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Green Gas
Facilitating a future green gas grid through the production of renewable gas
Jerry D. Murphy
We acknowledge the following for their country specific input: James Browne (Gas Networks Ireland),
Morten Gyllenborg (Nature Energy, Denmark), Stefano Bozzetto (Biogas Refinery Development SRL, Italy)
Table of contents
1. Executive summary 4
2. Introduction 5
2.1 What is green gas? 5
2.2 Coupling biomass availability with technology application 5
2.3 Benefits of a biomethane economy 6
2.4 Biogas and biomethane deployment 7
2.5 Advanced technologies for biomethane production 9
3. Algal biofuels 9
3.1 The role of seaweed in future biomethane production 9
3.2 Micro-algae and the circular economy 10
4. Gasification to expand the biomass and biomethane resource 11
5. Advanced smart grid technologies 12
5.1 Facilitating intermittent renewable electricity 12
5.2 Demand driven biogas systems 13
5.3 Power to Gas 13
6. Country case studies: future strategies for biomethane 15
6.1 Ireland 15
6.2 The Netherlands 18
6.3 The United Kingdom (UK) 20
6.4 Italy 21
6.5 Denmark 22
7. Integration of renewable green gas systems 24
8. Grid injection: challenges and solutions 25
8.1 Biomethane injection to the natural gas grid 25
8.2 Approaches to balancing the gas grid in biomethane injection 25
9. Conclusion and Outlook 27
1. Executive summary
To mitigate climate change, it is essential to develop natural gas demand in these countries respectively and thus
integrated and sustainable decarbonised renewable energy indicates a significant source of clean renewable energy and
systems. Heat and transport together, account for about the role that gas energy and infrastructure can play in the
80% of final energy consumption. Significant progress has future. It is suggested that in 2050 the same gas demand will
been made in renewable electricity but decarbonisation of be needed in Europe as today, however potentially 76% of
transport fuel is problematic. Gaseous renewable energy the gas could be green (EURATIV, 2017).
carriers, such as renewable ‘green gas’ can have a considera-
ble impact in future energy systems and play a key role in Cascading bioenergy
decarbonising heat and transport. Green gas at present is Cascading renewable gas systems will become a very
dominated by biomethane, which can be generated from the important tool in maximising the quantities of green gas
anaerobic digestion of organic biomass and residues pro- production and ensuring sufficient sustainability. An exam-
duced in agriculture, food production and waste processing. ple of cascading bioenergy could include integration of
green gas technologies, to maximise sustainable renewable
Biomethane present and future gaseous fuel production whilst minimising greenhouse gas
In 2015, there were 459 biogas-upgrading plants in emissions. The technologies investigated in this report
operation producing 1,230 M Nm3 of biomethane (Euro- (anaerobic digestion, gasification-methanation, power to
pean Biogas Association, 2016). The market for biomethane gas, micro-algae biogas upgrading) and feedstocks (energy
is still growing. Sweden, the UK, Switzerland, France and crops, agricultural residues and wastes, food waste, micro-
the Netherlands have all increased their biomethane pro- algae, seaweed, woody crops) when integrated can optimise
duction significantly in the last five years. In the short term, a system producing decarbonised indigenous renewable
the development of green gas projects, including the injec- energy. By-products of the different technologies maybe
tion of biomethane to gas networks will be the primary further amalgamated to ensure the use of the full supply
focus of this developing industry. Future renewable gas chain and circular economy concepts. Examples of this
technologies such as gasification-methanation and power include CO2 from biogas used in a power to gas system to
to gas systems have been identified as methods that could produce more green gas; solid digestate from a biogas plant
contribute substantially to greening natural gas grids of the used as a feedstock for gasification; oxygen produced from
future. Recent EU policy measures facilitate the develop- electrolysis used for the gasification process; and micro-
ment of such pathways with progressively increasing obli- algae biogas upgrading as a method of offsetting the costs
gations on decarbonisation. The share in renewable and of traditional upgrading methods.
low-carbon transport fuels (excluding first generation bio-
fuels and including for electrification) is required to The biomethane economy
increase from 1.5% in 2021 to 6.8% in 2030, with advanced As indicated in this report, an indigenous biomethane
biofuels to make up at least 3.6% by that time (EC, 2016). resource can potentially replace significant amounts of
natural gas. Particularly in countries with well-established
Country roadmaps and technology deployment and closely linked gas grids, there are good opportunities
Many countries are currently dependent on fossil fuels for cross-border trade and to create a market for biometh-
(including natural gas) to meet their national energy ane, thus lowering dependency on fossil fuels. Biomethane
demand. The concept of renewable electricity is well under- is very flexible in its application. Its may be injected direct-
stood. However a number of countries are now in the pro- ly into the existing natural gas grid allowing for energy-
cess of generating roadmaps for the deployment of renew- efficient and cost-effective transportation. Gas grid opera-
able green gas; these roadmaps highlight the potential tors can switch to a renewable gas source in a straightfor-
availability of biomass and technological innovation. This ward manner and provide energy for an array of applica-
report outlines the various substrates and technologies for tions including electricity generation, heat and transport.
green gas production and examines how much natural gas The production of biomethane from regional resources
can be replaced by green gas in specific countries. The logis- creates jobs, especially in agriculture, supply logistics, engi-
tics of injecting green gas in to existing gas grid infrastruc- neering, plant construction and maintenance. Farmers can
ture are also examined. The roadmaps developed for accel- profit in “non-food” related sectors with an alternative
erating the use of green gas thus far in specific countries are source of revenue through biomethane.
analysed. Utilising all of the available deployment pathways,
future production of green gas may account for 41PJ in This report was produced by IEA Bioenergy Task 37,
Ireland, 77PJ in the Netherlands, 280PJ in the UK, 1260PJ which addresses the challenges related to the economic and
in Italy and over 100PJ in Denmark. This represents environmental sustainability of green gas production and
approximately 26%, 24%, 8%, 44% and 75% of current utilisation.
