Assessment in Learning 1: Principles of High Quality Assessment
Assessment in Learning 1: Principles of High Quality Assessment
Assessment in Learning 1: Principles of High Quality Assessment
Assessment in
Learning 1
Course Packet 04
Principles of High Quality
Course Packet 04
a. match learning competencies with the most appropriate assessment tool and
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Delivery Mode
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Major Components of the Learning Module
By now, you already have mastery of lesson objectives and their classification as to domain
and specific level. For this learning packet, you are going to be introduced to the nature and
Preparing high quality assessment is a thorough process. There are many factors that need to
consider in order to develop quality assessment tools that will be used to achieve learning
objectives. Therefore, it is important that you know the guidelines and principles for making
With this, at the end of this learning episode, you will be required to: a. match learning
competencies with the most appropriate assessment tool and b. analyze factors / principles in
In order for you to hit the target, you will work your way through these steps:
4. complete the enrichment activity (matching learning objectives and assessment tools
6. apply what you will learn (analysis of the qualities of high assessment tools)
Lesson Proper
· Review.
In the last learning episode, you were able to learn the different domains of learning
objectives with their specific levels that are arranged logically from simple to complex.
Mnemonics were also used for easy recall of the levels. As a sort of review, you are asked to
A. Below are the levels of lesson objectives per domain. You need to arrange them from
____ set
4- Choose one of the play’s characters as the best play actor and defend your choice
· Activity.
Wow! It was amazing!. Good job!
With that, you are now prepared to move on to the next learning episode. In order for you to
Your birth year tells the kind of movies and television shows you came from. However, there
were brilliant movies which you may not be familiar. Below are some good movies in the
past. You are going to match the phrases together to complete the movie titles .Write the letter
of the answer.
Wow! It is really amazing how you did great despite your limited orientation with them. Nice
In the activity that you did, you were able to match the beginning and the last phrases of the
movie titles. In relation to assessment in learning, to match the beginning with the last means
aligning the learning objectives (beginning) with the most appropriate assessment tools (last).
Juxtaposing your assessment tools with your learning competencies means to objectively
Just before you learn how to match learning objectives and competencies, you must be able to
Brief Lesson.
In the previous lesson, you have learned the domains of lesson objectives. As presented in the
previous packet, lesson objectives serve as compass that detects the direction of assessment
tasks. You have learned the principle of “curriculum alignment”. Meaning, assessment tools
must be based on the lesson objectives / competencies. Making the teaching and learning
Moreover, in this section, you shall be cleared about the general principles of testing and of
Ebel and Frisbie (1999), as cited by Garcia (2008) and Gabuyo (2012) identified five basic
principles of testing. The said principles guide teachers in preparing their assessment tools.
Future teacher like you must be guided with these principles in your future role as assessor of
student learning:
1. Measure all instructional objectives. When a teacher constructs test items to measure
the learning progress of the students, they should match all the learning objectives
posed during instruction. That is why the first step in constructing a test is for the
2. Cover all the learning tasks. The teachers should construct a test that contains a wide
range of sampling items. In this case, the teacher can describe the educational
outcomes or abilities that the resulting scores are representatives of the total
3. Use appropriate test items. The test items constructed must be appropriate to
4. Make test valid and reliable. The teacher must construct a test that is valid so that it
can measure what is supposed to measure form the students, The test is reliable
when the scores of the students remain the same or consistent when the teacher gives
5. Use to improve learning. The test scores should be utilized by the teacher properly to
improve learning by discussing the skills or competencies on the items that have not
understanding of various assessment tool would help you to match with them your
lesson objectives.
