Chapter 1 - Races
Chapter 1 - Races
Chapter 1 - Races
“I live in a world of fire and sand. The crimson sun scorches the life from anything that
crawls or flies, and storms of sand scour the foliage from the barren ground. Lightning strikes
from the cloudless sky, and peals of thunder roll unexplained across the vast tablelands. Even
the wind, dry and searing as a kiln, can kill a man with thirst.”
―The Wanderer
thas is a world of many races, from Though the races of the Dark Sun campaign
the Gith who wander the deserts, to setting resemble those of other campaign
the Tembos, persistent in their worlds, it is frequently in name only. The
stalking. Giants terrorize the Silt Sea, while insular elves roam the Tablelands, trusted by
Belgoi steal grown men in the night. The no one but their own tribe‐mates. Halflings
magic of the Pristine Tower produces the are feral creatures, possessed of a taste for
New Races; most never see a second human flesh. Hairless dwarves work
generation. Despite the variety of intelligent endlessly, their entire perception of the world
life, only a few races have the numbers to filtered through the lens of a single, all–
significantly impact the politics of the consuming task. Unsleeping thri‐kreen roam
Tablelands. the wastes, always hunting their next meal.
Races of Athas
Aarakocra Half Elves
Elves Half Giants
Dwarves Thri-kreen
Genasi Mul
Halflings Pterrans
“You are all slaves. You all suffer from the tyranny of the ground. Only in the company of
clouds will you find the true meaning of freedom.”
― Kekko Cloud‐Brother, aarakocra cleric
arakocra are the most commonly
encountered bird–people of the
Tablelands. Some are from Winter
Nest in the White Mountains near Kurn, while
others are from smaller tribes scattered in the
Ringing Mountains and elsewhere. These
freedom‐loving creatures rarely leave their
homes high in the mountains, but
sometimes, either as young wanderers or
cautious adventurers, they venture into the
inhabited regions of the Tablelands.
Religion: Aarakocran shamans are usually Aarakocra Society: The aarakocra have a
air clerics, sometimes sun clerics, and tribal society. The civilized tribes of Winter
Racial Traits:
Elf Run: By inducing an extraordinary state Languages. You can speak Common and
of grueling endurance, you gain the ability to Elven. Elves, much like Dwarves, disdain
travel long distances, over a number of days learning languages besides Elven except for
defined by your preparation. If you spend trade, and if not engaged in trade, will hide
one minute of special warm up, you may their knowledge from other Elves
make a Constitution check, consulting the
Elf Run
Roll Days
9 or less 1
10-11 2
12-13 3
14-15 4
16-17 5
18-19 6
20 7
“The worst thing you can say to a dwarf is ‘It can’t be done.’ If he’s already decided to do it,
he may never speak to you again. If he hasn’t decided to take up the task, he may commit
himself to it simply out of spite. ‘Impossible’ is not a concept most dwarves understand.
Anything can be done, with enough determination.”
―Sha’len, Nibenese trader
warves form a good part of the approach these tasks with an intensity rarely
people encountered in the seen in other races. As such, dwarves make
Tablelands. These strong and excellent laborers, and take great pride in
devoted beings live to fulfill their focus, a task their accomplishments. However, their
they choose to devote their lives to. Stubborn stubbornness can lead to difficulties.
and strong-minded, dwarves make good Dwarves will sometimes fail to listen to
companions, even though their usual reason, attempting to accomplish what are
focused nature can tend to be bothersome. impossible tasks. Dwarves live for their
focus. Dwarves that die while being unable
Personality: Dwarves prefer to occupy to complete their focus return from the dead
themselves with meaningful tasks, and often as banshees to haunt their unfinished work.
“The genasi have nothing but disdain for civilization, sneering at the sorcerer-kings and their
despotic rule. They have no love for the mortal races, and their arrogance is equaled only by
their tempestuous personalities. They are a people apart, content to struggle in the swirling dust
storms and having no part in the plight faced by the despotic regimes that define the Tyr
Region.” - The Wanderer
Those who think of other planes at all one such people, the offspring of genies and
consider them remote, distant realms, but mortals.
planar influence can be felt throughout the
world. It sometimes manifests in beings who, The Elemental Planes are often inhospitable
through an accident of birth, carry the power to natives of the Material Plane: crushing
of the planes in their blood. The genasi are earth, searing flames, boundless skies, and
Age. Genasi mature at about the same rate Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
as humans and reach adulthood in their late score increases by 1.
teens. They live somewhat longer than Unending Breath. You can hold your breath
humans do, up to 120 years. indefinitely while you’re not incapacitated.
Mingle with the Wind. You can cast the
Alignment. Independent and self-reliant, levitate spell once with this trait, requiring no
genasi tend toward a neutral alignment. material components, and you regain the
ability to cast it this way when you finish a
Size. Genasi are as varied as their mortal long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting
parents but are generally built like humans, ability for this spell.
standing anywhere from 4 feet to over 6 feet
tall. Your size is Medium or Small
Earth Genasi
As an earth genasi, you are descended from
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
the cruel and greedy dao, though you aren’t
Fire Genasi
As a fire genasi, you have inherited the
volatile mood and keen mind of the efreet.