2. Introduction
2.1 What is green gas? generated can be used directly in CHP units to produce
Green gas refers to renewable gas, which can be gen- electricity and heat or upgraded to biomethane and used
erated from the anaerobic digestion of organic biomass in the same manner as natural gas. The supply of biogas
and residues produced in agriculture, food production or biomethane can be maintained year-round by ensur-
and waste processing. The digestion process involves a ing a constant supply of feedstock. Slurries, manures
series of biological processes in which microorganisms (Figure 2.1a) and organic wastes from food processing
break down the biodegradable material in the absence of can be accumulated and stored. Similarly, harvested crop-
oxygen. Typically the biogas produced is approximately biomass can be preserved in silos and designed with suf-
60% methane (CH4) and 40% carbon dioxide (CO2). The ficient scale to supply the required quantity of feedstock
biogas can be combusted directly in a combined heat and annually. Thus, the production of biogas and biomethane
power (CHP) plant or upgraded to biomethane through can be considered a stable and reliable energy source.
the removal of CO2 to leave a product similar to natural The biological process for producing biogas reflects
gas (with greater than 95% CH4 content). a natural process present in ruminant animals (Figure
Renewable gas can also be produced from high-tem- 2.1b). Naturally occurring bacteria breakdown the bio-
perature gasification of woody crops with methanation of mass in the digester (similar to the way crops are digested
the syngas. Renewable gas may also be produced through in the stomach of a cow) producing biogas consisting
power to gas technologies using electricity; preferably of CH4 and CO2. Minimal amounts of other trace gases
(but not always) this electricity would be both renewable such as ammonia and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) can also
to ensure sustainability and surplus electricity which may be produced in digestion.
otherwise be curtailed or constrained to ensure financial Of late, there has been an academic focus on algal bio-
sustainability. Algae are also a proposed source of biom- fuels. Algae are an additional biomass source with signifi-
ethane; this includes for both seaweed and micro-algae. cant growth rates, which may be cultivated in the form of
Gas of biomethane standard is considered a very flex- seaweed (macro-algae) in a marine environment or as a
ible energy vector as it can be injected directly in to exist- means of capture of CO2 through cultivation of micro-
ing gas grid infrastructure. It is an important fuel in terms algae typically in raceway type ponds situated on mar-
of contributing to future renewable energy strategies in ginal land. The production of biomethane is suggested as
electricity, transport and heat whilst abating greenhouse a beneficial route to sustainable energy for algae and is
gas (GHG) emissions in these sectors. described in detail in the IEA Bioenergy report entitled “A
This report outlines the potential for biomethane perspective on algal biogas” (Murphy et al., 2015).
(and renewable gas) as a multifaceted solution in “green- An additional technology pathway for renewable gas
ing” future gas grids. production is gasification-methanation. Gasification is
a low-carbon pathway to produce energy, fuels, chemi-
2.2 Coupling biomass availability with technology cals, and fertilisers. A large variety of biomass, typically
application with higher dry solids content greater than 40%, such as
Biomass is a finite but wide ranging resource. It can come agri-forestry residues, black bin waste, indigenous energy
in the form of specifically grown crops, or by-products crops grown on marginal land, and sewage sludge can
generated in agriculture (slurries/manures) or from in- be used in this process. Gasification involves the partial
dustrial applications such as paper, wood, and furniture combustion of carbonaceous feeds to produce a synthetic
manufacturing. Biomass will play an important role in gas (known as syngas). For biomethane, a methanation
the future realisation of a sustainable energy system and step is used to create synthetic natural gas (bio-SNG)
considering its finite nature, it is important to maximise with a CH4 content greater than 95%.
the available resource. One of the most auspicious appli- Furthermore, power to gas is a technology that con-
cations of available biomass is the generation of biogas verts electricity to hydrogen gas (through electrolysis of
or biomethane. Wet biomass (with dry solids content in water), which can be subsequently converted to CH4 in a
the range of 5-30%) can be used as input feed to produce methanation step. The theoretical advantage in this tech-
biogas in an anaerobic digester. As indicated, the biogas nology is the use of surplus electricity associated with
Figure 2.1 (a) Slurries and manures generated in agriculture can be used as feedstocks for anaerobic digestion; (b) Ruminants stomach digests
crops similar to biological digestion process
(From DEN EELDER FARM: Small farm scale mono-digestion of dairy slurry, March 2017 available in
intermittent renewable electricity sources such as from biomass derived energy. The utilisation of agricultural
wind turbines and solar energy devices. Electricity, which wastes for biomethane production can make a further
would otherwise be curtailed and/or constrained, may contribution to climate protection and contributes to
be available at a cheaper rate. This advantage of cheap the overall ideology of greening agriculture and diver-
excess electricity may also be associated with transmis- sifying the rural economy. For instance, the digestion of
sion grid constraints. In practice the power to gas sys- freshly collected manure can potentially reduce methane
tem would be oversized or under capacity in terms of emissions from manure storage on farms. The European
equipment if the only source of electricity were surplus Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) methodology
electricity. It is expected that such systems will be sized assumes a 17% methane emissions savings through re-
for long term operation and as such will bid for electric- placing open slurry storage with digestion as described
ity alongside other users (Ahern et al., 2015). However in the 2017 IEA Bioenergy report on methane emissions
power to gas offers a storage solution for electricity in the from biogas plants (Liebetrau et al., 2017). In essence
form of renewable gas whilst changing the energy vector slurry biomethane systems (or indeed other combined
to one available to transport fuel. This fuel is termed gas- waste management biogas systems) can be carbon nega-
eous fuel from non-biological origin in the EU Renew- tive. It is recommended by the authors that crop diges-
able Energy Directive (RED) and is seen as an advanced tion systems include for co-digestion with slurries to
biofuel (EC, 2017). ensure the maximum possible decarbonisation. This
positive attribute is unique to biomethane production
2.3 Benefits of a biomethane economy technologies. As such biomethane systems are an effec-
Biomethane generated from biological processes sub- tive measure in contributing to key European renewable
stitute fossil-natural gas as a source of electricity, heat or energy supply (RES) targets and also alleviating GHG
transport fuel. It can abate GHG emissions through for emissions in problematic sectors such as transport and
example reduction of fugitive methane emissions from agriculture.
