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DSPace vs. GreenStone

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D-Lib Magazine
September 2005

Volume 11 Number 9

ISSN 1082-9873

A Bridge between Greenstone and DSpace
Ian H. Witten*, David Bainbridge*, Robert Tansley†, Chi-Yu Huang*, and
Katherine J. Don*

*Department of Computer Science

University of Waikato
Hamilton, New Zealand
{ihw, davidb, chi, kjdon}@cs.waikato.ac.nz

†Hewlett-Packard Labs
Cambridge, MA, USA
<[email protected]>


Greenstone and DSpace are widely used software systems for digital
libraries, and prospective users sometimes wonder which one to adopt.
In fact, the aims of the two are very different, although their domains
of application do overlap. This article describes the two systems and
identifies their similarities and differences. We also present StoneD
[note 1] a bridge between the production versions of Greenstone and
DSpace that allows users of either system to easily migrate to the
other, or continue with a combination of both. This bridge eliminates
the risk of finding oneself locked in to an inappropriate choice of
system. We also discuss other possible opportunities for combining the
advantages of the two, to the benefit of the user communities of both

1. Introduction

Of the many open source systems for digital libraries, two of the most
prominent are Greenstone [1, 2] and DSpace [3, 4]. Greenstone is

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older and more established internationally; DSpace has a more

impressive institutional pedigree. Greenstone emanates from the
Department of Computer Science in the University of Waikato, New
Zealand, and is developed and distributed in cooperation with
UNESCO as part of its Information for All program. DSpace was
conceived by Hewlett-Packard Labs as a noncommercial product, and
has been developed in conjunction with MIT Libraries. Both systems
have active open source developer communities.

Many potential users apparently view these systems as competitive,

and wonder which one to adopt. The notion of "competition" in a world
where products are obtainable at no cost whatsoever seems at first
sight rather bizarre. However, a commitment to any comprehensive
software system, no matter how tentative, involves some effort in
downloading and installing, and considerably more effort in learning
how to use it. Even to simply investigate the capabilities of a system of
this nature requires a lot of work. In the case of digital library
software, the investment required to create new collections, or adapt
existing ones to work with new software, can be very significant.
Indeed, traditional libraries build up their collections over centuries.

While there is certainly overlap in what Greenstone and DSpace can

do, they have quite different goals and strengths. One aim of this
article is to clarify the similarities and differences between them, and
map out the natural areas of application of each one. This should help
users to understand the differences and make an informed choice
between the systems. It should also provide a basis for future
developers to combine the features of both. Although creating each
system has involved a prodigious amount of programming effort,
combining them would not be such a monumental task. One advantage
of open source software is that it allows new entrants to stand on the
shoulders of established developers, not on their feet.

A second aim is to report on a new technical development that allows

users to migrate their collections from Greenstone to DSpace and vice
versa. Economic imperatives give designers of commercial systems a
strong incentive to lock users in by preventing them from exporting
the result of all their work, to increase the cost of migration to another
vendor's product. This is a serious practical disadvantage. At least in
principle, open source systems are immune because their code is
accessible in source form and can be examined, understood, and
modified by any competent computer scientist. In practice, however,
substantial human investment is required to figure out just how to get
the documents and metadata out of a digital library in a usable format.
The technical development described in this article allows end users –
typically librarians, not computer specialists – to export a collection
from Greenstone and import it into DSpace, and vice versa.

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This article also introduces other more intimate possibilities for

dynamically combining digital libraries built with Greenstone and

2. A Tale of Two Systems

The digital library systems Greenstone and DSpace aspire to make it

easy for others to build their own digital libraries that offer
comprehensive services to users – readers, authors and librarians. This
aim stands in sharp contrast to most digital library projects, which are
busy creating their own digital libraries. For example, the US National
Science Digital Library plans to be the nation's online library of
resources for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
education and research. Perseus is an evolving digital library whose
primary stated goal is to bring a wide range of source materials to as
large an audience as possible. The Chinese Memory Net is an
expanding collection that contains thousands of images, originally
ones related to the First Emperor of China's terracotta warriors and
horses in Xian. There are countless other examples.

Greenstone and DSpace enable librarians to build their own

collections, personalize them to their own taste, language, style, etc.,
and brand them appropriately to reflect the collection's ownership.
One might ask why such open source systems exist? In both these
cases the motivation is basically philanthropic, but also involves a
healthy dose of enlightened self-interest. Working on an open source
project is technically exciting. Progress is rapid because other open
source modules can be incorporated freely, allowing one to avoid many
mundane aspects of commercial programming. The product of
research transcends publications and isolated prototypes, and yields a
working system with many users. Greenstone is a major research
project at its home university. It has opened up new avenues of
research for its developers and has helped create an international
reputation for the computer science department there. DSpace is
designed as an entrée for HP Labs into the growing open source
community, and as a way of generating positive publicity in a powerful
and influential forum. Furthermore, its chief developer is passionately
interested in the topic of preservation. MIT has participated in the
design and development because it wants to use the product as a
foundation for collecting and curating the institution's intellectual
output [5].

