Chapter 1 - Races

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“I live in a world of fire and sand. The crimson sun scorches the life from anything that
crawls or flies, and storms of sand scour the foliage from the barren ground. Lightning strikes
from the cloudless sky, and peals of thunder roll unexplained across the vast tablelands. Even
the wind, dry and searing as a kiln, can kill a man with thirst.”
―The Wanderer
thas is a world of many races, from Though the races of the Dark Sun campaign
the Gith who wander the deserts, to setting resemble those of other campaign
the Tembos, persistent in their worlds, it is frequently in name only. The
stalking. Giants terrorize the Silt Sea, while insular elves roam the Tablelands, trusted by
Belgoi steal grown men in the night. The no one but their own tribe‐mates. Halflings
magic of the Pristine Tower produces the are feral creatures, possessed of a taste for
New Races; most never see a second human flesh. Hairless dwarves work
generation. Despite the variety of intelligent endlessly, their entire perception of the world
life, only a few races have the numbers to filtered through the lens of a single, all–
significantly impact the politics of the consuming task. Unsleeping thri‐kreen roam
Tablelands. the wastes, always hunting their next meal.

Races of Athas
Aarakocra Half Elves
Elves Half Giants
Dwarves Thri-kreen
Genasi Mul
Halflings Pterrans

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 1


“You are all slaves. You all suffer from the tyranny of the ground. Only in the company of
clouds will you find the true meaning of freedom.”
― Kekko Cloud‐Brother, aarakocra cleric
arakocra are the most commonly
encountered bird–people of the
Tablelands. Some are from Winter
Nest in the White Mountains near Kurn, while
others are from smaller tribes scattered in the
Ringing Mountains and elsewhere. These
freedom‐loving creatures rarely leave their
homes high in the mountains, but
sometimes, either as young wanderers or
cautious adventurers, they venture into the
inhabited regions of the Tablelands.

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disheveled vultures. Aarakocran plumage
Personality: These bird‐people can spend ranges from silver white to brown, even pale
blue. Male aarakocra weigh around 100
pounds, while females average 85 pounds.
An aarakocra’s beak comprises much of its
head, and it can be used in combat. At the
center of their wings, aarakocra have three‐
fingered hands with an opposable thumb,
and the talons of their feet are just as
dexterous. While flying, aarakocra can use
their feet as hands, but while walking, they
use their wing‐hands to carry weapons or
equipment. Aarakocra have a bony plate in
their chest (the breastbone), which provides
protection from blows. However, most of
their bones are hollow and brittle and break
more easily than most humanoids. The
aarakocra’s unusual build means they have
difficulty finding armor, unless it has been
specifically made for aarakocra. Aarakocra
usually live between 30 and 40 years.

Relations: Aarakocra zealously defend their

hours riding the wind currents of the
homeland. They are distrustful of strangers
mountains, soaring in the olive‐ tinged
that venture onto their lands. Many of the
Athasian sky. While traveling, aarakocra
southern tribes exact tolls on all caravans
prefer to fly high above to get a good view all-
passing through their lands, sometimes
around of their location and detect any
kidnapping scouts or lone riders until tribute
threats well in advance. When they stop to
is paid. Tribute can take the form of livestock
rest, they tend to perch on high peaks or tall
or shiny objects, which aarakocra covet.
buildings. Enclosed spaces threaten the
Some evil tribes may attack caravans without
aarakocra, who have a racial fear of being
provocation. Aarakocra have great
anywhere they cannot stretch their wings.
confidence and pride in their ability to fly, but
This claustrophobia affects their behavior.
have little empathy for land–bound races.
Unless it is absolutely necessary, no
aarakocra will enter a cave or enclosed
Alignment: Aarakocra tend towards
building, or even a narrow canyon.
neutrality with regard to law or chaos. With
respect to good and evil, Aarakocran tribes
Physical Description: Aarakocra stand 6
usually follow the alignment of their leader. A
1/2 to 8 feet tall, with a wingspan of about 20
tribe whose leader is neutral good will
feet. They have black eyes, gray beaks, and
contain lawful good, neutral good, chaotic
from a distance they resemble lanky

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good and neutral members, with most occasionally druids. Most rituals of
members being neutral good. Aarakocra, Aarakocran society involve the summoning
even good ones, rarely help out strangers. of an air elemental, or Hraak’thunn in Auran
(although an aarakocra would call their
Aarakocran Lands: Most Aarakocran language Silvaarak, and not Auran).
communities are small nomadic tribes. Some Summoned air elementals are often used in
prey on caravans, while others or build an important ritual, the Hunt. The Aarakocran
isolated aeries high in the mountains. The coming of age ceremony involves hunting
least xenophobic aarakocra generally come the great beasts found in the Silt Sea.
from Winter Nest, in the White Mountains, a
tribe allied with the city‐ state of Kurn. Of all Language: Athasian aarakocra speak
the human communities, only Kurn builds Auran. Aarakocra have no written language
perches especially made for aarakocra to of their own, though some of the more
rest and do business. In contrast, king sophisticated tribes have borrowed
Daskinor of Eldaarich has ordered the alphabets from their land‐bound neighbors.
capture and extermination of all aarakocra. Regardless of the language spoken,
Other human communities tolerate aarakocra do not possess lips, and therefore
Aarakocran characters but do not welcome cannot even approximate the ‘m’, ‘b’ or ‘p’
them. Merchants will do business with sounds. They have difficulty also with their
aarakocra as long as they remain on foot. ‘f’s and ‘v’s, and tend to pronounce these as
Most land‐bound creatures are suspicious of ‘th’ sounds.
strange creatures that fly over their herds or
lands unannounced, and templars, even in Male Names: Akthag, Awnunaak, Cawthra,
Kurn, have standing orders to attack Driikaak, Gazziija, Kraah, Krekkekelar,
creatures that fly over the city walls without Nakaaka, Thraka.
permission. Female Names: Arraako, Kariko, Kekko,
Lisako, Troho.
Magic: Most Aarakocran tribes shun
wizardly magic, but a few evil tribes have Adventurers: Adventuring aarakocra are
defilers, and one prominent good‐aligned usually young adults with a taste for the
tribe, Winter’s Nest, has several preservers. unknown. They are usually curious, strong‐
Psionics: Aarakocra are as familiar with minded individuals that wish to experience
psionics as other races of the tablelands. the lives of the land‐bound peoples. Good
They particularly excel in the tribes see these young ones as undisciplined
psychoportation discipline. In spite of their individuals, but can tolerate this behavior.
low strength and constitutions, they excel as Evil tribes may view this sort of adventurous
psychic warriors, often using ranged powers behavior as treacherous, and may even hunt
from above to terrifying effect. down the rogue member.

Religion: Aarakocran shamans are usually Aarakocra Society: The aarakocra have a
air clerics, sometimes sun clerics, and tribal society. The civilized tribes of Winter

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Nest form the largest known community of In more primitive societies, female aarakocra
aarakocra in the Tyr region. Though their rarely travel far from the safety of the nest,
communities are led by a chieftain, the and focus solely on raising the young. In
aarakocra have a great love of personal Winter Nest, both sexes participate in all
freedom. So while the chieftain makes all aspects of society, with females more often
major decisions for the community, unless elected by the elders to be chieftains.
she consults with the tribal elders and builds
a strong consensus within the tribe first, her Aarakocra believe that their ability to fly
decisions may be ignored. makes them superior to all other races and
Air and sun shamans play an important role thus they have great confidence and pride in
in aarakocra societies. Aarakocra worship themselves. Though they often express
the sun because it provides them with the sympathy for people unable to fly, this more
thermals they need to soar. The air shamans often comes across as condescending.
of Winter Nest lead their community in daily Aarakocra are carnivores, but do not eat
worship of the air spirits. intelligent prey.

Roleplaying Suggestions: Loneliness

doesn’t bother you like it bothers people of
other races. You loathe the heat and stink of
the cities, and long for cold, clean mountain
air. The spectacle and movement of so many
sentient beings fascinates you, but watching
them from above satisfies your curiosity. The
very thought of being caught in a crowd of
creatures, pinned so tight that you can’t
move your own wings, fills you with terror.
You are friendly enough with people of other
races, provided they respect your physical
distance, and are willing to be the ones that
approach you. You form relationships with
individuals, but don’t involve yourself in the
politics of other racial communities – in such
matters you prefer to watch from above and
to keep your opinions to yourself unless
Aarakocra of Winter Nest have a deep and
You prefer to enter buildings through a
abiding respect for the gifts of nature and
window rather than through a door. Your
little patience for those who abuse those
instincts are to keep several scattered,
gifts. They look after the natural resources of
hidden, nests throughout the areas that you
the White Mountains and have been known
travel regularly: one never knows when one
to punish those who despoil or abuse them.
might need a high place to rest. Remember

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your love of heights and claustrophobia, and
rely on Aarakocran skills and tactics (dive‐
bombing). Take advantage of your flying
ability to scout out the area and keep a “bird’s
eye view” of every situation.

Racial Traits:

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity

score increases by 2, and your Wisdom
score increases by 1.

Speed. Your base land speed is 25 feet. You

also have a fly speed of 30 feet (see Wings

Size. Your size is Medium.

Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the

Perception skill and may double your
proficiency bonus on any skill check that
involves sight.

Wings. An aarakocra's impressive wingspan

Low‐Light Vision: Aarakocra can see twice
allows them to fly at great speeds, but they
as far as a human in moonlight and similar
may not hover. In order to fly, an aarakocra
conditions of poor illumination, retaining the
must have a minimum of 10 feet of open
ability to distinguish color and detail.
space on either side of them and 30 feet of
open space above, below them or any
Child of the High Mountains. Aarakocra
combination (taking off from a ledge 15 feet
have advantage on saving throws against
above the ground and 15 feet below the
lightning and thunder damage, as well as
ceiling is appropriate). An aarakocra who has
against spells or powers that manipulate air,
been restrained, either by a spell, net, lasso,
such as gust of wind, wind wall, or an air
grapple or other effect may not fly. An
elemental's whirlwind power.
aarakocra is also prevented from flying while
wearing heavy armor or while encumbered.
(At 5th level, your fly speed increases to 50

Dive Attack. An aarakocra who flies at least

30 feet during a round deals one additional

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die of damage with the first melee attack slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your
made during that round. Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning
damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Natural weapons. Your beak and talons are
natural weapons, which you can use to make Languages. You can speak, read and write
unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal both Common and Auran.

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“Honor? The word does not exist in the Elven language.”

