Role of Human Resource Manager in Managing Stress of Employees in Manufacturing Concerns
Role of Human Resource Manager in Managing Stress of Employees in Manufacturing Concerns
Role of Human Resource Manager in Managing Stress of Employees in Manufacturing Concerns
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1 author:
Balaji Rangarajan
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ABSTRACT: Managing work related stress in employees and role of an HR manager are instrinsically correlated. Well
organized and effectively and effectively managed work helps in promoting and maintaining the well-being and health of
an employee. But in a scenario where insufficient priority has been given to the work organization, job design, and
management, a significant portion of benefits and efficiency can be lost with respect to ‘good work.’ And, one of the most
common results of this is stress!!! The first step in helping employees cope is to find out what is causing the most stress and
what an employee's idea of a stress-free environment would be. If employees are not comfortable talking to a manager, the
manager should make arrangements for the employee to speak to someone else. Managers can decrease stress by setting
clear expectations, helping employees prioritize, being available to listen to employee concerns, and not tolerating any
workplace bullying or harassing. Organizations should encourage stress relief by providing a safe and pleasant workplace, a
relaxing break room in which to eat, a nutritious selection of food at the cafeteria, access to a gym, and resources to reduce
stress for employees.
To understand what is work related stress, what are the causes behind it, and how it can be managed and prevented
To formulate relevant and effective stress management policies to cope with this budding issue in organization
To communicate and engage with the employees regarding this issue, and raising awareness in the way of working with
trade unions or other related aspects
To undertake effective Management Standards or other outlook towards identifying the level of stress in the organization
and what solutions can be implemented to improve from the current situation
To work with other departments of the organization, including Health and Safety, in formulating and implementing
solutions that have been identified by the employees
To review and monitor stress management solutions, along with procedures and policies
To work with other bodies and support line managers to prevent and manage employees experiencing stress, and to help
them return back to work
To identify and develop other initiatives and policies that can promote well-being and health of the employees.
On the upside, a CIPD absence survey shows 66% of employers are taking active steps in identifying and reducing stress in
the workplace.
stress and thus increase productivity amongst employees. Line managers play a crucial role in managing stress in the
workplace as they are often the first port of call for employees at times of distress. It is therefore important that managers
develop the required competencies to enable them to effectively support their direct reports. Skills and behaviors required
Ability to assess and identify workplace stressors - what are the current demands? Is the work design
appropriate? Remember that changes to an open plan environment or lighting, for example, could be a
trigger of stress for some people.
Awareness of signs and symptoms of stress -. are employees unusually irritable, angry and/or tearful?
Are they showing signs of absentmindedness, lack of concentration?
o Ability to build a good rapport - Promote an open and honest environment so that employees feel able to
voice their concerns such as conflict issues at work or personal problems at home.
o Show empathy by actively listening and showing an understanding of challenges faced by individuals
both at work and home.
o Finally, work in partnership with the employee to make appropriate adjustments to work design and
implement effective stress management strategies.
The Stress Number Report Reveals That Stress Causes Annual $5000 Loss Per Employee
Stress management is the effort put forth by organizations or individuals to decrease the effects of work pressure. Stress
cannot be avoided altogether; in fact, a little bit of stress spurs productivity and innovation. But it must be kept at a
reasonable level lest it cause harm to employees and the organization.
Copyright to IJIRSET 11072
ISSN: 2319-8753
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Managers are responsible for not overworking or stressing out their employees; they should model good coping skills for
their employees. Human resources departments are responsible for making stress management resources available and
raising organizational awareness of them. Executives should review current practices to see that they are not causing undue
stress on employees and make changes where necessary. They should also advocate making resources on how to handle
stress available.
Employees who are stress-free are more productive, have a better view of the organization, and are more likely to stay with
the organization. Lowered stress leads to fewer accidents, lower healthcare costs, and higher morale. Organizations should
seek the welfare of all, and that includes helping employees to cope with stress.
2. clc human resources