Today, digital library software resides in a space that is located

somewhere between research and development. The area is so new
that it opens up many research issues. And yet the developers of
widely used systems like Greenstone and DSpace enjoy the satisfaction

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of having users download the software and respond immediately with

comments and feedback – something that is rare in academic research
environments. Satisfied users fuel the developers of these systems with
a great deal of personal motivation.

Note that open source software can create worthwhile commercial

opportunities. For example, one of Greenstone's developers has left the
university environment to found a company that specializes in
designing and building customized digital library solutions using the
Greenstone software [note 2], while BioMed Central runs DSpace
repositories for institutions [note 3].


Greenstone (http://www.greenstone.org) is a suite of software for

building and distributing digital library collections that provides a
way of organizing information and publishing it on the Internet or on
removable media (e.g., CD-ROM/DVD). It is produced by the New
Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato, and is
distributed as open source, multilingual software in cooperation with
UNESCO and the Human Info NGO. The dissemination of educational,
scientific and cultural information, and particularly its availability in
developing countries, is central to UNESCO's goals, and appropriate,
accessible technology is seen as a vital tool in this context.

Greenstone's aim is to empower users, particularly in universities,

libraries, and other public service institutions throughout the world,
to build their own digital library collections in the fields of education,
science and culture. UNESCO hopes this will encourage the effective
deployment of digital libraries to share information and, where
appropriate, place it in the public domain.

The key points that Greenstone makes it its core business to support

Design and construction of collections

Distribution on the web and/or removable media
Customized structure depending on available metadata
End-user collection-building interface for librarians
Reader and librarian interfaces in many languages
Multiplatform operation.

The liaison with UNESCO and Human Info has been a crucial factor in
the development of Greenstone. Human Info began using Greenstone
to produce collections in 1998, and provided extensive feedback on
the reader's interface. UNESCO wants to empower developing
countries to build their own digital library collections – otherwise they

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risk becoming read-only societies in the information revolution.

UNESCO selected Greenstone in 2000, and arranges user testing,
helps with internationalization, and mounts courses.
Internationalization is a central goal: today the Greenstone reader's
interface is available in 35 languages, and the librarian's interface,
including all documentation, is available in 4 (English, French,
Spanish, Russian).

Greenstone is issued under the terms of the GNU General Public

License. It originated in 1996 [6], and the current production version
(Greenstone2) was designed about seven years ago, although it is
continually being extended – for example, Greenstone2 now supports
the latest version of Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata
Harvesting (OAI-PMH) [7] and the relatively recent METS metadata
encoding standard [8]. A complete redesign and reimplementation,
Greenstone3, has been described [9] and released, informed by
experience with the current system and the problems and challenges
faced by users, international collection developers, and practicing
librarians. Greenstone3 allows documents to be dynamically added to
collections; provides more flexible ways to dynamically configure the
run-time system by adding new services; lowers the overhead incurred
by collection developers when accessing this flexibility to organize and
present their content; and modularizes the internal structure. The
design is based on widely accepted standards that were unavailable
when Greenstone2 was designed. Greenstone2 is still recommended
for end-user librarians, while Greenstone3 is an emerging system
currently intended for experimental use by computer scientists and
information technologists in conjunction with librarians.


DSpace (http://www.dspace.org) facilitates the building of institutional

repositories that capture, distribute and preserve intellectual output
at an institutional level. It is produced by HP Labs and designed in
partnership with MIT, who note that much of the intellectual output of
professors and researchers is in digital form and potentially ephemeral
unless the institution has an aggressive policy for collecting and
preserving it. DSpace is designed to help capture and organize
everything produced by faculty and staff – digitized versions of lecture
notes, videos, papers, and data sets – into an "institutional repository"
that will make it available to future generations in its original digital
form. Of course, it has applications in government organizations and
commercial enterprises too.

DSpace provides a set of tools for helping institutions keep track of

their data, organize it in meaningful ways and migrate that data to

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new formats as old ones become obsolete [5]. It helps establish a

system for the curation of the data in a manner that is as automated as
possible, in order to handle the increasing volume and complexity of
the data being produced.

The key points that DSpace makes it its core business to support

Repositories at an institutional level

Self-deposit of digital assets by faculty
End-user interface for depositors
Assets made available for searching and browsing
Data retrievable many years in the future
Institutional commitment to ensure the continued availability of
certain named formats.

The liaison with MIT has been a crucial factor in the development of
DSpace. A co-development contract between Hewlett-Packard Labs
and MIT Libraries was established in March 2000, and MIT publicly
launched its institutional repository in November 2002. From the
outset, the plan was to create an infrastructure for storing the digitally
born intellectual output of the MIT community and to make it
accessible over the long term to the broadest possible readership [3].

DSpace supports the Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata

Harvesting (OAI-PMH), and was designed to support interoperation
with both other DSpace installations and other OAI-compliant
archives. DSpace uses the qualified Dublin Core metadata standard
[10] for all collections. Only three fields are required: title, language,
and submission date; all others are optional. There are additional fields
for document abstracts, keywords, technical metadata and rights
metadata. This metadata is indexed for browsing and searching the
system, either within a collection or across collections.

