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Sales and Distribution February 2017

Transform your business insights

with streaming analytics
Acquire, analyze and act on all your data in real time
Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

The state of
IBM Streams in
What it means
analytics 101 streaming streaming the real world to you
analytics analytics
Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

Throughout history, insights have keyed Because of the continual flood of new data This is the power of streaming analytics.
success. Empires have been created, and points and connections, the insights Unlike traditional analytics used for after-the-
businesses have collapsed based on the generated from this data can degrade fact analysis, streaming analytics solutions
speed and quality of their insights. rapidly. That means to maximize their value, can help you detect insights in high-velocity
you must uncover these accurate insights in data streams. That ability lets you detect
While the power of insights still holds true, real time so you can act on them right away. and assess urgent opportunities, automate
today’s challenge comes from the massive immediate actions and dynamically adapt
data quantity that must be mined to obtain your actions—allowing you to exploit
those insights. In fact, Forbes predicts by opportunities in real time.
2020 about 1.7 MB of new information will
be created every second of every day—for
each and every human being on the planet.1

Streaming analytics platforms deliver a level of performance

that cannot be achieved at any cost by traditional approaches to
data management.

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

Streaming analytics 101

An effective streaming analytics solution Transformation Such operators are often the first set applied
requires two key components to push real- Streaming data delivers tremendous volumes to streaming data, serving to remove the
time contextual intelligence to applications. of information, and often this can be filled useless noise from the streaming data.
First, it must include development tools to with irrelevant noise rather than signals. Then filtering operators may filter according
create streaming flows that applications can Transformation operators allow developers to terms, data sources or location. For
use. Second, the solution must include a to narrow the incoming stream to include example, a banking application may want to
scalable runtime platform to leverage only data relevant to the application. drop all events generated in the US if it’s
those flows. trying to detect fraudulent transactions in
Canadian branches.
At the center of the streaming flows rests a
sequence of streaming operators. These
operators are configured and stitched
together to process and analyze the “The future of streaming analytics lies at the heart of the
incoming data streams. Understanding real-time enterprise for driving business process automation.”
these fundamental building blocks is crucial
to maximizing the value of your streaming
Ronnie Biggs,
analytics solution. Bloor Market Report “Streaming Analytics 2016”

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

Correlation Enrichment Time windows

Streaming applications typically combine Streaming data often requires reference data Streaming data flows in real time, but
data from multiple sources. Aggregation or to provide additional context. Enrichment applications often need a snapshot of the
correlation operators allow developers to operators allow developers to pull in stream over a discrete time period. Time
combine multiple streams into one stream reference data from various databases. window operators allow developers to define
like tributaries flowing into a larger river. For a time period along with the streaming data
example, a telecom application may need to This reference data adds context for other to include in that particular time window.
link incoming call data records with customer streaming operators. For example, a data
profiles to offer an upgrade to a higher-tier stream from a home improvement store’s Developers can then use those operators
calling plan. point-of-sale (POS) system could enrich its to perform time series analyses in real time,
transactions against customer records, such as running totals, weighted moving
revealing that a customer is probably averages, Bollinger Bands and others. For
working on a roofing project. example, a time window could show all
transactions in the last five minutes that
exceeded USD 10,000 in value and calculate
a rolling average.

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

Pattern matching A pattern detection example is traffic analysis. Business logic

Streaming data often contains interesting For example, streaming analytics could use Streaming analytics are designed to supply
patterns that only emerge as new streaming temporal patterns to note that a set of applications with real-time context. Business
data arrives. A common pattern occurs vehicles all decelerated on a highway logic operators allow developers to define
when an event A arrives at time t, and within 10 seconds, indicating a possible if-then clauses to push contextual information
another event B arrives at time t plus x. accident or the presence of a state trooper. to applications, or provide services that allow
applications to query a relevant real-time state.
Pattern operators allow developers to define
arbitrarily complex relationships between For example, a peer-to-peer e-commerce
streaming events. However, it’s important to site could use streaming analytics to identify
remember there can be a tradeoff between illegal behavior among users. Once identified,
the complexity of the pattern and the then the application could immediately
latency introduced by needing to process send an email or desktop alert to
the analytics. compliance personnel.

