Modelling and Forecasting Australian Domestic Tourism: George Athanasopoulos, Rob J. Hyndman
Modelling and Forecasting Australian Domestic Tourism: George Athanasopoulos, Rob J. Hyndman
Modelling and Forecasting Australian Domestic Tourism: George Athanasopoulos, Rob J. Hyndman
In this paper, we model and forecast Australian domestic tourism demand. We use a regression framework to estimate important
economic relationships for domestic tourism demand. We also identify the impact of world events such as the 2000 Sydney Olympics and
the 2002 Bali bombings on Australian domestic tourism. To explore the time series nature of the data, we use innovations state space
models to forecast domestic tourism demand. Combining these two frameworks, we build innovations state space models with exogenous
variables. These models are able to capture the time series dynamics in the data, as well as economic and other relationships. We show
that these models outperform alternative approaches for short-term forecasting and also produce sensible long-term forecasts. The
forecasts are compared with the official Australian government forecasts, which are found to be more optimistic than our forecasts.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Australia; Domestic tourism; Exponential smoothing; Forecasting; Innovations state space models
0261-5177/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
20 G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman / Tourism Management 29 (2008) 19–31
international, domestic and outbound tourism activity is collected by computer-assisted telephone interviews from
which are published by TRA. The forecasts produced by approximately 120,000 Australians aged 15 years and over
the TFC in October 2005 for the third quarter of 2005 and on an annual basis (Tourism Research Australia, 2005).
beyond show steady growth in the domestic market. In We use the number of visitor nights ðVNÞ as the indicator
contrast, our forecasts show that the Australian domestic of tourism activity. We disaggregate the data based on the
market is in decline, and it seems that it will remain this main purpose of travel: holiday ðHolÞ, visiting friends and
way at least in the short-term. relatives ðVFRÞ, business ðBusÞ and other ðOthÞ. The
We develop three different statistical models for fore- available sample spans from the first quarter of 1998 to
casting Australian domestic tourism. First, to help in the second quarter of 2005. Hence, there are a total of
understanding and capturing some of the economic n ¼ 30 quarterly observations (see Fig. 1).
relationships important to the domestic tourism market, Fig. 2 shows the total number of visitor nights (the
we construct a regression model of tourism demand. This aggregate of the series in Fig. 1). Also shown are the
modelling framework identifies some useful economic forecasts produced for this series by the TFC in Tourism
relationships and significant events influencing the Forecasting Committee (2005). The annual TFC forecasts
Australian domestic tourism market. However, as these show a steady average growth of 0.9% per annum from
models are static, they are unable to capture the dynamic 2006 to 2014. In contrast, there is no noticeable trend in the
properties of the data. historical data from 1998 to 2005.
The second approach adopted is to use pure time series
models to capture these dynamics. The models employed
3. Statistical models
are single source of error (or innovations) state space
models (see Aoki, 1987; de Silva, Hyndman, & Snyder,
3.1. Regression models
2006; Hannan & Deistler, 1988; Ord, Koehler, & Snyder,
1997; Snyder, 1985). These have been extremely successful
The proposed tourism demand function is
when applied to data from forecasting competitions (e.g.,
Hyndman, Koehler, Snyder, & Grose, 2002; Makridakis VN it ¼ f ðt; DEBT t ; DPI t ; GDPt ; BALI t ; OLYMPt ; MARt ,
et al., 1982; Makridakis & Hibon, 2000), and have JUN t ; SEPt ; et Þ, ð1Þ
numerous advantages over the more common form multi-
ple source of error structural time series models (STSM) (as where i ¼ fHol; VFR; Bus; Othg; VN it is the number of
outlined in Ord, Snyder, Koehler, Hyndman, & Leeds, visitor nights per capita travelling for purpose i; t the time
2005). However, they have never previously been applied to period; DEBT t is real personal debt (by all lenders) per
tourism data. capita included as a proxy to consumer confidence; DPI t
The third modelling approach we take is to include the price index for domestic holiday travel and accom-
exogenous variables in the innovations state space models. modation reflecting the price movement of domestic travel;
These models combine the advantages of each of the above GDPt the real gross domestic product per capita included
modelling frameworks. Hence, they capture the significant as an income variable; BALI t is a dummy variable
economic relationships and events identified in the regres- capturing the effect of the bombings in Bali (BALI t ¼ 1
sion models, and combine these with the time series during the fourth quarter of 2002 and beyond), OLYMPt is
properties of the innovations state space models. Although a dummy variable capturing the effect of the Sydney 2000
other formulations of state space models with exogenous Olympic games (OLYMPt ¼ 1 in the fourth quarter of
variables exist (see Harvey, 1990), this is the first time that 2000, which is the quarter following the games, and 0
the innovations state space formulation with exogenous otherwise), MARt , JUN t and SEPt are seasonal dummy
variables has been published. A two-step estimation variables, and et is a random error term. Full descrip-
procedure is proposed. The estimated models produce tions of the data, the data sources and projections of
accurate short-term forecasts and sensible long-term the regressors used for forecasting are provided in
forecasts. Appendix A.