You tend toward impatience and making
snap judgments. Rather than hide your
distinctive appearance, you exult in it. Nearly
all fire genasi are feverishly hot as if burning
inside, an impression reinforced by flaming
red, coal black, or ash-gray skin tones. The
“People are no good. You can only trust animals and the bottle.”
―Delmao, half-Elven thief
nlike the parents of muls, elves and animal world for company, training creatures
humans are often attracted to each to be servants and friends. Ironically, the
other. Half‐elves are typically the survival skills and animal affinity that half‐
unwanted product of a casual interracial elves developed to cope with isolation make
encounter. them valuable beast handlers in human
Personality: Half‐elves are notorious loners.
Many Athasians believe that half‐elves Alignment: Lawful and neutral half‐elves
combine the worst traits of both races, but labor for acceptance from a parent race,
the most difficult aspect of half‐elves – their while chaotic ones have given up on
lack of self–confidence – comes not from acceptance, electing instead to reject the
their mixed origins but rather from a life of society that has rejected them.
rejection from both parent races. Half‐elves
try in vain to gain the respect of humans or Half‐Elven Lands: Despite their unique
elves. nature, half‐elves don’t form communities.
The few half‐elves that settle down tend to
Physical Description: Averaging over six live among humans who, unlike elves, at
feet tall, half‐elves combine Elven dexterity least find a use for them.
with human resilience. Bulkier than elves,
most half‐elves find it easier to pass Magic: Half‐elves often take up arcane
themselves off as full humans than as full studies, because it is a solitary calling.
elves, but all have some features that hint at
their Elven heritage. Psionics: Mastery of the Way often provides
the independence and self–knowledge that
Relations: Humans distrust the half‐elf’s half‐elves seek, and membership in a psionic
Elven nature, while elves have no use for academy can provide the half‐elf with
their mixed–blood children; Elven traditions acceptance.
demand that such children be left behind.
Human society gives half‐elves have a better Religion: Because of their alienation from
chance of survival, but even less kindness. society and their affinity with animals, half‐
Half‐elves sometimes find friendship among elves make excellent druids. Some half‐
muls or even Thri‐kreen. Half‐ elves will elves turn their resentment of society into a
cooperate with companions when profession and become sullen, bullying
necessary, but find it difficult to rely on templars. As clerics, they are drawn to
anyone. Many half‐elves also turn to the water’s healing influence.
Racial Traits:
”Be wary of the forest ridge. The halflings who live there would as soon eat you alive as look
at you. Chances are you won’t even notice them until you’ve become the main course.”
―Mo’rune, Half-Elven Ranger
alflings are masters of the jungles of bright reds and greens. Forest halflings
the Ringing Mountains. They are small, rarely tend to their hair, and some let it grow
quick and agile creatures steeped in an to great lengths, though it can be unkempt
ancient and rich culture that goes back far and dirty. They live to be about 120 years old.
into Athas’ past. Although they are not
common in the Tablelands, some halflings Relations: Halfling’s culture dominates their
leave their homes in the forests to adventure relations with others. They relate very well to
under the Dark Sun. As carnivores,
halflings prefer to eat flesh raw.
Alignment: Halflings tend towards law and Names: Halflings tend to have only one
evil. Uncomfortable with change, halflings given name.
tend to rely on intangible constants, such as Male Names: Basha, Cerk, Derlan, Drassu,
racial identity, family, clan ties and personal Entrok, Kakzim, Lokee, Nok, Pauk, Plool,
honor. On the other hand, halflings have little Sala, Tanuka, Ukos, Zol.
respect for the laws of the big people. Female Names: Alansa, Anezka, Dokala,
Grelzen, Horga, Jikx, Joura, Nasaha, Vensa.
Halfling Lands: Halflings villages are rare in Adventurers: Exploring the Tablelands gives
the tablelands. Most halflings live in tribes or curious halflings the opportunity to learn
clans in the Forest Ridge, or in the Rohorind other customs. Although they may at first
forest west of Kurn. Many dwell in treetop have difficulty in understanding the
villages. Non–halflings typically only see numerous practices of the races of the
these villages from within a halfling cooking Tablelands, their natural curiosity enables
pot. them to learn and interact with others. Other
halflings may be criminals, renegades or
Magic: Many halfling tribes reject arcane other tribal outcasts, venturing into the
magic. Tribes that accept wizards tend to Tablelands to escape persecution by other
have preserver chieftains. Only renegade halflings.
halfling tribes are ever known to harbor
defilers. Halfling Society: Most halflings have a
common outlook on life that results in
Psionics: Many halflings become Invisible considerable racial unity across tribal and
Hand Psions. In the forest ridge, many tribal regional ties. Rarely will one halfling draw the
halflings become multi-classed Invisible blood of another even during extreme
Hand/Rangers, and become some of the disagreements. Only renegade halflings do
deadliest tracker on Athas. not share this racial unity, and are cast out of
their tribes because of it.
“Humans are fools, and hopelessly naive as well. They outnumber us; they are everywhere, and
yet they have no more sense of their strength than a rat. Let us hope that the Datto remain
that way.”