The current version of DSpace is available online as an open source

Unix program, licensed under the BSD Open Source License. Neither
HP nor MIT offer formal support for DSpace. Users are assumed to be
institutional, with all the necessary resources to use the system (or the
means to outsource this), including hardware running Unix, and a
systems administrator to install and configure the system – and, in
most cases, a Java programmer who can localize and customize the
system [4].

Plans are afoot to develop the next version, which will be a more
modular, flexible version into which different modules of functionality
can be plugged in to suit different needs, and with refactored storage
to enable different approaches to the digital preservation problem to

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be tested.


It is certainly not our intention to recommend one of these systems

over the other – that would be counterproductive and contrary to the
spirit of this article. However, there are some clearly defined situations
that quite obviously fall more naturally under the purview of one or
the other.

Preservation. The act of creating any digital library collection based

on open source software will contribute to the preservation of the
material it contains. However, DSpace is explicitly oriented towards
long-term preservation, while Greenstone is not. DSpace stores
preservation metadata and includes a scheme where institutions
commit to ensuring the continued availability of certain named formats

Support infrastructure. DSpace is designed for institutional use, where

there are centralized computing facilities and a competent
infrastructure for software support. Greenstone is designed to be easy
for anyone with basic computer-literacy skills to install, in a laptop,
desktop, or institutional environment.

Multiplatform operation (related to the above). Greenstone runs on

Windows computers (collections can be built on Windows 95 and up),
Unix, and Mac OS/X. DSpace is currently restricted to Unix and OS/X.
Note that this is unlikely to be a serious practical disadvantage in
typical DSpace usage scenarios.

Author-oriented . DSpace incorporates an interface whereby users

(typically authors, though some institutions choose to have librarians
do this on behalf of the faculty) can submit documents to the system,
and define metadata for them. Greenstone does not.

Librarian-oriented . Greenstone supplies an end-user interface with

which collections can be designed, customized, and built. DSpace
provides a generic design that can be tailored – but not by typical end

Built-in metadata standard (related to the above). DSpace imposes a

single metadata standard on all collections. Greenstone provides a
widely used standard (Dublin Core) but also allows collection-builders
to use their own metadata scheme either by extending an existing one
in an ad hoc manner or by defining an entirely new one using a
metadata set editor.

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Distribution on removable media. Those who create Greenstone

collections can write them to a self-installing CD-ROM that operates on
all Windows systems (even obsolete ones right down to Windows
3.1/3.11, still in use in developing countries).

Dynamic collections (historically related to the above). In Greenstone

[note 4], adding documents to a collection normally involves
rebuilding the full-text index and browsing structures (though
rebuilding can be scheduled to take place automatically), whereas
DSpace operates incrementally (though operations on recently-added
documents like extracting text or producing image thumbnails are
processed in batch mode).

International users. Greenstone provides interfaces for readers in 35

languages, including many minority ones, and has a scheme that helps
language maintainers keep the interfaces up to date when new
interface features are added [12].

Note that both systems are continually evolving, and these features
can change rapidly. For example, Greenstone can indeed
accommodate dynamic collections by using a different search engine
from the default one. Although this is probably beyond the technical
capabilities of the librarian-level users that Greenstone targets, a user
interface enhancement could easily rectify this. Conversely, although
the default DSpace configuration is currently restricted to UNIX, it
would not be hard to modify it for other operating systems. And there
are some DSpace installations in languages other than English.

The difference between the two systems is largely explained by the

environments in which they are designed to operate. DSpace is
designed for the institutional setting, where members of faculty submit
their documents to a common system that enforces common standards.
Its model envisages "communities" (e.g., schools, departments,
centers, labs, and programs) that contain one or more "collections" of
digital "items" [4]. Greenstone is designed to allow non-specialist
users to produce single, individualized, collections. Its model
envisages a "librarian" who is creating collections from existing
"resources" (comprising both "items" and metadata resources) and
distributing them over the Web or on removable media, possibly in an
international setting [13].

3. Building Bridges

An obvious way to transfer a digital library collection from DSpace to

Greenstone or vice versa is to use the Open Archive Initiative Protocol
for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), which is an application-

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independent interoperability framework. As noted above, both systems

can serve a collection over OAI-PMH, and both systems can ingest
information in this form.

However, there are some disadvantages to OAI-PMH-level integration,

as discussed below. And even if it were satisfactory from a practical
point of view, the intention of this article is to explore other
possibilities for deeper integration and cooperation. The exploration
will shed light on the differences between the two systems, and their
strengths, and may suggest new directions of research. Let us
consider the various levels at which Greenstone and DSpace might

OAI-PMH-level integration

As the name implies, OAI-PMH is based on metadata harvesting, and

both Greenstone and DSpace are concerned not just with metadata
but with the documents themselves. Metadata records may contain a
link to the resource to which they refer, but the nature of this link is
beyond the scope of OAI-PMH. The protocol description suggests the
use of the Dublin Core Identifier element for this purpose, and the
Dublin Core standard recommends that the resource be identified by
means of a string or number conforming to a formal identification
system such as the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) (including the
Uniform Resource Locator, URL; the Digital Object Identifier, DOI;
and the International Standard Book Number, ISBN).

