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Modelling and Simulation of Mho Type Distance Relay for High Voltage
Transmission Line Protection Using MATLAB Software

Article  in  JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) · October 2019

DOI: 10.12962/j25796216.v3.i2.91


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Ohn Zin Lin

Yangon Technological University


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JAREE-Journal on Advance Research in Electrical Engineering
Volume3, Number 2, October 2019

Modelling and Simulation of Mho Type Distance

Relay for High Voltage Transmission Line
Protection Using MATLAB Software
Win Win Tun Ohn Zin Lin Han Su Yin
Department of Electrical Power Department of Electrical Power Department of Electrical Power
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Yangon Technological University Yangon Technological University Yangon Technological University
Yangon, Myanmar Yangon, Myanmar Yangon, Myanmar
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— Transmission lines are an important part of a Distance protection scheme is widely used to protect high
power system. Transmission lines have high power transmission voltage transmission lines and sub-transmission lines. This
capacity and they are prone to faults of larger magnitudes. relay is proportional to the line length and between relay
Various faults occur in transmission lines. Therefore, protection location and the fault point. Distance relays have high speed
relays are necessary to protect transmission lines. The purpose fault clearance capabilities and more selective as compare
of protection system is to interrupt the faulty section from the with other protection relays. Mho type distance relays are
healthy section because the fault currents may damage the directional in nature as it can identify the faults in the forward
electrical equipments. One of the protection relays is distance direction [2].
relay and it is mainly used in transmission line. Sometimes these
relay are used for backup protection. Distance relays for The basic principle of distance relay is based on the values
determining the impedance need the voltage and current. of voltage and current and the relay operate the impedance
Transmission lines are typically protected by distance between the relay terminal and the fault location. There are
protection relay. Distance relays are considered of high speed many types of distance relay such as mho relay, offset mho
class and can provide transmission lines. Nowadays, numerical relay, admittance relay, reactance relay and impedance relay,
distance relays have been used instead of using etc. Every type of characteristics has different functions and
electromechanical and static distance relays. The proposed theories behind [3]. Protection relays have a great impact on
model was verified under different tests such as single line to
power system’s reliability and stability and on the main
ground (L-G) fault, double line to ground (L-L-G) fault, line to
components in power system. Distance relay or impedance
line (L-L) fault and three phase (L-L-L) fault. SimPower System
was used for modelling and simulation of distance relay,
relay can be used main protection or backup protection in
transmission lines and faults. The simulation results were transmission lines [4]. Nowadays, numerical distance relays
obtained from MATLAB software shows the feasibility of have been used as replacing static distance relays and
analysis of transmission line protection with mho type distance electromechanical distance relays [5]. The understanding on
relay for single line to ground fault, double line to ground fault, the operation of distance relay is quite difficult compared to
line to line fault and three phase fault at different location of other protection relays such as overcurrent relay, over or under
transmission lines. The difficulties understanding on operation voltage relay and over or under frequency relay etc due to its
of distance relay can be cleared by using MATLAB/SIMULINK complex theories and philosophies[6].
In this paper, distance relay is modeled and simulated on
Keywords— Distance relay, Single line to ground fault (L-G), the transmission lines. For this distance relay, fault detection
Double line to ground (L-L-G), Line to Line fault (L-L), Three block, impedance measurement block and zone protection
phase fault (L-L-L), MATLAB/SIMULINK. coordination are created by using Matlab/simulink software.
And then, mho type distance relay model is implemented and
I. INTRODUCTION various faults are created on transmission line with mho type
An electrical power system is a network of electrical distance relay. The test system is selected 230 kV Kamanat-
which transmission line, current transformer, voltage Sittaung transmission line and 230 kV Sittaung-Thahtone
transformer, circuit breaker and power transformer, etc are transmission line. After distance relay is developed, single line
included. When a fault occurs in power system, an abnormal to ground fault, double line to ground fault, line to line fault
large amount of current flows through the power system. and three phase fault were created in model of transmission
These fault currents will damage the electrical components line with distance relay and then the results will be analyzed
and will be unstable the power system. Therefore, power to study the behavior of developed mho type distance relay.
system protection is necessary to protect from fault condition II. PROTECTION THEORIES OF DISTANCE RELAY
to stable generation, transmission and distribution. Most of
fault occur in transmission line of power system and these Distance relays are generally used for medium and long
fault may be black out condition of the power system. Thus, transmission lines. These relays operate by using voltage and
transmission line protection need to protect the damaging of current phasors for impedance calculation whether the fault
electrical equipments and to maintain the healthy system [1]. impedance is within zone of protection or not. Various faults