―Dukkoti Nightrunner, Elven Warrior
hile not the strongest race, nor the Personality: More than other races, human
quickest, humans have dominated personality is shaped by their social standing
the Tablelands for the last three and background.
thousand years.
Ability Score Increase. You gain 3 points language, skill or tool of your choice.
that you can place in any ability. You cannot
place more than two points in one ability. Feat. You can choose one feat at 1st level
“See, the trick is to break their will. Not too much, mind you. Nobody wants to watch a docile
gladiator, and muls are too expensive to waste as labor slaves. But, you don’t want them trying
to escape every other day. Would you like to tell the arena crowd that their favorite champion
will not be appearing in today’s match because he died trying to escape your pens?” ―Gaal,
Urikite arena trainer
orn from the unlikely parentage of Personality: All gladiators who perform well
dwarves and humans, muls combine in the arenas receive some degree of
the height and adaptable nature of pampered treatment, but muls receive more
humans with the musculature and pampering than others. Some mul gladiators
resilience of dwarves. Muls enjoy traits that even come to see slavery as an acceptable
are uniquely their own, such as their robust part of their lives. However, those that
metabolism and almost inexhaustible acquire a taste of freedom will fight for it.
capacity for work. The hybrid has Stoic and dull to pain, muls are not easily
disadvantages in a few areas as well: intimidated by the lash. Masters are loath to
sterility, and the social repercussions of slay or maim a mul who tries repeatedly to
being created for a life of slavery. Humans escape, although those who help the mul’s
and dwarves are not typically attracted to escape will be tormented in order to punish
each other. The only reason that muls are so the mul without damaging valuable property.
common in the Tablelands is because of their Once a mul escapes or earns his freedom,
value as laborers and gladiators: slave– slavery remains a dominant part of his life.
sellers force– breed humans and dwarves for Most muls are heavily marked with tattoos
profit. While mul– breeding practices are that mark his ownership, history, capabilities
exorbitantly lucrative, they are often lethal to and disciplinary measures. Even untattooed
both the mother and the baby. Conception is muls are marked as a potential windfall for
difficult and impractical, often taking months slavers: it is clearly cheaper to “retrieve” a
to achieve. Even once conceived, the mul mul who slavers can claim had run away,
takes a full twelve months to carry to term; than to start from scratch in the breeding pits.
fatalities during this period are high. As likely
as not, anxious overseers cut muls from the Physical Description: Second only to the
dying bodies of their mothers. half‐giant, the mul is the strongest of the
common humanoid races of the tablelands.
Muls grow as high as seven feet, weighing
Magic: Muls
dislike what
they fear, and
they fear
“The people of the Tablelands know nothing of life. They choose no Path for themselves, and
consume everything until they are dead.” ―Keltruch, Pterran Ranger
terrans are rarely seen in the inquisitive, and optimistic. In other respects,
Tablelands. They live their lives in the a pterran’s personality is largely shaped by
Hinterlands, rarely leaving the safety of her chosen life path:
their villages. However, the recent
earthquake and subsequent storms have Pterrans who choose the path of the warrior
brought disruption into the pterran’s lives. are less disturbed by the brutality of the
More pterrans now venture outside their Tablelands; they are constantly examining
homes, and come to the Tyr region to seek their surroundings and considering how the
trade and information. terrain where they are standing could be
Personality: Among strangers, pterrans defended; they take greatest satisfaction
seem like subdued, cautious beings, but from executing a combat strategy that results
once others earn a pterran’s trust, they will in victory without friendly casualties. Pterrans
find an individual that is open, friendly, who choose the path of the druid are most
“This one does not speak with the quivering soft shells that lay about all night. This one might
eat you, but never speak.” ―Tu’tochuk
hri‐kreen are the strangest of the indistinguishable. Thri‐kreen usually do not
intelligent races of the Tablelands. wear clothing, but wear some sort of harness
These insectoid beings possess a to carry weapons and food. Many wear leg or
mindset very different from any arm bands, or bracelets. Some attach rings
humanoid being encountered. They roam the on different places on their chitin, though this
wastes in packs, hunting for food day and requires careful work by a skilled artisan.
night, since they require no sleep. Thri‐kreen
are quick and agile and make fearsome
fighters, feared throughout the wastes.
Sleepless:Thri-Kreen don't need to sleep. Languages: You can speak Thri-Kreen and
Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining Distorted Common. Due to your physiology,
semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. While other races will have difficulty understanding
meditating, you can dream after a fashion; you, as your speech comes out elongated
such dreams are actually mental exercises and hissing.
Dwarf 30 years +2d6 +4d6 100 yrs. 150 yrs. 200 yrs. +4d20 yrs.
Elf 20 years +1d4 +1d6 50 yrs. 75 yrs. 100 yrs. +3d20 yrs.
Half-Giant 25 years +1d6 +2d6 60 yrs. 90 yrs. 120 yrs. +1d100 yrs.
Halfling 20 years +3d6 +3d6 50 yrs. 75 yrs. 100 yrs. +5d10 yrs.