Establishing interoperability at this level gives a degree of integration

that is broad but not deep. Although the metadata will be transferred
correctly, the documents themselves will not – not without
implementing a special convention outside OAI-PMH that unifies the
way the two systems utilize the Identifier element. Furthermore, both
DSpace and Greenstone have the notion of a single document being
present in alternative formats or "versions." Since all Dublin Core
fields are repeatable, it is possible to use multiple occurrences of
Identifier metadata to point to these alternatives. But again, practical
difficulties arise because this is not part of the OAI-PMH standard, and
different systems do things in different ways.

In a small experiment we switched on OAI support for our DSpace

server and downloaded a set of metadata records from it using
Greenstone's importfrom command, which was then digested into a
Greenstone collection. The newly built collection was configured to
display the metadata in a table, with a hyperlink pointing back to the
source document on any URL-based identifier that appears in the

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METS-level integration

Another route to integration is through the METS standard. With its

combined metadata and document container approach, METS offers a
deeper form of interchange. It seems to be an attractive option
because both systems already have the capability to export to this

The METS standard uses a meta-description approach to describe

what constitutes a "work" in a digital library. Although this approach
is very flexible, it has the disadvantage that different systems may use
structures that cannot logically be mapped into each other. This is
indeed the case with DSpace and Greenstone. For instance, DSpace
supports a hierarchical form of metadata that can be attached at the
document level, whereas in Greenstone each item of metadata is flat,
but metadata can be attached to individual sections within a
document. These differences are reflected in the METS files the two
systems generate. To support METS interchange, such differences
must be reconciled.

We explored this option, but ultimately decided to implement a bridge

based around the native interchange formats (described below). This
offers a middle ground solution between the two extremes of OAI and

Joint distribution of DSpace and Greenstone

The idea of releasing a joint distribution of the current production

versions of Greenstone and DSpace originally sparked this project.
However, this has not been attempted because the systems make
different assumptions about the installation process (see "Support
infrastructure" above). DSpace runs only under Linux, while many –
probably most – Greenstone users employ Windows. Also, a joint
distribution per se would merely enable users to run the two systems
side by side, which is not very useful unless there is some meaningful
interaction between the two – such as that described below.

DSpace import/export for Greenstone

We have implemented StoneD, a bridge between DSpace and

Greenstone that allows a collection of documents to be exported from
DSpace and imported into Greenstone and vice versa. This provides a
far greater level of integration than an OAI-PMH export-import – for
example, it deals with documents as well as metadata, and resolves the
problems of multiple representations of a single document. It works

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within Greenstone2, the current production version that is

recommended for end-user librarians, and is included in the current
release of the software. This bridge is described in Section 4.

Greenstone access to the DSpace document database

Rather than converting the DSpace document database into a form

more congenial to Greenstone and vice versa, as StoneD does, one
could imagine the Greenstone runtime system consulting the DSpace
document database directly. This would make the most sense for
Greenstone3 because, like DSpace, Greenstone3 uses a relational
database for metadata (Greenstone2 does not, because it was designed
to be able to serve collections even on primitive computers).

The databases involved are different – DSpace uses PostgreSQL or

Oracle, and Greenstone uses MySQL – but both implementations
operate in a portable manner and use Java Database Connectivity
(JDBC) to insulate their code from any particular database system.
Thus it would be easy to arrange for Greenstone3 to access the
DSpace metadata database, perhaps by specifying in a configuration
file that it should use PostgreSQL rather than MySQL technology.
Furthermore, if the DSpace collection had a full-text index it should be
possible for Greenstone to use it too, because DSpace uses Lucene
[14] for indexing and Greenstone3 can employ a variety of full-text
search engines, including this one.

This mode of operation assumes that DSpace is present (though not

necessarily running) on the same computer system as Greenstone – or
at least that the two share a file space. A Greenstone3 installation is a
network of modules that communicate in terms of XML messages;
so-called "service" modules provide the core functionality. Two new
services could give Greenstone direct access to the DSpace
collections. One would communicate with the database in which the
metadata is stored; the other would retrieve the files from DSpace's
data store. It is likely that some of DSpace's Java classes could be
retargeted for this purpose.

In this scenario, users would be able to employ Greenstone3's cross-

collection search facility to jointly search Greenstone collections and
DSpace repositories.

Greenstone access to DSpace services

An alternative to sharing information at the database level is to share

at the service level. Again we assume Greenstone3 rather than
Greenstone2. The Greenstone service modules could communicate
with DSpace servlets and therefore access collections anywhere – not

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just on a computer that has Greenstone installed and configured to use

local DSpace collections. This would enable Greenstone users to
peruse DSpace collections in different repositories on different
computers. A similar modification could be made in the other
direction, with Java code on the DSpace side interacting either
through servlets or the SOAP protocol [15] to support searching and
browsing facilities compatible with DSpace functionality.

