Ordnance Department Procurement

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The document discusses the massive scale of munitions production by the US Army's Ordnance Department during WWII, which exceeded all other technical services combined in cost and bulk. It also discusses the complex process of distributing munitions worldwide and keeping track of them.

The document mentions that calculating military requirements with utmost accuracy was very important given the long lead time required to get munitions into full production. Other challenges included storing munitions until needed, keeping them in repair, and tracking large quantities.

The document states that the problems of producing and distributing large quantities of military equipment remain similar even in future wars. It also emphasizes understanding all intricacies of military production for preparedness and economy in national defense.


In cost and bulk, the munitions manufactured by and for the Army's
Ordnance Department during World War II exceeded the output of all the
other technical services of the Army combined, and in cost they rivaled that
for the aircraft and ships with which the war was fought. The process of
getting these munitions to fighting forces all over the world—of storing them
until needed, of keeping track of them, and of keeping them in repair—was
almost as complicated as their manufacture. In writing the story of these two
main aspects of the Ordnance mission on the home front, the authors have
produced a record of enduring value; for whatever the character of military
procurement now and in the future, the problems of producing and distributing
military equipment on a very large scale remain much the same.
Since private industry and civilian labor inevitably are called upon to
contribute enormously to the making of munitions on any large scale, civilian
as well as military readers should find much in this volume to instruct them.
Perhaps its greatest lesson is the long lead time required to get munitions into
full production, and therefore the need for calculating military requirements
with the utmost accuracy possible. It is imperative, in this age of international
tension and partial mobilization, that all of the intricacies of military production
be clearly understood if the nation is to get the maximum of economy as well
as security in preparations for its defense.

Washington, D. C. JAMES A. NORELL

22 September 1959 Brig. Gen., U.S.A.
Chief of Military History

Note on the Authors
Harry C. Thomson received his doctorate in government from Harvard
University. During World War II he was a historian with the Army Air
Forces, serving both as an enlisted man and as a commissioned officer. He
became a member of the Ordnance Historical Branch in 1948, serving as its
chief from 1952 until June 1959, when he resigned to become Assistant
Editor of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Lida Mayo, a graduate of Randolph-Macon Woman's College, served as
Historian with the Military Air Transport Service from 1946 to 1950, when
she joined the Ordnance Historical Branch. Except for the years 1954-56,
when she was Project Historian on the staff of The American University, she
has continued with the Branch, becoming its chief in June 1959.

This is the second of a 3-volume series on the role of the Ordnance Depart-
ment (now Ordnance Corps) in World War II. As the first volume, subtitled
Planning Munitions for War,1 gave emphasis to research and development, this
volume deals with procurement and supply, and the third will describe Ordnance
operations overseas. It is particularly important for the reader of this volume
to bear in mind that the first volume includes, in addition to research and
development, separate chapters on the early history of the Ordnance Depart-
ment, its organizational and personnel problems during World War II, and its
efforts to conserve scarce materials such as copper, steel, and aluminum. The
organizational charts in the earlier volume may be of special assistance to the
reader not familiar with Ordnance organization. Taken together, the three
volumes deal with every major aspect of Ordnance history in World War II,
and give some attention to the prewar years when the art of munitions making
was sadly neglected. The authors have studiously avoided duplication of material
in other volumes of the series UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II,
particularly The Army and Economic Mobilization by R. Elberton Smith.
In his preface to Charles Ffoulkes' little classic, The Gun-Founders of
England, Lord Cottesloe observed, on the eve of World War II, "In all that
has been written about war, but little mention has been made of the making
of weapons; it is their use which is dramatic and tragic and commands public
attention." The mystery of such important matters as the invention of gun-
powder in the 13th century and its employment in crude firearms in the 14th
century has never been properly unraveled; nor has the method by which
medieval chain mail was manufactured in quantity ever been satisfactorily
explained. Neglect of the armorer's art by historians has been traditional in this
country as well as in England, owing in part, no doubt, to the reluctance of
scholars to explore the sooty mysteries of forge and furnace.
After World War I, this reluctance was reinforced by a strong desire to
emphasize the pursuits of peace rather than the ways of war and to write new
textbooks giving less space to battles and political campaigns and more to
social, economic, and cultural history. Most professional historians of the 1920's
and 1930's systematically avoided the study of both warfare and munitions
manufacture, while a number of journalistic writers turned out lurid accounts
Constance McLaughton Green, Harry C. Thomson, and Peter C. Roots, The Ordnance
Department: Planning Munitions for War, UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD
WAR II (Washington, 1955).

of the evil traffic in arms, labeling its practitioners "Merchants of Death."
During World War II the life-and-death importance of arms production swept
away part of the earlier aversion to the subject, and some of the newly
aroused interest in munitions carried over into the postwar years. But it is still
true that, in proportion to its significance, remarkably little substantial material
has been published on the manufacture of munitions. This volume is a modest
effort to redress the balance.
With storage, issue, and maintenance—subjects not mentioned in Lord
Cottesloe's comment but nevertheless implied in it—the situation has been
much the same. If anything, these topics have appeared less appealing and
have been less written about. Warehouses, pipelines, inventories, parts catalogs
—there is nothing glamorous or exciting about these subjects unless an in-
vestigator uncovers fraud or waste. Yet even the most casual student of military
affairs recognizes that these humdrum activities are an essential link in the
long chain of supply. They may not win wars, but their neglect or mismanage-
ment may bring on military disaster.
A word of explanation is needed for the preponderant emphasis on the
early years, 1939-43, in the chapters devoted to procurement (I to XV), and
on the later years in the Field Service chapters. This emphasis is considered
justified for the procurement chapters because the early years saw the emer-
gence of many new problems and led to pioneering efforts to work out solutions.
"If you do any research on procurement," Brig. Gen. John K. Christmas once
advised Industrial College students, "don't look at procurement as it was in
1944. Anybody could do it in 1944. . . . But go back and look at 1940-41,
and so on, if you want to really do some research on procurement." 2 This
injunction has been followed and has been found to fit the facts of life on
the procurement front. With Field Service the opposite has been true. Though
due attention has been given to the early formative years when the Army,
swollen by selective service, was training with broomstick rifles and stovepipe
cannon, the big job for field service came in the latter half of the war when
factories were pouring out equipment in vast quantities and troops were being
deployed around the world. Problems in the management of stocks and mainte-
nance of equipment became critical during the 1943-45 period just as pressure
on the procurement front eased off.
Another distinction between the two parts of the volume should be noted.
As the Industrial Service was organized mainly along product lines—small arms,
artillery, combat vehicles, and ammunition—the procurement chapters follow,
with obvious exceptions, the same pattern. The Field Service organization,
mainly along functional lines, is reflected in the supply chapters on such
topics/as storage, stock control, and maintenance. Co-ordination of the two has
proved as difficult in the writing as it was in actual operation during the war.
Of the procurement chapters all except Chapter VIII were written by Dr.
Harry C. Thomson; the Field Service chapters (XVI to XXII) and the In-
Lecture, Brig Gen John K. Christmas, Procurement Organization, Policies and Problems
of the Department of the Army, 2 Nov 48, ICAF, 149-36, OHF.

troduction are the work of Lida Mayo. Both authors were ably supported
by Mrs. Irene House, whose many services as research assistant were invaluable
and who wrote most of Chapter VIII on small arms. The entire manuscript was
typed and retyped with great skill and patience by Mrs. Feril Cummings.
In the Office of the Chief of Military History, Dr. Stetson Conn, Chief
Historian, and Mr. Joseph R. Friedman, Editor in Chief of the World War II
series, gave the utmost assistance in all aspects of the volume's preparation.
Editing of the manuscript was performed by Carl Brinton Schultz, senior editor,
most ably assisted by Mrs. Helen Whittington, copy editor. Miss Margaret E.
Tackley chose the photographs.

Washington, D. C. HARRY C. THOMSON

22 September 1959


Chapter Page
I . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . 1

II. PROCUREMENT PLANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Plans f o r N e w Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Plans f o r Decentralized Procurement . . . . . . . . . . 13
Contract Forms a n d Legal Restrictions . . . . . . . . . 16
Surveys o f Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Educational Orders a n d Production Studies . . . . . . . . 19
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1

III. LAUNCHING T H E DEFENSE PROGRAM, 1940-41 . . . . . 24

Procurement Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Placing t h e First Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Activating t h e District Offices, August 1940 . . . . . . . . 27
Successes a n d Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Plant Allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
District-Arsenal-OCO Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Creating N e w Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Criticisms, Delays, a n d Difficulties . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Engineering Advisory Committees . . . . . . . . . . . 39
B i g Business v s . Small Business . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Status o f Rearmament, December 1941 . . . . . . . . . 42

I V . T H E PROBLEM O F REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . 45
Elements o f Requirements Computation . . . . . . . . . 46
Requirements i n t h e Defense Period, 1940 - 4 1 . . . . . . . 55
T h e Army Supply Program, 1942-1944 . . . . . . . . . 59
Introduction o f Supply Control, 1944-45 . . . . . . . . 64

Chapter Page
V . ARTILLERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Artillery o n Hand i n 1940 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Production Preparedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Launching t h e Program, 1940-41 . . . . . . . . . . 74
T h e First Year o f W a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Production Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Fire Control Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Changing Requirements a n d Types, 1943-45 . . . . . . . 99
Heavy Artillery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100


A Government-Owned Ammunition Industry . . . . . . . 105
T h e Anatomy o f Ammunition Production . . . . . . . . 107
T h e Period o f Plant Expansion, 1940-42 . . . . . . . . 108
Metal Components . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 3


Operations o f FDAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 0
Technological Advances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Balancing Production, 1941-43 . . . . . . . . . . . 140
T h e Crisis o f 1944-45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
I n Conclusion: Quality a n d Quantity . . . . . . . . . . 150

VIII. SMALL ARMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

A i d t o Britain i n 1940 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Production Preparedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Getting t h e Garand into Production . . . . . . . . . . 160
T h e Carbine Enters t h e Picture . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Post-Pearl Harbor Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Rifle Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Carbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 4
The BAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Machine Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Submachine Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
T h e Bazooka Rocket Launcher . . . . . . . .
. . . 182
Recoilless Rifles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Miscellaneous Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

I X . SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION . . . . . . . . . . . 188

Dwindling Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Prewar Plans a n d Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Building N e w Plants, 1940-42 . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Production Processes a n d Problems . . . . . . . . . . 204
Surpluses, Cutbacks, a n d Terminations . . . . . . . . . 217

Chapter Page
Early Plans a n d Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
T h e Upswing i n 1940 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Doubling t h e Program i n 1941 . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
T h e All-Out Effort i n 1942 . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
XI. PRODUCTION O F TANKS . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 4
Transmissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 6
Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 7
Light Tanks: M2A4 t o M 2 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
T h e Shift From Grants t o Shermans i n 1942 . . . . . . . . 252
Tank Depots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
T h e 1943-45 Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Shift t o Heavy Tanks i n 1944-45 . . . . . . . . . . . 259
T h e Balance Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262

XII. MOTOR TRANSPORT VEHICLES . . . . . . . . . . 265

T h e Struggle f o r Standardization . . . .
266 . . . . . . .
T h e Defense Period, 1939-41 . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
T h e First Year o f W a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Crisis i n Heavy-Heavy Trucks, 1943-45 . . . . . . . . . 286
Special Vehicle Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292

XIII. SPARE PARTS F O R VEHICLES . . . . . . . . . . . 300

Categories o f Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Spare Parts i n Ordnance, 1939-42 . . . . . . . . . . 302
Spare Parts i n t h e QMC, 1939-42 . . . . . . . . . . 307
After t h e Merger, 1942-45 . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Inspection Manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Recruiting a n d Training Inspectors . . . . . . . . . . 323
General Somers' Role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Inspection Gages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Proving Grounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Statistical Quality Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Commodity Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332


T h e Walter Scott Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
T h e Guiberson Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
T h e International Harvester Case . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Organization a n d Training . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
T h e Statutory Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Action o n V - J D a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348

Chapter Page
T h e Pattern f o r Depots a n d Maintenance Facilities . . . . . . 352
T h e Ordnance Provision System . . . . . . . . . . . 354
T h e Lamp o f Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359

XVII. T H E N E W DEPOT SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

Appropriations f o r Storage i n 1940 . . . . . . . . . . 363
T h e First Prewar Ammunition Depots . . . . . . . . . 366
T h e Fiscal Year 1942 Program . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Opening t h e N e w Depots . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376

XVIII. REVISIONS I N T H E DEPOT SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . 379

Storage o f General Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
T h e Acquisition o f Quartermaster Facilities . . .
. . . . . 383
Reallocation o f Space b y A S F . . . . . . .
. . . . . 386
T h e Changing Pattern o f Distribution . . . .
. . . . . 387
T h e Master Depot System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Instability i n Depot Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . 391

XIX. T H E LANGUAGE O F SUPPLY . . . . . . . . . . . 395

A N e w Spare Parts Organization . . . . . . . . . . . 396
T h e U s e o f I B M Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
T h e Parts Control Division . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Effects o f t h e Motor Vehicle Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . 399
T h e Crisis Early i n 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Parts Numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
Interchangeability o f Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Implementation o f t h e N e w Numbers Program . . . . . . . 405
A Common Language o f Supply . . . . . . . . . . . 407

X X . STOCK CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410

Departures From the Ordnance Provision System . . . . . . 410
Decentralization o f Stock Control . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Special Problems o f Automotive Parts Supply . . . . . . . 413
T h e Influence o f A S F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Redistribution a n d Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
Stock Control i n Retrospect . . . . . . . . . . . . 420

XXI. AMMUNITION SUPPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423

Means o f Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Improvements i n t h e Pattern o f Distribution . . . . . . . . 429

Chapter Page
XXII. MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Maintenance a t t h e Arsenals . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
Reorganization o f M e n a n d Equipment . . . . . . . . . 443
T h e Echelon System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
Problems o f Automotive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . 450
T h e Preventive Maintenance Program . . . . . . . . . 451
Maintenance Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Combined Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
T h e Reclamation Program o f 1944 . . . . . . . . . . 461
Trends i n Maintenance Engineering . . . . . . . . . . 463

XXIII. CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465

Appraising t h e Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Looking t o t h e Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477

GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487

No. Page
1 . Selected Items From Time Objective, August 1940 . . . . . . . . 25
2. Selected Ordnance Items Procured, July 1940-December 1941 . . . . 43
3. Examples of Ground Ammunition Day of Supply for Theater
o f Operations, 2 3 December 1941 . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4. Summary Tabulation of Ordnance Share of Expenditure Programs ... 56
5. Presidential Objectives: Ordnance Items, 3 January 1942 . . . . . . 61
6 . Decline i n Tank Requirements During 1942 . . . . . . . . . . 64
7 . Selected Ordnance Items, 1942-1943 . . . . . . . . . . . 65
8. Artillery Available, 3 0 June 1940 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
9 . Artillery Production, 1 July 1940-31 December 1941 . . . . . . . 84
10. Summary of Artillery Production, 1940-1945 ............... 101
11. Expenditures for Heavy Field Artillery Ammunition, January
1944-August 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
12. Shipments of Selected Types of Artillery Ammunition to the
European Theater, December 1944-March 1945 . . . . . . . . 150
13. Heavy Artillery Ammunition Stocks on Hand in ETO, 31 May 1945 ... 151
14. Major Types of Ammunition Procured, 1 July 1940-31 August 1945 . . . 152
No. Page
15. Rifle Production, 1940-1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
16. Machine G u n Production, 1940-1945 . . . . . . . . . . . 181
17. Small Arms Ammunition Production, 1940-1945 . . . . . . . . 189
18. Estimated Yearly Capacity o f Frankford Arsenal . . . . . . . 193
19. Tank Production b y Facility, 1940-1945 . . . . . . . . . . 242
20. U.S. Tank Production, 1944-1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
21. Comparative Table of German, British, and American Tank
Production, 1940-1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
22. Production of Heavy-Heavy Trucks by Month, 1943-1944-1945 ... 290
23. Production of Motor Transport Vehicles, 1939 - 1945 . . . . . . . 296
24. Dollar Value of Ordnance Contract Terminations: As of 31
December 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349

1. ETO Authorized Levels and Theater Stocks: Ground Ammunition . . 149
2. Spare Parts Buying for Tank Combat and Motor Transport
Vehicles, 1940-1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317

Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Aboard Medium Tank M 2 . . . . . . 3. .
Maj. Gen. James K . Crain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 .
Maj. Gen. Charles T . Harris, J r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
T h e Fourteen Ordnance Procurement Districts . . . . . . . . . . 14
Assistant Secretary o f W a r Louis Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Inspecting a 75-mm. Pack Howitzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Major Caliber G u n Shop a t Watervliet . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Platform f o r 90-mm. A A G u n Carriage . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
M 3 Medium Tank Mounting a 75-mm. G u n . . . . . . . . . . . 82
T h e Priest, a 105-mm. Howitzer Motor Carriage M 7 . . . . . . . . . 89
Night Construction Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
A 500-pound Demolition Bomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
A 22,000-pound Semi-armor-piercing Bomb . . . . . . . . . . . 119
B o x o f Bulk T N T . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Inspector a t Volunteer Ordnance Works . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Workmen Pouring Molten T N T Into 155-mm. Shells . . . . . . . . 139

Saginaw G u n Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
John C . Garand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Producing Carbine Barrels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Completed Carbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 7
John C . Browning, G u n Inventor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Officer Candidates a t Fontainebleau . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Loading a 57-mm. Recoilless Rifle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Small Arms Ammunition Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Lead Slugs f o r .45-caliber Bullets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Maj. Gen. Thomas J . Hayes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
.50-caliber Machine G u n Ammunition i n Fabric Belts . . . . . . . . 214
Detroit Tank Arsenal Under Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
General Sherman M4A1 Medium Tank Assembly Line . . . . . . . . 236
General Grant M 3 Medium Tank Assembly Line . . . . . . . . . . 237
Overhead Crane Lowering a General Stuart M 3 Light Tank . . . . . 243
Remanufacturing Light Tanks M3A3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Heavy Tank M 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Assembling 2½-ton Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Jeep, ¼-ton 4 x 4 Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Dukw, 2½-ton Amphibian Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Half-track Cars M 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Cartoon b y Bill Mauldin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Maj. Gen. Levin H . Campbell, J r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
Laboratory Foreman Loading 37-mm. Antitank G u n . . . . . . . . 328
Large-Caliber Ammunition i n Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Igloos a t Umatilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
S a n Jacinto Ordnance Depot Dock Area . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Inside Storage o f 155-mm. Shells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Outside Storage o f 100-pound Bombs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Open-type Storage Sheds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
Ordnance Storage Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Brig. Gen. Julian S . Hatcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Soldiers Looking u p S N L Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Convoy o f Ordnance Maintenance Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Trucks o f Newly Formed Ordnance Battalion . . . . . . . . . . . 446
"Joe Dope" Posters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454

All illustrations are from the files of the Department of Defense except for the
cartoon by Bill Mauldin on page 298 and the photographs from the American
Ordnance Association on pages 82, 179, and 441.


"Nobody can see through this curtain of gress and in the published hearings, they
battle smoke that enshrouds the earth to- caused an uproar. There were not enough
day," cried a member of the U.S. House effective antiaircraft guns to defend a single
of Representatives on 10 May 1940, the large American city. There were coast-
morning Hitler invaded the Low Coun- defense guns for most large coastal cities
tries. As the early news bulletins came but some of them had not been fired for
over the radio, the first reaction in America twenty years, and all could be bombed out
was shock. On succeeding days, as news of existence by carrier-based airplanes. As
reports described the full weight of the for field artillery, there were about 5,000
offensive—the great thunder and roar of French 75's left over from World War I,
tanks, artillery, and dive bombers crushing but nearly all of them were mounted on
Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Nether- big wooden wheels with steel tires made to
lands, and rolling toward France and the be drawn by mules or horses. Such guns
English Channel—shock became alarm. would be shaken to pieces if towed by a
Another Representative expressed the gen- truck or tractor at high speed over rough
eral feeling when he shouted, "Hell is out ground; furthermore, they did not have
of bounds!"1 sufficient traverse or elevation to be fully
Speculations that would have seemed effective. Only 141 had been modernized
fantastic a few months before suddenly be- with improved carriages and pneumatic
came horrifying possibilities: that Hitler tires. The 105-mm. howitzer, a companion
would quickly defeat Britain and France; piece to the 75-mm. gun as primary divi-
that Japan would move to seize the Neth- sional artillery, was just going into produc-
erlands East Indies and Malaya; and that tion. There were none on hand, and it
the United States would soon stand alone, would take fourteen to sixteen months to
virtually isolated in a world of hostile dic- produce the 48 for which funds had been
tatorships, "the last great Democracy on provided. There were only four modernized
earth."2 How well would the United States
be able to defend itself if attacked? What
weapons did it have? 1
(1) Congressional Record, vol. 86, pt. 6, 76th
Congress had the answer as of 1 May Cong., 3d sess., pp. 5916, 6560; (2) Time, May
1940, submitted by the War Department 27,2 1940, pp. 17-18.
at hearings on the military appropriations Walter Lippmann quoted in Time, May 20,
1940, p. 15. By 27 May a Gallup poll showed that
bill for Fiscal Year 1941. When the figures U.S. confidence in an Allied victory had dropped
came out in late May, on the floor of Con- from 82 percent to 55 percent.

155-mm. guns, and no modern 8-inch how- den, crucial importance of the bomber
itzers.3 threw a glaring light on the pitifully small
And what of the ability of the U.S. Army stock of bombs. There were only 11,928
to wage tank warfare, so brilliantly em- bombs of the 500-lb. size and only 4,336 of
ployed by the Germans? Senator Henry the 1,000-lb. type.6
Cabot Lodge, just returned from maneu- Alarmed and angry, Congress, the press,
vers in Louisiana, reported to the Senate: and the public demanded to know the
"I have recently seen all the tanks in the reason for the low state of the nation's de-
United States, about 400 in number, or fenses. Since 1933 there had been mount-
about one finger of the fanlike German ad- ing appropriations for defense, the largest
vance about which we have read, or about peacetime appropriations for military pur-
the number destroyed in two days of fight- poses in the history of the United States.
ing in the current European War. The Where had the money gone? When Presi-
Germans have a rough total of 3,000." dent Roosevelt stood before a joint session
Furthermore, almost all American tanks of Congress on 16 May 1940 to ask for
were of the light type, weighing only 10 or over a billion dollars more, his program
12 tons. Little was authoritatively known was almost unanimously approved by the
about German tanks; some were said to be lawmakers and the press. But some mem-
80-ton monsters. The Army believed that bers of Congress were demanding to know
37-mm. antitank guns would be effective whether new appropriations would "go
against them. But the United States had down the same rat hole into which we have
only 218 guns of this type.4 poured $7,000,000,000 . . . during the last
The brightest spot in the dark picture 6 years." 7
was the small arms situation. There were The Army's answer was that about
enough machine guns; and there were some three-fourths of the $3,400,000,000 appro-
two and a half million rifles. About 35,000 priated for the Army had gone for such
of the rifles were new Garand semiauto- things as pay, subsistence, and travel ex-
matics, and the number was increasing penses,—"merely a case of the American
steadily; 4,000 a month were being turned standard of living applied to the mainte-
out at Springfield Armory. The new rapid-
firing rifle had received high praise from 3
Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Sen-
no less a personage than Vice President ate Committee on Appropriations on H.R. 9209,
John N. Garner, who had used it in deer Military Establishment Appropriation Bill for
1941, 76th Cong., 3d sess., pp. 221-24. (Hereafter
hunting.5 Congressional Hearings on Army appropriation
All types of weapons needed ammunition bills will be cited as WDAB, S. or H.R.)
in unprecedented quantities to wage blitz- (1) Congressional Record, vol. 86, pt. 6, 76th
Cong., 3d sess., pp. 6130-39, 6877; (2) WDAB,
krieg warfare. The figures for ammunition S., 76th Cong., 3d sess., p. 223.
on hand were as discouraging as those for Maj Gen Charles M. Wesson's 11 O'Clock
artillery. Congress was told that there were Conf Min, 1 Apr 40, OHF. (Hereafter Minutes
of the Wesson Conferences are cited as Min, Wes-
only 46,000 rounds for 37-mm. antiaircraft son Confs.)
guns, 75,000 for 37-mm. tank and antitank 7
WDAB, S., 76th Cong., 3d sess., p. 422.
guns, about 17 million of .30-caliber armor- Congressional Record, vol. 86, pt. 6, 76th
Cong., 3d sess., pp. 6163, 6776, 6830-31. See also
piercing ammunition, and about 25 million critical comments by Arthur Krock in The New
of .50-caliber ball ammunition. The sud- York Times, May 16, 1940, p. 22.

Regiment. Officer in left foreground is Lt. Col. Omar N. Bradley. (Photograph taken May
nance of a volunteer army scattered over a Yet nothing could quiet the outcries over
tremendous number of small posts." 8 Some "popgun defense," not even the President's
of the money, a small proportion, had gone steady, reassuring voice telling the country
into munitions, but weapons were not yet over the radio in a fireside chat that the
coming off the production lines, for they United States had "on hand or on order"
could not readily be obtained from com- 792 tanks, 744 antitank guns, 741 modern-
mercial sources, as could food and uni- ized 75's, and 2,000 antiaircraft guns. The
forms, and were hard to manufacture. A press was quick to point out that most of
year earlier General Malin Craig, then the tanks were light rather than medium
Chief of Staff, had stressed the inexorable or heavy, that more than half the antiair-
demands of time in weapons manufacture: craft guns were .50-caliber machine guns,
"the sums appropriated this last year will good only against low-flying aircraft, and,
not be fully transformed into military pow-
er for two years." 9 Besides, as one Senator 8
Testimony of Gen. George C. Marshall, CofS,
pointed out in defense of the War Depart- May 17, 1940, in WDAB, S., 76th Cong., 3d
sess., p. 429.
ment, America had not been "under the 9
Gen. Malin Craig, "Our Present Military Po-
same strain, nor in the same sphere as the sition," (extracts from final report to SW, 30 Jun
warring nations of Europe. We prepared 39), Army Ordnance, (now Ordnance), XX, No.
116 (September-October 1939), 89.
ourselves for national defense and not to 10
Congressional Record, vol. 86, pt. 6, 76th
invade Belgium and Holland." 10 Cong., 3d sess., p. 6165.

most important of all, that only a small the execution of directives from the Assist-
percentage of all weapons were actually on ant Secretary or the Chief of Staff. Ord-
hand. Complete delivery of the weapons nance might advise and suggest on the
"on order" could not be expected before development of new weapons, but the final
June 1941. decision was made by the Chief of Staff on
At the current rate of delivery, the the basis of recommendations of the using
$348,228,998 just appropriated for ord- arms—the Infantry, the Coast and Field
nance could not be translated into antiair- Artillery, the Air Corps, and the Cavalry or
craft guns, tanks, field artillery, powder, Armored Force.14
and shells until June 1942. Recalled to How good a job would it do in this
Senate hearings, General Marshall gave a crisis? Some commentators had doubts.
more optimistic (and prophetic) date; he The Chicago Tribune denounced "Army
thought the nation could be ready for war and Navy bureaucrats." Time, contending
by December 1941.11 "I am terribly disap- that most generals were still thinking in
pointed in the attitude of the Army," said terms of horse warfare, made the point that
one Senator. "Their ambition is to get money was not the only cure for unpre-
ready in a period of 18 or 24 months, when paredness and that brains were needed as
we are living in a period of wars being set- well as weapons. Others argued that if the
tled in 30 days." 12 nation was unprepared the fault lay rather
The agency responsible for developing, in the apathy of the public than in the
procuring, and distributing the Army's attitude of the Army or the caliber of the
weapons and ammunition was the Ord- professional officer. Even so severe a critic
nance Department. One of the supply serv- as Senator Lodge had been impressed by
ices of the War Department, Ordnance the officers who had testified at committee
consisted of a headquarters staff in Wash- hearings on the appropriations bill.15
ington and numerous field installations,
including manufacturing arsenals, storage
depots, and procurement district offices in
major cities.13 It was headed by a major
(1) Editorial, "Editors Approve President's
Defense Plan; Score 'Fireside' Talk," Army and
general who reported on procurement mat- Navy Journal, LXXVII, 40, June 1, 1940; (2)
ters to the civilian Assistant Secretary of Time, May 27, 1940, p. 14, and June 3, 1940,
War (later Under Secretary) and on mili- p. 17.
tary matters to the Chief of Staff through WDAB, S., 76th Cong., 3d sess., p. 191.
The other supply arms and services in 1940
G-4. The line between military and pro- were the Chemical Warfare Service, Corps of
curement matters was not always distinct. Engineers, Medical Department, Quartermaster
But as a general rule decisions as to types Corps, and Signal Corps.
Constance McLaughlin Green, Harry C.
and quantities of weapons needed for each Thomson, and Peter C. Roots, The Ordnance
unit of the Army were looked upon as mili- Department: Planning Munitions for War,
tary matters, while decisions as to con- UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR
II (Washington, 1955), ch. IV (hereafter cited
tracts, financing, and production schedules as Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Muni-
were regarded as procurement matters. As tions for War).
a supply service (later technical service) (1) WDAB, S., 76th Cong., 3d sess., p. 226;
(2) Congressional Record, vol. 86, pt. 6, 76th
the Ordnance Department had little au- Cong., 3d sess., p. 5943; (3) Time, June 3, 1940.
thority for independent action except in p. 14.

One of these was Maj. Gen. Charles M. the 3-inch antiaircraft gun, and 75-mm.
Wesson, Chief of Ordnance. Another was shells;17 and by the spring of 1940 the re-
Brig. Gen. Charles T. Harris, Jr., who, as sults were beginning to come in. In March
the Chief of the Ordnance Department's General Harris was able to bring a shell
Industrial Service, was the man in charge made by the S. A. Woods Company to the
of procuring the weapons and ammunition. daily Ordnance conference in General Wes-
A stocky, plain-spoken, hard-driving officer, son's office, where it was passed around and
he was, in the opinion of one high-ranking examined with much interest.18 Advance
Army official, "the dynamo of Ordnance." planning enabled Ordnance production to
His years of experience in the Office of the get off to a fast start before tool and mate-
Assistant Secretary of War—the Army's rials shortages and low priorities put a
agency for industrial planning—had given brake on the program.
him an excellent grasp of the first and most In the old Munitions Building on Wash-
important rearmament task, which was to ington's Constitution Avenue, a World War
put industry to work. Just as nobody ex- I temporary structure where all the supply
pected to fight a war with the small Regu- services were housed, General Harris and
lar Army, nobody expected the six Ord- Brig. Gen. Earl McFarland, chief of Ord-
nance arsenals to turn out more than a nance's Military Service, met with General
small portion of the munitions that would Wesson every morning to hear reports of
be needed, perhaps 5 percent. After years staff officers and discuss Ordnance policy.
of neglect, they were at last being renovat- Just as the Industrial Service was the point
ed. But to one Senator, who had recently of contact with industry, under the Office
inspected Ordnance installations, the ar- of the Assistant Secretary of War, the Mili-
senals "looked like ... a plant that had tary Service was the point of contact with
been abandoned for 20 years, and then a the Chief of Staff and the using arms and
bunch of men were feverishly trying to get services. This contact was of great impor-
them back into shape to start produc- tance, for Ordnance received its guidance
tion." 16 They were valuable mainly as and approval on matters of weapons de-
centers of technical knowledge where the velopment from the using arms.
art of design was kept alive and produc- At the time the Germans invaded the
tion was maintained on a laboratory basis. Low Countries, the storage, distribution,
For the past eighteen years the Office of and maintenance duties of Ordnance were
the Assistant Secretary of War had been delegated to an office under General Mc-
planning a training program for industry Farland that was designated Field Service
that was comparable to the peacetime train- and was headed by Col. James K. Crain.
ing of the Reserves, and Ordnance had the The following year Field Service was raised
lion's share. The most fruitful part of the to the same level as Industrial Service, and
early program for Ordnance wartime ex-
pansion consisted of small orders given to WDAB, S., 76th Cong., 3d sess., p. 34.
(1) WDAB, S., 76th Cong., 3d sess., pp.
qualified manufacturers to educate them in 130-31 and 141-46; (2) Col. Harry K. Ruther-
the intricacies of munitions manufacture. ford, "Industry's Manual of Arms: A Progress
Under the Fiscal Year 1939 program, edu- Report on the Educational Orders Program,"
Army Ordnance, XX, No. 120 (June-July 1940),
cational orders had been placed for semi- 371.
automatic rifles, recoil mechanisms for Min, Wesson Confs., 21 Mar 40.

nice boys with BB guns," 22 yet there were

presages of the World War II Army. Gone
were the khaki breeches and wrapped put-
tees, replaced by loose trousers; almost en-
tirely departed were the horse and mule.
For the first time in history the Army was
equipped with enough motor transporta-
tion to carry weapons and men, food, and
ammunition; and the star of the Air Corps
was rising.
The coming of age of air power had a
definite impact on the Ordnance Depart-
ment. Bomb cases and fuzes formed a large
part of the educational orders under the
Fiscal Year 1940 program;23 and, since in-
dustry had cut down the time of making
bomb bodies to six months, quick results
could be expected from production or-
ders.24 Prospects for new and more power-
MAJ. GEN. JAMES K. CRAIN, Chief of ful bomb fillings were being explored. In
Ordnance Department's Field Service.
mid-January 1940 Dr. Lyman J. Briggs of
(Photograph taken October 1944.)
the Bureau of Standards had called on
General Wesson about obtaining three
Colonel Crain was soon to become a briga- thousand dollars "for the purpose of split-
dier general.19 A slender, thoughtful man, ting the uranium atom." It seemed to Ord-
a few years older than General Harris, nance that the development had "possibili-
Colonel Crain looked more like a college ties from an explosive viewpoint."
professor than an Army officer. He had 19
For the organization and the research and
had long service in the field, beginning development activities of the Ordnance Depart-
with his assignment as Chief Ordnance ment, see Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
Munitions for War.
Officer of the Rainbow Division in World 20
"New Ordnance Strength," Army Ordnance,
War I,20 and had recently engineered an XXI, No. 123, (November-December 1940), 214-
innovation in field maintenance organiza- 15.21
(1) Min, Wesson Confs, 3 Apr. 40; (2)
tion by grouping Ordnance companies Capt. Joseph M. Colby [Comdr, Ord Bn, Fourth
into an Ordnance battalion. The battalion Army Corps], "The New Ordnance Battalion:
was tried for the first time in the spring Maintenance and Supply in the Streamlined Divi-
sion," Army Ordnance, XXI, No. 123 (Novem-
1940 maneuvers, and Colonel Crain, on ber-December 1940),208-13.
the scene as Corps Ordnance Officer, saw 23
Time, May 27, 1940, p. 19.
Rutherford, "Industry's Manual of Arms,"
that it was successful.21 Army Ordnance, XX, No. 120 (June-July 1940),
Though after the blitzkrieg the maneu- 370.
vers that spring seemed to the press "more WDAB, S., 76th Cong., 3d sess., p. 42.
unreal than most such playing at soldiers," Min, Wesson Confs, 15 Jan 40. For a de-
tailed account of Ordnance participation in early
and against the background of Europe's atomic bomb work, see Arthur Adelman, Fission
total war "the U.S. Army looked like a few Explosives, 30 Jun 44, OHF.

A few months later Mr. Lester P. Bar-

low, an employee of the Glenn L. Martin
aircraft factory, submitted to the Senate
Committee on Military Affairs a bomb
filled with liquid oxygen. Called "glmite"
in honor of Mr. Martin, the explosive was
said to give off violent vibrations of the air
waves that would kill every living thing
within a radius of a thousand yards. Sena-
tor Gerald P. Nye was so impressed that
he called in reporters to watch while min-
utes of the committee meeting were burned
—"so great was the military secrecy of the
subject! ... an explosive so deadly it might
even outlaw war!!!" 26
Tests of the Barlow bomb took up a
good deal of the time of Ordnance planners
in April and May, extending down into the
most anxious weeks in May. When the MAJ. GEN. CHARLES T. HARRIS, JR.,
newspapers announced that goats would Chief of the Ordnance Department's Indus-
be tethered at varying distances from the trial Service, 1939-42.
bomb to determine its lethal effects, Con-
gress and the War Department were del-
uged with letters of protest from humane The fall of France marked the real begin-
societies and private citizens.27 All the ning of America's rearmament. Once the
concern turned out to be wasted. At the tremendous Munitions Program of 30 June
first test, the bomb leaked and did not go 1940 became effective, dwarfing all previ-
off; at the second, held at Aberdeen Prov- ous programs, there was an unheard-of ex-
ing Ground in late May, the explosion oc- pansion in Ordnance operations. Factories
curred, but the goats, unharmed, continued had to be converted into armories; am-
to nibble the Maryland grass.28 munition plants, magazines, and depots
In a few days' time, such matters as built; huge stocks of weapons and ammuni-
cruelty to goats became trivial. On 3 June tion distributed. And there was never
the British were driven off the Continent enough time. It took an inexorable number
at Dunkerque. On 8 June the Ordnance of months to build a powder plant, make
Department received instructions to load a tank, or fill a requisition, in spite of the
twelve Thompson submachine guns on the
Atlantic Clipper scheduled to leave for 26
Editorial, Army Ordnance, XXI, No. 121
Europe the next day; the guns were for (July-August 1940), 45.
protection of the American Embassy in 27
Min, Wesson Confs, 6, 11, 12 and 19 Apr; 2
Paris. But it was already too late; the order and 13 May 40.
(1) Editorial, Army Ordnance, XXI, No. 121
was canceled by the President almost as (July-August 1940), 45; (2) Time, May 27, 1940,
soon as given.29 Paris surrendered on 14 p. 21.
June. Min, Wesson Confs, 10 Jun 40.
most strenuous efforts of hard-pressed men Building and later in the new Pentagon,
to speed up the machinery of supply. At there was always present the haunting
Ordnance conferences in the old Munitions specter of Time.

Procurement Planning
Planning for military preparedness in Secretary of War, headed in the middle
the United States before World War II 1930's by Col. Charles T. Harris, Jr., pro-
differed somewhat from planning by Euro- vided official encouragement for procure-
pean military establishments. The differ- ment planning, but its activities were
ences stemmed largely from two factors: strictly limited. During the years when
lack of a munitions industry in this country hopes for peace were high, and military
comparable to those of the major European budgets low, this agency managed to keep
nations, and American emphasis on mainte- alive the system of district procurement
nance of a small Regular Army backed by offices within the supply services and to
a modest reserve of war supplies. War De- promote arrangements with industry for
partment planners had for many years as-
sumed that, in event of war, the United (1) Lt. Col. Gladeon M. Barnes, "Procurement
Planning," Army Ordnance, XVIII, No. 103
States would have time to mobilize its re- (July-August 1937), 22-23; (2) Maj. Gen.
serves both of manpower and of industrial Charles M. Wesson, "Fundamentals of Prepared-
production, and would not need to main- ness," Army Ordnance, XIX, No. 114 (May-June
1939), 329-32; (3) Col. James H. Burns, "Pro-
tain either a large standing army or large duction is Preparedness," Army Ordnance, XX,
stores of munitions. Quantities of matériel No. 115 (July-August 1939), 9-11; (4) Capt.
left over from World War I were kept in Paul D. Olejar, Procurement Planning for War—
Ordnance, May 44, a monograph prepared in the
storage during the 1920's and 1930's, but Ordnance Historical Branch, OCO. For a broad
ammunition gradually deteriorated and survey of the subject from the Army level, see R.
weapons became outmoded. With each Elberton Smith, The Army and Economic Mobili-
passing year, therefore, the Ordnance De- WAR II (Washington, 1959), Chapters II-IV. A
partment gave more attention to develop- comparable Navy volume is Robert H. Connery,
ment of plans for speedy conversion of The Navy and the Industrial Mobilization (Prince-
ton: Princeton University Press, 1951). An inter-
private industry to new munitions produc- esting essay by Troyer S. Anderson, The Influence
tion in time of war. Ordnance procurement of Military Production and Supply Upon History,
plans provided essential background for the may be found in OCMH files.
The effect of public opinion on the War De-
vast rearmament effort launched in 1940.1 partment is discussed in chapter II of Green,
In spite of the injunction of the National Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions for
Defense Act of 1920 to plan in advance for War, and in Mark S. Watson, Chief of Staff: Pre-
war Plans and Preparations UNITED STATES
military supply, the War Department ARMY IN WORLD WAR II (Washington,
found the climate of opinion in the United 1950), ch. VI (hereafter cited as Watson, Chief of
States during the 1920's and 1930's not at Staff). See also summary of testimony before the
Special Comm., Investigating the National De-
all favorable to such planning.2 The Plan- fense Program, S. Rpt No. 440, pt. 4, 80th Cong.,
ning Branch in the Office of the Assistant 2d sess., 28 Apr 48, p. 292ff.

converting to war production.3 By the used industrial capacity was, of course, far
spring of 1940 a change of popular senti- more readily available for Quartermaster
ment was taking place; the American peo- items, which were largely commercial in
ple were demanding more adequate nation- nature, than for Ordnance items. But the
al defense, but they still found the thought existence of idle factories, tools, and man-
of planning for another war extremely dis- power throughout nearly the whole decade
tasteful. of the 1930's served to condition all plan-
The neutrality legislation of the 1930's ning for war procurement. It placed pri-
had reflected the public's mood by forbid- mary emphasis on utilization of existing
ding shipment of American arms to other capacity, rather than on building addi-
nations. Though the ban was altered in tional plants, and tended to minimize esti-
November 1939 to permit warring nations mates of the probable impact on the civil-
to purchase munitions in this country, all ian economy of a war production program.
transactions had to be on a cash-and-carry It gave rise to the belief, still widely held
basis. Under these circumstances, the Brit- in 1940, that the capacity of American in-
ish and French purchasing commissions dustry was great enough to support both
made few contracts for munitions before a war economy and a peace economy, or,
June 1940, preferring to shop around for to employ the language popular at the
more favorable prices and to use the United time, to produce "both guns and butter." 7
States as a source of aircraft, machine
tools, and scarce raw materials.4 It was 3
(1) Testimony of Brig. Gen. Charles T. Har-
only after the disastrous defeats of May ris, Jr., in WDAB, S., 76th Cong., 3d sess., pp. 129
ff; (2) Ltr, CofOrd to ASW, 20 Sep 39, sub:
and June 1940 that the British plunged Readiness of the Ord Dept. . . , OO 381/27800
into an "arms at any price" buying cam- ASW. For a critical evaluation of the War De-
paign. Meanwhile the build-up of muni- partment's procurement planning, see Harry B.
Yoshpe, "Economic Mobilization Between the Two
tions for the U.S. Army was proceeding World Wars," Military Affairs, Winter 1951, pp.
cautiously but picking up speed. Using 199-204, and Summer 1952, pp. 71-83.
a financial yardstick, General Wesson For an account of these purchases, see (1)
Richard M. Leighton and Robert W. Coakley,
summed it up in the fall of 1939 as follows: Global Logistics and Strategy, 1940-1943, UNI-
In the fiscal year 1938 approximately $25,- (Washington, 1955), ch. I; (2) Watson Pierce,
000,000 was expended for the procurement Foreign Purchasing Competition Before the Lend-
of Ordnance material. In the fiscal year 1939 Lease Act, ICAF Research Project RP No. 28,
approximately $50,000,000 has been and is July 1946. By 28 December 1940 British orders for
being expended for like purposes. In the fiscal machine tools, explosives, propellants, ammuni-
tion, tanks, and other ordnance equipment totaled
year 1940 a total of approximately $150,- nearly $800,000,000. See also Lt Col John N. Lyle,
000,000 has been made available. . . .5 Historical Review of Lend Lease Activities, Small
Arms and Small Arms Ammunition, 17 Jul 45,
The depression of the 1930's had a very OHF.
real, though indirect, influence on procure- Ltr, CofOrd to ASW, 20 Sep 39, sub: Readi-
ment planning. Since most industries were ness of the Ord Dept to Meet the Requirements of
a Major Emergency, OO 381/27800 ASW.
operating far below their normal capacity 6
Lecture, Maj Ray M. Hare, The Allocations
during the depression, Army planners tend- Division, OASW, 8 Jan 40, ICAF. See also History,
ed to look upon the unused portion of the Rochester Ordnance District, I, p. 15.
For discussion of this point from the level of
nation's industrial plant as an immediately the National Defense Advisory Commission, see
available reserve for war production.6 Un- Civilian Production Administration, Industrial

Ordnance devoted far more attention to and ammunition plants offered none of
procurement planning during the interwar the usual attractions for private capital, it
years than did any of the other Army sup- was recognized that they would have to be
ply services. In the early 1920's Ordnance built at government expense if they were
officers took a leading part in the establish- to be built at all. Working on these assump-
ment of the Army Industrial College, and tions during the interwar years, Ordnance
throughout the interwar years they held engineers, co-operating with the nation's
key positions in the Planning Branch of small peacetime explosives industry and
the Office of Assistant Secretary of War.8 using the technical developments of Pica-
Through its many procurement district of- tinny and Frankford Arsenals, drew up
fices Ordnance kept officially in touch with plans and specifications for typical plants
industry in all parts of the nation while to be built in time of need. In 1937 they
the Army Ordnance Association, on a established an office in Wilmington, Dela-
semiofficial level, promoted public interest ware, to carry on this work, and in 1938
in industrial preparedness. In fiscal year Congress appropriated funds for the pur-
1939, Ordnance Department procurement chase of some of the highly specialized ma-
planning (including educational orders) chinery required for the production of
accounted for about $8,000,000 of the 8
The importance of the Ordnance planning
$9,275,300 allocated for all War Depart- effort in the broad Army-wide picture is revealed
ment (including Air Corps) procurement in Smith, Army and Economic Mobilization,
planning for that year. In the early months Chapters II-IV. The library of the Industrial Col-
lege of the Armed Forces has several lectures given
of 1940 Ordnance had 231 officers and by Ordnance officers during 1940 and earlier years
civilians engaged in procurement planning on the work of the Planning Branch.
activities compared to only 264 for all the WDAB, 1941, H.R., 76th Cong., 3d sess., p. 98.
See remarks by Lt. Gen. Brehon Somervell
other supply services combined (including praising Ordnance as "preeminent" in this area,
the Air Corps).9 That Ordnance defense Rpt of Conf of Ord Dist Chiefs, Detroit, 22 Apr
44, p. 2, OHF. See also the report by Luther
production got off to a fast start in 1940- Gulick and his associates on the Cincinnati Field
41 was due in large measure to this prewar Survey, Apr 42, p. 20, ASF Contl Div files.
planning.10 11
(1) WD Ann Rpt, Report of the Chief of
Ordnance, 1938, p. 9. (Hereafter, regardless of
variations of title, these reports are cited as Ann
Plans for New Facilities Rpt CofOrd); (2) Memo, Col Lucian D. Booth,
Ammo Div, for Gen Harris, 3 Jan 39, sub: Gen
Because of the specialized nature of its Data . . . for Ammo in an Emergency, OHF; (3)
Lecture, Maj Gen Charles M. Wesson, The Ord-
products, the Ordnance Department was nance Department, 9 May 41, ICAF; (4) Memo,
fully aware of the need for scores of new CofOrd for ASW, 6 May 40, sub: Additional Fa-
facilities in time of war.11 For such prod- cilities Required. . . , OO 381/35763 ASW; (5)
Rpt of Comm. headed by Col Rutherford for
ucts as smokeless powder, TNT, ammo- ASW, 24 Jun 40, sub: Proposed WD Program
nia, and small arms ammunition, and also for Increasing Productive Capacity for Munitions,
Maj Gen James H. Burns's personal file; (6) Notes
for loading artillery ammunition, there on conversation with Col Leo Dillon, assistant ex-
were no existing plants that could be readily ecutive officer to Gen Burns, no date, in Troyer
converted. Furthermore, because powder Anderson's
notes, folder 4, OCMH.
"Smokeless powder" is used throughout this
Mobilization for War, History of the War Produc- volume because of its wide currency, not because
tion Board and Predecessor Agencies, 1940-1945 it was an accurately descriptive term. "Propellant"
(Washington, 1947), pp. 57-58, and p. 185. was generally preferred by specialists in this area.

powder and small arms and for the opera- all the arsenals combined would never be
tion of loading plants. By the summer of able to produce more than about 5 percent
1940, thanks largely to the efforts of Gen- of the Army's requirements for war. In the
eral Harris, Ordnance had a fairly clear initial stages of an emergency, while indus-
idea as to the type of new facilities it would
need to produce smokeless powder, explo- 13
Memo, CofOrd for Col Burns, OASW, 1
sives, ammonia, and TNT.13 These plans Mar 40, sub: Ord War Construction Rpt, OO
and reserve machinery, General Wesson 381/33041 ASW. The inclosure to this memo tab-
told the Truman Committee in April 1941, ulated 29 proposed loading and powder plants,
with tentative locations indicated. See also list of
proved to be of "untold value" in promptly proposed new plants in Munitions Program of 30
starting the new facilities program.14 June 1940, ASF Contl Div dr G43; Dir, High Ex-
In the summer of 1940 the Munitions plosives Manufacturing Plants, 20 Sep 39, by Lt
Col Alfred B. Quinton, Jr., approved by Col Booth
Program of 30 June opened a new era in and Brig Gen Harris, OHF; and Dir, War Plans
procurement planning. It called for imme- for Loading Ammunition, 21 Mar 40, by Brig Gen
diate procurement of equipment for 1,200,- Harris, OHF. On the role of General Harris, see
Ltr, Louis Johnson to Harry C. Thomson, 14 Oct
000ground troops, procurement of impor- 52, OHF. The New York Times on 2 January
tant long-lead-time items for a ground force 1941 ran a front-page article on the need for pow-
of 2,000,000, creation of productive capac- der plants and on Ordnance plans for their con-
ity for eventually supplying a much larger 14
(1) Statement of Gen Wesson . . . before the
force on combat status, and production of Spec S. Comm. Investigating the National Defense
18,000 airplanes. Approval of this plan, Program, 77th Cong., 1st sess,, Hearings on S. Res.
71, Investigation of the National Defense Program,
formulated in large part by an Ordnance Apr 41. (These hearings, which extended from 1
officer, Col. James H. Burns, was a big step March 1941 through 11 June 1948, from the 77th
forward along the road toward effective in- through the 80th Congresses, will hereafter be
cited as Truman or Mead Comm., Hearings ac-
dustrial mobilization.15 It made a sharp cording to date. The successive chairmen of this
break with all previous plans to supply committee were Harry S. Truman, James M.
Mead, and Owen Brewster). A copy of Gen Wes-
equipment for small Army increments, for son's statement is in OHF; (2) Interv with Maj
it established broad planning goals far in Gen Charles T. Harris, Jr., and Brig Gen Burton
advance of any formal action to increase O. Lewis, 13 Jan 53; (3) Min, Wesson Confs, 20
Jun 40. On the development of plans and pur-
the strength of the Army. It cleared the chase of machinery, see also (4) Small Arms Am-
way for creation of munitions plants for a munition, A History of an Industry, 1918-1944,
big military effort and left to the future vol. I, ch. 4, prepared by Ammo Br, SA Div, OCO
(hereafter cited as SAA) ; and (5) Ord Mono-
the tedious task of refining and adjusting graph No. 4, Ammunition, 1 July 1940-31 August
its parts. But Ordnance planners found 1945, by Maj Berkeley R. Lewis and Lt C. B. Rosa;
that there were still many unknown factors 31 Dec 45, p. 6, OHF.
(1) Munitions Program of 30 June 1940
in the equation—new weapons, tables of (corrected as of 24 July), in ASF Contl Div files,
equipment, estimated rates of consumption, dr G43. For the important role played by Col.
speed of mobilization, timetable for over- (later Maj. Gen.) James H. Burns in developing
this program, see (2) Watson, Chief of Staff, pp.
seas deployment, and, most important, how 172-182, and (3) Smith, Army and Economic
much money would be available. Mobilization, Chapter VI. (4) See also Ltr,
Although Ordnance maintained six man- Johnson to Thomson, 14 Oct 52, OHF.
For names, locations, and wartime activities
ufacturing arsenals in time of peace, they of the arsenals, see Green, Thomson, and Roots,
were not intended for large-scale produc- Planning Munitions for War, pp. 6-7. A detailed
tion in time of war.16 It was estimated that history of each arsenal may be found in OHF.

try built new plants, the arsenals were to the Ordnance Department's preparedness
produce certain types of urgently needed plans. There was an element of "window
munitions; but, with a few exceptions, dressing" about these boards but there
their major wartime role was to serve as was some real substance, too. The New
sources of production techniques, as de- York district, for example, numbered
velopment centers, and as training grounds among its board members in the 1939-41
for Ordnance production personnel, in- period such prominent figures as Patrick E.
spectors, and key men from industrial Crowley, president of the New York Cen-
plants. The main burden of war production tral Lines; James A. Farrell of the United
would fall on private industry and on States Steel Corporation; Maj. Gen. James
new government-owned, contractor-operat- G. Harbord (Ret.), chairman of the board
ed (GOCO) plants built for the purpose.17 of directors of the Radio Corporation of
America; Robert P. Lamont, former Secre-
Plans for Decentralized Procurement tary of Commerce; and Owen D. Young,
chairman of the board of the General Elec-
In terms of organization, the foremost tric Company. The Cleveland district prob-
principle of Ordnance procurement plan- ably reflected the experience of other dis-
ning in the summer of 1940 was decentral- tricts when it reported that the names of
ization through the six manufacturing ar- highly respected industrialists on its advis-
senals and the thirteen district offices.18 ory board helped to unlock industrial
Ever since World War I, Ordnance pro- doors.
curement plans had provided that, with
certain exceptions, contracts for war maté-
riel would be placed by the arsenals or the (1) Lectures, Maj Gen Charles M. Wesson,
Ordnance Department Procurement, and The
district offices, each of which was familiar Ordnance Department, 15 Jan 40 and 9 May 41
with industries capable of producing the respectively, ICAF. (2) See also Memo, CofOrd
required munitions. Over-all direction of for Planning Br, OASW, 8 Sep 39, sub: Measures
... in Event of War. . . , OO 381/27496 Misc.
the program in wartime was to be exer- 18
The origins and early history of the arsenals
cised from Washington by the Chief of the and district offices are treated in Green, Thomson,
Industrial Service, General Harris, but the and Roots, Planning Munitions for War, Chapter
I. In 1940 the district offices were in the follow-
day-by-day work of negotiating and admin- ing cities: Birmingham, Boston, Chicago, Cincin-
istering contracts was to be carried on in nati, Cleveland, Detroit, Hartford (redesignated
the districts.19 Springfield in May 1942), New York, Philadelphia,
Pittsburgh, Rochester, St. Louis, and San Fran-
The districts had a combination of civil- cisco.
ian and military leadership. Each district 19
For detailed description of the organization
had as its chief (until 1942) a prominent of the Industrial Service, and its relation to the
districts, see Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
local businessman, usually a Reserve offi- Munitions for War, Chapters II and IV. The
cer, who devoted part of his time to district mechanics of Ordnance procurement, and many
affairs. To each district a regular Ordnance references to specific procurement planning direc-
tives, are described in History of the Industrial
officer was assigned on a full-time basis as Service, District Administrative Branch, vol. 101,
assistant chief or executive officer. Most of OHF. See also Dir for Procurement . . . for FY
the districts also had advisory boards made 1940. . . , 1 May 39, OHF; Cir 18, The Mission
of the New York Ord Dist, 29 Oct 35, in His-
up of prominent business leaders who were tory of. New York Ordnance District, I, pt. 1,
sympathetic, at least in theory, with app. C.

In the early stages of an emergency, duction of that item.24 When district

while the districts built up their staffs and offices received these assignments they
established operating procedures, the ar- would request facilities allocated to them
senals were to let contracts for the more to submit bids. The bids from all districts
complicated types of matériel and were to would then be reported to the Ordnance
aid the districts by providing blueprints, office in Washington. That office would
specifications, and technical guidance to compare the bids with each other and with
manufacturers.20 Up to July 1940, the dis- known costs of manufacture at arsenals
tricts had no authority to award contracts. and would make awards to facilities that
During the preceding eighteen months they offered the best assurance of producing on
had handled some of the preliminary work schedule and at a fair price. Rigid accept-
for educational orders and production ance inspection by the district offices, cou-
studies.21 They had been given increasing pled with periodic interchangeability tests,
responsibility for inspecting finished prod- would assure uniformity of product. In
ucts, but they had had no authority to analyzing the plan the Chief of Ordnance
place orders with industry. The grant of wrote:
that authority to the districts was never- It will be observed that this plan, in effect,
theless an integral part of the Ordnance provides for nation-wide competition among
plan, and to lend realism to such planning allocated facilities, with contract negotiations
each district was requested in December carried on in the geographic territories of the
1939 to submit its recommendations cov- several Ordnance Districts. Assurance of the
timely production of munitions through use
ering the first twenty contracts it expected of the district system cannot be obtained in
to place in time of war. The reports sent in any other manner, and it is considered that
by the districts showed names of plants,
items to be produced, types of contracts to
be used, and the reasons for selecting each (1) Ann Rpt CofOrd FY 1938, p. 8; (2)
22 Hist, Ind Serv, Dist Admin Br, sec. B, vol. 101;
plant. The Chicago district, to cite one
(3) Harry B. Yoshpe, Plans for Industrial Mo-
example, planned to place orders with bilization, 1920-39, ICAF Research Project RP
Elgin National Watch Company for time No. 28, Nov 45, p. 78. For the experience of the
fuzes, with Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing and Quartermaster Corps wherein current procurement
procurement planning were not closely tied
Company for machining 75-mm. shells, together, see Thomas M. Pitkin and Herbert R.
with Bucyrus-Erie Company for 3-inch AA Rifkind, Procurement Planning in the Quarter-
gun mounts, with Stewart-Warner Corpo- master Corps 1920-40, QMC Historical Studies
No. 1, Mar 43, pp. 121-28.
ration for metallic belt links, and so on 21
Discussed below, pp. 19-21. For a detailed
through the list.23 record of one district's activities, see the bound
The Industrial Service in mid-July 1940 volumes of monthly reports of the Cincinnati Ord-
nance District for 1940 and 1941, OHF.
described in some detail the specific pro- 22
Ltr, CofOrd for all districts, 14 Dec 39, sub:
curement procedures to be followed by the Negotiation of Wartime Contracts, OO 381/-
arsenals and districts. To use the district 30303 San Francisco. Replies from the districts
are also in this file.
procurement system and at the same time 23
Ltr, Chicago Ord Dist to CofOrd, 21 Dec
retain competitive bidding to the maxi- 39, sub: Negotiation of War-time Contracts, OO
mum extent, Ordnance proposed to divide 381/3062,24
copy in OHF.
Allocated facilities were those assigned in War
the requirement for each item among dis- Department plans for use of a specific procure-
tricts that had facilities allocated for pro- ment agency. See below, p. 19.
the plan will bring forth the best facilities ard contract forms for use in a national
producing at the lowest cost, consistent with emergency.27 These had been drafted to
the desired distribution of the load.25 prevent recurrence of the confusion of
It was estimated that in meeting require- World War I when purchasing agencies
ments of the Munitions Program of 30 of the War Department evolved and used
June the districts would place approximate- over four hundred different and trouble-
ly four hundred prime contracts, utilizing some contract forms. Ordnance expected
some eight thousand facilities. For that that the most important of the approved
part of the procurement load assigned to contracts would be Standard Form No. 32,
the arsenals, competitive bidding among a fixed-price supply contract to be used
allocated facilities or any other facilities under the system of competitive bidding.
with suitable production experience, and It was thought that this type of contract
the signing of fixed-price contracts, were would account for 95 percent of all awards
to be the rule. Arsenal commanders had by the district offices. But, because of the
authority to close contracts involving less difficulty of estimating costs of war equip-
than $50,000 without referring them to ment that manufacturers had never before
Washington for approval, but larger con- produced, other types of contracts, such
tracts had to have the approval of the as the cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF), which
Chief of Ordnance, the Assistant Secretary allowed greater flexibility in pricing, were
of War, and Commissioner William S. also considered.
Knudsen of the Advisory Commission to In January 1940 the Ordnance Depart-
the Council of National Defense (usually ment regarded the legal restrictions on
referred to as NDAC). 26 peacetime procurement as a major factor
Each district office was to administer its that would retard the award of Ordnance
own contracts and also all contracts with contracts in time of emergency. It cited
industries within its borders placed by the the law requiring public advance advertis-
arsenals. Administration of contracts in- ing and award to the lowest responsible
cluded, among other things, helping con- bidder, and other legislation affecting
tractors solve production problems, making hours, wages, and profits. In January 1940,
periodic reports to the Chief of Ordnance General Wesson stated that because of this
on the status of production, inspecting fin- legislation, with which many manufactur-
ished products, and paying for the goods
delivered. By means of production reports Memo, CofOrd, for ASW, 19 Jul 40, OO
381/1335 ASW. The Ordnance plan was offi-
from the districts and the arsenals the cially approved by the Secretary of War in a
Chief of Ordnance planned to exercise close memo for NDAC, 23 Jul 40, OO 334.9/26. The
control over the flow of components to final plans of all the supply services are summarized in
Ann Rpt USW FY 41, and in Ann Rpt P and C
assembly points and loading plants, and to Br, OUSW, FY 41.
bring pressure to bear upon contractors 26
Memo, ASW for CofOrd, 10 Jun 40, sub:
who failed to meet their production Approval of Important Purchases. . . , OHF.
For copies of these forms see Ind College
schedules. Spec Text No. 98, War Department Procurement
Planning, ch. 8, prepared in 1940 by Extension
Contract Forms and Legal Restrictions Course Div ICAF. See also Yoshpe, op. cit., pp.
50-53. and Lt. Col. John P. Dinsmore, "War
By the summer of 1940 the Assistant Contracts," Army Ordnance, XX, No. 119 (March
Secretary of War had approved six stand- -April 1940), 317-21.
ers were not familiar, it took about ninety
days to advertise for bids, examine the
bids, and make an award. He went on to
say that this procurement cycle could be
cut from ninety to thirty days for essential
items in an emergency only if the industrial
mobilization plan were put in effect, legal
restrictions removed, and Ordnance per-
mitted to negotiate directly with selected

Surveys of Industry

In the summer of 1940 each district of-

fice had on file hundreds of reports of in-
dustrial surveys made during the preced-
ing years and kept as nearly up-to-date as
possible with the handful of officers and
civilian engineers available for the job.
These surveys, made under the broad su- ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF WAR Louis
pervision of Louis Johnson, Assistant Secre- JOHNSON
tary of War, covered major industrial
plants within each district that might be
converted to munitions production in time was complete, Ordnance and the company
of war. For each plant the survey recorded signed an informal agreement known as an
the firm's normal product, its productive "accepted schedule of production" showing
capacity, floor space, and major items of specifically what the company was pre-
equipment. It also gave information on the pared to produce.30 Accepted schedules of
firm's financial standing and resources, production were "all important," General
transportation facilities, availability of Wesson told Industrial College students
skilled workers, and, most important, the early in 1940. "They are part of our war
type and quantity of Ordnance matériel reserve. They are as vital as the material
the company might produce in an emer- in our storehouses." 31
gency. Above all, Ordnance was interested 28
Lecture, Wesson, Ordnance Department
in firms with good management and strong Procurement, p. 10. See also Memo, Brig Gen
engineering departments. "It was not just Harris, Actg CofOrd, for ASW, 15 May 40, sub:
Measures to Expedite Proc, OO 400.12/5908.
the machines and floor space that count- 29
Interv with Brig Gen Burton O. Lewis, 29
ed," observed Brig. Gen. Burton O. Lewis, Apr 52. The same view was expressed by many
a leader in Ordnance procurement plan- other Ordnance officers in interviews with the
ning. "Of even greater importance were 30
For discussion of this topic, see testimony of
the men—the skilled workers, the produc- Brig Gen Harris, WDAB, S., 76th Cong., 3d sess.,
tion engineers, the executives who under- p. 239ff. See also Smith, Army and Economic
Mobilization, ch. III.
stood the secret of high-quality mass pro- 31
Lecture, Wesson, Ordnance Department Pro-
duction." 29 In most cases, after the survey curement.

Before 1940 the process of making in- mingham District office reported that, of
dustrial surveys was slow, hampered by eighteen contractors approached, not one
lack of interest on the part of some manu- had the tools needed to begin production
facturers and by lack of personnel in the on any type of matériel contemplated for
district offices. It was also hampered by the production in that District.33 The educa-
fact that not all Ordnance district officers tional orders program revealed that lack
had sufficient manufacturing background of machine tools was also a problem for
and engineering knowledge to do a good industries in the North. In January 1940,
surveying job. But during the first six for example, the Philadelphia District re-
months of 1940 the tempo of survey work ported that bids on educational orders
increased markedly, stimulated by a pro- "indicate a larger deficiency of machine
curement planning conference called by tools than was anticipated six months
Louis Johnson in October 1939. The Pitts- ago." 34
burgh District made more than two hun- Planning for an adequate supply of gages
dred surveys during the first half of 1940 —those essential measuring and checking
as compared with only thirty-nine during devices needed to assure precision manu-
the preceding six months, and the cumula- facture—was an altogether different story.
tive total for the District in July 1940 rose Profiting from the experience of World
to five hundred.32 War I, the Ordnance Department during
By 1940 the purpose of industrial sur- the 1920's and 1930's took a number of
veys had generally ceased to be discovery important steps to assure an adequate sup-
of firms that could turn out complete ply of gages for a future emergency. More
items of Ordnance matériel ready for than half a million World War I gages were
storage or issue. The search was for several collected, checked for accuracy, and put in
firms, each of which might manufacture storage. During the 1930's nine district
one or more components or perform one or gage laboratories were established at uni-
more steps in the whole process of manu- versities to provide gage-checking services
facture. Further, surveying officials were to manufacturers and to train personnel
looking for plants that could do the job by for gage-surveillance duties, and gage lab-
using equipment already on hand and with oratories were established at all the arsen-
workers already trained in similar proc- als. Beginning in 1938 Ordnance made a
esses. concerted effort to design gages for all
The search for plants that could under- items for which it was reasonably sure that
take Ordnance production with existing production would be required. Gages on
equipment was dictated largely by the an- hand at the arsenals were brought up to
ticipated shortage of machine tools. Ord- date, and new gages were procured for
nance planners were aware that the na-
tion's small machine-tool industry would 32
be swamped in time of war; they realized 3, p. History, Pittsburgh Ordnance District, I, pt.
382. For similar data, see History, Detroit
that every possible step should be taken to Ordnance District, I, p. D-3-
utilize existing machines rather than count History, Birmingham Ordnance District, I,
pt. 1, pp. 285-90.
on extensive retooling. The dearth of ma- 34
Monthly Progress Rpt, Phila Ord Dist, Jan
chine tools in the South was spectacularly 40. See also. History, New York Ordnance District,
revealed in the fall of 1939 when the Bir- I, pt. 2, pp. 75-76.
standard items. In July 1940 Ordnance procurement plans, were the educational
allotted approximately $2,500,000 for gage orders. Approved by Congress in 1938,
procurement in advance of actual produc- after years of urging by procurement offi-
tion of weapons or ammunition. At the cers and the Army Ordnance Association,
same time, steps were taken, in co- the Educational Orders Act permitted
operation with other government agencies placement of orders with allocated facilities
and private industry, leading to allotment for small quantities of hard-to-manufacture
by the War Department of $4,000,000 to items. The purpose was to give selected
expand productive capacity of the gage in- manufacturers experience in producing
dustry.35 So effective were these prepara- munitions and to procure essential tools
tory measures that the gage problem, and manufacturing aids. Other supply
which proved so serious in World War I, services participated in the program to
was scarcely a problem at all in World some extent, but the bulk of the education-
War II. al orders were for Ordnance matériel.38
Closely related to industrial surveys was
the system by which a certain percentage 35
(1) History, Gage Section and Gage Facili-
of a plant's capacity was allocated by the ties Section, OCO, I, pt. 1; (2) Memo, ASW for
Donald Nelson, 21 Sep 40, sub: Project for Ex-
Army and Navy Munitions Board for the pansion of Productive Capacity for Gages, copy
exclusive wartime use of one or possibly in OHF.
several supply services.36 Originally adopted
The next chapter discusses the allocation sys-
tem more fully.
to guard against recurrence of the con- 37
For a detailed description of the allocation
fusion and interagency competition that system, see Yoshpe, op. cit., pp. 22-26. See also
had marked the procurement process in Maj Gen Charles M. Wesson, "Arms for the
Army," Army Ordnance, XIX, No. 112 (Janu-
1917, the allocation system was designed ary-February 1939), 209; Maj Scott B. Ritchie,
also to forewarn industry of the tasks it "The Allocations System," Army Ordnance,
would be called upon to perform in time XVIII, No. 104 (September-October 1937), 77-
83. The district histories, particularly that of the
of war, to promote mutual understanding Pittsburgh District, describe the allocations pro-
between industry and procurement officers, cedure in detail. The names of all allocated plants,
and to serve as a basis on which to plan and the service or services to which they were
allocated, appear in Alphabetical Directory of
war production. The supply services fur- Industrial Allocations, May 1940, issued by ANMB.
nished allocated facilities with drawings, The most recent review of the allocation system
specifications, descriptions of manufacture, appears in Smith, Army and Economic Mobiliza-
tion, Chapter III.
and in some cases samples of the critical 38
See Chapter III of Green, Thomson, and
items they were scheduled to produce, and Roots, Planning Munitions for War, for a sum-
encouraged them to study means of con- mary of the program before 1940. The Annual
Report of the Secretary of War to the President,
verting their plants to munitions produc- 1939 (Washington, 1939) (hereafter cited as Ann
tion.37 Rpt SW, 1939), pp. 16-17, describes the over-all
program as does Smith, Army and Economic
Mobilization, ch. III. The histories of the Ord-
Educational Orders and nance districts report on the details of its adminis-
Production Studies tration. Many pertinent documents are in OHF.
See also testimony of Brig. Gen. Harris and Col
Rutherford, WDAB, S., 76th Cong., 3d sess., p.
Perhaps the most radical departure from 1 2 9 f f ; Col. Harry K. Rutherford, "Educational
conventional practice, and the most highly Orders," Army Ordnance, XX, No. 117 (Novem-
publicized feature of Ordnance prewar ber-December 1939), 162-66; and Benedict
After a rather cautious start in fiscal The Winchester Repeating Arms Company
year 1939, when Ordnance awards went estimated that its educational order for
to only four companies, the program leaped the M1 rifle saved a full year's time in
ahead in fiscal 1940 with more than eighty getting into quantity production.41 Not
educational awards. As orders for a wide all companies with educational orders com-
range of items went to manufacturers in pleted them successfully, nor were all hold-
all parts of the country, the district offices ers of educational contracts later given
and arsenals plunged into the task of shar- production orders for exactly the same
ing with industry their knowledge of pro- product. But in April 1941 Ordnance re-
duction methods peculiar to munitions ported that about half had received pro-
making. The invitations to bid for educa- duction orders for the same or similar
tional orders were issued by the arsenals items.42 All told, the educational orders
and the contracts were let from the Office had spread the "know how" of specialized
of the Chief of Ordnance, after approval ordnance manufacture to some eighty-two
by the Secretary of War and the President, companies, made available to them at least
as required by law. Selection of firms to a minimum of special tools and other
receive invitations to bid, negotiation of manufacturing aids, and, by familiarizing
contract details, and inspection and accept- them with Ordnance inspection methods,
ance of finished matériel were all man- probably cut down rejections on later
aged by the district offices. The entire production orders.43
process was thus an educational experience While Ordnance was launching its edu-
for the Ordnance Department as well as cational orders experiment it also entered
for the manufacturers. But, just as the pro-
gram was getting well under way in the 39
Min of conf in Gen Wesson's office, 1 Apr
summer of 1940, it was suddenly halted. 41, relative to S. Res. 71, OHF. See also Memo,
Because of the swift German victories in Lt Col Hugh C. Minton for Mr. Julius H. Am-
western Europe and the huge appropria- berg, 4 Apr 41, sub: Educational Orders, OHF.
(1) Replies to questions submitted to Maj
tions for military supplies voted by Con- Gen C. T. Harris. . . , 28 Feb 45, OHF, pp. 3-4;
gress, educational orders gave way to pro- (2) WDAB, 1942, H.R., 77th Cong., 1st sess.,
duction orders. Ordnance placed its last p. 27; (3) Yoshpe, op. cit., p. 37; (4) Histories of
Ord Districts; (5) Testimony of Rutherford, 27
educational order in July 1940 while the Feb 40, WDAB, 1941 H.R., 76th Cong., 3d sess.,
British Army was recovering from its evac- p. 108, passim; (6) WDAB, 1941, S., 76th Cong.,
uation of Dunkerque.39 3d sess., p. 200. See also the statement by Secre-
tary of War Robert P. Patterson that educational
The prevailing opinion in the Ordnance orders were of "immeasurable value," Army Ord-
Department and among contractors hold- nance, XXII, No. 131 (March-April 1942),
ing educational orders was that the pro- 729-30.
History, Rochester Ordnance District, I, p.
gram, in spite of being too limited in scope 50. Similar testimony may be found in the his-
and too brief in duration, proved its value tories of other districts and in the Report of the
Under Secretary of War, 30 June 1941.
as a means of industrial preparedness.40 42
Memo, Minton for Amberg, 4 Apr 41, sub:
Educational Orders.
(1) Statement of Maj Gen Charles M. Wes-
Crowell, et al., "The Crowell Board Report on son, Truman Comm. Hearings, Apr 41, copy in
Educational Orders for Peacetime Munitions Pro- OHF. (2) Statement of Wesson, WDAB, H.R.,
duction," Army Ordnance, XX, No. 117 (Novem- 77th Cong., 1st sess., p. 527, and statement by
ber-December 1939), 167-70. Maj Gen Harry K. Rutherford, p. 229.

into nearly one hundred contracts for pro- Conclusion

duction studies to determine the techniques
and equipment needed for quantity pro- Such, in broad outline, was the nature
duction of items of ordnance.44 Congress of Ordnance procurement planning in the
authorized the War Department to pur- summer of 1940. It was fundamentally
chase such studies in 1939. In the spring sound, in terms of the political and eco-
of 1940 General Wesson told a Congres- nomic atmosphere of the time. Its most
sional committee that funds for 420 addi- serious weakness lay in the limitations on
tional studies should be appropriated as he its application and development. The value
considered such studies to be "of para- of plant surveys made in the late 1930's was
mount importance to national defense." 45 demonstrated time and again during the
Averaging about $5,000 each, these studies defense period and was recognized by the
had the advantage of being much cheaper Office of Production Management (OPM)
than either educational orders or produc- in the spring of 1941 when it declared that
tion orders, but they were of far less value. they "have been found adequate for the
Their usefulness depended in large measure purpose of OPM's defense contract service
on the strength of the contracting com- and will not be duplicated." But Ord-
pany's engineering staff and on the serious- nance and the other supply services never
ness with which it tackled the study. In had enough money or enough manpower
the final analysis, only production orders to carry on a fully adequate program of
under wartime conditions could provide industrial surveys. Similarly, the education-
the proof of the pudding. That proof was al orders program, although soundly con-
not slow in coming, for in some cases con-
tracts for production studies were replaced, Memo, Lt Col Quinton for Maj Hugh B.
Hester, OASW, 5 Aug 40, sub: Production Stud-
even before they were signed, by produc- ies, OO 381/2210 ASW. See also testimony of
tion orders.46 Col Harry K. Rutherford in WDAB, H.R., 76th
During the year ending 30 June 1940 Cong., 3d sess., 27 Feb 40, pp. 100ff, and "Pro-
duction Studies," and editorial in Army Ord-
the Ordnance Department awarded 1,450 nance, XX, No. 120 (June-July 1940), 396. The
contracts to industry for approximately History of the Pittsburgh Ordnance District, I,
$83,000,000 worth of weapons, ammuni- Part 3, Chapter 4, describes that District's ex-
perience with production studies in detail.
tion, and new machinery, and it allocated 45
WDAB, 1941, H.R., 76th Cong, 3d sess., 12
a nearly equal sum to the arsenals for pro- Mar 46
40, pp. 558 and 601.
duction and modernization.47 Plans called History, Pittsburgh Ordnance District, I, pt.
3, p. 416. This reference also gives evidence of the
for completion of this 1940 program within usefulness of the production studies which were
two years, with 95 percent of it completed completed.
by December 1941. "In general," observed Analysis of FY 1940 Ord Dept Contracts,
Asst Chief of Ind Serv (Prod), OHF.
General Wesson, "it takes approximately 48
Speech by Maj Gen Charles M. Wesson in
one year to place orders and to get produc- Pittsburgh, 3 May 40, OHF. For a review of the
tion started, and a second year to finish contracts in force in the spring of 1940, see testi-
mony of Wesson, WDAB, H.R., 76th Cong, 3d
any reasonable program."48 Beyond the sess, pp. 555-56.
1940 program, provision had been made Proc Plng Bull, 1 Apr 41, cited in Hist,
Pittsburgh Ord Dist, I, pt. 3, p. 385. See also
for a tremendous increase in production statement by Secretary Patterson in praise of these
when funds for fiscal year 1941 became surveys before Select Comm., Investigating Ra-
available. tional Defense Migration, 23 Dec 41.

ceived and effectively administered, was testimony to the limitations on district ac-
started so late and was allotted so little tivity during those years. So is the fact that
money that its full value was never rea- before 1939 the employees on duty in the
lized. The system of plant allocations average district office could be counted on
formed the basis for a fruitful exchange of the fingers of one hand. It is no doubt true,
information between Ordnance and indus- as General Harris asserted, that there was
try during the interwar years, and, when never a time in the 1938-40 period when
the emergency came, the allocation plans he could not gain a sympathetic hearing
provided most useful guidance for placing from the president of any leading corpora-
Ordnance contracts. But the allocation tion in the United States to discuss pro-
plans were only a first step toward indus- curement plans. In some degree the same
trial preparedness. Their effectiveness de- was true of the district chiefs who were
pended upon their being backed up by the themselves prominent industrialists and
district system, the arsenals, and a compe- were supported by advisory committees
tent managerial staff in Washington. composed of industrial leaders. But most
Maintenance of the six manufacturing businessmen were reluctant to undertake
arsenals as the "Regular Army of produc- detailed planning for an unforeseeable fu-
tion" throughout the interwar years was ture. They were willing to go just so far,
one of the most important Ordnance con- and no farther. As a result, within the lim-
tributions to the cause of industrial pre- ited budgets of the peacetime years the
paredness. But it must also be remembered districts did a great deal of valuable work,
that, because of lack of funds, the equip- but in 1940 much still remained to be done
ment of the arsenals was not kept up-to- before a major program of munitions pro-
date. Although some progress toward mod- duction could be launched.
ernizing arsenal equipment was made in In one respect a great advance was
the late 1930's, particularly at Frankford, made in Ordnance procurement planning
by 1939 some 80 percent of the machine between the fall of 1939 and the fall of
tools in the arsenals were eighteen or more 1940. More and more people, both in and
years old, and some of them antedated the out of the Army, began to take such plan-
Civil War.50 With such equipment the ning seriously for the first time. Before
arsenals were not able to keep abreast of
the latest developments in manufacturing Three significant magazine articles on this
techniques, nor were they fully prepared in tion" inappeared
subject in 1939. "The Arsenals in Ac-
American Machinist, vol. 83, (February
1940 to serve as model factories to be 8, 1939), pp. 48aff., reported the findings of a
copied by private industries about to con- study of arsenal machines made by the magazine
vert to munitions making. staff. Maj. Gen. Charles M. Wesson, in "Adequate
National Defense Requires Modernized Arsenals,"
Without the district offices, with their Machinery, vol. 45 (July 1939), pp. 735ft., de-
continual and friendly liaison with indus- clared that a great proportion of arsenal machin-
ery was obsolete. The same facts were presented
trial leaders, the paper plans for war pro- by General Wesson in Army Ordnance, XIX, No.
curement would have been far less valua- 114 (May-June 1939), 331, and in WDAB, 1941,
ble than they actually proved to be. But H.R., 77th Cong., 1st sess., pp. 596-97. The offi-
the fact that no annual meeting of the dis- cial histories of the arsenals provide some data on
new machinery purchased in 1939-40, as does
trict chiefs was held between 1931 and Memo, CofOrd for Col Wade H. Haislip, 28 Jan
1935 because of lack of funds is eloquent 39, OO 111.6954, copy in OHF.

1939, when the prospects of American in- tories aroused public interest in rearma-
volvement in war seemed remote, only a ment of the United States and in plans
few people took procurement planning for national defense. Instead of being de-
seriously. Among these, it should be noted, nounced for making war plans, military
were the members of the Army Ordnance men were now criticized for not having
Association, who worked throughout the made better plans. With the launching of
interwar years to promote the cause of in- the munitions program in the late summer
dustrial preparedness for national defense. of 1940 a new attitude prevailed in the
Established in 1919, the AOA immediately Army and among businessmen. The change
gained recognition in both industry and did not come overnight, nor was it complete
government when it elected as its first pres- before Pearl Harbor, but it had a steady
ident Benedict Crowell, director of muni- growth. It gave to all considerations of
tions in World War I. At the annual din- procurement plans a sense of reality and
ners held by AOA posts in major cities the urgency they had never had before. It not
most important leaders of American indus- only freed the procurement planners of the
try were brought together to consider psychological handicap under which they
industry's role in national defense. The had labored for two decades but it also
bimonthly magazine, Army Ordnance, brought forth the money needed to trans-
brought to all members of the association form blueprints into weapons.52
articles on new developments in ordnance
engineering along with news and comment 51
Ann Rpt of ASW, 30 Jun 38, in Ann Rpt
on industrial preparedness. SW, 1938, pp. 19-20. See editorial in Saturday
In the late 1930's Louis Johnson made Evening Post, vol. 211, No. 22 (November 26,
1938), attacking the Industrial Mobilization Plan
countless speeches in all parts of the coun- as "articles of war-time dictatorship." The broad
try urging the need for industrial prepared- background of these events is described in Smith,
ness, but the response was generally apa- Army and Economic Mobilization, Chapter V.
For comment on this matter as viewed from
thetic, and frequently hostile.51 Then, in the highest level in the War Department, see Ann
the spring of 1940, the swift German vic- Rpt SW, 1941, pp. 2-3.

Launching the Defense Program,

Appropriations for preparedness in the Procurement Objectives
early months of 1940 indicated a growing
awareness of the dangers threatening the As a first step toward providing detailed
nation, but they fell far short of financing procurement objectives for the supply serv-
a long-range military program for the ices, the General Staff issued an Expendi-
United States. Because of the cumbersome ture Program in August 1940. Designed as
machinery used in making military appro- a master shopping list for Army procure-
priations, and the uncertainty among advo- ment, this document showed require-
cates of preparedness as to how far and ments for the Protective Mobilization Plan
how fast the nation should go in the direc- (PMP) force of 1,200,000 men and for the
tions of rearmament, the money to finance augmented force of 2,000,000 men, the
the munitions program did not come all at
once but in varying amounts at irregular 1
Ordnance appropriations during the defense
intervals. After the startling German suc- period are discussed in Green, Thomson, and
Roots, Planning Munitions for War, Chapter III.
cesses in May and June, Congress acted See also Incl to Memo of Harris for USW, 9 Sep
quickly to make more funds available. 41, sub: Comments on Study. . ., OHF. For a
Following the $436,000,000 approved for brief summary of other measures adopted during
1940 and early 1941, see testimony of the Secretary
Ordnance in June 1940, there came a of War and the Under Secretary before the Tru-
supplemental grant of $1,442,000,000 in man Committee, 15 April 1941, pt. 1.
September. Six months later $913,000,000 The history of industrial mobilization during
the defense period, written from the vantage point
was appropriated for Ordnance expen- of higher civilian or military levels, may be found
ditures under lend-lease, followed by in several published works, notably Bureau of the
$1,339,000,000 for general purposes in Budget, Committee on Records of War Adminis-
tration, The United States at War, (Washington,
June, and nearly $3,000,000,000 in Au- 1946) ; Watson, Chief of Staff; and Smith, Army
gust 1941.1 These funds strengthened the and Economic Mobilization. Among the many
rearmament effort, but each appropriation unpublished manuscripts dealing with this period,
two are particularly worthy of mention: Troyer
also called for a revision of plans and ob- S. Anderson, Office of the Under Secretary of
jectives, thus making it difficult for the War, 1914-41, and History of the ASF Purchases
General Staff to provide Ordnance with a Division, both in OCMH files. The annual reports
of the Under Secretary of War for 1940 and 1941
firm long-range statement of procurement are valuable, as is the annual report of the
goals.2 Purchase and Control Branch, OUSW, 1941.


unit cost of each item, the stocks on hand, Many of the items listed in the Time
the resultant shortages, and the approved Objective were approaching obsolescence.
expenditures. The Expenditure Program All during the 1920's and 1930's Ord-
showed how much money was to be spent nance had been hampered in its develop-
for each type of equipment, but it did not ment of new and improved matériel by
establish any delivery schedules or even lack of money. Ordnance did not have a
broad time objectives for procurement. To free hand either to develop or to procure
fill this gap, G-4 issued separately in the materiel it considered most desirable.
August a statement of time objectives that It worked within the framework of Army
served as a target for production plan- command as a service agency bound to
ners.3 The "all-important present objec- meet, as best it could, the wishes of the
tive" was to provide at the earliest possible using troops. With the approach of war,
date initial equipment for the PMP force co-ordination between Ordnance and the
and sufficient monthly production to main- using arms became closer. It was expressed
tain this force in combat. (Table 1) For in the approval of new items by the Ord-
small arms, combat vehicles, tractors, and nance Technical Committee on which the
miscellaneous fire control equipment, the using arms were represented. But it was
target date for equipping the PMP force never without its rough spots.4
was 30 June 1941, and for the 2,000,000-
man force it was 31 December 1941. For Placing the First Orders
antiaircraft and field artillery, the corres-
ponding deadlines were six months later Even before the Expenditure Program
—31 December 1941 for the PMP and 30 and the Time Objective were issued, re-
June 1942 for the larger force. Production 3
Time Objective for Rqmts, approved 26 Aug
of ammunition was to reach by 30 Sep- 40, in G-4 file 31773, and in OHF.
tember 1941 the estimated expenditure 4
See Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
rate of the 2,000,000-man force. Munitions for War, p. XXIX, and ch. VII.

quirements for Ordnance items financed red tape. Procurement officers frequently
by the $436 million that became available spoke of the need to "take the law into
in July 1940 were sufficiently clear to per- their own hands" to get quick action. Only
mit placing some orders with the arsenals gradually were the time-consuming proce-
and private industry. Placing these and dures of the years of peace replaced by
later orders was a large and complicated more expeditious means of conducting
task, not only because Ordnance was re- business.7
sponsible for about 1,200 principal articles, In dividing orders between the arsenals
involving some 250,000 components, but and private industry, the policy was to give
also because each order had to be drawn industry as much work as possible, and
up for specific quantities of munitions to thus share with it the knowledge of pro-
be delivered according to a definite time duction methods gained by the arsenals,
schedule. Manufacturers could not accur- and at the same time to avoid overloading
ately estimate unit production costs unless the arsenals with straight production or-
they knew the quantities to be produced, ders at the cost of curtailing their develop-
for unit costs normally declined as volume ment activities. To private industry went
rose. Prospective bidders also required orders for articles previously produced in
blueprints and specifications before they quantity at the arsenals, items for which
could calculate probable costs on items production methods had been worked out;
they had never before produced. The en- the arsenals were given orders for items not
tire program required careful balancing so yet produced in quantity.8 The assignment
that adequate supplies of each component
would arrive in proper time at the assembly 5
Memo of USW for CofOrd, 19 Sep 40, sub:
points. Pervading the whole atmosphere Priorities and Scheduling, OO 400.12/476. For a
description of procurement policy and citation of
was the demand for speed in signing con- numerous directives, see Hist, Ind Serv, Dist
tracts and starting production, for the Admin Br, vol. 101.
dramatic German victories of May and (1) Memo of CofOrd for ASW, 11 Jul 40,
sub: Contracts Awarded Under the FY 1941
June had shocked the American people Proc Program, OO 381/716 ASW; (2) Replies to
and pointed up the urgent need for a questions submitted to Maj Gen C. T. Harris, Jr.,
stronger national defense.5 28 Feb 45, OHF; (3) Memo, Brig Gen Gladeon
M. Barnes for Mr. John J. McCloy, OSW, 1 Apr
Because of its extensive advance plan- 41, sub: Status of Ord Prod, OO 400.12/2386;
ning, the Ordnance Department was ready (4) Statement of Maj Gen Wesson prepared for
to act quickly when funds became avail- Truman Comm., Apr 41, OHF. The story of tank
development is told in Green, Thomson, and
able on 1 July 1940. Unlike 1917, when Roots, Planning Munitions for War, and, from
the lack of designs and specifications held the procurement viewpoint, in Chapters X and
up production for many months, 1940 XI, below.
See Contract Forms and Legal Restrictions in
found the Ordnance Department with pro- preceding chapter. The attitudes of officers in the
duction drawings of most items ready for districts is reflected in the district histories. The
immediate issue to manufacturers. The problem is discussed at some length in Smith,
Army and Economic Mobilization, Chapter III.
only delay was with items still undergoing 8
(1) Lecture, Wesson, Ordnance Department
test and development and not yet stand- Procurement; (2) Intervs with Maj Gen Charles
ardized, such as the new medium tank.6 T. Harris, Jr. and other officers in the summer of
1950. For the policy on artillery ammunition, see
On the administrative level there were de- Contract Negotiation and Administration, Ord
lays caused by legal restrictions and Dept, May 1945, I, ch. 5 (a), OHF.

of specific items to the arsenals for manu- less powder plant costing $26,000,000 was
facture or for procurement from industry placed with the DuPont Company.10
posed no special problems, for each arsenal
had specialized for many years in one or Activating the District Offices,
two broad classes of matériel. Springfield August 1940
Armory, the center of small arms develop-
ment, was assigned production of the M1 While the first orders under the July
Rifle, and Rock Island, the recuperator for 1940 appropriations were being placed by
the new 105-mm. howitzer. To Watertown the divisions of the Industrial Service in
went orders for gun tubes and carriages; Washington, and by the arsenals, plans
to Watervliet, machining of cannon; to were on foot to give the districts an im-
Picatinny, powder, explosives, and com- portant share in the procurement process
ponents of artillery ammunition; and to when the second supplemental appropria-
Frankford, ammunition and fire control tion, carrying $1,442,000,000 for Ord-
instruments.9 Over half the $50,000,000 nance, should pass. At the end of July
awarded in arsenal orders during early district chiefs and arsenal commanders met
July 1940 went for ammunition, and the in Washington to review and discuss pro-
remainder was distributed among such curement plans. Two weeks later, on 16
items as the M1 rifle, 37-mm. and 90-mm. August, the first General Directive on Con-
antiaircraft guns and carriages, fire control tract Negotiation went out to all district
instruments, and "high-speeding" old 75- offices.11 This directive is generally re-
mm. gun carriages by equipping them with garded as marking the "activation" of the
pneumatic tires and improved springs. Ordnance districts in World War II. It did
Most of the awards to industry in July not give the districts authority to make
1940 were for metal components of artil- final awards to industry but made them
lery ammunition, including such items as responsible for soliciting bids and discuss-
577,000 75-mm. cartridge cases with the ing the terms of contracts.12
Bridgeport Brass Company, 285,000 3-inch 9
Army Ord Dept Tentative Program for Proc
shells with the Budd Wheel Company, from Industry during the Fiscal Year Beginning
500,000 pieces of brass tubing with the 1 July 1940, OHF.
(1) Memo, CofOrd for ASW, 11 Jul 40, sub:
Revere Brass and Copper Company, and Contracts Awarded Under the FY 1941 Procure-
over 3,000,000 artillery shells with the ment Program, OO 381/716; (2) Interv with
United States Steel Corporation. Under Maj Gen Charles T. Harris and Brig Gen Burton
O. Lewis, 13 Jan 53. As new lines were added by
the heading of automotive equipment, an supplemental agreement the cost of this plant
order for 500 heavy tractors went to the eventually exceeded $100,000,000.
International Harvester Company, 1,057 (1) Conf of Dist Chiefs and Arsenal Comdrs,
30 Jul 40, Ord Tech Rcds; (2) Ltr, CofOrd to all
scout cars to the White Motor Company, dist offices, 16 Aug 40, sub: Gen Dir on Contr
and an armor plate contract for over Negotiation, OHF.
$5,000,000 to the United States Steel Cor- The published history of the New York
Ordnance District presents a picture of these
poration. Orders for small arms and small events as seen by a high-ranking officer of that
arms ammunition went mostly to such well district. Chester Mueller, The New York Ordnance
known firms as General Motors, Colt, District in World War II (New York: New York
Post and Army Ordnance Association, 1947). The
Remington, DuPont, and U.S. Steel, and manuscript history, The Ordnance District Sys-
one contract for construction of a smoke- tem, 1918-1945, 8 May 45, describes these events

The ground rules to govern the negoti- shells, for manufacture of cartridge cases,
ation of contracts were set forth in some bomb bodies and fins, booster cases, pyro-
detail by the Chief of Ordnance in the technics, and a wide variety of fuzes for
directive of 16 August. The importance of shells and bombs. A few examples will
these rules is hard to exaggerate, for they illustrate. The Cleveland District was as-
helped to shape some of the most contro- signed solicitation of bids for over two
versial features of the Ordnance program million 37-mm. shells, with small quanti-
in 1940 and 1941. Because of the critical ties of the same shell going to San Fran-
lack of machine tools, and the prevailing cisco, New York, and Cincinnati. The ma-
emphasis in the War Department on econ- chining of nearly four million 60-mm. mor-
omy and speed of delivery, the districts tar shells was divided among the Cleveland,
were instructed to give first preference to St. Louis, Philadelphia, and Detroit dis-
plants already holding production orders if tricts. In most cases the production load
those plants could fill additional orders was divided among at least six districts.
with existing capacity. Companies allo- Deliveries were to start during January or
cated to Ordnance and companies with February 1941 and were to be completed
educational orders, production studies, or within twelve months.
accepted schedules of production were also With issuance of the August directive,
to be given priority in bidding. No limit the usefulness of the district procurement
was set to the size of any contract or to the plans was put to the test. The results
size of any producer, but the districts were varied, but in general were good. Virtually
warned that letting many small contracts all orders went to allocated facilities, and
would be uneconomical and would place many went to firms that had completed
an added strain on the already overloaded educational orders, production studies, or
machine-tool and gage industries. schedules of production.13 The procure-
Along with the directive of 16 August ment program got off to a fast start, and
went a list of items on which each district by early November orders had been placed
was to seek bids. The list had been drawn for all ammunition components at a total
up by the Industrial Service in accordance cost of $190,000,000.14
with existing procurement plans of the dis- All of this work called for intensive effort
tricts, although in some cases the quanti- by the small staff of officers and civilians
ties were larger than the planning figures. in the Office of the Chief of Ordnance
In most cases the districts had in their files (usually abbreviated OCO) and necessi-
the technical data for each item, including tated speedy enlargement of the staff. Gen-
drawings, specifications, and descriptions eral Wesson's staff at the end of May 1940
of manufacture as practiced at the arsen-
als. The list issued on 16 August was
mainly for forging and machining artillery (1) History, Boston Ordnance District, I, p.
27; (2) Hist, Birmingham Ord Dist, I, pt. 1, pp.
137 and 177; (3) History, Cleveland Ordnance
District, I, pp. 51-52; (4) Ord Dist Hist, Pitts-
as seen by Brig. Gen. Alfred B. Quinton, Jr., Chief burgh, I, Gen exs. 25, 26, and 27.
of the District Administration Branch in 1940- Memo, CofOrd for ASW, Weekly Rpt of Ac-
41. OHF. See Harry B. Yoshpe, "Economic Mo- complishments, 7 Nov 40, Ord Tech Rcds (here-
bilization Planning between the Two World after cited as Weekly Rpt of Accomplishments
Wars," Military Affairs (Summer 1952), p. 76. and Difficulties).

numbered only 400—56 Regular Army technical knowledge were sometimes un-
officers, 3 Reserve officers, and 341 civil- derbid by competitors more eager to get
ians.15 During the next two years this staff the award or less conscious of production
grew by leaps and bounds, reaching a total difficulties to be overcome. The lowest bid
of 5,000 in June 1942. It included a small was more often a guess than an accurate
but valuable contingent of Reserve officers estimate.17 Further, the planned procure-
who had trained with Ordnance during ment pattern was upset by the fact that
the years of peace and were thus prepared many businessmen frankly disliked War
to step into important administrative po- Department contracts because they en-
sitions. The Ordnance office outgrew its tailed a great deal of red tape, demanded
peacetime quarters in the Munitions Build- tolerances much closer than those com-
ing, moved temporarily to the Social Secur- monly applied in commercial production,
ity Building on Independence Avenue, and and required manufacturers to assume
then to the newly built Pentagon, still abnormal risks.18 Some companies with
under construction in the spring of 1942 which the districts had made procurement
when Ordnance moved in. Meanwhile, plans over the years either refused to bid
at Ordnance installations throughout the or, it was suspected, deliberately entered
country—such as the district offices, arsen- high bids to avoid getting an award. As a
als, and depots—nearly 100,000 civilian result, contracts occasionally went to less
workers were added to the rolls, not count- desirable firms that experienced difficulty
ing hundreds of thousands of other workers in meeting production schedules while the
employed by Ordnance contractors. All more dependable companies later took or-
the districts drew upon their pools of Re- ders from the Navy or Air Corps on more
serve officers to find qualified administra- favorable terms.19
tors for key positions. In 1939 and 1940
the districts were able to recruit competent Plant Allocations
civilian engineers and procurement special-
ists, but during 1941 the recruitment The usefulness of plant allocations dur-
task became more difficult, and many able ing the defense period caused sharp dis-
employees were lost to industry or to the
draft. The level of competence of district 15
Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Muni-
production engineers tended to decline as tions 16
for War, ch. IV.
the demand for war production mounted.16 Lt Col Frederick C. Winter, Analysis of
World War II Production Activities of New York
Ordnance District, 5 Sep 47, Hist, New York Ord
Successes and Failures Dist, VII.
Contract Negotiation and Administration,
Ord Dept, May 45, ch. 6, p. 133. See also Hist,
As was to be expected, not everything New York Ord Dist, VII, op. cit.
went according to plan during the hectic For description of these conditions, see Hist,
eighteen months leading up to Pearl Har- New York Ord Dist, I, pt. 2, pp. 70-73, and Hist,
Rochester Ord Dist, I, p. 52. The "formidable web
bor. As a general rule, firms that had of red tape" surrounding government contracts is
made production studies of ordnance items mentioned by Lt. Gen. Levin H. Campbell, The
were able to submit more accurate bids Industry-Ordnance Team (New York: Whittlesey
House, McGraw Hill, 1946), p. 15.
than firms with less knowledge of the par- 19
For examples, see histories of the Chicago,
ticular items. But the firms with most Cleveland, St. Louis, and Rochester Districts.

agreement among observers, both then and because they were "the best prepared and
later. Critics of the allocation plan con- had the courage to bid the lowest and
tended that, like so many other military furnish the fastest deliveries on the tricky
plans, it was better designed for avoiding items of munitions that [Ordnance] has
the known mistakes of the last war than had to supply." 24
for meeting the unforeseen needs of the More important than strict adherence to
next conflict.20 Others, particularly Ord- plans for use of allocated facilities, in the
nance officers assigned to procurement du- opinion of many Ordnance officers, was
ties during the emergency period, insisted the very existence of the system in the
that the allocation system worked remark- summer of 1940 with all that it implied in
ably well, even though it was not enforced terms of surveys and contacts with indus-
by War Department authority.21 They try through district offices. The knowledge
pointed out that, unlike the Quartermaster of available facilities gained by Ordnance
Corps, which, after due deliberation, aban- officers in making surveys of allocated
doned its allocation plans during the plants was never adequate but it was of
emergency period, the Ordnance Depart- immeasurable value in getting procurement
ment followed its plans quite closely, plac- under way, particularly during the latter
ing 90 percent or more of its orders with half of 1940.25 It is of some interest to note
allocated plants.22 Although the compu- that the benefits of procurement planning
tations on which these statements were were appreciated by industry as well as
based have not been found, they are
generally substantiated by a study made at
the Industrial College in 1945 of military 20
For example, see Yoshpe, "Economic Mobili-
contracts let in four representative indus- zation Planning between the Two World Wars,"
pt. II, Military Affairs, (Summer 1952), 71-83.
trial areas in 1940-41.23 21
Intervs with Maj Gen Harris, Maj Gen Al-
All generalizations as to the use made fred B. Quinton, Jr., Brig Gen Lewis, and others,
of the allocation plans must be taken with 1952-53.
(1) Lecture, Wesson, The Ordnance Depart-
a grain of salt. Standing by themselves, ment, 9 May 4,1, ICAF, p. 10; (2) Statement by
the figures do not show whether the orders Maj Gen Charles M. Wesson before WDAB, 1942,
went to allocated companies because they H.R., 77th Cong., 1st sess., p. 529. The same
figure was cited by Harris in lecture, 25 Jul 41.
were allocated or because they were well The procedure followed in selecting contractors is
established firms ready to take production described in detail in History, Pittsburgh Ord-
contracts. It must be borne in mind that, nance District, I, pt. 3, pp. 543ff.
Clarence Niklason, Use of Industrial Mobil-
had there been no allocation plans at all, a ization Plan in World War II, ICAF Research
large proportion of the orders would in- Project, RP No. 24, Apr 45.
evitably have gone to these firms, for al- Lecture, Lt Col Ray Hare, A Brief Resume
of Activities of the OUSW, 7 May 41, ICAF,
located plants were generally the most P. 2.
important in their field. The plans were an The histories of the districts during World
important element in the picture, but not War II describe in some detail the activities of
these offices during the prewar years. See also
the only element. Lt. Col. Ray M. Hare, Quinton, The Ordnance District System, pp.
who was in the Office of the Under Secre- 1-8, and Olejar, Procurement Planning for War
tary and in a good position to observe their —Ordnance, pp. 45-60, OHF. Testimony before
the House Appropriations Committee in the spring
operation in 1941, commented that many of 1941 gave high praise to the procurement
of the allocated plants got the contracts planning of the War Department.

government. "The studies made in connec- had signed an accepted schedule of pro-
tion with the accepted schedules of pro- duction with the district office for a certain
duction," the General Electric Company item saw one of the arsenals or OCO
reported in July 1940, "are proving bene- place an order for that item with another
ficial in connection with current problems company he questioned the authority of
as they provide capacity data useful in the district and the value of its procure-
developing current schedules." 26 ment planning activities. In some cases,
after a contract was signed, the contractor
District-Arsenal-OCO Relations did not know whether he should deal with
the district, with the arsenal that normally
The directive giving the districts author- produced the item, or with the Industrial
ity to negotiate contracts did not by any Service in Washington. The arsenal that
means indicate that the arsenals and the produced a given item was regarded as
Office of the Chief of Ordnance (OCO) the repository of production know-how,
were out of the procurement picture. Not and the district was the authority on
only did OCO retain full authority to contractual terms, but the two sometimes
make the awards on bids forwarded to overlapped, and there was always the feel-
Washington from the districts but, for ma- ing that the final authority was in Wash-
jor items such as tanks, it also conducted ington.29 Even as late as August 1941
negotiations directly with industry without the district offices complained that they
going through the district offices. The were being bypassed by businessmen who
arsenals did the same for certain complex preferred to deal directly with the Wash-
items, for development projects, and for ington office,30 and in December the chief
supplies for their own use.27 During 1941, of the District Administration Branch de-
for example, a single arsenal, Picatinny, clared at a staff conference that there was
sent out 200,000 invitations to bid, enclos-
ing a total of more than 2,000,000 draw-
ings. In mid-December 1940 the arsenals
were told to turn over administration of Ltr, General Electric Co. to ANMB, 16 Jul
all contracts to the districts, but not until 40, OO 381/1479 ASW.
See Ord Dept Cir 135, 16 Aug 41, sub: Ord-
May 1941 were the districts given indepen- nance Department Procurement Procedure. For
dent authority to make awards. Although criticism of this procedure, see Mueller, op. cit.,
the districts steadily gained ground during p. 116, and History, Philadelphia Ordnance Dis-
trict, I, pt. 5, p. 30. The friction between the
the defense period, the arsenals and OCO arsenals and the districts is mentioned in Quin-
carried a major share of the procurement ton, op. cit., p. 22.
load largely because the division chiefs in (1) Memo, CofOrd for dists, 27 May 41, sub:
Procurement Without Advertising, ex. F in Hist,
Washington were reluctant to turn over to Ind Serv, Dist Admin Br., vol. 101; (2) Min,
the newly activated districts the power to Wesson Confs, 22 Dec 41, p. 1253; (3) OCO Ind
place contracts.28 Serv, Contract Negotiation and Administration,
Ord Dept, I, 11, May 1945. See also Ind Serv Gen
Under these circumstances there was not Instructions No. 19, 12 Mar 41.
only friction between OCO and the dis- Lt Col Frederick C. Winter, Analysis of
World War II Production Activities of New York
tricts but also confusion among manufac- Ordnance District, 5 Sep 47, Hist, New York Ord
turers as to who was who in the Ordnance Dist, I.
Department. When a businessman who Min, Wesson Confs, 16 Aug 41, p. 1045.

still "too much negotiating going on in By the end of June 1941 the contracts for
Washington." 31 new facilities reached a total of $576,-
000,000, roughly equivalent to the sum
Creating New Facilities planned the year before as necessary to
supply the 2,000,000-man force.35
A large proportion of the Ordnance One of the major criticisms of the de-
funds obligated during the latter half of fense program made by the Truman Com-
1940 went for new government-owned fa- mittee of the Senate and the Tolan
cilities, mostly plants for making powder Committee of the House of Representatives
and explosives and for loading ammuni- in 1941 was that the War Department had
tion. The contracts for these plants were built new plants needlessly and had failed
negotiated not by the arsenals or districts to make full use of existing plant capacity.
but through an office created for the pur- The committees described Army procure-
pose in the Industrial Service by General ment officers as comparatively helpless in
Harris. It should be recalled that in July dealing with large corporations which re-
1940 the capacity of the United States to fused to convert their plants to war pro-
produce specialized types of munitions was duction and demanded that the govern-
limited. Available facilities could turn out ment build new plants, with all new
fewer than 100 light tanks and about 500 equipment, for producing munitions. The
machine guns per month, and only 30 Army's acceptance of such industry pro-
tons of smokeless powder and 12 tons of posals, the committee charged, wasted
TNT per day. Against the requirements of strategic building materials, contributed to
the Munitions Program of 30 June these
quantities were altogether inadequate.32 31
Min, Wesson Confs, 22 Dec 41, p. 1253. Four
Ordnance signed its first contract for a months later the Cincinnati Field Survey made
new GOCO (government-owned, contrac- for ASF listed as one of its major conclusions,
tor-operated) plant in July 1940 with the "District offices should be given more power."
Contl Div files of ASF.
DuPont Company for construction of a 32
A detailed summary of the types of new fa-
smokeless powder works (later named the cilities may be found in Expansion of the Activ-
Indiana Ordnance Works), followed in ities of the Ordnance Department, 1940-41, pp.
9-10, OHF, and in the various Weekly Statistical
August by another with the Chrysler Cor- Report Summaries issued by the Statistical Branch,
poration for construction of a tank arsenal OUSW. See also Campbell, op. cit., ch. 7, and
(later named Detroit Ordnance Plant).33 Ann33 Rpt ASW, FY 40, p. 5.
The names of new facilities, according to the
A contract with the Hercules Powder Ordnance formula, consisted of three parts: (1)
Company for another smokeless powder the location, (2) the word "Ordnance," and (3)
works was approved in August, as was a "works" if basic materials were required for pro-
duction and "plant" if the operation was only
contract for an ammunition loading plant fabrication or assembly. Min, Wesson Confs, 5
with the Atlas Powder Company. By De- Jul3440, OHF.
cember 1940, a full year before Pearl Har- Chronology of Ord Activities, OHF.
Expansion of Activities of the Ordnance De-
bor, the task of constructing and equipping partment. The reluctance of powder manufac-
twenty-two major new facilities was under turers to engage in this military production, and
way by private corporations for shell- risk being branded as "merchants of death," is
described in Henry L. Stimson and McGeorge
loading and for production of chemicals, Bundy, On Active Service in Peace and War
explosives, tanks, guns, and armor plate.34 (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1948), p. 353.

the machine-tool shortage, and delayed of funds by Congress, the supply services
production of essential equipment.36 speedily placed their orders with industry,
Insofar as existing facilities that could but delivery of hard-to-manufacture items
economically be converted to defense pro- was a mere trickle throughout the defense
duction were not so converted, the criti- period. To experienced Ordnance officers
cisms of the Congressional committees were the small quantities produced during 1940
justified. But with Ordnance production -41 came as no surprise. For a full gen-
the great bulk of the new facilities did not eration they had been saying that mass-
fall into that category. For producing production of munitions could not even
smokeless powder and TNT, or for loading begin in less than eighteen months.39 They
bombs and artillery shells, there simply pointed out that Germany had started to
were no existing facilities suitable for rearm in 1933 and seven years later had
conversion. In December 1941, when the not yet reached full production. They cited
Under Secretary of War summed up the reports of British experience showing that
War Department answer to the Tolan it took about two years, on the average,
Committee's criticisms, he vigorously de- for a new munitions plant to reach full
fended the construction of new Ordnance production. "In no case," reported Col.
facilities, and assured the committee that James H. Burns in June 1940, "was an
the Army had not proceeded with erection ordnance plant [in England] constructed
of new plants except where necessary.37 and placed in operation in less than 12
Much of the criticism of undue facilities months from date of decision and in some
expansion during the defense period lost its instances the time factor exceeded three
meaning after the outbreak of war. What
had appeared to be overexpansion in the 36
(1) S. Rpt No. 480, pt. 3, 17 Nov 41, pp.
fall of 1941 took on the appearance of 191-99, Truman Comm., 77th Cong., 1st sess.;
underexpansion after Pearl Harbor. The (2) Second Interim Rpt of Tolan Comm., 77th
mounting demand for munitions of all Cong., 1st sess., H.R. Rpt No. 1553. See also Mil
Rqmts and Materiel Prod, Incl to Memo, Brig
types early in 1942 put a severe strain on Gen Harris, Actg CofOrd, for USW, 9 Sep 40,
all existing Ordnance facilities and brought OO 400.12/5853-1/2.
into war production an ever larger pro- Statement of USW before the Select Comm.,
Investigating National Defense Migration, H.R.,
portion of civilian industry, including both 23 Dec 41.
small businesses and the big automobile This process of production expansion is
companies.38 treated on a commodity basis, covering ammuni-
tion, artillery, small arms, and tanks, in later
Criticisms, Delays, and Difficulties See General Wesson's lectures at the Army
War College and Army Industrial College in the
late 1930's. "Balanced armament production does
There was much impatience with the not come overnight," the Ordnance Department
slowness of the rearmament program dur- told a House Committee in July 1941, "nor does it
ing the latter half of 1940, and throughout come within the first half year. It has always been
recognized that a major military armament effort
1941, Observers found many opportunities for the United States would require the first year
to criticize as they watched the vast and to get under way and from six months to a year
thereafter to reach full production." Ord Dept
cumbersome mechanism for Army procure- Reply to Questionnaire No. 2, Spec Comm. No.
ment swing slowly into action with much 3, H.R. Comm. on Mil Affairs, 14 Jul 41, OO
creaking in the joints. After appropriation 400.12/4454.

years." 40 But to many people unfamiliar meet demands for the most advanced
with the problem of producing tools of war weapons, particularly when the war in
the Ordnance Department appeared to be Europe was daily revealing a need for new
slow and inefficient. In 1940-41, after two or improved equipment. Everyone agreed
decades of neglect, and in an economy that that a thousand "imperfect" tanks on the
had learned to eschew arms manufacture battlefield were better than scores of "per-
as something immoral, Ordnance was asked fect" tanks on the proving ground, but
to perform an industrial miracle.41 whether they were better than 500 "more-
nearly-perfect" tanks on the field of battle
Patterson's Criticisms was a moot question. General Burns tells
the story that on the day after issuing in-
As early as 23 August 1940 the newly structions to freeze designs Patterson was
appointed Assistant Secretary of War, asked to approve a contract for helmets.
Robert P. Patterson, opened the season of "Are these the same old hats we had in
criticism by writing to all the supply serv- 1918?" he asked. When told that they
ices that reports reaching him indicated were, he refused to sign until a new helmet
that the procurement program was being design was adopted.44 In July 1940, Pat-
retarded in some instances by four factors: terson's predecessor had written concern-
(1) lack of clear requirements to be met ing the Munitions Program of 30 June:
by the suppliers; (2) unusual military "The program obviously cannot be frozen
specifications which could not be met un- either as to quantities or types. ... A
der normal commercial procedures; (3) happy compromise must be effected be-
unnecessarily close tolerances and too se- tween the two opposites of production
vere inspection requirements; and (4) fre-
quent changes in specifications and designs
affecting work in progress.42 Patterson
directed all the supply services to take Statement by Col Burns to H.R. Appropri-
ations Comm., 5 Jun 40 (copy in Gen Burns'
prompt action to eliminate these sources of personal file). See also Munitions for the Army:
delay, and three days later wrote a con- A Five Year Report, prepared by Troyer S. An-
fidential memorandum to the Chief of derson in 1946 for Secretary Patterson, copy in
Ordnance to emphasize particularly the OHF. 41
For comparison with World War I, see man-
need for freezing designs. He quoted an uscript study by Harvey .A. De Weerd, Production
observer who said the desperate position Lag in the American Ordnance Program, 1917-
18, particularly pp. 250-62, OHF. See also Memo,
of the British armed forces was due to their Col Burns for CofS, 1 Feb 40, sub: Industrial
failure to freeze designs. "The best," Preparedness Essential to Adequate National De-
he commented, "is the enemy of the fense, in Gen Burns' personal file. The slow
progress toward British rearmament in the 1930's
good . . . Germany has demonstrated is described in Michael M. Postan, British War
that thousands of imperfect tanks on the Production (London: Her Majesty's Stationery
battlefield are better than scores of perfect Office,
43 Memo of ASW for supply services, 23 Aug
tanks on the proving ground. . ." 40, OO 400.12/312. Cf. Memo, CofOrd for ASW,
Patterson's advice was not as easy to 12 43Aug 40, in General Minton's file.
practice as it was to preach. Ordnance Memo, ASW for CofOrd, 26 Aug 40, sub:
Freezing Designs, OO 400.114/752 Misc.
could not freeze designs and resist all 44
Interv with Maj Gen James H. Burns, sum-
pressure to change, and at the same time mer 1950.

and perfection in order to obtain most Department is making certain," wrote

effective results." 45 General Harris, "that the trends of modern
There can be little doubt that manufac- engineering and industry in the field of
turers' complaints of unusual production mass production shall be woven into the
requirements and unnecessarily close toler- very fiber of its organization and prac-
ances in Ordnance drawings and specifica- tice." 47 Ordnance tried, to be sure, and
tions were sometimes justified. The small- made notable progress, but, as later events
scale operations during the peace years had revealed, it fell short of full success in
left their mark on Ordnance designs and preparing for mass production.
designers. The arsenals had produced small There was also another side to this
quantities of munitions with the men and matter that should not be overlooked.
machines available; they never had full When manufacturers accustomed to the
opportunity to apply the most modern production of civilian goods found them-
production-engineering ideas or use the selves faced with the task of producing
newest machine tools. "If our designs, as munitions with novel and exacting specifi-
some people have said," wrote Lt. Gen. cations, they sometimes tended to be un-
Levin H. Campbell, "were 'wrapped duly impatient and critical of Army
around a milling machine,' it was because methods. They did not always understand
we simply could not afford production- the essential complexity of guns and am-
engineering studies of our various models munition. The rapid-firing machine gun,
or pilots." 46 The educational orders had for example, is an intricate and finely
provided that the contractors recommend balanced mechanism whose design has been
improved production methods and design worked out over many years by specialists
changes to facilitate mass production, but and tested under all sorts of atmospheric
such orders had covered only a small frac- conditions. A slight change made to speed
tion of Ordnance items. manufacture might appear perfectly inno-
From this it should not be inferred that cent, even trivial, to the production en-
the Ordnance Industrial Service was un- gineer, but it might also throw the whole
aware of the problem or was not produc- mechanism out of kilter. As with the matter
tion-minded. As far back as the days of of freezing designs, there was no easy
Maj. Gen. Clarence C. Williams, Chief of solution to the problem of simplifying Ord-
Ordnance from 1918 to 1930, the philoso- nance specifications. Each component had
phy of using standard industrial designs,
and avoiding unusual manufacturing
procedures, had become an established 45
principle in the arsenals. It was forcefully Memo, ASW for Mr. McReynolds, 16 Jul 40,
sub: Progress in Army Munitions Preparedness,
restated by General Harris in the fall of G-4 file 31773.
1940. Writing in Army Ordnance, he de- Campbell, op. cit., p. 292. Criticism of Army
scribed in detail the painstaking efforts designs, and of military hostility toward sugges-
tions for improvement, is voiced by Donald M.
made at Springfield Armory to assure ef- Nelson in Arsenal of Democracy (New York: Har-
ficient mass production of the Garand rifle, court Brace and Company,, 1946), p. 34.
and the installation of a modern high- Brig. Gen. Charles T. Harris, Jr., "Armament
Production, a Study of Ordnance Engineering
speed production line at Frankford Arsenal Policies," Army Ordnance, XXI, No. 123 (Novem-
for the manufacture of ammunition. "The ber-December 1940), 225.

to be studied separately and in relation to Some Time-Consuming Factors

the other parts of its assembly, and before
production-speeding modifications could Production on some Ordnance items
safely be made it was necessary to consult was disappointingly slow during the de-
the research and development specialists fense period. By July 1941, for example,
as well as the production engineers of in- only an estimated 3 percent of the matériel
dustry. This was accomplished in large covered by the appropriations for the 1941
measure through engineering committees, fiscal year, which had begun in July
such as the Tank Committee, formed in 1940, had been delivered to troops.52 It is
October 1940, that brought together rep- sometimes argued that one reason for the
resentatives of industry and Ordnance to slow progress was that manufacturers who
clarify drawings and specifications and to took defense orders in 1940 and 1941 were
discuss changes to speed production.48 not spurred on by the urgency of actual
But committee action was too often taken war. But a comparison between 1941 and
only after trouble developed. 1942 does not indicate that manufacturers
Early in 1941 Ordnance prepared for were dilatory before Pearl Harbor. After
signature by the Secretary of War a letter the outbreak of war it took just as long as
to all Ordnance districts, arsenals, plants, before to get into production on a new
and works emphasizing the necessity for item. The experience of the 1940-42 era
"the most searching analysis" of all suggests that a delay of a year or more in
factors affecting production and calling getting into large-scale production on a
for prompt, decisive, energetic action.49 new item of ordnance is practically in-
Throughout the defense period, Patterson evitable, war or no war.53
exhorted the supply services to speed up
the procurement of munitions. Twice dur- 48
Brief notes about these committees may be
ing one week in April 1941, when German found in Weekly Reports of Accomplishments and
submarines were taking heavy toll of At- Difficulties, beginning with the report dated 31
October 1940.
lantic shipping, he asked the Chief of 49
Ltr, SW to CofOrd and others, 19 Feb 41,
Ordnance to expedite deliveries, describing sub:50 Ord Prod. . . ,copy in OHF.
the need for increased production as "a (1) Memos, USW for CofOrd, 21 Apr and
25 Apr 41, in OHF Policy papers; (2) Chronology
matter of extreme urgency," and as "vital of Ord Activities; (3) Ltr, SW for CofOrd, 19
to our national existence."50 He urged Feb 41, sub: Ord Prod under the National De-
'round-the-clock operation of critical ma- fense Program, copy in History, Denver Ordnance
Plant, I, ex. 71.
chinery and unceasing effort to break 51
Ltr, USW to CofOrd, 2 Jul 41, sub: Com-
production bottlenecks. In June 1941, mendation. . . , OO 201.2/14. See also Min, Wes-
when he requested all supply services to son Confs, 3 Jun 41, p. 896, and 19 Jun 41, p.
935, and Memo, USW for Supply Services, 31
obligate the funds on hand before the end May 41, sub: Obligation of Current Funds, OHF.
of the fiscal year, Ordnance negotiators Patterson also praised Ordnance for speedy place-
worked night and day to place contracts ment of contracts when he testified before
Congressional committees. See Hearings, WDAB,
with industry, and were rewarded with a Apr 41, 77th Cong., 1st sess., p. 116.
commendation from Patterson for having Ord Dept Reply, Questionnaire No. 2. Spec
placed under contract "the largest peace- 41, p. 12,No.
Comm. 3, H.R. Comm. on Mil Affairs, 14 Jul
OO 400.12/4454.
time program of national defense procure- 53
For discussion of this point see Hist, Pitts-
ment in the history of this country." 51 burgh Ord Dist, I, pt. 4, pp. 712-22.

A brief recital of time-consuming factors pression had taken a heavy toll of skilled
that delayed production in 1940-41 will labor throughout American industry. These
illustrate. The time required to solicit bids, years had also taken their toll of manage-
make awards, and draw up formal con- ment if the occasional reports of pro-
tracts—usually two or three months—was duction inefficiency are any criterion.55
only the beginning. After receiving his During early 1941 Ordnance began to
government order the contractor had to complain that new and expanding high-
make a detailed engineering study of his level agencies created in Washington to
shop and perhaps rearrange his equipment manage the defense program were hinder-
for more efficient operation. In most cases ing procurement. Accustomed to the com-
he had to procure additional equipment, paratively simple administrative structure
and the delay in delivery of a single item, which prevailed before 1940, when the
such as a lathe or a heat-treating furnace, final authority on nearly all procurement
might hold up the entire production pro- matters for the Army was the Assistant
cess for months. For most items of ord- Secretary of War, Ordnance officers fre-
nance, manufacturers found it impossible quently objected to the growing adminis-
to use existing production lines; they had trative overhead. At the end of May 1941,
to start nearly from scratch to create new for example, General Harris went so far as
production setups. When, for example, a to state that the whole production program
large locomotive company in the New might soon come to a standstill because
York District was awarded a contract for "there are too many people in other eche-
155-mm. gun carriages in August 1940, it lons who desire to consider and approve
did not convert its existing production each project." 56 He declared that it took
lines but removed all the old equipment six times as long in the spring of 1941 to
from a long unused foundry building, put place orders as it had taken in the fall of
in new concrete floors, replaced the electric 1940, and cited as one example of unrea-
wiring, and literally built a new production sonable delay a project for tank parts
line from the ground up. All this took time, which had been held in the Office of Pro-
but the company felt that it was sound duction Management (OPM) for nearly a
manufacturing practice.54 month. But General Harris' complaint did
After receiving his government order, not stem the growth of the co-ordinating
every contractor had also to obtain a sup- hierarchy, and Ordnance officers continued
ply of materials—not always an easy job to complain of excessive administrative
in 1940 when shortages were becoming
increasingly common, particularly among
the grades of steel, copper, and aluminum Hist, Rochester Ord Dist Hist, I, pt. 2, p. 59.
See article in The New York Times, January 2,
needed for ordnance manufacture. Each 1941, p. 14, outlining some 40 steps involved in
contract for the machining of shell had to procurement of each type of weapon.
be geared to the availability of forgings. To Hist, Pittsburgh Ord Dist, I, pt. 4, pp. 716-
operate on a 3-shift, 24-hour day, contrac- Min, Wesson Confs, 28 May 41. In his testi-
tors had to hire additional workers and mony before the Truman Committee in April
train them for the specialized jobs they 1941, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson entered
a similar complaint. Hearings, Truman Comm., pt.
were to fill. In recruiting new workers, 1, 15 Apr 41, pp. 35-36. See also Smith, Army
contractors found that the years of de- and Economic Mobilization.

machinery throughout the defense period brought further delays in machine-tool de-
and well into the war period.57 liveries. "Otherwise," the general con-
Because a large share of Ordnance pro- cluded, "the situation which is now critical
duction required the machining of metals may become calamitous." 60
to fine tolerances, the munitions program This was strong language, but the Under
of 1940 brought a demand for thousands Secretary was not moved by it. Rather
of complicated and costly tools such as than propose a sweeping increase in Ord-
grinding, boring, broaching, and drilling nance priorities, which would adversely
machines, and lathes of various types. In affect other major programs, Patterson re-
their prewar planning, Ordnance officers quested more specific details on machine
had attempted to catalog the tools pos- tools most urgently needed by Ordnance
sessed by various manufacturing concerns contractors. To provide this detailed infor-
and select for wartime .production the mation the Ordnance office directed each
companies that would need least retool- district to get in touch with all its con-
ing. But in many instances manufacturers
found that for most efficient mass- 57
For further discussion of Ordnance relations
production of munitions they needed to with higher authorities see Green, Thomson, and
add new machines or replace some of their Roots, op. cit., Chapter VI. The history of the
civilian superagencies is told in Bureau of the
standard machine tools with new, special- Budget, The United States at War, and Civilian
purpose equipment. Great Britain and Production Administration, Industrial Mobiliza-
France placed large orders in this country tion for War.
For a brief description of the machine-tool
for machine tools early in 1940, as did problem in 1941, see testimony of Secretary of
companies holding Navy and Air Corps War Stimson and Mr. Knudsen before the Tru-
contracts, and the nation's small machine- man Committee, in Hearings. Truman Comm., pt.
1, pp. 13 and 102. The file kept by Maj. Elmer
tool industry was swamped with orders.58 E. Barnes, Chief of Priorities Section in the
In spite of the measures taken to allevi- OUSW, contains weekly reports on the priorities
ate it, the machine-tool shortage among system during 1940-41. See ASF 205.04, Prod
Div 319.1. The Minutes, Wesson Conferences, in
Ordnance contractors continued to grow early 1941 contain many references to the problem.
worse during the winter of 1940-41 and The priorities directive issued by the ANMB
in mid-March became so critical that Gen- on 27 November 1940 gave the highest rating,
A-1-a, to supplies and equipment for manufac-
eral Wesson presented the matter to the ture of machine tools and gages. The second
Under Secretary in a memorandum with highest rating, A-1-b, went almost entirely to Air
the ominous title, Probable Failure of Ord- Corps and Navy items, and included only a few
Ordnance items, chiefly aircraft machine guns and
nance Program. Citing the policy of the small arms ammunition. By May 1941 only small
Army and Navy Munitions Board arms and ammunition were as high as the A-1-b
(ANMB) that gave first priority to Navy category. See Min, Wesson Confs, 31 May 41, pp.
and Air Corps orders,59 General Wesson 60
Memo, CofOrd for USW, 12 Mar 41, sub:
declared that Ordnance contractors, with Probable Failure of Ordnance Program, OO 400.-
low priorities, could not acquire the tools 12/2085. See also Memo, Col Thomas J. Hayes
for Lt. Col. Alfred B. Johnson, 4 Mar 41, OO
they needed to get into production and 413.8/1772, and a report by USW, 3 Mar 41,
meet their delivery schedules. With large sub: Estimate of Production Possibilities Calendar
new production programs in the offing, he Years 1941 and 1942, copy in OHF. The histories
of the districts describe the effect of the machine-
recommended that remedial measures be tool shortage on production, particularly Hist,
taken before demands for new production Rochester Ord Dist, I, pt. 2, p. 68.
tractors and compile a list of undelivered of General Campbell, "the most heart-
machine tools that were holding up pro- breaking bottleneck of the early armament
duction. It was a long and tedious process period." 65
that went on for many weeks.61
Meanwhile the Office of Production Engineering Advisory Committees
Management tackled the problem from
other angles. It stimulated the production At the start of the munitions program,
of new tools, promoted the use of sub- Ordnance officers realized that countless
contractors possessing adequate equip- questions and problems would arise as
ment, took direct action to solve individual civilian manufacturers undertook to make
bottleneck cases, and endeavored to ferret complex military items on the basis of
out and put to work second-hand tools Ordnance drawings and specifications.
which were not being used. Late in August From experience in World War I, they
1941 the ANMB issued a new priorities knew that interpretation of drawings and
directive which slightly improved the Ord- specifications would require close super-
nance position,62 but the lack of machine vision if widespread failure to pass inspec-
tools continued to hamper Ordnance pro- tion were to be avoided. Ordnance was also
duction throughout 1941 and beyond. aware of the fact that its drawings and
General Harris reported two days before specifications, running into tens of thou-
Pearl Harbor that delivery dates on ma- sands, were not perfect and would need
chine tools were "most unsatisfactory,"63 careful checking. To meet this situation
As with the problem of freezing designs Ordnance created, in the spring of 1941,
or simplifying Ordnance equipment, there twenty-five groups known as Engineering
was no easy solution to the machine-tocl Advisory Committees. All manufacturers
problem. Each case had to be considered of tanks were represented on one commit-
on its merits, and in relation to all other tee, all manufacturers of mobile artillery
cases. It was impossible for Patterson, the
ANMB, or OPM to accede to General 61
Correspondence on this and other phases of
Wesson's request for a higher priority on the machine-tool problem is filed in OO 413.8.
Ordnance items without at the same time For a brief statement on the specific Ordnance
items being delayed for lack of machine tools, see
giving lower priorities to some Navy and Weekly Stat Rpt Summary No. 51, 21 Jun 41,
Air Corps orders, a policy which would Stat Br, OASW.
have amounted to little more than robbing ANMB Priorities Dir, 20 Aug 41. See also
correspondence related to this directive in History
Peter to pay Paul.64 Whether, in the of Ordnance Priorities Unit, OHF.
broad national view, considering the rela- Ord Cir Ltr, 5 Dec 41, sub: Machine Tools,
tive urgency of ships, airplanes, guns, OO 413.8/9334. Tanks were given A-1-a prior-
ity by ANMB ltr to all supply services, 4 Dec 41,
tanks, and all the other paraphernalia of copy in Hist, Ord Priorities Unit.
war, it was wise to give Ordnance produc- See Memo from Patterson and James V.
tion such a low priority is beyond the scope Forrestal for ANMB Priorities Comm., 20 Aug 41,
directing the committee not to yield to pressure
of this study to determine. But there can for higher priorities.
be no doubt that it was a physical impos- Campbell, op. cit., p. 15. For discussion of
sibility for the Ordnance Department fully the parallel position of the British Army during
the rearmament period, see Postan, op. cit., pp.
to overcome the handicap of that low 27ff. Because of its low priority the author calls
priority during 1941. It was, in the words the British Army "the Cinderella service."

carriages on another, and so on down the many small concerns scattered throughout
list through rifles, shells, machine guns, the country. The criticism appeared in
bomb fuzes, etc. A representative of in- newspaper and magazine articles and in
dustry headed each committee while an official reports of the Truman and Tolan
Ordnance officer served as permanent sec- Committees which investigated the defense
retary. An opinion of the Attorney General program during 1941 and later. These
in April 1941 provided some assurance that Congressional committees observed that, in
as long as the committees kept within spite of procurement plans, all the services
prescribed bounds they would not stand in in 1940 entered into a "mad scramble" to
violation of the antitrust laws.66 procure the munitions they needed, and
At meetings of the committees the mem- each desired to place its contracts with the
bers, usually engineers, exchanged informa- biggest and most reliable concerns. The
tion about sources of scarce materials, investigators charged that procurement of-
use of substitute materials, or new pro- ficers favored big business because it was
duction techniques. They frequently rec- less trouble, and took less time, to award
ommended to the Ordnance Department a single large contract to a big corporation
that certain design changes be made or than to divide up the order among many
that specifications be revised to speed pro- small companies, or provide for extensive
duction. All this activity was beneficial to subcontracting. They denounced the dis-
Ordnance, for it brought to bear on each proportionate emphasis put on big business
problem topflight engineering talent from by the military services, asserting that it
industry. But in the opinion of Brig. Gen. led to unnecessary plant expansion, delays
Gladeon M. Barnes, who was in charge of in production, heavy migration of workers
all Ordnance engineering, the greatest ben- to congested areas, and other problems.69
efit was the healthy psychological reaction In answering criticism of this nature,
from the association of Ordnance officers War Department spokesmen delcared that
and civilian engineers. "The meetings it should have caused no great surprise
have done much to overcome the indus- when large concerns which normally got
trial conception of the massive immobility the lion's share of civilian business also got
of Government agencies," wrote General
Barnes, "and have increased the desira- 66
Ltr, Attorney Gen Robert H. Jackson to John
bility [of] Government contracts."67 Lord O'Brian, Gen Counsel, OPM, 29 Apr 41,
These engineering committees were the copy in History, Small Arms Branch, Ind Div.,
forerunners of scores of industry integra- 67
Brig. Gen. Gladeon M. Barnes, "Armament
tion committees formed the following year Engineering," Army Ordnance, XXII, No. 127
under the leadership of General Camp- (July-August 1941), 33-35. See also Min, Wesson
Confs, 30 Jan 42, on which date Col. William A.
bell.68 Borden submitted an oral report on the engineer-
ing committee organized by the Industrial Service.
See chs. VI and VIII, below.
Big Business vs Small Business 69
(1) S. Rpt No. 480, pt. 3, pp. 191-99, Tru-
man Comm., 77th Cong., 1st sess.; (2) Third In-
During 1940-41 a steady drumfire of terim Rpt, Tolan Comm., 77th Cong., 2d sess.,
criticism was directed at the defense agen- 9 Mar 42, H.R. Rpt No. 1879. For testimony by
witnesses, see Hearings, Truman Comm., pt. 6.
cies—Navy as well as Army—for placing Similar testimony appears in WDAB, 1942, H.R.
orders with big business to the neglect of 77th Cong., 1st sess.

the lion's share of defense contracts. They fied to produce, either as prime contractor
pointed out that military procurement of- or subcontractor. When the Defense Con-
ficers, and their associations in OPM, were tract Service was created in OPM early in
not social reformers bent upon changing 1941 each Ordnance district appointed an
the nation's industrial pattern, but prac- officer to maintain liaison with that serv-
tical realists charged with the sobering re- ice. In September 1941, to promote wider
sponsibility for procuring munitions as distribution of defense orders, the require-
quickly and surely as possible. Although it ment that the districts negotiate only with
dealt with some small concerns, Ordnance allocated facilities was rescinded,73 and in
awarded the great majority of its early November and December Ordnance par-
contracts to big corporations because these ticipated in the Defense Special Trains that
corporations had the facilities, the experi- toured the country to show small manu-
ence, and the engineering skill to turn out facturers, what the supply services wished
the required armament in the shortest pos- to buy.
sible time. Most Ordnance contracts went Bringing small business into the defense
to allocated plants that had been surveyed program was an endless task that con-
and selected beforehand as the most prom- tinued throughout the defense period and
ising producers of war matériel. "To have
done otherwise," wrote General Campbell,
"would have been national suicide. The 70
(1) Campbell, op. cit., p. 89; (2) Memo,
small plants of the country could not have CofOrd to [no addressee given], 4 Apr 41, sub:
S. Res No. 71, OO 032/37; (3) Statement of
turned out one day's requirements of am- Patterson before the Select Comm., Investigating
munition. . . . Heavy manufacturing au- National Defense Migration, H.R., 23 Dec 41,
tomatically demanded large concerns." 70 USW file 004.4 Allocation of facilities, Colonel
Hare; (4) Statements of Patterson before Truman
It was largely through subcontracting Committee, 16 Apr 41 and 15 Jul 41, Hearings,
that small businesses were brought into the Truman Comm., pt. 1, pp. 60-61, and pt. 6, p.
Ordnance program in the defense period.71 1515. The official history of WPB observes that
Mr. Knudsen's ties with big industry, and his em-
Although Ordnance had no authority to phasis on proven ability to produce, delayed the
direct its prime contractors to use specific utilization of small business. Civilian Production
subcontractors, or otherwise attempt to tell Administration, Industrial Mobilization for War,
P. 71
them how to manage their affairs, it did For an account of this process, and a col-
encourage voluntary subcontracting wher- lection of documentary evidence, see R. F. Mc-
ever possible. To assist small businesses— Mullen, Smaller War Plants: Their Part in the
Ordnance War Effort, PSP 71, Jun 45, OHF, and
usually defined as those employing fewer Maj. Gen. Levin H. Campbell, Jr., Subcontracting
than five hundred workers—General Wes- in Ordnance Procurement, a rpt, 18 Jun 42, OHF.
son in February 1941 directed each district The difficulties of subcontracting as seen at the
district office level are set forth by Lt. Col. Freder-
to establish a display room to exhibit ick C. Winter, Analysis of World War II Produc-
samples and photographs of Ordnance tion Activities of the New York Ordnance District,
items, assemblies, and components.72 By Hist, New York Ord Dist, VII, pp. 22-24.
Cir Ltr, CofOrd, 21 Feb 41, sub: Display
visiting these rooms, examining in detail Rooms, OO 381/19091. See also ASW Ltr to
the items on display, and discussing man- Chiefs of Supply Arms and Servs, 20 Dec 40, sub:
ufacturing requirements with district Use of Sub-contractors. . ., OHF.
Cir Ltr, CofOrd, 23 Sep 41, sub: Distribution
officials, a small businessman could decide of Defense Orders, ex. 6 in study entitled Subcon-
which items or components he was quali- tracting in Ordnance Procurement, OHF.

the years of war.74 As production in- means of evaluating the methods em-
creased there was some spreading of prime ployed to mobilize the nation for war.77
contracts to smaller firms such as those By considering only the more important
that made up the New England Small types of guns, ammunition, and combat
Arms Corporation.75 Even more impor- vehicles actually produced during the de-
tant, small business firms got into defense fense period, the Ordnance record may be
production as subcontractors or sub- quickly summarized. (Table 2} In most
subcontractors. For this reason the extent cases the quantities procured far exceeded
to which Ordnance used small business the quantities for initial equipment of the
during the defense period is not easy to PMP force of 1,200,000 men. When com-
measure, but one investigation of the prob- pared with the Time Objective issued in
lem made in the Cincinnati area for ASF August 1940 the record reveals that, in
a few months after Pearl Harbor sheds small arms, light artillery, and tanks, pro-
some light on the matter. "We hunted for duction went far beyond the original re-
the 'small business' which could take on quirements. But with medium and heavy
prime war contracts with its existing equip- artillery, notably the 105-mm. howitzer
ment and which is not already at work or and the 155-mm. gun, the quantities pro-
well known to the supply arms and serv- cured fell considerably short of require-
ices," the survey team reported. "We ments. Among smaller items, the steel hel-
found none. . . . The 'small business' met also lagged far behind the 1940
which needs only money or a contract to schedule, primarily because a satisfactory
get going on critical material is, in this helmet design had not been developed and
area, a myth." 76 standardized before 1940. With small arms
ammunition, the goals set by the Time Ob-
jective were not reached by the fall of
Status of Rearmament, December1941 1941, for Frankford Arsenal remained the

To what extent did the United States

succeed in rearming during the eighteen 74
For an account of the problem from the
months before December 1941? Critics of NDAC and OPM level, see Civilian Production
Administration, Industrial Mobilization for War,
the armed services have charged that the pp. 61-63 and pp. 146-47.
rearmament effort was bungled, while mil- 75
Hist, Boston Ord Dist, VI-VII (Jan-Jun
itary spokesmen have stoutly denied the 44), pp. 40-48. See also ch. VII, below.
Cincinnati Field Survey, Apr 42, Contl Br,
charge. In December 1941, for example, ASF, p. 16. See also Memo, Alfred R. Glancy,
the Tolan Committee pulled no punches in ASF Hq, for CofOrd, quoted in History, Cincin-
asserting that defense production to date nati Ordnance District, I, pt. 1, pp. 60-61.
See the Second Interim Rpt of the Select
had been a failure, and a few days later Comm., Investigating National Defense Migration,
the Under Secretary of War vehemently December 19, 1941, H.R., 77th Cong., 1st sess.,
denied that it had been a failure. The H.R. Rpt 1553, and the reply by Patterson, De-
cember 23, 1941, USW file 004.4 Allocation of
arguments on both sides have continued to Facilities. For high praise of the prewar planning
command widespread interest among mili- and the speed with which Ordnance launched its
tary planners because the accomplishments procurement program in the defense and early war
periods, see remarks by Somervell in Rpt of Conf,
and shortcomings of the procurement effort Ord Dist Chiefs, 22 Apr 44, copy in Hist, Detroit
during the defense period afford a tangible Ord Dist, vol. 117.


Source: Theodore E. Whiting et al., Statistics, a volume to be published in the series UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD

only source of production until new plants ber and October 1941, and by the end of
were completed. In the over-all picture of the year there was at least one of every
the Army's equipment on hand there was essential type of government-owned am-
little room for complacency on the eve of munition plant in operation, including
Pearl Harbor. TNT, DNT, tetryl, toluene, anhydrous
More important, in the eyes of Ord- ammonia, smokeless powder, bag loading,
nance procurement officers, than matériel and shell loading.79 A dozen new privately
on hand, was the promise of vastly in- owned plants were also in production, in-
creased future production that lay in the cluding 6 for machine guns, 4 for artillery,
new facilities built and equipped during 1 for armor plate, and 1 for tanks. Only 3
1940-41. It is not too much to say of these plants had required new construc-
that within a period of less than eight- tion (the tank, armor-plate, and 37-mm.
een months something resembling a new gun plants) but all had required com-
industry had been created, with seven-
teen government-owned, contractor-oper- 78
(1) Weekly Stat Rpt Summary No. 25, 20
ated (GOCO) plants actually in produc- Dec 41, Stat Br, OUSW; (2) Directory of GOCO
tion and thirty-two additional plants under Plants, OHF.
(1) Notes on lecture by Brig Gen Leonard
construction or in the negotiation stage.78 Ayres before H.R. Comm. on Mil Affairs, 25 Feb
Several large ammunition plants and works 42, ASF Contl Div file 350.001; (2) Memo, USW
for Harry Hopkins, 13 Jan 42, and Memo of
—Lake City, Denver, Baytown, Gadsden, CofOrd for USW, 7 Jan 42, in USW file 104,
Iowa, Kankakee, Weldon Springs, and Ammunition. For further discussion of ammuni-
others—came into production in Septem- tion production, see Chapters VI and VII, below.

pletely new equipment.80 Although the and other factors Ordnance encountered
materiel turned out by these new plants many delays and difficulties which under
during the defense period does not loom different circumstances might have been
large in the total production figures— avoided. Nevertheless, it must be recorded
about 5 percent of total 1940-45 Ord- that the really essential things were ac-
nance procurement—the existence of these complished with remarkable speed—con-
producing units in December 1941 was of tracts were let, district procurement offices
inestimable value to the United States and were activated, new plants were built, the
its allies during the war years that lay arsenals began to hum with activity, and
ahead.81 production of war matériel started at
Neither Ordnance nor the War Depart- countless private industrial plants. By the
ment itself was given full freedom during time of the attack on Pearl Harbor, just
the defense period to procure all the muni- eighteen months from June 1940, the
tions it felt the Army needed. Both were Ordnance program in most lines was shift-
limited by Congressional appropriations ing into high gear and needed only further
and bound by long-established regulations acceleration and expansion along the es-
and policies that set the framework within tablished course to meet the requirements
which procurement took place. Hurried of a world-wide shooting war.82
production is usually high-cost production,
and the defense period was not a time of
all-out production at any cost. It was more 80
Weekly Stat Rpt Summary No. 20, 15 Nov
nearly a time for "business as usual." 41, Stat Br, OUSW.
Ordnance was also handicapped by having For comment on this matter see Anderson,
to take a third-rate priority behind the Munitions for the Army.
For a parallel appraisal of the defense period
Navy and Air Corps, and by having to from the ASF level, see Hist of Purchases Div,
meet constantly shifting requirements for ASF, a manuscript in OCMH files. For a con-
items that took a long time to produce. In temporary journalistic comment see Time, October
37, 1941, p. 38: "On some counts [Ordnance]
the mushrooming defense economy Ord- has not made a passing grade. Overall, the aver-
nance found great difficulty in recruiting age has been reasonably good." Figures showing
capable production engineers and procure- the mounting volume of munitions produced in
1942 are shown in Civilian Production Adminis-
ment experts to staff its arsenals, districts, tration, Official Munitions Production of the
and Washington offices. As a result of these United States, (Washingtion, 1 May 1947).

The Problem of Requirements

To persons not intimately acquainted came to Washington in the spring of 1940
with procurement of military supplies the to help mobilize American industry for
critical importance of exact and timely war production. In conference with Army
requirements figures is often not fully ap- procurement officials, one of Knudsen's
parent. But a moment's reflection suggests first questions was stated bluntly and
that the mass production of weapons and simply: "What do you want?" When ad-
ammunition cannot get under way in an vised of the Army's mobilization plan with
orderly manner until procurement officials its provision for arming an initial protec-
know exactly what types are to be pro- tive force of four hundred thousand men
duced, what quantities are required, and within three months of M-Day, and an
what delivery schedules are to be met. additional eight hundred thousand men
Only with such detailed information, along after one year, Knudsen shook his head.
with countless technical specifications and "That's not what I want," he declared.
blueprints, can production engineers deter-
mine what plants and equipment will be 1
For the history of requirements from the War
needed, how much labor will be required, Department level, see Smith, Army and Economic
and what materials will be necessary. Mobilization, ch. VI-VIII, and Leighton and
Coakley, Global Logistics and Strategy, 1940-
Without computation of requirements for 1943, ch. XII. See also a typescript study, Lt. Col.
each of the thousands of items of equip- Simon M. Frank, The Determination of Army
ment needed by the armed forces of the Supply Requirements, OCMH Files. A similar
study from the Ordnance level, entitled Ordnance
United States and its allies in World War Requirements, 1939-46, consisting of one volume
II, scheduling of balanced production of narrative and three volumes of documents, was
would have been impossible and the whole prepared as PSP 55 by the Ordnance Historical
Branch, July 1945, OHF. Another is Chapter
productive effort would have run the risk XVII in Ordnance Administration, part IV, a
of being plunged into chaos. "It is literally draft manuscript by Richard F. McMullen, 1945,
true," wrote a War Production Board of- OHF. For the WPB viewpoint, see CPA, Indus-
trial Mobilization for War, Part III, Chapter 4.
ficial, "that half the production battle is 2
Unsigned Memo in WPB PD file 212 Prod
won when we have decided what we want Program—Objectives, NA. For a brief review of
to produce, how much ... we want to military requirements as viewed from the WPB
level, see Wartime Production Achievements and
produce, and when we want it." 2 the Reconversion Outlook report of WPB chair-
A story that dramatically illustrates the man, 9 Oct 45. See also Richard U. Sherman, Jr.,
importance of exact figures for military The Formulation of Military Requirements for
Munitions and Raw Materials, written chiefly
supply requirements was told by men who from WPB sources, Mar 53, ICAF library UG
were close to William S. Knudsen when he 633S4.

"I want to know what kind of equipment decisions that determined over-all require-
you need for these men—and how many ments for military supplies. It had the
pieces of each kind. Please tell me how technical service function of making de-
many pieces"3 tailed computations on the basis of policies
For the Ordnance Department, knowing determined by higher authority. The size
well in advance "how many pieces" was of of the Army, manner of its organization,
utmost importance because mass produc- nature of its equipment, and schedules for
tion of munitions could not be improvised its deployment overseas—all these matters
on the spur of the moment as could the were decided by the nation's highest mili-
production of many civilian-type articles. tary and political authorities.5 Once made,
In World War I, U.S. troops were ready these decisions were passed on to Ordnance
for combat within a year after the declara- and other supply branches by the General
tion of war, but they had to be equipped Staff in the form of numerous lists and
in large measure with munitions obtained tables on which procurement computations
from the Allies. As the preceding chapters were based. To describe each of these
have emphasized, it takes months, or even documents and to outline the various steps
years, for civilian industry to get ready to in the procedure of requirements calcula-
produce intricate weapons of war such as tion would lead into bypaths of interest to
tanks, artillery, and fire control instru- no one but the requirements specialist.
ments. From 1940 to 1942 hard-to-manu- The following account, therefore, touches
facture munitions were generally known as only broad principles and problems.6
"critical" items as distinguished from
"essential" items which posed less serious
production problems. For both classes, but 3
Interv with Maj Gen James H. Burns, summer
particulary for those in the critical cate- 1950. See also Knudsen's and Leon Henderson's
gory, it was most desirable that require- comments in GPA, Minutes of the Advisory Com-
ments be established as accurately as pos- mission to the Council of National Defense
(Washington, 1946), p. 12.
sible, and long in advance of expected 4
For an excellent contemporary statement of
need.4 The fact that the objective was the matter, see Memo, Col James H. Burns for
never wholly achieved constituted one of ASW, 10 May 40, sub: Adequacy of Supply Pre-
paredness, copy in OHF.
the most serious difficulties faced by Ord- 5
Several other volumes in the series UNITED
nance during World War II. On this STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II deal
point all Ordnance officers charged with with these matters, among them being Watson,
Chief of Staff, Smith, Army and Economic Mo-
broad procurement responsibility were bilization, John D. Millett, The Organization and
agreed. How this came about and how the Role of the Army Service Forces (Washington,
shape and nature of the requirements prob- 1954), and Leighton and Coakley, Global Lo-
gistics, 1940-1943.
lem were determined by a variety of fac- 6
For a detailed analysis of the process as viewed
tors can be understood, at least in part, by the Ordnance Department, see History of the
by looking into the process of forming Materiel Control Division, OCO, Dec 45; Manual
of the Replacement Factor Branch, OCO, 1945;
policy and making the computations. and PSP 55. All in OHF. For a description of the
process as seen from the ASF level, see ASF Ann
Elements of Requirements Computation Rpt for FY 1943, ch. II; Ann Rpt ASF Rqmts
Div, FY 1944; and Notes on Presentation of
The Ordnance Department did not par- Rqmts Div before Proc Review Bd, ASF Contl
ticipate directly in making top-level policy Div file.

Tables and Their Multiplication ment factor (or maintenance factor, as it

was sometimes called) established for each
The most important document for re- major item of equipment by the General
quirements computation by the supply Staff after study of recommendations sub-
services was the Troop Basis, which speci- mitted by the arms and services. Expressed
fied the strength of the Army and listed all as a percentage of the initial issue, it
units actually in existence or to be formed represented an estimate of the quantity of
in the near future.7 It was supplemented matériel that would be needed during a
by tables prescribing the strength of each given period of time to replace equipment
type of Army unit and listing the quan- lost, worn out, stolen, or destroyed by
tities of supplies authorized for each type. enemy action.10 Finally, to arrive at net
As there were some five thousand different requirement figures, the quantity of each
kinds of units there were thousands of item already on hand, whether in storage,
these tables, variously known as tables of in transit, or in possession of troops, was
organization, tables of allowances, tables subtracted from the total of gross require-
of basic allowances, and tables of equip-
ment. In addition, for units on special 7
For examples, see Table B of Notes on Pre-
missions there were separate lists of equip- sentation . . . Proc Review Bd; and Ltr, TAG
to Chiefs of Arms and Services, 14 May 41, sub:
ment that applied either to individually Revision of Troop Unit Basis, FY 1942, with Incl,
numbered units or to all units in a given AG 320.12 (5-13-41) MC-C-M.
geographic area.8 8
AR 310-60 (1942) and Ann Rpt Rqmts Div,
ASF, FY 1944, ASF Req Div. Tables of Organiza-
The first step Ordnance took in comput- tion prescribed the organic structure and person-
ing requirements was to multiply the nel strength of Army units. Tables of Allowances
quantity of each item of equipment author- covered all items of equipment normally re-
quired for use at posts, camps, and stations which
ized for each type of unit by the number were not taken by units upon change of station.
of such units in the Troop Basis. The Tables of Basic Allowances prescribed the equip-
number of rifles authorized for a rifle ment for individuals and units other than training
equipment or that issued to posts, camps, and
company, for example, was multiplied by stations. In October 1942, Tables of Basic Allow-
the number of rifle companies, the trucks ances were superseded by Tables of Equipment.
per infantry regiment by the number of For an intimate view of the process, see report
of interview by Capt. Paul D. Olejar and others
infantry regiments, and so on until all of personnel of the OCO Requirements Division,
items were accounted for. The computa- 8 May 45, ex. 8, PSP 55, vol. 3.
tions were all made by hand before the in- "Replacement factor" was defined in ASF
Manual M412, The Supply Control System, 10
stallation of tabulating machines in the April 1945, OHF, as follows: "The estimated per-
fall of 1940.9 The figures thus determined centage of equipment in use that will need to be
represented initial allowances for units in replaced each month. It includes losses due to
wearing out beyond repair, capture, abandonment,
the Troop Basis. The next step was to pilferage, and all other causes except in-transit
project these calculations into the future losses attributable to ship sinkings, losses of cer-
and provide additional equipment for re- tain items of clothing incident to the separation
of personnel from the service, and losses from
placement of losses, for filling supply pipe- such other categories of attrition as may be spe-
lines, for supplying certain items to the cifically expected from time to time." For World
Navy and Marine Corps, and for foreign War II replacement factors, see War Dept Supply
Bull 38-4-WD, Replacement Factors. . . 29 May
aid. The quantity added for replacement 47. Spare parts requirements are discussed in
was calculated on the basis of a replace- Chapter XIII, below.

ments. The whole process was, in the After the 1918 armistice most of the
words of a G-4 memo, "a very demand- statistical data and technical knowledge of
ing, exacting and tedious task."11 requirements gained during the war were
lost through disuse and through failure to
Days of Supply and Replacement Factors study the records before marking them for
destruction. Like many other elements of
The computation of ammunition re- the War Department, Ordnance failed to
quirements was altogether different from provide Civil Service grades and salaries
the computation of requirements for weap- high enough to attract and keep technically
ons, vehicles, and other general supplies, qualified research employees. There were
for ammunition was expendable. As food only five persons on the requirements staff
for guns it" ranked in importance with the during the interwar years, and the highest
supply of food for troops, and posed far paid received an annual salary of about
more difficult requirements problems be- $2,300. It is doubtful that much progress
cause its rate of consumption was irregular could have been macle under any circum-
and unpredictable. There were no tables stances in peacetime, but the lack of an
showing the number of rounds to be issued adequate nucleus of competent require-
to any tactical unit, but there was a figure ments specialists insured failure.14
known as the "day of supply" on which At the beginning of World War II, and
ammunition requirements for individual for nearly two years thereafter, replace-
weapons were based. The ammunition day ment factors for weapons and days of
of supply was an estimate of the average supply for ammunition were based largely
number of rounds that would be ex- on guesswork. No one knew how long the
pended by each type of weapon per day in Army's equipment, much of it far different
the course of planned operations.12 The from that used in 1917-18, would stand
rate for each weapon included a break- up under rigorous combat conditions, nor
down showing the estimate for each type did anyone have an accurate notion of
of shell—high explosive, armor piercing, how much ammunition an infantry regi-
incendiary, and so on—and for each type ment or field artillery battalion would need
of fuze when more than one type could be in an active theater of operations. Virtually
used on a shell. (Table 3) To compute the only source of information on the sub-
ammunition requirements for a tactical
unit the Ordnance planners multiplied the 11
Memo, G-4 for CofS, 29 Nov 40, sub: Stabil-
appropriate day of supply for each type of ization of Bases for . . . Rqmts, G-4/32277.
weapon by the number of such weapons The adoption and definition of this term are
authorized for the unit, and then multi- described in Ltr, TAG to CG AGF and others,
16 Feb 43, sub: Ammunition Supply Policies,
plied the total by the number of days for OO 471/1728, copy in OHF, See also Smith,
which supplies were to be provided. Like Army and Economic Mobilization, ch. VI-VIII;
the replacement factor for general supplies, and Rpt on Methods Used in the Ord Dept in
Determining . . . Needs . . ., submitted to Mead
the ammunition day of supply was estab- Comm., of U.S. Senate, Aug 46, copy in OHF
lished by the General Staff on recommen- (hereafter cited as Mead Comm. Rpt). Another
dations of the arms and services. For train- source is Ann Rpt, ASF Rqmts Div, FY 1944.
Folders marked Day of Supply in OCO
ing in the United States specified quan- Rqmts Br, FS Div files, and Rqmts Docs, in OHF.
tities per man were authorized.13 14
Hist of Matériel Contl Div, ch. I.



a This proportion of types was approved in principle, but the old figures (65% Ball, 20% AP, and 15% Tracer) continued
until production could be rescheduled.
Source: Day of Supply of Ammunition other than Aircraft for Theater of Operations, 23 December 1941, copy in OHF.

ject at the beginning of World War II was needs. No current battle experience data
the Partridge Board Report made in 1938 are available."16
by a board of Ordnance officers headed by
Lt. Col. Clarence E. Partridge.15 Based in
part on fragmentary records of World (1) Ord Day of Supply of Ammo. . ., 30 Nov
38, AG 381.4 (1-25-39) Misc D; (2) Manual
War I experience and in part on "educated Replacement Factor Br, ch. 8; (3) WD Supply
guesses," it was concerned more with gen- Bull 38-4-WD, Replacement Factors. . ., 29 May
eral principles than with exact statistical 47. The other members of the Partridge board were
Lt. Cols. Burton O. Lewis, Donald Armstrong, and
data. As late as March 1943 the Chief of Sidney P. Spalding. See also FM 101-10, Jun 41,
Ordnance reported that "factors now in as cited in Leighton and Coakley, Global Logis-
use are based largely on inadequate and tics, 1940-1943, p. 301, n. 21.
Memo, CofOrd for CG, ASF, 31 Mar 43,
obsolete data obtained from the last war, sub: Determination of Distribution and Maint
supplemented by opinion as to present Factors, OO 210.3/724, copy in OHF.

The day of supply figures used in 1940 ments teams also found that theater records
and 1941 had two principal defects: they did not provide adequate data on quanti-
were too high, and they did not allow for ties of equipment in the hands of troops,
differences among theaters, Although Ord- and contained practically nothing on quan-
nance was convinced that the figures were tities lost. Theater officers insisted that
too high, and recommended their reduc- data for determining replacement factors
tion, there was no combat experience dur- were more readily obtainable at ports of
ing the defense period to support the Ord- embarkation than overseas. "Officers in
nance view. No change occurred until De- this theater," wrote a member of the team
cember 1941 when the day of supply for sent to North Africa, "are of the firm be-
.30-caliber machine guns was cut nearly in lief that our mission is a wild goose chase
half—from 250 to 150—and others were and utterly futile. . . ."19
reduced in varying degrees.17 In spite of these difficulties, the teams
The second difficulty with the original made some progress. Their reports showed
figures, as just noted, was that a single set that different rates were required for the
of rates was applied equally to all theaters various theaters because weapons and
of operation. In June 1943, after several types of ammunition varied in importance
theaters had been activated and some com- from theater to theater. Beginning in Feb-
bat experience accumulated, Army Service ruary 1944 the War Department required
Forces directed the supply services to be- each theater to submit detailed information
gin systematic collection of data on which in a regular monthly report of matériel
to base revisions of maintenance factors consumed, and in June it established sepa-
and days of supply.18 During the North rate days of supply for the ZI and for
African campaign no provision had been
made for systematic reporting of loss and 17
(1) Day of Supply of Ammo Other than Air-
expenditure rates. In July 1943 Ordnance craft for Theater of Operations, 23 Dec 41, Rqmts
sent teams of officers schooled in require- Docs, OHF; (2) Hist of Matériel Contl Div,
OCO, ch. 4; (3) Mtg of the Ord Bd on Spare
ments work to headquarters in England, Parts, 27 Nov 41, copy in OHF. See also corres-
Algeria, Egypt, India, New Caledonia, and pondence on day of supply in Sep-Oct 43 in
Australia. The teams met with varying de- collection of requirements documents, OHF, and
Day of Supply correspondence in G-4/20052-67,
grees of success, but in general their work TAG.
was hampered by a lack of appreciation 18
(1) Notes on Presentation . . . Proc Review
in the theaters of the far-reaching impor- Bd, p. 33; (2) Ltr, SW for CG's Overseas Com-
mands, 24 Jun 43, sub: Determination of Maint
tance of accurate replacement factors. The Factors. . . , AG 400 (21 Jun 43) OB-S-
theater Ordnance officers, under constant SPOPP-M; (3) Rpt of Richards Comm. in Levels
pressure to provide adequate supplies at of Supply and Supply Procedures, 1 Jan 4.4, copy
in OCMH; (4) WD Supply Bull 38-4-WD, op.
all times, were far more interested in main- cit.; (5) Manual Determination and Use of Maint
taining an ample supply of everything than Factors and Distribution, ASF, Jul 43; (6)
in providing data for refined statistical Memo, Col John J. Binns, Director Plng Div, for
Director of Plans and Opns, ASF, 20 Nov 43,
computations by planners back in Wash- sub: Study of Ammo Rqmts, ASF Plng Div,
ington. This gave rise to one of the most Theater Br file 471 Ammo, vol. I, Box 389, NA.
persistent supply problems of the war, the (1) Manual Replacement Factor Br; (2)
PSP 55, pp. 115-18; (3) Memo, Deputy TIG to
tendency of each echelon to hoard supplies Deputy CofS, 21 Jun 44, sub: Memo, 1 Jan
and build up its own reserve. The require- 1944. . ., in WD Spec 334, vol. 2, G-4.

three major overseas areas—Europe, North quirements picture. In 1940 the method
Africa, and the Pacific.20 Differences used for calculating aviation ordnance re-
among theaters were substantial. In the quirements was the same as that used for
South Pacific, for example, the replace- ground ordnance, but in 1941 a new
ment rates for bayonets, trench knives, system was worked out by the Ordnance
and carbines were from ten to thirty times Requirements Division. The new method
as great as in North Africa. In the summer made no attempt to multiply tables of
of 1944 the number of items covered by equipment or allowances by the number of
replacement factors was sharply reduced, units to be supplied, but based require-
and a new set of replacement factors sub- ments on airplane production schedules
mitted to ASF headquarters was approved compiled by the Office of Production
with minor changes.21 But replacement Management and later by WPB. The num-
factors were seldom constant for long ber of guns per plane, taken from arma-
periods of time in any active theater, since ment charts prepared by the Air Techni-
they varied with the intensity of the fight- cal Service Command, was multiplied by
ing, the nature of enemy tactics, the the number of planes to be produced. To
method of reporting losses, and even with this total was added what the Air Force
changes in the weather. felt was a sufficient quantity to provide
In addition to replacement factors and replacements for these weapons.23 Al-
days of supply the Partridge Board Report though considered at the time to be a
had pointed out in 1938 that two other radical departure from traditional require-
elements entered into the distribution of ments practice, the new system proved
supplies. First was the time required to successful and continued in effect without
ship materiel from the point of origin to change until the summer of 1944 when it
the point of use, and second was the was modified to provide ammunition and
quantity of supplies absorbed within the bombs only for planes in active theaters.
system itself, chiefly in the form of depot The Army Air Forces had meanwhile col-
stocks. The Partridge Board recommended lected sufficient experience data from its
that the first of these elements be covered units overseas to provide a statistical basis
by advancing delivery dates by the num- for more refined techniques of require-
ber of days required for the shipment of ments determination and supply control.
supplies to any given troop units. It recom- Mission rates for each theater were de-
mended that distribution stocks be pro- veloped for each type of squadron in much
vided by increasing the total requirements
by a certain percentage to be known as the 20
distribution factor. Exactly what percent- Copies are in folders marked Day of Supply
in OCO Rqmts Br, FS Div files. See also corres-
age should be allotted for distribution was, pondence on the subject in AG 4 7 1 ; Ord Comm.
of course, a question the Partridge Board Min 24343, 6 Jul 44; and Ann Rpt ASF Rqmts
could not answer because of the paucity of Div FY 1944.
(O Mead Comm. Rpt, pp. 15-16; (2)
experience data.22 Frank, op. cit., p. 127.
Hist, Matériel Contl Div, ch. 8.
Aviation Ordnance Hist, Matériel Contl Div, ch. 6. For a more
detailed statement, see Ltr CG AAF for CG SOS,
Guns and ammunition for war planes 8 Jan 43, sub: Basis for Computation. . . , copy
formed another distinct phase of the re- in Frank, op. cit., vol. 3, ex. 76.

the same manner as were days of supply for the over-all Troop Basis rose and fell every
ground ammunition. In the European the- few months as the strategic situation
ater seasonal rates were used because worsened or improved, and as the War
of lessened air activity during winter Department planners estimated and re-
months.24 estimated military needs in terms of the
The early requirements for bombs and capacity of the nation to support forces of
aircraft ammunition called for production varying sizes.28
of a 5-month supply for each bomber, The situation was further complicated
based on aircraft production schedules, the by the fact that the Ordnance Require-
estimated number of sorties a month for ments Division always had to work with
each plane, and the number of bombs two different versions of the Troop Basis,
dropped and rounds fired per sortie. The one coming from G-3 and the other from
bomb supply for 4-engine bombers, for G-4. Ordnance normally prepared its al-
example, was based on an estimated eight lowance figures on the basis of the former
missions per month over a period of five and its requirements on the latter. The two
months. These computations soon resulted versions of the Troop Basis were not iden-
in overproduction of bombs and aircraft tical and were often not even reconcilable,
ammunition, largely because all planes did at times being as much as half a million
not go immediately from factory to over- men apart on specific dates. As late as the
seas theater, nor did they all engage in spring of 1944 Ordnance complained,
bombing raids exactly as planned. "We "The essence of the problem is that the
now have in storage in the United King- troop basis furnished is not synchronized
dom," reported the McCoy Board in Au- with the factual situation as to activation
gust 1943, "a greater tonnage of bombs and deployment of troops. . . ,"29 Anoth-
than has been dropped over Europe by the er difficulty arose in correctly identifying
RAF since the beginning of the war."25 the units included in the Troop Basis.
Deep cuts in bomb requirements came in When units appeared without adequate
1943, cuts that soon proved to be too deep. identifying information it was impossible
As the air war mounted in intensity dur-
ing 1944 many of the cuts had to be
restored.26 24
(1) Hist, Matériel Contl Div, ch. 6; (2) Ord
Rpt to Mead Comm., 12 Aug 46, OO 400.12/-
2311 and copy in OHF.
Fluctuating Requirements (1) Rpt WD Proc Review Bd, 31 Aug 43, p.
50, ASF 334, 020 CofS U.S. Army. Copy also in
Levels of Supply and Supply Procedure, 1 Jan
It is no exaggeration to say that the 44, OCMH file; (2) Rpt WD Spec Comm. for
Re-study of Reserves, 13 Nov 43, p. 48.
worst problem facing Ordnance produc- 26
(1) Ann Rpt ASF Rqmts Div FY 1944, pp.
tion planners during World. War II 17-18; (2) Dr. Ralph Ilsley, The Facilities Pro-
stemmed from the fact that requirements gram of the Ammunition Division, Oct 44, vol. 2,
pp. 160-63, OHF.
were always changing. As soon as one set 27
Memo, G-4 for CofS, 17 Dec 40, sub: Stabil-
of figures came out of the machines it was ization of ... Rqmts, G-4/32277, copy in OHF.
necessary to incorporate changes in one or Memo, G-4 for CofS, 29 Nov 40, sub: Stabil-
ization of Bases for . . . Rqmts; G-4/32277. See
more of the basic lists and make the com- also McMullen, op. cit., pp. 646-47.
putations all over again.27 The figures in 29
PSP 55, p. 142, and ex. 9 in vol. 3, Docs.

to know which equipment table applied to These were by no means all the changes in
them.30 the equipment of the infantry regiment
Of nearly equal importance with fluctu- during World War II, but they serve to
ations in the Troop Basis were the constant illustrate the frequency and extent of the
revisions of tables of equipment. During revisions of equipment tables. In terms of
the latter part of 1940, in addition to individual units the changes were often
changes resulting from expansion of the small, but, when multipled many times
air arm, creation of an armored force, and over and added to those of other organiza-
the transition from square to triangular tions, the cumulative effect on total re-
infantry divisions, there were innumerable quirements figures was anything but small.
changes in allowances of equipment for Yet it should not be suggested that nothing
both individuals and units.31 In the early was static. The number of .30-caliber ma-
stages of the war when planners were con- chine guns (M1917) in an infantry regi-
sidering the possibility of air raids on the ment remained at 24 year after year.
United States and on American bases and Throughout the war there were always
troop units overseas, large numbers of an- twenty-seven 60-mm. mortars and eighteen
tiaircraft units were scheduled for activa- 81-mm. mortars per regiment of infantry.
tion, and requirements for antiaircraft The number of BAR's dropped from 189
guns and accessories were high. The open to 81 between 1941 and 1942 but there-
type of warfare encountered in North after held steady.32
Africa late in 1942 demanded that tanks Changes in plans for armored divisions
and antitank guns be given first priority, had greater impact on Ordnance than did
and later still the demands for heavy ar- changes in infantry divisions, for equipment
tillery topped the list when American of armored units required far more in-
troops came up against heavily fortified dustrial effort than did equipment of
positions in Italy and France. Each change, infantry units of the same size. A measure
however small, demanded a revision of to- of the gradual decline in Ordnance require-
tal requirements figures, and every major ments is found in the number of armored
change in requirements meant a revision of divisions scheduled for activation. In early
production schedules. 1942, estimates went as high as 46; the
The nature of the equipment changes
that occurred between 1940 and 1945 may Ibid. See also lecture, Lt Gen LeRoy Lutes,
be illustrated by the single example of the the ASP, 23 Sep 46, ICAF, and Marvin A. Kreid-
berg and Lt. Merton G. Henry, Military Mobiliza-
infantry regiment. In 1940 an infantry tion in the U.S. Army, 1775-1945, Dept of the
regiment numbered 3,449 men, but in Army Pamphlet No. 20-212 (Washington, 1955),
1942 it had only 3,088, and in 1943, 3,257. ch. XVIII.
(1) Memo of Lt Col Walter A. Wood, Jr.,
It was authorized 1,181 pistols in 1940, quoted in Frank, op. cit., p. 10; (2) Memo, G-4
213 in 1941, 233 in 1942, 275 in 1943, and for CofS, 17 Dec 40, sub: Stabilization of ...
293 in 1944. It had no ¼ - t o n trucks in Rqmts, G-4/32277; (3) Memo, ACofS, G-4 for
CofOrd, 6 Sep 40, sub: Rqmts for Combat Ve-
1940 but was authorized 103 in 1941, 68 hicles, with Incls, G-4/29365-71, copy in PSP
in 1942, 146 in 1943, and 149 in 1944. Of 55, ex. 6.
the basic weapon, the M1 rifle, it had (1) Mead Comm. Rpt, pp. 14-15; (2) PSP
55, vol. 3, Docs, ex. 9. The latter contains a table
2,099 in 1940, 1,600 in 1941, 1,678 in of major items of infantry regiment equipment,
1942, and 1,882 in 1943, 1944, and 1945. year by year, 1940-45 inclusive.

Troop Basis of November 1942 called for because the results "were not in accord
only 20; the following summer the figure with the 'feeling' of those who had initially
was down to 16, the number actually established the method for the first compu-
formed.33 Tank requirements, set at 169,- tation." 35 There was also the practical
000in early 1942, were scaled down to matter of how much could be produced.
half that number before the war ended. Theoretically, requirements were always
Ordnance officers fully realized the need fully stated regardless of the potentialities
for timely revision of the Troop Basis and of supply but in fact there were ways and
reorganization of tactical units. They rec- means of reducing requirements that
ognized that sudden shifts in the world- seemed unattainable.36
wide strategic situation sometimes neces- The truth of the matter seems to be that
sitated drastic revision of supply require- the General Staff and ASF planners were
ments. They knew that losses through well aware of the need for firm long-range
ship sinkings had to be taken into account, requirements even though they were not
that plans for sending troops and supplies always fully aware of the details of Ord-
overseas had to be geared to available nance operations. They tried hard to keep
shipping space, and that combat experi- requirements on an even keel, and it was
ence frequently demanded changes in types not ignorance of procurement but the
or quantities of equipment. But they never- exigencies of war that forced them to revise
theless felt that General Staff planners, not the Army Supply Program.37 "The con-
fully aware of the consequences of changes clusion is inescapable," wrote Brig. Gen.
in supply requirements, sometimes ordered Walter A. Wood, Jr., in 1943, "that such
such changes without full consideration of a program cannot be static ... it re-
their effects. They felt, rightly or wrongly, requires constant review . . . continuing
that ASF and staff planners did not realize study, and never-ending adjustment."38
that every modification in the tables of
equipment meant elaborate recomputa- Kent Roberts Greenfield, Robert R. Palmer,
and Bell I. Wiley, The Army Ground Forces: Or-
tions of requirements and also, much more ganization of Ground Combat Troops UNITED
important, far-reaching revisions of pro- STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II (Wash-
duction and distribution schedules. They ington, 1947), p. 161.
(1) Lutes, Lecture, The ASP; (2) Intervs
became convinced that staff planners did with many Ord officers.
not realize the need for supplying data 35
Hist, Matériel Contl Div, ch. 10.
well in advance to allow a long lead time Ibid., ch. 1.
See, for examples, Memo, G-4 for CofS, 29
for Ordnance production.34 Nov 40, sub: Stabilization of ... Rqmts (with
Over and above all this was an intangi- G-3 concurrence), G-432277; comments by Gen
ble but nonetheless real psychological fac- Somervell in Review of Prod Plans of Ammo Div,
19 Jun 42, p. 6, T652-C; and Memo, CG ASF
tor that caused requirements planners to for Tech Services, 15 Jun 43, sub: Computation
adopt a bullish attitude when the war news of Rqmts. . . . SPRML 400, copy in folder
was good and to turn bearish when it was marked Dirs, Basic Data for ... ASP, in OCO
Rqmts Br, FS Div files.
bad. Requirements were not always deter- 38
Notes on Presentation . . . Proc Review Bd,
mined in the light of pure reason. Some- op. cit., p. 9. See also Background of the Army
times, Ordnance requirements specialists Supply Program, an ASF document apparently
written by Brig. Gen. Walter A. Wood, Jr., no
testified, an entire computation would be date, pp. 3-4, copy in OHF, and Leighton and
thrown out and a new one demanded Coakley, Global Logistics, 194O-1943, p. 302.

