Subject: English Grade: 10 Time Allotment: 60 Minutes, 5 Days A Week Quarte R Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) Week DAY Objectives

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Subject: English

Grade: 10
Time Allotment: 60 minutes, 5 days a week


I Use information from news 1 Listen to a news report from any tabloid or
reports, speeches, State of the Nation Address of the President
informative talks, panel and discuss with the learners. Ask questions
discussions, etc. in everyday after the news report or SONA.
conversations and exchanges 2 Get information from various text that can
1 be used in everyday life or discuss
application in the community/real life
3 Determine how connected events
contribute to the totality of a material
viewed/discussed. Allow learners to
4 Recount sensory images used in the
report/story. Allow the learners to share
with the class how they feel about the
5 Express though writing how they feel about
the national news reports that they hear
1 Explain how textual aids are properly used.
2 Use words and expressions in making a
2 comprehensive text.
3 Get information from various text types
that can be used in everyday life.
4 Organize details in a text.
5 Highlight important information in a text.
Determine the effect of 1 Explain how the elements specific to a
textual aids like advance genre contribute to a theme of a particular
organizers, titles, non-linear 3 literary selection. Require them to answer
illustrations, etc. on the questions that follow related to a short
understanding of a text story through video presentation.
Emphasize on organizers, titles and non-
linear illustrations.
2 Use words and expressions that emphasize
a point. Provide Worksheets that will
require learners to determine
understanding of the text used in the
3 Express insights based on the ideas
presented. Learners are required to discuss
on their insights and share them with the

