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Hot and Cold Water Supply AMGD

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1. Potable water
2. Flushing water (fresh or salt water)
3. Non-potable water
4. Cleansing water
5. Fire service
6. Swimming pool filtration
7. Irrigation (e.g. for landscape)
8. Fountain circulation
9. Air-conditioning water, etc.
•. HOT WATER SUPPLY (e.g. in hotels &
Cold Water Systems
The general principles of design to be aimed at avoiding
temperatures should be as follows :-
All pipe branches to individual outlets should be capable
of delivering cold water at a temperature that is as close
to the incoming water temperature within two minutes of
The volume of stored cold water should be minimised and
should not normally exceed that required for one day’s
water use although in healthcare premises, a nominal 12
hours total onsite storage capacity is recommended.
There should be a regular water flow throughout the
system and all outlets to avoid stagnation. In cold water
storage tanks this can be facilitated by locating inlet and
outlet pipes on opposing sides of the tank at different
Cold Water Systems
 Thermal gain should be kept to a minimum by
adequate lagging and separation of cold water services
pipework and components from hot water services and
heating systems; ensuring higher use outlets are
installed at the end of each branch to improve flow;
and considering, where appropriate, ventilation of void
spaces and risers.
Systems that encourage the movement of cold water in
areas of the distribution system that are prone to
stagnation and heat gain should be considered.
 All pipework and components carrying fluids other
than water supplied by the water supplier and
components should be clearly labelled.
 System components and associated equipment which
require maintenance are easily accessible

In electric water heating practice for domestic purposes,
the accepted method is to use storage heaters in which
water is steadily heated up to a predetermined
temperature and stored until required for use.
The heating by electricity of a large quantity of water,
such as required for a hot bath, within the time normally
taken to run the water into the bath, requires a heater of
too high a rating to be practicable in normal domestic
The efficiency realized in an electric water heating system
depends upon the measures taken to minimize heat
losses which occur from the storage vessel and from the
distributing pipework and associated accessories, if any.
Storage Temperature
The design of hot water supply system and its appliance
shall be based upon the following temperature
Scalding 65°C

Sink 60°C

Hot bath 43°C as run, for use at 41°C

Warm bath 37°C

Tepid bath 29·5°C

• In order to minimize the danger of scalding, to reduce
standing losses, risk of steam formation and the
possibility of damage to porcelain or other fittings and
the surface finishes, a storage temperature of 60°C is
Hot Water Storage Capacity-
• Depending on local conditions this shall be 50-75 litres at
60°C in a dwelling with a bath tub and 25 litres at 60°C
for a shower or a tap (for bucket supply).
• Small electric or gas storage heaters of 15-25 litres
capacity may be used to supply one or two points of
Sl Fixtures Rate of Flow
No. 1/min
(1) (2) (3)
i) Bath tub 22·5
ii) Kitchen sink 18
iii) Wash basin 7
iv) Shower (spray type) 7
Electric Storage Heaters- A storage water heater consists
of a thermally insulated vessel, one or more electric heating
elements, thermostats and pipe connections and is
assembled by the manufacturer ready for installation on site.
The rated input of heater in kW for storage heaters of various
rated capacity (in litres) shall be as follows as recommended
in IS : 2082-1965* :
Rated 6 15 25 35 50 70 100 140 200
capacity in
Recomme 1·0 1·0 1·0 1·5 2·0 2·0 3·0 4·0 5·0
nded input
in kW
Note—For dual hot water heaters, the rated input includes the
ratings of both the elements.
Electric Storage Heaters

Solar water heater

Gas Water Heaters
Instantaneous Storage
The multi-point instantaneous The storage type are of two kinds,
heater may be connected to all namely:
hot water taps. When a tap is (a) the self-contained unit which
turned on, the flow of water opens comprises heater and cylinder or
the gas valve and the gas is tank in one appliance and operates
ignited by the pilot flames. The independently or in conjunction with
cold water flowing through the a solid fuel boiler, and
appliance is heated immediately (b) The 12circulator which has a
and the flow of hot water will separate cylinder or tank and
continue as long as it is required. operates in conjunction with a solid
When the tap is turned off the gas fuel boiler. Both the above types are
is extinguished except for the pilot capable of supplying hot water at a
jet. quantity and temperature of uniform temperature and with a good
water delivered per minute rate of flow at more than one tap
depends on the rate of flow of gas simultaneously up to the capacity of
and its thermal properties and the the cylinder or tank
rate of flow of water
Depending on the size and complexity of the
building the types of water systems supplying hot
and cold water services are as follows :