It appears that DSpace servlets return raw HTML, which the

Greenstone service module would have to parse. Alternatively, DSpace
could be modified to provide an option for the servlet to present its
output in XML rather than HTML format, an option that Greenstone
already incorporates because it has proved useful in many other
contexts. Then, the two systems would be able to exchange structured
data at runtime.

As in the previous scenario, users could jointly search Greenstone

collections and DSpace repositories.

DSpace access to Greenstone

Much the same discussion above can be applied in the other direction.
While some of the terminology changes, the ideas remain the same, as
does the end result: seamless integration of Greenstone collections
within a DSpace site. Manipulating the inheritance hierarchy in
DSpace, new Java classes could be introduced that access
Greenstone3 functionality. This could be accomplished at the servlet
level, taking advantage of the XML output option, or more directly
through the Greenstone message passing mechanism over SOAP.

Joint distribution of DSpace and Greenstone3

Although we decided above not to pursue a joint distribution of

DSpace and Greenstone2, an analogous venture with Greenstone3
could prove worthwhile. Greenstone uses the InstallShield software for
easy installation, and this would simplify the installation process for
DSpace, which currently requires specialist computer knowledge.
Both systems run as servlets and could share the Tomcat
implementation of the Java Servlet technology [16]. They could also
share a relational database. As noted above they have made different
choices, but both use JDBC to insulate themselves from the details of
the particular database system.

Users could employ either system's collection-building tool – the

DSpace document submission mechanism in Figure 1 or the
Greenstone Librarian Interface applet in Figure 5 – on top of either
system. The joint release should include examples in both systems, and

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make it easy for users to pick the features that suit them best.

4. StoneD

Figures 1-6 are browser snapshots showing a worked example that

demonstrates the bi-directional link we have implemented. To anyone
who is familiar with the individual systems, the layout and structure of
the figures are essentially unremarkable. The snapshots in Figures 1
and 2 look much like any other DSpace installation; likewise for the
Greenstone snapshots in Figures 3 and 4. It is what underlies them
that is of interest here. We first describe the technical developments
that constitute the bridge between the two systems, and then walk
through the example shown in the figures.

Figure 1. Adding a document to DSpace.

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Figure 2. Having deposited the document,

DSpace returns to the community's home page.

Exporting from Greenstone to DSpace

DSpace uses a documented internal archive format for batch importing

of records, and for exporting records or collections to other DSpace
systems. The format is straightforward: one directory per document,
with a manifest specifying all files that make up the document, a
metadata file specified using Dublin Core, a handle file [17] containing
the DSpace identifier, and the files themselves.

Greenstone uses an "importing" phase to bring all documents and

metadata into the system, converting them from their source formats if
necessary, followed by a "building" phase that creates the full-text
indexes and browsing structures used by the reader. The internal
format for storing documents and metadata long predates the METS
standard for encoding descriptive, administrative and structural
metadata for objects in a digital library [18]. However, following
development of that standard, an option has been added to
Greenstone's importing phase that makes Greenstone use METS as an
alternative internal format. (The particular form that Greenstone uses
has been accepted as a METS Profile by the METS Board.)

It is natural, therefore, to add a similar option to the importing phase

that converts the input documents and metadata into the DSpace

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batch import format. This is accomplished by running the Greenstone

import program with the -saveas DSpace flag. (In fact, this feature had
already been suggested by users on the Greenstone mailing list.) For
each document, the importing procedure builds a network of data
structures that represents it in the form of a document object model.
Then this structure, which is independent of any file format, is
traversed to generate a specific set of files in accordance with the
designated target file format. Support for DSpace merely required the
inclusion of an additional traversal routine.

This functionality was also wrapped into a new Greenstone command

called export. In reality, this command is just a cosmetic wrapper to
the more general import script, with arguments tuned to this task –
but the export program is included because it seems counterintuitive
to have to run a program called "import" to perform the task of

Because Greenstone collections can use any metadata standard, it was

necessary to provide a crosswalk facility to map the metadata into
Dublin Core, if it is not in that form already. The same operation is
needed when exposing Greenstone collections over the OAI-PMH
protocol, and this previously implemented mechanism is reused for
DSpace export. A metadata crosswalk in Greenstone is a text file that
specifies source metadata elements and the corresponding term in the
destination set. Prefix notation is used to specify metadata
namespaces. For example, gils.abstract→dc.description maps
"abstract" metadata in the Government Information Locator Service
format to Dublin Core's "description" field. To provide convenient
abbreviations for a variety of common situations, additional syntax
supports defaults, wildcard matching, and collection-specific

If so directed, Greenstone extracts certain metadata fields

automatically. For instance, it might interpret the value specified in
the <title> tag of an HTML document as Title metadata, or set
Language metadata by heuristically analyzing the document's full text.
The resulting metadata is artificially scoped by prefixing it by " ex." to
distinguish its namespace from all others. Greenstone uses exactly the
same crosswalk technique to manipulate extracted metadata as well.

Standardized crosswalks have been defined for a variety of formats.

Transformations from MARC to Dublin Core and from GILS to Dublin
Core are provided with Greenstone. End users can extend these and
add more as their needs dictate.