Requirements in the Defense Period, PMP.41 Ordnance quickly complied with

1940-41 this request and with others that came
during succeeding months, including such
Multiplication of a given Troop Basis questions as the following: What addi-
by the proper equipment tables, and sub- tional ordnance would be required for a
traction of stocks on hand, yielded a theor- 17,000-man increase in the Regular Army
etical statement of Army requirements, but and a 500-plane increase in the Air Corps?
for procurement purposes, particularly in What items would be short if a 600,000-
1940-41, everything depended upon the man Army, plus PMP augmentation, were
availability of money. In the uncertain to be equipped? What would be needed
period before Pearl Harbor, and immedi- at each stage during the Regular Army's
ately after, requirements were computed expansion in enlisted strength from 173,000
for scores of different theoretical situations, to 242,000, to 280,000, to 375,000? All
but the only results that counted for these calculations, combined with those
Ordnance were those covered by appropri- from other supply services, were used in
ations and embodied in an Expenditure drawing up the Army appropriation for
Program approved by G-4. Enactment of fiscal year 1941 and the first supplemental,
an appropriation bill, it should be noted, totaling approximately $500 million for
did not automatically give the supply serv- Ordnance. This program was widely
ices a green light for procurement. Only known as the first Expenditure Program
after an item of equipment appeared on an until it was officially decided that the 12
Expenditure Program did the supply serv- August 1940 statement of requirements
ices have authority to proceed with its for the Munitions Program of 30 June
procurement.39 1940 would be considered the first such
All told, ten Expenditure Programs were program.42
issued between July 1940 and July 1942, Even before it was passed, the regular
each based on an appropriation measure. 1941 appropriation was known to be in-
The Ordnance share of the funds in each adequate to meet the Army's needs in
varied from $38 million to more than $12 view of the swift German victories in
billion. When added together the 10 pro- Europe during May and June 1940, and
grams allotted to Ordnance approximated the transfer to the hard-pressed British of
$31 billion, or three-fourths of all funds
appropriated for Ordnance during the 39
For a late example, see Equipment Expendi-
1940-45 period.40 (Table 4) ture Program . . . FY 1943, 30 Jun 42, copy in
Before issuance of the first Expenditure OCO-Detroit
Program, Ordnance made a series of com- Thomson, For discussion of prewar finances, see Green,
and Roots, Planning Munitions for
putations leading up to the regular appro- War, Chapter III, and Smith, Army and Eco-
priation for the fiscal year 1941. Work on nomic Mobilization. [Wood], Background of the
this subject began with a request from World ASP, briefly covers the whole period from 1920 to
War II.
the War Department Budget Officer in 41
Memo of WD Budget Officer for CofOrd, 6
September 1939, after the invasion of Po- Sep 39, sub: Supplemental Estimates. . . , copy
land, that Ordnance list the items it would in 42 PSP 55, ex. 2.
For detailed listing of items, see Fig. 4, p. 59,
include in a $250 million program to elim- PSP 55. See also [Wood], Background of the
inate shortages of critical items for the ASP, pp. 10-11, and Frank, op. cit.


Source: PSP SS, pp. 65-88.

615,000 Enfield rifles, 25,000 BAR's, and the British was useless. For the United
other supplies after Dunkerque.43 At the States the need to strengthen its defenses
direction of the President the Army hastily was clear, but there was still doubt as to
drew up in June 1940 a new statement of how that need should be met.
broad military requirements.44 The bulk of The second Expenditure Program was a
this program, known as the Munitions Pro- relatively minor one, totaling only $38
gram of 30 June 1940, was financed by the million. Drawn up in September—while
second supplemental appropriation, which plans were being made to inaugurate
allotted $1,442,000,000 for Ordnance. As peacetime conscription—it provided essen-
noted in the preceding chapter, the first tial items for an additional 200,000 men to
Expenditure Program issued by G-4 on 12 bring the PMP force up to 1 ,400,000. The
August 1940 gave Ordnance authority to
proceed with procurement under this and 43
See Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
the two preceding appropriations.45 The Munitions for War, ch. III.
authority came at a dark hour for the Munitions Program of 30 June 1940, dr G43
western democracies. With France con- ASF Contl Div. The contribution of an Ordnance
officer, Col. (later Maj. Gen.) James H. Burns,
quered, the British army driven from the executive officer to the Assistant Secretary of War,
continent after losing all its heavy equip- to this and later programs is described in Watson,
ment, and the German air force opening Chief of Staff, Pages 172-82, and Smith, Army
and Economic Mobilization, Chapter VII.
its assault on England itself, there were 45
On the importance of this program see Smith,
some who felt that further resistance by Army and Economic Mobilization, Chapter VI.

third Expenditure Program appeared in In commenting on this report General

April 1941, just after enactment of lend- Harris, acting Chief of Ordnance, pointed
lease, and provided $725 million for Ord- to many discrepancies in it, particularly as
nance, mostly for artillery ammunition. they concerned plans and appropriations.
The fourth covered Air Force and Field He declared that the report took con-
Artillery requirements financed by the templated programs not yet submitted to
regular fiscal 1942 appropriation. By far Congress—much less enacted into law—
the largest of the pre-Pearl Harbor pro- and added them to approved requirements
grams was the fifth, dated 25 August in order to make production schedules,
1941; it placed major emphasis on am- which were based only on approved re-
munition and combat vehicles and was quirements, appear inadequate. Defending
based on an Army strength of 1,820,000 the award of new contracts to established
to be raised eventually to 3,200,000.46 producers, General Harris argued that the
By the time the fifth Expenditure Pro- creation of new production capacity was a
gram appeared, Ordnance had been al- long and costly process that was not en-
lotted over $6 billion and its procurement couraged by the receipt of requirements
program was well under way. But mean- "in small successive increments." The
while the whole defense effort came in for source of most of the difficulties encoun-
a good deal of criticism, some bearing tered in scheduling Ordnance production,
directly on the problem of Ordnance re- the general declared, was the problem of
quirements. Early in September 1941, for requirements, and on this subject he clearly
example, Ordnance was criticized because stated the Ordnance position in words that
the bulk of its production was not sched- bear quotation at some length.
uled for completion before 30 June 1943 There has not been since the beginning of
and some items such as antiaircraft guns the Defense Program a comprehensive long-
and armor-piercing ammunition would run range Schedule of Ordnance Requirements
well into fiscal year 1944. There was which would permit planning for adequate
complaint that Ordnance was giving new production capacity. On the contrary, the
program has been changed at least seven
orders to the few firms already holding times in the last fifteen months for most
contracts and was thus not broadening items. . . . It is impracticable to create pro-
the base for procurement but was "ex- duction capacity without definite orders, es-
tending a relatively narrow stream of pro- pecially if extensive subcontracting is to be
duction farther and farther into the fu- used in accordance with existing instructions
of the War Department. Defense Aid orders
ture." The report making this charge stated have been even more varied, repetitive, un-
further that, in spite of multibillion-dollar predictable, and apparently unstudied than
appropriations, existing production sched- the United States orders, and action in fill-
ules for many items would fall far short of ing the orders has been correspondingly
meeting either British or United States difficult and unsatisfactory.
The Ordnance Department believes strong-
requirements by June 1942. "The lag of ly that a carefully studied, long-range pro-
production behind requirements is gen-
eral," the report concluded, "and is not The directive initiating this program appears
the result of specific items being produced as exhibit 11 in Frank, op. cit.
Mil Rqmts and Matériel Prod, Incl 1 to
at the expense of other items. Increased Memo of Maj Gen Harris, Actg CofOrd, for USW,
total output in all areas is essential." 47 9 Sep 41, OO 400.12/5853-1/2.
gram of munitions requirements for the gram as the basic document for stating
democracies should be determined as soon as requirements and procurement objectives.
possible and thereafter adhered to with a The transition was not made immediately
minimum of change. ... It will then, and not
until then, be possible for the Ordnance De- but extended over the first half of 1942.
partment, as well as the other supply arms More than any other individual, Lt. Gen.
and services of the War Department, to pro- Brehon B. Somervell, as G-4 and later as
ceed with assurance that planned production head of Services of Supply, was responsible
will satisfactorily meet requirements.48 for its introduction.51
While General Harris was thus appeal- Many civilian critics of the War Depart-
ing for a sound and comprehensive state- ment have declared that in the pre-Pearl
ment of requirements, others in the War Harbor years the Army, conservative by
Department recognized that a new ap- nature and suffering from two decades of
proach to the problem was needed.49 It penny-pinching, could not change over-
was obvious that the Expenditure Programs night to meet the challenge of a new day.52
were not altogether satisfactory documents Military planners set their sights too low,
for stating procurement objectives. Because according to the War Production Board
they were primarily fiscal rather than sup- history, and it was left to the more realistic
ply documents they did not list supplies and aggressive members of the civilian
needed by the armed forces for long-range agencies to push for adequate defense pro-
planning but only supplies to be bought duction. These charges are not fully borne
with money appropriated for a given fiscal out by the official record. There undoubt-
year. Being short-range projections, they
kept procurement on something of a hand- 48
Incl No. 2 to Memo of Maj Gen Harris, for
to-mouth basis. Further, they omitted im- USW, 9 Sep 41, sub: Comments on Study En-
titled Mil Rqmts and Matériel Prod, OO 400.12/
portant categories such as Army-type ma- 5853-1/2 and OHF. For similar comments from
teriel procured for the Navy, and they did the WPB level, see CPA, Industrial Mobilization
not establish any definite time periods for for War, page 13.
See Min of conf on the ASP in Somervell's
delivery of new materiel, though the sepa- office, 29 Jan 42, copy in folder marked Rqmts
rate documents known as Time Objectives Div 1943, ASF. For an excellent brief summary
of Somervell's views, see his Memo for Maj. Gen.
were issued, to fill this latter gap. All things
Richard C. Moore, Deputy CofS, 22 Jan 42, sub:
considered, the Expenditure Programs Army Supply Program, ASF, Rqmts Div 1943,
were inadequate as bases for accurate pro- copy in Frank, op. cit., vol. 2, ex. 21.
duction scheduling and for determining the Summary Rpt, Ord Br, WPB, OHF. See also
Maj. Paul D. Olejar, Ordnance Requirements and
need for raw materials and industrial fa- the Control of Production, 1939-45, Project
cilities. "During 1941 . . ." wrote the Papers, 6, 7, and 12, dtd Aug 45, OHF.
chief of the Ordnance Branch of WPB, (O Lecture, Lutes, The ASP; (2) Frank, op.
cit., p. 15; (3) Summary Rpt, Ord Br, WPB; (4)
"procurement officers, and others, re- Memo, Col Clinton F. Robinson for Brig Gen Wil-
quested and failed to get any answers to helm D. Styer, 16 Jul 42, sub: Equipment Expen-
the three basic questions of—What? How diture Program, ASF folder marked Rqmts Div
1943. The delicate political situation facing the
many? When?"50 After Pearl Harbor, administration in 1940, and the tense interna-
when the critical factor in military plan- tional scene, accounted in part for the lack of a
ning was no longer money but time, the more forthright approach to the requirements
Army Supply Program (ASP) was de- 52 CPA, Industrial Mobilization for War, and
veloped to replace the Expenditure Pro- Sherman, The Formulation of Mil Rqmts.
edly was some timidity and hesitation in had directed the armed services to draw up
the War Department in 1938-39, but not a long-range statement of requirements
in later years. The Munitions Program of such as General Harris had in mind. "I
30 June 1940, for example, developed by wish you would explore the munitions and
the Army under the leadership of Assistant mechanical equipment of all types which
Secretary of War Louis Johnson, was both in your opinion would be required to ex-
big and bold. Its original totals were scaled ceed by an appropriate amount that avail-
down, not by shortsighted generals but by able to our enemies." 55 The evolution of
President Roosevelt, who feared Congress the resulting Victory Program during 1941
would not accept such huge expenditures and early 1942 has been described else-
for military purposes. Earlier proposals by where and need not be repeated in detail
G-4 and General Marshall had called for here, but a brief sketch of some of the steps
speedy and substantial increases in national in its development will help to provide
defense expenditures, but they too had essential background for the Ordnance
failed to win full approval. The only quali- phase of the Army Supply Program.56
fying element in the picture is the delay Assuming that victory over all potential
inherent in drafting requirements and for- enemies might require the maximum num-
warding them through the proper channels ber of troops the nation could provide, the
to Congress, with the result that expansion War Plans Division of the General Staff
plans drawn up in mid-1939 before the drafted a troop basis in August 1941 call-
European war broke out were obsolete ing for mobilization within two years of
when they reached Congress a year later. nearly 9 million men, organized into 215
But that the Army set its sights too low and divisions, of which 61 were to be armored.
had to be prodded into preparedness by This was more than double the maximum
the civilian agencies hastily organized in force of 4 million men that had been a
1940 is a myth.53 factor in earlier plans, and, in terms of
Strongest pressure for raising require- divisions, was more than twice the number
ments sights came from the British, espe- actually organized during World War II.
cially from Lord Beaverbrook and Prime In terms of manpower this troop basis
Minister Churchill, who came to Washing- proved a remarkably accurate forecast, but
ton shortly after Pearl Harbor. Depending in terms of divisions equipped and put into
upon American aid for Britain's survival, the field, it was very wide of the mark.57
they urged astronomical figures that soon While computation of materiel require-
proved to be entirely unrealistic. Their
pleas were directed just as much toward 53
See Watson, Chief of Staff, Chapter VI, for
civilian production men such as Donald discussion of Army requests for funds in 1939-40.
CPA, Industrial Mobilization for War, pt.
Nelson as to military leaders.54 The net III, ch. 4.
effect of British urging was the adoption of 56
Ltr, President to SW, 9 Jul 41, copy in OHF.
(1) Frank, op. cit., pp. 15-22; (2) Watson,
altogether unrealistic goals. Chief of Staff, ch. XI; (3) Smith, Army and
Economic Mobilization, ch. VI; (4) [Wood],
The Army Supply Program, 1942-44 Background of the ASP.
(1) Leighton and Coakley, Global Logistics,
1940-1943, ch. V; (2) Watson, Chief of Staff,
As early as July 1941, shortly after Ger- ch. XI; (3) Memo, G-4 for CofOrd, 26 Aug 41,
many invaded Russia, President Roosevelt sub: Spec Computation. . . , OO 475/1064.
ments for a force of this size was in progress armies. We must not only provide munitions
the President requested that additional for our own fighting forces but vast quanti-
calculations be made of munitions to be ties to be used against the enemy in every
appropriate theater of war, wherever that
supplied Great Britain, the Soviet Union, may be.
and other countries at war with the Axis.
The completed estimates for all these pur- The President then proceeded to name
poses were quickly assembled and given five types of equipment—four of them
limited distribution in September, but no Ordnance responsibilities—and to list spe-
steps were taken to implement the program cific quantities to be procured during the
as it was to be held in reserve for an two calendar years ahead. (Table 5) For
emergency. On 7 December 1941 the emer- ammunition the President stated that he
gency arrived. wanted production to be based on the
For Army planners the weeks following assumption that these weapons were to be
the attack on Pearl Harbor may fairly be used in combat.59
described as hectic. The sixth Expenditure The President's letter to the Secretary of
Program, published on 12 December 1941, War, and his address to Congress three
was larger than any of its predecessors. days later, constituted a striking example
Computed on a Troop Basis of 2 million of lack of co-ordination between the White
men, with proposed augmentation to 3.7 House and the Army staff. The President
million, it provided more than $3 billion apparently drew up his plans in consulta-
for Ordnance materiel. But it was obvi- tion with a few close advisers and with the
ously inadequate in view of the entrance of British delegation that had come to Wash-
the United States into the war against ington soon after Pearl Harbor, but with-
Japan, Germany, and Italy, and attention out consulting his own generals. Reaction
was quickly turned to implementing the in Ordnance to these goals was not
Victory Program.58 While the War De- favorable, for they were regarded as un-
partment planning agencies were working balanced and in some cases unattainable.
feverishly on the details of the program, But there could be no outspoken criticism
and adjusting their calculations to the of the decision of the Commander in Chief.
actuality of war with specific enemies, The War Department issued its hurried
President Roosevelt dropped a bombshell calculation of requirements for the Victory
in their midst on 3 January 1942. In a Program on 11 February 1942 as the Over-
letter to the Secretary of War he wrote: all Requirements for the War Munitions
Program.60 This new statement provided
The victory over our enemies will be
achieved in the last analysis not only by the 58
By way of illustration, see Memo, SW for the
bravery, skill, and determination of our men, President, 26 Dec 41, sub: Victory Program, copy
but by our overwhelming mastery in the in Frank, op. cit., II, ex. 18.
munitions of war. Memo of President to SW, 3 Jan 42, AG
The concept of our industrial capacity 452.1 (1-3-42) (1), copy in PSP 55, ex. 19. The
must be completely overhauled under the im- President made a dramatic public announcement
of these objectives in his State of the Union mes-
pulse of the peril to our nation. sage to Congress on 6 January. For discussion of
Our associates amongst the united nations their origin, see CPA, Industrial Mobilization for
are already extended to the utmost in the War, Part III, Chapter 4.
manufacture of munitions, and their factor- Copy in OCO-Detroit files. For a brief his-
ies fall far short of the needs of their own tory of this program, see PSP 55, I, pp. 91-95.


for three stages of Army expansion: 3.6 these inadequacies, and to keep require-
million troops to be fully equipped by the ments within estimated production capac-
end of 1942; double that number by the ity, the program was completely restudied
end of 1943; and an "ultimate" force of during the weeks that followed and was
over 10 million equipped by the end of replaced early in April by the Army Sup-
1944. The Army staff estimated the cost of ply Program issued by the newly created
the 1942 and 1943 programs combined at Services of Supply (later redesignated
about $63 billion, far above the $45 billion Army Service Forces, or ASF).62 The first
maximum the production experts had earl-
ier set for 1942.61 61
(1) ASF Ann Rpt FY 1943, p. 18; (2) Leigh-
Despite the term "over-all" in the title, ton and Coakley, Global Logistics, 1940-1943, ch.
the new program was far from all-inclusive. VIII.62
For the reorganization of the War Depart-
It made no provision for construction ment early in 1942, and the creation of the Serv-
needs, miscellaneous supplies, Navy items ices of Supply, see Millett, Organization of the
procured by the Army, or allowances to Army Service Forces, ch. II, and Leighton and
Coakley, Global Logistics, 1940-1943, ch. IX. For
fill distribution pipelines, nor did it show the relationship between Ordnance and ASF, see
quantities of materiel on hand. To remedy ch. VI of Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning

ASP, sometimes called the Balanced Pro- duction. When discussed by the appropri-
gram, consisted of several sections that ate division chief at production conferences
projected Army needs for three calendar attended by representatives of the War
years, 1942, 1943, and 1944, and provided Production Board, the Under Secretary's
what General Somervell once called "a office, and other high-level agencies, these
spelled-out all-out program of complete books played an important role in helping
Army requirements." 63 Since the War De- to formulate requirements policies during
partment reorganization gave the air arm a the first six to eight months after Pearl
status independent of the Army Ground Harbor.
Forces and Services of Supply, the ASP All during this period officials of the
did not include requirements for airplanes Office of Production Management and the
but did include Ordnance-supplied air- War Production Board contended that re-
craft guns, ammunition, and bombs. quirements were being set at unrealistic
Where requirements for tanks, antitank levels. In the so-called feasibility dispute
guns, antiaircraft guns, and machine guns, they took the position that the Army's
computed in the orthodox fashion, did not goals were too high to be achieved in the
equal the figures set by the President in time allotted. Although not familiar with
January they were arbitrarily increased to the strategic justification for all the guns,
match the Presidential objectives. Total ammunition, and tanks included in the
required production for 1942-43 was various programs, they nevertheless
about $48 billion, but the ASP, unlike doubted the need for such huge quantities
Expenditure Programs, did not at first of equipment; and, knowing the hard facts
show the dollar value of requirements and of munitions production, they questioned
made no reference to appropriations.64 the feasibility of the objectives. In this
Upon receipt of the ASP or other state- matter they were joined by Ordnance
ments of requirements, Ordnance drew up officers who felt that the President and the
a production planning book for each cate- General Staff were allowing their judg-
gory of equipment. Using separate sheets ment to be unduly influenced by urgent
for each item of materiel, these books British requests for aid and by the public
showed total requirements, facilities in pro- clamor for prompt action that followed
duction or scheduled for future produc-
tion, and estimated delivery rates for each
month during 1942 and 1943, and some- 63
Memo, Somervell for Moore, 22 Jan 42. For
times early 1944. Each book included a detailed statement of regulations governing its
statement of production accomplishments preparation, see SOS Admin Memo 38, 16 Sep 42,
OO 381/9948 Misc and WD Tech Manual 38-
and difficulties to date, availability of ma- 210, 25 Jan 44. The ASP was briefly described by
chine tools and materials, and actions Maj. Gen Lucius D. Clay in "The Army Supply
recommended by Ordnance to speed pro- Program," Fortune, February 1943, pp. 96-97,
(1) Smith, Army and Economic Mobiliza-
tion; (2) McMullen, Ordnance Administration,
Munitions for War. The evolution of the ASP is pt. IV, ch. XVII, p. 650, OHF. For the War
described briefly in Ann Rpt ASF FY 1943, ch. 2, Department's effort to persuade the President to
and more fully in Frank, op. cit., with copies of reduce his objectives, see Ltr, Actg SW to Presi-
numerous basic documents. See also Min of the dent, 10 Jan 42, and reply dated 12 Jan 42, ASF
conf on the ASP held in Somervell's office. Contl Div files, 400 Time Objective.

the outbreak of war.65 Describing the have to be revised again because of

goals as wholly impossible, the War Pro- "changes in the Troop Basis, modifications
duction Board planning committee in in the Tables of Organization, Tables of
March 1942 called for reduction of the Basic Allowances, and Tables of Allow-
Army Ordnance portion of the total pro- ances, and the adoption of new mainte-
gram from $15.6 billion in 1942 to $9.2 nance and distribution factors." 69 In this
billion.66 Ordnance officers concentrated edition, major reductions resulted from
their fire on foreign aid requirements, earmarking certain units in the Troop
which loomed rather large in the over-all Basis as training units that would remain
picture, arguing that they were far too in the United States during 1942 and
high and were not based on precise calcu- would therefore require only half the au-
lation of needs. There was virtually no thorized allowance of certain items. Re-
argument on this score within the Army. quirements for small arms ammunition
The prevailing view was expressed by Maj. were sharply reduced in the summer of
Gen. Richard C. Moore, former Deputy 1942, bringing them closer to Ordnance
Chief of Staff, who remarked at a produc- recommendations, and causing cancellation
tion conference in June 1942: "I'll tell you of 43 production lines.
one thing about Defense Aid—they just During the second half of 1942 the Ord-
guessed the requirements. They never had nance load was both increased and de-
a true basis. They didn't have any founda-
tion. They just reached up in the air and 65
Ordnance views were made plain in the pro-
got what they thought the United States duction conferences of 1942 and were repeated by
would give them." General Somervell many retired Ordnance officers during interviews
agreed. "That's entirely correct." 67 while this volume was in preparation. For WPB
views, see Smith, Army and Economic Mobiliza-
In spite of the President's reiteration on tion, Chapter X; CPA, Industrial Mobilization for
1May of his desire to see the January goals War, part III, chapter 4; John E. Brigante, The
attained, the Army Supply Program under- Feasibility Dispute (Washington: Committee on
Public Administration Cases, 1950) ; and Memo,
went constant revision during 1942 and, to WPB Plng Comm. to Donald Nelson, 17 Mar 42,
the relief of Ordnance leaders, was steadily WPB PD 212 Prod Programs, NA. The whole sub-
scaled down.68 (Table 6) The authors of ject is reviewed in Leighton and Coakley, Global
Logistics, 1940-1943, ch. VIII.
the program had hoped that it would re- 66
Memo, Plng Comm. to Nelson, 17 Mar 42.
quire full recomputation only once each Review of the Prod Plans of the Ammo Div,
year, but the need for revision became OCO, 19 Jun 42, T652-C. See also Production
Progress and Production Scheduling, p. 7, a rpt
apparent almost as soon as the first ASP based on the presentation to the WPB by SOS on
was distributed. Reductions in production 1Dec 42, ASF 200.02. The growing pains of lend-
goals were dictated in part by the rubber lease are described in Leighton and Coakley,
Global Logistics, 1940-1943, ch. III.
shortage that followed the loss of Malaya 68
For the broad background see Smith, Army
and in part by lack of enough production and Economic Mobilization; Leighton and Coak-
capacity for Army trucks. Lend-lease re- ley, Global Logistics, Production Progress and
Production Scheduling, pp. 7-8; and CPA In-
quirements were cut and less mechanized dustrial Mobilization for War.
equipment was provided for the U.S. Memo, ASF for tech servs, 15 Jul 42, sub:
forces. A few weeks later, in mid-July Recomputation of ... ASP, ex. 39 in Frank, op.
cit. For broad picture of Troop Basis planning,
1942, ASF informed the technical services see Greenfield, Palmer, and Wiley, Organization
that the ground equipment section would of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 189-259.



creased. The increase came in September Introduction of Supply Control, 1944-45

with transfer from the Quartermaster
Corps to Ordnance of all responsibility for The cutbacks in 1942 did not prevent
trucks and other noncombat vehicles. The production in 1943 from reaching peak
decrease came two months later when, levels. Plants newly built or converted to
after the President's decision to boost out- munitions production during the first year
put of ships and planes during 1943 and of war poured forth a flood of military
cut back requirements for armored forces, supplies in the second year. The accom-
a new computation of the ASP was issued panying list of Ordnance items selected
under date of 12 November 1942.70 It 70
Copy in OCO-Detroit file. See also Memo,
reduced requirements for medium tanks Brig Gen L. D. Clay, ACofS Materiel, for CG
and allied vehicles by some 21,000 units SOS, 8 Nov 42, sub: Effect on Prod of Further
and marked the end of the "all out" effort Curtailment in Troop Basis, ASF; Memo, Clay to
Somervell, 28 Aug 42, sub: Revision of ASP, ex.
to build tanks. As the danger of air attacks 44 in Frank, op. cit.; and Master Schedule, Ord
faded, some 11,000 AA guns were elimi- Ind Div, 25 Nov 42, OHF.
nated from 1943 requirements. At the (1) Memo, CofOrd for Chief Prod Div, SOS,
21 Nov 42, sub: Review of Mil Construction,
same time—less than one year after Pearl WPB file PD 411.33 Construction Projects, NA.
Harbor—small arms ammunition require- (2) Memo, Maj Gen Lucius D. Clay for Somer-
ments were cut back further and construc- vell, 14 Dec 42, sub: Construction Stopped by
Ord, ASF Prod Div, folder 400-Rqmts Gen 1943.
tion work on new ammunition plants was (3) Major Items of Munitions Removed from
canceled. All together, work was stopped 1943 War Prod Objectives. . . , WPB PD file 212
on more than 75 Ordnance projects.71 The NA. For the status of deliveries, requirements,
and scheduled production of all major items, see
new ASP called for production of only Master Schedule, Ord Ind Div, 25 Nov 42, OHF.
about $22 billion in 1943 instead of over For tabulation of dollar values for the edi-
$31 billion required for 1943 by the first tions of ASP, see Smith, Army and Economic
Mobilization, Chapter VII. For quantities of items
edition.72 By the end of 1942 the troop and planned monthly capacity, see various issues
basis listed only one hundred divisions, of Master Schedule of Ordnance Industrial Divi-
instead of the two hundred earlier planned, sion, 10 August 1942, 20 September 1942, and 25
November 1942. See also bar charts showing re-
and the number of armored divisions had quired production at various intervals in [Wood],
dropped from over sixty to only twenty. Background of the ASP.


more or less at random illustrates the con- and overcome equipment shortages. His
trast between 1942 and 1943. (Table 7) goal had been to supply combat troops
By the end of the first year after Pearl with all the fighting tools they needed, and
Harbor the immense task of equipping the to that end he had constantly urged indus-
rapidly expanding Army was well under trial leaders and workers in the shops to
way. Sufficient supplies were on hand for put forth every effort to meet their produc-
the North Africa landings in November tion quotas. Now the McCoy report gave
1942, for the supply of other overseas the impression that production had caught
forces, and for aid to allies. By the summer up with demand and that relaxation of
of 1943 the first phase of the supply effort was in order. "They came out with a
process was virtually complete, and reserve report telling the world that we had too
stocks of many items were beginning to much of everything," complained General
accumulate. In July and August 1943 the Clay in the spring of 1944, "and the
War Department Procurement Review emphasis went over on economy instead
Board headed by Maj. Gen. Frank R. of man-you-don't-be-short." 75 In General
McCoy, and including among its members Clay's opinion it was "the worst thing that
a former Chief of Ordnance, General ever happened around here," for it resulted
Williams, surveyed the whole situation and in a slackening of effort on the home front
reached the conclusion that the time had during 1944. Cutbacks in some production
come for closer screening of requirements schedules were certainly called for by the
and tighter control of inventories.73 As latter half of 1943, but there were major
noted above, a move in this direction had exceptions, such as artillery ammunition,
been taken by Ordnance and other techni-
cal services earlier in the year with the
dispatch overseas of teams trained to sur- 73
vey actual consumption data.74 For copy of McCoy Bd Rpt, see Levels of
Supply and Supply Procedure, 1 Jan 44, op. cit.
The conclusions of the McCoy Board The board was appointed by WD SO No. 183,
were received with some misgivings at ASF 2 Jul 43.
headquarters. Maj. Gen. Lucius D. Clay, 75
PSP 55, P. 134.
Telcon, Clay and Maj. Gen. Levin Campbell,
ASF Director of Materiel, had labored Jr., 27 Mar 44, in folder Heavy Arty and Ammo,
hard throughout 1942 to boost production Ord ExecO file.
which should have been pushed ahead in- period as compared to the earlier years.
stead of being held back.76 Production was mostly for replacement of
As a follow-up to the McCoy Board equipment worn out or lost in action, and
report a special committee headed by Brig. settled down to a fairly stable level month
Gen. George J. Richards studied reserve after month. But for Ordnance there were
stocks in both the ZI and overseas. It several major exceptions to this rule. Adop-
recommended some cuts and urged im- tion of new types of weapons and ammuni-
provement in methods for computing re- tion, or suddenly increased demands for
quirements and controlling reserve sup- old types, caused sharp fluctuations in
plies, but did not take exception to the requirements.79 A notable example was
supplies of ammunition that had accumu- the emergence of rockets as major Ord-
lated during the period of limited fighting. nance items, resulting in a steadily rising
In view of the rise in total Army storage curve of requirements for rockets and
inventories to more than $5 billion the launchers during the latter half of the war.
committee urged that for some types of In other areas the trend was toward big-
equipment reliance be placed in the future ness—heavy artillery to batter down fixed
on reserve production capacity rather than defenses, blockbuster bombs to blast mili-
on reserve stocks. As sea lanes to all thea- tary targets, huge tanks to counter the
ters were open the committee urged reduc- German heavyweights, and large trucks to
tion in the huge reserve stocks in overseas provide fast overland transport in the
depots. The so-called McNarney Directive European theater. Whatever the nature of
of 1 January 1944 put these recommenda- the change in requirements, they spelled
tions into effect and was soon followed by trouble for Ordnance. In large measure
the introduction of new techniques that
came to be known as Supply Control.77 In 76
See below, Chapter X, and Comparison of
essence, the new system was nothing more Victory Program Troop Basis of 22 Nov 43 with
than a close integration of all supply data Victory Program Troop Basis of 15 June 1943,
exhibit 94 in Frank, op. cit., showing sharp drop
with known requirements. For each princi- in AA artillery and armor.
pal item of equipment, it brought together (1) Smith, Army and Economic Mobilization,
on one sheet of paper all data affecting ch. VII; (2) Frank, op. cit.; (3) PSP 55, I, p.
132ff; (4) ASF Cir 67, 7 Mar 44, pt. 3; (5) ASF
supply and demand status, including past Manual M413. The McNarney directive, the re-
issue experience, estimated future issues to port of the McCoy Board, and the report of the
ports, and the schedule of future produc- Richards Committee appear in Levels of Supply
and Supply Procedure, 1 Jan 44, copy in OCMH.
tion. Monthly supply reports from overseas The background is discussed in Annual Report of
commands were used to keep procurement Requirements Division, ASF, FY 1944, and in
plans in line with the actual supply situa- Memo, ASF Director of Matériel for ASF, di-
rectory 28 Jan 44, copy in OHF.
tion in the theaters of war. From the 78
PSP 55, I, discusses this topic in some detail.
production standpoint an important fea- See also Frank, op. cit., pp. 138ff and Smith,
ture of the Supply Control system was the Army, and Economic Mobilization, ch. VI-VIII.
Since the impact of the new procedures within
fact that, unlike the ASP, it stated require- Ordnance was greatest in Field Service the sub-
ments on a monthly as well as an annual ject is discussed below in Chapter XVI.
For summary statements see Ann Rpt ASF
basis with a view toward keeping closer FY 1944, ch. 7, and Memo, CG ASF for Director
control of procurement and supply.78 OWMR, 7 Dec 44, ASF Director Matériel file,
Requirements leveled off in the 1944-45 dr 1595, Reading File, Matériel.

the chapters that follow are devoted to the tions played a more and more important
maneuvers necessary to keep production in role as the end of the war came closer.
line with stated requirements. After the defeat of Germany in early May
As early as 1943 the War Department 1945, the Ordnance M at
e r
el Control Di-
took steps to estimate the effect on require- vision (the former Requirements Division)
ments of the end of the war in Europe. To continued its calculations for the redeploy-
guard against adverse psychological effects ment of materiel from Europe to the Far
of announcing that the Army was already East. The task involved determining what
planning for the end of the war, the fact quantities should be kept in Europe and
that demobilization studies were being what surplus materiel was serviceable
conducted was not made public, and with- enough, or could be properly repaired, for
in the Army they were discreetly referred shipment to the Pacific. In the war against
to as "special planning" studies. They be- Japan the Army planned to use more heavy
gan in the fall of 1943 with a requirements infantry weapons, more amphibious equip-
computation based on a reduced troop ment, more self-propelled artillery, and
basis for Period I—after defeat of Germany fewer heavy tanks. While these calculations
but before defeat of Japan—and from that were in process the Japanese surrender
time forward special planning computa- was announced and the war was over.

Artillery weapons were the dark horses sistently outranged by German heavy artil-
of World War II. Less spectacular and lery but they accepted only reluctantly
newsworthy than tanks and planes, they the assignment of 240-mm. howitzers and
were sometimes neglected, if not forgotten, 8-inch guns.3
until the need for them reached the crisis As the war progressed, demands arose
stage. The artillery lessons of World War I for more powerful tank guns, automatic
had been forcefully set down in 1919 when aircraft guns, and a variety of self-
the Westervelt Board emphasized the need propelled antitank and antiaircraft weap-
for systematic development of improved ons. Rapid-firing guns of intermediate cali-
weapons. But lack of funds during the in- ber proved essential for AA defense as guns
terwar period slowed research to a snail's powerful and accurate enough to reach
pace and practically stopped all procure- fast, high-flying bombers. The trend in
ment of new materiel.1 At the start of the tank armament was all toward more
defense period in 1939 and 1940 there was powerful guns firing armor-piercing am-
a tendency, stronger at the General Staff
level than in Ordnance, to feel that big 1
Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Muni-
guns were outmoded, that aerial bombard- tions for War, ch. VII. See also History of the
ment would in the future largely replace Procurement Activities of the Ordnance Depart-
artillery fire. The ground forces believed ment Since 1938 in Truman Comm. Report, Aug
46, OHF.
that nothing larger than the 155-mm. gun 2
For discussion of this theme, see address by
"Long Tom" would be needed. But exper- Maj. Gen. Gladeon M. Barnes before the Ameri-
ience soon exposed the error of these no- can Society for Metals, 19 Oct 44, Cleveland O.,
OHF. The same thought was vigorously presented
tions. Fighting in North Africa, at Stalin- by Senator Harry S. Truman in Truman Comm.
grad, on Pacific islands, and in Italy Hearings, pt. 25. See also Campbell's Memo for
proved there was no substitute for big, Somervell, 3 Jun 43, quoting letter from Col. D.
J. Crawford, Ordnance officer in Africa, OHF,
powerful guns to blast enemy fortifications and Brig. Gen. Gordon M. Wells "The New 155-
or lay down a curtain of fire before advanc- mm. Howitzer," Army Ordnance, vol. XXVIII,
ing foot soldiers. No lesson of World War No. 149 (March-April 1945), 223-25. The Air
Force view is set forth in Wesley Frank Craven
II was plainer than this. Only heavy artil- and James Lea Cate, eds., "The Army Air Forces
lery could provide sustained, accurately in World War II," vol. III, Europe: Argument
placed fire on a 'round-the-clock basis re- to V-E Day, January 1944 to May 1945 (Chicago:
The University of Chicago Press, 1951), ch. X.
gardless of weather conditions.2 In Italy 3
Lida Mayo, draft MS for Ordnance Over-
the Allied forces found themselves con- seas, Anzio ch., OHF.
munition. In addition to .50-caliber ma- Artillery on Hand in 1940
chine guns, airplanes required automatic
weapons of artillery caliber, chiefly the In the spring of 1940 the Army's stock
20-mm. and 37-mm.4 When the United of field artillery was made up for the most
States began to rearm in 1940 the Ord- part of antiquated pieces left over from
nance Department, still suffering from World War I. About 40 percent of the
twenty years of poverty, was ill prepared to weapons (including mortars) on hand
meet the new demands. Speedy develop- were 75-mm. guns of World War I vintage,
ment of improved types or adoption of most of French manufacture. Though ex-
war-tested foreign models became the order cellent in their day, they had long since
of the day with the result that nearly all been outmoded.8 During the 1930's some
the artillery pieces in the hands of U.S. of the old 75's had been "high-speeded"
troops in 1943 were different from those with roller bearings and pneumatic tires
standard in 1938.5 that enabled them to travel 50 miles per
The prewar neglect of artillery develop- hour on good roads but had no effect on
ment was a sad mistake, for the design and their firepower. For the 75 an improved
manufacture of big guns cannot be im- carriage with split trails was developed to
provised on the spur of the moment. De- increase its range, angle of elevation, and
sign and test of a new weapon takes traverse, but, for lack of money, only a few
months, even years, of effort. Adoption of weapons had been so improved. Through-
foreign weapons always entails a host of out the 1930's the using arms considered
production problems and delays. Building this gun their standard field artillery weap-
new plants and tooling them for the man- on and stoutly defended it even as late as
ufacture of complete artillery pieces in 1939 and 1940. But on the eve of World
quantity are always time-consuming proc-
esses. For the U.S. Army this lesson had The dividing line between small arms and ar-
been forcibly driven home in 1917-1918 tillery was drawn at .60-caliber by Ordnance in
World War II.
when only a few American-made artillery 5
(1) Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
weapons reached France in time to contrib- Munitions for War, especially ch. VII; (2) Hist,
ute to the defeat of Germany.6 During the Arty Div, Ind Serv OCO, 1940-45, I, sec. 2; (3)
The Development Record in Artillery, draft in
two decades that followed the Armistice, typescript form apparently prepared in Ord Hist
some effort was devoted to improving man- Br 6in 1945, OHF.
ufacturing techniques, but the over-all ad- 19, pt.(1) Final Rpt, Gen John J. Pershing, 1 Sep
7 III, sec. 24; (2) Rpt SW, II Nov 19, pp.
vance was slight. Big guns were expensive 4-5.
items that the small Ordnance budget (1) Brig. Gen. Gordon M. Wells, "Artillery"
in Army Ordnance Association pamphlet, Artillery
would not adequately cover. Nevertheless, in World War II and Plans for the Future, May
when war appeared imminent in 1940 even 1946, OHF; (2) Campbell, op. cit., pp. 206-07;
the slight progress made during the lean (3) Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Mu-
nitions for War, ch. VII; (4) Hist, Arty Div, Ind
years was important, and the mere exist- Serv, OCO, I, sec. 2.
ence of arsenals with long experience in the 8
For frank criticism of the 75, see remarks of
manufacture and procurement of guns, Senator Thomas (Okla.), Congressional Record,
recoil mechanisms, carriages, and fire con- 96th Cong., 3d sess., May 15, 1940, vol 86, pt.
6, p. 6135. For comparison of American with
trol instruments was of incalculable help in German and Japanese artillery, see The Develop-
getting production started. ment Record in Artillery.


Source: Green, Thomson, Roots, Planning Munitions for War, p. 74. Compare tabulation as of 31 Dec 39 in Hist, Arty Div, I,
sec. 10, Fig. 1. Compare also artillery available to British Home Forces on 8 J u n e 1940 as summarized by Peter Fleming in Operation
Sea Lion (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957), pp. 198-99.
a Includes 599 high-speeded.
b Number produced before 30 June 1940 according to production records of Weapons and Fire Contl Br. Ind Div, OCO.

War II it was superseded by the more ing into production, the 155-mm. "Long
powerful and more modern 105-mm. how- Tom" guns, and the 75-mm. pack howit-
itzer.9 zers, and the newly adopted 60-mm. and
Nearly all the remaining guns and how- 81-mm. mortars. The 37-mm. tank and
itzers in stock were obsolete—deficient in antitank weapons were effective against
range, mobility, or other important tactical light tanks but useless against the heavy,
features. The situation had not changed thick-skinned tanks coming into service in
much since early 1939 when the Chief of Europe.12 In like manner the 3-inch anti-
Staff had declared, "Twenty years after the
close of the World War finds us equipped 9
For Congressional reluctance to modernize the
with much the same type of artillery we obsolescent 75's, see H.R. Rpt No. 112, 76th
used during the war." 10 Furthermore, the Cong., 1st sess., 1 Mar 39, p. 9. For the Army's
defense of the 75, see WDAB, H.R., 76th Cong.,
limited stocks were depleted after Dun- 3d sess., pp. 5-7, and WDAB, S., H.R. 4630, 76th
kerque by transfer to the British Army of Cong., 1st sess., 15 Mar 39, pp. 38-41. See also
some 895 75-mm. guns, along with small Min, Wesson Confs, 22 Oct 41.
Statement by Gen Malin Craig, WDAB, H.R.,
arms and ammunition of various calibers.11 76th Cong., 1st sess., 1940, 24 Jan 39. See also
By the end of June 1940, when the French Kreidberg and Henry Military Mobilization, pp.
surrendered and the outlook for all the 550-51.
For a detailed account of British artillery de-
democracies was gloomy, the sum total of velopment and use during these years, see Briga-
mobile artillery available to the U.S. Army dier A. L. Pemberton, The Development of
was not impressive. (Table 8} The only Artillery Tactics and Equipment (London, 1950).
PSP 31, The Design, Development and Pro-
reasonably modern weapons on this list duction of Wheeled Antitank Guns, May 1945, I,
were the new 105-mm. howitzers just go- p. 2, OHF.

INSPECTING A 75-MM. PACK HOWITZER during Third Army maneuvers prior to World
War II. From left, in civilian clothes, are Congressmen J. Buell Snyder, Overton Brooks, and
Francis Case.
aircraft gun was ineffective against high- square, these weapons appear to be noth-
flying planes then being produced.13 Ord- ing more than simple steel tubes mounted
nance was designing and testing improved on sets of wheels. But close examination of
weapons to make good these deficiencies, World War II guns reveals that they were
but the supply of guns ready for action highly complicated mechanisms demanding
was both meager and out of date, and the top quality steel and precision workman-
prospects for immediate new production ship, with tubes or barrels15 strong
were limited. As late as the winter of
1943-44 some 155-mm. howitzers of For contemporary criticism and rebuttal, see
World War I vintage were in service in article by Arthur Krock in New York Times,
October 1, 1940, and Memo, CofOrd for ASW,
Italy. Their tubes were still in good con- 2 Oct 40, ExecO file M-Materiel-Cannon.
dition but their carriages and recoil mech- Ltr, Lt Col Harry P. Storke, Arty officer, Hq
anisms gave no end of trouble, largely due II Corps, to Brig Gen Wells, Hq Fifth Army, 4
Jan 44, sub: Comments on Arty Materiel, copy
to their old age.14 in OHF. This 8-page letter reports on perform-
ance of all types of U.S. artillery.
Production Preparedness 15
The term "barrel," as applied to gun tubes,
derives from the ancient practice of forming can-
To the average citizen, familiar only non from metal rods arranged like barrel staves
with cannon displayed in the village and held in place by hoops.

enough to withstand pressures of approxi- ings as well as carriages and recoil mech-
mately forty thousand pounds per square anisms for seacoast and antiaircraft guns.
inch. Every step in the process of gun Rock Island made carriages and recoil
production had to be rigidly controlled to mechanisms for field guns, and Frankford
assure the desired metallurgical results. supplied fire control instruments. These
After the forged or cast gun tube was four arsenals were prepared in 1940 to do
carefully machined inside and out, its bore two things immediately: manufacture and
had to be honed to a mirror finish and assemble artillery components on a small
then rifled to precise dimensions, with scale in their own shops, and instruct
measurements to the thousandth of an industry in the mysteries of the gunmaker's
inch the rule rather than the excep- art.19 Before the outbreak of the war in
tion.16 Recoil mechanisms and recupera- Europe there had been no production of
tors, mounted on the carriage to take up field artillery by American private indus-
the force of recoil and return the gun to try for many years. In fact, during the two
firing position, were made of cylinders and decades of peace between the wars, there
pistons that could withstand extremely had been very little production of big guns
high internal pressures. "The action of the anywhere in the United States. The small
240-mm. recuperator after a shot," wrote additions to Army supplies permitted year
Benedict Crowell following World War I, by year had come chiefly from the Ord-
"is equivalent to stopping a locomotive nance arsenals, while a few private con-
[traveling at more than 50 miles per hour] tractors and the Naval Gun Factory—sup-
in less than 4 feet in half a second without plemented on occasion by the Ordnance
damage." 17 Recoil mechanisms had to be arsenals—had supplied the Navy's needs.20
built with great care to withstand repeated Equipped in 1938 and 1939 with many
firings, for failure of a recoil mechanism new machine tools and staffed with ex-
was potentially as dangerous as failure of perienced craftsmen, the Ordnance arsenals
the gun tube itself. Carriages and mounts were ready in 1940 to go immediately into
were rugged platforms capable of absorb-
ing all the stresses and strains of firing the 16
Lt. Col. Thomas J. Hayes, Elements of Ord-
piece. They also carried sighting and rang- nance (New York: J. Wiley and Sons, 1938), pp.
158-67, pp. 200-11. For an older but nonetheless
ing devices, fuze setters, and gears and useful account, see Benedict Crowell, America's
hand wheels for aiming the gun. "On- Munitions 1917-18 (Washington, 1919), pp. 21-
carriage" fire control equipment for field 56.
Crowell, America's Munitions, p. 57.
artillery was fairly simple—telescopes and 18
(1) Artillery, 1 Jul 40-31 Aug 45, prepared
gunner's quadrants—but "off-carriage" di- in Ord Hist Sec by F. D. McHugh, C. B. Rosa,
rectors for antiaircraft guns were incredibly and F. W. F. Gleason, under the direction of
Brig Gen John K. Christmas, 31 Dec 45, OHF;
complex, containing thousands of pre- (2) Rpt on M5 Director by Singer Mfg Co. in
cision-made parts.18 Hist, New York Ord Dist, 100, pt. 3.
The most encouraging factor in the pro- History, Artillery Division, OCO, op. cit., I.
sec. 3, and Truman Comm. Report. Compare
duction picture in 1940 was the existence with the situation in 1917 as described in Crowell,
of four Ordnance arsenals experienced in op. cit.
manufacture of artillery components. Wat- For the Navy experiences, see Lt. Cdr. Buford
Rowland and Lt. William B. Boyd, U.S. Navy
ervliet was the center for production of Bureau of Ordnance in World War II (Washing-
finished guns. Watertown made gun cast- ton, 1953).

production. They constituted a ready in- a year later without delivery of any mech-
dustrial reserve to help meet the national anisms, but Byron Jackson completed its
emergency and during the defense period order in the spring of 1942 and continued
produced approximately 25 percent of all during the war to produce recoil mechan-
artillery built for the Army.21 But it was isms for Ordnance. Another educational
well understood that they could supply order went to the Duraloy Company for
only a small fraction of the Army's artil- work on centrifugal castings, and several
lery demands in time of war. To arm a were awarded other firms, principally East-
large force, and to help supply friendly man Kodak Company, and Mergenthaler-
nations, main reliance would have to be Linotype Company, for telescopes, aiming
placed on production by private industry. circles, and related fire control instruments.
The hitch was that industry was un- To cover additional artillery items Ord-
familiar with the manufacture of artillery.22nance turned to the less costly production
Through its industrial surveys, which were study,24 which did not call for production
given added impetus in the late 1930's, of materiel but nevertheless provided essen-
Ordnance had acquired some knowledge of tial data on methods of manufacture.
the firms most suitable for war production While R. Hoe and Company Was complet-
and had discussed with them the problem ing production of recoil mechanisms for
of gun manufacture. In the spring of 1939 the 3-inch AA gun the Otis Elevator
Ordnance took a further step, placing with Company undertook a production study
R. Hoe and Company, a New York manu- on the same process.25 The Wood News-
facturer of printing presses, an educational paper Machinery Corp. studied production
order for five recoil mechanisms for the of the 155-mm. mechanism and American
3-inch AA gun. One of the first four Type Founders, Inc., the 75-mm. mechan-
educational orders placed by Ordnance, it ism. In the spring of 1940 the Cowdrey
was satisfactorily completed within a year. Machine Works undertook a production
The company was then given a production study of the 75-mm. pack howitzer, the
contract for 125 mechanisms of the same
type, and completed them in less time 21
than it took to make the first 5. Having Campbell, op. cit., p. 214.
For comments on this theme, see Notes for
proved its ability to deliver the goods, R. New York Mtg, 12 Jun 45 by Brig Gen Gordon
Hoe and Company was asked to make M.23Wells, OHF.
recoil mechanisms for the new 90-mm. AA anisms(1)and Maj Carl A. Gerstacker, Recoil Mech-
Equilibrators, Apr 39-May 45, bk. I,
gun, which replaced the 3-inch, and there- ch. 1, OHF; (2) Hist, New York Ord Dist, 100,
after Hoe continued as a major Ordnance pt. 3, statement by Harry M. Tillinghast, chair-
supplier.23 man of the board of R. Hoe and Co.; (3) Green,
Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions for
During 1940 and early 1941 additional War, p. 58; (4) Documents in Educational Orders
educational orders for recoil mechanisms file, OHF; (5) "Welding Plays Top Role in AA
Gun Recoils" by Joseph L. Auer, vice president
went to another printing press facility, R. Hoe and Co., American Machinist, 86 (No-
Walter Scott and Company of New Jersey, vember 26, 1942), 1371-82.
and to the Byron Jackson Company of See Chapter II above for discussion of this
technique of procurement planning.
California, a leader in the oil equipment 25
For a revealing account of Otis' experience,
industry. The contract with Walter Scott see its historical report in Hist, New York Ord
turned out badly and had to be terminated Dist, 100, pt. 3, OHF.

National Pneumatic Company did the ment and to train company employees in
same for the 37-mm. tank gun, and the its operation and upkeep.28 Fundamental
Nash Engineering Company took on the knowledge of the gunmaking art, carefully
81-mm. mortar and its mount. Between preserved and nurtured at the arsenals
educational orders and production studies during the interwar years, was thus quickly
Ordnance attempted to stretch its meager passed on to industry at the very start of
funds over the most important problem the rearmament effort.29
items in the manufacture of artillery and All the arsenals bustled with unaccus-
thus prepare industry for munitions pro- tomed activity in 1940-41. They over-
duction if war should come.26 hauled and modernized weapons in stock,
installed new machine tools, and recondi-
Launching the Program, 1940-41 tioned buildings that had long been neg-
lected. Barbed wire was strung along the
Though war did not come to the United top of stone walls surrounding Watervliet,
States in 1940, production got under way and floodlights were turned on at night.
on something approaching a wartime scale, Carloads of specialized gunmaking ma-
as the smoldering conflict in Europe burst chines held in arsenal storage since World
into flames. Congress appropriated billions War I were shipped to Ordnance contrac-
of dollars for rearmament, and Ordnance tors. Manufacturing techniques developed
was given the green light to put its pro- during the years of peace were given an
curement machinery in action. Firms with opportunity to prove their worth. In Octo-
educational orders received production ber 1940 Watervliet came into the national
contracts, and the district offices intensified spotlight for a day when it was honored
their search for other qualified producers. with a visit by President Roosevelt. The
After business firms signed contracts to curve of gun production at Watervliet rose
produce artillery items they sent their en- steadily until an entire year's production at
gineers and master mechanics to arsenal the 1938 rate could be turned out in a
shops and drafting rooms to learn all they single day. Producing thousands of cen-
could about tool design, gages, specifica- trifugally cast gun tubes, Watertown be-
tions, and requirements for material. came in the 1940-41 period the only im-
"They all go to Watertown and Water- portant source of medium caliber gun
vliet," General Wesson reported at a con- tubes for the Army. The number of
ference. "They are just overrun with these
fellows." 27 The arsenals were able not only 26
Documents in Educational Orders folder,
to provide specifications but also to advise OHF. 27
on tool design and requirements for ma- Review Prod Plans of the Arty Div, 13 Feb
42, p. 34. OHF.
chinery, and to make gages available for 28
Campbell, op. cit., pp. 44-45. See also History
study. When manufacturers ran into of the Watervliet Arsenal, XV, particularly111-
trouble with specific processes they could 15.29 The histories of the arsenals on file in OHF
call upon the arsenals to send out trained are replete with examples. See also radio speech
experts to give help. In one instance a by Col Steven L. Conner, Apr 42, quoted in Hist,
Watervliet, XV, 114-16. For detailed data on pro-
Picatinny expert on automatic drilling ma- curement procedures in 1940-41, see Hist, Arty
chines was lent to an Ordnance contractor Div, Ind Serv, OCO, 1 Jul 40-1 Oct 45, I, pt. 2,
for three months to help install new equip- especially ch. 9.

MAJOR CALIBER GUN SHOP AT WATERVLIET, New York, in operation before the begin-
ning of World War II.

employees at all the arsenals nearly doubled operative effort among all the producers.
in the twelve months following June 1940, With the 37-mm. antitank gun, for ex-
and production rose in proportion, its ample, Watervliet in the spring of 1940
value totaling over $138 million in calen- made the gun, Rock Island the carriage,
dar year 1941.30 and Bausch and Lomb Company the sight.
The task of getting production started at The 37-mm. antiaircraft gun was more
the arsenals was not without its problems, complicated, requiring, in addition to Wat-
but far more difficult was the job of bring- ervliet tubes and Watertown carriages, gun
ing private firms into production. The mechanisms from Colt's Patent Fire Arms
Ordnance procurement list included can- Manufacturing Company, control sets from
non of many different sizes, all with com- Bendix Aviation Corporation, and sights
plicated recoil mechanisms, carriages, and from General Electric. For the powerful
fire control instruments. As the type of 90-mm. AA gun Ordnance contracted with
manufacturing equipment needed for these the Sperry Corporation for directors,
components varied widely, and individual Bausch and Lomb for height finders, Ben-
firms lacked the machinery to make com- dix for data transmission systems, and R.
plete guns, contracts did not call for com- Hoe and Otis Elevator for recoil mecha-
plete weapons but only for certain major
components. As a result, meeting produc- 30
For detailed data, see Hist, Arty Div, Jul 40-
tion schedules demanded widespread co- Oct 45, I, ch. 1, Figs. 2 and 3.

nisms. All told, more than thirty compon- terial after appropriations have actually
ents of this gun were procured on separate been made."36 While General Marshall
prime contracts, and the cost of a single was speaking, the 3-inch (76.2-mm.) gun
complete weapon with its proportionate was on its way out in favor of the newer
share of fire control instruments amounted and more powerful 90-mm. gun being
to about $50,000.31 In addition to parts readied for production after its adoption in
for assembly into complete weapons, Ord- February 1940.37 Within a year the 37-
nance called upon industry to produce mm. AA gun was to suffer the same fate.
large quantities of spare parts, particularly Aside from the obsolescent 3-inch, the
spare tubes to replace those worn out in 37-mm. was the only antiaircraft gun pro-
service.32 duced in the United States in 1940, and
production amounted to but 170. By Janu-
AA Guns ary 1941 the Colt Company was turning
this gun out at the rate of forty per month,
Because of the growing menace of the and plans were afoot to adapt the new
bombing plane in 1940-41 high priority British director to the 37-mm. and produce
went to guns for antiaircraft defense. They it in the United States. But in February,
were a relatively new type, as time is because of the urgent need for 37-mm.
measured in the history of artillery, having aircraft guns, Ordnance was ordered to
emerged only as hasty improvisations dur- sidetrack the 37-mm. AA weapon.38 At
ing the early 1900's.33 After World War I the same time a new and more powerful
Ordnance had devoted a goodly portion
of its weapons research funds to develop-
ment and production of a 3-inch AA gun, (1) Sources of Arty Materiel, Incl to Memo,
Brig Gen Harris, for CofS, 13 May 40, OO 381/
with the result that about eight hundred 36045 NA; (2) Memo, Lt Albert L. Keneman,
were on hand in 1940. In peacetime that Jr., for Lt Col Willis R. Slaughter, 16 Nov 40,
appeared to be a not inconsiderable quan- sub: 37-mm. gun, AA, ASF Prod Div 472.93 AA
guns, Job 19B, G 1867; (3) Hist, Arty Div, I, ch.
tity but it was in fact less than the British 1, secs. 3 and 4, and ch. VI on spare parts.
had in 1940 to defend the single city of 32
For a detailed description of artillery spare
34 parts, see History, Artillery Division, Volume I,
London. Development work of the inter-
Chapter 6, and Volume 100.
war years had also led to standardization 33
For research and development background, see
of an intermediate AA gun, the 37-mm., Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions
but, as it was just going into production for 34War, Chapter XIV.
Congressional Record,. S, 14 May 40, 76th
in 1940 at the Colt's Patent Fire Arms Cong., 3d sess., vol. 86, pt. 6, p. 6137.
Manufacturing Company, there was no For details on production delays, see Memo,
prospect of speedy improvement in out- Keneman for Slaughter, 16 Nov 40, sub: 37-mm.
35 gun, AA, ASF Prod Div 472.93 AA Guns, Job
put. General Marshall told a Senate com- 19B, G 1867.
mittee in the spring of 1940 that, at the Ibid. For background on the 37-mm. gun, see
current rate of production, the Army PSP 29, 37-mm. and 40-mm. AA Guns, Design,
Development, and Production (May 1945), OHF.
would gain only enough for three addi- 37
William S. Lohr, 90-mm. AA Materiel, OHF.
tional regiments by the end of the year, (1) Ltr, TAG to CofOrd, 20 Feb 41, sub:
and four more by the end of 1941. He Schedule for 37-mm. guns, AG 472.91 (2-5-41)
M-D; (2) Memo, William E. Curley for Slaughter,
referred soberly to "the long and maybe 14 Jul 41, sub: Prod of 37-mm. AA Gun, ASF
tragic delay involved in securing such ma- Prod Div 472.93 AA Guns, Job 19B, G 1867.

AA gun entered the picture, a 40-mm. Navy meanwhile contracted with the York
weapon made in Sweden by the Bofors Safe and Lock Company to supply Navy
Company. It was strongly recommended requirements.42
by the Chief of Coast Artillery, but Ord- The complexity of the 40-mm. carriage
nance was reluctant to abandon its heavy forced Firestone to spread its work among
investment in the 37-mm. and spend many more than 350 subcontractors. Firestone
months tooling up for the 40-mm.39 had not only to translate all metric meas-
The Bofors gun had proved its worth in urements into inches, sometimes with
the Spanish civil war and on the beaches troublesome decimals, but also had to make
at Dunkerque, and was generally held to all threads and gear shapes conform to
be superior to the 37-mm.40 For sale to any standard American practice and prepare
nation that cared to buy it, it had come to tracings in accord with Ordnance drafting
the attention of the Ordnance Department room regulations. Urged by Ordnance to
as early as 1937, but for one reason or recommend design changes to speed pro-
another, no sample gun was obtained for duction or improve operations, Firestone
testing. In the fall of 1940, when the contributed a wide variety of acceptable
British were eager to buy munitions from ideas. It adopted welding to replace one
American firms, they supplied Ordnance thousand rivets in the Bofors design and
with one of their Bofors guns at about the oilite bushings instead of the original
same time that the U.S. Navy obtained one manganese-bronze bushings. Steel tubing
directly from Sweden. After performing replaced forged and machined axles, a new
admirably in tests the 40-mm. was adopted type of traverse mechanism was employed,
by the Army. The Navy, equally enthusias- and the carriage was equipped with elec-
tic about the gun, negotiated with Bofors tric instead of hydraulic brakes. These
for a license to permit manufacture in this steps were typical of the "Americanization"
country of both the Army type air-cooled of the 40-mm., converting its production
mobile gun and carriage and the Navy type from a slow, painstaking job according to
water-cooled twin mount. The contract,
signed in June 1941, covered manufactur- 39
(1) Min, Wesson Confs, Feb 41; (2) Memo,
ing rights, blueprints, manufacturing draw- CofOrd for CofS Gen Marshall, 17 Jan 41, sub:
Characteristics of the 37-mm. AA . . . , AG
ings, and the services for one year of two 472.91 (1-17-41); (3) PSP 29; (4) Folder
production experts, who, unfortunately, marked 40-mm. Bofors Materiel, OHF.
never arrived.41 Early in February 1941 41
PSP 29, pt. IV.
Gen Barnes, diary, passim, and folder marked
Ordnance contracted with Chrysler to pre- 40-mm. Bofors Materiel, both in OHF. For Navy
pare working drawings and two pilot background, see Lt. Col. George M. Chinn, The
models of the gun, and a few weeks later Machine Gun, III, Chapter 22 (Washington,
1953), and Rowland and Boyd, U.S. Navy Bureau
placed another contract with Firestone of Ordnance in World War II, Chapter 11.
Tire and Rubber Company to do the same (1) McHugh, Rosa, and Gleason, Artillery;
for the carriage. The first letters of intent (2) Barnes, diary, 11 Apr 41, 17 May 41, passim;
(3) Maj Daniel J. Martin, "The 40-mm. AA Can-
to start the tooling up process went out non," Army Ordnance, XXII, No. 129 (November
over Navy signature to take advantage of -December 1941), 386; (4) J. E. Trainer, "Anti-
the higher Navy priorities. Barrels for the aircraft Gun Carriages," Army Ordnance, XXII,
No. 130 (January-February 1942), 543; (5) Hist,
two pilot guns were made by a Canadian Detroit Ord Dist, 100, pt. 18, pp. 45ff ; (6) Chinn,
firm and were rifled at Watervliet. The op. cit.; (7) Rowland and Boyd, op. cit.

PLATFORM FOR 90-MM. AA GUN CARRIAGE in production at Watertown Arsenal, Mass.,

September 1940.

European practice to speedy quantity pro- for the new gun totaling only 114 in the
duction on the pattern of American indus- spring of 1940, Watertown was assigned
try. After the two pilot guns were shipped the production of carriages and Watervliet
to Aberdeen for test in July 1941, both the gun tubes.44 In the fall, with require-
Firestone and Chrysler began tooling up ments soaring above the one thousand
and were ready for quantity production mark, invitations for bids on carriages were
soon after the Japanese attacked Pearl issued to a dozen companies. Because the
Harbor. But by the end of the year no 90-mm. carriage was a new, difficult, and
40-mm. guns had been completed. The untried item, industry was reluctant to
only intermediate AA weapon on hand was undertake its manufacture; only one con-
the 37-mm., and it continued in short cern, the York Safe and Lock Company,
supply. The Colt Company, swamped with then making the 3-inch AA mount, entered
demands on its small staff and plagued a bid. As Ordnance considered the York
with labor trouble, had run into one pro- price too high, another and more successful
duction delay after another, and by De-
cember 1941 had turned out only five 43
(1) PSP 29; (2) Memo, CofOrd for USW,
hundred gun mechanisms.43 19 Dec 41, sub: The Colt Patent Fire Arms Mfg
Co., OO 472.54/6972.
To reach high-flying planes the 90-mm. 44
Memo, CofOrd for USW, 18 Mar 41, sub:
AA gun was adopted in February 1940, Comparison of Prod Possibilities of British . . .
replacing the 3-inch. With requirements and American . . . Guns, OO 472.93/1961.

effort was made in October to attract that could be used as a basis for competi-
bidders. Awards were then made to York, tive bids, thus avoiding delay in waiting
Allis-Chalmers, and Worthington Pump, for French drawings. Of three bids entered,
with Watertown also taking on a portion the lowest was that by Bendix Aviation
of the total. The guns themselves were Corporation (Eclipse Machine Division),
made only by Watervliet at the start, but a firm that had been interested in the gun
private contractors were later brought into for several years.48 In September 1940,
the picture, chief among them being the even before a final contract for manufac-
Chevrolet Division of General Motors Cor- turing rights had been signed, Ordnance
poration (GMC), the Wheland Company, contracted with Bendix to make some
and the Oliver Farm Machinery Company. 1,200 guns (for Air Corps, Navy, and
Production was not only slow to start be- British) with Ordnance providing about
cause of the need for factory conversion, $1 million for special tools, jogs, fixtures,
but it fell below expectations. For the year and dies.49
1941 it amounted to only 171 complete Tooling up at the Bendix plant in El-
units, less than half of which had been mira, N. Y., was a long, slow process, partly
assembled and proof fired.45 The lack of because the gun (designated M 1 and AN-
big AA guns worried Under Secretary M2) carried the relatively low priority
Patterson. "If we get into a shooting war," rating of A-1-c throughout 1940. Water-
he wrote in August 1941, "the demand vliet helped by leasing tools to Bendix, and
for weapons of these types will be pressing after the fall of France tools ordered in the
and immediate. Every city will be demand- United States by the French government
ing antiaircraft guns, and there will be were diverted to Bendix, even after some
very few on hand." 46

Aircraft Cannon (1) PSP 29, The Design, Development and
Production of 90-mm. and 120-mm. AA Guns
(May 1945), OHF; (2) Lt Walter G. Finch,
The story of aircraft guns parallels that Study of 90-mm. AA Gun, 19 Feb 42, OHF; (3)
of the AA weapons. As the need had arisen Memo, USW for CofOrd, 15 Nov 41, OO 4727
in the late 1930's for an intermediate AA 1084.
Memo, USW for Moore, 30 Aug 41, OUSW
gun, so there came a demand for an air- file 104, folder marked Guns, AT, Aircraft, and
craft weapon more powerful than the so on.
standard .50-caliber machine gun, but not (1) Ltr, CofAir Corps to CofOrd, 12 Apr 40,
sub: Intermediate Aircraft Cannon, OO 472.91/
as large as the 37-mm. After all known 2105; (2) OCM 15739, 19 Apr 40 and OCM
weapons in this intermediate range had 15827, 21 May 40; (3) Ltr, CofOrd to TAG, 23
been tested by Ordnance and the Air Oct 39, Purchase of 20-mm. Aircraft Cannon, copy
in OHF Arty docs.; (4) Green, Thomson, and
Corps, both services, in the spring of 1940, Roots, Planning Munitions for War, ch. XV.
recommended adoption of the 20-mm. 48
For correspondence with Bendix, see OO
Hispano-Suiza gun known as Birkigt type 472.91, NA.
For background of the Hispano-Suiza gun,
404.47 Thirty-three of these weapons had see Chinn, op. cit., ch. 13. See also B. D. Barrow,
been purchased from the French owners in Production of 20-mm. Automatic Guns, M1 and
the winter of 1939-40, along with an AN-M2, OHF, and Design, Development and
Production of 20-mm. Guns, M1 and AN-M2
option on manufacturing rights. In April (Nov 44), both in OHF. The latter study contains
and May 1940 Watervliet made drawings copies of many pertinent documents.

of them were on the high seas.50 To meet new machinery, dies, gages, and fixtures.
the rising demand for guns for the Air In the spring of 1941 Ordnance foresaw
Corps program, Ordnance brought three difficulties in meeting the demand for 37-
more producers into the picture in the mm. guns and pleaded in vain for funds to
spring of 1941. The Army and Navy Mu- establish a second producer.52 Colt de-
nitions Board raised the priority rating to livered a few guns in March 1941, but
A-1-b, and eventually to A-1-a. Con- throughout the rest of the year deliveries
tracts were placed with the Oldsmobile Di- were disappointing and did not keep pace
vision of GMC for nine thousand guns, with production of P-39 planes.53 On the
with International Harvester for a like day after Pearl Harbor, Under Secretary
amount, and with Munitions Manufactur- Patterson, disturbed at the "apparent com-
ing Corporation of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., a placency of the Colt Company," directed it
wholly owned subsidiary of International and all its subcontractors to go on a 24-
Business Machines Corporation, for over hour day, 7-day-week schedule until the
thirteen thousand. All told, requirements shortage was overcome.54 A few days later
for U.S. and British forces exceeded forty Patterson called upon General Wesson to
thousand, and the four contractors raced "bring about promptly a change in man-
to get into production. Bendix, which had agement in the Colt Plant."55 General
a head start, completed five weapons for Wesson went to Hartford in person, made
test during the summer of 1941 and was an appeal to the workers for increased
ready for quantity production in Septem- production, and conferred at length with
ber, but production was temporarily de- company officials. General Wesson knew
layed because forgings were not available. that the company had taken on so much
After a few guns came off the line in Octo- war work that it had spread its manage-
ber, design changes in several parts delayed ment dangerously thin. Confident that
the start of volume production until No-
vember. Meanwhile a trickle of production Hist, Rochester Ord Dist, XV, bk. II, 269-
came from Oldsmobile and Munitions just 51
(1) Barrow, Prod of 20-mm. Automatic
before Pearl Harbor, and International Guns: (2) Barrow, Design, Development, and
Harvester came along early in 1942.51 Prod of 20-mm. Guns; (3) Hist, New York Ord
Dist, 100, pt. 5, sec. 2, IBM Corp, OHF; (4)
With the 37-mm. aircraft gun there was Review of the Prod Plans of the Arty Div, OCO,
no problem of foreign patents or drawings, 4 Mar 42, p. 3.
but nevertheless production lagged behind Memo, CofOrd to TAG, 5 May 41, sub: 37-
mm. Automatic Cannon, AG 472.93/2299.
requirements all during the defense period. 53
Min, Wesson Confs, 16 Aug 41.
The only source for this weapon was Colt's (1) Memo, USW for Wesson, 8 Dec 41, sub:
Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Com- 37-mm. Aircraft Gun, ExecO file; (2) Memo,
USW for CofOrd, 15 Nov 41, OO 472/1084; (3)
pany, owner of all the basic patents. An PSP 30, Design, Development and Production of
old, well established gun-making firm, Colt 37-mm. Gun, M4 (Nov 44), pt. 2, OHF.
had started production with a small order (1) Memo, USW for CofOrd, 13 Dec 41,
ExecO file M-Matériel-Cannon; (2) Martin,
in the winter of 1939-40. In August 1940 Memo of conf at Colt Plant on 17 Dec 41, 19 Dec
Ordnance placed a new contract with Colt 41, OO 472.91/1365; (3) Memo, CofOrd for
for production at the rate of two hundred USW, 19 Dec 41, sub: The Colt Patent Fire Arms
Mfg Co., OUSW file 104, folder Guns, AT, and
units per month, at the same time author- son on; (4) Memo, USW for Brig Gen Thomas
izing expenditure of nearly $4 million for J. Hayes, 22 Dec 41, same file.

the company could overcome its difficul- three contractors had passed the 5,000
ties, he decided against making a change mark, but requirements, including several
in management, but offered help instead. thousand guns for the British, had mean-
He directed that Springfield Armory send while risen to nearly 35,000.58
Col. Elbert L. Ford and several production As an antitank gun the 37-mm. went
engineers and expediters to the Colt plant into production at the arsenals during the
to help boost production. The results were winter of 1939-40, Watervliet making the
gratifying. More than 6,000 guns were guns and Rock Island the carriages.59 As
produced in calendar year 1942 as com- early as April 1940 contracts were placed
pared with 390 in 1941. with the York Safe and Lock Company for
both guns and carriages. Within a few
Tank and Antitank Guns weeks two other concerns signed up to
make guns—the United Shoe Machinery
Though destined soon to be replaced by Corporation and National Pneumatic Com-
more powerful weapons, the 37-mm. was pany—and two others agreed to make
the most important tank and antitank carriages—Muncie Gear Works and Du-
gun before Pearl Harbor, and was pro- plex Printing Press Company.60 But there
duced in the largest quantities. As a tank was a wide gulf between signing contracts
gun the 37-mm. went into production at and delivering finished weapons. "Delivery
Watervliet in November 1938 with an or- of 37-mm. AT guns is very slow," reported
der for eighteen pieces, followed in June G-4 in June 1940, "and it will be at
1939 by an order for some four hundred least 18 months before the requirements
more.56 These orders were awarded to for existing units will be filled." 61
Watervliet because that arsenal had taken While the 37-mm. was being adopted for
an active part in developing the weapon, light tanks in the late 1930's, reports from
had manufactured the pilot models, and abroad indicated the need for a more
possessed both the equipment and the powerful weapon for medium tanks. By
trained personnel for its production. After the spring of 1940 Ordnance had tested
the first 18 guns were shipped in February one medium tank with a 75-mm. howitzer
1940 the production rate was gradually in a sponson and with the 37-mm. as the
stepped up to 150 per month early in 1941. secondary weapon in the turret. Soon
Meanwhile contracts for tank guns (M5) thereafter a 75-mm. gun was hurriedly
were placed in the summer of 1940 with
United Shoe Machinery Corporation and 56
These were procured as field guns M3
National Pneumatic Company.57 Both because the tank gun M5 had not yet been de-
concerns got into production quickly and veloped.
Hist, New York Ord Dist, 100, pt. 14.
between them completed delivery of over 58
PSP 28, 37-mm. Guns M5 and M6, Design,
2,800 guns before Pearl Harbor, when they Development, Production (Apr 45), OHF.
switched over to an improved model, the See comments on this weapon by the Army
Chief of Staff, Gen Malin Craig, in WDAB, H.R.,
M6. Late in 1940 a contract for the M6 1940, 24 Jan 39. An early Ordnance report on it
gun had been placed with American Type appears in ltr, CofOrd to CofS, 2 Sep 37, sub: AT
Founders, which completed some 900 guns and AA Development, OO 472/3371.
PSP 28.
before the end of 1941. By the end of the 61
Memo, ACofS, G-4 for CofS, 11 Jun 40, sub:
year total output by Watervliet and the Sale of 75-mm guns, AG 472 (6-11-40).

M3 MEDIUM TANK MOUNTING A 75-MM. GUN delivered to the U.S. Army by the
Chrysler Corporation. Standing in front of the tank from left: Brig. Gen. Adna R. Chaffee,
Maj. Gen. Charles M. Wesson, and Mr. K. T. Keller.

modified for the General Grant medium drey Machine Works of Fitchburg, Mass.62
tank and adopted as standard. Although a Both were slow to get into production,
makeshift, this arrangement was hailed in and neither was regarded as a strong
1940 as the only available answer to the source.63 Empire shipped its first guns in
threat of German armor, and by Septem- August 1941 and Cowdrey in January
ber demands for 75-mm. tank guns 1942. Just a week before Pearl Harbor,
reached the 2,500 mark. with total requirements rising above
An order for 1,308 75-mm. tank guns twenty thousand and guns lagging behind
was assigned to Watervliet in mid-July tank production, a third source was added,
1940, and 9 months later the first com- the Oldsmobile Division of General Motors
pleted units were shipped. By September Corporation. Watervliet carried the burden
1941 Watervliet was turning out 75-mm's. of production during the critical months
at the rate of one hundred per month, and of the emergency period, manufacturing
had completed nearly one thousand by the
end of the year. Meanwhile, as require-
ments continued to rise, two commercial The Cowdrey firm was soon taken over by
American Type Founders, becoming its Cowdrey
firms were given contracts in August and Machine Division.
September of 1940, the Empire Ordnance 63
Memo, USW for CofOrd, 15 Nov 41, OO
Corporation of Philadelphia and the Cow- 472/1084.

1,000 of the 1,200 guns produced during end of 1941 Ordnance had procured only
1941.64 small quantities of finished weapons but it
In the category of antitank and general had laid a solid foundation for volume
field artillery weapons the change on the production in 1942-43. (Table 9)
eve of war from the 75-mm. gun to the
105-mm. howitzer slowed production tem- The First Year of War
porarily.65 Only 597 105's were delivered
in 1941 but nearly 10,000 were added in Within four weeks of the Pearl Harbor
the next three years. In the fall of 1941 attack, President Roosevelt set new and
slow deliveries of the 105-mm. howitzer challenging goals for artillery production.68
were a cause of serious concern to the In his letter to the Secretary of War on
Secretary of War and the Chief of Field 3 January the President called specifically
Artillery. Production of this weapon was for delivery of 55,000 antiaircraft guns and
hampered from the beginning by frequent 18,900 antitank guns within two years.
changes in requirements, low priority (A- These goals were high, but the really big
1-g at the start), and lack of essential artillery requirements were only implied in
machine tools. But by the end of the year the President's letter and in his state of the
production was at the rate of 250 per
month.66 64
(1) PSP 28, III, 75-mm. Guns. M2 and M3,
The larger weapons, the so-called medi- Design, Development and Production, OHF; (2)
um and heavy artillery, were neglected Memo, E. F. Johnson, OPM, for CofOrd, 12 Nov
41, sub: 75-mm. Guns for Medium Tanks, ExecO
during the defense period, as were self- file M-Materiel-Cannon. The M2 was standard-
propelled weapons. Only 65 155-mm. guns ized in May 1941 and the M3 in June 1941.
were built before Pearl Harbor. No 155- Typical of the thinking of the time is Ltr,
CofFA to TAG, 28 Mar 40, sub: Use to be Made
mm. howitzers, 4.5-inch guns, 8-inch guns, of 75-mm. Field Gun. . ., OO 381/34198, NA.
8-inch howitzers, or 240-mm. howitzers 66
(1) Memo, CofOrd for SW, 15 Oct 41, sub:
were produced because Army planners Delays in 105-mm. howitzer program, ExecO file
M-Materiel-Cannon; (2) Memo, Brig Gen
considered them less useful than lighter Hayes, Director ASF Prod Br, to USW, 12 Nov
weapons. Ordnance was not authorized to 41, OUSW file, 104, folder marked Guns, AT,
procure self-propelled artillery until the acft and so on; (3) Memo, CofFA for ACofS
G-4, 26 Dec 41, sub: Prod of 105-mm. Howit-
closing weeks of 1941,67 zers, OO 472.22/1269; (4) Memo, Col Burnett R.
All told, the production figures for the Olmsted for CofOrd, 21 Jan 42, sub: Status of
defense period were discouraging. In the Prod of 105. . ., ExecO file M-Materiel-
cold grey days following Pearl Harbor, the 67
(1) Memo, CofOrd for Deputy CofS, 20 Dec
Chief of Ordnance had to report that dur- 41, sub: SP Arty, OO 451/2846; (2) Memo,
ing the preceding eighteen months of re- Deputy CofS for CofOrd, 20 Dec 41, sub: Ap-
proval of and Expediting of SP Arty Projects,
armament he had managed to procure only OHF. For an account of development of self-
those artillery items listed in the accom- propelled artillery, see Green, Thomson, and
panying table. The quantities were ad- Roots, Planning Munitions for War, pages 314-17.
Ltr, President to SW, 3 Jan 42, copy in OO
mittedly small. But to Ordnance officers 472/1218. The address on the state of the Union,
the really important fact was not revealed 6 Jan 42, in Public Papers and Addresses of
in the statistics. That was the existence of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1942 Volume, Humanity
on the Defensive, compiled by Samuel I. Rosen-
production capacity—plants tooled up and man (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1950) pp.
manned for quantity production. By the 36-37.


Source: Extracted from MS draft, dated 9 Apr 52, of Procurement section, prepared by Richard H. Crawford and Lindsley F.
Cook under the direction of Theodore E. Whiting for Statistics.

Union message on 6 January. These were taken by Ordnance to remedy this situa-
the guns for 120,000 tanks and 145,000 tion after announcement of the President's
airplanes to be built during 1942-43. In "must program" was to request AA or
mid-January 1942 the Artillery Division A-1-a priority on needed tools and equip-
estimated that, to meet the President's ment.71 The request brought higher rat-
program, it would have to procure during ings for a few selected items, but for
1942 alone some 200,000 artillery pieces, months antitank and field artillery weapons
evenly divided between tank and aircraft continued to carry such low priorities that
types.69 To Ordnance officers familiar with it was almost impossible to get deliveries of
the complexities of gun manufacture, and new tools. Next Ordnance drew up a de-
keenly aware of the vast quantities of tools tailed tabulation of artillery requirements,
and materials needed, the task appeared placing opposite each item the name of
impossible. But with the President's
words still ringing in their ears—"Let no
man say it cannot be done. It must be 69
done. . . ."—they set about the task of Rpt of Prod Plans, Arty Div, Ind Serv, 18
Jan 42. For an itemized list, see Overall Require-
planning new production schedules. ments for War Munitions Program, 11 Feb 42,
The chief bottleneck at the start was the which called for 105,000 75-mm. tank guns, copy
lack of machine tools, and the lack of tools in OCO-Detroit file.
Review . . . Arty Div, 4 Mar 42, p. 2.
stemmed from low priorities on artillery. 71
(1) Memo USW for ANMB, 7 Jan 42, sub:
During the last 6 months of 1941 Ord- Schedules for manufacture. . . , OO 472/1219;
nance artillery contractors had received (2) Conclusions reached at a conf held in Wes-
son's office, 7 Jan 42, ExecO file Matériel-
only 1,363 tools out of a total national Cannon; (3) Review Prod Plans of Arty Div, 4
production of 80,000.70 The first step Mar 42, pp. 29-31.

producing companies and needed produc- AA Guns

tion month by month. To every important
prime contractor went a letter from Gen- Antiaircraft guns were the chief artillery
eral Wesson stating exactly what each had problem in 1942. The first item on the
to produce to meet the President's direc- President's AA list—1,600 37-mm. weap-
tive. "We believe that if machine tools and ons in 1942—could easily be met by Colt,
materials come in exactly as wanted, this but the newer 40-mm. and 90-mm. guns
thing might be done," Col. Gordon M. were different matters.77 The President's
Wells, Chief of the Artillery Division, re- program required something like 300 per-
ported in mid-February. "But on the basis cent expansion of rates previously planned
of past experience it seems rather im- for these weapons. Both were extremely
possible." 72 difficult to manufacture and required hun-
Colonel Wells moved slowly in contract- dreds of new tools.78 The 40-mm. was in
ing for new plants because he did not the hands of two strong producers, Chrys-
want to spread too thin the few machine ler and the Pontiac Division of General
tools available. "We will get better and Motors, but Chrysler was just starting
quicker results," he observed in mid- production in February 1942 and Pontiac,
February, "by giving the tools to a few with a priority of A-1-d, found it could
strong companies."73 How to get pro- not get essential tools.79 When the priority
duction with the fewest new tools was a was raised to A-1-a Pontiac could still
prime consideration in awarding all con- not get tools because it had no "urgency
tracts. As a result, the firms under contract standing." In view of these facts, Ord-
before Pearl Harbor continued as the back-
bone of the artillery program throughout Rpt of Prod Plans of Arty Div, 13 Feb 42,
pp. 1-2.
1942. There were increases in scheduled 73
Rpt Prod Plans, 13 Feb 42, p. 3. See also Rpt
production, enlargement of plant capacity, Prod Plans, 15 Sep 42, pp. C and D of Foreword.
and the enlistment of a few new producers Ibid. This report, and others throughout the
year 1942, list all major items and their producers.
but no wholesale additions to the pre- 75
Chapter II above describes the roles of dis-
Pearl Harbor production base.74 tricts and arsenals in procurement.
Early in the defense period, contracts (1) Hist, Arty Div, I, pt. 3, ch. X, XI, XII,
XIII; (2) ODO 231, 27 Jan 42, OHF; (3) His-
with industry were placed by the arsenals, tory, Cannon Sub-Office, Watervliet Arsenal, 9
under direction of the Chief of Ordnance; vols., OHF.
but after the district offices built up their For a detailed analysis of the 37-mm. as of a
Jan 42, see History, Artillery Division, Volume
staffs more of this work flowed through 102. More than a score of firms made important
them.75 Beginning in January 1942, in components of this weapon.
order to decentralize more activities from (1) Review of the Prod Plans of the Arty Div,
OCO, 4 Mar 42, summary; (2) Memo, USW for
Washington to the field, a Fire Control Gen Clay and Alfred R. Glancy, 30 May 42, ASF
Sub-Office was created at Frankford Ar- Prod Div 472.93 AA Guns, Job 19B, dr 1867; (3)
senal, followed by similar offices at Memo, Brig Gen Lucius D. Clay for USW, 5 Jun
42, ASF Prod Div, 472.93 AA Guns, Job 19B, dr
Watertown, Watervliet, and Rock Island. G1867. For background on the 90-mm., see PSP
Responsible for production engineering, 29 (2 May 45), OHF.
inspection standards, surveys of industrial For correspondence on the urgent need for
machine tools for AA gun production, see Memos
capacity, cost analysis, and related matters, in ASF Prod Div, 472.93 AA Guns Job 19B, dr
they served throughout the war.76 G1867.

nance recommended, and higher author- component. Both concerns had got off to a
ities approved, that the 37-mm. gun be head start through educational orders. The
accepted as a substitute to make up the darkest spot was the director. Two strong
deficit in 40-mm. output.80 sources, Sperry Gyroscope and Ford
"This is one of the tightest jobs we Motor, had contracts for directors for the
have," commented General Knudsen when 90-mm., but Ford was behind schedule on
the 90-mm. AA gun came up at an ord- tooling and Sperry was just starting to
nance production conference in February produce. An extremely complicated com-
1942.81 Watervliet was the only real pro- puting machine, the director contained
ducer at that time, turning out 120 per thousands of parts, cost about $20,000,
month and steadily increasing its output. and required precision workmanship
Wheland was just reaching the production throughout. "I think this is our real choke
stage while Chevrolet and Oliver had only item on the 90-mm. program," reported
recently received contracts and were not Colonel Wells in February 1942,85 and it
expected to begin producing until near the remained a choke item for many months.
end of the year. Ordnan.ce estimated that At the March production conference Ord-
only 3,650 guns would be produced during nance reported that it would probably be
1942 against the President's goal of impossible to meet the President's directive
5,400.82 As if this were not bad enough, on the 90-mm. unless extraordinary meas-
output of carriages was lagging behind ures were taken to grant it overriding
guns in spite of having Watertown Arsenal priority. General Somervell pointed out
and seven commercial producers in the that scheduled monthly production of AA
picture. None of the commercial firms was guns would supply sixty-two AA regiments
scheduled to reach production stage during a month, "a terrific number of guns."
the first half of the year, and most were When General Wesson, who had grave
expected to start producing only during doubts about the need for so many
the last three months of 1942. 90's, asked on what the President had
The 90-mm. carriage was a complicated based his directive, no one could answer.
item, very difficult to make. "There are so "I think what we ought to do," Donald
many different devices on that carriage,"
General Knudsen commented, "if you 80
(1) Review . . . Arty Div, 4 Mar 42, p. 10;
once set up for the whole job it will be as (2) Memo, ACofS G-4 for CofOrd, 8 Mar 42,
big as the Detroit Tank Arsenal."83 It was sub: 40-mm. AA guns, G-4/23631-92, copy in
also a newly developed item that experi- 81
Mtg on review of prod plans of the Arty Div,
enced all the difficulties inherent in pro- OCO, 13 Feb 42,p. II.
duction of a complicated piece of new (1) Ibid.; (2) Prod Plng Rpt, Arty Div, 9
Feb 42, p. 27.
equipment. Some of the most competent 83
Mtg on review of prod plans, Arty Div, OCO,
firms in the heavy machinery field found 13 Feb 42, p. 14.
difficulty in meeting prescribed tolerances For an account of the 90's history, see Col
Well's statement in Review . . . Arty Div, 21 May
and specifications.84 The brightest spot in 42, and also PSP 29, pp. 42-43.
the picture was production of recoil (1) Prod Plng Rpt, Arty Div, 9 Feb 42; (2)
mechanisms. In addition to Watertown Ar- Review . . . Arty Div, 4 Mar 42, pp. 18-19; (3)
Memo, CofOrd for CG ASF, 7 Oct 42, sub: Rec-
senal, two old standbys, R. Hoe and Otis ommended Revisions in ASP. . ., OO 381/9948
Elevator, were carrying the load for this Misc.

Nelson concluded, "is to review this in In spite of the hopeful outlook, guns
terms of its urgency in the picture . . . lagged behind tanks all during the first
and then let's go back to the President and half of 1942. The lag was not great if one
talk to him about it."86 In less than a counted every gun as soon as it came off
month the requirement was cut in half.87 the assembly line. But there was a delay of
from ten to thirty days between completion
Aircraft Guns of guns at the factory and their installation
in tanks. This time was taken up in pack-
Production of aircraft cannon easily kept ing, shipping to proving grounds, proof
pace with plane deliveries in 1942. With firing, transporting to tank arsenals, and
four facilities making the 20-mm. gun, finally installing the guns. At the end of
Ordnance estimated that output for the April the Under Secretary called Ordnance
year would total 67,000 pieces, more than to task because more than half the light
enough for aircraft use though short of the tanks and two-thirds of all medium tanks
Time Objective figure of 89,000. A recom- with armored divisions had no guns.90
putation of requirements soon cut the lat- Ordnance immediately redoubled its efforts
ter figure in half and turned the 20-mm. to speed proof firing and shipping. Hun-
deficit into a surplus. The 37-mm. gun was dreds of guns, intended for use with gyro-
also well ahead of plane output, so far stabilizers and special mounts on light
ahead, in fact, that plans were made in tanks, were installed instead on medium
March to convert some of Oldsmobile's tanks without special mounts,91 and by
production to 37-mm. AA guns.88 June the number of tanks and guns was
fairly well balanced.92
Tank and Antitank Guns
(1) Review . . . Arty Div, 4 Mar 42, pp.
Providing guns for all the tanks on the 20-22; (2) Memo, ACofS G-4 for CofOrd, 6
President's program meant building some Mar 42, sub: Presidential Objectives for 1942 and
1943, and 1st Ind CofOrd to CG SOS 10 Mar 42,
66,000 during 1942, but in February the with 2 Incls. Copy attached to preceding docu-
Artillery Division nevertheless reported ment.
that it expected to reach its goal. Reason- (1) Review . . . Arty Div, 18 Apr 42; (2)
ASP sec. I, 6 Apr 42, copy in OCO-Detroit file.
able production of 37-mm. guns by Water- 88
(1) Review of Prod Plans by the Arty Div,
vliet, United Shoe, National Pneumatic, 1942; (2) Memo, Maj Gen Thomas J. Hayes, for
American Type Founders, and York was Lt Gen William S. Knudsen, 3 Jul 42, sub: June
Prod of Important Arty Items, OO 400.12/729.
calculated at 41,179 for the year. Produc- 89
(1) Review of prod plans, pp. 19ff; (2) Prod
tion of the 75-mm. gun by Watervliet, Plng. Rpt. pp. 47-52; (3) Overall Rqmts for War
Oldsmobile, Cowdrey, and Empire Ord- Munitions Program, 11 Feb 42.
(1) Memo, USW for Brig Gen Charles D.
nance was expected to reach 26,172. The Young, ASF Proc and Dist Div, 26 Apr 42, USW
3-inch gun for the heavy tank, a new file 104, Guns, and so on; (2) Review . . . Arty
project, fell below requirements because Div, 18 Apr 42.
Memo, CG SOS for USW, 5 May 42, sub:
the three producers, Vilter, Munitions, and Acceleration of Tank Armament, USW file 104,
Goodyear, had only A-1-d priorities and Guns, and so on.
were unable to get tools. But the 3-inch (1) Memo, Glancy, ASF Prod Br, for USW,
8 Jun 42, sub: Progress of Tank Armament, USW
was the least important of the tank weap- file 104, Guns, and so on; (2) Rpt by Col Wells in
ons and caused no great concern.89 Review . . . Arty Div, 21 May 42.

Antitank guns formed a weak segment thousand were produced, and all were
in the allied arsenal.93 Production of the shipped to the British on lend-lease. These
37-mm. AT gun was halted in 1943 after were clearly stop-gap weapons hurriedly
nearly twenty thousand had been delivered. designed to meet the threat of German
The more powerful but still inadequate armor. So was the 75-mm. gun motor
57-mm. AT gun came into production in carriage standardized late in 1941, the
1942 and ran well ahead of schedule. It first piece of self-propelled artillery adopted
remained the one most important U.S. by the U.S. Army in World War II. It
antitank gun throughout the war, total consisted of a 75-mm. gun mounted on the
output exceeding sixteen thousand. The standard half track personnel carrier and
3-inch AT gun, after coming into produc- was manufactured in small quantities by
tion late in 1942, continued at a modest Autocar. A companion weapon, the 75-
rate in 1943 and stopped in 1944. Ord- mm. howitzer motor carriage, also utilized
nance meanwhile labored to develop a the half-track personnel carrier and was
fourth AT weapon, the high velocity 76- produced in small quantities by the White
mm. gun, but failed to get it into produc- Motor Car Company. Another vehicle pro-
tion before the war ended. An even more duced by the White Company was a half-
powerful 90-mm. AT gun was approved for track carrier for the 81-mm. mortar.
limited procurement in May 1944, but Though standardized two full years before
further tests revealed the need for design Pearl Harbor it was never in great de-
changes to correct structural weaknesses mand. These weapons were not produced
in the carriage. Of two hundred produced, in large numbers because they lost out in
only one was sent overseas before the war's competition with full-tracked antitank ve-
end.94 At least part of the lack in AT guns hicles of greater power and cross-country
was made up by the introduction of power- maneuverability.96
ful and effective self-propelled weapons, Heavy mobile artillery and seacoast guns
often called tank destroyers or gun motor ran far behind schedule throughout 1942.
carriages. Most famous was the 105-mm. Production of the 155-mm. howitzer
howitzer mounted on a medium tank scarcely got started because of its low
chassis, nicknamed The Priest. After prov-
ing its value to the British in defeating 93
Testimony on this score appears in Biennial
Rommel's armor in North Africa, the 105- Report of General George C. Marshall, the Chief
mm. howitzer was followed by the 3-inch of Staff of the United States Army to the Secre-
tary of War, 1 July 1943 to 30 June 1945 (Wash-
and 90-mm. guns, both mounted on medi- ington: 1946), p. 97.
um tank chassis, the 76-mm. gun on a 95
McHugh et al., Arty, p. 37.
special carriage, and smaller pieces down to (1) Whiting, Statistics, Table PR-8; (2)
95 Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions
the 37-mm. for War, pp. 314-17; (3) McHugh, Arty, pp. 32-
To provide mobile antitank defense, the 37.96
57-mm. gun (formerly the British 6 (1) Draft Project Report on Light Self-
propelled Artillery prepared by Daniel Chase, Ord
pounder) was mounted on a half track Hist Br, n.d. OHF; (2) TM 9-2800, Standard
personnel carrier. Manufacture of this gun Military Vehicles, 1 Sep 43; (3) Catalog of
Standard Ord Items, 1 Mar 44, Tank and Auto-
motor carriage was undertaken by the Dia- motive Vehicles. The latter citation gives numer-
mond T Motor Company but, because of ous references to Ordnance Committee Minutes
its limited tactical usefulness, less than one (OCM's) for each item.

priority. Only 33 were delivered against a

requirement of 452. "There never was a
possibility of meeting the 1942 require-
ment of 452 units, as we have pointed out
on many occasions," General Wells re-
ported in December 1942.97 The 155-mm.
gun and 240-mm. howitzer were in better
shape but still behind schedule while the
8-inch field gun barely met the year's
requirement. The delay with all these
weapons sprang from the combination of
low priority and the need for elaborate
equipment and preparation for produc-


Mortars, among the simplest weapons

employed in World War II, caused no
major production problems, though diver-
sion of seamless steel tubing to Air Force
contractors in September 1942 completely MOTOR CARRIAGE M7, passing through
stopped production of 60-mm. mortars for a town in Sicily, July 1943.
a time.90 Both of the two main types, the
60-mm. and the 81-mm., were foreign
models purchased in the 1930's from the
Edgar Brandt firm in France. Both were 97
Review of Prod Plans, Arty Div, 16 Dec 42.
manufactured first at Watervliet and then 98
Memo, CofOrd for CG SOS, 7 Oct 42, sub:
by industry as rearmament got under way Recommended revisions in ASP Rqmts for Arty,
in 1939 and 1940. OO 381/9948 Misc. For details on priorities,
contractors, and production, see PSP 80, Medium
When the 60-mm. mortar was adopted Artillery Weapons, Design, Development and Pro-
in 1938, it was given the designation M1. duction of the 155-mm. Howitzer and 4.5-inch
Ordnance bought eight mortars, with Gun, OHF.
(1) Production Progress and Production
French production drawings, from the Scheduling, report by SOS to WPB, 1 Dec 42,
Brandt company. When Watervliet Ar- p. 17, ASF 200.02; (2) Memo, CofOrd for CG
senal prepared production drawings of SOS, 7 Oct 42, sub: Recommended Revisions in
ASP. . . , OO 381/9948 Misc. For the develop-
this weapon it adopted standard Ameri- ment and use of mortars during and after World
can threads and made minor dimensional War I, see PSP 27, the Design, Development, and
changes to suit tubes and plates of Ameri- Production of Mortars, Feb 45, vol. 3, OHF, and
the report of Board of Officers appointed by par.
can manufacture. To distinguish the 142, SO No. 289-0, WD, 1918 (hereafter cited as
French from the American model the latter Westervelt Bd Rpt), 5 May 1919.
was designated M2.100 In January 1940 (1) OCM 14273, 4 Feb 38; (2) OCM
14421, 7 Apr 38; (3) OCM 15118, 22 Jun 39;
the first production contract for 1,500 (4) OCM 15229, 27 Jun 39; (5) PSP 27, vol. 1,
mortars went to the Read Machinery Co. OHF.

of York, Pennsylvania, and the Pullman- items with "T" designations.104 The only
Standard Car Manufacturing Company real difficulty in manufacture arose from
signed a contract for the 81-mm. As re- the fact that these new types were rushed
quirements for the 60-mm. rose rapidly into production before Watervliet had time
during 1940, Ordnance placed orders with to complete the manufacturing drawings.
a second producer, Kennedy-Van Saun The contractors thus had to use research
Engineering and Manufacturing Company and development sketches at the outset,
of Danville, Pennsylvania. Requirements with the result that some of the early
dropped early in 1944 but by the fall of production mortars failed to pass proof
that year the demand for mortars in the firing tests.
European theater exceeded existing sup-
plies. To meet the demand for 60-mm. Over the Hump
mortars Ordnance took two steps; it or-
dered Read and Kennedy-Van Saun to By the end of its first year of war Ord-
boost production, and it placed a contract nance could feel that, regardless of what
with Firestone Tire and Rubber Company the future might hold, it was over the
for 24,250.101 Production for the first hump in artillery production. The heavy
eight months of 1945 totaled 30,152, nearly investment in plant capacity made during
equal to total production of the three 1941 and early 1942 was beginning to pay
preceding years. No similar crisis marked dividends, and output was steadily rising.
the 81-mm. program. It moved along at a Production of all types of artillery weapons
fairly even pace year after year, its require- during 1942 totaled some 160,000 pieces,
ments and production following the general distributed roughly as follows:105
pattern set by the 60-mm. but with less
extreme fluctuations.102 Aircraft guns.....................................68,114
Of four new mortar models procured in Antiaircraft guns .....................................14,509
1944 the smallest was a 60-mm. mortar Tank guns and howitzers. .....................................42,731
that weighed only 19.5 pounds and could Self-propelled weapons ..................................... 8,751
Light field and AT weapons .....................................20,536
easily be carried and fired by one man.
The largest was a powerful 155-mm. Heavy field artillery ...................................... 647
weapon that could easily be disassembled
and transported to forward positions to
provide the equivalent of divisional or (1) PSP 27; (2) Rpt on Visit to ETO, 23
Oct 44, by Christmas, Col Herbert R. White, and
corps artillery support. Between these ex- Col Theodore A. Weyher, par. 15, Incl to OO
tremes were a lightweight 81-mm. and a 350.05/15609. For month by month developments,
new 105-mm. mortar.103 All were designed see Review of Prod Plans, Arty Div.
Whiting, Statistics, Table PR-8.
to meet the needs of troops in the South 103
Descriptive data and photographs may be
and Southwest Pacific Areas for mortars found in Limited Procurement Supplement to
light enough to be carried forward through Catalog of Standard Ord Items and in PSP 27,
vol. 2. The latter reference includes copies of rel-
the jungle by infantry and yet powerful evant OCM's.
enough to blast prepared enemy positions Production of the 155-mm. totaled 244; the
at fairly long range. None of these new 105-mm., 500; the 81-mm. (T27) 850; and the
60-mm. (T18E6), 6,145.
models was produced in large quantities 105
Fordetailed figures on types and models, see
and all remained limited procurement Whiting, Statistics.

On the debit side Ordnance had to report of their need. Plants making 40-mm. AA
that the Presidential goals for AA guns carriages and directors and 3-inch AT guns
(40-mm. and 90-mm.) and for antitank were put ahead of plants producing 57-
guns (37-mm. and 3-inch) were not met. mm. AT guns and 90-mm. AA guns and
On the credit side, the figures showed carriages, which were not as urgently
that aircraft guns had kept well ahead of needed by the middle of the year. Mean-
plane production all during the year, al- while, the Ordnance district offices put
lowing some carryover to apply on the pressure on prime contractors to subcon-
large 1943 requirements, and tank gun tract work they could not do with their
production had moved well ahead of tank own tools.
output in the second half of the year. But Each district formed a Machine-Tool
more important than the President's ob- Panel to help contractors solve their
jectives was the Army Supply Program machine-tool problems. In January 1942
(ASP) that brought together all artillery General Campbell conferred at length with
items in a balanced statement of require- a machine-tool distributor from Philadel-
ments. On some items the ASP called for phia, Mr. N. P. Lloyd, and evolved the
more than the Presidential directive, on idea of using industrial specialists to aid
others less, and it was revised several times the Ordnance districts.107 The Chicago dis-
during the year. As a result, no precise trict took the lead in forming a panel of
comparison of goals and achievements was machine-tool distributors familiar with the
possible. But output for the year, totaling equipment in all plants within their busi-
roughly one billion dollars in value, was ness territory. The members served on a
encouraging. The most serious deficiences part-time basis and received no pay from
in December were in directors and height the government, though they were reim-
finders for AA guns, other fire control bursed for travel expenses. When a con-
items, 60-mm. mortars, and 155-mm. how- tractor drew up a list of the tools he felt
itzers.106 he needed, and submitted it to the district
There was no difficulty in identifying the office, the Machine-Tool Panel would re-
factors that had hindered artillery produc- view it, urge greater use of subcontracting,
tion most. They were the same problems suggest substitute types of machines that
that had plagued all other Ordnance were known to be available, or recommend
procurement efforts—lack of machine the use of idle equipment in the area. In
tools and lack of raw or semifinished ma- one instance a Machine-Tool Panel was
terials. Throughout the nation there were able to reduce the number of new machine
too few machine tools to go around and tools for a given schedule of production
Ordnance efforts to win higher priorities from 1100 to 450.108 Industry integration
for its own materiel had been only mod- committees for the pooling of tools and
erately successful. In mid-summer of 1942, materials also helped a great deal in the
when it had become apparent that there latter half of the year while a sharp cut-
was no immediate prospect of getting more
tools, Ordnance decided to favor a few 107
Review . . . Arty Div, 16 Dec 42.
key gun plants where rapid expansion was Campbell, op. cit., ch. 9.
Winter, Analysis of World War II Prod
most needed instead of assigning new tools Activities of the New York Ord Dist, 5 Sep 47,
to all contractors regardless of the urgency pp. 20-22.

back in the Army Supply Program eased in each rifle barrel, before it was bored to
the pressure for production.109 final dimensions, a cartridge loaded far
As early as June 1942 Colonel Wells had above normal pressure. The purpose was to
reported that, more than any other factor, discover defective barrels, but toward the
lack of materials would hold back artil- end of the century it was discovered that,
lery production for 1942. The urgency of for some unknown reason, firing a high-
the need was dramatized by Watervliet's pressure cartridge imparted greater elastic
contribution to the national scrap drive strength to the rifle barrel. At about the
of hundreds of tons of material, including same time European designers were apply-
iron fence, antique cannon, and large can- ing the principle to large gun tubes by use
non balls that had been piled at the base of of hydraulic pressure. During World
the arsenal flagpole since Civil War days. War I, American Ordnance officers
To the general materials shortage that brought back to the United States reports
affected all wartime production there was on the European experience. Engineers at
added for the artillery program the need Watertown achieved some success during
for a wide range of semifinished materials, the 1920's in applying the principle to
often in such small quantities that rolling big guns, using controlled hydraulic pres-
mills and other suppliers were not inter- sure up to 150,000 pounds per square
ested in them. inch within the bore. Tests established the
There was no effective procedure for fact that pressure high enough perma-
scheduling and balancing production of nently to enlarge the bore strengthened
artillery components during 1941-42. The the barrel by imprisoning internal com-
practice was to schedule all components pressions at the bore comparable to those
for production in the shortest possible time, created in a built-up gun when a heated
working plants at full capacity. Not until jacket or hoop was slipped on the barrel
the end of 1942 did a system of scheduling or breech and allowed to cool, shrinking to
for balanced production go into effect with a very tight fit.112 As hydraulic pressure
creation of a Central Planning Committee produced this effect without hoops it was
in the Artillery Division.110 sometimes described by the French term
"autofrettage" meaning "self hooping." By
Production Techniques subjecting gun tubes to pressures exceeding
Of all the new or refined production
techniques employed in making artillery 109
(1) Review . . . Arty Div, 16 Dec 42; (2)
during World War II, two may be taken Memo, USW for McCloy, 23 Dec 42, sub: Super-
as major advances—cold-working and cen- heavy Arty, USW Guns, AT, Aircraft, and so on.
trifugal casting of gun tubes. Their See ch. 8 for description of industry integration
novelty, it should be added, was not so 110
Mead Comm. Report, OHF.
much in the processes themselves as in Both processes are described in "World
their application to cannon manufacture Leader in Gun Making" by Brig. Gen. Rolland W.
Case, Army Ordnance, XXII, No. 129 (November
on a large scale for the first time.111 -December 1941), 359-61.
Compare with Rodman guns cast around a
Cold-Working (Autofrettage} water-cooled core in mid-19th century. See also
Hayes, op. cit., pp. 164-66, and Earl McFarland,
In the nineteenth century Springfield Textbook of Ordnance and Gunnery (New York:
Armory had adopted the practice of firing J. W. Wiley and Son, 1929), pp. 180-84.

any they would experience in service, it that, "The manufacture of cannon from
further served as a proof test.113 Both cast steel is an accomplished fact. Molten
Watertown and Watervliet were producing steel is poured into a revolving mold and
cold-worked tubes in quantity long before shaped by centrifugal force to the shape of
Pearl Harbor and continued to do so the mold. The result is a piece of ordnance
throughout World War II. superior in many ways to anything hereto-
fore produced." 115 There were still many
Centrifugal Casting problems to be solved, and rejection rates
remained high, but by 1940 the process
Though the first patent on casting in a was sufficiently developed to be ready for
rotary mold was issued in England early in quantity production.
the nineteenth century before the Ord- During World War II centrifugally cast
nance Department was created, application guns made a substantial contribution,
of the principle to gun production in the starting with the small sizes and eventually
United States dates only from World working up to medium sizes. On 20 June
War I and the years following. Long before 1944 Watertown passed two landmarks in
1918 the centrifugal process had been used its production history: completion of its
for commercial manufacture of pipes, 100,000thcentrifugally cast gun tube, and
piston rings, gear blanks, and thin-walled installation of a new machine for casting
metal tubing, but Ordnance did not begin heavy cannon weighing up to 10 tons. The
serious experimentation with centrifugal centrifugal process not only resulted in
casting of cannon until 1925. In 1918 an speedy production and economy of mate-
Ohio concern, the Paper and Textile Ma- rial but produced a gun that, unlike the
chinery Company of Sandusky, had sub- forged gun which was stronger lengthwise
mitted to Ordnance for examination three than crosswise, had uniform directional
centrifugally cast steel cylinders and had properties. Centrifugal force tended to
been awarded a contract to build a ma- drive impurities toward the center where
chine large enough to cast the 155-mm. they could be eliminated when the gun
howitzer tube. In 1925, after delivery of was bored, and to increase the specific
the machine, its use was energetically gravity of the product. Economy, simplic-
pushed by Brig. Gen. Tracy C. Dickson, ity of manufacture, speed of production,
commanding officer at Watertown from
1918 to 1932. During the experimental 113
Hist, Watertown Arsenal, vol. 102. This ref-
stages in the mid-20's Watertown made erence contains an important technical paper, De-
large numbers of castings under different sign Data for Gun Tubes and High Pressure
conditions and gave the resulting guns Vessels by Capt Donald H. Newhall, officer in
charge of the Cold Work Section at Watertown
every known metallurgical test. The exper- before and during World War II. See also Hist,
imental casting cylinder used at Watertown Watertown Arsenal, XV, pp. 6-7, and Hist,
was fitted with glass end pieces to permit Watervliet
Arsenal, I.
History, Watertown Arsenal, vol. 102. This
observation of the molten metal after it reference gives a detailed account of centrifugal
was poured into the whirling cylinder.114 casting experience at Watertown, including nu-
By 1932, after years of experimental pro- merous
"Whirling Molten Steel to Make Gun Cast-
duction, a member of the Watertown staff ings" by 1st Lt Steven L. Conner, Scientific
was able to report in a scientific journal American, 147 (September 1932), 160.

and greater uniformity of product—all from which could be cut small circular
these were virtues of centrifugal casting.116 blanks ready to go on the lens-grinding
In December 1941 Ordnance placed machines. Formerly optical glass had been
contracts for two government-owned, cast in large chunks from which slabs were
contractor-operated plants to make gun cut and then gradually reduced to small
tubes according to Watertown's centrifugal circular blanks. In the long list of such
casting method. The Houston Tool Com- cost-cutting, production-speeding tech-
pany built and operated the Dickson Gun niques lay part of the secret of American
Plant in Houston, Texas, and the Ohio industry's high-speed quantity production
Steel Foundry Company operated the Ohio in World War II.120 The whole process
Gun Plant at Lima, Ohio. The latter was in line with General Campbell's admo-
arrangement was terminated in September nition to the District chiefs in December
1942 in view of the drastic reductions in 1944: "Make no compromise with quality
the Army Supply Program, and the plant and yet at the same time wherever we can
thereafter became the Lima Tank Depot. let's cut out the monkey business."121
The Dickson plant continued in operation But there was another side of the pic-
until the end of the war, turning out a ture, too, with defects in production caus-
total of more than 12,000 gun tubes, of ing much concern. When artillery weapons
which about half were for 105-mm. howit- reached the proving ground for final test
zers.117 they often failed to pass. In spite of a
The list of other new methods adopted vigorous campaign to tighten inspection,
for artillery production is almost endless. General Wells reported late in 1942 that
The work of the Firestone Company in "a lot of material is getting into the prov-
redesigning the 40-mm. gun carriage has ing grounds that has various things wrong
been noted above. The use on this carriage
of welding to replace riveting was well in
advance of the adoption of welding for Hist, Watertown Arsenal, vol. 102, including
long extracts from Watertown Arsenal Rpts by
tanks and proved to be the forerunner of Dickson, Capt Hugh C. Minton, Capt Scott B.
a host of new applications for welding Ritchie, and Lt Steven L. Conner during the
techniques. Employment of lathes that 1920's and 1930's and personal notes of Dr. J. L.
Martin, superintendent of production.
permitted simultaneous boring of the inside 117
(1) History, Dickson Gun Plant, OHF; (2)
and machining of the outside of gun tubes History, Ohio Gun Plant, OHF. The latter con-
saved valuable production time.118 The tains a lengthy memorandum by Maj. Tracy
Dickson, Jr., to OCO Historical Section, 31 De-
use of seamless steel tubing for the smaller cember 1943.
gun tubes and for recoil cylinders not only WilliamS. Knudsen, Lecture, Problems in
lightened the load on forging and casting War Production, 18 Jun 46, ICAF.
(1) The Ordnance Digest, XXVII, No. 10
plants but also saved time and material (October 1945), p. 3; (2) Ordnance Reports for
and gave a uniformly high quality product. ASF Report on Logistics in World War II, 28
With breech rings for the 90-mm. AA Sep 45, SR 104, pp. 7-8, OHF.
Artillery, 1 July 1940 to 31 August 1945,
guns, casting instead of forging reduced Ordnance historical monograph prepared under
machining time and doubled the rate of the direction of Brig Gen John K. Christmas by
production.119 To speed output of optical F. D. McHugh, C. B. Rosa and F. W. F. Gleason,
pp. 74-80.
instruments a new method was developed 121
Rpt Conf Dist Chiefs, Cleveland, 19 Dec 44,
for casting optical glass in rods and bars p. 105, OHF.
with it. It's a critical situation." 122 Pres-
usually reluctant to accept contracts for
sure to get out production sometimes led to their production. Ordnance district repre-
unwise shortcuts that caused no end of sentatives had to overcome this reluctance
trouble, while material accepted without by meeting with industry executives and
inspection on the basis of the manufactur- explaining to them the urgency of the
er's certificate was sometimes found to be Army's needs. The success of these efforts
the source of defective parts. Constant is indicated by the fact that from 1940 to
efforts by Ordnance, under pressure from 1945 the value of fire control instruments
Army Service Forces, to reduce inspection produced by industry under Ordnance
forces probably also contributed to lower- contracts exceeded $1,000,000,000.123
ing of standards. The lack of inspection Frankford Arsenal had been the Ord-
gage designs from which manufacturers nance center for fire control research and
could produce work gages and the neces- procurement all during the interwar years
sity to find substitutes for critical or and continued in that role throughout
strategic materials and machine tools were World War II. Because of lack of funds,
the principal causes of the discrepancies. progress in both research and procurement
planning was slow during the peace years,
Fire Control Instruments but in 1939 the arsenal was enabled to
place several educational orders with in-
Instruments for observing distant tar- dustry for height finders, gunner's quad-
gets, measuring distances, and aiming rants, telescopes, and telescope mounts.124
weapons—collectively known as fire control Before much was accomplished on these
instruments—contributed greatly to the orders the arsenal was faced in the fall of
effective employment of U.S. artillery in 1940 with the need to replace them with
World War II, but they were among the quantity production contracts. Over-all di-
most troublesome items for Ordnance to rection of fire control procurement came
procure. Ranging from relatively simple from the Industrial Service in Washington,
binoculars, telescopes, and quadrants to but the day-by-day work of placing con-
more complex items such as periscopes, tracts and expediting production was
panoramic telescopes, height finders, and
range finders, and finally to enormously 122
(O Rpt Conf Dist Chiefs, Philadelphia, 8
complicated directors for antiaircraft guns, Oct 43, pp. 17-18; (2) Rpt Conf Ord Dist Chiefs,
they covered a wide area of manufacturing Springfield, Mass., 28 Jul 43, pp. 12-13; (3) Rpt
Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, New York, 18 Jan 44, p. 20.
problems. Compared to standard guns and 123
(1) Hist, New York Ord Dist, vol. I, pt. 4,
howitzers, which were themselves not sim- p. 465; (2) Hist, Arty Div, Ind Serv, OCO, 1940-
ple in construction, fire control instru- 45, vol I, pt. 2, ch. VII. For the research and de-
velopment aspect, see Green, Thomson, and Roots,
ments were generally more complicated, Planning Munitions for War, pp. 333-45. For a
required more drawings, called for more description of the manufacturing and inspection
different kinds of material, and demanded problems with fire control instruments see Inspec-
tion and Quality Control, Problems and Solutions,
more exacting machining and more meticu- PSP 13, Jun 45, vol. I, ch. 5, sec. 9 OHF. An ex-
lous assembly operations. As the quantities cellent summary of the development of AA weap-
required of the more complex instruments ons and fire control may be found in Special Text
9-169, February 1953, The Ordnance School.
were relatively small, and the risks of 124
For a list of these orders, see Hist, Arty Div,
production were great, manufacturers were Ind Serv, OCO, 1940-45, vol. 3, ch. X, OHF.

handled by Frankford Arsenal. Except on binoculars, Ordnance took the unusual

matters of inspection, the arsenal bypassed step of standardizing for military use a
the District offices and dealt directly with commercial design of the Bausch and Lomb
contractors, justifying this action on the Optical Company. This design closely ap-
ground that the Districts, which were just proximated the old World War I binocular,
then building up their staffs, lacked special- known as type EE, that was still standard.
ized knowledge of the instruments and Other commercial models were also stand-
their production. As far back as 1930 the ardized and produced in quantity for ship-
arsenal had stationed an officer, known as ment to allies. But this policy soon proved
an Army Inspector of Ordnance, at the to be a costly mistake. Designed for normal
Sperry Gyroscope plant in Brooklyn, N.Y., civilian use, the commercial binoculars
and as time went on increased his juris- failed to stand up under combat service
diction to include contracts with Keuffel where they were subjected to rough han-
and Esser, Eastman Kodak, and other dling, submersion in water, and exposure to
concerns. Soon after Pearl Harbor, as the extremes of temperature. Using them was,
District offices gained strength and as Gen- in the words of one field commander, "like
eral Wesson moved to promote further looking through two dirty milk bottles." 128
decentralization of Ordnance procurement, The existence in the supply system of
a Fire Control Sub-Office was established different types of binoculars with noninter-
at Frankford Arsenal with directions to changeable parts also complicated spare
transfer all Frankford Arsenal fire control parts supply and field maintenance. To
contracts (then totaling about two hun- remedy the situation a new military model
dred) to the appropriate districts for ad- was adopted early in 1943.129
ministration.125 Production lagged far be- With compasses, Ordnance followed the
hind requirements during 1942, but the same policy with better luck. In 1941,
sharp cut in the Army Supply Program while development of a more rugged in-
announced in November 1942 reduced the strument to replace the standard compass
gap between production and require- used in World War I was under way,
ments.126 Meanwhile the quality of Ameri- Ordnance examined a commercial compass
can fire control materiel came in for a known as the Brunton Pocket Transit. It
good deal of criticism from British forces in was adopted late in 1941 and, with minor
North Africa, who were equipped in part modifications, remained the standard Army
with American tanks and artillery, criticism compass throughout the war.
that was soon echoed by U.S. troops who When the Bausch and Lomb binocular
landed in North Africa in November was adopted in 1941 it was understood
Of the three main categories of fire 125
(1) ODO 231, 27 Jan 42; (2) Hist Arty
control instruments—binoculars and tele- Div, Ind Serv, OCO, vol. 3, ch. X.
scopes, range finders and height finders, Review of Prod Plans, Arty Div, 16 Dec 42.
PSP 13, ch. V, sec. 13.
and directors—the first was the least com- 128
Interv with Maj Gen Orlando Ward, summer
plicated and least subject to changes in de- 1949.
sign, but it nevertheless posed difficult For details on this phase of the problem, see
Encyclopedia of Army Ord Binoculars photo-
procurement problems. Early in 1941, to lithographed at Frankford Arsenal, n.d., no au-
meet an urgent requirement for 350,000 thor, copy in OHF.
that the Bausch and Lomb Company could words of the Eastman company, "a pre-
not be counted on for large-scale produc- cision instrument manufactured to ex-
tion of binoculars because its resources tremely close tolerances." 131 Frankford
were needed for more critical precision Arsenal had made small quantities of the
optical instruments. Ordnance therefore panoramic telescope M1 during the 1930's
turned to the Nash-Kelvinator Company but its maximum capacity was only about
and the Mansfield, Ohio, works of the 10per month. To develop an industrial
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing source that might be called upon for
Company. Neither firm had any experience quantity production in time of war, Ord-
in making optical instruments, nor any nance placed an educational order in May
facilities for manufacture of optical ele- 1940 with the Mergenthaler Company,
ments, but plant surveys had convinced which had signed an accepted schedule of
Ordnance that the two concerns could production for panoramic telescopes in
readily adapt their equipment and build-- 1939. The company followed arsenal
ings to binocular production. Optical ele- methods to the letter, obtained good re-
ments—lenses, prisms, windows, reticles, sults, and was soon asked to take on a
and other parts made of optical glass— quantity production order.132 Meanwhile
were to be procured from optical glass an improved model was adopted and a
manufacturers and turned over to Nash- production contract placed with the East-
Kelvinator and Westinghouse as govern- man Company, which soon became the
ment free issue materials. Production was leading producer.133
slow to start. "We were told by old line Production of directors, the heart of
binocular manufacturers," Westinghouse most antiaircraft fire control, was far more
later reported, "that they questioned if we difficult than production of binoculars,
would ever be able to produce satisfactory telescopes, or height finders, but Ordnance
binoculars, let alone produce them in the was fortunate in its selection of contrac-
quantities called for under our contract." tors and made a good production record.
But by the first anniversary of Pearl Har- The only director produced in large quan-
bor the two contractors were producing at tities was the M5, based on the British
the rate of 8,000 binoculars each per Kerrison predictor, for the 37-mm. and
month. During 1943, the peak year for 40-mm. guns, and the great majority of
production, 245,672 were turned out, in- M5's were made by the Singer Manufac-
cluding both old and new models.130
Manufacture of panoramic telescopes by 130
(1) Ibid.; (2) Whiting, Statistics; (3) His-
the camera works of the Mergenthaler- torical Data, Westinghouse Electric and Man-
Linotype Company and the Eastman Ko- ufacturing Company, Mansfield, Ohio, in Hist,
Cleveland Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 4.
dak Company may be taken as a represen- 131
Hist, Rochester Ord Dist,7 vol. 100, pt. 4,
tative sample of this special field of Eastman Kodak Co., p. 42, OHF.
Ordnance procurement. As used for artil- (1) Hist, New York Ord Dist, vol. I, pt. 2
(1939-41), pp. 280-81, and vol. 100, pt. 2; (2)
lery fire control, the panoramic telescope The Optical Industry by Capt Samuel M. Grafton,
was a periscopic instrument with a head March 1945, in Hist, New York Ord Dist, vol.
that could be rotated to permit the ob- 100, pt. 1.
Eastman Kodak Co. Rcd of War Prod Ac-
server to look in any direction without tivities for the Rochester Ord Dist, 1945, Hist,
moving the eye piece. It was also, in the Rochester Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 4.

turing Company of Elizabethport, N.J.134 home production. In the New York Ord-
As early as December 1940 Singer en- nance District, for example, it was esti-
gineers had come to Frankford Arsenal to mated in 1939 that total annual produc-
see the Kerrison predictor and study the tion of all optical element manufacturers in
problem of manufacturing it. They found the district was less than $100,000. "The
that it was a 500-pound mechanism built competition for optics," wrote one procure-
with the precision of a wrist watch, care- ment officer, "almost resolved itself into a
fully assembled to make mathematical cal- 'free for all' between the Army, Navy and
culations that would show how the gun Air Corps, with the British Purchasing
should be aimed to reach its target. Early Commission interfering with all three." 136
in 1941, after the director had been stand- Because of the shortage of optical ele-
ardized, Singer agreed to manufacture it at ments, and the instrument makers' lack of
the rate of 1,700 per year, a rate that experience in procuring them, Ordnance
company officials then considered "over- decided to procure optical elements from
whelming." 135 The company obtained qualified producers and turn them over to
drawings from Frankford, planned its work instrument manufacturers as government
procedures, ordered over 1,300 new ma- free issue material. One of the most suc-
chine tools, and erected a new building, cessful procurements under this policy
completely air-conditioned. As Singer could flowed from a contract with the Optical
find no satisfactory source for large quan- Research Company of Long Island City.
tities of aluminum and bronze castings it This concern produced most of the optical
decided to convert its foundry from the elements for the binoculars made by the
production of cast iron to aluminum and Nash-Kelvinator Company and the West-
bronze. The company used its other plants inghouse Electric and Manufacturing Com-
and subsidiaries to make packing chests, pany. As requirements for optical elements
motors, small parts, and subassemblies. De- mounted after Pearl Harbor and it became
livery of eight directors to the Ordnance necessary to bring many small manufac-
inspector in February 1942 marked the end turers into production, Frankford Arsenal
of the period of preparation and the be- and the New York Ordnance District ar-
ginning of the period of production. By ranged with the Mergenthaler-Linotype
mid-July 1942 the 1,000th director had
been accepted, requirements were doubled
and redoubled, and by 1944, when produc- For description, see Catalog of Standard Ord
Items, OHF. For the research and development
tion was curtailed in view of Allied air background, see Green, Thomson, and Roots,
supremacy, Singer had made some 23,000. Planning Munitions for War, pp. 416-21. Some
Procurement of optical elements, such as 2,500 of the larger M7 and M9 directors for the
3-inch, 90-mm., and 4.7-inch guns were made by
lenses, prisms, windows, reticles, and so the Ford Motor Company and the Sperry Gyro-
forth, was one of the most difficult phases scope Company.
in the production of fire control instru- Fire Control Director, M5, A Report to Army
Service Forces, New York Ord Dist, by the Singer
ments. The metal parts, known as optical Mfg Co., prepared by W. A. Davidson, asst. vice
components, posed far less difficult prob- president, 9 Jul 45, copy in Hist, New York Ord
lems. As the United States had always Dist, vol. 100, pt. 3, OHF.
Capt Samuel M. Grafton, The Optical In-
imported optical elements, chiefly from dustry, Mar 45, Hist, New York Ord Dist, vol. 100,
Germany, it had very little capacity for pt. 1.
Company to attempt an unusual experi- tractors produced something over 150,000
ment. Mergenthaler set up the U.S. weapons, of which roughly half were air-
Optical Supply Corporation, with an office craft guns. The one item that bulked largest
in New York City, to provide central in 1943 output, nearly equal to all other
control of numerous contracts with small artillery weapons combined, was the 20-
producers. Its officers were also officers of mm. aircraft gun, which reached a
Mergenthaler, the parent company, and re- production figure of 70,000 for the year.
ceived no compensation for their services. The next largest item on the list was the
Operating on a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract 75-mm. tank gun with a total of something
with the government, the company placed over 20,000.
subcontracts with many small producers, An analysis of the production figures for
helped them get into production, provided 1943-44-45 reveals sharp fluctuations in
storage space for optical pressings, and requirements and the emergence of many
eventually delivered some $4 million of new types as Allied forces pushed forward
material. It supplied nearly all the optical against the enemy on many fronts, em-
elements used by the Bulova Watch Com- ploying novel tactics and weapons. Aircraft
pany in manufacturing tank telescopes.137 and AA guns, which held the highest
The Fire Control Sub-Office encouraged priority at the start of the war, were cut
the optical glass industry by arranging back in 1944, and their manufacture
for government financing of plant expan- virtually came to a standstill early in 1945.
sion and administering an optical machin- Large-scale procurement of plastic 4.5-
ery pool which procured some 1,000 ma- inch rocket launchers in 3-tube clusters
chines for use by optical glass producers. began in February 1944 when contracts
It arranged for the Corning Glass Works were placed with General Electric and
to build a government-owned, contractor- Firestone.139 The 37-mm. AA gun dropped
operated plant at Parkersburg, W.Va., and out of the picture in 1944 and output of
to operate a glass depot there. In October the 40-mm. declined sharply. Production of
1943, when the coating of optics to im- the 90-mm. AA gun, after reaching a peak
prove the performance of instruments un- of over 4,000 in 1943, dropped to 300 in
der poor lighting conditions was made 1944, and stopped altogether by 1945.
mandatory, the Fire Control Sub-Office Meanwhile a new and more powerful AA
supervised the procurement of equipment weapon, the 120-mm. "Stratosphere" gun,
and provided technical instruction to con- came into production on a small scale—
tractors on this difficult project. Similar 550 all told. Because it was extremely
action was taken after the introduction in heavy and complex it saw little service
December 1943 of thermosetting cements overseas, and with the enemy on the de-
that increased the resistance of instru-
ments to failure under extreme heat or (1) Grafton, op. cit.; (2) U.S. Optical Sup-
138 ply Corporation by A. J. Mackay, president of
U.S. Optical Supply Corporation, 6 July 1945,
copy in Hist, New York Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 1.
Changing Requirements and Types, 138
History of Industrial Service, Artillery Divi-
1943-45 sion, vol. I, pt. 3, ch. X.
Design, Development and Production of
During 1943, the peak year for artillery Launchers, Rocket, 3-Tube 4.5-inch, A.C. [Air-
production, Ordnance arsenals and con- craft], M10, M14, and M15, OHF.

fensive in 1944-45, virtually no demands heavy artillery, a term that generally in-
were heard for additional AA guns.140 As cluded weapons ranging from the 155-mm.
Allied planes were armed primarily with gun (or the medium 155-mm. howitzer) to
.50-caliber machine guns—and a few with the 240-mm. howitzer, but their views were
75-mm. cannon—output of intermediate not shared by responsible Army plan-
aircraft weapons, 20-mm. and 37-mm., ners.143 The General Staff and field com-
came to a standstill in 1944-45. All told, manders felt that big guns, like heavy
output of aircraft guns dropped from over tanks, were not sufficiently mobile to coun-
78,000 in 1943 to only 1,000 in 1945. ter German fighting tactics and imposed a
In other categories the story was much disproportionate burden on the nation's
the same with steadily declining output of limited shipping resources. Though a few
tank guns, self-propelled weapons, and big guns were listed in the early estimates
field guns. But within each category new of Army needs, they carried a low priority
or improved weapons forged ahead of older and their manufacture proceeded at a
types. For tank armament the 90-mm. gun snail's pace.144 Then, during the winter of
the 105-mm.
in 1943 and
rose came
to more
into than
pro- 1942-43, even these small requirements
were sharply cut in successive revisions of
2,000 each in 1945, while the 76-mm. tank the Army Supply Program, partly because
gun took first place on the list with more of the desire to conserve steel and partly
than 12,000 produced in 1944-45.141 The because of the belief that heavy equip-
37-mm. AT gun went out of production in ment, however valuable in Europe, would
1943 followed by the 3-inch in 1944. The be altogether useless in jungle warfare in
4.5-inch gun which had been adopted in the Pacific. Late in 1942 Lt. Gen. Lesley
May 1942 as corps artillery was dropped J. McNair, Commander of the Army
in 1945, after 426 had been produced,
because field commanders reported it could 140
do nothing the 155-mm. howitzer could (1) Memo, Maj Gen Barnes to Maj Gen
142 Russell L. Maxwell, ACofS G-4, 8 Jan 45, G-4
not do. Self-propelled weapons did not vol. II; (2) PSP 29.
come into production until 1942 but soon PSP 105-mm.. Howitzer M4, Design, Develop-
rose to a peak of over 13,000 in 1943. They ment and Production.
Memo, CofOrd to Col Scott B. Ritchie,
dropped off to about 3,000 for 1944, and OCO, 13 Feb 45, ExecO file. On development
in 1945 new, larger types came on the and production of the 4.5, and its obsolescence,
scene, the 8-inch howitzer and 155-mm. see143PSPFor80.a detailed account, see The Design, De-
gun, but all in very small numbers. Al- velopment and Production of Heavy Mobile Ar-
though the foregoing fluctuations in out- tillery Weapons and Ammunition, Oct 44, OHF.
See also Millett, Organization of the Army Service
put were apparent in the individual cate- Forces, p. 117, and comments by Gen George C.
gories of artillery, production of all types Marshall in interview with Dr. Sidney T. Ma-
of artillery for the 1940-45 period totaled thews and others, 25 July 1949, p. 5, extract in
519,031. (Table 10) OHF.
For an artilleryman's complaint, see Capt.
Trevor N. Dupuy, "For Men Only," in Field
Heavy Artillery Artillery Journal, 32 (Sep 42), 708-12.
(1) ASF Ann Rpt FY 1944, p. 96; (2)
Memo, USW for McCloy, 23 Dec 42, sub: Super-
From the very start of World War II heavy Arty, USW 104 Guns, AT, aircraft, and so
most Ordnance officers were advocates of on.


Source: From Whiting, Statistics, Table PR-8.

Ground Forces, unsuccessfully urged pro- spare gun tubes and reworking of worn
duction of 16-inch howitzers on railway out tubes returned from overseas.149
gun mounts to supply the need for "super- Just as the curtailment orders were being
heavy" artillery and in April 1943 criti- carried out they were suddenly rescinded.
cized the Troop Basis for its lack of suffi- Early in April ASF headquarters ordered
cient heavy artillery units. In the spring that production of heavy artillery weapons
of 1943 General Campbell made a strong
plea for immediate approval of more heavy 146
Memo, McCloy for USW, 20 Dec 42, USW
artillery, asserting that powerful guns 104 Guns, AT, aircraft, and so on. See also
would be needed to blast heavy concrete Greenfield, Wiley, and Palmer, Organization of
Ground Combat Troops, pp. 178 and 233.
fortifications on the continent. "The bigger 147
Quoted in The Design, Development and
the weapon," he warned, "the longer it Production of Heavy Mobile Artillery Weapons
takes to get into production." 147 A small and148Ammunition, p. 17.
(1) Memo, CofOrd for CG ASF, 8 Jan 44,
increase was authorized on 1 July 1943, sub: Reduction in Heavy Arty Program, and 1st
but the gain was only temporary. In Jan- Indorsement, 12 Feb 44, OO 400.12/11812; (2)
uary 1944, in February, and again in Memo, CofOrd for CG ASF, 14 Feb 44, copy in
ASF Contl Div, 020 Ord; (3) Memo, CofOrd for
March, General Campbell protested against CG ASF, 10 Mar 44, sub: Prod Capacity for
proposed new cuts, contending that once Heavy Arty Matériel, and 1st Indorsement CG
production was stopped it could not be ASF to ACofS G-4, 12 Mar 44, in folder marked
6-Class V Supply in ASF Plng Div, Theater Br,
resumed speedily at a later date if the Box 393, NA; (4) Memo, CofOrd for ASW, 26
need for heavy artillery should arise Mar 44, sub: Status of Heavy Field Arty, OO
again.148 But he meanwhile proceeded as 475/19588.
Ann Rpt CofOrd FY 1944, p. 6. For the
directed to terminate contracts, and gave heavy artillery ammunition side of the story, see
increased attention to manufacture of next chapter.

and ammunition be expedited, describing as it was about to catch up, the defeat of
the project as of "high operational ur- Germany brought an end to the need.
gency." 150 The experience of the Italian Testifying before the Truman Committee
campaign, where German artillery out- in April 1945, Donald Nelson reported
ranged that of the Allies, had proved the that, "the heavy artillery is going along as
need for big guns.151 In mid-May G-4 well as could possibly be expected." Then
issued the specific requirements, all adding followed this interesting colloquy that may
up to enough weapons for 66 new battal- serve as a conclusion for one chapter:
ions of medium and heavy artillery.152 Mr. Nelson: On artillery, there are tre-
Capacity that had been laboriously built mendously increased requirements.
up over a long period of time and then Senator Ferguson: Due mostly to
dismantled had now to be built up again. changes in plan?
But to resume production took time, six Senator Truman: Due mostly to the fact
months or more, depending on the circum-
stances. One of the chief difficulties was 150
Memo, Director ASF Prod Div for Br chiefs,
that plant capacity released following the 6 Apr 44, sub: Expediting . . . Heavy Arty. . .,
cutbacks had been taken over by the Navy ASF Prod Div 472 Guns. See also Greenfield,
and was no longer available to Ordnance. Palmer, and Wiley, Organization of Ground Com-
bat Troops, p. 235; Memo, ASF Director of Ma-
Further, contractors who had released teriel for CG ASF, 1 Apr 44, sub: Heavy FA
their subcontractors could not win them Program, OHF; and Memo, CG ASF for CofOrd,
back overnight. As a result, some artillery 2 Apr 44, same sub, OHF.
Ltr, Col John G. Detwiler to Campbell, 4
contracts had to be placed with firms that June 1945, OHF.
had never before made big guns for the 152
(1) Memo, ACofS G-4 for CG ASF, 15
Army.153 Others had to be placed in labor May 44, sub: Proc . . . Arty, OO 400/12103; (2)
Memo, CG ASF for CofOrd, 19 May 44, same
shortage areas because of the lack else- sub, OO 400/12103. See also Robert R. Palmer,
where of forging and machining capac- Bell I. Wiley and William R. Keast, The Procure-
ity.154 Meanwhile, as Allied troops fought ment and Training of Ground Combat Troops,
their way inland after the 6 June 1944 (Washington, 1948), p. 541.
landings in France, General Eisenhower Memo, Col Ward E. Becker, WDGS G-4, for
sent back an urgent request for more ACofS G-4, 29 May 44, sub: Rpt of Visit to
Chicago. . . , G-4 file 472.2 vol. II.
powerful antitank ammunition, more tanks 154
ASF Urgency Cir, 28 Aug 44, sub: Heavy
with 90-mm. guns, and more 90-mm. self- Arty. . . , 300.5 ASF Urgency Cirs, ASF Prod
propelled guns.155 This request was given Div, G1987.
(1) Cable, Eisenhower for Marshall, 5 Jul
special priority and was merged with the 44, ASF Prod Div 472 Guns; (2) Memo for rec-
intensive drive for heavy artillery produc- ord by Lt Col John A. Sargent, ASF Prod Serv
tion.156 At the same time the demand for Br, 8 Jul 44, same file.
(1) WPB Joint Operating Instruction No. 5,
spare gun tubes and recoil mechanisms rose 14 Jul 44, copy in ASF Prod Div 473 Gun Car-
steadily. The tremendously increased rate riages; (2) Memo, CG ASF for CofOrd, 10 Jul
of fire after the invasion pushed the re- 44, sub: Prod of Carriage, Motor, 90-mm. Gun,
M36. . ., OO 400.12/12944; (3) Ltr, CofOrd to
quirement for spare tubes in 1944 to nearly Arty Contractors, 18 Jul 44, OO 472/6157; (4)
4,000 as compared with actual delivery of ASF Urgency Cir, 28 Aug 44, sub: Heavy Arty,
only 323 in 1943.157 ASF Prod Div, 300.5 ASF Urgency Cir, G1987.
Hiland G. Batcheller, Critical Programs, a
Output lagged behind requirements all Report to the WPB, 14 Nov 44, WPB Doc. 315,
during the winter of 1944-45. Then, just p. 6, WPB file 210.3, NA.

that they found out aircraft bombing Senator Ferguson: And contended for
could not take the place of artillery. it?
Mr. Nelson: That is very true. Mr. Nelson: Contended for it; proved it
Senator Hatch: This is one of the les- mathematically in every way, shape, and
sons of war. form.
Senator Ferguson: In other words, the Senator Truman: But you couldn't con-
dropping of the bomb didn't have the vince them except by experience.158
same effect as the shooting of the shell.
Mr. Nelson: The Ordnance Department 158
Hearings, Truman Comm., S., 78th Cong.,
knew that from the very start. 2d sess., pt. 25, p. 10,884.

Artillery Ammunition: Preparation

The settled doctrine of U.S. Army field lives, but they ate up ammunition at a
commanders in World War II was to pave rate never before considered feasible.2
the way for advancing foot soldiers by Massed fire power on the scale employed
massed artillery fire and aerial bombing. during World War II was utterly beyond
Whenever possible, stubbornly held po- the capability of the U.S. Army in the
sitions were reduced at long range with summer of 1940, or even as late as the
steel and high explosives, not with frontal summer of 1941. The stocks of ammunition
attacks by infantry columns. In the first on hand in 1940 were so meager that, in
two days of the March 1944 attack on the words of Secretary of War Stimson,
Cassino, for example, U.S. artillery units "We didn't have enough powder in the
fired something like eleven thousand tons whole United States to last the men we
of shells, accompanied by a hailstorm of now [1943] have overseas for anything
bombs dropped by the Air Force. Similarly, like a day's fighting." 3 Worse still, only a
landings on islands in the Pacific were
regularly preceded by hours of methodical
pounding from planes and surface vessels Maj Gen John P. Lucas, Diary, vol. II, Italy,
5 Sep 43-1 Jan 44, OCMH.
to destroy the enemy's strong points and 2
For ammunition statistics, see Ammunition
drive him back from the beaches. During Supply for the European and Mediterranean
the attack on Iwo Jima close to forty Theaters, 15 Aug 45, by ASF Contl Div, OHF.
On the effect of artillery fire on U.S. casualties
thousand tons of shells and bombs fell on see Rpt, Director of Intelligence, ASF, n.d., sub:
its 8-square-mile area. In the European Report From AGF Board Report, 26 Nov 43, ASF
theater, in the single month of December Plng Div. Theater Br, Gen File 17, Lessons
Learned, NA.
1944, the total quantity of 105-mm, how- 3
Army Ordnance, XXIV, No. 137 (March-
itzer ammunition fired exceeded three April, 1943), 275. For smokeless powder, the total
million rounds. In his diary kept during the capacity of the country in July 1940 was 60,000
pounds per day, and for TNT, 25,000 pounds per
Italian campaign Maj. Gen. John P. Lucas day. Report re SR 71 in papers of Brig Gen John
quoted a captured German medical officer W. N. Schulz, Chief of Proc Br, OASW, 1940-41.
as raving against the German command See also detailed figures in Report on Explosives
Capacity vs. Requirements, incl to Memo of Cof-
and saying, "You people expend artillery Ord for USW, 2 Feb 43, no file number, carbon
ammunition but mine expend only the in OHF file, pp. 10-11. For earlier history, see
bodies of men." 1 U.S. Army tactics helped Dorothy B. Howard, Disposition of Five DuPont
Munitions Plants World War I, 1918-26, Histor-
achieve the all important goal of sure ical Study No. 77, U.S. Dept of Labor, Dec 44,
victory at minimum cost in American OHF.

handful of small plants were making pro- 1940 and 1943. From some of these quietly
pellent powder and high explosives, and efficient plants, operated by competent in-
there were virtually no facilities for the dustrial firms, came smokeless powder and
mass loading and assembling of heavy am- death-dealing high explosives. From count-
munition. American industry was just be- less other privately owned plants—some as
ginning, through educational orders, to far away as New England—came shells,
learn techniques for forging and machining cartridge cases, fuzes, and related metal
shells and producing intricate fuze mechan- components. At still other government-
isms. The only sources for new artillery owned plants, managed by concerns that
ammunition were Frankford and Picatinny in peacetime handled such products as
Arsenals, while a few Ordnance depots soap, soft drinks, rubber tires, or breakfast
were equipped to renovate old ammuni- food, the ammunition was loaded and as-
tion. Private ammunition plants did not sembled into complete rounds for shipment
exist, and, because of the specialized na- overseas. All along the line, inspectors
ture of the process, there were no com- checked each step in the process to assure
mercial plants that could be converted to high quality production. Total output for
ammunition production.4 the 1940-45 period reached astronomical
figures. The 105-mm, shells alone, if placed
A Government-Owned end to end, would have extended twice
Ammunition Industry around the earth at the equator. The total
for all types and sizes amounted to nearly
To meet this situation the Ordnance one billion rounds, ranging from 20-mm, to
Department took steps in the summer of 240-mm., not counting over one hundred
1940 to create something new in American million grenades and mines, and over
economic life—a vast interlocking network thirty-three million bombs and bomb clus-
of ammunition plants owned by the gov- ters.6
ernment and operated by private industry.
More than 60 of these GOCO (govern- 4
For a listing of plants in existence in 1939-40
ment-owned, contractor-operated) plants for producing TNT, ammonium picrate, lead
were built between June 1940 and Decem- azide, mercury fulminate, and smokeless powder,
see Ilsley, Facilities Program of the Ammo Div,
ber 1942. Representing a capital invest- Oct 44, vol. I, pp. 25-26, OHF, and Rpt of
ment of about $3 billion they produced a Comm, headed by Col Rutherford to ASW, 24
wide range of military chemicals, and they Jun 40, sub: Proposed WD Program for Increas-
ing Production Capacity. . . , Gen Burns' per-
loaded millions of shells, bombs, grenades, sonal file. Ammunition procurement policy is out-
rockets, and mines. The plants employed lined in PSP 1, Contract Negotiation and
nearly a quarter of a million workers and Administration, Ord Dept, May 45, ch. 5a.
(1) PSP 73, St. Louis Suboffice, Office of the
covered a total land area equalling that of Field Director of Ammunition Plants, Jul 45, by
New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia com- Ammo Div, Ind Serv, OCO, pp. 3-4, OHF; (2)
bined. Their annual operating expense Maj Edwin J. Grayson, PSP 18, The Establish-
ment of the Artillery Ammunition Loading Pro-
amounted to about $1 billion.5 gram for World War II, Oct 45, OHF; (3)
It was this ammunition industry, spread Historical Rpt by FDAP, vol. I, Gen Hist, 1 Aug
widely throughout the Mississippi Valley, 42 to 30 Sep 45, p. 4, OHF; (4) Maj Gen Levin
H. Campbell, Jr., Address before The Mile High
that accounted for the spectacular growth Club, Denver, Colo., 2 Nov 43, OHF.
of the U.S. Army's fire power between Whiting, Statistics, Proc sec., pp. 48-52.

NIGHT CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS in 1941 at Weldon Spring Ordnance Works, built for
manufacture of high explosives.

In terms of dollar value, artillery am- the total sales volume of General Motors
munition, bombs, and related items con- Corporation in 1940.7
stituted the largest single element in the The complexity of ammunition procure-
Ordnance procurement program. Ord- ment increased in geometric proportion to
nance not only filled the ammunition needs the number of weapons and the types of
of the Army, including the Air Force, but ammunition employed by each. There were
it supplied large quantities of bulk ex- only twenty different sizes of artillery shell
plosives and complete rounds to the Navy used in World War II, but there were
and to lend-lease recipients. The value of more than a dozen types of shell for each
artillery ammunition produced between caliber. Artillery weapons were supplied
Pearl Harbor and V-J Day was nearly $7 not only with high explosive and armor
billion at 1945 prices, and the value of piercing ammunition, but also with smoke,
bombs, mines, grenades, and pyrotechnics illuminating, and phosphorous shells.
brought the total up to about $10 billion, Some ammunition was stuffed with propa-
or nearly one-third of all Ordnance pro- ganda leaflets. All told, Ordnance pro-
curement during World War II. The value duced 270 types of artillery shell, and
of artillery ammunition procured by Ord- seventy different types and sizes of bombs.
nance exceeded the combined total of all
procurement by four of the other techni- (1) Statistical Review, World War II, a Sum-
cal services—Signal Corps, Transportation mary of ASF Activities prepared by the Stat Br,
Contl Div, ASF, n.d., p. 2; (2) Moody's Indus-
Corps, Chemical Warfare Service, and the trial Manuals, annuals published by Moody's
Medical Department. It was over five times Investors Service.
The Anatomy of Ammunition Production Two additional features of ammunition
production merit special note: the pre-
To see the process of artillery ammuni- cision work required on the metal compo-
tion production in proper perspective it is nents, and the hazardous nature of powder-
necessary to take a round of ammunition making and ammunition loading. An artil-
apart and inspect its composition. There lery shell is a delicate and complicated
are five major elements in a complete mechanism packed with two death-dealing
round of high-explosive ammunition: the powder charges—smokeless powder in the
cartridge case, the projectile, the propel- case, and TNT or other high explosives in
lent powder, the high explosive, and the the shell. Both the brass case and the steel
fuze mechanism. For bombs the princi- projectile must be formed to meet exact
pal elements are the bomb body, explosive, specifications. The fuze must be built with
fin, and fuze. In addition, there are many the precision of a fine watch and yet be
other small parts, such as the primer, strong enough to withstand violent shocks
booster, and adapter, all of which are es- —and sure to function with split-second
sential but of lesser importance in terms of accuracy. Its sensitive detonator and boost-
production volume. From the procure- er charge must be assembled by skilled
ment point of view, all parts of a bomb or operators. Propellants and highly sensitive
round of artillery ammunition naturally fall percussion primers must pass rigid inspec-
into two groups—metal components, and tion tests to assure safety for the gun crew
powder and explosives. In general, the and uniformity in the flight of the projec-
metal components were procured from tiles round after round. The TNT or
private industry, through the district offi- other high explosive must be loaded with
ces, using existing plant capacity; powder extreme care, must remain safe to handle
and explosives were produced in the main and store for long periods of time, and then
by the new GOCO plants under the direc- must explode with terrific shattering effect
tion of the Ammunition Division of In- at precisely the right moment.
dustrial Service. After the elements of a This type of work was obviously not for
shell had been produced there still remained amateurs. Yet in 1940 there were only a
the task of loading and assembling them half-dozen companies in the United States
into complete rounds at the loading plants, familiar with explosives manufacture, and
and inspecting them with care. A complete their experienced personnel were few in
round of ammunition did not spring full- number. These companies had but recently
born from any one plant. It was, rather, come through the "Merchants of Death"
the end product of a whole series of inter- era when everyone connected with the
related manufacturing operations in a host
of different plants. The TNT came from 8
(1) Lewis and Rosa, Ammo, pp. 56-57; (2)
one source, the smokeless powder from Memo, Col Francis H. Miles, Jr., for Chief Ind
another, and the metal components from Serv, 31 Jan 41, sub: Monthly Progress Rpt of
the Ammo Div. . . , filed as ex. 49, PSP 6, 7, 12,
scores of widely separated factories. With Ordnance Requirements and the Control of Pro-
the 105-mm. howitzer high-explosive shell, duction, Aug 45, by Maj Paul D. Olejar; (3)
for example, it has been estimated that the Testimony by Wesson and Col Rutherford, 25 Jul
40, WDAB, H.R., 76th Cong., 3d sess., 2d Sup-
metal parts traveled over 10,000 miles from plemental Appropriation Bill for 1941, pp. 192-
twelve Ordnance plants and works.8 212.
manufacture of munitions had been pub- Island. Within the Wolf Creek plant and
licly castigated. Nor did the Ordnance its adjoining depot there were seventy-five
Department itself, with only 375 Regular miles of railroad track and 130 miles of
Army officers in the summer of 1940, have highway. Whenever possible, plants were
very many officers or civilian engineers built on land that was not well suited for
with more than elementary knowledge of farming and could be purchased at reason-
ammunition production. Notable among able cost.12 Finally, Ordnance was re-
these was Maj. John P. Harris, who in quired to spread its new plants widely for
1937 had established the Wilmington, Del., reasons of security, with resultant increase
suboffice to draw up plans for ammunition in freight hauls between plants. "If we were
production and take counsel with the ex- a private concern," commented General
plosives firms that had home offices in Wesson in the spring of 1941, "we would
Wilmington.9 have concentrated our plants so as to re-
duce transportation but it has been neces-
The Period of Plant Expansion, 1940-42 sary to yield to the demand to spread
them out." 13
Site Selection 9
(1) Ilsley, Facilities Program of the Ammo
Div, Oct 44, vol. I, p. 27; (2) Intervs with Brig
The selection of sites for new ammuni- Gen Merle H. Davis and Col John P. Harris dur-
tion plants was complicated by a variety of ing the summer of 1953; (3) Dir, Lt. Col. Alfred
factors. At the outset, the policy of avoid- B. Quinton, Jr., High Explosives Manufacturing
Plants, 20 Sep 39, copy in OHF.
ing coastal areas in favor of the less vulner- 10
Interv with Col John P. Harris at Picatinny
able interior regions set certain broad Arsenal, 19 Jun 53. Colonel Harris' testimony is
limits, as did the need for avoiding, on borne out by History of Ohio River Ordnance
Plant and History of Oklahoma Ordnance Plant.
grounds of safety, large centers of popula- See also draft MS., Jesse A. Remington and
tion. Next came a whole series of inter- Lenore Fine, The Corps of Engineers: Construc-
related considerations, such as availability tion in the United States, a volume in preparation
of water, manpower, electricity, railroads, WORLD WAR II, ch. VIII.
and highways. There were strong political Min of Second Mtg in Brig Gen Charles T.
pressures always at work, and they some- Harris, Jr.'s office. . . , 12 Feb 41, p. 12. OUSW
Prod Div 185.6 Munitions Ord Plant Comm.
times decided the issue in favor of the less 12
(1) Lt. Col. Robert Ginsburgh, "Inland Sites
desirable sites.10 Mistakes were sometimes for New Ammo Plants," American Machinist, 85
made in selecting sites as, for example, the (10 December 1941), 1281-82; (2) Hearings,
Truman Comm., 17 Nov 41, pt. 9, p. 2906, 77th
choice of land in Illinois that had oil Cong., 1st sess. For figures on land costs, see
pipes under it.11 Huge tracts of land were Quarterly Inventory of WD Owned, Sponsored
needed for both the explosives plants and and Leased Facilities, 31 Mar 45. For data on
site selection and acquisition of land for loading
the loading plants, not because the build- plants, see PSP 18. Verbatim minutes of two con-
ings were large but because safety de- ferences in February 1941 on sites may be found
manded wide open areas between produc- in OUSW Prod Div, 185.6 Munitions Ord Plant
Comm. See also Maj John F. Joorfetz, Site Rpt,
tion lines and between storage areas. The Mar 44, History of Ammunition Division, Ind
Illinois Ordnance Plant, for example, with Serv, OCO.
eight loading lines, covered an area of (1) Min of Conf in Wesson's Office, 1 Apr
41, relative to SR 71, OHF; (2) Testimony by
twenty-four thousand acres—about one Wesson and Col Rutherford, WDAB, H.R., 2d
and a half times the size of Manhattan Supplemental Appropriation Bill for 1941, 76th

The decision to avoid areas within two The location of ammonia plants de-
hundred miles of the nation's borders mands at least brief mention, for it intro-
forced Ordnance to modify its mobilization duced a permanent shift in the geographic
plans for loading plants. In the 1930's the center of the ammonia industry. Before the
accepted plan for an emergency was to war, when ammonia was made chiefly
construct two different types known as from coal, the plants were built in coal-
First Phase and Second Phase plants. The producing areas, generally near the coke
former were to be built at existing Ord- ovens. Some industrial chemists and Ord-
nance depots such as Delaware, Nanse- nance officers, particularly Maj. John P.
mond, Raritan, Charleston, Savanna, and Harris, were convinced that in time of war
others.14 It was believed that, on the ap- enough ammonia for the mass production
proach of a crisis, shipment of ammunition of explosives and smokeless powder could
from these depots to troops in the field never be produced from coal.17 The pre-
would release buildings that could readily 1940 Ordnance plans therefore called for
be converted into ammunition loading the production of ammonia from natural
plants in ninety days. These plants would gas and the location of new ammonia
supply the Initial Protective Force during plants in the Southwest rather than in.
the first stages of the emergency while the Pennsylvania-West Virginia-Kentucky
Second Phase plants—large, newly con- coal region. "People told me I was crazy
structed plants—were being built.15 This
plan had to be abandoned in 1939-40
because most of the depots were along the A list of proposed plants appears in Memo,
Col Lucian D. Booth, Ammo Div, 3 Jan 39, sub:
seacoast and were considered too vulner- General Data Regarding . . . Plans for Ammo in
able to air or sea attack. Further, some an Emergency, copy in OHF. The background
were near large cities such as Baltimore planning is described in PSP 18.
Dir, War Plans for Loading Ammunition,
and Charleston. Another factor practically WDPMP 1939 Augmented, 21 Mar 40, by Brig
completed the wiping out of all plans for Gen Charles T. Harris, Jr., OHF.
First Phase loading plants. This was the Revised Requirements for Sites for Second-
Phase Ammo Loading Plants, 15 Jun 40, copy in
desire to minimize the effect of enemy air OHF. An excellent and authoritative presentation
attacks by spreading plants out over very of this whole phase of the history of loading
large areas, with such great distances be- plants is to be found in part II of a report,
Powder, Explosives, and Loading Capacity vs. Re-
tween lines that a bomb dropped on one quirements, inclosure to ltr, CofOrd to USW, 18
line would not destroy the entire plant. Feb 43, sub: Report on Powder, Explosives and
The effect of this decision was to double Loading Capacity, pt. II, 18 Feb 43, copy in OO
675/889 Misc Incl file. See also PSP 18. In 1939-
the distances previously planned between 40, two loading lines were built at Savanna
loading lines, and increase the total area Ordnance Depot in Illinois and proved valuable
and total cost of all plants. It also contrib- in correcting faults in design and construction.
Two minor caliber lines were also built on land
uted materially to the remarkable safety adjacent to the Ogden Ordnance Depot in Utah.
record made by Ordnance in World See also Gen Rpt on Bag and Shell Loading, 4
War II.16 Jan 44, in files of War Projects Unit, Bureau of
the Budget, ExecO of the President, copy in OHF.
Cong., 3d sess., pp. 192-212. For a readable and (1) Interv with Col John P. Harris, 19 Jun
informing story of site selection and plant con- 53; (2) History, Dixie Ordnance Works, vol I,
struction, see William P. Vogel, Jr., Kingsbury: OHF. The latter reference tells of the early in-
A Venture in Teamwork (New York: Todd and terest of the Commercial Solvents Corporation in
Brown, 1946). this matter.

when I proposed the idea," Harris de- wood) for shells and bombs was added.
clared, "but it succeeded and today all the Twice during the latter part of 1940 the
ammonia producers use natural gas." 18 capacity of the Indiana plant was raised,
Four ammonia works—Cactus (Tex.), bringing the total up to three times the
Dixie (La.), Missouri (Mo.) and Ozark original plan and boosting the cost to more
(Ark.)—were built to utilize natural gas as than one hundred million. In October con-
their basic raw material. Three other am- struction started on the Baytown Ord-
monia works—Buckeye (Ohio), Jayhawk nance Works in Texas for the production
(Kans.), and Morgantown (W.Va.) — of toluene, basic chemical needed for TNT,
continued to make ammonia from coal. using a process recently developed by in-
dustry with Ordnance support and en-
The Construction Phase couragement.22 The British meanwhile
(August 1940) contracted with the Du-
Construction of new plants was man- Pont Company to build a large smokeless
aged by the Quartermaster Corps until 16 powder plant (later named Chickasaw
December 1941 when this responsibility Ordnance Works) at Millington, Tennes-
was transferred to the Corps of Engineers. see, and Ordnance in October 1940 signed
War Department plans provided that the a contract with the Lansdowne Steel and
service responsible for plant construction
should select the construction contractor 18
Interv with Col John P. Harris, 19 Jun 53.
while Ordnance would choose the operat- See also Campbell, The Industry-Ordnance Team,
pp. 259-60.
ing contractor. In most cases the operat- 19
(1) Interim Gen Rpt, Comm. on Mil Affairs,
ing firm helped design the plant, and in H.R., 77th Cong., 2d Sess., H.R. Rpt 2272, 23
some instances served also as the construc- Jun 42, pp. 5-6; (2) S. Rpt No. 480, pt. 5, 15
Jan 42, pp. 232-74, 77th Cong., 2d sess. For
tion contractor. To speed work.and avoid Campbell's personal account of the plant con-
protracted negotiations that would be struction phase, see The Industry-Ordnance Team,
required for fixed-price contracts, the ch. 7. For a frank discussion of the matter within
Ordnance, see Min of Conf in Wesson's Office, 1
Quartermaster Corps and Corps of En- Apr 41, Relative to SR 71, OHF. The legal back-
gineers used cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts ground for GOCO plants is sketched by Col.
with results that led to sharp criticism by Irving A. Duffy in Memo for CofOrd, 24 Mar 42,
sub: Background and Status of New GOCO
committees of Congress.19 The criticism Facilities. . . , OHF. The official history of each
may have been unwarranted, as the plant gives detailed information on a wide range
Quartermaster Corps and Corps of En- of topics.
Smith, Army and Economic Mobilization, ch.
gineers contended, but its publication left XII. For the viewpoint of the Corps of Engineers
many people with the erroneous impression historians, see Remington and Fine, Construction
that the Ordnance Department was at in the United States, Chapter VIII.
For Ordnance plans for new facilities as they
fault.20 existed in the spring of 1940, see Memo, CofOrd
The expansion program began on a for ASW, 6 May 40, sub: Additional Facil-
rather modest scale in the summer of 1940 ities. . . , OO 381/35763 ASW. See also Rpt on
Explosives Capacity vs. Rqmts, and Memo, ASW
when contracts were left for two smokeless for SW, 29 Aug 40, sub: Time Schedule of Mu-
powder plants (Radford and Indiana), one nitions Prod. . . , Gen Burns' personal file.
TNT plant (Kankakee), and one shell For a detailed account of this project, see
Toluene for War, OHF. Baytown was built near
and bomb loading plant (Ravenna).21 A the Gulf Coast because it had to be near the
few weeks later another loading plant (El- Humble Oil Company refinery.