open slurry holding tanks and from displacement of fos- Many countries are dependent on the importation
sil fuels. Biomethane can promote a sustainable, circular of fossil fuels to meet their national energy demand. Bi-
economy. CO2 emissions resulting from the burning of omethane can be an indigenous resource, derived from
fossil-fuels and CH4 from slurry management and waste localised organic wastes and residues. Previous literature
facilities are primary causes of global warming. Biom- studies and developed roadmaps in member countries
ethane produced from crops release CO2, which was ab- have shown that biomethane can replace significant
sorbed from the atmosphere by the crops as they mature; amounts of natural gas. For example, utility compa-
this is known as short term carbon. Therefore, the provi- ny Engie estimates that biogas from agricultural and
sion of low carbon energy is conceivable through crop other waste (excluding crops) can provide for 100% of
gas consumption in France by 2050 (Reuters, 2017). In plants. It can be used by heating systems with highly ef-
countries with a well-established and closely linked gas ficient conversion efficiencies, and employed as a regen-
grid, there are good opportunities for cross-border trade erative power source in gas-powered vehicles. The utilisa-
and to create a market for biomethane, thus lowering the tion of biomethane as a source of energy is a crucial step
import dependency of fossil fuels. The production of bi- towards a sustainable energy economy. A further pathway
omethane from regional resources creates jobs, especially for biomethane can be found in large industry energy
in agriculture, supply logistics, engineering, plant con- users. A growing demand for green gas has been evident
struction and maintenance. Farmers can profit in “non- from multinational companies who want to fulfil their
food” related sectors with an alternative source of revenue corporate social responsibilities. These industries would
through biomethane. typically include breweries, distilleries, milk processing
Anaerobic digestion plants are typically located in facilities and data centres. The substitution of natural gas
close proximity to areas where biomass is cultivated or with biomethane can lower the use of fossil materials and
sourced. This circumvents the need for energy-inten- support the intended change from a fossil to a bio-based
sive transportation of biomass to the plant location. It society without the need for expensive new infrastructure.
also minimises the cost of redistributing the digestate,
a commercial biofertiliser by-product, to the surround- 2.4 Biogas and biomethane deployment
ing cropland. The digestate can reduce the farmers’ costs Anaerobic digestion can now be considered a mature
associated with the purchase of manufactured chemical technology that is widespread particularly throughout
fertilisers. The use of all by-products generated in biom- Europe. If biomethane is produced, the preferred end-
ethane production systems can ensure the optimisation use typically varies by country and the extent of their gas
of the full value-added chain. grid infrastructure. For instance, Sweden has a gas grid
Biomethane is very flexible in its application, more restricted to one region in the country and so biometh-
so than other renewable sources of energy. Its ability to ane is used primarily as a vehicle fuel with set financial
be injected directly into the existing natural gas grid al- incentives (IEA Bioenergy Task 40 and Task 37, 2014). At
lows for energy-efficient and cost-effective transporta- the end of 2015 there was a total of 17,376 biogas plants
tion. This allows gas grid operators to enable consumers and 459 biomethane plants in operation in Europe (Eu-
to make an easy transition to a renewable source of gas. ropean Biogas Association, 2016). Figure 2.2 gives an
The diverse, flexible spectrum of applications in the ar- insight into the quantity of biogas plants in a number
eas of electricity generation, heat provision, and mobility of countries and the different types of facility (WWTP,
creates a broad base of potential customers. Biomethane agricultural/industrial or landfill). The estimated energy
can be used to generate electricity and heating from with- output (TWh) from the facilities in the same countries is
in smaller decentralised or large centrally-located CHP indicated in Figure 2.3.
Figure 2.3 Current energy output (TWh) from anaerobic digestion in selected countries
(Source: IEA Bioenergy Task 37 Country Report summaries 2016,
If biomethane, due to its flexibility as an energy carri- for biogas upgrading varies, however four main methods
er, is considered the future of renewable gas, the technol- are currently most practiced: water scrubbing; chemical
ogy for upgrading biogas becomes a key consideration. scrubbing; membrane separation; and pressure swing
Figure 2.4 gives the current breakdown of the number absorption (PSA). Figure 2.4 also illustrates the break-
of upgrading plants in specific countries with Germany down of CO2 removal technologies used for the coun-
and the UK leading the way in Europe, and South Korea tries listed and highlights the growth of upgrading tech-
also demonstrating high uptake. The technology used nologies since the turn of the century.