―Tharak, human guard
thasʹ deserts, plains, steppes and have some sort of an angle -something to
badlands are home to the elves, a sell, or some deception to pass off. Strangers
long–limbed race of trading, raiding, are potential enemies waiting to take
thieving sprinters. Running is the key to advantage of them, so elves look for every
acceptance and respect among elves. Elves opportunity to win the advantage. If an elf
that are injured and cannot run are often left believes that a companion might make a
behind to die. worthy friend, the elf devises a series of
“tests” of trust that allow the companion to
Personality: Other races see elves as prove that their friendship is “stronger than
dishonest and lazy; generally a fair the bonds of death,” as elves say. Once a
assessment. Elves idle around their time for stranger has gained an elf’s trust, he is
days until compelled by need to exert forever that elf’s friend. If this trust is ever
themselves, but they can run for days without betrayed, it is gone forever.
complaint. No self– respecting elf will
consent to ride an animal. To do so is Alignment: Elves tend towards chaos
dishonorable; Elven custom dictates that because of their love of freedom, variety and
individuals keep up or be left behind. Elves self–expression. With respect to good and
prefer to lead short, happy lives rather than evil, elves tend towards neutrality, although
long, boring ones. Seeing the future as a their behavior leans towards good – even
dark, deadly place, they prefer to live in “the self–sacrifice –– where the good of their tribe
now,” enjoying each fleeting moment. They is at stake. Although they’ll steal everything
thrive in open spaces, and tend to wither in in sight, elves are not murderous. They rarely
captivity. attack anyone except those who threaten
them or stand in their way.
Physical Description: Elves stand between
6 and 7 feet tall, with lean builds; angular, Elven Lands: Always at home when running
deeply etched features; and no facial hair. in the wastes, elves often act as if all plains
They dress in garb designed to protect from and badlands were Elven lands. However,
the desert and elements. since most elves are loath to settle or build,
they can rarely enforce their claims. Elven
Relations: Elves tend to keep to their own tribes make a living either through herding,
tribe and their proven friends unless they raiding or trading; most tribes have at one

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time or another plied their hand at all three of his myth with exquisite song, dance and
these occupations. A tribeʹs current celebration. Many elves worship the
occupation usually determines which lands elements; particularly air, which they
they currently claim as their own. Elven associate with freedom, swiftness and song.
herders claim grazing lands. Elven raiders Elves also honor and swear by the moons,
claim lands crossed by trade routes. Elven perhaps because low‐light vision turns
traders claim no lands, but wander in search moonlight into an Elven advantage.
of bargains and loose purses. Language: Elves of Athas share a common
language and can communicate easily with
Magic: Of all Tableland races, elves have each other, although each tribe has its own
the greatest affinity towards and acceptance distinct dialect. The Elven language is filled
of arcane practices. with short, clipped words, runs with a rapid
staccato pace and is difficult for novices to
Psionics: Persistence is not an Elven strong pick up. Disdaining the slow tedious
suit, so Elven will is often weaker than that of languages of other races, most elves
other races. A few elves study the Way to win condescend to learn the Common speech for
one more advantage in battle and trade. trade. Elves that learn other tongues often
hide their ability.

Names: Whether slave or free, elves prefer

to keep Elven names. Tribe members take
the tribe name as surname. Elves treat the
naming of young runners as a sacred
responsibility, naming the children of the
tribe after the first interesting thing that they
do while learning to run. Elves believe with
the appropriate name, a child can grow to
greatness, but with the wrong name, the elf
may vanish in the wastes. Sometimes a
child’s name is changed because of an
extraordinary deed performed during an elf’s
rite of passage.

Male Names: Botuu (Water Runner),

Coraanu (First Elf, the Warrior Thief),
Dukkoti (Wind Fighter), Haaku (Two
Daggers), Lobuu (First Runner), Mutami
Religion: Elves revere Coraanu Star Racer (Laughs at Sun), Nuuko (Sky Hunter),
as the ideal “First Elf – the warrior thief” the Traako (Metal Stealer).
embodiment of all that elves wish to be, Female Names: Alaa (Bird Chaser), Ekee
basing their calendar on his life and honoring (Wild Dancer), Guuta (Singing Sword),

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Hukaa (Fire Leaper), Ittee (Dancing Bow), Elf Society: Elves have an intense tribal
Nuuta (Quiet Hunter), Utaa (Laughing Moon) unity that does not extend beyond their own
Tribe (Clan) Names: Clearwater Tribe tribe. Elves from other tribes are considered
(Fireshaper, Graffyon, Graystar, Lightning, potential enemies as much as any other
Onyx, Sandrunner, Seafoam, Silverleaf, creature. Within a tribe all elves are
Songweaver, Steeljaw, Wavedivers, considered equal with one exception, the
Windriders clans); Night Runner Tribe (Dark chief. The chief rules for life and makes the
Moons, Full Moons, Half Moons, Lone major decisions concerning the tribe. The
Moons, New Moons, Quarter Moons clans); method of choosing the chief varies from
Shadow Tribe; Silt Stalker Tribe (Fire Bow, tribe to tribe, with some electing the
Fire Dagger, Fire Sword clans); Silver Hand individual who demonstrates the most
Tribe; Sky Singer Tribe (Dawnchaser, qualities of leadership while the leadership in
Dayjumper, Twilightcatcher clans); Swiftwing other tribes is inherited by the descendants
Tribe; Water Hunter Tribe (Raindancer, of the previous chief. Elves do not spend vast
Poolrunner, Lakesinger clans); Wind Dancer amounts of time huddled in conference or
Tribe (Airhunter, Breezechaser clans) following their chief’s orders. Their love of
freedom keeps elves from becoming
Adventurers: Elves often take up embroiled in the complicated court intrigues
adventuring out of wanderlust, but those that that other races face. They prefer to engage
persist in adventuring generally do so out of in intrigues directed against outsiders.
desire for profit, glory, revenge, or out of Only with considerable effort and intent can
loyalty to traveling companions who have a stranger become accepted by an elf tribe
won their friendship. Elves love to boast of or even an individual elf. The stranger must
their accomplishments or have their deeds show bravery and a willingness to sacrifice
woven into song. Elves often hoard for the elf to earn acceptance. Being an elf
keepsakes from a memorable raids; some does not increase a stranger’s chances of
quilt pieces of stolen clothing into their being accepted by a tribe. When in the
cloaks. Little pleases elves as much as to company of outsiders, elves create tests of
flaunt a stolen item in front of its original trust and friendship constantly for their
owner. Elven custom dictates that the victim companions. This continues until either the
should acknowledge the accomplishment by companions fail a test, in which case they will
congratulating the thief on his possession of never earn the elf’s trust, or they succeed in
such an attractive item. Those who fail to passing enough tests to convince the elf to
show such gallantry are considered poor accept them. Years of conditioning have
sports. Adventurers who keep their tribal instilled within all elves the ability to move
membership should give their chief periodic quickly over sandy and rocky terrain and run
choice of the treasure that they have won. for long distances. Because of this natural
Holding out on a chief suggests lack of maneuverability, elves spurn the riding of
loyalty to the tribe. beasts for transportation. To do so is
dishonorable. The Elven custom is keep up
on one’s own or be left behind. Elven culture

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all elves have a propensity for raiding. Others
become merchants and some thieves. In
many cases others find it difficult to see the
distinction. Though they detest hard labor,
elves will spend hours negotiating with
potential customers.

Roleplaying Suggestions: Rely on Elven

combat skills (distance, bows, and fighting by
the light of the moons and stars). Use Elven
noncombat skills and philosophy (running,
escape from entangling situations or
relationships). When someone professes to
be your friend, dismiss them at first and then
later, offer them a test of trust. Don’t tell them
that it is a test, of course. Ask them to give
you one of their prize possessions, for
example, or leave your own valuables out
and see if they take advantage of you.
Pretend to sleep, and find out what they say
about you when they think you are not
listening. Some elves go as far as to allow
themselves to be captured to see if the
presumed friend will rescue them!
is rich and diverse, with elf song and dance
being the most captivating in the Tablelands. Racial Traits:
They have turned celebrating into an art
form. Elven songs and celebrations revolve Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
around heroes of the tribe both ancient and score increases by 2, and your Intelligence
current members. When a hunt goes well, a score increases by 1.
tribe showers the hunt master with praise. To
celebrate a marriage, elves dance to the Speed. Your base land speed is 40 feet.
tales of long remembered lovers. Elves have
the reputation as being lazy and deceitful, Cross Country: When using the Dash
which in most cases is true. They desire to action, you ignore Difficult Terrain.
lead short, happy lives as opposed to long,
sad ones. This leads the elves to focus on Size. Your size is Medium.
the present rather than plan for or expect
consequences in the future. However, elves Darkvision: Accustomed to running across
do work. Thought most elves provide for dunes or grasslands throughout the day and
themselves and their tribe through herding, night, you can see in the darkness within 60

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feet of you as if you were in dim light. following table for the number of days you
However, you can’t discern color in the can run.
While under the elf run, you can cover as
Keen Senses. You are proficient in the much as 40 miles per day, and you are
Perception skill. considered to be traveling at normal pace.
You cannot travel at fast or slow pace while
Hunter of the Wastes. You are proficient under this condition, but you ignore any
with all bows and the Elven longblade. difficult terrain. At any time you end your elf
run, you immediately gain one level of
Athasian Resistance. You have a natural exhaustion and must stop running. You
resistance to extreme temperatures and cannot use that trait again unless you finish
aren’t adversely affected by the heat of the a long rest.
day or the chill of the night. You treat extreme
heat or cold as if it were only very hot or cold, Defiled Skin. You have a +2 bonus on
but suffer normally from abysmal heat or saving throws against spells and other
from magical/supernatural heat and cold. magical effects.

Elf Run: By inducing an extraordinary state Languages. You can speak Common and
of grueling endurance, you gain the ability to Elven. Elves, much like Dwarves, disdain
travel long distances, over a number of days learning languages besides Elven except for
defined by your preparation. If you spend trade, and if not engaged in trade, will hide
one minute of special warm up, you may their knowledge from other Elves
make a Constitution check, consulting the

Elf Run

Roll Days

9 or less 1

10-11 2

12-13 3

14-15 4

16-17 5

18-19 6

20 7

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“The worst thing you can say to a dwarf is ‘It can’t be done.’ If he’s already decided to do it,
he may never speak to you again. If he hasn’t decided to take up the task, he may commit
himself to it simply out of spite. ‘Impossible’ is not a concept most dwarves understand.
Anything can be done, with enough determination.”
―Sha’len, Nibenese trader
warves form a good part of the approach these tasks with an intensity rarely
people encountered in the seen in other races. As such, dwarves make
Tablelands. These strong and excellent laborers, and take great pride in
devoted beings live to fulfill their focus, a task their accomplishments. However, their
they choose to devote their lives to. Stubborn stubbornness can lead to difficulties.
and strong-minded, dwarves make good Dwarves will sometimes fail to listen to
companions, even though their usual reason, attempting to accomplish what are
focused nature can tend to be bothersome. impossible tasks. Dwarves live for their
focus. Dwarves that die while being unable
Personality: Dwarves prefer to occupy to complete their focus return from the dead
themselves with meaningful tasks, and often as banshees to haunt their unfinished work.

