Staff Appraisal Training and TQM
Staff Appraisal Training and TQM
Staff Appraisal Training and TQM
The supervisors measure the pay of employees and compare it with targets and plans.
The supervisor analyses the factors behind work performances of employees.
The employers are in position to guide the employees for a better performance.
Promotion: Performance Appraisal helps the supervisors to chalk out the promotion programs
for efficient employees. In this regards, inefficient workers can be dismissed or demoted in case.
Compensation: Performance Appraisal helps in chalking out compensation packages for
employees. Merit rating is possible through performance appraisal. Performance Appraisal tries
to give worth to a performance. Compensation packages which includes bonus, high salary rates,
extra benefits, allowances and pre-requisites are dependent on performance appraisal. The
criteria should be merit rather than seniority.
Employees Development: The systematic procedure of performance appraisal helps the
supervisors to frame training policies and programs. It helps to analyze strengths and weaknesses
of employees so that new jobs can be designed for efficient employees. It also helps in framing
future development programs.
Selection Validation: Performance Appraisal helps the supervisors to understand the validity
and importance of the selection procedure. The supervisors come to know the validity and
thereby the strengths and weaknesses of selection procedure. Future changes in selection
methods can be made in this regard.
Communication: For an organization, effective communication between employees and
employers is very important. Through performance appraisal, communication can be sought for
in the following ways:
Through performance appraisal, the employers can understand and accept skills of
The subordinates can also understand and create a trust and confidence in superiors.
It also helps in maintaining cordial and congenial labor management relationship.
It develops the spirit of work and boosts the morale of employees.
All the above factors ensure effective communication.
Customer-focused: The customer ultimately determines the level of quality. No matter what an
organization does to foster quality improvement—training employees, integrating quality into
the design process, or upgrading computers or software—the customer determines whether the
efforts were worthwhile.
Total employee involvement: All employees participate in working toward common goals.
Total employee commitment can only be obtained after fear has been driven from the workplace,
when empowerment has occurred, and when management has provided the proper environment.
High-performance work systems integrate continuous improvement efforts with normal business
operations. Self-managed work teams are one form of empowerment.
Process-centered: A fundamental part of TQM is a focus on process thinking. A process is a
series of steps that take inputs from suppliers (internal or external) and transforms them into
outputs that are delivered to customers (internal or external). The steps required to carry out the
process are defined, and performance measures are continuously monitored in order to detect
unexpected variation.
Integrated system: Although an organization may consist of many different functional
specialties often organized into vertically structured departments, it is the horizontal processes
interconnecting these functions that are the focus of TQM.
Micro-processes add up to larger processes, and all processes aggregate into the business
processes required for defining and implementing strategy. Everyone must understand the vision,
mission, and guiding principles as well as the quality policies, objectives, and critical processes
of the organization. Business performance must be monitored and communicated continuously.
An integrated business system may be modeled after the Baldrige Award criteria and/or
incorporate the ISO 9000 standards. Every organization has a unique work culture, and it is
virtually impossible to achieve excellence in its products and services unless a good quality
culture has been fostered. Thus, an integrated system connects business improvement elements in
an attempt to continually improve and exceed the expectations of customers, employees, and
other stakeholders.
Strategic and systematic approach: A critical part of the management of quality is the strategic
and systematic approach to achieving an organization’s vision, mission, and goals. This process,
called strategic planning or strategic management, includes the formulation of a strategic plan
that integrates quality as a core component.
Continual improvement: A large aspect of TQM is continual process improvement. Continual
improvement drives an organization to be both analytical and creative in finding ways to become
more competitive and effective
Key Takeaways
Total quality management (TQM) is an ongoing process of detecting and reducing or eliminating errors.
It is used in manufacturing to streamline supply chain management, improve the customer service, and
ensure that employees are trained.
The focus is to improve the quality of an organization's outputs, including goods and services, through
continual improvement of internal practices.
Total quality management aims to hold all parties involved in the production process accountable for the
overall quality of the final product or service.
Total quality management (TQM) proponents support the elimination of performance appraisal because it
is perceived as contradictory to the purposes of TQM. However, performance appraisal researchers, as
well as management practitioners, have argued against the elimination of performance appraisal in
quality-oriented organizations. TQM and performance appraisal are quite complementary, such that each
adds value to the operations of the other and to the organization as a whole.