Exporting from DSpace to Greenstone

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Greenstone uses modules called "plugins" to import documents and

metadata in different formats, and to associate metadata with the
appropriate documents. Plugins can manipulate the stream of
filenames that governs what is included in the collection [19]. Plugins
that import documents can perform format conversion internally or
take advantage of existing conversion utilities. Metadata can be read
from the input documents or from separate metadata files, or it can be
computed from the documents themselves. New plugins can be written
for novel situations.

The natural way to enable Greenstone to process DSpace collections

was to write a plugin that digests a collection in its entirety by reading
the DSpace archive format. This plugin seeks out DSpace manifest files
and their associated Dublin Core records, which are in XML format.
These records are parsed to form a partial document object model.
This is attached to a list of the filenames that are specified in the
manifest as primary forms of the document. Nothing more is necessary:
Greenstone's existing mechanism for binding metadata to documents
automatically performs the rest of the work.

To place this in a specific context, consider a single PDF document in

DSpace. When exported, the manifest lists just one file: a copy of the
PDF document. Accompanying it is an XML file that encodes the
document's Dublin Core metadata. To import it into Greenstone, the
collection should be configured to use both the DSpace plugin and the
PDF plugin. This is trivial to arrange: Greenstone collections routinely
use multiple plugins. During the import process the DSpace plugin
causes the metadata in the Dublin Core record to be associated with
the named PDF document, but it is not until the PDF plugin processes
the primary document that the information is actually bound to the file
and the full document object is formed.

To support more complex scenarios some further features are needed.

DSpace distinguishes between files that play primary and secondary
roles. For example, for an HTML web page with supporting image files,
the HTML file is marked as primary and the images secondary. The
Greenstone plugin must block secondary files to prevent them from
being treated as independent documents with the same metadata
attached. The plugin infrastructure already has the ability to
manipulate the stream of filenames being processed, and the required
blocking is straightforward to arrange.

To cover the possibility of a DSpace collection including a document

type that is not supported by Greenstone, an existing plugin called
UnknownPlug is used as a catchall [note 5]. This generic plugin was
designed for the situation where there is no existing native plugin for

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a particular file format. It functions by attaching any stipulated

metadata to the raw source document.

It is our experience that different collections often trigger different

design needs, even when they use the same fundamental document
formats and metadata. Consequently Greenstone allows plugins to
have options that are specified in a collection's configuration file. The
DSpace plugin supports several options, some of which are mentioned
in the example that follows.


The setting for our small (fictitious) example is a university music

department that makes use of DSpace and Greenstone to store essays
and other documents that relate to its research interests. Figure 1
shows a user interacting with the DSpace submission process to add a
new item to the communal repository: an interview with Bob Dylan by
British DJ John Peel, for which there is an MP3 audio recording and a
written transcription in Word format. The user has performed two
steps in a sequence that garners a variety of information. On
completion of the sequence, the user returns to the community's home
page in Figure 2, which shows the new contribution on the right as a
recently added document. From this page the user can browse the
collection by metadata such as title and author, or perform a search on
the metadata fields.

Using the export feature of DSpace combined with Greenstone's

DSpace plugin, the music department hosts a parallel Greenstone
version of the same collection. Because of the static nature of
Greenstone2, this is set up as an automated process that runs hourly.
An alternative would be to arrange for anyone in the user community
to rebuild the collection from Greenstone's Librarian interface. Indeed,
a trivial addition to DSpace would enable Greenstone to rebuild the
collection immediately upon deposition of a new work. In all cases
rebuilding takes place behind the scenes: the old version of the
collection is served until it is silently superseded by the new one, and
Greenstone's document identifier system ensures that users never
notice the changeover – except that new documents may appear when
they refresh their web browser.

In Figure 3 the user has accessed the Greenstone home page for the
same collection. Greenstone collections can easily be customized by
end users, but in this default case the two versions of the collection
offer essentially the same features. Here, users can search and browse
by title and author just as in DSpace, although the interface layout
differs. Figure 4 shows the page accessed by clicking the titles a-z
button in the navigation bar. From here the various source documents

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can be viewed, in multiple representations where available. The icon

for the Word transcript of the Bob Dylan interview is displayed to the
left, and the MP3 icon is shown under "also available as."

Figure 3. Home page for the Department of Music collection

in Greenstone.

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Figure 4. Browsing titles in Greenstone.

This superficial visual difference reflects a more fundamental disparity

in how the two systems work. DSpace treats the PDF and MP3 versions
of the interview as equal representations of the same work, and
metadata is associated with the work as a whole. Greenstone regards
the PDF version as the primary document, to which the metadata is
attached, while the MP3 file fulfills a secondary role (an "associated
file" in Greenstone terminology).

Greenstone indexes the text extracted from the primary document. By

default DSpace does not offer full text indexing (although any
collection can be configured to provide it). When users add
documents, DSpace treats each work as a black box and makes no
attempt to peek inside. Readers normally locate documents by
searching and browsing metadata. Users supply metadata manually
when they work through DSpace's interactive process for depositing
documents. In contrast, the role of indexing is central to Greenstone,
and considerable effort is invested in plugins that process individual
document formats – with the fringe benefit of the possibility of
automatically generated (and consequently probably unreliable)
metadata. This approach is better matched to a batch workflow. Each
system can support the other type of workflow, but doing so does not
play to its strengths.