Figure 2.4 A: Number of biogas upgrading plants per country; B: Breakdown of biogas upgrading technologies used at biomethane plants;
C: Biogas upgrading technologies uptake over time (IEA Task 37 Energy from Biogas, 2016)
3. Algal biofuels
2.5 Advanced technologies for biomethane production 3.1 The role of seaweed in future biomethane production
First generation biofuels, such as rapeseed biodiesel Third generation, advanced biofuel sources such as
and wheat ethanol, are now capped under the EU Re- macro-algae (seaweeds), do not require arable or agri-
newable Energy Directive (RED) at 7% in terms of con- cultural land for production. Moreover, seaweeds that are
tributing to renewable energy supply targets for trans- farm cultivated at sea may offer a sustainable alternative
port. This is to avoid a potential “food versus fuel” debate to more traditional crops with higher growth rates. Rich
and alleviate concerns over the sustainability of first gen- in carbohydrates and with low lignin content, seaweeds
eration biofuels in achieving sufficient GHG emissions represent an attractive feedstock for biomethane pro-
savings. It is proposed that the cap on first generation duction with a variety of seaweeds such as S. latissima,
biofuels may be even further reduced to 3.8% by 2030 L. digitata, S. polyschides and A. nodosum, investigated
under the most recent EU legislation proposals in the in literature (Tabassum et al., 2017). Table 3.1 presents
Recast RED (EC, 2016). Consequently, second genera- energy yields from a number of different seaweeds. How-
tion biofuel substrates, such as lignocellulosic crops (in- ever, different seaweed species vary in composition, with
cluding perennial ryegrass), organic municipal wastes respect to carbohydrate and protein content; this vari-
and agriculture residues, have become the main focus of ance is also influenced the time of year at which they are
renewable energy generation through anaerobic diges- harvested. Specific growth conditions such as tempera-
tion. The digestion of second generation feedstocks is ture, nutrient availability and sunlight alter this compo-
generally well understood. Typically, a form of pre-treat- sition. Thus, the time of harvest is critical in maximising
ment is required for lignocellulosic materials to enhance the total biomethane production from seaweed. Seasonal
their digestibility and improve biogas yields. However, variation of seaweeds is also an important characteristic
providing a renewable and decarbonised energy sys- in terms of the concentrations of polyphenols and ash,
tem (for electricity, heat and transport) through second both of which, in high concentrations, may inhibit the
generation (land based) biofuels may put a significant anaerobic digestion process and lower the attainable bi-
constraint on both arable and agricultural land. As the omethane yields. The ash in seaweeds is predominantly
world’s population increases, the total energy consump- salt (chloride) and is evident in much higher levels than
tion and demand for food will increase. Use of large more traditional crop feedstocks.
swathes of land for bioenergy may become questionable Procuring a secure source of feedstock is vital to the
with potential rises in food production prices. Since the development of a seaweed biomethane industry. In the
proportion of land that can be devoted to bioenergy is fi- short term, seaweeds from natural stocks may be di-
nite, future energy systems may need to shift to the sea to gested for their energy content and may even provide a
provide sufficient feedstock resources to meet increasing method of waste treatment. Eutrophication is a common
energy demand. More advanced feedstocks such as mi- cause of green tides, whereby green seaweed washes up
cro and macro-algae are now receiving attention as an al- on the shorelines of bays or estuaries due to excess ni-
ternative to the more traditional land based biofuel pro- trogen run-off into water streams, as occurs in Ireland,
duction. Non-biological sources of renewable gas such Japan and France. Green seaweed can pose a health risk
as power to gas are also considered to have high potential and must be removed; for instance, Ulva Lactuca (sea let-
in expanding the overall energy resource to 2050. Recent tuce) can generate high concentrations of the toxic gas
EU policy measures have encouraged the development H2S. Co-digestion of seaweeds such as Ulva Lactuca with
of such pathways suggesting progressively increasing farm slurry for example can provide a mutual synergy
obligations. The share in renewable and low-carbon by optimising carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratios in the di-
transport fuels (excluding first generation biofuels and gestion process and supplying essential trace elements
including for electrification) is required to increase from required by the anaerobic microbial consortium (Allen
1.5% in 2021 to 6.8% in 2030, with advanced biofuels to et al., 2013).
make up at least 3.6% by that time (EC, 2016).
Figure 4.1 The GoBiGas plant in Gothenburg is the first of its kind in the world, injecting biomethane from thermal gasifi-
cation and methanation to the natural gas grid of Gothenburg. At full production, the 20 MW methane plant will deliver
160 GWh/yr. (Photo: Used with permission of Rob Vanstone and Göteborg Energi, Sweden).
Figure 5.1 Electricity storage capacity and duration (source: DNV GL)
quantities of energy for long periods of time (Walker et production through such operation. Furthermore when
al., 2016) and often rely on specific geographical features. the biogas plant is not supporting the electrical grid it can
Figure 5.1 illustrates the different electricity storage meth- produce biomethane (via biogas upgrading). Thus po-
ods and their respective capacity. Renewable gas systems tentially an anaerobic digestion facility can support both
can support the increasing proportion of intermittent re- the electricity grid and gas grid (Figure 5.2). Previous lit-
newable electricity through two principle methods: 1) as erature studies have modelled a continuously operating
a storage mechanism for curtailed renewable electricity, 435 kWe continuously fed digestion system, which when
with conversion of the energy vector to gas (power to gas) converted to demand driven, operated as a 2 MWe CHP
which is available for similar use as that of natural gas; unit for 60 min per day, whereby 21% of biogas was used
and 2) as a support to intermittent renewable electricity in the CHP generator and 79% was supplied to the biogas
generation through demand driven biogas systems. upgrading system (O’Shea et al., 2016c).
Figure 5.2 Combination of (A) power to gas system with (B) demand driven biogas system (Ahern et al., 2015; Persson et al., 2014)
Figure 5.3 Product flows in the Power-to-Gas concept (source: DNV GL)
sity and propane to rise it) in order to comply with the and water (4H2 + CO2 -> CH4 + 2H2O). For catalytic
local gas-quality specification before it can be injected in methanation, a form of catalyst (typically nickel-based)
to the gas grid. Both electrolysis and methanation pro- is used making it less robust than biological methana-
cesses release heat. tion to contaminants in biogas. Biogas used in catalytic
Three main technologies reported for electrolysis methanation typically requires a cleaning step between
are: the alkaline electrolyser; the polymer electrolyte production and methanation. Catalytic methanation
membrane (PEM); and the solid oxide electrolysis cell operates at a high temperature range of 200-500°C with
(SOEC). Alkaline and PEM are considered low tempera- high pressures of 1-100 bar (Götz et al., 2016). Biologi-
ture technologies; SOEC is a high temperature process cal methanation uses hydrogenotrophic methanogenic
at a low TRL and is intended to improve the efficiency archaea to convert the hydrogen and CO2 to methane,
considerably (Parra & Patel, 2016). Alkaline electrolysis as opposed to catalysts. The biological method can be
is at a more mature stage of development than PEM or “in-situ” whereby hydrogen is injected directly into an
SOEC and is commercially available with modules up anaerobic digester and combines with the CO2 in biogas;
to 2.5MWe (Schiebahn et al., 2015). However, in the or “ex-situ” in which both hydrogen and CO2 are intro-
future, higher process efficiencies may be potentially vi- duced to an external methanation reactor. The source of
able in PEM and SOEC technologies. When evaluating CO2 for PtG can be provided by biogas plants, large CO2
electrolysis units, the most important features for PtG emitters in industry (such as distilleries), or wastewater
include conversion efficiency to hydrogen, cold start up treatment plants (WWTPs) where cheap, concentrated
flexibility, and operational lifetime (Götz et al., 2016). sources of CO2 can be accessed (O’Shea et al., 2017).