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

The state of streaming analytics

Because of the wide range of applications, Further, the Bloor Market Report Streaming
businesses are adopting a variety of analytics 2016 points out that streaming
approaches to streaming analytics. These analytics growth is exploding outside
approaches include fast in-memory traditional IT niches. It notes the industrial
databases with streaming data extensions, Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-
as well as in-memory data grids for event- machine interaction are accelerating
driven streaming data analysis. adoption of streaming analytics across
multiple sectors.
This wide variety of approaches is driving
other changes as well. Once a developer tool, And there’s a clear trend towards integrating
business analysts have joined the streaming streaming analytics with predictive analytics,
analytics revolution due to graphical tools that machine learning and rules engines. The
allow rapid development without coding. reason is simple—streaming analytics help
improve accuracy and reliability, and simplify
the expression of complex business
patterns and scenarios.

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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

For IoT applications, Streaming analytics • Retail—real-time inventory updates help • Industrial automation—streaming and
2016 noted there are many areas where drive business processes for inventory predictive analytics enable manufacturers
streaming analytics are generating and pricing optimization, as well as to optimize production processes and
significant business value. When also optimization of the supply chain, logistics product quality, including automated alerts
considering growth potential and and just-in-time delivery. and production shutdown when quality
competitive pressures going forward, it • Smart transportation—real-time levels are breached.
highlighted the following use cases: tracking and vehicle telematics provide • Healthcare—real-time data facilitates
operational advantages for companies like integrating a variety of smart sensors to
• Preventative maintenance—real-time Uber, usage-based pricing for tolls and car monitor patient condition, medication
analytics allow reduced operational and sharing, location-based insurance levels and even recovery speed to optimize
equipment cost by minimizing unplanned applications and driver advisory systems care recommendations.
outages and avoidable site and with driver feedback to improve vehicle-
maintenance visits. operating costs.
• Smart energy—real-time monitoring of
smart meters permits smart pricing models
for electricity, as well as integration with
renewable energy generators to optimize
power generation and distribution.

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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

Evaluating streaming analytics

As streaming analytics become more 1. Current offering. For this category, 3. Market presence. For this category,
valuable for discovering actionable insights, Forrester evaluated each vendor’s product Forrester assessed each vendor’s overall
analysts have conducted comprehensive for workload scalability, ingestion market presence. This assessment
market evaluations to guide streaming throughput, analytical throughput, fault included evaluating overall streaming
analytics customers. And their approaches tolerance, stream handling, streaming analytics revenue, installed base, market
vary depending upon their chosen operations and application development awareness of the vendor’s product, and
emphasis areas. features. The purpose was to establish the partnerships with other technology and
differentiated capabilities of the vendor’s services firms.
The Forrester Wave current offering as of 31 December 2015.
In The Forrester Wave™: Big Data Streaming 2. Strategy. For this category, Forrester Each of the 15 vendor’s products had a
Analytics, Q1 2016 report, Forrester evaluated compared each vendor’s overall stream baseline of capabilities in order to be
the top 15 commercial and open source analytics strategy and product road map considered. The capabilities included core
streaming analytics vendors against to asses that vendor’s ability to compete streaming analytics functionality to provide
26 different evaluation criteria. These criteria and grow in the enterprise streaming analytics features on streaming data in time
were set based on past research, user analytics market. Key factors included windows. They also included general-purpose
requirements and vendor interviews. For ease, Forrester’s confidence in the vendor’s streaming analytics products that weren’t
it grouped the 26 criteria into the following ability to execute its stated strategy, as well embedded, and didn’t include functionality
three categories: as support current and future customers. focused within domain-specific applications.

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

Additionally, the software solutions had When the dust settled, Forrester recognized
to be capable of installation on a client’s IBM as an overall leader in big data streaming
on-premises, private cloud or public cloud analytics. IBM’s status was based on its top
infrastructure. Cloud-only solutions were ranking for the Current offering category
excluded. Finally, each vendor was required and its tie for highest score in the Strategy
to furnish Forrester with at least two customer category.
references who were willing to share their
experiences with the product.

