Online Meeting Literacy Reflection Rubric
Online Meeting Literacy Reflection Rubric
Online Meeting Literacy Reflection Rubric
4 Expectations Expectations 0
3/2 1
Reflective Reflection explains student’s own The reflection The reflection attempts The reflection does not
Thinking thinking and learning, as well as explains the to demonstrate thinking address the students’
implications for future learning. students’ own about learning but is thinking and/or learning.
Includes insights and original thinking and vague and/or unclear
thought. learning. about the personal
learning process.
Analysis The reflection is an in-depth The reflection is The reflection attempts The reflection does not
analysis of the learning experience, an analysis of the to analyze the learning move beyond a
the value of the learning to self or learning experience but the description of the learning
others, and the enhancement of the experience and value of the learning to experience.
student’s appreciation for the the value of the the student is vague
discipline. learning to self. and/or unclear.
Shows depth in thinking about
topics the student is reflecting on.
Making The reflection articulates multiple The reflection The reflection attempts The reflection does not
Connections connections between this learning articulates to articulate articulate any connection
experience and content from the connections connections between to other learning or
course, past learning and future between this this learning experience experiences.
goals. learning and content from the
experience and course, past learning,
content from the and future goals but the
course, past connection is vague
learning, and and/or unclear.
future goals.
Uses the Accuracy in conventions and Writes in Adequate grasp of Inaccurate spelling &
conventions of command of stylistic aspects of paragraphs language conventions grammar
language that meet language Accurate 3 or more mistakes 5 or more mistakes
academic writing No spelling, grammar and/or language Some logical paragraph Lack of use of logical
standards conventions mistakes conventions sequence with topic paragraph sequence with
Writes using paragraphs with topic 1 or more sentences topic sentences
sentences mistakes
Quotations and paraphrasing of
references is used. References are
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