Aside form the fact that learning objectives must be SMART, teachers should also
maintain the appropriateness of the assessment tool with respect to the learning
objectives. Below are some common assessment tools that are used particularly in
1. Objective Test. This kind of assessment tool requires learners to identify the
correct answer from a given set of options. Also, this kind of assessment asks
statement. Thus, this tool would require student s to give one possible correct
answer. Examples: multiple choice, true or false, matching type, fill in the blank,
divergent answers which means there are no single predictable correct answer/
this kind of tool, teachers usually rubrics. prepare Example: essay tests
students’ skills in designing and creating products. Asking the students to make
4. Portfolio Assessment. This kind of tool assesses the collection of student outputs
emotional states. Through this tool, teachers are going to determine the presence
feelings, motivation. It can be used to diagnose and evaluate the mental state of
mental state including their emotions and attitude. Information that can be
collected from this mode of assessment could lead to teacher reflection of his/her
8. Student Journals. Another tool to assess students’ emotional and menta state is
through student journaling. In this kind of tool, teachers can monitor how
students are learning and feeling. Difficulties, special concerns, problems and
Assessment tools that are used in cognitive domain will be discussed in full details in
the next modules for this course. Furthermore, assessment tools for affective domain
teachers since they are expected to develop quality instruction through quality
assessment tools. Below are essentials in preparing high quality assessment tools:
analyzes the degree to which the test measures what is intended to measure to the
students. It may attempt to determine whether the content covers what has been
taught. In educational assessment, to ensure that the test is valid as to content, test
must include all essential lessons being covered. One way to ensure this is to
prepare table of specification (TOS). (Lessons regarding TOS will be covered in
-test itself (directions, syntax and vocabulary, difficulty of items, length of test, test
scoring technique)
Teachers should be very mindful of the aforementioned factors since they lower
- It refers to the consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested
using the same instrument. In short, a test that yields similar scores for a
person who took the same test is said to assess test reliability.
a. Length of the tests- the longer the test, the higher its reliability. A longer test
b. test difficulty- Ideally, achievement tests should be constructed such that the
average score is 50% correct and the scores range from near zero to near
perfect. The bigger the spread of scores, the more reliable the measured
than 0.85.
- It pertains to how easy the test is to score. That means the scoring key must be
simple. To make the test easy to score, there is a need to provide answer sheets
- It refers to how the test can be administered with ease, clarity and uniformity.
the test could affect tests results, other than the knowledge and skills of the
- This condition ensures that the test is free from any biases. Assessors should
constructing test items. Furthermore, the test items, words and phrases should
- It means that the tests should contain a wide range of samples of items to
determine the outcomes. It means that the whole test represent all the lessons
administration, ease of scoring and interpretation and the materials used must
be at low cost.
- The test is said to be comprehensively made if the test encompasses all aspects
of the lesson or subjects of the study being taught. In order to increase test
- The constructed tests are simple if the test can easily be understood including
its instructions and details of each item. Teachers should avoid using familiar
Enhancement Activity
After studying the general principles of testing, various assessment tools and considerations
to take in preparing high quality assessment tools. You are now ready for this activity.
A. Below are examples of learning competencies, match them with the most appropriate
Yes, you made it! Great job!
By now, you are heading to the wrapping-up activity. As your closure task, you are going to
What takeaways from this learning episode will be significant for you to
know four years from now? Why?
For the purpose of applying of you have learned particularly regarding the qualities of
high assessment tools, you are required to do this activity. Study the situation below and
Inside the principal’s office while Ms. Francheska, the school principal, was
conducting a conference with Mr. Inigo, a teacher at the school.
As the school principal. I was alarmed by reports from students in your class, Mr.
Inigo. Reports of the students include:
Student 1: I really reviewed because I know that my History exams are low.
However, most of the questions in our exam, even some of our summative
examinations, were not taught by Sir. In the end, I still failed even though I studied
hard. I was also distracted by Sir’s noise when we took an exam while he was
talking on his telephone.
Student 2: We had an essay exam with Sir Inigo. I answered correctly and precisely
in my opinion. When our paper was returned to us, I only got 3 points. Maybe
because my essay is short. But, one of my classmates got ten but the only content of
his essay is the lyrics of the new song. It just seems unfair.
Student 3: It was easy to pass Sir Inigo’s class. You just have to do self-study. If only
I had been given more minutes, I would have finished the history exam. Even you
ask my other classmates, they would tell the same idea. If only we had been given
more time, we would have finished his 100-item exam. I just really regret it. Chance
to get back to my low grades in History.