“IBM’s architecture can flex to handle any streaming challenge,

and the development environment provided one of the richest
operator sets in the market.”
The Forrester Wave™: Big Data Streaming Analytics, Q1 2016
Figure 1. The Forrester Wave data streaming analytics, Q1 2016

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

As proof of IBM’s leadership, Forrester

cited the fact that IBM® Streams enabled
cognitive solutions. This ability allows IBM
Streams to incorporate all intelligence,
including natural interfaces, situation
awareness, smart decisions and learning,
to better uncover insights.

Forrester also noted that IBM Streams could

ingest and understand the always-on data
streams from applications and IoT devices—
the key to making cognitive-based decisions.
Finally it stated, “IBM’s architecture can flex
to handle any streaming challenge, and the
development environment provided one of
the richest operator sets in the market.”

Figure 2. The Forrester Wave streaming analytics rankings, Q1 2016

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

Bloor Market Report 1. Streaming analytics features. For this 4. Platform performance and scalability.
In Streaming analytics 2016, Bloor Research criteria, Bloor evaluated the richness of For this criteria, Bloor assessed the
International takes a different approach to higher-order data processing operators, platform’s performance in terms of
evaluating streaming analytics offerings. including time windows, transformation, throughput and latency, including
Bloor notes that streaming analytics are an data aggregation and pattern matching, scalability (scale-up and scale-out),
essential component of edge intelligence, as well as geospatial and location-based resilience and fault tolerance.
and that vendors are now looking at capability. 5. Productivity tools and application
embedded and appliance-based 2. Solution footprint. For this criteria, Bloor development ease. For this criteria,
deployments as a complement to their evaluated how well vendors are utilizing Bloor assessed the vendor’s
cloud solutions. their wider product portfolios or partner programming language, development
channels to deliver end-to-end streaming and test tools, including the process of
For this reason, Bloor’s evaluation criteria analytics solutions. transitioning changes into operational
differed from Forrester’s because it 3. Edge processing and the IoT. For this use, plus use of other libraries and
considered edge processing for the IoT. criteria, Bloor evaluated the vendor’s solution accelerators.
In fact, this is one of the five criteria the vision for the remote deployment and
Bloor Market Report considered: management of edge applications. While the five Bloor Research evaluation
criteria differed from the Forrester criteria,
the results were the same. IBM was named
a champion for enterprise stream processing
and cloud streaming analytics.

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

To support this champion designation, Bloor Apache Edgent to run analytics at the edge They noticed that Streams includes its own
highlighted the maturity of IBM Streams and by doing correlations across millions of language called Streams Processing
its features. And they observed IBM Streams devices like telematics and automobiles. Language (SPL) to build applications with
customers reside in a wide range of industries, additional support for operators built in
such as telecoms, government, financial Bloor could not find fault with the set of C/C++, Java, Scala and Python. By enabling
services and automotive. operators IBM Streams includes for data support for a variety of languages that can
stream processing. They also noted the be deployed in the Streams runtime, it
Bloor also pointed out that IBM Streams has performance and scalability of Streams with expands the range of developers that can
flexible deployment on premises or on the impressive scalability benchmarks for single rapidly build real-time applications.
cloud, and now offers integration with IBM server and on multi-node clusters, along
Bluemix® for IoT application development. with high availability, self-healing and Finally, they spotlighted available productivity
In addition, IBM Streams integrates with automatic recovery. support tools, such as graphical development
tools, with connectors for databases, NoSQL
storage platforms and messaging systems.
Of particular note were the pre-built toolkits
“Streams is a competent and successful product that deserves its for functions such as machine learning,
place as one of the leaders in our report.” geospatial operators and original design
Bloor Market Report: Streaming analytics 2016
manufacturer (ODM) business rules that
improve programmer productivity and return
on investment (ROI).