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A dwarf also rarely divulges his focus to states and in some small villages, while other
anyone. dwarves have taken up residence with the
slave tribes of the wastes.
Physical Description: The dwarves of the
Tablelands stand 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall, with big Magic: Like most peoples, dwarves have an
muscular limbs and a strong build. They aversion to wizardly magic, and they are the
weigh on average 200 lbs. Dwarves are least amenable to changing their minds
hairless, and find the very idea of hair about anything. Dwarves rarely take to the
repulsive. They have deeply tanned skin, wizardly arts; the few that do are usually
and rarely decorate it with tattoos. Dwarves shunned from respectable Dwarven society.
can live up to 250 years. Some dwarves will travel with a wizard who
proves himself a worthy companion, but few
Relations: A dwarfʹs relation with others is dwarves will truly ever trust a wizard.
often a function of his focus. People that help
the dwarf accomplish his focus or share his Psionics: Like almost everything that they
goals are treated with respect and do, dwarves take to psionics with a
considered good companions. There is little vengeance.
room for compromise, though, with those
that disagree with the dwarf’s focus. If they Religion: Dwarven communities are ruled by
hinder the dwarf, they are considered their elders; dwarves are particularly devoted
obstacles that must be removed. Community to their community leader, the Urhnomous.
is important to the dwarves. Dwarves have a Dwarves typically worship elemental earth.
very strong racial affinity. They rarely share Fire is sometimes worshiped for its
their history with non–dwarves; it can take destructive power and water for its healing
years for a stranger to gain enough trust to nature. Air’s intangibility and chaotic nature
be admitted into a Dwarven family circle. attracts few Dwarven worshippers. Dwarven
druids are unusual, and tend to devote
Alignment: Dwarves tend towards a lawful themselves to a particular area of guarded
alignment, with most members either good or land.
neutral. Their devotion to following the
established hierarchy in their village means Language: Dwarves have a long and proud
they tend to follow the rules, sometimes to oral history. They have an old written
the point of ridicule. language, but this is mostly used for writing
histories. Dwarves will not teach their ancient
Dwarven Lands: There are three main language to outsiders, they prefer to keep
Dwarven settlements in the Tablelands: that knowledge to themselves. The Dwarven
Kled, located near the city‐ state of Tyr, and language is deep and throaty, composed of
the twin villages of North and South many guttural sounds and harsh
Ledopolus located in the southwestern edge exclamations. Most non‐dwarves get raw
of the Tablelands. Some Dwarven throats if they try to speak Dwarven for more
communities have developed in the city‐ than a few hours.

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their communities. Some search for ancient
Dwarven villages and the treasures they

Dwarf Society: No dwarf is more content

than while working toward the resolution of
some cause. This task, called a focus, is
approached with single‐minded direction for
the dwarf’s entire life, if need be, though most
foci require considerable less time.
Free dwarves form communities based on
clans, and are much focused on family. Ties
of blood are honored and respected above
all others, except the focus. Family honor is
important to every dwarf, because an act that
brings praise or shame in one generation is
passed down to the family members of the
next generation.

Names: A dwarf’s name is usually granted to

him by his clan leader after he completes his
first focus.

Male Names: Baranus, Biirgaz, Bontar, Brul,

Caelum, Caro, Daled, Drog, Fyra, Ghedran,
Gralth, Gram, Jurgan,Lyanius, Murd, Nati,
Female Names: Ardin, Erda, Ghava,
Greshin, Gudak, Lazra, N’kadir, Palashi,
Adventurers: Dwarves adventure for
different reasons. Sometimes they may
adventure in order to learn about the
Tablelands, although these curious
adventurers tend to be young and brash.
Many adventuring dwarves travel the
Tablelands to complete their focus because There is no concept in the minds of dwarves
sometimes a task may take them away from of not following these family ties. Dwarven

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communities are found in many types of Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution
terrain, from mountains and deserts to near score increases by 2, and your Strength
human cities. Most communities are small, score increases by 1.
rarely exceeding 300 members and are
usually formed of extended families linked by Speed. Your base land speed is 25 feet.
a common ancestor. Community leaders are Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy
called Urhnomous (over‐leader). Each clan armor.
is lead by an uhrnius (leader). Most free
dwarves earn their money through trade. Size. Your size is Medium.
Those that stand out in this category are
Dwarven metal smiths and mercenaries. Darkvision. You can see in the dark up to 60
Most Athasians acknowledge Dwarven feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it
forged metal to be among the best. Some is otherwise like normal sight, and Dwarves
Dwarves even act as metal scavengers, can function fine with no light at all.
seeking steel scraps where ever they can be
found to sell to the smiths. Dwarven Dwarven Resilience. You have advantage
mercenaries are highly prized because once on saving throws against poison, and you
their loyalty is purchased it is never changed. have resistance to poison damage. You also
gain +1 HP at first level, and every level
Roleplaying Suggestions: Remember the thereafter.
intensity of your focus. Breaking or ignoring
a focus has social, philosophical and spiritual Weapon Familiarity. You have proficiency
repercussions. For someone to stand in the with the urgrosh.
way of your focus is an assault on you. There
is no greater satisfaction than fulfilling a Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with
difficult focus. Keep a serious, sober attitude one artisan’s tools of your choice: smith’s
nearly always. The only time you show your tools, brewer’s supplies, or mason’s tools.
festive side is when you have recently
fulfilled a focus, during the hours or days until Focus: A dwarf’s present task is called his
you set a new focus. focus. No simple job can become a focus. A
Only during these brief days of fulfillment, focus must be a feat that requires at least
and only to other dwarves and your most one week to complete. While performing
trusted non–Dwarven friends, do you show actions that are directly related to his focus,
your full joy and sense of humor. But these a dwarf receives a +1 bonus to all saving
days are also a time of vulnerability, for until throws and advantage on on any skill
you set a new focus you lose all of your checks. The concept of the focus is integral
special focus– related bonuses. to a dwarf’s makeup and is even tied to his
physiology-so much so that those dwarves
Racial Traits: who die before completing their foci become
undead banshees who wander the wastes
haunting their unfinished works.

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 16

Languages. You can speak Common and
Defiled Skin. You have a +2 bonus on Dwarvish. Dwarves dislike learning any
saving throws against spells and other languages besides those specifically
magical effects. necessary towards the completion of their
focus, and will rarely speak Dwarvish in the
presence of outsiders.


“The genasi have nothing but disdain for civilization, sneering at the sorcerer-kings and their
despotic rule. They have no love for the mortal races, and their arrogance is equaled only by
their tempestuous personalities. They are a people apart, content to struggle in the swirling dust
storms and having no part in the plight faced by the despotic regimes that define the Tyr
Region.” - The Wanderer
Those who think of other planes at all one such people, the offspring of genies and
consider them remote, distant realms, but mortals.
planar influence can be felt throughout the
world. It sometimes manifests in beings who, The Elemental Planes are often inhospitable
through an accident of birth, carry the power to natives of the Material Plane: crushing
of the planes in their blood. The genasi are earth, searing flames, boundless skies, and

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 17

endless seas make visiting these places tend to be lighter. Air, Fire and Earth Genasi
dangerous for even a short time. The are the most common of this rare race. Water
powerful genies, however, don’t face such Genasi are exceptionally rare, and their birth
troubles when venturing into the mortal is an event celebrated by entire
world. They adapt well to the mingled communities. A given genasi might have
elements of the Material Plane, and they some features reminiscent of the mortal
sometimes visit—whether of their own parent (pointed ears from an elf, a stockier
volition or compelled by magic. Some genies frame and thick hair from a dwarf, small
can adopt mortal guise and travel incognito. hands and feet from a halfling, and so on).
During these visits, a mortal might catch a
genie’s eye. Friendship forms, romance Genasi almost never have contact with their
blooms, and sometimes children result. elemental parents. Genies seldom have
These children are genasi: individuals with interest in their mortal offspring, seeing them
ties to two worlds, yet belonging to neither. as accidents. Many feel nothing for their
Some genasi are born of mortal–genie genasi children at all. Some genasi live as
unions, others have two genasi as parents, outcasts, driven into exile for their unsettling
and a rare few have a genie further up their appearance and strange magic, or assuming
family tree, manifesting an elemental leadership of savage humanoids and weird
heritage that’s lain dormant for generations. cults in untamed lands. Others gain positions
of great influence, especially where
Occasionally, genasi result from exposure to elemental beings are revered. A few genasi
a surge of elemental power, through leave the Material Plane to find refuge in the
phenomena such as an eruption from the households of their genie parents.
Inner Planes or a planar convergence.
Elemental energy saturates any creatures in Genasi on Athas: Although any world that
the area and might alter their nature enough includes one or more elemental planes can
that their offspring with other mortals are feature genasi, on Athas, elemental forces
born as genasi. hold greater sway than they do on other
worlds. As a people touched by elemental
Heirs to Elemental Power: Genasi inherit power, genasi are viewed as seers,
something from both sides of their dual prophets, and chosen ones. The birth of a
nature. They resemble humans but have genasi, whether a slave, a noble, or a
unusual skin color (red, green, blue, or gray), member of a desert tribe, is an auspicious
and there is something odd about them. The
elemental blood flowing through their veins
manifests differently in each genasi, often as
magical power.

Seen in silhouette, a genasi can usually pass

for human. Those of earth or water descent
tend to be heavier, while those of air or fire

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 18

event. Most Athasians believe a given genasi Earth genasi are more withdrawn, and their
is destined for greatness—or infamy. connection to the earth keeps them from
being comfortable in most cities. Their
Genasi Backgrounds: Each genasi uncommon size and strength makes them
subrace has its own temperament, which natural soldiers, though, and with their stoic
might make some backgrounds more demeanor, they can encourage others and

suitable than others. become great leaders. Many earth genasi

live underground, where they can be in their
Air genasi are proud of their heritage, favored element. When they emerge from
sometimes to the point of haughtiness. They their caves, they might roam the hills and
can be flamboyant, and are keen to have an mountains or lay claim to old ruins.
audience. They rarely stay in one place for Appropriate backgrounds for earth genasi
long, always looking for a new sky to see and include hermit, outlander, and soldier.
breathe. Air genasi who don’t live in cities
favor open lands such as plains, deserts, and Fire genasi often get themselves into
high mountains. Fitting backgrounds include difficulty with their fiery tempers. Like their air
charlatan, entertainer, and noble. genasi cousins, they sometimes flaunt their
perceived superiority over common folk. But

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 19

they also want others to share their high
opinion of themselves, so they constantly Languages. You can speak, read, and write
seek to enhance their reputations. Likely Common and Primordial. Primordial is a
backgrounds for a fire genasi include guttural language, filled with harsh syllables
criminal, folk hero, and noble. and hard consonants.

