Leptus (Leptus) Chiusicus PDF
Leptus (Leptus) Chiusicus PDF
Leptus (Leptus) Chiusicus PDF
20 Leptus species were known from Italy hitherto; 11 of them were known only as adults
and 9 of them were known only of larval stage or from adults and larvae: L. (L.)
phalangii (DE GEER, 1778), L. (L.) dubius (PAOLI, 1937), L. (L.) molochinus (C. L.
KOCH, 1837), L. (L.) mariae HAITLINGER, 1987, L. (L.) meloidarum BERON, 1975, L. (L.)
trimaculatus (ROSSI, 1794), L. (L.) josifovi BERON, 1975, L. (L.) hammameticus
HAITLINGER, 1998 and L. (L.) pozoicus HAITLINGER, 2007. Only two Leptus species were
known from Sicily: L. (L.) siculus CANESTRINI, 1884 and L. (L.) hammameticus (PAOLI,
1937, HAITLINGER 1998, 2007a, b, 2011, BERON 2008, MĄKOL & WOHLTMANN 2012).
In this paper we describe the larva of Leptus (Leptus) chiusicus nov.sp. from Sicily.
Two larvae were collected on undetermined Orthoptera. They were preserved in 70%
ethanol and later mounted on microscopic slides using Berlese medium on a glass slide.
Measurements (given in micrometers) were made using microscope NIKON Eclipse 80i.
Figures were drawn using Carl Zeiss Axiskop A1 microscope. The terminology and
abbreviations follow HAITLINGER (1999) and WOHLTMANN et al. (2007).
more than four setae between coxae II – III. Larva with the following features: fD 96,
AW 81-82, AL 53, PL 47, Ta I 145-150, Ti III 209-217, fn Ta I-III 23-24, 20-22, 22, fn
Ti I-III 14, 14, 14.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : the holotype and paratype were collected by R. Haitlinger on
undetermined Orthoptera, 3 July 2013 in Chiusa Sclafani (37º41’ N, 13º16’ E), Palermo prov.,
Sicily. The holotype and paratype are deposited in Museum of Natural History, Wrocław
University (MNHWU), Poland.
D e s c r i p t i o n (larva): Idiosoma with 96 barbed setae. One pair of eyes (Fig. 1).
Scutum in a very small degree, longer than wide (in paratype slightly wider than long),
with two barbed scutalae AL and PL, AL > PL. Anterior sensillae ASE shorter than
posterior sensillae PSE, both with setules on their distal part (Fig. 3). Ventral surface of
idiosoma bearing two barbed setae 1a, two barbed setae 2a, eight barbed setae between
coxae II-III, two setae 3a and 28 slightly barbed setae behind coxae III. Setae 1b about
twice longer than setae 2b and distinctly longer than setae 3b (Fig. 2). NDV = 124.
Gnathosoma with smooth hypostomalae. Palpfemur and palpgenu each with one barbed
seta. Palptibia with three barbed setae; palptarsus with 6 (5N, 1B) normal setae,
solenidion and eupathidium (Fig. 4).
Leg setal formula: Leg I: Ta 1ω, 2ζ, 23 (24 in paratype); Ti 2φ, 1κ, 14; Ge 1σ,1κ, 8 , Tf
5; Bf 2, Tr 1, Cx 1 (Fig. 5). Leg II: Ta 1ω, 2ζ, 20 (22 in paratype); Ti 2φ, 14; Ge 1κ, 8;
Tf 5; Bf 2; Tr 1, Cx 1 (Fig. 6). Leg III: Ta 1ζ, 22; Ti 1φ, 14; Ge 8; Tf 5; Bf 1; Tr 1; Cx 1
(Fig. 7). Legs length: I 780 holotype, 767 paratype, II 656 holotype, 654 paratype, III
810 holotype, 819 paratype. IP = 2246 holotype, 2240 paratype.
Measurements are given in Table 1.
E t y m o l o g y : The species was named after the place where the holotype was
R e m a r k s : Leptus (Leptus) chiusicus nov.sp. belongs to the species group with one
palpgenuala and more than four setae between coxae II and III. This group includes: L.
(L.) ursyni HAITLINGER, 1991 known from Chile, obtained from Scotobius planatus
ERICHSON, 1834 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) and L. (L.) charanyca FAIN, 1991 known
from Belgium, obtained from Charanyca trigrammica HUFNAGEL, 1766 (Lepidoptera,
Noctuidae) (FAIN 1991, HAITLINGER 1991). It differs from L. (L.) ursyni in two setae
between coxae I vs. four setae, two setae between coxae II vs. six setae, eight setae
between coxae II-III vs. 15 setae, the shorter AW (81-82 vs. 134-138), PW (94-95 vs.