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4 Use special words/ expressions that
emphasize points through a writing a story
about a movie they have watched which
will be shared with the class.
5 Synthesize the movie viewed and include
the insights gained and how they feel about
the ending of the story.
4 1 Analyze the plot of the story and be able to
retell based on the
2 Determine what the story focused on.
3 Make the words more visible and easy to
4 State  important points about the text
using a graphic organizer.
5 Focus the reader's attention on specific
parts of the text.
Appraise the unity of plot, 5 1 Give meanings of words through dictionary
setting and characterization or context clues
in a material viewed to 2 Select organize, produce visuals and
achieve the writer’s purpose graphics to complement and extend the
3 Explain how tone and mood contribute to
the theme.
4 Use formal and informal definition to clarify
the definition of a word.
5 Draw conclusions based on the materials
Compare and contrast the 6 1 Employ speaking in panel discussions.
contents of the materials
viewed with outside sources 2 Compare new sights to previous learnings.
of information in terms of 3 Analyze how characterization contribute to
accessibility and effectiveness the effective development of the theme.
4 Draw conclusions based on a material
5 Make generalizations on certain conditions.
Employ analytical listening in 7 1 Stress the importance of winning over
problem solving challenges.
2 Compare new insights with previous
3 Examine how spoken communication may
be repaired or enhanced.
4 Draw similarities and differences of the
featured selections in relation to the theme.
5 Show appreciation for songs, poems, and
other listening texts.
Evaluate spoken texts using 8 1 Observe correct grammar in making
given criteria , e.g. fluency, definitions
tone, cohesion, correctness 2 Employ appropriate pitch, stress, juncture,
3 Formulate claims of fact, policy and value
4 Explain how the elements specific to a
selection build its theme.
5 Assess the effectiveness of the ideas
presented in the material viewed taking
account its purpose.
II Observe the language of 1 Use formal and informal to clarify the
research , campaigns, and 1 meaning of words.
advocacies 2 Use in-text citations.
3 Give expanded definitions of words.
4 Listen to simplify, reorganize, synthesize
and evaluate information to expand, review
or update knowledge.
5 Demonstrate confidence and ease of
Identify key structural 2 1 React to the falsity or soundness of an
elements, e.g. argument.
 Exposition – 2 Give expanded definitions of words.
statement of 3 Use structure of modification.
positions, 4 Write a short persuasive text.
5 Compose a comprehensive essay.
 Restatement of
positions and 3 1 Describe vividly using modals.
language features of 2 Illustrate the importance of using modals in
an argumentative a sentence.
text, e.g. : 3 Differentiate the difference of a sentence
- modal verbs: should, without modals.
must, might, and 4 Recognize the correct modals to be used in
modal adverbs; usually a sentence.
probably, etc.
5 Use the modals verbs in a sentence.
- attitudes expressed
through evaluative
 conjunctions or
connectives to link
ideas because,
therefore, on the other
hand, etc.;
- declarative statements
- rhetorical questions;
passive voice
Formulate a statement of 4 1 Define the effectiveness of argument, how
opinion or assertion to use support, clarify the stand of the
2 State the effects of a literary piece in one’s
value system.
3 Compare new insights with previous
4 Employ the techniques in public speaking to
convey ideas.
5 Use appropriate modals to express simple
futurity and willingness.
Formulate claims of fact, 5 1 Examine how spoken communication may
policy and value be repaired or enhanced.
2 Differentiate formal from informal
definitions of words.
3 Present information using tables, graphs,
and maps.
4 Compose a short persuasive texts using a
variety of persuasive techniques and
5 Assess the effectiveness of the ideas
presented in the material viewed taking
into account its purpose.
Write an exposition or 6 1 Read a story and discuss its five basic
discussion on a particular components and the language features
issue to include key structural used.
elements and language 2 Explain the relevance of organizing a strong
features opening sentence which captures
listeners/readers’ attention and provide a
brief outline of the key points to be covered
in the argument/discussion.
3 Emphasize structure of an exposition and
compose one’s topic of interest.
4 Ensure that the discussion has reflect key
structural elements and language features
based on the discussion on days 1-3.
5 Recite orally in class the output in Day 4.
Deliver a prepared or 7 1 Use the correct sound of English when
impromptu talk on an issue delivering impromptu and extemporaneous
employing the techniques in speech.
public speaking 2 Define and discuss technical and
operational definitions.
3 Assess the effectiveness of material listened
4 Explain illustrations from linear to non-
linear texts and vice versa.
5 Use denotation and connotation to clarify
the meaning of words.
Compose text which include 8 1 Read a story and discuss multimodal
multimodal elements elements of a text based on the selection.
2 Explain the essence of the five modes of
communication: linguistic, visual, gestural,
spatial and audio.
3 Use structures of modification.
4 Compose a text which features multimodal
5 Share with the class the output in Day 4.
III Compose an argumentative 1 1 Determine the effectiveness of argument,
essay how to use support, clarify the stand of the
2 Compare new insights with previous
3 State the effect of a literary piece in one’s
value system.
4 Use appropriate modals to express simple
futurity and willingness.
5 Employ the techniques in public speaking to
convey ideas.
Use a variety of informative, 2 1 Produce the sounds of English correctly and
persuasive, and effectively.
argumentative writing 2 Disclose the personal significance of a
techniques material viewed.
3 Appraise literature as a way of expressing
and resolving one’s personal conflict.
4 Use structures on modification.
5 Evaluate the information contained in the
material viewed in terms of accuracy and
Compose an independent 3 1 Provide meanings of words through
critique of a chosen selection dictionary or context clues.
2 Select, organize, produce visuals and
graphics to complement and extend the
3 Explain how tone and mood contribute to
the theme.
4 Use formal and informal definition to clarify
the definition of a word.
5 Draw conclusions based on the materials
Critique a literary selection 4 1 Expand ideas using principles of cohesion
based on the following and coherence.
approaches: 2 Synthesize essential information about a
- structuralist/formalist chosen issue.
- moralist 3 Explain how tone and mood contribute to
- Marxist the theme.
- feminist 4 Use formal and informal definition to clarify
- historical the definition of a word.
reader-response 5 Use the correct prosodic features of
5 1 Use four fundamental skills.
2 Enlarges the vocabulary of the students.
3 Correlates the teaching of grammar and
composition with the lesson of the text-
4 Improves and corrects pupil's speech
5 Develop the so-called distinctive
feature method of analysis
6 1 Serve as a mode of analysis examining the
relationship between ownership, power
and social change.
2 Uses a materialist interpretation of
Marx's most important works on social and
political history.
3 Provides the English reader with a more
systematic and thorough rendition of the
positions presented in The Force of Language.
4 Emphasizes the importance of careful
empirical and historical inquiry.
5 Illustrate the difference of expressing
language using the Marxist Approach.
7 1 Used to describe a political, cultural or
economic movement aimed at establishing
equal rights and legal protection for
2 Help focus on analyzing gender inequality.
3 Describe and explain how gender systems
work, as well as a consideration of normative
or ethical issues.
4 Suggests that the gender of the reader often
affects our response to a text.
5 Applies the philosophies and perspectives
of feminism to the literature we read.
8 1 Make the meaning they find in literature.
2 Focuses on the reader's reading experience.
3 Engage in the writing process of a peer
writer, including peer review.
4 Review and evaluate a variety of reader-
response papers by peer writers.
5 Apply the reader-response methodology to
works of literature.
IV Distinguish technical terms 1 1 Use appropriate modals to express simple
used in research futurity and willingness.
2 Determine the effectiveness of argument,
how to use support, clarify the stand of the
3 Compare new insights with previous
4 State the effect of a literary piece in one’s
value system.
5 Employ the techniques in public speaking to
convey ideas.
Give technical and 2 1 Explain how the elements specific to a
operational definitions genre contribute to a theme of a particular
literary selection
2 Use words and expressions that emphasize
a point.
3 Express insights based on the ideas
4 Use special words/expressions that
emphasize points.
5 Make generalizations.
Give expanded definition of 3 1 Use formal and informal text to clarify the
words meaning of words.
2 Use n-text citations.
3 Demonstrate confidence and ease of
4 Provide expanded definitions of words.
5 Listen to simplify, reorganize, synthesize,
and evaluate information to expand, review
of update knowledge.
Observe correct grammar in 4 1 Use the correct and appropriate language
making definitions when giving a toast or a tribute to someone
and when delivering
2 Demonstrate and show respect for
intellectual property rights by
acknowledging citations made in the
3 State the personal significance of the
selection to the reader.
4 React intelligently and creatively to the text
listened to.
5 Use structures of modification.
Compose a research report 5 1 Use formal and informal to clarify the
on a relevant school issue meaning of words
2 Use in-text citations.
3 Discuss expanded definition of words.
4 Listen to simplify, reorganize, synthesize
and evaluate information to expand, review
or update knowledge
5 Demonstrate confidence and ease of
6 1 Draft and revise a reader-response paper
on a literary work.
2 Understand the theory of reader response,
which focuses on the reader’s reading
3 Describe concisely what the research is
trying to achieve.
4 Summarize the accomplishments a
researcher wishes to achieve through the
project and provides direction to the study.
5 Supports high quality English language arts
instruction for all students.
7 1 Produce a comprehensive research work.
2 Introduce the study using the language
3 Express the study using appropriate terms
of the language.
4 Use the correct sound of English when
delivering the study.
5 State the purpose of the research study.
8 1 Employ the techniques in public speaking to
convey ideas in presenting the research.
2 Use words and expressions that emphasize
a point.
3 Describe concisely what the research is
trying to achieve.
4 Define and discuss technical and
operational definitions.
5 Produce a study that can be used in the

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