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Flowcharts can be used to visually represent processes and workflows. Basic syntax includes keywords like graph, start and stop to define orientation and nodes. A variety of node shapes and link types are available.

The basic syntax includes keywords like graph to define orientation (top-bottom or left-right), start and stop nodes, as well as node ids. Text can also be added to nodes.

Different node shapes available are rounded, stadium, subroutine, cylinder, circle, asymmetric, rhombus, hexagon, parallelogram, trapezoid, etc.

Flowcharts - Basic Syntax

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This statement declares the direction of the Flowchart.

This declares the graph is oriented from top to bottom ( TD or TB ).

graph TD
Start --> Stop



This declares the graph is oriented from le to right ( LR ).

graph LR
Start --> Stop

Start Stop

Flowchart Orientation
Possible FlowChart orientations are:

TB - top to bottom
TD - top-down/ same as top to bottom
BT - bottom to top
RL - right to le
LR - le to right
This renders a flowchart that allows for features such as: more arrow types, multi directional arrows, and linking to and from

Apart from the graph type, the syntax is the same. This is currently experimental but when the beta period is over, both the
graph and flowchart keywords will render in the new way. This means it is ok to start beta testing flowcharts.

An important note on Flowchart nodes, do not type the word

"end" as a Flowchart node. Capitalize all or any one the letters to
keep the flowchart from breaking, i.e, "End" or "END". Or you can
apply this

Nodes & shapes

A node (default)

graph LR


Note that the id is what is displayed in the box.

A node with text
It is also possible to set text in the box that differs from the id. If this is done several times, it is the last text found for the
node that will be used. Also if you define edges for the node later on, you can omit text definitions. The one previously
defined will be used when rendering the box.

graph LR
id1[This is the text in the box]

This is the text in the box

Node Shapes
A node with round edges

graph LR
id1(This is the text in the box)

This is the text in the box

A stadium-shaped node

graph LR
id1([This is the text in the box])

This is the text in the box

A node in a subroutine shape

graph LR
id1[[This is the text in the box]]

This is the text in the box

A node in a cylindrical shape

graph LR

A node in the form of a circle

graph LR
id1((This is the text in the circle))

This is the text in the circle

A node in an asymetric shape

graph LR
id1>This is the text in the box]

This is the text in the box

Currently only the shape above is possible and not its mirror. This might change with future releases.

A node (rhombus)

graph LR
id1{This is the text in the box}

This is the text in the box

A hexagon node

graph LR
id1{{This is the text in the box}}

This is the text in the box


graph TD
id1[/This is the text in the box/]

This is the text in the box

Parallelogram alt

graph TD
id1[\This is the text in the box\]

This is the text in the box


graph TD


Trapezoid alt
graph TD
B[\Go shopping/]

Go shopping

Links between nodes

Nodes can be connected with links/edges. It is possible to have different types of links or attach a text string to a link.

A link with arrow head

graph LR


An open link

graph LR
A --- B


Text on links

graph LR
A-- This is the text! ---B

A This is the text B

graph LR
A---|This is the text|B

A This is the text B

A link with arrow head and text

graph LR

A text B


graph LR
A-- text -->B

A text B

Dotted link

graph LR;


Dotted link with text

graph LR
A-. text .-> B
A text B

Thick link

graph LR
A ==> B


Thick link with text

graph LR
A == text ==> B

A text B

Chaining of links
It is possible declare many links in the same line as per below:

graph LR
A -- text --> B -- text2 --> C

A text B text2 C

It is also possible to declare multiple nodes links in the same line as per below:

graph LR
a --> b & c--> d

a d

You can then describe dependencies in a very expressive way. Like the onliner below:

graph TB
A & B--> C & D



If you describe the same diagram using the the basic syntax, it will take four lines. A word of warning, one could go
overboard with this making the graph harder to read in markdown form. The Swedish word lagom comes to mind. It
means, not to much and not to little. This goes for expressive syntaxes as well.

graph TB
A --> C
A --> D
B --> C
B --> D

Beta: New arrow types

When using flowchart instead of graph there is the are new types of arrows supported as per below:

flowchart LR
A --o B
B --x C

Beta: multi directional arrows
When using flowchart instead of graph there is the possibility to use multidirectional arrows.

flowchart LR
A o--o B
B <--> C
C x--x D


Special characters that break syntax

It is possible to put text within quotes in order to render more troublesome characters. As in the example below:

graph LR
id1["This is the (text) in the box"]

This is the (text) in the box

Entity codes to escape characters

It is possible to escape characters using the syntax examplified here.

graph LR
A["A double quote:#quot;"] -->B["A dec char:#9829;"]

