Voc - Plus 3travelling by Car

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3 Travelling by car

1 Read the story and put pictures A–D in order.

Last Saturday it was my mum’s 70th birthday so we went on a

family trip to Paris for the weekend. My wife Viv and I – and the
kids, of course – set off early for the airport, with my parents
driving in front in their own car. Soon I realised we were going to
run out of petrol, so I phoned them on their mobile and explained
that we would fill up at the next garage.
When we left the garage, we speeded up to catch up with mum
and dad, but suddenly a police car overtook us and I had to slow
down and pull over. Luckily the police officer only gave me a
warning, so we set off again. By now the traffic was terrible, so we

decided to take a short cut. Unfortunately, we got lost and didn’t

know where we were. We stopped a young man to ask the way
and because he was going in the same direction, we gave him a
lift. He was able to map-read so we got to the airport in time, but
there was no sign of my mum and dad. They got stuck in a traffic 3 a  Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the
jam after we lost them, so we all caught a later flight. Although it words/phrases from 2.
was difficult getting to Paris, we still had a great weekend.
1 Have you ever run out of petrol?

2 Do you if someone is driving too

2 Match the words/phrases in bold in the story in
close behind you?
1 to definitions a–l. Write the infinitive form of
the verbs. 3 Do you usually in bad weather?
a take someone where they want to go in a car 4 Do you wait until your car is nearly empty before
give someone a lift you it ?
5 If you were following a friend and he or she was
b put petrol in a car
driving too fast, would you try to
c not be able to move forward or make progress
6 Are you good at or do you always
d follow a quicker or shorter way to get somewhere
have to ask for directions?
7 Have you ever stopped to ? Where
e pass another car because it is going more slowly
did he or she want to go?
than you
8 Have you ever in a town that you
f understand a map don’t know very well?
g go faster 9 What do you do if you in a traffic
h go slower jam?

i not know where you are 10 Have you ever been asked to by a
police officer?
j use all of something so there is nothing left
11 If you were in a hurry, would you
if you weren’t sure which way to go?
k reach someone who is in front of you
12 Do other cars often you?

l stop at the side of the road b  Answer the questions for you.

7 give someone a lift  8 got lost  9 get stuck  10 pull over  11 take a short cut  12 overtake
j run out of  k catch up with  l pull over   3   a 2 speed up  3 slow down  4 fill ... up  5 catch up with  6 map-reading 
1   1C  2A  3D  4B   2   b fill up  c get stuck  d take a short cut  e overtake  f map-read  g speed up  h slow down  i get lost 

Instructions p197 © Cambridge University Press 2013 face2face Second edition Intermediate Photocopiable 203

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