Iron Company to build a plant in Alabama evenly along a wide front, beginning with
for forging and machining 105-mm, shells. Indiana and Radford in the fall of 1940
The Gadsden Ordnance plant, as it was and ending in the late summer of 1942
known, was the only GOCO plant that with Holston and Sunflower. The goal was
produced metal components for ammuni- always to achieve balanced production as
tion. soon as possible, but the task of keeping
During 1941 the expansion program production in balance was never easy,
rapidly gained momentum as work on though it was simplified somewhat by con-
twenty-five new plants began and the struction of multiple-purpose plants.
capacity of existing plants was greatly In most cases, Ordnance plants turned
increased. Broadly speaking, these plants out more than one product or performed
were intended to raise production capacity more than one function. The Badger Ord-
to the level required for a 4,000,000-man nance Works, for example, was originally
Army.23 Thirteen of the new plants were intended to provide only three smokeless
designed for loading operations—eight for powder lines, but the contract was revised
bomb and shell loading, four for bag load- to add double-base powder and TNT. The
ing, and one for loading fuzes and boosters. Illinois Ordnance Plant went into operation
Five of the new plants produced ammonia, in June 1942 with production of per-
three TNT, two smokeless powder, one cussion primers, but it was soon producing
oleum, and one ammonium picrate. In detonators, assembling fuzes, and loading
addition, Ordnance took over the British boosters for 155-mm, shells. The use of
smokeless powder plant at Millington, Ten- such multiple-purpose facilities gave the
nessee, following enactment of the Lend- program a flexibility it would otherwise
Lease Act in March 1941, but output of have lacked. Flexibility was essential, for
the plant continued to go to the British. the situation was never static. As re-
After Pearl Harbor the program was quirements rose or fell, or shifted from one
doubled, with construction starting on 25 type of ammunition to another, production
new plants between January and August lines had to be shut down, new lines
1942. Ten were for loading bombs, shells,
fuzes, boosters, detonators, and primers. The Ordnance plan for 17 of these plants
may be found in Memo, CofOrd for ASW, 28 Dec
Six were for TNT, two for a newer and 40, sub: Funds Required for Additional Facili-
more powerful explosive known as RDX, ties, OO 381/15444 ASW. See also Memo, Col.
two for smokeless powder, and the remain- Miles, for Chief of Ind Serv, 31 Jan 41, sub:
Monthly Progress Rpt of the Ammo Div. The
ing five for ammonia, magnesium, and am- early plants were designed to last for many years,
monium picrate.24 but the later plants were of less durable con-
Erection of the new facilities is some- struction.
The complexity of the Ordnance powder and
times described as coming in a series of explosives program is suggested by the fact that
waves, each wave forming a balanced array 30 chemicals, including raw materials, intermedi-
of lines for producing smokeless powder, ate materials, and end products were manu-
factured at Ordnance works. For detailed
TNT, and auxiliary chemicals, and for information, see PSP 15, Chemicals Used in the
loading and assembling complete rounds. Powder and Explosives Program in World War II,
But the actual construction of the plants 1945, OHF. For the new plants proposed by
Secretary Patterson on 2 Jan 42, see Incl to
did not fall into any such neat pattern. Memo of that date for Knudsen, OUSW Madigan
The expansion moved forward rather un- file (Ord Gen).

added, or entire plants taken out of pro- push urgent projects through this laby-
duction. For example, because of a drop rinth of offices in anything like reasonable
in requirements, the large bag-loading time. The division of authority between
plant at Flora, Mississippi, was not needed Ordnance and the QMC on construction
in the summer of 1942, when it was near- came in for particularly vehement criticism
ing completion; it was converted into a by Ordnance officers.28
Unit Training Center until 1945 when
need for it arose in the heavy ammunition The Operating Contractors
For many reasons, precision in planning To meet the 1940 emergency Ordnance
plant expansion in 1941-42 proved to be adopted the policy of placing contracts for
impossible. Requirements fluctuated from operation of new TNT and smokeless
month to month. No one could predict powder plants with established explosives
exactly how long it would take to build a manufacturers, chiefly the DuPont, Atlas,
new plant, for it depended on such factors Hercules, and Trojan companies. Their
as weather, labor supply, and deliveries of staffs were "stretched to the breaking
materials and production equipment. Im- point" to man the new plants.29 For
provements in techniques boosted the rate auxiliary chemicals such as anhydrous am-
of production in many plants and com- monia, toluene, oleum, and ammonium
pletely invalidated the original estimates of picrate, contracts were made with indus-
plant capacity. Construction of a number trial chemical firms and with oil refining
of plants and new operating lines author- companies. To operate the loading plants
ized after Pearl Harbor were canceled late it was necessary to bring in companies
in 1942 as requirements dropped and exist-
ing plants reached unexpectedly high pro- 25
For a list of specific cancellations, see Ilsley,
duction levels.26 Facilities Program of the Ammo Div, Oct 44, vol.
New facilities were never created as fast 1, pp. 158-59.
(1) Rpt on Explosives Capacity vs. Rqmts,
as Ordnance officers thought they should pp. 13-44; (2) Memo, Maj Gen Lucius D. Clay,
be. Of twenty-three new loading plants ASF Director of Matériel, for USW, 10 Jul 43,
built in the 1940-42 period, the average sub: Ord Plant Data for the H.R. Mil Affairs
Comm., printed in Second Gen Rpt of H.R.
time required for construction was nine Comm. on Mil Affairs, 78th Cong., 2d sess., H.R.
months.27 A constant source of delay was Rpt No. 1903 ex. F.
the interval between the time the need for Table No. 1 in Gen Rpt on Bag and Shell
Loading, 4 Jan 44.
new capacity was foreseen and the time 28
(1) For an outline of approval procedures,
funds became available. After that, ap- see Campbell, op. cit., pp. 105-106. See also (2)
proval by higher authorities of both sites Memo, CofOrd for ASW, 12 Aug 40, OO 400.-
12/234; (3) Rpt on Explosives Capacity vs.
and projects was often slow in coming, for Rqmts, op. cit., and (4) Ilsley, Facilities Program
it demanded co-ordination with The of the Ammo Div, Oct 44, vol. I, p. 24. (5) See
Quartermaster General, the Judge Advo- Remington and Fine, Construction, ch. 8.
Development of Production Capacity in the
cate General, the Site Board appointed by Ordnance Department, PSP 8 [1945], pp. 2-3.
the Assistant Secretary of War, the Na- For a good, brief description of the expansion, see
tional Defense Advisory Commission, the Rpt on Explosives Capacity vs. Requirements.
These reports have been supplemented by numer-
Bureau of the Budget, and the President ous interviews with officers and civilians who were
himself. Aggressive action was necessary to in charge of the expansion program.

with no previous experience in handling pounds of explosive produced. Under this

explosives or related chemicals. The arrangement the contractors ran no risk of
Quaker Oats Company took over manage- failing to make a profit. To protect the
ment of a bomb-loading plant in Nebraska; government's interest, teams of auditors at
the Sherwin-Williams Paint Company op- each plant checked the company's accounts
erated a shell and bomb-loading plant in and approved or disallowed every item of
Illinois; and the Procter and Gamble Soap expense in accordance with policies es-
Company operated the Wolf Creek Ord- tablished in Washington. As the CPFF
nance Plant in Tennessee for loading contract had never before been used by the
shells.30 Todd and Brown, Inc., which Army on such a scale, it raised many
had helped build Rockefeller Center in knotty legal and fiscal problems for both
New York and had directed the colonial government and contractor. There was
restoration of Williamsburg, built and op- some criticism that the fees allowed the
erated the Kingsbury Ordnance Plant. In contractors were excessive, but the Ord-
selecting such contractors the Ordnance nance contracts for plant operation en-
Department did not attach any great im- countered little of the public criticism
portance to the nature of their peacetime directed against the CPFF construction
functions, but gave first consideration to contracts.33
their managerial ability, reputation for
efficient operation, integrity, and financial Metal Components
stability. The idea was that such firms
knew the fundamentals of mass production While new powder, explosives, and load-
and good business management, had com- ing plants were being built and put into
petent plant managers on their staff, and operation the Ammunition Division also
could soon learn all they needed to know launched a tremendous program for pro-
about the special problems of loading shells curement of the metal components of am-
and bombs.31 "One of the lessons Ord- munition. The magnitude of this phase of
nance learned in the Second World War," ammunition procurement is indicated by
wrote General Campbell, "was that any the fact that in the single year 1943 it
up-to-date, alert manufacturing company used four million tons of steel, second only
with a strong executive, engineering, and to the tank-automotive program, which ate
operating staff could take an ammunition 30
For detailed testimony on Wolf Creek, see
plant and operate it effectively, even Hearings, Truman Comm., 17 Nov 41, pt. 9, pp.
2905ff, 77th Cong., 1st sess. See also Interim Gen
though the plant was of a character entirely Rpt, Comm, on Mil Affairs, H.R. 77th Cong.,
foreign to the previous activity of the 2d sess., H.R. Rpt No. 2272.
company."32 (1) Statement prepared by Wesson for the
Truman Comm., Jun 41, OHF; (2) PSP 8, pp.
With all of these companies, known as 2-3.
"agent operators," Ordnance signed cost- 33
Campbell, op. cit., p. 72.
plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) contracts with For a comprehensive tabulation of operating
costs and fixed fees earned, see Hist, Ammo Div,
rather liberal provisions. Each company Ind Serv, OCO, vol. 100, Relationship of Actual
was reimbursed at regular intervals for Costs and Fees. . . , 31 May 45, OHF. For
approved expenses in operating the plant, criticism of fees, see reports of inspections of the
plants and of the Office Field Director of Am-
and in addition was paid a fee based on munition plants by representatives of The Inspec-
the number or rounds of ammunition or tor General's Department.

up seven million tons of steel. Procurement but hollow. This distinguishes it from shot,
of metal components was not only a big which is solid (or has only a small cavity)
but also a highly complex operation, re- and is most widely used in the smaller
quiring the co-ordination of literally hun- sizes for penetrating armor plate. Most
dreds of widely scattered producers. For World War II shells, and a large propor-
each type of ammunition, cartridge cases tion of bombs, contained a high explosive
might be procured from one source and such as TNT or RDX and achieved their
shell forgings from another, while a third effect either by blast or by scattering steel
source machined shells, and still other firms fragments. Driven from gun barrels at su-
produced primers, fuzes, adapters, and personic speed, shot and shell carried death
boosters. Contracts were negotiated and and destruction directly to the enemy.
administered by the arsenals and district They formed, in the words of General
offices with delivery direct to loading plants. Harris, "the fist of our fighting forces."
Generally speaking, the prewar planning There were two main processes involved
by the districts for procurement of metal in shell production—forging and machin-
components was not adequate and was ing—and at the outset separate contracts
thrown overboard when war came.34 were made for each. The importance of
Production of all components had to be these two processes had been recognized by
carefully planned in advance, and then Ordnance procurement officers for many
schedules had to be adjusted from month years before World War II and both had
to month to meet changes in over-all re- been included in the educational orders
quirements. All items had to conform program of 1939. Forging of the 75-mm.
exactly to specifications so the products of high-explosive shell was one of the six
many separate plants could be speedily production processes on the first educa-
assembled on a mass-production basis. Be- tional orders list, and machining of the
cause of the great variety of shell sizes same shell was added a short time later. In
and types, constant efforts were made to the late 1930's Frankford Arsenal estab-
reduce the number of components and to lished a modern shell-machining pilot line
adapt each part to fit different types of capable of making three thousand 75-mm.
shell. This resulted in a great number of shells per 8-hour day with only forty-one
interchangeable parts that helped to sim- machine operators. During the emergency
plify procurement but required close cen- period it was available as a model for
tral control of production scheduling. Al- private industry. But in spite of all these
though the Ammunition Division procured efforts, shell producers ran into a lot of
several hundred different small parts for trouble in getting quantity production in
all kinds of ammunition, the story of pro- 1940 and 1941.36
curement of metal components may be
told in broad outline under four headings (1) Interv with Col John P. Harris; (2)
—shot and shell, cartridge cases, bomb Interv with Dr. Ralph Ilsley, 9 Jun 53.
For detailed data on number of items and
bodies, and fuzes.35 number of components in the program in 1941,
see draft memo from Ammo Div to Dist Contl
Shot and Shell Div, 18 Sep 41, Sub: Plans for Current Proc,
In the literal meaning of the term, an 36
This section is based on many interviews with
artillery shell is a shell, i.e., it is not solid Ordnance officers during the summer of 1953, and

Only one government-owned facility, the some harried producers were inclined to
Gadsden Ordnance Plant, was built to think, but were the products of long years
produce shells. All other production came of experimental production and test firing.
from privately owned plants. Operations at Slight variations in wall thickness, for
Gadsden, where both forging and machin- example, appeared trivial to the manufac-
ing of 105-mm. shells took place, were turer, but Ordnance ammunition men
fairly typical of the process of shell man- knew that they would throw the shell off
ufacture, and may be cited to illustrate the balance and shorten its range.39 Ord-
techniques employed. After the plant re- nance engineers responsible for the per-
ceived a shipment of 1,000-pound steel formance of ammunition were reluctant to
billets from steel mills, the billets were approve any deviations from tried and
nicked and broken into slugs on a hy- proved specifications, for they could not be
draulic press. These slugs, each about the sure, without prolonged tests, what effect
size and shape of a loaf of bread, were such deviations might have. And if an
then heated, run through a roller, and engineering change were authorized for
placed upright in a die pot. Powerful one contractor it had to be authorized for
presses then performed piercing and draw- all, with the corollary need to revise all
ing operations that formed the deep cavity contracts pertaining to the item.40 "We
for holding the high explosive. After are not going to abrogate inspection draw-
further shaping and cleaning, the rough ings or specification requirements for qual-
forging went to the machine shop where it ity," General Campbell told the District
was finished on a variety of lathes and chiefs in the spring of 1943. "I don't care
grinders, and heat treated in hardening if he is Judas Priest himself he is not going
furnaces.37 to get it because we saw some of that in
Most manufacturers, when shown an
artillery shell and asked if they could make 37
(1) History, Gadsden Ordnance Plant, OHF;
it, promptly answered, "Of course." A (2) A. F. MacConnochie "Forging 105-mm. HE
shell appeared to be a comparatively simple Shell at Gadsden Ordnance Plant," Steel, vol. 113,
No. 4 (26 Jul 4 3 ) , pp. 72-76; (3) History of
object, but making thousands of them to 155-mm. Shell Forging Production, by Tennessee
exact measurement proved far harder than Coal, Iron and Railroad Co., in Hist, Birmingham
Dist, vol. 100, pt. 4. For comparison of pierce-and-
it at first appeared.38 A shell had to meet draw method with upsetter method, see J. B.
exacting specifications, particularly on out- Nealey, "Notes on Shell Forging," American Ma-
side measurements, over-all weight, and chinist, 86 (26 November 1943), 1383.
See recognition of this fact in The Armed
uniformity of wall thickness. These specifi- Forces of A.C.F., p. 40, a booklet put out by
cations were not needlessly precise, as American Car and Foundry Co. at the end of the
war, in OHF.
As an example, see, Col. Herman U. Wagner,
on the numerous histories in the Ordnance files "The Projectile in Flight—Effects of Eccentric
bearing on procurement of metal components. On Wall Thickness on Shell Behavior," Ordnance,
the Frankford line, see Charles Grazioso, "How to XXXVII, No. 194 (September-October 1952),
Machine 75-mm. Shell," in Artillery and Small 339-45. For similar comments on this theme, see
Arms Ammunition (New York: McGraw Hill address, The Time Is Now, by Maj Gen Gladeon
Publishing Company, 1942) compiled by the ed- M. Barnes, 4 Sep 44, Weirton, W.Va., OHF.
itors of American Machinist, and Lt. Col. Levin Documentation of a specific case in the ex-
Campbell, Jr., "Artillery Ammunition Production," plosives field when Ordnance was accused of
Army Ordnance, XIX, No. 113 (March-April, showing bad management may be found in Hist,
1939), 273. FDAP, IV, app. IV-15 to IV-22, and IV-30.

the last war. Once you lose control of its inspection requirements.43 This step
drawings, God help the Ordnance Depart- did not lower the quality of finished shells
ment." 41 but simply placed a greater burden on the
The history of the Pittsburgh District, firms that machined the shells to final di-
largest steel-producing area in the nation, mensions. The record on shell machining is
reveals some of the difficulties in shell more difficult to measure, for machining
procurement. Small-scale production began could not begin until forgings were avail-
early in 1940 when educational orders for able. Pullman-Standard's educational or-
forging 75-mm. shells were placed with the der for machining 105-mm. shells did not
Pressed Steel Car Company and the Pitts- get into production until August 1941,
burgh Forgings Company. A short time almost a year after the award. The delay
later another educational order, for forging resulted chiefly from difficulties the com-
the 81-mm. shell, was awarded the Dresser pany had with its order for forging the
Manufacturing Company of Bradford, pro- same shell. In July 1941, when the com-
ducer of oil well equipment. In June 1940 pany took a production contract for
an educational order for the 105-mm. shell forging and machining the 105-mm. shell,
was placed with the Pullman-Standard Car it profited from the earlier experience and
Manufacturing Company, and was soon completed the job three months ahead of
followed by a production contract. At the schedule.
same time, a $34 million contract was Probably the most important improve-
awarded the National Tube Company for ment in shell-forging technique adopted by
forging a wide variety of shell sizes, from American industry during the war was a
75-mm. through 155-mm. In peacetime method for more exact forging of the in-
the manufacturer of seamless steel tubing terior of a shell. Adoption of this improved
and pressure cylinders, National Tube technique for piercing and drawing
served in war both as a shell forger and as enabled the Pullman-Standard Company,
a laboratory for developing new production which used it effectively, to produce 155-
methods. National Tube and Pullman- mm. shells from billets weighing only 126
Standard also signed contracts during the pounds instead of the standard 150
defense period for shell machining, as did pounds. The new process not only saved
the Armstrong Cork Company. But there steel but, what was even more important,
were not many contracts of this kind be- it also cut down on the man-hours and
cause the Pittsburgh area was not well machine time needed to finish the shell.44
supplied with firms capable of machining Beginning in midsummer 1942 with the
shells to close tolerances.42 155-mm. shell, Ordnance canceled all its
An analysis of fourteen contracts for
forging artillery shells in the Pittsburgh 41
Rpt, Conf Dist Chiefs, Rochester, 19 May 43,
district shows that they averaged a little p. 18, OHF.
over four months in coming into produc- pt. 4,Hist, ch. 6.
Pittsburgh Ord Dist, I, pt. 3, ch. 5 and
tion. Even then, contractors encountered 43
Ibid., pt. 3, ch. 4. Critical comments on
repeated difficulties in getting quality pro- arsenal methods by a San Francisco district en-
gineer appear in History, San Francisco Ordnance
duction. The rate of rejection by inspectors District, I, pt. 2, ch. 6.
was so high that Ordnance was forced to 44
Hist, Pittsburgh Ord Dist, I, pt. 4, pp. 778-
widen certain tolerances and relax some of 79, and vol. 100, sec. 10.
contracts for shell forgings and inaugu- were, of course, other factors to be con-
rated a new procedure for ammunition sidered in this move. Manganese steel had
procurement. Originally the Department been specified originally because of its
had made separate contracts, usually with free-machining quality, but in 1941 metal-
different companies, for forging and ma- lurgists became alarmed at the prospect of
chining shells, and had assumed responsi- polluting the nation's steel scrap pile with
bility for delivering forgings to the ma- sulfur from the manganese steel.46
chiners as required. This arrangement Producers of shot encountered many of
enabled the Ammunition Division to keep the same problems as did the shell manu-
close control over forging operations during facturers. When contracts for shot were let
the early phase when the forgers encoun- in large volume, few producers had suf-
tered many difficulties in meeting specifica- ficient machines to get into production.
tions. After these difficulties were sur- Lack of centerless grinders, which were not
mounted Ordnance told the companies extensively used in peacetime industry,
holding contracts for machining that it presented the most serious problem and
would no longer supply them with forgings blocked many contractors from starting
but would expect them to buy directly production. Next in importance was the
from the forging companies. One advan- great need for heat-treating equipment,
tage of this move for Ordnance was that it and, for the smaller shot, automatic screw
freed the Department of a rather demand- machines. Stepped up production sched-
ing job and thus simplified its procurement ules posed problems with cutting tools as
process. The new procedure was welcomed "round-the-clock" operation of machines
by industry because it left more room for at higher-than-normal speeds reduced the
the free play of normal business forces. As life of all tools. Use of carbide-tipped tools
shell forgings varied slightly in outside proved helpful as did liberal use of
dimensions, depending on the technique coolants.47
and skill of the producer, and thus re- One of the most striking contrasts be-
quired different amounts of machining, the tween procurement plans and actual out-
forgers and machiners could now work out put in 1941 and 1942 appears in records
between themselves whatever adjustments of 75-mm. and 105-mm. shell production
were required on each order.45 in the Pittsburgh district. Before 1940,
During the early months of 1942 the when the 75-mm. gun was the main
production of shells used such a high weapon of the Field Artillery, its ammuni-
percentage of steel output that measures tion topped the requirements list with
had to be taken to relieve the situation. nearly five million scheduled for the Pitts-
Ordnance revised the prevailing specifica- burgh district in the first year of war. In
tion of steel with a high manganese con- comparison, only 598,000 shells for the
tent to permit use of lower grade steel 45
and more scrap metal. But use of this Hist, Pittsburgh Ord Dist, I, pt. 3, ch. 5, pp.
steel required heat treating by the shell 46
(1) Hist, Chicago Ord Dist, I, pt. I, pp. 48-
machiners to retain the desired physical 49; (2) Interv with Brig Gen Merle H. Davis, 27
properties. Every shell-machining plant had May 53.
(1) Hist, Chicago Ord Dist, I, pt. I, pp. 55-
therefore to install hardening furnaces, oil 56; (2) Memo, Miles for Chief Ind Serv, 31 Jan
quench systems, and draw furnaces. There 41.

gun was fired to form a tight-fitting valve

that helped prevent escape of gases to the
rear, and then instantly contracted to per-
mit easy extraction from the breech. Like
shells, brass cases, which resembled big tin
cans, looked easy to make. They were
certainly easier to make than fuzes, but
their manufacture was not without its
problems. It required special machinery
and full knowledge of time-tested pro-
cedures for which Frankford Arsenal served
as the development center. Although many
other techniques had been tried over the
years, the only successful method was deep
drawing the entire case from a single
In the fall of 1940 the Bridgeport Brass
Company surveyed existing brass-making
capacity in terms of planned production
for military use and reported that more
plants were urgently needed. Early in 1941
A 500-Pound DEMOLITION BOMB ready the War Department approved an Ord-
for shipment to a loading plant to be filled nance proposal to build a new government-
with high explosives. (Fins are attached for owned brass plant in the Midwest to be
photographic purposes.) operated by the Bridgeport Brass Company
of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Designed to
105-mm. gun were scheduled. Actual pro- turn out twenty million pounds of brass
duction in 1942 reversed this proportion, strip per month, and also fabricate light
with only about one million of the smaller and medium cartridge cases, the new plant
shell and nearly five million of the larger was built at Indianapolis and was formally
type accepted. In spite of these variations opened on 15 May 1942.
in specific items, total planned production Just as the production of brass cases
for the first year of war was quite close to was moving into high gear in the closing
total actual production.48
Hist, Pittsburgh Ord Dist, I, pt. 4, pp. 764
Artillery Cartridge Cases -65 and ex. B.
Detailed information on the new machines
Unlike shot and shell, which were gen- installed at Frankford, and new processes adopted,
erally made of steel, cartridge cases were in the late 1930's, may be found in History Frank-
ford Arsenal, Artillery Ammunition, volume I,
normally made of brass. These cases not OHF. The technique of cartridge case manufac-
only contained the propellent charge, us- ture as practiced in 1940 is described by F. J.
Lerro, foreman of the artillery cartridge case shop
ually smokeless powder, but also held the at Frankford, in American Machinist, 84, (2
percussion primer and gripped the base of October 1940), 761. See also Hist, Chicago Ord
the projectile. They expanded when the Dist, I, pp. 82ff.

months of 1941, a severe shortage of cop-

per and its alloys developed. Sea transport
was not available to bring in copper from
Chile. The demands of the Maritime Com-
mission and the Navy for copper were
huge, and there was no apparent substitute
for the copper needed in ocean-going ves-
sels. Ordnance was therefore faced with
the problem of substituting some other
metal for brass in ammunition if produc-
tion schedules were to be met. The choice
fell upon steel, and the widespread efforts
to make acceptable steel cases dominated
the scene for the next two years. As the
manufacture of steel cases has been de-
scribed in detail in the preceding volume,
we need mention only at this point that the
results were never altogether satisfactory.
The progress was an industrial miracle,
General Hayes once observed, but "not a
big enough miracle. It has to be a more
resplendent miracle."50 The ambitious A 22,000-POUND SEMI-ARMOR-PIERC-
ING BOMB compared with a 2,000-pound
goals set for the steel-case project early in one produced by the A. O. Smith Corpora-
1942 were not attained, and the project tion, Milwaukee, Wis.
became, in the words of one high-ranking
officer, "a pain in the neck." 51 Solution of
the steel-case problem had to await a re- AAF, but they were not used in combat.
newed attack, in which Army and Navy Small quantities of 12,000-pound "Tall
co-operated, in the postwar years.52 Boy" bombs and 22,000-pound "Grand
Slam" bombs were produced in the United
The sharply rising curve of bomb pro- Rpt of Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, 28 Jul 43,
Springfield, Mass., p. 7, OHF.
curement in 1942 represented the biggest 51
Rpt of Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, Rochester, 19
single increase in ammunition production May 43, p. 13.
during World War II. After a sudden drop (1) Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
Munitions for War, ch. 18; (2) William F.
in the summer of 1943 it rose again in Stevens, "Steel Cartridge Cases Advance Toward
1944 and resulted in the total production Standardization," Steel, 129, No. 2 (1951), 72;
of something over thirty-three million (3) Lt. Col. Harold R. Turner, "Steel Cartridge
Cases," Army Ord Rpt No. 5, 1 Jul 44, published
bombs and bomb clusters. The bombs by Army Ordnance Association.
ranged in size from 4-pound "Butterflies," (1) Ammunition Supply in European and
usually dropped in clusters, to 4,000- Mediterranean Theaters, p. 74; (2) Harry S.
Beckman, "High Explosive Bombs," Ordnance,
pound block busters.53 Ordnance procured XXXII, No. 64 (September-October 1947), 98-
a few 10,000-pound bombs for test by the 99; (3) Ann Rpt ASF Rqmts Div FY 44, p. 18.

States for the British, but the bulk of "but they cost too much, took too much
American production was in the smaller machine work and time. . . ."56 The
sizes with the 500-pound bomb accounting answer was to use short lengths of thick-
for nearly half of all general-purpose bombs walled, large-diameter tube or pipe of the
produced in the United States. Through type used by the oil industry in peacetime.
the medium of the bombing plane, this One end of the pipe was put into a
production contributed in a spectacular furnace, brought to a white heat, and then
way to weakening the enemy on the battle- forced into proper shape for the tail. The
field and on the home front.54 nose was formed in the same fashion, and
Before 1940 there had been very little was then cut and threaded to receive the
production of bombs in the United States. fuze. After sandblasting to remove all
Aside from some work on small fragmenta- scale, and heat treating to harden the
tion bombs at Frankford, no Ordnance steel, the bombs were ready to be painted
arsenal had produced bombs. The educa- and inspected before shipment to loading
tional orders for bombs in 1939 were too plants.
small to be of much value, and it was not Ordnance did not prescribe the method
until the emergency had arrived that pro- of fabrication to be followed by bomb
duction problems were tackled in earnest. producers, but permitted each company to
Even then, progress was hindered some- work out the method best suited to its
what by uncertainty as to the most desir- equipment and past experience. Shops that
able types and sizes. Sharp differences- of had produced steel bottles in peacetime by
opinion developed as to the relative merits spinning used the same process to produce
of high-explosive bombs with great blast- bombs; hammer shops used the swaging
ing effect and fragmentation bombs that method; and in factories where wobbling
filled the air with flying particles of steel.55 dies had been used to form flanges on pipes
Policy on this and other matters for all the same type of die was used to make
the services was determined by a sub- bombs.57 The largest bombs were made of
committee of the Joint Aircraft Committee. rolled plate because there was no seamless
Ordnance handled the biggest share of
bomb procurement, the Chemical Warfare 54
On bomb research and development, see
Service filled chemical bombs, and the Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions
Navy procured depth bombs for attacking for War, Chapter XVII.
submarines and armor-piercing bombs for For detailed consideration of this topic, see
Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions
use against ships with thick deck armor. for War, Chapter XVII.
Specifications for bombs to be dropped 56
Steel, 24 May 43, p. 76, quoted in Hist,
from airplanes were less exacting than for Cleveland Ord Dist, III, p. 112.
( 1 ) Harry S. Beckman, "High Explosive
shells to be fired from guns, but they Bombs," Ordnance, XXXII, No. 64 (September-
nevertheless caused some manufacturing October 1947), 98-99; (2) J. B. Nealey, "Seam-
difficulties. The old method of bomb pro- less Bombs from Steel Plate," American Machinist
vol. 86 (October 1, 1942), 1117ff; (3) Interv
duction was to start with a solid steel with Beckman and Otto C. Pototschnik, 6 Jul 53.
billet, machine it down the outside, gouge Among the most prominent bomb-producing firms
out the inside, and then fill it with TNT were A. O. Smith Corporation of Milwaukee;
Harrisburg Steel Corporation; and National Tube
or amatol. "They were pretty good Company and Jones and Laughlin Steel Company,
bombs," wrote one contemporary observer, both of Pittsburgh, Pa.
tube made of sufficiently large diameter. the manufacturers kept them cooperat-
Armor-piercing bombs were generally made ing." 61
from billets by the pierce-and-draw
method. General-purpose and semi-armor- Fuzes
piercing bombs were made from welded or
seamless tubes.58 Of all the metal components of ammuni-
Bomb production suffered from changes tion, fuzes were by far the most difficult
in requirements more than did any other to manufacture and use, and were some-
aspect of the ammunition program. At the times compared to the Army mule as
beginning of the war, requirements for "ornery but necessary." Not only were they
demolition bombs were based on airplane complicated mechanisms but they had to
production schedules and the estimated meet the most exacting standards of per-
number of sorties per airplane. Production formance. The mechanical time fuze used
facilities were contracted for on this basis. on 75-mm. field artillery and 3-inch anti-
But a year or so of experience demonstrated aircraft shells, for example, consisted of
that these figures were far too high because 106 parts, many of which had tolerances of
planes did not fly immediately from factory less than one thousandth of an inch.62 All
to combat theater. Some were held in this the time and money spent on manufactur-
country for training, and a large propor- ing a round of ammunition and all the
tion of all planes produced was needed to effort expended by combat troops in get-
fill the supply pipelines. A drastic cutback ting it into position for firing were com-
in bomb procurement was therefore or- pletely wasted if the fuze failed to function
dered in April 1943.59 So great was the properly. For this reason, Ordnance had
reduction of bomb requirements for 1943- spent a portion of its limited research
44 that General Somervell wrote to General funds on fuzes during the interwar years,
Henry H. Arnold that the effect of this and on making plans for their manufac-
reduction on established production lines ture. Plans of this nature were particularly
would be "tremendous" and would cause
cancellation of contracts at sixteen metal- 58
working plants, the complete shutdown of Report on the Manufacture of Demolition
Bomb Bodies by the American Society of Mechan-
one ammonia plant, and elimination of ical Engineers, 1 Jun 45, copy in files of Bomb
thirty-five TNT lines.60 The machines and and Pyrotechnic Sec., R & D Div, OCO. This
facilities released in the spring of 1943 report describes and illustrates the different pro-
duction methods used during the war.
could not be held in cold storage for the 59
Ltr, CG AAF to CofOrd, 4 Apr 43, sub: Re-
future because they were badly needed in duction in Bomb Rqmts, OO 400.12/5164, copy
other programs. In 1944, when bombs re- in Demolition Bombs, 1 Aug 44, vol. I, OHF. For
an excellent brief'analysis of this problem, see Rpt
quirements mounted and production was of WD Proc Review Bd, 31 Aug 43, ASF 334 (WD
resumed, lines had to be set up all over Proc Review Bd), 020 CofS, USA. See also Maj.
again. According to one estimate, it took Berkeley R. Lewis, Project Paper, PP 19, Bombs
—Research, Development, Production and Per-
seven months to reach 75 percent produc- formance, 1919-45, Jul 45.
tion on bomb bodies, and at least nine Memo, CG ASF for CG AAF, not dated, sub:
months for full production. "Requirements Reduction in AAF Bomb Rqmts, copy in Demo-
lition Bombs, 1 Aug 44, vol. I, OHF.
varied to such an extent," wrote one ob- 61
Lewis, PP 19.
server, "that nothing but the patriotism of Hist, Chicago Ord Dist, I, pt. 1, ch. 6.

important because, with more than 150 exacting tolerances required by Ord-
types of fuzes required, the need to es- nance.64
tablish a system of common contours and Because mechanical time fuzes were
weights was imperative. Minor variations among the most troublesome items in the
in the contours and weights of point- ammunition program, their manufacture
detonating fuzes would affect the ballistics demanded some means of systematic co-
of the projectile and would require read- operation among contractors. In the spring
justment of the weapon when changing of 1942, when huge new requirements for
from one type of fuze to another.63 the mechanical time fuze M43 were an-
Picatinny had been the center of this nounced, General Campbell and a suc-
work for many years before 1940, and in cessful fuze contractor, Mr. Roy T. Hurley
the late 1930's Frankford installed modern of the Bendix Aviation Corporation, set
machinery for small-scale production of out to form an industry integration com-
primers and mechanical time fuzes. When mittee for this purpose. At the end of
war production orders were placed, prac- April they called a meeting of representa-
tically every fuze manufacturer received tives from the six companies holding
drawings from Picatinny or Frankford of contracts for the M43 fuze, plus Frankford
the required tools, jigs, and fixtures. Fuze Arsenal, to discuss ways of sharing the
contractors sent their production men to experience of the four firms that were
Picatinny for training in arsenal methods. already in production with the two that
Specialists from Picatinny visited most of were just getting started.65 Within four
the commercial plants to assist them in months the newly formed M43 Mechanical
setting up equipment and starting produc- Time Fuze Committee not only increased
tion. There was a remarkably fruitful inter- production by about 100 percent but also
change of information and ideas between introduced improved manufacturing tech-
industry and Ordnance, resulting in early niques that greatly reduced the cost of the
production by industry and a constant fuze.66
stream of new fuze-making machines and As noted in Chapter III, Ordnance had
improved production methods. For point- formed many engineering and research ad-
detonating fuzes some of the early con- 63
(1) Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
tracts went to companies that normally Munitions for War; (2) Barnes, Weapons of
produced electrical equipment, automobile World War II (New York: D. Van Nostrand
accessories, fountain pens, pressure cook- Company, 1947), pp. 83-84.
Hist, Chicago Ord Dist, I, p. 60ff. For a
ers, gasoline engines, and sewing machines. description of fuze manufacturing methods, see J.
The earliest contracts for mechanical time B. Nealey, "Artillery Fuzes," Army Ordnance,
fuzes, containing clockwork mechanisms, XXII, No. 132 (May-June 1942) 961-64.
Min, Wesson Confs, 27 Apr 42.
went to established watch and clock man- 66
Integration with Industry, PP No. 14, OHF.
ufacturers. To speed delivery, all these The six companies on this committee were East-
firms set up temporary production lines man Kodak, National Cash Register, Elgin Watch,
Hamilton Watch, the Eclipse Machine Division of
with secondary equipment that bridged Bendix Aviation Corporation, and the Thomas B.
the gap until new machines arrived. Use Gibbs Division of Borg Products Corporation. For
of such equipment, including single-spindle an account of the Smokeless Powder Integration
Committee, see H. LaTourette, Propellants—
drill presses and hand milling machines, Smokeless Powder During World War II, Feb 46,
intensified the problem of meeting the pp. 47-50, OHF.

visory committees in 1941 to help with quarters. By June 1943 there were 131
design and production problems, but it was such committees in existence, 75 of them
not until formation of the M43 fuze com- dealing with ammunition (both small
mittee (and nearly simultaneous formation arms and artillery) .68
of the carbine committee) that co- The most remarkable new type of fuze
operation between contractors came to developed during World War II was the
cover nearly every aspect of production. VT or proximity fuze containing a
"In the integration of the mechanical time miniature radio transmitting and receiving
fuze industry," General Campbell wrote oscillator that caused the shell to detonate
to Frankford Arsenal and the six fuze con- when it came within a certain range of its
tractors in April 1942, "parts, material, en- target. Not only was development of VT
gineering information, production informa- fuzes one of the top-ranking scientific
tion, tools, equipment, and, in fact, all achievements of the war; its mass produc-
elements—both material and personnel— tion was a triumph of production engineer-
will be placed by the chairman of the com- ing. "Never, perhaps, in the history of
mittee at the disposition of any and all assembly-line methods," wrote the author
manufacturers in the mechanical time fuze of Scientists Against Time, "have the
industry without let or hindrance." 67 De- standards of performance been more diffi-
scribed as "the cross-weave in the fabric of cult to meet." Procurement of VT fuzes
America's wartime Ordnance production
program," these committees brought to- 67
Quoted in Campbell, Industry-Ordnance
gether representatives of firms that were Team, p. 123.
business competitors in time of peace and 68
For the official Ordnance statement outlining
enabled them freely to share their knowl- the functions of the committees, see letter from
edge and skills in the interests of national General Campbell to Donald M. Nelson, 29 Apr
42, in History of Carbine Industry Integration
defense. At committee meetings these rep- Committee and Prior Carbine Committees, Part
resentatives exchanged new production III, OHF, and Ordnance Fiscal Circular 105, 22
ideas and arranged for the transfer from August 1942. For discussion of problems in ad-
ministration, see Report, Conference Ordnance
one company to another of scarce materi- District Chiefs, Rochester, 19 May 1943, Pages 6-
als, badly needed machine tools, or even 16. For an excellent brief account of integration
in production of the M48 fuze, see Report, Con-
skilled workmen and production engineers. ference Ordnance District Chiefs, 22 April 1944,
The companies were assured in 1942, as Pages 12-13, in History, Detroit Ordnance Dis-
their predecessors had been in 1941, by a trict, Volume 117, OHF. The whole subject of In-
dustry Integration Committees is discussed by
letter from the Attorney General that their Richard F. McMullen in Industry Integration
committee action would not be regarded as Committees, OHF, and by General Campbell in
violations of the antitrust laws. Each in- The Industry-Ordnance Team, Chapter 8. The
former reference includes a list of committees and
tegration committee was headed by an their members.
Ordnance officer, usually the chief of the 70
A code designation with no significance.
branch having jurisdiction, with the title James P. Baxter, Scientists Against Time
(Boston; Little, Brown and Company, 1946), p.
of chairman. It also included another Ord- 227. Baxter also describes the development of the
nance officer as deputy chairman, an fuze, as does Green, Thomson, and Roots, Plan-
industrial member as assistant chairman, ning Munitions for War, and Ordnance Develop-
ment Division, National Bureau of Standards, The
and an Ordnance officer on duty at the Radio Proximity Fuzes for Bombs, Rockets and
plant where the committee had its head- Mortars (Washington, 1945).

was a co-operative enterprise in which 780,000. Approximately a million bomb

Ordnance was but one of many partners. fuzes of a later generator-powered type
As the Navy Bureau of Ordnance, with were produced by Westinghouse, Emer-
NDRC, had taken an early interest in the son, Philco, General Electric, and Zenith
use of VT fuzes with antiaircraft guns, Radio Corporation.72
while Army Ordnance and the National By the summer of 1943 sufficient experi-
Bureau of Standards concentrated their ence had been gained with VT fuzes for
first attention on fuzes for bombs, rockets, large projectiles to suggest that develop-
and mortars, a broad division of responsi- ment of much smaller fuzes for trench
bility for procurement was made between mortars was possible, and in November
the two services in March 1942. The Navy 1943 the Office of Scientific Research and
was to procure the rotating type, used Development (OSRD) was requested to
chiefly with rifled-bore artillery, and the undertake the job. By the winter of 1944-
Army was to procure the nonrotating type 45 interest began to grow in the possibility
used on bombs, rockets, and mortar shell. of getting VT mortar fuzes into large-
Because the delicate electronic elements of scale production before the war ended. In
the fuze fell naturally within the Signal March 1945, Dr. Vannevar Bush of OSRD
Corps field, procurement of those parts wrote that the project could be carried
was assigned to the Signal Corps which through successfully only if the Army put
supplied the parts to Ordnance for final the full weight of its influence on the scale.
assembly. As it eventually turned out, most Within two weeks a meeting of OSRD and
of the Navy-procured fuzes were used by Ordnance representatives was held to dis-
the Army, and most of the Army-procured cuss the goal of 400,000 fuzes per month
fuzes went to the Navy. But the co- by January 1946. By the end of July the
operation between the two services proved design was complete and tooling for large-
so effective that the division of labor was scale production had started, but the
continued throughout the war and into the project was canceled when the war ended
postwar years. The less satisfactory ar- the following month.73
rangement with the Signal Corps was
terminated in 1944 after production got 71
under way and Ordnance assumed full (1) Interv with Hoyt W. Sisco, Chief VT
Fuze Sec, R&D OCO, 14 Jul 53; (2) OCM
responsibility for parts procurement.71 31683, 7 Aug 47, citing the early documents; (3)
Manufacture of the battery-powered Baxter, op. cit., ch. XV; (4) Joseph C. Boyce, ed.,
fuzes (both radio and photoelectric) was New Weapons for Air Warfare (Boston: Little,
Brown and Company, 1947), pp. 194 and 207;
started in the latter part of 1942 by West- (5) Telecon with W. S. Hinman, Jr., Asst Direc-
inghouse Electric and Manufacturing tor of Ord National Bureau of Standards, 15 Jul
Company, Philco Radio and Television 53. For an account of Signal Corps procurement,
see History, Signal Corps Research and Develop-
Corporation, General Electric Company, ment in World War II, vol. 4, Project 453-C,
Emerson Radio and Phonograph Corpora- Signal Corps historical files.
tion, Julien P. Friez and Sons, Western Ord Development Div, Nat Bur of Standards,
Radio Proximity Fuzes for Bombs, Rockets and
Electric Company, and Rudolph Wurlitzer Mortars pp. 30-31.
Company. Production of this type totaled Boyce, op. cit., ch. X X I I I

Artillery Ammunition: Production

By the summer of 1942 the period of vate concerns produced war materials on
plant expansion for artillery ammunition government property, using government-
had to come to an end, and the period owned machinery, and received payment
of intensive production was beginning. In under a cost-plus-fixed-fee formula. In the
the history of the ammunition program beginning FDAP had no authority over
the transition from expansion to produc- inspection, packaging, renovation, or
tion is conveniently marked by the crea- scheduling, but as time went on these
tion on 5 August 1942 of the Office of the responsibilities were delegated to it. By
Field Director of Ammunition Plants 1945 FDAP had, in the words of the of-
(FDAP) in St. Louis.1 Headed by Col. ficial memorandum, "complete control,
Theodore C. Gerber, an Ordnance officer administration, coordination, and direc-
with experience as commander of a tion" of the GOCO plants under the Am-
government - owned, contractor - operated munition Division.2 But it never had as full
(GOCO) plant, this office administered control of the ammunition program as
all the ammunition plants, most of which OCO-Detroit had of tank-automotive
were within an overnight train ride from procurement. Broad control of scheduling
St. Louis. The new headquarters was of production remained in Washington, as
staffed by transferring from Washington did authority to approve engineering
the lawyers, contract negotiators, and ad- changes. St. Louis was not granted as
ministrators who had piloted the plants much authority as was Detroit, primarily
through the expansion period. because of the marked procurement differ-
ences between ammunition and vehicles.
Operations of FDAP Ordnance did not contract for a complete
round of ammunition as it contracted for
At the outset it was assumed that FDAP a complete truck or tank. The division into
would be primarily an administrative and
legal office and that most technical prob- 1
FDAP was authorized by ODO Number 305,
lems would be referred to Washington or 16 July 1942. Its creation is described in Green,
to Picatinny Arsenal. General Campbell, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions for
War, Chapter IV.
who had launched the GOCO plants 2
History, FDAP, Aug 42-Sep 45, vol. I, p. 7.
while assistant chief for new facilities, This history contains a copy of Ammunition
knew that legal and administrative prob- Branch Memorandum 48-42, 31 July 1942 and
Ammunition Division Memorandum no. 2-45,
lems were inevitable because of the novelty 2 March 1945. See also Mead Comm. Report,
of the GOCO arrangement whereby pri- Aug 46.

three distinct operations—procurement of contracting firms took over most of these

metal components from industry, produc- duties, with government auditors checking
tion of powder and explosives at GOCO the accounts only on a selective basis. As
plants, and assembly and loading at all the sites on which Ordnance facilities
GOCO plants—made wholesale decentral- were located were designated as military
ization to St. Louis far more difficult than reservations, a commanding officer was as-
was decentralization of tank-automobile signed to each with responsibility for the
procurement to Detroit. activities of the government auditors and
The administrative problems handled by inspectors, and for protecting government
FDAP covered a wide range. Most of them property. This system of dual control was
centered around the interpretation of con- not only wasteful of personnel but annoy-
tracts, auditing expenses, and applying ing to both sides and administratively un-
specifications. There were questions, for sound because it tended to divide responsi-
example, about the propriety of charging bility for performance. Frequent changes
to government expense the cost of certain in the Ordnance commanders at the plants
activities such as plant newspapers and caused further difficulty. One plant, for
charitable contributions that were normal example, had seven different commanding
business practice for the contracting firms. officers during three years, each new com-
There were more important problems in mander "coming in to get the plant run-
recruiting personnel and obtaining draft ning right." 4 Most of the contracting
deferments for essential workers. Difficul- firms directed their representatives at the
ties in production, or in satisfying inspec- plant sites to work in co-operation with
tion demands, were also brought to the the government representatives and to
attention of FDAP, which served as a reach practical solutions on the spot rather
"home office" for all the plants.3 than to refer every problem to the home
There were many obvious advantages in office. With some firms, particularly those
the GOCO arrangement, but the dual with no experience in munitions making,
control required by the government- there was criticism that the safety pro-
industry partnership in the ammunition visions required by Ordnance were too
plants caused certain difficulties. There elaborate, that labor-saving machinery was
was inevitably some duplication of func- not used enough, and that "many deci-
tion between contractor and government sions forced upon the contractor by direc-
and many opportunities for friction de- tive were uneconomical and unsound.
veloped. When emergency production first
began, all available talent had to be used 3
Hist, FDAP, vol. II, pt. 1, Oct 45.
in the process of training new personnel. Key Pers Rpts from Lone Star Ord Plant,
OHF. Criticism of dual control was made by a
Contractors who knew little or nothing representative of the Bureau of the Budget in the
about handling ammunition had to depend General Report on Bag and Shell Loading, 4
upon Ordnance officers and civilian tech- January 1944. For an illustration of difficulties
during the construction period, see History, Wolf
nicians. During the construction period, Creek Ordnance Plant, I. This plant was cited
government representatives at each plant by the Truman Committee as an example of un-
site handled payrolls, timekeeping, and in- duly high-cost construction. See S. Rpt 480, pt.
5, 15 Jan 42, 77th Cong., 2ad sess., pp. 125-66.
spection of all incoming material. After 5
See, for example, History, Cornhusker Ord-
the plants reached the operating stage the nance Plant, I, pp. 11-12.
On 3 October 1942 the Chief of Ord- economy or efficiency. Colonel Gerber and
nance issued a directive to clarify the sit- his superiors in Washington decided to
uation at the GOCO plants. His purpose attack this problem by recording and
was to put a stop to duplication of effort analyzing the cost of operation for each
between contractors and Ordnance field plant. They believed that once this was
staffs, to reduce the Ordnance payroll by done—and the results distributed—a spirit
transferring to the contractor responsibility of competition would develop, with every
for property records, production planning, plant manager eager to make a good show-
motor pools, and in-process inspection.6 ing in the eyes of his home office and in
As a result of this directive, the number of view of the other plant managers. Pride
Ordnance officers and civilian employees was to take the place of profit as an in-
at the plants dropped sharply. At the centive to efficient low-cost production.11
Arkansas Ordnance Plant, for example, The success of this plan cannot be
there were 424 civilians on the govern- measured accurately, but there is some
ment payroll in September 1942 but only indication that it worked well. A record of
255 at the end of December, and during improved efficiency under the system does
the same period the number of officers not of itself prove the point, for efficiency
dropped from 15 to 9.7 Nevertheless, a
study of loading plants completed in Jan- 6
Ltr, CofOrd to CO's Ord plants, 3 Oct 42,
uary 1944 showed that some Ordnance sub: Clarification of Functions of Ord Dept Field
employees were duplicating work done by Staff at New Ord Facilities, copy in Hist, Corn-
contractor employees.8 Between January husker Ord Plant, vol. II, app. See also comments
on the "substantial progress" made by Ordnance
1943 and June 1944 the number of civilian in Memo of Director SOS, Contl Div, for CG
employees at all GOCO ammunition facil- SOS, 22 Nov 42, sub: GOCO Ord Plants, in ASF
Contl Div file, folder marked Orgn of Ord Dept
ities was cut in half.9 The October 1942 1943-44.
directive not only conserved manpower 7
History, Arkansas Ordnance Plant, I, pp. 6-7.
and reduced duplication but it also pro- This history describes in some detail the specific
duties performed by government employees at the
moted greater understanding and confi- plant. For an excellent account by an Ordnance
dence between the contractor and the plant commander, see Lt. Col. John K. Willard,
government.10 Key Personnel Report, 31 October 1945, Pennsyl-
vania Ordnance Works, OHF.
Gen Rpt on Bag and Shell Loading, 4 Jan 44.
Competition among Plants Performance Analysis . . . FDAP, By Statistics
and Progress Unit, FDAP, 1 Jun 45, copy in Hist
Perhaps the most noteworthy achieve- 10
For testimony on this point from one Ord-
ment of FDAP was the use of standard nance officer with wide experience, see Final Re-
methods to measure the efficiency and port of Maj Vernon L. Keldsen, 22 October 1945,
Key Pers Rpts, Alabama Ord Works, OHF.
economy of plant operations. The need for 11
Hist, FDAP, vol. II, pt. III, and vol. VIII.
such methods was obvious. The CPFF Reports on the comparative standing of the load-
contracts under which the plants operated ing plants in August 1943 are conveniently as-
sembled in General Report on Bag and Shell
provided an incentive for quantity produc- Loading. For an account of the work done by
tion but not for efficiency and economy. the contractors in compiling cost data, see La
As the contracting firms received a certain Tourette, PSP 17, Propellants-Smokeless Powder
During World War II, quoting final report of the
fee per unit of production their prime Smokeless Powder Industry Committee, pp. 46-
objective was speed of production, not 50.

would probably have risen steadily under (3) Continuous analysis and comparison of
any circumstances as both management unit costs and cost of operation of respective
and worker gained experience and as new plants by the Field Director of Ammunition
Plants. This policy created a competitive
machines or techniques were introduced spirit, each plant trying not only to increase
on the production lines.12 But the record efficiency but also to reduce their costs to
of the GOCO plants was so good that the the level of the plant which had the lowest
FDAP administration must be credited unit-cost level. (4) The high quality of the
with having inspired performance far technical knowledge available in loading
units of the Field Director of Ammunition
above normal. The record was one of Plants. (5) The establishment of manpower
steadily increasing production, lowering standards by skilled industrial engineers
costs, rising labor productivity, and sub- working through administrative units aided
stantial savings in the use of raw materials. by industrial representatives. (6) Last, and
The cost of TNT, for example, was cut in certainly of great importance, was the close
and effective cooperation between industry
half while the rate of production was and the War Department in the operation of
doubled. The amount of alcohol required these plants, making available, without res-
per 100 pounds of smokeless powder was ervation, information of every kind and
cut from 7 gallons to 2 gallons, a saving of quality which industry possessed.
over 4,000,000 gallons per month. It cost
over 27 dollars and took nearly 10 man- Shortcomings
hours to load a l000-pound bomb in
January 1943; the same bomb was loaded There was also much that was not ac-
a year later at a cost of about 16 dollars complished by FDAP and industry before
and in less than 5 manhours.13 the war ended. No fully satisfactory
In the spring of 1944, Representative method of comparing the operating effi-
Albert J. Engel, a member of the War ciency of plants was devised. Cost state-
Department Subcommittee of the House ments alone were not adequate, for there
Appropriations Committee, personally in- were many uncontrollable factors in the
spected twenty-two ammunition plants
and summarized his findings in a report 12
By way of comparison, see the discussion of
printed in The Congressional Record, 21 steadily rising efficiency in British plants for shell
loading (called "filling" by the British) in Pos-
June 1944. After citing many specific ex- tan, British War Production, pp. 174-183. During
amples of the remarkable savings achieved the 18 months preceding Pearl Harbor the
by Ordnance and its ammunition contrac- efficiency of "filling labour" increased by 40 per-
tors, Representative Engel offered the fol- 13
For a broad summary, see Performance
lowing comments, which still stand as the Analysis of ... Ammo Plants, 1 Jun 45, ex.
best brief explanation of the factors be- XXII in Hist, FDAP, VIII.
Hon Albert J. Engel, Ordnance Ammunition
hind the FDAP accomplishment: Production, Army Ord Rpt, No. 6, 21 Aug 44,
Reduction of cost and conservation of man- AOA, Army Ordnance Association, OHF. See
power has been outstanding. It has been also the generally favorable report submitted in
January 1944 by a representative of the Bureau
due, in my judgment, in a large measure to: of the Budget, General Report on Bag and Shell
(1) The excellent quality of the responsible Loading. Inspecting officers in 1945 praised the
and experienced contractors selected. (2) FDAP staff for its competence and efficiency. See
The creation of integrating committees and ltr, Col J. B. Jones and Maj C. F. Heney to
the meeting of those committees periodic- Acting TIG, 4 Mar 45, sub: Spec Inspection of
ally to exchange information between plants. OFDAP. . ., NA.
total cost. The labor rate at each plant was as a reserve against unexpected demands
geared to the prevailing rates in the local- in the future. But during the winter of
ity, and costs of raw materials varied from 1943-44 many plants were closed as the
month to month and plant to plant. In War Department emphasized the curtail-
January 1945 a proposed plan for evaluat- ment of production.17
ing the performance of TNT works was As noted in the preceding chapter, the
prepared, assigning a percentage value to Ordnance Department's management of
each basic cost factor and expressing over- the ammunition program was subject to
all ratings by a single index number. But criticism on one score—the terms of its
the proposal did not proceed beyond the contracts with the plant operators. No
discussion stage before the end of the war generalization applies with equal force to
was in sight.15 all the contracts, but it may be said that
Few of the plants under FDAP super- in many cases the contractors received fees
vision ever had a chance to achieve peak that were generous if not excessive. The
efficiency by operating at capacity over a contractors were as free of business risk as
long period. In most cases, as soon as a any businessman could hope to be. They
plant came into production and completed had no capital invested in the plants;
a few months of shakedown operations, it they contributed no operating funds; they
received notice to curtail production. By oftentimes utilized government free-issue
the fall of 1943 the tendency throughout materials; they had an assured market for
the War Department was to feel that their products; and they were reimbursed
adequate supplies were on hand and that for all costs. Officers of The Inspector
Ordnance was producing too much am- General's Department who made a special
munition.16 In January 1944 Ordnance inspection of FDAP in March 1945 ex-
was forced to practice extremely short- pressed the view that the terms of con-
range scheduling of plant operations, few tracts with the operating firms were "ex-
schedules running for more than one tremely liberal." 18 Though in many cases
month ahead. Changes in types of am-
munition also had an effect on plant
efficiency, for it required the plants to See draft letter, entitled Index of Operating
Performance—TNT Industry, 3 Jan 45, in Hist,
shut down a line for loading bombs, for FDAP, IV, app. III-1. For a report on loading
example, and convert to a shell-loading plants, see General Report on Bag and Shell
line, or switch from small to large calibers. Loading.
(1) Report of WD Equipment Review Board,
Changes often had to be made suddenly, 31 Aug 43, ASF, 334, 020 CofS USA; (2) Gen
without advance preparation for manage- Rpt on Bag and Shell Loading. The author of
ment or workers, and the effect on morale this report concluded that "the condition most
affecting use of manpower and economy in load-
was, to say the least, disconcerting. Be- ing is the reported frequent changes in operating
cause of the lack of firm, long-range fore- schedules." See Chapter IV.
casts of requirements, it was not possible The resumption of full production in 1944
is discussed below. For data on the closing of
to concentrate production in the most plants, see reports in OO 334.
efficient plants and operate them full time. Ltr, Jones and Heney to Acting TIG, 4 Mar
Instead, particularly in late 1943, the pro- 45. Reports by other IG officers who made in-
spections of the administration of CPFF con-
duction load was spread out among many tracts at artillery ammunition and small arms
plants in order to keep them in operation ammunition plants reached the same conclusion.

the fees originally agreed upon had been safety. The operations at ammunition
substantially reduced during the preceding plants, where huge quantities of TNT,
two years, the inspecting officers felt that RDX, and smokeless powder were handled
further reductions were in order. They by relatively inexperienced workers, were
pointed out that one company, operator of potentially the most hazardous in the
a loading plant, had contributed very little world. But Ordnance and its industrial
"know-how"; it had not contributed contractors took such effective safety pre-
trained employees from its own staff but cautions that the ammunition industry
had trained all its workers for the plant at proved to be one of the safest in wartime
government expense. Yet, in spite of its America. These safety measures have a
modest contribution the company had re- particular relevance to the preceding para-
ceived to date over $470,000 in fees. graphs on efficiency and cost of produc-
Neither the Chief of Ordnance nor the tion, for, in the minds of Ordnance officers,
director of FDAP agreed with these con- safety was more important than either
clusions. They insisted that, all things con- efficiency or economy. Speaking at a meet-
sidered, the fees were not excessive and ing of plant managers in the summer of
pointed to the fact that FDAP was con- 1944 Colonel Gerber declared: "I cannot
stantly reviewing contracts to keep fees overemphasize safety. . . . Safety comes
down to the proper level. first, quality comes second, and efficiency
Cost-plus-fixed-fee supply contracts dif- comes later." At the same meeting Brig.
fered from CPFF construction contracts in Gen. Roswell E. Hardy, Chief of the Am-
one important respect: the fixed fee was munition Division, said: "I don't care how
not really fixed. It was not a single lump- much it costs or how much time it takes,
sum payment for the whole operation but I want safety and quality." 20 This atti-
a fee for each unit produced, such as a tude was supported by many coldly prac-
pound of TNT or round of small arms tical considerations as well as by the ever
ammunition. The fees were originally set present desire to safeguard the lives of
without full knowledge of production costs employees. Fires and explosions were to be
or of economies that might be achieved. avoided because they destroyed badly
Volume production usually resulted in needed facilities, stopped production, and
high fees. One small arms producer, for cost a great deal of money. Older Ord-
example, received a total of $12,801,- nance officers remembered the disastrous
620.16 in fees during thirty-two months of explosion at the T. A. Gillespie Company
operations. In 1943, when output was at plant at Perth Amboy in World War I that
its peak, the firm averaged over $600,000 took the lives of scores of workmen and
per month in fees. Though the fixed fees destroyed over three hundred buildings.
had been reduced three times, an inspect- Furthermore, in a tight labor market the
ing officer in October 1944 still considered danger of explosions was a serious handi-
them to be out of line.19
Safety This subject is discussed in Smith, Army and
Economic Mobilization, Chapter XII.
Admin Cir 142, FDAP, 10 Aug 44, sub: Notes
No account of ammunition production Taken at the Joint Conf. . . , copy in Hist,
would be complete without a word about FDAP, VIII.

cap to the recruitment of needed work- worst disaster in an Ordnance plant dur-
ers.21 ing World War II occurred at the Elwood
From the very beginning, safety was Plant on 5 June 1942 when an explosion
built into the ammunition plants. The ex- occurred in a building where antitank
plosion in the late summer of 1940 at the mines were being loaded. Forty-eight per-
privately owned Hercules Powder Com- sons were killed, and property damage
pany plant at Kenvil, New Jersey, served amounted to $489,000. To see these ex-
as a dramatic and timely warning to the plosions in perspective we need to view
whole industry. It revealed the hitherto them in relation to other wartime disasters.
unknown fact that small-grain smokeless Each of the worst Ordnance explosions
powder would explode if the depth of the was comparable, in terms of lives lost and
mixture exceeded a certain critical point. property damaged, to the crash of a single
The layouts of the Radford and Indiana commercial airliner. When compared to the
plants then under construction were im- Navy's Port Chicago explosion in July
mediately revised to incorporate additional 1944, when 250 persons were killed, and
safety features. Operations were thereafter over 1,000 injured, or to the disasters of
more widely separated so that a blast in World War I, the accidents at Ordnance
one unit would not set off another unit. plants appear small.
Workers were trained to be safety con- To strengthen the Ordnance safety or-
scious and were required to observe rigid ganization, General Campbell established
safety rules. Elemental good housekeep- an Explosives Safety Branch (later re-
ing, including sweeping and scrubbing, was named the Safety and Security Branch)
stressed constantly. Ordnance sought the in Chicago in July 1942. The new office
aid of the Surgeon General's Office and was headed at first by Col. Francis H.
the U.S. Public Health Service to protect Miles, Jr., and later by Colonel Gerber
the health of workers. As a safeguard who was at the same time head of
against the toxic effects of TNT a special FDAP.22 This office reviewed the design
soap was developed that turned violet until of new plants before their construction,
a worker had washed all traces of TNT prepared safety manuals and bulletins,
from his body. Whenever an explosion investigated fires and explosions, and kept
occurred, its cause and prevention were the Chief of Ordnance informed on mat-
studied by a flying team of experts and ters of safety. It launched an intensive
warnings were immediately sent to all program for training "safety auditors" who
other plants. inspected plants, and it outlined plans for
During the early months of the war the training foremen and workers in safety
safety record left much to be desired. Be-
tween December 1941 and June 1942 there
were three explosions that killed a total For an account of disastrous explosions in
of 83 persons and caused property damage Ralph United States and elsewhere before 1930, see
Assheton, History of Explosions on Which
of more than one million dollars. Two of the American Table of Distances Was Based, In-
these three incidents occurred at the Iowa cluding Other Explosions of Large Quantities of
Ordnance Plant where an explosion in CharlesExplosives, (Wilmington, Del.: The Press of the
L. Story Company, 1930).
December 1941 caused 13 deaths, and 22
History, Safety and Security Branch, OCO, I,
another in March 1942 took 22 lives. The pp. 12-15 and appended documents, OHF.

BOX OF BULK TNT being processed in the melt unit is handled by a workman wearing
nonsparking safety shoes made without nails.

methods. This latter type of training was gressman Engel termed the Ordnance
considered the one most important means safety achievement "one of the most amaz-
of preventing accidents. In its early days ing records made in the history of any
the branch received helpful advice and industry." 24 The Morgantown Ordnance
assistance from civilian agencies such as Works, to cite one outstanding example,
the National Safety Council, Underwriters' operated for nearly four years, accumulat-
Laboratories, Illinois Institute of Technol- ing approximately nine million manhours,
ogy, and metropolitan fire and police de- without a single lost-time injury. A note-
In the twelve months following estab- 23
Memo of Col Crosby Field to Miles, 19 Nov
lishment of the safety office in Chicago the 42, sub: Progress Rpt, copy in History Safety and
accident frequency rate at GOCO plants Security Branch, OCO, OHF. For an account of
was cut by more than half. It declined the training and duties of "safety auditors," see
the progress report attached to Colonel Field's
further in 1944, and in 1945 the ammuni- memo. For a published volume of lectures de-
tion industry had the best safety record of livered in the fall of 1943 at the Chicago office
of the Safety and Security Branch, see Clark S.
all manufacturing industries in the United Robinson, Explosions, Their Anatomy and Des-
States, surpassing even the traditional tructiveness (New York: McGraw Hill, 1944).
leader, the ladies' garment industry. Con- Engel, op. cit.

INSPECTOR AT VOLUNTEER ORDNANCE WORKS taking a sample of TNT for testing at

an ordnance laboratory.

worthy feature of the World War II rec- tinny Arsenal and by several commercial
ord is that more than 95 percent of all firms had served to keep alive some
disabling injuries at ammunition plants knowledge of production methods and to
were not due to explosives but to run-of- make important advances in certain areas.
the-mill accidents such as falling off a Pilot production lines at Frankford Ar-
ladder or being hit by a truck.25 senal served a similar purpose for metal
components. But small-scale production
Technological Advances does not justify construction of the costly
and intricate machines suitable for mass
Some of the most remarkable technolog-
ical advances of World War II occurred 25
(1) Hist Rpt, FDAP, I, Gen Hist Aug 42-
in the ammunition industry. The field was Sep 45, p.39; (2) Engel, op. cit.; (3) "Shot, Shell
wide open for the development of new and Bombs," Fortune (September 1945) pp.
131-36, 260. (4) Rpt on Safety, Incl to Memo,
processes and new machinery, for there Gerber for Campbell, 7 May 45, in Safety and
had been virtually no mass production of Security Br files; (5) Stat Review World War II,
military ammunition in the United States issued by ASF Contl Div, p. 165. This last refer-
ence covers all Ordnance installations and shows
for over two decades. Small-scale produc- that the accident frequency rate in Ordnance was
tion of powder and explosives by Pica- far lower than at all other ASF installations.

production, nor does it always clearly re- new process appeared on the scene almost
veal the problems of the high-speed pro- by accident. For many years before the
duction line. Ordnance officers were well emergency, the method used by TNT
aware of these limitations during the peace makers, and the only method considered
years but were unable to do much about safe, had been to add the nitric acid to
them until 1938-40. Long before the the toluene. But in 1941 Lt. Col. John P.
beginning of the emergency period Ord- Harris visited a small Canadian TNT
nance experts had seen the need for auto- plant at Beloeil, near Montreal. His visit
matic machines to load detonators, for ex- to this plant had not been planned in ad-
ample, but the problems involved in vance but was added at the end of his
designing them were so baffling, and the itinerary to fill in the time before his train
prospects of profit so dim, that few ma- left. To his surprise, he found the plant
chine designers could be persuaded to take was "doing things backward" by putting
any interest in the matter. The whole list toluene into the acid instead of putting
of World War II technological advances acid into the toluene, thereby making
made under pressure of war would fill a TNT much faster. When Colonel Harris
volume; only a few may be mentioned reported what he had seen at the Canadian
here. Reverse nitration of TNT, toluene plant, American TNT makers were skepti-
from petroleum, mechanization of loading, cal. They were reluctant to change tried
and the development and use of wood and proven methods, but a successful trial
pulp, RDX, and rocket powder—these run of the new process at the partly built
have been selected because of their in- Keystone Plant at Meadville, Pennsylvania,
trinsic importance and illustrative value.26 convinced them. Soon the reverse nitration
process was adopted for all TNT produc-
Reverse Nitration of TNT tion in the United States. The result was
a trebling of TNT output. Lines designed
During the 1941-42 period the inade-
quate supply of TNT for high-explosive
bombs and shells was a major problem for
Ordnance. Because the shortage had been (1) Campbell, "Artillery Ammunition Pro-
duction," Army Ordnance, XIX, No. 113 (March
foreseen, plans were made to use a sub- -April 1939), 273; (2) Col William E. Larned,
stitute explosive known as amatol (a mix- "Mechanized Ammunition Manufacture," Army
ture of TNT and ammonium nitrate) for Ordnance, XXIV, No. 138, (May-June
1943) 504-10. For an account of improved
shell or bomb loading until new TNT techniques in smokeless powder production, see
plants came into full production. Quan- the study by H. LaTourette, Historical Report
tities of ammonium nitrate were imported on Smokeless Powder Program of the Ordnance
Department in World War II, PSP 17, OHF. The
from Canada and maximum use was made official histories of Frankford and Picatinny pro-
of commercial ammonium nitrate facilities vide further detailed information on prewar
in the United States to stretch available conditions.
Amatol was developed in England during
supplies of TNT as far as possible. Admiral World War I because of the shortage of TNT.
Blandy reported that the TNT shortage History, Picatinny Arsenal, Manufacturing Group,
was so acute he had to dole TNT out to vol.28 I,Quoted
pt. 1, pp. 68-72.
in Memo, Brig Gen Campbell for
the Navy "with a teaspoon." But the M. J. Madigan, OUSW, 14 Nov 41, OUSW
shortage suddenly disappeared when a Madigan files (Ord Gen).

to turn out 33,000 pounds a day produced of TNT. In June 1940 Ordnance placed
more than 100,000 pounds a day. The a contract with Standard for two tank
need for TNT substitutes vanished and the cars of toluene to be produced in the sev-
price dropped from twelve cents a pound eral refineries owned by the company and
to six cents.29 its affiliates. The raw material had to
travel to three widely separated plants in
Toluene from Petroleum Texas, Louisiana, and New Jersey before
the process was completed and the first
Development of a new means of produc- tank car of synthetic toluene ever made
ing toluene,30 the basic raw material from was delivered to Ordnance. After test at
which TNT is made, was another highly DuPont's TNT plant in Wisconsin, Ord-
significant technological advance of World nance signed a contract with the Humble
War IL The importance of this chemical Oil and Refining Company, Standard's
stems from the fact that nearly half of affiliate in Texas, for the specific purpose
every pound of TNT—trinitrotoluene— of building a toluene plant, the Baytown
must come from toluene. In World War I Ordnance Works, on a site adjacent to
toluene was derived from coal as a by- its Baytown refinery in Texas. By October
product of coke ovens, and some was 1942 this plant was producing toluene at
extracted from illuminating gas. But the the rate of 65 million gallons per year—
supply was so limited that the Assistant compared with less than 9 million gallons
Secretary of War, Benedict Crowell, later total toluene production in the United
called it "the greatest and most pressing States in 1918.33
of all the problems in regard to the
existing raw materials."31 In contrast,
during World War II, high-explosives
production was never seriously hampered (1) Interv with Col John P. Harris, 19 Jan
by lack of toluene. Production of toluene 53; (2) Report on Explosives Capacity vs. Re-
quirements, op. cit., pp. 13-14; (3) "Shot, Shell
by Ordnance-sponsored facilities reached and Bombs," Fortune, (September 1945), p. 260.
such a high level in 1943 that large quan- (4) Campbell, op. cit., p. 2 7 1 ; (5) Barnes,
tities were diverted from ammunition to Weapons of World War II, p. 76; (6) Engel,
op. cit.; (7) Hist, FDAP, Aug 42-Sep 45, vol.
aviation gasoline.32 I, app. 10, p. 25.
The groundwork for this achievement The words "toluene" and "toluol" are virtu-
was laid during the 1930's by Picatinny ally interchangeable. Toluene is the chemical
name for the compound C7H8 which, when
Arsenal, Maj. John P. Harris, and the nitrated, produces TNT. Toluol is commonly
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. As used to designate a coal-tar product high in
early as 1927 Standard had obtained pa- toluene31
Crowell, America's Munitions 1917-18, p.
tent rights from a German firm to use a 106.
process for producing toluene from pe- Capt Vern C. Whitman, Toluene for War,
1940-45, Nov 45, OHF. This history of over two
troleum. Tests were made on small samples hundred typed pages, plus documents, treats the
at Picatinny during the 1930's, and in entire toluene program in considerable detail.
1939 Major Harris began negotiations (1) Ibid; (2) History of Baytown Ord
Works, vol. I, OHF; (3) 18 Dates With Destiny,
with Standard to prepare for the day when a pamphlet published by the Standard Oil Com-
the striking power of the nation's military pany, New Jersey, copy attached as exhibit to
forces would depend on abundant supplies Toluene for War 1940-45.

RDX amine, and the Cherokee Ordnance Works

that made formaldehyde and hexamine.37
The superexplosive known as RDX (Re-
search Department Explosive) or cyclonite, Wood Pulp and Cotton Linters
with 30 percent more power than TNT,
was not new at the outbreak of World Before the war the standard practice for
War II.34 It had been known for many making smokeless powder called for the
years but had never been produced com- treatment of bleached cotton linters38
mercially in this country. It was considered with a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acid.
too sensitive for use as a bursting charge
and no more effective than tetryl as a 34
The Ordnance historical file contains a de-
booster. Ordnance was reluctant to em- tailed and authoritative 3-volume study on the
subject by Dr. Robert O. Bengis, Super Explosive
bark upon large-scale production of RDX, Program, RDX and Its Components A, B, and
a new and untried endeavor, in view of C, Nov 45, PSP 16.
the existing capacity for production of In Scientists Against Time, Pages 256-57,
Baxter criticized Ordnance for its lack of interest
TNT.35 But in May 1941, when the in creating new facilities for RDX production.
British Purchasing Commission requested Ordnance men contended that the civilian scien-
the United States to produce 6,500 tons tists in NDRC did not fully realize the problems
involved in shifting a big production program
and the U.S. Navy expressed a desire for from one commodity to another when both time
20 tons per day, Ordnance constructed a and materials were at a premium. Interv with
completely new RDX plant, the Wabash Bengis, Ammo Div, OCO, 17 Jul 53.
Beside its pure form, RDX was produced in
Ordnance Works, at a cost of $70 million. three compositions. Composition "A," a mixture
Starting production in November 1942, of 90 percent RDX and 10 percent desensitizing
Wabash attained a monthly capacity of agent, was used for press loading. Composition
"B," about 60 percent RDX and 40 percent TNT,
over five million pounds of RDX which was used for bombs and other ammunition where
was converted into various compositions.36 cast loading was required. Composition "C,"
As demands for RDX skyrocketed after about 88 percent RDX and 12 percent plasticizer,
was used to form demolition charges. Lewis and
Pearl Harbor, Ordnance built another fa- Rosa, Ammo, 1 Jul 40-31 Aug 45, p. 39.
cility, Holston Ordnance Works, to use a For details on the development of the new
more economical process than the British process and construction of Holston see Bengis,
op. cit., and History, Holston Ordnance Works,
nitration method used at Wabash. This Volume I, OHF. The latter volume contains a
new process, developed by Canadian and fascinating narrative by Maj. Karl P. Doerr con-
American investigators through the Na- cerning the removal from the Holston plant site
of buried explosive materials left over from World
tional Defense Research Committee War I. The NDRC contribution is described in
(NDRC), enabled Holston by May 1945 Preparation and Testing of Explosives, Summary
to reach a monthly capacity of 27 million Technical Report of Division 8, NDRC, in Ord-
nance R&D Reports Section, dtd 1946. This
pounds and cut the estimated cost in half. report also contains an extensive bibliography.
Holston was operated by the Tennessee "Cotton linters" are the lint or fuzz remain-
Eastman Corporation, which had taken a ing on cotton seeds after the cotton has been
removed. For a more detailed account of their
leading part in the development work. The use, see Cotton Linters and Wood Pulp Uses in
support auxiliary facilities that provided Smokeless Powder Program, November 1945,
OHF. This study provides a bibliography and an
raw material for Holston were the Morgan- appendix containing significant documents. See
town Ordnance Works that produced am- also Smokeless Powder During World War II, pp.
monia, methanol, formaldehyde, and hex- 9ff, OHF.

In the summer of 1941 it became apparent propellants. Double-base smokeless pow-

to Ordnance that, even with a good cotton der39 was a satisfactory rocket propellant
linters crop and capacity operation of but its production in the large, long-burn-
bleacheries, the supply of linters for pow- ing, thick-web sticks or "grains" needed
der would fall short of requirements. Ord- for rockets was a difficult undertaking.
nance therefore turned to the use of a The accepted method of producing smoke-
special type of wood pulp that was avail- less powder in this country in 1940 was
able in quantity, was suitable for most by the solvent-extrusion process in which
kinds of powder, and was cheaper than the nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine were
cotton linters. The Hercules Powder Com- mixed with a volatile solvent (alcohol or
pany had made smokeless powder from acetone) to form a doughlike substance
wood pulp for a number of years, and that could be pressed into grains of the de-
Ordnance had found the product fully sired shape. The solvent was then removed
acceptable. Use of wood pulp as a supple- by evaporation. As solvent powder was
ment to, but not a replacement for, cotton used for the 2.36-inch bazooka rocket and
linters was approved promptly except for for the 4.5-inch rocket, lines for its pro-
rifle powder, Navy rocket powder, and duction were built at the Radford and
certain other uses. New machinery was Sunflower Works. For the small, thin-web
installed first at Indiana and Radford, and powder this production method proved
then at other plants. Soon most plants had satisfactory, but when it was employed for
one or two lines for nitrating cotton, an large, thick-web grains two difficulties
equal number for nitrating wood pulp, arose—the long time required for the
and several "swing lines" adaptable to the sticks to dry out, and the distortions in
use of either material. the sticks that occurred during the drying
From January 1942 to the end of the period. The obvious answer was to turn
war, Ordnance plants used roughly equal from solvent powder to solventless or dry-
quantities of cotton linters and wood pulp. extruded powder, but American producers
There was never a concurrent shortage of lacked both the experience and the heavy
both materials, although there were times equipment needed for producing solvent-
when the supply of one ran low or was less rocket powder. British firms made
expected to run low. At such times Ord- large thick-web grains of cordite, the
nance drew upon its inventories while it standard British smokeless powder, by
converted the "swing lines" to meet the rolling the powder into a sheet, winding
situation. The use of wood pulp doubled the sheet into a roll, and then placing the
the existing supply of cellulose for powder roll, still dry, into a press that extruded it
and eliminated a serious potential bottle- at moderate temperature and high pres-
neck in ammunition production. sure.
The term "smokeless powder" is misleading,
Rocket Powder for it is neither smokeless nor a powder. The
individual "grains" in conventional artillery am-
When development of military rockets munition may be an inch or more in length while
was undertaken in the United States in the grains or sticks of rocket powder may be
several feet long. The large sticks are perforated,
1940-41, one of the most troublesome and the term "web thickness" refers to the thick-
problems was the manufacture of suitable ness of the wall between perforations.

In 1941 the National Defense Research mechanisms that operated as nearly auto-
Committee undertook study of dry- matically as possible. One striking example
extrusion processes, as did the Hercules was the detonator-loading machine de-
Powder Company under contract with veloped under contract with Picatinny by
Ordnance. By December 1941 the dry-R. A. Jones and Company, an Ohio man-
extrusion press set up by NDRC represen- ufacturer of automatic machines. As
tatives at the California Institute of several detonators, each containing a
Technology produced sticks nearly an inch sensitive explosive, were needed in a single
in diameter, and by the early months of fuze, and fuzes were needed by the mil-
1942 a larger press was extruding sticks lions, the demand for speedy production
up to three inches in diameter. In February- was great. After many failures, R. A.
1942, Hercules was authorized to establish Jones and Company finally developed a
a pilot plant with a capacity of twelve detonator-loading machine with which 6
hundred pounds per day at the Radford operators could load 8,000 detonators in
Works. Soon the Soviet Union requested one 8-hour shift, as compared with 7,500
thirty-six thousand long tons of solvent- formerly loaded in the same time by from
less rocket powder to augment its own seventeen to twenty operators.
production, and authority was granted Ordnance introduced a new method of
Ordnance to build an addition to the Sun- loading TNT that was considered to be
flower Ordnance Works in Kansas to fill one of the greatest developments in the
the Russian request. By the middle of 1943 shell-loading industry, resulting in great
the U.S. rocket program had reached the savings in time, money, and manpower. In
point where large new requirements "for the older process, molten INT was poured
solventless powder were placed on Ord- into the shell where it cooled and solidified.
nance, and thereafter the requirements Because the TNT contracted as it cooled,
steadily increased. In January 1945 the and left a hollow in the center, the pour-
over-all requirements reached a peak of ing was done in layers, the hollow in each
more than eighteen million pounds per layer being opened up by hand to permit
month, and plans were made to expand molten TNT to flow into it when the next
facilities at the Sunflower, Badger, and layer was poured. Each shell was thus
Indiana Works. Without the dry-extrusion practically tailor-made as each was loaded
process developed for making solventless individually and by hand. In the new
rocket powder the extensive employment of
rockets by U.S. military forces in 1944-45 40
( 1 ) Dr. E. H. Hemingway and E. N. Smith,
would not have been possible.40 Historical Rpt on Solventless Rocket Powder
Program, Jul 45, OHF; (2) Baxter, Scientists
Against Time, pp. 202-05; (3) John E. Burchard,
Mechanization of Loading Operations Rockets, Guns, and Targets (Boston: Little,
Brown and Company, 1948); (4) Notes on Rock-
In the tedious process of loading and ets and Rocket Powder, a collection of documents
in OHF.
assembling complete rounds of ammuni- 41
(1) Col. William E. Lamed, "Mechanized
tion, industry and Ordnance made count- Ammunition Manufacture," Army Ordnance,
less improvements. The simple hand fix- XXIV, No. 138 (May-June 1943), 504-10; (2)
Hist, Picatinny Arsenal, Mfg Gp, II, pt. 2. The
tures and machines in use at Picatinny Picatinny history contains many excellent photo-
Arsenal in 1939 gave way to high-speed graphs of machines and processes.


Depot, October 1941.

method the shells were loaded in groups by J. Stokes Machine Company of Pennsyl-
a multiple volumetric loading machine and vania developed rotary presses that poured
were then transferred to another machine, out pellets in any size or shape in a con-
a multiple core melter, which forced a tinuous stream. After the pellets were
heated probe into the center of each shell made they had to be placed in small
to melt out all porosity and crystals. As booster cups by hand. Not only was it
these probes were withdrawn, molten TNT slow and tedious work, but handling the
was quickly poured into the cavity. The pellets presented a health hazard. This
Chief of Ordnance reported late in 1944 phase of the problem was finally solved
that this new procedure would save nearly when the Stokes Company produced a
five million man-hours during the year rotary pelleting press that automatically
ahead.42 inserted pellets into booster cups at a
In making ammunition, minute quanti- speed of 75 units per minute. When ma-
ties of sensitive explosives, such as tetryl, chines of this type were put to use
must be placed in small cups or cavities in throughout the ammunition industry the
primers, detonators, boosters, and other dividends in terms of increased output,
components. To permit their speedy han- reduced costs, saving in floor space, and
dling, the explosives are pressed into pellets
by using the same type of machinery 42
(1) Rpt of CofOrd for SW on Ord Dept
employed in making pills or candy. In Activities, 1 Nov 44, and 20 Dec 44, Barnes file,
cooperation with Picatinny Arsenal, the F. OHF.

reduction of personnel requirements were reduction in the errors that can be made
tremendous.43 by human beings." 46
At the bag loading plants, where powder With reduction of errors and elimination
for large-caliber separate loading ammuni- of imperfections its constant goals, the
tion was put into cloth bags, there were Ammunition Division set up elaborate in-
equally important improvements in ma- spection procedures for metal components,
chines and equipment. Instead of wrap- powder, and explosives, and stood firm
ping the powder charges by hand, as was against manufacturers' requests for waivers
the standard practice, machines that were of inspection standards. Inspection of am-
almost entirely automatic were introduced, munition was rigid but was not intended
with resultant saving of manpower and to be arbitrary. Throughout the produc-
increase of production by over 50 percent. tion phase, efforts were made to keep
Changes in design of propelling charges quality high even if it meant holding up
were introduced to permit application of production. The Ordnance philosophy was
mass production principles in cutting the well expressed by General Hardy when he
cloth and assembling the powder bags.44 advised the district chiefs that, "We don't
There was no end to the improvements save anybody any expense and we cause
that could be made in the loading of am- plenty of trouble when we let anything of
munition, nor was there any lack of en- an inferior nature get into the hands of
gineering skill and imagination among the troops." 47
World War II producers. The ceiling on
technological advances was set by the de- Balancing Production, 1941-43
mand for production, the funds available, In theory, the procurement of all chem-
and requirements of other programs for icals and metal components should have
machines and materials. The end of the
war in 1945 momentarily stopped the in- 43
(1) Larned, op. cit., (2) Hist, Picatinny
tense drive for increased mechanization of Arsenal, Mfg Gp, I, pt. 2.
Report on Powder, Explosives, and Loading
bomb and shell loading, but the process Capacity, pt. II, 18 Feb 43, copy in OO 675/889
continued on into the postwar years.45 Misc Incl file.
Speeding production and conserving German munitions-makers also made rapid
technological advances and in some cases were
manpower were highly important consid- more successful than British and American pro-
erations throughout World War II, but ducers. For examples, see PSP 17, Propellants-
they were not the only considerations in Smokeless Powder during World War II, pp. 57-
72. For a statement of the problems encountered
the minds of Ordnance ammunition offi- in England in mechanizing these operations, see
cers. In commenting on the trend toward Postan, British War Production, pp. 174-83. The
more and more mechanization of opera- Royal Ordnance Factories were planned very
largely as "manufactories" where large numbers
tions at the loading plants, Brig. Gen. Merle of unskilled workers would perform the opera-
H. Davis, postwar chief of the Ammunition tions by hand or with small tools. For reasons of
Division, observed that the most impor- safety, individual units were kept small and
much" dispersed, thus making impractical the use
tant result was not increased output nor of conveyor belts and heavy machinery.
reduction in the number of employees, Brig Gen. Merle H. Davis, "Explosive Am-
munition Production," Ordnance, XXXVI, No.
great as those considerations were. "The
192 (May-June 1952), 934-36.
most important dividend," he wrote, "is a 47
Rpt of Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, Philadelphia,
better and more uniform product, with a 8 Oct 43, p. 19, OHF.

been kept in balance so that the number or plants making slow items caught up with
quantity of each exactly matched the them. Ordnance reported that about 10
needs of the loading plants. But such percent of its contractors were responsible
theoretical exactness was impossible to at- for items on the "Short List" and that
tain in practice. As some components were half of these were still tooling-up and were
easier for industry to produce than not yet in production. Other plants had
were others, production of the easy-to- unbalanced production lines because the
manufacture items surged ahead and got tools needed for some items had not been
out of line. Shells, bomb bodies, and delivered; others reported interruptions in
cartridge cases, for example, came into their raw materials supply as the source of
quantity production during 1941 well their troubles.49
ahead of powder, explosives, and fuzes. During the 1941-42 period the Am-
After Pearl Harbor the unbalance grew munition Division was not at all satis-
worse because of the public statements by fied with the means at its disposal for
high-ranking government officials urging balancing production. One of the chief
every war plant to speed production to the difficulties lay in the lack of flexibility in
maximum. To arrest the trend toward un- dealing with industry. The Division could
balance, the Industrial Service issued in institute procurement only on programs
December 1941 a directive to the districts for which funds were available, and these
and other field installations to expedite programs often bore no relation to the
only those items appearing on a "Short needs of industry or to production poten-
List" to be issued weekly.48 tial. With ammunition, as with other types
The "Short List" helped, but it did not of materiel, Ordnance could not forecast
work miracles. It was not possible to its requirements long in advance and take
achieve exact mathematical balance of all the steps necessary to prepare industry for
components by curtailing or stopping com- production, to eliminate bottlenecks, or
pletely the production of fast items, for smooth out uneven spots in the schedule.
that would have resulted in complete loss Contractors already engaged in production
of facilities through their conversion to were sometimes faced with interruption in
other work, loss of labor force, or, in the production, and potential contractors re-
case of smaller plants, bankruptcy. There quiring some preparation or additional
were also many other factors that entered equipment were often unable to proceed
the picture—changing requirements, slow until an order was available under a
deliveries on machine tools, lack of raw specific program. Savings on one fund
materials, technical difficulties in produc-
tion of certain components, and occasional 48
(1) Memo, Brig Gen Lewis for all districts.
plant shutdowns due to strikes, fires, or . . , 13 Dec 41, sub: Acceleration of Prod. . . ;
explosions. Use of the "Short List" brought (2) Memo, Brig Gen Lewis for all districts . . . ,
criticism on Ordnance because some of its 22 Dec 41, sub: Expediting Prod. Both in History,
Production Service Branch, OHF.
contractors were working only half their 49
(1) Memo, Milo J. Marsh for Brig Gen
maximum capacity at a time when the Hermon F. Safford, 21 Nov 42, sub: Balancing
whole nation was being mobilized for war. of Ord Prod, Ord ExecO file. This memo cites
the complaint made by Mr. Donald Nelson to
These were contractors producing fast General Somervell on 28 April 1942 and the
items and they had to be held back until Ordnance comment of 13 May 1942.

could be applied to another fund only by period, was abandoned. Production fore-
going through the cumbersome process of casts for each component were made in
getting approval from higher authority. terms of realistic capacity figures, not
The result was a long lag in getting new theoretical maximums, and in terms of
production started. Deliveries against new orders actually placed. Production of com-
requirements were always behind schedule. plete rounds was then scheduled in terms
In 1941 the chief of the Ammunition Di- of planned delivery of components to the
vision summarized the situation as fol- loading plants, with the components in
lows: shortest supply setting the pace for all the
A proper description of our present situa-
tion is that we are trying to run an arsenal The new procedure centered around use
the size of the United States without the of "preliminary work plan sheets" issued
flexibility of existing government arsenal pro- each month by the Ammunition Division.
cedure. We are trying to operate a mass These planning sheets showed the status of
production job involving numerous produc- all metal components in terms of realistic
tion changes without any anticipatory action
regarding procurement until the funds are production forecasts and were used to
available and the requirements are an- determine feasible loading schedules. They
nounced in the form of an official program placed on one sheet of paper all procure-
specifying delivery schedules. To put it ment data concerning a single component
another way, we are in the position of an by district, by manufacturer, and by
automobile company which takes no action
as regards the procurement and production quantities expected in the months ahead.
of new equipment, raw materials, and parts Although used at first only for analyzing
in planning the coming year's production, and planning procurement the sheets were
when the standard practice in that industry soon given the status of legal documents
is to start such activity 18 to 24 months authorizing the districts to procure.51 The
before the model is announced.50 value of the PWP sheets is attested to by
With adoption of the Army Supply Pro- the fact that they were not only used dur-
gram early in 1942 an effort was made by ing the rest of the war but were continued
ASF to provide long-range procurement into the postwar years. At the same time
forecasts for all types of ordnance. The that the new scheduling procedures were
emphasis shifted from monthly capacity being put into effect in the latter half of
objectives to yearly quantity objectives. At 1942, Industry Integration Committees
the same time, fiscal regulations were re-
laxed so that the necessity for earmarking
each increase for a specific production Memo, Chief of Ammo Div for Chief of Ind
order was no longer necessary. In the Serv, 9 Jul 41, sub: Proc Procedure, quoted in
full in draft of Contract Negotiation and Admin-
summer of 1942 the Ammunition Division istration, Ord Dept, ASF, pp. 51-54 OHF. Many
under General Hardy set machinery in other memos dealing with the same subject are
motion to improve procedures for keeping also51 quoted in this study.
(1) Statement by Hardy quoted in Contr
ammunition production in balance. The Negotiation and Admin, pp. 88-95; (2) Lewis
former practice of forecasting production and Rosa, Ammo, 1 Jul 40-31 Aug 45, pp. 95-
by adding together all theoretical maxi- Opns 96; (3) Interv with Nathan Nachamkin, Chief,
Sec, Ammo Br, OCO, 3 Aug 53. See also
mum monthly capacities, and multiplying folder marked Original Army Supply Program,
the total by the number of months in the Feb 24, 1942.

were formed to help balance production were considered.54 Cutbacks in certain

by raising the output of plants working on items made it impossible to keep metal
problem items. components in balance. Ordnance re-
Along with the PWP sheets for com- ported in September 1942 that its powder
ponents the Ammunition Division drew up and explosives production was in balance
forecast sheets for end items showing the with the loading schedule but that for
quantity of complete rounds of ammuni- some metal components there was no stock
tion expected to be available each month on hand and with others there was a 2-
for distribution to troops. They were based year supply in stock. The former were new
on known production capacity and were items that were in great demand but were
kept within the requirements set by the not yet in full production. The latter were
Army Supply Program. They constituted supplies made surplus by sudden and dras-
the basic control documents for the FDAP tic cuts in requirements.55
in regulating activities at the loading plants The cutback policy was reinforced in the
and were used by the military high com- fall of 1943 when the War Department
mand to plan the allocation of ammunition Procurement Review Board, headed by
to the Ground Forces, Air Forces, Navy, Maj. Gen. Frank R. McCoy, urged curtail-
Marines, and lend-lease recipients. Even ment of production on the ground that
before the new system was put in operation excessive stocks of many kinds had been
the emphasis switched from maximum pro- built up both in the ZI and in overseas
duction at any cost to curtailment and theaters.56 Ordnance contended that am-
leveling off of production in terms of com- munition stocks were not excessive, and
bat experience and existing stock levels.
Downward revision of the Army Supply 52
This board was composed of Brig. Gen.
Program was so substantial in the latter Hermon F. Safford, Col Herbert R. White, and
half of 1942 that the Chief of Ordnance Col. John C. Raaen. See Ilsley, Facilities Program
appointed a special board of officers to of the Ammo Div, Oct 44, pt. 2, pp. 175ff.
The details of this program cover many
review all matters relating to the readjust- closely typed pages in Ilsley, Ammo Div, Oct 44.
ment of production schedules.52 A total of twenty-two TNT lines at the Keystone,
A drastic reduction of bomb require- Pennsylvania, Volunteer, Weldon Springs, and
West Virginia works were closed. The New River
ments was made early in 1943 with con- and Mississippi bag loading plants were shut
sequent reduction in the demand for TNT, down as well as the Cactus plant that produced
ammonium nitrate, metal components, and ammonia, the Pilgrim plant for grinding magnes-
ium, and many others.
loading capacity. Some plants that were 54
Memo, Maj Gen Clay for USW, 10 Jul 43,
still under construction were dropped from sub: Ord Plant Data for H.R. Mil Affairs
the program, and in many other plants Comm., copy in OHF. See statement on cutback
policy by General Clay at ASF staff conf, 14
individual lines not needed to meet the new Mar 44, quoted in Ilsley, Facilities Program of
requirements were eliminated.53 Several the Ammo Div, Oct 44, pt. 2, pp. 256-61, and
factors other than requirements were taken reports on specific plants described in the first
100 pages of the same reference.
into account in deciding which plants were 55
For ASF policies see Memo, Director Ma-
to close and which were to stay open. Cost teriel Div ASF for CofOrd, 20 Jun 43, sub:
of production, flexibility, labor supply, lo- Prod Information on Components, copy in folder
marked Dirs, Basic Data . . . ASP.
cation with respect to other plants, and 56
Rpt of WD Proc Review Bd, 31 Aug 43,
the variety of items produced—all these ASF file 334 WD Proc Rev Bd, 020 CofS USA.

declared that expenditure rates for the and Gulf were both small plants with only
North African campaign, a war of move- three or four lines. But by the time the
ment allowing for little artillery fire, should Ordnance recommendation reached ASF
not be accepted as a guide to expenditure it encountered a reversal of the cutback
rates during an invasion of western policy and was not approved.58
Europe. Early in 1944 Ordnance officers were
In spite of Ordnance objections, the convinced that the Army's neglect of
ASF policy announced in January 1944 heavy artillery and its ammunition was a
was directed toward continued retrench- mistake, but they felt they had nearly
ment and avoidance of overproduction in exhausted their powers of persuasion in
the year ahead. All down the line the presenting the argument to higher author-
technical services were told to procure ities. At the end of February, and again
during the calendar year 1944 only the in mid-March, Ordnance called to the at-
materiel specifically required by the tention of ASF the low stocks of 240-mm.
Army Supply Program. Production of any ammunition and the high expenditure
items in excess of requirements for the rates reported from overseas theaters.
purpose of retaining labor or facilities was "This type ammunition is so large," wrote
expressly forbidden.57 In conformity with General Hardy, "that facilities for its man-
this policy, work at some Ordnance facil- ufacture are very limited in extent, and
ities was stopped altogether in January the time required to reach production
1944. In other cases, facilities not cur- amounts to about eight months." He
rently needed for Ordnance production warned that, if authority were not granted
were diverted to other programs, notably him to expand facilities immediately, it
fertilizers, synthetic rubber, and aviation would be impossible to meet increased re-
gasoline. quirements during 1944 or early 1945.59
This appeal broke the log jam. Ordnance
The Crisis of 1944-45 was authorized on 27 March to expedite
production with a view to attaining as
The year 1944 was a year of trial and soon as possible a monthly production rate
tribulation for the Ammunition Division. of forty thousand rounds of 240-mm.
At the start the emphasis was on slowing
down the mounting tide of production as Memo, CG ASF for CofOrd and others, 29
the defeat of Germany appeared more and Jan 44, sub: 1944 ASP—Policies Affecting Prod,
ASF Contl Div files, folder marked Supplemental
more imminent, but at the end there was Rpt on Implementation of Dir to Deputy CofS,
an almost frantic drive for more produc- 1 Jan 44. ...
tion at any cost. As late as the last week Memo, CofOrd for CG ASF, 25 Mar 44,
sub: Proposal to Close . . . Loading Plants, and
in March 1944 Ordnance, in line with Incls, OO 334/8206 Misc.
recent ASF directives, was reviewing the Memo, Hardy for CG ASF, 18 Mar 44,
need for existing plants and recommending sub: Rqmts for 240-mm. Ammo, OO 471/3074.
Two memos dated 28 February 1944 are quoted
that three bomb- and shell-loading plants in Dr. Ralph Ilsley, $700,000,000 Facilities Pro-
—Illinois, Pantex, and Gulf—be closed gram, Ammunition Division, May 1945, OHF,
pages 10-11. See also Brig. Gen. Roswell E.
within the next sixty to ninety days and Hardy, "Heavy Artillery Ammunition," Army
put in stand-by condition. Illinois had al- Ordnance, XXVII, No. 147 (November-Decem-
ways been a high-cost plant while Pantex ber 1944), 442.

ammunition. Similar increases in ammuni- creased capacity had to be found for forg-
tion for the 8-inch gun and howitzer, the ing and machining shells, machining cart-
155-mm. gun and howitzer, and the 4.5- ridge cases, and producing fuzes. General
inch gun were authorized on 2 April. By Campbell reported that the facilities for
far the largest quantity in this directive production of shells for the 240-mm. how-
was for the 155-mm. howitzer—1,303,000 itzer and the 8-inch gun and 8-inch howit-
rounds per month.60 zer called for one thousand heavy-duty
The next step was taken in mid-May lathes, nineteen 1,000-ton piercing presses,
when G—4 and ASF, concluding that the seventeen 300-ton draw presses, twelve
cutback policy had been a mistake, or- 600-ton billet-breaking presses, and
dered a major increase in production of twenty-seven 500-ton nosing presses. All
medium artillery and ammunition, and this equipment required motors, hydraulic
added to the heavy artillery program. The pumps, and other accessories. The expan-
campaign in Italy, where artillery ammuni- sion program for heavy artillery ammuni-
tion and bombs were used in huge quan- tion as of April and May 1944 required
tities against strongly fortified mountain the building of new facilities costing $203
positions, had forced a change in Army million, divided in roughly equal parts be-
plans. The new directives required Ord- tween production of metal components
nance to double its monthly rate of heavy and the manufacture and loading of ex-
artillery ammunition production in seven plosives and propellants. A heartbreaking
months and triple it in thirteen months. feature of the situation for Ordnance was
In June and July substantial increases in that production capacity for part of this
bomb requirements were added. Here, at load had been laboriously built up in
last, was the procurement authority Ord-
nance had repeatedly requested earlier, but
it came so late in the war that it had to
be handled on a "blitz" basis.61 (1) 1st Indorsement to above Memo, ASF
to CofOrd, 27 Mar 44; (2) Memo, CG, ASF for
Creation of additional production capa- CofOrd, 2 Apr 44, sub: Heavy FA Program,
city for heavy artillery ammunition was OO 381/12117 Misc, copy in Ilsley, $700,000,000
a big job comparable to the expansion Facilities Program. For background of these de-
cisions, see Memo, ASF Director of Matériel for
undertaken by Ordnance after Pearl Har- CG ASF, 1 Apr 44, sub: Heavy FA Program,
bor. Some of the government-owned plants, OHF. The Troyer Anderson file at OCMH also
such as Gopher, Keystone, and Weldon includes notes on this subject in Folder 15, Heavy
Ammo Crisis.
Springs, that had been shut down a few 61
Memo, CG ASF for CofOrd, 19 May 44,
weeks or months before, had to be speed- sub: Heavy and Medium Arty and Ammo Pro-
ily reopened and re-equipped, and new gram, OO 400/12103. For a detailed account of
this process, with supporting documents, see
contracts for metal components had to be Ilsley, The Facilities Program of the Ammunition
placed with industry under very unfavor- Division, a 3-volume study, and Ilsley, $700,000,-
able conditions. Enormous forging presses 000Facilities Program of April 1944. For a brief
summary, see Ammunition Division Annual Re-
had to be built and countless gages, jigs, port, 30 Jun 45, OHF. See also Hardy, "Heavy
fixtures, and machine tools assembled; pro- Artillery Ammunition," Army Ordnance, XXVII,
duction of explosives and smokeless pow- No. 147 (November-December 1944), 442-43,
and The Production Story-Heavy Artillery Am-
der had to be increased; new lines had to munition by ASF Prod Div, 20 Dec 49, copy in
be set up at the loading plants; and in- OHF.

1941-1942, only to be lost during the increases were coming, the Ammunition
1943 cutback era.62 Division worked night and day to prepare
Every facility of the Ordnance Depart- its plans. General Campbell then called a
ment was placed at the disposal of the conference attended by Robert P. Patter-
heavy ammunition contractors to expedite son, Bernard Baruch, General Clay of ASF,
delivery of equipment and help with tech- and representatives of the War Production
nical problems of manufacture. Industry Board, War Manpower Commission, and
integration committees' disseminated infor- other government agencies, at which the
mation among contractors and provided a chief of the Ammunition Division outlined
common pool of knowledge and experience. a program of expansion that called for
Col. Simpson R. Stribling was sent on a expenditure of about $300 million for
mission to England, France, and Italy to producing mortar and medium artillery
survey production facilities in those coun- ammunition, in addition to the $329 mil-
tries and to arrange for shipment of avail- lion earlier allotted for heavy ammunition
able machine tools to the United States. expansion. He provided the conferees with
In August 1944 Ordnance reported to the a complete set of planning sheets showing
Secretary of War that manpower was "the all the facilities selected for increased ca-
greatest single problem facing the expand- pacity and detailed information about
ing heavy artillery ammunition pro- each plant's management, previous work
gram." 63 Labor recruiting caravans on ammunition, available machine tools,
toured the country to help overcome the 62
A detailed description of this process is given
shortage, and women were employed for by General Campbell in a memorandum for
many positions formerly held by men. General Somervell, 29 Sep 44, sub: Heavy Arty
When requirements were further increased Ammo, OO 471/3834. See also Ann Rpt of
at the end of the year provision was made Ammo Div, 30 Jun 45, OHF, and folder marked
Heavy Arty and Ammo Ord ExecO file; and brief
for furloughing enlisted men having skills summary in Hiland G. Batcheller, Critical Pro-
as machinists, toolmakers, or machine op- grams, a Report to the WPB, 14 Nov 44, WPB
Doc. 315, p. 6, WPB file 210.3, NA.
erators to work in ammunition plants. The 63
Rpt for SW on Ord Dept Activities, 16 Aug
furlough program reached its peak in 44, Barnes file.
March 1945 when 3,066 enlisted men were In smokeless powder plants the percentage
of women increased from 18.43 percent in Octo-
at work in plants and several thousand ber 1943 to 34.71 percent in May 1945, and in
requisitions for additional men were on some plants more than half the employees were
file with ASF.65 women. PSP 17, Propellants-Smokeless Powder
during World War II, p. 49, OHF.
On 1 December 1944 Ordnance was 65
This subject is treated in detail in PSP 59,
directed to step up its production of light Manpower and Its Utilization, Contractor and
and medium artillery ammunition. The Ordnance Personnel, June 1945, Volume I, OHF.
The second volume contains copies of pertinent
monthly rate of production for ammuni- documents. See also Byron Fairchild and Jona-
tion for the 155-mm. gun was to be in- than Grossman, The Army and Industrial Man-
creased by 50 percent, from four hundred power, UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD
WAR II (Washington, 1959).
thousand per month to six hundred thou- 66
(1) Memo, CG ASF for CofOrd, 1 Dec 44,
sand; similar increases for the 57-mm. and sub: Rates of Prod Required for Ammo for 90-
90-mm. guns, 105-mm. howitzer, and the mm. and 155-mm. guns, OO 400.12/13638: (2)
Memo, CG ASF for CofOrd, 1 Dec 44, sub:
60-mm. and 81-mm. mortars were in- Rates of Prod Required for Ammo, OO 400.12/
cluded,66 Knowing in advance that these 13639.

floor space, and requirements for man- During the first four months of 1945
power, fuel, and electricity. In the course expenditures for heavy artillery ammuni-
of one day it was possible for Ordnance to tion reached record levels—more than four
obtain co-ordinated approval for the great- times those of the first four months of
er part of its planned expansion, and by 1944—and then declined sharply after
the end of the month contracts for the Germany's surrender in May. (Table 11)
entire program had been placed.67 In Jan- At the end of June the chief of the Am-
uary 1945 came new directives for in- munition Division reported that his office
creased production of ammunition for the had supervised the procurement of more
75-mm. howitzer, the 75-mm. field gun, than $5 billion worth of ammunition
and the 37-mm. antitank gun, followed by weighing over seven million tons during
a demand for 355,300 rounds of armor- the fiscal year 1945. Procurement was
piercing ammunition with tungsten car- roughly 50 percent greater, in both dollar
bide cores for guns ranging from the value and weight, than in fiscal year
75-mm. to the 155-mm. When these 1944. Over two hundred new items, repre-
comparatively small January 1945 addi- senting more than one-third of the average
tions were made, the total program called number of ammunition items under pro-
for the expenditure of $682 million on curement, were brought into production.
facilities alone, divided on roughly even The new items included various calibers of
proportions between metal components on recoilless ammunition, and the "Tall Boy"
the one hand and powder, explosives and and "Grand Slam" bombs for the British.
loading, on the other.68 A new rocket propellant went into produc-
Production of 105-mm. high explosive tion at Longhorn, a new RDX composi-
(HE) howitzer ammunition in December tion at Wabash, and a new explosive,
1944 reached a record high of 3,600,000 tritonal, was used to load British bombs.
rounds and put this item at the top of the TNT production increased so much that a
Ordnance list in terms of dollar value of shortage of nitric acid developed, necessi-
procurement, just ahead of the medium tating expansion of acid-making capac-
tank. By the end of January 1945 Ord- ity.70
nance reported that it had procured a These events naturally raise the ques-
little over fifty million rounds of this type tion, "Were the frantic efforts to boost
since 1940. Deliveries on some other production necessary?" The answer seems
rounds, mostly the heavy types, did not to be "yes" if we base our analysis on the
come up to expectations in December situation as it existed in the winter of
1944. One of the chief causes of failure 1944-45.
to meet production forecasts was the high
rate of absenteeism at loading plants be-
cause of unusually heavy snowstorms dur- Ann Rpt of Ammo Div, 30 Jun 45, p. 7.
ing the month. Labor and machine-tool (1) Ilsley, $700,000,000 Facilities Program,
pp. 27-29; (2) Memo, CG ASF for CofOrd, 27
shortages retarded production of smoke Jan 45, sub: Rates of Prod. . ., OO 400.12/
shells for the 155-mm. gun early in 1945, 13827.
but by April rates of production for nearly Ammo Supply for European and Mediter-
ranean Theaters, 15 Aug 45, pp. 25ff.
all types were so high that cutbacks were 70
Ann Rpt, Ammo Div, OCO, Ind Serv, FY
being talked about.69 1945, OHF.



Source: Stat Review World War II, app. A, p. 75, by ASF Contl Div, OHF.

Chart 1 shows that stocks of artillery lines. Ammunition was rationed, and the
ammunition on hand in the European armies were unable to fire at the desired
Theater of Operations ran well below the rate. The fact that the campaign was a
authorized level from the summer of 1944 success does not prove that the ammuni-
to early 1945. An urgent cable from the tion supply was adequate, for the fighting
ETO to the War Department on 23 Sep-
tember 1944 declared bluntly, "There is a 71
Quoted in Ordnance Service in ETO, Am-
serious shortage of heavy artillery ammu- munition Supply, pp. 120-23, OHF. See also
nition for current operations." 71 As Table cable from Eisenhower to Marshall quoted on p.
154, ibid. For statistics, see Ammunition Supply
12 reveals, ammunition was shipped in in- for European and Mediterranean Theaters, 15
creasingly large quantities during these Aug 45, p. 69, and Memo, Director of Supply,
months, but did not catch up with the ASF, for Contl Div, ASF, 21, Dec 44, sub: Critical
Items, copy in black binder in Somervell files,
rise in authorized levels resulting from de- Box 48, NA. The subject is covered in some detail
ployment of additional weapons. Vigorous by Roland G. Ruppenthal in Logistical Support
efforts were made to speed the flow of of the Armies, Volume I, UNITED STATES
ARMY IN WORLD WAR II, (Washington,
ammunition from England and from the 1953), and in Ammunition Supply for European
European beaches and ports to the front and Mediterranean Theaters, pp. 25ff.

Ammunition Supply for European and Mediterranean Theaters Control Division, Hdqrs, ASF, War
Department-15 August 1945-p. 3.




Source: Ammo Supply for European and Mediterranean Theaters, ASF Contl Div, 15 Aug 45, p. 13., OHF.

might have ended sooner and with fewer front war against Japan, and requirements
casualties had more ammunition been were far less than during the early months
fired. The conclusion seems to be inescap- of the year. Then in mid-August the sur-
able that strenuous efforts to increase pro- render of Japan put a stop to further
duction and to speed distribution were production. On 14 August the FDAP
called for in the critical months following sent telegrams to all its ammunition plants
6 June 1944. The statistics showing that to halt production on all except a few
output more than doubled between June types of materiel, and the district offices
1944 and June 1945 suggest that the took similar action with respect to their
production part of the program achieved contractors. These events suddenly ushered
a fair degree of success. in a new era for which Ordnance had
After Germany surrendered there were, been making plans for many months, an
of course, large quantities of all types of era of demobilization and postwar plan-
ammunition on hand, surplus to the needs ning.
of a campaign that was ended. How
great was the surplus? It was large in all In Conclusion: Quality and Quantity
calibers and in some calibers it was un-
reasonably large. Table 13 shows that the Ammunition has been called the un-
3.8 million rounds on hand at the end of sung hero of wars. When a gun fires
May 1945 constituted a 3-month supply straight and true the user is likely to re-
for the 155-mm. gun, based on the exper- mark that it is a fine weapon. When the
ience of the preceding three months (Feb- gun fails to function properly the comment
ruary, March, April). For the 155-mm. is likely to be, "There's something wrong
howitzer the supply was nearly four with the ammunition." Realizing that am-
months, and for the other calibers it was munition which failed to function properly
roughly six months. might have disastrous consequences, Ord-
In June and July 1945 procurement nance went to extreme lengths to maintain
was scaled down to the level of the one- quality at the highest possible level. Every


Source: Prepared from data found in A m m o Supply for Eurpoean and Mediterranean Theaters, ASF Contl Div, 15 Aug 45, OHF

newly designed shell, fuze, or cartridge If combat troops seldom had cause to
case was subjected to the most severe tests complain of the quality of their ammuni-
before it was standardized for issue to tion, they sometimes cursed its inadequate
troops. In the manufacturing process an supply. This is not the time or place to
unbelievable number of inspections were analyze the intricacies of overseas ammuni-
made to screen out defective elements. tion supply, but the observation may be
And in the overseas theaters Ordnance made here that lack of ammunition has
officers followed up on every reported in- been a perennial complaint of combat
stance of malfunction to determine its troops since the invention of gunpowder.
cause and root out the source of the In American history, from the defeat of
trouble. General Merle H. Davis, who had the colonial forces on Bunker Hill to the
wide experience in ammunition procure- war in Korea, field forces have occasionally
ment and as a theater Ordnance officer, run short of ammunition, sometimes at
estimated that during World War II the critical moments in the tide of battle.
Chief of Ordnance received information on Ammunition is one of the most unpredict-
95 percent of the serious malfunctions that able items in the military supply catalog.
occurred in combat.72 Early in the war, Food, clothing, guns, tanks—the need for
reports of premature explosions of shells all these can be predicted with fair accur-
came in from time to time, but by mid- acy, but the supply of ammunition depends
1944 the rate of such malfunctions upon such incalculables as the success of
dropped to something less than one in an attack or the stubbornness of enemy
100,000 rounds fired. For certain rounds resistance. It is not enough to have at
it was less than one per million.73 "Based overseas bases a large supply of ammuni-
on performance," wrote Maj. Gen. Henry tion in general. What the fighting forces
B. Sayler, chief Ordnance officer in need and demand are the particular types
ETOUSA, "American artillery ammuni-
tion was far superior [to German]. 72
Davis, "Explosive Ammunition Production,"
Whether because of sabotage or poor Ordnance, XXXVI, No. 192 (May-June 1952),
workmanship, the percentage of German 934-36.
Lewis and Rosa, Ammo, 1 Jul 40-31 Aug
duds was exceedingly high as compared 45, P. 67.
with that of American performance." 74 74
Ibid., p. 67.


Not including a few minor types such as the 7.2-inch, 6-inch, 5.5-inch, and 120-mm.
Excludes chemical bombs procured empty by Ordnance Department to be filled by Chemical Warfare arsenals. The total
exceeds 100,000,000 if the individual bombs in bomb clusters are counted separately. See Bomb—Research, Development, Pro-
duction, and Performance by Maj. Berkeley R. Lewis, pp. 58—59.
Source: Whiting, Statistics, Procurement sec., 9 Apr 52, Table PR-8.

and sizes of shell to fit the weapons being ferent sizes and types of shell in common
used to achieve the specific objective of use, this problem was enormously difficult
the moment. With literally hundreds of dif- from both the procurement and the distri-

bution angles. But at the end of the war beaches or through the ports, June through
the Ammunition Division was prepared to October 1944; (b) inability to move am-
stand on its record of procurement and to munition from ports and beaches to the
maintain that, except for heavy artillery, armies, August through October 1944;
lack of production was not the cause of and (c) inability of the Zone of Interior
shortages in overseas supply.75 (Table 14) to meet requirements, November 1944
The Mead Committee of the U.S. Senate through March 1945.77
supported this stand in a report issued in
July 1945.76 Perhaps the most thorough
analysis of the problem was made by the 75
For a discussion of requirements, see Chapter
General Board, U.S. Forces, European III. The problems of overseas supply will be
Theater. It concluded that no one factor treated in the next volume of this series.
caused the shortage but that three ele- Mead Comm. Report No. no, pt. 2, 79th
Cong., 1st sess., 6 Jul 45.
ments entered the picture at different 77
Rpt of Gen Bd, U.S. Forces, European
times: (a) insufficient discharge over the Theater, Arty Sec, Study No. 58, ch. 7, n.d


Small Arms
In a war that saw the employment of whether the weapon could be carried into
huge artillery weapons on a grand scale combat by infantry troops and could be
and that featured first the "block buster" fired from the hand, shoulder, or light
and then the awe-inspiring atomic bomb, support. The dividing line between small
the smallest of military weapons—rifles, arms and artillery was thus less distinct
carbines, pistols, and machine guns— than that separating the two classes of
nevertheless played an important role ammunition. With ammunition the diam-
throughout. Among ground combat eter of the projectile was the deciding
troops, small arms were regarded as valued factor: everything up to and including
personal possessions, usually winning a .60-caliber was small arms; everything over
place on mythical lists of "the soldier's best .60-caliber was artillery.
friends." Their effectiveness, light weight, Though small arms were regarded as
and simplicity of operation made them the being primarily ground weapons, the com-
most versatile and most widely used weap- bat infantryman had no monopoly on
ons of the whole war. them. Virtually every soldier in an over-
As with so many other terms in military seas theater, whether assigned to a combat
language, "small arms" did not have a arm or a supply service, at one time or
hard and fast meaning. General usage another used a rifle, carbine, or pistol.
over the years defined it as including all Small arms also went to sea and were al-
weapons with bore diameter of .60-inch most as familiar to the sailor as to the
(.60-caliber) or less, whether pistols, re- soldier; every warship carried its store of
volvers, rifles, carbines, submachine guns, such weapons, ranging from pistols to an-
or machine guns. These standard hand or tiaircraft machine guns. More important,
shoulder weapons of infantry troops were machine guns were the principal arma-
supplemented traditionally by mortars that ment of Allied warplanes. The long-range,
stood somewhere between shoulder weap- rapid-firing .50-caliber machine gun
ons and artillery. But in World War II the played the leading role both in plane-to-
infantry soldier also fought with 2.36-inch plane combat and in strafing attacks on
rocket launchers and a few recoilless rifles surface targets. Easily the most outstanding
which, in spite of their large calibers, were aircraft gun of the war, it was also the
generally classed as small arms or, more most versatile, the same basic mechanism
meaningfully, as infantry weapons.1 By this
usage, the determining characteristic was 1
See Chapter V, above, for discussion of
not diameter of bore but portability— mortars.
serving for infantry, aircraft, tank, or an- the Navy in 1928, been adopted by the
tiaircraft use.2 Army four years later as a limited procure-
Unlike the manufacture of artillery ment item, and in 1938 been classed as
weapons, small arms production did not a standard Army weapon. The more easily
require the use of huge dies, presses, mass produced M3 submachine gun sup-
forges, and cranes, for the smaller weapons planted the Thompson as a production
consisted of fewer and less complicated item in 1944. The semiautomatic M1 rifle
parts and were not equipped with intricate had been adopted in 1936 and put into
fire control devices or elaborate recoil small-scale production at Springfield Arm-
mechanisms. The M1 rifle, for example, ory the following year. A lightweight car-
consisted of about seventy parts while an bine, adopted in record time, went into
artillery piece, together with its on-carriage production in 194I.4
fire control equipment, consisted of thou-
sands. Nevertheless, mass production of Aid to Britain in 1940
small arms was an exacting process. Parts
had to be cut and machined to rigid Although Ordnance research and de-
tolerances. Detailed specifications had to velopment had brought forth a number of
be met to assure finished weapons that improved models during the two peace-
could fire thousands of rounds with little time decades, the meager funds available
deviation in accuracy and could with- in those years had not permitted quantity
stand exposure to heat, cold, rain, snow, production. Nor had there been any sense
mud, and sand. Carrying on a tradition of urgency for small arms procurement.
that began in the days of Eli Whitney,
Ordnance insisted upon complete inter- (1) Record of Army Ordnance Research and
Development, vol. 2, Jan 46, R&D Serv, OCO,
changeability of parts for like models.3 OHF; (a) Lt. Col. George M. Chinn, The Ma-
Production of most small arms got un- chine Gun, vol. I (Washington, 1951), p. 334;
der way fairly quickly in 1940-42 because (3) Lt. Col. William C. Farmer, ed., Ordnance
Field Guide, vol. II (Harrisburg: Military Service
the basic designs had been worked out Publishing Company, 1946), p. 110, (4) Green,
and standardized long before the out- Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions for
break of hostilities, and manufacturing War, p. 178; (5) PSP 36, U.S. Machine Guns,
Calibers .30 and .50, 1940-45, 18 Feb 46, com-
techniques had been well developed. Some piled by Lt Col Emanual Schugar, Maj Berkeley
standard weapons of 1940-42 were, in R. Lewis, and William H. Davis, pp. 10-14 (6) ;
fact, essentially World War I designs that Catalog of Standard Ord Items—Small Arms,1
Mar 44, pp. 402-04.
had stood the test of time. Among the 3
Lecture, Maj James L. Hatcher, Ordnance
most widely used of the older weapons Production Difficulties and Their Solution, 20
were the 1903 Springfield rifle, the 1918 Feb 39, ICAF. This lecture is quoted extensively
in "Armament Production," Army Ordnance,
Browning automatic rifle (BAR), and the XXI, No. 123 (November-December), 221-24.
.45-caliber automatic pistol adopted in For the research and development back-
1911. Four basic infantry weapons were ground on small arms, see Green, Thomson, and
Roots, Planning Munitions for War, pp. 175-78,
comparatively new—the M1 rifle, the car- and Record of Army Ordnance Research and De-
bine, the M3 submachine gun, and the velopment, vol. 2, bks. 1 and 3. For the carbine,
Thompson submachine gun. The last, a see History of Small Arms Matériel U.S. Car-
bine, Cal. .30, prepared by Maj H. P. Smith and
modified version of a commercially pro- William H. Davis under the direction of Lt Col
duced weapon, had won acceptance by H. H. Mitchell (1945) OHF.

After World War I, some three million Production Preparedness

rifles plus large quantities of pistols and
machine guns had been reconditioned and While the meager Ordnance budget in
put in storage along with machinery for the 1920's and 1930's had barely sufficed
their manufacture. These reserve stocks to keep the arsenals open and had not
were considered more than adequate to permitted placing any substantial small
meet replacement needs of the small arms orders with private industry, Ord-
peacetime Army and to equip a larger nance had endeavored in other ways to
force in time of emergency. Though re- prepare industry for its wartime task. Dur-
serves of aircraft machine guns were virtu- ing the late 1930's and in early 1940 con-
ally nonexistent, this fact caused little con- tracts for production studies of small arms
cern because the air arm possessed few of various types were awarded to several
planes and both Springfield Armory and concerns. Typical of such studies were
Colt's Patent Fire Arms Company were those prepared by Remington Arms Com-
producing enough for peacetime needs. pany, Inc. on .30-caliber aircraft machine
This complacent view was rudely shaken guns and the new M1 rifle; by Colt's
in the summer of 1940 as the British Army Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Com-
suffered its Dunkerque and both Belgium pany on .30- and .50-caliber aircraft ma-
and France fell to the Germans. To bolster chine guns; and by the Singer Manufac-
the hard-pressed British forces, President turing Company and the Nash-Kelvinator
Roosevelt decided to transfer to them all Company on .45-caliber pistols.6 These
weapons and ammunition that might be studies did not call for actual manufacture
considered surplus to the needs of United but merely for analysis of ways and means
States forces.5 As a result, during the sum- by which the item could best be produced
mer of 1940 the British received about should the need arise.7 Growing out of
615,000 Enfield rifles, 25,000 BAR's, production studies were detailed descrip-
86,000 .30-caliber machine guns, and
20,000 revolvers. Transfer of this matériel 5
See Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
took a big bite out of the U.S. Army's Munitions for War, ch. III, and Leighton and
small arms stockpile, and at the same time Coakley, Global Logistics, 1940-1943, pp. 33-34.
For a summary of the stocks on hand, see Memo,
the President's call for 50,000 airplanes Brig Gen Richard C. Moore, ACofS G-4, for
boosted machine gun requirements. Com- CofS 5 Jun 40, sub: Surplus Ord Matériel
placency soon gave way to alarm, and . . ., G-4/26057-2.
(1) PSP 76, Design, Development and Pro-
immediate increase in the output of small curement of Small Arms, 1917-45, by William H.
arms of all kinds was demanded. But Davis, SA Div, Ind Serv, May 45, p. 6; (2) PP
quantity production could not be achieved 76, Small Arms and Small Arms Ammunition,
Design, Development and Procurement 1917-45,
overnight. As with other types of muni- by Lt Col Calvin H. Goddard, Historical Sec,
tions, increased production depended on Exec Div, Jun 45, p. 52; (3) PSP 36, U.S. Ma-
expansion of facilities, installation of spe- chine Guns, Calibers .30 and .50, Development,
Requirements and Production 1940-45, 18 Feb
cialized machine tools, and recruitment 46, pp. 70a-72; (4) Hist, Rochester Ord Dist,
and training of new workers, all of which vol. I, 1923-42, pp. 46-47. For an explanation of
the term "production study" in Ordnance prewar
took time. It was at this point that the planning, see Chapter II.
public began to ask what Ordnance had 7
Ltr, CofOrd to Budget Officer of the WD, 8
done to prepare for such an emergency. Apr 40, OO 111.3/7485.

SAGINAW GUN PLANT, Mich., where machinery and equipment installed for operations on
10-caliber machine gun barrels are shown.

tions of manufacture prepared by the ar- order had gone to the Harrington and
senals and private industry for all kinds Richardson Arms Company of Worcester,
of small arms. Springfield Armory kept Mass.10 After Pearl Harbor, Winchester
data of this type for aircraft guns; Rock and Saginaw continued to manufacture
Island Arsenal kept a similar file on ground their educational order items, but the two
machine guns.8 educational orders for pistols, fortunately
Further to prepare industry for emer- far less important weapons than machine
gency production, Ordnance in 1939 and guns or rifles, proved of less direct benefit
1940 had placed four educational orders
for small arms—one each for rifles and 8
Among the important "descriptions of manu-
machine guns and two for pistols.9 To the facture" were those prepared at Springfield
Winchester Repeating Arms Company Armory covering the .30-caliber M2 aircraft ma-
had gone an order for five hundred M1 chine gun, the .50-caliber M2 machine gun, and
the M1 rifle; those prepared at Rock Island
rifles and to Saginaw Steering Gear Di- Arsenal covering the Browning .30-caliber
vision of General Motors Corporation an M1917A1 and M1919A4 ground type machine
order for five hundred .30-caliber machine guns and their mounts and the BAR, and one
prepared by the Singer Manufacturing Company
guns. Ordnance had placed an order for for the .45-caliber automatic pistol. PSP 76, p. 7.
five hundred pistols with the Singer Man- The educational orders program is discussed in
ufacturing Company of Worcester, Mass., Chapter II, above.
( 1 ) PP 76, pp. 18, 29, 53; (2) PSP 36, U.S.
which had previously completed its pro- Machine Guns, Calibers .30 and .50, Develop-
duction study on this weapon; a similar ment, Requirements and Production, 1940-1945.

to wartime production. Although Singer plicated arrangements had to be worked

satisfactorily completed the five hundred out with the few companies interested in
pistols called for under its educational foreign munitions contracts.14
order, Ordnance did not call upon it to In December 1939 and early 1940, for
make pistols after 1941, for its facilities example, both Britain and France placed
were by then heavily committed to manu- substantial orders for Thompson subma-
facture of artillery directors, which had a chine guns with the Auto Ordnance Cor-
higher priority. Upon completion of the poration. This concern owned manufactur-
educational order, Singer transferred all ing rights for the Thompson gun but had
tools and other material relating to pistol neither plant nor skilled labor force. Auto
manufacture to the Ithaca Gun Company, Ordnance therefore subcontracted the
which turned out large quantities of ex- work to the Savage Arms Company of
cellent pistols.11 The Harrington and Utica, N.Y. The weapons thus produced
Richardson contract turned out badly. Af- were the first "Tommy guns" turned out
ter two extensions in delivery date owing in the United States since Colt had com-
to management difficulties and changes pleted a small order for Auto Ordnance
in operating personnel the contract was in 1921-22.15 The Netherlands govern-
canceled in June 1942 before a single ment meanwhile entered into a similar con-
finished pistol had been produced.12 tract with Defense Supplies Corporation, a
Despite Springfield Armory's production newly organized American firm with ex-
potential, Ordnance had decided to award clusive license to manufacture a new sub-
an educational order for the Garand rifle machine gun known as the High Standard.
because of the large requirement for rifles Like Auto Ordnance, Defense Supplies had
in the Protective Mobilization Plan. In no manufacturing facilities and had to
the spring of 1939 the Infantry listed the
new rifle as the top priority item in the 11
(1) Hist, New York Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt.
rearmament program. The million-dollar 3, Contractor Histories, Fire Contl Div MS, Rpt
by Singer Manufacturing Co., 9 Jul 45, p. 3; (2)
contract went to Winchester, was success- PSP 39, Pistol, Automatic, Cal. .45, M1911A1,
fully completed, and was soon followed by 1917 through August 1945, compiled by Annie
large production orders.13 J. Gregg and reviewed by John P. Aitchison, 31
Jan 47, OHF, p. 10.
Though not part of Ordnance plans for 12
(1) Hist, Boston Ord Dist, vol. I, 1922
production preparedness, foreign orders in Through 1942, pp. 10-11, 67, OHF; (2) PP 76,
1939-40 helped in a very practical way to Small Arms and Small Arms Ammunition, De-
sign, Development and Procurement 1917-45, p.
prepare American industry for its wartime 29; (3) PSP 39, pp. 9-11.
role. After the outbreak of war in Europe Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Mu-
in September 1939, Britain, France, the nitions for War, pp. 58-59. See below for further
discussion of Winchester production.
Netherlands, China, and other countries 14
SA Div, Historical Review of Lend-Lease
offered contracts to U.S. firms that had Activities—Small Arms and Small Arms Ammu-
experience in the manufacture of military nition,
17 Jul 45, OHF.
PSP 40, Submachine Guns, 1921-45, by
weapons or sporting arms. As American William H. Davis and Capt Andrew J. Gleason,
manufacturers were not keenly interested SA Div, Ind Serv, Dec 45, pp. 1-4. In 1944 the
in munitions production, most such ne- Auto Ordnance Corp. was renamed Maguire
Industries, Inc. Hist, Springfield Ord Dist, vol.
gotiations proceeded slowly during the 100, pt. 23, Contractor Histories, Maguire Indus-
winter of 1939-40, and some other com- tries, Inc.

subcontract the work to the Marlin Fire- ated, Savage had produced 1,030,228
arms Company of New Haven, Conn. rifles, plus spare parts.17
More important than submachine gun Early in 1941 Britain asked the Reming-
orders was the foreign demand for Brown- ton Arms Company to produce half a
ing machine guns. In the fall of 1939, million Lee-Enfields at its Ilion, N.Y.,
when the British government turned to plant. At this point General Wesson raised
American industry for manufacture of an objection. He proposed that the reserve
these weapons, it soon became apparent machinery for manufacturing Springfields
that the Colt Company, holder of patent be removed from storage at Rock Island
rights on the Browning guns and their and leased to Remington, and that Rem-
sole commercial producer, would not be ington use it to make .30-caliber Spring-
able to supply all that were needed. The fields instead of .303-caliber Lee-Enfields
British government not only arranged to for the British. As the labor situation at
finance expansion of the Colt plant but Rock Island was acute, Ordnance opposed
also opened negotiations with three other opening the rifle plant there. Further, the
firms to produce Browning guns under a Army had enough rifles on hand to equip
Colt license. During the winter of the a 2-million-man force, and output of the
so-called "phony war" these negotiations new semiautomatic rifle was expected to
moved slowly with each side holding out for add even more to the reserve stocks.18
more favorable terms. But the swift Ger- Wesson pointed out that, starting from
man victories of May and June 1940 scratch, it would take Remington two and
changed the picture almost overnight. a half years to get into production on
Agreement was soon reached on construc- Lee-Enfield rifles for the British. Using the
tion of three new aircraft machine gun Rock Island machinery, production of
plants by the Buffalo Arms Corporation, Springfields could reach one thousand
High Standard Manufacturing Company, per day within one year, and after com-
and the Kelsey-Hayes Wheel Company.16 pletion of the British contract this ma-
For rifles the British turned to the chinery would be in place for supply of
Savage Arms Corporation, signing a con-
tract with it in March 1941 for manufac- 16
PP 36, U.S. Machine Guns, Calibers .30 and
ture of the standard British rifle, the .303- .50, Development, Requirements and Production
caliber Lee-Enfield (No. 4, Mark I) at its 1940-45. Jul 45, OHF. See also History of Small
plant, known as the J. Stevens Arms Com- Arms Materiel, Buffalo Arms Corp., 9 Mar 45,
pany Division, near Chicopee Falls, Mass. 17
(O Hist, Springfield Ord Dist, Sub-Office
Although tooling was rushed and the Admin Div. I ( 1 9 4 2 ) sec. on Savage Sub-Office;
company completed its first rifle in July, (2) Hist, Springfield Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 3.
(1) Memo, Col Vincent Meyer. WDGS G-4
quantity production was just getting for ASW, 10 Oct 40, sub: Advisability of Open-
started when the Japanese attacked Pearl ing up the Springfield Rifle Plant . . . ; (2)
Harbor. Meanwhile, in October, the U.S. Memo, Lt Col Willis R. Slaughter, OASW for
Col Spaulding, 16 Oct 40, same sub; (3) Memo.
Government, under provisions of the Lend- CofOrd for ASW, 19 Oct 40, sub: Prod of U.S.
Lease Act, had taken over administration Rifle, Caliber .30, M1903; (4) Memo, SW for
of the British contract. Additional orders CofS, 23 Oct 40, sub: Advisability of Opening
. . . Rifle Plant. ... All in folder 474 Small
were placed after Pearl Harbor, and by Arms, ASF Prod Div files. See also G-4 files
June 1944, when the contract was termin- 32116.

the U.S. Army if needed. The British were Garand, run-of-the-mill difficulties were
not at all enthusiastic about this proposal, compounded by a violent public contro-
insisting that they wanted only rifles of versy touched off when the competing
.303-caliber. But they finally conceded the Johnson rifle was submitted for Army test
point after a delay of several months and in 1938, two years after standardization of
accepted Wesson's plan. The rental agree- the Garand and while tooling up for its
ment was signed early in 1941, just a few manufacture was under way at Spring-
days before passage of the Lend-Lease Act field Armory. Throughout most of the
under which the Army was later to take defense period (1939-41) debate raged in
over all British rifle procurement in the the halls of Congress and in magazines and
United States. The machinery was quickly newspapers across the nation over the
shipped to Ilion where manufacturing got merits of these two weapons, and before
under way in less than a year, and con- the controversy subsided a third semi-
tinued until 28 February 1944.19 automatic model had entered the picture.
Manufacturing capacity created to fill Some critics meanwhile contended that the
foreign orders was an important resource old, mechanically reliable Springfield was
when the United States began to rearm in superior to any of the semiautomatics;
earnest during 1941. But of greater value others expressed doubts that the Garand
were the two Ordnance arsenals, Spring- could ever be successfully mass-produced.
field and Rock Island, experienced in the Probably no other weapon in American
manufacture of small arms. Though badly history went into production amid such
in need of new machine tools, and staffed intense controversy.20
with only a nucleus of skilled workmen, Officially designated "Rifle, semiauto-
these two arsenals stood ready not only to matic, cal. .30, M1," the new weapon was
expand their own output as needed but universally known either as "the Garand"
also to share with civilian industry their or "the M1." The product of a 35-year
technical knowledge and their war reserve search, it was gas-operated, weighed about
machinery. Springfield Armory, the tradi-
tional center for military rifle production,
had begun as early as 1937 to tool up for (1) Statement by Wesson in Review of Pro-
duction Plans of Small Arms Division, 20 Feb
production of the new Garand rifle, and 42, T676A, pp. 38-39; (2) Hist, Rochester Ord
as public interest in rearmament grew in Dist, vol. 100, pt. 9, Ilion Works; (3) In Abun-
1940 and early 1941 its progress was dance and On Time, 1939-43, published by
Remington Arms Co., Bridgeport, Conn., 1944;
closely watched. (4) Lt. Col. H. H. Mitchell, Hist, Small Arms
Materiel, U.S. Rifle Cal. .30 M1903 [1945], SA
Br, Ind Div, OCO, p. 23; (5) PP 76.
Getting the Garand into Production 20
The most complete published account of the
development of the Garand is made by Maj. Gen.
Despite a rather long period of prepara- Julian S. Hatcher, The Book of the Garand
tion, mass production of the Garand rifle (Washington: Infantry Journal Press, 1948). See
also Green. Thomson, and Roots, Planning Mu-
proved to be far more difficult than any- nitions for War, pp. 175-77; Maj. Guy H.
one anticipated. In part, the difficulty Drewry, "Our New Service Rifle," The American
sprang from the usual problems encoun- Rifleman, vol. 86, No. 8 (Aug 1938), pp. 5-9,
and manuscript History of Springfield Armory by
tered in beginning quantity production of Constance McLaughlin Green, vol. II, bk. I, pp.
a new weapon. But in the case of the 43-48 and 74-76.

nine and a half pounds, and was loaded

by an 8-round clip. It could fire more than
twice as fast as the Springfield. With it
a soldier could fire eight aimed shots
without taking his eye off the target, for
all he needed to do was squeeze the trigger
for each shot.21 Designed by John C.
Garand, chief civilian engineer at Spring-
field, it was subjected to grueling service
tests by both the Infantry and the Cavalry
before being adopted in January 1936.
Garand received no monetary reward for
his invention beyond his modest Armory
salary—though a bill to grant him
$100,000 was introduced in Congress—
but he was the recipient of numerous
medals. In 1941 the Army Ordnance As-
sociation honored him with its first Brig.
Gen. John H. Rice Gold Medal for Meri-
torious Service in Armament Engineering.
Three years later Garand received an
official government award, the Medal for JOHN C. GARAND at work in his model
Merit.22 shop, September 1940.

Tooling at Springfield 21
A semiautomatic weapon differs from a fully
automatic weapon in that the former requires a
As soon as the Garand was adopted, separate squeeze of the trigger for each shot while
the latter fires until the magazine is empty as
Springfield began preparations for produc- long as the trigger is held down.
ing it in quantity, but at that time the 22
(1) "Army Ordnance Medalists, 1941," Army
Armory was at low ebb, having lived on a Ordnance, XXII, No. 127 (July-August 1941),
30-31; (2) New York Times, March 29, 1944,
hand-to-mouth basis since the end of p. 22; (3) PSP 37, U.S. Rifle, Cal. .30 M1, De-
World War I. A small cadre of skilled sign, Development, Procurement, and Production,
workers remained, engaged for the most by William H. Davis, Jul 46, OHF; (4) Green,
Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions for
part in turning out each year a few im- War, pp. 175-77; (5) Philip B. Sharpe, The
proved Springfield rifles and rifle parts. Rifle in America (New York: Funk and Wagnalls
Most of the machine tools on hand had Company, 1953), pp. 513-31; (6) Hatcher, The
Book of the Garand; (7) Melvin M. Johnson,
been in use for twenty or thirty years, Jr., Rifles and Machine Guns (New York: W.
and some even antedated the Civil War. Morrow and Company, 1944), pp. 40-45; (8)
Surveying these tools to determine which Walter H. B. Smith, Small Arms of the World
(Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Service Publishing
could be used in producing parts for the Company, 1955), pp. 154-57; (9) "Garand's
new rifle was in itself a major undertaking. Gun," Newsweek, December 4, 1939, pp. 18-19;
Preparing manufacturing drawings, plan- ( 1 0 ) Edwin Teale, "He Invented the World's
Deadliest Rifle," Popular Science, December 1940,
ning production line processes, and design- pp. 68-71; ( 1 1 ) Joseph W. Shields, Jr., From
ing and making new tools, jigs, fixtures, and Flintlock to M1 (New York: Coward-McCann,

gages were all equally time-consuming.23 boost production from ten thousand to fifty
In 1934 the Armory model shop had thousand rifles per year.25 This sum sup-
completed an order for eighty experimental plemented approximately one million dol-
Garands, but tooling up for quantity pro- lars that had already been expended at
duction was an entirely different matter. Springfield for new equipment and gages,
When work began in the fall of 1937 on primarily for the M1 rifle, since 1935.26
an order for 1,500 rifles it soon became As the years from 1935 on had brought a
clear that many of the old machines that gradual upswing in all activities at the
appeared to be in good condition had lost, Armory, Ordnance decided to modernize,
through long use, the accuracy needed to to the extent of funds available, the whole
meet close tolerances. It soon became clear Springfield manufacturing plant during
also that an entirely new system of pro- the process of tooling up for output of the
duction would be required to achieve high- new rifle.27 While no new buildings were
speed output. Determined that the new erected at the Armory before 1940, many
rifle should be manufactured by the most improvements such as better wiring, new
modern methods to attain a high rate of floors, and strengthening of supports as
production with a saving of manpower, well as the shifting of existing machinery
space, and operating cost, Ordnance were required to house the new rifle-
launched a major retooling program at producing equipment and reorganize the
Springfield in the spring of 1938.24 Tooling production line. Some of the buildings at
engineers from all over the country were the Armory were positively archaic.
invited to aid in design of modern produc- The first production models of the M1
tion equipment and to submit bids for its rifle came off the line in September 1937
manufacture. Coming at a time when the 24
(1) Lecture, Hatcher, 20 Feb 39; (2) Camp-
machine-tool industry was in financial dol- bell, The Industry-Ordnance Team, p. 192; (3)
drums, this invitation met with a ready Lt. Col. .H. H. Mitchell, Hist of Small Arms
response. After detailed study of each rifle Materiel, U.S. Rifle Cal. .30 M1, 12 Dec 44, pp.
10-11; (4) PSP 37, U.S. Rifle Cal. .30 M1,
part, and consultation with machine tool History of Design, Development, Procurement,
builders, machining operations were sub- and Production, 1936-45, pp. 52-55; (5) Hist,
stantially reduced. Many of the machine Springfield Armory, vol. II, bk. 1, p. 64; (6) Col.
Gilbert H. Stewart, "Springfield Armory Tools Up
tools and much of the accessory equipment for New Semi-Automatic Rifles," Machinery, vol.
on hand at Springfield could be used in 45, No. 5 (July 1939).
the modernized production setup, but the (1) Statement by Craig, Hearings, WDAB,
FY 1940, H.R., 76th Cong., 1st sess., 26 Jan 39,
quantity of new equipment needed was p. 6; (2) Statement by Wesson before House
substantial. Subcomm. on same bill, 1 Feb 39, pp. 396-97 of
When Congress in 1938 appropriated the Hearings; (3) Ltr, Wesson to CO Springfield
Armory, 16 Dec 38, sub: Spec Authority for Proc
$1,800,000 for retooling, Ordnance antic- of Caliber .30 M1 Rifle Equipment, copy ap-
ipated the project would be completed by pended to Mitchell, Hist SA Materiel, U.S. Rifle
the end of the following year and would Cal. .30 M1, 12 Dec 44; (4) Memo, Col W. L.
Clay, OCO to Col Haislip, WD Budget and
Legislative Plng Br, 28 Jan 39, OO 111.3/6954.
1954) PP. 172-81; ( 1 2 ) Who's Who in America, PSP 37, U.S. Rifle Cal. .30 M1, Hist of De-
1956-57. sign, Development, Proc and Prod, 1936-45, p.
(1) Lecture, Hatcher, 20 Feb 39; (2) 55.27
"1,000 Garands a Day" in armament section of Ltr, Wesson, CofOrd, to Hon. Charles R.
American Machinist, vol. 84, November 27, 1940. Clason, H.R., 7 May 40, OO 474.2/2960.

at a rate of about 10 per day. By the time Production Troubles

the first order for 1,500 was completed the
following March, daily output stood at 20, In the fall of 1939, just as the contract
and work was started on a second slightly with Winchester was being signed, the
larger order. Boosted to 40 in September Garand rifle made its public debut and at
1938, daily output gradually continued to once ran into a storm of criticism, much of
rise as new tools and equipment were in- it related to the troubles experienced with
Stalled and new orders were received, the first production models of the new
reaching a rate of 100 per day one year rifle. While the first eighty toolroom
later and 200 per day or 50,000 per year models, made in 1934 under the designer's
in January 1940.28 But future require- direct supervision, had performed su-
ments had also risen in the fall of 1939. perbly, the first production models were
Against a need for 150,000 new rifles plagued by several new and unexpected
during the next two years, Springfield could minor troubles. The cam on the operating
produce only about 100,000 if it con- rod tended to stick, and the rear sights
tinued on an 8-hour day. Under these would not hold their adjustment. Another
circumstances General Wesson decided puzzling defect was that the seventh round
that the Armory should be kept on an 8- in the clip often failed to feed, and fre-
hour day and that additional rifles should quently the 8-round clip jumped out of the
be obtained from private industry. He gun after the seventh round had been
reasoned that this plan would keep extra- fired. Eventually it was found that very
shift reserve capacity at the Armory for an
emergency and would enable industry to 28
For details on output during these years, see
tool up for rifle production. (1) Memo, Lt Col Guy H. Drewry to Chief of
Ind Div, 25 Sep 39, sub: Status of M1 Rifle
When Ordnance called for bids in the Prod, ex. 20, Mitchell, Hist of SA Matériel, U.S.
summer of 1939, two famous gunmaking Rifle Cal. .30 M1, Jul 46; (2) Memo, Capt
concerns, Remington and Winchester, re- William T. Moore to CofOrd through Chief of
Ind Serv, 9 Mar 40, sub: Costs—Caliber .30 M1
sponded. Each submitted a bid based on Rifles, Spare Parts and Accessories, ex. 21 to
the assumption that it would furnish all above study; (3) William H. Davis, Springfield
necessary tools and equipment. Winchester Armory, Pertinent Data Concerning Plant and
Activities 1794—Feb 1946, SA Div, Ind Serv,
not only turned in the lower bid on this OCO, 7 Mar 46, p. 2. For a popular version, see
basis but also submitted an alternate bid Donald Wilhelm, "What 'On Order' Means,"
—$1 million less—assuming use of tools Reader's Digest, October 1940, pp. 33-36.
For details on the placing of this production
and equipment being procured under its order and the benefits gained from the educa-
educational order. On the basis of this tional order, see: (1) Memo, Lt Col Drewry to
latter proposal, Winchester received a con- Chief Ind Serv, 24 Aug 39, sub: Bids on Cir
Proposal 852-39-483, M1 Rifles, Extra Parts &
tract for 65,000 Garand rifles to be com- Combination Tools, ex. 23, Mitchell, Hist SA
pleted by June 1942. As the million dollar Materiel, U.S. Rifle Cal. .30 M1, 12 Dec 44, SA
reduction in the second Winchester bid Br, Ind Div; (2) Lecture, Wesson, Ordnance
Department Procurement, 15 Jan 40, ICAF, p.
was approximately equal to the cost to the 6; (3) Harold F. Williamson, Winchester—The
government of the educational order, Gun That Won the West (Washington: Combat
there was no saving in money but there Forces Press, 1952), pp. 385-88; (4) Statements
by Col Rutherford and Wesson, WDAB, 1941,
was a full year's reduction in the time H.R., 76th Cong., 3d sess., 27 Feb 40 and 12 Mar
required for tooling up.29 40.

few of these defects were inherent in the tion with the National Rifle Matches. The
design of the rifle. Nearly all stemmed from performance of these rifles immediately
the fact that during retooling for mass raised doubts. The expert rifle shots who
production slight changes had been intro- had assembled for the annual marksman-
duced in the shape and dimensions of some ship contest were accustomed to using the
of the parts. Perhaps, one Ordnance officer National Match Rifle, an improved Spring-
later suggested, many of these troubles field made with extra care and painstak-
might have been avoided if Garand, a ingly adjusted for the best results in long-
topflight machine-tool designer as well as range shooting. To these experts the
designer of the rifle, had been consulted Garand rifles did not appeal, for the
more closely during the retooling program. Garands were battle rifles, not target
But other Ordnance officers challenged models. Their sights gave good visibility
this view; they asserted that no liberties under poor lighting conditions, but did
were taken with the design and that every not make for high scores at long ranges
engineering change made at the Armory under match conditions. Even more dis-
had Garand's approval.30 turbing to the sharpshooters was the fact
The Infantry, well aware of these that the Garand sights would not hold
troubles with the production models, was their adjustment.32 Ordnance was well
not alarmed, for it accepted the Ordnance aware of this problem and had in produc-
Department's assurance that the defects tion at Springfield an improved gas cylin-
could and would be corrected. But the der assembly to correct it, but the public
general public was kept in the dark regard- was not informed. Although civilians at
ing the troubles experienced with the rifle Camp Perry were invited to test fire the
and the progress made in remedying them. new rifles they had a vague suspicion that
So was the staff of the National Rifle As- everything was not above board. "There
sociation, an organization that numbered was always an Army man at the shooter's
its members in the hundreds of thousands elbow," wrote one observer, "ready to
and for almost half a century had been snatch the rifle away and perform some
recognized as a quasi-governmental insti- sleight of hand at the slightest sign of a
tution devoted to the promotion of small malfunction. Moreover, the members of the
arms shooting as a part of the national NRA staff, to their surprise, found that
defense. Had the NRA been kept fully and
frankly informed, it might have provided 30
(1) Hatcher, Book of the Garand, p. 120;
constructive criticism and powerful sup- (2) Comments on draft manuscript of this chap-
port of any decisions reached by the Army. ter by Maj Gen Elbert L. Ford (Ret.) and Maj
Details of the construction and opera- Gen James Kirk, (Ret.), 18 Apr 57, OHF; (3)
Lecture, Hatcher, Ordnance Production Difficul-
tion of the Garand had first been given ties and Their Solution, 20 Feb 39, ICAF.
to the public in the fall of 1938 with no (1) Drewry, "Our New Service Rifle," The
hint of unusual production or performance American Rifleman, vol. 86, No. 8 (August
1938), pp. 5-9; (2) Capt. Frank J. Jervey, "The
difficulties.31 The first public demonstra- New Semiautomatic Rifle," Army Ordnance, XIX,
tion came one year later when two hun- No. 111 (November-December 1938), 144-47.
dred Garand rifles were sent to Camp See testimony by Maj Gen Milton A. Reck-
ord, CG 29th Div, National Guard, before
Perry, Ohio, for use in the small arms WDAB, H.R., 76th Cong., 3d sess., pp. 783-86,
firing school for civilians held in conjunc- 14 Mar 40.

they were unwelcome whenever they the Army to lay all the facts on the table
approached a Garand or wanted to fire and clear up the whole rifle issue.
it."33 The flames of controversy were fanned
higher in May 1940 when The American
The Garand-Johnson Controversy Rifleman published a long article by one
of its staff members who had obtained a
This official protective attitude toward Garand for personal test. Though gener-
the Garand was doubly suspicious in view ally favorable to the Garand, the article
of the fact that Capt. Melvin M. Johnson, pointed out shortcomings and cited the
Jr., USMC Reserve, had recently brought low production rate and the change in
forth a rival semiautomatic. The Army ammunition.38 This article, together with
had tested toolroom models of the Johnson testimony being presented to Congressional
rifle in the summer of 1938 and, follow- committees, inspired a series of newspaper
ing redesign, again in December 1939.34 and magazine articles on the subject. Life
It. operated on the short-recoil principle called it "one of the greatest military
and was designed so that its barrel could squabbles in U.S. history." 39
be quickly replaced in the field. The During lengthy committee hearings
mechanical performance of the Johnson Congressmen listened to conflicting testi-
rifle was satisfactory, but in February 1940 mony and found themselves as confused
the Ordnance Committee recommended as the general public.40 It seemed for a
that it be given no further consideration time in the spring of 1940 that appropria-
because it was not superior to the Garand tions for the Garand rifle might be stopped
for which Springfield Armory was already
tooled.35 This action, coupled with the 33
Hatcher, Book of the Garand, p. 129. Gen-
bad impression made by the Garand at the eral Hatcher was chief of the Small Arms Di-
1939 rifle matches, set off the fireworks. vision, Manufacturing Service, OCO, during the
The Washington Evening Star ran a series early 1930's. His brother was Ordnance adviser at
the national matches in 1939.
of three articles in February 1940 under 34
(1) Ltr, ASW to Congressman Clyde L.
the heading "Battle Efficiency of Garand Herring, 16 May 40, OO 474.2/2996; (2) Wes-
Rifle Provokes Controversy." The Associ- son's testimony on these tests in Hearings, H.R.
WDAB, 1940, 76th Cong., 1st sess., 1 Feb 39.
ated Press reported in March that the pp. 401-22. See also annual reports of Johnson
House military appropriations subcommit- Automatics, Inc., and other related material on
tee was giving the rifle controversy "ex- Johnson rifles and light machine guns in folder
Johnson Automatics, Incorporated, OHF.
haustive study behind closed doors." 36 35
OCM 15650, 23 Feb 40.
After failing to get answers from the 36
Associated Press dispatch, March 22, 1940.
Army to its questions about the Garand, "The Courage to be Frank," The American
Rifleman, vol. 88, No. 4 (April 1940), p. 4.
or rifles for test, the NRA published an 38
F. C. Ness, "M-1 (Garand Semi-automatic)
editorial in the April 1940 issue of Rifle," The American Rifleman, vol. 88, No. 5
The American Rifleman expressing grave (May 1940), 43-45. An article by the same au-
thor on the Johnson rifle had appeared in the
doubts about the new weapon and its slow same magazine in November 1938.
rate of production.37 The editorial also 39
Life, November 18, 1940, pp. 55-56.
questioned the Army's decision to drop its Hearings WDAB, 1940 and 1941, H.R. and
S., 76th Cong., 1st and 3d sess. See also Hearings
172-grain bullet in favor of the shorter on S. 3983, 76th Cong., 3d sess.. 14 May 40.
range 152-grain bullet. The NRA urged Excerpts from these sources are in OHF.

entirely and all the time and money spent parts and the searching of more area on
in tooling up for its production might be the reverse sides of slopes; and that use of
wasted. The Army's claim that the Gar- one type of .30-caliber ball ammunition
and was an excellent weapon and the best would simplify manufacture.44 The only
semiautomatic available was hotly disputed real reason for the change, said the critics,
before the Congressional committees by was the heavy recoil when long-range
proponents of the Johnson rifle who insis- ammunition was used in the Garand. Was
ted their weapon was more accurate, was it wise, they asked, to give up long-range
less complicated in design, easier to main- ammunition to accommodate a weapon
tain in the field, and much simpler to whose performance was doubtful in
manufacture. They also charged that the other respects?
tests had not been conducted fairly. 41 In April and May 1940 the House and
Ordnance replied that, as the Johnson Senate committees approved funds for
rifle had never been produced in quantity, manufacture of twenty five thousand more
nor tested on a large scale, there was no Garands. Though the Congressmen were
real evidence that it would function better not altogether sure that the Garand was
or could be produced more easily than the better than the Johnson, they agreed with
Garand. Long experience in weapons man- the Army that, as Springfield was being
ufacture had taught Ordnance that un- tooled for the Garand, it would be unwise
foreseen difficulties nearly always appear to launch production of a second weapon.
between the test of toolroom models and Meanwhile the Marine Corps held off re-
large-scale production, and that estimates placing its Springfields with either Johnsons
of the time required to produce new or Garands, and the rifle controversy
weapons in quantity were seldom ful- stayed very much alive all summer. Late
filled.42 Meanwhile, a member of the U.S. in the year the Marines announced they
Senate introduced a bill to force adoption
of the Johnson as the standard rifle for As examples, see statement of Melvin M.
Johnson, Sr., 13 May 40, before WDAB, 1941,
the Army and Navy.43 S., copy in OHF.
In defending the decision to drop long- For statement of Army views see Memo,
range ammunition and produce only ASW to SW, 30 Aug 40, OO 474.2/149, and
Memo, Marshall for SW, 23 Apr 40, Hearings,
shorter-range types for all .30-caliber ma- S. Mil Affairs Comm., 76th Cong., 3d sess., 29
chine guns and rifles, military spokesmen May 40, pp. 82-85. See also Johnson's dispas-
cited the Infantry Board's findings that sionate summary in Rifles and Machine Guns,
pp. 40-45.
the more powerful ammunition was not 43
Hearings on S. 3983, 76th Cong., 3d sess.,
required for combat, and that it was 14 May 40.
dangerous to use in training because suit- (1) "The Garand Rifle," Army Ordnance,
XXI, No. 121 (July-August 1940), 52-57; (2)
able target ranges could seldom be found Hearings, WDAB, 1941, H.R. 76th Cong., 3d
that would protect neighboring communi- sess.; (3) Hatcher, Book of the Garand, pp. 125-
ties. Adoption of the lower-powered am- 27; (4) Ltr, McFarland to Congressman Walter
G. Andrews, 10 May 40, OO 474.2/2982; (5)
munition for machine guns was defended Memo, Gen Marshall for SW, 23 Apr 40, sub:
on the ground that the 81-mm. mortar Investigation of Gen Staff Concerning M1 Semi-
automatic Rifle (Garand), copy in Hearings, S.
eliminated the need for long-range ma- Mil Affairs Comm., 76th Cong., 3d sess., On
chine gun fire; that the new ammunition Johnson Semiautomatic Rifle, S.3983, 29 May
would permit longer life of barrels and 1940, pp. 82-85.

would conduct exhaustive tests of the duction short cut that grew in importance
Springfield, Garand, and Johnson, along during the war. As they came from the
with a third semiautomatic recently de- machines, small parts were put in a mix-
signed by Winchester. Held by an organi- ture of light abrasive and oil or water in
zation that had no bias in favor of the used beer kegs obtained from the local
Garand such as had been imputed to brewery. The kegs were then rotated gently
Ordnance, these tests commanded wide- until the parts were worn smooth and
spread interest and respect. The final could be rinsed clean with hot water.47
report placed the Garand first among the All these short cuts were important, for
semiautomatics; though no more accurate the Garand was not an easy gun to make.
than the Johnson, it had proved itself It consisted of some seventy parts and
more rugged and more reliable in opera- required nearly one thousand machining
tion. The old reliable Springfield led the operations.48
field in accuracy, ruggedness, and depen- As a result of all these efforts, U.S.
dability, but it simply could not pour out troops entered World War II with semi-
lead as fast as the semiautomatics. The automatic rifles that gave them a decided
Winchester gun proved too susceptible to advantage over their enemies. No other
breakdown to be a serious contender in major power equipped its soldiers with a
the competition. With release of this re- really good semiautomatic rifle. The Rus-
port and adoption of the Garand by the
Marine Corps, public criticism of the new 45
Report of Board to Conduct Competitive Test
rifle subsided. Meanwhile Ordnance reme- with Caliber .30 Rifles Held at Marine Corps
died the defects in the early production Base, San Diego, Calif., 12 Nov 40-21 Dec 40,
models, and output of Garands rose dtd 15 Jan 41, prepared by Hq Fleet Marine
Force, Marine Corps Base, San Diego, Calif.,
rapidly as the long slow process of tooling OKD 474.1/27.1. The report of the Marine
up neared completion. As the emergency Corps board is also quoted in detail in Hatcher,
deepened, Springfield and Winchester were Book of the Garand, pages 141-52. For further
comments on the test, see (1) Mitchell, Hist of
soon working around the clock; by mid- Small Arms Materiel, U.S. Rifle Cal. .30 M1, 12
1941 Winchester was turning out over one Dec 44, p. 14; (2) Robert McCormick, "What
hundred rifles per day, the Armory one Have We Got for Guns," Collier's, May 3, 1941,
pp. 14-15; (3) "Report on the Garand," Time,
thousand.45 March 12, 1941, pp. 20-21; (4) Smith, Small
Improved techniques helped speed pro- Arms of the World, p. 157; (5) Sharpe, op. cit.,
duction and saved both time and scarce pp. 503-12. On production, see Hist, Springfield
Armory, vol. II, bk. II, pp. 95-96 and chart
materials. For barrel manufacture, Spring- following p. 145; Davis, PSP 37, U.S. Rifle Cal.
field abandoned its practice of buying .30, Jul 45, p. 66, OHF.
round bar stock of uniform diameter and "Rifling Machine-Gun Barrels by Broaching,"
Machinery, vol. 49, No. 2 (October 1942), 157-
substituted forged barrel blanks tapered 59.47
toward one end. Time on the turning Hist, Springfield Armory, vol. II, bk. II
lathe machine for each barrel was cut in (1939-41)) PP. 86-105. For a description of
older manufacturing techniques,., see Col. Gilbert
half. Cutting the rifling by broaches also H. Stewart, "Springfield Armory Tools up for
saved time and yielded a better product.46 New Semi-Automatic Rifles," Machinery, vol. 45,
The introduction of tumbling as early as No. 5 (July 1939).
Brig. Gen. James Kirk, "Machining the
1940 to supplant burring and filing of Garand Rifle," Iron Age, vol. 151, N o . 1 9 (May
several small components was another pro- 13, 1943), 66-71.

sians used the M1940 Tokarev rifle ex- and foot troops. But by the 1940's, air-
tensively but abandoned it because of its craft, tanks, and new infantry weapons
many inherent defects. During the war the had brought about marked changes in
Germans produced a few semiautomatics military tactics. Cavalry was no longer as
but they were never very effective and important as it had been, but new elements
did not reach the battlefield in significant with even greater mobility had come on
numbers. The standard German rifle at the scene with the result that flanks and
the end of the war was still a bolt-action rear areas, including airfields, were under
piece. The only reasonably satisfactory Jap- constant threat of air or mechanized at-
anese semiautomatic in World War II was tack. At the same time, the addition to
an imitation of the Garand.49 small infantry units of such weapons as
machine guns, trench mortars, and anti-
The Carbine Enters the Picture tank guns brought the need for an auxili-
ary offensive-defensive weapon for the
One of the most popular items of ord- soldiers who manned them or carried am-
nance used by American troops in World munition for them. The pistol was ideal
War II was the lightweight carbine. De- for combat at point-blank range. It was
signed to replace the automatic pistol issued to officers, to troops manning crew-
for certain purposes, it was intended pri- served weapons, and to rear area service
marily as a defensive weapon for service troops, but few soldiers could hit anything
troops; but it also appealed to combat in- with it beyond twenty-five yards. As a
fantrymen as a companion weapon for the full-size rifle was unnecessarily heavy for
more powerful Garand, and was affection- such troops, the carbine seemed to be the
ately nicknamed "baby Garand." Fully answer.50
loaded with a 15-cartridge magazine and The Infantry, as early as 1938, had
with sling attached, it weighed less than asked that Ordnance develop a .30-caliber
six pounds and was about three feet long. carbine weighing five pounds or less, and
It was fairly accurate at ranges up to with an accuracy range of three hundred
three hundred yards—at least four times yards. Ordnance objected on the ground
the effective range of the pistol. A gas-
operated, semiautomatic weapon, the car- 49
(1) DA Pamphlet 30-50-1, Handbook on
bine followed some of the design principles The Soviet and Satellite Armies, pt. I—The
Soviet Army, Mar 53, p. 96; (2) Biennial Rpt of
of the Garand, but with certain distinctive the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army to SW, Jul
features. 1, 43-Jun 30, 45, pp. 97-98; (3) Shields, From
Flintlock to M1, p. 172; (4) Smith, Small Arms
of the World, pp. 153, 157-58; (5) PSP 83,
Selecting the Best Design Small Arms Development in World War II, Jul
47, by R&D Div, p. 4.
By definition, a carbine is a light rifle History of Small Arms Matériel, U.S. Car-
bine, Cal. .30, prepared by Maj. H. P. Smith and
with a short barrel, commonly used during William H. Davis under the direction of Mitchell
the nineteenth century by mounted troops. [1945]. This manuscript study, prepared in the
Early in the twentieth century, carbines Small Arms Branch of the Industrial Service, is
the best account of carbine development and
passed out of the picture in the United production. See also Brig. Gen. James Kirk,
States as the Springfield rifle, adopted in "Manufacturing the Light Carbine," Iron Age,
1903, proved satisfactory for both mounted vol. 151, No. 14 (April 8, 1943), 47-52.

that such a weapon would require special Since none of the models tested in May
ammunition. But the Infantry pressed its and June proved satisfactory, Ordnance
demand, and in the fall of 1940 a definite extended the deadline until 15 September
requirement was set up for a weapon of 1941, the date set for the final service tests.
this type.51 Thereafter events moved with It urged inventors to improve and re-
bewildering speed. Ordnance requested submit their guns, and invited designers
Winchester, which had extensive exper- who had not yet entered the contest to do
ience with ammunition for semiautomatic so. In July 1941 Ordnance, impressed by
weapons, to undertake design of a cart- an improved version of Winchester's semi-
ridge for the proposed carbine. Modeled automatic rifle, asked Winchester to build
on an existing Winchester .32-caliber cart- a sample carbine of similar design. Fully
ridge, the new carbine ammunition was occupied with production of the M1
submitted in November 1940, found sa- rifle and other development work, Win-
tisfactory, and approved for production in chester had not submitted a carbine for
small experimental lots.52 the earlier tests. But in just fourteen days
Meanwhile Ordnance had sent a circu- after accepting Ordnance's invitation to
lar to gun manufacturers and designers construct a carbine, Winchester completed
throughout the country inviting submission a handmade first model. Though not a
of model weapons for preliminary engineer- finished product, it passed its preliminary
ing tests. Of the nine models presented for tests at Aberdeen on 11 August 1941.
trial in the summer of 1941, three did not There remained only thirty-four days for
meet the general specifications and were Winchester to perfect its design and com-
withdrawn, leaving six models actually plete an improved specimen for entry in
tested. Though all showed promise, none the general service tests set for 15 Septem-
was entirely satisfactory. As a result of the ber. After intensive day and night work
tests, the Ordnance Committee dropped
the requirement for full-automatic fire,
deciding that the proposed carbine should
be strictly semiautomatic. Two of the guns (1) Record of Army Ordnance Research and
tested showed such promise that five tool- Development, vol. 2, Small Arms and Small Arms
Ammunition, bk. I, ch. 2, Jan 46, OHF; (2)
room models of each, embodying the im- Design, Development and Production of Carbine,
provements recommended after the tests, Cal. .30, Jan 45, by OCO, p. 1, OHF; (3) Ltr,
were ordered. One was the Bendix Aviation CofInf to CofOrd, 25 Mar 38, sub: Weapons
and Ammo Carriers, OO 474/3991; (4) Ltr, Cof-
Corporation entry designed by George J. Inf to TAG thru CofOrd, 16 Sep 38, sub: Light
Hyde; the other was the Springfield Weapons for Ammo Carriers, OO 474/4246; (5)
Armory entry designed by John C. Garand. Ltr, CofInf to TAG, 15 Jun 40, sub: Carbine for
Infantry Soldiers, with Indorsements 1 through
In August 1940, Hyde had become associ- 7, OO 474.5/120.
ated with the Inland Manufacturing Di- (1) Hist of Small Arms Matériel, U.S. Car-
vision of General Motors Corporation, and bine, Cal. .30, 1945; (2) Design, Development,
and Prod of Carbine, Cal. .30, Jan 45; (3)
had constructed there the toolroom models Sharpe, op. cit., pp. 532-44.
of his design. At the same time, Inland (1) Hist of Small Arms Matériel, U.S. Car-
bine, Cal. .30, pp. 6-7; (2) Hist, Cincinnati Ord
signed a contract for preparation of pro- Dist, vol. I, pt. 2, 1922-42, pp. 23-26; (3) Hist,
duction studies of both the Hyde and Gar- Cincinnati Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 2, Contractor
and models.53 Histories—Inland Div of General Motors Corp.

that set a new record for weapon develop- Post-Pearl Harbor Requirements
ment, Winchester met the deadline.54
All told, six models were entered in the Pearl Harbor found the United States
September tests, including one each of the with something over 1,600,000 rifles on
two designs that had earlier showed such hand, in depot stocks, and in the hands of
promise that Ordnance had ordered tool- troops, including state guards. They were
room models. The Winchester carbine out- mostly Springfields and Enfields, but in-
performed them all. On 30 September cluded nearly 350,000 new Garands. The
1941, exactly one year after Ordnance had inventory also included about 480,000
first announced that a carbine was de- pistols and revolvers, about 60,000 ma-
sired by the Army and only two months chine guns (mostly .30-caliber) and some
after Winchester had started work on its 56,000 BAR's.59 During the hectic weeks
design, the Ordnance Committee recom- that followed the attack on Pearl Harbor,
mended standardization of the Winchester Anglo-American planners drew up ambi-
model. This recommendation was formally tious programs for procuring millions of
approved on 22 October 1941, and the additional small arms. In his message to
new weapon was given the designation
carbine, caliber .30, M1.55 The story of the carbine's development is
briefly told by Edwin Pugsley, a Winchester ex-
ecutive, in his epilogue to Williamson, Winchester
Production Contracts —The Gun That Won The West, pages 385-88.
Just as speed had keynoted development See also Edwin Pugsley, Development of the .30
caliber M1 Carbine, 12 Jul 44, a five-page his-
of the new weapon, speed became the goal torical summary filed in OO 474.5/8387, copy in
for getting into production. The first OHF; Hist, SA Materiel, U.S. Carbine, Cal. .30,
requirement was set at 886,698, and funds pp. 3-4; Sharpe, op. cit., pp. 536-37; Johnson,
Rifles and Machine Guns, pp. 46-48, 257-60;
were at once made available for procure- and Arcadi Gluckman, United States Muskets,
ment.56 Since Winchester's facilities were Rifles and Carbines (Buffalo: O. Ulbrich Com-
inadequate to turn out this number, Ord- pany, 55
1948), pp. 444-47.
(1) OCM 17278, 30 Sep 41; (2) OCM
nance selected as a second contractor 17360, 22 Oct 41.
GMC's Inland Division, which had gained 56
Design, Development and Prod of Carbine,
some knowledge of carbine manufacture Cal. .30, Jan 45, p. 6.
(1) Ibid.; (2) Memo, CofOrd for Brig Gen
through its production studies of the Rutherford, OUSW, 4 Nov 41, sub: Proposed
Hyde, Springfield, and Winchester models. Site for Manufacture of Rifle, U.S. Carbine, Cal.
Without waiting until an agreement could .30, M1, at Inland Mfg. Div. . . , OO 675/
21715 Misc.; (3) Ltr, CofOrd to OUSW, 31
be worked out with the government re- Oct 41, sub: Negotiated Contract (re M1 Car-
garding manufacturing rights, Winchester bine at Winchester), OO 160/78532; (4) Hist
quickly agreed to share its knowledge with of17; SA Materiel, U.S. Carbine, Gal. .30, pp. 16-
(5) Hist, Cincinnati Ord Dist, vol. I, pt. 2,
Inland. In November 1941, Ordnance 1922-42, pp. 23-36 and vol. 100, pt. 2, Con-
placed large contracts with both Win- tractor 58
Histories Inland Div, GMC.
(1) Design, Development and Production of
chester and Inland for each to produce at the Carbine, Cal. .30, p. 26, citing contract
the rate of one thousand per day.57 Soon ORD-625, OO 160/131149; (2) Pugsley, Devel-
thereafter Winchester assigned a license to opment of the .30 Caliber M1 Carbine; (3)
the United States Government for produc- Sharpe,
op. cit., pp. 538-39.
These figures were compiled from a variety
tion of M1 carbines in exchange for a fee of documents in small arms document notebook,
of $886,000.58 OHF.
Congress on 6 January 1942, President gun goes with it. So it really isn't based on
Roosevelt set the pace by listing require- the number of men: it is based on the
ments for one million machine guns of all
kinds. In the Army's munitions program of To supply U.S. ground forces with small
February 1942, rifle requirements were set arms, to provide machine guns for air-
at four million for the year 1942; the planes and tanks, and to meet the some-
staggering total of twelve million rifles be- times frantic demands of friendly nations
came the goal for production by June —all this added up to an impossible pro-
1944. In addition, more than four million duction load. Ordnance drew up plans to
carbines were to be turned out during the boost output of rifles, machine guns,
same 30-month period, plus three and a submachine guns, and pistols, but by June
half million pistols and five million sub- 1942 requirements were scaled down,
machine guns. The grand total was twenty chiefly through cuts in lend-lease. Garand
five million weapons.60 Only about one- rifles, for example, were eliminated alto-
third of the rifles were for United States gether from foreign aid and were reserved
forces; the remaining two-thirds—over five exclusively for U.S. forces. By November
million Springfields, nearly a million Gar- 1942 requirements had been cut still fur-
ands, and over a million Enfields—were ther to bring them within the realm of
scheduled for lend-lease. possible achievement. Lend-lease require-
Even for some of the Army people these ments were set at about two and a half
figures appeared high. The following ex- million rifles, mostly .303-caliber Lee-
change at the production conference on Enfields. For U.S. forces the November
small arms in February 1942 illustrates 1942 Army Supply Program called for
the feeling of incredulity with which some more than three and a half million Garands
planners viewed the post-Pearl Harbor re- and nearly five and a half million carbines
quirements: by December 1944. Production schedules
for these two weapons were closely co-
Gen. Somervell: I would just like to ask
a question. It may be terribly ignorant, but ordinated because it was hoped that a
we set up for an American army of 10 mil- shortage of one could be temporarily off-
lion people, 528,000 of these machine guns. set by increased production of the other.
Now we are proposing to build 1,302,000 of
them. In other words, it will be for an army
of about 24 million people. Rifle Production
Judge Patterson: What's this? Where do
you get that figure? World War II rifle production in the
General Somervell: Take line three. . . . United States included five main types:
God, I just don't believe it. the Springfield, the Browning automatic
General Aurand: I can explain it ...
About from 75 to 80 percent of the tanks (1) Overall Requirements for War Munitions
that are on this program are Defense Aid Program, 11 Feb 42; (2) Memo, USW for G-4.
21 Feb 42, USW file 104 Rifles, copy in OHF.
tanks. ... If we are going to get the tanks 61
Review of Prod Plans of the SA Div, 20 Feb
. . . and other things that are in there, we 42, pp. 29-30. See also Memo, USW for G-4,
are going to have these machine guns for 21 Feb 42, wherein Patterson asked for a review
them. of the huge requirements for small arms, and
General Moore: They are basing that on Memo, G-4 for USW, 23 Feb 42, wherein Somer-
a lot of wastage, a lot of short life for tanks, vell defended existing requirements. Both in USW
and of course if a tank goes out, a machine file 104 Rifles, and copy in OHF.

rifle (BAR), the Brtitish Lee-Enfield, the time, materials, and skilled manpower.
Garand, and the carbine. (See Table 75.) Just as the first pieces were coming off
The newest and smallest, the carbine, won the line at Ilion, Pearl Harbor brought a
the quantity production laurels, its more desperate need for speedier production.
than six million nearly equaling the total Remington at once began work on design
for the other four. The Garand was the changes and improved techniques to
preferred weapon for front-line troops, simplify manufacture. It eliminated the
but during 1942 and 1943 its production polishing of outside surfaces; increased tol-
could not keep up with demand. Oldest erances on outside surfaces to permit
of the lot was the Springfield, adopted finishing of forgings by buffing instead of
while Theodore Roosevelt was in the White machining; redesigned twenty-three parts
House but still able to hold its own when so they could be made of stampings in-
matched with newer designs, and useful as stead of forgings; and eliminated several
a substitute for the Garand. Most unusual parts completely. As a result, each rifle
from the production viewpoint was the required less steel, less labor, and less
BAR, manufactured chiefly by a group of machine-tool time. More parts were sub-
firms known as the New England Small contracted to firms with stamping facilities.
Arms Corporation. The modified gun—no longer the collec-
tor's pride, but still an effective weapon
Spring fields —was approved for manufacture in May
1942 as M1903A3.62 Another change to
As noted above, manufacture of Spring- speed production came later when tests
field rifles for the British got under way at Aberdeen proved that two rifling grooves
in 1941 at Remington's Ilion plant with gave just as good results as the traditional
machinery shipped from Rock Island. But four, but the effect on production was not
many problems arose. Some machine tools great because plants already tooled for 4-
needed by Remington were not supplied by groove production continued without
the arsenal, and many were badly worn change.63
from previous hard use. Remington had to
obtain hundreds of new manufacturing (1) Hist, Rochester Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 9,
Contractor Histories—Summary Report, Produc-
drawings as well as a large number of tion of Rifle, U.S. Cal. .30 M1903 and M1903A3
gages. Worst of all, the tools and tech- at Ilion Works of the Remington Arms Co., Inc.,
niques from Rock Island were outdated; 9 May 45, by Remington Arms Co., Inc.; (2)
Mitchell, Hist, SA Matériel; U.S. Rifle Cal. .30
newer and cheaper manufacturing proc- M1903, [1945], pp. 23-28; (3) Ltr, Rochester
esses developed since 1918 had not been Ord Dist to OCO, 14 Jun 44, sub: Historical
adapted to manufacture of the Springfield Data—SA Matériel, with attached rpt dtd 15
Jun 44, s u b : Production of Rifles, U.S. Cal. .30
rifle. In the early days, highly skilled M1903 in Rochester Ord Dist, pt. I Remington
craftsmen had literally hewn parts of the Arms Co.. OO 474/3053; (4) Ltr, Col Drewry,
Springfield out of solid steel blocks and, OCO to Rochester Ord Dist, 22 Apr 42, sub:
Change in Contract DA-W-74O-Ord-36 Rem-
by careful machining and hand finishing, ington Arms Co., OO 400.3295/55624 Misc. (x) ;
had produced components that functioned (5) Ltr, Remington Arms Co., Inc., to Col Guy
so well when assembled that every gun H. Drewry, 19 Feb 42, re modification of M1903
rifle, OO 474.1/1132.
fancier was proud to own a Springfield. 63
(1) Mitchell, Hist, SA Matériel, U.S. Rifle
But such methods were costly in terms of Cal. .30 M1903 [1945], p. 31; (2) OCM 19053,

Requirements for Springfields were so boosted to 3,000 while Winchester raised

high in early 1942 that Ordnance brought its output from 100 per day to 750. In
in a second producer, the L. C. Smith- August 1942, total production amounted
Corona Typewriter Corporation of Syra- to 68,660 for the month while require-
cuse, N.Y. The first contract was for ments to the end of the program in June
100,000 rifles followed in July by a second 1944 stood at about four million, or
order for 280,000 to be completed by 200,000 per month. It was a huge gap
December 1943. Smith-Corona subcon- that was not closed until the war was
tracted with twenty other firms for minor nearly over.
components. Production was hampered by All during 1942, 1943, and early 1944
the fact that Remington had not com- production of the Garand lagged behind
pleted its redesign work before Smith- requirements, lending support to the argu-
Corona started production. A continuous ment of critics that it was a hard-to-
series of design changes marked the pro- manufacture weapon. Springfield was
duction period, with one change order in plagued by one problem after another.66
July 1943 affecting practically every com- Slow deliveries of new equipment ham-
ponent.64 pered it at the outset, and then lack of
By the fall of 1943 termination of con- materials slowed production. Late in 1942
tracts for Springfields was in sight, for the War Production Board, apparently
Garands and carbines were by then being acting without full knowledge of the facts,
turned out in quantity and requirements canceled the Armory's order for receiver
had been lowered. Remington and Smith- steel with the result that forging operations
Corona completed their final rifles in Feb- on receivers stopped for four weeks. New
ruary, 1944. Remington continued with broaching techniques were adopted to save
the manufacture of spare rifle parts while time and material, but for a long period
Smith-Corona, after completing 234,580 the Armory's broaching capacity was in-
M1903 rifles, returned to making type- sufficient to meet the rifle schedule of
writers. Total output of the two contrac- 90,000 per month. Labor turnover includ-
tors was 1,318,951 M1903 rifles of all ing the drafting of several experienced
types.65 machine operators, also held back produc-
tion. At Winchester, slow delivery of new
Lag in Garand Production heat-treating furnaces delayed production.
The requirement of complete interchange-
In the fall of 1941 Springfield Armory's
production of 1,000 Garands per day Hist, Rochester Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 9,
Contractor Histories—Rifle Production at the
looked good, but after Pearl Harbor it fell Syracuse Plant of L. C. Smith & Corona Type-
far short of meeting requirements. It had writers, Inc. during World War II, 14 May 45,
to be raised to 2,000 per day, and then by Harold McD. Brown.
(1) Whiting, Statistics, Proc sec., 9 Apr 52,
p. 47; (2) PP 76, Small Arms and Small Arms
15Oct 42; 19129, 4 Nov 42; (3) Ltr, Maj Sam Ammunition, Design, Development and Procure-
Marshall, OCO, to CO, Springfield Armory, 23 ment 1917-45, Jun 45, pp. 6-10.
Oct 42, sub: Two Groove Rifling for Rifle Barrels, As an example, see Ltr, Col G. A. Woody,
OO 474.4/802; (4) Julian S. Hatcher, Hatcher's Springfield Armory, to CofOrd, 25 Feb 41, sub:
Notebook (Harrisburg, Pa.: The Military Service Expansion of M1 Rifle Prod, OO 400.12/4138,
Publishing Company, 1947), pp. 7, 17. copy in OHF.