PtG requires a quick start up time from the perspec- PtG has been demonstrated for proof of concept in
tive that the system may be turned off and on to match laboratory studies. On a larger scale, two projects aim-
times when electricity is cheap (as would be the case if ing for commercial viability with regards to PtG with
the electricity source was curtailed electricity). PEM is biological methanation are the Electrochaea – BioCat
a faster technology than alkaline but is more expensive project (Denmark) and MicrobEnergy – BioPower2Gas
since the technology requires noble catalysts such as Pt, project (Germany); with both utilising biogas plants
Ir, Ru (Schiebahn et al., 2015). Any future enhancements for the source of CO2 (Bailera et al., 2017). The cost of
in electrolysis may depend on the high efficiency associ- electricity is deemed to be a very significant factor in the
ated with SOEC technology (greater than 90%), which is development of PtG systems. As discussed, lower elec-
currently at a low technology maturity. tricity prices could be available through curtailed renew-
The methanation step can be catalytic or biological; able electricity. A system conflict exists between: short
both methods adhere to the process of combining hy- operating times using cheap electricity and oversized
drogen and CO2 (at a ratio of 4:1) to produce methane electrolysis systems; and long operation times with more
Legislation on the collection of food waste and the Residues from agriculture in Ireland include for farm
introduction of high landfill levies has encouraged its slurries, slaughterhouse wastes and processing wastes
disposal through other means in Ireland. Food waste from the production of milk and cheese. Typically these
(and the organic fraction of municipal solid waste) is a residues are land spread; however, such wastes can also
commonly identified feedstock for anaerobic digestion, be considered a valuable resource for energy production
as it can achieve high specific methane yields (SMYs). as they incur no cost and can achieve very high GHG
It is considered the low hanging fruit as a digestion emissions savings on a whole life cycle basis (compared
feedstock as it is a waste stream that can potentially to the fossil fuel displaced) due to the removal of fugi-
accrue a gate fee (for the operator) as opposed to en- tive methane emissions in open slurry storage tanks. The
ergy crops which have a production cost, supporting majority of slurry will come from Ireland’s dairy herd,
the economic feasibility of such digesters. The composi- where slurry is collected in pits when the animals are
tion of food waste is variable depending on origin, that housed inside in winter. Pig slurry may also be a viable
is, whether it is sourced from rural or urban areas. Es- feedstock as it is collected year round. Slaughterhouse
timates of the collectable household food and garden wastes typically comprise of paunch (material extracted
waste have been made for Ireland by multiplying popu- from the stomach of the animal) and sludge (from the
lation numbers by the quantity of waste available; it has wastewater treatment process), both organic by-prod-
been assessed that 138,588 t Volatile Solids (VS) a-1 of ucts suitable for digestion and biomethane production.
food waste is potentially available in Ireland (O’Shea et Milk processing waste is generated at dairy produce fa-
al., 2016a). cilities and typically comes in the form of an effluent or
Micro-algae (rudimentary) is
an approximate resource,
Gas, 181.26 which does not include for
weather conditions or actual
time based CO2 availability
from power stations; micro-
Total, 153.8 Power to gas, 1.43 algae (in-depth) includes for
weather conditions, daylight
Microalgae (in-depth), 1.75 hours and actual production
of CO2 from power plants
Microalgae (rudimentary), 9.76
Figure 6.1 Ireland’s total theoretical biomethane potential resource from identified feedstocks as compared to natural gas consumption and diesel consumption.
Data on gas demand and diesel demand adapted from (Howley & Holland, 2016; O’Shea et al., 2016a; O’Shea et al., 2016b).
sludge. The residual sludge from primary and second- highlights Ireland’s potential to produce the most renew-
ary wastewater treatment processes may also be digested able gas per capita within the EU by 2030, with a realistic
for biomethane in Ireland. Many wastewater treatment potential of 13 TWh a-1 (47 PJ a-1).