A double quote:" A dec char:♥

subgraph title
graph definition
An example below:

graph TB
subgraph one
subgraph two
subgraph three

three two one

c1 b1 a1

c2 b2 a2

You can also set an excplicit id for the subgraph.

graph TB
subgraph ide1 [one]

c1 a1


Beta: flowcharts
With the graphtype flowcharts it is also possible to set edges to and from subgraphs as in the graph below.
flowchart TB
subgraph one
subgraph two
subgraph three
one --> two
three --> two
two --> c2

one three
a1 c1

a2 c2


b1 b2

It is possible to bind a click event to a node, the click can lead to either a javascript callback or to a link which will be
opened in a new browser tab. Note: This functionality is disabled when using securityLevel='strict' and enabled
when using securityLevel='loose' .

click nodeId callback

nodeId is the id of the node

callback is the name of a javascript function defined on the page displaying the graph, the function will be called with
the nodeId as parameter.

Examples of tooltip usage below:

var callback = function(){
alert('A callback was triggered');

graph LR;
click A callback "Tooltip for a callback"
click B "" "This is a tooltip for a link"

The tooltip text is surrounded in double quotes. The styles of the tooltip are set by the class .mermaidTooltip.


Success The tooltip functionality and the ability to link to urls are available from version 0.5.2.

Due to limitations with how Docsify handles JavaScript callback functions, an alternate working demo for the above
code can be viewed at this jsfiddle.

Beginners tip, a full example using interactive links in a html context:

<div class="mermaid">
graph LR;
click A callback "Tooltip"
click B "" "This is a link"

var callback = function(){
alert('A callback was triggered');
var config = {


Comments can be entered within a flow diagram, which will be ignored by the parser. Comments need to be on their own
line, and must be prefaced with %% (double percent signs). Any text a er the start of the comment to the next newline will
be treated as a comment, including any flow syntax

graph LR
%% this is a comment A -- text --> B{node}
A -- text --> B -- text2 --> C

Styling and classes

Styling links
It is possible to style links. For instance you might want to style a link that is going backwards in the flow. As links have no
ids in the same way as nodes, some other way of deciding what style the links should be attached to is required. Instead of
ids, the order number of when the link was defined in the graph is used. In the example below the style defined in the
linkStyle statement will belong to the fourth link in the graph:

linkStyle 3 stroke:#ff3,stroke-width:4px,color:red;

Styling a node
It is possible to apply specific styles such as a thicker border or a different background color to a node.

graph LR
style id1 fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
style id2 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5, 5
Start Stop

More convenient then defining the style every time is to define a class of styles and attach this class to the nodes that should
have a different look.

a class definition looks like the example below:

classDef className fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;

Attachment of a class to a node is done as per below:

class nodeId1 className;

It is also possible to attach a class to a list of nodes in one statement:

class nodeId1,nodeId2 className;

A shorter form of adding a class is to attach the classname to the node using the ::: operator as per below:

graph LR
A:::someclass --> B
classDef someclass fill:#f96;


Css classes
It is also possible to predefine classes in css styles that can be applied from the graph definition as in the example below:

Example style


.cssClass > rect{

Example definition

graph LR;
class A cssClass;

A AAA<span>BBB</span> D

Default class
If a class is named default it will be assigned to all classes without specific class definitions.

classDef default fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;

Basic support for fontawesome

It is possible to add icons from fontawesome.

The icons are acessed via the syntax fa:#icon class name#.

graph TD
B["fa:fa-twitter for peace"]
B-->C[fa:fa-ban forbidden]
B-->E(A fa:fa-camera-retro perhaps?);

for peace

forbidden A perhaps?
Graph declarations with spaces between vertices and link and
without semicolon
In graph declarations, the statements also can now end without a semicolon. A er release 0.2.16, ending a graph
statement with semicolon is just optional. So the below graph declaration is also valid along with the old declarations of
the graph.

A single space is allowed between vertices and the link. However there should not be any space between a vertex and its
text and a link and its text. The old syntax of graph declaration will also work and hence this new feature is optional and
is introduce to improve readability.

Below is the new declaration of the graph edges which is also valid along with the old declaration of the graph edges.

graph LR
A[Hard edge] -->|Link text| B(Round edge)
B --> C{Decision}
C -->|One| D[Result one]
C -->|Two| E[Result two]

One Result one

Hard edge Link text Round edge Decision

Two Result two

Is it possible to adjust the width of the rendered flowchart.

This is done by defining mermaid.flowchartConfig or by the CLI to use a json file with the configuration. How to use the CLI
is described in the mermaidCLI page. mermaid.flowchartConfig can be set to a JSON string with config parameters or the
corresponding object.


mermaid.flowchartConfig = {
width: 100%
Sequence diagrams
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A Sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with one another
and in what order.