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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IBM Streams in the real world

While analyst rankings are valuable when e-commerce sites in 11 countries. This
evaluating product offerings, real-world global enterprise creates tremendous data
performance provides the ultimate test. challenges, including:
And Walmart has discovered that the
performance advantages of IBM Streams • Monitoring global logistics for supply
mean more money for its bottom line. chain accuracy
• Updating inventory in real time for
With 2.2 million associates worldwide, each up-to-date supply chain status
week Walmart serves nearly 260 million • Analyzing data in real time to adjust to
customers through more than 11,500 stores market dynamics
under 72 banners in 28 countries, and

Figure 3. Bloor Research Market Report rankings

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

With so much at stake, streaming analytics Linear Road streaming benchmark Since it was written in 2004, Linear Road
are not optional for Walmart—they’re a The Linear Road Benchmark is an open no longer represented the current state of
business requirement. And with such large source benchmark originally developed in streaming data systems—it was too slow
volumes of data around the globe, even 2004. It allows SDMS solutions to be for current throughput and hardware
small performance and cost improvements compared against each other, as well as to capabilities. So Walmart rewrote the original
due to streaming analytics can make a big alternative systems, such as relational Linear Road benchmark, including the data
difference. databases using a toll system simulation for generator and results validator, and made it
the motor vehicle expressway in a fictional publically available on GitHub.
To ensure its streaming analytics
metropolitan area.
deployment maximized its ROI, Walmart
searched for an objective measure it could The tolling system uses variable tolling,
use. With no comprehensive streaming which uses dynamic factors such as traffic
benchmark available, it identified the Linear congestion and accident proximity to
Road Benchmark for Stream Data calculate toll charges. Specifically, Linear
Management Systems (SDMS) as the best Road includes features like accident
tool to obtain an objective system detection and alerts, traffic congestion
comparison. measurements, toll calculations and
historical queries.

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

The rewritten Linear Road Benchmark still

modeled a 100-mile-long by 100-mile-wide
fictional metropolis with 10 horizontal
Linear Road Results
expressways evenly spaced across the Linear Road
data generator validator
city. And the model was still based on (Solution implementation Determine
these details: using vendor-specific
(Rewritten in L-rating
Countesty of: streaming analytics
Python by
Walmart Stores Inc. middleware)
Walmart Stores Inc.)
• Every mile each has an exit and on-ramp.
• Each expressway has four lanes in each
direction, three travel lanes and one lane
for entrance and exit.
• Every vehicle emits a position report Figure 4. High-level Linear Road architecture

every 30 seconds.
• One accident occurs randomly on each
expressway every 20 minutes, taking
10 to 20 minutes to clear.

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

Further, the benchmark still required The goal is to process every event emitted When the results were in, one product pulled
processing a set of continuous and historical from all cars in the simulation in a timely ahead of all the others. With an L-rating of
events generated from the model’s traffic manner, which varies depending upon the 200, IBM Streams clearly outperformed the
input stream. The four notifications and event. Streaming engines can then be Apache Apex L-rating of 102, and left Apache
queries from the vehicles include: evaluated based on how many expressways Storm and its 10 L-rating in the dust.
they can handle, expressed as the L-rating.
1. Real-time position reports—comprising The higher the L-rating the better the But that upper L-rating, or number of
99 percent of the events performance. expressways, is only a small piece of the
2. Daily expenditure queries for a specific story. In running this comparison, Walmart
day in the past 10 weeks—comprising Real-world results discovered that IBM Streams handles heavy
0.50 percent of the events Using the updated Linear Road Benchmark, traffic bursts extraordinarily well. One
3. Historical request queries for toll account Walmart compared three solutions: IBM reason—IBM Streams executed 99 percent
balances—comprising 0.10 percent of Streams, Apache Apex and Apache Storm. of the notification and query responses in
the events It started by using the same set of hardware sub-second time frames.
4. Travel time prediction queries— constraints for each streaming engine—all
comprising 0.40 percent of the events operating on the Microsoft Azure cloud.
Then, each engine was optimized to handle
the large amount of incoming data, process it
and write it to an output file.