In the context of our music department example, this difference means

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that Greenstone users can search the full text of any document to
locate an item of interest. However, DSpace users can peruse a list of
recently added items, a notion that is less natural in a collection that is
built afresh each time. We emphasize that with a little effort each
system could be configured to add the missing facility if desired.

Behind the scenes, Greenstone uses a collection configuration file to

encapsulate the collection's design. Figure 7a shows pertinent
excerpts of this file for the music department's collection. (This is
unlikely to be of any interest to members of that department!) A list of
plugins is specified that forms a pipeline for processing, with
DSpacePlug occurring before the likes of PDFPlug and WordPlug so
that the metadata it extracts is available when the other plugins
encounter their respective document types. DSpacePlug has the
option xfirst_inorder_ext with an argument that dictates that the PDF
version of a work should be chosen ahead of any Word version as the
principal document to index, and a Word version should be chosen
ahead of an MP3 file.

The configuration file specifies two browsing features using the

classify command: one for titles and the other for authors. This gives
the Greenstone version comparable features to the DSpace version.
Greenstone's configurable design would allow much more end-user
tailoring of browsing and indexing options. Although the Greenstone
configuration file is a succinct way of showing how a collection works
behind the scenes, ordinary Greenstone users never encounter this file
in its raw form. Collection design is handled through the Librarian

To demonstrate the connection between DSpace and Greenstone

traveling in the opposite direction, we reuse the same document set
and metadata. The process results in Greenstone and DSpace
collections that are virtually identical to those in Figures 1- 4. Even so,
there are interesting intricacies in how this was accomplished. For
example, we assume that author metadata is entered in Greenstone as
dc.Creator, which we believe most users would probably do in this
context, rather than dc.Contributor, which is DSpace's standard.

In Figure 5, the collection designer is using Greenstone's Librarian

Interface to digest the documents, accompanied with metadata, and to
shape the collection. Having selected Dublin Core as the metadata set
and dragged the source documents into the collection area (not
shown), the designer is in the process of adding metadata. She is using
the Enrich tab, selecting each primary document in the file tree
displayed in the left-hand panel of Figure 5 and entering metadata
values on the right. A value for dc.Title has already been entered; the
author John Peel is in the process of being added as dc.Creator (if

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desired, dc.Contributor could equally well have been used). Here we

encounter another difference: the mismatch between unqualified
Dublin Core (Greenstone) and qualified Dublin Core (DSpace). The
mismatch is resolved when transferring the collection from Greenstone
to DSpace by utilizing the metadata mapping facility, which works
within a single metadata set as well as across two different ones. When
the export script is finally initiated, a metadata mapping file that
includes the line dc.Creator→dc.Contributor^author serves to match
up these values.

Figure 5. Augmenting a document with metadata using

Greenstone's Librarian interface.

Figure 6. Building the collection in the Librarian interface.

But first there is one further design element to consider. When the

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Greenstone collection was created, a default list of plugins was

incorporated. Plugins for PDF and Word documents are included in
this default, but one for MP3 needs to be added. To bind the different
media representations of the same work together into one item in the
collection, we exploit a Greenstone convention and give them the same
root filename with different file extensions. This is done before
dragging the documents into Greenstone, and is activated using the
-associate_ext plugin option. (If that option was not set, they would be
treated as different works.)

The interaction (not shown) to do this is simple. Figure 7b shows

pertinent excerpts from the collection configuration file that results.
For documents that are available in several different formats, DSpace
allows one to be nominated as the primary document. Greenstone can
impose a preference order on document versions. In this case we put
the plugins in the order pdf, doc, mp3 ; and then assign -associate_ext
doc,mp3 for the PDF plugin and -associate_ext mp3 for the Word
plugin. When a PDF document is processed, this option instructs the
plugin to check for files with the same root and extension .doc or .mp3 ,
and associate them with this document. This has the necessary
side-effect of blocking these files from being processed by other
plugins. Any document that ends up being processed by the Word
plugin must necessarily have no PDF counterpart (otherwise it would
have been blocked), which is why that plugin's -associate_ext option
only specifies mp3 . The shared root file naming convention is useful in
a variety of other situations too.

(a) (b)

Figure 7. Greenstone configuration file (abridged)

(a) for files imported from DSpace, (b) for files to be exported to

Figure 7b illustrates another wrinkle. Since author metadata is now

entered as dc.Creator, this term should be used when stipulating the
index and AZList classifier (which creates an alphabetical index).
Again, in practice this is accomplished in the more supportive
environment of the Librarian Interface, which displays the available

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choices as a selectable list of items.