Source: Whiting, Statistics, Table PR-8.

ability of all parts caused Winchester the ditional producers had to be lined up. As
most trouble, for in commercial practice no single plant could meet the whole
such interchangeability was not required.67 deficit, five smaller plants were placed
Considering the long period of preparation under contract, each to turn out thirty
at Springfield Armory, Winchester's educa- thousand carbines per month. Known as
tional order in 1939, and the urgency of the second wave of carbine plants, these
Garand production, output during the were the Rock-Ola Company and Quality
1940-42 period was a major disappoint- Hardware and Machine Company, both of
ment in the Ordnance record. The weap- Chicago; Irwin-Pedersen Arms Company
on's high quality was not matched by a of Grand Rapids; Underwood-Elliott-
sufficiently high rate of production until the Fisher Company of Hartford, Conn.; and
end of 1943.68 (Table 15) the Rochester Defense Corporation of
Rochester, N.Y.69 Most were inexperi-
Carbines enced in munitions making, having turned
from making hardware, juke boxes, and
The ink had barely dried on the first
two carbine contracts with Winchester and 67
See General Report on Small Arms Produc-
Inland in 1941 when the United States tion, 18 Mar 43, by War Projects Unit, Bur of
found itself at war. Before Pearl Harbor, the Budget, pt. VII, copy in OHF.
Manufacturing and inspection techniques are
requirements for carbines had stood at discussed below in Chapter XIV; in Hist, Spring-
886,698, but the War Munitions Program field Armory, vol. II, bk. II, 1939-41, pp. 100-
drawn up in February 1942 listed over one 104; and in PSP 76. For conservation of materi-
als, see Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
million needed by the end of 1942 and Munitions for War, ch. XVIII.
over three million by the end of 1943. As 69
Rochester Defense Corp. was taken over by
Winchester and Inland were being set up the National Postal Meter Co. in the summer of
1942, and National Postal Meter became Com-
to produce only one thousand each per mercial Controls Corp. in 1944; (1) Design,
day and could not start producing at all Development and Production of Carbine Cal.
before June, achievement of the one .30, Jan 45, by OCO, pp. 7-9; (2) Hist, SA
Materiel, U.S. Carbine Cal. .30 [1945], pp. 18-
million goal for 1942 was clearly impossi- 21; (3) Correspondence between OCO and
ble for them. Part of the 1942 shortage OUSW in Mar and Apr 42, filed in OO 160; (4)
History, Procurement of Carbine Cal. .30 M1 in
could be offset by speeding production of Chicago Ord Dist, 28 Jun 46, by Samuel O. Rice,
Springfields and by issuing old Enfields in Historian Chicago Ord Dist, filed in Hist, Chicago
place of carbines, but for the future ad- Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 3—Contractor Histories.

typewriters; yet all but one proved suc- duction problems Ordnance canceled the
cessful. contract, purchased the company's plant at
No sooner had these five new producers Grand Rapids, and arranged for Saginaw
been added than further expansion became Steering to operate it.72
necessary. By June 1942 carbine require-
ments had jumped to over four million Integration Committees
needed by the end of 1943. In what was
known as the third wave of expansion a With so many contractors in the carbine
contract was awarded in August 1942 to picture the need for over-all co-ordination
Standard Products Company of Port Clin- soon arose. In late March 1942 Ordnance
ton, Ohio, for manufacture of carbines at called together representatives of the seven
the rate of forty five thousand per prime contractors, discussed production
month.70 Meanwhile Inland had started problems, and gradually worked out pro-
producing in June, only six months after cedures for interchange of ideas, raw ma-
signing its contract, and by the end of the terials, and machine tools. At first called
year reached a rate of one thousand per Carbine Production Committee, this group
day. Winchester started producing in Sep- later took the name of industry integration
tember, followed by Underwood-Elliott- committee in common with other similar
Fisher and Rock-Ola in November. Al-, committees formed by the Ordnance De-
though the November 1942 Army Supply partment. The carbine committee appears
Program made deep cuts in most items, to have been the first such committee
the drop in carbine requirements was formed by the Ordnance Department, with
slight and the need for additional pro- the mechanical time fuze committee a close
ducers again became apparent. In January second. The carbine committee was
and February 1943 contracts were placed headed in the beginning by Lt. Col. Ed-
with International Business Machines Cor-
poration and Saginaw Steering Gear Di- 70
For a graphic description of this company's
vision of General Motors Corporation, work, see Thomas E. Lloyd, "Mass Production of
both of whom were nearing completion of the Caliber 0.30 M-1 Carbine," Iron Age, vol.
orders for other types of small arms. This 152, No. 9 (August 26, 1943), 42-47.
Rpt, Production History of Carbine Cal. .30
so-called fourth wave brought the total of M1 and M1 A1, filed as Incl 1 to 1st Indorsement,
carbine prime contractors to ten. Of this Cincinnati Ord Dist to CofOrd, 22 Apr 44, sub:
group, Inland, the first plant to start Historical Data, Carbine Cal. .30 M1, Inland
Manufacturing Co., OO 474.5/7279.
producing, became the leader, making 72
(1) Ltr, Brig Gen James Kirk, OCO, to De-
available to other firms the details of its troit Ord Dist, 20 Mar 43, sub: Contract W-
manufacturing techniques along with 374-Ord-1548 with Irwin-Pedersen Arms Co.,
with attached Ltr, Maj Gen Thomas J. Hayes,
drawings and specifications for tools, jigs, OCO, to Director of Purchases Div SOS, 10 Mar
and fixtures. Because of its close contacts 43, sub: Termination of Order for 146,735 Car-
with gage manufacturers, Inland was bines, M1, with Irwin-Pedersen. . . , OO 160/
94129—Irwin-Pedersen Arms Co.; (2) Out of the
awarded a contract for procurement of Valley to Victory, published by Saginaw Steering
gages for the entire carbine program.71 Of Gear Div of GMC in 1943; (3) Rpt, Historical
all the carbine contractors, the only one Data on Carbine Cal. .30—Irwin-Pedersen Co.
and Saginaw Steering Gear Div of GMC, 1 Jul
that failed to produce was Irwin-Pederson. 44, filed in folder marked Hist of Carbine Cal.
After this concern experienced many pro- .30, OHF.

PRODUCING CARBINE BARRELS. Finished barrels ready for the assembly department (left);
broaching the rifling grooves in the carbine barrels (right).

ward C. Franklin as chairman and Mr. D. plants. Carbines from each plant were
M. Fincke of the Underwood-Elliott-Fisher brought together, disassembled, their parts
Company as assistant chairman. It became systematically scrambled, and then reas-
a central clearing house for all sorts of sembled and tested.74
problems encountered by the prime con- A special problem for carbine producers
tractors. was the supply of alloy steel. Though the
In the early stages, the committee held amounts required by the individual car-
meetings every month or six weeks to dis- bine contractors were small, the contrac-
cuss engineering changes that would tors were compelled to buy in large quanti-
improve the functioning of the carbine or ties at the insistence of the steel mills,
speed its manufacture. It forwarded rec- which would deliver only minimum mill
ommendations to the Office Chief of Ord- heats. This left some carbine producers
nance and Springfield Armory for review with a year's supply of steel on hand while
and approval.73 Meetings to discuss inspec-
tion procedures were held at regular See Flow Chart of Carbine Industry Integra-
intervals and included representatives of tion Committee Engineering Changes in History
of Carbine Industry Integration Committee and
district offices and resident inspectors from Prior Carbine Committee, pt. IV, OHF.
each carbine plant. At frequent intervals Hist, Carbine Industry Integration Comm.
the committee conducted interchangeabil- and Prior Carbine Comms., 15 Apr 44, OHF.
This history reproduces many of the basic docu-
ity tests as checks on the standardization ments and describes the activities of the commit-
of inspection procedures at the various tee in detail.

COMPLETED CARBINES, .30-caliber M1, are checked by company inspectors at end of assem-
bly line.

other producers were unable to get enough had to be substituted for carbines. But in
to assure continuous production. To deal 1943, with ten plants in production, output
with this situation a Raw Materials Facil- reached nearly three million, against a re-
ity, or central steel warehouse, was estab- quirement for four million. As requirements
lished and operated under contract by for 1944 were only half those for 1943,
Brace-Mueller-Huntley, Inc. The carbine the deficit was carried over to make 1944
contractors, together with machine gun requirements approximately three million.
and other small arms contractors, placed The end of 1943, with production at the
their special steel orders with this central rate of 500,000 per month, found Ord-
warehouse; it in turn pooled them into nance planning drastic cuts in carbine
large orders placed with the steel mills. capacity. Action followed promptly, and of
The Raw Materials Facility contract was nine firms in production in January only
canceled in the spring of 1943, shortly two, Inland and Winchester, were still
after the Controlled Materials Plan became
effective.75 75
(1) Hist, Ind Serv, SA Div, vol. I, 1939-43,
pp. 10-11 and vol. VII, Hist of Small Arms Raw
Materiels Facility at Rochester, N.Y.; (2) Ltr,
The Production Record Brig Gen Levin H. Campbell, Jr., to OUSW, 6
Feb 42, sub: Proposed Establishment of a Central
Warehouse for Supply of Steel for SA Mfg,
Only 115,000 carbines were delivered in OO 160/117290; (3) Planning Sheets, Equip-
1942 against a requirement for more than ment Sec of ASP, by SA Div, Ind Serv, 15 Jun
one million, and Springfields and Enfields 42, p. 4 and 15 Sep 42, p. 11.

producing in June. Both the latter firms using some government-owned equipment
were low-cost producers and both were in left over from World War I. After award
noncritical labor areas. Between them they of the first contract early in 1942 this
were easily able to meet carbine require- corporation continued throughout the war
ments for the rest of the war. Total pro- as the main source of BAR's. Manufacture
duction of carbines during three and a of components was carried out by the six
half years was a little over six million, member companies in their own plants or
probably the greatest quantity of small by subcontractors. The corporation en-
arms of any kind ever produced in such a countered its share of manufacturing
short time. problems, including scarcity of machine
In the spring of 1944 the Army achieved tools, slow delivery of materials, lack of
its original goal—a carbine that could be skilled workers, and mistakes in Ordnance
set for full automatic as well as semiauto- drawings.78 But production began early
matic fire. The M2 carbine, as it was in 1943 and eventually rose to a total of
called, went into production at Inland in over 168,000 rifles plus spare parts.
April 1944 and at Winchester the follow- Ordnance had meanwhile placed a con-
ing month. By April 1945, with the col- tract with a second producer, International
lapse of all German resistance in sight, Business Machines, to assure an adequate
Inland had reached a production rate of supply. This firm quickly reached the pro-
more than 100,000 per month. Meanwhile duction stage and by May 1943 was turn-
M1 carbines not yet issued to troops were ing out five thousand BAR's per month.
modified for selective automatic fire.76 A few weeks later requirements dropped
and Ordnance terminated the contract
The BAR after only about twenty thousand rifles
had been produced. To make use of the
The Browning automatic rifle—part equipment IBM had installed, Ordnance
rifle, part machine gun—was familiarly placed with IBM a substantial order for
known to U.S. infantrymen of both World carbines, which were then on the critical
Wars as the BAR. Only slight change oc- list.79
curred in the 1918 model during the
1920's and 1930's, and substantial quanti- Machine Guns
ties left over from World War I were held With about 140,000 machine guns left
in storage. But, after transfer of some over from World War I, the Army felt no
twenty-five thousand to the British in 1940 76
Supplement I to History of Carbines, Cal.
-41, followed by rapid expansion of the .30, Jul 44 to Jun 45, by C. A. S. Hewlett, 19
U.S. Army, the post-Pearl Harbor require- Jul7745, OHF.
International Silver Co., Blake Mfg Corp.,
ment for 150,000 BAR's demanded imme- Elliott Addressing Machine Co., National Blank
diate new production as well as moderniza- Book Co., A. G. Spalding and Brothers, and the
Boston Wire Stitcher Co. See Hist, Boston Ord
tion at Springfield Armory of the M1918's Dist, I, 65-66. See PSP 41, Browning Automatic
in stock. During the winter of 1941-42, Rifle, Development, Procurement and Production
six New England firms, with encour- 1917 to 1945 by Capt. Charles H. Schroder;
agement from Ordnance, formed the New Hist, 78
Boston Ord Dist, Jan-Jun 44, pp. 40-48.
Hist, Boston Ord Dist, Jun 44, pp. 40-49,
England Small Arms Corporation for man- and vol. 100, pt. 6.
ufacture of BAR's and other munitions, Hist, New York Ord Dist, II, pt. 1, 372-77.

JOHN M. BROWNING, GUN INVENTOR, attending a World War I conference with officials
of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. From left: Val A. Browning, Edwin Pugsley,
Fred Werme, Mr. Browning, Frank F. Burton, and William C. Roemer.

urgent need for new production during parts of the aircraft gun could be attached
the 1920's and early 1930's. As time went in a matter of minutes without modifica-
on, the various wartime types—Lewis, tion of the basic receiver. This simplified
Vickers, Marlin, and others—were one by design, adopted in 1933, eased manufac-
one declared obsolete, though prudently ture, maintenance, and troop training
kept in storage for an emergency, until throughout the war.80
only the Browning models remained as Of the commercial gunmaking firms in
standard. At Springfield and Rock Island the United States, only Colt retained ac-
the M1917 Brownings were modified and tive interest in machine guns during the
given new designations, M1917A1 (water- interwar years. Under contract with Ord-
cooled) and M1919A4 (air-cooled). The nance, it made production studies on
one outstanding machine gun develop-
ment of these years was the redesign of the (1) Chinn, The Machine Gun, vol. I, pt. IV;
(2) Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Mu-
.50-caliber Browning machine gun so that nitions for War, p. 178; ( 3 ) , PP 36, U.S. Machine
it could be quickly converted to serve as Guns, Calibers .30 and .50, Development, Re-
tank, aircraft, or antiaircraft weapon. The quirements and Production 1940-45, Jul 45, pp.
37-38; (4) PSP 36. The latter, a 268-page typed
heavy barrel of the tank gun, the water- study, is the best single source for machine gun
jacket barrel of the AA gun, or the lighter production data.

Browning guns, both .30-caliber and .50- it." 82 For ground machine guns, capacity
caliber, and contributed to the preparation was below requirements early in 1942 but
of descriptions of manufacture. In 1939 tank objectives dropped during the year,
Rock Island installed a production line bringing a corresponding drop in ground
capable of turning out .30-caliber machine machine gun requirements.83 By the
guns at the rate of twenty five per day,81 end of the year production of all types,
and Ordnance placed production orders both air and ground, totaled 662,331, just
with the Savage Arms Company of Utica, enough to meet requirements. The most
N.Y., and with four divisions of General sharply defined trend was the shift from
Motors—Saginaw Steering, Frigidaire, AC the small .30-caliber to the powerful .50-
Spark Plug, and Brown-Lipe-Chapin. The caliber aircraft machine gun with armor-
British placed contracts with Colt and piercing, incendiary ammunition. (Table
three other firms to make machine guns 16) Hidden within these over-all figures
for planes and tanks being built in the were many stops and starts as require-
United States for the British Army, and to ments were cut and factories shut down
all these firms Ordnance released its at one point only to be followed by an
latest designs. Thus, total machine gun emergency demand for new production a
production capacity created during the de- few months later.
fense period for the U.S. Army and its The .50-caliber aircraft gun program
allies was considerable. By Pearl Harbor, reached its peak during early 1944 when
Ordnance had contracted for annual pro- production capacity rose to 45,000 per
duction of some 430,000 .30-caliber and month, just enough to meet the Army
300,000 .50-caliber guns, and ten plants, Supply Program requirement of 540,000
including Rock Island, were in production. for the year.84 With 1945 requirements set
supported by scores of subcontractors. at 747,000 guns, Ordnance planned to
When President Roosevelt announced build two additional plants, but dropped
his "must" program in January 1942, he the matter during the second half of the
called for the production of 500,000 ma- year when requirements were cut and sur-
chine guns each year for the next two plus machine guns piled up in Field Serv-
years. The War Munitions Program of ice warehouses. The contract with the
February 1942 put total requirements at Buffalo Arms Corporation, a high-cost
1,302,000 for 1942-43 and the first half
of 1944. To meet the demand for aircraft
guns Ordnance found itself well prepared; 81
Hist, Rock Island Arsenal, I (1918-39),
it was able to report in February 1942 59-60.
that output of caliber .50's was running Review of Prod Plans for SA Div, 20 Feb
42, p. 20
well ahead of plane production, so far 83
(1) Memo, USW for Glancy, 4 May 42; (2)
ahead, in fact, that caliber .50's were be- Memo, ASF Prod Br for USW, 9 May 42, sub:
ing mounted on 37-mm. AA carriages as Caliber .50 AA Machine Guns and Mounts; (3)
Memo, Maj Gen Campbell for Glancy, 9 May 42,
additional weapons. General Wesson had sub: Caliber .50 AA Guns and Mounts. All in
told his staff earlier: "Forget everything ASF Prod Div 472.93 AA Guns, Job 19B, G1867:
else, but be sure you have a gun on every (4) PSP 36, pp. 93-97-
Memo, CofOrd for ASF Prod Div, 10 Jan
plane that comes out of this country; I 44, sub: Capacity for Prod . . . , ASF Prod Div,
don't care where it goes, I want a gun for 472.91 Aircraft Guns.


Covers only period from 1 July through 31 December 1940.
Covers only period from 1 J a n u a r y through 31 August 1945.
Source: Whiting, Statistics, Table PR-8.

producer in a tight labor area, was term- exceeding tolerances on the drawings al-
inated early in 1945, and Kelsey-Hayes though the parts were identical with those
was put in a standby status. taken from sample guns made by Colt.
Production engineers worked miracles in Tripods were the chief bottleneck in 1941
simplifying processes, saving material, and and could be turned out in adequate
speeding production of machine guns. quantities only by adopting less compli-
Rifling broaches more than cut in half the cated designs.85 An Army inspecting offi-
time required for rifling barrels. Pearlitic cer reported in April 1943 that, although
malleable iron castings, known as Arma production to date had been "extremely
steel, not only saved scarce steel alloys but satisfactory," some of the older plants
proved superior to the steel or bronze clung to outmoded methods, resisted
originally used for certain machine gun change, and were generally less efficient
parts. Substitution of castings, stampings, than the newcomers.86 But, all things
or a combination of stamped and riveted considered, machine gun production was
parts for completely machined parts saved one of the most successful features of the
countless man-hours and machine-tool- whole Ordnance program.
hours, and resulted in lower costs. There
were problems, too, that had to be ironed Submachine Guns
out through the Machine Gun Industry
Integration Committee. Some problems In June 1942 Ordnance placed an order
stemmed from the fact that commercial for a new type of Thompson submachine
machine gun production had been on a gun, the M2, with the Marlin Firearms
small scale during the preceding two dec- Company of New Haven, Conn.; but, be-
ades, and had been limited to one manu- fore production started, the M3 supplanted
facturer. Colt's small peacetime orders had
not warranted extensive application of
mass-production techniques. Tolerances, 85
These matters appear frequently in Gen.
specifications, and inspection rules had not Wesson's conference in 1941 and PSP 36, pp.
been worked out in sufficient detail to 158ff. See also (1) Armament section of American
Machinist, vol. 85, (July 23, 1941); (2) Memo,
guide numerous producers unfamiliar with Maj Gen Campbell for Glancy, 9 May 42, sub:
gunmaking, nor were the rules always Cal. .50 AA Gun and Mounts, ASF Prod Div
applied in the same way. The General 472.93 AA Guns, Job 19B, G1867.
Ltr, Lt Col Jack G. Allen to TIG, 12 Apr 43,
Motors plants, for example, complained sub: Study of ... Machine Gun Proc, ASF
that inspectors were rejecting parts for Prod Div 472—Guns.

the M2.87 Built along the lines of the mandrel and thus imprinting the rifling on
British Sten and the German Schmeisser, the inside of the barrel. The barrel's
the new gun had been designed by the tight grip on the mandrel was then loosened
Inland Division of General Motors. As all by an ingenious centerless rolling machine
Inland's capacity was committed to pro- that stretched the metal slightly. The
duction of the carbine, a contract for the whole sequence of press work, rolling, and
M3 went to another General Motors di- mandrel removal could be performed by
vision, Guide Lamp, with Buffalo Arms three girls, and each mandrel, made of
Corporation making the bolt. special nondeforming steel, lasted for
The M3, nicknamed the "grease gun" thousands of barrels.89
for its resemblance to the tool used for
lubricating automobiles, weighed less than The Bazooka Rocket Launcher
a Garand, yet it could fire 45-caliber
pistol ammunition at a rate of four hun- Most impressive small arms development
dred shots per minute and could be pro- of the year was the 'bazooka'—a rocket-
launching device operated by two men.
duced for as little as $20. It was of the Armed with this weapon, the individual foot
type known in Europe as "machine soldier possessed, for the first time, the
pistols." With its folding stock and barrel means whereby he could, single-handedly, do
removed for packing it was small enough battle with a tank.
to fit into a briefcase. In contrast to the
precision-made Thompson the M3 was de- So wrote the Chief of Ordnance in his
signed for cheap mass production with annual report for the fiscal year 1943.
unskilled labor, making full use of stamped After a century of neglect the rocket had
metal parts and other short cuts. But it again come into its own as a weapon of
did not escape manufacturing problems. war, and the United States, though slower
There were so many manufacturing prob- than other countries to take it up, made
lems, in fact, that, for lack of M3's, man- rapid strides after Pearl Harbor.90
ufacture of M1's had to be continued into In its original form the bazooka was one
February 1944 instead of stopping as of the simplest pieces of equipment ever
planned in the fall of 1943. All told, some produced by Ordnance. It consisted essen-
621,000 M3's were produced as compared tially of a 54-inch steel tube of 2.36-inch
to roughly twice that number of Thomp- inside diameter, open at both ends,
sons and M1 's combined.88 equipped with two hand grips, a trigger,
In making M3'S, Guide Lamp adopted and simple sights. When Ordnance first
an entirely new process for rifling the
barrel, using neither the traditional hooked The M3 was standardized by OCM 19401,
23 December 1942. For research and develop-
cutter that required an experienced opera- ment, see Rcd of Army Ord Research and
tor nor the more or less automatic broach- Development, vol. 2, bk. 1.
ing machine. Instead, it inserted in each (1) PSP 40; (2) Whiting, Statistics, PR-8.
"Novel Methods Speed Manufacture of M3
barrel a mandrel that had the rifling lands Submachine Gun," American Machinist, vol. 88,
and grooves cut on its outside surface in Armament Section (May 11, 1944).
reverse. A powerful hydraulic press then Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Mu-
nitions for War, pp. 328-30. See also PP 79, The
forced the barrel through a ring die, Bazooka, OHF. Production of rockets is treated in
squeezing it forcibly against the hard steel Chapter VI, above.

asked General Electric to manufacture ba-

zookas it allowed the company only thirty
days for delivery of 5,000. GE had to spend
nearly half the allowed time in making
working models for test by Ordnance;
not until the fourteenth model was tested
did Ordnance give its approval. Then GE
threw all its resources into assembling ma-
terials and setting up a makeshift produc-
tion line. Skilled workmen were borrowed
from many departments; office workers
with technical skills went to work on
production lines; executives and foremen
lugged materials and lent a hand when-
ever needed. According to the company's
historical report, the 30-day deadline was
met with eighty-nine minutes to spare.91
The bazooka was such an immediate
success that Ordnance asked General
Electric to produce some sixty thousand
more in 1942, nearly one hundred thou-
sand in 1943, and two hundred thousand
in 1944. Battlefield reports dictated a
number of design changes, starting with
deflectors to protect the gunner against OFFICER CANDIDATES AT FONTAINE-
backblast of slow-burning rockets in cold- BLEAU, France, learning to fire the 2.36-
weather. This was followed by wrapping inch bazooka.
the rear section of the barrel with piano
wire to reinforce it against detonation of
rocket motors within the launcher, sub- General Electric's Bridgeport works,
stituting a generator for batteries in the though making use of more than one
firing mechanism, eliminating the forward hundred subcontractors, carried the pro-
hand grip, and, in the fall of 1943, the duction load almost single-handedly for the
most radical change of all, the take-apart first two years, despite objections by the
launcher M9. Each design change posed its
own problems, but, as the bazooka en- 91
"Development and Production of Rocket
joyed a high priority, nothing was allowed Launchers" by the General Electric Co., a con-
to stand in its way for very long. In fact, tractor's report in Hist, Springfield Ord Dist, vol.
production schedules were met more con- 100, pt. i, pp. 13-14. Project Paper No. 79, The
Bazooka, OHF, concludes its coverage of this in-
sistently on the bazooka than on any other cident by stating that GE met the deadline with
item of small arms manufacture. Perhaps 79 minutes to spare! See also John Anderson
the worst failure was that of the Magna- Miller, Men and Volts at War (New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1947), pp. 105-09.
vox Company to produce the complicated 92
Hist, Springfield Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 1,
firing device on schedule. p. 4.

Smaller War Plants Corporation that the only their late arrival in the last months of
work should be shared with small business. the war robbed them of honors they might
In June 1944, when requirements were otherwise have won.94
boosted, a contract for part of the require- After demonstration of 57-mm. and 75-
ment was placed with a small concern, the mm. recoilless rifles at Aberdeen in Sep-
Cheney Bigelow Wire Works of Spring- tember 1944 for the Secretary of War and
field, Mass. The Springfield Ordnance high-ranking officers of both War and
District was at first skeptical of the com- Navy Departments, orders for one thou-
pany's ability to meet production sched- sand of each were placed with industry.
ules, but during the winter of 1944-45 The guns were tentatively named "Kro-
Cheney Bigelow turned in an excellent rec- muskits" in honor of the two Frankford
ord of production on the M9A1 launcher. Arsenal inventors, William J. Kroeger and
Further orders were canceled in May 1945 C. Walton Musser, but the name did not
at both GE and Cheney Bigelow, though stick. Final design work was completed in
GE continued until the Japanese surren- conferences attended by representatives of
der to work on an experimental order for both the small arms designers and artillery
five hundred aluminum launchers. Cheney production engineers. As the Ordnance dis-
Bigelow had produced some forty thou- tricts reported that no U.S. facilities to
sand, and GE nearly four hundred and manufacture the 57-mm. weapon were
fifty thousand.93 available, a contract went through the De-
troit district to the Dominion Engineering
Recoilless Rifles Works in Canada. An order for the 75's
went to the Miller Printing Machinery
Though the basic idea of the recoilless Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., and by
rifle, which ranks with the bazooka as one March, 1945, production was under way
of the most impressive ordnance develop- without serious difficulties. Approximately
ments of World War II, was perhaps a one hundred recoilless rifles reached the
century old, its practical application European theater in mid-March 1945,
came only in the 1940's under the forced about six weeks before Germany surren-
draft of war research. The 57-mm. recoil- dered, and proved effective. Others went
less rifle put artillery fire power in the into action on Okinawa in May and June
hands of the individual foot soldier, for it with spectacularly successful results. Before
required no ponderous carriage or recoil production stopped at the end of the sum-
mechanism. It was, in fact, an altogether
new type of weapon for the infantry's
arsenal. Developed by the Small Arms Di- 93
Ibid. This reference includes an account by
vision of the Ordnance Research and the Springfield District, another by GE, and a
Development Service, and light enough to third by Cheney Bigelow.
(1) Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
be fired from the shoulder, it was usually Munitions for War, pp. 330-31; (2) OCM
classed as a small arms weapon, though it 22989, 24 Feb 44, copy in PSP 78, 57-mm. Rifles
fired artillery-type explosive shells. The T15E . . . , OHF; (3) Rcd of Army Ord Re-
search and Development, vol. 2, bk. 3, Special
larger 75-mm. rifle was more nearly an Weapons, OHF; (4) Elizabeth C. O'Neill, Frank-
artillery piece. Whatever their classifica- ford Arsenal Doctrine, Recoilless Rifle—Develop-
tion, they were outstanding new weapons; ment, Nov 55, OHF.

LOADING A 57-MM. RECOILLESS RIFLE on Okinawa, June 1945.

mer, 1,238 75's and 951 57's had been for a time. Pistols were not a high-priority
accepted.95 item and were in short supply during the
whole war, their production suffering from
Miscellaneous Items run-of-the-mill obstacles such as low prior-
ities and fluctuating requirements.
Under the small arms heading fell a The experience of Remington-Rand il-
number of miscellaneous items such as lustrates the problem. The company took
pistols, revolvers, bayonets, trench knives, over a vacant plant and bent every effort
helmets, and body armor. None was of during 1942 and 1943 to train new work-
great importance in the over-all procure- ers, acquire needed tools, and build up
ment picture but, taken together, they production. Just as its production line was
rounded out the essential equipment of shifting into high gear at the end of 1943
combat troops. Prominent among these the company's order was slashed. After
minor items were .45-caliber pistols and workers had been laid off and production
.38-caliber revolvers. Pistols were made at virtually halted, the company received an
first only by Colt but in 1942 three other urgent request from Ordnance in the
producers were added—Remington-Rand,
Union Switch and Signal, and the Ithaca 95
Prod rcds in OCO Ind Div. See also PSP 78;
Gun Company. As Springfield Armory and Rcd of Army Ord Research and Development,
the High Standard Manufacturing Com- vol. 2, bk. 3, Spec Weapons, OHF; and Col.
pany had the needed capacity for making Rene R. Studler, "They Give Field-Artillery
Firepower to the Infantry," Army Ordnance,
pistol barrels, they supplied the pistol con- XXIX, No. 152 (September-October 1945), 232
tractors, as did the Flannery Bolt Company -33.

spring of 1944 to restore and even increase freedom of body movement for protec-
its former rate of production. Ordnance tion.97
was keenly aware of the fact that such Before the termination telegrams went
starting and stopping of production was out in August 1945, Ordnance had ac-
most uneconomical, but was forced into it cepted some 21,000,000 rifles, machine
by fluctuating requirements. Adoption of guns, and other small arms to equip the
the carbine brought some reduction in U.S. and Allied armies, navies, and air
over-all pistol requirements, but the de- forces. Although dwarfed by expenditures
mand for pistols nevertheless remained for artillery and artillery ammunition, the
strong throughout 1944. Almost two mil- $2 billion small arms program nevertheless
lion pistols were produced during the war, loomed large in comparison with the pro-
plus 889,000 .38-caliber revolvers, most of curement activities of other technical serv-
the latter by Smith and Wesson, Inc.96 ices. From January 1942 to the end of
Among small arms items, not including 1945, the dollar value of small arms de-
ammunition, steel helmets chalked up a liveries exceeded the dollar value of all
record for quantity production, with more procurement by either the Transportation
than twenty two million delivered before Corps or Chemical Warfare Service, and
V-J Day. In 1940 the first contract with was more than double that of the Medical
the McCord Radiator and Manufacturing Department. It amounted to about half
Company of Detroit called for production the dollar value of all Signal Corps pro-
of the famous World War I tin hat whose curement; and a little less than half the
shallow pan-shaped design made it a value of all Corps of Engineer procure-
comparatively simple item to produce. But ment.
soon a deeper model that gave more pro- Far more important than quantity, in
tection to the sides and rear of the head the eyes of Ordnance small arms special-
was adopted in 1941 after some 900,000 of ists, was the quality of the weapons sup-
the 1917 models had been produced. The plied to fighting troops. Ordnance drew
switch to a new design held up production considerable satisfaction from battle re-
at a critical time and brought upon Ord-
nance a fair share of criticism, but Mc- 96
There were two studies of this subject in
Cord eventually solved the problem of OHF, both labeled PSP 39. One is entitled PSP
mass-producing M1 helmets of tough Had- Relating to Pistol, Automatic, Caliber .45,
field manganese steel. After turning out M1911A1, 1917 through August 1945, compiled
by Annie J. Gregg and reviewed by John P.
only 324,000 in 1940-41, McCord de- Aitchison (31 January 1947). The other is en-
livered five million in 1942. Meantime titled Hand Weapons Development, Production
special flyer's helmets were standardized and Procurement of Miscellaneous Pistols and
Revolvers in World War II (August 1945),
and nearly 400,000 were produced during written by Walter W. Sanborn and reviewed by
the 1943-45 period. Protective vests, ap- Maj. H. P. Smith. See also Hist, Rochester Ord
rons, and groin armor for flyers also went Dist,
vol. 100, pt. 11.
(1) Whiting, Statistics; (2) Daniel L. Wells,
into quantity production during the last The Story of the New American Helmet ( u n -
two years of the war as experience showed dated brochure in Hist, Detroit Ord Dist, vol.
105); (3) Maj Berkeley R. Lewis, Small Arms
that air crews needed protection against and Small Arms Ammunition, pp. 76-77. See also
low velocity shell fragments and, unlike Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions
ground troops, could afford to sacrifice for War, pp. 379-80.

ports testifying that the U.S. Army's small the same qualities as any other form of
arms were among the best in the world. precision metal work—good machine tools,
The Garand rifle was generally regarded trained workers, efficient management, a
as the best infantry rifle of World War II, steady flow of materials, and constant in-
suffering only from complaints of slow spection to keep quality both high and
production, not poor quality. The carbine uniform. As indicated in the preceding
was enthusiastically received and met pages, wartime production of small arms,
criticism only when it was expected to and all other types of ordnance, was
reach long range or otherwise do what it frequently held up by lack of one or an-
was not designed to do. Browning machine other of these elements. In dealing with
guns earned world-wide fame. The .50- such problems the nation was fortunate in
caliber aircraft gun was outstanding in having some production potential at the
aerial combat where its unfailing perform- outbreak of war with a thriving civilian
ance under, extremes of heat and cold small arms industry and two government
contributed notably to Allied victories in installations, Springfield and Rock Island.
the air. Of wholly new developments the Though far less modern than they might
bazooka carried off the honors, followed have been, Springfield and Rock Island
later by the light recoilless rifle, and for- served both as producing plants and as
tunately neither posed serious manufactur- centers of technical ordnance knowledge.
ing problems. It seems only fair to say that without them
But the picture was not all roseate, the conversion of industry from peace to
either from the design or the production war production would have been more dif-
viewpoint. There were no miracles associ- ficult than it was and the eventual pro-
ated with small arms procurement, in spite duction of some two and a half million
of the exuberant claims of public relations machine guns, six million carbines, and
experts. Production of small arms was an over six and a half million rifles would
exacting task that demanded essentially have taken much more time.

Small Arms Ammunition

Rounds of small arms ammunition were mechanical marvel known as the machine
produced during World War II in greater gun boosted the rate of fire a hundred-
numbers than any other item of Army fold.2 Soon developed to the point where it
supply. Whereas most Ordnance matériel could fire hundreds of shots in one
was counted in the thousands or millions, minute, the new gun's appetite for am-
small arms ammunition was numbered in munition was virtually insatiable. During
the billions of rounds, total production for World War II the trend toward faster-
the 1940-45 period amounting to more firing weapons continued, including all
than forty-one billion. Some measure of the types and sizes but advancing most among
magnitude of small arms ammunition pro- the smaller calibers. Armed with the semi-
duction may be gained by comparing it automatic .30-caliber rifle M1, a U.S.
with total wartime production of artillery infantryman could easily fire an 8-round
ammunition (excluding bombs, grenades, clip in half a minute. With the semiauto-
and mines) of one billion rounds, or with matic carbine a 15-round clip could be
procurement of high-volume Quarter- fired with similar speed while the fully
master items such as men's socks, about automatic carbine—adopted in 1944 and
half a billion pairs, or shoes, about equipped with a 30-round magazine—
145,000,000 pairs. If fired at the rate of could be fired even more rapidly. Stand-
twenty rounds per minute, night and day, ard machine guns using .30-caliber and
year after year, the small arms ammunition .50-caliber ammunition, and submachine
procured by Ordnance in World War II guns of .45-caliber, could fire at rates
would have lasted for almost forty cen- ranging from 400 to 1,200 rounds per
turies. (Table 17) minute. Armed with such weapons a single
The huge quantities of ammunition re- infantry platoon or individual bombing
quired for World War II dramatically re- plane in World War II possessed as much
flected the impact on warfare of rapid-
firing weapons. In the days of the 1
Using the "Brown Bess" flintlock, an expert
American Revolution the firing of muskets could load and fire five shots a minute under
was a slow process, each shot requiring ideal conditions, but the average for combat was
much less. James R. Jacobs, The Beginning of the
the hand loading of both powder and ball.1 U.S. Army 1783-1813 (Princeton, N.J.: Prince-
A century later, after breech loaders had ton University Press, 1947), p. 7.
replaced muzzle loaders, the rate of fire Mechanically powered guns of the Gatling
type had appeared as early as the Civil War, but
increased somewhat, but it was not until the truly automatic machine gun did not appear
late in the nineteenth century that the until the 1880's.



Source: Whiting, Statistics, p. 51.

small arms firepower as an entire infantry involve the production of fuzes or the
division of the Civil War era. manufacture and loading of high explos-
The huge volume of small arms am- ives. (See Table 77.)
munition procurement must not be inter- The mass production of high quality
preted as meaning that it exceeded artillery small arms ammunition was nevertheless
ammunition procurement in either size or an exacting process. Each round had to
complexity. There were only twelve gov- meet rigid specifications, particularly if it
ernment-owned, contractor-operated small was to be used in aircraft machine guns.
arms ammunition plants as compared to A defective round could usually be cleared
more than sixty artillery ammunition plants from a ground machine gun without great
and works. The dollar value of small arms difficulty, but fixed aircraft guns mounted
ammunition was about one-fourth that of in the wings could not be serviced while
artillery ammunition. The difference in the plane was in the air. A slight imperfec-
tonnage is suggested by the fact that a tion in one cartridge might put the gun
round of .3o-caliber ball ammunition out of action at a critical moment and
weighed only a few ounces while a 105- cause loss of both crew and plane. The
mm. howitzer round weighed about forty Ordnance objective was to produce am-
pounds. Compared to the twenty different munition that could be fired round after
calibers of artillery ammunition there were round for billions of rounds, whether in
only three important sizes of small arms tropic heat or arctic cold, in desert sand
ammunition—.3O-caliber, .45-caliber, and
.50-caliber—and there were only five main 3
There were many other sizes, including .22-
small arms types—ball, armor-piercing caliber, 60-caliber, and 7.92-mm. (for China),
(AP), armor-piercing-incendiary (AP- and many other types such as armor-piercing-
I), incendiary, and tracer.3 The manu- incendiary-tracer, blanks, guard, dummy, and the
so-called headlight tracer, but they were not pro-
facture of the smaller ammunition was not duced in great quantities. All the main types are
only simpler but easier, for it did not listed in Table 17.

or steaming jungle, without malfunctions nance position. Just at the moment that
and without significant deviations in per- demand for ammunition was rising—for
formance. troop training and equipping defense forces
—Ordnance saw its reserves suddenly cut
Dwindling Reserves by from 25 to 30 percent. Pressure for
increased production became intense dur-
Of the large reserve of ammunition held ing 1941, and Ordnance was subjected to
by the United States in 1919, a small frequent criticism for not having more
portion was used in training each year ammunition on hand and for not produc-
during the 1920's and 1930's, and the ing new ammunition fast enough. Even
remaining rounds gradually deteriorated without aid to Britain there would have
in storage. There was some new production been a shortage of rifle ammunition in the
by Frankford Arsenal, but the quantities winter of 1940-41, but it was most dis-
were small, and by the spring of 1940 the heartening for Ordnance officers to find in
national stockpile was only about half the fall of 1940 that, after two decades
what it had been twenty years before. devoted to husbanding their reserves and
Reserves of .30-caliber, which far exceeded planning for an emergency, they were short
all other calibers in volume, dropped from of the very types of ammunition most
about one billion rounds in 1919 to a needed, and some of them tended to place
little over half a billion early in 1940.4 This more than the proper share of blame on
long, slow process of attrition was one aid to Britain.6
cause of the shortage of small arms am- More important than apportionment of
munition that developed with the ap- blame for the crisis was the action taken
proach of war in 1940-41. Reserves were to meet it. Frankford Arsenal quickly
further depleted in the summer of 1940 by stepped up its production but could not
shipment of rifle ammunition to the hard- hope to keep pace with the mounting
pressed British forces. needs of the armed forces. Ground was
The transfer of 138,000,000 rounds of therefore broken in the fall of 1940 for
.30-caliber ammunition to the British after three large new government-owned am-
Dunkerque took a big slice—nearly 25 per- munition plants with capacities running
cent—from the existing United States
stock. A later shipment brought the total 4
The exact figure as of 31 December 1939 was
for British aid up to 188,000,000 rounds 588,411,466 rounds, valued at $16,951,466. Rpt
on Ammo Stocks prepared by FS, Incl to Memo
before passage of the Lend-Lease Act in of F. W. F. Gleason for Olejar, 14 Jan 44, sub:
March 1941. The first shipment was paid Requested Report on Ammunition Stocks, OO
for through the U.S. Steel Export Com- 381.4/1889,5
copy in OHF.
The details of this operation may be found in
pany on a "cash-and-carry" basis; for the monograph, How the Ordnance Department
the second shipment the British agreed to Aided Britain After Dunkirk, by Capt. Paul D.
release fifty million rounds of new am- Olejar, 6
1 Jun 44, OHF.
The whole subject of foreign aid during 1940-
munition from their Remington contract to 41 is discussed in Green, Thomson, and Roots,
replace the old ammunition received from Planning Munitions for War, Chapter III. For
the United States.5 But, regardless of the discussion of this topic from a higher level of
authority, see Watson, Chief of Staff, Pages 312-
method of reimbursement, transfer of this 14, and Leighton and Coakley, Global Logistics
matériel seriously weakened the Ord- and Strategy, Chapter I.
into the millions of rounds per day. But cials of the Remington Arms Company
bringing new plants into production was a with a view to having Remington expand
time-consuming operation. No amount of its capacity in time of emergency and also
emergency action could banish the ammu- take over operation of a proposed new gov-
nition shortage overnight, and the lack of ernment plant. Following these discussions
small arms ammunition hung like a cloud a formal statement of the plan drawn up
over the Ordnance program for the next by Frankford Arsenal was concurred in by
year and a half. Mr. C. K. Davis, president of Remington,
in 1938.8
Prewar Plans and Operations At the same time, after nearly twenty
years of starvation rations, Frankford re-
During the 1930's Frankford was the ceived $5 million for the purchase of new
only plant in the United States producing machinery and equipment of all sorts, part
military small arms ammunition. Several of an Ordnance-wide move to modernize
commercial firms made sporting ammuni- all the arsenals. Navy orders and federal
tion—Remington, Western, and Winches- work relief projects helped supplement the
ter were the best known—but the differ- regular appropriations. In 1939 Frankford
ence between sporting and military am- obtained additional funds to expand its
munition was great, comparable to the facilities for powder storage and .30- and
difference "between a taxicab and a tank," .45-caliber production, and to build a
in the words of one observer.7 Incendiary, complete new .50-caliber manufacturing
tracer, and armor-piercing ammunition, to section. The arsenal also purchased
name three outstanding examples, pre- $800,000 worth of specialized production
sented production problems that had no machinery known as War Reserve Equip-
counterpart in peacetime manufacture of ment, and stored it for emergency use by
cartridges to be used by hunters, farmers, the Remington Arms Company and West-
or policemen. Private companies received ern Cartridge Company.9 Arsenal personnel
no contracts during the 1930's for military drew up plans for speeding production in
ammunition because they could not under- the event of war, including model plant
bid Frankford, and the Army was for- layouts, descriptions of manufacture, esti-
bidden by law to purchase from industry
unless the price was less than the cost of 7
In Abundance and On Time, p. 11. This
arsenal-produced ammunition. But by little booklet, published by Remington Arms
Company, Inc., records that company's contribu-
1936 two facts had become apparent to tion to the wartime production of small arms
Army planners: (1) a major war would re- ammunition. See also History, Frankford Arsenal,
quire, in addition to Frankford's produc- Volume I, Part 1, Pages 34-35, and remarks by
Brig. Gen. Kirk on the 1945 small arms ammuni-
tion, large-scale manufacture by commer- tion program, 10 January 1945, OHF.
cial arms makers in existing plants, and The planners envisaged a manufacturing unit
(2) this production would have to be quantities: of producing in 24 hours the following
1,000,000 .30-caliber ball, 200,000-
supplemented by a new government-owned 500,000 .30-caliber tracer and AP, and 300,000
ammunition plant in the midwest operated .50-caliber (80 percent ball and AP and 20 per-
for the government by a leading industrial cent9
tracer). SAA, I, p. 69.
SAA, I, p. 49 and pp. 70-71. See also com-
firm. In 1936 and 1937 Ordnance repre-ments on draft of this chapter by Maj Gen James
sentatives conferred frequently with offi- Kirk (Ret.), 6 Apr 57, OHF.

mates of personnel needs, lists of tools and Britain in 1940. This standardization made
machinery requirements, and data on possible the pooling of machines and the
commercial sources of raw materials. To transfer of equipment and spare parts from
prepare industry for its role in an emer- one plant to another to meet any emer-
gency, Frankford placed twelve orders for gency.12
small arms ammunition under the Edu- Although not for educational purposes,
cational Orders Act in fiscal years 1940 the orders placed by other countries with
and 1941. Ten of these went to the Rem- U.S. firms played an important part in
ington Arms Company for .30-caliber preparing American industry for war pro-
tracer, .30-caliber AP, 45-caliber ball, duction. Beginning in 1939, small pur-
.50-caliber tracer, and .50-caliber AP. chases of military cartridges were made of
The remaining two orders went to the the Remington Arms Company by China,
Western Cartridge Company for .30- followed at the end of the year by Britain
caliber ball and .45-caliber ball. Frankford and France, and by Finland in 1940. The
made exhaustive tests on all ammunition British orders, constituting the bulk of all
these companies produced to determine its foreign purchases after the fall of France,
conformity to drawings and specifications. called for both American and British cali-
The quantities in the early orders were bers—including .30- and .50-caliber cart-
small, seven contracts totaling only twenty- ridges for aircraft machine guns, .303-
five million rounds, but in 1941 the three caliber rounds for rifles and machine guns,
largest orders totaled nearly three hundred .45-caliber ball ammunition for Thompson
million rounds. The primary purpose of submachine guns, and 9-mm. parabellum
educational orders, of course, was not cartridges for British Sten submachine
production but education for industry; guns. As U.S. plants did not have capacity
nevertheless, after the transfer to Britain of for such production, the British govern-
over one-fourth the U.S. stockpile of small ment had to supply machinery and capital
arms ammunition in the summer of 1940, for expansion to the Winchester plant in
production became more and more im- New Haven, Connecticut, and the Rem-
portant.10 ington plant in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Allied with educational orders for com- In addition, Britain financed the building
plete rounds of ammunition were procure- of three new facilities for making small
ment orders placed with machine-tool arms powder and one for making armor-
builders in 1939 and 1940. Orders for piercing cores. These measures, in the
machinery that had been developed and opinion of Ordnance small arms ammuni-
tested at Frankford were placed not only tion specialists, were ultimately of value
with the old line companies such as
Waterbury-Farrel and E. W. Bliss but with 10
SAA, I, pp. 62-63. See also Hist, Frankford
many others who thus gained experience Arsenal, 11
I, pt. I, pp. 1-5.
The Waterbury-Farrel Foundry and Machine
in building small arms ammunition ma- Company was located in Waterbury, Conn., and
chinery.11 A most significant result of these the E. W. Bliss Company in Brooklyn, N.Y. SAA,
steps was the eventual standardization of I, pp. 215-16 lists all the production machinery
all American ammunition makers on venders 12
who supplied Ordnance in World War II.
For details on machinery procurement. see
Frankford Arsenal machinery, and the SAA, I, pp. 200ff, and Hist, Frankford Arsenal,
adoption of this machinery by Great I, pt. I, pp. 35-36.

a All figures as of 30 J u n e of the year specified. They represent estimated capacity, not actual production.

Source: SAA, I, p. 48. See also Hist, Frankford Arsenal, SA Div, I, pt. 1, p. 23.

to the U.S. war effort because they enabled reluctant to embark upon an overly am-
American producers to expand facilities, bitious program. They frequently ques-
buy new machinery, train workers, and tioned the estimates of future needs pre-
make arrangements for subcontracting.13 pared by. G-4 and the Assistant Secretary.
Meanwhile Frankford steadily increased In July and August 1940, when produc-
its rate of production by buying new tive capacity to meet the Munitions Pro-
machinery, allotting more floor space to gram of 30 June was under study, the
small arms ammunition, and recruiting ammunition requirements figures reached
employees to man extra shifts.14 Because such high levels that about half the pro-
of the urgent need for immediate produc- gram was postponed to allow time for
tion to supply U.S. troops in 1940-41, reconsideration of the whole subject. Ord-
Frankford was permitted to take for its nance started planning for only two new
own use the war reserve machinery ear- plants. Then in late September Brig. Gen.
marked for Remington and Western. In Richard C. Moore, Deputy Chief of Staff,
August 1940 the arsenal's small arms di- informed Ordnance that the original re-
vision went on a 6-day week, and added a quirements were sound and declared it
second 8-hour shift later in the year, but a was "imperative" that production of all
full third shift was not organized and put small arms ammunition, particularly .30-
into production until mid-1941. As a result caliber, be greatly increased at once.15
of these efforts, Frankford Arsenal's esti- 13
mated yearly capacity, based on 'round- SAA, I, pp. 84-86. To supply China with
7.92-mm. ammunition the plant of the Western
the-clock operation seven days a week, Cartridge Co. at East Alton, Ill., was expanded
increased. (Table 18) in 1942.
For an account of this process by the officer
in charge, see "Small-Arms Ammunition," by Col.
Building New Plants, 1940-42 James Kirk, Army Ordnance, XXII, No. 129
(November-December 1941), 369. The manu-
At the start of the defense period there facturing methods are described and illustrated
with photographs.
was considerable uncertainty as to how 15
Memo, Deputy CofS (Gen Richard C.
much ammunition would be needed and Moore) for CofOrd, 23 Sep 40, sub: Prod of
what arrangements should be made for SA Ammo, G-4/31773. See also disposition slip,
Deputy CofS to TAG and CofOrd, 6 Aug 40,
its production. Ordnance leaders tended to sub: Ammo Expenditure and Prod Program, in
be conservative in their estimates and same file.

In reply, General Wesson reviewed the Christmas 1940, and the first loaded cart-
steps already taken to increase the capacity ridges were produced in September 1941
of Frankford Arsenal and commercial —three months ahead of General Wesson's
plants. The only way to gain more new estimate. The site for the St. Louis plant,
production at once, he pointed out, was largest of the small arms ammunition fa-
to take over the British contracts with cilities, was selected in January 1941, and
commercial firms in the United States. To production of .3O-caliber and .50-caliber
meet the future needs of the 2-million- got under way within the year. Patterned
man force, General Wesson said he would after Lake City, the .30-caliber Denver
have to build three new plants (including plant went up faster, taking only seven
the two under way) at a cost of $20 months from the start of construction in
million each, but warned that they prob- March to first production in October
ably would not come into production for 1941. With a daily population of some
fifteen months. The proposal to take over 20,000, the Denver plant was Colorado's
British contracts was not acceptable, for it fourth largest community. It covered a
ran counter to the policy of aiding Britain, 2,000-acre reservation, had more than 200
but G-4 and the Assistant Secretary buildings, a police force larger than that
promptly approved General Wesson's pro- of Denver, a hospital, a railroad station,
posal to build three new plants. They 11 miles of railroad track, 17 miles of
thus launched the so-called First Wave of roads, and 15 miles of fencing.19
expansion in the Ordnance small arms 16
(1) Memo, CofOrd for DCofS, 30 Sep 40,
ammunition program.16 sub: Prod of SA Ammo, OO 471/200; (2)
Memo, Lt Col Henry S. Aurand for Brig. Gen.
The First Wave Eugene Reybold, sub: Prod of SA Ammo, G-4/
31773; (3) Memo, Acting ACofS (Col Reybold)
While these discussions were in progress for ASW, 3 Oct 40, sub: Prod of SA Ammo,
Ordnance drew up detailed plans for three G-4/31773; (4) Intervs with Burns and Maj.
government - owned, contractor - operated Gen. Charles T. Harris, fall of 1953.
Memo, Chief of SA Div for Chief of Ind
(GOCO) plants. After much intensive Serv, 16 Oct 40, sub: Funds for Manufacture of
study, followed by approval of various SA Ammo. . . , OHF. When this memo was
agencies, the sites were selected—Lake written the Denver site had not yet been selected.
Photostat copies of letters of approval signed by
City, Mo., Denver, Colo., and St. Louis, President Franklin D. Roosevelt are in OHF. The
Mo.17 The first two were to be operated cost of all three plants was originally estimated
by Remington and the third by the U.S. to be $65,000,000.
For description of the early planning on the
Cartridge Company (a subsidiary of West- production of armor-piercing cores, see History of
ern Cartridge Company of East Alton, the Core Program, by SA Div, Ind Serv, (1945),
Ill.) with the McQuay-Norris Company p. 205. A single government-owned source of
supply was considered, better than purchasing
operating the core-making part of the St. from many small commercial concerns because of
Louis plant.18 A letter of intent covering the great need for screw machines and heat-
the Lake City project was sent to Reming- treating equipment and the necessity for carefully
controlling quality. Efficiency, speed, and economy
ton and Western as early as mid-September dictated the decision to put all core production
enabling them to proceed with engineering under one roof. The subject is also treated in
work and placement of orders for produc- SAA, I, pp. 270-84.
For details on construction and early pro-
tion equipment. Ground was broken by duction, see the plant histories in OHF. Including
Senator Harry S. Truman the day after later additions, the cost of building and equip-

These First Wave plants were all in officers in the field considered it "the ma-
production by December 1941. Combined, jor deterrent to proper training of the
they had a capacity of over 300,000,000 troops." 23 Because of the urgency of the
rounds per month—more than six times situation, construction and equipment of
the capacity of Frankford.20 But all during all the small arms plants was given an
1941, while they were being built and A-1-a priority in May 1941, the only
equipped, Frankford was virtually the sole such priority rating granted to Ordnance,
source of new small arms ammunition. and their operation after completion was
Commercial firms under contract to the given the same rating.24
British were not disturbed. Frankford thus
served as an element of the "Regular Army The Second Wave
of production" holding the fort alone until
new plants could come to the rescue. It Under these pressures Ordnance drew
also served as a school where contractor up plans for the Second Wave of three
personnel were trained in methods of pro- plants. Approved by the War Department
ducing various types of ammunition.21 in the spring of 1941, construction of the
All during the 1940-41 defense period, Utah, Twin Cities, and Des Moines plants
small arms ammunition was in extremely began during late July and August. In
short supply. It was the most critical class addition to its already heavy burden as
of items in Ordnance procurement. Both operator of Lake City and Denver, Rem-
G-4 and the Assistant Secretary of War ington undertook to operate the Utah
repeatedly urged Ordnance to open new plant at Salt Lake City. To staff this
plants as fast as possible. Secretary Patter- facility, which covered five thousand acres,
son time after time stressed the need for the company recruited and trained more
more production. In February 1941, for than ten thousand employees in a non-
example, he wrote to General Wesson as 20
The total daily capacity of the new plants
follows: included 8,000,000 .30-caliber, 2,000,000 .30-
caliber carbine (added in December 1941) and
As you know, the situation in regard to 1,200,000 .50-caliber. Frankford's daily capacity in
Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 small arms am- June 1941 was about 2,000,000, including .30-
munition is most critical. The existing stocks caliber, .45-caliber, and .50-caliber, SAA, I, p.
together with deliveries scheduled for 1941 153. 21
It should be noted that small arms ammuni-
are, in general, not adequate to meet the tion was only one part of Frankford's responsibil-
needs of the Army and Navy for target ity. The arsenal was also a center for development
practice . . . and to provide necessary com- and production of artillery ammunition and fire
bat reserves. ... It will be necessary to control apparatus.
limit training to a very small part of re- Memo, ASW for CofOrd, 10 Feb 41, sub:
212 Expediting Prod of SA Ammo, OO 471.4/504.
For G-4 opinion, see Memo, G-4 for CofOrd,
A few months later he told General Wesson 23 Sep 40, sub: Prod of SA Ammo. G-4 file
and General Somervell that the shortage of 31773. 23
Memo, Patterson for Wesson, 2 Jul 41, OO
small arms ammunition was being pre- 471-4/1337.
sented to him from day to day and that (1) Memo, ANMB for Brig Gen Charles T.
Harris, 9 May 41, sub: Priority Rating for SA
Ammo, OO 471.4/988; (2) Memo, Lt Col
ping these three plants was a little more than Drewry for Chief of Ind Serv, 13 May 41, sub:
$250,000,000. SAA, I, table opposite p. 114. Priority Rating for SA Ammo, OO 471.41/1002.

industrial area where workers with factory Building and equipping all these new
experience were almost unknown. The plants during 1941 in competition with
Federal Cartridge Company of Anoka, hundreds of other high priority projects for
Minn., contracted to operate the Twin scarce machine tools and building mate-
Cities Ordnance Plant a few miles north rials was not easy. For the First Wave,
of Minneapolis and St. Paul.25 The plant machine-tool deliveries took almost a year
at Des Moines, Iowa, went to a concern after the orders were placed, and there
with no experience in ammunition produc- was nearly as long a delay in equipping
tion—the U.S. Rubber Company of Ak- the Second Wave plants. Heavy machinery
ron, Ohio. Because the rubber shortage needed for mass production of ammunition
had forced curtailment of its normal oper- was of special design and could not have
ations, this concern was able to place part been built quickly even if machine-tool
of its managerial resources at the disposal builders had not been flooded with other
of the Ordnance Department.26 All these orders. At the request of the government,
plants were of a less permanent type than Remington and Western co-operated close-
those of the First Wave and came into ly in standardizing equipment and placing
production during February and March orders for machinery, opening a joint office
1942, averaging only seven months from at Frankford for the purpose in November
the date ground was broken. When com- 1940. Intensive efforts were also made to
pleted, they brought total monthly pro- provide an adequate supply of perishable
duction capacity up to 480,000,000 for tools at all the plants.29
.30-caliber and 140,000,000 for .50- Shortage of experienced management
caliber.27 Steel cores for AP ammunition was another major bottleneck. It was es-
were supplied all the Second Wave plants timated that in 1940 there were in the
by the Toledo Core Plant operated by the United States less than one hundred men
Willys-Overland Company.
In 1940 Ordnance saw that the old line 25
On selection of these sites, see memo for
brass and copper companies would not be record by E. M. Martin, 9 Sep 41, pp. 138-39,
able to produce all the brass strip needed SAA, II, Ref 40. The Ordnance historical files
by the ammunition program. As ammuni- contain 26
histories of each plant.
Memo, Maj Edward C. Franklin for Fisc Div,
tion requirements rose time after time 1Oct 41, pp. 140-41, in SAA, II, Ref 41. This
during 1941 the need for new brass strip memo explains the reasons for selecting each con-
capacity became more clearly apparent. tractor27
for the Second Wave plants.
Each plant was originally designed to pro-
Ordnance therefore made arrangements duce 2,000,000 rounds of .30-caliber and 600,000
for building four new brass mills to be rounds of .50-caliber per day, but the quantities
financed by the Defense Plant Corporation were changed frequently. See Incl to Memo,
CofOrd for USW, 18 Apr 41, OO 400.12/2764.
and operated under cost-plus-fixed-fee 28
(1) SAA, I, pp. 254-58; (2) Memo, Camp-
contracts by four leading brass companies bell to Brig Gen Charles T. Harris, 23 Nov 40,
—American, Bridgeport, Chase, and Re- Ref29 107 in SAA, II.
For details on procurement of machinery, see
vere. Expansion of existing privately owned SAA, I, pp. 200ff. The contract with Remington
plants—particularly Western Cartridge, to schedule and expedite procurement of all pro-
duction machinery is described in History, Utah
supplier for the St. Louis plant—was also Ordnance Plant, Volume 101. The tool problem
undertaken, but in 1942 the shortage of is discussed in History, St. Louis Ordnance Plant,
brass strip capacity became acute.28 Volumes VIII-IX.

with comprehensive knowledge of military not believe it should be accepted as "the

ammunition production. To staff the First determining factor in this question" in
Wave plants, the small arms industry had view of the possible savings from convert-
spread its executive and supervisory per- ing to steel artillery cases, salvaging used
sonnel so thin that there was some ques- brass cases, and curtailing civilian use of
tion as to its ability to take over manage- copper.33 General Harris, then acting
ment of the Second Wave. Ordnance Chief of Ordnance, was reluctant to un-
officers were deeply concerned about this dertake this expansion (estimated to cost
matter, for they recalled the failure of $225 million if new plants were built)
many firms to produce in 1917-18. "Dur- without more definite assurance that cop-
ing the last war," wrote General Wesson, per and machine tools would be available.
"a large number of concerns, inexperienced He cited figures to show that requirements
in the production of small arms ammuni- for the new plants, when added to those
tion, attempted its production and the of existing plants, would total fifty-three
records show that not one of them ever million pounds of copper per month, or
delivered a satisfactory round." 30 nearly 18 percent of all copper expected to
All these factors combined led General be available to the United States during
Wesson to conclude in the spring of 1941 1942. He quoted the Office of Production
that, beyond the three First Wave plants Management to the effect that this amount
under contract and the three Second Wave of copper could not be allocated to small
plants just approved, no further expan- arms ammunition without seriously cur-
sion of small arms ammunition facilities tailing production of other items. But on
should be undertaken. He felt that taxing 1November the Under Secretary's Office
the managerial ability of the ammunition overruled General Harris and directed
industry beyond its capacity would jeopar- Ordnance to go ahead with the new con-
dize the entire program.31 struction. General Hayes meanwhile re-
iterated his opinion that curtailment of
The Third Wave civilian consumption would ease the copper
No additional plants were authorized by Memo, CofOrd for USW, 18 Apr 41, sub:
Prod Capacity for Cal. .30 and Cal. .50 Ammo,
the War Department during the summer OO 400.12/2764, copy in SAA, II, Ref 16b. For a
of 1941, but in September, Col. Thomas J. list of the concerns that did produce ammunition
Hayes of the Under Secretary's office made in World War I, see Memo, Col Rene R. Studler
for CofOrd, 12 Aug 41, sub: SA Ammo Prod
a comparison of requirements with pro- during the World War. Gen Minton's file, Reports
duction capacity and concluded that ca- Requested. For an excellent brief account of
pacity fell far short of meeting the needs World War I experiences, see Crowell, America's
Munitions 1917-18, Chapter 12, Book 1.
of the Army, Navy, and Air Corps— 31
without even considering defense aid.32 32
Memo, Col Thomas J. Hayes, OUSW, for
After his requirements figures were con- WD Facilities Bd, 15 Sep 41, sub: Prod Capacity
for . . . Ammo, SAA, II, Ref 48.
firmed by G-4, Colonel Hayes recom- 33
Memo, Hayes, OUSW, for WD Facilities Bd,
mended that Ordnance create additional 3 Oct 41, sub: Prod Capacity for . . . Ammo,
capacity at once, including facilities for SAA, II, Ref 50. See also Memo, G-4 for WD
Facilities Bd, 26 Sep 41, same sub, in G-4/
rolling sheet brass. He recognized that cop- 28664-104, OO 471.4/2169, and copy in SAA, II,
per would be difficult to obtain but did Ref 62.

shortage and pointed out again that exist- of incoming and outgoing materials was
ing plants, even operating twenty-four taken over for manufacturing. One new
hours per day seven days a week, could building was erected at Lake City and
not meet stated requirements.34 three at Twin Cities. AP cores were pro-
Still doubting the wisdom of this de- duced by the Edison G. E. Appliance
cision, Generals Wesson and Harris in Company of Chicago, operator of the Chi-
mid-November called for a reconsideration cago Core Plant, and by Cuneo Press, Inc.,
of the whole subject of ammunition re- and other commercial firms.37 This ex-
quirements. They pointed out that facil- pansion, generally referred to as the Third
ities sufficient to maintain an army of four Wave, was estimated to cost just under
million men in the field were under con- $100 million and to add about 50 percent
struction and would start producing early to the capacity established by the first two
in 1942. "By reason of shipping difficulties waves.38 While these steps were being
alone," they wrote, "it does not appear taken war broke out with the attack on
probable that an American army of 4,000- Pearl Harbor, and Secretary Patterson re-
000men will engage in combat within the doubled his demands for more ammuni-
next twelve months either in this hemis- tion. "The combat forces need .50-caliber
phere or in any other theater. This twelve ammunition more than anything else," he
month period will permit filling up the wrote late in December. "The need is
lines of supply and producing a reserve urgent and pressing. . . . There is no time
. . . sufficient . . . for an additional year." to lose." 39
They argued that no new plants were
needed, except possibly for special new 34
(1) Memo, CofOrd for USW, 8 Oct 41, sub:
items, and challenged the validity of the Additional Prod Capacity for . . . Ammo, and
1st Indorsement, 1 Nov 41, OO 471.4/2172; (2)
astronomical figures being used for 1942 Memo, Brig Gen Hayes for WD Facilities Bd, 24
ammunition requirements. In addition to Oct 41, OO 471.4/2172.
their contention that four million men Memo, CofOrd, for USW, 17 Nov 41, sub:.
Plng Rules for the Victory Program, OO 381/
would not see combat overseas in 1942, 48577 and ExecO files. See also Ltr, Brig Gen Guy
the generals asserted that the established H. Drewry (Ret.) to Thomson, 26 Jan 54, OHF,
Day of Supply for computing ammunition stating, "I thought the small arms ammunition
requirements were unrealistic and excessive from
requirements was far too high and could the beginning."
possibly be reduced by as much as 75 The capacity of each plant had been conserv-
percent.35 atively estimated in advance without operating
experience to show what might be accomplished
While awaiting an answer, Ordnance by adapting conveyorized production to previous
went ahead with plans to carry out the Remington and Frankford procedures.
1November directive. To provide the ad- (1) Hist, Core Program, pp. 15-17; (2)
SAA, II, p. 281.
ditional capacity as quickly and economic- 38
(1) SAA, I, p. 164. See also the original
ally as possible, Colonel Drewry, Chief of statement of this plan by Col Drewry in Memo
the Small Arms Branch, decided to expand for Brig Gen Charles Harris, 13 Nov 41, sub:
Plan for Increased Prod Capacity of SA Ammo,
existing plants rather than build new ones OHF. For Secretary Patterson's approval and de-
—and also take into account the fact that tailed statement of costs, see Memorandum of Ap-
proval-No. 9, 20 Dec 41, copy in SAA, II, p. 199.
the plants were producing from 30 to 40 39
Memo, USW for CofOrd, 27 Dec 41, sub:
percent more than expected.36 Space orig- .50-Cal. Ammo, OO 471.4/2977. See also strongly
inally provided at each plant for storage worded Memo of Somervell (G-4) to USW, 26
Post Pearl Harbor Requirements services were to procure during 1942 some
forty-five thousand airplanes, forty-five
The Ordnance memo of mid-November thousand tanks, five hundred thousand
was answered by the tide of events more machine guns, and "ammunition commen-
than by careful study of production prob- surate to this program on the assumption
lems. In the hectic weeks following Pearl that these munitions of war are to be used
Harbor the planners reviewed the Day of in combat." 41
Supply, the planned rate of mobilization, Under this statement of policy by the
probable losses through ship sinkings, the Commander in Chief, requirements for
maximum production to be expected from small arms ammunition reached dizzy
existing plants, the time required to build heights, one proposal calling for the pro-
new facilities, the availability of machine duction of 122 billion rounds by the end
tools, the supply of copper, and aid to of 1944. General Harris, who as chief of
allies. The British Prime Minister and his the Industrial Service was responsible for
staff came to Washington in December procuring these vast quantities of ammuni-
1941 for a series of conferences at which tion, felt that the Presidential advisers,
the need for increasing American produc- and their British counterparts, were suffer-
tion goals was forcefully presented. The ing from an attack of the jitters and were
huge lend-lease requirements then formu- asking Ordnance and American industry
lated greatly strengthened the case for new to do things that were neither necessary
ammunition plants, but Ordnance con- nor possible. Conceding that there was an
sidered them "unrealistic and excessive." ammunition shortage at the moment, he
General Harris argued in vain to have the urged patience and assured his listeners
estimates for foreign aid reduced. "But in that when the new plants came into pro-
those days," he remarked later, "it was duction the nation would find that, for
practically treason to question anything the first time since the emergency began,
the British asked for." 40 it had "too much, too soon." "Give us a
During January and February 1942 the little time," he pleaded, "and you will
prevailing attitude among the high-level have ammunition running out of your
planning agencies in Washington was that ears." He and General Wesson warned
the sky was the limit. There was no time
for tediously accurate computations but Interv with Maj Gen Charles T. Harris, Jr.,
only for quick and generous estimates. Dec 53. In telephone conversation with the author
on 7 January 1954, Maj Gen Hayes declared
Following the Churchill-Roosevelt conver- that the lend-lease requirements formulated in
sations in December and the signing of the December 1941 were "staggering" and were first
Declaration of the United Nations on New presented to Ordnance during a long night con-
ference on 30 December 1941. See also memo
Year's Day 1942, President Roosevelt re- referring to this conference, Hayes for USW,1
vealed the new production goals in a Jan 42, USW files 104, Ammo. General Drewry's
opinion that the requirements were too high is
dramatic message to Congress. The armed expressed in letter to the author, 26 January
1954, OHF.
See also Ltr, President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Dec 41, sub: Priority of Munitions, referring to to Stimson, 3 Jan 42, ex. 19 in PSP 55, vol. I, by
the "acute shortage" of .50-caliber ammunition Maj Paul D. Olejar and others, Jul 45, OHF, and
and the "urgent necessity for increased produc- Incl to Memo, Patterson for Knudsen, 2 Jan 42,
tion," USW file 104 Ammo. OUSW Madigan file (Ord Gen), 50-240.

that additional plants were unnecessary, tires, and automobiles. Remington under-
would be a waste of money and materials, took to operate the Lowell Plant in Massa-
and would not be able to operate for lack chusetts, Kelly-Springfield Tire Company
of copper. But these pleas were out of the Allegany Plant in Maryland, U.S.
tune with the prevailing Washington mood, Rubber Company the Eau Claire (Wis.)
and in mid-February, when G-4 com- and Milwaukee plants, and Simmons Bed
mented on the Ordnance memo of 17 Company the Kenosha plant in Wiscon-
November, the existing Day of Supply and sin. A new cup plant in Detroit, to be
the over-all ammunition requirements were operated by the Parker-Wolverine Com-
upheld. "The quantities contained in cur- pany, was added in the fall. Contrary to
rent programs," wrote General Somervell, expectations, most of these plants got into
"are not excessive." 42 The War Produc- production before the end of the year,
tion Board gave assurance that sufficient Milwaukee and Eau Claire starting up in
copper would be available, and Ordnance August, Allegany and Lowell in November.
was directed to build eighty more produc- At the year's end there were twelve small
tion lines—the equivalent of three new arms ammunition plants in operation, and
plants—before the end of the year.43 These the peak of the wartime expansion had
new lines, known as the Fourth Wave, been reached. (See Illustration) The de-
could produce during 1943 about 5,500,- signed capacity of these plants was about
000,000 rounds of .30-caliber or 3,240,- twenty billion rounds per year, but their
000,000 rounds of .50-caliber. G-4 was
to determine the proportion of each cali-
ber and type. One hundred more lines 42
(1) Intervs with Maj Gen Charles T. Harris,
were tentatively proposed for the first half Jr., Dec; (2) Memo, G-4 for USW, 12 Feb 42,
sub: Day of Supply. . . , G-4/20052-67 and Ord
of 1943, but it was planned to review the ExecO files; (3) Memo, GofOrd for OUSW, 10
situation again before these lines were Jan 42, sub: SA Prod Capacity, OHF; (4) Memo,
finally authorized.44 CofOrd for OUSW, 31 Jan 42, sub: Request for
Approval of Facilities Project (Evansville), OO
160/116196 Chrysler; (5) Excerpts from testi-
mony of Col Drewry at conf, 30-31 Dec 41, 21
Jan 42, SAA, II, pp. 216-18; (6) Memo, CofOrd
The Fourth Wave for CG, SOS, 25 Apr 42, sub: Additional Ca-
pacity for SA Matériel, Ref 109 in SAA, II.
The 8o-line expansion was mostly for 43
A "line" was a manufacturing area capable
.30-caliber ammunition, 51 of the lines of producing 250,000 rounds of .30-caliber or
150,000 rounds of .5O-caliber per 24-hour day. As
being devoted to that caliber. It was de- plants could produce 30 percent or 40 percent
signed to increase existing capacity by over designed capacity, figures for line capacity
about 40 percent and bring total yearly went up considerably in 1942.
(1) Memo, Col Drewry for CofOrd, 23 Feb
production up to 22,500,000,000 rounds.45 42, sub: Confirmation of Decisions Made During
Ordnance decided to achieve it by ex- Conf, Friday, Feb 20, 1942. SAA, II, pp. 221-24.
panding four existing plants—Lake City, For detailed reports of the discussions of this
problem, see the series of stenographic reports of
Denver, Des Moines, and Evansville—, by conferences in the first half of 1942 entitled Re-
converting the Kings Mills plant from view of Production Plans of Small Arms Division.
.45-caliber to .30-caliber carbine, and by Excerpts from these reports are in SAA, II.
Memo, SA Div for Ind Serv Prod Div, 6
converting five commercial plants that had Mar 42, sub: Request for A-1-a Rating. . . ,
formerly made candy, textiles, rubber SAA, II, p. 354.



Plant Location Contractor

1. Allegany Ordnance Cumberland, Md. Kelly-Springfield Eng. Co.
Plant (Goodyear)
2. Denver Ordnance Plant Denver, Colo. Remington Arms Co.
3. Des Moines Ordnance Des Moines, Iowa United States Rubber Co.
4. Eau Claire Ordnance Eau Claire, Wis. United States Rubber Co.
5. Evansville Ordnance Evansville, Ind. Chrysler Corporation
6. Kings Mills Ordnance Kings Mills, Ohio Remington Arms Co.
7. Lake City Ordnance Independence, Mo. Remington Arms Co.
8. Lowell Ordnance Plant Lowell, Mass. Remington Arms Co.
9. Milwaukee Ordnance Milwaukee, Wis. United States Rubber Co.
10. St. Louis Ordnance St. Louis, Mo. United States Cartridge Co.
11. Twin Cities Ordnance New Brighton, Minn. Federal Cartridge Co.
12. Utah Ordnance Plant Salt Lake City, Utah Remington Arms Co.

maximum actual capacity was close to that Ordnance reported its plants were
thirty billion.46 "living from hand to mouth—eating off
Coming just before the 80-line Fourth the stove." 49 Before the Fourth Wave
Wave, but generally considered part of it, plants were more than half built, sub-
was the Evansville plant in Indiana opera- stantial cuts were made in requirements.
ted by the Chrysler Corporation to manu- With .30-caliber, for example, require-
facture .45-caliber ammunition. Require- ments for 1942 production were cut back
ments for this caliber had been low during from 8.6 billion in March 1942 to 4.8
1940 and most of 1941, but in August billion in September. There were some
1941 new British and Chinese requirements increases in .50-caliber and .30-caliber car-
necessitated doubling existing capacity. A bine requirements for 1943 but they were
contract was soon placed with Reming- small in comparison with the cuts in .30-
ton to convert its Kings Mills plant at caliber and .45-caliber.50 Total output re-
Cincinnati, Ohio, to 45-caliber produc- quired for 1942 dropped from fifty-nine
tion, and in late January 1942 the Chrysler billion in February to twenty-three billion
Corporation agreed to convert its idle in November.51
body plant at Evansville, Indiana, to .45-
caliber production. In the summer of 1942 The Fifth Wave
the Kings Mills Plant was converted to
.30-caliber carbine cartridges. Between As early as July 1942 Ordnance sub-
June 1942, when it started producing, mitted recommendations for curtailing
and the spring of 1944, when it closed, 1943 production and making minor
Evansville turned out over 90 percent of
all .45-caliber ammunition produced in Interim Rpt on SA Ammo, 26 Dec 44, by
War Projects Unit, Bur of the Budget, OO 471.4/
the United States. The Sunbeam Electric 2333 (c). For a brief period in 1943 the Scioto
Company operated a division of the Evans- Ordnance Plant at Marion, Ohio, produced small
ville Plant making cartridge cases.47 arms ammunition and brought the total up to 13.
Bullets by the Billion, issued by Evansville
The Fourth Wave was the high point for Ord Plant. Evansville was not a government-
small arms ammunition, so high, in fact, owned plant as were the first six plants, but a
that it was never reached. Plans for one of privately owned plant converted to war produc-
tion. The same was true of Lowell, Allegany, and
the plants were canceled before the con- Eau Claire.
tract was signed, and during the summer Memo, CofOrd for CG SOS 1 Jul 42, sub:
of 1942, as Ordnance had predicted, the Curtailment of Prod at SA Ammo Plants Due to
Shortage of Copper, Ref III, SAA, II. The figure
shortage of copper and a revision of re- of 209,000,000 rounds is given in Review of Pro-
quirements led to curtailment at all other duction Plans, Small Arms Branch, 20 July 1942.
plants. Because of the lack of copper, Twin See also discussion of copper as "the limiting
factor in ammunition production" by Kirk in Re-
Cities, Des Moines, and Utah were speci- view of the Production Plans of the Small Arms
fically directed in June to freeze their Division, 19 Jun 42.
production at the level attained in mid- Review of Prod Plans, SA Br, 16 Dec 42,
ExecO file.
May. In spite of efforts to use steel in 50
(1) Memo, Col Drewry for Chief, Ind Serv,
place of brass, the copper shortage caused 3 Jun 42, sub: Prod and Rqmts of SA Matériel,
a loss of over one hundred eighty-five and attached buck slip, both in OHF; (2) SAA,
I, p. 178.
thousand rounds in the single month of 51
Review of Prod Plans, SA Br, 16 Dec 42,
June 1942.48 Magnesium was so scarce T676A.

changes in plants already in operation or made to reduce contract prices where the
under construction. The recommendations evidence warranted such action.53 In July
were promptly approved by the Services of 1943 the Philadelphia suboffice adopted an
Supply and the Under Secretary and, incentive plan for determining fees paid to
though calling for reduction rather than plant operators. This plan provided that
expansion, came to be known as the Fifth the contractor's fee would be raised or
Wave. Kenosha was canceled entirely; lowered, within specified limits, according
Kings Mills shifted from .45-caliber to to the success he achieved in producing
.30-caliber carbine; Evansville closed down high quality ammunition, lowering costs,
twenty lines; Allegany and Lowell switched and using manpower effectively.54
from .30-caliber ball to .50-caliber AP; All the plants were further tied together
and additional capacity for .50-caliber was by industry integration committees. The
created at Lake City, Des Moines, and foundation for this co-operative effort was
Twin Cities. Including other minor laid in 1940 when Remington and Western,
changes, forty-three lines were canceled with Ordnance approval and encourage-
and four added—two for .50-caliber in- ment, agreed to use identical machinery
cendiary and two for .50-caliber AP. in the new plants they were to operate.
Planned production for 1943 was reduced This was long before industry integration
by 2,500,000,000 rounds. The period of committees were formally established in
facilities expansion, which had cost about 1942. Remington and Western were soon
$500 million for buildings and equip- joined by other contractor-operators, Fed-
ment, was over, and the period of readjust- eral Cartridge, U.S. Rubber, Chrysler,
ment and retrenchment was beginning.52 and Kelly-Springfield, and by many con-
cerns making bullet cores, clad metal
The Philadelphia Suboffice jackets, tools and metallic belt links, and
ammunition containers. These committees
General Campbell decentralized the of- held countless meetings to iron out tech-
fice force for administration of the small nical difficulties, exchange information,
arms ammunition plants in the summer of
1942 by creating the Small Arms Am- (1) Memo for record by Col James Kirk, 8
Jul 42, sub: Prod Capacity for SA Ammo, and
munition Suboffice in Philadelphia. It was inds, OHF; (2) SAA, I, pp. 178ff; (3) Hist,
headed by Lt. Col. Boone Gross and was Lake City Ord Plant, II, Jan-Mar 43, app. A;
administratively attached to Frankford (4) Review of Prod Plans, SA Br, 16 Dec 42,
T676A. For details on costs, see SAA, I, pp.
Arsenal. Under control of the Small Arms 114-30.
Division in Washington, it co-ordinated 53
(1) Lt Col Boone Gross, Cost Analysis of
small arms ammunition production in Six GOCO Small Arms Ammunition Plants, 4 Jan
43; (2) Campbell, The Industry-Ordnance Team,
much the same way that FDAP in St. pp. 62-63; (3) SAA, I, pp. 108-10 and 131-40;
Louis co-ordinated production of artillery (4) Maj A. R. Coleman, "Economy in Weapon
ammunition. Inspection problems and re- Production," Army Ordnance, XXVII, No. 145
(July-August 1944), 83-87.
quests for engineering changes were 54
For a description of the plan and its applica-
handled by the Philadelphia office in col- tion to one plant, see 2d Indorsement, Philadel-
laboration with Frankford Arsenal. Man- phia Suboffice to OCO, 29 Dec 44, on Report of
Special Inspection of CPFF Contracts at St. Louis
ufacturing costs at the GOCO plants were Ord Plant, 30 Nov 44, OOP 333.1/182 St. Louis
studied and compared, and efforts were OP (Incl file). See also SAA, I, pp. 132-40.

and agree upon standard engineering prac- representative of the production process.
tices. "It is impossible to over evaluate the Covering an area of three hundred acres
work of the various participating indus- and employing more than forty thousand
tries," states the official history of the workers, this $130 million plant, operated
Small Arms Branch. "It has been brilliant by the United States Cartridge Company,
and distinguished." 55 was the largest employer of labor in the
St. Louis area. Its first lot of ammunition
Production Processes and Problems was accepted by Ordnance on the day
after Pearl Harbor, and during the next
The number of GOCO plants making four years it turned out over seven billion
small arms ammunition was only one- rounds, including ball, armor-piercing, and
fifth the number of artillery ammunition incendiary types.56
plants and works, for it included no smoke- Each cartridge made at St. Louis, as at
less powder or TNT plants, no chemical other plants, consisted of three metal parts
works like Baytown, nor any loading plants —case, primer, and bullet. The case was
comparable to Kingsbury or Cornhusker. normally made of brass and, except for
As smokeless powder for rifle and machine size, was similar to an artillery case. The
gun cartridges was required in compara- primer, inserted in a pocket in the head
tively small quantities it was obtained from of the case, was a small cup containing a
the powder plants built for artillery am- sensitive explosive. When struck by the
munition. High explosives such as TNT firing pin it burst into flame and ignited
and RDX were not used at all in small the propellent powder in the case. The
arms ammunition. Nor did manufacture of bullet was an elongated lead slug covered
small caliber cartridges require separate with a thin jacket of gilding metal (a soft
plants for making cases, shells, fuzes, or copper alloy) or copper-clad steel and was
other components, or for loading and as- held firmly in the mouth of the case. Each
sembling complete rounds. Each small of these parts had to meet rigid specifica-
arms plant was a self-contained unit where- tions governing its weight, shape, lineal
in thousands of workers—including as measurements, and exterior finish—speci-
many women as men—completed the fications that had been worked out during
whole process of manufacture amid rows
of huge automatic machines, conveyor 55
belts, and annealing furnaces. Raw mate- (1) SAA, I, pp. 342-484; (2) History of all
Small-Arms Industry Integration Committees.
rial in the form of brass strips or cups, lead Both volumes contain many letters from small
billets, steel wire, and smokeless powder arms ammunition contractors describing the work
came in at one end of the plant; millions of the committees and praising their usefulness.
See also, for specific data on each committee,
of bright and shining cartridges came out McMullen, Industry Integration Committees.
the other end. (1) History, St. Louis Ordnance Plant, OHF;
(2) Bullets by the Billion, a pamphlet for em-
ployees and visitors issued by the St. Louis plant
Description of Manufacture. in 1943, copy in vol. VI of plant history. For
related data on ammunition see TM 9-1900, 18
Operations within the St. Louis Ord- Jun 45, and Bullets by the Billion issued by the
Evansville plant. Reports of inspecting officers also
nance Plant, largest of the small arms am- contain a wealth of specific information. See OOP
munition facilities, may be cited as fairly 333.1 St. Louis Ord Plant.

many years of experiment and been tested thickness. Next came the punching of a
by firing millions of rounds at Ordnance small pocket in the head of the case to hold
proof ranges.57 the primer cup, followed by the heading
Cartridge brass came to the St. Louis operation that flattened the end of the
plant from Western Cartridge Company's case, stamped on it the plant initials and
nearby brass mill at East Alton, Ill., in the year of manufacture, and cut the extractor
form of long strips coiled like huge rolls groove.
of cellophane tape. The first step in cart- The tapering and necking process was
ridge case manufacture at St. Louis was far more difficult than it appeared to be.
to feed these brass strips into a blank-and- It demanded careful annealing and pre-
cup machine that simultaneously cision working of the case to give it a
stamped out round disks and formed them narrow neck, sloping shoulders, and a
into cups. These cups were then washed, slightly tapered body. Only the body was
dried, and placed in furnaces to relieve annealed—not the head, for it had to
stresses and strains developed during the remain hard—so the cases were slipped
cupping process. If not relieved, these into holes in a revolving dial that ex-
metallurgical pressures might cause the posed the bodies to a row of gas burners
case to crack during later manufacturing while the heads were submerged in cold
operations or during storage. Ordnance water. The next step was insertion of the
later transferred this phase of cartridge primer. The machine used for this purpose
manufacture to the brass mills as the ship- first punched a "flash hole" in the primer
ment to ammunition plants of strips con- pocket, then seated the primer to the
taining a good deal of scrap was less proper depth and crimped it into place.
economical than shipment of cups. After shellac and varnish were applied to
As they emerged from the furnaces the make the cases moisture-proof, they were
cups had to be "pickled" in an acid bath dried and inspected. If they passed muster
to remove the oxide film that formed they were ready to be filled with powder
during annealing. To wash off every trace and topped with bullets.
of surface impurity they were rinsed in The bullets used at St. Louis were
cold water, bathed in hot soapy water, innocent-looking metal slugs that appeared
rinsed again, and dried. Only then were to present no difficult manufacturing
they ready for the "first draw" during problems. But in fact their fabrication in-
which a long, powerful punch was forced volved a number of rather intricate steps.
into each cup, making it deeper and The simplest type of ammunition was ball,
thinner-walled—more like a drinking glass with tracer, armor-piercing, and incendiary
than a cup. Four such draws were needed rounds each introducing its own compli-
before the case reached its proper length, cations. Ball bullets belied their name.
and after each draw the cases had again They were not ball-shaped but pointed at
to be annealed, pickled, washed, dried, the nose. AP bullets not only had a pointed
and trimmed. Company inspectors visually nose but also a slight taper or boattail at
examined the cups after each operation to the base. The only small arms bullet that
detect crooked heads, scratches, or other
defects; they also gaged them for length, 57
For contemporary description data, see TM
inside and outside diameter, and wall 9-1900, Small-Arms Ammunition, 23 May 42.

LEAD SLUGS FOR .45-CALIBER BULLETS being cut from reel of lead wire.

even approached ball shape was the .45- and only enough lead was used to insure
caliber.58 The essential material in .30- a snug fit. AP cores used by the St. Louis
caliber and .45-caliber ball bullets was plant were manufactured by the McQuay-
lead, but the lead had to be covered with Norris Company in its core-making facil-
a bullet jacket, normally made of gilding ity within the plant. A tracer bullet con-
metal. Cutting the lead slugs from lengths sisted of a jacket containing a small lead
of slender wire was a comparatively simple slug and illuminant powder that burned
operation, but forming the bullet jacket while the bullet was in flight. An incendi-
was something akin to making cartridge ary bullet contained a chemical mixture
cases. Starting with strips of gilding metal, that ignited on impact with the target.
disks were stamped out and formed into Assembling the parts of the cartridge was
cups which then went through a whole usually referred to as "loading," although
series of annealing, pickling, cleaning, and this term did not include insertion of the
drawing operations before they were ready
to be slipped over the lead slugs. As it did 58
The use of the term "ball" was apparently
with cartridge brass, Ordnance transferred a carryover from earlier days when spherical bul-
the process from its ammunition plants lets were standard. It was used in World War II
to commercial suppliers. For armor- to describe bullets of plain lead, or soft steel and
lead combined, and to distinguish them from
piercing ammunition special AP cores of bullets of a specialized nature such as AP, in-
hardened steel took the place of lead slugs, cendiary, or tracer.

primer into the case. At the loading ma- velocity tests and accuracy tests were also
chine the case was filled with smokeless part of the program to maintain quality at
powder, the bullet was inserted in its a high level. All told, inspections on a
mouth, and the case was crimped to hold typical round numbered more than fifty.
the bullet securely, i.e., the edge of the
case mouth was rolled so that it bit into The St. Louis Episode
the groove or cannelure in the bullet. The
nose of the bullet was then dipped into In January 1943 sensational charges of
lacquer of the proper color to identify it faulty inspection procedures at the St.
as to type—red for tracer, black for AP, Louis plant appeared in a local news-
blue for incendiary, and so on. Powder was paper, the St. Louis Star-Times. "Unfit
brought to the plant as needed from the Shells Pass Plant Inspection at Factory
Tyson Valley Powder Storage Area, a Here, Inspectors Charge" was the front-
2500-acre plot thirty-two miles southwest page headline on 4 January 1943. "Five
of the plant site. company employees have given statements
All along the line of manufacture and to the St. Louis Star-Times," the article
assembly, company inspectors watched for read, "charging manufacture of defective
imperfections that might cause trouble ammunition. All are engaged in some form
when a cartridge was fired. With the aid of inspection and testing in the manufac-
of mirrors and magnifying glasses some ture of .50-caliber machine gun cartridges.
looked for surface defects while others They say they have direct knowledge of
with hand gages checked various dimen- defects in some of the component parts of
sions. For inspection purposes the St. cartridges produced under their eyes."
Louis plant used over sixteen thousand Cases with cracked heads sometimes
precision gages and micrometers costing passed inspection, the employees charged
more than half a million dollars. When in affidavits, and cases with ragged flash
completely loaded, the ammunition went holes were passed "if any kind of hole was
through a machine that automatically visible." Under pressure to speed produc-
checked each cartridge for weight, length, tion, powder was loaded into cases that
and profile. At this point government in- still retained water after being washed and
spectors entered the picture to take sam- dried, or that contained grease or oil from
ples from each lot for thorough inspection production machines. One laboratory
before acceptance of the entire lot. Ord- worker declared that defective brass had
nance considered this sampling technique, been used for the past month in cartridge
known as "quality control," adequate be- cases despite reports of tests showing the
cause employees of the company had al- defects. Another charge was that the com-
ready made countless inspections during pany's production department approved
the manufacturing process.59 In the St. cartridges with loose-fitting bullets. As
Louis "proof house" more than a million Ordnance inspectors at the plant checked
rounds were fired every month to check only small samples—less than 1 percent
their performance; some were taken apart
to see whether they had sufficient powder;
others were soaked in water to test their 59
For discussion of over-all Ordnance policies
ability to "keep their powder dry." Muzzle on inspection, see Chapter XIV, below.

—from each lot of ammunition before with a view toward making them as nearly
accepting it for the government, the em- foolproof as possible. It concluded that
ployees asserted there was a "strong inspection at the St. Louis plant was
chance" that defective cartridges were neither better nor worse than at other
slipping through unnoticed in the 99 per- plants and that, if any poor ammunition
cent of each lot that was not government got through, it was inconsequential in
inspected.60 Though not made public, a amount. But it recommended more than a
report of an inspecting officer dated 31 dozen changes in procedure to tighten up
December 1942 cited complaints by em- the inspection process.65 When the report
ployees that foremen had told minor in- reached Washington it was not made
spectors to violate established practice by public, but on 16 January Under Secretary
forcing gages to provide a greater amount Patterson told reporters, "The method of
of aircraft ammunition.61 ordnance acceptance sampling and inspec-
The United States Cartridge Company tion of the finished product at the St.
promptly denied the charges and declared Louis Ordnance Plant is entirely satisfac-
that "bad or imperfect ammunition has tory." 66 This categorical statement did
not been sent from this plant." It branded not satisfy the critics who wanted to know
the charges "false and ridiculous" and
called for a complete investigation by the 60
St. Louis Star-Times, January 4, 1943. The
government.62 The other newspapers in St. story was written by two of the paper's staff
Louis played down the story and sug- writers, Julius M. Klein and Ralph O'Leary. Ad-
ditional data appeared in issues of the next few
gested it was based on "tavern talk." On 6 days. The newspaper and the two writers received
January a spokesman for the Army de- the National Headliners' Club 1943 award for
clared that "no report had been received outstanding public service in publishing the
by the Ordnance Department about de- 61
Ltr, Lt Col Arthur E. Allen to TIG, 31 Dec
fective material from the St. Louis Small 42, sub: Spec Inspection of ... St. Louis Ord
Arms Plant during the current situa- Plant, OOP.333.1 St. Louis OP. Colonel Allen
concluded that "the supervision, control and ad-
tion." 63 The Federal Bureau of Investiga- ministration of the Government employees in the
tion had been looking into the charges for Inspection Department was lacking in efficiency
several weeks before 4 January 1943 when and thoroughness . . ." and that morale in the
Inspection Department was at "an unsatisfactory
the Star-Times broke the story, but after low ebb."
that date St. Louis was deluged with in- 62
The company placed a statement of its po-
vestigators. Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Hayes, sition in all St. Louis papers. Photostats of arti-
cles may be found in History, St. Louis Ordnance
chief of the Industrial Service, announced Plant, Volume 100, OHF.
appointment of a board of experts, headed 63
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 6, 1943.
by Col. Merle H. Davis, chief of the St. The other members of the board were Capt.
James H. Dunbar, Jr., chief of engineering and
Louis Ordnance district, to review the in- inspection at the Small Arms Ammunition Sub-
spection methods at the plant.64 The office, and Capt. Frank D. Grossman, Henry H.
commanding officer, Lt. Col. Charles S. Hover, and Arthur W. Darby, all of Frankford
Paullin, meanwhile declared that the 65
(1) Interv with Brig Gen Merle H. Davis,
charges had unsettled operations and 11Dec 53; (2) St. Louis Star-Times, January 12,
held up production. 1943.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch and St. Louis Star-
The Davis Board spent several days Times, January 16, 1943, and St. Louis Globe-
studying inspection practices at the plant Democrat, January 17, 1943.

why, if everything at the plant was satis-

factory, the Davis Board had recommended
numerous changes in existing inspection
procedures. The next day Drew Pearson
in a radio broadcast termed the Patterson
statement a "whitewash" and predicted
that, in spite of Army opposition, the
Justice Department would proceed with
its investigations.67 In St. Louis General
Campbell promptly branded the Pearson
charges untrue. "Do you think a man
[i.e., Colonel Davis] who has spent his
entire life in the Army is going to white-
wash any contractor?" the general asked
a group of newsmen. "If you do, you don't
know the United States Army. If the ex-
perts who investigated the plant here had
found the charges borne out by the facts,
you would have found us moving in there
strongly. We could cancel our contract at
any time." He went on to say that so little MAJ. GEN. THOMAS J. HAYES, Chief of
the Industrial Service, 1 July 1942 to 30
defective ammunition had gone to troops December 1944.
that combat commanders had requested
shipments of defective cartridges to show
2. That the system for acceptance of such
their men how to deal with them.68 ammunition on the part of the United
Not much was heard of the charges States Ordnance Department was inefficient
during the next ten months while further in a like manner as compared to the con-
evidence was collected and presented to a tractor and not equal to the task assigned.
federal grand jury. Then in December
The jury went on to say that the circum-
1943 came the grand jury's report indict-
stances at the time "may or may not have
ing ten persons on charges of sabotage and
extenuated the situation" and further ob-
of conspiracy to defraud the government
served that evidence submitted later showed
while employed at the St. Louis Ordnance
that extensive improvements had been
Plant. With the indictments the grand
made in inspection procedure and super-
jury submitted direct criticism of both the
company and the Ordnance Department. 67
St. Louis Star-Times, January 18, 1943. Pear-
After studying the voluminous documen- son's exact statement is quoted in memorandum
tary evidence, the jury concluded: of Julius H. Amberg to USW, 18 January 1943,
sub: St. Louis Ord Plant USW, Geographic.
1. That the then authorized system of in- 68
General Campbell's remarks were reported by
spection and delivery to the United States all the St. Louis papers on 18 January 1943.
Ordnance Department by the United States 69
The grand jury indictment was printed in all
Cartridge Company was inefficient and the St. Louis papers on 22 December 1943. Photo-
highly conducive to the commission of the stat copies are in History, St. Louis Ordnance
infractions for which true bills have been Plant, Volume 100. An eleventh individual was
voted. indicted later.

Trial, Acquittal, and Reform fully understand the elaborate inspection

system. Because inspection of ammunition
Trial of five of the indicted employees was not a simple, cut-and-dried process
resulted in their acquittal in April 1944. but a long series of checks and rechecks
During the trial three of the defendants employing many ingenious measuring and
admitted that they had passed cartridges weighing devices, it was sometimes mis-
without adequate inspection but con- understood or misinterpreted. Further, as
tended that it was done on orders of their the grand jury pointed out, there were
superiors. After acquittal of the first extenuating circumstances. This huge
group, charges against the others were not plant was built and put into operation
pressed by the government. A civil suit with great haste during a national emer-
filed against the U.S. Cartridge Company, gency. The intense pressure to speed pro-
under the False Claims Act, in December duction in 1942 may have led some con-
1943 dragged on for nearly ten years before tractor employees on occasion to take short-
it was finally settled. The company won cuts and push ammunition through with-
its case in both the District Court and the out complying with every detail of the in-
Court of Appeals, and in 1953 the Su- spection rules. It also appears that, no
preme Court refused to issue a writ of matter how faithfully inspection proce-
certiorari to bring the case before it. The dures were observed, they were not
government introduced voluminous evi- foolproof. They were inevitably subject to
dence to show that the company had not improvement in the light of experience
maintained a satisfactory system of inspec- gained during the first year of mass pro-
tion and that defective ammunition from duction. Combat experience in North
the St. Louis plant had caused aircraft Africa and Italy in 1942-43 revealed in-
guns to jam in combat. In the opinion of stances of jammed aircraft guns, including
the courts, the company had made every some cases when planes returned with all
reasonable effort to maintain a satisfactory their guns jammed. But whether this re-
inspection system and could not be held sulted from faulty inspection at the plant
liable for occasional unauthorized acts of or from rough handling that broke the
a few employees.70 watertight liners of packing boxes and
The facts of this case point to the caused corrosion was never positively de-
conclusion that inspection practices at the termined.71
St. Louis plant in late 1942 were neither
wholly satisfactory nor as bad as the sen- 70
Memorandum opinion, United States of
sational newspaper charges suggested. America vs. The U.S. Cartridge Company, No.
Ordnance officers felt the plant was no 2486, District Court of U.S., Eastern District of
Missouri, Eastern Division, 95 F. Supp. 384. See
better and no worse than other ammuni- also U.S. Court of Appeals for Eighth Circuit,
tion plants, except, perhaps, in the field of No. 14,389, United States of America vs. The
employee relations. There was apparently U.S. Cartridge Company 198 F.2d 456, files of
OCO Legal Office.
considerable employee dissatisfaction, and 71
(1) SAA, I, pp. 339-41; (2) 95 F. Supp.
Ordnance officers close to the scene felt 391, op. cit; (3) Intervs during December 1953
that at least some of the inspection com- withand January 1954 with many persons familiar
the case, including Maj Gen Thomas J.
plaints came from disgruntled former em- Hayes, Brig Gen Merle H. Davis, and Brig Gen
ployees or from employees who did not David L. Van Syckle.

Numerous changes were made in in- unions, and in training and employing both
spection methods at the St. Louis plant white and colored workers. Some Ord-
immediately after the newspaper charges nance officers felt that criticisms of em-
appeared, along with a similar tightening ployment and inspection practices that
up at other plants. When, for example, arose during the war were motivated in
controlled studies during 1943 showed that large part by labor elements hostile to the
the existing sampling method allowed poor U.S. Cartridge Company. The location of
lots to pass inspection in too many cases, the plant in a border state and in a city
it was replaced by the double sampling with a large Negro population provided a
procedure.72 The need for improvement natural setting for problems in race re-
and standardization was officially recog- lations.
nized by the chief of the Small Arms In 1941 both U.S. Cartridge and
Branch in May 1943 when he issued a McQuay-Norris had not only to recruit
new directive establishing revised proce- thousands of workers but also to train
dures to "insure that the methods in use them in the specialized jobs required in
appear to be sound even to the uninitiated ammunition manufacture. Both companies
observer, the worker in the plant, or the started with a nucleus of their own trained
qualified investigator examining the workers and supervisors, recruited new
plant." 73 An intensive study of inspection employees, established training schools,
methods at all plants was made during and quickly built up large work forces.
1943, prompted in part by the St. Louis Frankford Arsenal trained many employees
episode; it resulted in a clarification of for this and other plants. By July 1943
standards and publication of numerous the entire St. Louis plant employed a total
manuals to guide inspectors.74 of forty-three thousand workers—thirty-
Maintenance of an adequate force of five thousand by U.S. Cartridge and eight
trained inspectors was always a problem. thousand by McQuay-Norris. The tight
Salaries were low, and the work offered labor market of the early war years forced
little room for advancement. Selective serv- both companies to hire some workers who
ice took its share of the inspection staffs did not measure up even to the minimum
while pressure to economize on manpower
led to widespread reduction of inspection 72
(1) Hist, Denver Ord Plant, 1st supp, pp.
forces. At one point, late in 1943, General 17-18; (2) Hist, Lake City Ord Plant, V, pp.
Drewry declared flatly that, in trying to 83-88.
Memo, Chief of SA Br, 4 May 43, cited in
turn out "quality stuff," he was having SAA, I, pp. 339-40.
some trouble. "I feel that this business of SAA, I, pp. 339-41. Comments on the value
cutting too far is wrong and I don't of the manual on visual inspection issued in
March 1944 appear in History, Lake City Ord-
propose to reduce our inspectors to the nance Plant, VI, p. 117. A broad picture of the
point where we can't guarantee a quality effort to improve inspection of all types of
product. I just can't do it." 75 materiel during 1943 is presented in G. Rupert
Gause, "Quality Through Inspection," Army Ord-
nance, XXV, No. 139 (March-April 1943), 117,
Labor Problems and 1st Lt. Robert J. Saunders, "Standardized
Inspection," Army Ordnance, XXIV, No. 137
(March-April 1943), 290.
The St. Louis plant encountered a good 75
Rpt of Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, Philadelphia,
deal of difficulty in dealing with labor 8 Oct 43, p. 23.

standards of peacetime employment. Near- Referring to the cutbacks in the spring of

ly half the employees were women, many 1944 when the use of different seniority
of whom had no previous industrial ex- systems for white and colored workers
perience. To use such unskilled employees sometimes had worked to the advantage of
effectively, work was simplified as much as one race and sometimes to another, the
possible and new employees were given FEPC declared:
brief but intensive courses of instruction in
A racial quota system is equally as mis-
the specific jobs assigned to them.76
chievous when used to select employees for
In recruiting Negro workers the U.S. layoffs as when applied with regard to their
Cartridge Company, in common with other hire. Executive Order 9346 does not provide
war plants in the area, adopted a policy of that Negroes or other minority groups shall
following the St. Louis population ratio of be hired or retained in employment in ac-
90 percent white and 10 percent Negro. cordance with population ratios . . . . It is
no defense to argue, as the respondent has
During most of the war years the number done, that its quota system on certain oc-
of Negro workers at the plant averaged casions operated to the advantage of Negro
between 10 and 12 percent—between three employees and to the prejudice of white
thousand and four thousand—but there workers. The executive order forbids dis-
was no intermingling of the two races. All crimination against white as well as against
colored employees.78
colored workers were assigned to one pro-
duction unit, under a white superinten- By the time this decision was made the
dent. The other seven units were staffed St. Louis plant had only about six months
entirely by white workers. In the colored more of wartime operation ahead of it.
unit every major craft was represented Its notice to terminate came in June 1945.
and Negroes held all positions up to and During this brief period the companies
including general foremen.77 took steps to carry out the FEPC policy.
These practices led to a number of racial They abandoned the quota system of hir-
disputes during 1943 but did not come ing and attempted to recruit members of
under strong attack until late 1943 and both races to work together on a non-
early 1944 when cutbacks in production segregated basis, but they encountered
schedules forced the company to lay off considerable difficulty in carrying out the
many of its workers. Charges were then program. Operation of the plant on an
made that, in selecting employees to be integrated or nonsegregated basis, and hir-
laid off, the company discriminated against 76
(1) Hist, St. Louis Ord Plant, vols. I-IX,
Negroes. The President's Committee on OHF; (2) Ltr, Lt Col Carleton G. Chapman to
Fair Employment Practices (FEPC) held TIG, 30 Nov 44, sub: Rpt of Spec inspection
hearings on these charges (and others ... of St. Louis Ord Plant, OO 333.1/1883 Misc
( c 77
) ; (3) SAA, I, p. 147.
brought against other St. Louis plants) For comparison of operating efficiency, show-
during the first week in August. It dis- ing the colored unit to be much less efficient, see
missed some of the complaints as ground- Ltr, Maj R. R. Porter to TIG, 14 Jul 45, sub:
Spec Inspection of ... St. Louis Ord Plant,
less but upheld others and on 29 Decem- OO 333.1/2323.
ber 1944 ordered both the U.S. Cartridge St. Louis Post-Dispatch, December 29, 1944.
Clippings from St. Louis newspapers of the
Company and McQuay-Norris to abandon period are in History, St. Louis Ordnance Plant,
their quota systems and stop racial dis- Volumes VIII-IX, OHF. The records of these
crimination in hiring and firing workers. cases and others are in the National Archives.

ing without regard to race, had to wait laboratory. Then, just as success appeared
until the plant reopened in the early to be within reach, the copper shortage
1950's.79 eased, requirements dropped, and the
whole steel conversion effort was discon-
Conversion from Copper to Steel tinued except for experimental production
lines at Frankford.81 The progress made in
During 1941, as the copper shortage producing steel cases was, in the words of
took definite shape on the horizon, Ord- General Hayes, "a miracle, but not a big
nance launched a far-reaching program to enough miracle." 82
conserve copper in all types of materiel,
including small arms ammunition. There Ammunition Belts
were two main lines of endeavor as far as
small arms cartridges were concerned— As efficient operation of machine guns
substitution of clad steel for gilding metal was impossible without belts or other de-
in bullet jackets, and substitution of steel vices to feed ammunition, a small but
for brass in cartridge cases. The develop- essential phase of Ordnance ammunition
ment of clad steel jackets progressed so procurement dealt with production of am-
rapidly that by the fall of 1942 production munition belts, both fabric and metallic.
of the new type jackets was in full swing. Of these two types, metallic belt links were
But conversion to steel cartridge cases used chiefly in aircraft guns and fabric
proved to be a much more difficult prob- belts in ground weapons until the closing
lem. months of the war when metallic belt
Frankford Arsenal succeeded during links were issued to ground troops. Though
1941 and early 1942 in converting the they appeared to be simple to manufacture,
.45-caliber case to steel, and by the sum- both types posed troublesome manufactur-
mer of 1942 the steel case went into ing problems.
production at the Evansville plant. After The principal producer of .30-caliber
thorough testing, it was accepted as stand- fabric belts for the U.S. Army in World
ard in January 1943, the only small arms War I was the Russell Manufacturing
cartridge fully converted to steel in World Company, which held a 1916 patent on a
War II.80 Meanwhile, research on the .30- 79
(1) Interv with Ray Bryan, Ord representa-
and .50-caliber cases encountered a host tive at St. Louis plant, and F. A. Lutz, Chief
of technical problems, stemming in large Ammo Sec, SA Br, OCO, 12 Jan 54; (2) Ltr,
Porter to TIG, 14 Jul 45, sub: Spec Inspection
part from the fact that steel is less elastic of ... St. Louis Ord Plant, OO 333.1/2323 St.
than brass. But the shortage of copper Louis Ord Plant. The file of FEPC records con-
during 1942 forced continued efforts to tains one brief letter from each company report-
ing on its efforts to comply with the ruling.
develop acceptable steel cases. As soon as 80
OCM 19493, 14 Jan 43. A detailed state-
the new plants, built to make cases from ment of the Ordnance plans for meeting the
brass, came into production they ran short copper shortage in the fall of 1942 appears in
Memo, CofOrd for CG SOS, 10 Sep 42, sub:
of brass and had to begin the difficult Copper for Ammo Manufacture, ExecO file.
task of converting their equipment and For a more detailed account of this whole
processing methods to the use of steel. To subject, see Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
Munitions for War, Chapter XVIII.
save time, development work was done on 82
Rpt of Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, Springfield,
the production lines rather than in the Mass., 28 Jul 43, p. 7.

by women in an ordnance arsenal.

fabric belt. After the war this concern Meanwhile the temporary shortage of steel
continued development work in co-opera- and of strip mill and furnace capacity in
tion with Springfield Armory and in 1936 late 1942 prompted the adoption of .50-
was granted another patent on an im- caliber fabric belts for aircraft guns. As
proved belt design. Russell was the only Russell had previously made small quanti-
source of fabric belts for the Army during ties of such belts for foreign sale it was in
the defense period, but in the fall of 1941, a position to start production promptly.
with requirements rising fast, Ordnance Several other concerns also made fabric
adopted a modified design to enable other .50-caliber belts before the project was
producers to come into the picture without terminated in September 1943 because of
infringing the Russell patent. The need for the easing of the metals shortage and re-
this alternate design was eliminated after duction of ammunition requirements. Pro-
Pearl Harbor when Russell granted the duction of fabric belts for ground machine
government a royalty-free license for the guns was resumed for a short time after
duration of the emergency. By June 1942 the German breakthrough of December
six facilities other than Russell were pro- 1944, but in 1945 fabric belts gradually
ducing the 250-round infantry-type belt, gave way to steel links for infantry use.83
but of the twenty-eight million belts manu- 83
factured through May, 1944, when all pro- PSP 36, Machine Guns, Development and
Production of Metallic Belt Links and Fabric
duction stopped for about eight months, Ammunition Belt, by SA Div, Ind Serv, OCO,
Russell made slightly more than half. Oct 45.

To manufacturers, metallic belt links out about 50,000,000 .30-caliber links and
were deceptively simple in appearance. about 15,000,000 .50-caliber. With re-
Each steel link consisted of three small quirements for aircraft ammunition on the
loops, two on one side and one on the rise, and with a shift toward the larger
other. A belt of ammunition was formed caliber taking place, Rock Island placed
by placing the single loops of one link contracts with industry for .50-caliber
between the two loops of the other and in- links, beginning in June 1940 with the
serting the cartridge through the three Fort Pitt Bedding Co. and three other
loops in much the same manner as one concerns
1941. Approximately
in 1941, three
slides a bolt through the hinge of a screen
door. Any number of links could be as- the 1940 output. In the summer of 1941
sembled in this manner to make a long production of .30-caliber links began at
belt of cartridges that had great flexibility Jackes Evans Manufacturing Company
and could be rolled and twisted to fit and General Aviation Equipment Com-
confined spaces in airplanes.84 In addition, pany. After Pearl Harbor, requirements
the belt links automatically fell apart as for both sizes combined rose to eighteen
the cartridges that held them together billion for the 2-year period 1942-43. To
were fired and ejected from the gun. Thus meet these astronomical requirements a
the origin of the term "disintegrating speedier production process was intro-
metallic belt links." Though simple in de- duced, using a progressive multi-station die
sign these metallic links demanded excep- developed at Rock Island in the 1930's,
tional accuracy in piercing, cutting, form- and contracts for link production were
ing, and heat-treating to guarantee fault- placed with many different firms. To speed
less performance when used in aerial com- production and break bottlenecks a Metal-
bat. If links were too hard they were likely lic Belt Link Industry Integration Commit-
to break under pressure, and if too soft tee was formed in the summer of 1942, and
they might stretch and cause stoppage of by September 1943 the monthly rate of
the weapon. If either too loose or too tight production had reached more than half a
they would not function properly. As rust billion. Thereafter requirements were re-
or corrosion on links would render them duced with some contracts being termi-
unfit for use, they had to be given a care- nated outright and others continued at
fully controlled rustproofing treatment be- greatly reduced rates. Early in 1945, after
fore being sent to the field. Rigid the Battle of the Bulge, there was a brief
inspection was essential to guard against period of rising requirements followed by
acceptance of a single link that might contract cancellation as the end of the
cause trouble, for it was literally true war appeared in view. Total production of
that an ammunition belt was only as strong metallic links during the 1940-45 period
as its weakest link. reached close to thirteen billion.85
During the years of peace Rock Island
Arsenal was the sole producer of links in 84
Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Mu-
the United States. As there was but a nitions for War, p. 426.
trickle of new ammunition produced each (1) PSP 36, Machine Guns, Development
and Prod of Metallic Belt Links and Fabric
year the need for links was correspondingly Ammo Belt; (2) Whiting, Statistics, p. 47; (3)
small, but during 1940 Rock Island turned Historical Data, Link, Metallic Belt, Cal. .50, M2,

Packing Boxes and Cans the field responsible for assembling cart-
ridges into clips or machine gun belts. This
Packing small arms ammunition for procedure was soon changed as the using
overseas shipment was a troublesome prob- arms demanded that cartridges be put in
lem for Ordnance during World War II. so-called functional assemblies or ready-to-
The boxes used at the start of the war use packs. Another major change in pack-
were essentially the same as those used in ing procedure occurred in the summer of
World War I—nailed wooden boxes lined 1942 when responsibility for packing am-
with terneplate (tin-coated sheet steel). munition was transferred from Field Serv-
When soldered shut, the liners of the ice depots to the manufacturing plants.
M1917 boxes provided a tight seal against The earlier practice had been for the plants
dirt, water, or air unless broken by rough to pack ammunition in cartons and ship it
handling. They had served well in the to depots where it was unpacked, assem-
1920's and 1930's but proved less suitable bled into clips, belts, or links, and then
for the combat conditions encountered in repacked.
World War II Weighing one hundred All during the first half of 1943 Ord-
pounds or more, they were too heavy for nance received frequent reports that the
troops or native bearers to carry, and, packing of cartridges in M1917 boxes was
when subjected to rough handling, the unsatisfactory, whether in waxed paper
boxes or liners sometimes broke, resulting cartons or terneplate liners. The chief
in dirty or corroded ammunition.86 complaints were of corroded or broken
Another difficulty with the M1917 pack links and dirty ammunition caused by
was that it used scarce materials, particu- broken boxes or ruptured liners, but the
larly tin. Solder with a lower tin content boxes were also criticized as too heavy and
was therefore prescribed for sealing the hard to handle in the field. Minor changes
terneplate liners, and less tin was used in and improvements were made, but it was
the liners themselves. Steel was substituted not until the closing months of the year
for brass in the nuts and bolts of the boxes, that steps were taken to introduce a com-
and zinc plating was used instead of cad- pletely new type of container. Under con-
mium to plate the handles and other box tract with Ordnance, the Chrysler Corpo-
hardware. At the same time, Ordnance ration and the American Can Company
engineers studied the possible replace- developed a hermetically sealed can that
ment of terneplate liners with nonmetallic could be opened with a key in the same
materials such as wax paper, asphalt manner as a coffee can. The new pack,
paper, and plastic film. The most promis- including an improved wooden box hold-
ing substitute, waxed fiber board, was ing two cans totaling about fifty pounds,
adopted in the summer of 1942, but it did
not prove satisfactory and was abandoned Rcd of Army Ord Research and Development,
vol. 2, bk. 2—Small Arms Ammunition, ch. 18;
a year later. (2) PSP 58, Packaging, Development of, in the
In peacetime, most ammunition had Ordnance Department, by Prod Serv Div, Ind
been shipped in bulk pack, with troops in Serv, OCO, Jul 45; (3) Small Arms Ammunition,
Highlights of History, 1 Jul 44-1 Apr 45, supp.
III, by Ammo Br, SA Div, OHF; (4) History
as manufactured by S.W. Farber, Inc., in Hist,of Ordnance Section, Hq Sixth Army, 27 Jan 43-
New York Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 1. 15 Dec 45, pp. 40-41.

was standardized for 45-caliber and .30- line—in the plants and on the battlefield
caliber carbine ammunition early in 1944. —earlier estimates had proven wholly in-
It was extended to other calibers later in accurate. The plants were producing at a
the year—too late to have any effect on rate far higher than had been expected,
the crucial Allied drive across France in and the mobile tank warfare in North
the summer of 1944.87 Africa called for much smaller expenditure
The best ready-to-use packs were the of rifle and machine gun ammunition than
.30-caliber M1 box containing belted cart- had been anticipated.90 In August 1943
ridges and the .50-caliber M2 box holding the Procurement Review Board reported
linked ammunition. These boxes were not that the on-hand stock of small arms
only packing containers for storage and ammunition in the United States amounted
shipment but were also ammunition feed to 2.5 billion rounds, with an addi-
boxes and were cheap enough to be ex- tional 1.4 billion rounds—nearly equal to
pendable. Functional assemblies had such the entire AEF expenditure in World War
advantages that they were standardized, I—in reserve in North Africa. It observed
whenever possible, for future packing of that the Day of Supply figures were
ground ammunition. There was no need "excessively large," that ammunition plants
for packing aircraft ammunition in such were operating far below their capacity,
assemblies, for it was removed from ship- and that reserves of ammunition were
ping containers and stowed aboard air- "tremendous" and would soon be "astro-
planes in special trays and feed boxes.88 nomical." The Board bluntly concluded
Packing ammunition in the M2 boxes that "the War Department must take
brought its share of problems. As the steps to bring production of ammunition
plants were not designed for this work it and stocks of ammunition into the realm
had to be squeezed into odd corners. One of reality." 91
result was that in September 1943 nearly
half the eight hundred thousand boxes
packed developed leaks. As Colonel Boone 87
(1) SA Ammo, Highlights of Hist; (2) Hist,
Gross summed up the matter, "we had to Frankford Arsenal, SA Ammo Div, I, pt. 3, p.
go out and run a service program and buy 154; (3) Rcd of Army Ord Research and Devel-
opment, vol. 2, bk. 2, ch. 18.
new gaskets and then open up the boxes 88
SAA, I, pp. 335-38. For a detailed history
and test them 100%." 89 of development of small arms ammunition packs,
see Record of Army Ordnance Research and
Development, Volume 2, Book 2.
Surpluses, Cutbacks, and Terminations 89
Rpt of Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, Philadelphia,
8 Oct 43, p. 22.
As 1942 was a year of shortages, 1943 On reduction of the Day of Supply for small
arms ammunition, see correspondence during Sep
was a year of surpluses. Production dur- -Oct 43 in Rqmts Docs, folder, OHF.
ing the first half of 1943 was so great that, Rpt of WD Proc Review Bd, 31 Aug 43.
as General Harris had predicted early in Members of the Board were Maj. Gen. Frank R.
McCoy, Maj. Gen. Clarence C. Williams (former
1942, the Army had ammunition "running Chief of Ordnance), Brig. Gen. William E. Gill-
out of its ears." The pipelines were filled more, and Mr. J. Madigan. See also comments on
and the monthly production of two billion the report by General Somervell in the same file,
and remarks by Brig Gen James Kirk before Small
cartridges was creating a storage problem Arms Ammunition Labor Advisory Committee, 10
for Field Service. At both ends of the Jan 45, OHF.

While the Procurement Review Board in storage, or sold as scrap. Frankford

was at work a representative of the Bureau Arsenal collected a great deal of technical
of the Budget surveyed the small arms am- information from every closed plant—re-
munition plants and reached similar con- ports of experiments, floor layouts, produc-
clusions. His report revealed that the exis- tion processes, and related material.
tence of excess plant capacity was exact- Early in 1944 when ASF reduced re-
ing a heavy toll in terms of production quirements again, three more plants closed
costs because the plants were operating —Denver, Evansville, and Kings Mills—
far below their capacity. The most signifi- leaving only four of the original twelve
cant factor in the cost of production at any plants in operation. At two of the remain-
plant was found not to be the managerial ing plants—St. Louis and Twin Cities
skill of the contractor or the supervision —several buildings were converted to artil-
by Ordnance representatives but the lery ammunition manufacture. At the same
percentage of maximum capacity at which time production of bullet cores at commer-
the plant operated. Efficiency rose and cial plants stopped almost completely, and
costs declined when a plant produced near deep cuts were made in the schedules of
its peak; the trends were reversed when the privately owned plants of the Reming-
the plant operated at a low level. The re- ton and Winchester companies in Connect-
port recommended that five plants—Alle- icut. Production of all types of small
gany, Eau Claire, Denver, Lake City, and caliber ammunition dropped from nearly
Lowell—be shut down and that adjust- 20 billion in 1943 to 6.5 billion in 1944.94
ments be made at the remaining plants The effect of the 1943-44 reductions is
to provide needed production.92
Before either of these reports was made, 92
the process of reducing requirements and (1) General Report on Production of Small
Arms Ammunition, 16 Oct 43, War Projects Unit,
slowing down production had begun. Bureau of Budget; (2) Supplemental Report to
Over-all requirements for small arms am- the foregoing, 30 Oct 43, both in OHF. In 1942
Ordnance was directed to keep plants in opera-
munition (1943-44 combined) dropped tion part-time, rather than close them down,
from the 1943 peak of about fifty billion though it was recognized that some waste and
in February to approximately thirty-six inefficiency resulted. Review of Prod Plants, 20
July 1942.
billion in September.93 During the sum- 93
Supp. Rpt, 30 Oct 43, Bur of Budget. See
mer of 1943 Frankford eliminated its sec- also Munitions Assignments Board in Washington,
ond and third shifts and returned to its Caliber .50 Ammo Program, 12 Oct 43, ASF
Plng Div Theater Br, Box 389, 471 Ammunition,
traditional role of laboratory for develop- vol. I, N.A.
ment of improved ammunition and produc- 94
Detailed information on all these actionsis
tion techniques. In the closing months of recorded in the reports of a board appointed by
the Chief of Ordnance to review recommenda-
the year six plants were shut down— tions of the operating branches of the Industrial
Allegany, Utah, Eau Claire, Milwaukee, Division, by SO 265, par. 59, 5 Nov 42. See
Lowell, and Scioto—and production rates OO 334 (8150-8250). See also Interim Report on
Small Arms Ammunition, 26 Dec 44, Bureau of
were cut by one-third at most of the Budget and comments on this report by General
others. When ammunition production Kirk. On the private plants, see Memo of Clay
stopped, the plants were promptly con- for Charles E. Wilson, 25 Feb 44, OO 471.4/2568
Incl 2. Procurement deliveries of small arms am-
verted to other war uses, and the machin- munition in 1944 were valued at $649,600,000 as
ery was transferred for use elsewhere, put compared to $1,522,000,000 in 1943.

shown in the following tabulation of month- the least efficient small arms ammunition
ly production figures for combat types:95 plants, and are closing the plants most
favorably located from the standpoint of
July 1943 January 1944 July 1944 military security." 97 In reply, Under Sec-
Cal. .30 - 903,000,000 513,000,000 172,000,000 retary Patterson expressed regret that
Cal. .50 - 455,000,000 210,000,000 168,000,000 more advance notice had not been given
Cal. .45 and to plant management and workers but
carbine- 433,000,000 310,000,000 51,000,000 declared that the Army, far from overlook-
ing manpower, had made it "the dominat-
With the termination notices that went ing factor in our decisions." He defended
out in November and December 1943 the the retention of small-scale production at
Chief of Ordnance sent a letter to each the privately owned Remington and Win-
plant explaining the reasons for the action. chester plants in Connecticut on the
These letters were placed on employee ground that these plants "are an integral
bulletin boards and published in local part of the Nation's establishment avail-
newspapers. They cited four factors that able for the maintenance and continued
made it possible to reduce operations— development of the small arms ammunition
the high rate of production attained by the art." In selecting plants to be retained,
plants, the virtual elimination of the sub- Patterson pointed out, the Army con-
marine menace, the effectiveness of .50- sidered the kind of ammunition manu-
caliber incendiary ammunition in down- factured by each and retained only capac-
ing enemy planes, and the Japanese ity needed to meet specific requirements.
evacuation of Kiska without a fight. Gen- The Army's explanation did not minimize
eral Campbell made it clear that the war the effect on labor of the 1943-44 cut-
was far from over but explained that the backs.98 The small arms ammunition
War Department had ordered the reduc- plants in operation in the fall of 1944
tions because the worst phase of the am- employed only one-fourth the number
munition crisis had passed.96 He might also employed in July 1943 when all plants
have added that the War Department had were in production and nearly 170,000
decided, in view of the huge stocks on were at work.
hand, to depend on reopening closed Along with the vertical drop in total
plants to meet any emergency that might requirements there were several significant
arise in the future. lateral shifts as some types decreased in
Despite these efforts to explain the sit- importance and others gained. The one
uation the announcement of cutbacks
brought sharp criticism from organized 95
Remarks by Brig Gen James Kirk before SA
labor, particularly the United Electrical, Ammo Labor Advisory Comm., 10 Jan 45, on the
Radio, and Machine Workers of America, 1945 Small Arms Ammunition Program, OHF.
a CIO affiliate. In February 1944 the Ltr, CofOrd for CO Milwaukee Ord Plant,
11 Nov 43, copy in History, Milwaukee Ordnance
union charged that, in selecting plants to Plant, vol. V, p. 56.
be cut back, the military authorities "are Ltr, United Electrical, Radio and Machine
violating all considerations of national Workers of America (signed by Russ Nixon) to
Wilson, WPB, 21 Feb 44, OO 471.4/1851 (c).
manpower allocation, are closing down the 98
Ltr, USW to Nixon, 27 Feb 44, OO 471.4/
most efficient and maintaining in operation 1851 (c).

most important shift, in terms of quanti- western Europe in June 1944. After two
ties, was the decline in .30-caliber machine and a half years of building up stocks and
gun ammunition and the rise in .50-cali- using comparatively little small arms am-
ber. Early combat experience showed that munition in combat, the Allied armies
the smaller cartridge was far less effective, launched the climactic campaign of the
particularly against airplanes, than was the war and began firing tremendous quanti-
.50-caliber. This shift was accompanied by ties of ammunition. In the single month of
a rise in the demand for armor-piercing September 1944 the U.S. ground forces
cartridges for both .30- and .50-caliber used nearly three-fourths as much small
and for the .50-caliber incendiary cart- arms ammunition as the AEF expended
ridge. A newer type, the armor-piercing- in battle during the whole year 1918. The
incendiary for .50-caliber, came into huge stocks rapidly dwindled, and in De-
production in 1943 and in 1944 accounted cember 1944, when large quantities were
for more than half the total .50-caliber lost in the German offensive, they fell
output. An even more complicated round, below authorized levels in the European
the .50-caliber armor-piercing-incendiary- theater.100 Further, much of the ammu-
tracer, came into production in 1944-45. nition that had been shipped to overseas
Production of incendiary and AP cart- theaters in 1942 and 1943 was not avail-
ridges was far more difficult than able or not usable in late 1944 and early
production of ball ammunition and created 1945. Lack of transportation, manpower,
heavy new demands for machines, furn- and handling facilities at Pacific Island
aces, and tools. The new types also had bases sometimes made it impossible to re-
to undergo continuous testing to determine trieve leftover ammunition, and great
their performance under extremes of heat, quantities had deteriorated. In explaining
cold, and humidity, and to check their the need for new production General Kirk
stability in storage. Less difficult to man- said:
ufacture was the .30-caliber carbine that Ammunition is a perishable commodity.
entered the picture in 1942 and largely The powder and the primer cap contain
supplanted the .45-caliber pistol cartridge, delicate chemical compounds. If the ammu-
though .45-caliber ammunition for the sub- nition is exposed for considerable periods of
machine gun continued unchanged. In time to hot weather, the chemical compounds
will tend to change. The result is that the
1944 a new type of smokeless powder powder becomes less powerful. The primer
—called ball powder because its grains is less sensitive and more likely to hang fire.
were spherical—was adopted for carbine If moisture gets into the inner package the
ammunition. A development of Western brass will corrode. . . . Ammunition stored
Cartridge Company, it could be manu- under good conditions of care for as little as
two years in the tropics becomes questionable
factured much faster than ordinary pow-
der. The largest small arms cartridge pro- 99
duced in World War II was the The most concise data on this subject ap-
pears in Whiting, Statistics, Procurement, p. 51.
experimental .60-caliber of which six For Western ball powder, see Army Ordnance,
million were manufactured in 1944-45.99 XXVI, No. 142 (January-February, 1944), 126
The downward trend of requirements -27.
Ammunition supply for European and Medi-
was temporarily reversed a few months terranean Theaters, p. 3, ASF Contl Div, 15 Aug
following the long-awaited invasion of 45, OHF.
for issue in combat. . . . Much of the am- shortage of AP cores, a contract for their
munition which was manufactured in 1943 manufacture was placed in Canada with
and shipped overseas has had to be stored the York Arsenal.103
under conditions which are far from ideal.
. . . The point is that we may expect that In March 1945, just as the accelerated
sizeable quantities of ammunition now over- program was getting into high gear, the
seas will have to be replaced with new am- production goals were cut by about 20
munition. We will not risk American lives percent in view of the imminent defeat of
with questionable cartridges.101 Germany. In May, after the actual sur-
By the end of October 1944 supply- render, the program was further reduced.
control studies revealed greatly increased Two GOCO plants, St. Louis and Des
requirements for the year ahead, particu- Moines, were given termination notices in
larly for ground force weapons such as the June and production at Winchester was
rifle, submachine gun, and carbine. Ord- discontinued. When the Japanese surren-
nance promptly forwarded the new figures der was announced on 14 August produc-
to ASF, asked for instructions, and com- tion stopped at all plants except Lake
mented that it considered the situation City, where the .60-caliber line continued
"one of the most serious facing the Army for two weeks, and Frankford Arsenal,
Service Forces." 102 There was no actual where experimental types were being pro-
shortage in the theaters but General duced. Then began the tedious process of
Campbell predicted that, if production decontaminating equipment, preparing it
were not speeded up at once, shortages for storage or sale, making final payments
would develop in the spring of 1945. to contractors, and closing the books on
ASF immediately issued a directive doubl- all the plants. Soon Frankford Arsenal was
ing the 1945 requirements for certain once again the only producer of military
types. In contrast to actual production of ammunition in the United States. The
about 6.5 billion rounds in 1944, the Lake City and Twin Cities plants, with all
program for 1945 called for 12.4 billion. their machinery and reserve stocks and
Schedules for the first half of 1945 called with equipment from two core plants, were
for a 50 percent increase over output dur- prepared for long-time storage and re-
ing the last six months of 1944. None of tained as reserves for the future.104
the closed plants was to be reconverted 101
Remarks by Kirk, 10 Jan 45, op. cit.
to ammunition production, but the Toledo Memo, CofOrd for CG ASF, 21 Nov 44,
Core Plant, then in standby condition, sub: Prod Rqmts for SA Ammo, OO 471.4/2271
(c). A detailed summary of theater stocks at the
was returned to full production. The new end of November 1944 appears in Incl to Memo,
schedules were met by doubling the output Director of Plans and Operations, ASF for Cof-
for the four existing GOCO plants—St. Ord, 12 Jan 45, sub: SA Ammo Stocks, OO
Louis, Lake City, Des Moines, Twin Cities 103
(1) SA Ammo, Highlights of Hist, 1 Jul 44-
—plus Frankford and three plants owned 1Apr 45, pp. 3-4; (2) Hiland G. Batcheller,
by commercial producers— Winchester, Progress on Critical Programs, a Report to the
WPB, 12 Dec 44, p. 35, WPB Doc. 317, WPB
Remington, and Western. In Canada the 210.3R, NA.
Dominion Arsenal and Defense Industries, (1) SA Ammo, Highlights of Hist, 1 Jul
Ltd., were brought into the picture. Ca- 44-1 Apr 45; (2) First Quarterly Report for FY
1946, SA Div, 1 Nov 45. These two reports are
pacity for producing brass strip was more supplements to Small Arms Ammunition and are
than doubled and, to relieve the critical in OHF.

Preparation for Tanks

and Other Fighting Vehicles
More than any other weapon of land and the Armored Force Board told a
warfare, the tank in World War II cap- somewhat different story. Along with fre-
tured the imagination of soldier and quent words of praise came many com-
civilian alike. Its roaring motors, inscruta- plaints,2 ranging from the lack of good
ble armor, and smoking guns added a binoculars for tank commanders to the
new and terrifying element to the already inferiority of U.S. tank guns and armor
grim life of the battlefield. It symbolized to the German guns and armor pitted
for the ground forces, as did the sleek against them. Unofficial observers were
bombing plane for the air forces, the revo- quick to take up critical comments from
lution in warfare that had sprung from tank men returned from combat, some-
the union of military need with industry times to the neglect of less newsworthy
and technology. It was, by any standard praise for U.S. tanks. Why, it was asked,
of comparison, one of the most important could not the United States, with its un-
weapons of the war. rivaled industrial capacity for making cars
But for Ordnance the tank was the and trucks of all kinds, produce better
source of more trouble and more criticism tanks than Germany? In particular, why
than any other item of equipment. Ord-
nance-procured small arms, artillery, and 1
Compare comments on these "testimonials" of
ammunition were generally praised, as combat commanders in Hugh M. Cole, The
were trucks and other transport vehicles, Lorraine Campaign, UNITED STATES ARMY
but all during the war American tanks IN WORLD WAR II (Washington, 1950), p.
604, and in "Our Tanks Are Without Equal," an
were the objects of sharp verbal attacks. editorial in Army Ordnance, XXVIII, No. 149
Army spokesmen, eager to build up public (March-April 1945), 265. For a typical example
confidence, asserted time after time that of Ordnance claims to tank superiority, see ad-
dress by Maj Gen Gladeon M. Barnes, 19 Oct
U.S. tanks were superior to anything the 44, Cleveland, Ohio.
enemy could produce. General Wesson A notable example of praise is "Our Tanks
and General Campbell strongly defended Meet the Test," by Maj, Gen. Charles L. Scott,
Army Ordnance, XXIV, No. 136 (January-
them against all criticism, and cited lauda- February 1943), 67ff. Compare with 13-page
tory letters from combat commanders to Memo of complaints written by Maj S. B. Tatom,
prove the point.1 But the secret reports on Hq Armored Force, to Col Morris K. Barroll, Jr.,
25 May 1943, sub: Final Rpt on Accelerated
tank performance submitted by overseas Tests of 40 M4 Series Tanks, Gen. Christmas
commanders (both British and American) file. 451.3/M.

did the U.S. Army have no heavy tank changes were constantly intruding into
to match the German Tiger? By 1945 the the manufacturing area, to the dismay of
chorus of criticism reached a point where production engineers, and production
leading American newspapers were calling techniques were always a limiting factor
for a Congressional investigation of "a in design. The only satisfactory approach
situation that does no credit to the War to the task of understanding the World
Department."3 War II tank experience lies in reviewing
Meanwhile in both England and Ger- the two separate but intertwined threads
many there were similar complaints. A of design and production from the late
Parliamentary committee roundly criti- 1930's to the end of the war.
cized the Churchill government in 1942
for failing to develop a tank that could
Early Plans and Preparations
hold its own on the battlefield and for
losing precious time in getting production
started. At the end of the war, when the Production of guns and ammunition
government's white paper on tanks ap- rested on a solid foundation of more than
peared, The Times of London observed a century of development and use, but
editorially that, "If there was not a 'tank production of tanks in World War II was
scandal,' there was certainly a good deal based on twenty years of neglect. A few
of tank muddle." 4 In Germany, where American tanks had been built in 1918
public criticism was less freely expressed, but none saw action in World War I.
there was considerable dissatisfaction with The Mark VIII's assembled at Rock Island
both designers and producers. When Ger- Arsenal after the war were crude speci-
man medium tanks encountered the Soviet mens with a top speed of only five miles an
T-34 in late 1941 the results were disas- hour. All during the next two decades
trous for the Nazi legions. Hitler personally there was no real production, only the
ordered his designers to come up with a building of hand-tooled test models, some
superior heavy tank at once and directed described as capable of "bursts of speed
his production ministry to build it in
hitherto unheard of quantities.5
The problems encountered in British, 3
Hanson Baldwin in New York Times January
German, and American tank production 5, 1945, quoted in Green, Thomson, and Roots,
stemmed chiefly from the fact that, at Planning Munitions for War, ch. X. For a strik-
ing example of journalistic criticism and Army
the start of World. War II, the tank was caution, see "American Locomotive," Fortune
essentially a new weapon with still un- (February 1942), pp. 79ff. The views of some
tested tactical potentialities. Further, it Army Ground Force officers appear in two histor-
ical studies: AGF Study No. 27, The Armored
was an enormously complicated machine, Force, Command and Center, dated 1946, and
difficult to design and difficult to produce. AGF Study No. 34, The Role of the AGF in the
The design phase has been described in Development of Equipment, dated 1946.
The Times, London, July 16, 1946. For a
some detail in the preceding volume of this brief account of the deficiencies of British tanks,
series.6 Here we are concerned less with see Postan, British War Production, pp. 183-95.
design than with production, but it must U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS),
Tank Industry Report, 2d edition, Jan 47.
be recognized that there is no sharp divid- 6
Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Mu-
ing line between the two processes. Design nitions for War, ch. X.

up to 18 miles an hour." 7 From 1920 to curement was but a drop in the Ordnance
1935 no more than thirty-five tanks were bucket.11
built, every one a different model. The es- In the educational orders program of
sence of mass production—acceptance of 1939-40, tanks were given scant atten-
design and its exact reproduction in vol- tion. As the using arms had not adopted
ume—was altogether lacking. Not until a clear statement of desired tank character-
1935-36 when sixteen medium tanks were istics, nor assigned tanks a high priority,
made at Rock Island Arsenal was more Ordnance did not consider it advisable to
than one tank of any specific model pro- attempt much by way. of educating indus-
duced.8 In England the situation was much try in their manufacture. Further, the cost
the same. One recorder of British tank of tanks—between $25,000 and $50,000
history described the events of the 1930's each—was so high, and the funds for
as follows: educational orders so limited, that a big
program could not be considered. In con-
In 1931 a medium tank of superior design trast to the dozens of educational orders
was issued, but the great depression and
pacifist agitation on top of it prevented
large-scale production. When this was finally 7
Hist, Rock Island Arsenal, I (1919-39), p. 63.
decided in 1936 the tank proved to be out See also The Development of Combat Vehicles,
of date. There was debate and debate . . . a manuscript prepared in Oct 43 by Samuel H.
and the tank has yet [1938] to reach the Woods, chief engineer, Automotive Division, APG,
men.9 and Evolution of American and German Medium
Tanks by Lt. Col. Robert J. Icks, 20 Jan 43,
In the War Department plans of the both in OHF. Descriptions of the Mark VIII and
other early vehicles may be found in Ralph E.
1930's, tanks were not very important. Jones, George H. Rarey, and Robert J. Icks, The
Army tacticians were not planning to use Fighting Tanks Since 1916 (Washington: Na-
hundreds of hard-hitting, fast-moving tional 8
Service Publishing Company, 1933).
(1) Hist, Rock Island Arsenal, I (1919-39).
tanks to spearhead lightning attacks. The pp. 61-66; (2) Campbell, The Industry-Ordnance
Tank Corps of World War I had long Team, pp. 220-21. In the mid-1930's, Major
Campbell, later to become wartime Chief of Ord-
since been abolished and control of tanks nance, was in charge of manufacturing at Rock
placed with the Infantry, which held arma- Island Arsenal.
ment down to machine guns, limited Maj. Eric W. Sheppard, Tanks in the Next
War (London: G. Bles, 1938), pp. 77-80.
armor thickness to about one inch, and 10
In France, Italy, Russia, and Japan the same
gave priority to small, light tanks.10 Re- trend was followed. See Richard M. Ogorkiewicz,
flecting this attitude, Ordnance had no "The Ten Ages of Tank," Armor, LXI, No. 3
( 1 9 5 2 ) , 10-18. Up to 1938 it was not much dif-
Tank Division, made no plans for wartime ferent in Germany. Only light tanks were built be-
procurement of tens of thousands of tanks, fore that date, and not in large quantities.
and confined its development work to light USSBS,11
Tank Industry Rpt, 2d edition, Jan 47.
(1) Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
tanks. The unit responsible for fighting Munitions for War, ch. VII; (2) Campbell, op.
vehicles was, until 1941, an appendage of cit., ch. 14; (3) Combat Vehicles 1940-45, MS
the Artillery Division. Test models built at study prepared by Daniel Chase, 31 Dec 45, OHF;
(4) Hist, Rock Island Arsenal, I, pp. 61-66. In
Rock Island were only a small part of that the 1930's the automotive section consisted of five
arsenal's over-all responsibility, which em- officers, headed by Maj. John K. Christmas and
braced tractors, armored cars, gun mounts, including Capt. Emerson L. Cummings who later
became Chief of Ordnance. Similar neglect of
and recoil mechanisms. It is no exagger- tank work in England is described in Postan, op.
ation to say that, before 1940, tank pro- cit., p. 7 and pp. 188-89.

placed for forging and machining artillery parts and materials. The 12-ton M2A4
shells, and for making rifles, recoil mechan- required more than 2,806 different kinds
isms, and fire control instruments, only of parts, totaling over 14,000 individual
two small educational orders were placed pieces—not counting engines or accessor-
for tanks. One went to the Van Dorn Iron ies. The aircraft type engine used in the
Works for light tank hulls and the other light tank was made by Continental
to the Baldwin Locomotive Works for ten Motors. When ACF found that steel mills
light tanks (M2A4). Design changes and were unable to supply in time the type
slow deliveries of machine tools and armor of armor plate required, it installed heat-
plate, coupled with higher priority for me- treating furnaces to make its own face-
dium tank orders, delayed the start of hardened plate. The company delivered its
production at the Baldwin plant until after first tank to Ordnance in April 1940, well
Pearl Harbor. In terms of production pre- ahead of schedule, and completed the
paredness, the two orders brought no entire order (meanwhile increased to 365)
significant results.12 in March 1941.14
In time of emergency, Ordnance planned The most serious problem in the early
to place its tank contracts with firms that stages of light tank production was change
built railway equipment. Firms experi- of design. As early as the spring of 1940,
enced in handling heavy rolling stock and for example, the need for heavier armor
in fabricating and assembling big steel plate was revealed by reports from the war
components—such as American Car and in Europe, and the added weight required
Foundry, American Locomotive, and Bald- a stronger suspension system. In July 1940
win—were considered the most suitable a much improved light tank, known offi-
contractors. Further, because of the de- cially as the M3 and unofficially as the
pressed state of the railroad industry,
these companies were not very busy. Pro- (1) Educational Orders folder, OHF; (2)
duction plans provided that these firms Telcon with Brig Gen Burton O. Lewis (Ret.),
8 Mar 54; (3) Hist, Phila Ord Dist, vol. I, pt.
were to make hulls, turrets, and numerous 8, History of Eddystone Sub-Office.
other parts, but major assemblies such as 13
For a first-hand account, see "Light Tanks"
engines, transmissions, and guns were to be by Charles J. Hardy, president of ACF, in Army
Ordnance, XXII, No. 130 (January-February
made elsewhere and shipped to the loco- 1942), 568-69. See also PSP on Production
motive plants as "government free issue." Planning, OCO-Detroit, 16 Jun 45, dr. P4336,
The first tank order of the World War OCO-D files.
(1) F. A. Stevenson (Vice President ACF),
II period illustrates the nature of the pro- "Mass Production of Combat Tanks," Army Ord-
curement plans and manufacturing pro- nance, XXI, No. 125 (March-April 1941), 485;
cedures. It was a fixed-price contract for (2) Hist, Rock Island Arsenal, II, ch. 5; (3)
Hist, Phila Ord Dist, I, pt. 1, Contractor Histor-
329 light tanks, M2A4, awarded by Rock ies, OHF; (4) Chase, Combat Vehicles 1940-45,
Island through competitive bidding to the p. 27 and pp. 47-48; (5) OCO-D History, En-
American Car and Foundry Company gineering and Manufacturing Division, vol. 7, pt.
1; (6) American Car and Foundry Co., The
(ACF) in early October 1939—the first Armed Forces of ACF. For detailed characteris-
American tank order placed with industry tics, see Catalog of Standard Ordnance Items,
in twenty years.13 ACF engineers immedi- Volume 1, Tank and Automotive Vehicles, OHF.
For problems in administering the contract, see
ately set to work checking more than History, Philadelphia Ordnance District, I, pt. 7,
2,000 blueprints and placing orders for Tank and Combat Vehicle Br, OHF.

General Stuart, was adopted, and orders larger orders were being considered, Ord-
for it went to American Car and Foundry. nance opposed further production of this
During the next twelve months the 7- model and urged adoption of a more
sided riveted turret of the early model took powerful tank with a 75-mm. gun and
on a rounded shape; welding took the place heavier armor. As a result, the Army had
of riveting; a power traverse for the tur- on hand in May 1940, when the German
ret was added; armor thickness was in- Army launched its invasion of western
creased; and a gyrostabilizer was installed Europe, only 28 new tanks—18 medium
to steady the 37-mm. gun while the tank and 10 light—and they were soon to be-
was in motion. ACF received a steady come obsolete, along with some 900 older
stream of engineering change orders during models in stock.18 Even more serious was
1940 and 1941, and, as the contract was industry's lack of experience in tank man-
of the fixed-price type, nearly every change ufacture, and limited production facilities.
required a change in the contract price.15
When the new model (M3A1) was The Upswing in 1940
adopted in August 1941, ACF was directed
to switch over to its production as soon as In mid-June 1940, Col. Alexander G.
possible. In 1942 the M3A3 appeared with Gillespie of the Artillery Division reported
an all-welded hull, sloping frontal armor, to General Charles Harris that plans for
and an improved radio compartment, but tank production during the coming fiscal
it was soon replaced by the M5.16 This year were well in hand. Requirements for
model, using two Cadillac engines and two light tanks stood at 405. As American Car
automatic transmissions, required count- and Foundry was building this tank at
less revisions in drawings and specifica- the rate of one per day, no trouble was
tions. All these design changes added up anticipated in getting production on the
to a steady trend of improvement, but they 1941 requirements. The medium tank pro-
complicated the procurement task im- gram was much larger—1,741 to be built
measurably and made field maintenance in eighteen months—but no difficulty was
and spare parts supply extremely difficult. expected with it as both American Loco-
The process required balancing the value motive and Baldwin Locomotive had un-
of each proposed improvement in battle-
field performance against the delay it
would cause in getting tanks to the troops. For details, see Hist, Phila Ord Dist, I, pt.
7, pp. 115-20.
It was the eternal conflict that Under 16
Originally designated M4 but changed to M5
Secretary Patterson had in mind when he to avoid confusion with the M4 medium tank.
declared, "The best is the enemy of the The M3A2 never went into production. Hist,
Engr and Mfg Div, OCO-D, Tank and Combat
good."17 Vehicle Sec. See also Daniel Chase, The Design,
While production of light tanks was Development and Production of Tanks in World
getting under way, manufacture of me- War II, 15 Aug 44, OHF.
Seech. III, above.
dium tanks proceeded slowly at Rock 18
(1) Statement of Gen George C. Marshall,
Island Arsenal. After building 18 M2's in Army CofS, before S. Appropriations Comm., 22
fiscal year 1939, Rock Island began work May 40, summarized in Army Ordnance, XXI,
No. 121 (July-August 1940), 15; (2) Munitions
on an order for 126 mediums of improved Program of 30 June 1940 (corrected as of July
design, M2A1. But in 1940, when much 24, 1940) in ASF Contl Div, dr G43.

used capacity and were going to submit vinced that the locomotive companies,
bids. Gasoline engines for these tanks were which normally built a few specially de-
to be supplied by the Wright Aeronautical signed locomotives each year, would
Corporation and diesel engines by the Gui- never be able to meet the emergency
berson Diesel Engine Company.19 But demand for high-speed tank production,
while Colonel Gillespie was writing his re- he decided to bring the Detroit automobile
port, events at home and abroad were industry into the tank picture.23 Ordnance
forcing a reconsideration of the whole leaders were also aware of the need to
tank program. widen the base for tank production and
In May and June of 1940 the German welcomed Knudsen's aid in persuading the
Army, led by light and medium tanks and automobile industry to join them. The
dive bombers, defeated the Belgian Army, big difficulty was that the industry could
drove the British Expeditionary Force not be "converted" to tank production
from the Continent, and overwhelmed overnight, nor could tanks be built in a
French resistance. In this blitzkrieg cam- few odd corners of existing plants. Build-
paign, the Germans did not use heavy ing tanks required a different set of tools
tanks, nor did they throw great numbers and a complete new production layout; it
of tanks into the battle, but they employed could not be sandwiched in with automo-
their well-trained armored forces with bile production.
great skill.20 Their highly mobile attacking Knudsen's proposal was not to convert
units won a decisive victory over immobile
defenses, and brought tanks into a new
position of prominence in military thinking. Memo, Col Alexander G. Gillespie for Chief,
At the end of June a British tank com- Ind Serv, 17 Jun 40, sub: Tank Prod Plans for
1941 Program, OCO ExecO files.
mission arrived in the United States with 20
The 4 German tank models in 1940 were
plans to procure thousands of tanks from the light tanks, Pz. Kfw. I and II, and the
American factories as soon as possible.21 mediums, Pz. Kfw. III and IV. They were little,
if any, better than U. S. tanks of the same year.
On 10 July 1940 the U.S. Army an- See Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Mu-
nounced creation of a separate Armored nitions for War, ch. X; Garrett Underhill, "In-
Force, thus ending the Infantry's 20-year troduction to German Armor," Armored Cavalry
Journal, LVIII, No. 4 (1949), 6; and Rcd of
control of tank doctrine and formally rec- Army Ord Research and Development—Tanks,
ognizing the fast-growing importance of pp. 1A41ff.
tanks in warfare. With adoption of the For one account of this commission, see Ltr,
Michael Dewar, head of British Tank Commis-
Munitions Program of 30 June 1940 the sion, to Minister of Supply, London, 10 Mar 42,
War Department began to plan in earnest in Icks, op. cit. The progress and difficulties of
for mass production of all weapons, in- British tank production in 1940 are described in
Postan, op. cit., pp. 183-95.
cluding thousands of tanks.22 22
For a popular history of the Armored Force,
As early as the first week in June, see Mildred Hanson Gillie, Forging the Thunder-
William S. Knudsen, newly appointed bolt (Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Service Publishing
Company, 1947). The background of tank doc-
member of the National Defense Advisory trine, 1919-40, is reviewed briefly in Green,
Commission (NDAC), had looked over Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions for
the Ordnance tank production plans and War, pp. 189-94.
For comment on the nature of peacetime
concluded they were totally inadequate locomotive production, see History, Philadelphia
for the big job that he saw ahead. Con- Ordnance District, I, Part 7, page 103.

existing auto plants but to build an en- quacy. To meet the crying need for tanks
tirely new plant in the Detroit area, a with bigger guns and tougher armor, the
tank arsenal specially designed and Armored Force and Ordnance collabora-
equipped to make medium tanks. On 7 ted in rushing through plans for a new
June he telephoned K. T. Keller, president tank, salvaging what they could from the
of the Chrysler Corporation, and arranged existing M2AI model and profiting from
a conference with him for the following British battle experience. For the first
weekend. When asked if he would consider time a turret basket, power operation of
building and operating such a plant for turret, and a gyrostabilizer were applied to
the government, Keller immediately agreed an American tank. The 75-mm. gun was
to put his production planners to work on put in the right sponson, where it had
the problem. Within forty-eight hours he limited traverse, because Ordnance had
was in Washington conferring with Gen- tried out such an arrangement some
eral Wesson and his staff.24 months earlier with good results, but it
Not only had Chrysler never made tanks was understood at the time that a com-
before, but few of its engineers had ever pletely new design with the gun in the
even seen a tank. They had to go at once turret, giving all-round traverse, would be
to Rock Island Arsenal to examine a tank more desirable.26
model and obtain the necessary blueprints Design of the tank, the M3, was still
—186 pounds of them. Back in Detroit on under way at the time the contract with
17 June they began intensive work, behind
closed doors, estimating the cost of build- 24
K e l l e r ' s o w n version o f t h e incident i s told
ings, machines, and materials. They in "The Detroit Tank Arsenal," Army Ordnance,
worked from early morning until late at XXII, No. 130 (January-February 1942), 545-
46. Knudsen's account is in Lecture, Problems in
night, seven days a week. Finally, on 17 War Production, ICAF, 18 Jun 46, p. 13; (1)
July, Keller delivered his completed esti- Wesley W. Stout, Tanks Are Mighty Fine Things
mate to Knudsen in Washington. A tank (Detroit: Chrysler Corporation, 1946); (2) In-
tervs with Generals Charles Harris and Burton
arsenal to produce ten medium tanks a Lewis, Mar 54; (3) Hist, Detroit Ord Dist, I;
day would cost $21,000,000, and each (4) Truman Comm. Hearings, 77th Cong., 1st
tank (complete except for guns) would sess., pt. 1, pp. 102-03.
Memo, Col Burton O. Lewis for Chief Ind
cost about $30,000. Knudsen told Keller Serv, 17 Jul 40, sub: Chrysler Motor Co., ExecO
to give these figures to General Wesson file. See also: (1) Stout, op. cit.; (2) Lecture,
and then make a recalculation on the K. T. Keller, Problems of Tank Production,
ICAF, 17 Mar 48, ICAF Library L48-111; and
basis of cutting the capacity to five tanks (3) Testimony of John D. Biggers in Hearings,
per day. Reporting this conference to Truman Comm., 77th Cong., 1st sess., pt. 7, 13
General Charles Harris the same day, Aug 41, pp. 2059-61.
(1) Hist, Engr and Mfg Div, OCO-D, secs.
Colonel Lewis remarked, "It looks like a entitled History of U.S. Medium Tank and Brief
good proposition to me." 25 History of Medium Tanks from 1939 to 1942;
The only real trouble with the proposi- (2) Brig Gen John K. Christmas, Development of
the U.S. Medium Tanks M3 and M4, 20 Jul 43,
tion was lack of a first-rate tank design. OHF; (3) Icks, Evolution of American and
The Chrysler engineers started with the German Medium Tanks; (4) Chase, Design, De-
design of the M2AI, mounting only a 37- velopment and Prod of Tanks in World War II,
p. 21; (5) Lt. Col. John K. Christmas, "Our
mm. gun, but reports from the European New Medium Tank," Army Ordnance, XXII,
battlefront had already shown its inade- No. 127 (July-August 1941), 27-29.

DETROIT TANK ARSENAL UNDER CONSTRUCTION on a 100-acre tract of farmland on the

outskirts of Detroit.

Chrysler was being negotiated.27 At a was attempting to go into production, do

meeting of top production officials on1 the development work, and build new
August, General Wesson stated that the facilities all at the same time.28
last of the ten thousand drawings required The contract signed, and a 100-acre
for the new design would not be com- tract of farmland on the outskirts of De-
pleted for at least sixty days, but he troit selected as the site, ground for the
nevertheless asked for authority to sign tank arsenal was broken early in Septem-
the contract with Chrysler so that work on ber 1940. A Chrysler engineer was mean-
the new plant could begin at once. "As far while sent to Aberdeen where designs of
as it is humanly possible to say, the design the new M3 were coming off the drawing
is right and settled," Lt. Col. Walter W. boards. He mailed copies of blueprints to
Warner told the meeting. "This design is Detroit, relayed other information by
based on our best engineering knowledge,
but I do not believe we have ever built a The Mead Committee in 1946 was sharply
tank or anything else that did not have to critical of the Army for its lack of tank drawings
in 1940. See S. Rpt No. no, pt. 7, p. 7, Ad-
be altered at first." In spite of the many ditional Report of the Mead Spec S. Comm., 79th
uncertainties in the picture the conferees Cong., 2d sess., 1946.
unanimously approved immediate action Min of a conf held in OCO, Munitions
Bldg, 1 Aug 40, ExecO file. For a brief account of
to close the contract for building and the development work, see Hist, Engr and Mfg
equipping the new tank arsenal and pro- Div, OCO-D, and other references in preceding
ducing one thousand medium tanks of the footnotes. Design and production of the Church-
ill tank in Britain followed the same streamlined
new M3 design, soon to be nicknamed the course, as did German production of Tigers and
General Grant. This meant that Ordnance Panthers.

telephone, and, along with representatives April, when American and Baldwin were
of the railway equipment companies, of- about to complete their first tanks, the
fered Ordnance designers valuable sugges- Mack Manufacturing Company had only
tions on engineering changes that would one power train available. It was delivered
mean cheaper and faster production.29 to American, and completion of that com-
Late in January the steel of the main ar- pany's first tank was heralded with a
senal building was up, and in mid-April demonstration before Secretary Patterson
1941 the first tank was presented to and other high-ranking Army officials. The
Ordnance as the gift of Chrysler dealers power train was then quickly removed and
throughout the country. By July, Keller delivered by truck to the Baldwin Locomo-
wrote to Under Secretary Patterson that tive Works so that company could cele-
the tank arsenal was "beginning to look brate completion of its first tank a few
like a producing department" and would days later. Meanwhile Chrysler, which
turn out 507 tanks during the next five built its own transmissions, had completed
months.30 its first tank on 11 April but the accep-
While the tank arsenal was being built, tance ceremony did not take place until
Ordnance placed large orders for M3 tanks 24 April when General Wesson personally
with the American Locomotive Company accepted two complete tanks. It was a
and the Baldwin Locomotive Works— photo finish with all three companies cross-
685 to be built by American and 535 by ing the line at about the same time.32
Baldwin—bringing total orders up to 29
2,220. The British government meanwhile (1) Hist, Engr and Mfg Div, OCO-D; (2)
Stout, op. cit., pp. 21-23; (3) Christmas, "Our
contracted directly with Baldwin, Lima New Medium Tank," Army Ordnance, XXII, No.
Locomotive Works, and Pullman-Standard 127 (July-August 1941), 27-29.
Ltr, Keller to Patterson, 21 Jul 41, copy in
Car Company; the Canadian govern- ExecO file. The plant was officially designated
ment contracted with the Montreal division Detroit Tank Arsenal in May 1941. See Ltr, TAG
of American Locomotive for 1,157 tanks to CofOrd, 29 May 41, sub: Redesignation of
Detroit Ord Plant, AG 680.9 (5-5-41)- A pic-
of the M-3 design. The United States torial section of Army Ordnance, XXII, No. 127
refused to permit the British to place (July-August 1941) is devoted to the tank plants
contracts with American firms for British- and their products. See also Charles O. Herb,
"Tanks for the Democracies Roll from Chrysler's
designed tanks, thus forcing adoption of Arsenal," Machinery, vol. 48, No. 4 (December
the M3 by the British and Canadian forces. 1940).
This step greatly simplified production (1) Christmas, "Our New Medium Tank,"
Army Ordnance, XXII, No. 127 (July-August
and maintenance, but the M3 design had 1941), 27-29; (2) Memo, Lt Col William W.
been improvised so hastily, and with so Knight, Jr., for Brig Gen Christmas, 16 May 45,
little opportunity for test, that it soon had sub: Informal Rpt on Early Phases of Tank
Program, OHF; (3) PSP on Prod Plng, OCO-D,
to be replaced by the M4.31 16 Jun 45, P4336. Histories of the Rochester and
There was a strong spirit of competition Philadelphia district offices contain additional
among the three Ordnance contractors in data on these early tank contracts. For a British
report, see Ltr, Michael Dewar, head of British
early 1941, and each strove to win the Tank Commission, to Ministry of Supply, London,
honor of producing the first tank. There 10 Mar 42, in Icks, op. cit.
was also an extreme shortage of certain (1) Hist, Rochester Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt.
13; (2) Ltr, Keller to Thomson, 1 Apr 54, OHF;
major components, particularly power (3) Telcon with Gen Burton O. Lewis, 15 Apr
trains (transmissions and final drives). In 54; (4) Stout, op. cit., p. 26.
The U.S. Army had no heavy tanks at other country in the world was known to
the start of 1940, and little desire to ac- have heavy tanks in quantity.35 By the
quire any. Its plans were oriented toward end of December 1940 the score on tank
defense of the nation against invasion, not procurement stood as follows: light tanks
toward sending an expeditionary force —325, mediums—6, heavies—0.
overseas to attack strongly fortified posi-
tions. Ordnance tank experts consistently Doubling the Program in 1941
argued for heavy tanks, but the Infantry
and other branches opposed the idea. Crit- The first five months of 1941 were rela-
ics of the heavy tank argued that it was tively uneventful, both at home and
needed only for assaulting major fortifica- abroad. England had survived the bomb-
tions and taunted the heavy tank advo- ing attacks of late 1940 and was receiving
cates by reminding them that neither more American aid. The war against the
Canada nor Mexico, the nation's nearest U-boats in the Atlantic and the fighting
neighbors, had erected Maginot Lines. But in North Africa were both causing con-
in the spring of 1940, largely due to the cern, but they were less spectacular than
shock of the German successes—including events in 1940. For Ordnance, require-
exaggerated reports of the size of German ments remained steady and production
tanks—work on development of a 60-ton gradually gained momentum. ACF con-
heavy tank was approved.33 The M6, tinued to produce light tanks, and the
powered by a 1,000-horsepower gasoline output of mediums rose steadily at Chrys-
engine and mounting a 3-inch gun, was ler, American, and Baldwin. The worst
standardized later in the year, and one bottleneck during this period was the
pilot tank was ordered from Baldwin in supply of machine tools, with contractors
August, but production had to wait for sometimes finding that lack of a single
another twelve months.34 machine prevented their completing an
It is worth noting that by the fall of order. The difficulty in getting tools on
1940 the critics were already attacking the time was due to the low-priority rating,
Army for its slowness in rearming, partic-
ularly in getting airplanes and tanks. They (1) OCM 15842, 22 May 40; (2) Ltr,
CofOrd for TAG, sub: Heavy Tanks, 27 May 40,
appeared not to understand that the huge OO 451.25/10292. The Germans had no heavy
sums appropriated for the so-called "de- tanks in service in 1940. The Pz. Kw. IV
fense program" could not be translated weighed only 19 tons and mounted a 75-mm.
gun. For an account of the heavy tank contro-
into military hardware overnight. Arthur versy, see Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
Krock, writing in the New York Times on Munitions for War, ch. X.
1October, declared the nation was totally For discussion of heavy tank potentialities in
1940, see Capt. Charles R. Kutz, "Break-Through
unprepared to meet any challenge in the Tanks," Army Ordnance, XXI, No. 123 (Novem-
air, whether at home or abroad, and went ber-December 1940), 242-45. The Baldwin
on to say, "The Army has about 500 tanks, heavy tank contract is described in History,
Philadelphia Ordnance District, Volume I, Part
one-half of which are obsolete. It has or- 7, pages 104 and 129. For an account of develop-
dered one heavy tank, but at the moment ment, see History of the Heavy Tank, M6, n.d.,
it does not own one." General Wesson in Ord R&D files, no author, OHF.
(1) New York Times, October 1, 1940,
declared the following day that U.S. tanks editorial page; (2) Memo, CofOrd for ASW, 2
were not obsolete and added that no Oct 40, sub: Article by Arthur Krock, ExecO file.

A-1-g, applied to producers of medium Col. William W. Knight, Jr., was trans-
tanks.36 ferred to Ordnance. Further, control of all
The calm that prevailed in the tank tank production, both American and
program during the first half of the British, was centralized in Ordnance.41
year was suddenly broken in July 1941— In the midst of this concerted drive to
immediately following the German inva- speed production President Roosevelt
sion of the Soviet Union—when President dropped a bombshell in mid-September.
Roosevelt stepped into the picture and At a White House conference, where
directed that production of tanks be ex- Generals Charles Harris and Burton Lewis
pedited at once, "with the only limiting represented Ordnance, the President re-
factor . . . the ability of American industry viewed current military production plans.
to produce tanks." 37 This was part and When he came to the schedule calling for
parcel of the President's plan to gear production of 1,000 medium tanks and
American production to a comprehensive 400 light tanks per month, the President
Victory Program aimed at the defeat of paused, placed a cigarette in his famous
all "potential enemies." Secretary Patter- long holder, lit it, and then calmly issued
son gave the President a preliminary esti- this cryptic directive: "Double it!"
mate that 1,600 medium tanks could be Monthly production was to be 2,800— or
built by the end of the year and that the 33,600 per year. The cost would be close
established objective was production at to a billion dollars for one year's produc-
the rate of 1,000 per month. More than tion.
this could not be produced, OPM officials Ordnance leaders, as conservative in
advised the President, "without consider- their way as the President was bold in his,
able industrial dislocation." 38 A few days thought this decision ill-advised. From
later, General Wesson stated that only their point of view, doubling production
1,400 mediums could be produced by the goals meant a further worsening of the
end of the year—850 by U.S. contractors already critical machine-tool situation and
and 550 by British suppliers—plus 1,900 meant bringing new, less experienced pro-
light tanks. But he warned that even this ducers into the picture. Unlike the Presi-
estimate could not be met if tools sched-
uled for tank plants were diverted else- 36
Memo, Knight, to Brig Gen Christmas, 16
where.39 May 45. See also ch. III, above.
During July and August, while General Ltr, President to SW, 9 Jul 41, ExecO file.
Ltr, Sidney Hillman and Biggers, OPM, to
Staff planners were at work on the President, 11 Jul 41, ExecO file.
Victory Program, several important steps Memo, CofOrd for USW, 25 Jul 41, sub:
were taken to speed production. Ord- Monthly Prod . . . Tanks, OHF.
An oddly redundant title as tanks are com-
nance created a separate Tank and Com- bat vehicles. The new division was created by
bat Vehicle Division40 headed by Lt. Col. ODO 41
183, 29 July 1941.
John K. Christmas, thus taking tanks out (1) Memo, Knight, for Brig Gen Christmas,
16 May 45; (2) Ltr, USW to CofOrd, 17 Jul
of the Artillery Division. A short time 41, OO 451.25/7113; (3) PSP on Prod Plng,
later, to eliminate conflict of responsibil- OCO-D,
16 Jun 45, P4336.
ities between Ordnance and the recently 1953-54. Intervs with Generals Harris and Lewis in
See also Smith, Army and Economic
created Office of Production Management, Mobilization, Chapter VI, for discussion of form-
the tank section of OPM, headed by Lt. ulation of Victory Program.
dent, they were close to the practical ing launched, production from existing
problems of production and not up-to-date plants was disappointingly slow. For No-
on plans to send military equipment on a vember, only 306 medium tanks were
vast scale to friendly powers, chiefly produced against a scheduled 490. The
Britain and the Soviet Union.43 But once trouble was in the production of trans-
the President had spoken Ordnance had missions, with one leading source making
no choice but to push ahead with the only 33 units during the month. Consider-
enlarged program. As a first step, an A- able improvement was achieved in De-
1-a priority was requested for all tanks. cember when increased transmission pro-
Ordnance estimated that with such a pri- duction brought the figure on medium
ority tank production could be increased tanks up to 506. The December rate for
15 percent by 30 June 1942. When this light and medium tanks combined was a
estimate was reported to the President he little over 900—far short of the President's
upped the figure to 25 percent. The next new objective, though well ahead of the
steps were to increase existing tank or- rate of 32 in the preceding December.45
ders, urge faster production, and build Most important, there were five competent
new capacity. Ordnance took over British producers of medium tanks in the field
orders with Pressed Steel, Pullman- —American, Baldwin, Chrysler, Pressed
Standard, and Lima, firms that had just Steel, and Pullman-Standard—and the
come into production at old plants reha- huge new Fisher tank arsenal was under
bilitated at British expense. Contracts for construction. By the end of the year the
transmissions and final drives were placed production score for all of 1941 stood as
with the Caterpillar Tractor Company and follows: light tanks—2,591, mediums—
the Iowa Transmission Company, the lat- 1,461, heavies—o.46
ter a subsidiary of John Deere Company.
Negotiations were started with steel foun- The All-Out Effort in 1942
dries to increase their capacity for cast At the start of 1942, while Ordnance
armor, then only half of estimated re- leaders were pushing hard to reach the
quirements. At the same time, capacity for
producing both homogeneous and face- For discussion of the strategic plans, see
Watson, Chief of Staff, Chapter XI, and Maurice
hardened armor plate had to be greatly Matloff and Edwin M. Snell, Strategic Planning
increased, with such companies as Repub- for Coalition Warfare 1941-1942, UNITED
lic Steel, Carnegie-Illinois, and Henry Dis- STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II (Wash-
ington, 1953), Chapter III. The British side of
ston heading the list. In mid-November the picture is reported in Postan, op. cit., Pages
negotiations were completed for an en- 238-39.
tirely new tank arsenal at Grand Blanc, (1) Chase, Combat Vehicles, 1940-45, op.
cit., pp. 101-02; (2) Military Tank Production,
Michigan, to be operated by the Fisher a progress report by War Projects Unit, Bur of
Body Division of General Motors. Compar- the Budget, 24 Oct 44, OHF; (3) Hist, Chicago
able to the Chrysler tank arsenal, it was Ord Dist, I, pt. 2.
Summary Report of Acceptance, Tank-
to have capacity for one thousand M4 Automotive Materiel, 1940-45, OCO-D, De-
medium tanks per month and was to cost cember 1945, OHF.
something over $37 million for buildings, Whiting, Statistics. A pilot model of the 60-
ton heavy tank with a cast hull was accepted
machinery, and equipment.44 from the Baldwin Locomotive Company on the
While these long-term projects were be- day after Pearl Harbor.

"double it" objective, President Roosevelt against Mr. Knudsen's estimate of

suddenly raised the requirements still 30,000." 49 These exaggerated views were
higher. In a secret letter to the Secretary also impressed upon the President who
of War on 3 January he set the following not only recognized the need for "over-
tank production goals:47 whelming superiority in munitions" but
1942 1943 also valued the psychological effect of a
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,000 75,000 dramatic gesture to instill confidence in
Heavy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 5,000 the American people, and in their many
Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 , 0 0 0 50,000 allies throughout the world. When ques-
Light . days
. . . . . .later
. . . . . . the
. . . . .President
. . 1 9 , 5 0 0 made 20,000
tioned on the industrial practicality of
figures to be used in his message to Con-
figures public in his message to Congress gress, he is said to have answered, "Oh
and touched off a heated public discussion —the production people can do it if they
of the feasibility of the new goals—and really try."
as to the origins of the President's figures. Within two weeks of the President's
On this latter point, one fact was crystal directive, Ordnance had its plans drawn
clear: they did not originate with the up and ready for presentation to the
Ordnance Department. General Staff Office of Production Management and the
planners working on the Victory Program Under Secretary of War for approval. For
were dealing with such big, round figures, the medium tank, Colonel Christmas re-
but Ordnance leaders were not. General ported, the nine firms so far lined up were
Wesson and his staff not only doubted the considered capable of producing the re-
need for such huge numbers of tanks but quired 25,000 tanks during 1942, if they
also felt they could not be produced with- got the tools and materials needed. By
out sacrificing other equally important far the biggest producer on the list was
munitions. Ordnance leaders assigned the Detroit Tank Arsenal, which was to be
credit—or blame—for the new objectives enlarged to make 7,765 units during the
to Lord Beaverbrook, British supply chief, year, plus 500 transmissions to be used by
and to such Presidential advisers as Harry other tank producers. It was followed by
Hopkins and Robert Nathan.48 In support five railway equipment companies—Amer-
of this view they cited the conference on ican (both U.S. and Canadian plants),
29 December 1941 when Lord Beaver- Baldwin, Pullman-Standard, Pressed Steel
brook's views were presented to Donald
Nelson and others in the office of Vice 47
Ltr, President to SW, 3 Jan 42, copy in OHF.
President Henry A. Wallace. According to A similar letter went to OPM on 5 Jan 42. See
Nelson, the British supply chief stated CPA, 48
Industrial Mobilization for War, p. 278.
Intervs with Generals Harris and Lewis, Mar
"that in talking to Stalin, Stalin told him 54. For further light on this point, see Wesson's
that Germany had thrown 30,000 tanks confs, 49
Jan-Mar 42, particularly 27 Mar 42.
into the fight with Russia. . . . He made War, Quoted in CPA, Industrial Mobilization for
p. 2 7 7 . See also Robert E. Sherwood,
the statement that if an invasion of Amer- Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History
ica was attempted we had no conception (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1948), pp.
of the number of tanks we would have to 473-74. According to the U.S. Strategic Bombing
Survey, Germany had only 4,500 tanks in service
cope with. . . . He thinks we should plan on 1 June 1941—not 30,000.
for the production of 45,000 tanks in 1942 Sherwood, op. cit., p. 474.
Car, and Lima Locomotive—and the new question as to the real need for such
Fisher tank arsenal. The Ford Motor Com- tanks, as they were desired only by the
pany was also to start building tanks British, not by the U.S. Army. "I haven't
and was scheduled to reach a 500-per- found an officer yet in the U.S. Army that
month rate in November 1942. On a proposes that we get these heavy tanks,"
smaller scale, the Pacific Car and Foundry commented Deputy Chief of Staff General
Company of Renton, Wash., was to come Richard Moore. "I think that should be
into production in 1942. The conferees deferred until this British tank committee
concluded that Ordnance had the tank gets over here." The decision was that
program well in hand but recommended Ordnance should "proceed as planned and
adding two more sources for medium no further," and await the joint British-
tanks.51 American conferences scheduled for
In February Colonel Christmas made a March.52
strong case for revising the President's light Two weeks later, Colonel Christmas
tank requirements so that fewer would be presented additional thoughts on the tank
produced in 1942 and more in 1943. program. He reported that the prospects
"There is no doubt that we could achieve of achieving the Presidential objective for
these objectives [19,500 in 1942 and medium tanks—25,000 in 1942 and 50,000
20,000 in 1943]," he explained to a in 1943—were good. But, he warned, this
conference attended by Patterson, Harri- could be done only at the cost of other
son, Knudsen, and others, "but there is items, particularly armored cars and self-
this major objection to it—if we set up propelled artillery. He therefore recom-
facilities to do that, they will be idle in mended that the 1942 objective be cut
1943 to a considerable extent." Producing from 25,000 to 20,000, and heavy tanks
19,500 tanks during 1942 would mean be reduced proportionately. This would
building up to a high capacity in the latter help balance production by making it
part of the year, capacity far in excess of possible to produce a proper complement
that needed to produce virtually the same of scout cars, half tracks, and self-
number of units in twelve full months of propelled artillery. Colonel Christmas also
1943. But the conference gave no positive raised a question as to the reasonable-
answer to the queston before passing on ness of the over-all tank objectives, point-
to the medium tank. Here, with eleven ing out that they would supply light tanks
firms at work, some on the M3 (General for 123 armored divisions, medium tanks
Grant) and others on the M4 (General for 216 armored divisions, plus 100 percent
Sherman), Ordnance expressed confidence
that the Presidential objectives could be 51
Conf held in Wesson's office, 16 Jan 42, sub:
reached, both for 1942 and 1943, if given Proc Plan for Tanks Covered by the President's
a high priority. Engines, transmissions, and Dir, ExecO file. On Pacific Car and Foundry, see
guns were the critical components, but Hist, San Francisco Ord Dist, I, Seattle Regional
Office, pp. 7-15.
vigorous efforts were being made to speed 52
Review of the Prod Plans of the Tank and
their production. As for the heavy tank, it Combat Vehicle Div, 25 Feb 42, T676A. General
presented the same problem as the light Moore apparently overstated the case somewhat.
There certainly had been some heavy tank advo-
tank—production was too much concen- cates in the Army in 1941 when the pilot model
trated in 1942. There was also a further of the M6 was authorized.