plants already have digesters onsite as part of their treat- Mobilising Ireland’s biomethane potential has been
ment process in reducing the organic content of their the focus of much research, strategy development and so-
effluent streams. lution design within Gas Networks Ireland (GNI). GNI
Several studies have been published on Ireland’s to- owns and operates over 13,500 km of transmission and
tal biomethane production potential, which ranges from distribution gas pipelines in Ireland (with approximately
about 4 – 50 TWh a-1 (15 to 180 PJ a-1) depending on feed- 680,000 connections to homes and businesses). GNI are
stock mobilisation assumptions. The total practical re- committed to facilitating renewable gas in decarbonis-
source (as opposed to potential resource) of biomethane ing energy supply to customers, particularly in the heat
identified by O’Shea et al., (O’Shea et al., 2016a; O’Shea and transport sectors. Based on detailed assessments of
et al., 2016b) based on currently available resources in the many biomethane solutions throughout Europe, GNI
Ireland was 27.8PJ as indicted in Figure 6.2. If this biom- identifies the “Hub and Pod model” as the model with the
ethane resource was used for transport or thermal energy most potential to maximise the mobilisation of biometh-
it could provide ca. 15% renewables in either sector. A ane in Ireland. This model incorporates road transport of
recent study by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ire- biomethane in compressed trailer units from biogas pro-
land (SEAI) on Ireland’s renewable gas potential has indi- duction facilities located remotely from the gas network
cated that as many as 900 digesters, ranging in size from (Pods) to centralised injections facilities connected to the
500 kWe (CHP) to 6000 kWe (biomethane), would be gas network (Hubs). Such a solution could maximise the
required to exploit the existing and future biomass avail- potential for Irish farmers, as biogas production can be
able nationally (SEAI, 2017). The future resource from located remote from the gas network on farm scale biogas
biomethane was reported in this study as ca. 22 PJ which Pods, with clusters of biogas Pods feeding biomethane
would result in GHG emissions savings of 2 Mt CO2eq, to centralised grid Injection Hubs. Assuming ongoing
equivalent to 3.7% of the total national GHG emissions biomethane policy supports, GNI predicts the growth
in the baseline year 1990. A recent study published by the rate of biomethane injection facilities to grow with up to
EU Commission in March 2017 (Kampman et al., 2017) 43 centralised Hubs in place by 2030, with an average of
8 biomethane production Pods supplying each hub (over grid; each gasifier would require 6,800 ha of willow (Gal-
300 on-farm anaerobic digestion Pods nationwide). This lagher & Murphy, 2013). The energy resource from gasi-
scenario would see 11.5 TWh a-1 (41.4 PJ a-1) of biom- fication is extrapolated in Table 6.1. Future renewable gas
ethane supplied to energy customers which would be production could increase by 10.3 PJ a-1 by the introduc-
approximately 20% of predicted natural gas demand in tion of eleven 50MWth gasifiers, increasing Irelands total
2030. theoretical energy resource to ca. 38 PJ a-1. Ireland is also
In addition to this, GNI are supporting the creation examining the concept of storing surplus electricity as a
of a biomethane market in Ireland by co-funding other gas through PtG systems. A recent literature study (Ta-
major projects through the Gas Innovation Fund. The ble 6.2) indicates that a resource of ca. 3 PJ a-1 would be
Causeway Project will examine the impact of increased available based on 7% renewable electricity curtailment
levels of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fast refill sta- in 2015. It is not feasible to operate based solely on cur-
tions and renewable gas injection on the operation of the tailed electricity as the CAPEX based on low run hours
gas network in Ireland and is co-funded by the European would generate a low capacity factor and expensive re-
Union through the Connecting Europe Facility. The pro- newable gas (McDonagh et al., 2018). The theoretical
ject will deliver 14 fast fill public access CNG stations in- resource is assessed as 1.43PJ in Figure 6.1.
stalled by the end of 2019.
Furthermore the Green Gas Certification Scheme 6.2 The Netherlands
project which is co-funded by the Department of Com- At present, the Netherlands produces ca. 4 TWh a-1
munications, Climate Action and Environment, Depart- (14.4 PJ a-1) of biogas, which is primarily used for elec-
ment of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation as well as GNI tricity and heat. Approximately 900 GWh a-1 (3.24 PJ a-1)
and the Renewable Gas Forum of Ireland was launched of biomethane is also injected to the natural gas grid.
in April 2017, and aims to devel-
op a comprehensive meth-
odology for a certification
scheme that facilitates bi-
omethane trading for both
renewable heat and trans-
port markets. It is antici-
pated that such certification
and independent traceabil-
ity of Guarantees of Origin
and sustainability criteria
will be mandated in the up-
dated RED as well as dem-
onstrating compliance with
EU and national targets.
For advanced technolo-
gies in Ireland, gasification
studies have shown an in-
digenous supply of willow
could feed eleven 50MWth
gasifiers located on the gas
of 35%. It should be remarked that the efficiencies of The UK government has indicated a strong inter-
the latest electrolysers (for higher capacities) are signifi- est in the production of renewable hydrogen (as well as
cantly higher than the one used in this project. Besides methane). More specifically the Department of Business,
optimising the energetic efficiency, it is important that Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has invested £25m
the outgoing gas complies with the specifications that in developing a supply chain for hydrogen in the UK.
apply to injection into the gas grid. The Dutch distribu- Hydrogen will be produced through steam reforming of
tion network requires gas to contain no more than 0.1 methane. If this is associated with carbon capture there is
mol% hydrogen. The optimum settings of the metha- a decarbonistion effect as combustion does not produce
nation process are therefore a compromise between the CO2. The CO2 from steam reforming can be stored in
highest achievable energetic efficiency and the outgoing depleted offshore gas reservoirs. Hydrogen gas pipeline
hydrogen concentration. infrastructure could be established in the UK by 2030.
The implementation of hydrogen gas can utilise a dedi-
6.3 The United Kingdom (UK) cated hydrogen grid or may involve a hydrogen-methane
The following section is based on the information from blend in the existing gas grid. Cluster projects include for
the Energy and Utilities Alliance (2017) and Future of Gas developments in Leeds, which is assessing 100% hydro-
(2017) publications. gen and the Liverpool-Manchester area, which is inves-
The uptake of anaerobic digestion in the UK over the tigating a hydrogen-methane blend. The advantage of a
past number of years has been significant to the extent hydrogen-methane blend is that it would involve lower
where capacity is now sufficient to power over a million costs as no new infrastructure would be required. Ad-
homes. The number of plants has risen to 559; biom- ditional studies are underway examining how much hy-
ethane plants will total 144 when current projects under drogen can be added to the existing gas network without
construction are complete. The total energy generation affecting its operation. Although it is still unclear how
from anaerobic digestion in 2017 stands at 10.7TWh. It is these pathways will unfold, a combination of options are
suggested that increases in feedstock availability/uptake, likely to occur; for example, 100% hydrogen could be
an update in legislation regarding the RHI scheme and used in local hydrogen grids, biomethane plants can sup-
availability of agricultural payments for energy genera- ply the existing natural gas grid and hydrogen can also
tion on farms could see the total energy yield increase be added as a blend at safe levels to the existing network.