Now we are ready to press the build button in the Create tab, shown
in Figure 6. On completion, this yields a collection visually identical to
that shown in Figures 3-4. One of the options on the Librarian
Interface's File menu is Export. Upon start-up, the system interrogates
the export script described earlier for a list of known export file
formats, and these formats are dynamically added into the interface.
Activating File→Export produces a popup that lists the available
formats – currently METS and DSpace. Choosing DSpace, browsing to
a suitable metadata mapping file (if required), and pressing the export
button produces a set of files that can be transferred to a DSpace
installation and imported in batch mode. The resulting collection is
shown in Figures 1-2.

5. Conclusions

Greenstone and DSpace are both designed to help third parties set up
their own digital libraries. However, they represent rather different
perspectives and have different, and in many ways complementary,
goals and strengths. One goal they share is to be flexible, and both can
be customized and modified at many different levels – including the
programming level, since they are open source systems. This gives the
ultimate flexibility and yields significant advantages over closed-
source systems. Of course, this very flexibility makes fair comparison

This article has compared and contrasted the two systems' goals in
terms of the core business that they aim to support, and compared
their features in terms of their natural domain of operation. A crude
caricature of the difference is that Greenstone supports individually
designed collections of different kinds of documents and metadata in
an international setting – epitomized by completely static collections
on CD-ROM or DVD – whereas DSpace supports institutions in their
struggle to capture and disseminate the intellectual output of an
institution and preserve it indefinitely – epitomized by its use by MIT
Libraries, who helped pioneer its development. However, each system
is highly flexible and customizable to meet a wide variety of needs.

There are fertile opportunities for crossover between the two systems.
As well as being of great practical benefit to users, studying these
opportunities sheds light on many practical issues of interoperability
between different digital library systems. Standard interoperability
frameworks include OAI-PMH, which focuses on interoperability of
metadata alone, and METS, which is a general framework that focuses
on interoperability of document and metadata containers. Neither of
these provides a sufficient mechanism for a satisfactory bridge

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between Greenstone and DSpace, at least not without establishing

elaborate further conventions on top of these basic standards.

What we have actually implemented in StoneD is a facility for

exporting collections from DSpace and importing them into
Greenstone, and vice versa. It is included in the current release of
Greenstone2, the production version of this digital library software.
This article has described the mechanism, along with an extended
practical example.

We have also investigated more intimate linkages, which fit better

within the framework of Greenstone3, a new variant that is under
active development and has been released as an "alpha" version. One
possibility has DSpace and Greenstone sharing their document and
metadata database; another has Greenstone accessing active DSpace
services to present a DSpace collection through the Greenstone
interface. In both cases users would be able to search across
Greenstone and DSpace collections, and in the second scenario
Greenstone users would have access to DSpace collections on different
computers. However, neither of these possibilities has been
implemented. If they were, the effort might culminate in a joint
Greenstone/DSpace release.

We regard it as healthy that different open source systems are being

developed for digital libraries. We hope that library implementers will
find this work helpful in clarifying the differences between these
systems and mitigating the long-term effect of any decision they make
as to which to use today. We also hope that future developers can
build upon this work and on the enormous open source code base that
these two systems represent.


We gratefully acknowledge the stimulating environment of the New

Zealand Digital Library Project that supported this work, and the
helpful suggestions of John Rose, Dr T.B. Rajashekar, and Tim Elphick.


1 Pronounced Stone-Dee.

2 Stefan Boddie, DL Consulting, <http://www.dlconsulting.co.nz>.

3 Open Repository home page, <http://www.openrepository.com>.

4 This applies to Greenstone2 only. Collections in Greenstone3 can be


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5 The converse problem is not an issue, because DSpace does not look
inside its document files except when directed to create a full-text
index, and then it simply skips over files that are in formats it cannot


[1] Witten, I. H., Bainbridge, D. and Boddie, S.J. (2001). "Greenstone:

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[2] Witten, I.H. and Bainbridge, D. (2003) How to build a digital

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[3] Smith, M. (2003) "DSpace: An open source institutional repository

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[5] "MIT's DSpace experience: a case study." (http://www.dspace.org


[6] Witten, I. H., Cunningham, S.J. and Apperley, M. (1996) "The New
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[7] "The Open Archives Initiative protocol for metadata harvesting."


[8] Cundiff, M.V. (2004) "An introduction to the Metadata Encoding

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[10] Weibel, S. (1999) "The state of the Dublin Core metadata

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[11] Tansley, R., Bass, M. and Smith, M. (2003) "DSpace as an Open

Archival Information System: Current Status and Future Directions."
Proc European Conference on Digital Libraries, Trondheim, Norway.

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pp 446-460.

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(2003) "Managing change in a digital library system with many
interface languages." Proc European Conference on Digital Libraries,
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[13] Witten, I. H. and Bainbridge, D. (2005, in press) "Creating digital

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[18] "METS: An overview and tutorial." (http://www.loc.gov/standards


[19] Witten, I. H., Bainbridge, D., Paynter, G.W. and Boddie, S. (2002)
"The Greenstone plugin architecture." Proc Joint Conference on
Digital Libraries, Portland, Oregon.

Copyright © 2005 Ian H. Witten, David Bainbridge, Robert Tansley, Chi-Yu Huang and
Katherine J. Don

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