138-142), PsFd (58-62 vs. 76), AP (15-19 vs. 24) and longer seta 1a (37-42 vs. 30-32)
and from L. (L.) charanyca in the shorter AL (53 vs. 69-73), PL (47 vs. 66-67), longer
TaI (145-150 vs. 115), Ti III (209-217 vs. 165), fD (96 vs. 146) and fnTi (14-14-14 vs.
HAITLINGER R. (1991): Six new species of Leptus LATREILLE, 1796 (Acari, Prostigmata,
Erythraeidae) from Neotropical Region. — Zesz. Nauk. Akad. Roln. Wroc., Zoot. 35
(206): 265-272.
HAITLINGER R. (1998): Five new species of Leptus LATREILLE, 1796 (Acari: Prostigmata,
Erythraeidae) from Asia and Africa. — Bonn. Zool. Beitr. 48: 87-110.
HAITLINGER R. (1999): Six new species of Leptus LATREILLE, 1796 (Acari, Prostigmata,
Erythraeidae) from South-East Asia. — Misc. Zool. 22: 51-68.
HAITLINGER R. (2007a): New records of mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Erythraeidae,
Johnstonianidae, Microtrombidiidae, Tanaupodidae, Trombidiidae) from Austria,
Hungary, Italy and San Marino. — Zesz. Nauk. Uniw. Przyr. Wroc., Biologia i Hodowla
Zwierz. LV, 559: 45-54.
HAITLINGER R. (2007b): New records of mites from Corsica and Sardinia, with descriptions
of five new species (Acari: Prostigmata: Erythraeidae, Trombidiidae, Eutrombiidae). —
Genus 18: 529-543.
HAITLINGER R. (2011): New records of mites (Acari: Erythraeidae, Microtrombidiidae,
Tanaupodidae) from southern Italy, with descriptions of two new species. — Pers. J.
Acarol. 1: 41-51.
MĄKOL J. & A. WOHLTMANN (2012): An annotated checklist of terrestrial Parasitengona
(Actinotrichida: Prostigmata) of the world, excluding Trombiculidae and Walchiidae. —
Ann. Zool. 62: 359-562.
PAOLI G. (1937): Studi sulle cavalette di Foggia (Dociostaurus maroccanus THUNB.) e sui
loro oofagi (Ditteri Bombiliini e Coleotteri Meloide) ed Acari ectofagi (Eritreidi e
Trombidiidi). — Redia 23: 27-206.
WOHLTMANN A., GABRYŚ G. & J. MĄKOL (2007): Terrestrial Parasitengona inhabiting
transient biotope. — In: GERECKE R. (eds): Süsswasserfauna von Mitteleuropa 7/2-1,
Chelicerata, Acari I. Spektrum Elsevier, München [2006]: 158-240.
Figs 1-2. Leptus (Leptus) chiusicus nov.sp. (1) dorsal view of idiosoma; (2) ventral view of
© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.zobodat.at
Figs 3-4. Leptus (Leptus) chiusicus nov.sp. (3) scutum; (4) gnathosoma, left - ventral view, right -
dorsal view and palptaraus.
© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.zobodat.at
Figs 5-7. Leptus (Leptus) chiusicus nov.sp. (5) leg I; (6) leg II; (7) leg III.
© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.zobodat.at
IL 556 880 Tr I 53 54
IW 312 491 Cx I 65 59
L 106 97 Ta II 132 128
W 105 100 Ti II 142 139
AW 81 82 Ge II 102 112
PW 95 94 Tf II 74 74
AA 17 12 Bf II 80 76
SB 15 13 Tr II 51 52
ISD 55 56 Cx II 74 73
AP 19 15 Ta III 156 151
AL 53 53 Ti III 209 217
PL 47 47 Ge III 130 138
ASE 52 40 Tf III 104 101
PSE 64 69 Tf III 90 92
GL 198 193 Tr III 52 54
DS 20-36 27-36 Cx III 69 66
PsFd 58 62 PaFe (L) 58 54
PsGd 49 53 PaFe (W) 39 36
1a 37 42 PaGe (L) 63 65
2a 35 35 PaGe (W) 21 22
3a 15 21 PaTi (L) 22 21
1b 57 59 PaTi (W) 13 14
2b 27 28 OD 27 27
3b 32 35 as1 42 26
Ta I 145 150 Leg I 780 767
Ti I 171 171 Leg II 656 654
Ge I 142 142 Leg III 810 819
Tf I 98 92 IP 2246 2240