Water genasi prefer quiet and solitude; the Subraces.

wide shores are their natural homes. They go
where they want, do what they want, and Four major subraces of genasi are found
rarely feel bound to anything. Good among the worlds of D&D: air genasi, earth
backgrounds for water genasi include hermit genasi, fire genasi, and water genasi.
and sage.
Choose one of these subraces:
Genasi Names: Genasi use the naming
conventions of the people among whom they
Air Genasi
were raised. They might later assume
As an air genasi, you are descended from the
distinctive names to capture their heritage,
djinn. As changeable as the weather, your
such as Flame, Ember, Wave, or Onyx.
moods shift from calm to wild and violent with
little warning, but these storms
Racial Traits rarely last long. Air genasi typically have light
Your genasi character has certain blue skin, hair, and eyes. A faint but constant
characteristics in common with all other breeze accompanies them, tousling the hair
genasi. and stirring the clothing. Some air genasi
speak with breathy voices, marked by a faint
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution echo. A few display odd patterns in their flesh
score increases by 2. or grow crystals from their scalps.

Age. Genasi mature at about the same rate Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
as humans and reach adulthood in their late score increases by 1.
teens. They live somewhat longer than Unending Breath. You can hold your breath
humans do, up to 120 years. indefinitely while you’re not incapacitated.
Mingle with the Wind. You can cast the
Alignment. Independent and self-reliant, levitate spell once with this trait, requiring no
genasi tend toward a neutral alignment. material components, and you regain the
ability to cast it this way when you finish a
Size. Genasi are as varied as their mortal long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting
parents but are generally built like humans, ability for this spell.
standing anywhere from 4 feet to over 6 feet
tall. Your size is Medium or Small
Earth Genasi
As an earth genasi, you are descended from
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
the cruel and greedy dao, though you aren’t

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 20

necessarily evil. You have inherited some more human-looking have fiery red hair that
measure of control over earth, reveling in writhes under extreme emotion,
superior strength and solid power. You tend while more exotic specimens sport actual
to avoid rash decisions, pausing long enough flames dancing on their heads. Fire genasi
to consider your options before taking action. voices might sound like crackling flames, and
Elemental earth manifests differently from their eyes flare when angered. Some are
one individual to the next. Some earth genasi accompanied by the faint scent of brimstone.
always have bits of dust falling from their
bodies and mud clinging to their clothes, Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence
never getting clean no matter how often they score increases by 1.
bathe. Others are as shiny and polished as Darkvision. You can see in dim light within
gemstones, with skin tones of deep brown or 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
black, eyes sparkling like agates. Earth darkness as if it were dim light. Your ties to
genasi can also have smooth metallic flesh, the Elemental Plane of Fire make your
dull iron skin spotted with rust, a pebbled and darkvision unusual: everything you see in
rough hide, or even a coating of tiny darkness is in a shade of red.
embedded crystals. The most arresting have Fire Resistance. You have resistance to fire
fissures in their flesh, from which faint light damage.
shines. Reach to the Blaze. You know the produce
flame cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score can cast the burning hands spell once with
increases by 1. this trait as a 1st-level spell, and you regain
Earth Walk. You can move across difficult
terrain made of earth or stone without
expending extra movement.
Merge with Stone. You can cast the pass
without trace spell once with this trait,
requiring no material components, and you
regain the ability to cast it this way when you
finish a long rest. Constitution is your
spellcasting ability for this spell.

Fire Genasi
As a fire genasi, you have inherited the
volatile mood and keen mind of the efreet.
You tend toward impatience and making
snap judgments. Rather than hide your
distinctive appearance, you exult in it. Nearly
all fire genasi are feverishly hot as if burning
inside, an impression reinforced by flaming
red, coal black, or ash-gray skin tones. The

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 21

the ability to cast it this way when you finish float freely, swaying and waving as if
a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting underwater. Some have voices with
ability for these spells. undertones reminiscent of whale song or
trickling streams.

Water Genasi Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score

The lapping of waves, the spray of sea foam increases by 1.
on the wind, the ocean depths—all of these Acid Resistance. You have resistance to
things call to your heart. You wander freely acid damage.
and take pride in your independence, though Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.
others might consider you selfish. Most water Swim. You have a swimming speed of 30
genasi look as if they just finished bathing, feet.
with beads of moisture collecting on their skin Call to the Wave. You know the shape water
and hair. They smell of fresh rain and clean cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can
water. Blue or green skin is common, and cast the create or destroy water spell as a
most have somewhat over large eyes, blue- 2nd-level spell once with this trait, and you
black in color. A water genasi’s hair might regain the ability to cast it this way when you

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 22

finish a long rest. Constitution is your
spellcasting ability for these spells.

“People are no good. You can only trust animals and the bottle.”
―Delmao, half-Elven thief
nlike the parents of muls, elves and animal world for company, training creatures
humans are often attracted to each to be servants and friends. Ironically, the
other. Half‐elves are typically the survival skills and animal affinity that half‐
unwanted product of a casual interracial elves developed to cope with isolation make
encounter. them valuable beast handlers in human
Personality: Half‐elves are notorious loners.
Many Athasians believe that half‐elves Alignment: Lawful and neutral half‐elves
combine the worst traits of both races, but labor for acceptance from a parent race,
the most difficult aspect of half‐elves – their while chaotic ones have given up on
lack of self–confidence – comes not from acceptance, electing instead to reject the
their mixed origins but rather from a life of society that has rejected them.
rejection from both parent races. Half‐elves
try in vain to gain the respect of humans or Half‐Elven Lands: Despite their unique
elves. nature, half‐elves don’t form communities.
The few half‐elves that settle down tend to
Physical Description: Averaging over six live among humans who, unlike elves, at
feet tall, half‐elves combine Elven dexterity least find a use for them.
with human resilience. Bulkier than elves,
most half‐elves find it easier to pass Magic: Half‐elves often take up arcane
themselves off as full humans than as full studies, because it is a solitary calling.
elves, but all have some features that hint at
their Elven heritage. Psionics: Mastery of the Way often provides
the independence and self–knowledge that
Relations: Humans distrust the half‐elf’s half‐elves seek, and membership in a psionic
Elven nature, while elves have no use for academy can provide the half‐elf with
their mixed–blood children; Elven traditions acceptance.
demand that such children be left behind.
Human society gives half‐elves have a better Religion: Because of their alienation from
chance of survival, but even less kindness. society and their affinity with animals, half‐
Half‐elves sometimes find friendship among elves make excellent druids. Some half‐
muls or even Thri‐kreen. Half‐ elves will elves turn their resentment of society into a
cooperate with companions when profession and become sullen, bullying
necessary, but find it difficult to rely on templars. As clerics, they are drawn to
anyone. Many half‐elves also turn to the water’s healing influence.

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 23

Language: Half‐elves all speak the Roleplaying Suggestions: Desperate for
Common tongue. A few half‐elves pick up the the approval of either elves or humans, you
Elven language. are even more desperate to appear
Names: Half‐elves nearly always have independent and self–reliant, to cover your
human names. Unable to run as elves, they desire for approval. As a result, you tend
never receive Elven given names, or towards a feisty, insecure, sullen self–
acceptance in an Elven tribe that they could reliance, refusing favors. You take every
use as surname. opportunity to show off your skills in front of
elves and humans, but if an elf or a human
Adventurers: In a party, half‐elves often were to actually praise you, you would
seem detached and aloof. probably react awkwardly or suspiciously.
From your childhood, your closest
Half-Elf Society: Unlike other races, half‐ friendships have been with animals. Other
elves do not consider themselves a separate half‐elves do not interest you. As time goes
race, and, with very few exceptions, do not by and you learn from experience, you will
try to form half‐Elven communities. A half‐ find that you can also get along with other
elf’s life is typically harder than either a races neither human nor Elven: dwarves,
human’s or an elf’s. It is difficult for half‐elves muls, even thri‐kreen. You don’t feel the
to find acceptance within either Elven or terrible need for their approval, and yet they
human society. Elves have not tolerance for give it more readily.
those of mixed heritage, while humans do
not trust their Elvish side. On the whole,
humans are far more tolerant of half‐elves
than elves, who often refuse to allow such
children into their tribes, and are likely to cast
the half‐elf’s mother from the tribe as well.
Most half‐elves consider themselves
outsiders to all society and tend to wander
throughout their entire lives, going through
life as an outsider and loner. Half‐elves are
forced to develop a high level of self‐reliance.
Most half‐ elves take great pride in their self‐
reliance, but this pride often makes half‐
elves seem aloof to others. For many half‐
elves the detachment is a defensive
mechanism to deal with a desire for
acceptance from either human or Elven
society that will likely never come. Some half‐
elves turn to the animal world for company,
training creatures to be servants and friends.

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 24

Speed. Your base land speed is 30 feet.

Size. Your size is Medium.

Darkvision: Accustomed to running across

dunes or grasslands throughout the day and
night, you can see in the darkness within 60
feet of you as if you were in dim light.
However, you can’t discern color in the

Of Two Worlds. You gain advantage on

Deception checks made to deceive others
about your race.

Skill Versatility. You are gain proficiency in

two skills of your choice.

Animal Wastelanders. You have advantage

on Animal Handling checks and Survival
checks related to Animal tracks.

Languages. You can speak Common, Elven

and one other language of your choice. Half-
Elves often travel amongst the many
different races of Athas, belonging to no one
Racial Traits: group, and therefore pick up the languages
of the native inhabitants.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma
score increases by 2, and two other ability Wild Talent. You gain one additional Wild
scores of your choice increase by 1. Talent at 1st level

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 25


Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 26

“Mind of a child, strength of three grown men. I’ve seen a half-giant tear the walls out of a
building because he wanted a better look at the tattoos on a mul inside.
―Daro, human trader

egend has it that in ages past, a

sorcerer‐queen used wizardry to
beget a union of giant and human in
order to create a race of powerful
slaves. Whatever the truth of this legend, the
half‐giant race has increased in number and
is now fairly common especially in human
controlled lands near the shore of the Sea of
Silt. Half‐giants gain great strength, but dull
wits, from their giant heritage, and are nearly
as agile as their human forbearers.

Personality: Because of their artificial

origins, there is no half‐giant culture, tradition
or homeland. Half‐giants readily imitate the
customs and cultures of their neighbors.
Half‐giants often display curiosity, a
willingness to learn, and a general tendency
towards kindness.