Works, 1942.

replacement for one year's operation. He those for armored cars and self-propelled
questioned whether the United States, artillery. As early as September 1941, when
Britain, and the Soviet Union could organ- General Wesson was in London, the Brit-
ize and otherwise equip and transport such ish had urged the need for self-propelled
huge numbers of tank units, and suggested artillery, citing the "startling successes
that each nation would do better if it gained by the German assault artillery." 54
planned to equip more modest forces, per- But the President's January program
haps 25 armored divisions each for 1942. called for only 2,539 self-propelled weap-
Even this figure was nearly three times ons in 1942—all of the relatively ineffec-
the number actually activated by the U.S. tive 37-mm. type. The British-American
Army in 1942.53 conference recommended production of
Later in March the British Tank Mission 53
and the U.S. Tank Committee held a (1) Memos of Col Christmas for CofOrd, 10
and 11 Mar 42, sub: President's Objectives for
number of conferences to work out de- 1942 and 1943: Prod of Tanks. ExecO file; (2)
tailed plans for co-ordinating American, Memo, Maj Gen Brehon B. Somervell for CofOrd,
British, and Canadian production. A major 6 Mar 42, sub: Presidential Objectives . . . , in
folder ASP. The number of armored divisions
product of these meetings was the de- actually organized by the U.S. Army throughout
cision to recommend a program of balanced World War II was 16. Palmer, Wiley, and Keast,
Procurement and Training of Ground Combat
production, as Colonel Christmas had Troops, pp. 491-92.
urged. Basically, this meant cutting the 54
Min of Mtg held at Claridge Hotel, London,
President's tank objectives and boosting 30 Sep 41, p. 17, OHF.


more than 15,000 self-propelled weapons, and not useful.56 General Wesson was less
ranging from 40-mm. to 105-mm. Produc- restrained, bluntly declaring that the pro-
tion of these weapons was nearly equival- gram should be "balanced" and "in line
ent to production of the same number of with actual requirements," even if it meant
tanks, for they consisted of artillery pieces informing the President that his objectives
mounted on tank chassis. Known variously were unsound. When reminded that the
as self-propelled mounts, gun motor car- President had set his production goals on
riages, or howitzer motor carriages, they the basis of Lord Beaverbrook's advice,
served in many different roles, chiefly as General Wesson replied that "he sometimes
antitank, antiaircraft, and mobile field ar- disagreed with statements made by Lord
tillery weapons.55
In spite of the evidence that was piling (1) Findings and Final Min of the Joint
up, both Somervell and Patterson were British Tank Mission and the U.S. Tank Comm.,
30 Mar 42, p. 8, OHF; (2) Statement by Col
reluctant to advise the President that the Christmas, 15 Apr 42, copy in app. to PSP 55,
objectives needed revision. At a conference Ord Rqmts 1939-46, by Maj Paul D. Olejar and
in General Wesson's office late in March, others, Jul 45. See also Ltr, CofS for President,
I Apr 42 in ASF Director of Matériel file marked
when the U.S. Tank Committee's pro-Presidential Objectives, dr G1591.
posed changes in the objectives were dis- Min, Wesson Conf, 25 Mar 42. See the
cussed, Mr. Patterson stated that he could President's letter to WPB Chairman Nelson,1
May 42, reiterating his desire to meet the Janu-
not report to the White House that certain ary objectives, quoted in CPA, Industrial Mobili-
items in the program were superfluous zation for War, pp. 281-82.

Beaverbrook." The conferees then con- to mid-1944 called for expenditure of over
sidered sugar-coating the proposed changes $16 billion. In February 1942 the diffi-
by adopting a new nomenclature for tanks, culty of obtaining machine tools appeared
self-propelled mounts, armored cars, and to Ordnance as the most serious problem.
other fighting vehicles. General Harris re- In April the supply of materials moved
marked that a heavy armored car was into first place on the critical list, and
virtually a light tank, and Secretary Pat- stayed there for the rest of the year. In
terson agreed. General Clay proposed the tank program, nine-tenths of the ma-
calling a self-propelled mount an "artil- terial needed was steel, much of it high-
lery tank." General Somervell observed grade steel. Nickel, copper, aluminum, and
that the Ordnance Technical Committee rubber were also required. "Even now,"
could hold a meeting that afternoon and Colonel Christmas reported in April,
rename all its combat vehicles to bring "shortages of material are holding back
them under the heading of tanks, but our production." 59 This was further evi-
General Wesson objected on the ground dence to justify reducing requirements,
that any such move would lead to con- and it invalidated earlier Ordnance esti-
fusion.57 The conference adjourned with- mates of production potential. In spite of
out reaching a final agreement, but when shortages throughout 1942, production
the Army Supply Program appeared early rose month by month from 954 in January
in April it embodied most of the changes to 4,853 in December. But the total for
under discussion. Tank requirements for the year was only 25,000 instead of
1942 were cut deeply and large quantities 45,000 as directed by the President in
of self-propelled artillery added. With the January 1942. The failure to produce
medium tank, for example, the 1942 re- more tanks was due in part to reduction
quirements dropped from 25,000 to of requirements but chiefly to shortages in
14,000, but 6,580 self-propelled weapons material, irregular deliveries of material,
—built on medium tank chassis—were and increasing emphasis on spare parts.60
added. As the self-propelled weapons Of the vehicles produced, roughly 11,000
were nearly the same as tanks, Colonel
Christmas described the shift as "a virtual Min, Wesson Confs, 25 Mar 42.
(1) Review of the Prod Plans for the Tank
renaming of part of our product." He and Combat [Vehicle] Div, 18 Apr 42; (2) PSP
estimated the net over-all effect was to 55, Ord Rqmts 1939-46, by Maj Paul D. Olejar
reduce the 1942 program by 10 percent to ant59others, Jul 45.
(1) Review of the Prod Plans for the Tank
15 percent, and to raise the 1943 program and Combat [Vehicle] Div, 18 Apr 42; (2)
in proportion. The money value of the Tank-Automotive Center Production Review, 11
new 1942 program was approximately $3 Dec 42, ASF Prod Div file 470.8 Tanks; (3) Rpt
of Principal Accomplishments and Difficulties,
billion, and for 1943 about $8 billion. This 30 Sep 42, OO 400.12. For discussion of conserva-
shift was of great benefit from the pro- tion measures to save scarce materials, see
duction standpoint because it eased the Chapter XVIII in Green, Thomson, and Roots,
Planning Munitions for War. For production
load in 1942 and transferred some of it to problems on a by-item basis, see Production
1943 when new and expanded facilities Analysis 60
Notes, TCVD, 30 Apr 42.
would be better able to handle it.58 For a summary of factors affecting produc-
tion, see Memo, Brig Gen Christmas for Lt Col
The production problems were neverthe- Wallace E. Niles, 16 Sep 42, copy in OHF. On
less ominous, for the total tank schedule spare parts, see Chapter XIII, below.

were light tanks, 14,000 were mediums He also directed his generals to begin
(mostly Grants), and 1 was a heavy tank producing heavy tanks that could cope
M6. In addition, there were 11,420 self- with the Russian T-34's. While American
propelled weapons, 9,846 half tracks, and tank men were trying out the heavy M6,
7,366 scout cars. The total for all com- and preparing to discard it, Hitler set in
bat vehicles combined, including self- motion the machinery that brought the
propelled weapons, armored cars, cargo powerful German heavy tanks, the Tiger
carriers, loading vehicles, and others, was and the Panther, onto the battlefield in
about 58,000.61 small numbers about a year later. Less
concerned with mechanical perfection than
British and German Efforts in 1942 the U.S. Army, the Germans rushed these
tanks from drawing board to battlefield in
Meanwhile British tank production came record time.64 In September 1942 Hitler
under fire in the House of Commons, with set a goal of 800 tanks per month to be
critics citing difficulties not unlike those attained by the spring of 1944—less than
encountered in the United States. In March 15 percent of President Roosevelt's objec-
1942 the Select Committee on National tive for 1943. After the tremendous Ger-
Expenditure declared that: ". . . in the man tank losses at Stalingrad later in
matter of settling the design for the weap- 1942, the Adolf Hitler Panzer Program
ons of war and the relative quantities of was drawn up by Albert Speer, Minister
each that are required . . . the programme of War Production, calling for 1,200 per
for manufacture as transmitted to in- month by the end of 1944. Hitler immedi-
dustry shows signs of inadequate foresight ately told Speer this figure was too low
and sureness of decision, as well as a and called for sharp increases which
tendency at times to give consideration to production officials regarded as fantastic.
producing the maximum volume of cer- Hitler nevertheless issued a decree on 22
tain articles rather than the exact types January 1943 that all necessary measures
required by the fighting forces." 62 Aside be taken to increase tank production "even
from lack of a first-rate design, British if by these measures other important
tank production suffered from poor co- branches of the armament industry are
ordination between the War Office and adversely affected for a time." The result
the civilian Ministry of Supply. British was that production rose from about
production rose in 1942 to 8,611 units,
but the quality of the tanks produced 61
(1) Whiting, Statistics; (2) OCO-D Sum-
brought forth a good deal ofcriticism.63 mary Rpt, pp. XX-XXIV.
Two trends dominated German tank War-Time Tank Production, Report by the
Select Committee on National Expenditure . . . ,
production in 1942—increased production, p. 3, Jul 46, London. This is frequently referred
and emphasis on heavier tanks. In January to as the British White Paper on Tanks. A sum-
1942, three weeks after announcement of mary of it appeared in The Times, London, July
16, 1946, p. 5.
President Roosevelt's objectives, Chancellor 63
Ibid. This report includes criticisms by the
Hitler decided to expand German tank Select Committee and defenses by the War Office.
production—then running at about 4,000 For a brief historical summary of British tank
production, see Postan, op. cit., pages 183-95.
a year—in view of the disastrous losses his 64
Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Mu-
armies had suffered in Russia late in 1941. nitions for War, ch. X.

9,300 tanks during 1943 to about 17,500 months from announcement of the Presi-
in 1944, with the monthly production rate dent's objectives, the pressure on the
reaching a peak of 1,600 in July 1944.65 production front was relieved by a sharp
cut in requirements. In the revised Army
The Tank-Automotive Center Supply Program issued in November 1942
the 1943 figure for Sherman tanks dropped
Administratively, the most important from 46,500 to 24,582, and that for the
development affecting U.S. tank produc- 105-mm. howitzer motor carriage from
tion in 1942 was the creation of the De- 4,400 to 1,200. The only major increase
troit Tank-Automotive Center (T-AC) was for 3,000 of the 3-inch gun motor
later named Office Chief of Ordnance- carriages recently adopted as "tank des-
Detroit (OCO-D). General Campbell troyers." The net effect of all changes
took this step in September 1942 when was to reduce the requirement for medium
responsibility for trucks and other trans- tanks and allied vehicles by more than
port vehicles was shifted from the Quar- 21,000 units. This sudden drop in require-
termaster Corps to Ordnance. He had a ments marked the end of the "all-out"
dual purpose in mind: to combine truck effort. Although there were few immediate
and tank procurement in one office and at cancellations of tank contracts, General
the same time decentralize it to Detroit. Christmas remarked in December that the
Congestion in Washington had reached an cutback had had a bad effect on industry
acute stage in the summer of 1942, with morale, and concluded, "I doubt if we
both office space and housing at a pre- will ever get industry back to its enthusi-
mium. General Campbell made Brig. Gen. asm of last fall." 67
Alfred R. Glancy, a newly commissioned 65
USSBS, op. cit. Brief comment on German
industrialist-in-uniform, chief of the center, production appears also in Gordon A. Harrison,
aided by Brig. Gen. John K. Christmas, Cross-Channel Attack, UNITED STATES ARMY
IN WORLD WAR II (Washington, 1951), pp.
former chief of the Tank and Combat 34-35.
Vehicle Division, and Brig. Gen. Donald 66
For details on the organization of T-AC, and
Armstrong, former chief of the Chicago its administrative problems, see Green, Thomson,
and Roots, Planning Munitions for War, Chapter
Ordnance District. Creation of the T-AC, IV. For a brief summary of tank procurement
along with the simultaneous transfer to procedures, see Outline of Tank Procurement,
St. Louis of artillery ammunition procure- May 1942, Report No. 7, ASF Control Division,
copy in OHF. Creation of the T-AC is described
ment, made Ordnance the leader among in Army Ordnance, XXIII, No. 135 (November-
the Army technical services in decentral- December 67
1942), 501.
ization.66 The background for this phase of tank pro-
curement is discussed above in Chapter IV. See
Three months after the Tank- also T-AC Prod Review, 11 Dec 42, and Chase,
Automotive Center was formed, and nine Combat Vehicles 1940-45, pp. 73-74.

Production of Tanks
In a general way, tank building followed a major component was added. Starting
the methods of automobile production. Ma- with the lower hull, or chassis, the gas
jor components were produced in widely tanks and the mount for the big gun were
separated plants and then brought together first put in place. At the next station the
and assembled at an assembly plant. Al- giant transmission was added. At the third
though some tank contractors made more stop an overhead crane lowered the engine
components in their own shops than did into place and the drive shaft was connec-
others, none made them all. Armor plate ted with the transmission. As the hull
and castings, for example, came from Pitts- moved slowly from station to station it
burgh or Chicago steel mills and foundries gradually took on the appearance of a
in a rough or semifinished state. The guns fighting tank, finally rolling onto its tracks
were supplied by Ordnance arsenals or and receiving its big gun and turret.2
commercial producers. Rubber-bushed Although the locomotive companies were
tracks came from one of the major rubber able to use much of the equipment they
companies in Ohio.1 Within the tank's had on hand, many new machine tools
enveloping armor the two most important were required, as well as additional han-
major assemblies were the engine and the dling equipment. American Locomotive not
transmission, but there were also radios, only needed over one hundred new ma-
periscopes, ammunition racks, and count- chine tools for its first tank order but also
less other items. Most tank parts had two had to rearrange its entire plant layout to
things in common—they were very heavy, make room for them.3 For its first light
and they were made chiefly of steel. More tank order, American Car and Foundry in-
than any other factors, these two deter- stalled seventy-five new tools and a series
mined the pattern of tank production.
They required plants with big cranes to
handle heavy assemblies, ingenious fixtures For an account of tank track development, see
Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions
to hold parts in position, and a great for War, Chapter XI.
variety of huge machine tools for cutting 2
Fortune, February 1942, p. 79. This article
and shaping the material. (Table 19) shows the early influence of military "censorship."
After it had been blue-penciled by the War De-
The Schenectady plant of the American partment, Fortune published the article with the
Locomotive Company was such a plant. word CENSORED covering each deletion.
Its tank assembly line—adjacent to con- History of Combat Tank Production at the
Schenectady Plant of the American Locomotive
tinuing locomotive production areas—was Company, 1 Aug 45, prepared by the company,
a series of seven stations at each of which OHF.



of heat-treating furnaces.4 The Detroit in developing new techniques as well as

Arsenal required over 1,000 machine tools new tools and fixtures, particularly for
and some 8,500 specially designed jigs and 4
Rpt by ACF, 3 Mar 44, in Hist, Phila Ord
fixtures. All the companies had to pioneer Dist, vol. 100, pt. 1.

at Rock Island Arsenal.

welding, cutting, and straightening heavy of thicker homogeneous plate was rising so
armor plate. fast—that Chrysler decided to buy its
The Detroit Tank Arsenal stood in sharp armor plate and heavy steel castings from
contrast to the locomotive plants, for it was other firms. Nearly all other parts, except
built from the ground up for the sole guns, were made at the arsenal during
purpose of building tanks. But it neverthe- 1941, including the famous 30-cylinder
less went through a series of rather drastic engine built by gearing five Chrysler truck
changes. Before the arsenal was built, engines to a single drive shaft, and hun-
Knudsen's idea of having it produce its dreds of extra transmissions for other tank
own armor plate—and practically all contractors. The arsenal became a well
other parts—was abandoned, the first step integrated basic pilot plant.5
in a long process of decentralizing tank In 1942, as tank requirements zoomed
production. The year before, American Car and automobile manufacture stopped for
and Foundry had installed furnaces for the duration of the war, Chrysler began
face-hardening its own plate because other
sources were not readily available, but the For a description of arsenal methods, see
Herb, "Tanks for the Democracies Roll from
planned production schedules for the De- Chrysler's Arsenal," Machinery, vol. 48, No. 4
troit Arsenal were so high—and the use (December 1941).

farming out its operations. This was in being a great merger of tank plants all
accord with Keller's original plans for ex- combined under the trade mark of the
pansion in time of a real emergency. Be- Ordnance Department and all making the
tween February and September more than same product—the American medium
700 large machine tools were moved to tank."9
other Chrysler plants, some of which ma-
chined gears and suspension wheels while Engines
others welded hulls and still others per-
formed a variety of machining, forging, Tank engines constituted one of the
and assembling jobs. More and more, the worst bottlenecks early in the war.10 Be-
tank arsenal became a final inspection and fore 1940, Ordnance tank designers had
assembly plant supplied by scores of other planned to use both diesel engines made
production units.6 Looking back on the ex- by the Guiberson Company and "Whirl-
perience from the vantage point of the wind" gasoline engines made by the Wright
year 1948 Keller observed that Aeronautical Corporation, but as the de-
fense program got under way these firms
. . . the job experienced all the standard could not meet the tremendous demand for
hardships of World War II production. The
first design was scrapped before we could tank, plane, and ship engines. As airplanes
begin. Despite the early start made, the and ships had top priority, Ordnance had
value of priorities for machine tools and to look for other sources. In the fall of
equipment quickly melted away like snow on 1940 Ordnance contracted with the Con-
a hot day. Frantic calls for increased pro- tinental Motors Company to rehabilitate
duction alternated with drastic cutbacks. Dis-
appearance of critical materials held it up.
its old Detroit plant to produce the Wright
Sudden changes in design upset ability to aircraft engine, under a license arrange-
deliver, and broke the planned flow of op- ment, at the rate of twenty engines per
erations. We never once had all of the ma- day. Early in 1941 Ordnance felt that,
chine tools and equipment that our schedules with more than six thousand engines con-
called for.
In tank production, as in other phases
of Ordnance procurement, industry inte- (1) Stout, Tanks Are Mighty Fine Things,
pp. 44-45; (2) Ltr, Keller to Thomson, 1 Apr
gration committees played an important 54; (3) Hist, Detroit Ord Dist, vol. I, pp. T-20-
role in bringing manufacturers together to 25). The latter reference gives names of plants
eliminate bottlenecks and speed produc- and products of each, based on production prog-
ress reports.
tion.8 Beginning with the medium tank 7
Lecture, K. T. Keller, Problems of Tank Pro-
committee in 1942, a total of twenty- duction, 17 Mar 48, ICAF.
seven were created by April 1943 when the For the origins of integration committees, see
Chapter III and Chapter VI, above.
last one was organized. Many committees 9
Press release, 8 Dec 42, T-AC, quoting Gen-
were active only for short periods because eral Glancy, copy in Hist, Engr and Mfg Div,
the problems they dealt with were success- OCO-D. See also History, Ordnance Department
Industry Integration Committee for Medium
fully solved. But some lasted all during the Tanks, by Maj Louis Antol, Jr., 1 Jun 45),
war years. Speaking of the medium tank ( P 10
For the research and development back-
committee, one Ordnance officer aptly de- ground on tank engines, see Green, Thomson, and
scribed the work of them all. "You might Roots, Planning Munitions for War, pp. 202-03
think of this committee," he remarked, "as and 287-301.

tracted for, it faced no real problem, but We cannot stand any more diversions of
as the tank program was doubled and re- engines and still meet the 1942 tank objec-
doubled in ensuing months, the need for tives. . . . They are continually calling me
into meetings where they want to take the
engines far exceeded earlier calculations.11 Wright engine and put it into training
In the winter of 1941-42 there was no planes. Fifty percent of the tanks made this
time to design and test a completely new year will have Wright engines, 34 percent
tank engine, and build new plants for its will have General Motors engines, 10 percent
manufacture. Substitute engines that will have Chrysler and six percent will have
the Ford. So if they start taking away Gen-
could be produced at once, using tools eral Motors' and Wright's engines, they are
already at hand in existing plants, had to taking away the foundation of the pro-
be adopted, including the Chrysler multi- gram.14
bank, the GM twin diesel, the Ford V-8,
and the Caterpillar RD-1820—an air- The supply of engines improved gradually
cooled radial diesel. The Guiberson diesels during the year, but remained a problem
were manufactured for a time at a new even in the early months of 1943.
plant in Garland, Texas, but the contract In June 1943 General Christmas re-
was later terminated and the plant taken viewed the whole engine problem in a
over by Continental Motors to make gaso-
line engines.12 The picture was further 11
(1) Meme, Knight, to Brig Gen Christmas,
complicated by the preference of the Brit- 16 May 45, sub: Informal Rpt on Early Phases
ish and Soviet governments for diesel en- of Tank Program, OHF; (2) The Design, De-
velopment and Production of Tanks in World
gines in lend-lease tanks, and by differences War II, I, sec. EB Medium Tanks, p. 10, EE
of opinion among U.S. Army authorities as Components, and PE Components, prepared by
to the relative merits of gasoline and diesel OCO-D [1945]. On engine development in the
1930's, sec History of Development of the Wright-
engines for tanks. As early as April 1942 Continental R-975 Radial Engine, Feb 47, both
Maj. Gen. Jacob L. Devers of the Armored by Edward Promack, OHF. See also the difficul-
Force had urged elimination of both the ties of engine design and production faced by the
British, as described in Postan, British War Pro-
Guiberson and Chrysler engines.13 But duction, pp. 187-88.
the demand for engines was so great that 12
(1) Memo, Brig Gen Christmas for CofOrd,
every reasonably acceptable type had to be 25 May 42, sub: Guiberson Engine Contracts,
OO 160/160298; (2) Memo, Col James E. B.
used, even though this practice played McInerney for CofOrd, 8 Jun 43, sub: History
hob with field maintenance and spare parts of Authorizations and Cancellations . . . Diesel
supply. Engines, OHF. See also Green, Thomson, and
Roots, Planning Munitions for War, ch. X.
Meanwhile engines scheduled for tanks 13
Ltr, CG Armored Force to CG SOS, 29 Apr
were diverted to the Navy or the Air 42, sub: Engine for Tanks. . . , Ord ExecO file.
Forces, sometimes without consulting the The development of tank engines is treated at
length in Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
Ordnance Department. At a production Munitions for War, Chapter X. See also Daniel
conference in June 1942 General Christ- Chase, Design, Development and Production of
mas reported that since the first of the Tanks in World War II, 15 Aug 44, pp. 102ff;
Statement by Colonel Christmas in Review of the
year, 2,500 GM diesel engines had been Prod Plans of the TCVD, 25 Feb 42, pp. 13-14;
diverted to the Navy, and General Clay Tank and Combat Vehicle Sec of Hist, Engr and
added that 1,100 more had recently been Mfg Div, OCO-D; and AGF Study No. 27, 1946,
pp.85, 95.
diverted. General Christmas bluntly warned 14
Review of the Prod Plans of the TCVD, 19
the conference as follows: Jun 42, p. 8.

letter to General Clay. He pointed out that made its own transmissions but also sup-
the War Department goal was to use only plied other contractors. At the outset,
one type of medium tank engine and then Ordnance purchased transmissions from
outlined the reasons for continuing with the producers and furnished them as
the half-dozen existing models. He cited "government free issue" to tank contrac-
the "wide divergence of reliable opinion" tors, but later Ordnance stepped out of the
on two points: the relative merits of diesel picture and let the tank builders buy
and gasoline engines, and the merits of transmissions direct. During the winter of
liquid-cooled versus air-cooled engines. 1941-42, as requirements mounted, Ord-
Furthermore, he pointed out that none of nance took steps to create monthly capac-
the American engines had yet seen exten- ity for over five thousand medium tank
sive battle service, and all were still in transmissions. The Buick Division of
various stages of engineering develop- General Motors, the Ford Motor Com-
ment. 15 Considering all factors, ASF ap- pany, the Reed Roller Bit Company, and
proved the continued use of all existing Caterpillar Tractor all came into the pro-
engines, but their number was soon re- gram and by the end of 1942 production
duced by elimination of the less desirable had caught up with demand.17
types.16 Lack of machine tools was at the root
of the delay in transmission production
Ltr, Brig Gen Christmas, T-AC, To Maj Gen
Transmissions and final drives—de- Clay, ASF, 17 Jun 43, sub: Medium Tank and
scribed together as power trains—were, at Allied Vehicle Engine Installations, OO 470.8/75.
the start of the rearmament program, as Sec also Min of Tank Engine Conf held by the
Director of Materiel, ASF, 29 Jun 43, copy in
troublesome as tank engines, but they OCO-Detroit file in folder marked Tank, Me-
were well under control by the first anni- dium.
versary of Pearl Harbor. The gears and 2dIndorsement, Brig Gen Christmas, T-AC,
to Col McInerney, 9 Jul 43, on basic Memo,
castings needed for tank transmissions—of CG ASF for CofOrd, 26 Jun 43, sub: Review of
special Ordnance design and much larger Tank Program, OO 470.8/929. For detailed dis-
than commercial products—were not easily cussion of tank engine development and test, see
Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Muni-
manufactured. When American Car and tions for War, Chapter X.
Foundry began production of the light (1) D. J. Crowley, Report of Production—
tank in 1940 it obtained transmissions from Transmissions and Final Drives, T643-c; (2)
Hist, Chicago Ord Dist, I, pt. 2, pp. 368-76 and
the Timken-Detroit Axle Company, a firm 107, ch. 2; (3) Hist, Detroit Ord Dist, 100, pt.
that had shared in their development and 2, summary history of Timken-Detroit Co., 22
had specially equipped itself for their pro- Feb 45; (4) 2d Indorsement, CG T-AC to
CofOrd, 9 Jul 43, on Memo of CG ASF for
duction, and from Spicer. In 1941, when CofOrd, 26 Jun 43, sub: Review of Tank Program,
production began on the General Grant, OO 470.8/929; (5) Historical Record World War
the railway equipment companies, as II, by Mack Manufacturing Corporation, p. 3
and pp. 47-48, [hereafter cited as Hist, Mack
noted in the preceding chapter, obtained Mfg Corp.], filed as Hist, New York Ord Dist,
transmissions from the Mack Manufactur- vol. 100, pt. 10, OHF; (6) The Design, Develop-
ing Company, a pioneer in this field, and ment and Prod of Tanks in World War II, PE
Components. For further data on Mack power
later also from the Iowa Transmission t r a i n s for medium tanks, sec History, New York
Company. The Detroit Arsenal not only Ordnance District, 100, Part 14.

during 1941. In the case of one contrac- All these characteristics went out the
tor, the Mack Manufacturing Corporation, window before the war was over. Suddenly
production was hindered by the firm's faced in 1940 with a demand for armor
inability to get delivery on four vertical protection against artillery fire, Ordnance
boring mills. In the fall of 1940 Mack had had to develop and produce a radically
made the first two M3 medium tank trans- new type of tank. One-inch armor gave
missions for Ordnance by hand, but volume way to 3-inch and 4-inch steel hulls, and
production had to await the installation of by 1945 study was being made of armor
special equipment. The first two Mack from five to ten inches thick. Face-
transmissions were described at the time hardened plates were supplanted by homo-
as "the most traveled transmissions in the geneous armor that permitted the welding
history of Ordnance," for they were sent of joints and speeded production.20 Flat,
to tank plants all over the country as angular surfaces gradually disappeared as
pilot models. Mack and other contractors cast hulls and turrets with rounded con-
could not get the machine tools they tours—less vulnerable to enemy fire—came
needed before Pearl Harbor because their into production. Meanwhile the use of
contracts carried a relatively low priority, nickel and other scarce alloys was re-
but the high tank production goals set early duced, and new techniques were developed
in 1942 brought higher priorities and for welding, casting, and heat-treating
eventually eased the machine tool prob- tank steel. The armor on 1945 tanks was
lem.18 as different from that on 1939 models as
the 90-mm. gun was from the 37-mm. on
Armor prewar tanks. More than any other factor,
it accounted for the doubling and tripling
Pre-1940 tank production did little to of tank weights, for armor accounted for
prepare American industry for manufac- more than half the weight of World War
ture of tank armor in World War II. The II tanks.21
few tanks built in the 1930's were made
with comparatively thin steel plates of high 18
(1) Knight Memo, 16 May 45; (2) Hist,
nickel content, face-hardened on the out- Mack Manufacturing Corporation, pp. 3-4, and
side. To protect light vehicles against small 19
(1) Brig. Gen. Gladeon M. Barnes, "Super-
arms fire—the function of armor in the tanks," Army Ordnance, XXII, No. 131 (March
1930's—these face-hardened plates were -April 1942), 735-37; (2) PP 77, Armor Plate,
Development and Production, 1940-45, by Daniel
the best known material, for they had a Chase, Jul 45, OHF.
hard, bullet-resistant surface and a tough Homogeneous armor has, insofar as possible,
back. Because the metallurgical composi- the same physical and chemical composition
throughout, unlike face-hardened armor that is
tion of face-hardened plates made welding harder on one side than on the other.
extremely difficult, the plates were riveted For an account of armor research and de-
or bolted together. As a result, tanks of the velopment, see Green, Thomson, and Roots,
Planning Munitions for War, Chapter XIII. For
1930's were not only lightly armored but conservation of alloy steel, see Chapter XVIII.
had a boxlike shape, were studded with Progress in armor development is described briefly
rivets—two thousand in every light tank cal in Summary of the War Department Metallurgi-
Research during World War II, n.d., Pages
—and offered many flat surfaces to enemy 19-22, R&D files, OHF, and in History, Water-
fire.19 town Arsenal, XV, OHF.

As early as 1938 Ordnance had rolling or casting. The case for homo-
achieved some success, after years of ex- geneous armor was further strengthened
perimentation, in welding a medium tank when test firing showed that, if properly
turret of face-hardened plate. The ad- sloped, it had resistance to penetration
vantages of welding over riveting were substantially equal to face-hardened
readily recognized, but the difficulty of the armor. An additional advantage was that
process delayed its adoption until 1941. homogeneous armor had less tendency
Early that year two welded M3 medium toward "back spalling," i.e., splintering of
tank hulls were produced, one by the the back under impact of a projectile. As
Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation and the a result, homogeneous armor was author-
other by Rock Island Arsenal.22 The most ized for all areas where a sloped surface
troublesome problem at the start was find- could be presented to the enemy.24
ing a way to keep the plates from buckling The next step in the process of tank
during the welding process, and to elimi- armor development came with the use of
nate cracks that appeared in the armor. cast armor. Before 1940 neither the U.S.
Working on the light tank, the Cadillac Army nor any other army in the world had
plant tried reinforced fixtures but the made use of such armor except at points,
plates buckled even in the strongest frames. such as the transmission housing, where
To aid in overcoming these difficulties the the shape and contour were such that
Ferrous Metallurgical Advisory Board plates could not readily be used.25 In
formed a subcommittee on the welding of 1939 the General Steel Castings Corpora-
armor. Composed of industry and Army tion of Eddystone, Pa., designed and pro-
members, this subcommittee studied duced for Ordnance a one-piece cast upper
methods, procedures, and specifications hull, claimed to be the first of its kind
and periodically submitted its recommen- ever produced.26 In June 1940 procure-
dations. It was only after countless experi-
ments by all the producing firms that a (1)
The Chicago
Hist, Phila
Engr OrdOrdDist,
Mfg I,Div,
and 1, 100,
OCO-D, of156-57.
Hist,pt. sec.1,
in World War II, vol. II, EE Components, p. 29.
complicated procedure of welding opera- For an account of the welding methods adopted,
tions was devised that partially solved the see the article by William Osha, "Transition from
problem, but the real solution lay in Riveted to Welded Tank Construction," Army
Ordnance, XXVI, No. 142 (January-February
switching to homogeneous plate.23 1944), 120-22. Mr. Osha was general welding
The switch to homogeneous armor was foreman at Berwick plant of ACF.
prompted by several factors in addition to
on light tanks; (2) Cadillac Motor Car Division
the welding problem. For one thing, face- History of World War II, pp. 22-27; (3) Chase,
hardened armor was so difficult to pro- PP 77, pp. 3 2 - 4 4 . For history of the Ferrous
duce and hard to machine that its use in Metallurgical Advisory Board's subcommittee on
welding of armor, see History, Watertown Arsenal,
the expanded tank program of 1941-42 105, OHF.
was out of the question. Building thou-
sands of tanks with face-hardened plate cago Ord Dist, I, pt. 1, pp. 169-70.
would have made impossible demands on
an economy in which manpower and ma- Historical Report of General Steel Castings Cor-
chine tools were at a premium. Homo- poration; (2) Knight Memo, 16 May 45, pp.
8-9; (3) M. H. Pettit, In Review, 1945, a
geneous armor was not only easier to personal historical narrative in History, Industri-
produce but could be produced either by al Service, Executive Division, vol. 100, OHF.

ment of a 6-ton cast upper hull for the Henry Disston and Sons, and Carnegie-
new M3 medium tank was authorized. Illinois, expanded their rolling mills. The
When ballistic tests of the first models— latter corporation not only operated the
described as resembling "inverted bath- government-owned Gary Armor Plant in
tubs for elephants"—showed excellent re- Indiana next to its Gary steel mill, the
sults the cast hull was adopted as an largest of its kind in the world, but also
alternate type, and further development enlarged its plant at Farrell, Pa. American
was pushed. In September 1940 the Fer- Car and Foundry, a pioneer in the field,
rous Metallurgical Advisory Board formed expanded its capacity for making armor
a subcommittee on cast armor to draft plate for light tanks and eventually became
specifications and to advise on production the largest producer of face-hardened
techniques. The cast hull, formed all in armor plate in the United States. The
one piece, not only eliminated the need for Pacific Car and Foundry Company of Ren-
riveting or welding together over one ton, Washington, enlarged an existing
hundred separate plates and castings, but foundry to make its own armor and thus
avoid heavy shipments from the Chicago
also facilitated the production of hulls with
rounded contours. area to the West Coast.29 The Standard
In the fall of 1941, and again in Janu- Steel Spring Company of Detroit contrib-
ary 1942, when tank requirements were uted greatly to the program when it be-
doubled and redoubled, the chief armor came the co-ordinating agency for a pool
procurement problem was enlarging pro- of firms that normally made automobile
duction capacity for armor of all kinds— springs, bumpers, and related equipment.
face-hardened and homogeneous plate and The need to build a new plant was avoided
castings of many shapes and sizes. Some when the facilities of these firms were used
armor-making capacity had been created in 28
ForJ.a Crowley,
of all ofcast
1939 and 1940 but it was wholly inade- 27
Knight Memo, 16 May 45, p. 9. On produc-
quate to meet the needs of 1941-42. tion of heavy homogeneous plate for the Navy,
Beginning in September 1941, Ordnance see Lt. Cmdr. Buford Rowland and Lt. William
B. Boyd, U.S. Navy Bureau of Ordnance in World
arranged for the expansion, with Defense War II, Chapter 3.
Plant Corporation financing, of nearly all
see ex. 1 in D. J. Crowley and Lt. W. Cadogan,
existing cast armor plants, notably Ameri- Narrative History of Cast Armor Procurement
can Steel Foundries, Continental Foundry Program 1940-45, 30 Jun 45, filed in study De-
and Machine Company, and the General velopment and Procurement of Cast and Rolled
Armor Plate, OCO-D, Jul 45, OHF. See also
Steel Castings Corporation. The Ford editor's note in Army Ordnance, XXII, No. 130,
Motor Company built a foundry with a (January-February 1942), 539, and monthly
Production Analysis Notes, TCVD, 1942.
capacity of ten thousand tons per month,
of which nearly half was to be cast armor.28 Procurement for the Ordnance Department Tank
and Combat Vehicle Program, [30 Jun 45], filed
Two safe manufacturers, Diebold and in study Development and Procurement of Cast
Mosler, produced face-hardened plate. and Rolled Armor Plate, OCO-D, Jul 45, OHF.
Early in 1942, when production of rolled This history contains a chronological list of all
armor plate facility expansions. For detailed in-
armor also had to be increased, leading formation, see weekly reports by General Christmas
steel producers, such as Republic Steel, in History, OCO-D, Volume 107, OHF.

to cut, harden, straighten, and machine In the spring of 1941, while American
rolled plate received from steel mills.30 Car and Foundry was producing early
By the time plans for armor production model light tanks at its Berwick plant in
were well in hand the first cutbacks came Pennsylvania, the Cadillac Division of
in September 1942. The Army Supply Pro- GMC proposed to Ordnance that a light
gram published at that time dropped the tank be built with twin Cadillac engines
requirement for heavily armored assault and automatic transmission, then a new
tanks, thus reducing the cast armor re- development in the automotive industry.
quirement from about 77,000 tons per Ordnance was reluctant to change from
month to 57,000. When the over-all pro- the air-cooled engine, but the need for tank
gram for tanks and other combat vehicles engines was acute and test reports on a
was further cut in November the armor- Cadillac-powered model were favorable.
producing plants felt the effect immedi- Furthermore, the Cadillac engine was eas-
ately. Expansions under way were abruptly ier to start; it operated better at idling
canceled, and Ordnance began a detailed speeds; and the hydramatic transmission
review of its future needs.31 In selecting made the tank driver's job much easier.
plants to be closed down, Ordnance was In October 1941 a Cadillac-powered tank
guided by the desire to retain in produc- proved its durability by running under its
tion three types of plants: the older facil- own power all the way from Detroit to
ities, those in advanced state of completion, Aberdeen, a distance of over five hundred
and those with excellent production rec- miles. In the course of installing its engine
ords. Wherever possible, excess plants were and transmission in the standard M3 light
converted to other war production through tank, Cadillac had made so many design
transfer to the Air Force, Navy, or Mari- changes that, when adopted, the tank was
time Commission.32 given a new model number, M4, later
a listing
of facilities
Lt Ordnance
Gen Somervell,

Light Tanks: M2A4 to M24 30

(1) Campbell, The Industry-Ordnance Team,
pp. 227-28; (2) PP 77, p. 75; (3) Cadillac
In terms of numbers produced, light Motor Car Division Hist of World War II, pp.
35-36; (4) Knight Memo, 16 May 45; (5) E.
tanks led the procession in 1939, 1940, L. Warner, Jr., "Changing over to Tanks," Auto-
and 1941. These 13- to 18-ton machines motive and Aviation Industries, 86, 15 Apr 47,
mounting 37-mm. guns were the first p. 17.
American tanks to come into production in 14 Dec 42, sub: Construction Stopped by Ord,
1940 and in 1941 outnumbered medium Folder 400, Rqmts-Gen-1943, ASF Prod Div. See
tanks by nearly two to one. They were also Memo, Col C. D. Wiman for Brig Gen
Christmas, 1 Nov 42, sub: Survey of Problems
used effectively by the British in North Relative to Manufacture of Medium Tanks with
Africa in 1941-42, particularly as recon- Cast Upper Hull, copy in Gen Glancy's file, OCO
naissance vehicles. But in 1943 they fell -D, D56-347.
behind as the demand for more powerful for closing each, see Memo, Brig Gen Christmas,
tanks continued and production of Grants T-AC, to CofOrd, 5 Dec 42, sub: Revision of
and Shermans gained momentum. In 1945 Armor Plate Facilities, with Incls, OHF, folder
marked Armor Plate Facilities.
the number of light tanks produced was
less than half the number of mediums.33 folder marked Tank, Light in OCO-Detroit file.

changed to M5 to avoid confusion with the Quad Cities Tank Arsenal at Bettendorf,
M4 Sherman tank.34 Iowa. Purchasing adjoining plants owned
The M5 was the first combat vehicle to by three private firms—one in bankruptcy
use the new automatic transmission, which —Ordnance contracted with the Interna-
soon gained widespread acceptance.35 The tional Harvester Company to operate them
first tank came off the Cadillac assembly as an integrated unit. The roof was re-
line in Detroit at the end of March 1942, paired, new concrete flooring laid, and
and in July the Cadillac plant at South- new wiring installed throughout so that
gate, California, turned out its first tank. International Harvester could build a new
Meanwhile another producer, the Massey- model tank known as the T-7 at a rate of
Harris Company, a farm implement firm, 750 per month. The arsenal was intended
came into the picture. It took over the to be purely an assembly plant, with en-
former Nash-Kelvinator plant in Racine, gines, transmissions, final drives, and all
Wis., rounded up the needed machine tools, other components coming in from subcon-
and, with the aid of Cadillac, got into tractors, but the arsenal did some machin-
production as an assembly plant for the ing and welding of hulls, turrets, and
M5. In October 1943, American Car and rings.38
Foundry switched to the M5 and produc- The history of the Quad Cities arsenal
tion of M3's stopped altogether.36 during 1942 shows the tank program in its
The changeover from automobiles to worst light. At the start there was great
tanks at the Cadillac plant was accom- demand for speed, high rates of production,
plished speedily, but not without the usual and a "cost be damned" attitude. The
conversion problems. Makeshifts were the company placed orders for two thousand
order of the day, for new equipment spe-
cially designed for tank production was 34
For an account of the conversion of the M3
virtually unobtainable. Because jigs and to the M5, see Cadillac Motor Car Division
fixtures, so essential to mass production, History of World War II, pp. 140-51; Cadillac
—From Peace to War, booklet prepared by GMC,
take a long time to make, Cadillac did 14 Apr 44, filed as History, Detroit Ordnance
without them at the start, building its District, Volume no, and Chase, The Design, De-
first tanks almost by hand. The company velopment and Production of Tanks in World
War II, 15 Aug 44. All in OHF.
sent representatives all over the country 35
See praise for the M5 in letter, Devers to
to look for used machine tools, and, as it Maj Gen Campbell, 24 Oct 42, copy in Gen
did not itself plan to manufacture scores of Glancy's file, OCO-D, D56-347.
(1) Chase, The Design, Development and
tank parts, to discover sources of parts Prod of Tanks in World War II, 15 Aug 44; (2)
supply. In January 1942 it set up a "parts Memo, Brig Gen Christmas for Maj Gen Hayes,
clinic" in its new car show room exhibit- acting CofOrd, 9 Nov 42, sub: Revised ASP:
Light Tanks, Gen Glancy's file, OCO-D, D56-
ing 189 tank parts and inviting potential 347.37
suppliers to examine them and quote Cadillac Motor Car Div Hist of World War
prices on such items as oil pumps, axle II, pp. 20-42. This history provides the best
account of specific production problems and
housings, clutch drums, herringbone methods to be found in the Ordnance historical
gears, and axle shafts.37 files.
In the post-Pearl Harbor drive to build Hist, Chicago Ord Dist, vol. 107, ch. 2, sec.
entitled Quad Cities Tank Arsenal, OHF. See
twenty-five thousand light tanks a year, also John C. Furnas, "Good-by Contract!" Satur-
Ordnance created another new facility, the day Evening Post, June 2, 1945, p. 18.

new machine tools with firms that were tion at this time after having produced
already swamped with tool orders and over fifteen thousand tanks, more than
could not promise delivery for months. half the entire wartime output of light
More than three thousand drawings were tanks. In 1944 and 1945, Cadillac and
needed for the complete tank but, as Massey-Harris, the only two producers,
Rock Island was still at work on the pilot turned out a total of 4,731 M24 tanks
models, the drawings were not available. mounting the 75-mm. gun and weighing
As the priority rating for the plant was not approximately 20 tons.40
high enough to give it a green light, count-
less hours were spent in trying to expedite The Shift From Grants to
the project. Then in the middle of the Shermans in 1942
summer Ordnance decided upon a major
change of design—equipping the tank The most far-reaching change in pro-
with a 75-mm. rather than a 57-mm. gun. duction plans for medium tanks during
This meant redesigning the turret and 1942 was the shift from the Grant (M3)
adding to the over-all weight of the vehicle. to the Sherman (M4). 41 From the very
Even before the gun was changed, the start, the Grant had come in for a lot of
tank, originally expected to weigh be- criticism. It had been hurriedly designed in
tween eighteen and twenty tons, was up 1940, after the German offensive had dem-
to twenty-five tons. The added weight was onstrated the unsuitability of existing
too much for the engine and made the mediums. It went into production in
tank slow and hard to steer. To remedy the spite of inadequate test and development
deficiencies as they appeared, Rock Island because it was more advanced than the
issued hundreds of revised drawings every design that later became the Sherman.42
month, and continued to do so until near During its initial production, when the
the end of the year when the contractor
and Ordnance representatives finally 39
(1) Hist, Chicago Ord Dist, vol. 107, ch. 2,
agreed to freeze the design. The first es- sec. entitled Quad Cities Tank Arsenal; (2) Gen-
sentially complete tanks were shipped in eral Report on Military Tank Production, 20 May
December 1942 just as cutbacks in all tank 43 (revised 14 Aug 43), War Projects Unit, Bur
of the Budget, OHF; ( 3 ) . Abstracts of Field Re-
production were taking effect. Scheduled ports on Tank Production, Jan 44, Bur of the
production at Quad Cities was then Budget, OO 470.8/927 Tanks.
scaled down and discontinued completely Chase, The Design, Development and Prod
of Tanks in World War II, 15 Aug 44. For de-
in April 1943, after completion of only scription of the M24, and comparison with M5A1,
thirteen tanks.39 see Catalog of Standard Ordnance Items, vol. I.
Meanwhile the Marmon-Herrington Procurement of the airborne tank is described in
Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions
Company of Indianapolis undertook pro- for War, Pages 318-20.
duction of the M22, an 8-ton airborne For figures showing requirements and sched-
tank, and Ordnance began planning to uled production of the two models, see Master
Schedule, 25 Nov 42, prepared by Ord Ind Div,
switch from the M5 to a more powerful p. 20, copy in OCO-D file. See also Memo,
light tank, the M24. In the spring of Brig Gen Christmas for Maj Gen Hayes, acting
1944 manufacture of the M5 at ACF, CofOrd, 8 Nov 42, sub: Revised ASP: Medium
Tanks, Gen Glancy's file, OCO-D, D56-347.
Cadillac, and Massey-Harris was discon- 42
The British Churchill tank had a similar
tinued. ACF dropped out of tank produc- history. See Postan, op. cit., pp. 192-93.

inevitable "bugs" were being eliminated, The original M4 was powered by a Con-
engineering changes were authorized at the tinental radial aircraft engine. The M4AI
rate of three thousand per month. They also used the Continental radial engine but
ranged from minor modifications in track had a cast rather than a welded upper
design to major changes in the shape of hull, and improved surface contour. The
the hull or turret. The riveted hull of the M4A2, shipped in large quantities to the
early Grants gave way to a welded hull on Soviet Union and the British, was powered
later models, and the welded hull on the by twin General Motors diesels. The M4A3
first Shermans eventually gave way to a had a Ford GAA, and the M4A4, which
cast upper hull.43 went to the British, had the multibank
The shift from Grants to Shermans was Chrysler engine. The designation M4A5
gradual, starting in July 1942 when the was assigned a model with a 57-mm. gun
first Shermans were made by the Fisher produced in Canada for Canadian use,
Tank Arsenal, which, unlike the Chrysler often called the Canadian Ram. The M4A6
arsenal, had been designed with production was powered by a radial air-cooled diesel-
of Shermans in mind. Chrysler produced type engine manufactured by the Cater-
its first Sherman in July 1942 and closed pillar Tractor Company.47
out production of Grants on 3 August and The armament of the M4 tanks intro-
the railway equipment companies followed duced further complications. The original
suit. The nearly five thousand Grant tanks design mounted a 75-mm. gun as its main
built in 1942 remained in service during weapon, but later models were equipped
1943 as "limited standard" and were not with the high velocity 76-mm. gun, and a
declared obsolete until early in 1944. They few were supplied with 105-mm. howitzers.
posed a major problem of disposal for Early in 1944 limited procurement of a
Ordnance. "We are beginning to run into heavily armored "assault tank" known as
the motor car dealer's problem," Colonel
Christmas commented. "Our customers, 43
For a brief summary of the shift from Grants
the fighting men, want only the latest to Shermans, see appendix A of Outline of Tank
models." 44 Some Grants were converted Procurement, May 1942, Report No. 7. See also
to tank recovery vehicles, i.e., their heavy Warner, "Changing Over to Tanks," Automotive
and Aviation Industries, vol. 86 (April 15,
guns were removed and replaced by 1942), 17.
powerful winches for towing disabled 44
Review of Production Plans of TCVD, 21
tanks. Others were used for instructional May 42. See also Ltr, Maj Gen Hayes, acting
CofOrd, to Brig Gen Christmas, 5 Nov 42, sub:
purposes by Ordnance evacuation com- Mtg held in Gen Somervell's Office, 4 Nov 42,
panies and by Engineer training centers. in Gen Glancy's file, OCO-D, D56-347.
The rest of the Grants were dismantled, OCM 23185, 16 Mar 44.
Memo, ACofS (Maj Gen T. T. Handy) for
with usable parts salvaged and the remain- CG AGF, 28 Dec 42, sub: Assignment of Tanks,
der disposed of as scrap.45 AGF file 470.8. For discussion of modifications
Discontinuance of the Grant models did desired by the Armored Force, and the production
problems they entailed, see The Design, Develop-
not completely simplify the matter by any ment and Production of Tanks in World War II,
means, for there were five different models sec. EB Medium Tanks, pp. 20-21.
of the Sherman tank in production in the For data on production and distribution of
these tanks, see Statistical Work Sheets, 1 Sep-
United States by the end of 1942.46 The tember 1945, Volume 42, the final report in this
essential differences were in the engines. series of monthly reports by OCO-D.

the M4A3E2 was authorized.48 As pro- second at Richmond, California. Both were
duction of the new heavy tank M26 got Ford assembly plants and were well lo-
under way early in 1945, production of cated for both rail and water shipment. In
mediums was gradually scaled down and December 1942, when work on a proposed
ended in July 1945 after some 57,000 had gun plant at Lima, Ohio, was discontin-
been built. ued, the plant was taken over as a tank
depot, soon replacing Toledo. It was oper-
Tank Depots ated by the United Motors Service Division
of GMC. The Longue Pointe depot at
The experience of 1940-41 demon- Montreal, Canada, was a Canadian Army
strated that it was not practical for the installation used by Ordnance primarily
tank plants to install the scores of minor for processing tanks and other vehicles
accessories—radios, spare parts, small shipped to the United Kingdom on lend-
arms, first aid equipment, interphones, and lease.50
Chemical Warfare items—needed to make Early in the war, when most overseas
a tank fully ready for battle. Unavoidable shipments of tanks went to other nations
delays in getting delivery on all such on lend-lease, it was discovered that some
items slowed down production at the fac- standard U.S. equipment was not suitable
tories, and the spectacle of scores of for those countries. British rather than
nearly complete tanks standing for weeks American radios had to be put in tanks
outside factories waiting for some small going to the United Kingdom or Russia,
parts had a bad effect on labor morale. and all tanks destined for British Army use
Further, as supply of many of these acces- were equipped with sand shields, smoke
sories was the responsibility of the Govern- generators, and a smoke bomb thrower. To
ment, not of the contractor, Ordnance avoid confusion at the plants, the depots
considered it more sensible to install this were given responsibility for installing this
"On Vehicle Materiel" itself rather than special equipment. Meanwhile field reports
disperse it to the contractors' plants. It on defects and proposed modifications
was for this purpose, along with others, were received by Ordnance, and, on tanks
that the tank depots were established.49 already built, the approved changes were
The depots were intermediate facilities made at the depots. In addition, major
that received tanks from manufacturers in modifications were made on certain ve-
a reasonably complete condition, installed hicles to meet special needs, as when some
required items, made any special modifi-
cations needed, prepared tanks for ship- 48
ment, and stored them until shipping in- Catalog of Standard Ord Items, vol. I, pp.
18-22, 1 Mar 44, and pp. 23-24A, 1 Oct 44.
structions were issued. In January 1942 For correspondence on the change-over to 76-mm.
Ordnance took over the New York Central guns, see G-4 file 472—vol I.
(1) Tank Depot sec. in Hist, Engr and Mfg
Railroad shops in Toledo as its first tank Div, OCO-D, vol. 7, pt. I; (2) Campbell, op.
depot, and soon contracted with the Elec- cit., p. 229; (3) C. H. Coster, PSP 74, Report
tric Auto-Lite Company for its operation. oh Industrial Service Tank Depots, 8 May 45,
OHF; (4) Industrial Service Tank Depot Opera-
Two others were opened shortly, both op- tions, Final Issue (January 1942 through Decem-
erated by the Ford Motor Company. The ber 1945) prepared by OCO-D, OHF.
first was at Chester, Pennsylvania, and the Coster, op. cit.

medium tanks were converted to mine according to the latest On-Vehicle Matériel
exploders and other tanks and gun motor List. By March 1943 the shortages on
carriages were converted to prime vehicles at depots, which had averaged
movers.51 forty items per vehicle in November, had
The early experience with shipment of dropped to three.54
vehicles overseas "in accord with best com-
mercial practice" was disastrous. The tanks The 1943-45 Period
arrived in badly damaged condition after
a long sea voyage. Special techniques had By the spring of 1943 light and medium
then to be worked out to protect the en- tanks were rolling off the assembly lines of
gines, fire control instruments, and other sixteen plants at the rate of about four
parts from damage by rough handling or thousand per month. This was roughly
exposure to salt water. Accessories were half the designed capacity of the plants,
individually packed in boxes and stowed not counting Quad Cities Arsenal, which
inside the vehicles. Engines were protected stopped producing tanks in April. The
with an internal coating of preservative over-all capacity of 7,705 tanks per month
oil and an external rust-preventive spray. had been created during the preceding two
After a desiccant was hung in the engine years at a cost to the government of ap-
and crew compartments, these sections proximately $250,000,000 for tools, equip-
were sealed with a waterproof tape. The ment, and buildings. In May 1943 a
guns were treated with a heavy rust pre- representative of the Bureau of the Budget
ventive and sealed at the muzzle. To permit was able to report that, all things con-
the vehicle to be towed and steered without sidered, the tank program had "gone very
breaking the sealing tape, cables were at- well," with most of the contractors getting
tached to the steering levers and brought into production with surprising prompt-
out through the bow gun mount.52 ness. But he raised serious questions on
The worst problem for the depots at the two points: the wide variations among the
peak of tank production was the failure of
accessory shipments to keep pace with 51
Lecture, Lt Col George W. White, Wartime
tank shipments. Tanks reached the depots Difficulties in the Production of Combat and
Motor Transport Vehicles, p. 4, 16 Feb 48, ICAF,
with innumerable shortages of tools, L48-87.
equipment, and supplies. The situation 52
(1) Hist, Phila Ord Dist, vol. 104, pt. 1,
grew more critical all during 1942, with containing Inspection Dir of the Chester Tank
Depot; (2) Intraoffice Memo, Maj Samuel R.
more than ten thousand tanks deadlined in McCluney to Lt Gerber, 22 Jun 42, sub: Inter-
November when tracks were in extremely mediate Depot Opns, Hist, OCO-D, vol. 107.
short supply. The shortage of tracks Ltr, C. M. Burgess, president Burgess-Norton
Mfg. Co. to Donald M. Nelson, WPB, 4 Sep 42,
stemmed chiefly from lack of alloy steel sub: Failure of Tank Prod, copy in Hist, Ord
and the doubling of demand for spares. Dept Industry Integration Comm. for Medium
The tank producers appealed directly to Tanks, sec. IX, by Maj Louis Antol, Jr., 1 Jun
45, P4332. Development and production of tank
the WPB for more track steel, and Ord- tracks are discussed in Green, Thomson, and
nance assigned expediters to follow up all Roots, Planning Munitions for War, Chapter X,
types of parts.53 In January, General and in weekly reports by General Christmas in
History, OCO-D, Volume 107.
Christmas forbade manufacturers to ship 54
Tank Depot secs, of Hist, Engr and Mfg Div,
tanks to depots unless completely equipped OCO-D.

producers in the cost of tanks, as shown in sumption was that they would be revised
contracts, and the need for closing plants later as assembly line production brought
no longer necessary to meet falling re- the cost down. The companies with cost-
quirements.55 General Glancy and other plus-fixed-fee contracts were eventually re-
officials of the Tank-Automotive Center imbursed for all approved costs incurred
strongly objected to this report on the in producing tanks, plus the stipulated fee
ground that it contained factual errors for each tank. With both CPFF and fixed
and drew unwarranted conclusions.56 price contracts the problem of keeping
The estimated costs of medium tanks costs down was extremely complicated and
under contract in the spring of 1943 continued so to the end of the war when
showed a wide spread, from $33,500 for final adjustments were made.
the Grant tank and $42,400 for the Sher- The underutilization of plants was one
man tank at the Chrysler arsenal to of the most striking features of tank pro-
$70,000 for the Sherman tank at the duction all during 1943 and early 1944.
Federal Machine and Welder Company. "It has been evident," wrote a Bureau of
Both firms had so-called fixed price con- the Budget representative, "that too much
tracts, but, General Glancy pointed out, production capacity was provided. . . ."
the prices were actually not fixed at all The sixteen plants placed under contract
because they were subject to redetermina- in 1941-42, when tank requirements were
tion and were, in fact, little more than sky high, continued in operation until the
estimates. Further, the operating conditions last quarter of 1943 when four were
of the two firms were not comparable as eliminated — Lima, Pullman - Standard,
the arsenal was completely government- Ford, and Pacific Car and Foundry.
owned and the Federal plant was privately These cancellations reduced over-all capac-
owned, and the prices cited were for ity from approximately 8,000 to 6,600, but
different models of tanks. The contract capacity was still more than double the
price for the Sherman tank at the Fisher 55
Gen Rpt on Mil Tank Prod, 20 May 43
arsenal was high, $67,173, but was under- (revised 14 Aug 43), War Progress Unit, Bur of
going substantial reduction to bring it into the Budget, OHF. This agency reached the same
line with cost data resulting from actual conclusions
after another survey in 1944.
Ltr, Brig Gen Alfred R. Glancy to Bur of
production experience. The Fisher arsenal the Budget, 5 Jul 43. See also Memo, Oscar A.
soon proved to be one of the lowest-cost Kaufman, staff assistant, for Glancy, 28 Jun 43,
producers in the whole program. The sub: Gen Rpt on Mil Tank Prod. . . . . Both
in 319.1 Bur of the Budget Rpt, OCO-D,
other medium tank producers, holding Glancy's file.
cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts, showed esti- (1) Military Tank Production, An Industry
mated costs per Grant tank ranging from Review, 10 Mar 44, Bur of the Budget, OHF;
(2) The Design, Development and Prod of Tanks
$58,850 at Baldwin to $67,860 at Lima. in World War II, vol. II, MB Cost Data. For
The fixed fees on these contracts ranged further analysis of this topic, see Smith Army and
from a low of $2,860 per tank at Lima to Economic58
Mobilization, Chapters XII and XIII.
Military Tank Production, Progress Report,
$3,850 at Baldwin. The cost figures in 24 Oct 44, War Projects Unit, Bur of the Budget,
these contracts—but not the fees—were D50-49 59
dr 2, copy in OHF.
clearly estimates and had no binding effect. bombers and Ford plant was needed to produce
the locomotive plants to make rail-
They were generally based on toolroom road equipment. Pacific Car and Foundry was in
production experience only, and the as- an area of labor shortage.

rate of production. In 1944, four more push at once for as many additional
plants stopped building tanks—American medium tanks as we can get in 1944." 63
Car and Foundry, Baldwin, and Marmon- The change in calculations stemmed
Herrington in April, and Fisher in October. chiefly from two factors: an unexpected in-
By the end of the year capacity was down crease in the overseas replacement rate, and
to about 4,000—half what it was at the the large proportion of old tanks counted
start of 1943—but still more than double as resources in the February 1944 supply
the rate of production.60 program. After conferring with Ordnance
The excess of production capacity dur- officers in Detroit, the head of the ASF
ing 1943-44 eliminated some problems Production Division, Brig. Gen. Hugh C.
and created others. By and large, shortages Minton, reported that from three hundred
of machine tools and materials—the two to five hundred additional Sherman tanks
major bugbears of 1941-42—eased con- could be produced in 1944 but only "by
siderably in the spring of 1943. So did the applying all possible pressure to the pro-
manpower problem in the tank industry, ducers." 64 Ordnance was immediately di-
although there were always difficulties in rected to apply the necessary pressure, but,
some areas. The output of spare parts because of changes in design and the need
rose rapidly in relation to complete ve- for retooling, production rose slowly. The
hicles. Among the new problems was measures taken by General Campbell to
that of arranging for the orderly transfer increase output included personal visits to
of plants and workers to other war pro- the tank plants, publicity, recruitment of
duction. Similarly, the accumulation of labor, and "every other known means of
surplus parts and raw materials was be- stimulating production." To break the
coming a problem at plants where sched- bottleneck that developed in production
ules were cut back. Efforts were made to
divert such materiel to other tank 60
The Design, Development and Prod of Tanks
manufacturers, but a report in the spring in World War II, PB Medium Tanks and Tank
of 1944 on one plant that had been closed Chassis
Oct 44.
Vehicles. See also Mil Tank Prod, 24

for months showed that millions of dollars 61

For further discussion of spare parts, see
worth of critical matériel—guns, gun Chapter XIII, below.
Mil Tank Prod, An Industry Review, 10 Mar
mounts, cable, tools, motors, welding rods, 44. For an excellent case history of disposition
and so on—was still on hand.62 of excess property, see History, Philadelphia Ord-
Production declined during each of the nance District, Volume 100, Part 10, Baldwin.
Mem, Dir Rqmts Div ASF for Clay, 22 May
first five months of 1944, but invasion of 44, sub: Additional M4 Tank Prod in 1944, ASF
Europe in June reversed the trend. The Prod Div file 470.8.
rise in output during the latter half of the Memo, Director Prod Div, ASF for Col Lee
A. Denson, 27 May 44, OO 470.8/1192. There
year was gradual, for, in spite of excess were only three medium tank producers at this
capacity, manufacture of specific models time—Chrysler Tank Arsenal, Fisher Tank Ar-
could not be increased overnight—or even senal, and Pressed Steel Car Company.
For a brief summary of production bottle-
over a period of several months—to meet necks, see Hiland G. Batcheller, A Report to the
sudden increases in theater demands. In War Production Board, 14 Nov 44, WPB doc. 365,
May 1944, for example, the ASF Require- ASF Director of Matériel file.
Memo, Howard Bruce, Acting Director of
ments Division declared that restudy of the Matériel, for Wood, 4 Jan 45 sub: Tanks, ASF
tank picture had shown that, "we should Prod Div 470.8—Tanks.

REMANUFACTURING LIGHT TANKS M3A3 at Red River Arsenal, Texarkana, Tex.

of wide tracks, the "special directive treat- taxpayers saw these tanks standing idle in
ment" was resorted to, giving wide tracks storage and concluded that they represen-
an overriding WPB priority that put them ted waste of valuable war materiel. As
in the same class with landing craft, heavy early as the summer of 1943 General
artillery, and the Dukw.67 Meanwhile, as Campbell, during a trip to the West Coast,
theater commanders called for more and had explored the possibility of contracting
more tanks, Ordnance was instructed to with industry to recondition these tanks.
launch a supplementary program for tank In October 1943 he formally recommended
"remanufacture.'' to ASF that a reconditioning program be
This new process—the complete over- authorized, including a balanced with-
haul of combat vehicles—was, in the sum- drawal of tanks from troops for this pur-
mer of 1944, a natural solution to the pose. It was not until June 1944, when
problem of how to increase the supply. the quantities of tanks left behind by
During the preceding months, as one troops going overseas had reached high
armored unit after another had been levels, that Ordnance was assigned the
shipped overseas, the tanks they had used job of overhauling and modernizing them
during long months of arduous training so they could be shipped overseas in new-
were withdrawn and replaced by new ve-
hicles, with the result that large numbers 67
Memo, Director ASF Prod Div for CofOrd,
of used tanks accumulated. Occasional 10Jul 44, sub: Prod . . . Medium Tank. . . ,
criticism of the Army resulted when irate ASF Prod Div file 473.

tank condition.68 The process was to start prohibitively costly. Considering the two
with a thorough cleaning of each tank most critical components—Ford engines
and partial disassembly, followed by an and torquematic transmissions—General
overhaul of its engine, replacement of worn Hayes observed that it was "extremely
tracks, reconditioning the guns, adding doubtful" if production could be further
improvements made since the original de- increased in 1945 by any means.71
sign, and giving the whole vehicle a new By March the storm had subsided. As
coat of paint. The total cost of remanufac- the defeat of Germany appeared more and
ture was estimated to be about half that more imminent, tank requirements were
of building a new tank. After teams of cut back and manufacturers received can-
Ordnance technicians visited Army Ground cellation notices. The planned expansions
Forces camps to select the tanks to be at various plants were halted. From the
overhauled, the work began in August peak of 2,268 tanks accepted in March,
and proceeded at the rate of six hundred production declined to about 1,800 in both
medium tanks per month for the rest of April and May and then dropped to 456
the year. Light tanks, half tracks, gun in July. By November it had stopped
motor carriages, and scout cars were also altogether 72
remanufactured, bringing the total for
1944 up to more than eleven thousand Shift to Heavy Tanks in 1944-45
combat vehicles. The bulk of the work was
done at the Quad Cities Tank Arsenal, Of all the various shifts and trends of
Evansville Ordnance Plant (converted tank production in the later war years,
from production of small arms ammuni- both in Germany and the United States,
tion), and the Montreal plant of the 68
(1) Memo, Maj Gen Clay, ASF Director of
American Locomotive Company.69 Materiel, for CofOrd, 6 Mar 44, sub: Factory
By January 1945, the demand for more Overhaul. . . , OO 470.8/854 Misc.; (2) Memo,
tank production became intense and indus- CofOrd for CG ASF, 9 Jun 44, sub: Tank
. . . Overhaul, OO 470.8/1153; (3) Memo, CG
try was once again called upon to make ASF for CofOrd, 13 Jun 44, sub: Overhaul and
an all-out effort. Requirements for all Rebuilding of Tanks . . . and correspondence
types of tanks went up from 18,000 to therein cited, OO 451/2834; (4) Mil Tank Prod,
Progress Rpt, 24 Oct 44.
22,000, and then to 25,000 in February, 69
(1) Rpt for SW on Ord Dept Activities, 2
including nearly 10,000 heavy Pershing Aug 44, ExecO file; (2) Mil Tank Prod, 24 Oct
(M26) tanks armed with 90-mm. guns 44; (3) The Design, Development and Produc-
tion of Tanks in World War II, PB Medium
or 105-mm. howitzers.70 In February, Tanks; (4) Summary Rpt of Acceptance . . . ,
Ordnance reported that even though all 1940-45, OCO-D, Dec 45, p. XII.
tank producers were scheduled to capac- Memo, Acting Director of Matériel for CG
ASF, 24 Jan 45, sub: Lighter Medium and Heavy
ity the procurement goals could not be Tank Prod, ASF Prod Div 470.8 Tanks.
reached. General Hayes, chief of the In- Memo, Maj Gen Hayes for CG ASF, 7 Feb
dustrial Service, stated that the tanks 45, sub: Prod Rates for Medium and Heavy
Tanks, OO 470.8/1793.
required for 1945 could be produced only 72
Summary Rpt of Acceptance. . . , 1940-45,
by bringing back into production all OCO-D, Dec 45, p. XVII. See also Rpt of Board
former tank producers—a slow process to Review Recommendations of the Operating
Divs of the Ind Serv. . . , 12 Apr 45, sub:
that would not yield any results until Readjustment of Tank Production Schedules, OO
near the end of the year, and would be 470.8/2037.

HEAVY TANK M6, mounting a 3-inch gun, produced by Baldwin Locomotive Works, is in-
spected by (from left) Lt. Col. David N. Hauseman, Brig. Gen. Gladeon M. Barnes, William
H. Harmon (Baldwin official), and Capt. Arthur J. Seiler, December 1941.

none was more important than the coming tanks; a contract for their manufacture
into its own of the heavy tank. And none was placed with the Baldwin Locomotive
illustrates more clearly the problems faced Company in August 1940; and the pilot
by Ordnance in developing new materiel model was finally unveiled in a public
under pressure and meeting rapidly chang- ceremony on the day after Pearl Harbor.74
ing requirements. To see the full picture The M6 heavy tank, as it was called, had
of changes in U.S. requirements we must a cast hull between three and four inches
look at two separate stages in the history thick, a 925-horsepower engine; and
of heavy tanks: the 1940-42 period, and weighed over sixty tons. It still needed a
the eleventh hour demand for heavy tanks lot of development work to improve its
in 1944-45.73 suspension, transmission, brakes, and other
During the 1930's no one had shown
much interest in heavy tanks, but in the 73
For an account of tank development, see
spring of 1940 Ordnance was authorized Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions
to proceed at once with development of for War, Chapter X.
(1) Hist, Phila Ord Dist, vol. I, pt. 7, p.
a 50-ton tank mounting a 3-inch gun. An 129; (2) Barnes, Weapons of World War II, pp.
appropriation was soon made to build fifty 210-13.

vital parts, but time was at a premium While the M6 tanks were running into
in the winter of 1941-42—and the Presi- trouble, Ordnance was attempting to give
dent's program announced in January its medium tanks more punch by equip-
called for building five hundred heavy ping them with the 76-mm. high velocity
tanks in 1942 and five thousand in 1943. gun and the 105-mm. howitzer, and im-
Two models of the tank were quickly proving their suspensions and tracks. It
standardized and Ordnance contracted was also trying to win acceptance for the
with the Fisher Tank Arsenal as well as T-20 series of new and more powerful
Baldwin to build them at the combined tanks to replace both the M6 and the
rate of 250 per month.75 Sherman, but the Army Ground Forces
The Army Supply Program of Septem- strongly opposed these efforts.79 Then in
ber 1942 took the steam out of this am- June 1944, after a demonstration at Aber-
bitious plan by cutting heavy tank require- deen before high-ranking War Department
ments from more than 5,000 to only 115. officials, Ordnance finally won approval of
Ordnance immediately canceled its con- its plan to mount a 90-mm. gun on the
tract with Fisher and curtailed production experimental medium tank T26 and re-
at Baldwin. In December 1942, on the first classify it as a heavy tank.80 This marked
anniversary of Pearl Harbor, General De-
vers of the Armored Force declared that, 75
(1) History of the Heavy Tank M6; (2) The
because of the M6's great weight and Design, Development and Prod of Tanks in
limited tactical use, the Armored Force World War II, EC Heavy Tanks and PC Heavy
Tanks; (3) OCM 18283, 26 May 42, standard-
had no requirement for it and recom- ized the M6 and M6A1. The latter had a welded
mended that its production be stopped.76 rather than a cast hull. The M6A2, adopted
The British later agreed, apparently be- later, had an electric drive and a cast hull.
Ltr, L. Devers, CG Armored Force to CG
cause the M6 had been intended for North AGF, 7 Dec 42, sub: Heavy Tank, copy in
Africa, where bridges were not a problem, History of Heavy Tank M6, OHF. The attitude
and by early 1943 the end of the North of the Army Ground Forces toward Ordnance
heavy tanks is presented in AGF Study No. 34, The
African campaign was in sight.77 In the Role of the AGF in the Development of Equip-
summer of 1943 the Armored Force Board ment, 1946, Chapter 6.
reported, on the basis of service tests, that Memo, Col Raymond R. Robins, ASF Devel-
opment Br for ACofS, G-4, 3 May 43, sub:
the heavy tanks M6 and M6AI were not Further Notes on African Trip, G-4 file 472.2
acceptable because they lacked firepower vol. I—Arty.
commensurate to their weight, had obso- Final Rpt, Test of Heavy Tanks M6 and
M6A1, AFB, 12 Jul 43, copy in Hist of Heavy
lete fire-control equipment, were equipped Tank M6.
with unsatisfactory transmissions, and had (1) Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
awkwardly arranged crew compartments.78 Munitions for War, ch. X; (2) Chase, The De-
sign, Development and Prod of Tanks in World
As a result, only forty heavy tanks of War II, 15 Aug 44, pp. 39-40; (3) Memo,
the M6 series were built, nearly all of CofOrd for CG ASF, 23 Mar 44, sub: Heavy
them in 1943. The Germans, meanwhile, Tank T 28, OO 470.8/905 Tank. This memo de-
scribes unsuccessful Ordnance efforts to gain ap-
were throwing the bulk of their tank- proval for an 80-ton tank, with 8-inch armor and
producing capacity into building the 105-mm. gun.
heavy Tiger (63-ton) and Panther (47- OCM 24277, 29 Jun 44. See also Tank Re-
port, 1944-45, OCO-D, DC-Heavy Tanks, OHF,
ton) tanks, in spite of their many and Chase, The Design, Development and Prod
mechanical deficiencies. of Tanks in World War II, 15 Aug 44, p. 41.

Source: Summary Report of Acceptances Tank-Automotive Matériel 1940—45, by OCO-D.

the beginning of a new cycle in heavy with so much to be said on all sides, that
tank production, inspired largely by the no simple analysis can encompass the
appearance during 1943 in Africa and whole. To draw up a balance sheet fairly
Italy of heavy German tanks that were representing the views of all concerned,
more than a match for the American and weighing every factor in due propor-
mediums. Thus, long after the M6 series tion, is extremely difficult, if not impossi-
went by the board, the T26 was permitted ble. But at this point some of the essential
to take its place in 1944, but only ten of data may be mentioned on which there is
these 45-ton heavyweights were delivered likely to be general agreement.
during the first half of 1944. After ex- Had the war been fought with light
tensive tests and modifications, the new tanks the U.S. Army would have been as
tank went into limited production in No- well equipped at the start as any army in
vember 1944 and was standardized early the world. The M3 light tank that
in 1945 as the heavy tank M26. Nick- emerged in 1941 from the experimental
named the General Pershing, it was prob- work of the 1930's gave a good account of
ably the best heavy tank to see action in itself in North Africa, and its successors,
World War II. But it did not arrive in the M5 and M24, were well received in
Europe until after the worst of the fighting the field. But the war was not fought with
was over. Only fifty were built in 1944, light tanks. Medium and heavy tanks
and, all told, only seven hundred were predominated, and the U.S. Army had no
built before Germany surrendered in May first-rate medium or heavy tanks on hand
1945.81 (Table 20) in 1940. When the 1940 campaign in
The Balance Sheet (1) Green, Thomson and Roots, Planning
Munitions for War, ch. X; (2) Barnes, Weapons
of World War II, pp. 214-18; (3) Col. Joseph
Arguments about American tanks in M. Colby, "From Designer to Fighter," Armored
World War II will no doubt continue as Cavalry Journal, LIX, No. 1 (1950), 12-18. An
long as veterans of that conflict survive to even heavier tank, the T28, weighing 100 tons,
carrying 12 inches of frontal armor, and mounting
continue the discussion. They will con- a 105-mm. gun, was designed in 1944 but never
tinue because the subject is so involved, reached the production stage.


PRODUCTION, 1940-1945

Whiting, Statistics, Table PR-7.

France revealed the need for tough-skinned, lack, two items are reasonably clear: (1)
hard-hitting tanks, Ordnance had to the using arm's lack of interest in heavy
rush through a drastic redesign of its tanks during the prewar and early war
existing medium model and begin work years, and (2) Ordnance's failure to
on a new heavy tank. Both the Grant come up with something better than the
medium and the M6 heavy were hasty M6 in 1941. The two items are closely
improvisations that brought little credit related and mutually supporting. Be-
to Ordnance, in the eyes of the Armored cause the using arm expressed no desire
Force, and were regarded even by Ord- for heavy tanks in the prewar years
nance engineers as makeshifts. The M6 Ordnance made no effort to carry on the
never got into volume production, and elaborate design and development work
the Grant was soon replaced by the Sher- such tanks required. Because Ordnance in
man—a well-designed vehicle that could December 1941 could produce no heavy
hold its own with any medium tank on the tank better than the primitive M6 model,
battlefield. The Sherman was more mobile the Armored Force was more than ever
and mechanically more reliable than Ger- convinced that heavy tanks were impracti-
man medium tanks, and had greater flexi-
bility and rapidity of fire. The trouble was
that it too often found itself up against 82
For comparison of the medium Sherman
heavy Panthers or Tigers.82 with the heavy Panther in battle, see Cole, The
The lack of heavy tanks to match the Lorraine Campaign, pp. 603-04. For a collection
of Ordnance records, see Comparison of Ameri-
German heavies was the crux of the prob- a
can, German
I n d uJapanese
Centrals t rfrom 1 J u lOrdnance,
y Report, yex.
A. to I, 6 Digest
Statistical May
31 December 1940.
of the War (L
lem. In summing up the reasons for this 45, OHF.

cal and could be dropped. Meanwhile the the United States outproduced Germany.
Germans, who in 1941 had no tank com- In every year except 1940 the United
parable even to the M6, launched a heavy States produced more tanks than Germany
tank program after their encounter with and in the middle years of the war turned
the Russian heavyweights. The result was out from five to six times as many. (Table
that the Germans in 1944 were able to 21) Even Britain, while subjected to in-
oppose American Shermans with heavy tensive bombing, produced almost as many
tanks which, though far from perfect, had tanks as Germany did in 1940, and in
much tougher protective armor and more 1941 Britain turned out more tanks than
powerful guns than did the Sherman. either Germany or the United States.
Only then was Ordnance given a green These figures should serve to demolish
light to proceed with production of the some of the myths that have grown up
Pershing—too late to have much effect on around German tanks. They should dem-
the fighting in Europe. onstrate for all to see that German tank
The best way to take the quantitative successes were due more to skilled tactical
measure of U.S. tank production in World use, and the employment of heavy German
War II is to view it in comparison with tanks against Allied mediums, than to any
German and British production. Qualita- failure of American industry to produce in
tive considerations aside, the following quantity the tanks desired by the using
table clearly reveals the extent to which arms.

Motor Transport Vehicles

Military historians of the future may other combat vehicles—marked the end of
some day label World War II the "gaso- the horse and mule era of the Army's
line engine war," or, if they prefer a more history. Although infantrymen in World
exact but more cumbersome title, the "in- War II still had to march mile after weary
ternal combustion engine war." As the mile, they had at their disposal, for trans-
twentieth century neared its midpoint, port of both men and supplies, more
military forces everywhere, on land, at sea, trucks, cars, buses, and other vehicles
and in the air, depended for their mobility than ever before. As in Napoleon's day, the
on internal combustion engines, both gaso- armies of the world still marched on their
line and diesel. Three of the most spectac- stomachs, but their mobility had come to
ular weapons—the tank, the airplane, and depend more and more on rubber tires
the submarine—were powered chiefly by and gasoline engines.1
internal combustion engines, as were the The motor truck was not by any means
millions of hard-working military trucks a new item of military equipment in the
that bore the brunt of the task of supply 1940's. Two decades earlier thousands of
distribution in the field. Although some trucks went to France with the AEF and
experimental efforts were made to use played a minor role in winning the war,
new techniques such as jet propulsion and but it was not until the 1940's that the
rocket power, they had limited application. U.S. Army really became "motorized." In
The immense power of the atom, utilized France in 1918 the U.S. forces had,
in World War II only for the A-bomb, was roughly speaking, one truck for every forty
not harnessed for submarine propulsion men; in the European theater in 1945 the
until the mid-1950's. But in all the leading ratio was about one to four.2 In the latter
armies of the world, gasoline and oil pro- stages of World War II it was theoretically
vided the energy—still commonly measured possible, if not feasible for practical reasons,
in terms of horsepower—to drive the to put an entire army on wheels—pile
wheeled and tracked vehicles that made for everyone into trucks, buses, ambulances,
a war of movement. 1
In World War II the U.S. Army was For a detailed discussion of this development,
see Capt. Charles R. Kutz, War on Wheels (Har-
better able than ever before in its history risburg, Pa.: Military Service Publishing Com-
to take to the road on gasoline-driven pany, 1940).
wheels. The purchase of more than three Chester Wardlow, The Transportation Corps:
Responsibilities, Organization and Operations,
and a half million motor cars and trucks UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II
—not counting thousands of tanks and (Washington, 1951), p. 14 and docs. therein cited.

and other vehicles, and all take to the road became one of the nation's most important
at once. industries, but standardization of parts
In one respect truck supply differed was a more stubborn problem. Motor
from every other type of Ordnance activ- Transport officers fought so long and hard
ity: it was suddenly transferred—lock, for their ideal, as one of them put it,
stock, and barrel—from one technical serv- "Standardization became almost a cuss-
ice to another in the midst of war. On 25 word in the Army."5 The history of
July 1942 War Department Circular 245 Army motor transport from World War I
formally announced the coming transfer to World War II is largely the record of
from Quartermaster to Ordnance of re- the Quartermaster Corps' unsuccessful
sponsibility for transport vehicles—research efforts to achieve standardization. In the
and development, procurement, storage, failure of these efforts lie the roots of the
maintenance, and distribution—virtually spare parts problem inherited by the Ord-
everything except the operation of the nance Department in 1942.6
vehicles, which continued for a time with 3
The QMC volumes in THE UNITED
the Quartermaster Corps and other user STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II series do
arms and services. To see this transfer in not cover this subject except for a brief summary
proper perspective and to measure its in Erna Risch, The Quartermaster Corps: Or-
ganization, Supply and Services, Volume I (Wash-
impact on Ordnance we need to review ington, 1943), Pages 139-43, but the author is
Quartermaster efforts during the 1920's indebted to the QMC Historical Branch for
and 1930's to standardize military trucks permission to use the manuscript study by Vernon
Carstensen, Motor Transport Under The Quarter-
and in 1940-42 to procure the thousands master General, 1903-42, copy in QMC Histor-
of transport vehicles needed by the rapidly ical Br, and for other assistance.
growing Army.3 For discussion of Ordnance vehicle character-
istics, see pars. 87-89 of Westervelt Board Report.
Development of the Ordnance 4-wheel drive truck
The Struggle for Standardization is described by L. C. Freeman in Journal of the
The experience of World War I had SAE (later the SAR Journal), V ( 1 9 1 9 ) , 281-
87. For opinions of officers opposing use of 4-
clearly revealed the need for rugged Army wheel drive vehicles, see answers to questionnaire
trucks that could operate over the worst described in manuscript entitled World War I by
of roads, ford shallow streams, and be Harry Roberts, pp. 313-16, in OCMH files. The
Roberts file is an extensive collection of notes,
easily repaired in the field. It had shown documents, and draft manuscripts on the history
the value of the 4-wheel drive—used of motor transport.
mainly in Ordnance vehicles—and the Address by Lt Col Edwin S. Van Deusen be-
fore the metropolitan chapter, SAE, New York
need for a 4-speed transmission, maximum City, 19 Feb 42, copy in MTS files, Speeches,
ground clearance, towing hooks and P4244. See also Maj. Gen. Edmund B. Gregory,
pintles, sturdy bumpers and radiator "Army Motor Transport," Army Ordnance,
XXII, No. 131 (March-April 1942), 731.
guards, electric lights, and many other
features.4 But most of all it had shown the lem by a leading motor transport officer, see Ltr,
need for standardization of Army vehicles Col Brainerd Taylor, CO Holabird QM Depot,
to QMG, 16 Dec 35, sub: Standardization.
and an improved system to provide spare . . , QM451 Proc Standardization Policy, NA.
parts for maintenance. The mechanical Carstensen, op. cit., provides an excellent com-
prehensive history of the struggle for standardiza-
limitations of the 1917 model trucks were tion. There is a collection of Colonel Taylor's
gradually eliminated in the postwar years articles
6 andable
For an speeches
review in
analysisHolabird Ord-
of the prob-
as production of improved motor vehicles nance Depot, Volume 102.

Quartermaster officers consistently ad- "pick up on the street." The delay in

vocated the standardization concept in the getting the specially designed Class B
postwar years but found their hands tied truck into production in World War I
by Army Regulations and the laws govern- was cited as an object lesson, as was the
ing procurement. These laws and regula- Ford Motor Company's experience in
tions, as interpreted by the Comptroller shifting from the Model T to the Model
General, required that contracts be A.8 Finally, competitive bidding was de-
awarded to the lowest responsible bidder fended on the ground that it enabled the
and forbade the QMC to issue detailed Army to profit from competition among
engineering specifications for trucks. There truck manufacturers and thus keep abreast
was to be no Army truck of special de- of the latest engineering achievements
sign but only commercial trucks with a without carrying on an elaborate research
few military trimmings. Nor could the and development program of its own.
Army adopt as standard any vehicle under While recognizing the validity of some
its trade name. Specifications were limited of these arguments, advocates of stand-
to such general matters as carrying capac- ardization maintained that the real prob-
ity, speed, and weight; those intended to lem was ease of maintenance in the field,
secure uniformity of design, materials, or not ease of procurement. They insisted
dimensions could not be allowed.7 Each that standardization of parts would speed,
time the Army announced its intention of not hinder, procurement in an emergency,
buying new trucks, scores of manufactur- for it would permit all truck makers to
ers submitted bids. Nearly every time a use parts already in production. They
different company was the low bidder and contended that the advantages of competi-
got the contract. As a result, the Army tive bidding were far outweighed by the
continued to add new makes and models simplification of maintenance and parts
to its heterogeneous collection of trucks supply that standardization would bring.
left over from World War I. These ve- They further asserted that use of commer-
hicles generally performed well enough but cial types made it impossible for the Army
they made maintenance and spare parts to develop vehicles specially designed to
supply continuously more complicated. meet military requirements.9
Purchase of commercial types through
competitive bidding was defended on many 7
Proposed statement on Proc of Spare Parts for
grounds. It was, for one thing, the ac- . . . Vehicles, prepared in August 1944 by Lt Col
Daniel J. Clifford and Maj J. A. Norman, OHF.
cepted way of doing government business, See also Carstensen, op. cit., pp. 57-58, and
and was designed to guard against favorit- World War I, Roberts file.
ism or fraud. It enabled private industry (1) Memo, ACofS.G-4 for CofS, 2 Feb 32,
sub: Rqmts for Motor Transport. . . , G-4/
to fill government orders from regular 20052-56; (2) Memo, ACofS G-4 for CofS, 10
production lines and thus obviated the Jun 32, sub: Rqmts for Motor Transport. . . ,
need for costly, time-consuming retooling G-4/20052-56. For an influential journalistic
statement of the case against standardization, see
of factories to meet special military re- W. F. Bradley, "Automobiles in the Great War—
quirements. In a war emergency, it was I," Scientific American Supplement, No. 2117, 29
argued, speedy production would be more Jul 16, and "Automobiles in the Great War—II,"
Ibid., No. 2118, 5 Aug 16.
important than perfection of design. The 9
The files of the QM Motor Transport Service
Army would simply buy vehicles it could contain many documents covering the standard-

At theCorps
master end ofattempted
the 1920'stothedevelop
Quarter-a much as General DeWitt thought it
would.13 The Chief of Staff considered
standard fleet by building on its experience standardization unwise in view of the con-
with the Class B truck. Although forbidden tinuous engineering advances made by
by law to purchase complete vehicles ac- industry. Manufacturers of parts liked the
cording to detailed specifications, the Army Quartermaster plan, but many vehicle
was permitted to buy vehicle components manufacturers strongly opposed it.
any way it chose. In 1928, therefore, the In September 1933 the views of the
QMC decided to buy enough commercial vehicle manufacturers triumphed when
unit assemblies—engines, transmissions, War Department General Orders No. 9
axles, and so forth—to build two complete appeared, virtually forbidding purchase of
trucks at its Holabird depot. This was a parts and assembly of vehicles by the
step toward standardization of vehicles Quartermaster Corps. It was followed in
through adoption of standard commercial the spring of 1934 by a decision of the
parts and assemblies, a principle that the Comptroller General that further hamp-
Quartermaster Corps was to fight for all ered the Quartermaster program by attack-
during the 1930's.10 In the next four years ing the practice of buying parts for
Quartermaster engineers studied and assembly.14 The prevailing view was that
tested enough major components and as- 10
In his annual Report for 1930 The Quarter-
semblies to make up a standard fleet of master General described the standardization plan,
eighteen truck chassis designed to cover listed its advantages, and concluded they were
"beyond dispute." The commanding officer of
all Army requirements. These eighteen Holabird QM Depot in 1932 hailed it as "the
chassis were divided into five groups, ac- most important step in the advancement of mili-
cording to size, with all major parts in tary motor transport that has ever taken place."
Col. Edgar S. Stayer, "The Year's Advancement
each group completely interchangeable. in Military Motor Transport," Quartermaster
Most important, all components could be Review, XII, No. 1 (1932), 33.
bought from industry and assembled Memo, QMG for TAG, 5 Oct 31, sub:
Standardization of Motor Truck Chassis. . . ,
either at privately owned plants or at QM 451 Proc Standardization Policy, NA.
Quartermaster motor depots.11 Here was 12
Special Report of the QMG on Procurement
a workable plan that applied one of the of Motor Transportation for War, Incl to Ltr
QMG to ASW, 12 Oct 33, same sub, photostat
most important lessons of World War I. copy in Roberts file. See also Carstensen, op.
But, in spite of being ably defended by cit., wherein much of General DeWitt's correspon-
Maj. Gen. John L. DeWitt, The Quarter- dence is cited, particularly his Special Report.
General DeWitt outlined the plan in Hearings,
master General, it soon had to be aban- WDAB, H.R., 2 December 1932, 72d Cong., 2d
doned. It was, for one thing, opposed sess., Part 1, pages 214ff. See also Stayer, "The
by the Chief of Ordnance on the ground Year's Advancement in Military Motor Trans-
port," Quartermaster Review, XII, No.1
that it was impractical, would entail too (1932), 33, and Maj. E. H. Holtzkemper, Stand-
much delay in procurement in time of war, ardization of Quartermaster Corps Motor Ve-
and would not improve maintenance as hicles, n.d., in folder marked Standardization
Policy, P4338, OCO-D files.
Memo, CofOrd for Maj Gen George V. H.
Moseley, 7 Feb 31, sub: Motor Vehicle Proc
ization question, as do the QM unclassified files Policy, quoted in Carstensen, op. cit., pp. 39-40.
under 451 Standardization. Specific answers to Decisions of the Comptroller General of the
the G-4 memos cited above are in QM 451 Proc U.S., vol. 13 (1933-34), pp. 284ff (A-53405 and
Standardization Policy, NA. A-54540).
the Army should stay out of the business the U.S. Army would be limited to
of manufacturing and assembling trucks, "models produced commercially by two or
and should not carry on any automotive more competing companies. . . ." The
research and development. Appropriation Army was to use commercial trucks with
acts in the middle thirties specifically for- only a few modifications such as brush
bade spending money for research on guards and towing pintles to fit them for
motor vehicle standardization.15 These military use. All parts and assemblies were
measures, backed by political pressure to be standard production items in the
from competing truck manufacturers, not automotive industry, but there was to be
only closed the door on General DeWitt's no specially designed vehicle such as the
standardization plans but also locked and
barred it. One motor transport officer
tartly observed that this government policy 15
H.R. Rpt No. 1215 on H.R. 11897, p. 13,
was based on belief that "vehicle types 72d Cong., 1st sess., WDAB, 1933. See also MS
and models that fully meet military re- study by Harry Roberts, The Two-and-One-Half-
Ton Truck, p. 10, Roberts file.
quirements are not practicable of produc- 16
Col. Brainerd Taylor, "Military Motor Trans-
tion in quantity in time of war nor legally port," Army Ordnance, XVII, No. 99 (November
procurable in time of peace." 16 -December 1936), 156. Colonel Taylor, CO of the
Holabird Depot, stated his views at length in a
As the Army continued to add to its letter to the QMG, 16 December 1935, sub:
Standardization. . . , QM 451 Proc Standardiza-
polyglot fleet, the spare parts problem tion Policy. For similar comments, see lengthy
got completely out of hand. The command- statement by Maj Rex J. Howard, 12 Aug 44, Re
ing officer at Holabird reported in 1935 Standardization During Last War and Through
1940, copy in OHF. These events are also dis-
that, "the 360 different models of vehicles cussed in Record of U.S. Army Ordnance Combat
now in the Army . . . involve nearly a and Motor Transport Vehicle Spare Parts Pol-
million items of spare parts which neither icies and Operations from 1940 to 1945 by Lt
Col Daniel J. Clifford and Maj Robert O.
the War Department nor any other au- Alspaugh, OCO-D, Nov 45, copy in OHF.
thority can control." 17 Two years later 17
Memo, Taylor to QMG, 27 Feb 36, sub:
the Assistant Secretary of War termed the Policy on Purchase of Motor Vehicles, quoted in
Carstensen, op. cit., p. 59.
situation "absurd" and blamed Congress 18
Address by Louis Johnson, ASW, to conven-
for requiring the Army to buy from the tion of the Motor and Equipment Wholesalers
lowest bidder.18 Meanwhile, the German Association, Chicago, 3 Dec 38, quoted in Carsten-
sen, op. cit., p. 69.
Army adopted a standard fleet which, 19
(1) Proposed Statement on Procurement
Motor Transport Division officers believed, Spare Parts for Combat and Wheeled (Tank-
was initiated by a German officer who had Automotive) Vehicles Prepared for Possible Use
in Testifying Before Senate Investigating Com-
studied the proposed American standard mittee in August 1944 by Lt Col Daniel J. Clifford
fleet in 1932. German industry in the and Maj J. A. Norman, OCO-D files, P4338; (2)
1930's was permitted to produce only Maj Paul D. Olejar and R. F. McMullen, Motor
Transport Vehicles 1940-45, MS study, OCO, 31
those types of trucks that were approved Dec 45, pp. 12-14, OHF; (3) Carstensen, op.
for military use.19 cit.; (4) Roger Shaw, "Mars Motor East,"
Quartermaster Review, XVIII (March-April
When new Army Regulations on the 1939), 7-10; (5) Roberts, World War I. For a
subject appeared in September 1939, just German view, see the article "Commercial Motor
Vehicles in War," by W. Kempf, a major in the
after the outbreak of war in Europe, they German Army, Army Ordnance, X, No. 59
declared that procurement of trucks for (March-April 1930), 324.

Class B truck, nor any Standard Fleet.20 in this prewar planning proved to be the
This policy was intended to assure speedy failure to plan on a realistic basis for
production at the outbreak of war, regard- mass production of the special compo-
less of the maintenance and spare parts nents needed for tactical vehicles and for
problem that might develop later. To greatly enlarged production of heavy
minimize the maintenance problem the trucks.23
War Department limited procurement to From a virtual standstill in the 1920's,
five chassis types—1/2-ton, 1-1/2-ton, truck procurement built up slowly in the
2-1/2-ton, 4-ton, and 7-1/2-ton.21 As a 1930's, pushed along at first by measures
result of this policy, the only thing stand- to counteract the depression. The Quarter-
ardized about Army trucks at the start of master General reported in 1935 that he
the defense period was their size. The had on hand about eleven thousand trucks,
door was still wide open for the procure- most of them left over from World War I,
ment of dozens of different makes and and that nearly sixteen thousand new ve-
models. hicles had been purchased during the
year, mostly for the Civilian Conservation
The Defense Period, 1939-41 Corps and the Public Works Administra-
tion. These were all commercial types with
In the late 1930's the Quartermaster only minor modifications required by the
Corps kept in touch with all the leading government. After 1935, when Congress
manufacturers of cars and trucks through declared the World War I vehicles obso-
its procurement planning office in Detroit.
This office surveyed plants, filed allocation 20
AR 850-15, 29 Sep 39. "SAE in National
requests with the Army and Navy Muni- Defense," an address by Lt Col Edward E. Mac-
Morland printed in SAE Journal, XLVII, No.1
tions Board, and drew up estimates of (1940), 18. See also address by Hon. Robert P.
emergency production. It counted on the Patterson, ASW, "Motorization Policy of the
"Big Three" of the industry—General Army" in SAE Journal, XLVII, No. 5 (1940),
Motors, Chrysler, and Ford—to carry most 21
Ltr, TAG to QMG, 12 Aug 39, sub: Stand-
of the wartime load, but also gave atten- ardization of Motor Vehicles, AG 451 (6-15-39)
tion to other concerns such as Interna- Misc D. The tonnage figures indicate the ap-
proved carrying capacity of the vehicle, not its
tional Harvester, Mack, Willys, and Amer- own weight.
ican Bantam, and to suppliers of special 22
The status of this activity in May 1940 is
components such as the Timken-Detroit briefly summarized in Letter, Capt. Clarence E.
Jones to Maj. George E. Hartman, OQMG, 4
Axle Company.22 Only for the latter type March 1940, copy in Roberts file. This file con-
of firm did the Detroit office consider tains many letters that passed between the De-
plant expansion. It assumed that other troit office and the OQMG on the subject of
procurement planning in the pre-1941 years.
plants could easily shift from civilian to 23
Evidence along this line appears in the con-
military production and could produce all tractor histories on file in OHF. For example, the
the trucks the Army would need in time request of the Mack Manufacturing Company for
an educational order to develop capacity for rear
of war. With excess capacity throughout axles and transmissions was denied on the grounds
the industry in the 1930's there was little that in time of war Mack would be called upon to
reason to believe that some day the auto- build only dump trucks and fire apparatus for the
Army. Hist, Phila Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 12,
mobile plants would have more orders pp. 1-2. For a brief review of the immediate pre-
than they could fill. The worst deficiency war situation, see PSP on Prod Plng, 16 Jun 45.

lete, procurement for "remotorization of opposed any action that would "give man-
the Army" was in full swing. In July ufacturers a feeling of monopoly as applied
1940 it was estimated the Army would to any particular type of truck." 28
spend nearly $60 million for new cars and When it enacted Public Law 703 on 2
trucks in the year ahead.24 July 1940 Congress opened the door for
Although these vehicles were not to be the military services to negotiate contracts
of standard design their variety was far with firms of their own choosing instead of
less than in World War I. In addition to making awards to the lowest bidder. But
the 1939 order limiting procurement to
five standard sizes, the Quartermaster 24
(1) Memo, Brig Gen Richard H. Jordan to
Corps had taken two other steps to avoid QMG, 18 Jul 40, sub: Final Rpt, Transportation
the mistakes of 1917-18. First, it had Div, copy in Roberts file; (2) Ann Rpts QMG,
tried, within the framework of competitive 1935; 1936, 1937. This period is reviewed in some
detail by Thomas E. Downey in draft manuscript
bidding, to keep to a minimum the num- prepared for QM Historical Branch, undated, en-
ber of makes and designs, and in 1941 titled Procurement, pages 19-24, copy in OHF
and in OQMG historical file. See also Herbert R.
was actually buying only sixteen different Rifkind, The Jeep—Its Development and Procure-
makes. Second, it had urged manufactur- ment under the Quartermaster Corps, 1940-42
ers to adopt a wide variety of interchange- (1943), pp. 43-45. copy on file in Historical Br,
OQMG; and testimony of Craig, 24 Jan 39,
able small parts such as batteries, spark Hearings, WDAB, 1940, H.R. pp. 11-12.
plugs, generators, fan belts, speedometers, 25
(1) Brig Gen Frank F. Scowden, Lecture,
and gas tanks.25 But the one big step that The Quartermaster Corps, 14 Feb 41, ICAF.; (2)
Remarks by Brig Gen Joseph E. Barzynski at
would have made these efforts really effec- conf of Corps Area Quartermasters, 28 Jan 41,
tive was not taken. That was the switch copy in OHF.
from competitive bidding to the negotiated The designation 4x4 meant the vehicle had
four wheels and that all four were power driven;
contract. 6x6 meant 6 power-driven wheels. The description
By June 1940 the Quartermaster Corps 4x2 meant that only two of the four wheels were
had tested and approved three commercial driven, as 6x4 meant that only four of six were
driven. For a brief but comprehensive explanation
trucks, the Dodge 4x4, 1-1/2-ton, the of military automotive terms, see Handbook of
GMC 6x6, 2-1/2-ton, and the Mack 6x6, Motor Vehicles Used by the U.S. Armed Forces,
6-ton.26 In view of the big procurement published by the Timken-Detroit Axle Co., De-
troit, Mich., 1944, copy in OHF.
program getting under way, it earnestly 27
Memo, QMG to ASW, 19 Jun 40, QM 451
requested authority to purchase these ve- T-M (Proc FY 41). Representatives of the In-
hicles from the firms indicated instead of fantry, Cavalry, Field Artillery, and Coast Artillery
concurred in this request. For another such in-
advertising for bids and awarding con- stance, see PSP on Prod Plng, 16 Jun 45.
tracts to the lowest bidder. The purpose, 28
1st Indorsement, 3 Jul 40, to Memo cited in
it explained, was "to take advantage of preceding footnote, copy in OHF. See also Car-
stensen, op. cit., Page 74, and Clifford and Als-
the lessons of motor vehicle maintenance paugh, Record of U.S. Army Ordnance Combat
learned from our World War experience," and Transport Vehicle Spare Parts Policies and
and avert a breakdown of field mainte- Operations from 1940 to 1945, Pages 109-10. As
late as September 1940, the report of a confer-
nance in an emergency.27 But the request ence in the OASW stated, "It was the consensus
was denied. The Assistant Secretary of of the meeting that advertising for bids should
War recognized the value of standardiza- not be abandoned in favor of negotiated con-
tracts." Memo, QMG to ASW, 13 Sep 40, sub:
tion but pointed out that there were also Proc of QM Supplies. . . , QM 400.13 (Proc
other things to consider. He particularly Program-1941).

the War Department was slow to permit orders during 1940, but during 1941 the
its procurement agencies to exercise this picture changed swiftly. As estimates of
new freedom when buying commercial- future needs rose faster than expected, and
type items. More than a year passed after also shifted from one type to another,
Congress opened the door before the military truck production began to lag
Quartermaster Corps was permitted to behind schedule. From about 30,000 in
cross the threshold.29 In that delay the July 1940, the total number of Army
last chance to standardize Army trucks for trucks on hand rose to more than 70,000
World War II was lost. early in 1941 and exceeded 250,000 by the
Not until the summer of 1941 did truck end of the year.33 By peacetime standards
procurement by negotiated contract come this was a notable achievement but it was
into its own. Even then it was looked upon not enough to keep pace with the Army's
with some disfavor because it ran counter demands. To ease the drain on scarce
to the Army's efforts to distribute contracts materials and speed military production,
as widely as possible. It continued as a the Office of Production Management an-
subject of discussion between Secretary nounced in August 1941 a 50 percent cut
Patterson and The Quartermaster General
up to Pearl Harbor. By that time the
procurement pattern was set and Army 29
PSP on Prod Plng, 16 Jun 45.
trucks had to remain pretty much what (1) Memo, Maj Charles J. Norman for Direc-
they were. Thereafter it was largely a tor, Prod Br, OUSW, 18 Jul 41, ASF Prod Div,
Job 19B; (2) OQMG Daily Activity Reports, 27-
matter of continuing to procure models 28 Nov 41 and 5 Dec 41. For an authoritative
already in service.30 statement of the delay in adopting negotiated
purchasing, see remarks by Col Edwin S. Van
Deusen appended to Rifkind, The Jeep—Its De-
Getting Production Started velopment and Procurement. . . . The matter is
also discussed, and numerous documents cited, in
Early in the defense period The Quarter- incomplete MS on Truck Procurement by Thomas
E. Downey in QM Historical Br files.
master General was not in any great hurry 31
Memo, QMG for ACofS G-4, 4 May 40,
to buy new trucks. In May 1940 he pro- QM 451-T-M (Proc FY 4 1 ) , photostat in
posed that bids for the smaller sizes be Roberts file.
Maj Gen Edmund B. Gregory, Address to
held back until September to allow time SAE, 7 Jan 41, in Detroit, reprinted in Quarter-
for testing the new models.31 Although master Review, XX (January-February 1941), 66
overruled on this point by the Secretary -67. The Secretary of War's instructions were
issued in Ltr, TAG to QMG, 17 May 40, sub:
of War, some months later he reported to Purchase of Gen Purpose Vehicles, FY 1941,
a meeting of the Society of Automotive AG451 (5-15-40) M-D.
Engineers, "We are buying them gradually Address by Brig Gen Joseph E. Barzynski,
asst to QMG, 20 Feb 41, reprinted in Quarter-
to make them available only as rapidly as master Review, XX (March-April 1941), 37.
the divisions and other troop units spring Similar figures appear in Scowden, ICAF lecture,
into being." This was done, he explained, The Quartermaster Corps, 14 Feb 41. See also
Whiting, Statistics, Proc sec., pp. 38-41; George
to lighten the burden on the automotive W. Auxier, Truck Production and Distribution
industry and "to interfere as little as pos- Policies of the WPB and Predecessor Agencies,
sible with its regular commercial pro- July 1940-December 1944, WPB Spec Study No.
17, 1946, pp. 14-15, copy in Army Library; and
gram." 32 The industry was able to handle testimony of Patterson before Truman Comm., 15
without difficulty both civilian and military Jul 41.

in production of cars and trucks for civilian The constant velocity joint was a device
use during the ensuing six months.34 that permitted use of a driving and steer-
After the Assistant Secretary of War ing front axle. Intricate in design, its
ruled in July 1940 that competitive bidding manufacture called for many complicated
would continue to be the rule and negoti- machining operations and the use of large
ated contracts the exception, the Quarter- forgings made to exact specifications.37
master Corps was unable to implement In 1939 only two firms, Bendix Products
its prewar plans for placing orders with Division and Gear Grinding Machine Com-
allocated plants. Selection of contractors pany, produced constant velocity joints,
was determined by the play of competitive and both had but small capacity. By the
forces, rather than by prearranged plan. 34
Auxier, WPB Spec Study No. 17, 1946, pp.
General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford re- 3ff. On conservation of rubber and other scarce
materials, see PSP on Prod Plng, 16 Jun 45. For
ceived the first major contracts. For a a broad survey of the automotive industry's role,
brief period in the latter part of 1940 the see The Automotive Industry in War Production,
Ford Motor Company was denied govern- 10May 44, typescript by Policy Analysis and Rcds
Br, WPB, copy in WPB file PD 033.309 Automo-
ment business because it would not accept tive, N.A. For criticism of the industry's failure
the labor policy adopted by the National to convert more fully to war production, see
Defense Advisory Commission (NDAC) Additional Rpt of Truman Comm., 15 Jan 42,
Rpt No. 480, pt. 5, 77th Cong., 2d sess.
and approved by the President, but this 35
Memo, QMG for USW, 1 Apr 41, sub: Proc
barrier was soon removed.35 Among the Cir 43 WD 1940, QM 451 Proc FY 1941.
more specialized producers were Mack, Freedom's Arsenal, The Story of the Auto-
motive Council for War Production (Detroit,
Federal, Studebaker, Willys, White, Dia- Mich.: Automobile Manufacturers Association,
mond T, Corbitt, Bantam, Autocar, Four 1950) (hereafter cited as Freedom's Arsenal), p.
Wheel Drive, International Harvester, Yel- 82. See extensive correspondence between Jones,
QM Motor Procurement Planning Office, Detroit,
low Truck and Coach, and Ward La- and OQMG in the late 1930's, copies in Roberts
France. Behind these firms—all of whom file. Contracting procedures are described in
assembled complete vehicles—were hun- Memo, QMG for USW, 9 January 1941, sub:
Procurement Activities under the Various 1941
dreds of parts makers such as Timken- Appropriations, QM 400.13 (Proc Program 1941).
Detroit Axle Company, Bendix Products Contractor histories in the OHF give detailed data
Division of Bendix Aviation Corporation, on most of the manufacturers, including contract
information, specifications, and rate of produc-
Borg-Warner Corporation, Budd Wheel tion.
Company, Spicer Manufacturing Corpora- For brief description and illustrations of
tion, Kelsey-Hayes Company, Hercules Bendix-Weiss, Rzeppa, Tracta, and helical joints,
see Lt. Col. William C. Farmer, Ordnance Field
Motor Company, and many others.36 Guide, II, 725-31. For detailed discussion of
constant velocity joint production, see Memo, Col.
Critical Components Van Deusen for Procurement Contl Div, OQMG,
4 Jan 41, QM 400.13 (Procurement Program,
Most of the production problems of the 1914). See also. Memo, QMG for USW, 23. Oct
Quartermaster Corps stemmed from the 41, sub: Priorities . . . Constant Velocity Joints,
fact that Army trucks with all-wheel drive QM 161 M-P (Gear Grinding Machine Com-
pany) and Memo, William W. Knight to Knud-
required three important components not sen, 16 July 1940, WPB file PD 631.241C. The
used to any great extent in commercial OQMG Daily Activity Reports and Weekly Pro-
trucks—constant velocity joints, transfer gress Reports mention this subject frequently in
1940-41. The achievements of the Chevrolet
cases, and bogie rear axles—and they used Division of GMC in producing joints is detailed
two or three times as many driving axles. in History, Detroit Ord Dist, Volume 100, pt. 14.

spring of 1942 three additional firms, Ford, 1/2-ton 6x6 trucks with the Yellow Truck
Dodge, and Chevrolet, had come into pro- and Coach Company41 in accord with
duction and boosted capacity to more than earlier plans, and in September 1941 the
one hundred times what it was in 1939.38 contracts were greatly increased. When
Transfer cases were sometimes called Yellow Truck started production in Jan-
"power dividers" because they permitted uary 1941 it found that its chief bottleneck
transmission of power from the engine to was procurement of axles and transfer
both front and rear axles. They also re- cases from the Timken-Detroit Axle Com-
quired a great deal of gear cutting and pany. To meet the demand, Timken had
machining, and to supply them in quantity to buy new gear-cutting and gear-grinding
several axle and transmission builders equipment, make new patterns and dies,
pushed their output far above peacetime and spend months training additional
levels. Bogie rear axles required heavy workers. Other parts manufacturers, not-
parts not previously made in any quantity ably the Clark Equipment Company, Borg-
by the automotive industry and also greatly Warner Corporation, and the E. G. Budd
increased the quantities of axles normally Company also increased their production
used. Before Pearl Harbor the Quarter- capacity to keep pace with the Army's
master Corps arranged for two leading truck demands.42
manufacturers of axles and transmissions
—Timken-Detroit and Fuller—to expand
their capacity to meet anticipated require- (1) Memo, Col Herbert J. Lawes, OQMG,
to OUSW, 23 Oct 41, sub: Priorities. . . , copy
ments, but all such expansions took many in Roberts file; (2) Survey of ASP by QMC
months to complete.39 Motor Transport Serv, 8 Mar 42, MTS file.
The largest truck contract awarded in (1) Survey of ASP by QMC Motor Trans-
port Serv; (2) Memo, Maj Ralph G. Boyd to
the summer of 1940 went to Chrysler's William L. Marbury, SOS, 7 Apr 42, sub: Fuller
Fargo Division for more than 14,000 1/2- Mfg. Co., QM 161 M-AL (Fuller), copy in
ton 4X4's. A smaller contract went to Roberts file; (3) Ann Rpt QMG FY 1942, MTS
files, P4233, pp. 65ff; (4) Progress Rpt QMC
Chevrolet for the 1-1/2-ton 4x4. As these MTS, 2 Jul 42, P4229. For a discussion of the
vehicles were similar to standard commer- bogie axle, see Sergeant Morgan O'Connor's
cial designs, except for the 4-wheel drive, "Bogie—The Army's Baby," Quartermaster Re-
view, XXI, No. 2 ( 1 9 4 1 ) , 22.
there was no need for new plants or ex- 40
(1) Hist, Detroit Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 14,
tensive retooling, and both concerns got Chevrolet; (2) Lt Col Douglas Dow, Draft of
into production quickly. The chief bottle- Rpt on inspection trip to Detroit and South Bend,
1-9 Oct 40, copy in Roberts file. For a detailed
neck at the start—lack of constant velocity account of the 1-1/2-ton truck, see The Design,
joints—was broken when Chevrolet and Development, and Production of Trucks and
Fargo went into production of joints to Semi-Trailers, Ord PP 47, Oct 44, pp. 21-26,
OHF. The Fargo negotiations are described in
supplement the output of Bendix and Gear detail in Downey, op. cit., pp. 50ff, as are
Grinding Machine Company. Licensing patents, pp. 70ff.
agreements were worked out to permit Yellow Truck and Coach was an independent
company until 1943 when it was taken over by
production of the patented items.40 General Motors Corporation and became the
General Motors Truck and Coach Division. Its
Workhorse of the Army: the 2-1/2-Ton plant was at Pontiac, Mich.
Dow, op. cit. For a tabulation of contracts
Meanwhile the Quartermaster Corps by number, amount, date, type, and cost, see
placed contracts for several thousand 2- Procurement of Motor Vehicles.

The 2-1/2-ton truck, a military adapta- Heavy-Heavy Trucks

tion of a commercial model, was an imme-
diate success and remained unsurpassed as While the largest orders were going for
a general purpose vehicle throughout the light, medium, and light-heavy vehicles,
war. "I have seen nothing belonging to our the smallest orders went for so-called
enemies or our Allies that can compare heavy-heavy trucks capable of carrying
with it," wrote one combat observer.43 payloads of from four to six tons.46 Offi-
The most widely used truck in the Army's cers of the Motor Transport Division were
fleet, it could carry on good roads far more convinced that in time of war the Army
than its rated capacity and soon earned the might find itself operating a long-distance
nickname "workhorse of the Army." Its trucking service over improved roads as
six driving wheels were mounted on three well as conducting the usual short, cross-
axles, each having its own differential. country tactical movements. For long hauls
Power could be applied to all six wheels the big trucks, labeled strategical vehicles
for steep hills or rough cross-country travel, by Motor Transport officers, would be
or the front axle could be disengaged on needed in quantity. But the using arms
smooth highways.44 were not interested in such trucks in
The demand for the 2-1/2-ton was so 1940-41. The Quartermaster Corps was
great by the end of 1941 that it ranked as permitted to place a few orders with Mack,
the most serious production problem in the Federal, Corbitt, White, and Diamond T,
entire truck program. As Yellow Truck but the quantities were in the hundreds
could not handle it alone the Quarter- rather than the thousands. This failure to
master Corps turned to the Studebaker recognize the importance of heavy trucks
Company to augment the supply; later two later proved to be one of the most costly
smaller producers—Reo and International mistakes of the prewar and early war
Harvester—came into the picture. At first years.47
the plan called for Studebaker to make an
exact copy of the Yellow model, but this 43
Lucas quoted in Memo, CG ASF for Deputy
idea was dropped because it would delay CofOrd, 10 Sep 43, sub: Rpt on Motor Vehicles
the start of production and would cost in Sicilian Campaigns, OO 451/2038.
For description of performance, see O'Con-
several million dollars for new tooling. Al- nor, "Bogie—The Army's Baby," Quartermaster
though most components of the model Review, XXI, No. 2 (1941), 22, 107. The 2-1/2-
ton truck was also built in 6x4 and 4x2 types,
built by Studebaker were identical with but the great majority of the 2-1/2-ton vehicles
those in the Yellow version, many parts were 6x6's.
were not interchangeable. For example, (1) Anticipated Production Difficulties—QM
Studebaker used engines made by the Vehicles for Delivery in 1942, 24 Jan 42; (2)
Olejar and McMullen, Motor Transport Vehicles,
Hercules Motor Company of Canton, 1940-45, pp. 49-54; (3) PP 47, pp. 27-32; (4)
Ohio, while Yellow Truck made its own Roberts, The Two-and-One-Half-Ton Truck; (5)
Stat Work Sheets, 1 Sep 45, final rpt in series by
engines. No serious difficulties developed Engr and Mfg Div, OCO-D.
in this score because the Studebakers 46
Light trucks had capacity for 1 ton or less;
were shipped to lend-lease countries— medium for 1-1/2; light-heavies for 2-1/2; and
heavy-heavies for more than 2-1/2.
chiefly the Soviet Union, which received 47
See ch. XIII, sec. on Heavy-Heavy Trucks,
over 100,000—and the Yellow models were 1943-44. This matter is clearly illustrated in
issued to the U.S. Army.45 History, Mack Manufacturing Corporation.

ASSEMBLING 2½-TON TRUCKS at Ford Motor Company plant in Antwerp, Belgium,

December 1944.

The Versatile Jeep After successful tests of the Bantam ve-

hicles the Army was ready to buy jeeps in
The only really new vehicle to come into quantity, and directed The Quartermaster
the picture in 1940 was the 1/4-ton 4x4 General to procure 1,500 from Bantam.
truck, better known as the jeep. The But Maj. Gen. Edmund B. Gregory was
Army, which had begun to think about
such a vehicle in the 1930's as a fast 48
For the early history of the jeep, see Rifkind,
reconnaissance car, focused its attention The Jeep—Its Development and Procurement
in the summer of 1940 on a lightweight Under the QMC, 1940-42. Supporting docu-
car built by the American Bantam ments for this study are in OHF. See also Lt.
Eugene P. Hogan, "The Story of the Quarter-
Car Company of Butler, Pennsylvania.48 ton," Quartermaster Review, XXI, No. 2 (1941),
After representatives of the Ordnance 53ff. The name "jeep" was originally applied to
Technical Committee visited the Bantam the 1/2-ton 4x4 truck, and the 1/4-ton vehicle
was at first dubbed "peep." When the 1/2-ton
plant and studied its product, seventy of truck was discontinued the smaller vehicle be-
the Bantam cars were purchased for test- came the "jeep." One theory is that the name
ing purposes. Built to Army specifications, "jeep" came from a slurring of the letters GP
used to designate general purpose vehicles, and
these cars were purely military vehicles. another is that it came from a comic strip charac-
Only eleven feet long and three feet high, ter created by E. C. Segar.
they weighed about two thousand pounds Rpt Subcomm. on Auto Equipment to The
Ord Comm., 22 Jun 40, sub: Light Infantry and
but had plenty of power, stamina, and Cavalry Vehicles, and Indorsements, copy in Rif-
maneuverability.49 kind notes on jeep, OHF.
reluctant to place the entire order with this recommendation the contract went to
Bantam, describing it as "a small firm Willys.53 The order was not split up
with no productive facilities of any im- among the three potential producers be-
portance." 50 As Willys and Ford had cause it was desired that all jeeps be of
meanwhile shown considerable interest in identical make, and Motor Transport offi-
producing such a vehicle, and were then cers argued there was no time to arrange
building pilot models, the Quartermaster for identical production by two or more
Corps was permitted to place a contract firms. But a few months later, when Willys
in November with Bantam for 1,500 jeeps proved unable to keep pace with fast-
and soon thereafter to make similar awards mounting requirements, another producer
to Willys-Overland and Ford.51 These had to be added. A contract then went to
were negotiated, not competitive bid con- Ford to produce jeeps exactly according
tracts, and were concurred in by the to Willys blueprints. Willys turned over to
National Defense Advisory Committee, Ford copies of its drawings, specifications,
subject to delivery of acceptable pilot and patents, and for the rest of the war
models by Ford and Willys. When Bantam
protested bringing in other concerns that 50
had not shared in the earlier work, and Memo, QMG for Brig Gen Richard C.
Moore, Deputy CofS, 6 Nov 40, QM 451 (Proc
allowing them to observe the Bantam 398-41-9), copy in Rifkind notes. See also testi-
model, the Quartermaster Corps replied mony of Col Edwin S. Van Deusen and John D.
that it preferred to have more than one Biggers before Truman Comm., Aug. 6, 1941,
77th Cong., 1st sess., pp. 1978ff.
company share in this stage of design and 51
For discussion of Bantam production, see
development and be ready to produce in memo, Curley, consultant, for Col Sidney P.
time of war. Protests came also from pro- Spalding, 25 Apr 41, sub: Status of Prod ... at
Bantam . . . , ASF Prod Div 451.2 Motor and
labor interests who pointed out that the Auto Trucks, Job 19B. See also testimony of
Ford Motor Company had been repeatedly Francis H. Fenn, president of Bantam, in Hear-
charged with violations of the Wagner Act. ings, Truman Comm., Aug. 6, 1941, 77th Cong.,
1st sess., pt. 7, pp. 1967ff; also, Van Deusen, pp.
In newspapers, magazines, and Congres- 1978ff and Biggers, pp. 2067ff. An excellent sum-
sional committees the arguments raged for mary of these events appears in Federal Trade
some time, but the contracts remained in Commission Decisions, 1947-48 (Washington,
1950), vol. 44, pp. 572-90.
force.52 52
(1) Ltr, Charles H. Payne, American Ban-
After rigorous tests of Bantam, Willys, tam Car Co., to SW, 14 Oct 40, QM 451 (Proc
and Ford jeeps—tests that revealed struc- 398-41-9) ; (2) Articles by I. F. Stone in PM,
December 14 and 30, 1940 and January 24. 1941,
tural weaknesses in all three and led to copy in Rifkind notes; and in The Nation,
many design changes—the Willys jeep was December 30, 1940, quoted at length in Rifkind,
standardized. When the QMC was author- pp. 77-80; (3) Proceedings of Motor Transport
Sub-Comm. QM Tech Comm., 18 Oct 40, QM
ized to procure sixteen thousand it called 451 (Proc 398-41-9), copy in Rifkind notes;
for bids on an all-or-none basis. Although (4) Ltr, Dow, OQMG, to ASW, 20 Dec 40, sub:
Willys submitted the lowest bid, by a Contract No. W398-qm-8887 . . . , QM 161
(Ford), copy in Rifkind notes, OHF.
narrow margin, the QMC preferred Ford 53
Ltr, QMG to CO Holabird QM Depot,1
as a larger and more dependable producer Aug 41, sub: Award under Informal Request for
and recommended that it be given the Bids . . . with 12 inds, QM 451-M-P (Proc
398-42-NEG-1). See also Interim Gen Rpt, H.R.
contract. But when the Office of Produc- Comm. on Mil Affairs, Jun 23, 42, Rpt No. 2272,
tion Management refused to go along with 77th Cong., 2d sess., pp. 285-87.

JEEP, ¼-TON 4x4 TRUCK, on display during a talk given to the employees of Willys-Over-
land Motor Company by Brig. Gen. Burton O. Lewis.

the two firms turned out thousands of War II. From a production viewpoint this
jeeps with interchangeable parts. Both decision may have been sound but it
firms, it should be noted, bought many of brought upon the Army a great deal of
their major components from the same criticism that might have been avoided if
sources—frames from Midland Steel, Bantam had not been entirely excluded
wheels from Kelsey-Hayes, axles and trans- from jeep production.55
fer cases from Spicer, and so on. Both
companies also contributed to developing For an excellent brief summary of the early
and improving the jeep throughout the contract awards and the reasons for them, see
Memo, Chief MTD Legal Sec for chief, MTD, 27
war.54 Mar 42, sub: American Bantam Motor Car Co.,
Award of the contract to Ford excluded Rifkind notes.
Bantam from the picture entirely and thus Rifkind discusses the controversy over award
of the jeep contracts in detail, and his notes
denied to the firm that had pioneered the contain copies of pertinent documents. The sub-
vehicle any share in its wartime produc- ject was also reviewed by the Truman Commmit-
tion. Bantam was later given a contract to tee in August 1941 and by the House of Repre-
sentatives Military Affairs Committee, Interim
produce small trailers, but it built no General Report, June 23, 1942, Report 2272, 77th
more jeeps for the Army. Enlistment of big Congress, 2d session. See also (1) Hist, Detroit
Ord Dist, vol. 114 (Ford); (2) The Automotive
producers was defended on the ground Industry in War Prod, 10 May 44; (3) PP 47,
that Bantam could never have turned out pp. 1-10; (4.) Nelson, Arsenal of Democracy, pp.
jeeps in the quantities needed for World 177-78; and (5) A. Wade Wells, Hail to the

As the jeep skyrocketed to world-wide Ordnance join with all your other friends in
fame controversy naturally arose as to its giving this credit completely and gladly.57
genesis. In the keenly competitive automo- A few months after this letter was written,
tive industry, where all companies had one of the original Bantam jeeps took its
their eyes on the postwar market, the rivalry place beside other historical properties in
was intense. Willys-Overland advertise- the halls of the Smithsonian Institution in
ments claimed that its engineers, working Washington, and the word "jeep" appeared
with their counterparts in the Army, in the newer dictionaries as a war-born
"created and perfected the jubilant Jeep." addition to the English language.58
Bantam naturally resented these claims
which seemed to add insult to injury. Production Lag
Soon the Federal Trade Commission en-
tered a formal complaint against Willys. All during the defense period truck pro-
After extensive investigation the FTC duction in one category or another lagged
eventually—in 1948—ruled that the Willys behind requirements. As early as October
advertisements constituted unfair methods' 1940 nearly a third of all vehicles due for
of competition, and issued a "cease and delivery were behind schedule.59 They
desist" order. Willys had indeed designed continue to lag behind during the winter,
and built the model of jeep used in World and in March 1941 the Office of the Under
War II, but Bantam and the Army had Secretary of War called the matter to
laid the groundwork for Willys' success.56 the attention of The Quartermaster Gen-
As to the proper division of credit within
the Army there was no dispute between
the Quartermaster Corps and Ordnance. FTC Decisions, vol. 44 (Jul 47-Jun 48) p. 590.
For the claim of Lt Col Homer G. Hamilton, see
After transfer of motor transport to Ord- H.R. Report No. 1045, 82d Cong., 1st sess., and
nance, General Campbell sent to General H.R. Report No. 290, 83d Cong., 1st sess. For a
Gregory the following forthright statement journalistic account giving chief credit to the
Army for development of the jeep, see "Jeep at
about the jeep: Any Price," Time, June 28, 1943, pp. 84-86.
Quoted by Maj. Eugene P. Hogan, "The Jeep
All of us in the Ordnance Department in Action," Army Ordnance, XXVII, No. 146
fully realize that this vehicle was developed (September-October 1944), 271.
and put into production by the Quarter- 58
An amphibian jeep was developed but not
master Corps prior to the time when Motor- widely used, and some effort was devoted to an
Transport was transferred to the Ordnance extra-light airborne model. For the amphibian,
Department on August 1, 1942. None of the see extensive correspondence in OO 451.2/1301-
credit for this achievement belongs to the 1420; OCM 20771, 17 Jun 43; Progress Report,
Ordnance Department and it would be pre- QMC MTS, 3 July 1942, Pages 10-12; and Rif-
kind's notes. Both types are discussed in PP 47;
sumptuous on our part ever to allow a History, Detroit Ordnance District, Volume 114;
shadow of doubt on this point. ... It is a Report on Design, Development, Engineering, and
very remarkable achievement for which the Manufacturing. . . , 14 October 1944, OCO-D,
Quartermaster Corps, and those who worked OHF; and Baxter, Scientists Against Time, Chap-
for or with it, are entitled to credit. We of ter XVI.
Memo, Lt Col William C. Young for Spald-
ing, OASW, 31 Oct 40, in ASF Prod Div file
Jeep (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1946) ; 451-2 Motor and Auto Trucks. This memo
(6) Additional Rpt of the Mead Comm., S. itemizes all vehicles on contract to each manu-
Report No. 110, pt. 7. 79th Cong., 2d sess., p. 7, facturer
56 and Docket
(1) FTC shows quantity
No. 4959,due and 43;
6 May quantity
1946. delivered to date.

eral, urging action to bring deliveries more the nation took drastic measures on all
nearly into line with the Time Objective.60 fronts to convert to all-out war production.
In July 1941 Patterson complained that And the automotive industry in Detroit
the automotive industry had "hardly been dramatically symbolized the whole process.
touched by the rearmament effort" and The newly created War Production Board
urged that steps be taken to put munitions moved promptly and decisively in January
ahead of pleasure cars.61 to issue orders banning further production
Of the many reasons for the lag in of motor cars and trucks for civilian
production, most were beyond control of use.64 The cars and trucks already on the
the QMC. Requirements kept rising with road or in the stockpile would have to
every new estimate of Army needs; priori- last until the Army's needs were met.65
ties for trucks remained low; steel and
rubber were scarce; productive capacity of Motor Vehicles, ASF Prod Div file 451.2 Motor
for certain items was limited; and labor & Auto Trucks.
unrest slowed production in some plants.62 Memo, USW for Brig Gen Rutherford, 10
Jul 41, ASF Contl Div file 400 Time Objective,
The program lacked momentum because dr 47. See also Ltr, President to SW, 9 Jul 41,
the Quartermaster Corps had not pushed same file.
forward toward big procurement in 1940. (1) Memo, Maj Charles Norman for Direc-
tor Prod Br, OUSW, 18 Jul 41, sub: Proc of
Manufacturers of bottleneck items—chiefly Motor Vehicles, ASF Prod Div Job 19 B; (2)
axles, transmissions, and transfer cases— Memo, QMG for USW, 20 Aug 41, sub: Prod
were induced to enlarge their capacity and Rates and Time Objective, ASF Prod Div, Job
19 B. The QMG Daily Activity Reports in 1941
help meet the demand, but the QMC contain countless references to strikes and threats
could not do much about the remaining of strikes, and the annual Report of the QMG
problems, for they were fundamental to for FY 1942 reviewed the difficulties encountered.
Memo, Chief Proc Contl Br for Gregory, 10
nearly every phase of war production. As Dec 41, sub: Critical Order Situation of Constant
this condition dragged on through 1941, Velocity Joint Suppliers, QM 451.01 PC-Proc. For
dissatisfaction accumulated both in the expression of the USW's dissatisfaction, see Memo,
USW for QMG, 19 November 1941, sub: Pro-
QMC and the Office of the Under Secre- duction of Motor Vehicles, ASF Prod Div file
tary. "For the past two years," wrote the 451.2 Motor and Auto Trucks, Job 19 B. See
chief of the Procurement Control Branch also the lengthy discussion in 1942 Motor Trans-
port Procurement Program—Anticipated Produc-
to General Gregory three days after Pearl tion Difficulties, 25 January 1942, MTS files
Harbor, "it has been known that there P4228. For a summary of the situation as of
were important bottlenecks limiting the November 1941, see Memo, Col. Doriot for John
D. Hertz. 14 November 1941 copy in Roberts file.
procurement of tactical motor vehicles. 64
Auxier, Truck Prod and Distribution Policies
This problem has been attacked in a piece- of the WPB and Predecessor Agencies, Jul 40-
meal fashion from time to time with Dec 44, p. 17 citing General Limitation Order
L-I-C and L-3-a, both dated 1 Jan 42. See
only limited success. ... It is felt that also Operations Rpt of WPB Automotive Div, 26
an overall approach to a solution is long Dec 42, WPB 053.108 NA. Trucks in the hands
overdue. . . ." 63 of manufacturers and dealers were frozen tem-
porarily and then rationed to war industries. Pro-
duction of special types of civilian trucks was
The First Year of War permitted later.
Pearl Harbor put an end to piecemeal For a critical analysis of the results of this
policy, see Report, Truman Comm., 78th Cong.,
attacks on the whole problem of industrial 1st60Memo,
sess., S.USW for No.
Report QMG, 10,6 pt.
41, 15
mobilization. Beginning in January 1942, pp. 18-25.

"America's major industry died in De- ried two tons or more. In 1939 heavy
troit last week," one news magazine com- trucks constituted only 7 percent of the
mented.66 But the industry did not really year's annual production, light trucks 93
die. It merely shifted from peace to war percent. But ASP required roughly 50
production—the greatest model change- percent heavy and 50 percent light.70
over in its history. When the War Produc- In May 1942 the Quartermaster Corps
tion Board ruling freed the entire industry submitted a detailed report showing that
for conversion to munitions making, confi- industrial capacity for light trucks was
dence ran high in its capacity to meet the more than adequate to meet the ASP, but
challenge of war. "When Hitler put his war that capacity for heavy trucks, although
on wheels," General Somervell observed already expanded 600 percent since 1940,
after a tour of Detroit industries, "he ran was far below the required level.71 It
it straight down our alley." 67 further reported that the shortage of rubber
might force a one-third cut in the Army
Production Problems Supply Program and that lack of strategic
metals was a constant drag on the produc-
But behind the scenes the stubborn,
hard problems of production were still 66
Newsweek, February 9, 1942, p. 42. For a
there.68 No magic wand or government de- reflection of industry views, see articles in Business
cree could banish materials shortages or Week with titles such as "Car Dealers Weep,"
rearrange production lines overnight. Rub- "Detroit's War Load," and "Autos—No. 1 Con-
version Job."
ber, aluminum, steel, and canvas duck were 67
Quoted in Freedom's Arsenal. The Story of
still in short supply, and production of the Automotive Council for War Production, p. v.
constant velocity joints and various types For a pictorial story of the changeover in a
typical plant, see the yearbook of the automotive
of bearings was far below the required industry, Automobile Facts and Figures 1942
level. To deal with these bottlenecks and (Detroit, Mich.: Automobile Manufacturers As-
speed the conversion process, leaders of the sociation,
1943), pp. 32-33.
For discussion of the outlook early in 1942,
industry early in 1942 formed the Auto- see 1942 Motor Transport Procurement Program
motive Council for War Production, —Anticipated Production Difficulties, and Van
headed by Alvan Macauley of Packard.69 Deusen, Speech, 19 February 1942, before SAE.
An informative article written from the industry
In March, when the Army was reorganized viewpoint is E. L. Warner, Jr., "What Uncle Sam
at the top, the newly formed Army Serv- Expects of the Automobile Industry," Automotive
ice Forces set to work drafting an Army Industries, vol. 36, No. 2 (January 15, 1942),
p. 17.
Supply Program (ASP) that called for 69
Freedom's Arsenal describes the history of
production of more than three million ve- this council in detail. See also Automobile Facts
hicles of all types by July 1944—nearly one and Figures, 1942; Hist, Detroit Ord Dist, vol.
116; and Harold Titus, "Goodby, Bottlenecks,"
million in 1942, over one million in 1943, Saturday Evening Post, November 21, 1942,
and over one million in the first six months p. 7016.
of 1944. Quantities of light trucks in this Auxier, (1) Ann Rpt QMG, FY 1942, p. 69; (2)
op. cit., p. 4; (3) Survey of ASP by QM
program, although much greater than the MTS, 8 May 42.
mid-1941 requirements, were not beyond Survey of ASP by QM MTS. 8 May 42. See
the industry's capacity, judging by its also the earlier report titled Anticipated Produc-
tion Difficulties—QM Motor Vehicles for Delivery
1939 production. The hitch lay in ASP in 1942, 24 Jan 42, and the later report, Progress
emphasis on heavy trucks, those that car- Rpt QMC MTS, 2 Jul 42.

tion machine. "Motor Transport Service ducing bottleneck items, General Somer-
production schedules are almost daily be- vell's staff was considering a drastic
ing drastically interrupted by the uneven realignment of motor transport responsibil-
and insufficient flow of almost every type ities. The impetus for change came origin-
of metal product," wrote The Quarter- ally in the area of maintenance, not
master General. With scarce metal going procurement. As early as November 1941
into high priority Navy and Air Force the Hertz report had revealed glaring
items, Motor Transport Service72 had had abuses in maintenance of Army trucks by
to get along as best it could with an the using arms and had recommended that
A-1-i or A-1-f rating throughout 1941. Motor Transport Service be given inde-
It did not get up even to an A-1-c until pendent status and full authority to
after Pearl Harbor, and on several occasions enforce maintenance discipline.76 The move
automotive plants had to shut down tem- ment for creation of an independent auto-
porarily for lack of materials.73 motive corps to handle maintenance for
What was needed to correct the situa- both combat and transport vehicles gained
tion? Nearly everything, it seemed. Fur- considerable support during the winter of
ther expansion of facilities to make axles, 1941-42 but was strongly opposed by
transfer cases, constant velocity joints, both The Quartermaster General and the
transmissions, and other parts was high on Chief of Ordnance. As the discussion con-
the list. This meant collateral expansion of tinued, an alternative idea gained ground,
forging and machining capacity and de- to concentrate all responsibility, including
pended entirely on a better supply of both
steel and machine tools. Machine tools 72
formed a narrow bottleneck because QMC The Motor Transport Division was renamed
Motor Transport Service in April 1942.
requests for them went into a miscellane- 73
(1) Survey of ASP, 8 May 42; (2) Ann Rpt
ous classification to which only 8 percent QMG FY 42, p. 70; (3) Desk Book of Statistics,
of all machine tools were allotted.74 Speedy Maj S. B. Robinson. In June the MTS requested
the War Production Board to study the problem
production of synthetic rubber was also of expanding production facilities and come up
called for, along with strict economy in with recommendations. Ltr, QM MTS to WPB,
the use of existing tires and other rubber 12 Jun 42, sub: Expansion of Prod Facilities,
MTS file, P4229. For examples of plant shut-
products. Deliveries of needed steel had to downs, see Incl to Memo, QMG for ACofS
be assured, and, to reduce consumption, Materiel, SOS, 27 Jul 42, sub: Efforts Made by
cargo bodies had to be made of wood MTS to Maintain Truck Production. . . ,
. (Steel).
instead of steel. Finally, the QMC recom- 74
Progress Rpt QMC MTS, 2 Jul 42, p. 30.
mended that, in view of the difficulties (1) Survey of ASP by QMC Motor Trans-
ahead, the whole ASP should be restudied port Serv, 8 May 42; (2) Ann Rpt QMG FY
1942, pp. 65-80; (3) Progress Rpt QMC MTS,
with a view toward reducing requirements 2 Jul 42. As early as mid-May the requirements
for heavy trucks.75 for Defense Aid vehicles were cut. See OQMG
Daily Activity Rpt, XI, No. 15.
Summary of Motor Maintenance Activities
The Transfer to Ordnance in the U.S. Army, Incl to Ltr, Hertz to USW, 18
Nov 41, copy in OHF. See also comments on this
While the QMG was recommending re- report by Brig. Gen. Brehon B. Somervell (then
G-4, WDGS) in Memo for CofS, 7 Jan 42,
study of truck production goals, and in- Somervell files, folder ASF Automotive Serv 1941
dustry was building new plants for pro- -42.

research, procurement, and maintenance, the Tank-Automotive Center in Detroit.

for both tanks and trucks either in the The T-AC, as it was called, was formed
Quartermaster Corps or Ordnance. This by moving the QM Motor Transport Serv-
would achieve the desired unification with- ice and the Ordnance Tank and Combat
out creating a new command in the middle Vehicle Division from their offices in the
of the war. With manufacture of both Washington-Baltimore area to the Union
tanks and trucks depending on the auto- Guardian Building in Detroit where they
motive industry for many components— joined up with small Quartermaster and
engines, transmissions, axles, and so on— Ordnance units already there.79
ASF decided to put an end to the un- By the time Ordnance took over motor
natural division of responsibility by mak- transport the worst of the production crisis
ing Ordnance the sole channel for dealing was past.80 Many difficulties remained,
with the industry. General Somervell issued and new problems were to come up later,
orders to this effect in mid-July with the but the sky-high requirements of the
first of August 1942 as the effective date. original ASP had dropped considerably,
No adequate explanation for the choice of and were soon to drop more.81 Production
Ordnance over the Quartermaster Corps of bottleneck items was steadily increasing,
has ever been given.77 and the trend toward procurement of
Along with the shift of construction more and more different types of vehicles
from the Quartermaster Corps to the had been halted.82 The War Production
Corps of Engineers, this was one of the 77
(1) Ltr, CG SOS to CofOrd, 17 Jul 42, sub:
two largest transfers of functions among Transfer of Motor Transportation. . . , OO 020/
the technical services during World War 47; (2) WD Cir 245, 25 Jul 42, sub: Transfer of
II. It caused the shift to Ordnance of Motor Transport Activities, par 10, as amended
by WD Cir 267, 8 Aug 42; (3) ODO 315, 28 Jul
thousands of civilians, officers, and en- 42, sub: Transfer of Motor Transport. . . , copy
listed men, along with the motor bases, in OHF. The QMC version of the transfer is to
motor supply depots, and automotive be found in Risch, The Quartermaster Corps,
Volume I, pp. 19-22, and in Carstensen, Motor
schools they operated. The chief of the Transport Under Quartermaster General, 1903-
Motor Transport Service, Brig. Gen. James 42, pp. 167-81; the ASF version is found in
L. Frink, did not make the transfer, pre- Millett, Organization and Role of the Army
Service Forces, p. 302. The Carstensen version is
ferring to remain with the Quartermaster the most detailed and comprehensive account
Corps, but most of the others joined forces extant. Lt. Gen. Levin H. Campbell's views are
with Ordnance. General Campbell, who expressed in a personal letter to Thomson, 31
August 1955, OHF.
had opposed the move originally, made it 78
Ltr, Campbell to Thomson, 31 Aug 55, OHF.
clear that he welcomed the MTS personnel 79
Intervs with Generals Glancy, Christmas, and
and would tolerate no discrimination Armstrong, and Col E. S. Van Deusen, summer
1949. See ch. XI, above. For further details on
against them.78 But it was inevitable the T-AC organization, see Green, Thomson,
that they should feel for a long time like and Roots, Planning Munitions for War, Chapter
strangers in a strange land. IV, and references therein cited.
Prod Analysis Notes for Oct 42, by Plng Sec,
On the procurement side the transfer Mfg Br, T-AC.
brought to Ordnance some 4,000 contracts 81
See Progress Rpt QMC MTS, 2 Jul 42.
with a total value of nearly $3 billion. And (1) Ltr, TAG to CG SOS and others, 6 Apr
42, sub: Standardization of Wheeled Motor Ve-
it led to a far-reaching organizational hicles. . . , AG 451 (4-4-42) MO-SP-M; (2)
change within Ordnance—establishment of Ltr, TAG to CG SOS and others, 8 Jun 42,

Board and the Army and Navy Munitions The Dukw

Board had clarified the priority ratings on
steel, and the automotive industry had The most important new vehicle to
made rapid progress in converting from come into production during the period of
steel to wooden cargo bodies.83 Steel, Ordnance control—though ordered by the
rubber, copper, and machine tools were QMC—was the 2-1/2-ton amphibian. In
still in short supply, but a production the spring of 1942 the QMC turned over
report prepared by Ordnance in October to the National Defense Research Commit-
showed most vehicles to be on schedule or tee responsibility for developing a swim-
just a little behind schedule. The very ming truck to carry supplies from ship to
heavy trucks, four tons and over, were shore. Landing cargo quickly at overseas
running well ahead of requirements.84 destinations, right on the beach without
Development work was also nearly com- benefit of piers or heavy cranes, was a
plete by the time motor transport came to crucial problem for the Allies in 1942. But
Ordnance, and definite steps had been ASF was cool to the idea of taking on a
taken to freeze existing models. In June new and possibly impractical type of spe-
1942, after the 1/4-ton jeep had been cial vehicle. Nevertheless NDRC, working
adopted and the 1/2-ton truck had been
eliminated in favor of the 3/4-ton, the 83
(1) Memo, CG, SOS, for QMG, 7 Aug 42,
Secretary of War had issued orders stand- sub: Efforts Made by MTS to Maintain Truck
ardizing the following eight chassis, all Prod . . . , SPQMP 411.5 (Steel); (2) Survey
of ASP by QMC MTS, 8 May 42; (3) Progress
then in production: Rpt by MTS, 2 Jul 42; (4) Ann Rpt QMG FY
42, pp. 65ff; (5) Ltr, CG ASF to CofOrd, 4
Aug 42, sub: Wood Bodies for Cargo Trucks;
1/4-ton, 4x4------------------------Willys and Ford (6) WD Press Release, Army Saves 275,000 Tons
3/4-ton, 4x4------------------------Dodge of Steel Annually . . . , 18 Jun 42, copy in OHF;
1-1 /2-ton, 4x4 ------------------------ General Motors (7) SOS Ann Rpt FY 1942, p. 49; (8) History,
2-1 /2-ton, 6x6------------------------ General Motors Ordnance Industry Integration Committee for
4-ton, 6x6 ------------------------Diamond T Wood Cargo Bodies, OHF.
4-5-ton, 4x4------------------------Diamond T Production Planning Report based on ASP,
5-6-ton, 4x4 ------------------------Diamond T 15 Oct 42, vol. 8, copy in Roberts file. Compare
with Status of Procurement-Transportation, Vol-
6-ton, 6x6------------------------White, Corbitt, ume XXXVIII, 8 December 1941, QM Statistics
and Brockway Br, P4236, showing 12 out of 23 items behind
schedule, and the Survey of ASP, by MTS, 8 May
42, which recommended deep cuts in the ASP.
The Secretary of War had further declared The improved situation as of mid-1942 is outlined
that all development, procurement, and in Progress Report—QMC MTS, 2 Jul 42, pp.
2-8. Detailed requirements for 1943 are to be
standardization of wheeled vehicles would found in Truck Requirements 1943, October 1942,
be co-ordinated by the QM Technical prepared by Automotive Branch, WPB, and in
Committee in accordance with AR 850- Master Schedule, 25 November 1942, prepared by
Ordnance Industrial Division, both in OCO-D
25. Existing contracts for nonstandard file.
equipment were to be completed but not Ltr, TAG to CG, AGF and others, 8 Jun
renewed or extended.85 42, sub: Standardization of Wheeled Motor Ve-
hicle Chassis and Trailers, AG 451 (6-5-42),
MO-SPOP-M. This letter rescinded an earlier
sub: Standardization of Wheeled Vehicles. . . , letter on the subject, dated 6 April 1942, AG 451
AG 451 (6-5-42) MO-SPOP-M; (3) PSP Prod (4-4-42), MO-SP-M. See also Ann Rpt QMG,
Plng, OCO-D, 16 Jun 45. FY 42, pp. 65ff.

DUKW, 2½-TON AMPHIBIAN TRUCK, leaving the water with cargo, Noumea, New Cale-
donia, April 1943.

closely with the New York firm of naval Ordnance in October 1942, the Dukw was
architects, Sparkman and Stephens, Inc., used successfully at Noumea in March
and the Yellow Truck and Coach Manu- 1943, and by General Patton's Seventh
facturing Company, soon produced a pilot Army in its attack on Sicily a few months
model that performed so well in tests that later. General Eisenhower reported the
several hundred were ordered.86 Dukw to be "invaluable." 87
The new swimming truck took its nick- 86
name, Dukw or Duck, from its amphibious The NDRC phase of the development, as
well as the Army's—and Navy's—lack of interest
qualities and from its manufacturer's code in the Dukw, are presented briefly in Baxter,
—D for 1942, U for utility, K for front- Scientists Against Time, Chapter XVI, and in
far greater detail in Summary Technical Report
wheel drive, and W for two rear driving of NDRC, Division 12, Transportation Equipment
axles. It consisted of a watertight body on and Related Problems (Washington, 1946), Chap-
a 2-1/2-ton truck chassis. Thirty-six feet ters 3 and 4. See also Milton Silverman, "Three
Men in a Dukw," Saturday Evening Post, Volume
long and eight feet wide, it could accom- 218, Number 42 (April 20, 1946) and An Ac-
modate fifty men or an equivalent load of count of the War-Time Activities of GMC Truck
supplies. While on land it used its six and Coach Division of General Motors Corpora-
driving wheels and conventional steering tion, 1945, OHF. An 11-page account of the
Dukw's history written in February 1944 may be
gear; in the water it used a marine pro- found in RCS 19, Transportation Corps Historical
peller and a rudder. To avoid getting Program file, Amphibian Vehicles in World
stuck while entering or leaving water the War II.
(1) OCM 18950, 1 Oct 42; (2) OCM 19059,
driver could shift controls to provide both 22 Oct 42; (3) Col. Edwin S. Van Deusen,
wheel and propeller drive. Standardized by "Trucks That Go Down to the Sea," Army Ord-

The success of the Dukw in its first steady pace. Then in July the lightning
combat test soon led to an increase in struck. ASF suddenly directed Ordnance
requirements. In November 1943 the War to double its procurement of heavy-heavy
Production Board wired Yellow Truck and trucks (4 tons and up) in 1944—to pro-
Coach Manufacturing Company that duce 67,000 instead of something under
Dukw production was "of utmost urgency 35,000. Fighting in North Africa had dem-
in the war program." 88 Ordnance was onstrated the need for thousands of heavy
authorized to request overriding priorities trucks to tow big guns and to haul food,
to help any manufacturer meet his sched- ammunition, and other supplies for fast-
ules. From 4,508 in 1943, production moving armies in the field. At the same
rose to 11,316 in 1944 before tapering off. time Ordnance understood that the War
All told, 21,147 Dukw's were purchased Production Board was planning a program
before the end of the war. They were all to replace worn commercial trucks in the
produced by the Yellow Truck and Coach United States and that the Navy would
Division of General Motors.89 require several thousand vehicles in 1944.
Lack of experience with this type of ve- It was a staggering, if not impossible, job.
hicle and the haste with which it was put As General Christmas observed, "It's going
into production led to a long series of de- to be Subject No. 1, 24 hours a day."91
sign changes. So many engineering changes, Ordnance officers, not fully briefed by
including substitutions to save critical their superiors on the justification for the
material, were made during the production huge new requirements, were at first
period that some engineers remarked that skeptical.92 They knew that manufacture
no two Dukw's were ever built exactly
alike. The Dukw was not a particularly 88
Telg, WPB to Yellow Truck and Coach Mfg
complicated vehicle, but it did present Co., 27 Nov 43, ASF Prod Div, Job 19B, G-1996,
451.2 Trucks. See also Memo, ASF Director of
some unusual manufacturing problems Matériel for CofOrd, 1 Sep 43, sub: Expediting
such as fabrication of the sealed tubes Prod of 2-1/2-ton, 6x6, Amphibian Trucks, ASF
through which axles and propeller shafts Prod Div files, 19B, G-1996, 451.2 Trucks.
Summary Report of Acceptances Tank-
pierced the hulls. The worst problem with Automotive Matériel 1940-45, by OCO-D, p. 86.
the Dukw was maintenance in the field.90 90
(1) PP 47, p. 37; (2) Van Deusen, "Trucks
That Go Down to the Sea," Army Ordnance,
Crisis in Heavy-Heavy Trucks, XXV, No. 141 (November-December 1943),
557; (3) Hist, Detroit Ord Dist, vol. 100, pt. 14,
1943-45 Contractor History—Chevrolet; (4) Summary
During the first six months of 1943 Technical Report of NDRC . . . , ch. 4.
(1) Rpt, Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, Springfield,
truck production moved along at a fairly Mass., 28 Jul 43, p. 5, OHF; (2) Memo, Brig
nance, XXV, No. 141 (November-December Gen Christmas, T-AC, for CofOrd, 2 Jul 43,
1943), 557; (4) Paraphrase of secret Msg from sub: 1944 Prod of Heavy Duty Trucks, with 2
Algiers, Eisenhower to Marshall, No. 86, CM-IN Incls and 2 Indorsements, OO 451.2/636 (c) ;
-9804 (14 Jul 4 3 ) ; (5) Ltr, Gen Marshall to (3) Memo, Rqmts Div, ASF for CofOrd, 26 Jul
Bush, OSRD, 22 Jul 43, copy in OHF; (6) 43, sub: Proc of Motor Vehicles, Incl to OO
Summary Technical Report of NDRC . . . , ch. 400.12/9285 (c) ; (4) Memo, Brig Gen Christ-
4. See also Colonel Van Deusen's folder marked mas, T-AC, for CofOrd, 25 Jun 43, sub: Status
Amphibian Research in Roberts file. A report on of Proc for ... 1944, OO 451/1692-1/2; (5)
the Sicilian campaign by Lucas is quoted in The Automotive Industry in War Prod.
Memo, CG ASF for Deputy CofOrd, 10 Septem- The Truman Committee was also skeptical.
ber 1943, sub: Report on Motor Vehicles in See S. Report No. 10, pt. 13, 15 Dec 43, 78th
Sicilian Campaign, OO 451/2038. Cong., 1st sess., pp. 18-25.

of more than 67,000 heavy-heavy military effort be made to meet them. He assured
trucks in 1944, plus thousands more for General Campbell that action would be
civilian needs, would require Herculean taken promptly on Ordnance recommenda-
efforts by the heavy truck builders and tions regarding specific bottleneck items.96
their suppliers. In a lengthy memo on the A few weeks later General Hayes expressed
matter, General Campbell estimated that the following attitude toward the matter
the new 1944 schedule would cost about at a conference of district chiefs:
three quarters of a billion dollars and Our job is to meet the Army Supply Pro-
would require the labor of 200,000 men for gram. We are not responsible for the figures
one year. In terms of weight of finished in the Program. We are responsible that
material it was equivalent to manufacture production meets those requirements—not
of 14,000 medium tanks. General Campbell whether it is adequate or inadequate,
pointed out that in July 1943 only about whether too great or too little. . . . Our
job is just to meet the program.97
3,000 heavy-heavy trucks had been pro-
duced and that the average peacetime With the new requirements in hand,
rate was only 600 per month. The new Ordnance turned at once to the established
program would require approximately makers of heavy equipment. These were
6,000 per month all during 1944. "It is not the Big Three of the automotive in-
necessary that we be realistic. . . ," he dustry but firms that normally built
observed. "It is my considered opinion heavy specialized vehicles. Some, like
that . . . [only] 75 percent of the 1944 International Harvester, were industrial
heavy truck program will be obtainable giants while others were small firms that
practically." 93 built only a few hundred vehicles a year.
One of the worst fears of the Ordnance Among their numbers were Autocar,
Department was that the truck program, Brockway, Corbitt, Diamond T, Federal,
in addition to all its other problems, would Four Wheel Drive, Kenworth, Mack,
have to take a back seat because of its Marmon-Herrington, Pacific Car and
low priority. When there was a scarcity of
labor, materials, or facilities, trucks "sit in Memo, CofOrd for CG, ASF, 12 Aug 43,
sub: 1944 Heavy Truck Program, OO 400.12/
the last place following the Navy, Mari- 9218. The same estimate was made by W. B.
time Commission, Air Corps, and combat Murphy, WPB Deputy Vice Chairman for Prod, in
vehicles." 94 These fears, first aroused by Memo, to Krug, 29 Sep 43, WPB PD 631.241.
Maj Gen Hayes, Min Conf Ord Dist Chiefs,
War Production Board approval of limited Springfield, Mass., 28 Jul 43, p. 5, OHF.
civilian truck production in May, were 95
Memo, Lt Col George W. White, T-AC for
heightened early in August when WPB McInerney, OCO, 6 Aug 43, sub: Accomplish-
ment of 1943-44 Truck Program, OO 451.2/
approved a large, high-priority farm imple- 10321. The Truman Committee in December
ment program. District offices reported that 1943 criticized the lack of civilian truck pro-
in plant after plant farm implements were duction.
elbowing truck orders out of their regular Memo, Maj Gen Clay, ASF, for CofOrd, 31
Aug 43, sub: 1944 Heavy Truck Program, filed as
places in the line.95 But when all these Incl to OO 451.2/805, copy in OHF. For an
facts were presented to General Clay he analysis of the problem by the Automotive Div of
merely advised General Campbell that the WPB, see booklet, Production . . . 1944 Truck
Program, 11 Oct 43.
1944 requirements were not based on 97
Rpt Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, Philadelphia, 8
"wishful thinking" and directed that every Oct 43, p. 1, OHF.
Foundry, Ward La France, and White.98 mittee for heavy trucks with which it held
Most of these concerns were essentially as- joint meetings every month.
sembly plants, not highly integrated like In the fall of 1943 WPB appointed an
the Big Three. With the exception of Automotive Production Committee to co-
Mack, they did not make their own en- ordinate military and civilian truck pro-
gines, axles, and transmissions but pur- duction, screen proposals for building new
chased them from other companies such as plants, and allocate scarce components.102
Timken-Detroit, Fuller, Clark, Spicer, Eat- Truck production was officially labeled a
on, Continental, Waukesha, and Hercules. "must program" and was placed near the
The key to expanding production lay in top of the production urgency list for
obtaining an increased flow of components, manpower. Recognizing that the produc-
chiefly axles, engines, and transmissions, tion job assigned to Ordnance was a
but producers of these items were already tremendous undertaking, Army and WPB
working at full capacity. Axles were the representatives arranged for close working
tightest item at the start, closely followed relations all around and assigned produc-
by transmissions and engines. The short- tion follow-up to the Tank-Automotive
age of heavy-duty engines was so great
that General Christmas actually suggested For a brief report on truck manufacturers
and component manufacturers, see Memo, Lt.
powering heavy trucks with two or three Col. Maurice R. Scharff, Production Division,
small engines hitched in tandem." for Director Production Division, ASF, 28 Sep-
As time was at a premium, Ordnance tember 1943, sub: 1944 Heavy Truck Program,
ASF Production Division, 19B, G-1996, 451.2
had to take shortcuts. Plants that had Trucks, 1943. More detailed data appear in
never before made working automotive folder, The 1944 Truck Program, no date, same
parts were converted to meet the emer- file for 1944.
(1) Rpt Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, Springfield,
gency. A notable example was Standard Mass., 28 Jul 43, p. 7; (2) Auxier, op. cit., p.
Steel Spring of Gary, Indiana, peacetime 52, showing percentage expansion required in
producer of springs and bumpers for pas- 1944 for axles, transmissions, and engines; (3)
Reports on Critical Programs made by Batcheller
senger cars, which became a fabricator of to WPB, 1944-45, WPB 210.3 R NA; (4) Memo,
driving axles. Under a subcontract with Col Edward L. Cummings, T-AC, for CofOrd,
Timken-Detroit, it took over an idle 14 Aug 43, sub: Survey Report of Heavy Duty
Truck Requirements. . . . , ASF Prod Div
armor plant, retooled it completely, lined Job 19B G-1996 451.2 Trucks; (5) War Produc-
up scores of sub-subcontractors, and, after tion in 1944, Report of Chairman of the War
many delays, finally got into production. Production Board (Washington, 1945), pp.10-11.
(1) Hist, St. Louis Ord Dist, VI, pp. 23-25;
National Slug Rejectors, Inc., of St. Louis (2) History, Report, Ordnance Industry Integra-
switched from slot machines to nondriving tion Committee for Axles and Transmissions,
axles for big trucks, and Kearney and 1943-45, OHF; (3) PSP on Prod Plng, 16 Jun 45.
History of Industry Integration Committee
Trecker, a machine-tool firm in Milwau- for Heavy Trucks, 1 Mar 43-31 May 45, OHF.
kee, took on the unfamiliar job of making (1) Automotive Prod Comm. files, 631.-
04095, NA; (2) Min of Mtg at T-AC, 29 Oct
transmissions.100 Meanwhile the Ordnance 43, sub: 1944 Truck Program ASF Prod Div
Industry Integration Committee for file 19-B, 451.2 Trucks 1943; (3) Auxier, op.
Heavy Trucks, formed in March 1943, cit., pp. 56-60. The latter account stresses the
lack during the first two years of war of an
promoted co-operative effort among all over-all program for civilian and military truck
producers.101 It was closely tied in with production. See also War Production in 1944,
the WPB Production Consultants Com- Report of Chairman of WPB, Page 21.

Center and the Ordnance district offices.103 tough, and as for the third quarter we can
At the end of October General Campbell see no way of meeting it at present."107
took the unusual step of writing a memo In June 1944, as Allied invasion forces
for General Somervell's personal attention, consolidated their Normandy beachheads,
pointing to the failure to meet required WPB took drastic action to speed heavy
schedules of production and declaring that truck production. It authorized use of the
the reasons for the failure—shortage of "special directives treatment" that had
manpower and components—were "beyond been adopted earlier for landing craft and
the power of the Ordnance Department heavy artillery. This action was taken a
and of the automotive industry to cor- few days after E. J. Bush, Chairman of
rect." 104 At the end of the year General
Hayes again warned that the goals for (1) Memo, Minton, ASF, for CofOrd, 10
Nov 43, sub: Critical Situation with Respect to
1944 would not be met unless ASF and Prod of Automotive Equipment, OO 400.12/
WPB took vigorous efforts to relieve the 10898; (2) Memo, CofOrd for CG, ASF, 30 Oct
shortage of manpower, increase the supply 43, sub: Critical Situation . . . Automotive
Equipment, ASF Prod Div, 19-B, 451.2 (1943);
of critical components, and push com- (3) Rpt of Conf on 1944 Truck Program, 2 Nov
pletion of new plants. In fact, wrote Gen- 43, by Brig Gen Walter P. Boatwright, OCO-D,
eral Hayes, "unless manpower and com- WPB PD 631.241 C, NA; (4) Memo, Director
WPB Auto Div for Deputy Vice Chairman for
ponent shortages can be solved, vehicu- Prod, 18 Nov 43, sub: Manpower Situation.
lar production in 1944 may not equal the . . , WPB PD 631.241 C, NA.
rate attained in the last quarter of Memo, CofOrd for CG ASF, 30 Oct 43,
sub: Critical Situation with Respect to Prod of
1943. . ." 1 0 5 Automotive Equipment, ASP Prod Div 19-B,
In spite of everything that could be 451.2 Trucks 1943.
done, the new year got off to a poor start. (1) Memo, Maj Gen Thomas J. Hayes,
OCO, for CG, ASF, 16 Dec 43, sub: Motor Truck
Only 2,788 heavy-heavy trucks were pro- Proc Program 1944, OO 400.12/11332; (2)
duced in January 1944, compared to Memo, Brig Gen John K. Christmas for CofOrd, 4
4,353 in December 1943. (Table 22) Dec 43, sub: Motor Truck Proc Program 1944,
OO 400.12/11198; (3) Statement by Minton,
February and March were not much bet- ASF, in Rpt, Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, New York, 18
ter than January, and in May the Auto- Jan 44, pp. 8-9. OHF; (4) Rpt on the 1944
motive Production Committee (APC) re- Prod Program, Motor Trucks, by Progress Div,
WPB, 20 Nov 43, copy in ASF Prod Div, 19B,
ported: "The Heavy-Heavy Program con- G-1996, 451.2 Trucks 1944; (5) S. Report No.
tinues to run materially behind. . . . All 10, pt. 13, 15 Dec 43, Truman Comm., 78th Cong.,
companies in the Heavy-Heavy Program 1st sess., pp. 18-25.
Rpt of Mtg Automotive Prod Comm., 11
have fallen behind." 106 The reasons for May 44, Washington, D.C., APC file 631.02095,
this discouraging performance were traced NA. See also Memo, Murphy, Deputy Vice Chair-
back to shortages of forgings and castings man for Prod, WPB, for L. R. Boulware, 9 Jun
44, WPB PD 641.243C, NA. For the February cut
for heavy duty axles, engines, and trans- in requirements, see Memo, Fletcher E. Nyce to
missions, and to the time required to Murphy, 4 Feb 44, sub: Mtg February 3, 1944.
bring new producers into the picture. The . . , WPB 631.2412, NA.
Rpt Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, Detroit, 22 Apr
results were not good, and, what was even 44, p. 26, OHF. See also Ann Rpt ASF FY 1944,
worse, there was no immediate relief in p. 148; Ann Rpt WPB Automotive Div 1944, p.
sight. Col. Emerson L. Cummings bluntly 14, WPB 053.108, NA; and Memo, Minton, ASF,
for CofOrd, 5 Feb 44, sub: Possibilities of In-
declared at a Detroit conference in April creasing Prod . . . , with 1st Indorsement, 14
1944: "The second quarter is going to be Feb 44, CofOrd to CG, ASF, OO 400.12/11689.


Includes 1,460 that were remanufactured, converted, or modified.
Source: S u m m a r y Report of Acceptances Tank-Automotive Matériel 1940-45, by OCO-D, pp. III-IV OHF. This source
also gives acceptances by t r u c k types from each manufacturer. The two models with highest volume were the 6-ton, 6x6, and
the 10-ton 6x4.

the WPB Production Consultants Com- mediate WPB directive to cope with the
mittee, wired WPB Chairman Donald M. problem.109 This procedure, one of the
Nelson that, since truck production was most potent weapons in the WPB arsenal,
"sadly behind schedule," someone in au- had psychological as well as legal effect.
thority had to decide what was wanted It proclaimed to all industry that compo-
most and then had to enforce that de- nent parts for heavy trucks were to be
cision. "Someone must recognize bottle-
necks which are choking our program," 108
Telg, Bush to Nelson, 12 Jun 44, WPB, PD
Bush declared, "and issue directives that 631.241 C, NA. For discussion of the problem of
will insure preference and priority being identifying orders for castings with end products,
see War Production in 1944, Report of the Chair-
given to castings."108 Under the "special man of the War Production Board, Page 92.
directives treatment," manufacturers un- Ltr, Murphy, Deputy Vice Chairman for
Prod, WPB, to Manufacturers of Heavy Trucks,
able to obtain supplies needed to meet Truck Trailers, and Components for Such Ve-
production schedules could appeal hicles, 8 Nov 43, copy in PSP on Prod Plng, 16
through channels for a special and im- Jun 45.

given the right of way over all other traffic, Italian campaign also had its truck re-
except artillery and landing craft. But it quirements, and in the Far East there was
was not widely used and did not work a constant demand for heavy trucks to
miracles. It had to be followed up by haul supplies over the Stilwell Road to
periodic conferences and visits to the China. In the spring of 1945 there were
plants by WPB and Ordnance represen- actually more 4-ton 6x6's in the Pacific
tatives to deal with specific problems at the Area than in the European Theater of
source.110 Operations.114 Every theater had its own
As June gave way to July, the Allied peculiar needs, and the supply had often
armies overcame initial enemy resistance to be spread dangerously thin.
and began to move inland. After winning Throughout the summer of 1944 heavy
the battle for Normandy they drove into truck production slowly gained momen-
Brittany and swung around to outflank tum. From 3,800 in June and 3,980 in
Paris from the south. Hard-driving arm- July it rose to 4,518 in August and to
ored units led the advance that soon 6,347 in December. (See Table 22.) The
brought about the liberation of Paris and work of WPB and Ordnance committees,
of all France. To keep pace, the supporting plus all the other measures taken to speed
forces called for more and more trucks of output, helped boost production totals,
all kinds. Because French railroads had
been systematically bombed by Allied air
forces to hamper German resistance, and (1) Ltr, Murphy, Deputy Vice Chairman for
Prod, WPB, to Manufacturers of Heavy Trucks,
had been further destroyed by retreating 22 Jun 44; (2) Joint Operating Instructions No.
Germans, many supplies and reinforce- 4, 19 Jun 44, sub: Heavy Truck Program. Both
ments had to move forward during the in WPB file PD 631.241 C. NA. See also telg,
Wilson, WPB Executive Vice Chairman, to Selec-
early months of the campaign in truck ted List of Foundries and Forge Shops, 20 Jun 44,
convoys over ever-lengthening supply quoted in Auxier, op. cit., p. 86; PSP on Prod
routes. To meet this emergency the famous Plng, and Batcheller, Critical Programs, a Rpt to
WPB, 14 Nov 44, p. 13, WPB 210.3 R NA.
Red Ball Express, employing 5,958 ve- 111
Memo, Chief of Transportation for CG ASF,
hicles at one point, was organized in Au- 23 Jun 44, sub: Cargo Hauling Vehicles for ETO,
gust to provide a fast and uninterrupted copy in ASF Prod Div 451.2 Trailers. See also
Wardlow, Transportation Corps: Responsibilities,
flow of supplies to the advancing front-line Organization, and Operations, pp. 91-92, and
troops. It was for such long-distance haul- Roland G. Ruppenthal, Logistical Support, vol.
ing that heavy-heavy trucks were needed I, ch. XIV.
Incl 3 to Memo, CG ASF for Dir, Office
in large numbers. But there were never of War Mobilization and Reconversion, 7 Dec 44;
enough to meet the demand.111 Lighter Gen Clay's reading file, G1595.
trucks, forced to carry emergency overloads Ruppenthal, Logistical Support, vol. I, p.
555. Chapter XIV of this volume, with the title
and run for long distances at high speeds, "Transportation in the Pursuit," describes the Red
soon wore out.112 Theater transportation Ball Express and the condition of railroads in
officers were convinced that the lack of some detail. See also Cole, The Lorraine Cam-
paign, Pages 23-25 and 595, and an urgent
heavy-duty trucks "contributed materially appeal by the Chief of Transportation in Memo,
to the bogging down of [combat] opera- to CG ASF, 23 Jun 44, sub: Cargo Hauling
tions in the first days of September." 113 Vehicles for ETO, ASF Prod Div files 451.2
Trucks 1944, 19B, G1996.
The supply line to France was not the 114
Transport Vehicle Mission to Europe, Apr
only one that called for heavy trucks. The 45, R&D file, OHF.

but the chief reason for increased output panel delivery trucks, weapons carriers,
was simply the passage of time. No bomb service trucks, buses, repair vehicles,
matter what else was done, it took time to fire trucks, huge tank trucks for hauling
bring in new producers of essential com- gasoline or water, and tractors for towing
ponents. In the case of Standard Steel big guns. Four broad categories—half-
Spring, to cite one important example, it tracks, tractors, tank transporters and
took twelve months—from November 1943 wreckers, and truck-trailer combinations
to November 1944—to convert an armor —illustrate the procurement problems in
plate plant to production of truck axles.115 this area.
As Ordnance officers frequently remarked,
"You can't turn production on and off like Half-Track Cars and Personnel Carriers
a spigot." Even with the rise in the pro-
duction curve during the latter half of the These hybrid vehicles, standing midway
year, the 1944 total fell short of require- between trucks and tanks, were closer to
ments—only 50,862 against initial demand the former than to the latter. They con-
for 67,000. sisted of lightly armored truck chassis with
Early in 1945 requirements for the year standard front wheels for steering and
ahead were set at approximately 60,000 track-laying rear drives to give them
heavy-heavy trucks on the assumption that greater cross-country mobility. When de-
fighting would continue for some time in signed primarily as mobile mounts for ma-
Europe and then the final attack on Japan chine gun or light artillery pieces they
would be launched. Somewhat less than were known as gun motor carriages, but,
the original 1944 requirement, the figure when built primarily for transporting
was nevertheless challenging, for it ex- troops or cargo in combat zones, they were
ceeded actual 1944 production. Ordnance called either cars or carriers.117 The latter
drew up plans to expand capacity for were normally armed with one or more
major components such as Hercules engines machine guns and other small arms and,
and Clark transmissions and to keep unlike gun motor carriages, were procured
Standard Steel Spring producing axles.116 in comparatively large quantities. The
But, with the surrender of Germany in Autocar Company and the White Motor
early May, the pressure was relieved and
schedules were cut back. Hist, St. Louis Ord Dist, V, p. 13, pp. 72-
73, pp. 93-94, pp. 101-102; VI, pp. 90-100, VII,
pp. 55-64; VIII, p. 73-80, IX, pp. 90-103. See
Special Vehicle Types also Hist Rpt, Ord Industry Integration Comm.
for Axles and Transmissions, 1943-45; Rpt Meet-
In addition to the standard types and ing, APC, 28 Dec 44 (dated 3 Jan 45), in APC
file PD 631.04095, WPB files, NA; and monthly
sizes of trucks, Ordnance procured a be- reports to WPB on Critical Programs by Hiland
wildering array of special vehicles, rang- G. Batcheller, 1944-45, WPB 210.3 R, NA.
ing from light pickup and dump trucks to (1) Memo, Director Auto Div WPB for Lt
Col H. P. Valentine, ASF, 8 Feb 45, sub: Program
heavy wreckers and giant diesel-powered Determination No. 7 1 3 . . . , ASF Prod Div, 19-
tank transporters. A mere cataloging of B, 451.2 Trucks 1945; (2) Memo, Actg Director
truck types in the fall of 1943 required of Matériel ASF for Chairman WPB, 6 Jan 45,
sub: ASF Truck Program for 1945, same file.
178 pages in TM9-2800. Among the better 117
Gun motor carriages are discussed in Chap-
known types were ambulances, carryalls, ters V and X.
Company turned out some 16,400 half- used chiefly by the Corps of Engineers,
track cars of various models. These two ASF directed Ordnance in 1943 to turn
concerns, along with the Diamond T over to the Engineers full responsibility for
Motor Company and the International their procurement and supply.121
Harvester Company, produced 22,837
half-track carriers of various models. Ord- Tank Transporters and Heavy Wreckers
nance formed a Half-Track Integrating
Committee in September 1942 to co- During World War I, trucks were em-
ordinate the efforts of the four producers. ployed to save wear and tear on light
There were many design changes in half- tanks by hauling them up to the forward
track vehicles, and frequent changes in areas. But as tanks grew heavier and better
requirements, but otherwise half-track able to travel long distances under their
production posed no unusual problems for own power this practice was abandoned.
manufacturers or for Ordnance.118 The earliest tank transporters in World
War II were designed for a different pur-
Tractors pose—removing disabled tanks from
points along lines of evacuation or supply.
Before the war, only trucks and They were not standard cargo trucks but
commercial-type tractors were available combinations of truck-tractors and low-
for towing heavy artillery weapons, and it bed trailers such as one occasionally sees
was widely believed that special tractors on the highway loaded with heavy con-
for this purpose were not needed. But struction machinery. Because of the laws
experience soon showed that battlefield con- governing over-all dimensions of vehicles,
ditions demanded specially designed ve- maximum loads on axles, and tire sizes,
hicles, and in 1941 Ordnance undertook the early models did not give good off-the-
development of full-tracked, high-speed road performance and could not be used
prime movers for cross-country towing of
big guns. Four high-speed types eventually
went into production, the 7-ton for towing (1) The Design, Development, Engineering
light equipment, the 13-ton for towing and Production of Half-Track Vehicles, 1940-
1944, OHF; (2) Catalog of Standard Ord Items;
155-mm. howitzers, the 18-ton for towing (3) A History of Half-Track Vehicles, Jun 46,
155-mm. guns and 8-inch howitzers, and OHF; (4) Ltr, Col Gerald B. Devore, president
the powerful 38-ton that could pull 240- of Armored Force Bd, to CG, Armored Force,
22 July 1942, sub: Half-Track Personnel Carrier,
mm. and 8-inch guns over rough terrain M5, and 7 Indorsements, OO 451/756 (c) ; (5)
and maneuver them into firing position.119 Memo, 1st Lt Eldon M. Messersmith for M. B.
Caterpillar Tractor, International Harves- F. Jones and others, 7 Oct 42, sub: Organization
of the Half-Track Prod Comm., copy in OHF.
ter, Cleveland Tractor, and Allis-Chalmers 119
(1) Barnes, Weapons of World War II, pp.
started production in 1940 and 1941 on 271-81; 120
(2) TM 9-2800, sec. X.
the 7-ton model but did not begin produc- Whiting, Statistics, p. 42.
(1) OCM 22535, 30 Dec 43; (2) OCM
ing the 13-ton and 18-ton types until 21873, 16 Oct 43; (3) Memo, CofOrd for CG
1943, or the 38-ton until 1944. Roughly ASF, 27 Oct 43, sub: Commercial Low Speed
21,000 of all four types combined were Tractors—Transfer ... to ... Engineers, OO
451.3/194- See also correspondence on this sub-
produced before V-J Day.120 As low- ject during October 1942 in Gen Glancy's file,
speed tractors for construction work were OCO-D, D 56-347.