Mermaid can render sequence diagrams.

Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
John-->>Alice: Great!

Alice John

Hello John, how are you?


Alice John

A note on nodes, the word "end" could potentially break

the diagram, due to the way that the mermaid language
is scripted.
If unavoidable, one must use parentheses(), quotation
marks "", or brackets {},[], to enclose the word "end". i.e :
(end), [end], {end}.

The participants can be defined implicitly as in the first example on this page. The participants or actors are
rendered in order of appearance in the diagram source text. Sometimes you might want to show the
participants in a different order than how they appear in the first message. It is possible to specify the
actor's order of appearance by doing the following:

participant John
participant Alice
Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
John-->>Alice: Great!

John Alice

Hello John, how are you?


John Alice

The actor can have a convenient identifier and a descriptive label.
participant A as Alice
participant J as John
A->>J: Hello John, how are you?
J->>A: Great!

Alice John

Hello John, how are you?


Alice John

Messages can be of two displayed either solid or with a dotted line.

[Actor][Arrow][Actor]:Message text

There are six types of arrows currently supported:

Type Description
-> Solid line without arrow
--> Dotted line without arrow
->> Solid line with arrowhead
-->> Dotted line with arrowhead
-x Solid line with a cross at the end (async)
--x Dotted line with a cross at the end (async)

It is possible to activate and deactivate an actor. (de)activation can be dedicated declarations:

Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
activate John
John-->>Alice: Great!
deactivate John

Alice John

Hello John, how are you?


Alice John

There is also a shortcut notation by appending + / - suffix to the message arrow:

Alice->>+John: Hello John, how are you?
John-->>-Alice: Great!

Alice John

Hello John, how are you?


Alice John

Activations can be stacked for same actor:

Alice->>+John: Hello John, how are you?
Alice->>+John: John, can you hear me?
John-->>-Alice: Hi Alice, I can hear you!
John-->>-Alice: I feel great!

Alice John

Hello John, how are you?

John, can you hear me?

Hi Alice, I can hear you!

I feel great!

Alice John

It is possible to add notes to a sequence diagram. This is done by the notation Note [ right of | le of | over ]
[Actor]: Text in note content

See the example below:

participant John
Note right of John: Text in note

Text in note


It is also possible to create notes spanning two participants:

Alice->John: Hello John, how are you?
Note over Alice,John: A typical interaction

Alice John

Hello John, how are you?

A typical interaction

Alice John

It is possible to express loops in a sequence diagram. This is done by the notation

loop Loop text

... statements ...

See the example below:

Alice->John: Hello John, how are you?
loop Every minute
John-->Alice: Great!

Alice John

Hello John, how are you?

loop [Every minute]


Alice John

It is possible to express alternative paths in a sequence diagram. This is done by the notation

alt Describing text

... statements ...
... statements ...

or if there is sequence that is optional (if without else).

opt Describing text

... statements ...
See the example below:

Alice->>Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
alt is sick
Bob->>Alice: Not so good :(
else is well
Bob->>Alice: Feeling fresh like a daisy
opt Extra response
Bob->>Alice: Thanks for asking

Alice Bob

Hello Bob, how are you?

alt [is sick]

Not so good :(

[is well]

Feeling fresh like a daisy

opt [Extra response]

Thanks for asking

Alice Bob

It is possible to show actions that are happening in parallel.

This is done by the notation

par [Action 1]
... statements ...
and [Action 2]
... statements ...
and [Action N]
... statements ...

See the example below:

Alice Bob John

par [Alice to Bob]

Hello guys!

[Alice to John]

Hello guys!

Hi Alice!

Hi Alice!

Alice Bob John

It is also possible to nest parallel blocks.

Alice Bob John Charlie Diana

par [Alice to Bob]

Go help John

[Alice to John]

I want this done today

par [John to Charlie]

Can we do this today?

[John to Diana]

Can you help us today?

Alice Bob John Charlie Diana

Background Highlighting
It is possible to highlight flows by providing colored background rects. This is done by the notation

The colors are defined using rgb and rgba syntax.

rect rgb(0, 255, 0)

... content ...

rect rgba(0, 0, 255, .1)

... content ...

See the examples below:

Alice John

Alice calls John.

Hello John, how are you?

John, can you hear me?

Hi Alice, I can hear you!

I feel great!

Did you want to go to the game tonight?

Yeah! See you there.

Alice John

Comments can be entered within a sequence diagram, which will be ignored by the parser. Comments need
to be on their own line, and must be prefaced with %% (double percent signs). Any text a er the start of
the comment to the next newline will be treated as a comment, including any diagram syntax

Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
%% this is a comment
John-->>Alice: Great!