Physical Description: Physically, the half‐

giant is enormous, standing about 11 1/2 feet friendly and eager to please, adopting the
tall and weighing around 1,200 pounds. Half‐ lifestyles, skills, and values of those they
giants have thick hair, which is often kept admire. A half‐giant character who
braided (especially among females) or in a encounters a new situation looks around him
single tail that hangs behind the head and to see what other people are doing. For
down the back. They dress in garb suitable example, a half‐giant character that happens
to their occupation or environment. Half‐ upon a Dwarven stone quarry may watch the
giants mature at about 24 years of age and dwarves, and then start quarrying stone
can live about 170 years. himself. If he can make a living at it, he will
continue to quarry stone just like his neighbor
Relations: The most powerful warriors on dwarves do; otherwise he will move on to
Athas, half‐giants seem content to dwell in something else.
humanity’s shadow. Half‐giants tend to be

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 27

Alignment: Half‐giants can switch attitudes
very quickly, taking on new values to fit new Language: All half‐giants speak the
situations. A half‐giant whose peaceful Common speech of slaves. Whatever tongue
farming life is disrupted by marauders may she speaks, the half‐giant’s voice is pitched
soon adopt the morals of the renegades who so low as to occasionally be difficult to
sacked his village. A half‐giant’s nature is to understand.
switch his alignment aspect to imitate or
otherwise react to a significant change Names: Enslaved half‐giants often have
around him. human names, and because of this they vary
greatly. Free half‐ giants are likely to borrow
Half‐Giant Lands: Half‐giants are most the naming conventions of the race or people
often found in the city‐states, serving as they are imitating at the time their child is
gladiators, laborers, soldiers, and guards. A born.
few half‐giants collect into wilderness
communities, often adopting the culture and Adventurers: Half‐giants are usually led to
customs of neighboring beings. The rare adventure by interesting companions of
half‐giant community often attaches itself to other races.
a charismatic or successful leader (not
necessarily a half‐giant) who demonstrates Half-Giant Society: A relatively young race,
the tendencies they admire half-giants possess very little cultural identity
. of their own. Instead they adopt the customs
Magic: If a half‐giant’s companions accept and beliefs of those other cultures in which
wizardry, then the half‐giant will also accept they live. Because of this, half-giants
it. If a half‐giant’s companions hate wizardry, routinely change their alignment to match
then the half‐giant will be as eager as anyone those around them who most influence them.
to join in stoning a wizard. Among Half-giants can be found from one end of the
sophisticated companions who accept Tablelands to the other, and often
preserving magic but despise defiling magic, congregate in or near other population
all but the brightest half‐giants are likely to centers, absorbing the culture. Rarely do
become confused, looking to their half-giants form communities of their own.
companions to see how they should react. Unlike some other bastard races, half-giants
can reproduce. A single offspring is
Psionics: While a single–classed half‐giant produced from half-giant unions after almost
psion is very rare, some half‐giants take the a year of pregnancy. Though omnivorous,
path of the psychic warrior, becoming killing half-giants are tremendous consumers of
machines that can take apart a mekillot water and food. They require twice the
barehanded. amount of food and water than humans.
Clothing and equipment need twice the
Religion: Half‐giants do not display any material to construct to fit a half-giant,
affinity for the worship of one element over leading to higher prices for half-giants.

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 28

wake up with a different ethos and altered
Remember you are influenced by powerful
personalities, and can shift your personality
and ethics. You tend to imitate the tactics,
clothes and demeanor of your “little master.”

Racial Traits:

Ability Score Increase. You gain a +2

increase to both your Strength and
Constitution scores, and suffer -1 to both
your Intelligence score and Wisdom scores

Speed. Your base land speed is 30 feet.

Size. Your size is Medium. When holding a

versatile weapon with one hand, you gain the
benefits of using the weapon two-handed.
You may choose to use a weapon that has
the two-handed weapon property (but not the
oversized weapon property) in one hand.
. When you do so, its damage dice are
reduced by one size. For example, a
Roleplaying Suggestions: Always greataxe used in one hand would deal 1d10
remember how much bigger and heavier you damage. If the weapon normally deals 2d6
are than everyone else. Take advantage of damage, its damage die also becomes 1d10.
your height in combat, but remember the If you obtain the Great Weapon Master Feat,
disadvantages. Between your size and your you may not use the -5/+10 ability if using a
lesser wits (even if you are a relatively heavy weapon one handed. You may not
intelligent half-giant people will assume you wear any armor or clothing not designed for
to be dull), you find yourself an object of your size. Armor and clothing designed for
comic relief. You are used to being teased half- giants costs twice the normal price and
and will endure more witty remarks than most weighs twice as much as normal
people, but when you have been pushed too
far your personality can suddenly shift, and Boulder Toss. You are considered to be
you can unleash astonishing violence on proficient with any improvised thrown
your tormentors and any who stand in your weapon. Boulders deal 1d8 damage, and
way. Less frequently, these shifts can have a range of 20/40, and a weight of 50lbs
happen to you without provocation―you just

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 29

Giant Among Men. Unlike most characters, Large Appetite: You must eat and drink
half-giants may raise their natural strength twice as much as the normal human or suffer
score to 22 instead of 20. Additionally, you the appropriate penalties.
have advantage when making Strength
checks to break an object. Half Giants can Mercurial Nature: When choosing an
also use weapons with the Oversized alignment, you choose one fixed point of
property without suffering disadvantage to axis: lawful, chaotic, good, or evil. This
attack rolls. element of your alignment never changes.
After every long rest, however, you must
Giant Heritage. You are considered to be a change the other element of your alignment
giant. to one that matches some other member of
your adventuring party. If everyone in your
Half-Giant Toughness: Your hit point adventuring party shares the same element
maximum increases by 1, and it increases by of their alignment, you may keep that
1 every time you gain a level. element indefinitely or change your
alignment to an element within one step of
Powerful Build: You count as one size theirs after spending a day using their
larger when determining your carrying alignment, your choice. For example, a good
capacity, and the weight you can push, drag, half‐giant who happens to be neutral good on
or lift. a particular day must become either lawful
good or chaotic good, depending on what
alignments the rest of his adventuring party
possesses, after their next long rest. If the
entire party is either lawful or neutral, the
half-‐‐giant must change their alignment to
lawful good. If everyone in the group is
chaotic, the half‐giant must change their
alignment to chaotic good, and can maintain
that alignment indefinitely. The half giant
may still, however, choose to become neutral
good after any day spent as a chaotic good
character. You should emphasize the slightly
unhinged nature of a half-giant’s personality
when role‐playing.

Languages: You can speak one language of

your choice. It is strongly advised that you
choose Common

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 30


”Be wary of the forest ridge. The halflings who live there would as soon eat you alive as look
at you. Chances are you won’t even notice them until you’ve become the main course.”
―Mo’rune, Half-Elven Ranger
alflings are masters of the jungles of bright reds and greens. Forest halflings
the Ringing Mountains. They are small, rarely tend to their hair, and some let it grow
quick and agile creatures steeped in an to great lengths, though it can be unkempt
ancient and rich culture that goes back far and dirty. They live to be about 120 years old.
into Athas’ past. Although they are not
common in the Tablelands, some halflings Relations: Halfling’s culture dominates their
leave their homes in the forests to adventure relations with others. They relate very well to
under the Dark Sun. As carnivores,
halflings prefer to eat flesh raw.

Personality: Halflings have

difficulty understanding others’
customs or points of view, but
curiosity helps some halflings
overcome their xenophobia. Little
concerned with material wealth,
halflings are more concerned with
how their actions will affect other

Physical Description: Halflings

are small creatures, standing only
about 3 1/2 feet tall and weighing 50
to 60 pounds. Rarely affected by
age, halfling faces are often
mistaken for the faces of human
each other, since they all have the same
children. They dress in loincloths, sometimes
with a shirt or vest, and paint their skins with

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 31

cultural traits and are able to understand Religion: Halflings’ bond with nature
each other. Halflings of different tribes still extends into most aspects of their culture. A
shaman or witch doctor, who also acts as a
share a tradition of song, art and poetry, spiritual leader, often rules their clans. This
which serves as a basis of communication. leader is obeyed without question. Halfling
Creatures that do not know these cultural fighters willingly sacrifice themselves to obey
expressions are often at a loss to understand their leader.
the halfling’s expressions, analogies and
allusions to well– known halfling stories. Language: Halflings rarely teach others their
Halflings can easily become frustrated with language, but some individuals of the
such “uncultured” creatures. They abhor Tablelands have learned the wild speech.
slavery and most halflings will starve Halflings found in the Tablelands often learn
themselves rather than accept slavery. to speak Common.

Alignment: Halflings tend towards law and Names: Halflings tend to have only one
evil. Uncomfortable with change, halflings given name.
tend to rely on intangible constants, such as Male Names: Basha, Cerk, Derlan, Drassu,
racial identity, family, clan ties and personal Entrok, Kakzim, Lokee, Nok, Pauk, Plool,
honor. On the other hand, halflings have little Sala, Tanuka, Ukos, Zol.
respect for the laws of the big people. Female Names: Alansa, Anezka, Dokala,
Grelzen, Horga, Jikx, Joura, Nasaha, Vensa.
Halfling Lands: Halflings villages are rare in Adventurers: Exploring the Tablelands gives
the tablelands. Most halflings live in tribes or curious halflings the opportunity to learn
clans in the Forest Ridge, or in the Rohorind other customs. Although they may at first
forest west of Kurn. Many dwell in treetop have difficulty in understanding the
villages. Non–halflings typically only see numerous practices of the races of the
these villages from within a halfling cooking Tablelands, their natural curiosity enables
pot. them to learn and interact with others. Other
halflings may be criminals, renegades or
Magic: Many halfling tribes reject arcane other tribal outcasts, venturing into the
magic. Tribes that accept wizards tend to Tablelands to escape persecution by other
have preserver chieftains. Only renegade halflings.
halfling tribes are ever known to harbor
defilers. Halfling Society: Most halflings have a
common outlook on life that results in
Psionics: Many halflings become Invisible considerable racial unity across tribal and
Hand Psions. In the forest ridge, many tribal regional ties. Rarely will one halfling draw the
halflings become multi-classed Invisible blood of another even during extreme
Hand/Rangers, and become some of the disagreements. Only renegade halflings do
deadliest tracker on Athas. not share this racial unity, and are cast out of
their tribes because of it.