The data are introduced in Section 2. Section 3 describes We considered many other economic variables of interest
the three models and compares them based on within- including petrol prices, prices of competing goods (e.g., car
sample fits and out-of-sample forecast performance. The sales), audio equipment and others. However, due to the
out-of-sample forecast evaluation also includes forecasts small sample size and the lack of variation in many of these
produced by the TFC. Section 4 presents and analyses the variables, they were found to be statistically insignificant.
long-run forecasts from the three models and those from The small sample size also prevented us testing for non-
the TFC. We summarize our conclusions in Section 5. linear relationships such as threshold effects for the
variables of interest.
2. Data Visual inspection of the dependent variables (see
Appendix B for plots of the per capita data) suggests that
The Australian domestic tourism data were obtained stationarity tests are required. Table 1 presents the results
from the National Visitor Survey, managed by TRA. Data from three unit root tests: the augmented Dickey Fuller
G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman / Tourism Management 29 (2008) 19–31 21
Holiday VFR
45000 30000
35000 24000
Business Other
1998 2000 2002 2004 1998 2000 2002 2004
Fig. 1. Quarterly observations for Australian domestic tourism: visitor nights ðVNÞ.
Holiday VFR
7.30 6.95
1998 2000 2002 2004 1998 2000 2002 2004
Business Other
6.45 5.7
6.25 5.4
Fig. 3. Seasonally adjusted natural logarithms of visitor nights per capita, i.e., seasonally adjusted ln VN it .
Table 2 Table 3
Estimated coefficients of the unrestricted demand model of Eq. (3) Estimated coefficients of the demand model of Eq. (3) after eliminating
insignificant parameters
Regressor Holiday VFR Business Other
Regressor Holiday VFR Business Other
Intercept 7493.33a 7041.23a 6472.51a 5823.92a
a a a
(16.71) (34.61) (30.39) (80.78) Intercept 7505.57 7020.25 6441.09 5771.92a
t 5.14a 2.21 8.04a 6.04 (13.33) (21.03) (22.84) (47.28)
(0.91) (1.88) (1.65) (4.38) t 5.91a 6.17a
Dt1 4.34a 4.84b 7.88a 3.88 (0.50) (0.88)
(1.30) (2.70) (2.37) (6.29) Dt1 4.41a 5.91a
Pt1 5.45a 1.81 8.04a 5.89 (1.23) (2.00)
(1.88) (3.89) (3.42) (9.08) Pt1 4.11a 7.58a
Yt 39.09a 14.80 21.10 67.23 (1.64) (2.89)
(9.61) (19.91) (17.48) (46.48) Yt 43.71a
BALI t 14.20 108.02a 35.70 168.23a (8.14)
(16.31) (33.80) (29.67) (78.88) BALI t 56.61a
OLYMPt 31.60 26.78 118.17b 292.65 (17.75)
(38.99) (80.77) (70.92) (188.52) OLYMPt 148.00a
MARt 342.68a 156.95a 180.97a 563.63a (51.26)
(13.40) (27.76) (24.37) (64.79) MARt 338.09a 170.33a 170.83a 540.23a
JUN t 39.62a 56.84a 40.34 510.12a (13.06) (26.87) (24.28) (64.74)
(13.52) (28.01) (24.59) (65.37) JUN t 43.19a 71.36a 42.57b 460.75a
SEPt 31.13a 48.22 46.07b 141.28a (12.40) (26.87) (24.51) (64.74)
(14.35) (29.74) (26.11) (69.41) SEPt 27.78b 33.73 55.03a 109.13
(14.01) (27.84) (25.57) (66.86)