It is possible to get a sequence number attached to each arrow in a sequence diagram. This can be
configured when adding mermaid to the website as shown below:
sequence: { showSequenceNumbers: true },

It can also be be turned on via the diagram code as in the diagram:

Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
loop Healthcheck
John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
Note right of John: Rational thoughts!
John-->>Alice: Great!
John->>Bob: How about you?
Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
Alice John Bob

Hello John, how are you?

loop [Healthcheck]

Fight against hypochondria


Rational thoughts!


How about you?


Jolly good!

Alice John Bob

Styling of a sequence diagram is done by defining a number of css classes. During rendering these classes
are extracted from the file located at src/themes/sequence.scss

Classes used
Class Description
actor Style for the actor box at the top of the diagram. Styles for text in the actor box at the top of the diagram.
actor-line The vertical line for an actor.
messageLine0 Styles for the solid message line.
messageLine1 Styles for the dotted message line.
messageText Defines styles for the text on the message arrows.
labelBox Defines styles label to le in a loop.
Class Description
labelText Styles for the text in label for loops.
loopText Styles for the text in the loop box.
loopLine Defines styles for the lines in the loop box.
note Styles for the note box.
noteText Styles for the text on in the note boxes.

Sample stylesheet

body {
background: white;

.actor {
stroke: #ccccff;
fill: #ececff;
} {
fill: black;
stroke: none;
font-family: Helvetica;

.actor-line {
stroke: grey;

.messageLine0 {
stroke-width: 1.5;
stroke-dasharray: '2 2';
marker-end: 'url(#arrowhead)';
stroke: black;

.messageLine1 {
stroke-width: 1.5;
stroke-dasharray: '2 2';
stroke: black;
#arrowhead {
fill: black;

.messageText {
fill: black;
stroke: none;
font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial;
font-size: 14px;

.labelBox {
stroke: #ccccff;
fill: #ececff;

.labelText {
fill: black;
stroke: none;
font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial;

.loopText {
fill: black;
stroke: none;
font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial;

.loopLine {
stroke-width: 2;
stroke-dasharray: '2 2';
marker-end: 'url(#arrowhead)';
stroke: #ccccff;

.note {
stroke: #decc93;
fill: #fff5ad;

.noteText {
fill: black;
stroke: none;
font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial;
font-size: 14px;

Is it possible to adjust the margins for rendering the sequence diagram.

This is done by defining mermaid.sequenceConfig or by the CLI to use a json file with the configuration.
How to use the CLI is described in the mermaidCLI page. mermaid.sequenceConfig can be set to a JSON
string with config parameters or the corresponding object.


mermaid.sequenceConfig = {
diagramMarginX: 50,
diagramMarginY: 10,
boxTextMargin: 5,
noteMargin: 10,
messageMargin: 35,
mirrorActors: true

Possible configuration params:

Param Description Default

mirrorActors Turns on/off the rendering of actors below the diagram as well false
as above it
Adjusts how far down the graph ended. Wide borders styles with
bottomMarginAdj css could generate unwanted clipping which is why this config 1
param exists.
actorFontSize Sets the font size for the actor's description 14
actorFontFamily Sets the font family for the actor's description Sans",
actorFontWeight Sets the font weight for the actor's description Sans",
Param Description Default
noteFontSize Sets the font size for actor-attached notes 14
noteFontFamily Sets the font family for actor-attached notes ms",
noteFontWeight Sets the font weight for actor-attached notes ms",
noteAlign Sets the text alignment for text in actor-attached notes center
messageFontSize Sets the font size for actor<->actor messages 16
messageFontFamily Sets the font family for actor<->actor messages ms",
messageFontWeight Sets the font weight for actor<->actor messages ms",
Class diagrams
"In so ware engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static
structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their
attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects." Wikipedia

The class diagram is the main building block of object-oriented modeling. It is used for general conceptual
modeling of the structure of the application, and for detailed modeling translating the models into
programming code. Class diagrams can also be used for data modeling. The classes in a class diagram
represent both the main elements, interactions in the application, and the classes to be programmed.

Mermaid can render class diagrams.