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

Figure 5 shows the full table of the Linear # of x-ways # of cars Entries Memory (GB) CPU (%)
Road Benchmark results for IBM Streams.
1 278,973 19.2 million 2.2 2
You can see the CPU usage dropped when
2 558,726 38.5 million 4.5 4
the L-rating jumped from 50 to 100. This
5 1.3 million 96.3 million 10.9 7
drop reflects the scaling from one node with
16 cores to four nodes and 64 cores. 10 2.7 million 192.5 million 22.0 11
15 4.1 million 289.7 million 33.0 16
In analyzing the data, a clear pattern 20 5.6 million 385.2 million 43.5 20
emerges—IBM Streams shows linear 25 6.9 million 482.0 million 54.5 26
scalability throughout the entire performance
50 14.0 million 963.1 million 109 31
range. Based on the three-hour benchmark
100 27.6 million 1.9 billion 220 22
test runs, the throughput showed that
IBM Streams consistently averages 150 41.5 million 2.8 billion 330 33

100,000 events per second per node. 200 55.0 million 3.8 billion 440 45

Figure 5. IBM Streams run data on Linear Road Benchmark

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Just as important to Walmart was the clear Further, the design of IBM Streams allows Some efficiency is due to the integrated
performance advantage IBM Streams for design, deployment and operation development environment (IDE) in Streams
delivered to its bottom line. To achieve efficiencies as well. For example, this IBM that includes wizards for common tasks and
performance comparable to the five Azure Streams development effort took one a graphical programming interface for
nodes at USD 7,853 required by IBM person just 14.5 days to complete: connecting operators with drag-and-drop
Streams, Apache Storm required 100 Azure ease. Other efficiencies are due to the
cloud nodes at USD 157,058 per month.2 • A day and a half to install Linux and automated scaling with user-defined
That hardware cost savings translates to IBM Streams on five Azure nodes parallelization included in Streams, which
almost USD 1.8 million per year! • Two days for application design helps reduce time to develop scalable
• Eight days of iterative development applications.
• Three days for unit testing and tuning

IBM Streams performed 20x better than Apache Storm and

2x better than Apache Apex.

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

What it means to you

As technology continues unabated, your As Walmart discovered in a head-to-head Yet the performance, deployment and
organization’s success will increasingly be test, IBM Streams significantly outperformed usability advantages of IBM Streams are
defined by how well you uncover insights. the competition. And when easier deployment just part of the equation. IBM also brings
Yet with the nonstop growth of data volume and better scalability are added to the strategic vision and the ability to globally
and velocity, insights generated from data performance benefits, IBM Streams can support your needs. The combined
streams can lose value by the time improve your bottom line. advantages of Streams and the IBM
traditional analytics tools discover them. organization are why companies like
Walmart and industry experts like Forrester
So extracting actionable insights means one and Bloor Research have concluded that
thing—real-time analytics allow you to take IBM Streams is a leader for streaming
immediate actions. These actionable insights analytics solutions.
are exactly what streaming analytics helps
make possible.

But not all streaming analytics solutions are

equal. Neither are all solution providers.

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
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Transform your business insights with streaming analytics

About the author

Preetam Kumar is the Portfolio Marketing
Manager for IBM Analytics where his more
than 10 years of experience in Indian, US
and UK markets helps clients achieve their
analytics goals. Prior to joining IBM, Preetam
served as a senior business development
consultant for Oracle where he actively
contributed to the customer alignment
program. He holds a B.E. in Mechanical
Engineering from KIIT University.

1 Streaming 2 The state of streaming 3 Evaluating streaming 4 IBM Streams in the 5 What it means
analytics 101 analytics analytics real world to you
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2017

IBM Corporation
Sales and Distribution
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February 2017

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1 IDC. “The Digital Universe of Opportunities: Rich Data and the Increasing Value of the Internet of Things.” April 2014.

2 Calculated using Microsoft Azure pricing calculator with D14 v2 instance size, 16 cores, 112 GB RAM and 800 GB disk at
USD 2.111 per hour, 29 January 2017.

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