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 32

desperately try to avoid having similar
Halfling society is difficult for other races to devastation occur to their homelands in the
understand, as such concepts as conquest Forest Ridge. Most halflings believe that care
and plundering have no place. The most must be taken to understand and respect
important value in halfling society is the nature and what it means to all life on Athas.
abilities of the inner self as it harmonizes with
Halfling culture is expressed richly through
art and song. Storytelling in which oral history
is passed onto the next generation is an
important part of each halfling community.
Halflings rely on this shared culture to
express abstract thoughts and complicated
concepts. This causes problems and
frustration when dealing with non‐ halflings.
Typically halflings assume that whomever
they are talking to have the same cultural
background to draw upon, and find it difficult
to compensate for a listener who is not
intimately familiar with the halfling history
and “lacks culture.” Generally open‐minded,
wandering halflings are curious about
outside societies and will attempt to learn all
they can about other cultures. Never, will
they adopt aspects of those cultures as their
own, believing halfling culture to be innately
superior to all others. Nor do they seek to
change others’ culture or views. While
halflings are omnivorous, they vastly prefer
meat. Their meat heavy diet means that
halflings view all living creatures, both
humanoid and animal, as more food than
equals. At the same time, most halflings
believe that other races have the same
perception of them. As a result, halflings are
rarely likely to trust another member of any
the environment and the rest of the halfling other race.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Remember to
Halflings are extremely conscious of their consistently take your height into account.
environment. They are sickened by the Role–play the halfling culture described
ruined landscape of the Tyr region and above: eating opponents, treating fellow

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 33

halflings with trust and kindness, suspicion of
big people, and general lack of interest in Killing Machines. When attacking a
money. creature at least one size larger than you,
you gain a +1 bonus to hit on any weapon
attacks made against that creature.

Agile. You have proficiency in Athletics.

Racial Traits: Climber: You have a climb speed equal to

your walking speed
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
score increases by 2, and your Wisdom Natural Hunter. You are proficient in one of
score increases by 1. the following skills: Perception, Stealth or
Speed. Your base land speed is 25 feet.
Languages. You can speak Common and
Size. Your size is Small. Halfling. Halflings rarely, if ever, teach their
language to someone outside of their tribe.
Halfling Nimbleness. You can move No known record exists of the Halfling
through the space of any creature that is of a language outside of the tribes.
size larger than yours.

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 34


“Humans are fools, and hopelessly naive as well. They outnumber us; they are everywhere, and
yet they have no more sense of their strength than a rat. Let us hope that the Datto remain
that way.”
―Dukkoti Nightrunner, Elven Warrior
hile not the strongest race, nor the Personality: More than other races, human
quickest, humans have dominated personality is shaped by their social standing
the Tablelands for the last three and background.
thousand years.

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 35

Physical Description: Human males Psionics: Humans see the Way as a natural
average 6 feet tall and 200 lbs, while smaller part of daily life, and readily become psions.
females average 5 1/2 feet and 140 pounds.
Color of eyes, skin, and hair, and other
physical features vary wildly; enlarged
noses, webbed feet or extra digits are not

Relations: Human treatment of other races

is usually based on what their culture has
taught them. In large settlements, such as in
city-states, close proximity with many races
leads to a suspicious unfriendly tolerance.

Alignment: Humans have no racial

tendency toward any specific alignment.

Human Lands: Humans can be found

anywhere, from the great city-states to the
barren wastes.

Magic: Most humans fear and hate arcane

magic, forming mobs to kill vulnerable

Religion: Most humans pay homage to the

elements. Draji and Gulgs often worship their

Language: Most humans speak the

common tongue. Nobles and artisans within
a given city-state usually speak the city
language, but slaves typically only speak

Names: Nobles, artisans and traders use

titles or surnames; some simply use one
Male Names: Asticles, Tithian, Vordon,
Pavek, Trenbull Al’Raam’ke

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 36

Female Names: Akassia, Zanthiros, Essen Speed. Your base land speed is 30 feet.
of Rees, Neeva, Sadira
Size. Your size is Medium.
Adventurers: Some human adventurers
seek treasure; others adventure for religious Languages. You can speak Common and
purposes as clerics or druids; others seek one extra language of your choice. Humans
companionship or simply survival. typically learn the languages of other people
they deal with, including obscure dialects.
Racial Traits:
Skilled. You gain proficiency in one

Ability Score Increase. You gain 3 points language, skill or tool of your choice.
that you can place in any ability. You cannot
place more than two points in one ability. Feat. You can choose one feat at 1st level

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 37


“See, the trick is to break their will. Not too much, mind you. Nobody wants to watch a docile
gladiator, and muls are too expensive to waste as labor slaves. But, you don’t want them trying
to escape every other day. Would you like to tell the arena crowd that their favorite champion
will not be appearing in today’s match because he died trying to escape your pens?” ―Gaal,
Urikite arena trainer
orn from the unlikely parentage of Personality: All gladiators who perform well
dwarves and humans, muls combine in the arenas receive some degree of
the height and adaptable nature of pampered treatment, but muls receive more
humans with the musculature and pampering than others. Some mul gladiators
resilience of dwarves. Muls enjoy traits that even come to see slavery as an acceptable
are uniquely their own, such as their robust part of their lives. However, those that
metabolism and almost inexhaustible acquire a taste of freedom will fight for it.
capacity for work. The hybrid has Stoic and dull to pain, muls are not easily
disadvantages in a few areas as well: intimidated by the lash. Masters are loath to
sterility, and the social repercussions of slay or maim a mul who tries repeatedly to
being created for a life of slavery. Humans escape, although those who help the mul’s
and dwarves are not typically attracted to escape will be tormented in order to punish
each other. The only reason that muls are so the mul without damaging valuable property.
common in the Tablelands is because of their Once a mul escapes or earns his freedom,
value as laborers and gladiators: slave– slavery remains a dominant part of his life.
sellers force– breed humans and dwarves for Most muls are heavily marked with tattoos
profit. While mul– breeding practices are that mark his ownership, history, capabilities
exorbitantly lucrative, they are often lethal to and disciplinary measures. Even untattooed
both the mother and the baby. Conception is muls are marked as a potential windfall for
difficult and impractical, often taking months slavers: it is clearly cheaper to “retrieve” a
to achieve. Even once conceived, the mul mul who slavers can claim had run away,
takes a full twelve months to carry to term; than to start from scratch in the breeding pits.
fatalities during this period are high. As likely
as not, anxious overseers cut muls from the Physical Description: Second only to the
dying bodies of their mothers. half‐giant, the mul is the strongest of the
common humanoid races of the tablelands.
Muls grow as high as seven feet, weighing

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 38

upwards of 250 pounds, but carry almost no Mul Lands: As a collective group, muls have
fat at all on their broad muscular frames. no lands to call their own. Occasionally,
Universal mul characteristics include escaped muls band together as outlaws and
angular, almost protrusive eye ridges, and fugitives, because of their common ex–slave
ears that point sharply backwards against backgrounds, and because their mul
the temples. Most muls have dark copper– metabolism makes it easier for them to
colored skin and hairless bodies. survive as fugitives while other races cannot
keep up. Almost without exception, muls are
Relations: Most mul laborers master the born in the slave pits of the merchants and
conventions of slave life, figuring out through nobles of the city‐states. Most are set to work
painful experience who can be trusted and as laborers, some as gladiators, and fewer
who cannot. Muls learn from their mistakes yet as soldier–slaves. Very few earn their
in the slave pits to a greater extent than other freedom, a greater number escape to
races not because they are cleverer, but
because unlike slaves of other races they
tend to survive their mistakes, while other
slave races are less expensive and therefore
disposable. Only the most foolish and
disobedient mul would be killed. Most
masters will sell a problem mul slave rather
than kill him. Their mastery of the rules of
slave life and their boundless capacity for
hard work allows them to gain favor with their
masters and reputation among their fellow

Alignment: Muls tend towards neutrality

with respect to good and evil, but run the
gamut with respect to law or chaos. Many
lawful muls adapt well to the indignities of
slavery, playing the game for the comforts
that they can win as valued slaves. A few
ambitious lawful muls use the respect won
from their fellow–slaves to organize
rebellions and strike out for freedom. Chaotic
muls, on the other hand, push their luck and
their value as slaves to the breaking point,
defying authority, holding little fear for the

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 39

among the
tribes of ex–
slave that
inhabit the

Magic: Muls
dislike what
they fear, and
they fear

wizards. They also resent that a wizard’s

power comes from without, with no seeming
effort on the wizard’s part, while the mul’s
power is born of pain and labor. Mul wizards
are unheard of.

Psionics: Since most slave owners take

steps to ensure that their property does not
get schooled in the Way, it is rare for a mul
to receive any formal training. Those that get
this training tend to excel in immortal powers.

Religion: Even if muls were to create a

religion of their own, as sterile hybrids, they
would have no posterity to pass it on to.

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 40

Some cities accept muls as templars. Mul
clerics tend to be drawn towards the strength
of elemental earth.

Language: Muls speak the Common tongue

of slaves, but those favored muls that stay in
one city long enough before being sold to the
next, sometimes pick up the city language.
Because of their tireless metabolism, muls
have the capacity to integrate with peoples
that other races could not dream of living
with, such as elves and Thri‐kreen.

Names: Muls sold as laborers will have

common slave names. Muls sold as
gladiators will often be given more striking
and exotic names. Draji names (such as
Atlalak) are often popular for gladiators,
because of the Draji reputation for violence.
Masters who change their mul slaves’
professions usually change their names as
well, since it is considered bad form to have Mul Society: Muls have no racial history or
a gladiator with a farmer’s name, and a a separate culture. They are sterile and
dangerous incitement of slave rebellions to cannot reproduce, preventing them from
give a common laborer the name of a forming family groups and clans. The vast
gladiator. majority of muls are born in slavery, through
breeding programs. Often the parents resent
Adventurers: Player character muls are their roles in the breeding program and shun
assumed to have already won their freedom. the child, leaving the mul to a lonely, hard
Most freed mul gladiators take advantage of existence. The taskmaster’s whip takes the
their combat skills, working as soldiers or place of a family. For these reasons, many
guards. Some turn to crime, adding rogue muls never seek friends or companionship,
skills to their repertoire. A few muls follow and often have rough personalities with
other paths, such as psionics, templar orders tendencies towards violence. The mul slave
or elemental priesthoods. trade is very profitable, and thus the breeding
programs continue. A slave trader can make
as much on the sale of a mul as he could with
a dozen humans. As slaves, a mul has his
profession selected for him and is given
extensive training as he grows. Mul
gladiators are often very successful, and win

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 41

a lot of money for their owners. Highly
successful gladiators are looked after by Speed. Your base land speed is 30 feet.
their owners, receiving a large retinue of Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy
other slaves to tend to their whims and armor
needs. This has led to the expression,
“pampered like a mul,” being used often by Size. Your size is Medium.
the common folk. Muls not trained as
gladiators are often assigned to hard labor Inexhaustible. As an action, you may
and other duties that can take advantage of reduce your exhaustion by one level. You
the mul’s hardy constitution and endurance. cannot use this feature again until after you
have taken a long rest.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Born to the
slave pens, you never knew love or affection; Relentless Endurance. When you are
the taskmaster’s whip took the place of loving reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright,
parents. As far as you have seen, all of life’s you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You
problems that can be solved are solved by cannot use this feature again until after a
sheer brute force. You know to bow to force long rest.
when you see it, especially the veiled force
of wealth, power and privilege. The noble Untiring. Once every 48 hours, when you
and templar may not look strong, but they take a long rest you may regain all expended
can kill a man with a word. You tend towards Hit Dice. Additionally, while you must still use
gruffness. In the slave pits, you knew some a long rest to recover spent resources, you
muls that never sought friends or can choose to go up to 72 hours without take
companionship, but lived in bitter, isolated a long rest, staying awake the entire time,
servitude. You knew other muls who found suffering no additional adverse effects. After
friendship in an arena partner or co– worker. 72 hours, you are considered to have been
You are capable of affection, trust and awake for 24 hours; you then begin to incur
friendship, but camaraderie is easier for you adverse effects as per the normal rules.
to understand and express – warriors slap
each other on the shoulder after a victory, or Darkvision: Muls can see in the dark up to
give their lives for each other in battle. You 30 feet. Darkvision is black and white only,
don’t think of that sort of event as “friendship” but is otherwise like normal sight, and muls
– it just happens. can function just fine with no light at all.