JAREE-Journal on Advance Research in Electrical Engineering
Volume3, Number 2, October 2019

such as single line to ground (L-G) fault, double line to ground III.DEVELOPMENT OF MHO TYPE DISTANCE RELAY MODEL
(L-L-G) fault, line to line (L-L) fault and three phase (L-L-L) Different types of characteristic are presented on distance
fault occur in transmission lines and these faults may damage
relay such as mho, offset mho, reactance, quadrilateral,
electrical equipments. Thus, transmission line protection is an
important role of power transmission lines. Distance relays are admittance, polarized-mho, etc. Each one of characteristics
necessary seven units to select types of faults and these units has its own function and theories behind. The mho type
detect types of fault which the fault occurred between the distance relay operates when impedance of the fault enters
phase and phase or between phase and ground. into the operating characteristic of protection zone when the
ratio of V/I fall inside a circle. Fig. 2 shows the characteristic
of mho type distance relay which is described on the R-X
Fault Calculation Algorithm plain. Fig. 3 shows flow chart for protection algorithm of mho
type distance relay.
Phase A – Ground ZA = VA / ( IA + 3 K0 I0 )
Reactance (X)
Phase B – Ground ZB = VB / ( IB + 3 K0 I0 )
Phase C – Ground ZC = VC / ( IC + 3 K0 I0 )
Phase A - B or A - B –
ZAB = VAB / ( IA - IB )
Phase A - C or A - C –
ZAC = VAC / ( IA - IC ) Zone 3
Phase B - C or B - C – Ground ZBC = VBC / ( IB - IC )
ZABC = VA/IA or VB/IB or
Phase A - B – C Zone 2

Table I shows fault impedance algorithm for different

Zone 1
type of faults used to calculate the impedance at the relay
location for different types of fault. Resistance (R)
In Table I, A, B and C indicate the phase faults and
G indicates the ground fault.
VA, VB and VC are the phase voltages Fig. 2. Mho type distance relay characteristic
IA, IB and IC are the phase currents
Z0 is zero sequence impedance Start
Z1 is positive sequence impedance
K0 is residual compensation factor where K0 = (Z0 –
Z1)/KZ1. K can be 1 or 3 depend on the relay design. Measure Voltage
I0 = (Ia + Ib + Ic)/3 and Current
Three zone protections are explained the following.
Extraction of
 Zone 1 setting is set that the zone setting is 80 to 85 % Components
of protected line and the remaining 15 or 20 % is for
some errors such as instruments and occurring of Sequence of
transient. Components
 Zone 2 setting is set that the zone setting is 120 % to 150%
of protected line or 100% of protected line in addition Resistance
50 % of the shortest next line. and Reactance
 Zone 3 setting is set that the zone setting is 120 % of the
sum of protected line and the longest line or 200 % to YES
250% of protected line.
NO Delay
Zone 3 Z<Z2
Zone 2 Time
Zone 1 Zone 2 YES
Zone 1
NO Delay

R1 R2 R3 R4 Signal
Fig. 3. Mho type distance relay Algorithm

Fig. 1. Transmission line protection zones In this paper, mho type distance relay is modelled and
The distance relay operates on the positive sequence protection is developed for high voltage transmission line.
impedance between relay and fault point for phase distance The single line diagram for selected system is shown in Fig.
protection. The zero sequence impedance is for ground 4 (a) and overall parameter of power transmission line is
distance protection. The Fig. 1 shows the transmission line shown in table II. The selected systems are Kamanat-Sittaung
protection zones. transmission line and Sittaung-Thahtone transmission line.