Animal <|-- Duck
Animal <|-- Fish
Animal <|-- Zebra
Animal : +int age
Animal : +String gender
Animal: +isMammal()
Animal: +mate()
class Duck{
+String beakColor
class Fish{
-int sizeInFeet
class Zebra{
+bool is_wild
+int age
+String gender


Fish Zebra
+String beakColor
-int sizeInFeet +bool is_wild
+quack() -canEat() +run()

UML provides mechanisms to represent class members, such as attributes and methods, and additional
information about them. A single instance of a class in the diagram contains three compartments:

The top compartment contains the name of the class. It is printed in bold and centered, and the first letter
is capitalized. It may also contain optional annotation text describing the nature of the class.
The middle compartment contains the attributes of the class. They are le -aligned and the first letter is
The bottom compartment contains the operations the class can execute. They are also le -aligned and the
first letter is lowercase.

class BankAccount
BankAccount : +String owner
BankAccount : +Bigdecimal balance
BankAccount : +deposit(amount)
BankAccount : +withdrawl(amount)

+String owner
+BigDecimal balance

Define a class
There are two ways to define a class:

Explicitly defining a class using keyword class like class Animal . This defines the Animal class
Define two classes via a relationship between them Vehicle <|-- Car . This defines two classes Vehicle
and Car along with their relationship.

class Animal
Vehicle <|-- Car

Animal Vehicle


Naming convention: a class name should be composed of alphanumeric (unicode allowed) and underscore

Defining Members of a class

UML provides mechanisms to represent class members, such as attributes and methods, and additional
information about them.

Mermaid distinguishes between attributes and functions/methods based on if the parenthesis () are
present or not. The ones with () are treated as functions/methods, and others as attributes.

There are two ways to define the members of a class, and regardless of whichever syntax is used to define the
members, the output will still be same. The two different ways are :

Associate a member of a class using : (colon) followed by member name, useful to define one member at a
time. For example:

class BankAccount
BankAccount : +String owner
BankAccount : +BigDecimal balance
BankAccount : +deposit(amount)
BankAccount : +withdrawal(amount)

+String owner
+BigDecimal balance


Associate members of a class using {} brackets, where members are grouped within curly brackets. Suitable
for defining multiple members at once. For example:

class BankAccount{
+String owner
+BigDecimal balance
+deposit(amount) bool

+String owner
+BigDecimal balance

+deposit(amount) : bool
+withdrawl(amount) : int

Return Type
Optionally you can end the method/function definition with the data type that will be returned (note: there
must be a space between the final ) of the method definition and return type example:

class BankAccount{
+String owner
+BigDecimal balance
+deposit(amount) bool
+withdrawl(amount) int
+String owner
+BigDecimal balance

+deposit(amount) : bool
+withdrawl(amount) : int

Generic Types
Members can be defined using generic types, such as List<int> , for fields, parameters and return types by
enclosing the type within ~ (tilde). Note: nested type declarations (such as List<List<int>> ) are not
currently supported

This can be done as part of either class definition method:

class Square~Shape~{
int id
List~int~ position
setPoints(List~int~ points)
getPoints() List~int~

Square : -List~string~ messages

Square : +setMessages(List~string~ messages)
Square : +getMessages() List~string~

int id
List<int> position
-List<string> messages

setPoints(List<int> points)
getPoints() : List<int>
+setMessages(List<string> messages)
+getMessages() : List<string>

Return Type
Optionally you can end the method/function definition with the data type that will be returned

To specify the visibility of a class member (i.e. any attribute or method), these notations may be placed before
the member's name, but it is optional:
+ Public
- Private
# Protected
~ Package/Internal

note you can also include additional classifers to a method definition by adding the following notations
to the end of the method, i.e.: a er the () :

* Abstract e.g.: someAbstractMethod()*

$ Static e.g.: someStaticMethod()$

Defining Relationship
A relationship is a general term covering the specific types of logical connections found on class and object


There are different types of relations defined for classes under UML which are currently supported:

Type Description
<|-- Inheritance
*-- Composition
o-- Aggregation
--> Association
-- Link (Solid)
..> Dependency
..|> Realization
.. Link (Dashed)

classA <|-- classB
classC *-- classD
classE o-- classF
classG <-- classH
classI -- classJ
classK <.. classL
classM <|.. classN
classO .. classP

classA classC classE classG classI classK classM classO

classB classD classF classH classJ classL classN classP

We can use the labels to describe nature of relation between two classes. Also, arrowheads can be used in
opposite directions as well :

classA --|> classB : Inheritance
classC --* classD : Composition
classE --o classF : Aggregation
classG --> classH : Association
classI -- classJ : Link(Solid)
classK ..> classL : Dependency
classM ..|> classN : Realization
classO .. classP : Link(Dashed)

classA classC classE classG classI classK classM classO

Inheritance Composition Aggregation Association Link(Solid) Dependency Realization Link(Dashed)

classB classD classF classH classJ classL classN classP

Labels on Relations
It is possible to add a label text to a relation:

classA <|-- classB : implements
classC *-- classD : composition
classE o-- classF : association

classA classE

implements association

classB classF

Cardinality / Multiplicity on relations

Multiplicity or cardinality in class diagrams indicates the number of instances of one class linked to one
instance of the other class. For example, one company will have one or more employees, but each employee
works for just one company.

Multiplicity notations are placed near the ends of an association.