Workhorse: You gain proficiency in the

Racial Traits:
Athletics skill

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score

Languages. You can speak Common and
increases by 2, and your Constitution score
Dwarvish. Muls rarely stay in one city long
increases by 1.
enough to pick up many dialects.

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 42


“The people of the Tablelands know nothing of life. They choose no Path for themselves, and
consume everything until they are dead.” ―Keltruch, Pterran Ranger

terrans are rarely seen in the inquisitive, and optimistic. In other respects,
Tablelands. They live their lives in the a pterran’s personality is largely shaped by
Hinterlands, rarely leaving the safety of her chosen life path:
their villages. However, the recent
earthquake and subsequent storms have Pterrans who choose the path of the warrior
brought disruption into the pterran’s lives. are less disturbed by the brutality of the
More pterrans now venture outside their Tablelands; they are constantly examining
homes, and come to the Tyr region to seek their surroundings and considering how the
trade and information. terrain where they are standing could be
Personality: Among strangers, pterrans defended; they take greatest satisfaction
seem like subdued, cautious beings, but from executing a combat strategy that results
once others earn a pterran’s trust, they will in victory without friendly casualties. Pterrans
find an individual that is open, friendly, who choose the path of the druid are most

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 43

interested in plants, animals, and the state of
the land; they take greatest satisfaction when
they eliminate a threat to nature. Pterrans
that choose the path of the mind are most
interested in befriending and understanding
other individuals and societies; these
telepaths take greatest satisfaction from
intellectual accomplishments such as solving
mysteries, exposing deception, resolving
quarrels between individuals, and
establishing trade routes between

Physical Description: Pterrans are 5 to 6

1/2 feet tall reptiles with light brown scaly
skin, sharp teeth, and a short tail. Pterrans
wear little clothing, preferring belts and
loincloths, or sashes. They walk upright, like
humanoids, and have opposing thumbs and Relations: Pterrans are new to the
three fingered, talon–clawed hands. Tablelands, and unaccustomed to cultures
Pterrans have two shoulder stumps, and practices of the region. They have
remnants of wings they possessed long learned to not judge too quickly. Their faith in
ago, and a finlike growth juts out at the back the Earth Mother means they undertake their
of their heads. Pterrans weigh between 180 adventure with open minds, but they will
to 220 pounds. There is no visible remain subdued and guarded around people
distinction between male and female they do not trust. A pterran’s respect for the
pterrans. Earth Mother governs all his behavior.
Creatures that openly destroy the land or
show disrespect for the creatures of the
wastes are regarded suspiciously. Pterrans
understand the natural cycle of life and
death, but have difficulty with some aspects
of the city life, such as cramped living
spaces, piled refuse, and the smells of

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 44

unwashed humanoids. considered one of the honored pterran “life
Alignment: Pterrans tend towards lawful,
well structured lives, and most of them are Religion: Pterrans worship the Earth
good. Evil pterran adventurers are usually Mother, a representation of the whole world
outcasts who have committed some horrible of Athas. Their devotion to the Earth Mother
offense. is deeply rooted in all aspects of their culture,
and it defines a pterran’s behavior. All rituals
Pterran Lands: Most adventuring pterrans and religious events are related to their
come from one of two villages in the worship of the Earth Mother. Religious
Hinterlands, southwest of the Tyr regions: events include festivals honoring hunts or
Pterran Vale and Lost Scale. protection from storms, with a priest
presiding over the celebration. Most pterran
priests are druids.

Language: Pterran speak Saurian with an

accent that is difficult for other races to
understand. The long appendage at the back
of their head enables them to create sounds
that no other race in the Tablelands can
reproduce. The sounds are low, and
resonate through the pterran’s crest.
Humanoid vocal chords cannot reproduce
such sounds. Pterrans learn the Common
tongue easily, but speak it with a slight, odd

Names: Pterrans earn their first name just

after they hatch, based on the weather and
season of their hatching. After the pterran
has decided upon a Life Path and has
completed their apprenticeship, she receives
Magic: The wizard’s use of the environment
title that becomes the first part of her name.
as a source of power conflicts with a
This marks her transition into pterran society.
pterran’s religious beliefs. Pterrans will
There are a number of traditional names
cautiously tolerate members of other races
associated with each Life Path, but names
who practice preserving magic, if the
do not always come from these ranks.
difference is explained to them.
Male Names: Airson, Darksun, Earthsong,
Psionics: Virtually all pterrans have a
Suntail, Goldeye, Onesight, Terrorclaw.
telepathic talent, and pterran psions are
Female Names: Cloudrider, Greenscale,
nearly universally telepaths. Telepathy is

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 45

Lifehearth,Rainkeeper, Spiritally, tribe’s weapon makers. Pterrans that choose
Watertender. the path of the druid provide an important
Path Name: Aandu, Caril, Dsar, Everin, Illik, role in the daily ceremonies to the Earth
Myril, Odten, Qwes, Pex, Ptellac, Ristu, Mother. Fewer pterrans choose the path of
Ssrui, Tilla, Xandu. the psionicist than the other two major paths,
Tribe or Village Names: Pterran Vale, Lost as psionics are viewed as outside of nature.
Scale Psionicists are viewed with suspicion by the
rest of the tribe; however, they do provide
Adventurers: Pterrans adventure because valuable skills to the tribe and are often the
they believe the recent earthquake and tribe’s negotiators when they meet outsiders.
disturbing events are signs from the Earth Pterrans are omnivores. Much of their diet
Mother that they should get more involved in comes from hunting animals and raising
the planet’s affairs. They believe that these crops. Kirre, id fiend, and flailer are all
recent upheavals of nature are signs that the considered pterran delicacies.
Earth Mother needs help, and this is a call
the pterrans will gladly accept. As such, the Roleplaying Suggestions
most brave and adventurous of the pterrans Remember your character class is your “life
have begun to establish contact with Tyr and path.” You think of yourself, and present
some merchant houses, hoping to expand yourself first and foremost as a druid, a
their contacts and information. warrior or a psion. Remember your daily
celebrations and giving of thanks to the Earth
Pterran Society: Pterran society is based Mother. You can usually find a reason to be
largely on ceremony and celebrations. An grateful. Disrespect for the land angers you,
area is set aside in the center of each village since the whole land has withered under the
for ceremonies. Pterrans revere the world of disrespect of foolish humans and others. You
Athas as the Earth Mother, and believe celebrate with song and with dance. You
themselves to be her favored children. have a good sense of humor but it does not
Throughout the day, they engage in a extend to blasphemies such as defiling. In
number of ceremonies that give thanks to the initial role–playing situations, you are
Earth Mother. These are led by druids who unfamiliar with the customs and practices of
play a very important role in pterran society. the societies of the Tyr Region. However,
A pterran village is a collection of many you are not primitive by any definition of the
smaller family dwellings. Pterrans always word. You look upon differences with
bear young in pairs. At age 15 every pterran curiosity and a willingness to learn, as long
chooses a “life path.” The three main life as the custom doesn’t harm the Earth Mother
paths are the path of the warrior, the path of or her works.
the druid and the path of the psionicist,
though lesser life paths exist as well. More
Racial Traits:
pterrans follow the path of the warrior than
any of the other paths, and become
protectors of their villages as well as the

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 46

Ability Score Increase – Your Wisdom
score increases by 2 and your Intelligence or Path of the Warrior – You are proficient in
Charisma score increases by 1 the Thanak, Oslak and Slodak, the signature
weapons of the pterran
Size – Pterrans stand around 6ft tall and .
weigh between 180-220 pounds. Your size is Bite. Your fanged maw is a natural weapon,
which you can use to make unarmed strikes.
If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage
equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier,
instead of the bludgeoning damage normal
for an unarmed strike.

Telepathic Way – You have latent potential

in psionics. You can speak telepathically to
any creature within 30 feet of you. You can
speak telepathically in this way to one
creature at a time.

Poison Mastery You have resistance to

Poison Damage and advantage on saving
throws against poison, as you are well
versed in the application of poison to
weapons. You also know how to create the
Poison that is used to coat the teeth of the
Thanak and the blade of a slodak. When
extracting poison from a creature, you
cannot be subjected to the poison. You also
do not need possession of a poisoner’s kit,
and you can make 1 dose of the poison per
long rest

Languages: Pterrans speak Saurian

Speed – your base walking speed is 30 feet
naturally, and Common with a slight, odd
Earth Mother Reverence – You are
proficient in Nature.

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 47


“This one does not speak with the quivering soft shells that lay about all night. This one might
eat you, but never speak.” ―Tu’tochuk
hri‐kreen are the strangest of the indistinguishable. Thri‐kreen usually do not
intelligent races of the Tablelands. wear clothing, but wear some sort of harness
These insectoid beings possess a to carry weapons and food. Many wear leg or
mindset very different from any arm bands, or bracelets. Some attach rings
humanoid being encountered. They roam the on different places on their chitin, though this
wastes in packs, hunting for food day and requires careful work by a skilled artisan.
night, since they require no sleep. Thri‐kreen
are quick and agile and make fearsome
fighters, feared throughout the wastes.

Personality: Since Thri‐kreen (also known

simply as the Kreen) do not require sleep,
they have difficulty understanding this need
in the humanoid races. They have difficulty
understanding this state of “laziness” in
others. Other behaviors of humanoids seem
unnecessarily complex. A keen’s life is
simple: hunt prey. Kreen live for the hunt, and
own only what they can carry.