1. Smaller hot and cold water

2. Gravity-fed cold water systems
3. Pressurized systems
Smaller hot and cold water systems
• Typicallyfound in smaller buildings such as domestic
dwellings and small office buildings.
• Cold water outlets are fed directly from the water supply
without storage.
•Combination boilers or instantaneous water heaters
provide hot water directly from the cold water supply.
•These units supply continuous hot water at a rate that is
usually limited by their power rating.
1. Gravity system without recirculation
2. Gravity system with recirculation
2.1Gravity system without
Generally installed in domestic dwellings and small
Cold water enters the building from a rising main
and is stored in a cold water tank.
 The cold water tank provides backflow protection to
the mains supply and a stable pressure and reserve
in the system if the mains pressure fails or demand
exceeds the capacity of the mains supply.
Cold water from the tank is fed to the calorifier (hot
water cylinder) where it is heated and drawn via
pipes that branch to sinks, washbasins, baths,
showers etc. In contrast to recirculating systems, the
water only flows when it is being used and is usually
allowed to become cool in the pipes after use.
2.2 Gravity system with
Typically installed in larger buildings such as commercial premises.
Cold water from this storage tank is fed to the calorifier.
There is a continuous circulation of hot water from the calorifier
around the distribution circuit and back to the calorifier by means
of one or more pumps, usually installed on the return to the
This is to ensure that hot water is quickly available at any of the
taps, independent of their distance from the calorifier and reduces
the risk of localised temperature fluctuations.
The circulation pump is sized to compensate for the heat losses
from the distribution circuit so that the return temperature to the
calorifier is not less than 50 °C.
Discharge into the cold water storage tank is not advised as this
can result in warm storage water temperatures and increase the
risk of microbial growth.
In the cold water system, water is fed by gravity directly from the
cold water storage tank to the points of use without recirculation.
3. Pressurised systems
These systems are fed directly by a pressurised
supply (sometimes via a break tank and booster set)
connected to the calorifier, water heater or heat
In these systems, water expands when heated,
requiring an expansion vessel, safety temperature
and pressure relief valve (in a pressurised hot water
system there is no open vent to a high level).
 Hot water distribution can be a recirculating or non-
recirculating system.
Larger systems or those that require higher pressures
to reach the top of the building often include break
tanks and booster pumps, in place of direct mains
water, that subsequently feed the water heater.
n for 8-
for 20-
on for 8-
al Water
The hot water distributing system
shall be so designed that the hot
water runs quickly at the draw-off
taps when opened to avoid the
running to waste of an undue
amount of water which has cooled
while standing in the pipes when
the taps are closed. With this end
in view a secondary circulation
system with flow and return pipes
from the hot water tank shall be
used where justified.


Sl No. Largest Internal Length m
Diameter of
(1) (2) (3)
i) Not exceeding 12
20 mm
ii) Exceeding 20   7·5
mm but not
exceeding 25
iii) Exceeding 25   3·0
Note—In the case of a composite pipe of different
System layout

When planning a water supply layout, the following must be

Pipe runs and lengths – Keep pipe runs as short as possible. Pass
pipes close to fixtures to minimise the number of branches and
unnecessary elbows, tees and joints. Having longer pipe runs and
more fixtures will reduce flow rate, increase heat losses, and
increase use of materials
Point of entry into the building – This should be into a utility space
such as garage/laundry and include an accessible isolating valve,
line strainer and pressure limiting valve (if required)
Water heating system – Locate centrally to reduce the length of
pipe runs to fixtures because longer pipe runs require more water
to be drawn off before hot water is discharged. Install a separate
point-of-use water heater for fixtures that are more than 10 m
from the main water heater
Noise prevention – Avoid running pipes over or near bedrooms
and living areas.

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