to 78TWh. This would be considered a significant socio- By 2050, it is proposed that 28% of the UK’s heat
economic benefit given the UK’s dependency on gas as could be provided by hydrogen. Overall the gas demand
a fuel. Almost 50% of the UK’s primary energy needs in in the UK will rise, estimated at 130% of the 2016 levels,
relation to power generation and heat is supplied by gas with 55% supplied by hydrogen. From a transport per-
and this gas is also responsible for 40% of the UK’s GHG spective, heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) and buses are also
emissions. expected to be powered by hydrogen with a take up of
In terms of the green gas strategy of the UK, two electric vehicles (EVs) in the private car sector. At present
policy scenarios have been proposed. The first involves in the UK, a two year trial has been initiated to compare a
the removal of gas as an energy carrier with decarbonisa- variety of gas powered trucks against their diesel fuelled
tion of the electricity system; whilst the second involves counterparts. The project will act as a proof of concept,
decarbonising the gas grid. However, rather than reduc- investigating factors such as vehicle performance, fuel
ing the need for gas in the future, it is expected that the efficiency, reliability and cost. The environmental ben-
UK will have an increasing gas industry; this is proposed efits of gas powered vehicles in the potential reduction in
as the preferred route as consumers are already familiar GHG emissions will also be examined.
with and connected to the existing gas grid. The UK has The UK will also see the development of a commer-
an advanced natural gas grid infrastructure that supplies cial bioSNG plant that can convert black bag waste into
heat energy to 85% of homes. Decarbonisation of the gas green gas suitable for grid injection. The plant will accept
system could be achieved through the production of re- 10,000 t a-1 of waste and produce 22GWh of gas – enough
newable gas. Offering a source of renewable or green gas to fuel 40 trucks or heat 1,500 homes whilst achieving
going forward would provide significant advantages in significant GHG emissions savings (5,000 t a-1). The
terms of sustainability. technology itself can achieve between 80-190% GHG
emissions savings as compared to the fossil gas compara- 18.5 billion Nm3 per annum with 75% of this resource
tor depending on whether the CO2 stream from the pro- coming from the co-digestion of biomass as opposed
cess is captured. Success in such a project will ultimately to the direct mono-digestion of crops. This resource of
lead to further deployment of this pathway in the UK. 185TWh (666PJ a-1) is 1.5 times the current national
The potential resource has been estimated at 100TWh a-1 fossil fuel production in Italy.
of green gas, which is equivalent to fuelling all of Britain’s To increase the resource of biomethane in Italy, gasifi-
HGVs or supplying one third of the UK’s domestic gas cation is once again identified as a technology of interest.
demand. Forestry materials can be diverted from direct combus-
tion, which is deemed to have implications in terms of air
6.4 Italy pollution, and used for biomethane through gasification.
The following section is based on information from However issues such as biomass procurement, technol-
Bozzetto et al. (2017). ogy cost and sustainability in relation to GHG emissions
The Italian biogas sector has grown to be the sec- savings must be established prior to full technology de-
ond largest in Europe (only behind Germany). In 2015, ployment.
the output was 1,450 MWe, which originated from In Italy, PtG systems are recognised as a non-biogenic
1,900 digesters with a thermal biogas equivalent of future pathway for biomethane. The potential to couple
25 TWh (90PJ a-1). Co-digestion of crops and livestock such systems with the upgrading of biogas is suggested
residues are estimated to make up ca. 30-35% of the ener- as favourable. Other CO2 sources such as flue gases from
gy produced in the biogas and this figure could double by power plants and CO2 from ambient air are also advo-
2030. Figure 6.6 indicates the rise in biomethane resource cated for methanation with renewable hydrogen but are
in Italy over the last decade. suggested to come at a higher cost.
By 2030 the total biogas potential in Italy is estimated Including for advances in technology (gasification and
to reach 10 billion Nm3 per annum accounting for agri- PtG), the total biomethane (renewable gas) yield in 2050
cultural crops and residues, organic municipal waste and for Italy is estimated to be 300-350 TWh (1080 – 1260 PJ).
other feedstocks. The resource is equivalent to 100TWh a-1 This is viewed as a significant platform on which to re-
(360 PJ a-1). Such ambition is thought to promote a more duce the country’s reliance on fossil fuel imports whilst
sustainable and competitive agricultural industry in Italy, utilising the existing gas grid infrastructure. Figure 6.7
lowering the fossil fuel dependency on farms and pro- illustrates the potential growth in renewable gas produc-
moting the use of biofertilisers. Furthermore by 2050, the tion in Italy in the future.
total estimated biogas resource is proposed to increase to
Figure 6.6 Increase in biomethane resource in Italy (Bozzetto et al., 2017) Figure 6.7 Potential future renewable gas production in Italy (Bozzetto et al., 2017)
Green gas Methods for measuring and calculation of methane emission rates
6.5 Denmark agricultural waste, abattoir waste and food waste. The
The following section is adapted from the following upgraded biogas from the plant is injected to the natu-
publications: State of Green (2017a), (2017b), (2017c) and ral gas grid. Farmers in the surrounding area have 30%
includes for input from NGF Nature Energy. ownership of the Holsted plant, and the plant provides
The production of biogas in Denmark is rapidly in- them with an added revenue stream (GEODE, 2016).
creasing and is mainly based on the on-farm digestion The total production of biogas is expected to more
of manure and digestion of sewage sludge in cities. A than triple in Denmark from 2012 to 2020, reaching a
smaller number of biogas plants are industrial, or land- total annual production of 15 PJ. To date the majority
fill plants treating organic wastes. Biogas production in of the produced biogas is used in electricity production.