The different cardinality options are :

0..1 Zero or one

1 Only 1

0..1 Zero or One

1..* One or more

* Many

n n {where n>1}

0..n zero to n {where n>1}

1..n one to n {where n>1}

Cardinality can be easily defined by placing cardinality text within qoutes " before(optional) and
a er(optional) a given arrow.

[classA] "cardinality1" [Arrow] "cardinality2" [ClassB]:LabelText

Customer "1" --> "*" Ticket
Student "1" --> "1..*" Course
Galaxy --> "many" Star : Contains

Customer Student Galaxy

1 1
* 1..* many

Ticket Course Star

Annotations on classes
It is possible to annotate classes with a specific marker text which is like meta-data for the class, giving a clear
indication about its nature. Some common annotations examples could be:

<<Interface>> To represent an Interface class

<<abstract>> To represent an abstract class

<<Service>> To represent a service class

<<enumeration>> To represent an enum

Annotations are defined within the opening << and closing >> . There are two ways to add an annotation
to a class and regardless of the syntax used output will be same. The two ways are :

In a separate line a er a class is defined. For example:

class Shape
<<interface>> Shape



In a nested structure along with class definition. For example:

class Shape{
class Color{

«interface» Color
noOfVertices BLUE
draw() WHITE

Comments can be entered within a class diagram, which will be ignored by the parser. Comments need to be
on their own line, and must be prefaced with %% (double percent signs). Any text a er the start of the
comment to the next newline will be treated as a comment, including any class diagram syntax

%% This whole line is a comment classDiagram class Shape <<interface>>
class Shape{

It is possible to bind a click event to a node, the click can lead to either a javascript callback or to a link which
will be opened in a new browser tab. Note: This functionality is disabled when using
securityLevel='strict' and enabled when using securityLevel='loose' .

You would define these actions on a separate line a er all classes have been declared.

action className "reference" "tooltip"

action is either link or callback , depending on which type of interaction you want to have called
className is the id of the node that the action will be associated with
reference is either the url link, or the function name for callback. (note: callback function will be called
with the nodeId as parameter).
(optional) tooltip is a string to be displayed when hovering over element (note: The styles of the tooltip are
set by the class .mermaidTooltip.)

URL Link:

class Shape
link Shape "" "This is a tooltip for a link"


class Shape
callback Shape "callbackFunction" "This is a tooltip for a callback"

var callbackFunction = function(){
alert('A callback was triggered');
Class01 Class02

Success The tooltip functionality and the ability to link to urls are available from version 0.5.2.

Beginners tip, a full example using interactive links in an html context:

<div class="mermaid">
Animal <|-- Duck
Animal <|-- Fish
Animal <|-- Zebra
Animal : +int age
Animal : +String gender
Animal: +isMammal()
Animal: +mate()
class Duck{
+String beakColor
class Fish{
-int sizeInFeet
class Zebra{
+bool is_wild

callback Duck callback "Tooltip"

click Zebra "" "This is a link"

var callback = function(){
alert('A callback was triggered');
var config = {


Styling of the class diagram is done by defining a number of css classes. During rendering these classes are
extracted from the file located at src/themes/class.scss

Styling Classes used

Class Description
g.classGroup text Styles for general class text
classGroup .title Styles for general class title
g.classGroup rect Styles for class diagram rectangle
g.classGroup line Styles for class diagram line
.classLabel .box Styles for class label box
.classLabel .label Styles for class label text
composition Styles for componsition arrow head and arrow line
aggregation Styles for aggregation arrow head and arrow line(dashed or solid)
dependency Styles for dependency arrow head and arrow line

Sample stylesheet

body {
background: white;

g.classGroup text {
fill: $nodeBorder;
stroke: none;
font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial;
font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);
font-size: 10px;

.title {
font-weight: bolder;

g.classGroup rect {
fill: $nodeBkg;
stroke: $nodeBorder;

g.classGroup line {
stroke: $nodeBorder;
stroke-width: 1;

.classLabel .box {
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 0;
fill: $nodeBkg;
opacity: 0.5;

.classLabel .label {
fill: $nodeBorder;
font-size: 10px;

.relation {
stroke: $nodeBorder;
stroke-width: 1;
fill: none;

@mixin composition {
fill: $nodeBorder;
stroke: $nodeBorder;
stroke-width: 1;

#compositionStart {
@include composition;
#compositionEnd {
@include composition;

@mixin aggregation {
fill: $nodeBkg;
stroke: $nodeBorder;
stroke-width: 1;

#aggregationStart {
@include aggregation;

#aggregationEnd {
@include aggregation;

#dependencyStart {
@include composition;

#dependencyEnd {
@include composition;

#extensionStart {
@include composition;

#extensionEnd {
@include composition;

Coming soon
State diagrams
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"A state diagram is a type of diagram used in computer science and related fields to describe the
behavior of systems. State diagrams require that the system described is composed of a finite
number of states; sometimes, this is indeed the case, while at other times this is a reasonable
abstraction." Wikipedia

Mermaid can render state diagrams. The syntax tries to be compliant with the syntax used in plantUml as
this will make it easier for users to share diagrams between mermaid and plantUml.


