Pendo Salum T/UDOM/2018/11206 Individual Assignment CD222

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Assume you are an instructional designer at the University of Dodoma. During this pandemic of
COVID-19, you are required to develop digital contents on how to use available Learning
Management System (LMS), in order to conduct learning and teaching online. But before
proceeding with the development of the content, you need to conduct analysis into four
different perceptive.
i. Write down those four perceptive.
ii. Prepare formal document report on finds of analysis you have conducted, which briefly
explain finds in details. (at most three pages).

i. Analysis in instructional design help designer to define the target audience, develops
learning objectives, determines motivational and instructional strategies and
development standards. There are perceptive in analysis phase of instruction design
which are;
Need or performance gap analysis; These are the relevant findings of your investigation
to determine the existence of a performance gap and to establish that it could be
resolved through appropriate instruction or training.
Task or job analysis; Is analysis that provide important information about the content or
tasks that will form the basis for the instruction being developed. This kind of analysis
solve problems like content and an instructional designer can group his or her learnings
into topics.
Learner analysis; Process of determining learners approach to the instruction including
prerequisite knowledge, skills, and attitude towards the task. Its goal is to understand
and interpret learner’s characteristics in a way that help in the design of effective
Goal analysis; Is a visual display of the specific steps that a learner would need to do
when performing instructional goal. Goal analysis divided into four domains of learning
which are attitude, psychomotor, verbal information and intellectual skill.
Also there is another perceptive of analysis called, Instructional context analysis; In this
kind of analysis, an instructional designer must know what content learners will be in
when they interacting with the training. Help in eliminating the barriers to learning.

ii. Needs and audience analysis; Involves conducting initial analysis of the subject matter
and gathering information about the target learner population. Sometimes is known as
performance gap analysis because should answer questions like, what is happening
now? and How wide is the performance gap between "what is" and "what should be?"
Needs analysis used in defining the audience information such as age, ethnicity,
education level, culture and knowledge. All of these information gathered by methods
like interview, observation and reviewing available artifacts. Learning Management
System (LMS) focus on providing different learning to primary pupils, ordinary level
students and advanced level students, instructors must consider learner’s knowledge,
skills and their attitude on the delivered contents during the COVID_19 pandemics.
Need analysis plays a critical role because it helps an instructional designer identify the
problem that need to be solved and bring about a particular change in different
perspectives such as knowledge, skills and attitude.

Task or job analysis; This analysis is aimed at defining the topic content or procedural
tasks that will be covered in the actual module (training or instruction). Task or work
analysis used to define the content required to solve the performance problem, helps to
view contents from learner’s perspective and teaching strategies. This helps an
instructional designer to know what are the contents or tasks to be taught and what is
known about them. Learning Management System (LMS), includes contents and
procedures that a learner must perform to accomplish the intended goal example
learners provided with lectures or notes and different assignment to do in order to test
their performance. Task analysis is very important due to reason that helps to
determine the knowledge states of the learners, determine the goals and objectives of
learning, determine the sequence in which tasks are performed and should be learned
and taught; understanding which task is very important, how to constructing
performance assessment and evaluation, and how to select appropriate media and
learning environment.

Learner analysis; In this type of analysis provide a profile of your learner that includes
various information of the learners like characteristics, capabilities, needs, and interests
of your target audience, and required pre-requisites. Also show learners content such as
general characteristics that may impact the instructional experience like attitude,
learning style, geographical location, knowledge and job category.
Learning Management System (LMS) should consider learners who live in remote areas
where there is no internet access.
Example not all learners possess mobile phones and laptop that can access to internet,
therefore other means of delivery like radio can be used. Learner analysis is very
important in that used to identify critically the general characteristics, skills and talent of
a given group. Learner analysis help an instructional designer to make decision
regarding delivery methodology and the level of guidance and background information
to provide.

Goal analysis; This instructional analysis asks instructional designer to state the learning
goal(s) for the instruction and then to write all of the required objectives that lead to
attaining the goal(s). These are the statements of just what the learner is expected to
'do.’ And not what learner know. All objectives should ‘map’ to the topics or tasks listed
in the job or task analysis. This means objectives may need to be written for each topic
or subtopic (although it may be possible that the topic or task can be covered through
one objective.) The domain of learning and applicable learning level of each objective
should be identified. The main goal of Learning Management System (LMS) is to conduct
learning online during this pandemic of COVID_19 because students cannot meet with
their teachers or instructors. Goal analysis is very important in that helps instructional
designer to understand and know goals and objectives of Learning Management System
(LMS); to determine learning domains and learning levels for easy deliver of contents
from LMS to the targeted audience; write objectives for all tasks; know objectives
prioritized, group and sequence the instruction into learning modules or sections found
in Learning Management System during the pandemic of COVID_19.

Also Instructional context analysis; Helps instructional designer to know what content
learners will be in when they interacting with the training. If face to face the location
where training will take place must be identified. This process involves analyzing the
need analysis gathered information, determining types of learning involved, determine
the sequence of instruction and the appropriate learning strategy. Also specific
performance objective, assessment strategy, the instructional methodology and course
outline should be written down. Instructional context analysis is important because tell
us what technology will be available to learners as they take training, thereby allowing
us to account for any limitation during design.

Generally, analysis in instructional design is important because used in defining the

targeted audience, develop learning objectives, and determines instructional and
motivational strategy.

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