JAREE-Journal on Advance Research in Electrical Engineering
Volume3, Number 2, October 2019

And then, transmission lines are modelled to analyse the 3 Nominal Voltage 230000 V
behaviour of mho type distance relay installed in this 4 Nominal Frequency 50 HZ
transmission line. The Fig. 4 (b) shows the transmission line 5 Line Resistance ( R1 = R2 ) 0.0474 Ω/km
model without distance relay.
6 Line Resistance ( R0 ) 0.3073 Ω/km
Kamanat Sittaung Thahtone
7 Line Inductance( L1 = L2 ) 0.001011047 H/km
Bus Bus Bus
No Parameters Value
230 kV Line 230 kV Line
58. 8 km 88. 17 km 8 Line Inductance( L0 ) 0.003476000 H/km
9 Line Capacitance ( C1 = C2 ) 0.0000000113 F/km

Fig. 4 (a). Single Line Diagram of High Voltage Transmission Line 10 Line Capacitance ( C0 ) 0.00000000814 F/km
11 Total Positive Sequence TL1 2.78712+j18.67650 Ω
12 Total Zero Sequence TL1 18.06924+j64.2106 Ω
No Parameters Value
13 Total Positive Sequence TL2 4.17925+j28.00534 Ω
1 Transmission Line Length 1 58.8 km
14 Total Zero Sequence TL2 27.09464+j96.2831 Ω
2 Transmission Line Length 2 88.17 km

Fig. 4 (b). Simulation Model without Distance relay of High Voltage Transmission Line

A. Development of Mho Type Distance Relay Model

Mho type distance relay is implemented as shown in Fig.
5. The modelling system consists of (i) fault detection and
classification, (ii) fault impedance calculation and (iii) zone
determination. In this relay model, Fig. 6, Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 are
illustrated for evaluated impedance of single line to ground
fault, double line to ground fault/line to line fault and three
phase fault using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.

Fig. 6. Impedance calculation model for Single line to ground fault

Fig. 5. Mho type Distance relay model Fig. 7. Impedance Calculation Model for Double Line to Ground Fault
/Line to Line Fault

JAREE-Journal on Advance Research in Electrical Engineering
Volume3, Number 2, October 2019

Delay Time = 0 sec

Zone 2 = 120% X (0.0474+j0.317629)× 58.8
= 3.344544+j22.411902
= 22.660082 81.512
Delay Time = 0.3 sec
Zone 3 = 225% X (0.0474+j0.317629)× 58.8
= 6.271020+j42.022316
= 42.48765 81.512
Fig.8. Impedance calculation model for three phase fault
Delay Time = 0.6 sec
B. Relay Setting Calculation for Zones of Protection for
Mho Type Distance Relay
Line length = 58.8 km
The simulation model for 230 kV high voltage
Resistance = 0.0474 Ω/km transmission lines with mho type distance relay protection
Reactance = 0.317629 H/km scheme is shown in Fig. 9. Distance relay operates based on
voltage and current values at Kamanat Bus. For simulation
Impedance = R+jXL with fault, the fault resistance is set as 0.001 Ω and ground
= 0.0474+j0.317629 Ω/km resistance is set as 0.01 Ω. Different fault types are applied at
various distances from Kamanat Bus for testing of three
Zone 1 = 80% X (0.0474+j0.317629) × 58.8 protection zones. The fault impedance and protection zone
= 2.229696+j14.941268 are described in this figure.
= 15.106721 81.512

Fig. 9. Simulink Model for 230 kV high voltage transmission line with mho type distance relay protection scheme

JAREE-Journal on Advance Research in Electrical Engineering
Volume3, Number 2, October 2019

Fig. 9 illustrates the operating of mho type distance relay

protection scheme for selected transmission line. In this
simulation, phase ‘A’ to ground fault is applied on Kamanat-
Sittaung transmission line. After simulation, the protection
scheme displays as the fault type is A-G fault, fault impedance
is 9.635 ohm magnitude with 81.585 angle and zone of
protection as ‘1’. In all simulations, the developed system can
determine the fault type, fault impedance and protection zone
accurately with negligible error.
V. SIMULATION RESULTS FOR HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION Fig. 12. R-jX plot Impedance for L-L-G fault at 30 km
In this section, single line to ground fault, double line to
ground fault, line to line fault and three phase fault are created
at different locations (30 km, 58.8 km and 100km) on the 230
kV transmission lines (Kamanat-Sittaung