Denmark is spread throughout the country and is con- In the future it is expected that a greater share of the
sidered a combined process for both energy production produced biogas will be upgraded to biomethane and
and waste treatment. In particular, Denmark has signifi- delivered to the natural gas grid. Figure 6.8 shows the
cant potential for biomethane production due to high historical and expected future biogas production and its
animal densities in rural areas and a well-developed gas use in Denmark from 2012 to 2020. Already Denmark
infrastructure. The gas network provides for more than holds the highest share of green gas in Europe at 11%
400,000 households in Denmark. of natural gas consumption. Denmark has set ambitious
Denmark also plans to exhibit one of the world’s targets to supply the existing gas grid with 100% green
largest biogas facilities, under development by NGF Na- gas by 2035 through the use of food, industrial and ag-
ture Energy. The facility in Korskro will boast a biomass ricultural wastes. If this was to happen, Denmark would
capacity of over 1 Mt a-1 producing 45.4 MW a-1, which become the first EU state to be ‘free’ of any natural gas
can heat 26,000 homes. Full operation of the plant is ex- dependency. Furthermore, the gas grid is seen as a key
pected in mid-2018. Currently NGF Nature Energy has to the future of green energy systems in Denmark. Pro-
4 biogas plants in operation, with a further 12-17 do- jects whereby decentralised systems producing renew-
mestic projects in the pipeline. Such projects typically in- able gas are subsequently injected to the distribution gas
volve securing binding long-term contracts with all ma- grid have grown significantly in recent years with 21 such
jor suppliers and procuring a secure source of biomass. developments from 2014 – 2017. Ultimately, green gas
The NGF Nature Energy plant in Holsted (20MW) has is expected to offset the equivalent of 800,000 tonnes of
attained certification under the EU RED, which docu- CO2 in Denmark by 2018.
ments that the biomethane is sustainability produced Government policy has supported the biogas indus-
from second generation biofuel sources. The plant pro- try in Denmark and this has led to some of the initial
cesses 400,000 tonnes of feedstock, which includes for success. Continuing with the right framework condi-
14 Heat
6 Gas grid
Figure 6.8 Historical and future
4 Electricity biogas production and its use in
Denmark 2012-2020.
(Source: Jakob Lorenzen; Dansk
0 Year Fagcenter for Biogas; Danish Energy
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Agency)
Methods for measuring and calculation of methane emission rates Green gas
Figure 6.9 The gas grid and the future use of the gas grid with biogas plants (yellow dots) connected to the gas grid in Denmark. (Source: Jakob
Lorenzen; Dansk Fagcenter for Biogas)
tions, the potential for green gas in Denmark is proposed assist in the transition for green gas in Denmark. An in-
at 72 PJ in 2035 equivalent to the expected gas consump- vestment of over € 7 billion on the gas network by these
tion in the country by then. Current gas consumption three companies will continue to ensure a safe, reliable
is ca. 120PJ but it is estimated to decrease to 60-80PJ by supply of gas to its consumers. The perspective in Den-
2050; this is because both district and local heating are mark is that not one source of energy will be required
moving away from gas technologies for a number of rea- going forward and that different energy sources must
sons although this may not be necessary if green gas can complement and supplement for higher efficiency; for
be provided. This resource of 72PJ is principally based on example, gas supporting wind energy when the wind is
a rise in availability of manures and wastes, improved bi- not blowing and solar energy when the sun is not shin-
ogas production efficiencies and an increase in the diges- ing. There is an emphasis on integration of technologies
tion of straw. and the gas distribution network is a key element sup-
The current Danish energy system is heavily based on plying CO2-neutral gas. Accounting for more advanced
wind power due to the historical focus on the wind power technologies such as electricity storage through PtG (with
industry. Thus in the future, the Danish energy system methanation) could increase the resource to 100 PJ.
will consist of a large amount of fluctuating power. In or- From a transport fuel perspective biomethane is also
der to cope with this, the need for a storable (dispatach- seen as a valuable solution in Denmark. The first CNG
able) energy source will increase. In this case, biogas and service station is planned for development in Odense
biomethane will be an important energy source. Gas from while the first CNG project for public transport is being
the North Sea is currently on the decline so the focus for developed with a commercial CNG station in Fredericia.
Denmark has been on indigenous resources, which will
also mitigate any geo-political risks. Figure 6.9 illustrates
the existing gas grid in Denmark and the future use of the
gas grid with connected biogas plants (yellow dots).
A national initiative between three gas distribution
companies HMN Naturgas, Dansk Gas Distribution and
NGF Nature Energy has been developed to inform and
Figure 8.2 Schematic illustration of the Wijster green gas hub (from:
• Choose a logical point to connect to a gas grid: cility. The upgraded biogas can be injected at a higher
In the early stage of plant development, contact the pressure level of the gas grid with a higher gas flow.
grid operator responsible for grid connections in An example of this approach is the gas hub at Attero
the region. An injection point must be chosen with in Wijster in the Netherlands (Figure 8.2) in which
a high enough gas demand during the year. This may several biogas facilities are combined with a single
necessitate extending the connection pipelines ap- centralised upgrading facility; a number of grid in-
propriately to the grid or connecting to a part of the jection points are operated in the distribution grid
gas grid with higher pressures. (DSO) and the transmission grid (TSO). There is
• If a lengthy and expensive connection to the gas also a grid connection associated with an agricultural
grid is required, other options may be considered. biogas plant in proximity to this location. More con-
The grid operator may be able to connect some parts nections are planned in the future. The full case study
of the local gas grid to “increase” the gas demand. In is available at the Task 37 website
this option the injected gas will flow to a wider area (
of gas consumers, thus the feed-in capacity of the bi- • Development of demand side management sys-
omethane plant will be able to be increased. tems: An example of this is the SG3 project in which
• It may be plausible to effect recompression of the set point of the gas pressure in the gas grid is lower
gas from a grid with lower transport capacity and during summer time. In this way a priority position
lower pressure to a grid with higher pressure and gas for the biomethane injection can be achieved. The
flow. This measure will also increase the feed-in ca- pressure set points of the grid are locally dependent.
pacity for biomethane injection as a larger part of the The set point of the lower pressure in the grid is criti-
gas grid becomes available. cal. The gas demand has to be assured at all times. If
• Development of biogas hubs: This approach the pressure drops below this set point then the valve
involves a concentrated area of biogas producers in to the TSO connection will be opened to secure the
combination with a centralised biogas upgrading fa- gas demand of all consumers connected to the grid.
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Green gas IEA Bioenergy
The following countries are members of Task 37, in the 2018 Work Programme:
Jerry D. Murphy
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