HALF-TRACK CARS M2, built primarily to transport cargo and personnel in combat areas,
nearing completion at the White Motor Company, June 1941.

for battlefield recovery. But, as the war ried all sorts of equipment for administer-
progressed, new and improved types came ing first aid to disabled vehicles, including
into service along with tank retrievers, i.e., an oxyacetylene cutting and welding outfit.
medium tanks fitted with winches, cranes, The best known heavy wrecker was the
and other wrecking equipment. The huge 10-ton M1A1, an outgrowth of the M1's
40-45-ton tank transporters had an armor- built by Corbitt in 1939. Ward LaFrance
protected cab for their crews and mounted made the first M1A1 version in 1942, and
a .50-caliber machine gun on the roof. Kenworth was later brought into the pic-
Equipped with three powerful winches, ture to boost production. Basically a
they could pull a mired tank out of the heavy-duty 6x6 truck, the M1A1 carried
mud or haul a disabled tank behind the a single-boom crane mounted behind the
lines for repair. Fruehauf Trailer Company, cab as well as winches front and rear and
holder of the prime contract for these a small arsenal of wrecking tools. Of the
vehicles, subcontracted the work first to smaller wreckers, the 6-ton model was
Knuckey Truck and later to Pacific Car
and Foundry, which had greater capac- 122
(1) Barnes, Weapons of World War II, pp.
ity.122 269-70; (2) Army Ordnance, XXX, No. 154
(January-February 1946), 76; (3) Report on De-
Along with tank transporters went other sign, Development, Engineering, and Manufactur-
trouble-shooting vehicles known as heavy ing, 14 Oct 44, OCO-D, OHF; (4) Wheeled
wreckers. These were big trucks that car- Vehicle Project, Oct 44-May 45, OCO-D, OHF.

T 123 by Mack and the 4-ton by Diamond Total production of military transport
vehicles from 1939 to 1945 amounted to
more than 3 million vehicles, counting
Truck-trailer Combinations passenger cars, motorcycles, and bicycles.
(Table 23) Ranging from 1/4-ton jeeps to
For hauling cargo long distances over giant tank transporters, the list included
improved roads the most efficient vehicle about forty different vehicle types. Roughly
was the big truck-trailer combination. It one-third of the total was procured by the
consisted of a so-called truck tractor, Quartermaster Corps before the transfer
ranging in size from a 1-1/2-ton 4x2 up to to Ordnance in August 1942. In terms of
an 8-ton 6x4, and a trailer of proportionate number of units delivered, peak procure-
size. The standard van-type trailer or ment came in June 1942 when 62,258
semitrailer for general cargo had a box- trucks of all kinds were accepted. Total
shaped body with either one or two cost of World War II transport vehicles,
axles.124 This type of trailer could be put including spare parts and tools, was some-
to an infinite variety of uses other than thing over $7 billion, with prices ranging
hauling general cargo. It could be fitted from about $1,000 for a jeep to nearly
to carry anything from pigeons to horses, $6,000 for a Dukw and $14,000 for a
and was suitable for use as a refrigerator heavy wrecker.127
car, map reproduction unit, JOT shop for Although more than two dozen firms
repair of shoes, clothing, or delicate instru- held major truck contracts, the bulk of the
ments. Some models served as mobile Army's cars and trucks came from the
laundries, photographic laboratories, or Big Three of the industry. The number of
bathing and sterilizing units. Still others trailer manufacturers ran into scores, and
were specially designed for hauling tele- the number of subcontractors making
phone poles, chemical containers, bombs, parts and assemblies of all kinds ran into
radio antennae, gasoline, or ponton bridge hundreds. As most contractors turned out
Production of the truck tractor portion (1) Summary Rpt of Acceptances, Tank-
of the combination was essentially the Automotive Matériel 1940-45, pp. 113-25; (2)
TM 9-2800, pp. 286-313; (3) PP 47, pp. 54-56.
same as building standard trucks and was 124
A trailer had two axles and could "stand on
handled by established truck makers. In its own feet." A semitrailer had only one axle
the manufacture of trailers and semitrail- and had to rest on a dolly when not on the move,
or on the truck tractor which pulled it.
ers, a comparatively simple process, a host 125
TM 9-2800, sec. XV.
of firms participated, some producing only For a tabulation of types, companies, quanti-
a few hundred and others turning out tens ties, and contract numbers, see Summary Rpt of
Acceptances, Tank-Automotive Matériel 1940-
of thousands. The biggest volume came in 45. Numerous documents on trailer procurement
the smaller sizes, (up to one ton) with are127in ASF Prod Div 19B, 451.3 Trailers.
American Bantam, Ben Hur, Checker Cab, (1) Summary Rpt of Acceptances, Tank-
Automotive Matériel 1940-45; (2) Whiting,
Gerstenslager, Nash - Kelvinator, and Statistics; (3) Summary Hist Engineering-Manu-
Willys-Overland among the leading pro- facturing Division, OCO-D, copy in OHF; (4)
ducers. In the larger sizes, Fruehauf, Ord Supply Catalog, ORD 5-3-1, Hq ASF, 9
Aug 45; (5) Ordnance Wheeled Vehicle Program
Gramm, Highway, Trailmobile, and 1939-45, prepared by Rqmts and Progress Br,
Winter-Weiss led the list.126 Prod Div, OCO-D, 28 Mar 46, copy in OHF.


Excludes 82,099 commercial type tractors procured by the Corps of Engineers.
Source: Whiting, Statistics, and Summary Report of Acceptances Tank-Automotive Matériel 1940-45, by OCO-D, copy
in OHF.

vehicles closely allied to their peacetime lend-lease. But not all the trucks produced
products they were able to use existing by either firm were identical. Some GMC
plants with little change and to turn out 2-1/2-ton trucks used the Timken axle
products that had already been tested and while others used the General Motors axle,
proved by years of experience. There was and there were other variations. Even
no Standard Fleet such as Motor Transport with the jeep there were a few noninter-
officers had fought for during the inter- changeable parts, and with the Dukw the
war years, but neither was there a repeti- variations were so numerous that, as
tion of World War I experience. Although noted above, engineers joked that no two
the number of different types was high, Dukw's were really identical. Yet the
there were only about thirty different Dukw was built on the 2-1/2-ton chassis,
makes in World War II, and of this num- and between the two vehicles there were
ber only five were high volume items.128 more than one thousand interchangeable
The jeep was the outstanding example parts. The greatest diversity of types came
of standardization, with Willys and Ford in the heavy-heavy category where nearly
turning out more than six hundred thou- a score of producers took part and the
sand nearly identical models. The 2-1/2-
ton, 6x6, was another, with General 128
See list titled Types of Vehicles, OHF, and
Motors producing those issued to the U.S. Summary Rpt of Acceptances, Tank-Automotive
Army, and Studebaker those needed for Matériel 1940-45.
number of noninterchangeable components But minor changes were frequently ap-
quickly multiplied. proved under the title of Engineering
Many different models of engines were Change Orders (ECO's). This, it should
used but nearly all were of the liquid- be noted, is standard practice in private
cooled gasoline type. A few air-cooled industry and is unavoidable when new
models were tested during the 1930's but models are introduced, whether one is pro-
none saw service in the war. Diesel engines ducing trucks, washing machines, or air-
were produced only for some lend-lease planes. With the exception of the Dukw,
trucks and for a limited number of heavy the flow of ECO's on military trucks was
duty vehicles. The policy of procuring com- not out of line with commercial practice or
mercial vehicles for Army use precluded with experience in other areas of war
adoption of new devices such as auto- production. Perhaps the chief difficulty in
matic transmissions which had not yet this area was the lack of adequate liaison
been put into production for commercial between the armies in the field and the
vehicles. Office Chief of Ordnance in Detroit. En-
It is sometimes asserted that truck pro- gineering changes that originated with ex-
duction in World War II was unduly de- perienced automotive engineers, whether in
layed by the Army's search for perfection. Detroit or overseas, were usually based or.
Prolonged testing and retesting of vehicles sound principles, but in many instances
by the technical services and by the com- requests for modifications came from offi-
bat arms have been blamed for loss of cers in the field with no explanation as to
precious time in getting volume produc- their purpose or necessity, and without
tion under way. But the facts do not bear review by competent automotive special-
out this criticism. There was rigorous test- ists. The Engineering Division in Detroit
ing of pilot models, to be sure, followed complained that, as a result, the Army was
by numerous design changes, but the in the position of having its right hand
testing and redesigning were not carried to ignorant of what its left hand was doing,
extremes. In most cases standard commer- and of making design modifications with-
cial trucks were put into production with out adequate engineering study.129
very few basic design changes. Minor mod- One of the incredible features of World
ifications were always being made to meet War II truck production was that it lagged
specific military needs, but major modifi- behind schedule year after year. With all
cations were rare. Two completely new its vaunted capacity to lead the world in
vehicles—the jeep and the Dukw—were automotive production, the United States
designed, tested, and adopted in record turned in a poorer score on trucks than on
time. Both went into volume production most other items of military equipment.
quickly and both were highly successful in Light and medium trucks, closely akin to
the field. The using arms were cool normal production of the automotive in-
toward the idea of an amphibian truck at dustry, generally met their schedules, but
the start but they lost no time in adopt-
ing it after they saw the Dukw in action.
After production got under way the 129
(1) Interv with Lt Col John H. Davis, Ord
basic design of vehicles was frozen unless R&D Div, 2 Jun 55; (2) Draft MS entitled The
some really serious weakness developed. Lessons of World War II in Roberts file.
light-heavy (2-1/2-ton) models fell short tions, of course. Countless examples of
of requirements both in 1942 and 1943. mechanical ingenuity in keeping vehicles
This was partly the Army's fault. After running might be cited, but the toll from
underestimating its needs for heavy-heavy neglect and abuse was terrific. Overloaded
trucks early in the war the Army in mid- vehicles were driven recklessly at excessive
1943 set impossible goals for their produc- speeds over good roads and bad with the
tion in 1944, and the goals were not met. result that tires, brakes, motors, clutches,
A great deal of time and effort was de- and transmissions wore out at an alarming
voted to studying the bottlenecks, but no rate. In spite of efforts to enforce mainte-
really effective action was taken to deal nance discipline, many soldier drivers ap-
with them. All things considered, the auto- peared to consider their position behind
motive industry did a magnificent job, but the wheel as an opportunity to demonstrate
it could not work miracles. both their courage and their powers of
Another discouraging facet of the situa- destruction. Bill Mauldin, the Army's satir-
tion was the inexcusable abuse meted out ical cartoonist, once drew a soldier me-
to military trucks by some of their drivers, chanic, possibly from Ordnance, standing
young and irresponsible enlisted men not atop a pile of wrecked vehicles and calling
adequately trained or properly indoctrin- to his buddy, "I'll be derned. Here's one
ated with the need for treating their what wuz wrecked in combat." Much of
vehicles with the same care that cavalry- the hard usage meted out to trucks was, of
men gave to their horses in years gone by. course, unavoidable, but all of it, avoidable
The average American soldier was regarded or not, added to the Ordnance problem of
as possessing more mechanical aptitude maintenance. The casualty rate among ve-
and experience than the soldiers of any hicles was so high, and the load on mainte-
other army in the world, but he often nance units so heavy, that a separate
gave a poor account of himself in handling chapter is required to deal with the prob-
military trucks. There were many excep- lem of spare parts.

Spare Parts for Vehicles

The term "spare parts" has an unfortu- something more intricate like a burned-out
nate connotation. It suggests something bearing. "This is not a war of ammunition,
unimportant, dull, and uninteresting. It tanks, guns, and trucks alone," wrote Ernie
also brings to mind the thought of a fifth Pyle, the famed correspondent.
wheel on a cart, something not wholly It is as much a war of replenishing spare
necessary that under normal conditions can parts to keep them in combat as it is a war
be done without or "spared." of major equipment. . . . The gasket that
But all these connotations are com- leaks, the fan belt that breaks, the nut that
pletely misleading when we examine closely is lost . . . will delay GI Joe on the road
to Berlin just as much as if he didn't have
the role of spare parts in World War II. a vehicle in which to start.2
As far as Ordnance history is concerned, it
is no exaggeration to say that spare parts, In World War II the role of the prover-
particularly for trucks and tanks, posed bial horseshoe nail in battles of the distant
one of the most important and persistent past was assumed by a host of mechan-
problems of the whole war. In Africa, ical items—spark plugs, distributor points,
General Rommel's success in recovering condensers, generators, carburetors, gas-
from defeats was often ascribed to the kets, fuel pumps, tires, tank tracks, and so
fact that he was well supplied with parts on and on. Their types were numbered in
and had a competent maintenance organ- the hundreds of thousands, and the quan-
ization while the British were less well off. tities of some, like spark plugs and tires,
"When I die," a high-ranking British Ord- ran into the millions. They formed
nance officer once remarked, " 'spare parts' several different categories, including
will be written across my heart." 1 small individual pieces such as spark plugs
The basic reason for the spare parts
problem lies in the fact that an Army tank
or truck does not last for one hundred Maj Gen L. H. Williams, Controller of Ord
and Director of Warlike Supplies, British War
years, as did the Deacon's wonderful one- Office, at a conf on 27 Sep 43, quoted in Hines,
hoss shay. Nor does it all fall apart at once History of the General Purpose Vehicle in ETO,
—"like a bubble when it bursts"—unless vol. I, OHF. For evidence that the Germans
also had tank maintenance problems, see DA
blasted by an enemy mine or shell. It Pamphlet No. 20-202, Jun 54, German Tank
usually breaks down one part at a time. Maintenance in World War II.
And the whole vehicle may be immobilized Quoted in Wheels of Victory, the Story of
Industry-Ordnance Accomplishment in the Tank
for lack of that one part, whether it be a and Automotive Field, OCO-D, Nov 45, p. 12,
simple item like a cracked spark plug or OHF.

and points; larger subassemblies such as their motor fleets in operation.

carburetors or generators; and big assem- Another distinction of importance was
blies such as complete engines or rear that between the old and the new. Ord-
axles. They ranged in size from delicate nance experience with rifles and artillery
springs weighing a fraction of an ounce weapons ran back for over one hundred
to tank engines weighing more than half a years, and with machine guns for about
ton. They had to be produced in huge half that time. Decades of development
quantities and also had to be named, work, combined with long experience in
numbered, packed, and shipped to all field maintenance, had built up a solid
corners of the globe. "Almost anywhere in backlog of maintenance data, including
the world you can get spare parts for the fairly exact knowledge of what replacement
family car when it breaks down," Colonel parts would be needed. Throughout World
Van Deusen once observed. "Not so with War II there were, as a consequence, few
an Army truck; it has to take its mechanic complaints of parts shortages for shooting
civilization with it. If it travels light it ordnance. "It is the rarest thing I ever
may not travel far." 3 In the middle of the hear that there is a shortage of machine
war the rate of Ordnance shipment of gun parts or artillery parts," General
spare parts to the using arms and lend- Campbell commented early in 1944. "On
lease countries amounted to more than one the other hand, there is hardly a day,
hundred million pieces per month.4 hardly an hour, that I don't hear about a
shortage of automotive parts." 5 Because
Categories of Parts tanks and trucks were comparatively new
items of military supply they had not been
When cars and trucks were placed be- through a century of development, test,
side tanks and heavy guns, the contrast and field maintenance. Further, they were
between commercial design and military complex mechanisms whose proper func-
design made itself clear. Except for a few tioning depended upon precise integration
components, tanks and big guns were de- of countless moving parts. In addition to
signed entirely by Ordnance, or under its all this, trucks were called upon to perform
direct supervision. The drawings and speci-
fications for every part were kept on file 3
Quotations from speech by Col Edwin S. Van
in Ordnance and could not be changed Deusen before SAE, New York, 19 Feb 42.
without its consent. Further, tanks and For discussion of spare parts supply, number-
ing, and distribution within the Field Service area,
guns were produced only for military use, see Chapter XIX, below. For a brief summary of
not for ordinary commercial sale, and the the spare parts story, see draft of booklet, Ord-
same was true of their spare parts. Trucks, nance Spare Parts in Mechanized Warfare, Au-
gust 1944, copy in P4341, OHF. A much more
on the other hand, were designed by in- detailed account is Clifford and Alspaugh, Record
dustry primarily for commercial sale, and, of U.S. Army Ordnance Combat and Motor
before the war, only incidentally for sale to Transport Vehicle Spare Parts Policies and Oper-
ations. Brief historical reports and scores of docu-
the government. As wholesale and retail ments are to be found in OCO-D History of
outlets all over the country carried sup- Spare Parts, Project No. 54, Volumes 43-44,
plies of spare parts for cars and trucks, P4336. See also section on spare parts in Annual
Report Requirements Division ASF, ASF file.
Army repair shops were able to purchase 5
Rpt Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, 18 Jan 44, New
locally whatever parts they needed to keep York, N.Y., p. 4, OHF.

their strenuous missions day after day, hicles.7 Before the order was placed en-
often working around the clock, over rough gineers of the Industrial Service, with the
terrain, and in all kinds of weather. While concurrence of Field Service maintenance
rifles, guns, and howitzers were fired only specialists, had compiled a list of "essential
for short periods in training or in combat, extra parts" needed to keep the tanks in
motor vehicles were always in demand and repair for one year of war. Lacking data
were in actual use a great deal of the from combat experience, the engineers
time.6 could make only estimates, taking into ac-
These distinctions gave rise in Ordnance count the number of miles the tanks would
and the Quartermaster Corps to sharply probably run, estimated hours of opera-
differing spare parts policies. With sup- tion, results of proving ground tests, and
plies available from commercial outlets, the other factors. The parts on this list were
QMC did not carry warehouse stocks of known as "first year parts" or, because
parts for peacetime maintenance of the they were delivered concurrently with the
Army's cars and trucks. As a result, it had vehicles, "concurrent parts." Standard
no real spare parts problem in peacetime, shop supplies such as solder, welding rod,
except insofar as the great variety of ve- cotton waste, gaskets, and nuts and bolts
hicles made it a problem. For tanks and were procured in bulk by Field Service
other combat vehicles, on the other hand, along with such standard commercial items
there were no local garages carrying peri- as spark plugs, batteries, oil seals, radi-
scopes, tank tracks, or spare gun tubes. ator hose, and tires.8 Also procured con-
Ordnance had to maintain its own supply currently with the vehicles, these items
of such parts. It is true that the burden were described as Field Service supplies
was not very heavy, for the few tanks in to distinguish them from first year spares
service saw little if any use during the procured by the Industrial Service.
average peace year and big guns were When Ordnance depots occasionally
seldom fired. But the principle of keeping ran short of parts to repair deadlined ve-
on hand a full stock of maintenance parts hicles they bought directly from automo-
for weapons and combat vehicles was tive dealers or requested procurement
firmly rooted in Ordnance long before through Rock Island or the district offices.
1940. The parts thus obtained went under the
name of "deficiency parts" as they were
Spare Parts in Ordnance, 1939-1940 used to make up unexpected deficiencies in

The Ordnance contract for 329 light 6

tanks placed with American Car and For a discussion of this theme, see Brig. Gen.
Julian S. Hatcher, "Automotive Spare Parts,"
Foundry in November 1939 is historically Army Ordnance, XXVII, No. 146 (September-
important as the first U.S. Army tank October 1944) 257ff.
order awarded industry since World In 1939 the governing regulation was OO
Memo No. 467, 2 March 1935. It was later re-
War I. It is also significant in the World placed by OO Memo No. 510, 21 January 1941.
War II history of vehicular spare parts Copies in folder marked Spare Parts, ORDIR-
because, following standard Ordnance T 64 0-
A .
For tires and other rubber products, see Green,
policy, it included a provision for replace- Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions for
ment parts as well as for complete ve- War, Chapter XVIII.

depot stocks. This practice served well nized the needs for parts but was more
during peacetime, but after Pearl Harbor directly influenced by pressure to procure
the mounting flow of requests for small complete items. Production of a carload of
quantities of many deficiency parts led to extra carburetors or spare tires did not
confusion and had to be discontinued.9 make news; nor did it satisfy the demands
A new system was then introduced to of the Assistant Secretary of War half as
procure second-year parts for all equip- well as did production of an additional
ment. The quantities on the second-year tank or carload of complete machine
lists amounted to 60 percent of the first guns. The essence of the difficulty was the
year lists and were to be delivered within calculation of requirements. When General
six months of delivery of the original Harris questioned the need for the huge
item.10 quantities of parts that Field Service
In 1940, when defense production rap- wanted for spares, and asked to see the
idly gained momentum, estimates of Ord- records of parts consumption on which
nance parts requirements reached what they were based, General Crain replied
then appeared to be staggering totals. Dur- that the records were fragmentary or non-
ing fiscal year 1940 the Department had existent. He contended that troops in the
spent on spare parts over $15 million field should not be burdened with de-
—more than the entire Ordnance appro- mands for consumption data but should
priation in earlier years—and plans called
for spending ten times as much in fiscal Roy W. Stosch, Spare Parts and Supplies Re-
plenishment, sec. 6 of PSP 63, Stock Control and
1941. A survey in the fall of 1940 by an Supply Control Policy and Practice, by OCO, Jun
industrial consultant, Lawrence S. Barroll, 45, OHF.
showed that roughly 20 percent of all For a brief summary by an ASF officer, see
Memo, Col Phillips W. Smith for Brig Gen
funds apportioned for new materiel went Albert J. Browning, Director ASF Purchases Div,
into spare parts.11 In view of the magni- 5 Apr 44, sub: Proc of Standard Motor Vehicle
tude and complexity of parts procurement Spare Parts, copy in folder Whom Do We Buy
From?, P4340. See also Memo, Duffy, OCO for
after Pearl Harbor, Ordnance decided to ASF, 27 Mar 44, sub: Spare Parts Proc Policy,
give its parts policies and practices a OO 451.01/8190, and Memo, Howard, OCO-D
careful re-examination. Barroll was again for Col Phillips Smith, ASF, 8 Mar 44, sub: Spare
Parts Proc Policy, T617.
called in late in 1942 to study the situa- 11
Study of U.S.A. Ordnance Department Spare
tion. Many conferences were held to Parts Procedure, 8 Oct 40, by Lawrence S. Barroll,
discuss proposed new procedures.12 Technical Consultant of the office of W. K. Nor-
ton, Washington, D.C. (hereafter cited as Barroll
One of the underlying difficulties at the Rpt, 1940), in PSP 63, ex.1. An earlier version
start was the need for closer co-ordination dated
-A, 13 Sep
folder 40 may
on spare be found in ORDIR T640
between Field Service and Industrial Serv- 12
Lawrence S. Barroll, Survey of Ordnance
ice. Because of the nature of their func- Spare Parts Supply, 26 Dec 42 (hereafter cited
tions these two services did not always see as Barroll Rpt, 1942), in PSP 63, ex. 2. This
eye to eye on spare parts.13 Alert to its survey reviews the situation as it existed in 1940
and describes development during 1941 and 1942.
duty to keep depots and field units always The stock control aspect of the Barroll report is
well supplied, and mindful of its long ex- discussed below in Chapter XIX.
perience with the knotty problems of main- For an example of disagreement between
Field Service and Industrial Service on parts
tenance, Field Service gave high priority to lists, see Report, Wesson Conference, 31 October
spare parts. The Industrial Service recog- 1940.

be supplied automatically, at least in the 1939 were still unfilled. This was con-
early stages of war. "I did not believe in trary to standing instructions, replied the
blind automatic supply of spare parts," Industrial Service representatives. But that
wrote General Harris years later. "I be- was of little help to General Crain.18 A
lieved rather in selective supply based on year later the problem apparently still
consumption experience." 14 Lacking ex- existed. General Harris found it necessary
perience data, Field Service tended to set at that time to call the policy on spare
requirements high to be sure of having parts orders to the attention of his division
enough, and Industrial Service tended to chiefs and direct them in forceful language
set them low to allow more production of to give top priority to Field Service requisi-
complete items. tions for parts and to expedite their pro-
Another difficulty cited by Barroll in his duction "in every way possible." 19
1940 report was that the division of spare Another troublesome problem was the
parts responsibility between the two serv- delay in compiling parts lists for new
ices was too vague. He recommended that items and getting them into the hands of
Field Service be given full responsibility for contractors. With the ACF light tank order
determining parts requirements and that in 1939, parts lists had been provided
the Industrial Service be responsible only promptly. But with the medium tank,
for placing the orders with industry or the which went into production in 1940 while
arsenals.15 Meanwhile a conference of design work was still in progress, the story
Field Service and Industrial Service repre- was different. By the end of February 1941
sentatives came to the opposite conclusion the medium tank contracts with American
—that the Industrial Service should be Locomotive, Baldwin Locomotive, and
responsible for preparing parts lists.16
General Wesson, apparently not agreeing 14
Ltr, Maj Gen Charles T. Harris, Jr. (Ret.)
fully with either proposal, in early Novem- to Thomson, 25 Aug 55, OHF.
ber 1940 appointed a permanent Spare Barroll Rpt, 1940. See also Memo, Chief of
FS for Chief of Ind Serv, 23 Aug 40, sub: Proc
Parts Board, headed by the chief of of Spare Parts . . . and Memo, Lt Col William
Field Service, to review and approve all A. Borden, for Col Gladeon M. Barnes, 23 Aug
parts lists before the Industrial Service 40, sub: Spare Parts, both in folder marked
Spare Parts ORDIR T640-A. For a critical re-
placed orders with industry.17 view of the Barroll report, see Memo, Borden for
Appointment of this board was a step in Lt. Col. Walter W. Warner, 21 September 1940,
the right direction but it did not solve the sub: Spare Parts, in folder marked Spare Parts,
A .
whole problem by any means. In mid- 16
Memo, Chief FS for ACoflnd Serv, Engr, 13
January 1941 when General Wesson in- Sep 40, sub: Preparation of Essential Extra Parts
quired at an 11 o'clock conference how Lists, OO 451.01/98.
(1) Ord SO No. 263, 7 Nov 40; (2) Min,
spare parts were coming along, the answer Wesson Confs, 31 Oct 40. The other members of
of General Crain, chief of Field Service, the board were representatives of the Industrial
was, "Not so well." For one thing, he Service, Fiscal Division, and General Office. The
minutes of the board are in OHF.
reported, Rock Island Arsenal, because of 18
Min, Wesson Confs, 15 Jan 41. See also
the pressure to meet production goals, was same source 28 Jan 42 and OOM 510, 21 Jan 41.
giving priority to complete items and was Memo, Maj Gen Charles Harris, for Chiefs
of Divs, 30 Jan 42, sub: Placing Orders for and
neglecting parts. He complained that some Prod of Spare Parts, copy in Min, Spare Parts
parts orders placed with the arsenal in Board, OHF.

Chrysler still did not provide for produc- weeks of 1942 the Under Secretary of War
tion of spare parts lists because the parts and other high-ranking officials kept al-
lists had not yet been completed.20 As most daily tab on the output of tanks,
late as December 1942, Barroll declared guns, and ammunition, and constantly ex-
that preparation of parts lists was still "in horted Ordnance to speed production.
bad shape." 2l Compilation of parts lists "The demand for completed pieces of
was no easy chore, for a single list might equipment . . . was so great," wrote Gen-
include thousands of items, and every eral Campbell, "that the fundamental urge
item posed its own peculiar problems. of all concerned, both in Industry and
When reports reached Ordnance from Ordnance, was to produce as many fin-
Fort Benning early in the spring of 1941 ished articles as possible." 26 With many
that large numbers of tanks were deadlined industrialists asserting that Ordnance parts
for lack of parts, General Wesson sent a requirements were excessive, and complain-
teletype to Rock Island authorizing im- ing of delays in receipt of approved parts
mediate procurement of parts without ad- lists, the District offices had constantly to
vertising.22 "It is absolutely essential," he combat a tendency in industry to neglect
added, "that every spare parts order be parts production. The Chief of Ordnance
given the highest priority." 23 But the in April 1942 specifically directed the Dis-
backlog of unfilled parts orders remained trict offices to include in every contract a
for months, particularly hard-to-manufac- list of spare parts, with time of delivery
ture items like engines and transmissions. clearly stated and synchronized with de-
Meanwhile both General Harris, chief of livery of major items.27
Industrial Service and General Crain, chief Ordnance also gave close attention to
of Field Service, opposed cutting parts
production to boost output of complete
items. Although not always achieved, their Memo, Maj William F. Sadtler for file, sub:
objective was to keep parts production Spare Parts for Tanks, 26 Feb 41, ORDIR
synchronized with complete item produc- 21
Barroll Rpt, 1942, p. 19, in PSP 63, ex. 2.
tion even at the cost of reduced totals for 23
Min, Wesson Confs, 15 Apr 41.
complete items.24 The wisdom of this Teletype, CofOrd to CO Rock Island Ar-
senal, 7 May 41, OO 451.25/5199.
policy was confirmed by British combat 24
Min, Wesson Confs, 15 Jul 41. For similar
experience. "Striking figures of tanks pro- comments, see same source 19 Nov 41, and Min
duced per day look very well in the of Spare Parts Board, OHF.
Importance of Provision of Spare Parts for
papers," a British report stated, "but we Tanks, April 1942, British Army Staff. See also
cannot fight this war with statistics. . . . Rpt of Conf, 3 Jul 42, British and U.S. officers
Tanks without spares are very little more on spare parts. Both in Tank-Automotive Spare
Parts Policy docs., OHF.
use than no tanks at all." 25 26
(1) Campbell, The Industry-Ordnance Team,
After Pearl Harbor, and particularly p.349;(2) Intervs, summer 1949, with Maj Gen
after announcement of the Presidential Ob- Charles Harris and Brig Gen Burton Lewis.
Clifford and Alspaugh, op. cit., p. 73. See
jectives early in January 1942, the pressure also OO Memo No. 618, 30 Apr 42, copy in
for procurement of complete items became folder marked Spare Parts, ORDIR, T640-A. On
intense and the task of bringing parts the contract between military and commercial
parts requirements, see Memo, Col Raaen for
production abreast of vehicle production Amberg, 25 Jul 44, sub: . . . Truman Comm.
became even more difficult. In the early Ltr. . . ,OHF.
Wesson retired at the end of May 1942 his
successor, General Campbell, was pre-
pared to take drastic measures to deal
with the parts problem. Early in June, in
line with the General Motors report, he
created a Parts Control Division headed by
Brig. Gen. Rolland W. Case and staffed in
part by General Motors men who had
made the survey.30 Its mission was to
formulate spare parts policies for Ordnance
and see that they were carried out by
Field Service and the Industrial Service.
But it never achieved its objectives. After
spending some time in discussing plans and
procedures, General Case became con-
vinced that the new division was adminis-
tratively unsound because it overlapped
existing organizations and did not have
sharply defined lines of control. Another
factor that entered the picture was the
Chief of Ordnance, May 1942.
coming merger of the Motor Transport
Service with Ordnance, and the absence of
a Parts Control Division in the MTS. In
the organizational side of the problem in view of these facts, General Case recom-
the spring of 1942. When the newly mended that the new division be abolished.
formed ASF Control Division looked into General Campbell reluctantly agreed and
the matter it observed that Ordnance's on 28 July 1942 issued orders abolishing
parts troubles stemmed from the fact the division and assigning its duties to
that "ten separate offices deal with various
aspects of Spare Parts, and no one person
is effectively co-ordinating the entire opera- 28
Notes on Organization and Operation of the
tion." 28 The Spare Parts Board was the Tank and Combat Vehicle Division of the Ord-
final authority on parts lists, but its au- nance Department by ASF Contl Div, Rpt No.
26, no date but probably March 1942, dr 2172
thority did not extend to procurement and ASF Contl Div files.
distribution. A survey of Ordnance in May 29
General Motors Overseas Operations, May
1942 by a team from General Motors also 1942, General Survey of the Organization, Func-
tions and Operations of the Ordnance Depart-
came to the conclusion that responsibility ment, 3 vols., OHF. For criticism of the GM
was too widely scattered. The General proposal on parts as functionally unsound, see
Motors people went on to recommend Memo, Gordon M. Bain, Bur of Budget, for Col
Clarence E. Davies, Ord Contl Div, 22 Jul 42,
creation of a Spare Parts Service, to be on sub: Recent Ord Reorganization. . . , ASF Contl
the same level as Industrial Service and Div file 321 (Ord).
Field Service.29 (1) ODO 285, 26 Jun 42; (2) Interv with
Brig Gen Rolland W. Case, 22 Nov 49; (3) Key
The General Motors report came at an Pers Rpt, 2 Nov 45, Col Lawrence J. Meyns,
opportune time for action. When General ExecO Parts Contl Div, OHF.

Field Service.31 This marked the end of scheduled vehicle procurement but were
more than two years of persistently un- more closely akin to Ordnance replenish-
successful efforts to "solve" the parts ment parts purchased to fill deficiencies in
problem and ushered in a new phase with depot stocks. The QMC did not undertake
absorption into Ordnance of transport systematic procurement of first year spares
vehicles.32 concurrently with procurement of vehicles
until the Lend-Lease Act came into the
picture in 1941 and did not get the new
Spare Parts in the QMC, 1939-42 system into good working order until after
Pearl Harbor.36 To keep lend-lease ve-
All during the years before World hicles supplied with repair parts after they
War II the QMC made no provision for were shipped overseas the QMC decided to
purchasing spare parts along with vehicles. compile voluminous parts lists to be incor-
Not only were its financial resources too porated in lend-lease contracts. The same
slender to purchase stock of about half a lists were later made a part of all domestic
million different parts, but there was no contracts as well. Based at the outset on
real need to keep large supplies of parts on
hand, for Army cars and trucks were of
the same design as commercial vehicles. 31
(1) Change 1, ODO 285, 28 Jul 42; (2)
When they broke down, the QMC pur- Interv with Case, 22 Nov 49; (3) Key Pers Rpt,
chased repair parts from local distributors 2 Nov 45, Meyns; (4) Memo, Deputy Chief FS
Suboffice for Chief FS Suboffice, Rock Island, 6
on an "off the shelf" basis.33 For Army Jun 45, sub: Stock Contl Activities 1941-45, copy
transport vehicles there were no lists of in OHF.
first year spares, nor any concurrent pro- See Barroll Rpt, 1940, for a critical review of
the 1940-42 period.
curement of parts as there was for combat 33
(1) Ann Rpt QMG 1942; (2) Memo, QMG
vehicles. for ASW, 13 Dec 37, sub: Contracts for Purchase
In the summer of 1940, as the Army's of Repair Parts. . . , QM 451.01 T-M. See also
draft MS by Harry Roberts on Spare Parts, OHF,
truck fleet expanded, the motor depots and Memo, Col Roland P. Shugg, ASF Opns Div,
were authorized to build up small reserve for Generals Somervell and Lutes, 17 Mar 42,
stocks of parts by direct purchase from sub: Automotive Parts, OHF.
(1) Clifford and Alspaugh, op. cit., p. 40;
vehicle manufacturers. Drawing upon the (2) Memo, Barzynski to CO, Holabird QM
experience of industry and the Motor Depot, 30 Oct 40, sub: Purchase of Assemblies
Transport Division staff, depot comman- and Parts for Motor Vehicles, and 1st Indorse-
ment CO Holabird QM Depot to QMG, 8 Nov
ders endeavored to build up stocks that 40, QM 451.01 M-FO (Holabird), copy in OHF;
would give "a good general coverage." 34 (3) Ann Rpt QMG 1942.
This step marked the first departure from For restrictions on local purchase in the
summer of 1941, see: (1) MTS Ltr No. 8, 28
the policy of relying solely on local pur- Aug 41, quoted in Clifford and Alspaugh, op. cit.,
chase, but local purchase continued as a p. I I I ; (2) Ann Rpt QMG 1942; (3) Press Re-
major source of parts supply for the next lease, OQMG, 4 Sep 41, sub: Quartermaster
Corps Establishes Spare Parts System, copy in
two years.35 OHF.
The depot stocks of parts procured in (1) Ann Rpt QMG 1942; (2) Stosch, Spare
this manner were not strictly analogous to Parts and Supplies Replenishment, PSP 63, sec.
6; (3) Press Release, OQMG, 4 Sep 41, sub:
Ordnance first year or concurrent spares. Quartermaster Corps Establishes Spare Parts
They were not geared in directly with System.

commercial experience,37 they had to be MTS purchase policy.42 As established

revised as time went on to bring them into parts suppliers were immediately flooded
line with combat experience of the Allied with orders, the Motor Transport Service
nations. They were known variously as departed from its stated policy of buying
first-year lists, concurrent lists, and United only from concerns that supplied original
Nations lists. For export shipment, and also equipment and turned to the so-called
for a time for domestic use, they were put "independents" who did not normally sup-
up in l00-unit packs, that is, packs with ply parts to vehicle manufacturers but
enough parts in each to maintain one hun- sold to the public cut-rate parts that were
dred vehicles for a year of wartime serv- claimed to be just as good as original
ice.38 parts.43
Preparation of United Nations lists took While orders were being placed against
months of painstaking work and was not this huge backlog, General Somervell
completed until the end of 1941. Mean- urged General Frink to stop buying parts
while the Motor Transport Service had "in driblets of from 5 to 6 percent of the
procured some three hundred thousand ve- gross value of the vehicles" and adopt the
hicles without spares, except for small British practice of ordering parts worth 35
depot stocks, and friendly nations had pro- percent of the vehicle cost. General Frink
cured for their own use another three hun-
dred thousand—also without first-year 37
For detailed comment on the differences be-
spares.39 After Pearl Harbor it became tween commercial experience and military ex-
perience, see Memo, Raaen for Amberg, Spec
obvious that further reliance on local Asst to SW, 25 Jul 44, sub: . . . Truman
purchase to supply a wartime truck fleet Comm. Ltr. . . , copy in OHF.
was out of the question, for commercial (1) Ann Rpt QMG 1942; (2) Stosch, Spare
Parts and Supplies Replenishment, PSP 63, sec.
production of parts had been stopped and 6; (3) Clifford and Alspaugh, op. cit., pp. 76-81.
distributors' shelves were nearly bare. In Statement by Brig Gen Walter P. Boatwright,
the spring of 1942 the Director of the 29 Nov 44, Hearings, Mead Comm., pt. 26, pp.
Motor Transport Service therefore took the 40
Ltr, John H. Creamer, OQMG, to Maj Paul
bull by the horns and authorized purchase G. Tossy, QM Motor Supply Depot, Fort Wayne,
of $20 million worth of parts for the cars Mich., 15 May 42, sub: Misc. Spare Parts
Purchases, 1940-41 Vehicles, copy in OHF. See
and trucks already in service.40 The Mu- also unsigned typescript, Hist of Spare Parts
nitions Assignment Board approved similar Procurement Policy, 1942, p. 6, in folder Pur-
procurement of parts for cars and trucks chase Policy IV, photostat copy in OHF.
Clifford and Alspaugh, op. cit., pp. 141-46.
in the hands of the British and other 42
(1) Ann Rpt QMG FY 1942, copy in MTS
friendly nations.41 To avoid disrupting files, P 4233; (2) Memo, Raaen, OCO, for Am-
production schedules of vehicle manufac- berg, Spec Asst to SW, 4 Jan 44, sub: Senate
Investigation. . . , in Maj John F. Lane, Spare
turers, and in the hope of saving both Parts Notebook, T618; (3) Memo, sub: Conf with
time and money, these parts were pur- Maj G. W. Pillers, Jr., 8 Mar 44, no signature
chased whenever possible directly from or addressee, OHF; (4) Hist, Spare Parts Proc
Policy, 1942, p. 3.
parts manufacturers. This was a departure 43
(1) Statement by Boatwright, 29 Nov 44,
from existing practice and was apparently Hearings, Mead Comm., pt. 26, pp. 11927-28;
initiated by Jack Creamer, formerly with (2) Ltr, Creamer, OQMG, to Tossy, QM Motor
Supply Depot, Fort Wayne, Ind., 15 May 42, sub:
a New York firm known as Wheels, Inc., Misc. Spare Parts Purchases, 1940-41 Vehicles;
who had been placed in authority over (3) Hist, Spare Parts Proc Policy, 1942.

was happy to be released from the existing hicles shot up or otherwise damaged be-
ceiling of 10 percent on parts. He soon yond repair. Nevertheless, the number of
established for motor transport the same different spare parts was great—some
basic procedure for parts procurement that 260,000 for automotive equipment—and
Ordnance had for combat vehicles—to posed baffling problems of identification,
contract for a two-year supply of parts at storage, and distribution.46
the time vehicles were ordered, first-year
parts to be delivered with the vehicles and After the Merger, 1942-45
second-year parts six months later.44 In
addition, so-called deficiency spares were After the merger of Motor Transport
ordered as needed to make up for incorrect Service with Ordnance in September 1942,
calculations in the first-year list, and the spare parts problem went through
replenishment, spares were ordered as several different phases. At the outset,
needed to keep depot stocks up to par. The from late 1942 to the end of 1943, the
weakest link in this chain of supply was 44
(1) Memo, Brig Gen Brehon Somervell,
the second-year list. Calculated as a per- ACofS, G-4, for QMG, 5 Feb 42, sub: Automo-
centage—usually 60—of the first-year list, tive Parts, G-4/22528-153, and 1st Indorsement,
it tended to perpetuate whatever deficien- Frink to Somervell, 26 Feb 42; (2) Memo, Frink
for Gregory, 13 May 42, sub: Spare Parts, copy
cies appeared in the first-year list and in OHF. See also Admin Order No. 51, MTS, 4
placed an added burden on deficiency pro- Jul 42, in folder marked Whom Do We Buy
curement. It was abolished in July 1943, From?; Ann Rpt QMG 1942; AG Memo No.
W850-5-42, 24 Aug 42, sub: Automotive Parts
after the merger with Ordnance, in favor of Policy; and Spare Parts and Supplies Replenish-
a system of quarterly replenishment where- ment, in PSP 63, sec. 6, OHF.
by actual records of consumption and The new procedure was authorized by AG
Memo No. W-700-32-43, 6 July 1943. It is
stocks on hand during a given quarter set described in detail in booklet entitled Spare
the pace for procurement during the next Parts Requirements Policy, Procedure and Practice
quarter.45 for Ordnance Vehicles, September 1943, T-AC,
copy in OHF. See also Memo, Duffy, OCO, for
It should be noted that neither the CG ASF, 27 Mar 44, sub: Spare Parts Proc
Quartermaster Corps nor Ordnance at- Policy, OO 451.01/8190; Memo, Howard, OCD-
tempted to supply spares for all parts of a D, for Col Phillips Smith, ASF, 8 Mar 44, sub:
Spare Parts Proc Policy, T617; Memo, Col Emer-
given vehicle. In fact, the percentage of son Cummings for Howard, 21 Mar 44, sub:
truck parts supplied as spares was rather Spare Parts Policy and Procedure, in folder
low in most cases. In one vehicle, the marked Purchase Policy II, P4337; and Memo,
Boatwright for CofOrd, 15 Mar 44, sub: Spare
3/4-ton weapons carrier made by Dodge, Parts Proc Policy, in folder Whom Do We Buy
less than one thousand out of some eight From?, P4340.
thousand separate parts were supplied as For a discussion of Ordnance parts require-
ment methods, see Memo, Raaen for Amberg, 25
spares. The many bits and pieces that Jul 44, sub: Further Inquiries in Truman Comm.
went into small assemblies such as gener- Ltr. . . , OO 032/416. See also booklet entitled
ators or carburetors were not issued sepa- Spare Parts Procurement Policy, Procedure and
Practice for Ordnance Vehicles, Sep 43, T-AC,
rately. Nonfunctional parts such as fen- and Clifford and Norman, Proposed Statement on
ders and hub caps were seldom issued at Proc of Spare Parts for Combat and Wheeled
all, for vehicles would still run even if (Tank-Automotive) Vehicles prepared by Lt Col
Daniel Clifford and Maj J. A. Norman for
these parts were missing, and replacements Possible Use in Testifying Before S. Investigating
could usually be obtained from other ve- Comm., Aug 44.

main problem was to meet the insistent his help in dealing with this "nationally
demand for production. How the parts serious matter." 48
were procured was a secondary consider- But when October rolled around parts
ation: the main thing was to get them as deliveries were still behind schedule. Gen-
soon as possible. After that job was taken eral Campbell then sent a teletype to all
care of, attention was turned to the Districts advising them that henceforth,
methods used. The Mead Committee in unless a waiver were granted for a specific
1944 focused its spotlight on Ordnance contractor, no major item would be ac-
spare parts procurement policies and asked cepted or paid for if the corresponding
a number of searching questions. At about parts were not on schedule.49 Many con-
the same time more and more effort was tractors protested that this policy was
devoted to improving overseas parts supply unfair because the fault lay as much with
while ASF attempted to regulate with great Ordnance as with industry. In cases where
care the flow of production and distribu- parts lists were not available at the time
tion. of contract signing the manufacturer had
to hold off placing his orders for materials
Getting Out Production and then later on found himself unable to
get prompt delivery. Frequent engineering
In spite of everything that was done to changes also upset original production
speed production, spare parts for both schedules and made it extremely difficult
tanks and trucks lagged behind schedule to match spare parts with the proper
throughout 1942. One reason was that vehicles.50 Changes in priority ratings
spare parts carried a lower priority rating added further complications. As a result,
—in the minds of industrial leaders as well rigid enforcement of the October directive
as in government decrees—than did parts proved impossible. After lagging behind
for vehicle assembly. Another reason was throughout the winter of 1942-43, parts
that requirements for complete vehicles 47
Memo, CofOrd to District Chiefs, 27 Jul 42,
had shot upward in 1942 leaving spare sub: Spare Parts for Tanks and Combat Vehicles,
parts to catch up later. Near the end of ASF Maint Div 451.9 Spare parts policy. See
July, on the day before the Ordnance Parts also Teletype, Christmas to Col Alfred B. Quin-
ton, Jr., Chief, Detroit Ord Dist, 16 Jul 42, copy
Division was abolished, General Campbell in OHF.
had written to all District chiefs that Ltr, Maj Gen Levin Campbell to K. T.
shortages of parts had become "so acute Keller, president, Chrysler Corp., 27 Jul 42,
OO 451.25/383331.
that drastic and immediate action is neces- 49
Teletype, Campbell to District Chiefs, 5 Oct
sary." 47 After setting up four priority 42, quoted in Clifford and Alspaugh, op. cit.,
ratings for parts orders and directing that p. 84. See also Ord Fiscal Cir 162, 17 Oct 42,
par. 3. For General Campbell's comments on this
assembly of complete vehicles be halted the following spring, see Rpt Conf Ord Dist
when necessary to make spare parts avail- Chiefs, Detroit, 22 Apr 44, pp. 23-25, OHF. For
able, he added that after 1 October 1942 copies of Ordnance Procurement Circulars set-
ting forth the new policy, see Spare Parts,
Ordnance would not accept any more Procurement-Contractual Provisions by Capt M.
major items unless delivery of the corres- C. O'Neal, Legal Div, OCO, 1 May 45, OHF.
ponding spare parts was up to date. At the Memo, David J. Long, Chief Spare Parts
Mfg Br, T-AC, for Col Milton E. Wilson, 14
same time he wrote directly to K. T. Oct 42, sub: Spare Parts Sec Rpt. . . , copy in
Keller, president of Chrysler, to request OHF.

production gradually improved as re- to say that on no other phase of Ordnance

quirements for complete items were scaled wartime procurement was so much effort
down, parts lists were revised downward, spent in collecting documentary material.
and steady pressure for parts production Intent upon ferreting out examples of
was maintained. But, in the words of one waste or mismanagement in the national
Ordnance officer, "the results [were] defense program, the Truman Committee
none too good." 51 All during 1943 and found Ordnance parts procurement an in-
into 1944 shortages of spare parts con- viting field for investigation on several
tinued.52 counts. With roughly half a billion dollars
A major change occurred in the summer being spent annually for motor vehicle
of 1944 when the War Department elimi- parts, the opportunities for either waste or
nated procurement of first-year or con- economy were obviously substantial. Fur-
current spare parts, except for new types of thermore, in an industry as highly competi-
equipment. With the Army well supplied, tive as the automotive, the government had
the War Department reasoned that future to be constantly on the alert to safeguard
procurement would be needed chiefly to its own interests and to avoid charges of
replace initial issue materiel for which favoritism toward any manufacturer or in-
stocks of spare parts had already been dustrial group. Complaints had in fact
created.53 All the technical services were been made that Ordnance was favoring the
enjoined to keep a close watch on parts Big Three of the automotive industry by
procurement schedules to avoid either purchasing parts for Chrysler, Ford, and
overprocurement or short supply. The General Motors vehicles directly from those
practice of ordering parts in sets was concerns instead of from parts manufac-
abandoned in favor of ordering by individ-
ual items. Each service was permitted to 51
Memo, Wells for Chief, Ind Div, 2 May 44,
order specific replenishment parts only as sub: Spare Parts Policy and Procedures, in folder
the need for them was shown by stock Spare Parts, ORDIR, T640-A. On revision of
parts lists, see Memo of Col Graeme K. Howard,
records and issue experience.54 As procure- Director Parts and Supplies, for Chief, T-AC, 3
ment of second-year spares had been Jul 43, sub: Rpt for Week Ending 2 Jul 43, in
stopped in 1943, elimination of first-year folder D-1 Wheeled Vehicles. See also O'Neal,
Spare Parts, Procurement-Contractual Provisions.
spares in 1944 put an end to the compli- 52
(1) Remarks by Maj Gen Thomas Hayes,
cated pattern of parts procurement in Rpt Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, New York, 18 Jan 44,
force early in the war period. pp. 2-5, OHF; (2) Notes for Spare Parts Mtg,
22 Feb 44, by Wells, in notebook marked Spare
Parts, ORDIR, T640-A; (3) Memo, Asst TIG
Senate Committee Investigation to Deputy CofS 12 May 44, sub: Memo, 1 Jan
44. . . , WD Spec Comm. 334, G-4.
WD Cir 227, 7 Jun 44. See also WD Cir
In the summer of 1943 the Truman 434) 9 Nov 44, and O'Neal, Spare Parts, Proc-
Committee turned its attention to the Ord- Contractual Provisions.
nance Department's handling of spare parts For discussion of the new policy, see Memo,
CofOrd for CG ASF, 12 Dec 44, sub: Proc of
and devoted a good deal of time to ex- Spare Parts, and 1st Indorsement CG ASF to
ploring all the complexities of the problem. CofOrd, 16 Dec 44, copy in OHF, and Memo,
Hearings were held, reports were sub- CofOrd for Hayes and Hatcher, 16 Dec 44, same
sub, copy in OHF. The legal consequences of the
mitted, and numerous exhibits were intro- new method are treated in Spare Parts Procure-
duced into the record. It is probably safe ment-Contractual Provisions.

turers who were willing to quote lower vehicle manufacturer, for he carried a
prices on identical items. Ordnance was complete line of parts and guaranteed
charged with refusing to buy directly from their quality. That was the practice of the
the concerns that manufactured certain QMC until the summer of 1942 when the
parts while willingly purchasing the same policy of procuring replenishment parts di-
parts from vehicle manufacturers who rectly from parts makers was tried for a
bought the parts from the original pro- short time.57
ducers—adding their handling charges to Precise definition of certain terms is es-
the price paid by the government.55 It sential to an understanding of the contro-
was also alleged that Ordnance was wast- versy. Spare parts fell naturally into three
ing millions of dollars by procuring too classes. Parts peculiar were those that fitted
many parts of one kind and not enough of only one make of vehicle and could not be
another. In particular, critics charged that used in any other. Parts interchangeable
the supply of small, fast-moving parts like could be used successfully in two or more
spark plugs and distributor points was makes but would not necessarily fit other
below actual requirements while the stock types. Parts common, sometimes called
on hand of heavy, bulky replacements like standard parts, were such items as batter-
axles and transmissions was too great. All ies, tires, tubes, brake lining, or spark
told, the Truman investigation touched plugs that came in various sizes to fit a
upon nearly every facet of the complex wide range of vehicles regardless of their
problem of spare parts procurement and make or model.58 On parts peculiar there
distribution. was no argument: they could be purchased
The committee questioned most in- only from the vehicle manufacturer. Nor
tensively whether Ordnance should buy 55
As an illustration, see remarks by Senator
parts from the vehicle manufacturer or Homer K. Ferguson, Congressional Record, vol.
the parts manufacturer. The chief com- 89, pt. 8, 15 Dec 43, pp. 10685-86. These re-
plaint was that purchase of parts from marks should be read in the light of Memo,
Amberg for USW, 17 Dec 43, sub: Senator Fergu-
vehicle manufacturers was not the most son's Statement. . . , copy in Lane, Spare Parts
direct or most economical method of pro- Notebook.
curement. Ordnance had always bought (1) Memo, Duffy, OCO, for CG ASF, 27
Mar 44, sub: Spare Parts Proc Policy, OO 451.017
most of its spare parts from vehicle manu- 8190; (2) Memo, Raaen for Chief, Purchase Div
facturers and stoutly defended that policy. ASF, 27 Dec 43, sub: Request for Info. . . ,
There were exceptions, of course. With Truman Comm., OO 451.01/7853.
Memo, Raaen for Amberg, 4 Jan 44, sub:
track-laying vehicles Ordnance had ar- Senate Investigation, OO 032/383. For an earlier
ranged for a number of facilities before the discussion of QMC policy, see Memo, Barzynski,
war to produce specially designed compo- OQMG, for CO Holabird QM Depot, 30 Oct 40,
sub: Purchase of Assemblies and Parts for Motor
nents such as armor plate, transmissions, Vehicles QM 451.01 M-FO (Holabird) directing
and track rollers, and when war came purchase from parts makers, and 1st Indorsement
Ordnance naturally purchased spare parts by Lt Col Van Ness Ingram opposing the move.
On 7 March 1941 Colonel Ingram wrote a lengthy
directly from these facilities rather than memo to The Commanding Officer (apparently
from the tank assemblers.56 With general of Holabird) on the same subject, copy in OHF.
purpose vehicles, whose components were For a detailed explanation of these terms, see
Clifford's Memo for file, 12 Sep 44, sub: Explana-
of commercial design, the most natural tion of Variations from Proc Policy. . . , P4337,
method was to procure parts from the copy in OHF.

was there much disagreement on parts have been required at a time when Ord-
common, for Ordnance usually purchased nance was barely able to recruit enough
such parts from parts manufacturers. It inspectors for its established needs. The
was on parts interchangeable that the result might well have been higher cost to
argument turned, with the Senate com- the government, and perhaps slower pro-
mittee favoring purchase directly from curement of critically needed items, or
parts makers and Ordnance defending its failure to keep up with engineering changes
practice of buying from vehicle manufac- made by the vehicle manufacturer.63 This
turers.59 But the situation was never static 59
(1) Memo, CofOrd for Chief, Purchase Div
for long and by the winter of 1943-44 ASF, 27 Dec 43, sub: Request for Info. . . ,
Ordnance was moving toward procure- Truman Comm., OO 451.01/7853, copy in Lane,
ment of replenishment spares from the Spare Parts Notebook; (2) Memo, Raaen for
Amberg, 4 Jan 44, sub: Senate Investigation, OO
parts makers, meanwhile continuing to 032/383, copy in Lane, Spare Parts Notebook;
buy first-year spares from the vehicle (3) OQMG Admin Order No. 51, 4 Jul 42, copy
manufacturers.60 in OHF; (4) Draft of statement prepared for use
of Maj Gen Lucius D. Clay at proposed Mead
One of the most telling arguments used Comm., Hearings on Automotive. Spare Parts in
by Ordnance officers in defending the September 1944, folder 334 in D56-347, OCO-D,
policy of buying from vehicle producers Field60
Serv Opns.
Memo, Raaen, OCO, for CG ASF, 21 Jan
was that purchase from hundreds of parts 44, sub: Purchase of Replacement Parts. . . ,
manufacturers would demand a large staff OO 451.01/7977.
to negotiate and administer contracts. Ve- See Brief for Processing and Development of
Concurrent and Replacement Spare Parts Orders
hicle manufacturers such as General Received from Government Procurement Agencies
Motors had experienced specialists to han- by Chevrolet Motor Div, GMC, Incl to Ltr, E.
dle the job of placing orders for parts W. Ivey, Chevrolet, to Maj Robert Bruce, OCO-
D, 16 Jun 44, copy in OHF.
with hundreds of subcontractors, schedul- 62
Unsigned, incomplete draft of Memo from
ing and expediting production, and finally OCO-D to CofOrd, 28 Mar 44, sub: Specific
inspecting the finished product, but Ord- Info . . . for the Truman Comm. . . , in folder
marked Purchase Policy, V, P4337. Similar views
nance did not.61 Had Ordnance attempted appear in Memo, Brig Gen Gordon Wells for
to bypass these firms and purchase directly Amberg, 25 Apr 44, sub: Specific Info . . . , in
from several thousand parts producers, it Lane,63
Spare Parts Notebook.
(1) Statement by Boatwright, 29 Nov 44,
would have been faced with the virtually Hearings, Mead Comm., pt. 26, pp. 11,927-28;
insuperable task of recruiting, in the midst (2) Memo, Col Phillips Smith, Deputy Director
of the wartime shortage of manpower, a ASF Purchases Div for Browning, Director ASF
Purchases Div, 5 Apr 44, sub: Proc of Standard
staff of parts experts. "A government pro- Motor Vehicle Spare Parts, copy in folder Whom
curement colossus composed largely of Do We Buy From?; (3) Memo, CofOrd for
inexperienced personnel," one official Amberg, Spec Asst to SW, 25 Apr 44, sub:
Specific Info Requested by ... Truman Comm.,
dubbed it.62 In addition, the administra- in Lane, Spare Parts Notebook; (4) Clifford and
tive cost of placing and following up thou- Alspaugh, op. cit., pp. 69-70; (5) Ltr, Brig Gen
sands of parts contracts with many small Alfred Quinton, Chief Detroit Ord Dist, to
CofOrd, 16 Nov 44, sub: Practicability of Pur-
concerns would have been great, as would chasing. . . , P4337. See also Memo, Duffy, OCO
the task of co-ordinating countless en- for CG ASF, 27 Mar 44, sub: Spare Parts Proc
gineering changes between the vehicle Policy, OO 451.01/8190, Memo, Maj Rex
Howard, OCO-D for Col Phillips Smith, ASF,
makers and the parts makers. Employment 8 Mar 44, sub: Spare Parts Proc Policy, T617;
of hundreds of additional inspectors would Memo, Col Emerson Cummings for Maj Rex

was the conclusion of all Army representa- manufacturers, or positively refused to do

tives who studied the matter, and also of business directly with the government.66
a leading industrialist, Arthur G. Drefs, The Senate committee correctly main-
president of McQuay-Norris Manufactur- tained that, in principle, direct purchasing
ing Company, who reviewed the whole was better than indirect. It reduced han-
parts procurement process in Ordnance at dling and transportation costs, eliminated
General Campbell's request. Although of- the middleman's mark-up, and simplified
fering certain specific criticisms, and urg- the procurement process. Purchasing of an
ing more direct purchase from parts manu- interchangeable part from the vehicle man-
facturers, Mr. Drefs' report in July 1944 ufacturer instead of from the parts manu-
stated that the parts industry as a whole facturer constituted what the committee
endorsed existing Ordnance procedures termed "a kink in the pipe line of sup-
and concluded that, in the time available ply." 67 But it was a kink that could not be
to it in 1942-43, Ordnance "could not avoided at the start of the war and could
have recruited an organization which could be untangled only very slowly as time
have handled the job with the same effec- went on. The war ended long before the
tiveness and at the same cost." 64 policy of purchasing directly from parts
But the picture was neither all black nor makers was put fully into effect.
all white. On some parts interchangeable
it was entirely feasible for Ordnance to
purchase directly from the parts manufac-
turer. A leading example was the carbure- As U.S. Army units moved into overseas
tor. Three companies dominated the field bases, reports trickled back to Ordnance
—Bendix, Carter, and Zenith—and the that supplies of spare parts were inade-
Senate committee counsel, Mr. Meader,
successfully argued that Ordnance could 64
Ltr, Arthur G. Drefs to Maj Gen Levin
purchase replenishment carburetors direct- Campbell, 27 Jul 44, in folder, Purchase Policy,
V, P4337- See also Ltr, T. R. Lippard, president
ly from these concerns with no more Federal Motor Truck Co., to Maj Robert Bruce,
trouble, perhaps with less, that it could OCO-D, 21 Jun 44, copy in OHF. General
buy the same items from about twenty Campbell's defense of the Ordnance policy ap-
pears in Campbell, The Industry-Ordnance
truck manufacturers. Direct purchase Team, Chapter 22. Memos commenting on the
from the parts manufacturer whenever Drefs report are in folder, Replenishment, P4338.
feasible became the established Ordnance (1) Mead Comm., Hearings, pt. 26, 20 Nov
44, pp. 11,924-67; (2) Memo, Duffy, OCO, to
policy during the last year of the war.65 CG ASF, 27 Mar 44, sub: Spare Parts Proc
But in many cases direct procurement was Policy, OO 451.01/8190.
not feasible because the parts manufac- (1) Memo, Col Phillips Smith for Browning,
5 Apr 44, sub: Proc of Standard Motor Vehicle
turers lacked staffs for handling govern- Spare Parts, copy in folder Whom Do We Buy
ment business, had no facilities for overseas From?; (2) An Historical Brochure Presenting
packaging, preferred to deal with vehicle a Summary of the Activities of the Engineering-
Manufacturing Division, OCO-D, 1 Nov 45,
P4332; (3) Hearing Before a Sub-committee
Howard, 2 Mar 44, sub: Spare Parts. . . , copy . . . , S., held at Detroit, Mich., 29 Dec 43, in
in OHF; and Memo, Clifford for Col Olaf P. OCO-D Spare Parts History, Project No. 54, vol.
Winningstad, OCO-D, 11 Sep 44, sub: Problems 43,67P4336.
Involved in Direct Purchase of Parts. . . , copy Hearings, Mead Comm., 78th Cong., 2d
in OHF. sess., Rpt No. 10, pt. 20, p. 176, 19 Dec 44.

quate and that vehicles were deadlined as lost because they were not properly
for long periods awaiting repairs. Typical identified by name or number.70 Unusual
of the reports that came through is the conditions at overseas bases—whether fine
following excerpt from a personal letter sand or volcanic dust that got into oil
written by Col. Ward E. Becker: filters and bearings, fungus that covered
electrical equipment, or land mines that
Our chief headache continues to be short-
age of fast moving maintenance parts, es- broke front axles—caused 71
excessive dam-
pecially those for wheeled vehicles. . . . Our age to specific parts. An amusing ex-
vehicles have received torturous treatment. ample was reported to Ordnance by a
... In general, a 2-1/2-ton truck engine civilian field investigator who declared
requires 4th echelon rebuild in 10,000 miles, that French native troops in North Africa
due largely to the lack of parts with which were so imbued with the thought that
to properly take care of 2nd and 3rd echelon
maintenance. Another reason, however, is water was not fit to drink, and so indoc-
lack of maintenance discipline. . . . We have trinated with the importance of good care
rear axles for GMC trucks "running out of for their vehicles, that they poured wine
our ears" but zero stocks of point sets, main into their batteries.72 Under such circum-
bearing kits, carburetor repair kits, overhaul stances, parts mortality tables were mean-
gasket sets, spark plugs, oil filters, etc. . . .
In many units from 50-75% of the vehicles ingless.
require . . . repairs which cannot be made The problem was unpredictable and
due to lack of parts. was never "solved" to the extent that it
Pardon my lengthy cry on your shoulder. ceased to be a problem, but some improve-
If you could see our pathetic array of dead- ment resulted from a new system of over-
lined trucks, I really believe that you would
feel that my official tears are justified.68 seas packaging adopted in the spring of
1943. At the start of the war, first-year
The reasons for these conditions were parts were boxed in quantities sufficient to
many. Faulty calculation of requirements, supply one hundred trucks or twenty-five
early neglect of spare parts, bottlenecks in tanks. Each set or quarter set contained
the distribution system, ship sinkings, un- a complete line of parts and was suitable
foreseen conditions overseas—all these en- for initial supply of a depot or for lend-
tered the picture. A spectacular example
of the loss of spare parts occurred during
the Italian campaign when the SS William Ltr, Becker to Col William Borden, OCO,1
W. Gherard sank off the coast near Salerno Aug 43, copy in OHF. See also Memo, Maj
Donald C. Pippel to CG, T-AC, 13 Oct 43, sub:
with more than two hundred long tons of Rpt of Travel to NATO. . . , copy in OHF.
spare parts aboard.69 At the outset, parts 69
Lida Mayo, Ordnance Overseas.
requirements had been estimated hurriedly For discussion of "the numbers racket," see
below, Chapter XIX.
without benefit of extensive combat ex- 71
For other examples, see par. 10 of Memo,
perience. Priority was given to complete Raaen for Amberg, 25 Jul 44, sub: . . . Truman
vehicles, and the tendency, particularly Comm. 72
Ltr. . . , OHF.
This story was told by W. E. Burnett of
with transport vehicles, was to neglect GMC to Maj Samuel C. Pace, OCO-D, 12 Jan
spare parts. Storage and distribution over- 44. See 4-page report entitled Verification of
seas under primitive conditions added fur- Statements Made in Ordnance Spare Parts in
Mechanized Warfare, and Ltr, Burnett to OCO
ther complications. Parts actually on hand -D, attn Maj A. E. Hadlock, 21 Sep 44. Both
at overseas bases were sometimes as good in folder marked Cost of Spare Parts, P4338.

lease shipments of hundreds of vehicles. tomotive parts by number with cross

But the system soon proved too inflexible references to all other parts that were in-
for everyday use and had to be aban- terchangeable.76 Much of the information
doned. As Colonel Becker's letter reveals, a on interchangeability came from parts
depot might quickly use up all its fast- manufacturers who sold to many different
moving high-mortality parts like points vehicle manufacturers, and from the Auto-
and spark plugs, and have left over a motive Council for War Production. With
surplus of little-used parts, like axles. this index, Ordnance depots could quickly
When it ordered additional supplies they determine which parts of different makes of
came in full sets, including duplicates of cars or trucks were actually identical. This
all the unneeded slow-moving parts.73 information increased the usefulness of
To correct this condition the so-called each part in the supply system and im-
cycle pack was adopted. The essence of the proved service to maintenance companies
new procedure was to pack parts in the in the field. But it was so cumbersome
smallest practical quantity that would and complicated that in some instances it
meet the needs of the lowest echelon of "reposed on the shelves of organizations
supply. Each box contained only one type throughout the war with very little
of part, was clearly labeled on the outside, use." 77 When coupled with constant en-
and weighed no more than seventy gineering efforts to standardize parts, the
pounds.74 Under this system depots could interchangeability index, with all its de-
requisition only those parts they actually fects, proved to be an effective means of
needed, and could issue them in small, attacking the parts supply problem and
usable quantities.
After July 1943 all parts were preserved,
packed, and boxed for export, generally at
the point of manufacture. There was criti- This system was criticized by Phillip W.
cism of this policy by the Senate Commit- Copelin after his trip overseas. See Memo, Raaen
for Amberg, 26 May 44, sub: Packaging . . .
tee on the ground that some of these Spare Parts, copy in Lane, Spare Parts Notebook.
elaborately packaged items were consumed (1) Memo, Col Graeme K. Howard, Direc-
in the United States. Ordnance answered tor Parts and Supplies, for Chief, T-AC, 3 Jul
43, sub: Rpt of Director, Parts and Supplies
this charge by reporting that the percen- . . . D-1 Wheeled Vehicles; (2) Clifford and
tage of parts destined for overseas use was Norman, Proposed Statement on Proc of Spare
great, and rising all the time, and no one Parts, Aug 44, pp. 31-32; (3) Clifford and
Alspaugh, op. cit., pp. 20-24.
could tell in advance which parts would go 75
(1) Ltr, Boatwright to Senator Ferguson, 6
overseas and which would stay at home. It Jul 44, sub: Visit by Senator Ferguson. . . ,
was considered more economical to pack copy in Lane, Spare Parts Notebook; (2) Memo,
Raaen for Amberg, 14 Jul 44, sub: Packaging of
all parts for export, even if some never Automotive Spare Parts, Lane, Spare Parts Note-
went overseas, than to attempt operation book; (3) Clifford, and Alspaugh, op. cit., pp.
and scheduling of dual packaging lines.75 20-24.
Memo, Col Herbert White for CofOrd, 23
Compilation of a 20-volume index of Aug 44, sub: Rpt ... by Drefs, T617, ORDGL.
interchangeability data brought some im- The index was published in two l0-volume
series designated ORD 15-1 and ORD 15-2.
provement in parts supply. During 1943, 77
1st Indorsement, CG Sixth Army to TAG, 8
OCO-D devoted countless manhours to Jun 48, on DA Ltr, 6 Apr 48, AGAM-PM 451.9
the tedious job of listing all types of au- (30 Mar 48).

1940-1945 a

Total War Spare Parts Expenditure, $3,796,450,587

The transfer of the Motor Transport Service From Quartermaster Corps to the Ordnance Department in
1942 made an uneven break in certain accounts at a time when continued action was more important than
accounting details. Records of expenditures were not kept separately for several of these years and accordingly
the above annual allocations are strictly in the nature of estimates which we believe, however, are fairly accurate
reflections of actual spare parts expenditures.
Source: Record of U.S. Army Ordnance Combat and Motor Vehicle Spare Parts Policies and Operations
from 1940 to 1945, by OCO-D, Nov 45, copy in OHF. Compiled under direction of Lt. Col. Daniel J.
Clifford and Maj. R. O. Alspaugh.

earned for Ordnance words of praise from Nevertheless, reports that parts were not
the Mead Committee in December 1944. 78 available when needed made Ordnance
Ordnance officers derived some consola- officers feel they were failing in their mis-
tion from the fact that they were not alone sion to support combat troops. At first
in finding spare parts supply a persistent they found reports of parts shortages over-
problem. When General Somervell at- seas incredible in view of the enormous
tended an Ordnance conference in Detroit quantities procured. In the single year of
in 1944, he offered the following comments 1943 Ordnance spent $1,364,750,000 on
on spare parts: vehicle parts procurement, both concur-
I don't want you to think for a minute this rent and replenishment, or more than $100
is something that applies only to Ordnance. million worth of parts each month. (Chart
It is equally applicable to all the other 78
services. We had a terrible time . . . with S. Report No. 10, pt. 20, Mead Comm., 78th
Cong., 2d sess., 19 Dec 44, p. 169. See also below,
spare parts for kitchen ranges in QMC. We Ch. XIX, and Memo, Col Phillips Smith for
had a terrible time with spare parts in radio Browning, 5 Apr 44, sub: Proc of Standard Motor
equipment. We are having perhaps the worst Vehicle Spare Parts, copy in folder Whom Do We
situation of all in the Engineers with respect Buy From?
to spare parts for construction equipment Rpt Conf Ord Dist Chiefs, Detroit, 22 Apr
and tractors.79 44, pp. 24-25.
2) This represented roughly 27 percent of greatly increased. But the fleet was not
the $5 billion spent that year on the standardized, and in World War II there
whole combat and transport vehicles pro- were actually more different types of ve-
gram.80 Yet parts deliveries were fre- hicles in service than in World War I—
quently behind schedule, and vehicles about 330 as compared to 216. Standing
were often delivered with some of their alone, these figures are somewhat mislead-
tools or spare parts missing. For trucks ing. A few widely used types such as the
or tanks at bases in the United States, the jeep, t h e 2 ½ - t o n , and the 2-1/2-ton
problem was usually not serious. But for cargo truck accounted for the bulk of all
units in overseas theaters the lack of cer- World War II transport vehicles, so the
tain parts or tools could sometimes not be situation in 1945 represented a consider-
made good for months. Shipping space was able advance over 1918. The number of
at a premium, and supply routes, particu- different parts needed for tank-automotive
larly in the Pacific area, were long and maintenance was considerably less than in
slow. Although reports from overseas the earlier conflict—some 260,000 as com-
struck a more optimistic note in 1944,81 pared to about 445,000 in 1917-18.
at the end of the war Ordnance officers Nevertheless, procurement and distribution
were convinced that improved supply of of such a vast array of items to meet
parts to permit more effective field mainte- virtually unpredictable demands from all
nance was one of the Army's most pressing parts of the world imposed a heavy burden
needs.82 on both industry and Ordnance.
Some automobile manufacturers, observ-
The spare parts problem is a striking ing the Army's struggle to supply spare
example of the Army's failure to profit parts to its troops overseas, recommended
fully from its own experience. World War abandonment of all combat zone mainte-
II saw a repetition, with variations and on nance except organizational upkeep. They
a much grander scale, of the same type of contended that it would be easier for in-
maintenance failures that plagued the AEF dustry and cheaper for the Army to supply
in 1917-18. Indeed, as one historian has 80
remarked, "Turn your field glasses on (1) Memo, Duffy, OCO, for CG ASF, 27
Mar 44, sub: Spare Parts Proc Policy, OO 451.-
World War II and you will be looking at 01/8190; (2) Memo, Col Emerson Cummings,
the Mexican Punitive Expedition insofar OCO-D for Maj Rex Howard, 8 Mar 44, same
as vehicle maintenance is concerned." 83 sub, copy in OHF.
(1) Ltr, Brig Gen John W. Coffey, Ord
There was the same multiplicity of makes Officer, Hq SOS, NATOUSA, to CofOrd, 24 Jun
and models, the same difficulty with parts 44; (2) Memo, Brig Gen Stewart E. Reimel for
supply and field maintenance, and the CofOrd, 30 Jun 44, sub: Automotive Spare Parts;
(3) Memo, Raaen for Amberg, Spec Asst to SW,
same encounter with rough terrain and 10Jul 44, sub: Overseas Rpts on Automotive
severe climatic conditions. Parts Supply. All in folder Automotive Parts Sup-
Had the Army in the 1930's standard- ply Situation in Combat Areas. . . , T615. Ref-
erence 3 summarizes findings and reports from
ized its truck fleet along the lines suggested many sources.
by World War I experience, the number See below, Chapter XXII, for further dis-
of different makes and models in World cussion of field maintenance and supply.
Quoted by Wilfred G. Burgan in The Spare
War II would have been held to a mini- Parts Problem and a Plan, Incl to DA Ltr, 6 Apr
mum and interchangeability of parts 48, AGAM-PM 451.9 (30 Mar 48).
new vehicles instead of repairing those combat zones—was contrary to their ex-
that were worn out or damaged.84 After perience.86 In World War II, they de-
the war a modified version of this recom- clared, the tendency was all the other way,
mendation was developed by an Army toward requiring lower echelons to perform
civilian maintenance specialist with long higher echelon repairs. They asserted that
experience with military vehicles. At a Sup- in both the European and Mediterranean
ply Group Staff Conference in March theaters higher echelon maintenance was
1948, Wilfred G. Burgan asserted that 15 carried on in the field even under fluid tac-
percent of the different types of spare parts tical conditions. For the acknowledged
issued during World War II had met difficulties encountered in the process they
approximately 85 percent of all combat saw no simple or easy solution. Better
zone maintenance needs.85 He therefore tables of parts mortality, further standard-
proposed that the Army cease its effort to ization of designs, and more complete rec-
repair all damaged or worn vehicles and ords of interchangeable parts were all
concentrate on those that could be readily recommended. Patient accumulation of
repaired in the field with a limited variety experience data and constant pressure
of parts. The others might never be re- toward standardized components appeared
paired at all or might be torn down to to offer the best prospects for future at-
yield special parts not normally issued. tacks on this knotty problem.
Although superficially attractive as a 84
means of quickly solving the parts prob- 85
lem, the Burgan plan met with little favor 86
1st Indorsement, Hq Sixth Army to TAG, 8
among Ordnance officers with overseas Jun 48, on basic DA Ltr, 6 Apr 48, AGAM-PM
maintenance experience. They felt that 451.9 (30 Mar 48). This indorsement was based
on the experience of the Sixth Army Ordnance
its major premise—that modern warfare officer, who had been chief of Ordnance mainte-
precludes higher echelon maintenance in nance in the ETO.

Inspection and Statistical Quality Control

Inspection of Ordnance materiel in industry's ability to manufacture materiel
World War II appears at first glance to in quantity to close tolerances. Of neces-
have been a fairly cut-and-dried affair. sity, they represented a compromise be-
Weapons, rounds of ammunition, and ve- tween the ideal and the practical.1
hicles produced by industry were accepted Each class of Ordnance materiel had
if they conformed to drawings and its own inspection procedures and require-
specifications, and rejected if they failed ments. Rifles and machine guns were
to conform. The casual observer assumed visually inspected, measured with a variety
that the inspector had merely to examine of instruments, and then given the test of
each item to discover obvious surface de- actual firing at a small range near the
fects, make specific measurements, and plant. Spare parts for small arms were in-
perhaps check on the weight or other spected 100 percent for conformance to
physical characteristics of the item. But specifications. Tanks, trucks, and artillery
Ordnance inspection in World War II was pieces could be visually inspected, meas-
far more complicated than this description ured, and put through their paces at a
suggests. Though some inspection was proving ground. Inspection of fire control
routine in nature, much of it was com- instruments, particularly optical elements,
plex, difficult, and troublesome. Few Ord- called for special techniques because of
nance functions raised as many problems the great precision required in their as-
as did inspection; few were as important sembly. Ammunition, because of its ex-
to the safety and welfare of troops in the plosive nature, was in a class by itself.
field. There were many weighing and measuring
Ordnance inspection differed from tests for ammunition, but the only sure
standard commercial inspection chiefly way to find out whether a round would
because of the use to which Ordnance function properly was to fire it and thus
materiel was put. Drawings and specifi- destroy it. Small arms ammunition re-
cations for guns and ammunition called quired test firing of small samples from
for closer tolerances than most commercial each lot, usually at a range near the
work, for a weapon that exploded or plant; samples of artillery ammunition
failed to fire in an emergency might cause were test fired at one of the Ordnance
loss of life among American troops, result proving grounds.
in a tactical setback, and have a bad 1
For discussion of this theme, see Col. Chester
effect on the morale of troops. Yet all Mueller, The New York Ordnance District in
inspection standards had to be geared to World War II, Chapter 12.
The broad heading of inspection em- one thousandth of an inch. Permissible
braced several different types of activity. variations shown on Ordnance drawings
"Surveillance" inspection was applied to and specifications in the form of "toler-
materiel in storage, such as ammunition, ances" were usually on the conservative
that was subject to deterioration with the side. From experience and training, Ord-
passage of time. "In-process" inspection nance inspectors knew that materiel that
was applied at various stages along the deviated from the tolerances set forth in
production line to check on processes; it the drawings and specifications might
was normally the function of the contrac- function perfectly—or might fail at a
tor, not of Ordnance. Another type, critical moment. Ordnance did not wish to
known as "screening" inspection, per- reject serviceable materiel on the nar-
mitted acceptable items to go through and rowly legalistic ground that it did not
culled out the nonacceptable. Ordnance conform to the letter of the requirements;
sometimes applied screening inspection to nor did it wish to take too liberal a view
critical items but this type of inspection and run the risk of accepting materiel
was normally the function of the contrac- that might prove unserviceable, perhaps
tor. Ordnance inspectors concerned them- even dangerous, when issued to troops.
selves primarily with "acceptance" inspec- Writing about this problem as it con-
tion, the final acceptance or rejection of cerned artillery ammunition, one inspec-
materiel offered by the contractor in tion specialist summed the matter up as
fulfillment of his contract. But acceptance follows:
inspection sometimes called for inspection Conformance to a design implies that
of materiel during manufacture, before there exist arbitrary limits to variations in
final assembly. Certain gears of a trans- dimensions, in finishes, in materials, and so
mission, for example, had to be inspected on. This is true, in a legal sense, since
before the transmission was assembled and drawings and specifications prescribe such
limits. From an engineering point of view,
placed in a vehicle. This type was really however, there generally do not exist sharp
acceptance inspection but was occasionally boundaries between good and bad. For most
referred to as "in-process" inspection.2 dimensions, and for most other prescribed
In theory, every piece of ordnance could properties, an increase in variation means
easily be classed as acceptable or not ac- either a decrease in effectiveness of the am-
munition or an increase in probability of ob-
ceptable by determining whether or not it taining a malfunction. In most cases, the
conformed to drawings and specifications. effect on functioning is very gradual, so that
But inspectors encountered all sorts of a very considerable variation may exist be-
borderline cases that called for close study fore the results become apparent in the small
by engineers before final acceptance or sample subjected to proving ground test.3
rejection. Good judgment had to be mixed Once materiel passed inspection it was
with engineering knowledge, familiarity marked with the Ordnance escutcheon,
with production processes, and an under- commonly referred to as "the crossed
standing of the functioning of the end cannon and bomb in circle," using a sten-
item. No production line could turn out
quantities of absolutely identical and ac- 2
Types of inspection are described in ASF
ceptable items; there was always some M608 Inspection Manual.
variation, though it might amount to only PSP 13, Jun 45, vol. I, ch. 6.

cil, stamp, seal, or tag. For some classes of teriel that fell within its domain; each had
items, identifying lot numbers or serial on its staff inspectors with long experience
numbers served as evidence of inspection. in their work. As early as 1922 the Chief of
When an inspector gave materiel only Ordnance, Maj. Gen. Clarence C. Wil-
provisional acceptance he marked it with liams, had recommended that the arsenals
the Ordnance insigne, the flaming bomb. keep alive the art of inspection and be
Artillery weapons that underwent proof prepared to train inspectors in a future
testing were marked with the letters emergency when the districts would take
"P.A." (for small arms, "P" or a prick over responsibility for inspection as part of
punch mark) followed by the initials of their procurement function. As one of its
the proving ground. Materiel that failed preparedness activities, Ordnance in 1935
to pass inspection was marked with a drafted a General Inspection Manual and
stamp, die, red rejection seal, or tag con-circulated it to all the arsenals and district
sisting of a large "X" in a circle with theoffices, followed three years later by a
words "Ordnance Rejected." All such ma- revised edition and by manuals on specific
tériel was carefully segregated to prevent classes of materiel.
its entering the production line until re- The 1938 manual continued to serve as
worked to meet Ordnance standards, or the basic general guide for Ordnance in-
until the Office Chief of Ordnance granted spection until 1945. One of the most im-
a waiver for it or decided to scrap it. portant principles it set forth was that in-
Ordnance did not inspect everything process inspection was the contractor's
that it procured from industry. In some responsibility and that Ordnance inspec-
instances it accepted products on the tors should, wherever possible, be limited
strength of a contractor's certificate thatto inspection of end items. The manual
they met the specifications. The contract- set high standards of conduct for Ord-
nance inspectors because they were the
ing officer might accept such certificates in
lieu of inspection when, for example, the personal representatives of the Ordnance
product was a standard commercial item Department in dealing with industry. In
and past performance of the contractor the eyes of workers in the plants, inspec-
had been particularly good. Certification tors were "the government." "It is the
not only helped to conserve inspection desire of the Ordnance Department," the
manpower but also promoted mutual re- manual stated, "to have its inspectors
spect and understanding between industry . . . respected for their integrity, ability,
and the Ordnance Department. impartiality, tact, thoroughness, and
prompt and business-like methods of con-
Inspection Manuals ducting inspections." Because they were
Usually the only government representa-
During the 1920's and earlytives1930'
ins plants,
the inspectors were often called
Ordnance Department procured so little upon to perform many services not re-
materiel that inspection was not a major lated to inspection, such as looking after
problem. Practically every item that came government equipment in the plant or
off the production line was painstakingly helping to solve production problems.
examined, measured, and weighed. Each A few inspection manuals for specific
arsenal provided inspection service on ma- items such as artillery shells and cartridge

cases were in use. They described the for inspectors usually went to contractors'
items, told how they were manufactured, plants to inspect materiel before it was
and listed possible defects that the inspec- packed for shipment. Stretching meager
tor was to look for. Defects were some- district funds to pay for travel of inspectors
times classed as critical, major, or minor, caused many headaches for district execu-
depending upon their importance to the tive officers during the 1938-40 period.
proper functioning of the item. For some Later, when contractors achieved steady
critical characteristics the manuals re- output on regular production orders, the
quired 100 percent inspection; for others districts assigned one or more inspectors to
they stated that inspection of a certain each plant on a full-time basis.
percentage of items would be sufficient. As As the inspection work load mounted
a rule, the manuals provided that the per- during 1938 and 1939 the districts ap-
centage of items inspected could be re- pealed to the arsenals for help in supplying
duced if quality remained consistently qualified inspectors. Nearly every district
high. Thus, during this early period, Ord- obtained one or two arsenal inspectors, but
nance was applying some of the basic the arsenal commanders, faced with
principles of statistical quality control by mounting work loads of their own, were
using sampling techniques, classifying de- reluctant to release more. The other
fects according to their importance, and source of supply, recruitment through
gearing inspection to known quality level. Civil Service, gradually dried up as in-
dustry absorbed more and more workers at
rates of pay higher than those offered in-
Recruiting and Training Inspectors spectors under Civil Service.5 At times
the districts experienced exasperating de-
The Educational Orders Act of 1938 lays, some stemming from pure red tape,
marked the revival of inspection activities in obtaining approval by the Civil Serv-
in the district offices. Though the Chief ice Commission and the Chief of Ordnance
of Ordnance retained in his hands close of employees hired as inspectors.6 To help
control over all educational orders, he del- meet such problems, the qualifications for
egated to the districts responsibility for inspectors were lowered, civilian schools
inspecting the final product. The Boston were encouraged to offer courses in
district hired its first inspector in June inspection techniques, and in June 1940
1938 and assigned him the task of bringing the Chief of Ordnance directed each dis-
up-to-date the district's file of specifica- trict to send several of its most promising
tions and drawings. He also inspected inspectors to one or another of the arsenals
whatever materiel was procured and, as
time permitted, made plant surveys.4
Other districts followed suit and most were Hist, Boston Ord Dist, 1922-42, I, pp. 32-33.
able to recruit competent men to handle This history describes in some detail the gradual
development of inspection activities in 1938-40.
inspection of the small quantities of ma- 5
Inspection, a student comm, rpt, p. 25, 2 Apr
teriel procured under educational orders. 48,6 ICAF, SR 48-48, OHF.
Most districts, in fact, hired more inspec- Hist, Pittsburgh Ord Dist. I, pt.2, pp. 175-83.
This is an excellent detailed account of the Pitts-
tors than they needed at the start. The burgh experience in recruiting and training
work called for a good deal of traveling, inspectors.

for a 6 weeks' training course.7 Each

uponar- graduation became Junior Inspec-
senal instructed the trainees assigned to it tors, CAF-3, earning $1620 per year.
on the items it normally produced, and Trainees received pay during their school-
repeated the courses as new groups of ing, because experience had shown that
trainees arrived. Meanwhile each district most of those who attended courses with-
assigned a few of its reserve officers to in- out pay took jobs in industry instead of
spection work. Some took inactive duty working for Ordnance.
training in inspection methods; others In spite of low salaries and other prob-
spent their terms of active duty in man- lems, the districts managed to recruit in-
ufacturing plants observing the work of spectors rapidly during the defense period.
resident inspectors. In New York, for example, the number of
The districts were not altogether satis- civilian inspectors jumped from 5 at the
fied with the training their inspectors re- end of 1939 to 492 in December 1941; in
ceived at the arsenals. Some of the arsenals the latter month the district had 54 reserve
gave excellent instruction; others merely officers on active duty and had under in-
turned the students loose in the shops to spection roughly 800 prime contracts and
learn what they could.8 The main com- 1,000 subcontracts.9 At the end of 1941,
plaint was that the arsenals encouraged in- inspectors accounted for about three-
spectors to use their own judgment in fourths of all civilians employed in each
dealing with borderline cases. The districts district. Most were in the lower Civil
felt that uniformity of inspection could Service brackets; only a few were as high
never be achieved if inspectors were per- as CAF-9. Though they were technicians
mitted to use their own judgment in ac- and should have been considered as Wage
cepting materiel that did not comply with Board or subprofessional personnel, nearly
specifications and drawings. District offi- all had CAF (clerical, administrative, and
cials wished inspection standards to be as fiscal) ratings. As selective service took
uniform as possible so that no contractor more men, women were hired to replace
could complain that his products were them. The turnover among inspectors was
rejected while similar products submitted appalling. "If it were possible to secure
by a competitor were accepted. The dis- higher grade inspectors," the Philadelphia
tricts were keenly aware of the fact that Ordnance District reported, "it would be
most of their inspectors had too little ex- possible to handle the work with less
perience to be counted on for exercise of personnel. This would lead to higher
good judgment on engineering problems. average standards and fewer rejections.
During 1941 many of the Ordnance dis-
tricts arranged with local schools or col- 7
Ltr, CofOrd to Ord districts, 24 Jun 40, sub:
leges to offer prospective inspectors train- Training Courses, OO 381/38900 New York Ord
ing in elementary mathematics, physics, Dist. See also pertinent chapters of histories of
blueprint reading, mechanical drawing, the districts in OHF, particularly History of New
York Ordnance District, I, Part 2, Pages 41-55.
machine shop practice, and the use of 8
For a detailed description and criticism of the
measuring instruments. During their time arsenal courses, see Hist, Rochester Ord Dist, vol.
of study in these courses the trainees held 15,9 bk. I, pt. 1, pp. 314-28.
Hist, New York Ord Dist, 1 (1939-41),pp.
the rank of Under Inspector, CAF-2, re- 41-55. See also Hist, Philadelphia Ord Dist, I,
ceived a salary of $1440 per year, and pt. 2, pp. 54-55.

. . ." 10 In most districts a commissioned plied that quality was not absolute but
officer directed the inspection staff and relative. They contended that Ordnance
served as adviser on inspection to the dis- had to deal with hard practical realities
trict chief.11 and that its objective was to procure the
best materiel possible in the quantities
General Somers' Role required by the Army in the time avail-
Because of the growing importance of There was, further, a diversity of prac-
inspection, General Harris in July 1941 tice among the district offices. Though all
added Brig. Gen. Richard H. Somers to the districts procuring a given item used
his staff in the Industrial Service as assis- the same drawings and specifications there
tant chief for inspection. He assigned to was no enforced uniformity among them
General Somers responsibility for co- on inspection procedures or organization.
ordinating the inspection activities of the Early in the defense period the districts
commodity branches, supervising accept- complained that some of the drawings
ance testing at the proving grounds, and and specifications issued by the arsenals
advising on inspection policies.12 But re- were not up-to-date and did not show the
sponsibility for production, both quantity latest changes in design. But, as time wore
and quality, continued to rest with the on, these discrepancies were corrected.
commodity branches and the district offi- When the ASF survey team headed by Dr.
ces. General Somers was to be consulted Luther Gulick visited Cincinnati in April
on proposed changes in specifications that 1942 it found that contractors were gen-
had a bearing on inspection, but he had erally satisfied that government inspection
no overriding authority to enforce inspec- was both fair and necessary.14
tion standards. This basic arrangement
continued throughout the war, though
General Somers retired in 1942 and his 10
Hist, Philadelphia Ord Dist, I, pt. 2, p. 56.
duties were assigned to the Production 11
For an excellent detailed report on all phases
Service Branch of the Industrial Division. of inspector recruitment and training, see Hist,
In spite of some brave talk about mak- Pittsburgh Ord Dist, I, pt. 2, ch. 3.
(1) General Instruction 22, Ind Serv, 24 Jul
ing the inspection staff the independent 41, OHF; (2) ODO 183, 29 Jul 41; (3) PSP
guardian of quality, it never achieved true 13, vol. I, ch. 3; (4) Green, Thomson, and
independence either in the Office Chief of Roots, Planning Munitions for War, p. 88. For
a contemporary statement by General Somers,
Ordnance or in the districts. General see his article, "Ordnance Inspection," in Indus-
Campbell in the summer of 1942 delegated trial Standardization, vol. 13 (June 1942), pp.
inspection responsibility to the materiel 155-57.
See comments on this theme in PSP 13,
operating divisions on the theory that the Chapter 6 and Chapter 9, and by Col. D. C.
same officials should be held accountable Seagrave in History, San Francisco Ordnance
for both quantity and quality. Inspectors District, Volume I, pt. 2. Compare with Memo,
Safford for Asst CofS for Matériel, SOS, 3 Feb
in the districts felt that, because commod- 43, sub: Ordnance Inspection System and
ity branch chiefs gained recognition by Memo of Safford for Production Division, ASF,
meeting production schedules, pressure to 8 April 1943, sub: Inspection Manual. Both in
boost production sometimes contributed to 14
Cincinnati Field Survey, Apr 42, p. 10, ASF
deterioration in quality. Branch chiefs re- Contl Div.
Inspection Gages shortage of gages that might otherwise
have developed. But Ordnance occasion-
As mentioned in an earlier chapter, ally had to resort to temporary expedients.
during the 1930's nine of the Ordnance By the end of the defense period, when
districts set up gage laboratories, usually production volume was rising fast, Ord-
at universities, where acceptance gages nance inspectors sometimes had to borrow
could be checked for accuracy. In 1940 gages from contractors whose products they
and 1941 the remaining districts and all were inspecting. Whenever this was done
the arsenals established similar laborator- the borrowed gages were first sent to a
ies, raising the total to nineteen.15 As the district gage laboratory to be checked for
Ordnance inspection force grew during the accuracy. Later, as Ordnance gage pro-
defense period, and as more and more curement caught up with demand, inspec-
items of equipment went into production, tors were required to submit their gages
the need for gages and gage laboratories to a laboratory at intervals for checking.
steadily rose. A single example illustrates As an added safeguard, roving teams of
the scope of the problem: one type of gage checkers visited plants, examined
fuze for the 75-mm, shell consisted of Ordnance gages, and checked on their
some thirty-five metal parts and required use.18
over two hundred different gages for its
inspection. Proving Grounds
Ordnance met the early demands by
using the half million old gages in storage. From its establishment in World War I,
In 1938 and 1939 the Ordnance Gage Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland
Section vigorously pushed efforts to design had been the principal Ordnance center
gages for all items that were reasonably for proof firing of weapons and ammuni-
sure of going into production. In July tion, but it was not capable of handling
1940 approximately $2.5 million was the heavy, diversified work load antici-
made available to start production of new pated in 1940-41. Ordnance had estab-
gages well ahead of the signing of major lished a second test center during World
procurement contracts. In October 1940 War I, Erie Proving Ground adjacent to
President Roosevelt approved a $4 million
program to enable gage manufacturers
who had already expanded their plants Hist of the Gage Sec and Gage Facilities
Section, Ind Serv, OCO, I, pt. 1, p. 5. This
with their own funds to increase their pro- history contains copies of many pertinent docu-
duction capacity still further.16 As the ments.16
Ordnance Department was the agency Ltr, President to SW, 15 Oct 40, copy in
with the greatest need for gages it was 17
Ltr, CofOrd to Boston Ord Dist, 6 Jun 41,
placed in charge of the expansion of gage sub: Expansion of Gage Facilities. . . , copy in
capacity for all elements of the Army and OHF. 18
Hist of the Gage Sec and Gage Facilities
Navy. In 1941 Ordnance gave another Section, OCO, vol. I, pt. 1. See also Summary
boost to gage production by purchasing Report on Gages by Col William Borden in Min,
Wesson Confs, 23 Jan 42, pp. 1, 292-93; collec-
machine tools and leasing them to gage tion of gage directives in Hist, Ind Serv, vol.
manufacturers. 100; Mueller, op. cit., ch. 12; and Hist, Chicago
These timely steps averted a critical Ordnance Dist, vol. 107, ch. 5.

Camp Perry, Ohio, but had converted it in his book, The Economic Control of
in 1920 from a proving ground to a Field Quality of Manufactured Product (New
Service storage depot. Late in 1940 Ord- York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1931).
nance decided to re-establish Erie as a But progress in the industrial application
proving ground for acceptance testing of of the principles was slow.20
guns, carriages, mounts, recoil mechan-
isms, and armor plate. At about the same Simon's Pioneering Work
time Ordnance selected a 50,000-acre site
for a new proving ground near Madison, The first Ordnance Department expe-
Indiana, in the heart of the ammunition- rience with the subject came in 1934 when
producing area. Named Jefferson, it was 1st Lt. Leslie E. Simon at Picatinny Ar-
to proof fire all types of ammunition, senal began to study and apply Dr. Shew-
ranging from small 20-mm. rounds up to hart's work. Picatinny was a logical choice
heavy 240-mm. shells, from hand grenades because it endeavored to make large num-
to giant bombs. The first shot was fired at bers of rounds of ammunition as nearly
Jefferson on 10 May 1941, just a short identical as possible. As Dr. Shewhart's
time before construction began on another home was conveniently located in nearby
50,000 acre proving ground near Mountain
Hope, Lakes, N.J., Lieutenant Simon
Arkansas. Named Southwestern, it had the soon became acquainted with the "father"
mission of proof testing primers, fuzes, of quality control and interested him in
boosters, cartridge cases, propellants, becoming a consultant to the arsenal. Un-
bombs, pyrotechnics, and, late in the war, der Simon's direction the arsenal drew up
rockets. It fired its first shot on New and published a practical pamphlet for
Year's Day 1942. As these three new prov- shop use called Instructions for Control of
ing grounds came into service Aberdeen Quality Thru Percentage Inspection.21 In
did less acceptance testing and devoted spite of the gains registered in the early
more time to research and development tests, Picatinny's interest in the subject
tests.19 waned after Simon's transfer in 1937, and
was not aroused again until the danger of
Statistical Quality Control war brought the need for mass production
of munitions. In 1941, Simon, now a
One of the most significant develop- major and assistant director of the Ballistic
ments in Ordnance inspection during Research Laboratory at Aberdeen Proving
World War II was the use of statistical
sampling techniques under the name of 19
See PP 68, Proving Grounds, Aug 45, and
"quality control." The origins of this prac- histories of Aberdeen, Erie, Jefferson, and South-
western, OHF.
tice in industry are usually traced back to 20
For an excellent brief summary of the pre-
the year 1924 when Dr. Walter A. Shew- war developments, and evaluation of the contri-
hart and his associates in the Bell Tele- butions of Shewhart and 1st Lt. Leslie E.
Simon, see S. B. Littauer, "The Development of
phone System began to apply statistical Statistical Quality Control in the United States,"
analysis to the inspection of large num- American Statistician, vol. 4 (October 1950), pp.
bers of production items. Seven years later 14-20.
Reprinted in app. C of An Engineers'
Dr. Shewhart set forth the principles of Manual of Statistical Methods by Maj. Leslie
what some writers called "a new science" E. Simon (New York: J. Wiley and Sons, 1941).

Ground, July 1941.

Ground, published some of his thoughts deal more than 10 percent defective. A
on the matter in book form under the commonly applied remedy for this condi-
title, An Engineer's Manual of Statistical tion was to require that the inspection
Methods, which soon found its way into sample contain no defectives at all. But
college classrooms as well as into indus- Simon found this remedy far from satis-
trial plants. factory. "It is true," he wrote, "that it
Simon illustrated the nature of the somewhat reduces the chances of accept-
problem faced by inspectors dealing with ance of poor quality; but its penalties
mass production items by pointing out fall both on the just and the unjust, and
that small samples taken at random from a it results in rather high rejections of rela-
moderately defective lot of items would tively good quality." 22
not accurately reflect the quality of the Simon's answer to the problem was not
lot; they would consistently show a lower to reject the sampling technique but to
proportion of defectives than the average buttress it with other evidence by keeping
for the entire lot. If, for example, Ord- records that would tell the history of a
nance set up a requirement that each lot given production run, would indicate its
of one hundred items would be accepted expected quality level, would sound the
when a sample of ten items selected at alarm when any variation in quality oc-
random from the lot contained not more curred, and would tell the producer when
than one defective item, it would in fact
be accepting lots that averaged a good Simon, op. cit., p. 11.

and where to look for trouble. The prac- industry. Lieutenant Simon's work at Pic-
tical man, Simon noted, does not confine atinny had dealt mainly with in-process
himself to the evidence of the sample, but inspection of matériel being manufac-
instinctively considers everything he knows tured at the arsenal, and the bulk of all
about the production process. This was Ordnance inspection during the interwar
essentially the line of thought earlier de- years had been of this type. But by 1942
veloped by Dr. Shewhart; it became the the situation had changed. The arsenals
basis for the application of statistical were producing only a small percentage of
sampling or "quality control" in Ordnance the Army's munitions. Industry was the
World War II inspection.23 chief source of new materiel, and the
Ordnance task was that of acceptance in-
The Edwards Survey spection of industry's products. The Ed-
wards survey also revealed that few persons
Soon after the Japanese attack on Pearl in Ordnance, whether military or civilian,
Harbor, General Somers decided to ex- knew anything about quality control, and
plore the possibility of making further use many were opposed to its adoption in
of statistical sampling techniques in Ord- their fields of inspection.26
nance acceptance inspection. Their use Edwards took an eminently practical
was growing in industry and they were approach to the inspection problem. He
being applied for special purposes in the recognized that no feasible plan of inspec-
Ammunition Division, at the arsenals, and tion would guarantee rejection of every
at Aberdeen Proving Ground. According defective item. The best that any inspec-
to their proponents, these techniques tion system could hope for was reduction
yielded better control of quality, required to a minimum of the risk of accepting
fewer inspectors, and reduced the amount defective items without unduly holding up
of matériel destroyed in testing. The im- production. "The hard facts are," he
portance of this latter item is suggested by wrote, "that we must have ordnance and
the fact that in 1942, Ordnance was shoot- we must accept and get along with ord-
ing up enough armor plate in ballistic tests
to make approximately thirty medium For a detailed description of Ordnance prac-
tice, see lecture by Walter S. Oliver, Standard
tanks a month.24 One of the first steps Sampling Procedures, at University of Michigan,
taken by General Somers was to enlist the 11December 1944, copy in Inspection Br file,
services of George D. Edwards, director of and H. F. Dodge, "A Sampling Plan for Con-
tinuous Production," Annals of Mathematical
quality assurance of the Bell Telephone Statistics, vol. XIV, September 1943, pp. 264ff.
Laboratories, as consultant to the Ord- The Production Handbook (New York: Ronald
nance Department. Edwards was asked to Press, 1947), edited by Leon P. Alford and John
R. Bangs, contains, in Section 10, an extensive
survey existing Ordnance inspection description of quality control methods.
methods and recommend ways of increas- PSP 13, ch. 3. See description of sampling
ing their effectiveness by using the newest procedures in History, Birmingham Ordnance
District, Volume I, Part 1, Chapter 5.
techniques of statistical quality control.25 25
Ltr, Somers to all dists, 21 Feb 42, sub:
The Edwards survey revealed that there Statistical Methods of Quality Contl, copy in
was much room for the use of quality con- PSP 13, ch. 3.
No copy of the Edwards report has been
trol methods in the acceptance inspection found but it is briefly summarized in PSP 13,
of matériel produced for Ordnance by Chapter 3.

nance of the highest quality which can be armor. Laboratories at the contractors'
produced in the quantities which we must plants performed metallurgical tests; the
have under present conditions." 27 The manufacturers' knowledge and past expe-
problem was to determine a level of ac- rience in steelmaking gave added assur-
ceptable quality and then draw up a ance that their production methods were
statistical sampling plan that would pass sound.
matériel of the desired quality and would Beginning in September 1942 the Inspec-
immediately sound an alarm when quality tion Branch, under Edwards' direction,
fell below that level. conducted a series of 3-day conferences on
statistical quality control. Some 220 offi-
cers and civilians from the district offices,
The Quality Control Campaign, 1942-43. arsenals, plants, works, and proving
grounds, attended and gained at least a
The plan of campaign that resulted rudimentary knowledge of the basic prin-
from the Edwards report called for two ciples.28 One of the main themes stressed
distinct attacks on the problem. Ordnance at the training conferences was that in-
was to select one or more suitable types of process inspection was the contractor's re-
matériel and apply quality control prin- sponsibility. The conference leaders dem-
ciples to their inspection. This would pro- onstrated that sampling inspection, by
vide working examples of the system. The accepting or rejecting large lots on the
other attack was to develop a training pro- basis of small samples, would force con-
gram within Ordnance to teach the basic tractors to screen out defective items be-
principles of quality control. fore presenting a lot to Ordnance for
Ballistic testing of armor plate was se- acceptance. If contractors did not do so
lected as one area for the application of they would run the risk of having large
quality control principles, beginning in lots rejected and sent back for screening.29
July 1942. The method involved plotting While the training conferences were being
on a control chart the results of tests on held the Industrial Division issued a direc-
armor submitted by each manufacturer. If tive to the effect that Ordnance inspectors
the chart for a given manufacturer indi- should perform only acceptance inspection.
cated that he was consistently producing It called for the elimination of all in-
acceptable armor Ordnance reduced the process inspection that had been provided
number of tests made on his product by to aid contractors in getting production
two-thirds. Testing continued at this re-
duced rate as long as the chart indicated
that the manufacturer was properly con- George D. Edwards, "Quality Control of
Munitions," Army Ordnance, XXIII, No. 135
trolling the quality of his production. But (November-December 1942), 482-85.
if the number of rejections exceeded a Ltr, CofOrd for Dist Offices, 2 Nov 42, sub:
certain level the reduced inspection rate Quality Contl Program, copy in OHF; Ltr, Maj
Gen Thomas Hayes, Chief of Ind Div, to all
was discontinued, inspection went back to Ord Dists and Others, 22 Feb 43, sub: Quality
normal, and a search was made for the Contl Program, OO 337/4515-
factor that had caused quality to decline. As an example, see Summary of the Quality
Contl Conf held at Birmingham Ord Dist, 23-25
Ballistic testing was, of course, by no Sep 42, copy in Hist, Birmingham Ord Dist, I,
means the only way of assuring quality of pt. 1, ch. 5.
under way.30 By February 1943 the Indus- At no time did Ordnance tell its con-
trial Division was able to report that over tractors exactly what inspection to perform.
400 inspection plans embodying quality It gave advice when requested and made
control principles in the inspection of some a practice of conferring with each, contrac-
150 types of matériel were in effect. To tor on inspection matters as soon as his
push the program further, General Hayes contract was signed. But it did not give
in that same month directed the branches its contractors detailed instructions on how
of the Industrial Division, the Tank- to inspect. Had it done so Ordnance would
Automotive Center, and all the district have been morally bound to accept what
offices to appoint an officer or civilian to be the contractors turned out in accord with
responsible for quality control.31 those instructions. Instead, Ordnance kept
As a result of these and related efforts, its hands free to accept or reject the
the number of Ordnance inspectors per finished items presented to it.34
million dollars of accepted matériel
dropped from forty in September 1942 to The Trundle Report
about nine in April 1943. While the value
of accepted matériel rose from $500 mil- While Ordnance was thus feeling its
lion in September 1942 to $1400 million way in the quality control area, Army
in April 1943, the total number of Ord- Service Forces decided to prepare an In-
nance inspectors dropped from twenty spection Manual as a means of simplifying
thousand to thirteen thousand. "Such a and co-ordinating the inspection proce-
record," wrote one inspection specialist, dures of all the technical services. To this
"can be attributed entirely to Ordnance end it enlisted the services of the Trundle
contractors accepting the responsibility of Engineering Company of Cleveland, Ohio,
producing satisfactory material before to survey existing practices and later pre-
presenting it to Ordnance for accept- pare the manual.35 When they made their
ance." 32 But there were other elements in
the picture, too. The Army-wide drive to 30
Ltr, Maj Gen Thomas Hayes, Chief of Ind
conserve manpower was in full swing dur- Div, to Ord field installations, 3 Oct 42, sub:
ing the winter of 1942-43; in some Clarification of Functions of Ord Dept Field
Staff. . . , copy in OHF.
instances Ordnance reduced its inspection 31
(1) Ltr, Maj Gen Thomas Hayes to All
force at the cost of lowered quality. Some Ordnance Dists and Others, 22 Feb 43; (2) Ltr,
economies naturally resulted from volume Safford to All Dists, 15 May 43, sub: Quality
Contl Program, copy in OHF.
production as well as from increased use of 32
G. Rupert Gause, PSP 13, ch. III.
sampling methods. As manufacturers got Boston Ord Dist, Mobile Group Plan of In-
into production and gained experience spection Control, n.d., copy in Inspection Br file.
See also Hist, Boston Ord Dist, II, p. 5, and IV,
with Ordnance requirements the need for pp. 6-8.
meticulous inspection of every item by For comparison of Ordnance and Army Air
Ordnance inspectors declined. The Boston Forces inspection policies on this point, see Memo
Report by 1st Lt D. F. Boyd, AAF Matériel
district conserved inspection manpower by Center, 30 Aug 44, copy in Inspection Br file.
forming small teams of traveling inspectors Memo of Brig Gen Hugh Minton, ASF Prod
to handle the work at plants that did not Div, for CofOrd and others, 30 Mar 43, sub: In-
spection Manual, copy in OHF. See also Memo,
produce enough matériel to justify full- Safford for Resources and Prod Div, ASF, 8 Apr
time resident inspectors.33 43, sub: Inspection Manual, copy in OHF.

report in the summer of 1943 the Trundle plants to perform inspection that the con-
analysts observed that the inspection mis- tractors would normally have performed
sion of the technical services had become themselves. But after October and Novem-
"a stupendous and complex task." 36 This ber 1942, when the districts were ordered
task had grown with bewildering speed to stop this practice, the only type of
from the peacetime year 1939, when the so-called in-process inspection officially ap-
U.S. Army numbered about 188,000 men, proved was the inspection of certain parts,
to the second year of war when the such as gears in a crankcase, before they
strength of the Army exceeded 7,000,000 were assembled and became inaccessible.37
men and annual expenditures for muni- The report also concluded that none of
tions ran into the billions of dollars. "Haste the technical services was making enough
inevitably contributes to confusion, fric- use of statistical quality control, though
tion and ineffectiveness," the report con- the report did not spell out in detail how
tinued. As a result it found that there was or where Ordnance was deficient. In view
urgent need for improving, simplifying, of the pioneering work the Ordnance De-
and standardizing the inspection work of partment had done in this area the Ord-
all the technical services. nance inspection staff felt that this criti-
The section of the report dealing with cism was not fully justified. Ordnance had
Ordnance criticized the districts for plac- pushed forward with the adoption of
ing incompetent persons in responsible po- statistical quality control techniques dur-
sitions, for maintaining only loose control ing the preceding year at what was con-
over inspectors, and for tolerating—or be- sidered to be prudent speed. It had gone
ing ignorant of—"inefficient handling and farther and faster than any of the other
duplication of forms in the field offices of technical services and was steadily advanc-
the resident inspectors." The report scored ing at the time the Trundle survey was
the lack of uniformity among the inspec- made. The Ordnance inspection staff felt
tion practices of the Ordnance districts, that it deserved commendation for its
pointing out that one district would accept achievements rather than censure for its
such raw materials as steel, paint, grease, shortcomings.
and oils without inspection or test while
another district would go to great lengths Commodity Groups
to inspect and test the same material.
Considering all the technical services, The real story of Ordnance inspection
and without special reference to Ord- can be told only by dealing with individual
nance, the report concluded that govern- groups of commodities handled by the
ment inspectors were doing too much in- matériel operating divisions of the In-
process inspection. It did not cite ex-
amples of undesirable Ordnance in-
process inspection, nor did it describe the 36
Rpt of Inspection Survey for Inspection Sec,
history behind the situation that it Facilities and Inspection Br, Prod Div, Hq ASF,
criticized. As noted above, the demand for by the Trundle Engr Co., 1 Jul 43, copy in In-
production had been so great during spection Br, Ind Div, OCO.
Ibid. See also Saunders, "Standardized In-
1941-42 that Ordnance had tried to help spection," Army Ordnance, XXIV, No. 137
speed output by placing inspectors in (March-April 1943), 290-92.

dustrial Service. Each group was different. tests. . . . But this was true in spite of the
Each had its own peculiar problems and fact that separate components often failed to
meet the gage requirements. Presumably the
each found its own solutions. The follow- tolerances entered on the drawings were
ing accounts put the spotlight briefly on closer than functioning of the assembled
rifles, tank-automotive materiel, and fire parts demanded. Still it was far from an
control instruments as three fairly repre- ideal situation for the plant that was to
sentative types.38 serve as the model for all small arms man-
In January 1944, with pressure for pro-
Rifles at Springfield Armory duction eased, Lt. Col. William Gallagher
took charge of the Inspection Department
The history of the inspection of rifles and mapped a vigorous campaign to im-
at Springfield Armory sheds a good deal of prove quality. Though no complaints of de-
light on the difficulties Ordnance inspec- fective rifles had come in from the field,
tors encountered during the war and the the armory determined to improve its
progress they made in improving quality. product in every way possible. After
In peacetime, when Springfield turned thorough study of the problems involved,
out only small quantities of rifles and rifle Colonel Gallagher outlined four major
parts, inspection was a slow and pains- steps:
taking business. High quality craftsman- (1) Housecleaning in the manufactur-
ship was the order of the day. But with ing department. Tools, fixtures, and ma-
mounting requirements for M1 rifles in chines that had been continually in use
1940 and 1941 the armory was called upon during the months of heavy production
to expand its shops and turn out rifles by were to be overhauled and put into the
the million. Under these circumstances in- most perfect adjustment attainable.
spection had to take a back seat. Minor (2) Floor inspection at every machine.
defects in parts were ignored if the rifle Instead of inspection at the end of three
fired satisfactorily when tested. All rifles or four operations, a system of floor in-
were test fired with one high-pressure spection at every machine was to be in-
proof round and twenty or more normal augurated so that machines in need of
rounds. A small percentage from each lot resetting or new cutters would be
underwent a 6 , 0 0 0 promptly
round endurance fir-detected and serviced.
ing; and a few were disassembled and (3) Education. The need for raising
checked for interchangeability. But there quality and holding every part within pre-
was no insistence on rigid adherence of all scribed tolerances was to be sold to every-
parts to drawings. In 1944 Dr. Constance one in the armory, from machine operators
McLaughlin Green, armory historian, up to production engineers and chief
wrote as follows:
Inspection of small arms ammunition has
The drive to meet schedules had increased been given some attention above in Chapter IX.
month by month in intensity to a point 39
Hist, Springfield Armory, vol. II, bk. III,
where standards of work had been somewhat Jan-Jun 44, pp. 473-74. See criticism of inspec-
undermined, from machine operator up tion at Springfield Armory in Ltr, Lt Col Stanley
through top inspection ranks. Rifles shipped H. Ellison to TIG, 14 Oct 43, sub: Spec Inspec-
out had, to be sure, always met function tion of Springfield Armory.

inspectors. All employees were to be taught no major improvement before the end of
that quality was just as important as the war.
(4) Periodic checking of manufactur- Tank-Automotive Materiel
ing gages. The general practice earlier had
been to send gages back for checking only Ordnance inspection officials realized
when a foreman or an inspector had reason early in World War II that they could not
to believe that they were worn. By setting apply traditional inspection procedures to
up a schedule for checking each gage products of the automotive industry. The
periodically it was hoped that faulty gagesvery magnitude of the task was appalling
would be eliminated as causes of manu- even when Ordnance had only combat ve-
facturing inaccuracies. hicles to consider, for each tank and gun
The arsenal commander promptly ap- motor carriage consisted of thousands of
proved Colonel Gallagher's proposals. They individual parts. After the transfer to Ord-
nance of transport vehicles in September
went into effect during the first six months
of 1944. 40 1942 the inspection job reached staggering
At the same time the armory's inspec- proportions. "The complexity of parts as
tors were divided into two groups: man- well as automotive sub-assemblies," wrote
ufacturing inspectors and acceptance in- one observer, "caused inspectors to throw
spectors. Complying with the ASF Inspec- up their hands at the practicability of any
tion Manual issued in March 1944, the statistically and technically logical ap-
armory put its production division in the proach. . . ." 41 The Ordnance inspection
same position as an Ordnance contractor staff recognized that the procedures de-
by divorcing in-process inspection from veloped over the years for inspection of
acceptance inspection. All manufacturing "shooting ordnance" would, if applied to
operations and in-process inspection were automotive products, result in too much
to be performed under authority of the inspection and the wrong kind of inspec-
Manufacturing Department; the finished tion. There was, for example, no danger of
products were then to be turned over to explosion in the normal operation of trucks
the final inspection staff for acceptance or tanks such as there was with weapons
or rejection. At the same time the final and ammunition. Nor was the process of
inspection staff began placing all compo- manufacture unfamiliar to industry. The
nents of the M1 rifle on a statistical manufacture of military trucks was to a
sampling basis. large extent the same as manufacture of
The over-all results of these two steps civilian trucks; even tanks were made up
were found to be good, but quality still in part of components similar to standard
did not rise to the level desired by the commercial items. "We are dealing with
Chief of Ordnance. During the early the largest and most responsible industrial
months of 1945 the armory inspection
staff held weekly meetings to get to the 40
(1) Hist, Springfield Armory; (2) William
bottom of the problem. The experts went H. Davis, PSP 37, U.S. Rifle Caliber .30, M1,
History of Design, Development, Procurement
over every component, studied its methods and Production, 1936 to 1945 (Jul 46), pp. 42-
of manufacture, and examined its gages. 43, OHF.
But progress was slow and piecemeal with PSP 13, ch. 3, p. 16.

units," wrote the chief of the Inspection of assuring that vehicles would perform
Branch on OCO-Detroit, "where no one properly. Ordnance also conducted inter-
in his right mind would endeavor to fur- changeability tests at the manufacturers'
nish substandard matériel for any reason plants or at the proving grounds on com-
whatsoever." 42 Though Ordnance felt ponents selected at random from process
that the manufacturers of tank-automotive lines. These tests were spot checks only, for
matériel could be depended upon to pro- Ordnance did not insist upon complete in-
duce acceptable materiel, it also realized terchangeability of automotive equipment.
that occasional lapses were inevitable and In peacetime the automotive industry had
that a certain degree of inspection was never achieved 100 percent interchange-
necessary to protect the government's in- ability; it was generally understood that
terests. Inspection policies were kept in using spare parts some slight fitting
broad and flexible to permit their applica- was necessary. Ordnance realized that it
tion to a wide variety of manufacturers. was not feasible, in time of manpower
Standard Ordnance procedure called shortages and high production goals, to
for a functional test of every complete insist upon a degree of interchangeability
vehicle before it was accepted. This test never attained by industry.
included operating the vehicle on the road Ordnance inspection of tank-automotive
and trying out major units such as matériel was marked by great diversity.
winches, lift devices, and turret traversing The basic policy provided that Ordnance
mechanisms. The contractors conducted would conduct inspection upon end items
these tests, under the eyes of Ordnance and as far back in the production chain
inspectors, at small test areas adjacent to as necessary to assure quality products.
the plants. To supplement such tests the Tank-automotive production was charac-
Ordnance inspection force selected a few terized by assembly in the prime contrac-
vehicles from each assembly line for special tor's plant of many complicated subassem-
testing at one of the Ordnance proving blies such as engines, transmissions, and
grounds. These "inspection control tests," axles. No single type of inspection would
as they were called, proved to be valuable fit all these components. With some, ma-
as checks on the manufacturers, as a terials and heat-treating controls were the
means of revealing weaknesses in design, essence of quality. With others, dimen-
and as a test of packing procedures. sional characteristics were the keys to
Subcontractors who manufactured en- proper performance. With still others there
gines, transmissions, axles, and other major were simple operating tests that gave ade-
components ran each of these items on a quate assurance of quality. Most of the
test stand before delivering it to the as- Ordnance tank - automotive contractors
sembly plant. As a rule, this functional had enviable records in industry for qual-
testing was done on a 100 percent basis. ity production, but some were newcomers
Little use was made of statistical quality to the business who had little previous
control procedures, except in ballistic test- experience in making the parts needed by
ing of armor, inspection of tank track com-
ponents, and acceptance of pneumatic tires 42
Maj F. A. Gitzendanner, Hist of Ord In-
and tubes. With combat vehicles the proof spection of Tank-Automotive Materiel, Dec 41
firing of gun mounts was an added means -Sep 45, p. 4, OHF.

Ordnance. Inspection requirements had to Reports that defective matériel had

be tailored to fit the needs of each case. been issued to troops shocked the Chief
of Ordnance and his staff. To correct the
Fire Control Instruments situation the Artillery Division strength-
ened the Inspection Section of the Fire
Binoculars, telescopes, directors, and Control Sub-Office at Frankford and set
other fire control matériel ranked as per- up new procedures calling for prompt ac-
haps the most difficult class of items for tion on reports of defective materiel. The
Ordnance inspection. They presented a chief of the sub-office wrote official letters
wide variety of problems, for they included to all the district offices and followed them
mechanical, electrical, optical, hydraulic, up with a personal appeal to each district
and electronic instruments. Production of chief to stop the acceptance of substand-
good optical glass required careful con- ard materiel. The Inspection Section
trol; machined parts of fire control instru- pursued a vigorous program of inter-
ments had to be held to close tolerances; changeability tests coupled with investiga-
and assembly of optical elements called for tion of all deficiencies. As measured by
meticulous accuracy. Evaluation of the these tests and by the number of defective
importance of scratches, pits, and stain on matériel reports that came in, the quality
surfaces of optical elements was largely a of fire control instruments rose steadily
matter of experienced judgment, as was from August 1943 to the end of the war.45
the determination of allowable distortion Some reports of defective materiel,
in the glass. Dependence on human judg- thought to be caused solely by inadequate
ment led to innumerable difficulties. inspection, proved to be due wholly or in
Added to these problems was the need to part to engineering design. With binocu-
use inexperienced inspectors and to meet lars, for example, Ordnance received many
constant demands for speedy production. reports that moisture and dirt had got into
"I think no one would willingly sacrifice the instruments. As inspection standards
or adulterate the quality of Ordnance for binoculars were strict, the reports were
supplies going to the fighting forces," puzzling. Even after Ordnance began pack-
wrote the chief of the Fire Control Sub- ing the instruments in vaporproof bar-
Office, Col. Gordon B. Welch, in March riers with silica gel the reports persisted.
1945. "However, that has to be tempered Finally, a study of a large number of de-
with judgment when the attainment of fective binoculars at Augusta Arsenal re-
high quality prevents the fighting forces vealed that the so-called dirt within the
from having anything at all. I ... have binoculars was the result of a chemical
never hesitated to lower the quality in
particular cases when it was necessary to 43
Ltr, Col Gordon B. Welch to Dr. H. S.
meet our objectives." As a result of all Newcomer, Dioptric Instrument Corp., 20 Mar
these circumstances, Ordnance accepted 45,44copy in OHF.
Ltr, Welch to Dist Chiefs, 9 Aug 43, sub:
far too much unsatisfactory matériel in Inspection of Fire Control Instruments, copy in
the early war period. American and British PSP 12, ch. V. See also Hist, Ind Serv, Arty Div,
troops in North Africa in 1942-43 sent p. 45321. For evidence on this score, see Reports of
back a stream of complaints about de- Defective Fire Control Matériel, ex. 21 in Hist,
fective fire control instruments.44 Ind Serv, Arty Div, ch. 10.

action on the reticle cell, which was made In many instances there was reason for
of secondary aluminum. Investigation also excusing noncompliance on the ground
proved that after the binoculars under- that the Ordnance tolerances were too
went the rain test at the plant they con- strict. But in other cases it may safely be
tained minute quantities of water that es- assumed that, had the manufacturers
caped detection by the inspection measures (including the arsenals) kept within the
then in use. Once these facts were brought limits set by Ordnance, the end product
to light, corrective measures were taken, would have functioned better, lasted
and reports of defective binoculars dropped longer, or been more reliable.
almost to zero.46 The chief reason for failure to maintain
Most fire control instruments did not the highest quality was pressure to get out
lend themselves to inspection by statistical production. Ordnance realized that in time
sampling, chiefly because they were pro- of war the overriding requirement was for
duced in small numbers and did not in- good munitions in huge quantities, not
volve a high volume of repetitive opera- perfect munitions in small quantities. The
tions. As a matter of policy the Fire highest standards of precision manufacture
Control Sub-Office made little use of were impossible of attainment in a war
quality control. Along with artillery weap- economy where skilled workers were
ons themselves, fire control instruments scarce, the demand for speedy production
ranked lowest in the Ordnance list of items was intense, and machine tools ran every
inspected by statistical quality control day with very little time out for mainte-
methods.47 nance. Production managers looked upon
All things considered, the Ordnance the rejection of material by inspectors as
record on inspection was checkered. With something on a par with throwing a mon-
some items there was always a gap be- key wrench into the machinery. It caused
tween the quality prescribed by the draw- loss of time, labor, and materials, and it
ings and specifications and the quality of played havoc with scheduling. Coupled
the matériel actually accepted. Ammuni- with this was the fact that contractors
tion, for example, was produced in huge could sometimes prove that Ordnance tol-
quantities and won an enviable reputation erances were unnecessarily close, or that
for quality and reliability. But it was not inspectors were rejecting matériel for
perfect. Even late in the war, after more trivial defects. All these elements conspired
than two years of steady production, one to make the maintenance of high standards
investigator who checked on the manu- of quality a very difficult task. The result
facture of metal parts for fuzes reported was a compromise between the ideal and
that, "the quality of matériel being ac- the practical.
cepted by Ordnance inspectors is nowhere
near that which has been established as 47
PSP 13, ch. 5, pp. 41-42-
acceptable." 48 The same was true in 48
Hist, Ind Serv, Arty Div, OCO, ch. 10.
Rpt of Check Inspection on Metal Parts of
greater or less degree of weapons, both Fuze, P.D., M52 and M53, Inspection Br, Ammo
small arms and artillery, and of trucks and Div, OCO, 29 Jan 45, copy in Mr. Lorber's file.
combat vehicles. They functioned well, as See also ch. IX, above. There are frequent
criticisms of inspection in the annual general
a rule, but they did not always comply inspections of Ordnance installations made by
exactly with specifications and drawings. officers of the Inspector General's Department.

The most notable new development in standardized basis, rule of thumb is being
Ordnance inspection was the introduction eliminated, quality of accepted material is
of statistical quality control. Ordnance improving, and Ordnance inspection person-
nel are, in general, being reduced. At the
took pride in being a pioneer in the use same time, the responsibility of manufactur-
of quality control techniques. How suc- ers to submit only material of satisfactory
cessful its efforts were is hard to measure, quality for acceptance is being more defin-
for the techniques were not applied equally itely crystallized, and greater cooperation is
to all types of materiel. But the following being obtained.49
summary statement drafted early in 1943
by the wartime chief of the Quality Con- 49
Saunders, "Standardized Inspection," Army
trol Unit in the Ammunition Branch ap- Ordnance XXIV, No. 137 (March-April 1943),
pears to be close to the truth: 290. An evaluation along these lines was pre-
sented by Gause at the ASF Inspection Confer-
Ordnance inspection is becoming more ef- ence, Washington, D.C., 9-11 Aug 45, pp. 185
ficient, Government inspectors are beginning -86, copy in ASF Distribution Div files, NA
to accept and reject on a more rational and Box 663.

Contract Termination and Settlement

For Ordnance, termination of contracts concerns needed prompt action on their
began as a mere trickle in December 1941, contracts if they were to succeed in making
continued at a steadily mounting rate the change back to peacetime production.
during the next three years, and then Under Secretary Patterson testified before
reached flood proportions at the end of the House Military Affairs Committee on
the war. After the basic policy decisions the magnitude and urgency of the prob-
were made, the number of terminated lem, recalling that after 1918 the Ord-
contracts rose steadily until some thirteen nance Department alone had 10,000 em-
thousand had been closed out by the end ployees working on terminations.4 In 1943
of 1944. Valuable experience was thus 1
For a comprehensive survey, see Lt. Col.
gained long before the war ended, and Harold Shepherd, History Contract Termination
staffs were trained to deal with the prob- Branch, Legal Division, OCO, 4 volumes, 30 April
1945, OHF. A concise history by Colonel Shep-
lem. When the Japanese surrendered in herd was published as Settlement of Ordnance
August 1945, Ordnance was able to settle Contracts, Army Ordnance Report Number 2, 9
its outstanding contracts quickly, and gen- August 1943, by the Army Ordnance Association
(now American Ordnance Association). For a
erally with satisfaction to all concerned.1 broad Army-wide treatment of this subject, see
This record stood in sharp contrast to Smith, Army and Economic Mobilization, chap-
the debacle after World War I when 2
J. Donald Edwards, Termination of Ord-
thousands of war contracts remained un- nance Contracts, Jan 43, Historical Study No. 57,
settled for many months after the Armis- and William Hoyt Moore, Post-Armistice Indus-
trial Developments, 1918-20, Jan 43, both
tice, leaving a legacy of ill will and prepared by Bur of Labor Statistics, U.S. Dept
suspicion for the next twenty years.2 Con- of Labor, ORDGL-CR files. See also I. J. Grom-
scious of its World War I history, the War fine and J. Donald Edwards, Termination After
World War I, Law and Contemporary Problems
Department during World War II re- (Duke University School of Law) X, No. 4
solved to avoid making the same mistake (Spring, 1944), 563-93. A History of War Con-
twice. "Let's leave a better taste in their tract Terminations and Settlements, July 1947, by
U.S. Office of Contract Settlement, contains a
mouths after this war" was the attitude bibliography on terminations in World War II.
frequently expressed at contract termina- 3
Min of Termination Mtg, 12 Aug 44, Chi-
tion conferences.3 Taking a broad look at cago, p. 59, in Hist, Chicago Ord Dist, vol. 102.
Historical studies of World War I contract term-
the economy of the nation in the middle ination prepared by the U.S. Department of
of the war, Army policymakers saw that Labor were distributed to the Ordnance districts
about 60 percent of all business concerns and to divisions of OCO.
Statement, USW, before H.R. Mil Affairs
were dependent, wholly or in part, on Comm., 15 Oct 43, Hearings, on H.R. 3022, 78th
war production, and that most of these Cong., 1st sess., pt. 2, pp. 145ff.

it was estimated that Ordnance had feared that firms without strong financial
148,000 contracts with industry totaling backing might go bankrupt while the audi-
$47 billion in value, and giving employ- tors were at work; for employees the
ment to millions of workers.5 "If termina- procedure might result in "unemployment
tions are not completed and money paid by audit." Further, cost accounting was
to the contractors with utmost expedi- not an exact science or a matter of simple
tion," wrote an Ordnance district official arithmetic. It required exercise of good
from Chicago, "we will inevitably have a judgment in weighing a host of varied
wrecked and bankrupt business structure elements. As a leading industrialist testi-
in the United States." 6 Ordnance was fied, "If you take six cost accountants of
also keenly aware of the importance for equal competency and put them on the
future production of retaining the good job to find out what one of our crank-
will of industry by fair treatment at the shafts cost you would get six different
time of contract termination.7 answers." 11 How Ordnance contributed
Ordnance had given little thought to
contract termination during peacetime, Termination Notes and Data for use at the
Rochester Mtg of Dist Chiefs, and Address by
for the problem seldom arose. Nor was Lt Col Harold Shepherd before the Michigan
much attention paid to the matter during State Bar Assn, Detroit, Mich., 16 Sep 43, both
the defense period when top priority was in folder marked Speeches Delivered by Col
Shepherd, ORDGL-CR files.
assigned to speedy placement of orders 6
Ltr, H. P. Isham, Chief Purchasing, Termina-
with industry. The contract forms stand- tion and Renegotiation Policy Br, Chicago Ord
ardized by the Army in 1939 contained Dist, to Lt Col A. R. Cutler, ASF Purchasing
Sec, 14 Aug 43, OO 164/471. See also Remarks
termination clauses covering instances of by Browning, in transcript of Proceedings of Joint
default by contractors, but their use by Conf of Price Adjustment Bds, 15-17 Aug 43,
the procuring services was optional.8 In New York, copy in OHF, and Statement by
Automotive Council for War Prod, 7 Aug 43,
September 1941 Ordnance broke new OO 400.12/48943.
ground by issuing a standard clause for Memo on Negotiated Settlement, 27 Aug 43,
prepared by H. P. Isham of Chicago Ord Dist,
contract termination at the convenience of copy in OUSW file, dr 14.
the government, and a few weeks later 8
Leon Malman, "Policies and Procedures for
the Under Secretary's office issued Supply the Termination of War Contracts" Law and
Contemporary Problems (Duke University School
Contract No. 1, including a clause for of Law), X, No. 3 (Winter, 1944), 449-517.
termination when the contractor was not 9
(1) Ltr, CofOrd to all Contracting and Pur-
in default, and settlement according to a chasing Officers of the Ord Dept, 3 Sep 41, sub:
Provision for Termination. . . , copy in Shep-
formula. The essence of these clauses was herd, Hist, Contract Termination Br; (2) History
their provision that the contractor be of Readjustment Division, ASF, prepared by 1st
reimbursed for "all actual expenditures Lt Reynold Bennett, 1946, pp. 20-21, copy in
OCMH; (3) Hist, New York Ord Dist, I, pt 2,
certified by the Contracting Officer as pp. 96-99.
9 10
having been made. . . ." The hitch to this The phrase is from Bernard M. Baruch and
arrangement was that the contracting offi- John M. Hancock, Report on War and Post-War
Adjustment Policies, (Washington: 15 Feb 44),
cer could certify that expenditures had p. 8.
been made only after the auditors had Testimony of J. H. Marks, vice president,
gone over all the books and assured him Packard Motor Co., before H.R. Mil Affairs
Comm., Hearings, on H.R. 3022, 70th Cong., 1st
that every penny was accounted for. This sess., pt. 2, p. 477. On the same point, see State-
was a long and tedious process, and it was ment by Secretary Patterson, ibid., p. 148.

to solving this problem is illustrated by agreement on 26 June 1942 releasing the

the following two case histories. government from all further obligation
under the contract in return for payment
The Walter Scott Case of $18,155.89.13

On 5 June 1940 Ordnance had placed The Guiberson Case

an educational order with Walter Scott
and Co. of Plainfield, N.J., for manufac- Before the Scott case was closed, another
ture of fifteen recoil mechanisms for the and much larger termination was in the
155-mm. gun, along with certain machine works. In April 1942, when the Army de-
tools and manufacturing aids. Fifteen cided to replace diesel tank engines with
months later the company, not yet in pro- gasoline engines,14 steps were taken to
duction, had taken on a large Navy con- cancel two contracts, totaling $8 million,
tract that threatened to leave no room with the Guiberson Diesel Engine Co.,
for future Ordnance production orders. and to turn over the Guiberson plant in
Under these circumstances Ordnance de- Garland, Texas, to Continental Motors
cided, two weeks before Pearl Harbor, to Co. for production of gasoline engines.
cancel the contract and move elsewhere Although the earlier of the two Guiberson
the machine tools the company had pur- contracts had no clause covering termina-
chased. This decision officially opened the tion for convenience of the government,
contract termination phase of Ordnance the later contract did, and the company
World War II history.12 agreed to let this clause apply to both. But
As there was no question of default on the clause in the later contract called for
the part of the contractor this was clearly reimbursement of the contractor accord-
an example of contract termination "for ing to a formula based on a complete
the convenience of the government," as the audit of all expenditures. The accounting
lawyers expressed it. The paragraph of the and auditing work on such a contract,
contract that covered such cases provided Ordnance reported, would reach "gigan-
that the government should reimburse the tic proportions," requiring the full-time
contractor for all expenses incurred by services of fifteen auditors for nine
him in good faith in performance of the months, for the contract extended over a
contract plus 10 percent of the total of long period of time and involved large
such expenses. To avoid making a com- sums of money, complex inventories, work
plete audit of the contractor's books, the in process, and claims of many subcon-
Chief of Ordnance, on the day after Pearl
Harbor, suggested that the company 12
(1) Ltr, Col Alfred B. Quinton, Jr., to
might be willing to terminate the contract USW, 22 Oct 41, sub: Cancellation of Educa-
by a supplemental agreement providing tional Order Contract. . . , OO 160/74713; (2)
for payment of a lump sum determined by Shepherd, Hist, Contract Termination Br; (3)
Mueller, New York Ordnance District in World
negotiation. Here was the origin of the War II, pp. 124-26; (4) Hist, New York Ord
negotiated settlement that did so much to Dist, I, pt. 2, pp. 96-99.
speed reconversion at the end of the war. (1) Shepherd, op. cit.; (2) Hist, New York
Ord Dist, I, pt. 2, pp. 96-99.
Satisfactory terms were soon worked out, 14
See Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
and the contractor signed a termination Munitions for War, ch. X.

tractors.15 When he had signed the con- in the first place were assumed to have
tract, the contractor had had no idea he equal authority to agree upon final com-
would some day be called upon to produce pensation when the contracts were can-
a written record of every expenditure. In celed.16 "The negotiated settlement in
addition, Ordnance pointed out that the essence," wrote Lt. Col. Harold Shepherd
results of the audit would be subject to in formal legal language,
review by "another governmental agency," is the use of a contract device to convert
meaning the General Accounting Office, unliquidated claims not susceptible of exact
and expressed some concern lest the GAO demonstration without 100 percent audit
take exception to minor irregularities and into a new liquidated obligation in the na-
thus do, in the long run, more harm than ture of an accord, merging and extinguishing
all prior rights and claims not specifically
good. Ordnance felt that any such review reserved. It has all the sanctions and legal
would involve the exercise of new judg- incidents of an original contract, and the
ment on complex problems and would, in contracting officer who negotiates it has all
effect, amount to a new negotiation. Ord- the discretion, authority, and responsibility
nance argued that terminations should be that he has in making any original con-
kept within the control of the agency re-
sponsible for the original contract, for Convinced of the wisdom of this ap-
only in that agency was there intimate proach, Ordnance laid the whole matter
knowledge of the kinds of property in- before the Judge Advocate General in
volved, the avenues for its disposition, and August and asked for an opinion. Within
knowledge of its value. Further, Ordnance three weeks that office and the U.S. At-
contended that a detailed audit of all torney General approved the Ordnance
large contracts would delay contractors proposal on the basis of the First War
from shifting to other war work and would Powers Act and Executive Order No.
thus hamper the war effort, while the war 9001, and Ordnance proceeded at once
continued, and would hold up reconver- to settle the Guiberson case by negotiation.
sion in the postwar era. In the process it used the services of only
In view of these facts the Ordnance five auditors for about four or five months.
legal branch proposed that the contract be Thus another major step was taken toward
terminated with a negotiated lump-sum developing a new Army policy on contract
settlement; there would be no complete termination and settlement for conveni-
audit or review by another governmental
agency, but only sufficient spot checking 15
(O Memo, Col Charles R. Baxter, Fiscal Br,
and accounting analysis to satisfy both for Duffy, Legal Br, 24 Aug 42, sub: Settlement
parties. This proposal was based on the of Guiberson Contract, copy in Shepherd, op. cit.,
(2) Ltr, Maj Harold Shepherd to JAG, 28 Aug
ancient common law principle that private 42, sub: Termination of Contract. . . , OO 160/
contracting parties may agree to settle a 133. See also Malman, op. cit.
contract in any way they choose, regardless This was the line of reasoning enunciated
by the Supreme Court in the case of U.S. vs.
of contract provisions for some other Corliss Steam-Engine Co. (1876), 91 U.S. 321.
method of settlement. The Ordnance view Shepherd, Army Ord Rpt No. 2. For the
was that contracting officers who were legal background, see Malman, op. cit. For com-
ments by Ordnance districts, see folder marked
empowered to enter into contracts and Terminations—Procedure (Districts), cabinet 2,
agree upon prices to be paid for war goods dr1.

ence of the government. Soon thereafter that cancellation was dictated by the
Ordnance drew up termination instruc- fortunes of war, and that no blame at-
tions for its field representatives and gave tached to the plant, was received in silence
wide publicity to the negotiated settle- by the employees assembled to hear the
ment among Army personnel, lawyers, and news from Col. John Slezak of the Chicago
industrial contractors.18 Emphasis was district.21 Explanation that the tank,
placed on speeding war production by originally meant to be light, had grown
enabling contractors to shift quickly from to be of medium weight and was thus too
one product to another, and assuring in- close to the existing Shermans did not
dustry that, at war's end, their claims prove very convincing.
would be settled fairly and quickly. The Compared with the Harvester contract,
goal was to achieve the 3 F's of contract the Scott and Guiberson cases had been
termination, making them "fair, fast, and small potatoes. Not only was there $217
final." 19 million involved in the Harvester contract,
but the company used 12 different plants
The International Harvester Case located in as many cities. Its 438 sub-
contractors were to be found in 100 cities
In December 1941 Ordnance ap- scattered over an area of 20 states, and
proached the International Harvester there were, in addition, about 2,000 sub-
Company about making a new type of subcontractors. The company had on hand
tank that then existed only on the draw- a huge stock of all the countless parts
ing board. It was to weigh twenty tons, that go into a tank—generators, tracks,
carry a 57-mm. gun, and be both fast and periscope assemblies, and even a few tank
maneuverable. International Harvester ac- hulls—as well as machine tools, jigs, and
cepted the proposal, contracts totaling fixtures. When everything was piled into
$217 million were signed, and Ordnance an impromptu warehouse so the company
immediately purchased and remodeled for
Harvester's use an idle plant at Betten- 18
(1) Ord Fisc Cir 153, 9 Oct 42, sub:
dorf, Iowa, naming it the Quad Cities Termination of Fixed Price Contracts, copy in
Tank Arsenal.20 Soon thereafter the pro- Hist, Contract Termination Br; (2) Ord Fisc Cir
170, 29 Oct 42, sub: Termination of CPFF Con-
posed tank was redesigned in the light of tracts, copy in Hist, Contract Termination Br;
British reports from North Africa of the (3) Leon Malman, op. cit.; (4) Campbell, The
need for more powerful guns and tougher Industry-Ordnance Team, ch. 25; (5) U.S.
Office of Contract Settlements A History of War
armor to cope with German tank and anti- Contract Terminations and Settlements, p. 7.
tank weapons. The 57-mm. gun became a Ann Rpt CofOrd, FY 1944, p. 7. See also
75-mm., and the weight of the tank went Smith, Army and Economic Mobilization, and
"Termination of War Contracts for the Govern-
up to 28 tons. A steady flow of engineer- ment's Convenience," J. Harry LaBrum, Temple
ing change orders delayed the start of University Law Quarterly, vol. XVIII, No. 1,
production until March 1943. Then on Dec 43.
See p. 251.
St. Patrick's Day, just as the first tanks 21
(1) Furnas, "Good-by Contract!" Saturday
were rolling off the line, the contract was Evening Post, June 2, 1945, p. 77; (2) Hist,
canceled. It was a stunning blow for the Chicago Ord Dist, vol. 102, Min Termination
Mtg, 12 Aug 44, pp. 48ff; (3) Chicago Tribune,
company and its employees and caused a May 21, 1943, p. 25; (4) Wall Street Journal,
certain measure of resentment. Assurance August 8, 1944, p.1.

could get on with a tractor order that was permitted to use their own judgment in
to replace the tank contract, the place each case, and there was no need for re-
looked like "an auditor's nightmare and a view of the settlement by any other agency,
junkman's dream." 22 The whole stock, except in case of suspected fraud. All this
valued at over $10 million, had to be was to the good, but adequate preparation
quickly inventoried and disposed of by for the anticipated avalanche of termina-
public sale or transfer to other govern- tions at the end of the war called also for
ment agencies. Engines, tanks, and armor creating and staffing strong termination
plate were promptly diverted to other units in all the district offices, and provid-
tank manufacturers or to Field Service ing a firm statutory and regulatory base
for use as spare parts.23 Hundreds of for the new procedures.25
subcontractors had to be given help in Though keenly interested in speed, Ord-
submitting their claims, and for that pur- nance did not intend that negotiated set-
pose the company organized a staff of tlements would be reached haphazardly
fifteen traveling termination specialists. without scrutiny by lawyers, auditors, and
The Chicago Ordnance district sent repre- production experts.26 A set of rules was,
sentatives to Bettendorf to work with the in fact, soon developed and published in
company's termination team toward ar- April 1943 as a section of the Ordnance
ranging advance payments for subcontrac- Procurement Instructions. Ordnance as-
tors and ironing out procedural details. signed termination work to its district
Although the principle of the negotiated offices where each terminated contract was
settlement was applied, so many aspects of passed through the hands of district spe-
the problem required careful checking that cialists in procurement negotiation, inspec-
the whole process took about fifteen tion, engineering, and accounting, and was
months. This was no speed record, to be finally reviewed by the district's Settle-
sure, but the Chicago district felt that in
the process it had gained experience that
would enable it in the future to cut that 22
J. C. Furnas, op. cit., pp. 77.
time in half. The company settled for $25 23
Ordnance policy on this score was described
million.24 in detail by an Ordnance officer, Maj. Forton A.
Christoffer, in "Disposal of Contractor-Owned
Property on Termination," Law and Contempo-
Organization and Training rary Problems (Duke University School of L a w ) ,
X, No. 4 (Spring, 1944), 646-58.
This subject is discussed at length in History,
By mid-summer of 1943 Ordnance had Chicago Ordnance District, Volume 102. For
completed about eight hundred negoti- brief summaries of other cases, see Contract
ated settlements. The district offices re- Termination in the Chicago Ordnance District,
OUSW file.
ported that contract settlements could be 25
On the importance attached by the War De-
reached by negotiation with a 75 percent partment to termination planning and organiza-
saving of time and labor over settlements tion, see Remarks by J. Browning, in transcript
of Proceedings of Joint Conference on Price
based on a complicated formula and com- Adjustment Boards, 15-17 August 1943, New
plete audit. Immediate partial payments York.
Termination Notes and Data for Use at the
were made to both prime contractors and Rochester Mtg of Dist Chiefs, n.d., in file marked
subcontractors to tide them over the con- Speeches Delivered by Col Shepherd, ORDGL-
version period. Contracting officers were CR files.

ment Review Board. It thus became "pro- protected and the whole process given a
curement in reverse." 27 In the Chicago semblance of due process of law.32
district the basic philosophy was put into A much simpler type of settlement was
a memo by the chief of the termination that in which the contractor made no
policy unit, stressing speed rather than claim for payment above what he had
meticulous accuracy and "true negotiation already received. In return for waiving any
vs. the rejection of each part of each claim claim he might have against the govern-
that cannot be proven in detail by the ment the contractor had the right to re-
contractor. tain his termination inventory, which
In the summer of 1943 ASF helped to might include scarce raw materials or use-
standardize procedures throughout the ful semifinished items, and dispose of it as
War Department by issuing a technical he saw fit. He was immediately free to
manual on termination accounting for proceed with conversion to other work
fixed-price supply contracts, closely fol- without need to take an inventory and
lowing the earlier Ordnance instructions.29 prepare his claim against the government,
Soon thereafter a new section on con- thus saving time for himself and for the
tract termination was added to the Pro-
curement Regulations as PR 15. 30 This 27
section described the main steps in termi- Campbell, op cit., p. 404. See also histories
of all Ordnance districts in OHF, and Memo of
nation procedure, beginning with the Duffy, OCO, for CG ASF, 1 Jan 44, sub: Com-
government's telegram to the contractor ments on Admin of Contract Termination, copy
advising him to stop work on a specific in OHF.
Memo by H. P. Isham, Chicago Ord Dist.
contract, followed by a confirming regis- 27 Jul 43, sub: Negotiated Settlement, copy in
tered letter and a copy of the War Depart- OUSW file. See also L t r , Lt Col George V.
ment Termination Accounting Manual. Rountree, Chicago Ord Dist, to Duffy, OCO,1
Apr 43, sub: Termination. . . , copy in OHF.
The contractor then notified his subcon- 29
TM 14-320, Termination Accounting Man-
tractors, began to look for other business, ual for Fixed-Price Supply Contracts ( 1 9 4 3 ) ,
later issued as TM 14-1005 (1944). See also the
and put men to work drawing up his recommendations supporting negotiated settle-
claim for payment by the government. ments in memo of William C. Foster, Chairman
Surplus material and government-owned Purchase Policy Advisory Comm., for USW, 30
Sep 43, copy in OUSW file.
equipment was promptly moved out of 30
Copy in Hist of Readjustment Div, ASF.
the plant, and representatives of the 31
On pretermination, see Memo, Shepherd,
company sat around a conference table OCO. for Director Readjustment Div, ASF, 30
Dec 44, sub: Progress Rpt on Pre-termination
with government officials to work out a Training, copy in OHF.
negotiated settlement. When possible, a 32
Settlement procedures were described in gen-
pre-termination conference was held with eral terms by Secretary Patterson in Hearings.
Comm, on Mil Affairs, H.R., 78th Cong., 1st
the contractor to iron out problems of sess., on H.R. 3022, pt. 2, pp. 151ff, and by Leon
timing and procedure.31 Reasonably ex- Malman, op. cit. For a detailed case history, see
plicit rules and regulations governed each "Settlement of a War Contract," Mill and Fac-
tory, May 1945, copy in History, Philadelphia
major step in the process, and it was Ordnance District, Volume XI, Part 3. See also
through these regulations, plus the de- manual entitled Termination Procedure for War
tailed provisions of the termination ac- Contracts issued by Cincinnati Ordnance District,
and Hearings, Committee of Military Affairs,
counting manual, that the interests of H.R., 78th Cong., 1st sess., on H.R. 3022, 24
both contractor and government were June 1943, Pages 47-49.

government. This was especially attractive from Colonel Witter's staff and from dis-
to contractors during the first two years trict offices gave short talks on the subject
of the war when they could easily shift to to trade associations, chambers of com-
other war work. As it was the essence of merce, and professional societies. In Feb-
administrative simplicity, its use was also ruary and March 1944 the Boston district
attractive to the government and was held a series of eight all-day conferences
given official encouragement. A further for contractors in the Boston area. The
reason for the popularity of "no cost" Springfield district conducted similar
settlements was the Renegotiation Act. training conferences while the New York
When a contractor knew he had earned district arranged for New York University
all allowable profit during a given period to give evening classes in contract termina-
there was no point in trying to gain more tion. In the Philadelphia area, the Ord-
in the final settlement.33 By the end of nance district co-operated with other gov-
December 1945, "no claims" cases ac- ernment procurement offices to prepare a
counted for roughly one-fourth the money course in contract termination to be given
value of all Ordnance settlements, and by the University of Pennsylvania. The
well over half the number of cases purpose of these courses was to speed
settled.34 contract termination and settlement by
In November 1943, when ASF created instructing contractors how to submit
a Readjustment Division, headed by an their claims to the proper government
Ordnance officer, Col. David N. Hause- agency. The staff of the Chicago district
man, and the Office of War Mobilization wrote a comedy skit called "Negotiation
established the Joint Termination Board, for Termination, or You Can't Take It
Ordnance set up a contract termination With You," presented it as after-dinner
section in the Legal Branch and called in entertainment for many businessmen's
Col. Dean Witter from the San Francisco groups, and gave one performance for a
district office to head it. Meanwhile, Ord- subcommittee of the House Military Af-
nance called regional conferences in Chi- fairs Committee.
cago, Detroit, New York, and St. Louis
to inform district officials of plans and The Statutory Base
policies being formulated in Washington.
The Ordnance districts created their own The principle of termination by nego-
termination sections and prepared to put tiation was applied, on the basis of the
their procurement machinery into reverse.
Each Ordnance district opened termina- 33
(1) Smith, Army and Economic Mobiliza-
tion training courses for members of its tion; (2) War Contract Terminations and Settle-
ments, Report by the Director of Contract Settle-
staff and drew up manuals to prescribe ment to the Congress, 2d rpt, Jan 45, p. 20; (3)
practical operating procedures. When this Hist, Readjustment Div, ASF, pp. 43-46.
work was well under way the districts Graphic Analysis, Progress of Ord Program,
sec 4, 23 Jan 46, OHF, p. 2.
turned to the task of introducing contrac- 35
(1) Shepherd, op. cit.; (2) Mueller, The
tors to the mysteries of contract termina- New York Ordnance District in World War II,
tion and settlement, and stimulating their ch. 9; (3) Robert T. Gebler, Philadelphia Ord-
nance District in World War II (Philadelphia;
interest in advance preparation for sub- Westbrook Publishing Company, 1949); (4)
mitting termination claims. Specialists Folder marked Termination-Training.

Judge Advocate General's decision, to invitations to fraud. The War Depart-

cases that came up in 1942-43, but pro- ment's answer to these charges was that
curement officials and contractors both the General Accounting Office had so far
saw the need for putting such important disallowed less than 10 cents per $1,000
matters on a firm statutory base. The War of expenditures under War Department
Department drafted proposed legislation contracts, and had approved 99.95 percent
for this purpose in 1943, and committees of all procurement vouchers submitted for
of Congress opened hearings on the sub- audit during the four months ending with
ject. At this point, Lindsay Warren, the August 1943.37 Industry spokesmen termed
Comptroller General, vigorously objected Warren's proposal impractical.38
to the Army's plan to put the negotiated The House Committee on Military Af-
settlement on a firm statutory base. Mr. fairs later reported out a bill to place the
Warren complained that the procedures Comptroller General in charge of termina-
proposed by the War Department con- tion settlements, but the bill was defeated
tained no adequate means of safeguarding in favor of a modified version of the War
the public interest. They bypassed the Department's proposal. Strong support for
General Accounting Office, and required the negotiated settlement came from in-
no audit, no documentary evidence of the dustry representatives who testified before
validity of contractors' claims, and only a the House Committee in October 1943,
spot check that was "an insult to proper and further support appeared in February
audit of a matter of this magnitude." 1944 when the Baruch-Hancock report
"When I read these regulations," he testi- on postwar adjustment policies was re-
fied, leased. It recommended "quick, fair, and
I became so amazed and astounded that
final settlement of terminated war con-
I have wondered if those officers or civilian tracts through negotiations by the contrac-
employees of the War Department who pre- tors and the procurement agencies." The
pared them ever gave a passing thought Comptroller General's insistence on de-
that they were in fact servants of the Gov- tailed audit before payment would, the
ernment, whose interest they were sworn to
protect. These regulations have all the ap-
pearance of being put forward by special
pleaders for industry in disregard of the 36
Hearings, H.R. Comm, on Mil Affairs, 78th
Government and those other citizens who Cong., 1st sess., on H.R. 3022, pt. 2, p. 191. See
are paying the Government's bills.36 also Ltr, Comptroller General to Hon. Andrew
J. May, 20 Sep 43, and to Hon. James E.
Warren brought forth case after case to Murray, 20 Sep 43, copies in OCMH file.
show that contractors in the past had Ltr, USW to May, 27 Oct 43, printed in
claimed payment for goods or services in Hearings, H.R., Comm, on Mil Affairs, 78th
Cong., 1st sess., on H.R. 3022, pt. 2, pp. 626-27.
no way related to their government con- See also Ltr, Patterson to Murray, 8 Oct 43, copy
tracts, and had been stopped only by the in OCMH file.
GAO audit. He challenged the War De- The New York Times, October 24, 1943, p.
57. See also the later Report to the Office of
partment's assertion that all its contract- Contract Settlement by Industry Comm. Selected
ing officers were efficient and capable men to Investigate Direct Settlement and Related
working within a well established frame- Problems, 12 Dec 44, OCMH file; and Termina-
tion of War Contracts, a study prepared by the
work of regulations, and asserted that con- Law Department of the National Association of
tract settlements without audit were open Manufacturers, copy in OUSW file.

report contended, "quibble the nation into Action on V-J Day

a panic." 39 The Contract Settlement Act
of 1944, signed by the President on1 During the second week in August
July, created the Office of Contract Settle- 1945, ASF gave Ordnance detailed in-
ment headed by a director responsible for structions for terminating contracts upon
prescribing policies and procedures and Japan's surrender. A standard telegram to
enforcing their observance.40 The act fol- be sent to prime contractors was enclosed,
lowed existing procedures in providing for along with one for the contractor to send
quick negotiated settlements, prompt re- to his subcontractors. These forms were
moval of inventories from contractors' to be filed with Western Union, accom-
plants, and interim financing to enable panied by a list of contractors, contract
contractors to proceed with conversion to numbers, and other essential data, pending
peacetime business.41 Joint Termination the signal for Western Union to send
Regulations (JTR) issued by the War and them out. Ordnance forwarded these plans
Navy Departments in November 1944 set to its district offices and arsenals with
forth detailed procedures to guide govern- instructions to be ready for prompt action
ment officials in applying the law. JTR as soon as Japan surrendered. Shortly
and the Contract Settlement Act laid a after 7 p.m. on 14 August the Japanese
firm statutory and regulatory base for the surrender was announced and the Chief
procedures Ordnance had first tried out in of Ordnance received a letter from ASF to
the Scott and Guiberson cases more than get out the termination telegrams at once.
two years earlier. In this process some eleven thousand con-
By the end of December 1944, Ord-tracts were terminated and the district
nance had authorized termination of nearly 39
Baruch and Hancock, op. cit.
fourteen thousand contracts, and of that 40
For brief and sympathetic analysis of termi-
total some 93 percent had been finally nation activities, see the periodic reports to Con-
settled. The time required to settle cases gress by the Office of Contract Settlement,
was steadily reduced during the year, particularly the Tenth Report, Jan 47, in Army
Library, which summarizes the whole record.
dropping from ten months for settling a 41
U.S. Statutes at Large, vol. 58, p. 649. See
large claim in April to less than six months also ASF Ann Rpt FY 1945, pp. 220-26, and
"Contract Settlement Act of 1944" by Sen.
by the end of the year. The backlog of James E. Murray, Law and Contemporary Prob-
pending cases had dropped from its Feb- lems (Duke University School of Law), X, No. 4
ruary peak of 2,265 involving over $4 (Spring, 42
1944), 683ff.
Graphic Analysis, Progress of Ord Program,
billion to less than one thousand totaling sec. 4, 20 Feb 45. See also Memo, Capt D. E.
about $1-1/2 billion.42 In February Varner for Lt Col H. T. Bodman, 28 Aug 44,
1945 the Office of Contract Settlement sub: Analysis of ... Contract Terminations.
. . , copy in OHF; and Ltr, Robert H. Hinckley,
commended the War Department on its Director OCS, to USW, 3 Feb 45, ex. 33 in
contract settlement performance during Shepherd, op. cit.
the preceding six months and observed Ltr, Hinckley, to USW, 3 Feb 45.
(1) Memo, ASF Director of Matériel to
that the progress made during this period USW, 4 Aug 45, sub: Advance Termination
was "largely due to the continued good Notice of V-J Day Cancellations, in ASF Direc-
performance of the Ordnance Department tor of Matériel file marked V-J Day Notices;
(2) Memo, ASF Director of Matériel for
and to the great improvement made by CofOrd, 10 Aug 45, sub: Plng for Contract
Army Air Forces." 43 Terminations on V-J Day, same file.


As OF 31 DECEMBER 1945

Source: Graphic Analysis, Progress of Ord Program, sec. 4, 23 Jan 46, p. 2, OHF.

offices were deluged with settlement work. subcontractors until the government set-
By the end of the year, the job was well tled their claims. The situation became so
under way, as the table shows. (Table serious that Under Secretary of War
24) By the end of the following year Patterson appealed to the Attorney Gen-
Ordnance could sum up its contract settle- eral for help. In October 1944 the At-
ment record in terms of some thirty-five torney General expressed the opinion that
thousand fixed-price contracts settled— contracting agencies had the authority to
most on a no-claim basis—for a total make settlements of all claims and that the
canceled commitment value of over $13 Office of Contract Settlement had author-
billion. Settled cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts ity to issue appropriate regulations on the
were fewer in number—only. 184 all told subject. The Office of Contract Settle-
—but accounted for an additional $3 ment soon published, as part of the Joint
billion. Termination Regulations, a procedure that
Termination of cost-plus-fixed-fee con- required contracting officers to answer
tracts posed special problems. Under such objections raised by the General Account-
contracts the government was obliged to ing Office during a 60-day period after the
reimburse contractors for expenses in- termination agreement was reached.45
curred in performance of their contracts. Insofar as speed was concerned, the over-
But what expenses were to be considered all Ordnance record on terminations was
reasonable and proper? Each contract good, but by January 1946 the original
presented a host of puzzling questions. forecast of accomplishment had not been
Seemingly small matters, such as a few met. In explanation, the contract termina-
cents increase in the hourly rate of pay tion section reported that delays stemmed
for employees, could mount up to a mil- from a variety of causes. Some contractors
lion dollars on a large contract. Contrac- had not submitted their claims promptly
tors were slow to settle their CPFF con- while others, having received partial pay-
tracts because they feared that agreements ment, were content to postpone final set-
reached with Ordnance or one of the other
military procurement agencies would be This complex problem is discussed on an
upset later by the General Accounting Army-wide basis, with specific details on the Ord-
nance tank contract with the Baldwin Locomo-
Office. They declined to dispose of their tive Works, in Smith, Army and Economic Mo-
inventories or close their accounts with bilization, Chapter XXVIII.

tlement until more urgent reconversion sponsored by the Office of Contract Set-
work was completed. Other contractors tlement came to the same conclusion 48
showed a tendency to insist upon getting The years that followed World War II
the last dollar on each claim even though brought to light no substantial evidence of
that meant prolonging the negotiation. unjust enrichment of Ordnance contrac-
Ordnance was at fault in some instances. tors. Neither did these years bring the
The districts had underestimated the per- economic paralysis and widespread un-
sonnel they would require after V-J Day, employment feared by many. Instead, they
while mandatory cuts in personnel under- brought speedy demobilization of the
mined morale and disrupted normal rou- armed forces and rapid conversion of the
tine. The letdown that came with the end nation's economy from war to peace pro-
of the war combined with the desire of duction, and a relatively high level of
civilians to get back to peacetime pursuits prosperity. Friendly relations of Ordnance
to create a really serious personnel prob- and its contractors, the indispensable basis
lem.46 for wartime co-operation, were not dis-
The conclusion that Ordnance contract turbed. Several factors contributed to this
settlements were, on the whole, fast and result, chief of them being the high war-
final, appears sound,47 but it is impossible time tax rates and the recapture of excess
to determine precisely how "fair" they profits under the Renegotiation Act. The
were. The settlement process left much to Internal Revenue Bureau's decision that
the discretion of the contractor and the termination payments were to be con-
contracting officer, and placed less empha- sidered as income received on the day of
sis on following the rule book than on termination, rather than on the date of
following the practices of private business final settlement, kept contractors from
in drawing up an agreement acceptable to dragging out negotiations to take advan-
both parties. It may be assumed that con- tage of lower postwar tax rates.49 Indus-
tracting officers, modestly paid guardians try's natural desire to beat swords into
of the public interest, must at times have ploughshares, aided by the government's
grown weary of the struggle when pitted enlightened contract termination and set-
against representatives of firms with a tlement policy worked something akin to
heavy financial stake in the settlement. an industrial miracle in postwar reconver-
Pressure to settle contracts with utmost sion.
speed must at times have led them to take 46
Reasons for the Ordnance Department Not
short cuts and to accept rule of thumb Meeting the Forecasts Originally Set (Termina-
tion of Contracts), 22 Jan 46, apparently pre-
estimates that may have been overly gen- pared by Contract Termination Br of Legal Div,
erous. But a field survey by accountants attached to Shepherd, op. cit. See also Letter,
from the Office of Contract Settlement in CofOrd to all district chiefs, 13 Dec 45, OO160/
19008 Misc.
December 1944, including a check of 47
Memo, CofOrd for Chief Detroit Dist, 29
twelve Ordnance district offices, concluded Jan 46, sub: Time Required to Settle Termina-
that contract settlement agencies were tions, copy in OHF.
War Contract Terminations and Settlements,
doing a good job and that many contrac- Report by the Director of Contract Settlement to
tors were so eager to convert to peacetime the Congress, 2d rpt, Jan 45; 4th rpt, Jul 45, and
business that they did not insist on all the 8th rpt, Jul 46.
U.S. Office of Contract Settlement, A History
profits they were entitled to. Later surveys of War Contract Terminations and Settlements, p. 2.

Field Service: Legacy of World War I

Maj. Gen. Clarence C. Williams created tribution of Ordnance supplies. To aid in
Field Service as a major division of the carrying out this aspect of its duties, Field
Office of the Chief of Ordnance in Jan- Service organized a publications depart-
uary 1919.1 Field Service was clearly a ment at Raritan Arsenal. During most of
product of World War I, a war that had the period before 1940 Field Service con-
revealed the inadequacies of traditional sisted of four branches—Executive, Gen-
supply systems. The primary responsibility eral Supply, Ammunition, and Mainte-
assigned to Field Service was management nance. There was some reshuffling of
of the Ordnance Department's huge post- responsibilities among these branches dur-
war supply of weapons, ammunition, and ing World War II, and creation of new
related matériel, valued in the spring of branches, but the broad outlines of Field
1921 at approximately $1,311,000,000. Service organization remained fairly sta-
Within the framework of the Office of the ble.2
Chief of Ordnance the new division's The supply procedures of the new di-
storage and maintenance functions com- vision grew out of the experiences of
plemented the development and procure- Ordnance officers in France. To make the
ment functions of the Manufacturing most of these experiences while they were
Service, later to be renamed Industrial fresh in men's minds, the chief Ordnance
Service. officer of the AEF, Brig. Gen. John H.
Field Service had charge of all Ord- Rice, in April 1919 appointed a board to
nance depots; it bore responsibility for the prepare a manual to guide future Ord-
maintenance and issue of equipment to nance operations in the field. When the
troops, and for all salvage operations; and members of the board assembled at Tours
it was primarily responsible for training they had before them the reports that
Ordnance troops. Except for a brief inter- General Rice had required of all officers
lude in 1925-28, when the Manufacturing commanding Ordnance installations in
Service took over the task, Field Service
had the important duty of making sur- (1)Ord Office Order 495, 7 Jan 19; (2) WD
veillance inspection of ammunition in General Orders 80, 19 June 1919, gave Field
Service permanent status. See also Annual Re-
storage. It was also assigned the duty of port Chief of Ordnance, 1919, and History,
preparing standard nomenclature lists Field Service, Executive Branch, vol. I, 1919-39,
(SNL's), technical regulations, firing pt.1.
(1) Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning
tables, and the tables of organization and Munitions for War, pp. 20, 99; (2) Hist, FS,
basic allowances that determined the dis- Exec Div, vol. II, pt. 1 (1939-43).

France, plus a special report prepared by closely resemble those of a theater of op-
several officers who had visited British erations, the 1919 manual formed, with
supply depots to make a thorough study some modifications, the basis for the entire
of the British system.3 The board mem- Ordnance distribution system at the time
bers also had as a basis for their recom- Field Service was formed.8
mendations their own firsthand knowledge
of the chaos of the early months of war; The Pattern for Depots and
they recalled the lack of planning and the Maintenance Facilities
almost insuperable difficulty of using an
outmoded system to supply a modern The depot pattern grew out of an Army-
army. Colonel Crain was an ammunition wide realization that new methods of
specialist who had made a study of the forwarding supplies to front-line troops
French system of ammunition supply; Lt. would have to be evolved to meet such
Col. Lucian D. Booth had served as Ord- unprecedented conditions of warfare as
nance Officer of the First Army; Maj. those encountered in World War I. Gen-
Keith F. Adamson and Capt. R. K. Lane eral Staff planners in France considered
knew maintenance problems intimately; several choices: "Should all supplies ar-
and Capt. C. Huth and Capt. J. D. Ash- riving from overseas be stored at the port,
ton were specialists in stock control.4 being forwarded as needed, running the
The result of their deliberations was the chances of interruption to the rail com-
Provisional Manual for Ordnance Field munication by air attack, storm, or the
Service . . ., published by the War De- changing position of our troops at the
partment in 1920. It covered all phases front but minimizing the handling of the
of Ordnance work in a theater of opera- freight? Should it all be shipped to the
tions: organization and operation of the vicinity of the troops with possibility of its
office of the chief Ordnance officer; duties destruction by air raids, or of capture or
of the Ordnance officer at army, corps, abandonment through the shifting of the
division, and camp and port levels; meth- battle lines? Or should it be divided into
ods of storing and issuing supplies; types Base, Intermediate and Advance storage, in
of depots and depot layouts; ammunition the proportions say of ten days' supply in
supply in the combat zone; maintenance Advance storage, twenty-five days' in In-
facilities; and the organization and train- termediate and ten in Base storage?"
ing of ammunition companies and mainte-
nance units.5 The proposed ammunition 3
Lt. Col. Lucian D. Booth, "The General Sup-
supply system resembled that of the French ply Division, Field Service," Army Ordnance, I,
Army; the stock control system for weap- No. 4 (January-March 1921), 196.
Interv, Maj. Gen. James K. Crain, 1 7 Feb 54.
ons and other general supplies was pat- 5
Provisional Manual for Ordnance Field Serv-
terned on that of the British; 6 and the ice. . . , September 1919 (Washington, 1920)
depot system was formed on the plan [hereafter cited as Manual of 1 9 1 9 ] , p. 3, OHF.
Allied and Associated Powers, Report of the
evolved by the U.S. Services of Supply by Military Board of Allied Supply (Washington,
which supplies were forwarded to the front 1924), I, 316; II, 298.
through base, intermediate, and advance James J. Harbord, The American Army in
France (Boston: Little, Brown and Company,
depots.7 Because it was desirable to have 1936), pp. 120-21.
operations in the Zone of the Interior Booth, op. cit., p. 196.

The latter plan was the one adopted, with

the advance depot feeding the Army
depots or railheads in the combat zone.9
After the war the Army depot system in
the United States similarly consisted of
three main types of depots, called reserve,
intermediate, and area. Reserve depots re-
ceived vast stocks in bulk from factories
and held most of them for use in time of
war or other emergency. Intermediate
depots, spread out across the country,
acted as wholesale warehouses for certain
areas, storing in bulk enough supplies to
meet requirements for three months. Area
depots were retailers, carrying enough
stocks to meet their responsibilities to
posts, camps, and stations for three
months. The small depots at the station
level kept on hand enough supplies for
one month's consumption.
Along these lines the War Department
maintained general depots, containing
AGE at an ammunition reserve depot, 1940.
supplies of all types—weapons, food, med-
ical supplies, and so on, and the Ordnance
Department and several other supply serv- Arsenal in Illinois.11 By 1929 about half
ices maintained branch depots of the re- of the 1920 ammunition reserve depots
serve and intermediate types. The Secre- had been abolished; from 1929 until the
tary of War in 1920 designated eighteen World War II expansion began ammuni-
Ordnance reserve depots, most of them tion reserves were stored at the following
for ammunition, and four intermediate depots: Curtis Bay in Maryland, Delaware
depots. The latter were not merely storage and Raritan in New Jersey, Pig Point
depots but old-line repair arsenals dating (renamed Nansemond) in Virginia, Sa-
from the Civil War or before.10 vanna in Illinois, Wingate in New Mexico,
As the system worked out in the post- and Ogden in Utah. The intermediate
war years., reserves of artillery, small arms, depots—Augusta in Georgia, Benicia in
fire control instruments, tractors, and California, Rock Island in Illinois, and
other general supplies were stored at prov-
ing grounds or at the arsenals where they Harbord, op. cit., pp. 120-21.
were made. Fire control instruments were (1) Booth, op. cit., p. 197; (2) "Storage of
Supplies for the Army," Army Ordnance, I, No.
kept at Frankford, small arms at Spring- 4 (January-March 1921), 200.
field, gun carriages at Watertown, and big (1) OCO Historical Sec, Spec Plng Br,
guns at Watervliet; the greatest concen- Monograph No. 8, Ordnance Field Service, 1
July 1940 to 31 August 1945, 31 Dec 45 [here-
tration of tank, artillery, and small arms after referred to as Monograph No. 8], p. 13.
reserves was maintained at Rock Island OHF; (2) Interv, Crain, 17 Feb 54.