R 0.98 0.82 0.88 0.82
2 0.97 0.75 0.82 0.73 R2 0.98 0.79 0.86 0.77
2 0.98 0.75 0.82 0.74
QN c 0.23 0.40 0.57 1.07 R̄
QSC lags d 1.122 2.092 4.972 9.613e
QHT f 11.27 15.65 15.34 7.71 Standard errors are shown in parentheses beneath each coefficient.
QRRg 0.51 1.19 1.76 1.76 Significant at the 5% level of significance.
Significant at the 10% level of significance.
Standard errors are shown in parentheses beneath each coefficient.
Significant at the 5% level.
Significant at the 10% level. highest holiday and VFR travel, but the lowest business
Jarque and Bera (1980) w2 test for normality.
d travel. This is the summer quarter for Australia and
Breusch (1978) and Godfrey (1978) Lagrange multiplier w2 test for
serial correlation. includes the longest period of school holidays. The
These residuals showed some weak third order serial correlation which lowest level of holiday and VFR travel is found in the
was ignored. June quarter which includes the first semester of all levels
White (1980) w2 test for heteroscedasticity. of schooling.
Ramsey (1969) RESET w2 test for misspecification.
substituting for ‘t1 in (4) we get theme of these papers is that exponential smoothing
methods perform quite well although the choice of
y^ tþh ¼ ð1 aÞt ‘0 þ a ð1 aÞi yti . (6) exponential smoothing methods is very subjective (i.e.,
i¼0 not based on any proper selection criteria) and in some
cases we believe that the selected method is not the most
Hence, the forecasted value y^ tþh is a weighted average of all
observations (for which the associated weights decrease
A more common form of state space model is the
exponentially) and the initial level ‘0 . The weight asso-
formulation of Harvey (1990) known as structural time
ciated with each observation depends on a. If a is large we
series models. These models give approximately the same
place a lot of weight on recent observations and in the
forecasts as the innovations state space models. In contrast
extreme case that a ¼ 1 we do not learn anything from
to the single source of error innovations state space models,
history. If a is small more weight is placed on historical
structural time series models are sometimes referred to as
information and in the extreme case where a ¼ 0 we do not
multiple source of error models, as each equation carries its
learn anything from new information as our forecast is
own independent error term. These types of models
always equal to ‘0 . More general exponential smoothing
have been successfully applied in the tourism literature.
methods include trend and seasonal terms.
González and Moral (1996), Kulendran and King (1997)
Recently, a statistical framework for such forecasting
and Kulendran and Witt (2001) only consider basic
methods has been developed (Hyndman et al., 2002; Ord et
structural models (often referred to as the non-causal
al., 1997). Innovations state space models encapsulate the
model as it does not include any explanatory variables).