transmission line and Sitaung-Thahtone transmission line) to

study the behavior of developed mho distance relay.
For the zone of protection and fault impedance on R-jX
plain, Matlab function block with ‘m code’ is used in simulation
model of Fig. 9. In R-jX plots, the first zone, second zone and Fig. 13. R-jX plot Impedance for L-L-L fault at 30 km
third zone protection regions are expressed with red, blue and
green circles respectively. The impedance of Kamanat-Sittaung The results show that the mho type relay indicates
line is shown with black line. The fault impedance is indicated impedance in the first zone, second zone and third zone
with magenta color asterisk at the top of red color arrow headed correctly. The impedance of all of zones described R-jX plain
line. which is correct function of relay. Various faults are created at
Fig. 10 shows the impedance measured by mho type location 58.8 km and 100 km to analyze the behavior of mho
distance relay due to single line to ground fault at 30 km from type distance relay at this types of fault. The results measured
Kamanat Bus. Moreover, Fig. 11, Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 are the by distance relay are shown in Fig. 14, Fig. 15, Fig. 16 and Fig.
impedances measured by distance relay when double line to 17 for distance 58.8 km and Fig. 18, Fig. 19, Fig. 20 and Fig.
ground fault, line to line fault and three phase fault occur at 30 21 for distance 100 km respectively. In this case, the developed
km. mho type distance relay protection scheme can determine the
fault type and protection zone correctly and accurately.

Fig. 10. R-jX plot Impedance for L-G fault at 30 km Fig. 14. R-jX plot Impedance for L-G fault at 58.8 km

Fig. 15. R-jX plot Impedance for L-L fault at 58.8 km

Fig. 11. R-jX plot Impedance for L-L fault at 30 km

JAREE-Journal on Advance Research in Electrical Engineering
Volume3, Number 2, October 2019

Fig. 16. R-jX plot Impedance for L-L-G fault at 58.8 km

Fig. 20. R-jX plot Impedance for L-L-G fault at 100 km

Fig. 17. R-jX plot Impedance for L-L-L fault at 58.8 km Fig. 21. R-jX plot Impedance for L-L-L fault at 100 km



Distance (km) from Kamanat

Fault Measured Z at 30 Measured Z at 58.8 Measured Z at 100
Type km km km
Magnitude Angle Magnitude Angle Magnitude Angle
1 A-G 9.635 81.585 18.895 81.533 32.371 81.919
2 A-B 9.670 81.796 18.989 81.907 32.364 81.508
3 A-B-G 9.670 81.796 18.989 81.907 32.364 81.508
4 A-B-C 9.640 81.289 18.909 81.457 32.249 81.086
Actual Z 9.440 81.511 18.881 81.511 32.111 81.511
Fig. 18. R-jX plot Impedance for L-G fault at 100 km

Table III shows the simulation results for high voltage

transmission lines with developed mho type distance relay. The
actual impedances for zone 1, zone 2 and zone 3 at 30 km, 58.8
km and 100 km are 9.440 ohm magnitude with 81.511 angle,
18.8 ohm magnitude with 81.511 angle and 32.111 magnitude
with 81.511 angle. The various faults such as single line to
ground (L-G) fault, double line to ground (L-L) fault, line to
line (L-L) fault and three phase (L-L-L) fault were created in
high voltage transmission line with the developed mho type
distance relay and the results are analyzed. When the simulation
results for zone 1 ,zone 2 and zone 3 are compared with the
actual value of zone 1, zone 2 and zone 3, the simulation results
Fig. 19. R-jX plot Impedance for L-L fault at 100 km nearly equal the actual values. Therefore, the developed mho
type distance relay operated as per the theoretical characteristic.

The mho type distance relay was successfully modeled and
simulated by using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The
simulation results show that software was capable to be used for
modeling and simulation of any type of relay such as
overcurrent and earth fault relay, over or under voltage relay

JAREE-Journal on Advance Research in Electrical Engineering
Volume3, Number 2, October 2019

and differential relay, etc. The function for mho type distance
relay was created by using special blocks of
MATLAB/SIMULINK. By studying the behavior of the
developed mho type distance relay model at different location
of transmission line, the relay model was able to operate the
appropriate fault types correctly. Moreover, this relay indicates
correct zone of operation in all cases. When fault locations
change, the relay identifies correct zones and the measured
impedance changes depend on fault locations and the value of
fault currents. From R-X plain, the simulation results show that
the characteristics of mho type distance relay operate as per
theoretical characteristic.
The authors would like to thanks the department of electrical
power engineering and Yangon Technological University
(YTU) for supporting. The authors wish to express thanks to
their teachers who gave suggestions, discussion and ideas.
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