San Antonio in Texas—also served as area equipments; apparatus and machines for
depots.12 the service and maneuver of artillery;
Maintenance problems scarcely existed small arms, ammunition and accoutre-
before World War I. Each infantry com- ments; horse equipments and harness for
pany took into the field a small box of Field Artillery, and horse equipment for
spare parts and a few simple tools with Cavalry and other mounted men; tools,
which the company mechanic repaired the machinery and materials for the Ordnance
rifles and pistols; each battery of field service; and all property of whatever na-
artillery had a store wagon, a batten- ture supplied to the Military Establish-
wagon, and a forge limber including a ment by the Ordnance Department." 14
blacksmith's outfit for shoeing horses. In To aid the troops in ordering supplies
World War I the use of motor vehicles to and the storekeepers in issuing them, the
a degree never before known and the de- Ordnance Department listed all matériel
velopment of new and more complex weap- in detail in a "storage catalogue" of seven
ons made necessary an elaborate system of volumes. Volume I, for example, listed
maintenance. There had to be substantial ammunition of all kinds; Volume II,
base shops in the rear of the armies for caissons and limbers; and Volume III,
major repairs on heavy ordnance matériel cannon, carriages and mounts, including
and large-scale repair of small arms. Ad- fire control items. For definite identifica-
vance base shops, of a rather permanent tion and for convenience in ordering by
nature, had to be pushed as far forward cable or telegraph, each item and its var-
as the safety of their stores and suitable ious parts carried a number of several
railway facilities permitted. Mobile shops, digits, the first of which was always 7, the
mounted on trucks or trailers, were needed General Staff designation for Ordnance.
to accompany the armies. The system set Thus, since 4 meant the equipment volume
up in the United States after the war and 1 meant animal, a requisition for
corresponded to this theater-of-operations 741-1 would call for one complete
plan. Four manufacturing arsenals, Rock "Aparejo" or packsaddle, and 741-1-2,
Island, Watertown, Watervliet, and 741-1-3 and so on, would call for spe-
Springfield, performed the heavy work cific parts of the Aparejo.15 The classifi-
done by base shops during the war; four cation differed little from that in use at
depots, Benicia, San Antonio, Augusta, the time of the Civil War.16
and Raritan, acted as advance mainte- 12
(1) Survey of the Ordnance Department, 20
nance shops for the Corps Areas they Sep 29, Incl 6, Survey of Depots and Excess Sup-
served.13 plies, and Incl 12, Supply and Maint of Combat
Matériel in the Existing Army, 320/377 NA; (2)
Monograph No. 8, p. 2.
The Ordnance Provision System 13
Col. Kenneth B. Harmon, "Ordnance Main-
tenance," Army Ordnance, I, No. 4 (January
The methods of distributing weapons at -March 1921), 167-72.
Manual of 1919, p. 7.
the beginning of World War I were as 15
U.S. Ord Dept, Storage Catalogue, IV
antiquated as the phrasing in the defini- (Washington, 1919), v-vii.
tion of ordnance and ordnance stores con- U.S. Ord Dept, Instructions for Making
Quarterly Returns of Ordnance and Ordnance
tained in Army Regulations of 1913: Stores. . . , (Washington, 1863), pp. 39-77. Line
"Cannon and artillery vehicles, and officers reported quarterly on the weapons as-

In addition to the number of each versa; and though storekeeping involves a

article the catalogue gave the accepted less specialized skill, still there is a great
name, or "standard nomenclature," to- difference between being able to identify
gether with a brief description that would the particular fittings used with each type
theoretically enable an inexperienced man of gun and being able to piece together
to identify it. But the vast numbers of in- the various bits of leather that go to make
experienced men that came into the Army up different sets of harness and saddlery,
in World War I, and the growing com- and knowing in each case the exact
plexity and volume of Ordnance matériel, nomenclature." 17
soon made it evident that new methods of Knowledge of nomenclature and ability
identification and classification would to identify were of the first importance in
have to be devised. the accurate reporting of stocks in war-
American officers who studied the time, as Americans were to rediscover in
British system of supply in France dis- World War II; but these were not the
covered an interesting experiment in de- only advantages of the British system. The
centralization and specialization. The Brit- use of the records was directed toward
ish had found that it was impossible under "provision"—the replenishment of stocks
the pressure of a large-scale war for the —rather than merely property accounta-
officer or new recruit called from civilian bility. Each group, no matter in what
life to gain a thorough knowledge of all depot it was located, reported promptly
ordnance matériel; but he could learn and simultaneously, and thus the central
thoroughly one particular kind of article. office knew at all times the condition of
This was the principle behind the segre- any one type of stores and could make
gation of like stores into groups that re- procurement when necessary.18
sembled small depots within a depot. The The Manual of 1919 directed that de-
group system had been introduced at pots be organized on the group system,
Nantes in the fall of 1914 by Col. Thomas with each group acting as an independent
Heron, a retired officer of ripe experience depot, receiving and issuing property and
who had tried it out in prewar years at keeping such records as were necessary;
Aldershot. It worked well in France. As a but it did not definitely designate what
British historian explained, "No one would classes went into what groups. The Ord-
set a fitter to do saddler's work or vice nance Provision System Regulations after
the war not only used the British system,
signed to them. A Form for Keeping a Record
but also included some modifications based
of Company Ordnance Property in an Ordinary on American military experience and pro-
Memorandum Book recounted the losses of a cedures used by two American mail order
hypothetical Capt. A. B. Brown of Company A,
199th R.I. Volunteers, mustered into service Jan- houses, Montgomery Ward and Company
uary 1, 1862. As the company passed through and Sears Roebuck and Company.19 The
New York, "Private V. Shiftless deserted, taking
with him his musket and set of accoutrements";
later, at the battle of Gaines' Mill, the muskets, Maj. Gen. A. Forbes, A,History of the Army
cartridge boxes, gun slings, bayonet scabbards, Ordnance Services, Volume III: The Great War
and waist belts of ten casualties had to be written (London: Medici Society, Ltd., 1929), pp. 112
off because "the Regiment was obliged to retire -13.
from the ground on which they fell." Ibid., pp. Ibid.
117-19. Interv, Ernest L. Kahlert, 30 Jul 52.

term "provisioning" was defined as esti- the cartridge case, fuze, or other part that
mating requirements, distributing matériel, would be assembled to make the complete
and maintaining necessary stocks at the round.22
arsenals, depots, and other Ordnance es- Groups of major items were designated
tablishments issuing stores to troops. The by letters of the alphabet. Items of general
object of the regulations was to provide supply, with their parts and accessories,
the records necessary to control stocks, to were in Groups A through G; common
place orders for new procurement, and to and maintenance supplies were in Groups
make special distribution in time of war. H, J, K, L, M, and N. Group A consisted
The system was entirely separate from the of automatic weapons and mortars; Group
system of property accounting that was B, hand and shoulder arms; Groups C
common to all supply departments of the through E, various kinds of artillery;
Army and served a different purpose. It Group F, sighting and fire control equip-
closely linked distribution and procure- ment; Group G, tank and automotive
ment, using one set of records for both.20 matériel; Group H, hardware: Group
The Ordnance Provision System adopted J, common tools; Group K, cleaning, pre-
after World War I placed all Ordnance serving, and welding materials; Group L,
supplies in groups, each group containing targets and target materials; Group M,
major items of a similar character with electrical apparatus units and parts;
their own spare parts and accessories.21 Group N, equipment issued to ordnance
Parts common to two or more major items establishments, ordnance units, and certain
were placed in one general group, to avoid 20
(1) Booth, op. cit., pp. 196-200; (2) Gen-
dividing the supply among several groups eral Motors Overseas Operations, General Survey
with the probable result of an accumula- of the Ordnance Department (May 1942) [here-
tion in one group and a shortage in after cited as GM Survey], I, 58-59; 175-82,
OHF; (3) OCO FS, Stock Control Division, vol.
another. In its strict sense a major item 1, History From 1921 Through 31 Aug 43 [here-
was an element of matériel of sufficient after cited as SCD Hist], pp. 15-22; (4) Memo,
importance to require individual classifica- Maj William G. Hynds for Brig Gen Harry R.
Kutz, 21 Sep 42, sub: General Supply Branch
tion or documentation. It might be an Activities as I See Them [hereafter cited as
article normally issued or procured sepa- Hynds Memo], OHF.
Generally speaking, an accessory was an ar-
rately, even if not used separately, as, for ticle that was not a part of the major item but
example, a fuze for a large bomb or a was needed to operate it successfully, such as
carriage for an artillery piece. Generally, a cleaning rod for a rifle. PSP 65, Field Service
Publications, Development and Distribution, Jun
the major item was the weapon itself, the 45, ex AD, OHF.
complete, independent, operating unit such 22
(1) Col. Harry B. Hambleton, History of the
as the rifle ready to shoot. A major com- Engineering Administrative Branch, Industrial
Service, OCO, 19 Nov 45 [hereafter cited as
bination was a single composite unit con- Hambleton, Hist, Engr-Administrative Br], ex. 26,
sisting of two or more major items, such Drafting Room Regulations, Ordnance Depart-
as a tank and its gun, or a gun mounted ment, United States Army (Washington, 1945),
p. 147, OHF; (2) WD Cir 155, 8 Jul 43. For an
on its carriage. In ammunition supply a explanation of the confusion that sometimes re-
distinction was made between the com- sulted from various applications of these defini-
plete round, meaning the artillery shell or tions, see Ordnance Department Board Reports,
Project No. 48, Establishment of Definitions and
bomb or mine loaded, fuzed, and ready to Policies Concerning Major Items, Aberdeen Prov-
function, and the component, which was ing Ground.

tactical units. Groups P through T were senals and depots alike—to Washington.
ammunition. When general supply items They showed the stock on hand; the issues
became obsolete they were transferred covering a definite period; the obligations,
from their several live groups and segre- or unfilled requisitions—known as "dues-
gated in Group OGS. Obsolete ammuni- cut"; the anticipated receipts from all
tion was retained in its original group sources—known as "dues-in"; and de-
because it had to be carefully watched mands for replenishment. Distinction was
and controlled. There was one final cate- made between "dues-out" to troops and
gory, Group Z, for captured foreign "dues-out" to depots; the former meant
matériel.23 real obligations of the Ordnance Depart-
Within the lettered groups, supplies were ment to the using arms; the latter, merely
further subdivided into smaller classes of intradepartmental obligations. Similarly, a
stores. These had a subgroup number that distinction was made between "dues-in"
served as an identification code. Thus the from original procurement and "dues-in"
.30-caliber rifle in Group B had a sub- from depots, because the latter did not
group number, 21, making its classification increase the total stock.25
B-21. A further means of identification The dates of reporting were spread
was the "piece mark," or drawing number. throughout the year in order not to work
The great bulk of artillery and small arms a hardship on the depots. The schedule
items, and some combat vehicle matériel, ranged from monthly to annually, but
bore the numbers that appeared on their there was no hard and fast rule. Normally
engineering drawings. These were usually the greatest spread was semiannually. In
nonsignificant numbers prefixed by "A," the case of great activity in the volume or
"B," "C," "D," or "E." The letters indi- importance of any item, the schedule could
cated drawing sizes, "A" the smallest, be shortened to daily, using telephone or
"E" the largest; the numbers assigned for telegraph if necessary. But it was of the
each size began with 1 and continued utmost importance that any given item be
serially. But if an article was of a common regularly reported by all depots on the
kind called "standard," like automotive same date. The consolidated report gave
parts, hardware, or tools, it would be the Group Chiefs in Washington a close
marked with a number prefixed by four central control of stock. If one depot
letters, the last of which was always "X." showed a shortage, he or she—most of the
These were known as "taxi" numbers after Group Chiefs were women—could tell
the first number of this type, TAAX1. whether another depot had a surplus, and
Standards that were common to other gov- if so, make a transfer. If there was a gen-
ernment agencies might carry a Federal eral shortage, the Chief of Field Service
Standard Stock Catalog number assigned could recommend procurement. Because
by the Treasury Department: for example,
42-C-4625 was the number for a certain PSP 65, exs. AD and AF.
(1) Ibid.; (2) Hambleton, Hist, Engr-
kind of gasoline can.24 Adminstrative Br, exs. 12, 24; (3) Rock Island
The machinery for producing the records Arsenal, History of Ordnance Drawing Numbers
was simple. For all stores, reports known and Ordnance Part Numbers, 8 Oct 45, pp. 1-6,
as Schedules of Stores Reports were sent 25
(1) GM Survey, I, 175-82; (2) Hynds
periodically from field establishments—ar- Memo.

he had to make important decisions on the basic tool of the Ordnance Provision Sys-
basis of the Schedules of Stores Reports, tem. For each numbered subgroup of the
the Chief of Field Service took precautions lettered groups, such as the .30-caliber
to see that the figures were accurate. He rifle, B-21, there was a pamphlet listing
directed the depot supply officers to work alphabetically the major item and all parts
closely with the men actually in charge of and equipment, with identifying numbers.
supplies to check nomenclature carefully, There was a column for the stockkeep-
and to call for physical inventory of any ing number, another for the number that
item whenever he had reason to suspect appeared on the engineering drawing,
that storehouse records were inaccu- another for the "figure number" that was
rate.26 a clue to the diagrams or photographs in
another section, and a column for the note
Standard Nomenclature Lists symbol, a reference to notes in the back of
the SNL. Two very general pamphlets
The official name of every item was es- served as guides, the Introduction to the
tablished by the Ordnance Committee, Ordnance Catalog (IOC), explaining the
composed of representatives of the Tech- use of the SNL's; and an index called
nical, Industrial, and Field Service Divi- Ordnance Publications for Supply Index
sions, and of the using arms. The interested (OPSI), containing a numerical and al-
subcommittee recommending development phabetical listing of all the pamphlets and
work on a new item or adoption of a a description of the matériel in each
newly developed item obtained the nomen- lettered group.
clature from a Basic Nomenclature and In some respects the SNL's were com-
Classification File kept in the Office of the parable to commercial parts lists; in
Chief Engineer, Artillery Branch, Indus- another sense they were supplements to
trial Division. The nomenclature consisted Tables of Organization and Equipment,
of the most important noun followed by Tables of Basic Allowances, and Tables of
qualifying nouns or adjectives in the order Allowances. For example, if a T/OE stated
of importance, as, "gun, machine, cal. .30, that an organization was authorized a
Browning." After approval and assignment Tool Set Unit Equipment, Second Eche-
of the model numbers (prefixed by "M" lon Set No. 1, the pertinent SNL, which
for standard types and "T" for develop- was G-27, Tools, Maintenance, for Repair
ment types), which then became a part of of Modern Vehicles, described the com-
the nomenclature, the items were listed in
the Book of Standards, Ordnance Depart- 26
ment.27 (1) Ordnance Provision System Regulations,
1 Jan 45, pp. 4-6, OHF; (2) Intervs, Crain, 17
For requisitioning, stockkeeping, the Feb, 3 May 54.
guidance of maintenance units, and also for (1) ASF Contl Div Rpt No. 105, Nomen-
the use of procurement and distribution cited as and
clature Supply Catalog, Apr 43 [hereafter
ASF Rpt 105], pp. 2-3, ASF Contl Div
officials in Washington, Field Service after Files G129; (2) and see Green, Thomson, and
World War I began to publish a series of Roots, 28
Planning Munitions for War, pp. 33-34.
pamphlets called Standard Nomenclature Sgt. (1) PSP 65, p. 38 and exs. AD and AF; (2)
Mortimer Gordon, "Use of the Standard
Lists (SNL's). Collectively they formed Nomenclature List," The Ordnance Sergeant, V
the Ordnance supply catalog, and were a (April 1943), 384-92.

ponents of the set in detail.29 Close co- tem, and in plans for the organization of
ordination with the using arms, with de- Field Service. In the period immediately
signers, and with procurement officials was following World War I the tremendous
necessary to provide the information in effort required to store the vast stocks of
the pamphlets. For that reason the group ordnance matériel that had to be cleared
charged with the preparation of SNL's out of war industry plants, ports, and
was conveniently located after 1921 at training camps justified the wisdom of
Raritan Arsenal, New Jersey.30 creating a separate division of the Ord-
nance Department to handle operations in
The Lamp of Experience the field.32 Field Service managed to pro-
vide shelter for this huge accumulation of
In the House of Representatives shortly stores, and this experience influenced the
after World War I, Representative John Q. thinking of the men who would have to
Tilson said, "The next five years will be expand the depot system in World War II.
the very best years in the century to make
plans. The lamp of experience, a heart-
rending experience in many respects, will 30
PSP 65, pp. 36-38 and ex. AD.
Ibid. For developments in the preparation of
be a light to guide us."31 In France after SNL's after 1940, see Chapter XXII, below.
the Armistice Ordnance officers had drawn 31
John Q. Tilson, "Swords and Plowshares,"
upon their own experience and that of the Army Ordnance, I, No. 4 (January-March
1921), 165.
Allies in the preparation of the Provisional 32
Brig. Gen. George W. Burr, "Ordnance Field
Manual for a theater of operations, in the Service," Army Ordnance, I, No. 4 (January-
adoption of the Ordnance Provision Sys- March 1921), 165-66.

The New Depot System

The first postwar Congressional investi- concentration of ammunition in Atlantic
gation into the operations of the War Coast depots following the Armistice in
Department took place shortly after the 1918 made necessary the construction of
Revolutionary War. On 2 October 1788two new depots in the interior in 1920,
an investigating committee reported that Savanna in Illinois and Ogden in Utah.
most of the arms and ammunition left But this gain was more than offset by the
over from the War were stored at the three loss in the early twenties of nine of the
permanent Army arsenals1—Springfield, Ordnance reserve depots that had been
West Point, and Philadelphia. Some marked for retention under the National
matériel remained at four temporary depots Defense Act as amended 4 June 1920.3
and at furnaces where the shot and shell In the mid-twenties a major disaster
were cast. The committee recommended brought the subject of ammunition storage
that temporary depots be abandoned and forcibly to the attention of the public. Late
that all stores be placed in the permanent in the afternoon of 10 July 1926 a bolt of
arsenals. lightning struck a magazine at the Naval
Facilities at the arsenals were not ideal. Ammunition Depot at Lake Denmark,
The buildings at Springfield were in good New Jersey. The resultant explosions
condition, but those at West Point, con- killed a number of people, wrecked the
structed of unseasoned wood, were decay- Navy depot, and partially demolished
ing fast. The so-called arsenal at Philadel-
phia consisted of rented buildings unsuited
for ordnance storage and scattered incon- 1
As used here the term arsenal meant a store-
veniently throughout the city. The con- house for arms and ammunition. Springfield
Armory was not established as a manufacturing
struction of proper and permanent arsenals arsenal until 1794. See Green, Thomson, and
and magazines plainly demanded the Roots, Planning Munitions for War, p. 14.
serious attention of the Government. But (1) U.S. Adjutant General's Office, Legisla-
tive History of the General Staff of the Army of
the investigators concluded that "as the the United States . . . 1775-1901 (Washington,
expense of erecting suitable buildings for 1901), pp. 569-71; (2) Brig. Gen. William H.
this purpose will be great, it will perhaps Tschappat, "Early History of American Ord-
nance," Army Ordnance XIII, No. 78 (May-
be thought advisable to defer it for the June 1933), 336.
present." 2 3
(1) "Storage of Supplies for the Army,"
After succeeding wars the Government Army Ordnance, I, No. 4 (January-March 1921),
200; (2) 70th Cong., 1st sess., Doc. 199, Am-
repeatedly adopted a similar policy of con- munition Storage Conditions (Washington, 1928)
traction and economy. The dangerous [hereafter cited as Doc. 199], p. 48.

neighboring Picatinny Arsenal.4 As a re- and early thirties. As a result, depots be-
sult, Congress directed the Secretaries of came run down. Buildings were old, rail-
War and of the Navy to make a survey road trackage rusted and inadequate,
of ammunition storage, with special em- highways patched and narrow, docks dilap-
phasis on the likelihood of danger to idated, and equipment insufficient and
nearby communities. The Army section of largely obsolescent.8 It was not until the
the joint Army-Navy board appointed to mid-1930's that the War Department gave
make the survey reported that with serious attention to any considerable ex-
minor exceptions there was ample safe and pansion of Ordnance storage facilities.
properly located storage to care for all Mobilization Regulations 4-2 of February
Army ammunition in the continental 1935 provided for increased production of
United States. It asserted that preventing munitions, and a proposal by the Baker
a repetition of the disaster and generally Board in 1934 to build up the Air Corps
improving unsatisfactory conditions was had brought a demand for more space for
almost entirely a matter of redistribution bomb storage. Moreover, the money avail-
and rearrangement.5 Its recommendation able for the program of public works or-
that a permanent Joint Army-Navy Am- ganized to combat the effects of the de-
munition Storage Board be appointed to pression could defray some of the cost.9
serve as adviser on ammunition storage to Late in 1936 the Chief of Ordnance
the Secretary of War and the Secretary of submitted requests amounting to approx-
the Navy was promptly accepted.6 imately $21 million for new construction
An important feature of the 1928 re- and repair at various Ordnance establish-
arrangement program was the construction
at several depots of a new type of maga- 4
zine. Called an "igloo" from its resem- (1) Report of Naval Court of Inquiry, "The
Lake Denmark Naval Ammunition Depot Disas-
blance to Eskimo shelters, it was a low, ter," Army Ordnance, VII, No. 38, (September—
earth-covered structure of reinforced con- October 1926), 125-29; (2) Col. William H.
Tschappat, "The Lake Denmark Explosion—Its
crete, its sides arched to form a semicircu- Effect on Picatinny Arsenal," Army Ordnance,
lar roof. The shape directed the power of VII, No. 38 (September-October 1926), 131-34.
an explosion upward rather than outward. Doc. No. 199, p. 7.
45 Stat. 928, 29 May 1928.
It was the best type of storage yet devised 7
(1) Doc. 199, pp. 7-15; (2) Brig. Gen. Ed-
for such dangerous ammunition as loaded ward E. MacMorland, "Ordnance Supply Sys-
bombs and large-caliber shells. To take tem," Mechanical Engineering, vol. 67 (Dec 45-
Jan, Feb, Mar 4 6 ) , p. 792; (3) Capt. Albert D.
care of East Coast ammunition the Ord- Lueders, Historical Report on Development and
nance Department built twenty-four igloos Construction, Ammunition Storage Depots, [here-
at Savanna, Illinois, which was considered after cited as Lueders Rpt], p. 1, in History,
Field Service Storage Division, vol. 101 [hereafter
ideal because of its isolated situation. By- cited as Hist, Storage Div], OHF.
building igloos in lesser numbers at Aber- 8
Monograph No. 8, p. 12.
deen, Delaware, and Benicia, Ordnance (1) War Department Policy Concerning Sites
for New Ordnance Depots. . . , Approved Site
made those depots safe for limited amounts Board Reports, 1 Dec 44 [hereafter cited as Site
of larger caliber ammunition. The igloos Bd Rpts], exs. 1-13, OHF; (2) Ltr, SW to
were all completed by March of 19297 CofOrd, 22 Aug 34, sub: Storage for Air Corps
Ammo, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 26. There were
Very little other new construction was 22 inclosures, dated 21 Sep 34 to 2 Oct 38; see
possible in the lean years of the twenties resume, ibid.

ments, including manufacturing arsenals United States,13 and concluded that the
as well as depots.10 This request, and a best locations for storing war reserves were
recommendation by the Chemical War- Rock Island, for general supplies, and
fare Service for rehabilitation of chemical Savanna, for ammunition.
manufacturing establishments at Edge- On the second point, proximity to thea-
wood Arsenal, led Brig. Gen. George R. ters of operation, the Board assumed that
Spalding, Assistant Chief of Staff G-4, to the best system in time of peace was one
the decision that, before any large sums of that would function best in time of war.
money were spent, the War Department On this basis, the mountain and Pacific
ought to draw up a plan for an ideal sys- Coast states (IX Corps Area), and Hawaii
tem of manufacturing and storage facilities. would be best served by Ogden in Utah
The most important considerations were, and Benicia in California; the Central
in order of importance, strategic location United States (V, VI, and VII Corps
to avoid destruction by enemy attack; Areas) by Rock Island and Savanna, both
proximity to vital raw materials; nearness in Illinois; the Southeast (IV Corps Area)
to probable theaters, assuming that the by Augusta Arsenal, Georgia. These were
most probable theaters were in the West all existing depots. For the Southwest
and Southwest; economy of operation; (VIII Corps Area) ideally there should be
and, finally, climate. On General Spald- a new depot in Texas, but practically San
ing's recommendation, the Secretary of Antonio Arsenal could be built up to serve.
War ordered the Chief of Ordnance, Maj. For the Northeast (I, II, and III Corps
Gen. William H. Tschappat, to submit Areas) the best solution was a new depot
such a plan for his own installations. Gen- in central Pennsylvania; but the cost was
eral Tschappat delegated the job to a prohibitive. The Board felt that the ex-
board of five officers, headed by Col. pense was not justified and that Raritan
Norman F. Ramsey.11 would be adequate to serve the northeast
The Ramsey Board dismissed considera- area and also provide overseas supply of
tions of climate and economy of operation Panama, if Delaware assumed some of the
as relatively unimportant; it concentrated
on strategic location and proximity to 10
Ibid., ex. 17. Of this amount, $4-1/2 million
probable theaters. As to strategic location, was for a new bomb storage project at Cheat
the Secretary of War had laid down the Bridge, W. Va. This site was later discarded be-
policy that, generally speaking, after M-day cause the remote mountainous country created
problems of construction, transportation, and
there would be no construction for the labor; also, there was no level space for an air-
storage of wartime reserves on the eastern field. Ltr, CofOrd to Hon Jennings Randolph,
seaboard of the United States, the area 26 11Dec 40, OO 675/2356 Misc.
Site Bd Rpts, exs. 17, 19, 20.
between the Atlantic Coast and the eastern 12
Ltr, SW to Chiefs of All Supply Arms and
slope of the Appalachian Mountains; or Services, 17 Feb 36, sub: Policy from Mil Point
on the western seaboard, in the area lying of View as to Location of Additional Construc-
tion of Storage Plants, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex.
west of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada 11.
ranges.12 The Board proposed as an addi- 13
Report of Board of Officers to Prepare Secret
Plan Embodying An Ideal Set-up for Ordnance
tional safety measure that depots be lo- Manufacturing and Storage Facilities in the
cated at a reasonable distance from the United States, 15 Apr 37, copy in Site Bd Rpts,
northern and southern boundaries of the ex. 20, p. 24.

ammunition load. The Board recom- ing the ammunition needed under the Air
mended that Curtis Bay, Nansemond, and Corps Expansion Program and Initial Pro-
Charleston be abandoned, by a process of tective Force Program.18 It was not until
attrition rather than immediate transfer of the summer of 1940, when the fall of
the ammunition to other storage.14 France brought about mounting appropri-
In submitting this report to the War ations for defense, that any considerable
Department, General Tschappat suggested expansion of storage facilities was possible.
that a new ammunition depot might be
built in the East, perhaps in West Virginia Appropriations for Storage in 1940
or Pennsylvania, for the ammunition
stored at Curtis Bay, Nansemond, and The main trouble about planning for
Charleston. But he urged that the East depot expansion in June 1940 was that
Coast depots should be retained, if not for nobody could say how much matériel
ammunition for some other purpose, be- there would be to store. Figures on the
cause they were so well adapted to water size of the army-to-be fluctuated from day
shipments.15 Thus the result of this early to day, sometimes from hour to hour;19
prewar planning did not change very and even when a definite figure was set,
much the distribution pattern that had there was difficulty in determining, first,
developed in World War I, and, when how much equipment was needed and,
G-4 in the summer of 1938 made a study second, how much of this equipment
of the supply depot network from the should be placed in storage. On 29 June
standpoint of its adequacy to serve the the Assistant Chief of Staff G-4 asked the
Protective Mobilization Plan, the investi- Ordnance Department to prepare a list of
gators considered that there was still a critical items for an army of two million
"faulty concentration of many Ordnance men, and also requested estimates on the
establishments along the Atlantic sea- money that would be needed for storage.
board."16 An answer was required by four o'clock of
At the outbreak of the war in Europe the same day.20
in 1939 Ordnance planners reviewed the
ammunition storage situation and found Ibid., pp. 24-32.
2d Indorsement (Memo, Brig Gen George R.
that roughly 65 percent of the space was Spalding for the CofS, 8 Dec 36, sub: Location
in the East, 27 percent in the central of Government Mfg Plants), CofOrd to TAG, 6
portion of the United States, and only 7 May 37, Site Bd Rpts, ex. 23.
Memo, Brig Gen George P. Tyner, Asst CofS
percent in the West. These figures showed for CofS, 6 Jan 39, sub: Supply Facilities under
that the War Department's policy of 1937, the PMP—Revision of Oct, 1938, Site Bd Rpts,
to store 25 percent in the East, 60 percent ex. 27.
Ltr, CofOrd to TAG, 22 Sep 39, sub, Strate-
in the Central United States, and 15 per- gic Storage of Ammo, ex. E of Lueders Rpt.
cent in the West, had not been followed. Memo, CofOrd for ACofS G-4, 20 Jan 39.
Savanna and San Antonio could be ex- sub: New Construction and Facilities Pertaining
to National Defense Program, FY 1940, OO
panded to bring the Central area up from 6001/1386.
27 to 39 percent, reducing the East from 20
Watson, Chief of Staff, pp. 171-79.
65 to 55; but further than that it seemed Memo, G-4, 6-29-49, sub: Instructions for
Computation of Additional Critical Items Re-
impossible to go by expanding existing quired for a Force of 2,000,000 Men, copy in
depots.17 Money was scarce, even for stor- Col James K. Crain, Diary, OHF.

The estimates for ammunition storage added. The total estimate for general sup-
were prepared by Lt. Col. Robert N. Bo- ply storage was therefore $23,225,000.
dine, Chief of the Ammunition Supply For all this planning, the General Staff,
Division of Field Service, and they were acting on a basis unknown to Ordnance,
necessarily very rough, because Colonel put into the Munitions Program of 30
Bodine did not know the basis on June 1940, a lump-sum estimate of
which ammunition requirements for the $42,000,000 for all Ordnance storage,
2,000,000-man program were computed. whether ammunition or general supply,
He estimated $81,208,000 for igloos, and $7,125,000 for the acquisition of
magazines, and auxiliary buildings, and land. By agreement between the Chief of
$12,750,000 for the procurement of land the Ammunition Supply Division and the
—85,000 acres at $150 per acre—making Chief of the Equipment Division these
a total of $93,958,000.21 amounts were apportioned between am-
For general supplies, Field Service's munition and general supply storage in the
storage planners had a figure of $1,310,- same ratio generally as had appeared in
900,000 worth of items on which to base the estimates for the 2,000,000-man pro-
their estimates. But how much of this gram, about four for ammunition to one
matériel would require permanent storage for general supplies. But the exact
in specially built warehouses? The first figures that would appear in the break-
estimates, prepared by Col. Everett S. down for defense of the estimates required
Hughes, Chief of the Equipment Division careful planning by Ordnance storage ex-
of Field Service, were based on storing perts to produce a program that would be
$105,000,000 worth of items, about one- acceptable to the General Staff and at the
twelfth of the total amount, at a cost of same time would be practicable for the
$6,449,576 in warehouses and $250,000 in special needs of ordnance storage.
land. These figures seemed too conservative Nowhere was there sharper differentia-
to the Chief of Field Service, Colonel tion between the two types of Ordnance
Crain, whose World War I experience had matériel, explosive and inert, than in the
taught him the wisdom of planning ahead. question of storage. Because of its explosive
He raised the sights considerably: the es- 21
Memo, Lt Col Robert N. Bodine, Chief
timates that went to the General Staff Ammo Supply Div, for Chief, Fiscal Div, 29 Jun
were based on storing approximately $655,- 40, copy in Lueders Rpt, ex. F.
000,000 worth of critical items, half the (1) Draft of Memo, ESH for Fiscal Div in
Crain, Diary, OHF; (2) Memo, Col Everett S.
total amount. The warehouses were to be Hughes for Fiscal Div, 29 Jun 40; (3) Memo,
built of reinforced concrete, and were to be 23 Jul 40, sub: Defense Supplemental Estimates
bombproof, well equipped, and strategical- FY 1941 Based on the Munitions Program of 30
Jun.40, Crain, Diary, OHF.
ly well located in cities like Memphis, Ten- 23
For details of this program, see Green,
nessee, where water and rail transportation Thomson, and Roots, Planning Munitions for
was available, and where city power, lights, War, ch. III and Watson, Chief of Staff, pp.
178-79. It provided essential items for an army
and roads could be used. The cost of such of 2,000,000 men at a cost of $2,286,254,041 and
warehouses was estimated as $20,000,000; for24 storage and distribution costs, $435,693,570.
the land at $1,000,000. For the labor and Memo, Chief Ammo Supply Div for CofFS, 17
Jul 40, sub: Storage Required for Ammo on Pro-
warehousing equipment needed to receive gram of 30 Jun 40, copy in Lueders Rpt, ex. E,
and store the stocks, $2,225,000 was OHF.

nature, weight, and extreme sensitivity to War Department for assurance that full
strategic considerations, ammunition de- use would be made of commercial stor-
manded special methods, including storage age.29 Leasing was a quick and flexible
in igloos or magazines, ample acreage to way of expanding or contracting storage
allow for safety distances between igloos, space to meet uncertain needs, and G-4
isolation from neighboring towns, and lo- favored it.30
cation related to possible theaters of war. But leasing had many serious disadvan-
There was little doubt that new ammuni- tages. Commercial buildings were scat-
tion depots were needed. Strategic, supply, tered, so that efficient depot management
and local considerations argued against ex- and movement were difficult; many of the
pansion of any existing depots, except for most desirable warehouses in late 1940
relatively small expansion of Ogden and were already occupied by the Navy or
Benicia. Taking all these factors into con- other Government agencies and most of
sideration, Ordnance ammunition experts those that were left were too old or too
came up with a figure of $32,000,000 for small to be of much use. These drawbacks
2,286 igloos to be located in four new were recognized by the Quartermaster
depots and Benicia Arsenal, and $6,325,- Corps, whose perishable stores were better
000 for the acquisition of land for adapted to leased storage than was Ord-
ammunition storage depots.25 The amount nance matériel.31 In the case of Ord-
for construction fell far below later esti- nance, an immediate consideration was
mates for storing the $994,000,000 worth that most commercial warehouses were
of ammunition provided for in the program multistoried rather than one story. More
of 30 June, but with possible economies in than half of the equipment under the 30
igloo design, it would do. The amount for June program consisted of tanks and com-
land seemed ample, perhaps excessive if bat vehicles that required storage at
much of the new construction could be ground or car level. Important in the
located on military reservations or on long-range view was the fact that artillery
cessions from national forests, as seemed guns and carriages, fire control instru-
possible.26 The total was approved by G-4
and carried in the Second Supplemental (1) Ibid.; (2) Ltr, CofOrd to TAG, 17 Jul
40, sub: New Ammo Depots, OO 633/43.
National Defense Appropriation Bill, Fiscal 26
(1) Crain, Diary, 8 Jul 40; (2) Memo, Chief
Year1941.27 Ammo Supply Div for CofFS, 17 Jul 40, sub:
Ordnance plans for storing general sup- Storage Required for Ammo on Program of 30
Jun 40, copy in Lueders Rpt, ex. E.
plies had rougher going. Unlike ammuni- 27
(1) Crain, Diary, 17, 20 Jul 40; (2) Ltr,
tion, such supplies as weapons, tanks, and CofOrd to TAG, 17 Jul 40, sub: New Ammo De-
spare parts could theoretically be stored pots, and Indorsement, 2 Aug 40, OO 633/43.
(1) General Marshall, quoted in Watson,
in leased commercial facilities or in tempo- Chief of Staff, p. 183; (2) Alvin P. Stauffer,
rary structures. This type of storage was Quartermaster Depot Storage and Distribution
contemplated in the Protective Mobiliza- Operations, QMC Historical Studies No. 18, 1948,
pp. 14-16.
tion Plan under the assumption that upon 29
Watson, Chief of Staff, p. 179.
mobilization troops would move as soon as (1) Memo, Hughes for CofFS, 23 Jul 40,
possible to a theater of operations.28 In sub: Storage Rqmts, in Crain, Diary; (2) Wesson's
11 O'Clock Confs, 15 Jul 40.
discussions of the Munitions Program of 31
Stauffer, QM Depot Storage and Distribu-
30 June, President Roosevelt asked the tion Opns, pp. 18-19.

ments, tanks, rifles, and machine guns houses for general supplies at the pro-
were expensive and long-lived. Ordnance jected ammunition depots; for this pur-
storage experts believed that this equip- pose more than six million dollars worth of
ment ought to be stored in permanent, land had been appropriated.39
fireproof buildings, to which it could be
returned after the emergency and be kept The First Prewar Ammunition Depots
as a reserve for the future. From the
standpoint of economy, leasing for a long Within the strategic limits set by the
period of time would be more expensive War Department in the late 1930's the
than construction.32 Ordnance Department planned to place
Strong representations by the Ordnance the first ammunition depots roughly in the
Department convinced G-4 that leasing four corners of the United States, for
ought to be held to a minimum.33 The support of forces repelling attacks from
FY 1941 appropriations carried $7,244,- any direction. In the southwest no pur-
000 for the construction of general supply chase was required because old Fort Win-
warehouses and only $245,000 for leas- gate in New Mexico, which was rapidly
ing.34 For land, the sum of $800,000 was being cleaned out of its bulk TNT by an
allotted. Ordnance storage experts had American corporation buying for the Brit-
computed 80 acres as the space necessary ish, could be used. In the northwest, the
for the 2,068,900 square feet of storage Montana-Idaho region was favored; in the
required under the FY 1941 program, northeast a site near Tobyhanna, Pennsyl-
1,207,900 of which had to be one-story vania was considered, and in the southeast
construction. If the two projected depots the Atlanta-Birmingham area seemed the
were located near a city, such as Memphis, best choice. This plan would have reduced
the land would be expensive, about the percentage of ammunition stored in
$10,000 an acre.35 Excellent choices for the east and central United States and
two depots of 40 acres each were Memphis, sharply increased the percentage in the
close to the great maneuver area of the 32
(1) Ibid.; (2) Memo, 23 Jul 40, sub: De-
South, and Toledo, Ohio, in the heart of fense Supplemental Estimates FY 1941 Based on
the manufacturing area. But the Ordnance the Munitions Program of 30 Jun 40, copy in
Crain, Diary.
proposal to establish a depot at Memphis 33
(1) Personal Ltr, Maj Gen Crain to CofOrd,
was denied by higher authority,36 and 25 Jul 50; (2) Wesson's 11 O'Clock Confs, 15
Toledo was also ruled out, as being outside Jul3440.
Ltr, SW to CofOrd, 23 Sep 40, sub: Stor-
the zone that the War Department had age, AG 112.05 (9-19-40), copy in Lueders Rpt,
determined to be strategically safe.37 ex. H.
As planning progressed in 1940, with no Memo, 23 Jul 40, sub: Defense Supplemental
Estimates FY 1941 Based on the Munitions Pro-
guidance from the past for such an un- gram of 30 Jun 40.
precedented situation as full mobilization 37
Monograph No. 8, p. 28.
38 Crain, Diary, 28, 29 Jul 40.
in time of peace, the one certainty 38
General Marshall, quoted in Watson, Chief
seemed to be the need for returning the of Staff, p. 183.
equipment to storage after the emergency (1) Memo, 23 Jul 40, sub: Defense Sup-
plemental Estimates FY 1941 Based on the Mu-
was over, and holding it as war reserves. nitions Program of 30 Jun 40; (2) Wesson's11
Ordnance planners concluded that the best O'Clock Confs, 23 Aug, 11 Sep 40; (3) Crain,
solution was to build permanent ware- Diary, 13, 27 Sep, 1, 12 Oct, 13, 28, 29 Nov 40.

west.40 When the proposal for western common one safety distance zone, an
sites was presented to the War Depart- economy in land.44 Good transportation
ment, the Assistant Chief of Staff G-4 was the deciding factor in the selection by
objected on the grounds that the war was Colonel Luke of Umatilla, near Hermiston,
in Europe, that nearly all manufacture of Oregon, as the northwestern depot; it was
munitions was east of the Mississippi, and directly on one railroad, the Union Pacific,
that location of depots in the west would and had ready access to four others.45
mean long, roundabout railroad hauling. Fort Wingate needed only the removal of
But Ordnance planners stressed the pos- all the old TNT and the withdrawal from
sibility that the war might extend to the the Department of the Interior of some
Pacific. They also pointed out that expe- nine thousand acres which that agency
rience had shown that rusting of metal was had been licensed by the War Department
much less in the dry atmosphere of the in 1925 to use as an Indian School.46 The
west. Convinced by these arguments, the selection of Anniston, Alabama, as the
General Staff approved the western sites.41 site for the southeastern depot came after
To make the surveys necessary to deter- an investigation by Crim revealed that
mine exact locations within the general land within the Talladega National Forest
areas, Colonel Crain brought in from the was too rugged and that a site near Ft.
field two ammunition storage experts, Lt. McClellan lacked room for expansion and
Col. Ittai A. Luke, commanding officer of would place magazines too close to troops
Ogden Ordnance Depot, and Maj. Lemuel in training.47 On all the new depots con-
P. Crim, and gave them certain criteria to
guide their investigations. He stated that a 40
(1) Ltr, CofOrd to TAG, 21 Jun 40, sub:
site for an ammunition storage depot Additional Bomb Storage, OO 471.887/3973; (2)
Grain, Diary, 19 Jun 40; (3) Monograph No. 8,
should be on a railroad line, be at a safe p. 20; (4) Hist, Storage Div, I, pt. 2, The Depot
distance from towns and cities, and have System, Jul 39 to 7 Dec 41, p. 9; (5) Ltr, CofOrd
topography and soil that would reduce to TAG, 17 Jul 40, sub: New Ammo Depots,
OO 633/34.
construction and operation costs; it should 41
Personal Ltr, Maj Gen Crain to Maj Gen
cover from six thousand to twelve thou- Ford, 25 Jul 50, OHF.
sand acres of land, depending on the shape Memo, CofOrd for Exec to the USW, 26
May 41, sub: H.R. Mil Affairs Comm. . . ,
of the tract and the number of magazines Site Bd Rpts ex. 47.
to be constructed.42 These were the most 43
Memo, Col Booth, Chief of Ammo Div, for
important considerations, but there were Brig Gen Charles Harris, Chief of Ind Serv, 3
Jan 39, sub: General Data Regarding Ord Dept
other qualities that were desirable, such as Plans for Ammo in an Emergency, General Min-
a cool climate to promote safety, and ton's Files, War Plans.
nearness to a loading plant, for economy.43 Ltr, CofOrd to TAG, 23 Aug 40, sub: New
Ammo Storage Depot, OO 633/69.
The latter was one of the factors in the 45
Ltr, CofOrd to TAG, 21 Sep 40, sub: North-
substitution of Ravenna, Ohio, for Toby- western Ammo Depot, OO 633/95.
hanna, Pennsylvania, as the site for the (1) Crain, Diary, 17 Jun 40, OHF; (2)
Lueders Rpt, ex. K.
northeast depot, later named Portage. 47
(1) Ltr, CofOrd to TQMG, 1 Aug 40, sub:
There was to be a loading plant at Ra- Survey for New Ammo Depots, OO 633/44 Misc;
venna, from which ammunition could be (2) Lueders Rpt, ex. L; (3) Ltr, Lt Col Ittai
A. Luke to Col Robert N. Bodine, 16 Aug 40,
put in permanent storage at minimum OOD 201/404, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 55,
cost; also, depot and plant could use in OHF; (4) Proceedings of a Board of Officers

struction began early in 1941. Umatilla feet from the rear of the one opposite. For
was completed in January 1942 and the each 10 igloos there was a foxhole for
others in April and May 1942. Ammuni- 10 persons. All doors faced north, to ab-
tion was being shipped into all four by sorb less heat from the sun. Most of the
November 1941.48 igloos were sodded on the top, but at
For maximum safety, the igloo type of Umatilla, where wind erosion was a more
magazine had long been preferred by the serious problem than water erosion, the
Joint Army-Navy Ammunition Storage roofs were covered with gravel. The roads
Board (JANASB) and the Ordnance afforded some protection against the
Safety Board for all types of ammunition spread of grass fires. The unit cost of the
except small arms. After January 1941 the 60-foot igloo was about $7,000, a figure
Ordnance Department required that igloos that was doubled when the necessary
be used in all future depot construction.49 roads and barricades were included.53
Uncertainty as to standard igloo design
was "one of the most annoying difficulties"
encountered in depot construction during The Fiscal Year 1942 Program
1941.50 Generally, igloos ranged in length
from forty to eighty feet and were about Construction had hardly begun on the
twenty-six feet wide and thirteen feet four new depots when ammunition pro-
high.51 The 60-footer, with a capacity of
250,000 pounds of explosives, was the type 48
(1) Lueders Rpt, exs. I, J, K, L; (2) Time,
most often built, although a few of the November 24, 1941, p. 46.
80-foot size were used. Umatilla, for ex- 49
(1) Crain, Diary, 30 Jul 40, Résumé of
ample, had some 650 of the former and Conf . . . Attended by the Army and Navy Bd;
(2) Ord Dept Safety Bull 11, 3 Jan 41, sub:
about 100 of the latter.52 Safety Distances [hereafter cited as Ord Dept
In all cases igloos were built in blocks Safety Bull 11], OO 633/295 Misc.
of not more than 100 each, the blocks Anniston Ordnance Depot, vol. I, History
From the Beginning Through 30 December 1942
being 1,400 feet apart. Ammunition depots [hereafter cited as Anniston Hist], p. 6, OHF.
required a great deal of acreage. There 51
(1) Crain, Diary, 30 Jul 40; (2) Mac-
had to be room for a road system, adminis- Morland, "Ordnance Supply System," Mechanical
Engineering, vol. 67, p. 792.
tration buildings, and several above- 52
(1) Ltr, CofOrd to QMG, 9 Jan 41, sub:
ground magazines to serve as transfer Construction Program at the Ravenna Ord Depot,
points for the railroads. For safety consid- OO 633/286 Misc; (2) Ltr, CofOrd to QMG,
27 Jan 41, sub: Construction Program at Uma-
erations, there had to be a distance of 400 tilla Ord Depot, OO 675/3252.
feet between igloos. Unless there were 53
(1) Ltr, CofOrd to QMG, 9 Jan 41, sub:
earth mounds before the doors to serve as Construction Program at the Ravenna Ord Depot.
OO 633/286 Misc.; (2) Ltr, CofOrd to QMG, 27
barricades, the igloos had to be staggered Jan 41; sub: Construction Program at Umatilla
so that the front of each was at least 800 Ord Depot, OO 675/3252; (3) Crain, Diary 30
Jul 40; (4) Ord Dept Safety Bull 11; (5) Ltr,
convened at Fort McClellan, Alabama, by oral CofOrd to QMG, 9 Nov 40, sub: Construction
orders of CO, Fort McClellan, Alabama, 17 Jul Program at Umatilla Ord Dept, OO 633/158
40, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex, 59, OHF; (5) Ltr, Misc.; (6) Ltr, Maj Crim to CofOrd, 31 Aug 40,
Maj Lemuel P. Crim to CofOrd, 31 Aug 40, sub: sub: Development Plan for Anniston Ord Depot,
Development Plan for the Anniston Ord Depot. Anniston, Alabama, OO 675/361; (7) Ltr, Cof-
Anniston, Alabama, OO 675/361, copy in Site Bd Ord to QMG, 4 Jan 41, sub: Construction Pro-
Rpts, ex. 63. gram, Umatilla Ord Depot, OO 633/266 Misc.

IGLOOS AT UMATILLA Ordnance Depot, Hermiston, Oreg.

duction figures made plain the need for the United States by way of South Amer-
further expansion.54 For the fiscal year ica. As the munitions program advanced
1942 the Chief of Ordnance in January and lend-lease became a reality early in
1941 submitted an estimate of $55,000,- 1941, additional storage was needed in the
000 for 5,663,000 additional square feet of East to receive the output of the factories
ammunition storage. A little more than a and back up the Atlantic ports shipping
million square feet of this space was for ammunition to Great Britain.56 The Secre-
expansion at Anniston, Ravenna, and tary of War gave high priority to the
Umatilla. The bulk of it was for new acquisition of land for an ammunition
There was need for one new depot in
the south, to supply troops on maneuvers; Wesson's 11 O'Clock Confs, 21 Mar 41.
(1) Ltr, CofOrd to TAG, 23 Jan 41, sub:
for another in the northeast, primarily to Ammo Storage Program for FY 1942 and 1st In-
serve Air Corps units protecting the coast dorsement 23 Mar 41, OO 471/887/115; (2)
line and secondarily to back up the ports Memo, ACofS G-4 for CofS, 28 Feb 41, sub:
Ammo Storage Program for FY 1942, AG 681
from Boston to Norfolk; and for a Gulf (1-23-41), copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 44, OHF;
Coast depot and terminal, primarily as a (3) Memo, CofOrd for Lt Col Claudius M.
defense measure. There was at that time Easley, Office CofS G-4, 18 Feb 41, Sub: Com-
ment on Proposed Dir, copy in Site Bd Rpts,
no ammunition shipping point on the Gulf. ex. 43.
The region seemed important to Ordnance (1) Interv, Crain, 17 Feb 54; (2) Lueders
planners, for they did not discount the Rpt, p. 4; (3) Ltr, TAG to CofOrd, 4 Sep 41,
sub: Ammo Storage Program FY's 1942 and
possibility that the Germans, everywhere 1943, AG 681 (7-26-41) MO-D, copy in Site
victorious, would ultimately move against Bd Rpts, ex. 90.

SAN JACINTO ORDNANCE DEPOT DOCK AREA. Note three Liberty ships in the background.

depot in the western Maryland-south cen- one site that had deep water, railroad fa-
tral Pennsylvania area and another in the cilities, highway connections, and enough
eastern Kentucky-southwestern West Vir- isolated acreage with satisfactory ground.
ginia area. From both, reasonably rapid Investigated by Mr. (later Maj.) John D.
transportation would be available to the Kerr, an Ordnance civilian with railroad
seaports on the Atlantic Coast.57 experience, it was a tract of about five
For the new depot in the South, a survey thousand acres on the Houston Ship
by Colonel Luke revealed that Milan, Ten- Channel, a bayou that had been deepened
nessee, was an excellent choice for several to connect Houston, Texas, with the Gulf.
reasons. It was well located strategically, As the site was less than half a mile from
could serve important maneuver areas on the spot where Texas colonists under
the Gulf Coast and lower Mississippi Val- Sam Houston had defeated the Mexican
ley, and had good transportation facilities. forces led by Santa Ana, the depot was
Most important of all, its nearness to the named San Jacinto. Construction was
Wolf Creek loading plant made possible
great savings in freight and in employees
for policing the two areas.58 57
(1) Site Bd Rpts, ex. 21; (2) Memo, OCO
The selection of the Gulf Coast site took for ACofS G-4, 1 Dec 41, sub: Proposed Ammo
Depot Site at Charles Town, Jefferson County.
a little longer. General Crain ruled out W.Va., OO 675/23993 Misc., in Site Bd Rpts,
New Orleans because of the vulnerability ex. 92.
(1) Lueders Rpt, ex. M; (2) Interoffice
of the levees to damage by saboteurs, nat- Memo, Luke, Ord Dept, to CofOrd, Rpt on
ural causes, or an explosion. A survey of Milan, Tenn., Site for an Ammo Depot, copy in
Alabama and Texas ports revealed only Site Bd Rpts, ex. 66.

authorized in March1941.59 To back up storage in the amount of $84 million in-

San Jacinto and help supply troops in the cluded in a supplemental appropriation bill
south central area, Red River Ordnance then before Congress, and by the allocation
Depot was authorized in June. The selec- of $12 million in lend-lease funds.63 Gen-
tion of its site, adjacent to Lone Star eral Crain appointed Maj. Carroll H.
Ordnance Plant, Texarkana, Texas, was Deitrick to investigate several sites that
made in a matter of days.60 had survived thinning-out surveys earlier
To find a suitable site in the East, in 1941. After a month's study, in Octo-
primarily for bomb storage, General Crain ber Major Deitrick recommended tracts in
had Mr. Kerr make a study of several the neighborhood of Richmond, Kentucky,
regions in New York State, and sent and Charles Town, West Virginia, as sites
Colonel Luke to investigate them. The for the two new depots. The eastern Ken-
problems differed somewhat from those tucky site was chosen over one in south-
encountered in the west and southwest. It western West Virginia because it was less
was hard to find enough suitable land that rugged, more economical, and better suited
was on a railroad yet was not too close to for expansion. The West Virginia land was
a town, and hard to find a level site that chosen over a tract in south central
was not prohibitive in price. In every case Pennsylvania because it was less produc-
the purchase meant uprooting some fam- tive, cheaper, and promised lower con-
ilies who had owned their farms for gen-
erations. Some of the land bought for 59
(1) Ltr, Luke to TAG thru OCO, 17 Mar
Seneca Ordnance Depot in New York, for 41, sub: Bd of Officers, copy in Site Bd Rpts,
example, had been granted by the Govern- ex. 73-77; (2) Crain, Diary 23 Nov 40; (3)
ment to soldiers in Sullivan's Expedition of Lueders Rpt, ex. N; (4) San Jacinto Ordnance
Depot, vols. I and II, History From Beginning
1779 and was still owned by their de- Through 31 March 1943 [hereafter cited as San
scendants. The Seneca site consisted of Jacinto Hist], pp. 4, 7, OHF; (5) Personal Ltr,
about ten thousand acres in the Finger Maj60 Gen Crain to Lida Mayo, 19 May 54, OHF.
(1) Lueders Rpt, ex. O; (2) Ltr, OCO to
Lakes section, between Lake Cayuga and TAG thru QMG, 12 Jun 41, sub: Bd of Officers,
Lake Seneca, ninety miles east of Buffalo OO 334.3/1473 Misc., copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex.
and approximately two hundred west of 85; (3) 2d Indorsement, AGO to USW, 21 Jun
41, sub: Bd Proceedings—Selection of Site, Tex-
New York City. The price required was arkana, Texas, for Ammo Storage Depot, AG
about twice the normal value of the land, 601.1 (6-12-41) MO-D, copy in Site Bd Rpts,
but low-cost construction made possible by ex. 86; (4) Ltr, QMG to TAG, 7 Oct 41, sub:
Bd of Officers, OO 633/2260 Misc., copy in Site
the level site made the purchase feasible. Bd Rpts, ex. 87.
An airfield could be built if necessary on (1) Ltr, Luke to TAG, 7 Apr 41, sub: Bd of
neighboring land. There was less opposi- Officers, OO 675/5905 Misc., copy in Site Bd
Rpts, ex. 78-84; (2) Seneca Ordnance Depot,
tion locally than Ordnance was to encoun- vol. I, Original, History to 31 December 1942
ter with Kentucky and Pennsylvania [hereafter 62
cited as Seneca Hist], p. 13, OHF.
sites.62 (1) Ibid.; p. 1; (2) Memo, Brig Gen Crain
for USW, 29 May 41, sub: Ord Ammo Storage
In the summer of 1941 the selection of Depot in New York State, OO 675/8730.
two sites in the Kentucky-West Virginia (1) Memo, CofOrd for ACofS G-4, 26 Jul
-Maryland-Pennsylvania area, of about and sub:
41, Locations for Additional Ammo Depots
Ocean Shipping Facilities, OO 675/13163
fourteen thousand acres each, was speeded Misc.; (2) Site Bd Rpts, ex. 90; (3) Wesson's 11
by the prospect of additional funds for O'Clock Confs, 8 Aug 41.

struction costs. The Chief of Ordnance and citizens as there had been at Charles
The Quartermaster General concurred in Town. Telegrams of protest came from
these recommendations, and early in No- Governor Arthur H. James, Senator James
vember the Secretary of War gave his J. Davis, and Representative Harry L.
approval.64 Haines. Not only was the entire area more
Then local opposition developed to both productive and more thickly settled—with
new depots. In the case of Richmond, some eight hundred people as opposed to
Senators Alben W. Barkley and Albert B. about fifty on the West Virginia site—but
Chandler and Representative Virgil Chap- also many of the farmers were descendants
man requested an investigation into the of original settlers of the area. Many were
protests; it revealed, according to an Ord- Mennonites and Dunkards who were op-
nance report on construction, "that all posed to war even for defense. But the
opposition was from a handful of wealthy military planners had come to believe that
landowners whose property was not af- there would be protests no matter what
fected." Meanwhile, the Governor's office site was selected; moreover, Pearl Harbor
stirred up favorable sentiment, and the occurred in the midst of the furor, and the
Richmond project went through. The first argument of military necessity outweighed
step in the construction of Blue Grass all others.67
Ordnance Depot came in mid-December.65
The Charles Town story ended differently. 64
(1) Site Bd Rpt, ex. 87; (2) 3d Ind, TAG
Telegrams and letters of protest poured in to USW, 5 Nov 41, sub: Acquisition of Land for
Ammo Depot, Charles Town, W.Va., Richmond,
to the President, the Secretary of War, and Ky., AG 681 (10-7-41) MO-D, copy in Site
the Chief of Ordnance. Landowners ob- Bd Rpts, ex. 88; (3) Intraoffice Memo, Ammo
jected to being forced out in the middle of Supply Div FS to Chief FS, 29 Jul 41, sub: Rpt
of Examination of Prospective Ammo Storage
winter, and to losing their homes, live- Depot Sites in Eastern Ky., OO 633/1725-1/2
stock, dairies, and orchards. Representative Misc., copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 89; (4) Site Bd
Jennings Randolph led an opposing dele- Rpts, ex. 90; (5) Ltr, OCO to QMG, 25 Aug
41, sub: Survey of Proposed Ammo Depot Site in
gation in person. In the end, G-4 decided W.Va., OO 675/15745 Misc., copy in Site Bd
to suspend all action with regard to Charles Rpts, ex. 91.
Town and to explore further the south Lueders Rpt, ex. Q.
(1) Memo, CofOrd for ACofS G-4, 1 Dec
central Pennsylvania area.66 41, pub: Proposed Ammo Depot Site at Charles
A site of about eighteen thousand acres Town, Jefferson County, W.Va., OO 675/23993;
was found near Chambersburg, Pennsyl- (2) Ltr, Col Charles M. Steese to Chief FS, 6
Sep 41, sub: Sites for Ammo Depots in Pa., Md.,
vania. General Crain and Major Deitrick Va., W.Va., and Ky., copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex.
considered that it had some advantages 93; (3) Memo, Col S. J. Chamberlain, Actg
over Charles Town: it was some four ACofS for Deputy CofS ( M a j Gen Richard
Moore), 15 Nov 41, sub: Proposed Ammo Depot,
thousand acres larger, could more easily Charles Town, W.Va., G-4/31866-2,copyin
be expanded, and was farther from the Site Bd Rpts, ex. 94.
town—a safety consideration. Although (1) Memo, CofOrd for ACofS G-4, 12 Dec
41, sub: Proposed Ammo Depot—Chambersburg,
the cost of construction would probably be Pa., in lieu of Charles Town, W. Va., OO 633/
greater because the terrain was more roll- 2354 Misc.; (2) Min, Wesson's 11 O'Clock Confs,
ing, the cost of land acquisition would 19 Dec 41; (3) Hist, Storage Div, I, p. 13;
(4) Interv, Crain, 30 Jun 49; (5) Memo for
probably be less. On the other hand, there Rcd on Disposition Form, Brig Gen Somervell,
was as much opposition by the local actg ACofS G-4 to TAG, 11 Dec 41, sub:

On 2 January 1942 Secretary of War In addition to the Kentucky and

Stimson refused the request of Governor Pennsylvania depots, the $84-million pro-
James for reconsideration, and six days gram of the summer of 1941 included one
later survey crews were at work on the large new ammunition depot in the Far
boundary lines for Letterkenny Ordnance West, two on the plateau east of the
Depot.68 The speed with which negotia- rockies, and the expansion of facilities at
tions were pushed through was one cause Ogden. First priority in this group went
of community resentment against Letter- to the project in the Far West, the acqui-
kenny, "the ammunition dump," as it was sition of a site in western Nevada or eastern
called locally. There were others. This California for an intermediate depot to give
depot, one of the largest in the whole Ord- closer support to overseas movements from
nance system, needed more than five thou- the San Francisco area, and also meet the
sand workers and drained the countryside needs of the Air Corps. Second priority
of manpower badly needed at sowing and went to the expansion of Ogden and the
harvesting time. There was no large city construction of the two plateau depots,
near enough to supply a pool of labor. And one in the southeastern Colorado-western
the antiwar sentiment of the community Kansas area, the other somewhere in
was hardly conducive to good morale southwestern South Dakota or western
among the workers. One depot employee, Nebraska, both for long-time reserve stor-
an elderly, chin-whiskered gentleman age. These regions had the high altitude
named George B. McClellan Flora, was and dry climate that would minimize
suspended from his church because he put rusting and other deterioration, and in the
on an Uncle Sam suit and sold War Bonds. more northerly area Ordnance hoped to
In time, public relations improved, but find a site isolated enough to make possible
they were always a problem and hampered the storage of gas ammunition.70
depot operations to an extent that had Major Deitrick spent most of the fall of
not been foreseen.69 1941 touring the West, often accompanied
by members of the appropriate Zone
Petition Protesting Location of Ammo Depot in Quartermaster's office, representatives of
Vicinity of Chambersburg, Pa., G-4/31866-2, the transcontinental railroads, and local
copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 95; (6) Memo, OCO
for ACofS, G-4 12 Dec 41, sub: Proposed
Ammo Depot—Chambersburg, Pa., in lieu of
Charles Town, W. Va., OO 633/2354 Misc., copy (1) Site Bd Rpts, ex. 99; (2) History,
in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 96; (7) Memo, Brig Gen Letterkenny Ordnance Depot, vol. I, From Be-
Somervell, ACofS to CofS, 17 Dec 41, sub: ginning Through 31 December 1942, p. 8, OHF.
Site for an Ammo Depot, 6-4/31866-2, copy (1) Lt Col A. G. Erpf and Lt Col E. D.
in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 97; (8) Memo, Brig Gen Mohlere, Report of a Visit to Letterkenny Ord-
Somervell, ACofS, for CofS, 26 Dec 41, sub: Site nance Depot, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania [Aug
for Ammo Depot, Chambersburg, Pa., G- 44], ASF 200.02 Contl Div files; (2) Min, Conf
4/31886-2, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 98; (9) of Depot Comdrs, FS Div, Ord Dept, 25-26 Aug
Ltr, SW to Hon Arthur H. James, 2 Jan 42, 43, p. 12, OHF.
G-4/31866-2, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 99; (1) Site Bd Rpts, ex. 90; (2) Hist, Storage
(10) Memo, TAG for USW, 18 Dec 41, Site for Div, I, p. 17; (3) Ltr, OQMG to TAG thru
an Ammo Depot, AG 681 (12-17-41) MSC-D, OCO and QMG, 2 Dec 41, sub: Bd of Officers,
copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 100; ( 1 1 ) Memo, with 1 Incl, Rpt of Bd of Officers Pursuant to
Brig Gen Somervell, ACofS, for CofS, 1 Jan 42, Dir From SW dated 4 Sep 41—Bd to Select Site
sub: Site for an Ammo Depot, Chambersburg, for Ammo Depots Southeastern Colo.-Western
Pa., G-4/31886-2, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 101. Kans. Area, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 105.

INSIDE STORAGE OF 155-MM. SHELLS at Blue Grass Ordnance Depot, Richmond, Ky.

officials.71 In the eastern California- 71

(1) Site Bd Rpts, ex. 105; (2) 1st Indorse-
western Nevada area he found an arid ment, OCO to TAG Through QMG, 8 Dec 41,
and 2d Indorsement, QMG to TAG, 8 Dec 41,
valley of about forty-three square miles in OO 682/145, copies in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 106; (3)
the Sierra Nevada Mountains, just west of 3d Indorsement, AGO to CofEngrs, 16 Dec 41,
the Nevada line near Hackstaff, Califor- sub: Bd of Officers, AG 681 (12-2-41) MSC-
D, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 107; (4) 4th In-
nia, and on the edge of Honey Lake. It dorsement, CofEngrs, to OCO, 23 Dec 41, OO
was about 50 miles by highway north of 682/145, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 108.
Reno and about 250 by highway and 400 (1) Sierra Ordnance Depot, vol. I, History
Through 1942 [hereafter referred to as Sierra
by rail from Benicia Arsenal. After ap- Hist], pp. 1, 4, OHF; (2) Ltr, OQMG to TAG
proval by the Secretary of War, the site Through OCO and QMG, 2 Dec 41, sub: Bd of
was named Herlong, in honor of Capt. Officers, with 1 Incl, Rpt of Bd to Select Sites
for Ammo Depots Western Nev.-Calif. Area,
Henry W. Herlong, an Ordnance officer copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 113; (3) Memo, Lt
killed in an Air Corps crash the preceding Col Harold De L. Stetson, QMC, to Zone Con-
summer. At Herlong was built Sierra structing QM, Zone IX, 27 Sep 41, sub: Rpt
of Inspection of Ord Sites, copy in Site Bd Rpts,
Ordnance Depot.72 In the Colorado- ex. 1 1 4 ; (4) Ltr, O Zone Construction QM
Kansas area Major Deitrick recommended Zone IX to QMG, 30 Oct 41, sub: Proposed
a tract of 21,120 acres of grazing land Ord Site—Western Nev., with 1 Incl, Memo,
Claude L. Coray to Col Edward M. George, 29
near Avondale, Pueblo County, Colorado, Oct 41, sub: Ord Storage Sites near Susanville,
which became the site of Pueblo Ordnance Calif., OO 685 Western Nev., copy in Site Bd
Depot.73 For the second depot in the Rpts, ex. 115; (5) Exec Order No. 5827, 28 Mar
32, sub: Withdrawal of Public Land for Military
plateau country he selected 20,000 acres of Purposes, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 116.
sagebrush land in a very thinly populated (1) Site Bd Rpts, ex. 105; (2) Ltr, Con-

OUTSIDE STORAGE OF 100-POUND BOMBS at Sierra Ordnance Depot, Herlong, Calif.

area in South Dakota. The nearest town, highways, and fertile farm and orchard
Provo (population 2 0 ) , gave its name to lands. There was no way to enlarge the
the site on which was built Black Hills site. The best solution was the acquisition
Ordnance Depot.74 of a tract in the valley of the Wasatch
Along with the study of these three Range of about twenty thousand unin-
sites, Major Deitrick investigated the ex- habited acres near the town of Tooele,
pansion of Ogden Ordnance Depot, Utah. Utah. 75
He found that the depot lay in a narrow In forwarding to the Secretary of War
rectangle bounded by the Wasatch Moun- the report on the four sites, dated 2
tains, the Great Salt Lake, the city of December 1941, General Wesson suggested
Ogden, and Salt Lake City; within this one change. He thought action with regard
rectangle it was immediately hemmed in
by a neighboring airfield, main trunk 74
(1) Ltr, OQMG to TAG through OCO and
QMG, 2 Dec 41, sub: Bd of Officers, with 1
structing QM Denver Ord Plant to QMG, 24 Incl, Rpt of Bd to Select Sites for Ammo Depots
Oct 41, with 1 Incl, Ltr, Constructing QM Den- Southwestern S. Dak.-Western Nebr. Area, copy
ver Ord Plant to Constructing QM, VIII Con- in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 1 1 7 ; (2) Survey for Am-
structing Zone, 24 Oct 41, sub: Inspection of munition Storage Depot in Southwestern South
Prospective Camp Sites, copy in Site Bd Rpts, Dakota, Western Nebraska and Western Wyom-
ex. 1 1 1 ; (3) Ltr, Constructing QM Denver Ord ing, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 117a.
Plant to QMG, 8 Nov 41, with 1 Incl, Ltr, Con- 75 Ltr, OQMG to TAG Through OCO and
structing QM Denver Ord Plant to QMG, 30 QMG, 2 Dec 41, sub: Bd of Officers, with 1
Oct 41, sub: Prospective Camp Sites (Ammo Incl, Rpt of Bd to Select Sites for Ammo Depots
Storage), 06 635 Denver Ord Plant, copy in Site —Ogden Ord Depot (Expansion), copy in Site
Bd Rpts, ex. 112. Bd Rpts, ex. 123.

to Tooele should be held in abeyance until out the long-planned expansion of Ogden,
the War Department had investigated a and the other at Sidney, Nebraska. The
site in the Flagstaff-Prescott area of latter site had been explored at the time
Arizona. On 4 December 1941, at a time the Black Hills depot was decided on but
of rapidly worsening relations with Japan, rejected because it was not suited to the
The Quartermaster General had suggested storage of lethal gas. Here was built Sioux
establishing water shipping facilities in the Ordnance Depot. Ordnance planners con-
San Diego-Los Angeles area. Flagstaff was sidered that its location in the central
approximately three hundred miles nearer portion of the United States achieved a
this area than was the Tooele site.76 By proper geographic and strategic balance of
the time General Wesson's memorandum ammunition stocks.79 With the enlarge-
reached the desk of the Secretary of War, ment of the old East Coast depots and
the attack on Pearl Harbor had taken Benicia Arsenal the ammunition storage
place. The War Department ordered that, program was virtually complete.80
without delay, ammunition storage depots
of one thousand igloos each be constructed Opening the New Depots
at the sites selected in California, Colorado,
and South Dakota; and at a place some- When war came in December 1941 con-
where in the Flagstaff-Prescott, Arizona, struction was well advanced at eight new
area.77 Late in December Col. Charles M. ammunition depots, and at four of them
Steese inspected several sites in the area —Umatilla, Portage, Wingate, and Annis-
and found a suitable tract of twenty seven ton—shipments were already being re-
thousand acres in the vicinity of Bellemont, ceived. But throughout 1941 and 1942,
Arizona. It became Navajo Ordnance even at the most carefully selected sites,
Depot.78 Ordnance encountered problems of con-
Taking stock of the ammunition storage struction and operation created by terrain
situation at the beginning of 1942, the or location. In the East, the Appalachian
Chief of Ordnance reported to G-4 that,
after completion of all ammunition depot
construction then in process or authorized, Site Bd Rpts, ex. 106.
Ibid., ex. 107.
there would still be a shortage of 15,479,- 78
(1) Ltr, U.S. EngrO, Caddoa Dist, to
201 square feet in the amount of space WDGS G-4 through OCO and CofEngrs, 30
required to support the force contemplated, Dec 41, sub: Bd Rpt on Selection of Site for
Ammo Storage Depot, Flagstaff-Prescott, Ariz.,
about 3,635,000 men. Nothing like this Area with 1 Incl, Rpt of Bd, OO 601.1/415
amount of additional construction seemed Flagstaff-Prescott, copy in Site Bd Rpts, ex. 109.
advisable, because expenditures of stored (1) Ltr, CofOrd to TAG, 7 Jan 42, sub:
Depot Storage Problem, Supplemental FY 1942,
ammunition would make room for the OO 471.887/1137; (2) Site Bd Rpts, ex. 117;
ammunition coming out of the plants. But (3) Lueders Rpt, exs. W, X.
General Wesson did recommend that about (1) Monograph No. 8, Plate V, Ord FS
Facilities Existing and Authorized, as of 1 Dec
half of the 7,677,410 square feet of am- 42; (2) Memo, CofOrd for TQMG, 9 Dec 41,
munition storage in deferred status be Expediting Magazine Construction at Benicia
Arsenal, OO 633/2348; (3) Memo, CofOrd for
constructed at once. He urged the building ACofS G-4, 8 Dec 41, sub: Expansion of Raritan
of two new depots of 1,719,884 square Arsenal, OO 633/2350; (4) Personal Ltr, Maj
feet each, one at Tooele, Utah, to carry Gen Crain to Maj Gen Ford, 25 Jul 50, OHF.

foothills made it difficult to grade the cited an instance in January 1943 when
roads and railways; in the igloo area, well the food supply at Sierra was cut off be-
camouflaged as it usually was with trees cause floods had washed out the railroad
and grass and often protected by natural tracks and road to the nearest town,
mounds that served as barricades, there thirty-five miles away.86 After Pearl Har-
was always the danger of brush fires, and bor the shortage of equipment and mate-
the fear of the damage an explosion might rials of various kinds affected the new
do in a more or less thickly settled region.81 depots. The great size and complexity of
The vast Western depots, on the level these installations soon dispelled the peace-
floor of a high mountain valley or on a time idea that "a good Ordnance sergeant
wind-swept prairie, with orderly and acces- or warrant officer" could operate a depot.
sible rows of igloos stretching as far as the Trained commanding officers were needed
eye could see against a background of and were hard to find. Inexperienced men
snow-covered peaks, had the virtue of were given an almost impossible job in
isolation, an important consideration; yet meeting the very tight time schedules for
isolation created a desperate problem of opening the depots.87
manpower. By 14 January 1943, all of the sixteen
Prewar planning, based on defense of new ammunition depots had been acti-
the continental United States, had in- vated. They had cost altogether about
tended the use of troop labor in the event $367 million. Among the individual depots
of invasion, because the depots would very the costs ranged from $37 million down to
likely be in the combat zone. As the danger $ 11 million, depending on the size of the
of invasion passed, the General Staff made installation, the cost of the site, and the
the decision to operate the depots with cost of construction. There were striking
civilians.82 In setting up criteria for loca- differences in the amounts paid for the
tion, General Staff planners had properly sites. Land for Blue Grass Ordnance
placed highest priority on strategic re-
quirements, including available transporta- 81
Depot histories in OHF.
tion trunk lines to areas to be served, 82
Interv with Col Carroll Deitrick, OCO Field
recognizing at the time that, should these Service Plans and Operations, vol. I, pt. 1,
History From 1 June 1942 to January 1943
depots ever have to be operated by civilian [hereafter cited as Hist, P&O, I], p. 92, OHF.
employees, a tremendous problem of hous- 83
(1) The Army Ind College Dept of Re-
ing and personnel transportation would search, Study of Experience in Industrial Mobili-
zation in World War II: Handling of Matériel,
be posed.83 Sometimes there were Indians Nov 45, Rpt 28, ICAF Library; (2) Ltr, Brig
in the neighborhood of the western depots Gen Deitrick to Col George White, 11 Jul 55,
who could be mustered into service, as at OHF.
Navajo Ordnance Dept, vol. I, Basic History
Navajo, where a bespectacled descendant Through 31 December 1942, p. 3, OHF.
of Chief Manygoats was driving a truck;84 85
(1) Hist, P&O, I, 92-121.
but at most of these depots labor had to be (1) Ltr, Col Robert Sears, CO Ogden Ar-
senal, to Maj Gen Levin Campbell, Jr., CofOrd,
brought in, housed, and offered the facil- 26 Mar 43, Gen Campbell's Personal Correspon-
ities of a town.85 dence; (2) Sierra Hist, 1 Jan-31 Mar 43, p. 12.
As an example of the problems encoun- (1) Memo, Col James W. Freeman for Exec
to Chief of FS, 1 Jun 45, sub: Final Rpt of Key
tered at the "big unwieldy depots out in Personnel, in FS Key Pers Rpts, OHF; (2)
the Western desert," one Ordnance officer Lueders Rpt, ex. X; (3) Umatilla History, p. 2.

Depot, for example, cost about $150 per Ordnance Department had six depots
acre—that for Sierra about nine cents.88 with more than twenty thousand acres
At all the depots the igloo construction each.91 An interesting sidelight on the size
was of permanent type, but in other re- and location of these great tracts was the
spects there was a difference between the amount and variety of the wildlife they
buildings erected at the first eight depots, contained; as military reservations they
called the "A" program, and the second, afforded protection from hunters. In the
called "B." At Anniston, Umatilla, Port- East, Letterkenny had quantities of deer,
age, Wingate, Milan, Seneca, San Jacinto, fox, raccoon, opossum, and ringnecked
and Red River, all begun in 1941 and pheasant. The western depots had large
nearing completion in the spring of 1942 populations of deer, bear, antelope, elk,
when materials became critical, most of the and coyote. At Black Hills there were two
administration buildings, warehouses for prairie-dog towns; at Wingate, tassel-eared
inert supplies, and like construction were squirrels and deer; at San Jacinto, alliga-
of permanent type; but at the "B" depots, tors, wildcats, and armadillos.92
Sierra, Navajo, Letterkenny, Sioux, Black
Hills, Tooele, Blue Grass, and Pueblo, 88
Hist, Storage Div, I, pp. 24-25 and exs. 3, 6.
most construction was of a type called 89
(1) Hist, P&O, I, pp. 88-90; (2) Ltr, Brig
"mobilization," designed to last five years, Gen Somervell, ACofS G-4 for CofS, 17 Jan 42,
or "theater-of-operations," designed to last sub: Depot Storage Program, Supplemental FY
only for the duration of the war.89 1942, AG 681 (1-17-42) 6-4/32315; (3) Per-
sonal Ltr, Maj Gen Crain to Mrs. Constance Mc-
In acreage the depots were almost Laughlin Green, 27 Aug 50, OHF.
unbelievably vast compared to depots of 91
Stauffer, op. cit., p. 18.
other supply services. Quartermaster in- Monograph No. 8, Plate V.
Public Information Br, OCO, Background
stallations generally occupied between one Information on Ordnance Field Service, Apr 53,
hundred and eight hundred acres.90 The OHF.

Revisions in the Depot System

After starting in 1941 with a depot sys- The existing depot at Anniston, Ala-
tem that could not meet all its constantly bama, was selected as the site for new
increasing needs, Ordnance faced four storage space in the southeast because its
major problems during the war: (1) find- location was ideal to serve the maneuver
ing storage space for general supplies far area of the south, and adjacent land was
in excess of original forecasts; (2) meshing
available for purchase if needed for ex-
motor transport facilities into the Ord- pansion. After the site was approved, con-
nance supply system; (3) adjusting to struction proceeded rapidly. By March
reallocation of depot space by Army Serv- 1942, seventeen warehouses with a com-
ice Forces; and (4) shifting emphasis bined floor area of 772,200 square feet had
from support of troops in training in the reached completion.2 For the depot in the
United States to the support of overseas central area, Ordnance planners decided to
theaters. enlarge Rock Island Ordnance Depot,
traditionally a great center for general
Storage of General Supplies supply storage. One enormous warehouse,
1,423 by 545 feet, with a total of 767,888
As noted in the preceding chapter, Ord- square feet, reached completion in June
nance did not build many warehouses in 1942, and was the first of its size and
1939-1940 for storage of general supplies, type in War Department history. Planned
or "combat equipment" as such matériel to house tanks, it was one story high,
was beginning to be called. Its main effortcovered eighteen acres, and could receive
had been directed toward ammunition under its roof a freight train of sixty cars.3
storage. But with the rising tide of war The forty new warehouses begun at Og-
production, actual and planned, in 1940, den in the fall of 1940 were at first filled
Ordnance was allotted $7,244,000 for with inert ammunition components and
warehouse construction in fiscal year empty practice bombs; this matériel was
1941. This appropriation was divided removed to open storage when the first
three ways: $2 million was to be used to
add 500,000 square feet at Ogden Ord-
nance Depot and the rest was to be di- 1
Ltr, SW to CofOrd, 23 Sep 40, sub: Storage,
vided very nearly evenly between two un- AG 112.05 (9-19-40) M-D, copy in Lueders
named depots, one in the southeast to Rpt, 2
ex. H.
provide 650,000 square feet and one in (1) Anniston Hist, pp. 10-14, 44; (2) Crain,
Diary, 1 Oct 40.
the central area to provide 661,000 square 3
Hist, Rock Island Arsenal, vol. II (1939-43),
feet.1 p. 306.

stock of general supplies arrived in March called Defense Aid originally but soon re-
1942.4 Months before the new facilities at named War Aid.6
Ogden, Anniston, and Rock Island were After Pearl Harbor, the General Staff
ready, it became evident that space for allotted to Ordnance about $39 million
combat equipment would again have to be for new storage space for general supplies
increased because of accelerated produc- at Letterkenny, Anniston, Red River,
tion to meet rising mobilization objectives. Umatilla, Sierra, and Ogden; this sum was
In the summer of 1941 a new problem to provide a total of 2,747,000 square feet
arose—the amount of lend-lease matériel of warehouse space and 5,000,000 square
that was accumulating in the United feet of shed space.7 But the bulk of the
States because there were not enough ships space allotted to Ordnance was at the
to move it out. eight Defense Aid depots, a total of eight
In July 1941 the Ordnance Department, million square feet of covered space and
after a careful study of requirements, rec- sixteen million square feet of open storage.
ommended that twelve million additional There was also in contemplation the utili-
square feet of permanent-type warehouses zation of commercial warehouses and the
for general supplies be built at the new end of permanent-type construction.8
ammunition depots; later it urged that The War Munitions Program of 11
seventeen million more square feet be pro- February 1942 set extremely high produc-
vided to take care of the fiscal year 1943 tion goals for tanks, artillery, and other
program. Ordnance pointed out that the equipment.9 Preliminary estimates by
ammunition depots under construction Colonel Steese, chief of a new office es-
were equally well suited for general sup- tablished within Field Service on 2 Febru-
plies from the standpoint of transporta- ary to consolidate all depot construction
tion and strategic location. Many of them activities and planning, indicated that a
were in the high altitude region considered total of about 119 million square feet of
ideal for long-term storage. They had space would be necessary if Ordnance had
adequate power, water, and other facilities to store all matériel to be produced in
for expansion, and plenty of acreage.5 1942 and the first three months of 1943.
This pre-Pearl Harbor attempt at ex- Not all of it would have to be stored, of
pansion was unsuccessful. At a meeting in course, for some of it would immediately
September 1941 the War Department go to troops or to allied nations. The best
Budget Advisory Committee appeared un- guess was that Ordnance would have to
interested in the Ordnance presentation.
That fall, the War Department began to History, Ogden Arsenal, I, pt. 2 (1939-42),
build general depots in Michigan, Illinois, pp.553-54.
Monograph No. 8, pp. 28-30.
Ohio, and Indiana—the area in which 6
(1) Ibid.; (2) Min, Wesson Confs, 2 Jul, 18
about 75 percent of the munitions would Sep, 21 Oct 41.
be produced—to regulate the flow of lend- (1) Ltr, SW to Chief of Engrs, 14 Feb 42,
sub: Depot Storage Program Ord Dept, AG
lease supplies to ports; G-4 contemplated 681 (2-9-42) MO-D; (2) Memo, Brig Gen
placing much of the new production of Somervell, ACofS G-4, for CofS, 17 Jan 42. sub:
Depot Storage Program, Supplemental FY 1942,
weapons and tanks, along with supplies of
AG 681 (1-17-42) G-4 32315.
other technical services, in these depots. 8
Monograph No. 8, p. 30.
There were eventually eleven of them, See ch. IV, above.

store about 50 percent of the total pro- theater-of-operations type. Warehouses of

duction for U.S. troops and about 40 the latter type were built of some flimsy
percent of War Aid production. On this material, such as plywood, and were not
basis, about 25,900,000 square feet of much better than tents. They were not
storage space would be needed; the Ord- suitable for housing certain types of Ord-
nance plan divided it into 13,400,000 for nance matériel, as the Chief of Engineers
warehouses and 12,500,000 for sheds. pointed out to the War Department.
In their presentation to higher author- Nevertheless, General Somervell laid down
ity, Ordnance planners pointed out that the principle in March 1942 that, because
postwar needs should also be taken into the first consideration was economy in
account, because building materials and money, time, and critical materials, ware-
labor would become scarce as the war houses were to be of light frame construc-
went on, and funds for postwar construc- tion, with fire walls only where necessary,
tion would be hard to get. They also with roofing specifications not to exceed a
argued that sheds with walls were far lo-year limit, and without excessive roof
better than open storage for artillery, spans; sheds were to be of open-type light
tanks, and other combat vehicles equipped frame construction, without concrete
with delicate fire control instruments and floors. On 1 June 1942 the War and Navy
radios. Granted that most of the supplies Departments and the War Production
would be manufactured in the Ohio, Board set up rigid rules for wartime con-
Michigan, and Illinois area, they did not struction. It was to be "of the simplest
recommend that region for postwar storage type, just sufficient to meet the minimum
because its climate would make excessive requirements." Thus any additional con-
maintenance necessary. The Ordnance so- struction at existing Ordnance depots,
lution was to locate the new general sup- with the exception of igloos, had to be
ply space at twelve ammunition depots, theater of operations type whenever pos-
balancing warehouse and shed space with sible. There was one loophole: masonry
that already authorized at Sierra, Letter- construction, such as concrete blocks,
kenny, Umatilla, and Ogden, and build- could be used if the material was not
ing both types in approximately equal critical in the area concerned and if its
amounts at Tooele, Sioux, Pueblo, Win- cost would not run more than 15 percent
gate, Navajo, Blue Grass, Seneca, and
Black Hills.10
After a survey showed that 74 percent 10
(1) Ltr, CofOrd to TAG, 27 Feb 42, sub:
of the expected carload deliveries would Storage Requirements for Ord Gen Supplies, for
be for tanks and combat vehicles that 1942 and First Three Months of 1943, OO 400.-
24/697; (2) Min, Wesson Confs, 4 Mar 42.
could not be stored in the open, the Gen- 11
(1) Monograph No. 8, pp. 31-34; (2) Per-
eral Staff reversed its earlier decision to sonal History of Col. Lawrence J. Meyns, Ord-
place Ordnance matériel at War Aid nance Office, 1 Jul 41-Jun 42 [hereafter referred
to as Meyns Rpt], FS Key Pers Rpts; (3) Ltr,
depots and approved the building of ware- SW to CofEngrs, 7 Mar 42, sub: Temporary
houses and sheds at the ammunition Type Construction, Depot Storage Program, AG
depots. Except for permanent buildings 681 (2-24-42) MO-D, copy in OCO FS Plans
and Opns, vol. I, pt. 2, History From 1 June
already authorized, all construction was to 1942 to January 1943 [hereafter cited as Hist,
be temporary,11 meaning mobilization or P&O II], ex. 69, OHF.

OPEN-TYPE STORAGE SHEDS (right) at Casad Ordnance Depot, New Haven, Ind., Sep-
tember 1943.

over the cost of the theater of operations half would be stored and half would be
construction.12 expended in combat or in training.14 By
Not all the new combat equipment went December 1942, twelve of the ammunition
into ammunition depots. Some of it was depots that grew out of the expansion
stored in Ordnance sections of the three plans of 1940 and 1941—Anniston, Black
Army general depots at Columbus, Ohio; Hills, Blue Grass, Letterkenny, Navajo,
New Cumberland, Pennsylvania; and Pueblo, Red River, Seneca, Sierra, Sioux,
Schenectady, New York. Some of it went Tooele, and Umatilla—each had, existing
into old-line repair arsenals such as Au- or authorized, between 900,000 and
gusta, where Civil War caissons had to be 2,500,000 square feet of combat equip-
moved out into the open to make room ment space. Anniston, Letterkenny,
in the warehouses.13 But most of the gen- Pueblo, Red River, Seneca, Sierra, Sioux,
eral supplies went into warehouses and and Tooele had more square feet in com-
sheds built for the purpose at the new
ammunition depots. At the time the fifty
million additional square feet of combat 12
(1) Hist, P&O, I, pp. 87-92; (2) Ltr, SW
equipment space was estimated, no great to CG AAF, et al., 1 Jun 42, AG 600.12 (5-30
influx of new ammunition was expected. -42) MO-SPAD-M, copy in Hist P&O II, ex.
Of all the new ammunition to be pro- 13
Crain, Diary, 28 Oct, 12 Nov 40.
duced, Ordnance assumed that about Min, Wesson Confs, 6 May 42.

bat equipment warehouses than they had in Army history suitable storage for war
in ammunition magazines and igloos.15 reserves.19
Early in 1942, when Ordnance storage
officials planned the move of general sup- The Acquisition of
ply stocks into ammunition depots, they Quartermaster Facilities
were thinking in terms of reserve storage
to back up distribution depots and space When the Ordnance Department in
to store war reserves that would accumu- midsummer of 1942 received from the
late at the end of the war. Nobody knew Quartermaster Corps the responsibility for
at the time to what extent the great am- motor transport vehicles,20 the storage
munition depots would be drawn into the facilities that came with the new mission
distribution picture.16 Problems of dis- included six War Aid depots, eight motor
tribution aside—and these would become bases, four motor supply depots, eleven
acute in 1943 when the emphasis shifted motor supply sections at Quartermaster
from domestic supply to overseas supply depots, and one motor reception park. At
—the disadvantages of isolation came to be the time of transfer, a large proportion of
keenly felt in the case of combat equip- the covered storage at War Aid depots was
ment. Ordnance supply experts felt later shed space, and a great deal of the total
that general supply operations were more area, in some cases most of the total, was
seriously hindered by isolated locations and open storage.21 There were maintenance
the lack of skilled labor resources than difficulties, because the buildings had been
were the ammunition supply operations at hastily constructed for limited service at a
the same depot.17 time when shortages forced the use of sub-
Yet the fact that the Ordnance Depart- stitute building materials. As "holding and
ment combined equipment storage with reconsignment points" or stopping places
ammunition storage and secured the neces- for supplies already consigned to a destina-
sary land at low prices stretched the funds tion, these depots had not had the function
allotted for land so that the General Staff of filling requisitions and therefore had
could use some of the money for other
supply services and buy the site for at 15
Monograph No. 8, Plate V.
least one training camp.18 Moreover, the 16
Meyns Rpt.
early construction of equipment ware- 17
(1) Field Service Division History, vol. XII,
houses helped to ease a critical storage History of Storage Branch, pt. II, Sep . . . Jun
Through Dec 43 [hereafter cited as Hist, Storage
situation both during the war, when the Br, II], p. 5, OHF; (2) Monograph No. 1, The
War Department could place in Ordnance Ordnance Task And Its Management, 1 Jul 40
warehouses and sheds large stocks of to 31 Aug 45 [hereafter cited as Monograph No.
1].p. 71, OHF.
materiel of other agencies for which no 18
Personal Ltr, Maj Gen Crain to Maj Gen
adequate provision had been made, and Ford, CofOrd, 25 Jul 50, OHF.
immediately after the war, when rented (1) ASF Historical Monograph, Storage
Operations December 1941-December 1945, pp.
commercial warehouses and railroad stor- 34-36, 269-71; (2) Memo, Lt Gen Somervell
age yards had to be given up. General for CofOrd, 9 Mar 43, sub: Assignment of Space,
Cram's insistence on permanent construc- SPOPN 400.24 (3-9-43); (3) Depot histories
in OHF.
tion, in the period before building materials 20
For this transfer, see Chapter XII.
became scarce, provided for the first time Monograph No. 8, Plate V.

little or no operating equipment, office Against this load the Ordnance Depart-
space, lunchrooms, and so on; as reser- ment could count on using some space
voirs for bulk storage, they lacked bins that had been intended for such material as
and other facilities. But these disadvan- gasoline drums, since responsibility for
tages were offset by the location of the petroleum products remained with the
War Aid depots in the area in which about Quartermaster Corps; also, some vehicles
75 percent of general supplies were man- could be stored for short periods in railway
ufactured; after extensive rewarehousing transit yards. A few vehicles could be
programs, they served Ordnance well. stored at factories, though Quartermaster
Rossford (formerly named Toledo) became policy had been to keep such storage at
the master depot-for automotive parts and a minimum because of the bad psycholog-
Lordstown the master depot for tools.22 ical effect on labor.24
The motor facilities that came with the Ordnance storage specialists, with the
Motor Transport Service were scattered aid of the experienced motor transport
throughout the country. The eight motor officers who were transferred along with
bases were at Atlanta, Georgia; Fort their service and the reservists who con-
Crook, Nebraska; Fort Devens, Massachu- tinued to come into the Army from the
setts; Holabird (near Baltimore), Mary- automobile industry, worked throughout
land; Fort Lewis, Washington; San An- 1942 and into the summer of 1943 to
tonio, Texas (called Normoyle); and mesh the Quartermaster motor bases and
Pomona and Stockton in California. The depots into the Ordnance distribution
four motor supply depots were mostly in system. They consolidated the two Atlanta
the central area: Little Rock, Arkansas; installations, the motor base and the motor
St. Louis, Missouri; Fort Wayne, near supply depot, to form the Atlanta Ord-
Detroit, Michigan; and Candler, at At- nance Depot. In Texas they moved the
lanta, Georgia. There was one motor re- Normoyle Ordnance activities to San An-
ception park, at Carteret, New Jersey, and tonio Arsenal, forming the San Antonio
there was space for motor supplies at Ordnance Center. At Pomona, California,
eleven Quartermaster depots, more than they turned over the buildings and facil-
half of them in the east.23 ities of Pomona Ordnance Base to the
Space had been allotted to the Motor Desert Training Center, which was run as
Transport Service on the basis of the 1942 a theater of operations with an Ordnance
procurement program, which consisted of base. All the motor transport bases were
approximately one million vehicles with designated depots, and two were renamed.
corresponding parts, tires, and supplies.
The plan for 1943 called for about the (1) Hist, P&O, I, p. 32; (2) ICAF Eco-
nomic Mobilization Course, Planning Depot
same number of vehicles but with an in- Systems to Meet Major Emergencies, 1940-46
crease of approximately 67 percent in the (Discussion), p. 7, ICAF Library, 1,47-32.
volume of parts, and an 85 percent in- (1) Hist, P&O, I, pp. 19-21; (2) Mono-
graph No. 8, pp. 35-36.
crease in tools and equipment. All this 24
(1) Depot Opns Br, Supply Div, Motor
added up to a heavy load on storage Transport Serv, Analysis of Storage Space Rqmts
facilities, beginning in the fall of 1942 Through 1943, 23 Jul 42, copy in Hist, Storage
Div, I, pt. 1, History From August 1942 to July
when most of the matériel ordered under 1943, ex. B, OHF; (2) ASF History, Storage
the 1942 program would be delivered. Operations, pp. 15-17.

Fort Lewis in Washington became Mt. eluded that Ordnance had overbuilt in
Rainier to distinguish it from other mili- the early stages of the war, a conclusion
tary activities at the Fort Lewis installa- that was reiterated in a postwar study by
tion, and for the same reason Fort Devens the General Staff. Conceding that it was
in Massachusetts was renamed Whitte- natural enough for each service to allow
more, in honor of the late Brig. Gen. James itself some margin for reserve, ASF officials
M. Whittemore.25 blamed lack of strict General Staff super-
vision in the early days of the war for
Reallocation of Space by ASF inequitable distribution of space. In the
spring of 1943 they decided to reallocate
Ordnance reached the peak of its storage existing space on the basis of collective
expansion in December 1942. At that time needs rather than add new space. They
it had fifty-four depots in the United not only redistributed space among the
States, twenty sections in Quartermaster technical services and Ground Forces but
or other non-Ordnance installations, two also co-ordinated requirements of the
depots in territorial areas, and storage Army Air Forces, the Treasury Depart-
facilities at ports of embarkation. At Ord- ment, the Navy, and other Government
nance depots general supplies were allo- agencies.
cated nearly thirty-nine million square feet In July 1943 Ordnance surrendered to
of warehouse space, more than eight mil- the Medical Department the Louisville
lion square feet of shed space, and about depot that had come in with the War Aid
fifty-two million square feet of open stor- group. In the fall, two of the motor trans-
age. Some two million square feet were port depots were released: Little Rock
devoted to packing, shipping, receiving, went to the Army Air Forces and Holabird
and repairing. When Ordnance space at to the Signal Corps. The functions of both
shipping terminals, general Army depots, could easily be absorbed by great Ord-
and depots of the other technical services nance depots near by—Red River in the
was added, the total figure for general case of Little Rock, which had carried a
supply storage exceeded one hundred mil- small stock of tires only; and Letterkenny
lion square feet. This made Ordnance the in the case of Holabird. About the same
largest warehouse operator in the world, time, the old World War I ammunition
with more storage space at its command depot at Charleston, South Carolina, was
than all the commercial warehouses in the turned over to the Transportation Corps.
United States combined. In January 1944, two more motor trans-
At this point, Army Service Forces be- port depots were released, Whittemore to
gan to question whether Ordnance really the First Service Command, and Normoyle
needed all this space. The answer was to the Army Air Forces. By then Ordnance
made clear by a survey showing that the had also released motor supply sections at
depots were only about half full. Only Quartermaster depots in Richmond and
54.2 percent of Ordnance's net usable 25
Hist, P&O, I, pp. 19-27.
warehouse space was occupied, 55.2 per- Ann Rpt of FS for FY 1944, p. 5, OHF.
cent of the shed space, 31.2 of the open Only about eighty percent of total storage space
was usually considered occupiable. Ann Rpt of
space, and 60.7 percent of the igloo and FS for FY 1943, p. 2, OHF.
magazine space.26 ASF planners con- 27 ASF Hist, Storage Opns, pp. 13, 30-34.

Alexandria in Virginia, Atlanta and Sa- depots—reservoir, area, and transship-

vannah in Georgia, and Mira Loma in ment. Typical of the reservoirs were the
California. During FY 1944 Ordnance big depots in the interior that stored
lost about four million square feet in ware- slow-moving stocks—Black Hills, Blue
house space, two million in shed space, Grass, Milan, Navajo, Ogden, Portage,
and about half a million in open space. At Red River, Sierra, Sioux, and Wingate.
the same time, the percentage of occu- Area depots were Pueblo, San Antonio,
pancy rose sharply in all cases, from 54.2 and Savanna; along with Anniston, Letter-
to 67.7 in warehouses, 55.2 to 64.5 in kenny, Seneca, and Umatilla, they had the
sheds, and 31.2 to 65.3 in open storage.28 responsibility in certain areas of supplying
After this period of contraction there posts, camps, stations, and air bases. San
were a few minor additions and some Jacinto was primarily a transshipment
readjustments. Facilities once a part of depot, a kind that handled ammunition
Fort Wayne Ordnance Depot became shipments en route to ports and awaiting
Palmer Woods Ordnance Depot. In the ship movements. Other transshipment
spring of 1944 a one-story rented building depots were Charleston, Curtis Bay, Dela-
at Vernon, California, became Los An- ware, Nansemond, and Raritan on the
geles Ordnance Depot; and the Pennsyl- East Coast, and Benicia on the West
vania Ordnance Works, transferred from Coast. Some of the reservoir depots had
Industrial Service to Field Service, was had from the beginning the responsibility
renamed Susquehanna Ordnance Depot.29 for "backing up" various area depots and
In April 1945 space had to be provided ports. During 1943 and 1944, as the
at depots and plants to take care of the emphasis shifted to overseas supply, a
overflow of ammunition stopped on its number of depots of all three types were
way to Europe; but this was temporary given "back-up" or "intermediate" duties,
in-transit storage lasting only from V-E in order to regulate the flow to the over-
Day to the time of reshipment to Japan.30 burdened ports. Some of the reservoir
On the whole, the Ordnance storage depots began to supply the service com-
space that remained after the contraction mands in their own areas. Generally the
of 1943 and early 1944 carried the load tendency was to reduce the number of
throughout the war. By 1944 the emphasis depots that were exclusively reservoir or
had shifted to overseas supply and there transshipment and to increase the area and
was an increasing number of direct ship- intermediate missions. In 1944 there were
ments that bypassed the depots. Better some changes in terminology: reservoir be-
warehousing and depot management and, came "reserve," area became "distribu-
in some cases, better methods of stock tion." 32 But on the whole there was no
control also aided in the supply of armies 28
(1) Hist, P&O, I, p. 28; (2) Hist, Storage
much larger than had been estimated in Br, 1, p. 38; (3) Ann Rpt of FS for FY 1944,
early planning.31 pp.
OCO FS Storage Div, vols. III, IV, V, VI,
VII, History from 1 January 1944 to 31 March
The Changing Pattern of Distribution 1945,
p. 2.
Monograph No. 8, pp. 40-41.
Seech. XX, below.
For ammunition storage, at the begin- 32
Hist, Storage Br, I, pt. II, Depot Missions,
ning of 1943 there were three types of pp. 22-32.

major revision in the ammunition depot missions that took place in 1943. The plan-
system. The most significant change in the ners proceeded on the premise that distri-
pattern of ammunition supply from 1943 bution depots ought to be kept to a
on was the trend to ship direct from minimum and ought to keep their stocks
plants to ports, training camps, the Navy, at the lowest possible level consistent with
or other users. And, to avoid unnecessary requisitioning demands. Keeping the num-
movement of this heavy and dangerous ber of such depots to a minimum would
matériel, better stock control methods avoid undue dispersal of critical stocks
were evolved.33 and would permit the concentration of
In planning for the distribution of the office and warehouse equipment, key per-
tremendous quantities of weapons, tanks, sonnel, and labor, all of which were becom-
and other general supplies produced after ing scarce. Getting rid of excess stocks
Pearl Harbor, Field Service officials relied would free more space for fast-moving
on the old-line general supply depots, items and would cut down on physical
backed up by reserve stocks stored in handling and paper work. The depots
warehouses and sheds at the new ammuni- would be kept fluid. Current stocks over
tion depots. Seneca and Letterkenny were and above those needed to fill requisitions
to back up Raritan, which handled the would be moved into Master Supply, or
First, Second, and Third Service Com- wholesale, depots, from which they could
mands and supplied the Atlantic bases; be withdrawn by the distribution depots
Anniston would back up Augusta, which as needed. Current stocks in excess of the
served the Fourth Service Command, Red capacity of the Master Supply depots
River would back up San Antonio; Ogden would be shipped into Reserve Storage
would back up Benicia, which served the depots, on a bulk basis. Obsolescent items
Ninth Service Command and supplied the would be concentrated in one depot.36
Pacific bases. Space at the great high al- In applying these principles, the plan-
titude depots like Sierra, Pueblo, Sioux, ners brought into the active distribution
and Black Hills would be used to store the pattern some of the large new ammunition
reserves that were expected to accumulate depots and revised the missions of some
after the war.34 This plan was feasible of the motor transport and War Aid depots
enough as long as general supplies con- acquired from the Quartermaster Corps.
sisted mainly of weapons and combat ve- For example, in the eastern area the dis-
hicles. But when the heavy load of motor tribution depots serving the First, Second,
vehicle responsibilities was added, involv- and Third Service Commands and the
ing an unprecedented spare parts problem, ports of Boston, New York, and Hampton
it became evident that the depot system Roads in the fall of 1942 were Schenec-
would have to be revised.35 tady, Raritan, and Holabird. In the future,
In December 1942 the storage experts
of the Supply Branch of the Tank- See pp. 428-35.
Meyns Rpt.
Automotive Center in Detroit, which now 35
Monograph No. 8, pp. 47-48.
had most of the responsibility for general Storage and Issue Sec, Supply Br, T-AC,
supplies, drew up a plan for the distribu- Present and Future Distribution Plan for Parts
and Supplies and Tools and Equipment of Ord-
tion of parts, tools, and equipment. It con- nance General Supply, copy in Hist, Storage Div,
tained the germ of the change in depot I, pt. 1, ex. E.

Letterkenny was to be the distribution In the category of distribution depots

depot for all parts, supplies, tools, and were several groups, the most important of
equipment, with one exception—tools and which were the "retail" or domestic depots
equipment for tanks and tractors were to that supplied the service commands within
come from Lordstown, the distributor for their respective areas. In the eastern area,
this kind of matériel to all service com- Letterkenny supplied everything needed;
mands and ports of embarkation except in the south, Atlanta furnished motor
those on the West Coast. The substitution transport matériel and Anniston every-
of Letterkenny would free Raritan to be thing else; in the middle west and west,
the requisitioning point for the eastern Ft. Wayne and St. Louis supplied motor
ports of embarkation for all parts and transport matériel and Rock Island
supplies except those of wheeled and everything else; in the southwest, Red
semiwheeled vehicles, which would come River carried the full line, as did Ogden
from Toledo (soon to be renamed Ross- for the West Coast. Second in importance
ford), a kind of reservoir for autombile in this category were the filler or export
parts in the same sense that Lordstown depots that supplied the ports of embarka-
was for tools and equipment.37 tion: Raritan serving Boston, New York,
and Hampton Roads; Atlanta serving
Charleston and New Orleans; Anniston
The Master Depot System serving Charleston; Red River serving
New Orleans; Mt. Rainier serving Seattle;
From this early planning stemmed the and Stockton and Benicia both serving
Master Depot concept that profoundly in- San Francisco. Less important than the
fluenced the Ordnance depot system. By retail depots and the filler depots, but
April of 1943 the pattern was clear. Parts, still in the category of requisition points,
supplies, tools, and equipment flowed were the "special stock" depots that car-
through four major types of depots: ried parts for major items that were in
master, distribution, storage, and arsenal. limited supply because they were substi-
There were only four master depots, but tute standard, obsolescent, or experimental.
each stocked every item required for the For this type of matériel St. Louis issued
maintenance of certain classes of matériel. parts for wheeled and half-track vehicles
Rock Island was responsible for tank, and Rock Island parts for weapons, tanks,
tractor, artillery, and small arms parts and tractors, and fire control instruments; Ft.
supplies; Rossford for wheeled and half- Crook issued tools and equipment for all
track parts and supplies; Lordstown for major items, with some assistance from
tools and equipment, except for fire control Lordstown.38
instruments; and Frankford for parts, sup- The storage depots, the third of the four
plies, tools, and equipment for fire control major types, were the largest in number.
instruments. Their stocks were available
for immediate movement into combat 37
theaters or into domestic activities, as the (1) Ord FS Bull No. 2-15, 1 Apr 43; (2)
situation demanded. Supplies from master Lt Col W. W. Townsend, Depot Supply of Ord-
nance Parts and Tools, in Transcript of Talks,
depots flowed through the distribution Depot Comdrs' Conf. 13-14 Apr 43, St. Louis,
depots, the second major type. Mo., OHF.

There were twenty-two in all. Five of them vehicles, combat vehicle parts, and clean-
were Ordnance sections in ASF depots, ing and preserving materials; and it was
five were 1940-41 war-reserve depots such falling behind. Ordnance storage experts
as Black Hills and Sierra, nine were former decided that it was better to depend for
motor transport or War Aid installations, export less on the "country store" type of
and three were old-line Ordnance depots. filler depot and more on the master depot
Of the latter, in a reversal of roles, Au- specializing in certain lines. Two of the
gusta was now supporting Anniston, and master depots had been shipping for ex-
San Antonio, Red River. Some of the port direct to ports for some time, Lords-
storage depots were well located geograph- town for tools and Rossford for automotive
ically to support filler, rather than domes- parts.40
tic retail, depots. Known as "advance" With the emphasis increasing on master
depots, they temporarily held boxed or depots rather than distribution or filler
crated parts and tools until the Ports of depots, in the spring of 1944 General
Embarkation called for them on movement Campbell, acting on the advice of Mr.
orders. Others had processing layouts to Lewis H. Brown, president of the Johns-
assemble certain classes of matériel into Manville Corporation, and Mr. Keller,
sets, and box and crate it. Assembly and president of Chrysler, decided to use the
processing were important functions also master depot technique to speed the flow
of the fourth type, the arsenal depots at of tank and automotive supplies to troops
Springfield, Watertown, and Watervliet, overseas, concentrating at one depot all
and also at Aberdeen and Erie Proving parts for a certain make of vehicle, such
Grounds. At these Industrial Service in- as Chevrolet, and at another all parts for
stallations, workers assembled the parts, a certain kind of vehicle, such as heavy
supplies, tools, and equipment that ac- duty trucks. The object was to achieve
companied the major items that went better control of stocks by concentrating
forth to the requisitioners.39 like and interchangeable parts in one place
By the time the new depot system went and enabling depot employees to specialize
into effect, on 1 July 1943, the trend from more narrowly; to simplify requisitioning;
domestic to export business had already and to give more flexibility in meeting
set in. Fifty-seven percent of all general overseas demands.41 As of August 1945
supply tonnage was being shipped over- the principal master depots were Rock
seas. But the impact of this shift on the Island, Frankford, Palmer Woods (a new
new depot system did not become plain depot added in the spring of 1945), Ross-
to Ordnance planners until late in 1943 ford, St. Louis, Letterkenny, Terre Haute,
when the campaign in Italy was well under Fort Wayne, Lincoln, and Atlanta. Depots
way and stockpiling had begun for the with more limited master depot responsi-
invasion of Europe. Then it became appar- 39
ent that the weakness in the new system 40
FS Bull No. 2-15, pp. 12-13.
(1) PSP 56, Depots, Field Service, Mission
was the bottleneck that could be caused and Management, Jun 45, exs. B and E, OHF;
by an inadequate filler depot. Raritan, a (2) Monograph No. 8, p. 53.
(1) FS Div Order 29-44, 3 Apr 44, sub:
comparatively small installation, was at- Master Depot Distribution Plan for Tank-Auto-
tempting to supply the eastern ports with motive Parts and Tools, OHF; (2) Hist Storage
stocks of weapons parts, general purpose Br, I, pt. I, Storage, pp. 18-19.

bilities were Watervliet, Watertown, the equipment for automatic weapons of 20-
Submarine Mine Depot at Fort Monroe, mm. and above, and for field artillery; for
Anniston, Blue Grass, Aberdeen, Ogden, the same matériel, excepting wheeled ve-
and the Ordnance section at Columbus hicles and K and L items, it was a filler
General Depot.42 depot to the Charleston Port of Embarka-
General Campbell believed that the tion.46
master depot plan for automotive supplies
"contributed greatly to the lessening of
serious bottlenecks in the overseas supply Instability in Depot Missions
problems."43 But stocking by make of
car, such as Dodge or Chevrolet, ran Changes in missions were common in the
counter to the parts-identification system last two years of the war. A case history,
set up in1944.44 Another obstacle to perhaps an extreme one, is the story of
smooth functioning was the inability of Letterkenny. One of the large ammunition
the Ordnance Department after May 1945 depots of the 1940-41 group, it first came
to operate the master depots strictly as into the general supply distribution pat-
wholesalers shipping bulk quantities in un- tern in January 1943 as a reserve storage
broken cartons or boxes. ASF Manual depot to back up Raritan. In the change-
M411 of 1 May 1945, Procedures for over to the master depot system that took
Processing Overseas Requisitions, required place on 1 July 1943 it became the dis-
that if an item was anywhere in the depot tribution depot for the First, Second, and
system, any customer was entitled to it, Third Service Commands. When conges-
regardless of the quantity desired. Conse- tion became apparent at Raritan late in
quently, retail depots were forced to requi- 1943, Letterkenny became a filler depot to
sition small lots from the master depots, assist Raritan for Dodge, Ford, and Gen-
which had to set up retail departments. eral Motors parts. In addition to these
Ordnance storage experts believed strongly major changes, there were several minor
that wholesale and retail operations changes in types of matériel handled and
could not be efficiently combined.45 requisitioners supplied; in September 1943,
Even under the master depot system, for example, the Army Air Forces in the
missions were not clearly defined. One area became one of the depot customers.
depot usually had several functions; that In the words of the depot historian, "The
is, it might be some combination of the missions given to Letterkenny during the
master, distribution, filler, or storage type year speeded and picked up like a snow-
of installation, and the missions varied, ball rolling downhill. Heterogeneous car-
not only as to type of depot but as to loads of matériel were rolling in to a
type of matériel. For example, by June of depot with incompleted bins and ware-
1945 Anniston was a master depot for
parts and supplies for scout cars and K
and L groups (cleaning and preserving 42
Monograph No. 8, p. 56.
matériel and targets). It was also a dis- 43
Campbell, The Industry-Ordnance Team, p.
tribution depot for the Fourth Service 339.44
See pp. 405-09.
Command for tracked and wheeled ve- 45
PSP 56, ex. F.
hicles, K and L matériel, supplies and PSP 56, p. 4.

houses while back orders were accumulat- grated into the master depot system.51 An
ing for matériel that was not yet stored." 47 Ordnance study made in June 1945
Early in 1944 the depot took over ascribed the large number of mission
Raritan's filler responsibilities and ceased changes in the second and third year of the
being a domestic distribution depot except war to the fact that planners had had to
for targets and cleaning and preserving work by trial and error. With very little
matériel. Six months later came another basis on which to forecast the quantity of
important change. In July 1944 Letter- matériel to be shipped, or the rate at
kenny became the master depot for parts which such shipments would be required
and supplies for Chevrolets, the distribu- by the theaters, they had found it almost
tion depot for combat, wheeled, and semi- impossible to forecast depot loads with
wheeled vehicles for the First, Second, and any degree of accuracy.52 Also, there were
Third Service Commands, and the filler defects in organization, notably an un-
depot for eastern ports for wheeled ve- fortunate division of responsibility for dis-
hicles, common hardware, parts common, tribution between Detroit and Washing-
and major items. Early in January 1945 ton.53
storage planners at Detroit, seeking to But it is permissible to speculate whether
relieve the overburdened Ft. Wayne in- some of the changes in depot missions
stallation, gave Letterkenny the master might not have been avoided by more
depot responsibility for heavy duty trucks, careful planning. At the time the Master
taking away certain parts supply func- Depot system was evolved early in 1943,
tions.48 the congestion at Raritan might have been
Criticism by higher authority that the foreseen. And if the change-over to stock-
Ordnance Department failed to achieve ing master depots by make of car such as
stability in depot missions appears to be Chevrolet or Dodge was desirable it might
justified; and there is evidence that insta- better have been effected then rather than
bility placed heavy burdens on the 47
Hist, Letterkenny Ord Depot, vols. II, III,
depots.49 When mission changes were IV, V, History for the Period 1 January 1943
made, Ordnance tried to keep interdepot thru December 1943 (hereafter cited as Hist,
movements of matériel to a minimum, Letterkenny, 1943), p. 4.
Hist, Letterkenny Ord Depot, X, History, 1
using them only when it was not possible January 1945 through 31 March 1945, pp. 5-7.
to deplete stocks through attrition; but (1) Ann Rpt of FS for FY 1945, p. 14; (2)
they were necessary at times and often Maj. A. W. Coopes, Key Pers Rpt, 4 Apr 46,
in Key Pers Rpts OCO-D. See also other key
required not only shifting stocks but ex- personnel reports in this file.
tensive rewarehousing, moving bins and (1) Ann Rpt of FS for FY 1944, p. 304;
other storage equipment from one depot to (2) Hist, Letterkenny, 1943, p. 7.
FS Supply Bull 2-15, 1 Apr 43, p. 12.
another, and retraining workers.50 52
PSP 56, ex. B.
Some rearrangement of the depot system (1) Project 91, Relationships Between the
was doubtless inevitable to correct faults Office of the Chief of Ordnance in Washington
and the Office, Chief of Ordnance-Detroit,
caused by the improvisation of the early OHF; (2) Memo, Col John A. Barclay, Deputy
expansion period. Some changes were ad- Chief FS Suboffice for Chief FS Suboffice, Rock
justments to decisions of ASF, such as the Island, 6 Jun 45, sub: Stock Contl Activities
1941-45 (hereafter cited as Barclay Rpt), in FS
loss in the summer of 1943 of some of the Key Pers Rpts, OHF; (3) Green, Thomson, and
motor transport depots that had been inte- Roots, Planning Munitions for War, ch. IV.

in 1944, after the by-item system had gone The Ordnance experience in World War
into effect. Col. W. C. Gamrath, an ex- II showed that the efficiency of a supply
perienced Ordnance supply officer, feel- and distribution system depended on
ingly expressed one point of view on shift- many factors, chief of which were the lo-
ing patterns of distribution: cation of depots, the nature of depot
facilities, and availability of civilian work-
"The methods of distribution of ordnance ers. In its final report, Logistics in World
supplies seemed to be a target of many
'experts' within the Ordnance Department, War II, ASF observed that, "As the war
within Headquarters ASF, and from indus- progressed, it became evident that the
tries on the outside. There was a period entire distribution system depended for its
during 1943 and 1944 when it seemed in efficiency upon the location of the depots."
vogue to change the methods. ... I have Unfortunately, no pattern of depot loca-
observed and studied a sufficient number of
businesses to realize that there are several tions would serve all purposes equally
different methods under which materials well. Nearness to manufacturers was an
similar to Ordnance supply may be success- advantage that had to be weighed against
fully distributed. I am of the firm opinion nearness to ports of embarkation. In terms
that it would have been far better to select of safe storage of ammunition, vast desert
one of these approved methods and stick to
it throughout the war than to go through a tracts were ideal, but in terms of labor
constant state of change." 54 supply they left much to be desired. At the
start of the defense period the War De-
Though some alteration in the pattern partment permitted each technical service
of supply was contemplated to meet the to develop its own system of distribution
emphasis on a one-front war in the Pacific, and storage with the result that there was
changes in 1945 were kept to a minimum. no integrated plan for the Army as a
Looking to the postwar period, Field Serv- whole. As far as Ordnance was concerned
ice began comprehensive planning to the result was overexpansion of depots in
achieve a stable program of supply. The the early years. But the choices of sites
program envisaged a network of perma- were generally good, and the excess capac-
nent depots carefully selected on the basis ity created in the 1940-42 period was
of the facilities that were available, the readily redistributed by ASF in the 1943
workload that could be handled, the -44 period. The capability of individual
sources of labor that could be tapped, and depots as measured in terms of buildings,
the technical knowledge of the workers. To equipment, and labor supply was also of
these permanent depots there would be great importance to efficient operations.
gradually transferred the functions of the On this score, the lack of adequate pro-
less desirable installations, which would be vision in the early years for storing general
closed out. Generally speaking, the pattern supplies—as distinguished from ammuni-
of distribution after the war would be tion—proved to be the biggest shortcom-
based on two factors. One was the correct
location of depots, with distribution re-
sponsibilities assigned to depots situated in Memo, Lt Col W. C. Gamrath, Chief, Sup-
the area they served. The other was storage Mar Operations
ply Br, for Exec to Chief of FS, 22
46, sub: Final Historical Rpt, in FS Key
by commodity, with related types of ma- Pers Rpts, OHF.
tériel stored at specific depots.55 55
Ann Rpt of FS for FY 1945, p. 14.

ing. But it was rather quickly remedied from the Motor Transport Service. Not so
after Pearl Harbor, as was the other easily solved were the problems of supply
major problem of integrating with Ord- terminology, stock control, and mainte-
nance depots the storage space acquired nance discussed in the following chapters.

The Language of Supply

One of the important lessons of World human and material—and that in the war-
War II, according to the Hoover Commis- fare of the future the emphasis might
sion, was the need for a better means of conceivably be on the mechanical rather
identifying and classifying military stores.1 than the human reinforcement. A missing
This conclusion was based to a large or faulty part, small, inexpensive, and
extent on Ordnance experience, for Ord- ordinarily negligible, that immobilized a
nance failed to solve this problem satis- tank on the eve of battle assumed a value
factorily during World War II. In spite of greater than even a replacement for the
persistent efforts, Field Service did not tank commander himself. A man could re-
work out an effective means of identifica- place a man but nothing else a particular
tion and communication, so that the part. And the time, place, and occasion of
soldier in the field, the storekeeper in the the need for it was unpredictable. Nobody
depot, and the official in Washington could say with certainty what part would
could all speak the same language. break or fail, or when or where. There-
The problem mainly concerned spare fore spare parts control in the sense of
parts.2 A tank, a gun, or a truck could be seeing to it that the man in the field had
identified at sight, even though its nomen- the part when he needed it was "the
clature might sometimes cause trouble. essence of supply." 4
But its parts were a different matter. They With each lot of one hundred tanks,
were numerous, and many were hard to guns, or other major products, it was
identify. In the critical months of prepa- Ordnance policy to order enough spare
ration for the invasion of Europe, a report
that there was a shortage of spare parts MBCA Newsletter, Munitions Board Catalog-
ing Agency, I (30 Jun 50), 6, filed in Office of
startled men who were familiar with the Cataloging in Office of Secy of Defense.
great flow of production after Pearl Har- See Chapter XIII for discussion of spare parts
bor. The Chief of Ordnance found it procurement.
(1) Ltr, Maj Gen Campbell, to Col John B.
"inconceivable that there can be an actual Medaris, 14 Dec 43, in General Campbell's Per-
physical lack of spare parts per se"; he sonal Files; (2) Memo, Col W. W. Townsend
believed that "parts are available but they for Exec to Chief of FS, 29 Aug 45, FS Key
Pers Rpts, OHF [hereafter cited as Townsend
are not recognized and are not identified. R p t ] ; (3) Lt Gen Somervell, Talk to Key Pers
They are, in other words, in effect, lost." 3 of ASF, 9 Mar 45, ASF Prod Div Files, 470.8
In the late 1930's a British expert on Tanks.
Brevet Lt. Col. George C. Shaw, Supply in
logistics suggested that the art of war Modern War (London: Faber and Faber,
might be read in terms of the spare— Limited, 1938), p. 303.

parts to last a year. But what was their spare parts were handled by the
"enough"? The best estimates were often same persons, using the same form of
wrong, because of differences in climate, stock record cards, was inefficient. He
terrain, and operations in a world-wide therefore recommended on 8 October
war; and for newly developed items there 1940 that all spare parts, regardless of
was no maintenance experience at all.5 their nature, be segregated in one organ-
Shortages developed in certain parts, ization in Field Service, and that this or-
though in general the tendency was to ganization manage not only parts distri-
provide too much rather than too little. bution but also the determination of parts
The spare parts required to maintain one requirements.7
hundred medium tanks for one year The Chief of Ordnance approved the
filled twenty boxcars. For one jeep, Ord- recommendation for centralized control of
nance undertook to stock and furnish spare parts distribution. He agreed to the
1,006 different spare parts, a total that separation of parts from their major items
seemed large, though actually it was less and on 16 December 1940 employed
than half the 2,500 different parts, total- Barroll to build up a new Parts and
ing 9,000 individual pieces, that were re- Accessories Unit to assume responsibility
quired to manufacture the jeep.6 The for them.8 But from the beginning the
effort to provide machinery capable of new spare parts unit was plagued with
keeping records on these huge stocks began troubles. It was, according to Barroll, un-
in 1940. It involved a new spare parts able to get enough experienced help, office
organization within Field Service and the space, or even supplies. Furthermore, it
use of electrical accounting apparatus was hampered by the confusion resulting
made by the International Business Ma- from the simultaneous installation of
chines (IBM) Corporation. electrical accounting machines for stores
A New Spare Parts Organization
The Use of IBM Machines
In the late summer of 1940 the Ord-
nance Department requested Lawrence In the spring of 1940 the Office of the
Barroll, formerly a representative in Swe- Assistant Secretary of War had proposed
den of General Motors Overseas Opera- that IBM machines be installed in all
tions, to make a study of Ordnance 5
This problem is discussed above in Chapter
procedure for initial spare parts require- IV.
ments and a survey of the spare parts 6
Campbell, The Industry-Ordnance Team, pp.
organization of Field Service. Barroll spent 351,
358, 363.
Barroll Rpt, 1942, pp. 5-7. Mr. Barroll also
two weeks in Washington, two weeks in criticized the Ordnance system of depot com-
the Detroit area consulting with General modity specialization; for example, he believed
Motors parts specialists, and three days at that placing most tank parts at Rock Island Ar-
senal, small arms parts at Springfield, and so on,
Raritan Arsenal where Standard Nomen- resulted in "poor geographic availability and also
clature Lists were published. This short left stocks in a very vulnerable position for
survey convinced him that the traditional enemy 8
sabotage or offensive measures."
(1) Ibid., p. 8; (2) Crain, Diary, 30, 31 Oct
Ordnance Provision System procedure for 40; (3) Ord Office Memo 510, 21 Jan 41.
parts control by which major items and Barroll Rpt, 1942, p. 8.
Army depots. Considered much more flex- plished with the aid of the IBM Corpora-
ible than the bookkeeping machines, such tion the following spring and the change-
as Elliott Fisher, which had been adopted over took place in July 1941.14
by Ordnance in the mid-twenties, these Almost at once there was a lag rather
electrical accounting machines (EAM) than a speed-up. In a tight manpower
could prepare in hours reports that by market there was the difficulty of obtain-
manual procedures would take days or ing, and keeping, trained machine opera-
even weeks. The IBM Corporation tested tors. This could hardly have been avoided.
its apparatus at several Quartermaster Another obstacle to smooth operation
depots, pronounced at suitable for military grew out of the failure to foresee the neces-
record-keeping,10 and was given the job by sity for converting a commercial system
the War Department. On a directive from more fully to military operation before
the Assistant Secretary of War that the installing it. For example, the stock record
IBM Corporation be given all assistance in card as originally drawn up had no pro-
installing its machines, on a rental basis, vision for "demands," a term not used in
the Chief of Ordnance ordered the ma- business, although essential in military
chines to be used in all Ordnance stock supply. Such drawbacks to the new sys-
control operations for spare parts. This tem, together with lack of understanding
involved the bulk of general supply ar- of it in the depots, or downright opposition
ticles, since major items, which were not to it, were not peculiar to Ordnance. The
included, represented only about eight Quartermaster Corps had similar problems
hundred out of a total of about eighty in some degree.15
thousand items. Some Ordnance officials The greatest problem presented to Ord-
had misgivings, not only as to the supe- nance by the machine system was that of
riority of the IBM system over competitors adapting to it the numbers hitherto used
like Remington-Rand, but also as to the for requisitioning, procurement, and dis-
wisdom of employing the machines on a tribution. Stores reports, which were actu-
rental rather than a sales basis.11 Col. ally carbon copies of depot stock ledgers,
Lawrence J. Meyns, who became chief of used the numbers found in Standard
the General Supply Branch in July 1941, Nomenclature Lists—the Group letter, the
thought that the decision to use the ma- number indicating the class of stores, and
chines was good, because he believed that the piece mark. For example, in reporting
stock cards on the spare parts that were a bayonet catch the depot officer used the
coming off the production lines in an SNL designation B8 plus the piece mark
ever-mounting flood could not be kept
posted on the old system.12
Whatever the ultimate merits of the 10
Stauffer, QM Depot Storage and Distribu-
new system, it soon became apparent, to tion Opns, p. 159. This monograph also contains
Colonel Meyns among others, that Ord- a description of the actual functioning of the
machines, pp. 159-60.
nance had rushed it through too fast and 11
Interv with Kahlert, 14 Apr 53.
had not planned the timing and installa- 13
Meyns Rpt.
tion with enough care and foresight.13 14
Ibid.; (2) Barclay Rpt.
Min, Wesson Confs, 12 Sep 40, 28 Jul 41.
Decided upon in the fall of 1940, the 15
(1) Hynds Memo; (2) Stauffer, op. cit.,
installation of the machines was accom- pp. 160-65, 178-79, 187-88.

B147058. In the spring of 1941 Field The Parts Control Division

Service considered the possibility of adopt-
ing the piece mark as the universal means After Pearl Harbor it became evident
of identifying and reporting stores. But a that something had to be done to improve
study of stores reports revealed the fact spare parts supply. This was the greatest
that there were hundreds of items in stock problem facing the Ordnance Department,
that had no piece mark; furthermore, the according to a survey made in the spring
Industrial Division was too busy with pro- of 1942 by General Motors Overseas Op-
curement to stop and assign them. In any erations. This survey recommended that
case the IBM machine cards then available Ordnance create a Parts Control Division
could not take "taxi" numbers such as on the same administrative level as Indus-
BECX3G, because they fell in a field of trial Service and Field Service. General
the card that could not take letters of the Campbell acted on this recommendation
alphabet. Some kind of coding was neces- after he became Chief of Ordnance in
sary.16 June 1942. But this attempt to solve the
In this dilemma Field Service turned to problem was short-lived, for several reas-
a numbering system that had been devised ons. Floor space, equipment, and experi-
in prewar years for a statistical report on enced people were lacking. There was dis-
parts usage by maintenance echelons. It agreement, even among the GM officials
was a code number consisting of three who made the recommendation, as to
elements. The first four digits represented whether the new organization should take
the SNL letter and number; the next two over spare parts operations directly or
digits, the section of the SNL in which the merely set up controls over the people re-
item was listed; and the last five digits sponsible for operations. The Parts
the item within the section of its particular Control Division was abolished in July
SNL. Thus the item code number assigned 1942. In the reorganization that took place
to the bayonet catch was B008-01-00030, at that time the Field Service spare parts
that for the item next below it in the organization, which included the Machine
same section was B008-01-00040.17 Records Unit, was renamed the Parts and
For the job of assigning item code Supplies Section and placed under the
numbers to all Ordnance parts the chief General Supply Branch. It now had a
of the Equipment Division set up a cod- staff of 267, but according to Mr. Barroll
ing section in the Machine Records Unit. was "still comparatively green" and much
After coding an item the Machine Records remained to be accomplished in "future
Unit punched a master card containing
the piece mark or drawing number, the 16
(1) Barclay Rpt; (2) Col W. C. Gamrath,
nomenclature, and the new code number, History of Official Stock Number (Item Stock
and sent copies of it to all reporting in- Number) [hereafter cited as Gamrath, Hist], 17
stallations. The coding operation, which May 17
PSP 65, ex. AF.
included items coming off production 18
(1) PSP 63, ex. 2; (2) Gamrath, Hist, pp.
lines as well as those in stock, was gigantic, 3-4.19
and the Coding Section was understaffed. (1) General Motors Survey, vol. II, p. 10;
(2) Meyns Rpt; (3) Barclay Rpt; (4) Ch. XIII
It soon fell behind. By mid-June of 1941 above; (5) Green, Thomson, and Roots, Plan-
coding was in "lamentable condition." 18 ning Munitions for War, ch. IV.

development, training of personnel, and set forth policy, the Tank-Automotive

refinement of operating procedures." 20 Center would carry it out.24
Colonel Raphael S. Chavin, Chief of the
Effects of the Motor Vehicle Transfer General Supply Branch, justified the de-
centralization to Detroit of stock control
At this critical stage in parts control for all spare parts, for weapons as well as
planning, Army Service Forces directed vehicles, on two grounds: first, it com-
that Ordnance take over motor transport plied with the general directive to reduce
vehicles, formerly supplied by the Quarter- the number of employees in Washington,
master Motor Transport Service. It was a and, second, it permitted the concentration
logical step, because combat vehicles and of the IBM stock control installation in one
transport vehicles had parts in common; central place.25 Another explanation was
but it tremendously increased and compli- that in the planning stage the Ordnance
cated the problems of distribution, espe- Department had considered moving to De-
cially that of stock control. Before the troit the major item units handling
merger, Ordnance handled a total of weapons; at that time the pattern of the
some 80,000 items. Estimates of the items T-AC as a product center had not fully
handled by Motor Transport Service crystallized.26
varied from 75,000 to 150,000. Accurate But this further separation of spare
figures did not exist. There were some parts from major items caused forebod-
400,000 item numbers, but thousands ings. To Colonel Meyns, the movement of
were duplicate names for the same item.21 weapons parts from Washington to Detroit
As a result of the transfer of motor was "a terrible setback." 27 Major Hynds
transport the Chief of Ordnance estab- of the General Supply Branch, who
lished the Tank-Automotive Center in De- doubted the wisdom of setting up the
troit on 1 September 1942. This step Parts and Accessories Unit in the first
drastically affected the whole Ordnance place, believed that the real reason for
distribution system. To Detroit went the moving all spare parts to Detroit, parts for
Parts and Supplies Section of the General small arms and artillery as well as vehicles,
Supply Branch along with three other
sections—Automotive, Tools and Equip- 20
(1) Barroll Rpt, 1942, p. 9; (2) ODO 285,
ment, and Storage and Issue.22 Stock Change I, 28 Jul 42.
control of major items for Groups A to F, (1) Hynds Memo; (2) Memo, Maj Gen
Julian S. Hatcher to CofOrd, 5 May 1945, sub:
small arms, artillery, and fire control, re- Rpt of Activities in World War II [hereafter
mained in Washington because their cited as Hatcher Rpt], OHF.
Group Chiefs, whose unique technical (1) GS Br Order 13, 14 Oct 42; (2) GS
Br Order 20, 7 Dec 42.
knowledge made them irreplaceable, re- 23
(1) Interv with Col William F. Sadtler, 25
fused to move, but stock control of spare Aug 52; (2) Statement by Maj Gen John K.
parts for this matériel went to Detroit.23 Christmas, 11 Oct 49, OHF.
Remarks by Brig Gen Julian S. Hatcher,
The move centered in Detroit the direction Chief FS Div, at Depot Comdrs' Conf, 13-14
of distribution for virtually all Ordnance Apr 43.
installations except those handling am- Ltr, Col Raphael S. Chavin to Thomson, 9
Aug 49, OHF.
munition. The planners intended that 26
Barclay Rpt.
henceforth the Washington office would Meyns Rpt.

was that "spare parts have been placed in Because of continual engineering changes
such a rigid, inflexible grouping that we and undependable records, knowledge of
now find it is impossible to separate them, the product was at a premium.31
regardless of how advisable such a division In the move to Detroit, Field Service lost
might be." 28 He pointed out that if parts a number of trained people who were
had remained with their major items, as badly needed. The Parts and Supplies
provided in the Ordnance Provision Sys- Section lost 50 percent of its engineers.
tem Regulations, the move of Group G, When the move was announced some of
the automotive items, to Detroit "could the engineers accepted commissions in the
have been accomplished with scarcely a Army and others transferred to other
ripple to disturb the effective operations government agencies in Washington. Some
of the other groups." 29 who went to Detroit soon left govern-
As it was, the disturbance to Field ment service to take jobs in the automobile
Service supply operations approached the industry at increased salaries.32 The man-
proportions of a tidal wave. Detroit, now power situation grew worse in February
the stock control center for Ordnance, the 1943 when the Chief of Ordnance directed
place to which depots and district offices personnel cuts throughout the Tank-
sent their stores reports and the place Automotive Center. The Parts and Sup-
where these reports were combined into plies Section protested that it could not
the Consolidated Stores Report that was operate on the ceiling then existing, much
the heart of the supply system, became an less on a lower ceiling.33
impossible bottleneck. By December 1942 Parts supply required manpower, in
the posting of Consolidated Stores Report quantity and in quality.34 A sympathetic
data on parts distribution and other card understanding of this fact in the War De-
records in Detroit was seriously in arrears partment and the Army Service Forces
—as much as one month behind on dis- would have helped solve Ordnance's prob-
tribution cards and several months behind lems. But as late as the fall of 1944 the
on order cards. These delays made the Mead Committee found that neither the
data misleading, since the figures did not Army nor the Navy recognized "the extent
reflect the situation as it was at the of the paper work and bookkeeping work
moment. required in order to maintain the flow of
Moreover, the records were not ac-
curate because depots frequently reported 28
Hynds Memo, p. 18.
parts under wrong code numbers.30 The 29
Coding Unit was handicapped by lack of 30
Barroll Rpt. 1942, pp. 12-13.
the tools essential for its job. The engineer- Ibid., pp. 18-20.
Meyns Rpt.
ing drawings for small arms, artillery, 33
Memo, Lt Col Martin P. Vorberg, Chief Plng
and fire control instruments were not and Contl Div, for Chief FS Div, 11 Jun 45,
available in Detroit; parts lists and refer- sub: Chronological Hist of Events Concerning
Martin P. Vorberg's Connection With the Ord
ence data from manufacturers were still Dept (hereafter cited as Vorberg R p t ) , FS Key
far from complete. The engineers of the Pers Rpts. The broad picture of civilian person-
Parts and Supplies Section, who had nel problems is presented in Green, Thomson,
and Roots, Planning Munitions for War, Chapter
formerly supplied the necessary technical VI.
information, worked in a separate building. Barroll Rpt. 1942, p. 19.

BRIG. GEN. JULIAN S. HATCHER (seated at desk), Chief of Field Service, in his office at
the Pentagon, 1943. From left, Col. James L. Hatcher and Brig. Gen. Raphael S. Chavin.

materials." 35 The Chief of the Parts and Big-scale troop movements were just get-
Supplies Section complained that he was ting under way. Complaints about Ord-
"constantly criticized and harassed by nance spare parts provision and distribu-
higher authority for not doing an efficient tion began to come from the using arms,
job and at the same time this same higher The Inspector General, and the Army
authority was reducing the personnel avail- Service Forces.38 Disability reports from
able to do the job." 36 the Inspector General's Office, surveys by
ASF, and special studies and analyses by
The Crisis Early in 1943 the Ordnance Department all stressed the
seriousness of the situation.39 At ASF
By the beginning of 1943 it was evident depots in England preparing for TORCH
that mistakes had been made in the hasty 35
revamping of traditional Ordnance supply Rpt Mead Comm., 78th Cong., 2d sess., S.
Rpt No. 10, pt. 20, p. 23.
procedures to meet the exigencies of war 36
Barclay Rpt.
and that the stock control situation was 38
Stauffer, op. cit., p. 4.
critical. Late in 1942 General Somervell (1) PSP 63, ex. 18, Memo, Col Sadtler to
CofOrd, 11 May 43, sub: Adequate Provision of
had stated that "distribution is rapidly be- Spare Parts; (2) Maint Div, Hq ASF, Mainte-
coming our number one consideration." 37 nance Problems: A History. . . , pp. 66, 114,
An avalanche of supplies was coming from copy in OCMH files.
Lawrence S. Barroll, Reduction of Back
the factories, and some more efficient way Orders, Transcript of Talks at Depot Comdrs'
had to be found to get them to the users. Conf, 13-14 Apr 43, p. 24.

in 1942, the changeover to a different another, a failure that might have been
parts identification scheme had necessitated prevented by accurate and timely Consol-
retraining thousands of workers and cre- idated Stores Reports.43
ated "an almost hopeless confusion." 40 To purify records and improve the re-
In a nationwide radio broadcast on 11 porting system became matters of great
March 1943, the anniversary of ASF, Gen- urgency. The first step was to find a
eral Somervell said, "Stock or inventory single workable system of parts numbering
control requires immediate attention." 41 to replace the many systems in use, be-
General Campbell in February 1943 re- cause the fact that identical parts could
placed Brig. Gen. Harry R. Kutz, whose have different numbers made it difficult to
health had not been good, with Brig. Gen. locate the parts and impossible to reflect
(later Maj. Gen.) Julian S. Hatcher as true stock levels. The second step was to
Chief of Field Service. He also had Field decentralize stock control on a product
Service operations reviewed by his personal basis, relieving the bottleneck at Detroit
advisory staff, Messrs. Baruch, Lewis H. and placing control in the hands of people
Brown, Benjamin F. Fairless, and Keller, who had technical knowledge of the par-
to which had been added Mr. Fowler ticular item. These two objectives occupied
McCormick, president of International some of the best brains in the Ordnance
Harvester, General Robert E. Wood, pres- Department from 1943 on.
ident of Sears Roebuck and Company,
and B. Edwin Hutchinson of Chrysler Parts Numbering
Corporation. These eminent industrialists
did not propose any radical changes in "The Numbers Racket," as Ordnance
operations; they confined themselves to a men called it, was clearly in need of reform
few helpful suggestions. But their visit to even before the end of 1942. No less than
OCO and their belief that hard and de- seven different parts numbering systems
tailed work would bring Field Service out were being used. In addition to Ordnance
of its difficulties were a boost to morale.42 drawing numbers, taxi numbers, and Fed-
In the field the General Supply Branch eral Stock Catalog numbers, there was still
made an intensive effort to find out why another number that might be stamped
unfilled requisitions, or back orders, were on the part—the manufacturer's number,
piling up at the depots. Investigators sur- brought into the picture by the transfer of
veyed two typical depots, Atlanta for auto-
motive parts and Augusta for weapons 40
Ruppenthal, Logistical Support of the
parts. Analysis of some seventeen thousand Armies,
vol. I, p. 158.
back-order, items showed that poor records Col Lawrence J. Meyns, Stock Control Pro-
gram, Transcript of Talks at Depot Comdrs'
were responsible and that the depots and Conf, 13-14 Apr 43, p. 36, OHF.
the Tank-Automotive Center shared the (1) Memo, Maj Gen Campbell, for Brig Gen
blame equally. Most of the trouble in the Maj Gen Kutz, 8 Jan 43, OO 020/368; (2) Ltr,
Campbell, to Brown, 8 Jan 43, OO
depots was caused by failure of the store- 020/368; (3) Campbell, The Industry-Ordnance
keepers to identify items in stock. The Team, pp. 335-36; (4) Ltr, Maj Gen Edward
greatest percentage of errors by the Tank- E. 43MacMorland to Lida Mayo, 18 Mar 54, OHF.
Lawrence Barroll, Reduction of Back Orders,
Automotive Center was failure to correct Transcript of Talks at Depot Comdrs' Conf 13-
a shortage in one depot by transfer from 14 Apr 43, pp. 24-25.

motor vehicles to the Ordnance Depart- stores reporting. There were, therefore,
ment, and by the fact that more and more three possible stockkeeping numbers in
automobile companies were manufactur- addition to four procurement numbers,
ing parts for tanks. and the fact that parts were procured
The manufacturer's number opened a under one number and stored under
Pandora's box of troubles. It might be another—and might be requisitioned un-
either that of the end-item manufacturer or der a third—contributed immeasurably to
that of the component-item manufacturer; the confusion.45
that is, it might be either the number
assigned by the Ford Company making Interchangeability of Parts
the car, or the Timken Company making
the axle. Most likely it would be that of Another aspect of the parts numbering
the automobile manufacturer, and this problem was the need for information on
fact caused incalculable confusion, because what parts were interchangeable between
several automobile manufacturers would truck and truck, or truck and tank. The
buy components from a single source and desirability of being able to substitute one
put their own numbers on them. A bearing part for another could hardly be over-
that appeared in a Packard, a Ford, a emphasized, from the standpoint of reduc-
Chrysler, a Dodge, and a Plymouth could ing the number of individual parts or
have five different numbers—but it was part numbers in the stock control system,
the same bearing. and of maintaining in operation equip-
Four types of numbers—Ordnance ment that would otherwise be deadlined
drawing, Ordnance standard parts (taxi for lack of parts.
system), Federal Standard Stock Catalog, The necessity for compiling and dissem-
and manufacturer's—were primarily for inating interchangeability information on
procurement purposes. They were also used automotive parts had long been obvious.
to some extent in requisitions, especially In 1940 The Quartermaster General had
the manufacturer's number, because of the begun such a project. But at that time
many manufacturers' catalogs in the the size and urgency of the wartime task
hands of troops. For stockkeeping, there could hardly have been foreseen. The em-
was the item stock number that had been phasis then was on procurement, rather
designed by Field Service as a basis for than on distribution; further, it was
the depot and Detroit records under the difficult to find, and keep, personnel with
IBM system.44 This item stock number sufficient technical knowledge for the
was not physically applied to parts but work. The job was far from complete
was marked on tags and containers, in
most cases along with the drawing num- 44
See above, pp. 396-98.
bers. The item stock numbers were a (1) Report of Board Appointed to Develop
change-over from the SNL system, but the Method of Numbering Standard Parts (Ord-
nance Department Special Orders 129, para-
coding had proceeded so slowly that some graph 5, dated 31 May 1943), 23 Jun 43 (here-
SNL's were still being used. Also, in the after cited as Wells Bd Rpt), copy in Hambleton,
interim before the change-over could be Hist, Engr-Administrative Br; (2) Interv with
Sadtler, 25 Aug 52; (3) Hynds Memo. See
accomplished, depots had been forced to also FS Key Pers Rpts and OCO-D Key Pers
assign temporary item stock numbers for Rpts in OHF.

when the Motor Transport Service was number be the item stock number, plus a
transferred to the Ordnance Department. classification code, if an item stock num-
There now arose the problem of relating ber had been assigned. They further rec-
the parts of trucks to parts of tanks and ommended that new items, or items to
other Ordnance items. The Ordnance De- which no item stock number had been as-
partment had for years maintained at signed, be given a simple numerical num-
Raritan Arsenal a file of data that showed ber starting with 5,000,001. To study this
by SNL number all the major items on plan and various suggested modifications
which each part was used, and thus pro- of it, the Chief of Ordnance appointed an
vided complete interchangeability for each Ordnance Numbering Board consisting of
part number. But with the added load Brig. Gen. Gordon M. Wells, Artillery
imposed by the incorporation of the Motor Branch, Industrial Division; Col. Graeme
Transport Service, these records could not K. Howard, Director of Spare Parts, T--
be kept current. The Special Parts and AC; and Mr. Lawrence S. Barroll, Supply
Interchangeability Group was overloaded Branch, Field Service. Representatives of
with work even on general purpose ve- the Board held meetings with the Detroit
hicles. The task was made more difficult committee at Detroit and examined wit-
by the proprietary interests of some man- nesses there and at Washington between
ufacturers who refused to make their in- 7 and 22 June I943.47
terchangeability data available. Ordnance The Wells Brard decided to throw out
did not undertake a definite program to the item stock numbers and concentrate
compile interchangeability data until the on a system using seven digits, between
spring of 1943 when the whole parts 5,000,000 and 9,999,999, for all Ordnance
numbering system became so critically ob- matériel except Federal Stock Catalog
structive that it had to be completely items. But it also decided that the seven
revamped.46 digit number would have some relation to
Early in 1943 a breakdown in the effort the piece mark that was stamped, em-
to convert manufacturers' numbers to the bossed, or otherwise marked on Ordnance
Ordnance taxi system resulted in the components and recommended an ingeni-
formation at Detroit of a committee to ous method that would permit incorporat-
study the whole numbers problem. But ing the piece mark, which consisted of six
reports by this and other committees ac- digits plus a letter, in the seven digit num-
complished little, and in April the Supply ber. To A drawing numbers were assigned
Branch, T-AC, called a conference of the block of numbers from 5,000,000 to
depot commanders from Ordnance and 5,499.999 to C numbers, 5,500,000 to
Motor Transport installations to map out
a plan of action. These men recommended 46
(1) Maj Gen Levin H. Campbell, Jr., Spare
that, except for standard commercial parts Parts History, 24 Jun 44, ex. E-12; (2) Ord-
common to other services, which would nance Spare Parts in Mechanized Warfare, Aug
44, pp. 18-21; (3) Comments on draft of this
continue to be carried under the Federal chapter by Brig Gen John A. Barclay, Apr 57,
Stock Catalog Number, every part be OHF.
given one number, to serve in place of the (1) E. J. Almquist, History of Engineering
Administrative Branch—later Engr and Inspection
drawing number, piece mark, manufactur- Br—Executive Division, 20 Nov 45, OHF; (2)
er's number, or any other, and that this Gamrath, Hist, pp. 5-6; (3) Wells Bd Rpt.

5,999,999, to B numbers 6,000,000 to increasingly evident that the engineering or

6,499,999, to D numbers, 6,500,000 to part number phase was a relatively minor
6,899,999 and to E numbers, 6,900,000 to factor when compared with the confused
6,999,999.48 Thus, the new number for a stock number situation and that the pro-
part stamped with A-277276 would be vision of Ordnance Department Order 69
5,277,276. One drawback to this system for identifying all Ordnance standard
was the fact that the sizes of the engineer- parts by Federal Stock Numbers was im-
ing drawings, which the letters A to E practical. Consequently on 14 September
represented, were sometimes changed. 1943 the Chief of Ordnance issued a re-
Therefore, the numbers from 7,000,000 to vision of Ordnance Department Order No.
9,999,999 were reserved to be assigned 69. It scrapped existing Ordnance num-
consecutively to all new Ordnance parts bering systems and provided for the
prepared after the system went into effect, assignment of one Official Ordnance Part
without regard to drawing size. Number to almost every new part. The
The next consideration was the adminis- revised order became the Bible of the parts
tration of the new system. The Board numbering and interchangeability pro-
found strong evidence that the existing gram.50
confusion stemmed partly from the fact
that the assignment of numbers and the Implementation of the
making of rules for their use had been New Numbers Program
left to a subordinate agency in the Artil-
lery Branch that did not have sufficient From the new system the Engineering
prestige or authority to enforce a uniform Administrative Branch evolved an Official
system, and recommended that a new Stock Number that became the key to the
agency be set up immediately. Accepting whole numbering and interchangeability
the findings of the Wells Board, the Chief program. It was made up of the Official
of Ordnance directed the change-over to Ordnance Part Number, when one existed,
the new numbers and placed responsibility prefixed by a classification code that might
for it with an Engineering and Administra- be either the SNL Group prefix or the
tive Section headed by Col. Harry B. manufacturer's code. The problem now
Hambleton.49 was to bring under the Official Stock
Colonel Hambleton and his staff began Number all the other numbers that an
immediately an exhaustive study of the identical or interchangeable part might
whole parts numbering problem, visiting carry, such as that of the part manufac-
depots, ports, product centers, and the turer, unit manufacturer, or the old taxi
Tank-Automotive Center. As the investiga- number. The Branch began the prepara-
tion proceeded it became clear that the tion of a cross reference list of Ordnance
problem was one of stock control rather
than engineering. Since stock numbers It will be noted that "C" drawing numbers
were assigned lower stock numbers than "B"
were being assigned at Detroit, a suboffice drawing numbers. Wells Board Report, pp. 4-8.
was established there under the direction (1) Wells Bd Rpt, pp. 4-8; (2) ODO 69,
of Major Charles M. Buhl to administer 9 Jul 43; (3) ODO 65, 25 Jun 43; (4) ODO
169, 16 Jul 43.
the new system. Further study by Major 50
Hambleton, Hist, Engr-Administrative Br, pp.
Buhl and members of his staff made it 1-5, including copy of Revision 1 in app.

part and stock numbers in two sections, of Ordnance Part and Stock Numbers,
one listing serially the number stamped on known as ORD 15, appeared in two
the part, with the corresponding stock parts of ten volumes each. ORD 15-1 was
number or numbers opposite. This infor- based on part numbers, ORD 15-2 on
mation was progressively turned over to stock numbers. Twenty-two thousand sets
Field Service, which sent to depots that were printed and distributed to users such
had IBM equipment a master stock card as bases, depots, and stock control points.
carrying the new number and showing all Revisions in the spring of 1945 increased
other reference numbers and a corres- the total of the numbers listed from
ponding number card for each correspond- 600,000 to 750,000, and so great had the
ing or "alias" number on the master card. demand become that 32,000 sets had to
This theoretically enabled the depot to be distributed. The realization that a
put into one bin all interchangeable items, similar cross reference list was needed for
no matter what number they bore.51 tools and tool equipment resulted in the
The implementation of the new numbers publication of ORD-5, Stock List of
program took time. Concurrently with the Items, and ORD 5-1, Numerical Index of
interchangeability project, designers both Manufacturer's Part Numbers and Draw-
in Ordnance and industry had to be given ing Numbers. ORD 5, listing the official
blocks of the new official part numbers to nomenclature, was made necessary by the
apply to new parts. New drafting-room fact that one element of the Federal Stock
regulations had to be developed. The cross Number was the initial letter of the prin-
referencing job (except for Federal Stock cipal noun; for example, 11-P-600 was
Catalog numbers, which were handled in the number for an oil barrel pump. Also
Washington); the assignment of numbers; published during the latter part of 1944
the screening of parts; and the elimination and early 1945 were interchangeability
of duplicate numbers were assigned to the lists for tanks and vehicles of related
Parts Number Control Section, OCO-D, chassis and for general purpose and
under the direction of the Engineering Ad- wheeled combat vehicles, known respec-
ministrative Branch. But it was woefully tively as ORD 14-1 and ORD 14-2.53
short of personnel. Strenuous efforts by Nobody claimed that the new number-
Colonel Hambleton and Major Buhl re- ing system was perfect. The Ordnance
sulted in the employment by contract of
employees of a commercial firm, Smith- (1) Campbell, Spare Parts Hist, ex. F-4;
(2) The Ordnance Sergeant, IX (March 1945),
Hinchman and Grylls. From this source OHF; (3) PP 66, Parts Numbering System 1940
there were added to the Section a day -45, p. 34, OHF.
shift averaging forty-four persons and a (1) Hambleton, Hist, Engr-Administrative
Br, pp. 5-6 and ex. 23; (2) Final Report of
night shift of about forty-eight. These Committee to Make Survey of Ordnance Num-
made possible a round-the-clock operation bering System and Depot Operations, 2 May 45
from October 1943 to May 1944. For the [hereafter referred to as Safford Comm. Rpt]
p. 7, in Numbers Racket folder; (2) Memo, Lt
cutting of master cards to send to the Col John D. Witten for Director, Contl Div
depots, Field Service's Machine Records ASF, 10 Jan 44, sub: Contract for Tabulating
Section also had to rely on a contractor, Work, T-AC, ASF Contl Div Files, 413/51.
(1) Hist Engr-Administrative Br, pp. 7-17;
the R. L. Polk Company.52 (2) PP 66, pp. 35-39; (2) The Ordnance
In June 1944 the Cross Reference List Sergeant, IX (March 1945).

Department admitted that it was a com- that the publication had "met with
promise. Obviously, in the midst of war, enthusiastic response and . . . led to many
all supply functions could not be stopped requests for its extension and the furnish-
pending the ideal solution to the number- ing of similar information by other serv-
ing problem; nor could all past mistakes ices."
be rectified at once and all future situa- Unfortunately it was not entirely suc-
tions foreseen. Controversies arose over cessful. Users found that it was "rife with
such matters as the correct components errors." 58 This was perhaps inevitable
for the Official Stock Number; the proper because in the rush of the war years the
method of marking packaged matériel at compilers had not had time to give to
the facility in the absence of identification every spare part the painstaking analysis
information; and the fixing of responsi- that was essential to produce ideal inter-
bility for the determination of the right changeability data. But ORD 15 was
SNL or Stock Class Code for each item. at least a step in the right direction, and
The greatest impediment to smooth op- in the opinion of General Hatcher, Chief
eration of the new plan was the inaugura- of Field Service, "accomplished more to
tion early in 1944 of the Master Depot simplify parts supply, as well as eliminate
system for storing at one depot all parts apparent shortages than all previous at-
pertaining to a single vehicle or group of tempts to arrive at an answer to this
closely related vehicles. The new Official complicated problem."
Stock Number incorporating the SNL
number connected the part with the end A Common Language of Supply
item in which it was most frequently
used; on the other hand the master depots The complexity of Ordnance materiel,
stocked items on the car-line system fol- the vastness of the organization required
lowed by the automobile industry, in to produce and use it, and the lack of
which all parts for a particular make of experience among wartime employees,
vehicle, Ford, Dodge, Chevrolet, and so brought to the forefront another problem
on, were stored at one depot.55 of identification—the correct name for the
Because of unavoidable delay in getting individual weapon or vehicle. It was ex-
cross reference lists disseminated and in ceedingly difficult to solve. There were
use at all levels, no really fair trial of the changes in model, disagreement as to the
Official Stock Number system was possible characteristic to be emphasized, and nu-
during the war. On the credit side, by
June 1945, parts formerly identified by 54
Gamrath, Hist, pp. 6-8.
862,000 numbers were for stock purposes See ch. XVIII.
( 1 ) . PP 66, pp. 45-51; (2) ODO 43-45, 19
and review identified by 315,880. Control Apr 45.
of the assignment of numbers had been 57
Griffenhagen and Associates, Report on
effectively centralized, and the basic com- Item Identification, vol. I, sec. IV, p. 13, ASF
Contl Div Files.
pilation of interchangeability and cross 58
Maj. Gen. James Kirk, Chief of FS, "Stream-
reference data had been completed.56 lined Supply," Ordnance, XXXIV, No. 179
Shortly after the issuance of ORD 15, the March-April
1950), 350.
Cross Reference List of Ordnance Part 60
Memo, Hatcher to CofOrd [n.d.], sub: Rpt
and Stock Numbers, an ASF report noted of Activities in World War II, copy in OHF.

merous other opportunities for misunder- article description and numbering for all
standing. Sometimes an item had no more the technical services; but ASF felt that
accurate name than just device. The prep- no new system or even any major revision
aration of a major item Standard Nomen- of the old systems should be attempted
clature List could not begin until a model during the war.66 The only co-operative
had been constructed, tested, modified, venture was the preparation of the ASF
and adopted. Then followed disassembly Tool and Tool Equipment Catalog, in
and the examination and cataloging of which the Federal Standard Stock Catalog
every part. Publication might take months nomenclature and stock number for every
or even years.61 tool were indicated, together with the
In the middle of the war the time re- stock number of each of the technical
quired for publishing SNL's was shortened, services. The Ordnance Department,
and major item lists were brought up which had major interest, was given re-
to date, but confusion in nomenclature sponsibility, with the assistance of the
seemed inherent in a system that divided other technical services.
the function between the procurement and This was but a small step toward the
the distribution services.62 A promising solution of a problem that was increas-
solution was the assignment of responsibil- ing in importance and size by 1945. During
ity for standardizing nomenclature and World War II the Federal Standard
matériel identification to a single agency. Stock Catalog had failed to be readily
In June 1943 the Chief of Ordnance gave expansible to meet the needs of the armed
the job to Industrial's Engineering Ad- services, and the Treasury's cataloging
ministrative Section.63 The new unit staff was inadequate to develop a uniform
made a study of such matters as proper system. Each service, bureau, and com-
nomenclature for major combinations as mand had to establish its own system,
well as major items; the crying need for resulting in duplication that was costly in
a simple and uniform system of model manpower and money. According to one
numbers, that is, the T and M numbers
that appeared in OCM's; and the advisa- 61
ASF Rpt 105, pp. 14-15.
bility of setting up an organization that (1) ASF Rpt 105, pp. 2-3, 5-8, 13-15;
(2) Hynds Memo; (3) FS Sub-Office, Frankford
would control nomenclature and model Arsenal, Major Items—Major Combinations. . . .
numbering and co-ordinate the work of conf, 10-11 Jan 45, p. 2, OHF.
design offices, stock control offices, and ODO 65, 25 Jun 43.
ASF Rpt 105, p. 1.
the Ordnance Technical Committee. 65
Griffenhagen and Associates, Rpt on Item
The need for devising a common lan- Identification. The firm acknowledged the aid it
guage of supply for the use of the Army as had received from Colonel Davies, Colonel Ham-
bleton, Lt. Col. Roger H. Hemion, Major Coopes
a whole was recognized in early 1943 by and Maj. John A. Mathews of Ordnance and
Army Service Forces.64 After some pre- commended the Ordnance Department, espe-
liminary investigation of the problem, ASF cially Hemion, for its work on cross reference, I,
employed a commercial firm of manage- 66
Memo, Brig Gen Theodore M. Osborne for
ment consultants, Griffenhagen and As- CG ASF, 29 Nov 45, sub: Item Identification
sociates, to make a study of item identifi- and67 Cataloging Program, ASF Contl Div Files.
(1) ASF Ann Rpt FY 1945, p. 257; (2)
cation. Reporting 31 August 1944, the Hambleton, Hist, Engr-Administrative Br, pp.
firm recommended a uniform system of 14-15.

estimate, the lack of a uniform system of Federal Catalog system; but an effective
cataloging in World War II cost the start toward implementing any plan in the
government five billion dollars in un- postwar years required action by President
needed materiel.68 Truman, the military departments, and
On 18 January 1945 President Roosevelt Congress. After May 1948 the catalog
instructed the Director of the Bureau of program became the responsibility of the
the Budget to prepare a United States Munitions Board Cataloging Agency.69
Standard Commodity Catalog employing
all systems then in use by the Govern-
ment insofar as they conformed to a central Lecture, Lt Gen Joseph T. McNarney, West
Point, 8 Jan 51, copy in Dept of Defense R&D
plan. The Board established for the pur- Bd files.
pose submitted a plan for a uniform MBCA Newsletter, I (30 Jun 50).

Stock Control
A clear language of supply and a work- and 1940 the office staff in Washington,
able system of parts numbering were es- organized in sections or groups, dwindled.
sential to the preparation of accurate For example, Group C, light artillery, and
stock reports by field installations. But to Group G, tank and combat vehicles, which
achieve full usefulness such reports had each had fifteen persons in 1918, were
further to be speedily consolidated into one reduced to two each.3
report that would provide figures for pro- In the spring of 1940 the staff had to
curement and distribution officials to act be expanded. But the new employees who
upon. Detailed knowledge of the quanti- were brought in were entirely unfamiliar
ties of stocks on hand—and their exact with the organization of the Army, with
location—was the key to orderly supply War Department procedures, and with
operations. It was to provide such knowl- Ordnance materiel. No systematic training
edge as a means of controlling the distri- program existed to prepare them for their
bution of supplies that the system known jobs. The group chiefs, all of whom had
as stock control came into use. After the been with Ordnance since World War I,
war the final report of Army Service were reluctant to entrust responsibility to
Forces stated that the development and inexperienced clerks. Furthermore, there
adoption of an Army-wide stock control were never enough new employees to set
system was "the most important single up and maintain the greatly increased
wartime improvement in distribution op- records on issues, particularly the quanti-
erations within the Zone of the In- ties of equipment transferred to foreign
terior."1 governments. At the time of the Dun-
kerque evacuation, when the United
Departures From the States shipped large quantities of arma-
Ordnance Provision System ment to Great Britain, it was all but
impossible, because of the great urgency of
The Ordnance Provision System, based the need, to maintain accurate records by
on the experience of World War I, was
potentially an effective method of keeping
records on stocks. Unfortunately, in the 1
Logistics in World War II, Final Report of
period between wars the money allotted the Army Service Forces, rpt to USW and CofS
for stock control purposes was infinitesimal, by Director of Servs, Supply and Proc Div,
WDGS, 1947, p. 79.
in proportion to the immense dollar 2
Interv, Kahlert, 30 Jul 52.
value of Ordnance stores.2 Between 1920 3
SCD Hist.

model and quantity of each weapon in- problems, became increasingly important
volved.4 in the early years of the war. By Decem-
The confusion that resulted caused ber 1942 the situation had become critical.
some Ordnance stock controllers to won- The bottleneck at Detroit caused by the
der whether the Ordnance Provision Sys- concentration there of stock control for
tem, which theoretically provided a cadre all spare parts had delayed the posting of
of trained persons on which to build a war- the Consolidated Stores Report figures
time staff, was indeed capable of expan- until they were out of date; the immense
sion to meet wartime needs. Colonel recoding operation cast doubt on the ac-
Meyns, who became chief of the General curacy of the data.
Supply Branch in July of 1941, concluded
that, "Whereas this type of organization Decentralization of Stock Control
was very valuable in that it concentrated
the production knowledge at one point A simple answer was decentralization,
and had been used to advantage for over and some planning along this line was in
25 years, it was not flexible enough to progress in the spring of 1943.8 Colonel
provide for the rapid expansion required Sadtler, Assistant to the Chief of Ord-
by the velocity of war activities." 5 But nance for Parts, suggested that Field Serv-
other supply experts pointed out that ice, organized at the operating level on a
sufficient time had not been allowed to functional basis, be decentralized on a
prepare and organize special training product basis, as had been successfully
courses for inexperienced employees.6 accomplished by the Technical and In-
More attention in the 1930's to planning dustrial Divisions. Colonel Sadtler's plan
for the enlargement of stock control op- called for bringing major items and their
erations in the event of war might have spares and tools back together, as in the
made possible orderly and efficient opera- old Ordnance Provision System, and for
tion when the emergency came. The ques- concentrating upon each product the best
tion remained theoretical. Although the technical skill available by locating in one
Ordnance Provision System Regulations place all Ordnance activities connected
were not rescinded, remaining in effect with each type of product. Colonel Sadtler
throughout World War II, Ordnance sup- argued that this plan would lift the burden
ply experts whose memories went back to of operations from top-level Field Service
World War I observed that the regulations agencies and enable them to perform better
were not followed in their essentials.7 One the important job of planning and super-
departure was the establishment of a set vision.9
of records for distribution only, whereas 4
(1) Ibid.; (2) Meyns Rpt.
the Ordnance Provision System used one 5
Meyns Rpt.
set of records for both procurement and SCD Hist, p. 22.
distribution. Another was the separation (1) Hynds Memo; (2) Intervs with Kahlert
and Sadtler, Jul 52.
of spare parts from their major items. 8
Memo, Raaen to Statistics and Progress Br,
Both actions were taken in the emer- Contl Div, ASF, 3 Apr 43, sub: Improvement
gency period before Pearl Harbor. The of Reporting and Rcd Systems.
(1) Memo, Col William Sadtler for CofOrd,
effects of these innovations, the problems 11May 43, sub: Adequate Provision of Spare
they created, and the solutions to the Parts, copy in PSP 63, ex. 18.

The complete product center concept proximately six weeks formerly required by
was not followed, but the Chief of Ord- the Stock Control Branch in Detroit. This
nance did decide to set up Field Service was accomplished mainly by promoting
suboffices that would administer stock familiarity with the item. Rock Island
control, supervise storage, and direct broke down the organization into small
maintenance operations for certain types of groups handling no more than two thou-
materiel. The first was at Frankford Ar- sand items and provided records that gave
senal. On 23 August 1943 Frankford re- the complete distribution and replenish-
ceived responsibility for fire control and ment history of each item. Another effec-
antiaircraft matériel distribution operations tive technique, followed also at the Frank-
formerly performed at T-AC, and on 31 ford suboffice, was to clear the records of
December was assigned stock control all duplicate and dead numbers. In this
functions for certain major items of this way Rock Island reduced the thirty-nine
kind. The second suboffice was established thousand items formerly handled at De-
at Rock Island on 15 January 1944 for troit to 17,600. Frankford reduced its
mobile artillery and small arms, exclusive items from fifty thousand to twenty-five
of major items. By that time stock control thousand and by July 1944 had achieved
had been further decentralized along sev- better than 90 percent availability on all
eral lines. In addition to Frankford and fire control and antiaircraft materiel.11
Rock Island, three stock control points for By the fall of 1944 General Campbell
items of general supply had been desig- felt that the results completely justified
nated. For automotive items and end parts, his decision to decentralize Field Service
districts and arsenals sent their stores re- operations, and he planned to continue the
ports to Detroit, for tools and tool equip- process as fast as it could be done without
ment of tank-automotive items to the St. disrupting supply at that critical period.
Louis Ordnance Depot, and for cleaning After V-E Day, for example, he would
and preserving materials and major items transfer to Rock Island stock control oper-
of small arms and artillery to the Office, ations for major items of small arms and
Chief of Ordnance in Washington. Effec- mobile artillery as well as parts. In the
tive 24 January 1944, reports on the status meantime he thought that some of the
of ammunition stocks went to the Am-
munition Supply Office in Philadelphia.10 10
(1) ODO 85, 23 Aug 43 and Change 2, 31
The job of reporting approximately three Dec 43; (2) ODO 96, 8 Nov 43; (3) ODO 107,
24 Dec 43; (4) ODO 108, 24 Dec 43; (5) ODO
hundred fifty thousand items of general 17-44, 20 Jan 44; (6) ASF Contl Div, Report
supply each month from forty different on Adequacy of Stock Accounting and Stock
locations was large and involved. No stock Reporting Procedures. . . , 29 Aug 44, Table A
-1, sec. 7, ASF Contl Div Files; (7) Min, Conf
control system could automatically solve of SC Ord Officers, 28 and 29 Jan 44, Cincinnati,
all problems, but there is evidence that Ohio, p. 12, OHF.
decentralization brought about improve- (1) Report Covering the Present Status of
the Rock Island Field Service Division Sub-
ment almost at once. After only ninety Office—15 April 1944, and Ltr, Col Hiram B.
days of operation, the Rock Island sub- Ely to Col Fred A. McMahon, 22 Jul 44, both
office, for example, had cut the time for in folder, Gen Campbell's Personal Correspon-
dence; (2) Ann Rpt of FS for FY 1944, p. 25;
consolidating stores reports to a little more (3) Interv with Col William Sadtler, 25 Aug
than two weeks, as compared with ap- 52; (4) Vorberg Rpt.

hazards of dividing stock control responsi- could, especially those planning the inva-
bilities between Washington and the field sion of Europe. Maj. Gen. Everett S.
could be avoided by a realignment of the Hughes, a former chief of the Equipment
Stock Control Division in Washington to Division, Field Service, who was now
place emphasis on supervision rather than deputy commander of the North African
operations and by an Ordnance Depart- theater, considered that the Ordnance De-
ment Order clarifying the responsibilities partment had underestimated the require-
of the various divisions.12 ments for parts, basing estimates too much
Ordnance supply experts believed that on the peacetime experience both of the
the establishment of the Frankford and automobile industry and military planners.
Rock Island suboffices went a long way Yet he also recognized distribution factors
toward solving distribution problems as far that could not have been foreseen.18
as "shooting Ordnance'' was concerned.13 The Stock Control Branch at Detroit,
This belief was substantiated by General which had just been given responsibility for
Somervell's statement in February 1945 spare parts replenishment, worked with
concerning his conversations with members the Industrial Service to improve produc-
of the War Department General Staff: tion.19 As for distribution, some of the
"The only thing I have not heard any volume of paper work at Detroit was re-
complaints about was spare parts for lieved by the establishment of the tools
weapons." 14 and equipment suboffice at St. Louis. At
the same time the Chief of Ordnance, who
Special Problems of Automotive was spending "a tremendous amount of
Parts Supply time ... in spare parts and Field Service
matters,"20 considered using master
Automotive parts were another matter. depots as stock control points for tank-
Ordnance troubles "smelled of gasoline." 15 automotive supplies. Automotive parts
The size of the problem faced by the
vehicle supply operation in Detroit is in- 12
(1) Ltr, Maj Gen Levin Campbell, to
dicated by the fact that vehicles, including Sadtler, 23 Oct 44, in folder, Gen Campbell's
spare parts, tools, and equipment, ac- Personal Correspondence; (2) ODO 10-44, 7
Oct 44.
counted for $19 billion out of a total of 13
Interv, Sadtler, 25 Aug 52.
$26 billion worth of Ordnance major 14
Min, Spec ASF Staff Conf, 21 Feb 45, ASF
model types procured and scheduled be- 200.02.
Interv, Sadtler, 25 Aug 52.
tween 1942 and 1945, as compared with 16
Ord Spare Parts in Mechanized Warfare,
$3 billion for small arms and $4 billion for Aug 44, p. 10.
artillery and fire control items.16 At the Ltr, Maj Gen Levin Campbell, to Brig Gen
Henry Sayler, 14 Dec 43, folder, Gen Campbell's
end of December 1943 Ordnance was Personal Correspondence (Overseas Material).
paying more than $100 million a month Ltr, Maj Gen Everett Hughes to Maj Gen
for automotive parts alone. In the light of Levin Campbell, 30 Jan 44, Gen Campbell's
Personal Correspondence (Overseas Material).
these figures it seemed to the Chief of 19
For the spare parts procurement story, see
Ordnance "inconceivable for anyone to Chapter XIII above.
say there are no spare parts." 17 Maj Gen Campbell, to Col Thomas H.
Nixon, Ord Officer Hqs I Armored Corps, 3 Feb
But theater commanders were saying so, 44, folder, Gen Campbell's Personal Correspond-
and were saying it as emphatically as they ence (Overseas Material).

planners intended that master depots the postwar period the committee leaned
would eventually be completely responsible toward a scheme to recede the Official
for their own items, including keeping the Stock Numbers by manufacturer's codes.25
stock control record.21 But the new Parts
Numbering and Interchangeability Pro-
gram, creating the necessity for several The By-Item Supply Plan
installations to stock the same parts, made
it inadvisable after 1944 further to de- There was a growing sentiment in the
centralize stock control functions to master field, however, for a return to the by-item
depots.22 supply plan of the Ordnance Provision
System, which specifically provided a
"home" for each item in its catalog. Citing
Safford Committee Findings the case of a former Ford man in Cher-
bourg who had opposed the Ordnance
Investigations in the spring of 1945 by Provision System for a long time but had
the Safford Committee probed deeply into finally become converted, Col. Waldo E.
the fundamentals of automotive spare Laidlaw of the New York Port of Embark-
parts supply. One thing the members of ation testified during the committee investi-
the committee agreed upon—the problem gations that, "I have never talked to
of effective control of stocks was stagger- anyone from the highest echelon that I
ing and had no easy solution. In the words deal with to the lowest that doesn't state
of Colonel Clifford of OCO-Detroit, that the system we used in 1925 was the
"There are so many points of view on it best one that was devised."26 Long
and any time a decision is made it means experience in Ordnance supply during
so many thousands of tons of iron moving World War II, especially automotive sup-
around that it makes you shiver." 23 Some ply, convinced Gamrath that the Ordnance
Field Service officials felt that the Indus-
trial Service had placed too much emphasis 21
(1) The Master Depot Distribution Plan for
on the assignment of Official Stock Num- Tank-Automotive Parts and Tools, Revised1
bers and not enough on their use. There May 44, OHF; (2) FS Div Ord 29-44, 3 Apr
44; (3) Min, Conf of SC Ord Officers 28-29
was also disagreement on the subject of Jan 44; pp. 12-13; (4) PSP 63, ex. 9; (5) 1st
the master depot plan for automotive sup- Indorsement (Memo), CG OCO-D to CofOrd,
ply. General MacMorland of Field Service 27 May 44, in Campbell, Spare Parts Hist. 24
June 1944, ex. F-4, Mead Comm.
believed that the master depot plan by car- 22
Safford Comm. Rpt., p. 8.
line had not been outstandingly successful. 23
Telcon among Col Waldo E. Laidlaw, New
Members of the committee from Industrial York Port of Embarkation, Clifford, and Coopes,
OCO-D, 18 Jan 45, sub: Spare Parts Numbers
Service pointed out that the close relation- Subcomm., in Gen MacMorland Numbers file,
ship between the master depots and man- p. 80.
ufacturers had helped on questions of Min of Comm, to Make Survey of Ord
Numbering System and Depot Opns—Mtg at Of-
identification and in other ways, and that fice of CofOrd Detroit, 6 and
the committee could not wait to achieve 45, pp. 8-10, in Gen MacMorland Numbers
the ideal system but had to take action file.
Ibid., p. 9.
to improve parts supply quickly without 26
Telcon among Laidlaw, Clifford, and Coopes.
disrupting operations.24 In planning for OCO-D, 18 Jan 45, pp. 80-81.