notion of exponential smoothing in a state space frame-
González and Moral (1995), Garcı́a-Ferrer and Queralt
work, and allow maximum likelihood estimation, model
(1997), Greenidge (2001), Turner and Witt (2001) and
selection and prediction intervals to be derived. Their
Kulendran and Witt (2003) also consider causal structural
general form is
time series models. The results in these papers indicate that
yt ¼ w0 xt1 þ et , ð7Þ the structural time series models produce quite accurate
xt ¼ Fxt1 þ get , ð8Þ forecasts. So much so that Li et al. (2005) in their extensive
literature survey, list structural time series models along-
where yt is an observation at time t, xt is a vector of side time-varying parameter models as the models that
unobserved components which can be a mixture of a level, perform consistently well. Furthermore it seems that
growth and a seasonal component, et is Gaussian white explanatory variables do not help in forecasting tourism
noise with mean zero and variance s2 , w is a vector demand. In general, the non-causal basic structural models
containing elements of zeros and ones, F is a transition out-forecast the causal structural time series models.
matrix containing zeros, ones and possibly model para- Finally, du Preez and Witt (2003) consider a multivariate
meters, and g is a vector of unknown parameters which basic structural model. This is outperformed by the
determine the impact of the random noise on the univariate model.
unobserved components of the series. Eq. (7) is referred The modelling strategy we follow in this paper is a
to as the measurement (or observation) equation and restricted version of the Hyndman et al. (2002) methodol-
describes the relationship between the unobserved states ogy for innovations state space models, which is based on
and observation yt . Eq. (8) is referred to as the transition the taxonomy proposed by Pegels (1969), extended by
(or state) equation and describes the evolution of the states Gardner (1985) and advocated by Makridakis et al. (1998).
over time. In this study, only additive seasonal models are considered.
Notice that, unlike structural time series models The models considered are listed in Table 4. All three
(Harvey, 1990), innovations state space models only models have additive errors and an additive seasonal
involve a single source of error. For example, the model component and may contain no trend, an additive trend or
that underlies the simple exponential smoothing method of a damped trend. We refer to this class of models as ‘‘ETS’’
Eqs. (4) and (5) is known as the local level model: (for Error-Trend-Seasonal) models. The damped trend
yt ¼ ‘t1 þ et , ð9Þ model was proposed by Gardner and McKenzie (1985) as a
modification to Holt’s linear model. This modification
‘t ¼ ‘t1 þ aet . ð10Þ
comes through the parameter f which dampens the trend.
Hyndman, Koehler, Ord, and Snyder (2005) show that the When 0ofo1, the forecasts produced by the model
optimal forecasts from innovations state space models are converge to ‘n þ bn =ð1 fÞ as h ! 1 where n is the time
identical to those obtained using exponential smoothing of the last observation. Thus, the short-run forecasts are
methods. trended but the long-run forecasts are constant.
Exponential smoothing methods have been previously Treating this as a time series modelling exercise, the
applied to tourism data. Law (2000), Burger, Dohnal, dependent variable considered is visitor nights instead of
Kathrada, and Law (2001), Lim and McAleer (2001b) and visitor nights per capita. The parameters are restricted to
Cho (2001, 2003) directly implement exponential smooth- 0oao1, 0oboa, 0ogo1 and 0ofo0:98. The damping
ing methods to forecast tourism demand. The general parameter f is restricted to a maximum of 0.98 to ensure
G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman / Tourism Management 29 (2008) 19–31 25
Table 4
Innovations state space additive models with seasonal component
‘t denotes the level of the series at time t; bt denotes the slope at time t; st denotes the seasonal component at time t; m is the number of seasons in a year;
y^ tþhjt denotes a forecast of ytþh based on all the data up to time t.
the ‘‘Average’’ row. Here the TFC average MAPE is between Table 9
60% and 70% larger than that for any of our models. Percentage growth/decline in visitor nights from 1998 to 2014
135000 100000
130000 95000
2000 2005 2010 2000 2005 2010
Fig. 5. Long-run annual forecasts for each of the four travel purpose components of visitor nights, from the three models and the TFC.
seem to have been over-optimistic. For two of the four innovations state space models by proposing innovations
series, namely ‘‘VFR’’ and ‘‘Other’’, the forecasts produced state space models with exogenous variables.
