B10 and B20. The number at 84
Flow (%)

the end denotes the percentage of the crushed brick in the mix- 80
ture. ASTM C305 [13] mixing procedure was followed to prepare
the specimens. Cube specimens (50 mm) were cast to test com- 60
pressive strength. Mortar bars of 25  25  285 mm3 were used `
for shrinkage, freeze–thaw, and ASR measurements. A fixed
water–cement ratio of 0.50 was utilized for all mixes. Cement–
aggregate ratio was 1:2.75 except for the alkali–silica test being
The compressive strength was tested up to 1 year in accordance
with ASTM C109 [14]. The same mixtures were used to determine 0
B0 B10 B20 B30
the flow according to ASTM C1437 [15]. Additionally, a 30% brick
replacement was tested for the flowability. For the shrinkage Fig. 2. Effect of the crushed brick on mortar flowability.
F. Bektas et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1909–1914 1911

4.2. Compressive strength Day

Fig. 3 demonstrates the compressive strength results obtained 10 20 30 40 50 60
from the mortar cubes. Each data point represents the average of
three cubes. The value for B20 at 6 months is not reported due to -0.02
insufficient data. For all the mixtures, there is a gradual increase
with the aging. When the mixtures are compared, it is seen that

Shrinkage (%)
the values are all close to each other which confirms the brick -0.04
aggregate does not cause strength reduction with the levels used.
Khatib [18] utilized fine crushed brick aggregate in concrete and
found that 25% brick replacement has the same 90-day strength -0.06
as the control does. The 28-day ratio was only 0.84; the strength
gain between 28 and 90 days was attributed to the pozzolanic ac-
tion provided by the very fine portion of the brick. In a recent -0.08
study, Debieb and Kenai [19] reported 5–10% strength reduction
for 25% fine brick aggregate replacement; the reduction is 30%
for full fine aggregate replacement. The studies usually involve -0.10
the use of brick replacing coarse aggregate in varying proportions. B0 B10 B10
Depending on the strength of the parent brick and on the other
concrete parameters, a wide range of compressive strength can Fig. 4. Length change of the mortar bars due to shrinkage.
be obtained: De Brito et al. [10] reported 13 MPa 28-day strength
when the coarse aggregate was replaced with crushed brick
self-curing agent: it keeps the initially absorbed mixing water in
whereas Khalaf and DeVenny [9] achieved high strength concrete
its pores for longer periods and releases it slowly as aged. There-
67 MPa at 28 days.
fore, drying shrinkage is delayed since the hydration continues
due to the presence of internal moisture [20]. The authors believe
4.3. Shrinkage
that the shrinkage phenomenon merits further investigation, par-
ticularly, in a more controlled environment.
Drying shrinkage is often a particular concern for concrete
made with porous aggregate. One of the purpose of the present
4.4. Freeze–thaw
study is to investigate the effect of crushed brick on the free
shrinkage of concrete Fig. 4 shows the results of the shrinkage
Fig. 5 presents the expansion curves of the mortar bars sub-
measurements obtained from the mortar bars, where each data
jected to freeze–thaw cycles. It is worth noting that one of the bars
point represents the average of three measurements. The mixture
from the control mix had broken after several cycles due to crack-
proportions were 1350 g of aggregate, 500 g of cement and
ing and another one around 120 cycles. B10 and B20 data points
250 ml of tap water. The mortar containing 10% crushed brick
are the average of three bars. In order to attain adequate strength
showed the highest shrinkage whereas the 20% crushed brick
development, the mortar bars were moist cured for 28 days before
replacement resulted in the lowest shrinkage value. Nonetheless,
exposed to the freeze–thaw cycles. The plot clearly demonstrates
the values were occurred to fall in a relatively narrow band. Khatib
that B20 mixture achieved the best performance. As the quantity
[18] also reported a decrease in the shrinkage as the content of
of the crushed brick increases the expansion caused by the
crushed brick increases. The same author’s study also showed an
freeze–thaw action decreases. After 180 cycles, CB20 showed an
expansion increase with the crushed brick content when the spec-
average expansion of 0.05% whereas the control mix expanded
imens were stored in water and the expansion was discussed to oc-
0.53%. Visual inspection also confirms that the surface scaling of
cur due to the pozzolanic gel which imbibes water: a higher
the control bars were greater as compared to the brick incorpo-
expansion is associated with lower shrinkage with the exception
rated ones. The idea behind the inclusion of air bubbles to prevent
of the control mix. Moreover, Mansur et al. [3] observed lower
shrinkage when crushed clay brick aggregate replaced the same
volume of crushed granite. The brick particles may be acting as a

80 0.50
Compressive strength (Mpa)

Expansion (%)


40 0.20

10 0 50 100 150 200
0 Number of freezing-thawing cycles
B0 B10 B20
7-day 28-day 56-day 6-month 12-month B0 B10 B20

Fig. 3. Compressive strength of the mortar cubes. Fig. 5. Expansion of the mortar bars due to freeze–thaw action.
1912 F. Bektas et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1909–1914