[*] --> Still
Still --> [*]

Still --> Moving

Moving --> Still
Moving --> Crash
Crash --> [*]






In state diagrams systems are described in terms of its states and how the systems state can change to
another state via a transitions. The example diagram above shows three states Still, Moving and Crash. You
start in the state of Still. From Still you can change the state to Moving. In Moving you can change the state
either back to Still or to Crash. There is no transition from Still to Crash.

A state can be declared in multiple ways. The simplest way is to define a state id as a description.




Another way is by using the state keyword with a description as per below:

state "This is a state description" as s2

This is a state description

Another way to define a state with a description is to define the state id followed by a colon and the


s2 : This is a state description

This is a state description

Transitions are path/edges when one state passes into another. This is represented using text arrow, "-->".

When you define a transition between two states and the states are not already defined the undefined
states are defined with the id from the transition. You can later add descriptions to states defined this way.


s1 --> s2



It is possible to add text to a transition. To describe what it represents.


s1 --> s2: A transition


A transition


Start and End

There are two special states indicating the start and stop of the diagram. These are written with the [*]
syntax and the direction of the transition to it defines it either as a start or a stop state.


[*] --> s1
s1 --> [*]


Composite states
In a real world use of state diagrams you o en end up with diagrams that are multi-dimensional as one
state can have several internal states. These are called composite states in this terminology.

In order to define a composite state you need to use the state keyword followed by and id and the body of
the composite state between {}. See the example below:

[*] --> First
state First {
[*] --> second
second --> [*]



You can do this in several layers:


[*] --> First

state First {
[*] --> Second

state Second {
[*] --> second
second --> Third

state Third {
[*] --> third
third --> [*]


You can also define transitions also between composite states:


[*] --> First
First --> Second
First --> Third

state First {
[*] --> fir
fir --> [*]
state Second {
[*] --> sec
sec --> [*]
state Third {
[*] --> thi
thi --> [*]


Second Third

sec thi

You can not define transitions between internal states belonging to different composite states

It is possible to specify a fork in the diagram using <<fork>> <<join>>.


state fork_state <<fork>>
[*] --> fork_state
fork_state --> State2
fork_state --> State3

state join_state <<join>>

State2 --> join_state
State3 --> join_state
join_state --> State4
State4 --> [*]
State2 State3


Sometimes nothing says it better then a Post-it note. That is also the case in state diagrams.

Here you can choose to put the note to the right of or to the le of a node.


State1: The state with a note
note right of State1
Important information! You can write
end note
State1 --> State2
note left of State2 : This is the note to the left.
The state with a note This is the note to the le .

Important information! You can write

notes. State2

As in plantUml you can specify concurrency using the -- symbol.


[*] --> Active

state Active {
[*] --> NumLockOff
NumLockOff --> NumLockOn : EvNumLockPressed
NumLockOn --> NumLockOff : EvNumLockPressed
[*] --> CapsLockOff
CapsLockOff --> CapsLockOn : EvCapsLockPressed
CapsLockOn --> CapsLockOff : EvCapsLockPressed
[*] --> ScrollLockOff
ScrollLockOff --> ScrollLockOn : EvCapsLockPressed
ScrollLockOn --> ScrollLockOff : EvCapsLockPressed


EvNumLockPressed EvNumLockPressed



EvCapsLockPressed EvCapsLockPressed



EvCapsLockPressed EvCapsLockPressed


Comments can be entered within a state diagram chart, which will be ignored by the parser. Comments
need to be on their own line, and must be prefaced with %% (double percent signs). Any text a er the start
of the comment to the next newline will be treated as a comment, including any diagram syntax
[*] --> Still
Still --> [*]
%% this is a comment
Still --> Moving
Moving --> Still %% another comment
Moving --> Crash
Crash --> [*]

Styling of the a state diagram is done by defining a number of css classes. During rendering these classes
are extracted from the file located at src/themes/state.scss
Entity Relationship Diagrams
An entity–relationship model (or ER model) describes interrelated things of interest in a specific
domain of knowledge. A basic ER model is composed of entity types (which classify the things of
interest) and specifies relationships that can exist between entities (instances of those entity types).