by the models and the TFC are fairly similar (the exception All three statistical models are shown to outperform the
being ETS for both cases which has a flat forecast TFC published forecasts for short-term demand of
function). However, there is a noticeable discrepancy Australian domestic tourism. The long-term forecasts
between the models and the TFC forecasts for the other produced by the models indicate that the TFC long-term
two series. The largest component of the total visitor nights forecasts may be optimistic. In particular, the models
is ‘‘Holiday’’ travel. Panel A highlights the significant suggest that TFC forecasts of the ‘‘Holiday’’ and ‘‘Busi-
divergence between the models and the TFC in the long- ness’’ travel components of Australian domestic tourism
term forecasts for this series. There is also a divergence have been optimistic. The statistical models show that
between the models and the TFC forecasts for the Australian domestic tourism is on the decline.
‘‘Business’’ component as shown in Panel C. The forecasts The proposed statistical models are clearly of substantial
of these two components are the primary source of the benefit to policy makers. In particular, we recommend the
overly optimistic TFC forecasts for total visitor nights. use of innovations state space models with exogenous
variables (the ETSX models), which can capture time series
dynamics as well as economic and other relationships, and
5. Conclusion which out-performed the other models based on both the
MAE and MAPE error measures.
We have modelled Australian domestic tourism demand
using three statistical models. The first approach used
regression models. The estimated regression models have Acknowledgments
identified significant economic relationships for domestic
tourism. This analysis has also highlighted the impact of We acknowledge valuable comments and suggestions
world events on Australian domestic tourism such as the from Farshid Vahid, Brett Inder, Chris Ryan (Editor),
increase in business travel immediately after the 2000 Sydney three anonymous referees, seminar participants from
Olympic games, and the significant increase in visiting friends the Department of Econometrics and the Tourism
and relatives after the 2002 Bali bombings. In order to take Research Unit at Monash University, and the 2007 Council
advantage of the time series properties of the data, we also for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality
consider time series modelling and implement innovations Education. We thank Andrew Maurer and Tim Quinn
state space models (for the first time in the tourism literature). at Tourism Research Australia for providing data, sugges-
We combine the properties of the regression and the tions and explanations. We would like to acknowledge
G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman / Tourism Management 29 (2008) 19–31 29
the financial support of Tourism Research Australia and aging across the months of each quarter, series 5671-P1A
the Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre. from the DX database, Australia).
DPI: Domestic holiday travel and accommodation price
index (seasonally adjusted by additive method, Australian
Appendix A. Descriptions and projections of regressors Bureau of Statistics, series ID A2329356K).
GDP: Real Gross Domestic Product per capita in
DEBT: Total real personal finance commitments per constant 03–04 $A billions (seasonally adjusted, series
capita from all lenders in Australia in $A thousands AUS.EXPGDP.LNBQRSA from the DX database,
(seasonally adjusted, aggregated monthly series by aver- Australia).
250000 140
150000 100
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
11 21
9 20
6 18
1980 1990 2000 2010 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
7800 7300
7500 7100
7200 6900
6500 5800
6400 5600
6300 5400
6200 5200
6100 5000
1998 2000 2002 2004 1998 2000 2002 2004
Fig. B.1. These are the visitor nights per capita series as defined in Eq. (3): Panel A: ln VN Hol
t 1000; Panel B: ln VN VFR
t 1000; Panel C:
ln VN Bus
t 1000; Panel D: ln VN Oth
t 1000.
30 G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman / Tourism Management 29 (2008) 19–31
POP: Australian population and population projections Harvey, A. C. (1990). Forecasting, structural times series models and the
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3222.0. Technology, O.N.R. Memorandum, Pittsburgh USA. Published in
The forecasts for GDP, DPI and DEBT were produced 2004 in the International Journal of Forecasting 20, 1–13, with
using the R package ‘‘forecast’’ (Hyndman, 2006) additional commentaries.
(Fig. A.1). The models selected by minimizing the AIC Hyndman, R. J. (2006). Forecast: Forecasting time series. R package
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