After hearing all those comments, Teacher Inigo was ashamed of himself. He also
repeatedly admitted to the principal his shortcomings and mistakes. Lastly, He
promised to work hard to become effective assessor of student learning.
Question1: What glaring issue, as a teacher, Sir Franco is facing? Why?
Question2. What advice can you give Teacher Inigo to enhance his competence as assessor
of learning?
Course Packet Discussion Forum
Of the assessment tools discussed in this learning episode, which ones are the
quantitative techniques and which ones are the qualitative techniques. Present the
_____1. When a teacher gave her/his class a 20- item test after a lesson on the Agreement of
Subject and Verb, she/he is undertaking:
a. Measurement c. Evaluation
b. Examination d. Assessment
_____2. Students are actively engaged in the assessment process, that is, they monitor their
own learning.
a. Assessment FOR Learning c. Assessment AS Learning
b. Assessment IN Learning d. Assessment OF Learning
_____3. It is making judgement about the quality of a student’s performance in class.
a. Measurement c. Evaluation
b. Assessment d. Analysis
_____4. What source of evaluative information that the teacher can get in the anecdotal and
behavioral comments from previous teachers?
a. Personal Contact c. Cumulative record
b. Observation d. Analysis
_____5. The following are functions of Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation EXCEPT:
a. Identification of Student’s strengths and weaknesses
b. Assessment of the effectiveness of a particular teaching strategy
c. Assign grades
d. Appraisal of the effectiveness of the curriculum
_____6. It is a short test usually given at the beginning or at the end of a discussion period.
a. Test c. Evaluation
b. Examination d. Quiz
_____7. This process quantifies what the students have learned.
a. Measurement c. Evaluation
b. Assessment d. Analysis
_____8. Mr. /Ms. Enriquez gave his/her class Math class a unit test.
This activity is considered:
a. Assessment FOR Learning c. Assessment AS Learning
b. Assessment OF Learning d. Assessment IN Learning
_____9. Ms./ Mr. Garcia assigned a grade to the score obtained by the students in the
periodical examination. She/ He is performing:
a. Evaluation c. Measurement
b. Assessment d. Analysis
_____10. This is an assessment by which teacher used in planning instructional delivery and
monitoring the progress of teaching and learning.
a. Analysis c. Conferences
b. Cumulative Record d. Testing
_____11. This assessment procedure determines the prerequisite skills, degree of mastery of
a. Diagnostic c. Placement
b. Formative d. Summative
_____12. Assessment format that measures knowledge and skills effectively and efficiently.
a. Diagnostic c. Placement
b. Formative d. Summative
_____15. Which of the following describes criterion-referenced?
a. rank student’s score c. achievement test
b. national level d. teacher-made
_____16. Which of the following is under typical performance?
a. Interest c. Aptitude
b. Achievement d. Ability
_____17. Interpret test results by describing the relative position in some known group.
I. Criterion-referenced II. Norm-referenced
a. I only c. Either I or II
b. II only d. Neither I or II
_____18. Which of the following does NOT measure learner’s performance in contexts and on
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_____21. Teacher Franco administered test in his Literature class. At the end of the
session, students were able to attain 92% level of proficiency in determining tone, mode,
technique and purpose of the author. The said learning target is classified under
__________ domain of objective.
_____30. During test item analysis, Ms. Ingrid determined that simplifying radical expressions using the
laws of radicals was the least mastered skill during the recently administered in her class. Therefore,
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students were not able to _______ the concept of the lesson.
a. analyze c. apply
b. evaluate d. synthesize
_____38. Multiple choice, true-or-false, matching and cloze-type formats are classified as _______ kind of
assessment tools.
a. Achievement test c. Objective test
b. Subjective test d. Performance test
_____39. Teacher Claire prepares Table of Specification as blueprint of her summative test. She does it to
ensure that all aspects of the topics that were tackled in her class are covered in her test. Thus, she
ensures _______________ of her test.
a. practicality c. scorability
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b. reliability d. comprehensiveness
_____40. In administering her test, Teacher Zea utilizes answer sheets to her students. Furthermore, she is
fond of using objective tests in her class where there is single best answer in each test item. Lastly, she