Physical Description: Mature Thri‐kreen

stand about 7 feet tall, with a rough body
length of 11 feet. Their four arms end in
claws; their two legs are extremely powerful,
capable of incredible leaps. However, kreen
are unable to jump backwards. Their body is
covered with a sandy– yellow chitin, a tough
exoskeleton that grants the Thri‐kreen
Relations: The pack mentality dominates a
protection from blows. Their head is topped
keen’s relation with others. Kreen hunt in
with two antennae, and their two eyes are
packs, small groups that assemble together.
compound and multifaceted. The kreen
Kreen will hunt prey in the same region for a
mouth consists of small pincers. Male and
while, but move on before their prey has
female Thri‐kreen are physically
been depleted. A kreen that joins a group of

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 48

humanoids will often try to establish Psionics: Kreen view psionics as a natural
dominance in the group. This can be part of their existence. Some packs rely on
disconcerting to those unaware of the keen’s telepathy to communicate with each member
behavior, since establishing dominance and coordinate their hunting abilities. Many
usually means making threatening gestures. kreen also use psionic powers to augment
Once the matter is settled, they will abide by their already formidable combat prowess.
the outcome. Thri‐kreen view humanoids as Immortal powers are often used to boost
sources of food, though they don’t usually speed, metabolism or strength to gain an
hunt them, only in dire need. Many kreen advantage in combat.
have a particularly fond taste for elves; as
such, meetings between these two races are Religion: Thri‐kreen have no devotion to any
often tense. However, once part of a clutch, god, but they hold nature and the elements
Thri‐kreen will never turn on their humanoid in high regard. Ancestral memories guide
friends, even in the worst of situations. them through their lives. Thri‐kreen revere
the Great One, a legendary kreen leader
Alignment: Most Thri‐kreen are lawful, since from the past.
the pack mentality is ingrained in their
beings. Kreen that deviate from this mentality Language: The Kreen language is very
are rare. different from those of the other intelligent
races. They have no lips or tongues, and so
Kreen Lands: No Thri‐kreen settlements cannot make the same sounds humanoids
exist in the Tyr region; kreen encountered make. Kreen language is made up of clicks,
there are either small packs of kreen, or else pops, or grinding noises.
adventuring with humanoids. To the north of
the Tyr region, beyond the Jagged Cliffs, Names: Kachka, Ka’Cha, Ka’Ka’Kyl, Klik‐
past the Misty Border, lies the Kreen Empire. Chaka’da, Sa’Relka, T’Chai
This great nation of kreen rules the Crimson
Savanna, forming great city‐ states that rival Adventurers: Kreen adventure for different
the humanoid city‐states of the Tyr region. reasons. Most enjoy challenges presented
by new prey. Some seek out the challenge of
Magic: Thri‐kreen have no natural leading new clutches, new companions and
disposition towards magic, and a wizard’s observing the different “hunting” techniques
use of the environment as a source of power of the dra (sentient meat‐creatures such as
conflicts with a keen’s beliefs. As well, the humans).
keen’s lack of sleep and its instinctual need
to hunt do not lend themselves well to Thri-kreen Society: Thri‐kreen hatch from
magical study. Kreen wizards are extremely eggs. All those who hatch at the same time
rare: no one has ever seen one in the form what is called a clutch. Thri‐kreen
Tablelands. gather in packs that roam the wastes. Each
pack consists of several clutches that roam
over an area that the pack considers theirs to

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 49

hunt on. There are no permanent thri‐kreen honor them as your own family, then you
communities. Clutches and packs are would not travel with them and work together
organized along strict order of dominance. with them. You do not understand the
The toughest member is leader; the second concept of sleep. It disturbs you that your dra
most powerful is second in command and so companions lie unconscious for a third of
forth. A thri‐kreen can challenge a superior their lifetimes. You own only what you can
for dominance initiating a contest. The carry, caring little for money or other items
contestants fight until one surrenders or dies. that other races consider as treasure. Your
Afterwards, the matter is considered settled philosophy of ownership sometimes leads
and there are no lingering resentments you into conflict with presumptuous dra who
between victor and loser. The pack‐mates think they can own buildings, land, and even
take the view that the challenger was only whole herds of cattle!
acting to strength the pack. Thri‐kreen are
obsessed with hunting. They are carnivores,
but seldom hunt intelligent life for food. They
do have a taste for elf, which gives them a
bad reputation amongst Elven tribes. When
not hunting, they craft weapons, teach their
young, and craft sculptures. The pack
mentality is so ingrained in the culture that
thri‐kreen apply it to every situation. Thri‐
kreen feel compelled to be part of a clutch
and will accept members of other races as

Roleplaying Suggestions: You tend to rely

on your natural attacks and special kreen
weapons. Everything you kill is a potential
dinner. You have a strong need for a party
leader – obedience to this leader in the party
is important to you. If you seem to be the
most powerful and capable, then you will
assume leadership; if someone challenges
your authority then you will wish to test
whether they are in fact stronger than you. It
is not a question of vanity; you won’t want to
fight to the death, but merely to ascertain
who is worthy to lead the party. You do not
Racial Traits:
have the focus of a dwarf to complete a
project, but you would give your life to protect Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
your companions. If you did not trust and score increases by 2, and you may choose

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 50

to increase either your Strength, Intelligence Chameleon Carapace. The thri-kreen can
or Wisdom score by 1. change the color of its carapace to match the
color and texture of its surroundings. As a
Speed. Your base land speed is 35 feet. You result, it has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
cannot swim, and have a swim speed of 0. checks made to hide.
Water breathing via magical means negates
this. Darkvision: Accustomed to running across
dunes or grasslands throughout the day and
Size. Your size is Medium. night, you can see in the darkness within 60
feet of you as if you were in dim light.
Alien Nature. Thri‐kreen are so different However, you can’t discern color in the
from all of the other humanoid races that you darkness.
suffer disadvantage on Charisma Hard Carapace: When wearing no armor,
(Persuasion) checks made to influence your AC is equal to 13 + your Dexterity
anyone other than a thri-kreen. modifier. When calculating Unarmoured
Defense, you may either use this calculation,
or the one for Unarmoured Defense, not
both. Kreen may not wear armour. Clothing
for a Kreen must be specially made, and
costs double the normal amount.

Multiple Limbs: You have an additional set

of arms. You may interact with an additional
object or feature of the environment for free
during your turn. You can carry an additional
one-handed weapon using each of these
extra arms, and you cannot use the Versatile
property of weapons carried in these extra
arms. You cannot use these extra arms to
initiate grapples or wear shields. These
hands can be used for other tasks, such as
opening doors, carrying torches, using tools,
or performing the somatic components of
spells, without difficulty when they are not
holding weapons.

Natural Weaponry: If you are not holding

anything with at least two arms, you may
simultaneously use two of your limbs as a
natural weapon to attack a target. You are
considered to be proficient with this natural

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 51

weapon, and your claws are considered to that have become reflexive through years of
have the light weapon properties. Your claws practice. After resting in this way, you gain
deal 1d4 slashing damage. the same benefit that a human does from 8
hours of sleep.
Poisonous Bite: As an action, you may try
and bite an adjacent foe (5 foot reach) with Standing Leap. The thri-kreen's long jump is
your powerful mandibles. To attack with your up to 30 feet and its high jump is up to 15
bite, you make an attack roll, adding your feet, with or without a running start.
proficiency bonus and your Strength
modifier. Your bite deals 1d6 + Strength Telepathic Way – You have latent potential
modifier piercing damage. If you hit and deal in psionics. You can speak telepathically to
damage, the target must succeed on a DC any creature within 30 feet of you. You can
11 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned speak telepathically in this way to one
for 1 minute. If the creature is poisoned, it creature at a time.
must repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns. On a success, it ends the Thri-Kreen Weapon Training: You have
effect early.. proficiency with the chatkcha and gythka.

Sleepless:Thri-Kreen don't need to sleep. Languages: You can speak Thri-Kreen and
Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining Distorted Common. Due to your physiology,
semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. While other races will have difficulty understanding
meditating, you can dream after a fashion; you, as your speech comes out elongated
such dreams are actually mental exercises and hissing.

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 52

Age and Bodily Proportions

Race Adulthood Intuitive1 Self Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum


Human 15 years +1d4 +1d6 35 yrs. 53 yrs. 70 yrs. +2d20 yrs.

Aarakocra 8 years +1d4 +1d6 — — 36 yrs.4 +1d10 yrs.

Dwarf 30 years +2d6 +4d6 100 yrs. 150 yrs. 200 yrs. +4d20 yrs.

Elf 20 years +1d4 +1d6 50 yrs. 75 yrs. 100 yrs. +3d20 yrs.

Half-Elf 15 years +1d6 +2d6 45 yrs. 60 yrs. 90 yrs. +2d20 yrs.

Half-Giant 25 years +1d6 +2d6 60 yrs. 90 yrs. 120 yrs. +1d100 yrs.

Halfling 20 years +3d6 +3d6 50 yrs. 75 yrs. 100 yrs. +5d10 yrs.

Mul 14 years +1d4 +1d6 30 yrs. 45 yrs. 60 yrs. +2d10 yrs.

Pterran 10 years +1d6 +1d6 — — 40 yrs. 4 +1d10 yrs.

Thri-kreen 4 years +1d4 +1d4 — — 25 yrs. 4 +1d10 yrs.

1 This category includes barbarians, pugilists and rogues.

2 This category includes bards, fighters, pugilists, and rangers.

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 53

3 This category includes clerics, druids, templars, and wizards.

Race Base Height Base Weight Height Modifier Weight Modifier

Human, male 4’10” 120 lbs +2d10 x2d4 lb

Human, female 4’5” 85 lbs +2d10 x2d4 lbs

Aarakocra, male 6’4” 70 lbs +2d8 x1d4 lbs

Aarakocra, female 6’2” 60 lbs +2d8 x1d4 lbs

Dwarf, male 4’3” 130 lbs +2d4 x2d6 lbs

Dwarf, female 4’1” 100 lbs +2d4 x2d6 lbs

Elf, male 6’8” 130 lbs +2d6 x2d4 lbs

Elf, female 6’5” 110 lbs +2d6 x2d4 lbs

Half-Elf, male 5’ 130 lbs +2d10 x2d4 lbs

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 54

Half-Elf, female 4’10” 90 lbs +2d10 x2d4 lbs

Half-Giant, male 10’ 1400 lbs +2d12 x3d4 lbs

Half-Giant, female 10’ 1000 lbs +2d12 x3d4 lbs

Halfling, male 2’8” 30 lbs +2d4 x1 lbs

Halfling, female 2’6” 25 lbs +2d4 x1 lbs

Mul, male 4’10” 130 lbs +2d10 x2d6 lbs

Mul, female 4’6” 100 lbs +2d10 x2d6 lbs

Pterran, male 4’10” 130 lbs +2d10 x2d6 lbs

Pterran, female 4’7” 110 lbs +2d10 x2d6 lbs

Thri-kreen1 6’10” 450 lbs +1d6 x1d4 lbs

1. Thri-kreen are 48 inches longer than they are tall

Dark Sun: Player’s Handbook.: Chapter 1 - Races 55

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