Note that practitioners of ER modelling almost always refer to entity types simply as entities. For example
the CUSTOMER entity type would be referred to simply as the CUSTOMER entity. This is so common it would
be inadvisable to do anything else, but technically an entity is an abstract instance of an entity type, and
this is what an ER diagram shows - abstract instances, and the relationships between them. This is why
entities are always named using singular nouns.

Mermaid can render ER diagrams

CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places
ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains

places uses




Entity names are o en capitalised, although there is no accepted standard on this, and it is not required in

Relationships between entities are represented by lines with end markers representing cardinality. Mermaid
uses the most popular crow's foot notation. The crow's foot intuitively conveys the possibility of many
instances of the entity that it connects to.

ER diagrams are a new feature in Mermaid and are experimental. There are likely to be a few bugs and
constraints, and enhancements will be made in due course. Currently you can only define entities and
relationships, but not attributes.

Entities and Relationships
Mermaid syntax for ER diagrams is compatible with PlantUML, with an extension to label the relationship.
Each statement consists of the following parts, all of which are mandatory:
<first-entity> <relationship> <second-entity> : <relationship-label>


first-entity is the name of an entity. Names must begin with an alphabetic character and may also
contain digits and hyphens
relationship describes the way that both entities inter-relate. See below.

second-entity is the name of the other entity

relationship-label describes the relationship from the perspective of the first entity.

For example:

PROPERTY ||--|{ ROOM : contains

This statement can be read as a property contains one or more rooms, and a room is part of one and only
one property. You can see that the label here is from the first entity's perspective: a property contains a
room, but a room does not contain a property. When considered from the perspective of the second entity,
the equivalent label is usually very easy to infer. (Some ER diagrams label relationships from both
perspectives, but this is not supported here, and is usually superfluous).

Relationship Syntax
The relationship part of each statement can be broken down into three sub-components:

the cardinality of the first entity with respect to the second,

whether the relationship confers identity on a 'child' entity
the cardinality of the second entity with respect to the first

Cardinality is a property that describes how many elements of another entity can be related to the entity in
question. In the above example a PROPERTY can have one or more ROOM instances associated to it,
whereas a ROOM can only be associated with one PROPERTY . In each cardinality marker there are two
characters. The outermost character represents a maximum value, and the innermost character represents a
minimum value. The table below summarises possible cardinalities.

Value (le ) Value (right) Meaning

|o o| Zero or one
|| || Exactly one
Value (le ) Value (right) Meaning
}o o{ Zero or more (no upper limit)
}| |{ One or more (no upper limit)

Relationships may be classified as either identifying or non-identifying and these are rendered with either
solid or dashed lines respectively. This is relevant when one of the entities in question can not have
independent existence without the other. For example a firm that insures people to drive cars might need to
store data on NAMED-DRIVER s. In modelling this we might start out by observing that a CAR can be
driven by many PERSON instances, and a PERSON can drive many CAR s - both entities can exist without
the other, so this is a non-identifying relationship that we might specify in Mermaid as: PERSON }|..|{
CAR : "driver" . Note the two dots in the middle of the relationship that will result in a dashed line being

drawn between the two entities. But when this many-to-many relationship is resolved into two one-to-many
relationships, we observe that a NAMED-DRIVER cannot exist without both a PERSON and a CAR - the
relationships become identifying and would be specified using hyphens, which translate to a solid line:

CAR ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : allows


Other Things
If you want the relationship label to be more than one word, you must use double quotes around the
If you don't want a label at all on a relationship, you must use an empty double-quoted string
Pie chart diagrams
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A pie chart (or a circle chart) is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate
numerical proportion. In a pie chart, the arc length of each slice (and consequently its central angle
and area), is proportional to the quantity it represents. While it is named for its resemblance to a pie
which has been sliced, there are variations on the way it can be presented. The earliest known pie
chart is generally credited to William Playfair's Statistical Breviary of 1801 -Wikipedia

Mermaid can render Pie Chart diagrams.

pie title Pets adopted by volunteers

"Dogs" : 386
"Cats" : 85
"Rats" : 15

Pets adopted by volunteers




Drawing a pie chart is really simple in mermaid.

Start with pie keyword to begin the diagram

Followed by title keyword and its value in string to give a title to the pie-chart. This is OPTIONAL
Followed by dataSet
label for a section in the pie diagram within " " quotes.
Followed by : semi-colon as separator
Followed by positive numeric value (supported upto two decimal places)

[pie] [title] [titlevalue] (OPTIONAL)

"[datakey1]" : [dataValue1]
"[datakey2]" : [dataValue2]
"[datakey3]" : [dataValue3]

title Key elements in Product X
"Calcium" : 42.96
"Potassium" : 50.05
"Magnesium" : 10.01
"Iron" : 5

Key elements in Product X


38% Calcium


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