0.60 freeze–thaw associated cracking is to relieve the pressure caused

by ice formation and water flow, and to cut the water flow paths;
0.50 in other words, closely distributed air void structure provides
space for expansive mechanisms. The highly porous nature of
Expansion, %

0.40 crushed brick might provide a similar air entraining action and re-
duce the freeze–thaw expansion. This concept is successfully ap-
0.30 plied by Litvan and Serada [21]. In their study, the freeze–thaw
resistance of hardened concrete was increased by the incorpora-
0.20 tion of porous brick particles, which were 0.5 ± 0.08 mm in size
and had 36% total porosity, and the specimens containing 16%
0.10 (by weight) brick endured 1260 freeze–thaw cycles without
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 4.5. Alkali–silica reaction
The results of ASTM C1260 [12] test are plotted in Fig. 6. Man-
B0 (Limestone) B10 B20
ufactured limestone sand was employed as the non-reactive com-
Fig. 6. Expansion of the mortar bars tested according to ASTM C1260. ponent. It has been proved to be non-reactive (B0 in Fig. 6). ASTM
1260 [12] specifies an aggregate as potentially alkali reactive if the
expansion exceeds 0.20% at the end of 14 days. The results showed
that the 10% and 20% brick replacement resulted in deleterious
expansion. The expansions were 0.30% and 0.35% for B10 and
B20, respectively. The cracking on the bars was visible to bare
eye. Clay brick is produced from siliceous earth, thus, the final
product being siliceous would not be surprising to show ASR activ-
ity. Furthermore, vitrified clay pipe is known to be resistant to
most chemicals except hydrofluoric acid and caustic soda (NaOH)
The SEM study demonstrated the internal disruption of the
mortars with no doubt. The expansive force cracked the cement
matrix and the non-reactive limestone particles as well. Fig. 7
shows the reactive brick particles and internal cracking. The X-
ray dot map shown in Fig. 8 suggests a siliceous brick particle acts
as an attraction site for sodium. X-ray mapping is a qualitative
method which provides information about elemental concentra-
tions in a gray scale, lighter shades showing the abundance of
the element analyzed. Fig. 8b distinctly demonstrates the border
line between the brick particle and the calcium-rich cement paste.
Fig. 7. The internal mortar cracking due to ASR (B20 sample at 28 days). The brick is mainly composed of silica and aluminum (Fig. 8c and

Fig. 8. X-ray dot maps of the reactive brick particle – B10 sample. (a) backscattered image; (b) Ca; (c) Si; (d) Al; (e) Fe; and (f) Na.
F. Bektas et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1909–1914 1913

Fig. 9. X-ray dot maps of the ASR gel in the crack – B20 sample. (a) backscattered image; (b) area marked on the low magnification image; (c) Ca; (d) Si; (e) Na; and (f) K.

0. 80 bars containing 5%, 30%, 50%, and 100% of the brick aggregate were
cast and subjected to ASR testing. The results showed that the
Expansion at given age (%)

0. 70 crushed brick aggregate used in the study has pessimum content

at around 30% (Fig. 10). To the authors’ knowledge there is no
0. 60
ASR case reported with the involvement of clay brick aggregate.
0. 50 In practice, crushed brick is generally used in concrete as coarse
aggregate. Use of the brick aggregate higher than its pessimum
0. 40 proportion or entrapment of the alkali–silica gel, if any, in the
pores of brick aggregate may be possible explanations for no ASR
0. 30
observation or simply the conditions have not been favorable.
0. 20 However, this phenomenon should be further investigated in con-
crete and ASR remedies should be considered if brick aggregate is
0. 10 intended for use.
0. 00
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 5. Summary
Brick content (%)
Crushed clay brick obtained from a local brick manufacturer
4- d 8- d 11- d 14- d 21- d 28- d was used as a replacement for the aggregate in mortar. The exper-
imental study showed that the brick aggregate negatively affected
Fig. 10. The crushed brick aggregate showing pessimum behavior.
the mortar flow. When added in 10% and 20%, it had no negative
effect on the compressive strength. When added in 20%, the
crushed brick aggregate reduced free shrinkage of the mortar;
d) and some iron as well (Fig 8e). Fig. 8f demonstrates that there is
whereas added in 10%, it increased the free shrinkage as compared
a concentration increase of sodium on the area occupied by the
to the control mix. Furthermore, freeze–thaw resistance of mortar
brick particle. The reaction product, well-known alkali–silica gel,
increased with the amount of the crushed brick replacement. How-
was observed in the samples under investigation. It was evident
ever, the brick used in the study was found to be highly alkali reac-
that the gel moves along the cracks to find out escape boundaries
tive with a pessimum content of 30%. ASR susceptibility of the clay
filling the voids and lining the cracks (Fig. 7). Moreover, Fig. 9
brick aggregate merits further study and the extent of its effects on
clearly identifies the gel in the cracks of a limestone particle. The
concrete should be evaluated in detail in order to prevent future
trace of potassium in the alkali–silica gel is also evident (Fig. 9f).
The source might be the Portland cement. This shows that the sili-
ceous brick particles are very sensitive to alkali considering the
potassium concentration is very low compared to the sodium in
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