Provision System was "a sound method of between factory and depot, more effectively
operation." 27 to the level below the depots—posts,
camps and stations.
The Influence of ASF Some benefits of the new program were
apparent immediately; for example, during
Beginning in January 1943, the month the month of June the Normoyle Ordnance
in which, according to an Army Service Depot recovered 1,155,370 pounds of ex-
Forces official, "stock control was con- cess stocks; but all problems were not
ceived," 28 ASF held a series of conferences immediately solved. In spite of frequent
on the subject, called for reports from the inspections at stations by stock control
chiefs of the technical services, and began teams sent by Ordnance, the Service Com-
the preparation of a manual for posts, mands, and ASF, there continued to be
camps, and stations. Appearing in tenta- hoarding, on the one hand, and, on the
tive form in March, the manual was also other, shipments to depots of stocks that
a directive. It placed stock control pro- were not true surpluses and might be
cedure, under the general policies of ASF, requisitioned by the same post a few days
in the hands of the chiefs of technical later. Excesses sometimes arrived improp-
services. Each of these chiefs was to or- erly packaged and unidentifiable. On the
ganize a stock control agency, set stock credit side, more than 110,000,000 pounds
levels at depots and stations, establish in- of critically needed parts, supplies, tools,
ventory procedures, and supervise the tires, and tubes were returned to supply
distribution and redistribution of stocks to channels from posts, camps, and stations
maintain an efficient balance between sup- during fiscal year 1944 as compared with
ply and demand. An important result, not 30,000,000 for the year preceding.
specifically set forth in the manual, was the By early 1944 large surpluses of usable
placing of full responsibility for handling parts were accumulating in stations and
requisitions on the depot commanders; the key supply points as troops began to move
new system put a stop to the earlier prac-
tice of referring requisitions to the Service 27
Memo, W. C. Gamrath, Chief Supply Opns
29 Br, FS, to Exec to Chief of FS, 22 Mar 46, sub:
Commands for processing.
Final Historical Rpt, in Key Pers Rpts, OHF.
The Ordnance Department was reluc- 28
Col Creswell G. Blakeney, Gen Staff Corps,
tant to establish a stock control agency Spec Asst to Director of Rqmts and Stock Contl
because this move increased the function- Div, ASF, "The Control of Supplies," Military
Review, XXIV, (October 1944), 67.
alism in Field Service organization that had 29
TM 38-220, 3 May 43.
already caused trouble. General Campbell 30
Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Mu-
and General Hatcher both favored assign- nitions31
for War, Ch. IV.
Dr. Rolfe Allen, ICAF Research Project 116,
ing supply responsibility on a product History of Stock Control ASF, U.S. Army, Jan-
basis. But efforts at compromise with ASF uary 1948, p. 129 [hereafter cited as ICAF
were fruitless, and a Stock Control Branch R-116].
(1) Min, Conf of SC Ord Officers, 28-29
was established in August 1943.30 In the Jan 44, p. 2; (2) Ord-SC Conf, 8-9 May 44,
meantime the Field Service Division took p. 33, OHF; (3) ICAF R-116, pp. 130, 143-45;
action to extend Ordnance stock control, (4) ASF Cir 10, sec. VIII, 8 Jan 44, sub: Stock
which had hitherto mainly operated by 33
(1) Ann Rpt FS FY 1943, p. 2; (2) Ann
means of the Ordnance Provision System Rpt FS FY 1944, p. 19.

out of the United States for the invasion system had to be determined, yet it became
of Europe. Recapturing this excess material equally clear as time went on that the
was in the opinion of one stock control correct computation of these levels de-
officer Field Service's "No. 2 job" 34 pended greatly on the good judgment of
second only to getting supplies overseas. individual supply officers. In Ordnance, as
Once the parts came into the stock control in other technical services, there was a
system of the depots they could be used to tendency to base the formula unduly on
fill overseas lines or to recondition vehiclespast experience rather than on intelligent
for shipment to Europe. projection into the future.37 It became
necessary for ASF in a 1944 revision of
Stock Levels TM 38-220 to state specifically that past
demands of a nonrepetitive nature not an-
The setting of proper stock levels was a ticipated in the future were not a proper
matter of greatest importance, for deter- base for an increase in station levels. Nor
mination of the amount of a particular was simple projection into the future
item to be kept on hand was the keystone enough. Careless or uneducated guess-
of all supply operations. In July 1943 work could hinder the process of orderly
ASF instructed the technical services to supply. Late in 1944, for example, the
establish levels according to a formula that Chief of Ordnance found that the repair
provided for a Maximum Distribution of automotive vehicles was handicapped
Level (MDL) consisting of minimum because station supply officers and depot
stock, working stock, and provisions for representatives had underestimated future
replenishment. In addition there could be requirements and moved too much matériel
several types of reserves. It was expected
that levels would vary; no rigid figures
were given, only examples.35 In February ASF Supply Control Program, 1944
1944 the War Department authorized an
over-all allowance of a 105-day supply on The phasing of requirements by months
hand in the United States. Of this, except for the immediate future and by quarters
in a few special cases, supply for 45 days for the years ahead was one of the most
was to be carried in depots, 45 days in
stations, and 15 days in transit between Lt Col F. Von Schlegell, The Current Dis-
depots and stations. This meant, in effect, tribution Pattern, Min, Conf of SC Ord Officers,
28-29 Jan 44, p. 14.
that depots might maintain a 60-day sup- 35
Memo, CG ASF for TQMG and others, 13
ply of items for issue to posts and overseas, Jul 43, sub: Depot Stock Levels, 400.291, QM
plus the various reserves then authorized files. 36
(1) WD Cir 85, 25 Feb 44; (2) ASF Cir
—strategic, contingency, utility, and pro- 67, 7 Mar 44; (3) ICAF R-116, pp. 141-48;
duction. When the computation of these (4)37ASF Ann Rpt FY 44, p. 64.
levels and reserves proved too great a task, (1) ICAF R-116, p. 208; (2) Rpt Mead
Comm., S. Report No. 10, 78th Cong., 2d sess.,
ASF sought and obtained a revision in pt. 20, 1944, p. 24; (3) Ltr, Maj Gen Wilhelm
May 1944 that provided for a 90-day sup- D. Styer to Deputy Chief of Staff for SC's
ply plus a strategic reserve.36 et al, 29 Oct 43, sub: Stock Contl Conf, ASF
401.1; (4) Min, Ft. Wayne Ord Depot Stock
Nothing was clearer than that levels of Contl Conf, 23 Sep-2 Oct 44, talk by Capt K. J.
stock at the various stages in the supply Kolosky, Scope of Station Supply Plan, pp. 1-3.

important characteristics of the ASF Sup- ice procedures was that they were not
ply Control System announced in March uniform. The technical services protested
1944. By then the supply task was to that, to achieve uniformity, they would
maintain an 8-million-man Army that had have to rewrite manuals and retrain per-
already been equipped, and the job had sonnel; they contended that errors were
to be done without unnecessarily increas- bound to occur during the change-over
ing production. Careful adjustment of sup- and that there would certainly be a large
ply to demand required that all factors for loss in punch cards and report forms. They
each principal item be assembled on one also argued that the transition would take
sheet of paper—past issues, stock levels, time and should not be attempted so late
reserves, and so on. After studying these in the war. After considering these ob-
data, ASF officials projected the future jections, the surveyors still maintained that
demand, by intervals of time. Against this the advantages of standardization out-
were balanced deliveries from production, weighed the disadvantages.40
the amount of stocks on hand, and antici- ASF then began the process of convert-
pated returns to stock. Reliable data were ing existing procedures in stock reporting
the essence of the whole operation. As a into one uniform system, with stock status
high-ranking ASF officer, Lt. Gen. LeRoy reports conveying the same information
Lutes, stated after the war: from all the services. This took the greater
part of the winter and spring of 1945.
With the inauguration of the Supply Con- Manual 413-1 putting the program into
trol System, it quickly developed that the
process of controlling supply was in the last effect did not appear until August 1945.
analysis entirely dependent upon basic rec- In the meantime ASF planners, discover-
ords and paper work in depots, procurement ing that the quantities of stocks in depots
district offices, and other installations in the often varied from recorded stock balances,
field. The data for the supply control form turned their attention to improving in-
could only be assembled from these sources.38
ventory procedures. On this project Ord-
To determine whether the data available nance worked closely with ASF's Control
on stocks provided the information needed Division in the preparation of a manual.
for the supply control form, the ASF Con- The draft of the manual was test-checked
trol Division in August 1944 made an an- in an Ordnance depot; in its final form,
alysis of the technical services' depot stock issued 15 May 1944, it incorporated Ord-
accounting and reporting procedures. The nance recommendations.41
survey revealed that most of the services
could meet the requirements of supply Lecture, Lt Gen LeRoy Lutes. Army Supply
control, although some deficiencies were Program, 23 Sep 46, ICAF.
Contl Div, ASF, Report of Adequacy of
noted in methods. In the case of the Ord- Stock Accounting and Stock Reporting Procedures
nance Department, for example, the in- With Respect to Supply-Control and on the
vestigators counted as a deficiency the fact Feasibility of Standardizing Such Procedures, 29
Aug 44, p. 1-4, ASF Contl Div files.
that stock records were maintained manu- 40
Ibid., p. 6.
ally on major items, a slow method that (1) History, Control Division, Army Service
might produce errors because of multiple Forces, 1942-45, app. (Compilation of Projects),
pp. 171ff; (2) ASF Manual 413-1, Stock Ac-
postings of identical data.39 In general, counting and Reporting Procedures, 31 Aug 45;
the greatest criticism of the technical serv- (3) Memo, Maj Gen Clinton F. Robinson, Di-

The Supply Control program did not April 1945 ASF set at ninety days the
radically change Ordnance reporting and normal stock level for parts and special
inventory procedures; such changes as were tools for weapons, for fire control instru-
made came late in the war. During fiscal ments, and for combat vehicles; and at
year 1945, ASF placed responsibility for sixty days, that for items needed in the
control of supplies on the stock control civilian economy, including automotive
point rather than the depot. But this and standard parts. After V-E Day, the
emphasis on the stock control point as the narrowing of the war to the Pacific area
key to the distribution system, "the most focused the attention of Ordnance stock
important development in the fiscal year controllers on problems of redistribution
in the stock control field," 42 was not new and disposal.45
to Ordnance, which had already estab-
lished six such organizations before Febru- Redistribution and Disposal
ary 1944.
Perhaps the most important effect of the Early attention to the disposal of un-
ASF program on Ordnance Field Service needed Ordnance supplies was brought
operations was the establishment of lower about by the shortage of critical matériel
stock levels for spare parts.43 Early in late in 1942 that also started the nation-
1944 ASF set depot maximum stock levels wide scrap-collection program. At that
at ninety days. After the Normandy land- time the Ordnance Department directed
ings in June and the successes of the depot commanders to scrap all matériel
summer of 1944 the maximum level was that had been declared obsolete by the
reduced to sixty days. Manual 416 of Ordnance Committee and much other
November 1944 directed that stockpile matériel that was no longer standard
quantities above this level would have to issue and was not being manufactured.
be reviewed and approved by the Com- matériel that was surplus, carefully con-
manding General of ASF. In late Decem- sidered so in the light of depot require-
ber combat losses in the Battle of the ments, possible future demands, and na-
Bulge suddenly increased demands from tional needs, was to be moved out of dis-
the theater and threatened to reduce tribution depots.46 Later, the work of
stocks to the danger point. There was clearing obsolete and unauthorized items
not time to seek ASF approval for a from stock became a continuing function
cushion of stocks. General Campbell took of stock control points and master depots,
the problem personally to General Somer- and the reporting of excesses, for redistri-
vell and obtained authority to put in a
liberal factor for battle losses, a factor to 43
ASF Ann Rpt FY 1945, p. 240.
be based on the Ordnance Department's Hist, OCO FS Stock Contl Div, III (1
Apr-30 Jun 44), p. 5 and IV (1 Oct -31 Dec
own best judgment.44 After the crisis was 44), p. 26.
over, stockpiling was discontinued. In 45
PSP 63, sec. 5, pp. 4-5 and exs. 1-14.
(1) Ibid., exs. 15-25; (2) ASF Manual
M413, 10 Apr 45; (3) ASF Ann Rpt FY 1945,
rector ASF Contl Div, for Director of Supply, p. 240; (4) FS Ann Rpt FY 1945, p. 23.
ASF, 2 Oct 44, sub: Depot Inventory Procedures; Lt Col John A. Barclay, Chief Parts &
(3) Statement, Maj Gen LeRoy Lutes, Items for Supplies Sec, Supply Br, T-AC, Disposition of
Discussion at Staff Conf, 24 Oct 44, sub: In- Obsolescent Materiel, Transcript of Talks, Depot
ventories; (4) FS Ann Rpt FY 1945, p. 21. Comdrs' Conf, 13-14 Apr 43, pp. 40-41.

bution or disposal, an important factor in valued at more than $500,000. S items

supply control. Stores reports were ad- were circularized for thirty days to other
justed to reflect this information, and they Ordnance establishments, other War De-
helped to prevent unnecessary procure- partment agencies, and the Navy; only
ment.47 those that were unneeded were reported in
In the summer of 1944 floods of excess the Office of matériel Control. After that
stocks began to inundate the depots. Fort office made the surplus declaration on P
Wayne Ordnance Depot, for example, and S items, it issued disposition instruc-
which received in April 9,060 items weigh- tions to the stock control point concerned,
ing 110,404 pounds from 29 stations, by which in turn instructed the depots.51
the following September was receiving To set up a reporting system for excess
20,652 items weighing 1,240,364 pounds stocks was not difficult, but to be reason-
from 94 stations. These were only about ably sure that the figures were accurate
60 percent of the total items reported, as was another matter. Errors in the amount
they did not include items extracted to and type of excess stocks began when
master depots, unauthorized items reported troops departing for overseas turned in
to Detroit, or obsolete items reported to their equipment to the stations. Because of
the Treasury Department.48 Between 30 lack of time or lack of the technical knowl-
June 1944 and 30 June 1945 Army Serv- edge required for identification, the turn-
ice Forces made available for redistribution in figures were often inaccurate. Some-
or disposal some $946 million worth of times, rather than perform the necessary
property; about 60 percent of it was paper work, troop units abandoned their
Ordnance materiel.49 excess equipment, in one instance dumping
Control of excess stocks began with a it on a neighboring farm and in another
"station excess stock account" kept in the throwing it into a lake.52
depots on individual item cards showing The problem of item identification ap-
nomenclature, unit, item stock number, peared again at the stations and even in
and SNL group or manufacturer's code. the depots, which often received items in
The depots transmitted this information to mixed lots without tags, physical mark-
stock control points on their stores reports ings, or written records. Station classifica-
under a special heading, Condition Code tion as to serviceability was meaningless
No. 4.50 The stock control points, whose
records showed the national stock position, (1) Ltr, Col Ely to Col McMahon, 23 Jul
44, in Gen Campbell's Personal Correspondence:
then determined whether the item was (2) ODO 98-44, 20 Jul 44; (3) ODO 107,
truly excess. Thereafter, disposal action Revision 2, 1 Oct 44, p. 10.
depended on whether the excess stock con- Carl H. Mott, Chief of Inventory Contl Br.
Disposition of Excess Property at Posts, Camps,
sisted of principal, or major items, for and Stations, p. 3, in Min, Stock Contl Conf.
convenience called P items, or of secondary Fort Wayne, 23-25 Oct 44, OHF.
items—accessories, parts, supplies, tools ASF Ann Rpt FY 1945, p. 246.
(1) ODO 107 Revision 2, 1 Oct 44; (2)
and equipment—termed S items. The FS Order 122-44, 14 Oct 44.
stock control point reported P items at (1) Min, SC-Ord Supply and Maint Conf.
once to Field Service's matériel Control 16-17 Feb 45, pp. 33-34, OHF; (2) ODO 32-
45, 22 Mar 45.
office, which declared them surplus, obtain- 52
ASF Contl Div Rpt, Survey of Returns to
ing prior approval from ASF for items Stock, Jan 45, pp. 4, 6-7, Contl Div files, OCMH.

when careless packing resulted in damage ASF instructions dealing with the dispo-
in transit. Big axle assemblies might be sition of excess and surplus property.58
thrown in the same box with delicate After the Ordnance Department com-
gages. One package received at Red River plained that the directives were difficult to
Depot contained a shovel, a hydrometer, interpret and apply, the ASF Control
and a pressure gage; another was a jumble Division surveyed the situation and recom-
of instruments and old iron of all kinds.53 mended certain improvements in proce-
To the problem of unidentifiable and dure. General Somervell appointed a work-
damaged stocks the best solution seemed to ing group that by the middle of August
be closer co-ordination between the depots 1945 succeeded in consolidating the nu-
and Service Commands. Ogden Arsenal merous instructions into four basic docu-
found that sending out small, fast-moving ments, including two manuals in which
Station Excess Stock Teams composed of a terms such as disposition, redistribution,
Service Command representative and two transfer, and excess were carefully defined.
civilian experts from the Arsenal was ef- Other results of the group's work were
fective.54 some degree of decentralization of disposal
The orderly disposal of surplus stocks authority to depots and stations, better
became increasingly important as the end systems of reporting and circularization,
of World War II came in sight. The board and a general tightening of the ASF or-
set up under the Surplus Property Act of ganization for property disposition. The
3 October 1944 made the Reconstruction fruits of these efforts would come after
Finance Corporation the disposal agency V-J day.
for industrial-type property and the Treas-
ury that for consumer-type items, which Stock Control in Retrospect
represented about 90 percent of Service
Command materiel.55 As stocks began to More imaginative planning in the period
pile up in Ordnance depots from posts, between wars might have averted many of
camps, and stations at a rate averaging the mistakes in the wartime management
twenty-one million pounds per month dur- of general supplies, especially spare parts.
ing Fiscal Year 1945,56 the storage prob- Caught unprepared by the flood of parts
lem became extremely troublesome because coming off the production lines in 1940,
the Treasury lacked space and manpower; the Ordnance Department turned to the
the problem of locating, identifying, and business world for advice, and, on the
reporting the individual items in this vast recommendation of an expert from in-
hoard, the first step in moving them out,
was also serious. Ordnance's main disposal (1) Ibid., p. 10; (2) Ord-SC Conf, 8-9
May 44, pp. 39-40.
official, Col. Fred A. McMahon, stayed in 54
Min, SC — Ord Supply and Mai
close contact with the ASF Stock Control -1755Feb 45, p.51.
Division, but found that the great number Ibid., p. 39.
FS Ann Rpt FY 1945, p. 20.
of hazy and sometimes conflicting regula- 57
Min, SC — Ord Supply and Main
tions from above made the task of report- -1758Feb 45, p. 35.
ing excess stocks extremely difficult.57 By app. History of Control Division, ASF 1942-45,
(Compilation of Projects), sec. 158, ASF
the summer of 1945 there were nearly one Contl Div files, OCMH.
hundred separate War Department and Ibid.

dustry, set up a new organization to from factory to port, the Chief of Ord-
control all parts. Sent to Detroit in the nance, again consulting with industrial
fall of 1942 when the Tank-Automotive experts, set up master depots stocking
Center was established there, the new parts everything needed for a certain make of
unit suffered badly in the move, losing vehicle such as Dodge. The master depot
experienced employees and access to tech- plan was helpful in some respects but
nical records that remained in Washing- conflicted with the new parts numbering
ton. Moreover, the new unit was burdened system that had in the meantime been
with a huge coding operation made neces- evolved by the Ordnance Numbering
sary by the installation of IBM machines Board.
in the summer of 1941. The assignment of a new number for
Electrical accounting machines were every part, cross referencing to it all the
doubtless necessary to keep records cur- old numbers that the item might have, was
rent; but here again there was not ade- one of the major supply efforts of the
quate planning. Instead of adapting the Ordnance Department. The whole ques-
IBM cards to military purposes, Ordnance tion of item identification in relation to
set up a new system of parts identification stock control, including accurate and uni-
to suit the machines. The change-over to form nomenclature of all items, became
the new item stock number lagged behind increasingly important throughout the
production and was swamped when more Army. Early in 1945 the President set in
than one hundred thousand automotive motion a program for preparing a uniform
items came into the Ordnance system in Federal catalog for supplies of all kinds.
the summer of 1942. For this reason, and The influence of Army Service Forces on
because of inability to keep up with the the management of stocks was felt mainly
records at Detroit, the stock control ma- at the level below the depots—in posts,
chinery was on the verge of a breakdown camps, and stations, and in the establish-
by December 1942. ment of stock levels. The ASF stock control
After replacing his Chief of Field Serv- manual for depots did not appear until
ice, General Campbell reviewed Field Serv- August 1945; the ASF item-identification
ice operations with a committee of advisers program, for a common language of sup-
from industry, and took .several steps to ply for all technical services, was post-
improve supply. One was the appointment poned until after the war. Generally
of a board to study parts numbering. speaking an Army-wide appreciation of
Another was the removal from Detroit of the need for effective stock control and the
stock control responsibility for weapons amount of manpower it took to achieve it
parts, fire control parts, tools, and other came too late in the war to be of much
items of equipment, and the establishment value.
of suboffices, or stock control points, for Looking back over the experiences of
these types of materiel. But there still World War II many Ordnance supply ex-
remained at Detroit the very large opera- perts felt that Ordnance had placed too
tion for tank-automotive items, and from much reliance on civilians who were famil-
the theaters in the crucial first months of iar only with commercial stock control
1944 came complaints of a shortage of and did not understand military proce-
vehicle spare parts. To speed up the flow dure. Some felt a better solution to the

problem caused by Army inexperience in sue, storage, maintenance—and stock con-

stock control would be the assignment of trol—of both major items and spare parts
Army officers to commercial concerns for would be located in one place, with one
training in peacetime.60 The success of set of records.
the experiment in decentralization by 60
commodity, the stock control points, lent (1) Vorberg Rpt; (2) Memo, Maj W. L.
Kelly to Chief Stock Contl Div FS OCO 8 Oct
weight to proponents of the product 45 sub: Final Report of Key Personnel, in FS
center concept, in which procurement, is- Key Pers Rpts (hereafter cited as Kelly Rpt).

Ammunition Supply

The control of ammunition stocks pre- Means of Identification

sented peculiar problems because of
strategic considerations and the nature of For ammunition, item identification did
explosives. Ammunition was distributed not present the problem that it did in the
more widely and at the same time was case of spare parts. Soldiers and store-
kept under tighter control than other keepers could easily identify a round of
supplies. The Ordnance Department sup- ammunition by the color of its projectile,
plied small arms ammunition, artillery by the lettering on the packing container,
shells, rockets, bombs, mines, grenades, or, where size permitted, on the item
pyrotechnics, propellent powders, and ex- itself. Explosive bombs, artillery shells,
plosives not only to the Army but also to grenades, and mines were painted olive
the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, drab, for camouflage purposes; chemical
other executive departments, states, and types were gray.3 Against these neutral
foreign governments. Most of the ammuni- backgrounds, bands of color provided
tion produced after Pearl Harbor was further identification as to filler. On olive
destined for shipment overseas, either to drab, yellow meant high explosive, purple
U.S. forces or lend-lease countries. Because meant incendiary. On gray, green meant
of safety requirements, the first considera- casualty gas, red meant harassing gas, and
tion was to get it from loading plants to yellow meant smoke. Small arms cartridges
ports as quickly as possible; the foremost
problem in stock management was how to 1
(1) Brig Gen Harry R. Kutz and staff, The
cut down the time in transit.1 Because of Mission and Operation of the Field Service Di-
the War Department policy of keeping vision, Ordnance Department, 27 Jan 43, pp.
tight control of ammunition, none could be 19-27; (2) OCO FS, Ammo Supply Div, History
of Ammunition Supply Division in World War II,
shipped from Ordnance depots—other 30 Sep 46 [hereafter cited as Hist, Ammo Sup-
than interdepot transfers—without ap- ply Div], vol. XI, p t . 1 , pp. 32-34, OHF; (3)
proval of the Secretary of War. Because Interv with Col Charles M. Steese, P&O Hist II,
ex. 1.
War Department decisions on the quanti- 2
(1) Ltr, SW to CofOrd, 18 Dec 41. sub:
ties and types of ammunition to be shipped Distribution of Ammo, AG 471 (12-15-41)
were based on the status of stocks in the Misc-D; (2) Ord Stock Contl Manual, Apr 43,
p.1, OHF.
depots, accurate and timely records were 3
Explosive ammunition was painted yellow at
important.2 the beginning of the war.

During the Sicilian campaign the

Seventh Army complained to the Ord-
nance Department that certain calibers of
its artillery ammunition were inaccurate.
Investigation showed that lots had been
indiscriminately mixed when the ammuni-
tion was issued to the firing batteries. The
best solution was to have on hand the
largest possible amount of one lot; the
minimum asked by the overseas theaters
was ten thousand rounds. Beginning in
1944 Field Service made strenuous efforts
to increase the quantities of a single lot
sent to one user and to obviate the possibil-
ity of mixed lots. By fall, ships arriving in
ETO carried sizeable quantities of individ-
ual lots. But failure by the services and
the combat arms to achieve complete lot
integrity up to the firing line hampered
ammunition supply throughout the war.5
SOLDIERS LOOKING UP SNL NUMBERS In addition to lot number and nomen-
to order needed artillery parts, France, 1944. clature there were two other means of
identifying ammunition, the Ammunition
did not require painting, but bullet tips Identification Code (AIC), primarily for
were colored to denote certain types such field use in reporting and requisitioning,
as armor piercing (black) or incendiary and the item stock number, used in depot
(blue). The lettering on the packing con- accounting in the United States. The AIC
tainer or the item always gave two es- was an ingenious substitute for nomencla-
sential pieces of information, the standard ture. Ammunition had been identified by
nomenclature and the lot number.4 codes in an Ordnance field manual pub-
The lot number was essential. It identi- lished about 1930, but the codes, assigned
fied a quantity of complete items of one arbitrarily, were meaningless and were not
specific type of ammunition loaded and widely used. Early in 1942 Col. Grosvenor
assembled by the same manufacturer under F. Powell, an officer at Aberdeen Proving
controlled conditions kept as uniform as Ground, suggested the AIC, a code that
possible. In firing some weapons, succes- really described the item. The first two
sive rounds had to be from the same lot characters indicated the SNL in which the
to achieve maximum accuracy. For this 4
reason all ammunition was stored, issued, TM 9-1900, 18 Jun 45, pp. 5-24.
(1) Ammunition, Monograph No. 4, p. 66,
inspected, tested, and accounted for by OHF; (2) PSP 64, Ammunition Supply, June
lot number. Assigned at the time of manu- 1945, pp. 17, 69-72, OHF; (3) Hist, Ammo
facture, it consisted of the manufacturer's Supply Div, p. 71-74; (4) Roland G. Ruppen-
thal, Logistical Support of the Armies, vol. II,
initials and a series of digits differently UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II
arranged for each lot. (Washington, 1959), ch. V, pp. 57-61.

item was listed, such as T1; the third instructions from Washington on routing
indicated the weapon in which it was used, and destination. Preparation of these in-
or the general class, such as Grenades; the structions took time. The Supply Section
fourth, the type and model of the am- had to find out what depot could handle
munition; and the fifth the method of the shipment and then obtain routing
packing. The AIC proved to be so useful, from the Quartermaster Freight Traffic
especially in messages transmitted by wire, Branch. At last the instructions went out,
that it was placed on SNL's and before and then nothing more was heard in
the end of the war was employed on Washington. If the officials of the Supply
requisitions, shipping documents, property Section wanted to find out what had
accountability records, and all other docu- become of the shipment—and they re-
ments where the lengthy standard nomen- ceived constant requests for this informa-
clature was not definitely required.6 tion, particularly from ports—they had to
SNL's were revised to include AIC symbols make inquiries, often by telephone.
about 1 July 1942. At the same time, This clumsy procedure was streamlined
revisions were made to include item stock in the summer of 1941 on the recom-
numbers similar to those used for general mendation of two members of the Supply
supplies. These numbers were made neces- Section, Lt. Col. Samuel L. Smith and
sary by the decision to employ IBM ma- Mr. Arthur Hinchcliffe. Under the new
chines to speed up the reporting of am- system, prompt reports came in to Wash-
munition stocks.7 ington showing the status of shipment at
every point. At the time of loading the
The Search for Better plant sent to Washington a notice of avail-
Methods of Reporting ability, an Availship, followed by a report
of transfer to Field Service and shipment,
Ammunition was exempted from the a Transrepship. The depot sent in a report
change-over to the IBM system of stores of arrival, a Reparrive, and when the
reporting made effective for general sup- ammunition went forth again, to camp or
plies in the spring of 1941. But it became port, a report of shipment, a Repship.
clear early in the emergency period that Eventually plants and depots consolidated
the methods of reporting ammunition all transactions of this kind for a 24-hour
stocks needed improvement. The Supply period into a daily teletype.
Section of the Ammunition Supply Di- Stores reports showing the status of
vision was hampered by lack of current stocks in depots were carbon copies of
information from two sources, plants and
depots. 6
(1) Hist, Ammo Supply Div, pp. 27-28 and
With ammunition it was vitally impor- ex. 8; (2) Memo, Lt Col Samuel L. Smith to
tant to know the status of shipments: the Exec to Chief of FS, 28 May 45, sub: Final
time of loading on cars at plants, the time Rpt of Key Pers, FS Key Pers Rpts [hereafter
cited as Smith Rpt]; (3) ODO 122-44, 17
the cars got in motion, and the time of Oct 44.
arrival at depot, camp, or port. Before (1) Hist, Ammo Supply Div, p. 28; (2)
1941, there was no effective procedure for Chapter XX, above.
(1) Smith Rpt; (2) Rpt of Maj. Richard T.
obtaining this information. Plants reported Burroughs, Jr., 28 Jul 45, in FS Key Pers Rpts,
the loading by telephone, then awaited OHF [hereafter cited as Burroughs Rpt].

stock records prepared on Elliott-Fisher for fewer changes would be encountered

machines. Monthly for active groups, and there would be less difficulty in iden-
quarterly for less active, and semiannually tification. But this advantage was more
for the least active, the depots reported than offset by the fact that for ammunition
SNL ammunition groups P, R, S, and T the total stock on hand for any one item
to their respective group chiefs in the had to be broken down into various re-
Supply Section. Each group chief main- serve balances such as special reserves for
tained his own central stock record, wrote task forces, ammunition credits, and so
shipping orders, and, in a sense, operated on; these balances had in turn to be
as a distinct supply section. broken down into individual organizations,
In the summer of 1942 a survey by Lt. such as the corps area.10 All this greatly
Col. Samuel Smith revealed that the pro- complicated the reporting of stocks. More-
cedures of the groups were not uniform over, since the assistance of the IBM
and the workload was not evenly distrib- Corporation was directed mainly toward
uted. One commodity group, for example, improving spare parts reporting, the Am-
the S group handling primarily bombs and munition Supply Branch had no expert
pyrotechnics, might be overburdened with help with its greatly expanded ammunition
work at a time when another group was stocks. As a result, the processing of stores
having a lull. In the reorganization that reports took so much time that the central
followed this survey, one central group stock records were out-of-date and useless
was established to receive and consolidate by the time they were available.
all ammunition stores reports. The P, R, The first hope of improvement came in
S and T groups were reduced in strength the spring of 1942 with the commissioning
and relieved of all but technical super- of an officer who had been with IBM in
vision. The change from a commodity to civil life, Lt. Richard T. Burroughs, Jr.,
a functional organization for stock control and the loan of Mr. John Schick by IBM.
saved manpower. It was also one means of These experts made a survey of machine
tightening stores reporting procedures.9 operations both in the depots and in the
Another way, considered even earlier, was central office and established better pro-
a change-over to IBM machines. cedures. The new procedures were tried
out at Portage Ordnance Depot and were
IBM Machines for Ammunition then explained to representatives of all
Stores Reports depots at a series of training courses at
Portage from September 1942 to March
Soon after the installation of IBM ma- 1943. The educational program was slowed
chines for general supplies in 1941 the down by the recall of Mr. Schick to active
Ordnance Department decided to try them duty with the Adjutant General's Office
for ammunition also and shipped machines shortly after the first course opened, but
to several depots. But this early attempt Major Burroughs took over the supervision
was not very successful. The system had
been designed principally to accommodate 10
Smith Rpt.
General Supply materiel. It was true that (1) Ibid.; (2) Notes on Ammo Stock Control
Procedure, in Manual—The Application of Elec-
item code numbers were less of a problem tric Accounting Machines to War Department
for ammunition than for general supplies, Supply Records.

of the whole program. By the summer of 1943 Major Burroughs, who had been
1943 most of the depots had installed the placed in charge of the central IBM in-
machine system and satisfactory stores re- stallation the summer before, brought
ports were coming in.11 Then in September about a reorganization of the Inventory
1943 ASF directed the Chief of Ordnance Control Unit to bring into one group, the
to cut down on IBM equipment in depots. Records Group, all activities devoted to
A survey had in some degree substantiated the production of current operating figures
charges that the use of punch card ma- —the IBM Sub-group, the Analysis Sub-
chines had been carried to an impractica- group, and a group auditing stores reports.
ble and inefficient extreme throughout the The new organization soon found that it
War Department, and in 1943 a cut in the was hampered by inability to secure
production schedules for tabulating equip- enough civilians to do the job, especially
ment led to rationing by the War Produc- civilians who would work the night shift
tion Board and stricter control by ASF.12 necessary to process the transactions of the
Faced with the order to cut down on day. The most promising solution was to
the machines in the depots, General Camp- move out of Washington.16
bell decided to apply it to ammunition
rather than general supplies.13 He re- The Move to Philadelphia
turned the preparation of ammunition
stores reports to the manual system, effec- The Chief of Ordnance decided to move
tive 1 December 1943. Forms were re- the Records Group to Philadelphia, where
designed and distributed to the depots, 11
(1) Burroughs Rpt; (2) Hist, Ammo Supply
and Major Burroughs had to begin another Div, pp. 21-23; (3) Manual, The Application of
program of education, conducting a 3-day Electric Accounting Machines to War Depart-
ment-Ordnance Department Stock Control Am-
conference at Blue Grass for all Eastern munition Items, Revised 10 Sep 42.
depots and at Ogden for the Western. 12
(1) Burroughs Rpt; (2) Rpt, Methods Man-
The manual system remained in effect in agement Br, Contl Div, AGO, 19 Nov 42, sub:
Study of Comments and Recommendations of
ammunition depots for the rest of the Machine Records Contained in Final Report of
war, and, thanks to Major Burroughs' Stevenson, Jordan and Harrison, Inc., 12 Nov
procedures, stores reports continued to 42, ASF Contl Div files, 413.51. (The study
found that, if approved commitments for addi-
come in satisfactorily.14 tional punch card machines were executed, ASF
The next objective was to improve the would be paying approximately 15 million dollars
consolidation of reports in Washington. a year in rental); (3) Memo, CG ASF for Di-
rectors of All Staff Divs and Chiefs of Supply
The central stock records had been con- and Administrative Servs, 11 Mar 43, sub:
verted from manual to machine on1 Business Machines, ASF Contl Div files, 413.51;
February 1943, but the Machine Sub- (4) ASF Contl Div Rpt 154, Mar 44, sub:
Utilization of Machine Tabulating Equipment in
group had been placed too far down in the the Ord Dept., ASF Contl Div files.
organization of the Stock Control (for- (1) Interv with Sadtler, 4 May 53; (2)
merly Supply) Section's Inventory Control Final Rpt of Maj Robert E. Nutt, 24 Oct 45,
FS Key Pers Rpts.
Unit.15 The accuracy of the reports that 14
(1) Burroughs Rpt; (2) History, Blue Grass
came to it depended on an Analysis Sub- Ordnance Depot, 1 Jul 43-31 Dec 43, OHF; (3)
group that interpreted the documents History, Ogden Arsenal, vol. V, 1 Oct Through
31 Dec 43, pp. 104-5, OHF; (4) Smith Rpt.
before transmitting them; little or no use 15
PSP 64, ex. 4.
was made of stores reports. In December (1) Burroughs Rpt; (2) Smith Rpt.

a field office of the Ammunition Supply ammunition were lessening in importance.

Branch had been established late in 1942 Late in 1943 the Ordnance Department
to take care of war aid supply, records of had begun to ship ammunition directly
resources, and records of surveillance and from manufacturing plants to ports and
renovation.17 To this organization, known training camps; by February 1945 about
as the Philadelphia Ammunition Supply half of all ammunition shipments were
Office (PASO), the new group was at- bypassing the depots, and the trend was
tached on 24 January 1944. Misgivings continuing.21 The Records Group by the
about separating current operating rec- spring of 1945 was furnishing reports on
ords from the daily operations in Washing- the tonnage of ammunition moved by
ton were allayed by establishing twice-a- direct shipment, as well as an audit and
day courier service.18 follow-up on such movements, and keeping
The assignment of a detachment of records on returns of ammunition from
thirty-three WAC's to operate the ma- overseas, an increasingly important phase
chines made possible a three-shift opera- of its work. After V-J Day the Group
tion. Even so, progress toward producing was returned to Washington.22
accurate and current central records was At least one officer felt that the records
slow. The WAC's were inexperienced and and reports groups should henceforth re-
needed training. Time was lost during the main in Washington. But the Records
move to Philadelphia. There was a heavy Group in Philadelphia had worked under
backlog of work, and not until March did heavy handicaps that were not all a matter
the office receive from Washington the files of location. Frequent changes in required
it needed for reference purposes. Beginning reports to ASF and other agencies for the
in June there were a number of mechanical purpose of control and requirements com-
failures in the machines and even major putation revealed the inadequacy of exist-
breakdowns. Service by the IBM Corpora- ing records from time to time. Whenever
tion was poor until December 1944, when procedures for gathering and recording
the appointment of a service manager for data were changed the new records result-
the Philadelphia area brought about im- ing from the change were not reconcilable
provement.19 with previous records and reports. This
An essential step toward more accurate trial-and-error approach was extremely
figures on the amount of stock in all 17
depots was the reconciliation of depot and (1) ODO 361, 26 Nov 42; (2) ODO 17
-44, 20 Jan 44.
central records, but this proved to be 18
(1) Smith Rpt; (2) Maj Henry B. David-
exceedingly difficult. The first efforts son, Personal History, 8 Oct 45, FS Key Pers
failed. In June 1944 a new chief scrapped Rpts.
Lt Francis E. Boesche, Rpt, 23 Jul 45, sub:
all previous methods, overhauled organiza- Job History . . . , [hereafter referred to as
tion and procedures, stepped up training, Boesche Rpt], FS Key Pers Rpts.
and achieved closer co-ordination with the (1) Ibid.; (2) Lt Theodore Doll, Jr., Rpt,
Job History . . . , [hereafter referred to as Doll
depots and closer liaison within the office. Rpt], FS Key Pers Rpts; (3) Burroughs Rpt.
The reconciliation project finally got under (1) Maj Daniel J. Strauss, Personal Histor-
way but it was February 1945 before it ical Rpt, 9 Feb 46, OHF; (2) Capt Joseph J.
Calhoun, Rpt, 1 Aug 45 [hereafter referred to
was complete for all depots and all items.20 as Calhoun Rpt], OHF; (3) PSP 64, p. 13.
By that time, depot stock records for (1) Boesche Rpt; (a) Doll Rpt.

costly in man-hours and provided records The second step toward improving dis-
of dubious value. Co-ordination between tribution was even more important. It
Industrial and Field Service records had dealt with the flow out of the depots to
been faulty. The efforts of 1943 and 1944 the ultimate users. Ammunition was not
had been largely devoted to correcting the subject to requisitioning in the ordinary
mistakes of the past.23 sense, because it fell into the category of
controlled items, under the Mobilization
Improvements in the Pattern Regulations of 5 January 1940. The
of Distribution amount to be distributed to troops for
In 1940 and early 1941, American strat- training was decided upon monthly by the
egists were thinking in terms of defense. War Department General Staff, and the
All Ordnance depots stocked every type of Ordnance Department simply directed a
ammunition that might be needed in the certain depot to make it available or credit
defense of a particular area. The depots it to a certain Corps Area or other specified
received their stocks under the direction of user. Once credited, the ammunition was
the Supply Section's Groups, P, R, S, and no longer reported under the heading of
T, handling each type of ammunition. stocks available. These credited stocks
Working independently, each group re- were essentially the same as a deposit in a
ceived reports of production on its own bank account; shipment to the user repre-
type of ammunition from manufacturing sented a withdrawal from the account.
plants and found a depot to store it, with- For lend-lease users, ammunition was also
out regard to instructions issued by other distributed on instructions from higher
groups. As a result, some depots would authority. When an allied nation sub-
become overstocked or would face a mitted a request to the War Department,
sudden, heavy workload with little notice. Ordnance determined which depot had the
Depots were equipped for handling a right ammunition in stock and earmarked
certain amount of ammunition, expressed the quantity desired for the lend-lease
in carloads to be moved in and out each account. The depot was also instructed to
day. If a depot with a 25-carload-a-day honor the shipping instructions of the
capacity was assigned shipments which re- foreign government, to obtain a Quarter-
quired its entire handling capacity, no ad- master Release (QMR) and eventually to
ditional shipment could be made to it move the ammunition to the designated
without incurring demurrage charges. port of exit.25
After Pearl Harbor it became evident The great defect in this system was that
that prewar methods of stocking the depots the depot where the stock was earmarked
would not work-under wartime conditions.
Closer co-ordination at the top was es- 23
(1) Smith Rpt; (2) Davidson Rpt; (3)
sential. Consequently, in the summer of Burroughs Rpt; (4) Interv with Col Samuel L.
1942 when Groups P, R, S, and T were Smith, 24
4 Aug 53.
(1) PSP 64, pp. 2-4; (2) Hist, Ammo Sup-
relieved of all but technical supervision, ply Div, pp. 2-12.
the Chief of Field Service created one (1) Memo, Brig Gen Richard Moore, ACofS
central group to handle distribution. This for CofS, 5 Jul 40, sub: Supply Under MR
4-1, 0-4/31793; (2) Hist, Ammo Supply Div,
gave better regulation of the flow into the pp. 89 and 246, and ex. 51; (3) PSP 64, pp.
depots and improved record-keeping.24 43-44.

might be at a great distance from the kenny Ordnance Depot at Chambersburg,

place where the ammunition was eventu- Pennsylvania, the nearest depot, and re-
ally needed. Troops moved from training shipping it later to the port was approxi-
camps near the depot to camps far away. mately one thousand dollars.27
As for lend-lease distribution, Field Serv- One suggested solution to the problem of
ice's War Aid Section had no way of crosshauling was to request in advance
knowing what the port of exit would be. from the foreign government agencies the
The matériel was reserved at whatever name of the intended port. But the agen-
depot had unobligated stock. As a result, cies were seldom able to comply with such
a West Coast depot might have to ship the requests. The shortage of ships made ports
ammunition to an East Coast port, or vice and sailing dates uncertain; lack of infor-
versa. A close check on shipping tickets mation from overseas headquarters made
by the War Aid Section in June 1942 re- uncertain the name of the ultimate con-
vealed that crosshauls and backhauls were signee. Another solution was to arrange
increasing along with increased production with the Traffic Control Branch of the
and increased assignments. For example, Transportation Corps to notify Ordnance
on 8 June one carload of 30-caliber armor- when it received releases from War Aid
piercing cartridges was shipped from nations from depots at a distance from
Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, N.J., to San the port to which the ammunition was to
Francisco; one day later two carloads of be shipped. Upon notification, Field Serv-
the same item were shipped from Ogden, ice's War Aid Section could find out
Utah, to Jersey City, N.J.26 whether a depot nearer the port had the
materiel, and, if so, could cancel the
Lend-Lease Shipments shipping order at the original depot and
set up new obligations. This procedure
Contributing to wasteful crosshauls and eliminated some crosshauls, but it was
backhauls was a directive of April 1942 cumbersome; it required a tremendous
requiring lend-lease nations to ship all amount of paper work and many long-
2 8
their matériel out of a depot within forty- adistance
Ing thee calls
n to
end, c thedepots
i best
e answer
s . foreign
and to the
five days after the date of its availability.
Otherwise it would be returned to Ord-
nance stock. Very often shipment abroad problem was a system evolved in the War
was not possible within that period, as Aid Section in the summer of 1942. This
vessels were scarce. In that case the foreign plan, suggested by Lt. Leon M. Leathers,
government had the matériel shipped to Jr., Chief of the Supply Unit, was simple.
another location in the United States, It consisted essentially in not earmarking
possibly across the continent from the stocks. After the War Aid Section received
probable port. Sometimes when a ship did
become available, ammunition at a distant (1) PSP 64, pp. 44-45; (2) Hist, Ammo
Supply Div, pp. 246-47.
depot could not reach the port in time to 27
(1) Hist, Ammo Supply Div, p. 252; (2)
meet the sailing deadline and had to be PSP28 64, p. 59.
freighted back to storage. In one instance m
(1) PSP 64, ap. 49; (2) Kenneth
n W. Still-
the cost of returning a carload of high nance Digest, XXVII No. 10 (October 1945),
explosives from Philadelphia to Letter- p. 12.

authority for release of materiel to a fice to handle the distribution of greatly

foreign government, it issued a credit to increasing lend-lease materiel, expected to
that government against U.S. stocks, with- amount to one hundred thousand tons per
out specifying any particular depot. Then, month; and the Chief of Transportation
when the government in question received assigned a liaison officer to PASO at the
shipping instructions, it notified the Ord- request of General Campbell. The credit
nance Department, giving the port of ex- system for War Aid shipment of standard
port and the date when the matériel items was placed in effect in May 1943.
should arrive there. After that, the War The first shipment under it occurred on
Aid Section requested the Supply Section 15 May. In the first few months of opera-
to convert the credit to physical stock at tion there was a reduction of 49.5 percent
the Ordnance depot nearest the port of in mileage over the old method, represent-
exit. ing a tremendous saving in time, facilities,
Notwithstanding its simplicity and feasi- labor, communications, and storage. The
bility the plan was not adopted until the British reported "great benefit," and the
spring of 1943. A survey had to be made Transportation Corps noted that the sys-
showing the wastefulness of the old scheme tem might well be applied to other techni-
of distribution, and numerous agencies cal services. It was so successful that it
outside Ordnance had to be consulted, in- was extended that fall to nonstandard
cluding lend-lease nations, Army Service items, bulk explosives, and chemicals.29
Forces, Transportation Corps, and the
War Shipping Administrator. One obstacle Training Ammunition
in the way was a War Shipping Adminis-
tration directive stating that the point of Not long after the new system was sug-
origin had to be known before a shipping gested for War Aid ammunition, atten-
number could be assigned; another was tion was given to the problem of efficient
opposition from one member each of the routing of shipments to U.S. troops. The
British Purchasing Commission and the impetus came from Capt. Hollis M. Car-
British Ministry of War Transport. But lisle, an officer whose entire civilian
the Chief of Ordnance was eventually experience had been in merchandise dis-
able to get the directive amended. In tribution and stock control, first with
general the British were enthusiastic about Montgomery Ward and later with the
the plan, as were the officials of the ASF Carlisle Hardware Company. Assigned to
International Division and the Interna- the Shipping Section's Distribution Unit in
tional Branch of the Transportation Corps. December 1942, Captain Carlisle turned a
In January 1943 a War Department fresh and critical eye on established pro-
circular placing responsibility for avoiding cedures. He found them based on an out-
crosshauls and unnecessary movement on moded system of strategic distribution
the procuring services gave impetus and developed at a time when ammunition was
authority for implementation, buttressed in extremely short supply. Every week
by directives from ASF early in 1943 to each producing plant submitted a report
conserve manpower and transportation. In
the meantime, Ordnance had established 29
(1) WD Cir 12, 7 Jan 43; (2) PSP 64, exs.
the Philadelphia Ammunition Supply Of- 55-58, 61-62, 75, 79-85.

to the Ammunition Supply Branch show- brought a steady flow of ammunition from
ing the number of carloads to be expected the plants every week. To cope with it,
the following week. The Supply Section Ordnance drew up a revised distribution
then determined the distribution according plan in March. All depots east of the Mis-
to three factors. First was the most desir- sissippi River were to be considered as a
able strategic location of stocks—roughly common supply source for all East Coast
65 percent in eastern depots, 12 percent in ports; all those west of the river would
central, and 23 percent in western. The supply West Coast ports. As for training
second factor was the current status of ammunition, estimated requirements in the
each depot's handling capacity, reported immediate area would govern allocations to
weekly by the Depot and Facilities Sec- depots.32
tion. The third consisted of the maxi- Plans for speeding the flow of training
mum and minimum levels of each type of ammunition were discussed during the
ammunition prescribed by each depot. spring of 1943 by Ordnance officials with
Within the restrictions imposed by these representatives of Army Ground Forces,
three factors, the Distribution Unit tried Army Service Forces, Army Air Forces,
to avoid crosshauling and backhauling by and the War Department General Staff.
sending the ammunition to the nearest By June 1943 they reached an agreement
depot or to one on a straight line between and established a system similar to that
the plant and the ultimate user.30 applied in May to War Aid ammunition.
But the restrictions made efficient rout- Matériel was not earmarked at any one
ing all but impossible. An investigation by depot but each station submitted its requi-
Captain Carlisle of all shipments from sition to the Chief of Ordnance, and the
plants to depots and from depots to using Ammunition Supply Branch directed ship-
services during January, February, and ment from the nearest depot or loading
March of 1943 uncovered some striking ex- plant. In September the practice was ap-
amples of crosshauling and backhauling. plied to ever-increasing amounts of am-
For example, 2,000-pound bombs pro- munition going to U.S. troops overseas.33
duced at Ravenna, Ohio, were shipped to In the meantime, the Distribution Unit
a depot at Anniston, Alabama, and re- was making a critical examination of its
shipped to the New York Port of Em-
barkation; 1,000-pound bombs produced 30
at McGregor, Texas, were shipped to (1) Memo, Chief Supply Sec for Exec Asst
FS, 5 Feb 43, sub: Cross Haul in Ammo Move-
Seneca, N.Y., and then to the Charleston ments, ex. 28 of Hist, Ammo Supply Div: (2)
Port of Embarkation.31 Maj Hollis M. Carlisle, Terminal Report, 9 Oct
An analysis of these findings and of 45, FS Key Pers Rpts, OHF [hereafter cited as
Carlisle Rpt] ; (3) Smith Rpt.
maps showing the unnecessarily long dis- 31
Memo, Chief Supply Sec to Maj. Edgar Tin-
tances traveled by ammunition items re- er, Captain Mullikin, and Capt. Frank Eccles, 2
sulted in a new conception of the depot. Mar 43, sub: Analytical Study, ex. 29 of Hist,
Ammo Supply Div.
It was no longer thought of as a complete 32
(1) Carlisle Rpt; (2) Ltr, Chief of FS to
supply source for all types of items regard- CO's All Ord Ammo Depots, sub: Plan of Ammo
less of their probable ultimate destination Distribution and Supply, 5 Apr 43, OO 471/1904
but rather as a stopover point in transit to 33
(1) Smith Rpt; (2) Hist, Ammo Supply Div,
the user. Unlike earlier years, 1943 pp. 78-102; (3) PSP 64, pp. 7-8.

method of distributing ammunition allo- and Issue Sections were combined under
cated by the Munitions Board to the Navy. Maj. Stanley E. Mulliken and control of
The journey to the user seemed long and all shipments was placed under Captain
wasteful. In May 1943 a striking instance Carlisle.36
was uncovered in which a plant at Car- During September 1943, 511 carloads of
bondale, Illinois, shipped a consignment training ammunition were shipped directly
of 500-pound bombs to the Ordnance from manufacturing plants to posts,
depot at Tooele, Utah, which in turn camps, and stations; during October the
shipped them to a Navy depot at Haw- figure rose to 671. Exact savings in dollars
thorne, Nevada. There was no real reason and man-hours were difficult to calcu-
for the stopover at the Army depot. The late, but a rough estimate indicated that
explanation that it simplified bookkeep- over 100,000 man-hours were saved in
ing hardly justified the cost in time, man- September by eliminating the necessity to
power, and money. If the ammunition had load and unload cars at depots, not taking
been shipped directly from the plant to the into account the labor that would have
Navy depot, $1,506 per car would have been required to restencil or mark boxes,
been saved in transportation cost and the place dunnage in cars, and fill out papers.
Navy would also have been able to take Another important economy was in the
advantage of the cheaper s transit
torage-in- use of railroad rolling stock—estimated
throughforrate to the
September at approximately 3,066 car days
Convinced by figures such as these that the and for October at 4,026 car days. Still
Army depot ought to be eliminated from further savings in crating material and
the routing, the Distribution Unit very labor were achieved by shipping uncrated
soon began shipping Navy ammunition ammunition directly from a plant to a
directly from producing plants to Navy post. In one instance the elimination of the
depots.35 crating operation saved approximately
$70,000 on a single shipment of forty-
five carloads of 105-mm. ammunition. In
Direct Shipments addition to the conservation of materials,
manpower, and equipment, the new sys-
The policy of making all possible ship- tem speeded up operations; ammunition
ments directly from the loading plant to was made available in time to provide
the ultimate consignee promised to yield
great savings in transportation cost and the
expense of rehandling at depots. But it In November 1942 Ordnance and the Trans-
was not to be put into effect until the portation Corps had made arrangements with the
Association of American Railroads for storage-in-
new program of issuing to the user an transit privileges. A shipment from a loading
over-all obligation against stocks rather plant in Ohio, for example, could go to a depot
in Pennsylvania and later to the New York Port
than a credit at a specified depot gave the
of Embarkation at the same rate that would have
Ammunition Supply Branch better control been charged if the shipment had gone directly
over shipments. Nor could the maximum from the plant to the port. Hist, Ammo Supply
Div, p. 66.
number of direct shipments be made until 35
PSP 64, p. 6.
closer co-ordination was achieved within 36
(1) Hist, Ammo Supply Div, p. 90; (2)
the Branch. In August 1943 the Shipping Carlisle Rpt.

maximum training for troops before they At the same time, General Campbell
moved out to combat theaters.37 began a program of educating the Indus-
Bypassing the depot was even more de- trial Service and loading plants in han-
sirable in the case of ammunition destined dling Field Service orders on a direct basis.
for American troops overseas than it was Instructions went by telephone to the man
for ammunition sent to training camps or at each plant who was responsible for
the Navy, because speed in overseas routing the ammunition as it came off the
shipments was of greater importance. No production line. As the program got under
great harm was done if a shipment was a way, plants were ordered to ship speedily,
little late in arriving at a training camp or in the exact quantities specified, giving
Navy depot; if it failed to make a port first priority to shipments to Ports of
deadline it had to be shipped back at great Embarkation, and to furnish the Chief of
expense and, far worse, was lost to the Ordnance with complete and accurate in-
men who needed it most. But the time formation. Major Carlisle's assistant, Capt.
factor made port shipments more diffi- Joseph J. Calhoun, kept current records on
cult. Shipping directly from plants to ports daily production schedules, running times
required not only tight control by the between plants and ports, holding capaci-
Ammunition Supply Branch but also close ties of plants, and so on. When he received
co-ordination among all agencies. a port clearance from the Transportation
A new procedure set up in September Corps on a Notice of Availability, he went
1943 made tighter control possible. Port- through it and obligated all items possible
bound stocks were no longer obligated at on producing plants. The records on which
any one depot but were shipped, on orders he based his decisions were obtained by
from Washington, from the depot nearest close liaison with the producing plants as
the port. Conferences with the Transporta- well as the Transportation Corps and In-
tion Corps in the fall of 1943 resulted in dustrial Service. He found at the produc-
better co-ordination. Agreements were ing plants an excellent spirit of co-
made to cut down the number of days in operation. An important by-product of
the acceptance period at the port and to the new system was a boost to the morale
center responsibility more definitely on of the workers when they saw their
Transportation's Traffic Control Division. ammunition stenciled with an overseas
The Ordnance Department would now marking and loaded into cars consigned to
deal directly with that Division, rather a port of embarkation. Of all ammunition
than go through the subordinate Ocean shipped from plants between January 1944
Traffic Branch. Responsibilities were in and February 1945 the percentage shipped
general more clearly defined. The Chief of directly to users rose from 28.6 to 50.12.
Ordnance was responsible for giving early Direct port shipments climbed steadily,
information to the Traffic Control Division 37
as to availability of items; the Traffic Con- Ltr, CofOrd to ACofS G-4, 23 Nov 43, sub:
Distribution of Ammo for Training, and Indorse-
trol Division was responsible for deter- ments, OO 471/33664.
mining the deadline date from the Port of (1) Ltr, CofOrd to Chief of Transportation,
Embarkation and for arranging transporta- 23 Nov 43, sub: Port-Bound Ammo Shipments,
and Indorsement, 7 Dec 43, OO 400.37/4145;
tion in such a way that the items arrived (2) Calhoun Rpt; (3) Hist, Ammo Supply Div,
on time.38 pp. 83-85.

until by June 1945, 62.5 percent of all pile up at camps that lacked adequate
ammunition arriving at ports came di- storage facilities. One way to prevent
rectly from plants.39 waste and to economize on storage was to
From 1 August 1943 to 21 July 1945, provide better control of issues by the
107,517 cars of ammunition were shipped Office, Chief of Ordnance, so that no more
directly to the consignee, at an estimated ammunition was shipped to the station
saving in car dunnage and transportation than could be used. Another was to be
alone of $1,000 a car, or $107,517,000. sure, by careful co-ordination with Ground
Nor was this the only saving. Ordnance Forces, that the ammunition was truly
stock controllers estimated that, if all the excess and was not needed by any neigh-
ammunition shipped directly at the peak boring installation.
of operations had been placed in storage With both objectives in mind, two Ord-
en route, it would have required at nance stock controllers, Lt. Col. Samuel
least twelve additional depots of the capac- L. Smith and Maj. Joseph Rollins, after
ity of Wingate, which cost approximately consultation with representatives of the
three million dollars a year to operate, to using arms and ASF, proposed a change
say nothing of the cost of construction. in the method of issuing training ammuni-
Of incalculable value logistically was the tion. All forces would present their de-
economy in time, figured at ten days mands to the Post Ordnance Officer with
travel time per carload. In the fall of 1944 the deadline date at which they had to
and spring of 1945, this saving was an have ammunition for their training pro-
important factor in theater planning in grams. The Post Ordnance Officer would
combat areas.40 report every month to his area depot the
amount of ammunition he had on hand,
Control of Excess Stocks in the issues for the last thirty days, and the
the Zone of Interior amount he wanted shipped. He would
furnish the desired time for arrival of the
As effective as the new system was in ammunition at the post and the rate at
preventing long hauls between depots, which he would be able to handle and
training camps, and ports, it could not store it. The area depot, reviewing the
solve the problem of controlling excess report, would have authority to ship di-
stocks at posts, camps, and stations, a rectly from its stock all less-than-carload
problem that assumed ever greater impor- amounts and all items for which there
tance as troops began to move overseas. was an urgent need. The report would
Returning stocks to the depots without then be forwarded to the Office, Chief of
adequate supervision from Washington Ordnance, for supply of the larger quanti-
could conceivably result in unnecessary ties, which would be scheduled for ship-
crosshauls and backhauls, the type of
waste that stock controllers had been try-
ing to avoid. An especially troublesome 39
(1) Calhoun Rpt; (2) Carlisle Rpt; (3) Ltr,
aspect of the problem was the improper CofOrd to FDAP, 5 Oct 43, sub: Direct Ship-
handling of odd lots of ammunition left ments from Loading Plants, ex. 30, Hist, Ammo
Supply Div.
behind by departing troops; there was 40
(1) Calhoun Rpt; (2) Smith Rpt; (3) Car-
also danger in allowing ammunition to lisle Rpt.

ment directly from loading plants whenever out, the plan provided that all requisitions
possible.41 would be channeled through the depot.
Presented to G-4 early in 1944, the They would be prepared on the tenth of
plan ran into serious objections from offi- each month for the requirements beginning
cers of the Army Ground Forces, who felt the first of the next month. When the
that it gave too much authority to the second month's requisition came in, any
Post Ordnance Officer. By giving him con- stocks that had not been used in the first
trol over station stocks of ammunition the 30-day period would apply against the
plan would in effect give him control of ammunition required for the second 30-
training. The AGF counterproposal was to day period. At the end of sixty days, area
continue the system by which the Ground depot officers were authorized to move
Forces commander ordered what he con- excesses back to the depot. To the more
sidered necessary, within the limits of the important depots would be assigned two
local storage and transportation capacity officers who would travel from post to
reported to him by the Ordnance and post, assisting the Post Ordnance Officer
Transportation Officers.42 to remove excesses or to plan for additional
One basic difficulty in this system, ad- storage if necessary. They were like the
mitted by AGF, was that the post author- "excess stock teams" used for general sup-
ities were allowed to keep ammunition for plies.43
as long as ninety days before they deter- Under the constant supervision of Major
mined whether or not they had an excess. Rollins the plan was tested at Red River
The period was too long, and when excess- Ordnance Depot, Texarkana, Texas. Two
es were finally reported to Ground Forces months after it went into effect, a check
headquarters, the excess stocks might be of station ammunition stocks indicated
shifted around to various commands for that they had been reduced by 46 percent.
months. Meantime, troops were moving out But AGF felt that the new procedures
of the camps continuously, often unex- placed too great a restriction on the flexi-
pectedly. Ammunition piled up, and the bility of its credits, and a compromise
post authorities had no control over ship- plan, proposed in July, was under con-
ments coming in. By 1945, magazine areas sideration as the war ended.44
were becoming dangerously overloaded.
An investigation by the Joint Army and (1) Min, Conf of SC Ord Officers, 28 and
Navy Storage Board made it plain that 29 Jan 44, pp. 2-4; (2) Min, Ord-SC Conf, 8
-9 May 44, pp. 1-2.
some action would have to be taken. Ac- 42
Min, Ord-SC Supply and Maint Conf 16
cordingly, an AGF representative met with -17 Feb 45), p. 11, OHF.
representatives of the Ordnance Ammuni- (1) Ltr, JANASB to SW and SecNav, 4
Oct 44, sub: Inspection of AGF Installations,
tion Supply Division and agreed upon a 471 JANASB vol. II, G-4 files; (2) Ltr, Col
plan that was similar to the one Ordnance William M. Cobb to JANASB 1 Nov 44, sub:
had proposed before, except that the Serv- Inspection of Ammo Storage at GF Stations, 471
JANASB, vol. I I I , G-4 files; (3) Ltr, CofOrd
ice Command rather than the Post Ord- to CG ASF, 25 Jan 45, sub: Plan for Distribu-
nance Officer would control excess stocks. tion of Training Ammo, and Indorsement. 30 Jan
At a later date ASF insisted that the job 45. 00471/38578.
(1) Ltr, CofOrd to CG ASF, 23 Feb 45,
be given to the area depot rather than to sub: Plan for Distribution of Training Ammo,
the Service Command. As finally worked and Indorsement 27 Feb 45, OO 471/38884: (2)

Long after V-J Day, training ammuni- this amount there were available for dis-
tion was still being issued on the wartime tribution 1,570,000 tons, of which 1,085,-
system of monthly credits based on alloca- ooo, ground and air, would go to other
tions to the various services. Ordnance theaters. This left for return to the United
supply experts believed that the best plan States 485,000 tons, all of it ground am-
for an orderly change-over to peacetime munition.46
operation was a revision of AR 775-10 of The first step was to select the lots of
30 December 1943, which authorized the ammunition that would be retained in the
kind and amount of firing required for theater, those that would be transferred
training. They recommended that for all to other theaters, and those that would be
services ammunition be issued on an allow- returned to the United States. Over this
ance basis and that expenditure guides for step the Ordnance Department had no real
each service, similar to those used by control, because it was the policy of
AGF beginning in 1944, be included in G-4, General Staff, to permit overseas
the program.45 theaters to return any lots of ammunition
they desired. But Ordnance could offer
Return of Excess Stocks from Theaters advice and guidance. Field Service pre-
pared lists of all lots that had been
A growing problem after 1943 was the shipped to ETOUSA and to NATOUSA,
safe and orderly return of excess stocks reviewed them carefully in co-operation
from overseas theaters. Such shipments with Industrial Service, and arranged the
had to be cleared with ASF for ground individual lots by caliber and type in the
ammunition and AAF for air ammunition. order of frequency of issue. These lists
With a few exceptions, War Department were sent to the two theaters to serve as
policy was to return only serviceable am- a guide in the retention, transfer, or re-
munition that was definitely known to be turn of ammunition. Ordnance also offered
safe for shipping and handling. The technical assistance on the problem of
quantities were enormous. Early in Au- safe and efficient handling of excess stocks.
gust 1944 when both ETOUSA and It urged G-4 to reconsider its policy of
NATOUSA expressed a desire to return not requiring theaters to destroy unserv-
excesses there was an estimated total of iceable ammunition locally, and empha-
1,737,000 tons in both theaters, including sized War Department regulations on the
an overage of fifty days of supply. Out of segregation, packing, marking, and safe
storage of explosives and incendiary ma-
Ltr, CofOrd to CG ASF, 2 Jun 45, sub: Plan terials in outgoing shipments.47
for Distribution of Training Ammo, and Indorse- Planning for the reception of excess
ment 7 Jun 43, OO 471/40021; (3) Memo, Col
William C. Young to Chief, Staff Rqmts Sec stocks in the United States began early in
Admin Br Fld Serv OCO 7 Jan 46 with in- 1944 on a directive from ASF stating
closures, final report of Maj Joseph Rollins Stock
Control Branch Ammunition Supply Division
Field Service for Tour of Duty, 15 July 1942 45
(1) Rollins Rpt; (2) Maj Daniel J. Strauss.
Through 3 January 1946, in Fld Serv Key Pers Supplement to Historical Report. . . ,1 Jul 45
Rpts (hereafter cited as Rollins Rpt) ; (4) Smith to 10 Feb 46, FS Key Pers Rpts.
Rpt; (5) History of Red River Ordnance Depot, Hist, Ammo Supply Div, ex. 65.
vol. IV sec. I (1 Jan-31 Mar 45) pp. 386, Hist, Ammo Supply Div, pp. 103-08 and
390-91 ; (6) WD Cir 269, 7 Sep 45. ex. 65.

that ports should be used that were not by using a single shipping order number.
actively engaged in handling outgoing They devised this number by assigning a
shipments. Ordnance recommended Curtis series to each port and combining it with
Bay, near Baltimore; Nansemond, at the code number already assigned to each
Hampton Roads; San Jacinto, Texas; Bos- plant and depot. A shipment from New
ton; Charleston; New Orleans; Benicia, York, series 600, to Milan Ordnance
near San Francisco; Seattle; and Beaver Depot, number 25, would be coded 625.
Site at Portland, Oregon. But the Joint Co-ordination between port and depot
Working Committee Concerning Return of was furthered by a meeting in Washington
U.S. Army and U.S. Navy Ammunition in November 1944 of Port Ordnance Offi-
From Overseas, appointed in June 1944, cers with representatives of the depots.
determined that the Navy would provide Port Ordnance Officers were instructed to
facilities and sorting service at or near obtain shipping instructions from the Am-
ports on the West Coast and that the munition Supply Division and after ship-
Army would handle East Coast terminals. ment to mail a copy of the shipping order
The Army was to enlarge Nansemond and to the Philadelphia Ammunition Supply
use Charleston for current and continued Office for record purposes. At PASO a
receipts and Curtis Bay when outgoing Returned Ammunition Unit of two per-
shipments stopped or decreased materi- sons was established to keep records, and
ally.48 the establishment of a purpose code per-
From the ports, ammunition would be mitted analysis of returns from individual
sent to loading plants for screening. This theaters and the reason for the return.50
process would include segregating by cal- In general the ports were co-operative in
iber, type, and lot, and necessary renova- obtaining shipping instructions from the
tion to make sure that only the highest Ordnance Department, though there were
quality ammunition was kept for long- some cases of carelessness in reporting
term storage as War Reserve. The final shipments, as well as some instances of im-
step was storage in depots. As of August proper identification and segregation. One
1944, igloos and magazines in the United Ordnance stock controller felt that segre-
States were only two-thirds filled and could gation centers adjacent to ports would
accommodate more than a million tons of have saved considerable money in trans-
returned stocks. An expected cutback in portation and handling at both ports and
the current production of 600,000 tons depots.51
per month would increase the amount of The effectiveness of the Ordnance De-
storage available.49 partment's ammunition supply operations
Beginning in the summer of 1944 the depended on two factors: knowing where
Ordnance Department worked out several the stocks were and what their condition
ways of controlling the flood of stocks that was, and being able to deliver them to the
was expected after the war was over in right place at the right time. The main
Europe. The Ammunition Supply Division objectives were to meet deadlines for de-
established a system of identification mark- 48
ings for ammunition shipments. Stock con- Ibid.
Hist, Ammo Supply Div, ex. 65.
trollers also contrived a system of facilitat- 50
(1) Rollins Rpt; (2) Strauss Rpt.
ing shipments from port to plant or depot Burroughs Rpt.

livery and to maintain an accurate record trial Service and Field Service, and lack
of all items received from production. In of enough personnel for the necessary
the opinion of Col. William G. Young, paper work. Complete adjustment of rec-
Chief of the Ammunition Supply Division ords was never possible. Yet partial recon-
from June 1942 to August 1946, the first ciliation was achieved. By reducing the
objective was well met; the second was number of crosshauls and backhauls, and
only partially met. The reasons for the by developing effective techniques for
failure to achieve completely accurate making shipments directly from plants to
records were many. Some errors crept into ports, Ordnance ammunition supply ex-
accounting when ammunition had to be perts contributed notably to the war
returned to production plants for rework- effort.52
ing; others were caused by changes in 52
(1) Final Rpt of Col William C. Young, 20
procedures for gathering and recording Aug 46, FS Key Pers Rpts; (2) PSP 64, exs.
data, faulty co-ordination between Indus- 79-84.

In the hot sun of a September day in At night, when the regiment halted near
1921 the people of Columbia, South Caro- a small town, country people would gather
lina, witnessed the beginning of an inter- around the Ordnance shop, attracted by
esting experiment in Army mechanization the blaze of light and whir of machinery.
and mobility. The 51st Artillery Regiment In the middle of a cleared field stood an
(heavy) was setting out on a march from artillery repair truck—itself a complete
neighboring Camp Jackson to Camp Eus- machine shop—and from its generator
tis, Virginia, six hundred miles away, the electric lights on extension cords ran to
first long journey overland ever made by each job. Near it were parked some of the
a heavy motorized artillery regiment under thirteen Ordnance trucks in the convoy,
its own power. containing tentage and baggage for the
The convoy was an impressive spectacle. company, blacksmith's tools, light tools for
Rumbling and clanking through the truck repair, chain blocks and ropes, and
streets of Columbia were sixteen pieces of spare parts. For the latter there was also
heavy ordnance: eight 8-inch howitzers a huge stock-bin trailer drawn by a l0-ton
and eight 155-mm. GPF (Grande Puis- tractor. The spectators—marveling at a
sance Filloux) guns, each towed by a 10--ton machine shop ontractor.
wheels,There wereworking
a soldier twenty-one add
at an anvil, another skillfully using an
tional tractors—more than half of them acetylene torch—saw tractors with the
10-ton types—and 240 trucks carrying whole transmission out or with the armor
tentage, equipment of all kinds, machin- removed and engine totally dismantled.
ery for repair work, and spare parts. Ac- They freely expressed doubt that the reg-
companying the artillerists was a detach- iment would be able to reach Camp
ment of Engineers to repair roads and Eustis before Christmas.
bridges and an Ordnance company to keep Exactly one month and ten days after
the guns, howitzers, tractors, and trucks in leaving Camp Jackson the convoy rolled
running order. As the great procession into Camp Eustis, on the afternoon of 22
ponderously moved north on the long October 1921, with all wheels turning, and
journey, much of it over narrow dirt all vehicles still in the line of march, not
roads in a cloud of dust, farmers along the one having been abandoned. The Ord-
way stared and wondered. Some thought nance Department's maintenance experts
another war had broken out. Most of in Washington, who had followed the
them had never before seen guns of such progress of the march with even more in-
size or troops of the Regular Army. terest than the farmers, were extremely

CONVOY OF ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE TRUCKS on maneuvers shortly after World War I.

gratified. The march had been in a sense a and supplied by the Ordnance Depart-
test of the ability of Field Service—an ment, came into being as a result of study
organization then less than three years by the board of officers appointed by the
old—to serve the using arms; and its suc- chief Ordnance officer of the AEF, Brig.
cessful conclusion had vindicated mainte- Gen. John Rice, in France immediately
nance planning that had begun in World after World War I.3 In addition to fixed
War I.1 base shops in the rear of the army in the
Mobile repair shops, first improvised on field, the planners envisaged two types of
the Mexican border in 1916, had been maintenance companies, the light mainte-
used by the AEF, but in France only the nance company to accompany the divi-
Field Artillery brigade had rated an Ord- sion, and the heavy maintenance company
nance company. The Infantry depended at corps and army level. These performed
on the small arms section of that company to the limit of the capability of their
and, for first aid repairs, on small detach- equipment and the amount of time avail-
ments of three or four men that were able all field repair that the individual in-
often called on to perform duties other fantryman or truck-driver could not do for
than their specialty. In one case Ord-
nance men washed the trucks of the am- 1
Capt. James A. B. Gibson, CO 32nd Ordnance
munition train because the train com- Company, "Ordnance Maintenance En Route,"
Army Ordnance, II, No. 11 (March-April 1 9 2 2 ) ,
mander ordered them to do so.2 266-69.
The first thoughtful organization of 2
Interv, Crain, 17 Feb 54.
Ordnance maintenance specialists, trained See Ch. XVI, above.

himself.4 The companies were placed di- maintaining in storage matériel worth
rectly under the commanding officer of about $500 million, exclusive of ammuni-
the line organization. Also under the com- tion, a figure comparable to the $471,355
mand of the line was the Ordnance spent on matériel in the hands of troops.
officer attached to the staff of the camp, The life in storage of many weapons was
division, corps, and army commander. He almost unlimited.8
exercised technical supervision over the A continual arsenal task was modifica-
maintenance troops, was the adviser on tion of equipment. On the march from
Ordnance matters to his commander, and Camp Jackson to Camp Eustis in 1921
in general was responsible for efficient the Ordnance troops kept a detailed list of
Ordnance operations in the field.5 all classes of repairs made to tractors and
The maintenance responsibility of the other motor vehicles and submitted it to
Ordnance Department had two aspects. the Ordnance Maintenance Division in
Maintenance engineering, closely allied Washington. From such a list Ordnance
with design and production, meant the engineers could tell which parts of the
analysis of new design with an eye to mechanism gave trouble, and often were
maintenance, the preparation of Modifica- able to correct malfunctions by a change
tion Work Orders (MWO's) for the cor- in design. In that case, Field Service pre-
rection of defects, the determination of pared Modification Work Orders that ap-
requirements for parts, tools, and equip- plied to all matériel of that particular
ment, the preparation of publications, and kind. Experience in the field was also use-
various kinds of planning. Maintenance ful in preparing spare parts data. Tables
operations meant technical help to the showing parts consumption on a mileage
shops and troops that were under the basis were invaluable in estimating the
command of the using arms, and the op-
eration of arsenals and base shops under
the direct orders of the Chief of Ord- 4
(1) Harmon, "Ordnance Maintenance,"
nance.6 Army Ordnance, I, No. 4 (January-March 1 9 2 1 ) ,
167-73; (2) C. A. Schimelfenig, "Ordnance
Service Stations," Army Ordnance, II. No.11
Maintenance at the Arsenals (March-April 1922), 260-62.
(1) Manual of 1919, pp. 14-31; (2) Fred A.
Following World War I, there had to be McMahon, "Maintenance Activities at Camp
a general overhaul of the Ordnance tériel
ma- Bragg," Army Ordnance,
returned fromII, France,
No. 11 about
(March- 75
April 1922), 273-74; (3) Maj. Harry R. Kutz.
"Corps Area and Department Ordnance Officers,"
percent of which was in such bad con- Army Ordnance, II, No. 11 (March-April 1922),
dition that it could not be issued to troops. 279-84.
History of the Maintenance Division, OCO-D,
This work was done at the arsenals. Rock 1942-45, exs. to General History—Plan for the
Island Arsenal, for example, performed an Rearrangement of Automotive Maint Activities,
enormous amount of work on artillery 17 Nov 42.
Harmon, op. cit., pp. 172-73.
materiel, tanks, and tractors, with assis- 8
(1) Maj. Gen. Clarence C. Williams, "Annual
tance from special shops organized at Report of the Chief of Ordnance, Part II,"
Camp Meade, Savanna Proving Ground, Army Ordnance, V, No. 29 (March-April 1925),
729-34; (2) Survey of the Ord Dept, 20 Sep 29,
and Erie Proving Ground.7 In 1924 the Incl. 6, Survey of Depots and Excess Supplies,
Ordnance Department spent $309,655 for 320/377 NA.

number of parts that would be needed for took to the field, leaving only a handful
a similar operation in the future. 9 of men at Rock Island. At the training
Ordnance planners were aware that camps of the three Corps Areas they
overhaul at arsenals was expensive. Peace- checked matériel in the hands of troops;
time maintenance could be done more repaired, replaced, and issued all neces-
economically and efficiently by civilian sary Ordnance stores and equipment; and
mechanics in commercial repair shops. at the close of camp prepared the stores
Many commanders preferred to have work and equipment for winter storage. When
done locally to save the cost of transport- the company moved into the field, its
ing the matériel to and from an arsenal rolling equipment included thirty-four
and to avoid loss of the weapons for a trucks, of which nine were for artillery
long period. Yet the advantage of having repair, two for light repair, two for equip-
arsenal maintenance facilities ready to back ment repair, and six for spare parts; the
up corps area and field maintenance facil- rest contained baggage, a toolroom, a
ities in time of war outweighed considera- power saw, an office, and other cargo.
tions of economy or convenience.10 There were thirteen trailers, seven carry-
An example of the peacetime work of an ing various types of maintenance tools and
Ordnance maintenance company stationed equipment, five carrying parts, and one
at an arsenal is afforded by the 33rd Ord- containing a kitchen.11
nance Company (Heavy Maintenance), at
Rock Island Arsenal, organized 11 April Reorganization of Men and Equipment
1921 from the Ordnance detachment at
the Arsenal. Its peacetime strength was 2 The Ramsey Board appointed in Decem-
officers and about no enlisted men. The ber 1936 to study Ordnance manufactur-
only company at the Arsenal, it was com- ing and storage facilities in the United
fortably quartered in stone barracks with States also reviewed Ordnance mainte-
excellent recreational facilities, including a nance facilities "to determine whether in
large ballroom; for its mess it maintained the main such facilities should be concen-
a garden and some fine Holstein cattle. trated at a few of the manufacturing
The men of the company's Automotive, arsenals and depots or more widely divided
Artillery, and Small Arms Sections were
experts in the repair and upkeep of their
own types of materiel; those in the (1) Gibson, "Ordnance Maintenance En
Route," Army Ordnance, II, No. 11, (March-
Service Section were machinists, welders, April 1922), 268; (2) Ord FS Bull 5-1, 2 Jan
blacksmiths, saddlers, painters, carpenters, 30, sub: Field Service Modification Work Orders
and electricians. Method; (3) Ord FS Bull 4-2, 11 Aug 41, sub:
Spare Parts and Tools.
The company not only worked on the 10
(1) Report of Board of Officers to Prepare
matériel stored at the Arsenal but fur- Secret Plan Embodying an Ideal Set-Up for
nished maintenance service to the Fifth, Ordnance Manufacturing and Storage Facilities
in the United States, 15 Apr 37 [hereafter cited
Sixth, and Seventh Corps Areas, at whose as Ramsey Bd Rpt], OO 682/1499, copy in Site
various stations thirty-seven men of the Bd Rpts, ex. 20; (2) History, Augusta Arsenal,
33rd Ordnance Company were on de- I, Through December 1942, p. 198, OHF.
George W. Outland, "The 33rd Ordnance
tached duty throughout the year. During Company, Rock Island Arsenal," Army Ordnance,
the summer training season the company V, No. 28 (January-February 1925), 658-60.

among field establishments as seems to be tests that plans grew for the new triangular
the tendency at present." 12 The members division. The aim was to create a mobile,
of the board decided that existing policies hard-hitting division with a minimum of
were generally sound and should be con- noncombat troops. One means of reducing
tinued, but observed that maintenance nontactical overhead was to draw more
companies attached to line organizations heavily than before on higher headquar-
were prone to use more elaborate machine- ters for logistical support.14 Yet demands
tool equipment than was necessary, thus for maintenance were sure to increase,
turning their organizations into semi- because more mobility meant more mech-
permanent shops that could not be carried anization, and greater firepower meant
efficiently into the field. wider use of automatic weapons.
The question came up again in the If Ordnance personnel with the triangu-
summer of 1937 following tests in Texas of lar division were reduced, the Ordnance
the new "streamlined" Infantry division. organization at corps level, upon which the
The 3-truck Ordnance shop authorized in division would draw, would have to be
1935, composed of 2-1/2-ton trucks, strengthened. One means of making the
seemed to the using arms excessively heavy most of available personnel had been ob-
and bulky, and there was some talk of served in World War I by Col. James K.
eliminating it. Ordnance officers disagreed. Crain, who was Ordnance Officer of the
They considered machine-shop and weld- Eighth Corps Area from 1934 to 1939 and
ing equipment essential, for it was impossi- later became the first wartime Chief of
ble to carry an inexhaustible supply of Field Service. In France he had observed
parts, even if they were available. Parts that the French Eleventh Corps put all
had to be improvised at times; frequently ordnance companies of the corps in one
the parts on hand had to be machined or place to serve as a pool to support all
welded to fit them into the mechanism division and corps troops; in this way the
where they were needed. The answer to workload was kept even and there were
the problem of mobility was to simplify seldom any idle mechanics. This gave him
and reduce the equipment of the machine- the idea for an Ordnance battalion.15
shop and welding units. This effort, which The planners shaping the new division
continued throughout the thirties, was moved the Ordnance maintenance com-
aided by such commercial developments as panies out of the division and placed them
the power take-off that permitted the as corps troops to form a battalion under
truck engine to power the generator. In centralized control. Each division retained
addition to shop trucks, Ordnance com-
panies in the prewar years carried two Ramsey Bd Rpt.
(1) Lt. Col. Donald Armstrong, "To Keep
other types of automotive equipment: the Guns Firing: Equipment of the Modern
trucks for spare parts, and roving emer- Ordnance Maintenance Company," Army Ord-
gency trucks for repairing matériel in nance, XX, No. 116 (September-October 1939),
84-88; (2) History of the Field Service Mainte-
place whenever possible.13 nance Division, vol. I, From July 1939 to Decem-
Along with equipment, Ordnance stud- ber 1941 [hereafter cited as Hist, Maint Div,
ied the question of the number of men I], pp. 48-49, OHF.
Greenfield, Palmer, and Wiley, The Organi-
and amount of time required for mainte- zation of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 271-76,
nance in the 1937 tests. It was from these Interv, Crain, 17 Feb 54.

only a small Ordnance section composed of vantage. Some advocated specializing the
one officer and sixteen enlisted men. This companies, that is, having an artillery
new organization promised to promote company, an automotive company, and
efficiency as well as economy in manpower. so on. But this conflicted with the concept
By pooling Ordnance field personnel in as of the company as a balanced mainte-
large an organization as was practicable, nance team to support a rapidly moving
Ordnance planners believed that the full tactical unit. Planners tried the consoli-
force of the maintenance organization dated corps Ordnance shop, in which like
could be exerted where maintenance was sections of the different companies, such as
most needed. The load of spare parts of artillery sections, were grouped together
any company became a potential reserve under the senior section officer. Friction
for any other company; the mechanic developed between the different groups,
who specialized in a certain type of mainte- and it was difficult for the men to work
nance became available to other com- under a system that involved dual com-
panies. There would be greater economy mand, that of the company officer and the
in tools, since a single tool of a certain shop officer; also, there was confusion in
type might serve the entire battalion.16 going from shop formation to company
The new Ordnance battalion, consist- formation for the march and back again.
ing of three medium-maintenance com- For these reasons, in the Carolina man-
panies and one ammunition company, was euvers of 1941 the companies operated
attached to the IV Corps, and it was their own sections. The consolidated-shop
commanded by the Corps Ordnance Offi- system did have the merit of combining
cer. Tested in the April-May 1940 exer- the tools, parts, and manpower resources of
cises of the Third Army, it performed well. the companies; some officers believed that
Continuing study of this new organization this functional as opposed to tactical or-
indicated that the battalions should be of ganization would be preferable under
several types. By February 1941 five types actual combat conditions.
had been evolved: (1) Maintenance, at- In the 1941 maneuvers the Ordnance
tached to corps and consisting of three maintenance battalion worked satisfactor-
medium - maintenance companies; (2) ily. For Ordnance companies it provided
Maintenance and Supply, attached to a parent organization, the battalion head-
armies and consisting of two or more quarters, that knew and understood their
medium-maintenance companies, an Ord- problems and relieved them of difficult
nance depot company, and sometimes a housekeeping problems. It made "a family
heavy-maintenance company; (3) Ammu-
nition, attached to armies and consisting 16
(1) Speech, Brig Gen Edward E. Mac-
of two or more ammunition companies; Morland, Weapon Maintenance in Battle, OCO
(4) Armored, attached to general head- Maint Div, vol. 100, pp. 8-9, OHF; (2) Colby
quarters of the 1st and 2d Armored Di- (Comdr, Ord Bn, Fourth Army Corps), "The
New Ordnance Battalion: Maintenance and Sup-
visions; and (5) Aviation, located at air ply in the Streamlined Division," Army Ordnance,
bases.17 XXI, No. 123 (November-December 1940), 208.
Ordnance officers who participated in Ordnance Sergeant, I, No. 2 (February
1941), 65-66, and No. 6 (June 1941), 254-56;
the 1940-41 maneuvers studied several II, No. 3 (September 1941) 170-71, and No. 4
ways of using the battalion to best ad- (October 1941), 202-12.


of the Third Army.

of a group of orphans" 18 The observers three 600-gallon gas-and-oil trucks. There

considered command of the battalion by were also 6 scout cars with armament, in-
the corps Ordnance officer to be a distinct cluding light and heavy machine guns,
advantage because it provided a close submachine guns, and automatic pistols.19
working arrangement between all Ord- In 1942, when the planning for offen-
nance units and with the corps general sive action made it plain that the most
staff. economical use would have to be made of
The equipment of an Ordnance battal- all available manpower and every ship-ton,
ion was considerable: 3 artillery-repair Army Ground Forces concluded that
trucks, 3 automotive-repair trucks, 32 economy could best be achieved by a
emergency-repair trucks, 2 instrument- 18
repair trucks, 3 major shop trucks, 5 (1) Lt. Col. L. Monroe Bricker, Corps Ord
Officer, IV Army Corps, "Ordnance in the
small-arms repair trucks, 20 small-parts Field: Maintenance and Supply in the IV Army
trucks, 3 tank-maintenance trucks, 3 tool- Corps During Maneuvers," Army Ordnance,
and-bench trucks, 5 welding trucks, nine XXII, No. 132 (May-June 1942), 967; (2)
Greenfield, Palmer, Wiley, The Organization of
l0-ton wrecking trucks, 2 sedans, 12 Ground Combat Troops, pp. 357-58.
motorcycles, 1 water trailer carrying 250 "Professional Digest," Army Ordnance, XXII,
No. 129 (1941), 411. See also schematic drawing
gallons, 6 motor tricycles, 4 half-ton com- of the vehicles of Ordnance maintenance com-
mand trucks, one 1-1/2-ton cargo truck, panies, Army Ordnance, XXI, No. 124 (January
forty nine 2-1/2-ton cargo trucks, and -February 1941) facing p. 364.

further process of streamlining and pool- the General Staff called for recommenda-
ing. This time the streamlining—in the tions for overseas units in early 1942, he
sense of limiting a unit organically to what recommended the organization of Ord-
it needed at all times and not just oc- nance regiments, and his plan was ap-
casionally—was applied to the corps, proved.22 During 1942 four regiments, the
which General McNair considered to be a 301st, 302d, 303d, and 304th, were acti-
tactical, combat unit; and the pooling, in vated, and the 305th was partially acti-
the sense of massing units under higher vated. Recruited with the aid of commer-
headquarters for servicing of lower com- cial organizations such as the National
mands when needed, took place at army Automobile Dealers Association, they were
level. The idea was that the army was known as affiliated units. These units were
both a combat and an administrative experimental; their recruitment, training,
agency, the corps a combat agency only, and use in the field presented problems
unless it was operating independently, in that were never entirely solved.23 ASF
which case it would be reinforced to func- maintenance experts believed that more
tion as a small army. Thus, in the reor- effective service was obtained from smaller
ganization that took place in the summer and more flexible units. In the spring of
of 1943, the maintenance battalions at- 1943 the five Ordnance regiments were
tached to IV, VIII, and X Corps in the reorganized into individual, numerically
United States became a part of. the Third designated Ordnance Base Armament
Army troops.20 Maintenance Battalions; the battalions of
Overseas a new type of Ordnance or- the original regiments became companies.24
ganization had already taken shape. In
North Africa in the late fall of 1942 Col.
Urban Niblo, Ordnance Officer of II 20
Greenfield, Palmer, Wiley, The Organization
Corps, organized provisionally an Ord- of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 364-71 and 375
nance Group consisting of several battal- -76.21
(1) Mayo, The Ordnance Department:
ions. It was more flexible than a regiment, Ordnance Overseas; (2) Greenfield, Palmer, and
for battalions could be added to it or Wiley, The Organization of Ground Combat
detached from it as the situation de- Troops, pp. 357-59.
Maj. Gen. James K. Crain, "Ordnance in
manded. It was so successful that several the Field," Ordnance, XXXIX, No. 206 (Sep-
groups for operations at army level became tember-October 1954), 329. General Crain also
the accepted practice throughout the war. wanted an Ordnance brigade consisting of two
regiments—one Ammunition, one Maintenance
By April 1944 the Ordnance Group had a and Supply—but could not obtain General Staff
Table of Organization and Equipment. approval for it.
Going a step further, Niblo and others Green, Thomson, and Roots, Planning Mu-
nitions for War, ch. V; (2) Memo, CG ASF for
advocated an Ordnance brigade to control CG SOS Through CofOrd, 9 May 42 and 1st
the groups, but this proposal failed to win Indorsement, 16 May 42, OO 320.2/1759; (3)
approval.21 Ltr, Maj Gen Levin Campbell to Senator D.
Worth Clark, 11 Jul 42, OO 320.2/2129; (4)
There was a brief experience with regi- Memo, Brig Gen Julian S. Hatcher for Brig Gen
mental organization. In 1941 General James Kirk, 22 Sep 42, sub: Training of Ord
Crain foresaw the need for a new type of Base Regiments, OO 322.1/414; (5) History,
Troop Units Reports, 301st Ordnance Regiment,
unit to operate the large supply bases OHF.
that would be required overseas. When Ann Rpt ASF for FY 1943.

An important part of the reorganization was sent to a base shop, manufacturing

for war that took place in the late 1930's arsenal, or Ordnance depot.
was the effort to obtain better grades and Sometime in the 1930's the term echelon
ratings for Ordnance enlisted men. Pay came into use to describe these levels of
had been so low that skilled mechanics to maintenance. The work performed by the
repair the increasingly complicated tériel
ma- line organization was not
could firstbeechelon;
A General
done by the Ordnance maintenance com-
Staff survey in 1929 found Ordnance panies was second echelon; and that in the
personnel inadequate for work in the field, rear was third echelon.27 A study of
and as late as FY 1938 approximately 90 maintenance problems in 1941 suggested
percent of the maintenance funds allotted the possibility that more echelons might
to Ordnance officers of corps areas, de- be needed. The Motor Transport Service,
partments, and exempted stations went to before it was transferred from the Quar-
pay the salaries of civilian mechanics.25 termaster Corps to Ordnance in midsum-
As the Air Corps began to expand, it mer of 1942, had four echelons: the first
attracted many of the best Ordnance en- performed by the drivers; the second by
listed men. But in the summer of 1940 company, battalion, and regimental me-
General Crain managed to get much more chanics, who made inspections and the
liberal Tables of Organization, and by 1941 necessary mechanical adjustments in
Ordnance grades and ratings were second time to prevent failures; the third by units
only to those of the Air Corps.26 trained to make minor repairs, replace en-
gines, and supply parts; and the fourth
The Echelon System by semimobile or fixed shops that took care
of major repairs, general overhaul, recla-
The Army assigned responsibility for mation, and supply.28
maintenance in the field according to the Ordnance maintenance planners devised
skill and tools available at various levels. a 5-echelon system. The two types of
The individual soldier was responsible for
the proper care of his rifle, truck, or other 25
(1) Survey of the Ord Dept, 20 Sep 29,
equipment and for such minor repairs as he Incl. 13 to Ltr, SW to All Chiefs of Branches
and Burs, 1 Aug 29, sub: Spec Survey of the
was able to make; the company mechanic Mil Establishment; (2) WD OCO Annual Sum-
made the slightly more difficult repairs mary, Ordnance Digest of Activities, Including a
that he could accomplish with his limited Summary of Principal Operations Fiscal Year
1938, OHF; (3) Lecture, Maj Gen Charles M.
tools. The work that the using organiza- Wesson, Operations of the Ordnance Depan-
tion did not have the tools or parts to do ment, 12 Nov 38, Army War College, p. 14, OHF.
was turned over to Ordnance specialists (1) Crain, Diary, 27 Jun 49, OHF; (2) In-
terv with Maj Gen James K. Crain, 30 Jun 49,
in the field. The Ordnance men could per- OHF.
form a considerable amount of repair, but (1) Hist, FS Maint Div, vol. II, History
could not be so loaded down with tools From 7 December 1941 to December 1942 [here-
after referred to as Hist, Maint Div, II], p. 40:
and spare parts that they could not ac- (2) Ramsey Bd Rpt, pp. 33-37; (3) 2d In-
company the tactical unit to which they dorsement, (Memo, SW for CofS, 8 Dec 36, sub:
were assigned. Therefore, for everything Location of Government Mfg Plants). CofOrd to
TAG, 6 May 37, AG 381 National Defense, copy
beyond their capabilities—major overhaul in Site Bd Rpts.
or complete rebuild—the weapon or truck Hertz Rpt.

simple maintenance performed by the Every energetic shop commander of

using organization—the individual or the whatever echelon wanted to undertake all
regiment, battalion, company, or detach- work employing existing skills of his men.
ment—were labeled first and second ech- This meant demands for tools, parts, and
elon. That accomplished by Ordnance supplies beyond their tables of equipment
troops was now divided into two categories, and the capability of Field Service to
third echelon and fourth echelon. Third supply. Sometimes a third echelon com-
echelon, sometimes called medium mainte- pany, well dug-in at a permanent post,
nance, was done in mobile shops, in close forgot that it would some day have to
support of using troops. Soldier mechanics take the field and, consequently, accumu-
at this level took care of the overflow from lated more heavy items than it could trans-
lower echelons, replaced assemblies such as port.30 Deviations from the echelon levels
recoil mechanisms, engines, and transmis- were permitted, but only in emergencies.
sions, and supplied parts to the lower A third echelon Ordnance company, for
echelons. Fourth echelon, commonly re- example, might perform first and second
ferred to as heavy maintenance when arm- echelon work for exhausted combat troops
ament work was meant, was done in fixed or might provide fourth echelon mainte-
and semifixed shops serving a specific geo- nance for a new division whose station
graphic area. Its major function was the shop facilities were not ready for opera-
rebuilding of major items by using service- tion.31
able assemblies and subassemblies that ASF maintenance experts considered
were in stock or could be obtained by Ordnance too inflexible in its adherence to
cannibalization. Fifth echelon mainte- the echelon system. They felt that the field
nance, performed at an arsenal or base organization at the top would have been
shop, was the highest level and consisted more effective if it had made more allow-
of completely reconditioning or rebuilding ance for circumstances in which a heavy
materiel, and, to a limited extent, man- maintenance company, for example, might
ufacturing parts and assemblies. The work have to take on some of the work of a
in the first and second echelon class was medium maintenance company. They also
known as organization maintenance; that disliked the too-rigid compartmentation of
of the third, fourth, and fifth echelons fourth and fifth echelon work, arguing
was service maintenance.29
The echelon system required that the 29
(1) AR 850-15, 6 Oct 42; (2) Hist, Maint
various repair operations be definitely al- Div, II, pp. 44-45; (3) Draft MS, George R.
located to certain persons in pre- Powell, U.S. Army in World War II, Statistics:
established places; the guiding principle Maintenance, 16 Jan 50 [hereafter cited as
Powell MS], p. 2, OHF; (3) ASF Staff School
was that repair would be performed in the Presentation, Maintenance Policies and Proce-
lowest echelon of maintenance consistent dures, 23-24 May 44 [hereafter cited as ASF
with the availability of suitable tools and Presentation], pp. 5-6, 28 in 337 Confs 1944,
ASF Maint Div files.
necessary parts, the capabilities of per- 30
Ltr, MacMorland to Thomson, 10 Dec. 54,
sonnel, the time available, and the tactical OHF.
situation. Constant supervision was neces- (1) ASF Presentation, p. 33; (2) "Who Does
What and Why and When? or, Those Exasper-
sary to be sure that the work was done ating Echelons of Maintenance," The Ordnance
at the right echelon. Sergeant, V (February 1943), 142.

that a good mechanic could do either; simple, 2-wheel-drive type to more than
they maintained that, if a fourth echelon two hundred thousand highly complicated
shop could do fifth echelon work efficient- 4-wheel- and 6-wheel-drive types. Because
ly, it ought to be permitted to do so.32 of the rapid expansion of the Army, these
There were also differences of opinion on vehicles had been entrusted to young, often
the subject within Ordnance. General irresponsible drivers, commanded by inex-
MacMorland believed that the lessons of perienced officers who sometimes did not
the war had indicated that only three even require that their drivers have
echelons were necessary—organizational, operators' licenses. Few officers had ade-
field, and base.33 General Niblo believed quate mechanical training or background
that the five-echelon system was excellent in automotive shop work and parts supply,
and declared that, "No effort should be and this disadvantage, aggravated by lack
made to change this to such terms as of centralized control, accounted in large
organizational, field and base." 34 part for the poor condition of maintenance
Problems of Automotive Maintenance Ordnance planners looked at the new
motor vehicle problems not only from the
The transfer to Ordnance of the standpoint of maintenance operations, but
Quartermaster Motor Transport Service also that of maintenance engineering. In
brought a staggering maintenance task. In the weeks following the acquisition of
the peak war years 1944-45, the repair motor transport, poor co-ordination be-
and overhaul of automotive equipment ac- tween the various branches of the Ord-
counted for more than 75 percent of the nance Department delayed the issuance
total man-hours spent on the maintenance of Modification Work Orders, the dissemi-
of Ordnance materiel.35 More than a nation of technical publications, and the
million transport vehicles were transferred receipt of information on the development
to Ordnance in 1942. The magnitude of of new items. Often by the time mainte-
the maintenance problem is suggested by nance information on new projects was
the fact that there were thirty-seven differ- received, it was too late to apply it, as the
ent makes of cars and trucks; and over vehicle was already in production. The
three hundred different models.30 remedy was found in decentralization. In
The automotive maintenance problem late September 1942 the Chief of Ordnance
was of long standing. Shortly before Pearl transferred the Technical Unit of the
Harbor, Secretary of War Stimson, in for-
warding a report on motor transportation Interv with Maj Gen Frank A. Heileman,1
to the Chief of Staff, observed, "Our Sep 54.
Ltr, MacMorland to Thomson, 10 Dec 54.
motor transport maintenance system ought 34
Ordnance Lessons Learned in the U.S.-U.K.
to be the best in the world because our -and MTOUSA by Brig Gen Urban Niblo, Incl
people are the best natural mechanicians"; 1to Ltr, Niblo to CofOrd 27 May 46. sub:
Personal Ord Lessons Learned . . . During World
but the report revealed that both the ve- War II, OHF.
hicles and the maintenance facilities were 36
Powell MS, pp. 9, 16, 28.
in bad condition.37 In the eighteen months 37
Hist, Maint Div, II, p. 50.
Memo, SW for CofS, 22 Nov 41, QM 451
before Pearl Harbor, Army vehicles had E (Maint), copy in Hertz Rpt folder.
increased from a few thousand of the Hertz Rpt.

Maintenance Branch, along with the rest medium maintenance units under army
of the Automotive Section, to the new (or corps) control. In combat, beginning
Tank-Automotive Center in Detroit; and in North Africa, it was usual for line
within a short time this decentralization divisions to be backed up by additional
made it possible to expedite MWO's and third echelon companies.43
other actions requiring co-ordination.39
One of the earliest maintenance en- The Preventive Maintenance Program
gineering tasks was that of preparing for
combat landings. This entailed modifica- In the fall of 1941 a spot check of
tion of existing vehicles so that they could about one-third of the motor vehicles of
ford deep water, and improvement of the five divisions, made by a group of me-
design of new vehicles such as the amphib- chanics under the control of The Inspec-
ian truck (Dukw). The issuance of new tor General, showed that 47 percent of the
or modified vehicles required a program vehicles were improperly lubricated, 50
for acquainting the users with their char- percent had distributors loose or dirty and
acteristics by sending teams of specialists points badly burned, 49 percent had loose
into the field and publishing new Standard steering gear housings, 53 percent had
Nomenclature Lists.40 underinflated tires, 23 percent had im-
For repair work on automotive matériel proper wheel alignment, 36 percent had
in the field, the Ordnance Light Mainte- dry batteries, and 37 percent had tires
nance Company was made organic in the that were badly worn, cupped, and im-
division. Most automotive repairs had to properly mounted. There was no reason to
be made by the troops, for no Ordnance believe that this discovery did not represent
company, General McNair realized, could average conditions throughout the Army;
"even make a dent in the trucks of a and it was plain that the conditions were
division." 41 But the light maintenance mainly the fault of careless drivers.44 The
company could often take care of the Quartermaster General was inclined to
broken down vehicles that would other-
wise have had to be sent rearward to 39
(1) OCO-D Hist, Maint Div, pt. 1, vol. 22,
army shops. This was a great advantage sec., Parts Requirements Unit; (2) OCO FS
Maint Div, PSP 57, Maintenance Facilities, Per-
in combat, as it meant that the division sonnel, Equipment and Supplies, Jun 45, p. 15,
kept control of its equipment. And it OHF; (3) Capt. H. Durst, III, Final Rpt, OCO
illustrated the tendency to push as many -D Key Pers Rpts.
(1) PSP 57, pp. 16-30; (2) ASF Presenta-
repairs as possible forward to line units.42 tion, pp. 1-11; (3) FS Ann Rpts, Jul 42, p. 9,
General McNair intended the mainte- OHF; (4) MS, C. W. Spooner, Fording and
nance company in an armored, motorized, Floating Equipment (Record of Army Ordnance
Research and Development) and booklet, The
cavalry, mountain, or airborne division to Adaptation of Standard Combat Vehicles to Am-
make the division self-sufficient for a short phibious Operations, both in OHF.
period of time, that of the infantry di- Greenfield, Palmer, and Wiley, The Organi-
zation of Ground Combat Troops, p. 310.
vision to provide only a part of the neces- 42
sary third echelon maintenance. The in- (1) Ltr, McNair to CG's Second and Third
fantry division generally, and other divi- Armies, and Others, 5 Dec 42, sub: Ord Maint,
AGF files 400.402/-GNGDS; (2) Ltr, Mac-
sions occasionally, would have to be rein- Morland to Thomson, 10 Dec 54.
forced by the services of nondivisional Hertz Rpt.

blame the unit commanders for not en- constantly with the troops on preventive
forcing stricter maintenance discipline, maintenance and were instructing officers
and concluded: "When unit commanders as well as enlisted men.48
realize that a motor vehicle is a fighting The civilian advisers were recruited with
weapon, the greater part of motor trans- the assistance of several hundred trans-
port problems will be solved." 45 portation and maintenance executives
The Quartermaster Corps was sending throughout the country, who located, in-
to the troops preventive maintenance ma- terviewed, classified, and recommended
terial, including a monthly publication applicants. Qualifications were rigid: the
called Army Motors, and on the recom- men had to have wide experience either
mendation of the Hertz Committee, ap- as fleet superintendents, maintenance man-
pointed by the Undersecretary of War to agers, shop foremen, service managers, or
study motor maintenance, had tested with mechanics. There were several advantages
some success a program for using civilian to retaining them as civilians rather than
automotive experts as instructors in the commissioning them as officers. Under
field. But no standard procedures for pre- Civil Service their appointments could be
ventive maintenance had been evolved by effective immediately; age or slight phys-
the War Department, and the civilian ad- ical disability was no barrier; and as
viser program was scarcely out of the civilians they did not have to accompany
embryo stage.46 their assigned units into combat areas, but
Preventive maintenance had long been a could be reassigned to train newly acti-
subject of concern to Ordnance Field vated units.49
Service47 and it received concentrated at- Automotive advisers were not at first
tention after the assignment of motor authorized to accompany units leaving the
vehicle responsibility. In August 1942 Field United States, but the theater com-
Service organized a Preventive Mainte- manders began to request them in 1943,
nance Section and placed under it a unit after the landings in North Africa. In
to handle the Civilian Automotive Advisor March 1944 the War Department made
Program; a maintenance engineering unit
was charged with the preparation of stand- 45
OQMG, Comments on the Rpt on Motor
ard preventive maintenance procedures Vehicle Maint by Hertz, Hertz Rpt folder.
and with the publication of Army Motors (1) Hertz Rpt; (2) OCO-D Hist, Maint
and technical manuals. Div, pt. 1, vol. 22, Summary of Activities of
Preventive Maintenance Section (Prior to 1 Jan-
The men directing the Civilian Auto- uary 1943) [hereafter cited as OCO-D Preven-
motive Advisor Program devoted their first tive Maint Summary], pp. 25-26.
efforts to recruiting better qualified ad- Capt. George H. Schoenbaum, "Lubrication:
The Essence of Ordnance Operation and Mainte-
visers and then to giving them more nance," Army Ordnance, XXII. No. 129 (Novem-
thorough indoctrination in Army pro- ber-December 1941), 393.
(1) OCO-D Preventive Maint Summary, pp.
cedures than had before been possible. The 25-28; (2) Ann Rpt FS FY 1943, p. 13: (2)
unit also prepared a booklet to guide them Report on the Army July 1, 1939 to June 30,
and provided better supervision in (he 1943: Biennial Reports of General George C.
Marshall, Chief of Staff of the United States
field. By July 1943 these civilians, whose Army to the Secretary of War (Washington.
numbers had increased from six hundred 1943), p. 108.
to about sixteen hundred, were working Hist. Maint Div. II, pp. 66-68.

them available for overseas duty upon re- materials and components created serious
quest of the theater commanders, but over-all maintenance problems and special
proportionately few went overseas. As of problems of meeting the need for compo-
11 September 1945 there were 61 in the nents such as ball and roller bearings,
ETO, 34 in the Pacific Ocean Area, 2 in plain bearings, and electrical equipment
the African Middle East Theater, and 1 and instruments. General Campbell rec-
in India-Burma.50 Ordnance officers con- ommended to General Somervell that even
nected with the program felt that the stronger emphasis be placed on preventive
central authority to co-ordinate and sup- maintenance along with the reclamation of
ervise it, which was given to the Chief of critical automotive components when un-
Ordnance in October 1943, might better serviceable, and strict control of the supply
have been issued at the beginning.51 The of critical items. ASF accordingly began,
program was delayed because of inability in close liaison with Ordnance, a special
to obtain qualified men, but Maintenance program of education to alert users and
Division experts felt that it was of "im- repairers of vehicles to the importance of
measurable value" in the earlier stages of conservation. This involved the use of
the war. After Ordnance had had time to posters, cartoons, magazine articles, and
train its own people in automotive prob- other kinds of publications. 55
lems, the need for civilian advisers les- Ordnance's Preventive Maintenance
sened.52 Branch improved the format of Army
Ordnance took other steps to promote Motors and stepped up the circulation. A
preventive maintenance. In November peak of 211,000 was reached in August
1942 maintenance planners requested AAF 1945. The percentage that went to the
and AGF officers to join them in forming using arms is indicated by the figures for
a Preventive Maintenance Board to act as October 1945: 19,885 to Ordnance per-
a clearing house for procedure and tech- sonnel and installations, and 174,392 to
niques, to co-ordinate training, and to all other services, including the Marine
standardize forms. At the same time Gen- Corps, Navy, Seabees, and Coast Guard. 56
eral Campbell requested the aid of the
Society of Automotive Engineers, which 50
Final Reports of Lt E. D. Scholey, 19 Oct
had within its organization a group of 45, and Lt Col Monroe F. Weill, 8 Oct 45,
experts conducting research on mainte- both in OCO-D Key Pers Rpts.
nance problems. This group, together with Scholey Rpt.
(1) Weill Rpt; (2) Hist, Maint Div. II. p.
representatives from Ordnance, formed the 109; (3) Ann Rpt FS FY 1944, p. 12.
Ordnance Vehicle Maintenance Commit- (1) Ann Rpt FS FY 1944. pp. 64-6.1 and
tee to study and do research on specific 69-70: (2) Ltr, Maj Gen Levin Campbell, to
A. W. Herrington. President, SAE, 26 Nov 42.
problems of military maintenance. 53 But OO 334.8 15708: (3) FS Office Memo 86.11
reports by ASF observers during ma- Dec 42.
neuvers in the fall of 1942 and spring of Ltr. CG ASF to CofOrd and Others. 16 Apr
43. sub: Lack of Preventive M a i n t , ASF Maint
1943 indicated that an intensive training Div files, 400.402 Preventive M a i n t 1943.
program at troop level was essential.54 55
Memo, Campbell for Lt Gen Brehon Somer-
vell, 2 Sep 43, sub: Conservation of Automotive
In the fall of 1943 shortage of man-
Equipment, and Indorsement 1 Oct 43. ASF
power, demands of the Navy and AAF, Maint Div files. 431 Vehicles, Sep-Dec 43.
and limitations on the supply of critical Weill Rpt.

In addition to the magazine, the Branch dents) were the result of driver neglect." 58
disseminated thousands of posters to the A survey group from the Inspector Gen-
troops, a new design every two weeks. eral's office reported from North Africa
Most effective were those featuring "Joe that Ordnance officers were unanimous in
Dope" who did everything wrong. Car- declaring that basically the American
toonist Will Eisner, a private at Aberdeen soldier was extremely wasteful and un-
Proving Ground, drew the amusing pic- disciplined where maintenance was con-
tures. The text consisted of catchy rhymes cerned. He seemed inherently extravagant
such as: and irresponsible. If an American driver
At maneuvers Joe Dope took a tank
had trouble with his carburetor he im-
Hell bent o'er a 30-foot bank. mediately demanded a new one, even
Uncle Sam, you can guess, though the only trouble was the malfunc-
Now can boast one tank less— tion of one small part. Vehicles left along
As for Joe, he's a permanent blank!57
Hist, Maint Div, II, pp. 42, no, and ex. 33.
These educational efforts were helpful, An ASF-sponsored Army Preventive Maintenance
but early reports from overseas indicated Week to be proclaimed by the President was
that nothing could take the place of turned down by the CG ASF as being merely
"an advertising scheme" of little value. Memo,
maintenance discipline. A General Staff Maj Gen LeRoy Lutes for ASF Director Opns,
officer in NATOUSA in April 1943 ob- 1 Oct 43, sub: Army Preventive Maint Week,
served that "Driver maintenance was uni- ASF Maint Div files 400.402.
Memo, Col Floyd C. Devenbeck, Chief Policy
versally bad. Service units reported that Br, for Chief Preventive Maint Br, 5 Aug 43,
almost without exception vehicles pre- sub: Overseas Maint Deficiencies, ASF Maint
sented for repair (excluding those in acci- Div files, 400.4 Maint.

the roadside unguarded were cannibalized experts.61 There was ample recognition of
by almost every passer-by.59 Failure of the fact that maintenance would con-
the users to grease the clutch-release tinue as a Field Service problem in direct
bearing in the half-tracks of an armored ratio to the degree to which preventive
division caused loss of the vehicles at maintenance was accepted as a responsi-
critical times; failure of tank crews to bility of the command to which Ordnance
lock the 75-mm. guns on medium tanks equipment was assigned.62
during a march damaged the turret rotat- A year after the transfer of trucks to
ing mechanisms and deadlined thirty-five Ordnance, The Inspector General's dead-
to forty badly needed tanks. In the latter line report showed a progressive decrease
case the Commanding General fined those in deadline percentages. In the opinion of
responsible $50 each—and the failures General Campbell, this result was achieved
fell to zero.60 by emphasis on preventive maintenance,
This was an extreme case, but it did and by the increasing co-operation of field
show that at least one officer understood commanders in the enforcement of mainte-
maintenance discipline as well as combat nance discipline.63 It was a sign that the
discipline. Some officers did not themselves Army had passed through the first hectic
appreciate the importance of proper pre- stage of mobilization and training and was
ventive maintenance. In one theater a settling down to smoother, more efficient
supply train carrying ammunition, rations, operation.
fuel, and lubricants to a regiment about to
launch an offensive literally fell apart, with Maintenance Shops
more than 50 percent of the trucks on
deadline, not only because of disregard One of the first problems faced by Ord-
of maintenance by the drivers but also nance after taking over motor transport
because the corps permitted the trucks to
run twenty-four hours a day for weeks 59
Memo, Brig Gen Frank A. Heileman, Dep-
without any time out for upkeep. Better uty Director of Opns, ASF, for Director Stock
indoctrination of field and staff officers Contl Div, 24 Aug 43, sub: Survey of Organiza-
was indicated. One way of doing it was tions, Admin, Supply and Procedures of the North
African Theater of Opns, ASF Maint Div files,
developed by the 26th Infantry Division. 400.4 Maint.
Each staff and field officer was given a ASF Presentation, pp. 33-34.
two weeks' refresher course, one hour a (1) ASF Presentation, pp. 28-34; (2) Ltr,
CofOrd to CG AGF, thru CG ASF and ACofS
night; and a different staff officer was G-4, 4 Oct 43, sub: Preventive Maint Training
assigned each day as motor officer of the Program, and Indorsement 15 Oct 43, OO 353/
day to keep a close check on all equipment. 4736; (3) Memo, Lt Col Thomas B. Evans for
Chief, Preventive Maint Br ASF, 4 Aug 43, sub:
In seven months this program brought Improvement of Preventive Maint, ASF Maint
deadlined vehicles down to one-tenth of Div files, 400.402 Preventive Maint 1943; (4)
one percent. Frequent and formal com- Ltr, Col William S. Conrow to Lt Col Walter
C. Thee, 25 Sep 44, sub: Preventive Maint of
mand inspection by high-ranking officers, Vehicles, ASF Maint Div files, 451 Maint Neg-
in the course of which they checked the lect, Jun-Nov 44.
preventive maintenance procedures of unit Ann Rpt of FS for FY 1944, p. 8.
Memo, Maj Gen Levin Campbell, for CG
commanders, and other techniques of con- ASF, 14 Aug 43, sub: Transfer of Fifth Echelon
trol, were developed by Ordnance and ASF Automotive Shops to SC's. OO 020/776.

vehicles was that of combining the various though some progress was made toward
repair shops for automotive and armament consolidation, it was not sufficient to pro-
matériel. For both types of matériel, third vide the answer to these problems. Most
echelon maintenance was accomplished in Service Commanders considered consolida-
the United States at posts, camps, and tion impractical, mainly because the
stations. For automotive matériel, fourth physical facilities were separated. 65
echelon maintenance was done in Ord- The Chief of Ordnance could only offer
nance Service Command Shops that served advice and guidance in the formulation of
districts covering a radius of from one any plan, for the Service Commander had
hundred to one hundred fifty miles con- responsibility. In July 1942 third and
taining eight thousand to ten thousand fourth echelon maintenance had passed
vehicles. These Ordnance Service Com- from the old Corps Areas to the newly
mand Shops performed heavy mainte- formed Service Commands; the geograph-
nance, supplied parts to lower echelons, ical boundaries were about the same, but
handled tire inspection and reclamation, the Service Commands, as field agencies of
and evacuated major units to base shops ASF, had tighter control. Reporting on
for overhaul. Sometimes located at posts, maintenance conditions in the fall of 1942,
but often in cities, they usually consisted The Inspector General was inclined to
of seven buildings—two for shop opera- believe that the Service Commander had
tions, two for storing parts, two for inspec- too much control over heavy maintenance
tion, reclamation, and salvage operations, for vehicles, and that one of the basic
and one for administration. The) employed causes for the unsatisfactory condition of
from 240 to 275 persons.64 Fifth echelon vehicle repair was separation of the two
maintenance for automotive matériel was functions of maintenance and supply. The
done at base shops formerly under the Ordnance Service Command Shops, serv-
Quartermaster but transferred to Ord- ing the motor districts, obtained supplies
nance; for armament, the work was done from motor bases controlled by the Chief
at Ordnance arsenals and depots. of Ordnance. While a parts representative
There were advantages to combining the of the base generally operated in each dis-
automotive and armament shops. A shop
that repaired tanks and guns as well as 64
Min, Conf of CG's, SC's. . . , 18 Dec 42,
trucks could, for example, use one paint New Orleans, La., p. 18, ASF Contl Div files,
shop, one reclamation section, one tire dr 65G104.
(1) Memo, Col James L. Keasler for a Col
section, and one safety and security officer Campbell, 18 Aug 42, sub: Ord and QM Maint,
instead of the two or three that would be in binder, Hist, Maint Div OCO-D 1942-45,
required if the facilities were operated exs. to Gen Hist; (2) Ltr, CofOrd to CG First
SC, 12 Dec 42, sub: Ord Maint, and Indorse-
separately; spare parts could be concen- ment, 5 Feb 43, OO 400.5/2644; (3) Ltr, CofOrd
trated instead of scattered; and labor to CG Second SC, 12 Dec 42, sub: Ord Maint,
could be shifted from one shop to another and Indorsement, 23 Dec 42, OO 400.5/2645;
(4) Ltr, CofOrd to CG Third SC, 12 Dec 42, sub:
to meet peak loads of work. Faulty distri- Ord Maint, and Indorsements, 25 Feb 43, 8 Apr
bution of the maintenance load, caused by 43, OO 400.5/2654; (5) Ltr, CofOrd to CG Fifth
SC, 12 Dec 42, sub: Ord Maint, and Indorse-
rapid expansion in all echelons and tardy ment, 7 Jan 43, OO 400.5/2648; (6) Ltr, CofOrd
activation of the higher echelon establish- to CG Seventh SC, 12 Dec 42, sub: Ord Maint,
ments, was a serious problem. But. al- and Indorsement, 10 Feb 43, OO 400.5/2653.

trict to control stock levels, his efficiency to do as much of their own overhaul work
was affected by the fact that he was there as possible.68
only on sufferance of the commanding gen- As one solution to the problem, the
eral of the Service Command. Chief of Ordnance considered contract
Because of the close correlation of parts operation of the shops, but he finally con-
and maintenance, The Inspector General cluded that they ought to be a Government
concluded that the districts ought to op- operation.69 At a conference, ASF and
erate as sub-bases under the control of the Ordnance representatives agreed to con-
base commanders. To the objection that tinue the shops under Government opera-
this system would concentrate too much tion but to transfer them from Ordnance
control in the Office, Chief of Ordnance, to the Service Commands, with the under-
the answer was that vehicle supply ought standing that the Chief of Ordnance re-
not to be different from supply of other tained technical direction through publica-
matériel, which was requisitioned by the tions and letters of instruction.70 The
post from the area depot; and that fourth details of the transfer, including decisions
echelon maintenance pertained more to on a definition of technical control, were
supply than to maintenance, because Army worked out during August 1943. The
Regulation 850-15 prescribed that when ASF and Ordnance representatives finally
vehicles required fourth echelon mainte- agreed that technical control of the shops
nance they should be turned in and other would consist of instructions covering the
vehicles issued in their place.66 utilization of equipment, tools, shop meth-
General Somervell, constantly opposing ods, shop layouts, and procedures to insure
the "separatist" tradition of field adminis- uniform quality. 71
tration in the technical services,67 did not
favor turning over control of the Ordnance 66
Memo, Brig Gen Philip E. Brown, Deputy,
Service Command Shops to the Ordnance TIG for CG SOS, 11 Jan 4:5, sub: Maint In-
Department; on the contrary, he wished spection for Period 1 Oct-31 Dec 42, ASF Maint
to strengthen the Service Commands as Div67 files, 400.4 Maint.
Millett, The Organization and Role of the
much as possible and to give them even Army Service Forces, p. 321.
greater control of ASF field problems. Yet Memo. CofOrd for CG ASF, 14 Aug 43,
sub: Transfer of Fifth Echelon Automotive Shops
better integration of automotive mainte- to SC's, OO 020/776, copy in Hist, FS Maint
nance had become necessary. The quality Div, vol. III, pt. 1, History From 1 January 1943
of the work performed in the fifth echelon to 31 March 1944 [hereafter cited as Hist,
Maint Div, III ], ex. 7. OHF.
shops was excellent, and the shops were of 69
great assistance to the Ordnance training 70
Memo for Rcd, ASF Maint Div files, 635
program for mechanics; but as of mid- Shops (Gen) 1943. General MacMorland con-
sidered release of the shops to the Service Com-
summer 1943 the shops were starved for mands "no great sacrifice." Ltr. MacMorland to
work, operating at about one fourth of Thomson, 71
10 Dec 54.
their capacity. There were two main Memo, Heileman, Deputy Director Opns,
ASF, for CG, ASF, 27 Aug 43, sub: Transfer of
reasons for this situation: (1) much of Fifth Echelon Automotive Shops to SC's, and
the Army's matériel was new and had Memo Routing Slip, Heileman for Maint Div
not reached the stage of major overhaul; (Col Conrow), both in ASF Maint Div files,
folder 635 Shops (Gen) 1943. See also ASF Cir
and (2) there was a natural desire on the 76, 11 Sep 43, sec. II, Transfer to SC's of Fifth
part of fourth echelon shop commanders Echelon Automotive Maint Activities.

Effective 1 November 1943 three of the collaborated in the solution of technical

six Ordnance Base Shops for automotive problems, supply interchanges, and the
work were turned over to Service Com- equalization of work loads, he recorded
mands—Whittemore to the First Service that all the Service Commands "were im-
Command, Atlanta to the Fourth Service bued with the idea of winning the war and
Command, and Mount Rainier to the appreciated the real efforts we were making
Ninth Service Command. Stockton was to provide guidance in maintenance prob-
closed and Normoyle was consolidated with lems." 75
Red River Ordnance Base Shop, which
Ordnance retained as a reserve plant for Combined Shops
rebuilding u n i t assemblies, and for doing
such overflow work as might have to be Consolidation of Post Ordnance Shops
evacuated from the Service Commands.72 with the Ordnance Service Command
Service Commands had full responsibility Shops that were located on posts was early
for maintenance through the fifth echelon recommended by Ordnance maintenance
but had the privilege of referring to the experts as being economical in tools, equip-
Ordnance Department all fifth echelon re- ment, parts, and personnel.76 By the
building of engines beyond the capacities spring of 1943 the using services were
of their shops. For assemblies other than convinced that the dual channels and dual
engines, they could contract overflow work procedures involved in having at the same
to local commercial shops. Any work not post one Ordnance shop commanded by
handled by those two methods was referred the Post Commander and another com-
to Ordnance for transfer between Service manded by the Commanding General of
Commands, for commercial contracts, or the Service Command were confusing and
for overhaul at Red River.73 wasteful. The Commanding General of
For armament the Ordnance Depart- ASF agreed; but he was already consider-
ment had full responsibility for all fifth ing a much more inclusive type of con-
echelon work. For tanks and combat ve- solidation.77 This was a combined shop
hicles it had responsibility for such fourth for repairing matériel of all types, whether
echelon maintenance as could not be han- Quartermaster, Ordnance, Engineer, or
dled in Service Command shops or by 72
Ann Rpt of FS for FY 1944, p. 9.
maintenance companies of Army Ground 73
(1) Memo, Brig Gen Edward MacMorland
Forces. For small arms, artillery, fire con- for CofOrd, I Mar 44, sub: Ord Maint Re-
sponsibilities, Hist, Maint Div, III, ex. 2; (2) Ltr,
trol instruments, and all tools, third and Maj Gen Edward MacMorland to Thomson, 10
fourth echelon responsibility rested with Dec 54.
post, camp, and station shops (Service Memo, Brig Gen Edward MacMorland for
CofOrd, 1 Mar 44, sub: Ord Maint Responsi-
Commands) and maintenance troop units bilities, Hist, Maint Div, III, ex. 2.
(AGF, ASF, AAF). 74 75
Ltr, MacMorland to Thomson, 10 Dec 54.
The co-operation of the Service Com- Presentation by Brig Gen James Kirk, in
Min, Conf of CG's, SC's. . . , 18 Dec 42, pp.
mands with Ordnance was "a source of 30-31.
gratification" to General MacMorland. Ltr, CG Armored Force to CG ASF, 31 Mar
After the war, recalling a series of meetings 43, sub: Automotive Maint, and Indorsements,
10Apr 43, 16 Apr 43, 3 May 43, and 25 May
at which ASF, Service Command G-4's, 43, AGF 400.402 (3-31-43), copy in ASF Maint
and Service Command Ordnance Officers Div files, 451 Vehicles, Mar-Aug 43.

other technical service. It was like the under the Signal Corps. During the experi-
system used by the British, who turned ment representatives of the Service Com-
over all shop operations to their Royal mands and technical services visited Fort
Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Knox, at General Somervell's direction,
(REME). It would include an automotive and submitted comments and recommen-
shop, an armament and instrument shop, dations. General MacMorland, who at-
a clothing and equipment shop, an elec- tended for the Chief of Ordnance, thought
trical equipment shop, a machine shop, the combined shop operations as exempli-
and a paint shop. fied at Fort Knox would give satisfactory
A survey by the ASF Maintenance results at large posts, camps, and stations;
Division had convinced ASF planners that that the consolidation seemed to have re-
the whole shop system in the Zone of the sulted in a reduction of personnel; and
Interior was haphazard and wasteful. Of that the overhead would not be excessive.
the 656 shops in operation as of 2 June He recommended that the plan be tested
1943, 526 were under the supervision of at one large post in each service command
the service commands, 89 were under the before being adopted.79 Tested through-
technical services, 27 under the port com- out the service commands in model shops
mands, and 14 under the defense com- and redrafted in accordance with sugges-
mands. All had been established to meet tions by service command and technical
the immediate requirements of each com- service officers, the combined shop plan
mand or technical service, without co- was placed in effect 7 September 1943 at
ordination or any over-all policy, and there all posts, camps, and stations (except
was inevitably duplication of effort and Class IV) in the United States.80
inefficient use of men and tools. ASF The integration was accomplished, but
planners felt that shop facilities represented without enthusiasm on the part of either
one of the most important fields of mainte- the service commands or the technical
nance activity in which improvement services; in fact, "resentment and objec-
could be effected. Accordingly, in May 78
(1) Monograph, Maintenance Problems, A
1943, they drew up a plan to provide for History of the Maintenance Division Headquar-
the receipt, inspection, and repair of all ters, Army Service Forces, Apr 43-1 Sep 45
[hereafter cited as Hist, ASF Maint Div], pp.
Army matériel of all technical services 126-30, OCMH; (2) ICAF Rpt 28, Maintenance
by a shop, or group of shops, co-ordinated Operations of the War Department, Apr 46
under the supervision of a maintenance [hereafter cited as ICAF Rpt 28], 28-29, ICAF
shop officer for operation.78 79
(1) ICAF Rpt 28, p. 30; (2) Memo, Lt
Technical supervision of each shop in Gen Brehon Somervell for TQMG and Others,
the group was to be assigned to the tech- 31 Jul 43, sub: Combined Maint Shops at Posts.
Camps, and Stations; (3) Ltr, Maj Gen Richard
nical service having major interest. At Donovan to CG ASF, 19 Aug 43, sub: Consolida-
Fort Knox, where the plan was tested in tion of Maint Activities at Posts, Camps, and
July 1943, the armament and instrument Stations, both in ASF Maint Div files. 635
(W210-25-43), ASF; (4) Memo, CofOrd for
shop, the automotive shop, the machine CG ASF, 4 Aug 43, sub: Combined Maint Shops
shop, and the paint shop were under the at Posts, Camps, and Stations, ASF Maint Div
Ordnance Department, the clothing and files, folder 635 Shops (Gen) 1943.
(1) Ltr, Somervell to CG First SC and
equipment shop under the Quartermaster others, 7 Sep 43, sub: Combined Maint Shops:
Corps, and the electrical equipment shop (2) WD Memo W210-25-43. 7 Sep 43.

tion," it seemed to the ASF historian, nance problem, he believed, was an Ord-
persisted throughout the life of the com- nance problem; the solution was to con-
bined shop system. The technical services centrate on economies in Ordnance
maintained that, since they were responsi- maintenance.83
ble for the development, procurement, and Some idea of the size of the Ordnance
provision of spare parts for equipment, operation as compared with that of the
they ought also to have responsibility for other services is indicated by a breakdown
maintenance. They feared that, in com- of the 89 shops operated by the technical
bined shops, operating standards would services before the combined shop plan
be lowered and that men belonging to one went into effect: 51 were Ordnance, 12
technical service would neglect the equip- were Engineers, 11 were Signal, 8 were
ment of another.81 The Ordnance position Transportation, 5 were Quartermaster,
was that the same authority that con- and 1 each was operated by the Chemical
trolled the supply of parts, tools, and sup- Warfare Service and the Medical Depart-
plies ought also to control shop operations, ment. Of the 526 shops operated by the
as was the case with their own Field service commands, 288 were Ordnance,
Service; they had observed that the fault 163 were Quartermaster, 37 were Signal,
in the British system was that REME did 28 were Engineers, and 10 were Transpor-
not control supply. And General Mac- tation. Of the 14 shops operated by the
Morland "never had much patience" with defense commands, 13 were Ordnance and
the idea that Ordnance would favor its 1 was Signal; of the 27 operated by the
own operations to the detriment of the port commands, 21 were Ordnance and 6
other technical services. In North Africa were Signal.84 Ordnance was unsympa-
he had visited an Ordnance medium thetic to combined shops, and opposition
maintenance company which was busy to them in other quarters, extending to
making repairs to all types of equipment, The Inspector General's representatives,
mainly Medical Department items.82 could not be overcome, in spite of the
Service Commanders pointed out some belief at ASF headquarters that the com-
of the practical difficulties in operating bined shops were a satisfactory and eco-
combined shops. One could see little need nomical operation.85 In July 1945 the War
for additional organization with the inevit-
able increase in personnel. The command- 82
Hist, ASF Maint Div, pp. 132-33.
ing general of the Eighth Service Com- Ltr, MacMorland to Thomson, 10 Dec 54.
(1) Ltr, Somervell to CG Third SC, 28 Ju!
mand pointed out the great disparity 43, sub: Consolidation of Maint Activities at
between the amount of Ordnance mainte- Posts, Camps, or Stations, and Indorsement, 24
nance and that of any other technical Aug 43, ASF Maint Div files, 635 (W210-25-
4 3 ) ; (2) Ltr, Donovan to CG ASF, 19 Aug 43,
service. At the Camp Hood shops, for sub: Consolidation of Maint Activities at Posts.
example, there were 417 Ordnance shop Camps, or Stations, 19 Aug 43.
employees as compared with 68 for Quar- Hist, ASF Maint Div, p. 128 and ex. A.
(1) Ibid., p. 133; (2) Interv with Heileman,
termaster and 13 for Signal. At Fort Knox, 1 Sep 54; (3) Memo, Conrow, Director Maint
four out of the six shops were under Div, ASF, for Director of Supply ASF, 10 Jun
44, Sub: Rumors Tending to Undermine Morale
Ordnance supervision, and Ordnance had within Combined Shops at Posts, Camps and
75 percent of the personnel and 90 percent Stations, and Memo for rcd. ASF Maint Div
of the shop equipment. The real mainte- files. 635 Shops Jun-Dec 1944.

Department approved a new plan by as "ready for issue" by Service Command

which combined shops could be discon- shops required further repair.88
tinued at the option of the commanding Ordnance was also responsible for the
generals of the service commands and the supply of spare parts, engines, assemblies,
shops could revert back to the technical tools, and other equipment required for
services. They were retained in only two the task of overhaul. To augment this sup-
service commands out of nine, the Second ply, returned matériel centers were set up
and Third.86 at Twin Cities Ordnance Plant in Minne-
apolis, at the Salt Lake Branch of Ogden
Ordnance Depot, and at the Cressona
The Reclamation Program of 1944 Ordnance Plant in Pennsylvania. There
were eventually five such plants, and by
Because of confusion about the meaning August 1945 more than 200,000 tons of
of the word reclamation, the Army Service equipment were being processed each
Forces in a circular dated 6 December month. In the reclamation of tires, pro-
1943 defined it as "the process of restoring duction rose from 69,000 per month in
to usefulness condemned, discarded, aban- 1944 to 202,000 in the month of January
doned, or damaged property, or parts, or 1945.89
components thereof, by repair, refabrica- In spite of critical spare parts shortages
tion or renovation." By December 1943 and a manpower shortage caused by the
the subject had become important enough shipment overseas of base shop personnel,
to warrant a definition, a circular, and a Service Command shops and Ordnance
program. Troops departing for the in- shops were maintaining by early 1944 an
vasion of Europe left mountains of dam- excellent production rate on the overhaul
aged weapons and vehicles at posts, camps, of general purpose vehicles. This was
and stations; at the same time a trickle of
unserviceable but repairable matériel was
coming back from overseas. 86
(1) Hist, ASF Maint Div, pp. 142-45; (2)
The need for a definite reclamation WD Cir 207, 7 Jul 45.
program was centered in the spare parts (1) Hist, ASF Maint Div, pp. 25, 29; (2)
Ltr, Lt Gen Somervell to CofOrd and others, 18
problem. Early in 1944 inability to pro- Dec 43, sub: Repair of Unserviceable Wheeled
duce enough new trucks to meet the Vehicles, ASF Maint Div files, 451 Vehicles,
enormous demands of the European thea- Sep-Dec 43; (3) Memo, Conrow, Director Maint
Div ASF, for the Director of Supply, ASF, 17
ter made it necessary to repair or rebuild Feb 44, sub: Repair of Unserviceable Vehicles for
used trucks for shipment overseas. Re- Overseas Shipment, ASF Maint Div files, 451
pair and rebuild were responsibilities of Vehicles,
Jan-Mar 44.
(1) Monograph No. 8, p. 82; (2) Col B.
the Service Commands, but Ordnance had Ourisman. Final. Rpt, 4 Oct 45, OCO-D Key
technical supervision of the work. This Pers Rpts; (3) Min, Ord-SC Conf, Maint, Stor-
involved close liaison with Service Com- age, Stock Contl and Reclamation, 8-9 May 44,
p. 43, OHF.
manders to determine the locations and 89
(1) Maintenance Division Annual Report for
quantities of unserviceable vehicles and to 1945, Hist OCO-D, FY ending 30 Jun 45
distribute the work among Service Com- [hereafter cited as Ann Rpt Maint Div 1945] ;
(2) Ourisman Rpt; (3) A. D. Rathbone, IV,
mand shops. Ordnance inspectors discov- "Junk Goes Back To War," reprint from Liberty
ered that many of the vehicles designated magazine, 10 Feb 45, OHF.

achieved by recruiting civilians on a large 12,476 were overhauled at commercial es-

scale and working overtime—often on a tablishments.94 The shift to dependence
two-shift and even three-shift basis. Be- on commercial facilities for combat vehicle
ginning in January 1944, the preparation repair in 1945 is revealed by the fact that
of transport vehicles for shipment over- private organizations accounted for only
seas was the No. 1 priority job for Service 7 percent of the light tanks rebuilt in 1944,
Command shops.90 and handled 65 percent of those rebuilt in
Late in 1943 Ordnance maintenance the first five months of 1945.95
experts had to turn their attention to
tanks, motor carriages, armored cars, and
tracked vehicles. The need to supply over-
seas theaters could not be met from new (1) Memo, Conrow, Director Maint Div
ASF, for Director of Supply ASF, 26 Feb 44, sub:
production, for there had been a cutback. Repair of Gen Purpose Vehicles for Overseas
It could be met only by overhauling com- Shipment; (2) Memo for Rcd, 3 Mar 44, sub:
bat vehicles that had been used in train- Conf—Heileman, MacMorland, Conrow, and Col
Alfred Johnson, Factory Overhaul Gen Purpose
ing. But these were generally in poor con- Vehicles and Combat Vehicles. Both in ASF
dition, for the troops had neither the skill, Maint Div files, 451 Vehicles, Jan-Mar 44; (3)
the tools, nor the time to keep their equip- See also Ann Rpt Maint Div, p. 8.
(1) Memo, Brig Gen John Christmas, Asst
ment in good repair. Though the Chief of Chief OCO-D, for CofOrd, 22 Oct 43, sub:
Ordnance recommended factory overhaul, Factory Overhaul and Modernization of Tanks
ASF preferred Service Command Shops. and Other Combat Vehicles, and Indorsements,
14 Nov, 13 Dec 43, 1 Jan 44, OO 470.8/464
The program originally provided that Tank; (2) Memo, CG ASF for CofOrd, 6 Mar
preference be given first to Service Com- 44, sub: Factory Overhaul and Modification of
mand Shops, second to Ordnance Depart- Ord Matériel, OO 470.8/854 Misc.; (3) ODO 72
-44, 24 May 44, sub: Rehabilitation of Combat
ment Shops if a major overhaul was Vehicles.
necessary, and third to commercial shops (1) Memo, Brig Gen Edward MacMorland,
for an operation that amounted to re- Chief Stock Contl Div, for CG OCO-D, 12 Jul
44, sub: Overhaul of Tank and Combat Vehicles,
manufacture. 91 OO 451/2820; (2) Memo, CG ASF for CofOrd.
But by midsummer of 1944 it became 29 Jul 44, sub: Remanufacture of Tanks, OO
evident that thousands of combat vehicles 470.8/1361 Tank; (3) Memo, Brig Gen Elbert
L. Ford, Chief Maint Div, for CG OCO-D, 30
would have to be overhauled to meet Aug 44, sub: Remanufacturing Program, OO
overseas requirements, and that the work 451/2992; (4) OCO-D Historical Summary,
could not be done by Ordnance arsenals Maint Div, pp. 13-14.
(1) Hist, ASF Maint Div, p. 66; (2) Memo,
or by Service Command shops already Conrow for Director of Supply ASF, 16 Nov 44,
burdened with the tremendous job of sub: Additional Automotive Repair Facilities, in
overhauling transport vehicles.92 Before ASF Maint Div files, 451 Vehicles, Nov-Dec
44; (3) Memo, CG, ASF for CofOrd, 11 Feb 44,
the year was out Ordnance came to rely sub: Overhaul and Modernization of Motor
more and more upon contracts with com- Vehicles other than Combat Vehicles, and 1st
mercial facilities.93 During 1944 and Indorsement, CofOrd to CG ASF, 14 Feb 44. OO
451/2334; 2d Indorsement (Memo) Brig Gen
1945, out of a total of 1,248,557 transport Ford to CG OCO-D, 13 Dec 44, sub: Status of
vehicles repaired or overhauled, 74,268 Rehabilitated Combat Vehicles, Misc. Correspon-
dence re Rehabilitation Program: (4") See also
were repaired at commercial shops. For
Ch. XI, above.
the same period, out of a total of 79,653 94
Powell MS, pp. 9, 13.
combat vehicles repaired or overhauled. Monograph No. 8, p. 83.

Trends in Maintenance Engineering correct safety and functional faults, and

prepared Products Correction Reports.99
The experience of World War II led To secure firsthand information from the
many Field Service officers to believe that field, the suboffices sent out maintenance
some maintenance problems could have teams, first to troops in training in the
been solved by closer co-ordination within United States, and later to theaters all over
Ordnance and with the using arms. Too the world. These specialists gave instruc-
frequently, some experts felt, designers did tion on the maintenance of new equipment
not give enough consideration to mainte- and brought back data on previously un-
nance problems, so that when the matériel reported malfunctions of various types of
reached the field extensive modifications Ordnance matériel.100
were necessary. These observers were con- Among the most important engineering
vinced that if designers gave more atten- contributions to the preventive mainte-
tion to easy removal of parts for repair nance program were the preparation of
and replacement the problems of field lubrication guides for use in the field and
maintenance would be greatly simplified. the standardization of fuels and lubricants.
Closer co-ordination in the preparation of Because each agency responsible for the
Essential Extra Parts Lists (EEPL's) was development of weapons and vehicles in
also needed, as well as better and faster the rearmament program of 1939-40 is-
methods of getting maintenance publica- sued its own instructions governing the use
tions out to the field and obtaining better of fuels and lubricants, there were, by late
information from the battlefields.96 Late in 1940, more than 250 types required for
1943 ASF experts stressed the importance Ordnance equipment. At that time the
of using field experience data to determine Ordnance Department began a program to
maintenance factors, estimating that ap- reduce the number of types, and by March
proximately 80 percent of production for 1943 had succeeded in cutting down the
1944 and 100 percent for 1945 would be number to 37. Another effort toward
determined in that way.97 standardization was directed at lubrication
Improvements in maintenance were fittings and grease guns.101
noted after 1943 when the Chief of Ord- A continuing task of maintenance en-
nance established maintenance suboffices gineers was the analysis of reports on mal-
at Rock Island Arsenal, Frankford Arsenal, function and failure of all types of Ord-
and the Detroit Tank Arsenal. At these 96
(1) FS Ann Rpt, Jul 43, p. 10, OHF; (2)
centers of technical information, mainte- Capt Arthur G. Alen, Final Rpt, 21 Sep 45,
nance experts studied drawings or, if FS Key Pers Rpts; (3) Ourisman Rpt.
drawings were not available, went to man- Memo, Maj Gen Wilhelm Styer, for CofOrd
and others, 13 Sep 43, sub: Determination of
ufacturing plants and looked over the Maint Factors, copy in G-4 files.
shoulders of draftsmen.98 In addition to 98
(1) FS Ann Rpts, Jul 43, p. 10; (2) Mono-
analyzing the designs of new matériel graph 99
No. 8, p. 78; (3) PSP 57, pp. 110-12.
(1) Lt Col Harry H. Needham, Final Rpt,
with an eye to improved maintainability, 5 Aug 46, FS Key Pers Rpts; (2) Ann Rpt
the suboffices also studied methods and Maint 100
Div, 1945, pp. 3-4.
PSP 57; pp. 109-10.
procedures for preventive maintenance, 101
(1) Ibid.; (2) Monograph No. 8, pp. 78
analyzed performance of matériel in the -80; (3) Hist, ASF Maint Div, pp. 259-60; (4)
field, issued Modification Work Orders to Alen Rpt, 21 Sep 45.

nance matériel; the conducting of tests to aged major item rather than to attempt
correct faults; and the issuance of Modifi- to repair it, and whether it was not better
cation Work Orders (MWO's) to the to cannibalize for parts that were rarely
field so that equipment could be made needed, rather than attempt to supply
safer or more efficient on the spot. Men spare parts to make any and all repairs.
who worked closely on the very important Acquainting maintenance engineers more
MWO program felt that the greatest thoroughly with design and production
danger was the tendency to publish too aspects of Ordnance seemed to be indi-
many work orders. MWO's took up the cated. One tank expert at Detroit believed
time of the using troops, and it was that obtaining men sufficiently informed in
extremely difficult if not impossible to con- all phases of development, engineering,
trol the parts involved and to have a production, and maintenance of new ma-
central control on the modification per- tériel was one of the major problems of
formed. the war. There was a general feeling that
An example of the parts difficulty is the Ordnance Department ought to con-
revealed in a letter General Campbell sider establishing in peacetime a more
wrote to General Hughes, Deputy Theater definite maintenance policy.104
Commander of NATOUSA, about the M6 Yet flexibility was essential, as was an
heavy tractor for towing heavy guns: "It open mind toward new techniques such
is a new design and, like all designs, when as the spare parts ships suggested by Gen-
it reaches production and use in the field eral Campbell, the floating depots pro-
the bugs will begin to appear. Then we will posed in the Central Pacific area, and the
make a series of changes to correct the plan for a maintenance-and-manufacturing
bugs and in the meantime our spare parts center for a theater of operations worked
will not be applicable to the latest tractor out by Field Service's Maintenance Di-
and then our troubles, as usual, will vision. Above all, good maintenance
start." In the last year of the war, engineering depended greatly on the freest
OCO-D's Maintenance Division made a possible flow of technical information, in
study of all work orders issued and in both directions, between the technician in
process, and those not considered abso- the office and the soldier in the field.
lutely essential to the safety of the user or 102
Ltr, Maj Gen Levin Campbell, to Maj Gen
the functioning of the matériel were Everett Hughes, 13 Dec 43, Gen Campbell's
canceled.103 Personal Correspondence (Overseas Material).
(1) Needham Rpt; (2) OCO-D Maint
A searching examination into all phases Div Ann Rpt 1945, p. 3.
of maintenance after the war convinced (1) Lt Col Louis M. Ballard, Final Rpt, 22
many Ordnance specialists that tighter May 45, OCO-D Key Pers Rpts; (2) MS, Wil-
fred G. Burgan, The Spare Parts Problem and a
control and more emphasis on standard- Plan. Mar 48, OHF; (3) Maj William L. Dren-
izing good maintenance practices were nen, Final Rpt, OCO-D Key Pers Rpts.
heeded. On hardly any other aspect of (1) Memo, Campbell, for Somervell, 15 Jan
44; (2) Memo, Col Robert A. Case, Director
Ordnance operations had there been more Stock Contl Div ASF, for Director of Supply,
diverse views. There was need for careful ASF, 24 Jan 44, sub: ASF Spare Parts Ships,
evaluation of various theories on such both in ASF Maint Div Files, 451.9 Spare Parts
Policy; (3) PSP 57, pp. 133-345 (4) MS, Lt
matters, for example, as to whether it was Col Charles R. Petticrew, Ordnance Floating
cheaper in many cases to replace a. dam- Depots, 10 Sep 45.

Appraising the Record who viewed the Ordnance Department
during the defense and war periods from
In the months and years that followed the offices of the Assistant Secretary of
the defeat of Germany and Japan, the War and the Lend-Lease Administrator,
wartime leaders of the Ordnance Depart- spoke highly of Ordnance procurement
ment looked back upon their achievements plans and operations, but in postwar in-
with a keen sense of satisfaction. They felt terviews he expressed disappointment that
they had made a significant, if not always Ordnance leaders had not been sufficiently
fully appreciated, contribution to victory. "international-minded" to appreciate the
General Harris was outspoken in his needs of allied nations. Officers who had
praise of the Ordnance record on pro- served in ASF headquarters went much
curement; General Crain and General further in their criticism. They conceded
Hatcher were equally emphatic about the that in many areas Ordnance had done
Ordnance Department's success with stor- an excellent job, but they complained that
age, issue, and maintenance. General most influential Ordnance officers resented
Campbell wrote a book to eulogize the staff supervision and did not make good
"Industry-Ordnance Team" and to por- team players. Combat commanders over-
tray its war record as "an epic of industrial seas usually spoke well of the Ordnance
accomplishment which had never been equipment and support they received, but
equaled in the history of the world." No they sometimes voiced criticisms. Some
less laudatory was the volume on research complained that American tanks were no
and development that appeared in 1947 match for the enemy's: others denounced
over General Barnes' signature, Weapons the Ordnance failure to provide combat
of World War II. In reviewing the ad- troops with the ammunition they needed:
vances in weapons made during the war still others castigated Ordnance for fail-
General Barnes gave a special salute to ing to provide enough spare parts for
science, allotting credit for "results far maintenance. General Niblo, an Ordnance
beyond our expectations" to "the Science- officer with long experience overseas, found
Industry-Ordnance team," thus introduc- many points at which Ordnance service in
ing a term that was to gain wide currency the field needed improvement. 1
in Ordnance circles after the war.
The farther one moved from the immedi- The activities of Ordnance units overseas form
ate staff of the Chief of Ordnance the the theme of the volume by Lida Mayo, The
Ordnance Department: Ordnance Overseas, a
more frequently one heard notes of criti- volume in preparation in the scries UNITED
cism in the postwar years. General Burns, STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II.

In any attempt to review and evaluate peace," it provided influential civilian

the Ordnance record on the procurement backing for Ordnance interests. Through
and supply fronts, one fact stands out the meetings of its many local posts and
clearly and serves as a point of departure: special committees, and through its maga-
much of what the Ordnance Department zine, Army Ordnance, it helped foster an
did in World War II was an outgrowth of interest in industrial preparedness and in
its experience in World War I. Most of the the training of Ordnance reserve officers.
senior officers of the Department in World The manufacturing arsenals of the Ord-
War II were men who still remembered nance Department antedated World War I
their own successes and failures in World by many years, Springfield Armory tracing
War I. Major elements of the Ordnance its history back to the days when
organization had been created during or George Washington was President. Though
immediately after World War I. The Field starved for funds during the 1920's and
Service Division, for example, was a direct 1930's, they managed to preserve some
outgrowth of World War I, and its chief munitions manufacturing capacity for a
in the 1940-42 period, General Crain, nation that vainly hoped it would never
brought to his office valuable experience again have to resort to war. Because the
gained as a young officer with the AEF. Ordnance budget was so low during the
The Ordnance district offices had first interwar years the arsenals were unable to
been established in 1918 to relieve the con- replace equipment that wore out or be-
gestion that hampered procurement offi- came obsolete; they soon fell behind the
cials in Washington. Though closed for a rapidly advancing American technology.
time after the Armistice, they were soon When the nation began to rearm in 1940
reopened on a skeleton basis in the early -41, the arsenals were far from modern
1920's and became permanent elements and their staffs were depicted. They never-
of the Ordnance Department. Within the theless proved their value as the "Regular
limits of their meager budgets, the district Army of production," carrying the load
offices—with their unusual combination almost single-handedly while civilian in-
of military and civilian leadership—kept dustry was tooling up to make guns, am-
in touch with industries capable of con- munition, and tanks. For many months
version to munitions manufacture. They during the so-called defense period before
were not strong in 1940-41 when the need Pearl Harbor, Frankford Arsenal was the
again arose for placing huge contracts sole source of small arms ammunition for
with industry, but they were in existence the U.S. Army, and Springfield Armory
and were rapidly expanded. was the only producer of the new M1
Outside the official hierarchy, but of rifle. Meanwhile, the arsenals helped in
great importance to it, was the Army another way: they opened their doors to
Ordnance Association, also an outgrowth engineers from industry and made avail-
of World War I. Founded in 1919 as a able to them Ordnance drawings, specifi-
voluntary association of American citizens cations, and descriptions of manufacture.
(headed by Benedict Crowell, wartime It is impossible to calculate to what extent
Director of Munitions) to promote "in- the process of rearmament would have
dustrial preparedness for war as being one been delayed had there been no arsenals,
of the Nation's strongest guarantees of but there certainly would have been some

delay. During an assessment of the value came daily more urgent.

of the arsenals the question may well arise Impetus for the one most important
as to how the war might have turned out decentralizing move came with the trans-
if the June 1944 invasion of the continent fer from the Quartermaster Corps to
had been held up even for six months and Ordnance of responsibility for motor trans-
Germany had meanwhile pushed forward port vehicles in 1942. No other organiza-
with its atomic research and its develop- tional change during the war had such
ment of V-2 weapons. great impact on Ordnance. The transfer
Along with developments based on the affected some four thousand contracts
past came new factors that sprang from valued at $3 billion. It brought into the
the experience of World War II itself. Ordnance supply system a great variety of
Most notable, perhaps, was the emergence civilian-type vehicles, enormously compli-
of the Technical Division (later named cated the task of supplying spare parts for
Research and Development Division) as a maintenance, and made Ordnance procure-
major organizational element on a par with ment equal in dollar value to the procure-
the Industrial Division and Field Service ment of all the other technical services
Division. Under the energetic leadership combined. The acquisition of new storage
of General Barnes, it gave recognition to space made the Ordnance Department the
the increasing importance of science and largest warehouse operator in the world.
technology in the development of modern To keep the decentralization picture in
weapons. At the other end of the develop- perspective it should be noted that Ord-
ment-procurement-supply chain were the nance had adopted a policy of decentral-
greatly expanded activities of Field Serv- ized operations long before 1942. The
ice with scores of new storage depots, a storage depots and the six "old line" man-
vast bookkeeping operation, and complex ufacturing arsenals—Springfield, Water-
problems of organization and management. town, Watervliet, Frankford, Picatinny,
Other new developments on the organiza- and Rock Island—were historic examples
tional side were the steady trend toward of decentralized operations under central-
decentralization, the delegation of more ized supervision. After the procurement
and more responsibility to the arsenals and district offices built up their staffs in
district offices, and the creation of new 1940-41 and assumed authority to make
field agencies such as OCO-Detroit and contracts, they, too, represented a major
the St. Louis office of the Field Director delegation of authority by the Chief of
of Ammunition Plants. There were two Ordnance. They placed a large measure of
factors working toward decentralization: procurement authority in the major in-
one was the vast size of the Ordnance dustrial areas of the nation, close to the
task, demanding that it be broken up into industrial firms that were to sign Ordnance
small pieces; the other was the congestion contracts.
and lack of office space in Washington. The other side of the organizational
Even after completion of the Pentagon in coin was represented by the new Army
1942, office space in the Washington area Service Forces, created early in 1942 to
remained at a premium, and the need to provide for all the technical services more
check the trend toward concentrating supervision and control than that to which
authority at the seat of government be- they had formerly been accustomed. In
both procurement and supply ASF and its servers that the prewar plans were value-
commanding general, Brehon Somervell, less because not followed to the letter, the
exerted a good deal of influence on the evidence suggests that the planning was
Ordnance Department. The decision, for well conceived and proved more helpful in
example, to transfer trucks from the Ordnance than in the other technical
Quartermaster Corps to Ordnance was services. Had the planners been given more
essentially a Somervell decision. On the public support and more funds to work
supply side, it was ASF that directed the with, the results of their efforts would have
redistribution of depot space in 1943 and been even more apparent.
in 1944 established new and lower stock One of the hardest things for General
levels. In fact, of the many Ordnance Wesson and his staff to accept in the
activities, there was scarcely any major 1940-41 period was the low priority as-
aspect that was not touched by ASF in signed to Ordnance procurement. In an
one way or another. It was almost inevi- economy where priority ratings were more
table that friction should result from the important than money, the Ordnance De-
sudden imposition of unwonted controls. partment found that it had to take third
Ordnance leaders were, to some extent, place, ranking below both the Navy and
set in their ways and reluctant to change; the Army Air Forces. "We were so far
they were also able, strong-minded men ahead of the rest of them in our advance
with long years of experience. They re- planning," some Ordnance officers com-
sented supervision by management experts mented, half in jest, "they had to hold us
who, in their opinion, had little or no back to let the others catch up." Because
technical knowledge of the procurement the nation's strategic position in the 1940
and supply of munitions. Yet one of the -42 period led to emphasis on air power
worst mistakes made by Ordnance itself and sea power, the Ordnance procure-
early in the war period was placing too ment effort, being geared mainly to supply
much faith in civilian supply experts un- of the ground army, had to take a back
familiar with military procedures. scat. Its rate of progress was thus inescap-
Ordnance procurement officers took ably slowed.
special pride in their prewar planning; A notable Ordnance procurement inno-
they felt that it had contributed greatly vation in World War II was the wide-
to the success of the Nation's rearmament, spread use of government-owned, con-
especially in the 1940-41 period. General tractor-operated (GOCO) facilities. Plants
Wesson, General Harris, and their associ- and works of this type were needed
ates were convinced that maintenance of chiefly to make powder and explosives and
the arsenals and district offices in time of to load ammunition. As there were no
peace paid big dividends in 1940 and 1941. civilian plants that could readily be con-
Ordnance leaders steadfastly maintained verted to these purposes, nor any appreci-
that surveys of industry, accepted sched- able opportunity for commercial profit in
ules of production, educational orders, and the peacetime manufacture of military
production studies proved their value at ammunition, such plants had to be built
the start of the rearmament drive by by the government if they were to be built
saving the all-important commodity, time. at all. Broadly speaking, the experiment
In spite of objections raised by some ob- with GOCO facilities was highly success-

ful. Ordnance managed to recruit compe- foreseen twists and turns in the course of
tent firms to operate the plants; it strictly events. The Army high command, Ord-
enforced safety regulations with excellent nance leaders said in effect, with help and
results; it achieved quantity production, a advice from Ordnance, must plan ahead,
high level of quality, and steadily decreas- determine long-range production goals,
ing costs. The main criticism of the GOCO and then stick with them. Given time and
contracts was that they were sometimes money, they said, there was nothing they
too liberal in permitting contractors to could not produce—but the manufacture
make profits that were out of proportion of fighting equipment would take both
to services rendered. time and money and must be planned for
The chief blot on the artillery ammuni- long in advance. Changes in the plan
tion record was the failure to provide could and must be made to keep produc-
enough heavy artillery ammunition for the tion in step with battlefield needs, but
invasion of Europe. It was not a failure changes must be held to a minimum and
on the production front but a mistake in approved only after careful study of all
planning. During the early months of the factors in the situation.
war, top Army planning agencies decided Among the mistaken overestimates of
to put their faith in light and medium requirements, the Ordnance Department
artillery, and aerial bombing. To a large objected most strongly to those for small
extent their faith was justified. But heavy arms ammunition and tanks. The goals
artillery was needed, too, and, when an set for both early in 1942, while the shock
urgent demand for big guns and ammuni- of Pearl Harbor was still fresh and British
tion came in 1944, Ordnance was unable needs were being dramatically revealed by
to produce them overnight. Ordnance of- Churchill and his advisers at White House
ficers who had for many years been heavy conferences, soon proved to be completely
artillery advocates were keenly disap- unrealistic. As Ordnance leaders warned
pointed that the demand for it came late at the time, some of the productive capac-
in the war and had to be handled on a ity built at great expense during 1942
"blitz" basis. With heavy tanks and heavy- proved to be unnecessary even before the
heavy trucks the story was much the year was out.
same. The same was true of storage depots,
These examples illustrate the importance but here it was Ordnance rather than the
of sound strategic planning and accurate Army staff that set its sights too high.
forecasting of future requirements. On this Given a relatively free hand in 1940-42,
point, all Ordnance leaders were in agree- Ordnance built more depots than it
ment at the end of World War II. Some needed. ASF then stepped in, redistributed
considered requirements as the Number the excess capacity, and allocated storage
One problem of the Ordnance Depart- space on an Army-wide basis.
ment; others rated it somewhat lower; In striving for efficient operation of its
but all recognized its great importance. vast supply and distribution system, Ord-
They also recoganized that it was an ex- nance found that many factors had to be
tremely difficult problem to deal with. No considered. Nearness of depots to manu-
matter how imaginative and farsighted the facturing plants had to be weighed against
planners might be, there were always un- nearness to ports of embarkation; the de-
sirability of vast desert tracts for safe, dry only limited experience in the field mainte-
storage had to be balanced against the nance of a truck fleet.
problem of labor shortage in such areas. To one not familiar with the complex-
The integration of the storage space ac- ities of automotive spare parts, the assign-
quired from the Motor Transport Service ing of a name and number to each part
in 1942 called for a good deal of reshuffl- as a means of identification would seem to
ing, as did the ASF-directed redistribution be a fairly simple task. But in World War
of excess capacity in 1943. On top of all II it was far from simple, partly because
this, Ordnance was justly criticized for of the vast number of parts made by many
making too frequent changes in depot different manufacturers — some inter-
missions, with resultant expense and loss of changeable, some not—and partly because
efficiency during the periods of change- Ordnance was in the throes of adapting
over. The Master Depot System of 1943 its parts numbering system to electrical
was an ambitious plan to put Ordnance accounting machines at the time the truck
storage operations on a sound basis, but transfer brought in some hundred thou-
it worked no miracles. sand additional parts. The "Numbers
Of all the many categories of Ordnance Racket," as Ordnancemen dubbed this
items, spare parts for vehicles caused the problem, caused endless trouble and was
most trouble, in both procurement and still not solved at the end of the war. Some
distribution. The trouble originated with vehicle parts masqueraded under many
the Quartermaster Corps' losing battle "aliases" as well as under their basic
during the 1930's to standardize Army names and numbers. As a result, vitally
trucks. The transfer of transport vehicles needed spare parts could sometimes not
to the Ordnance Department in the latter be found because, for lack of a good
half of 1942 made it necessary for Ord- numbering system, they were "lost." The
nance suddenly to assimilate a vast num- one most effective step toward solving the
ber of unfamiliar items. Before that time problem was the compilation of many
nearly everything procured by Ordnance volumes of interchangeability data known
had been a military item designed under collectively as ORD 15, supplemented by
Ordnance supervision exclusively for mil- ORD 14 for combat vehicles and ORD 5
itary use. With the exception of tanks and for tools.
a few special articles such as new fire On the procurement side, Ordnance
control devices, Ordnance had many years recognized early in the defense period that
of experience on which to base its estimates production of spare parts had to be given
for replacement parts. As a result, the just as high a priority as production of
wartime supply of spare parts for weapons complete items. The principle was sound
—"shooting ordnance"—was usually ade- enough but it was not easy to apply,
quate. But with military trucks the situa- particularly as the procurement people did
tion was much different. In the first place, not see eye-to-eye with the supply people.
trucks were basically civilian vehicles con- Requirements for spare parts were based
verted to military service; they were man- at the start on educated guesses and had
ufactured in many different makes and to be adjusted later as field experience
models with a bewildering variety of parts data became available for more accurate
and parts numbers. Second, the Army had forecasting. How far to go in the direction
of supplying all types of parts for all types nance districts to help remedy the lack of
of equipment was another unresolved new machine tools by bringing to light the
problem at the end of the war. existence of used tools or recommending
When it received responsibility for alternative types.
transport vehicles in September 1942, Stock control appeared as a new term
Ordnance was fortunate in one respect: in the military vocabulary during World
the worst of the procurement crisis was War IL It described an activity that was,
over. The Quartermaster Corps had gone in essence, as old as war itself—the mainte-
through a trying period since the summer nance of an orderly flow of supplies to
of 1940, laying the groundwork for a troops. But the magnitude of the supply
large-scale truck procurement program; task in World War II introduced the need
soon after Pearl Harbor steps had been for elaborate procedures to keep records
taken to harness the automotive industry on hundreds of thousands of separate
to the war effort. By the fall of 1942 items destined for shipment to troops in
three remarkably successful vehicles were all parts of the world. Had Ordnance
either in production or ready for produc- given more attention during the 1930's to
tion—the ¼ - t o n jeep, the 2-1/2-ton adapting the Ordnance Provision System
truck, and the 2-1/2-ton amphibious to sudden wartime expansion, or had it set
Dukw. The one serious lack was in up a training program for new Field Serv-
heavy-heavy trucks, for which the using ice employees in 1940, some of the delays
arms then foresaw no great need. Though and difficulties experienced in this area in
total truck production was high all during World War II might have been avoided.
the war, it nevertheless lagged behind The influence of ASF on Ordnance stock
schedule year after year, especially in the control methods came too late in the war
heavier types. to be of great value, but the experience
Among the most successful devices pointed up lessons for the future.
Ordnance developed to break bottlenecks, The Ordnance Department, and the
speed production, and promote co- Army as a whole, learned much about
operation among contractors in the auto- maintenance during the war, particularly
motive industry, and all other industries, maintenance of trucks and tanks. Long
were the many integration committees before World War II a tradition of good
formed during the war. Fully protected maintenance practice had been well es-
from prosecution under the antitrust laws, tablished in the Army, reaching from the
these committees formed meeting grounds soldier's daily care of his rifle to the proper
where representatives of all the firms mak- upkeep of buildings and grounds. But the
ing a certain product could discuss their rapid expansion and mechanization of the
manufacturing problems, exchange ideas, Army during the 1940's, and the influx
and arrange for temporary loans of ma- of millions of raw recruits led by inexpe-
terials, machinery, or production experts. rienced officers, brought neglect of equip-
Countless production problems were set- ment maintenance. A profligate and irre-
tled in committee meetings by the men best sponsible spirit pervaded many units.
qualified to deal with them. Closely re- Regardless of the administrative problems
lated to the integration committees were relating to echelons of maintenance and
the machine-tool panels formed in the Ord- the control of repair shops, the one lesson

of the war that stood out above all others, make the difficult transition from war to
from the maintenance point of view, was peace without suffering a postwar de-
that troops must learn maintenance disci- pression.
pline as well as combat discipline. Illness Though Ordnance officers seldom men-
and death caused by disease can cripple tioned it as anything remarkable, the Ord-
an army as effectively as wounds inflicted nance Department's record of honesty was
by shot and shell; vehicles with broken certainly noteworthy. Ordnance procure-
springs or burned out bearings caused by ment officers placed contracts for billions
neglect or rough handling can halt an ad- of dollars worth of war matériel with
vance just as surely as damage from enemy thousands of industrial firms, both large
action. and small, without any taint of graft or
On the procurement front, the Ord- corruption. In all the Congressional investi-
nance Department, acting almost entirely gations of irregularities in wartime pro-
on its own initiative, did some significant curement, no evidence was uncovered to
pioneering work in applying the techniques show that any Ordnance officer or civilian
of statistical quality control to acceptance employee profited from double dealing.
inspection. Here, as with so many other Ordnance procurement was sometimes
Ordnance activities, the seeds were sown criticized on the ground that it was too
during the 1920's and 1930's. Progress slow, too cumbersome, or too favorable to
was slow during the prewar years, partly big business; but it could not be criticized
because the need for new inspection for lack of integrity. The mistakes made
methods was not urgent and partly be- appear to have been honest mistakes, not
cause few Ordnance officers were enthusi- fraud. Most Ordnance leaders apparently
astic about statistical sampling techniques. saw nothing remarkable in this fact; they
But, with the coming of war production on simply took it for granted as being the
a tremendous scale, the theories of Col. least that was expected of them.
Leslie E. Simon and others were put to the
Looking to the Future
test, in a few limited areas at first, and
then with gradually widening usefulness. Long before the war was over, General
They helped make Ordnance inspection Campbell gave serious thought to the form
more efficient and rational, and shifted to the postwar organization of the Ordnance
the contractor more of the responsibility Department should take. As early as Jan-
for quality production. uary 1944 he appointed a board of officers
In its speedy termination of contracts headed by General Harris to study the
Ordnance set a record of which it could matter and prepare recommendations.
well be proud. With the approval of the General Campbell described his thinking
War Department, and in consonance with on the matter as follows:
acts of Congress, it worked out—long As the outcome of the war became appar-
before the war ended—enlightened plans ent I considered that it might well be of
for terminating and settling contracts great value to the future of the Department
without elaborate and time-consuming and. of value to the Army and the country
audits. Speedy contract termination not if a Board composed of men who had been
through the Ordnance job from the declara-
only promoted good will in the business tion of war, and who were to continue as an
community but also helped the nation active part of the Department until the

War's end and possibly beyond that period, Department, and to consider the assign-
were to study and report upon the future ment and promotion of key personnel. It
organization of the Department and its per- was also felt that the position of Deputy
sonnel. I thought that the recommendations
of these men, many of them of long expe- Chief would "tend to break down some of
rience, all of whom were engaged in the the present dividing lines" between the
successful operation of the Department, major operating divisions.4
would be of more value and would be better The most important recommendation of
founded in fact than observations to be made the Harris Board was for the establish-
after the war by officers returning from over-
seas who had not been connected in any ment of six decentralized Product Centers,
way with the Industrial and Field Service each with full responsibility for design,
front. 2 procurement, storage, and maintenance of
During February the board's preliminary a certain class of matériel, and with
report was distributed for comment to six jurisdiction over all arsenals, plants, and
general officers, most of whom gave it depots dealing with such matériel. "The
their approval, and on 12 May the final finally accepted organization," the Board
Harris Board Report was placed on Gen- reported, "must be based upon product
eral Campbell's desk.3 lines, with strong centralized control, and
This report recommended that the Ord- complete integration by product, from de-
nance headquarters consist of five major sign to obsolescence." The six Ordnance
services closely comparable to the existing establishments proposed by the Board as
services and staff branches. The Military Product Centers were the following:
Service was to combine the Military Plans Springfield Armory Small Arms and Small
and Training Service with the Military Arms Ammunition
Personnel Branch; the Administrative Rock Island Arsenal Artillery
Service was to be made up of five existing Frankford Arsenal Fire Control
Indiana Ordnance
staff branches—Legal, Fiscal, Plans and
Works Ammunition
Requirements, Civilian Personnel, and Augusta Arsenal Troop Equipment and
Control. Both of these services were to Miscellaneous Supplies
report directly to the Chief of Ordnance, Detroit Tank Arsenal Tanks and Transport
but the other three services, to be known
as Research and Development, Procure- The recommendations of the Harris
ment (formerly Industrial), and Supply Board thus combined the functional and
and Maintenance (formerly Field Service), 2
Ltr, Campbell to Thomson, 7 Sep 49, OHF.
were to be responsible to a Deputy Chief See also Memo CofOrd for CG, ASF, 13 Aug
of Ordnance for Matériel Services. The 43, sub: Prod, OO 400.12/9396, and Memo CG,
Board recommended creation of this po- ASF, for CofOrd, 21 Aug 43, sub: Prod, OO
sition of Deputy Chief to relieve the Chief 3
Report of the Committee on Post-War Organ-
of Ordnance of the responsibility for su- ization of the Ordnance Department, 12 May 44,
pervising all the activities of the Depart- OHF. The Harris Board was appointed by Ord-
nance Special Order 14, 17 January 1944, and
ment, and thus allow him more time to consisted of Generals Harris and Armstrong, Col.
confer with chiefs of the using arms, with Philip R. Faymonville (vice General Safford, re-
representatives of higher headquarters, and lieved), and Colonels Clarence E. Partridge, Reed,
Raaen, and Gerson K. Heiss.
with committees of Congress, to study 4
Ltr, Boatwright, OCO-D, to Campbell, 22
ways and means of strengthening the Mar 44, OHF.
the product types of organization, but with mendations of the Harris Board on only
far greater emphasis than had ever before two Centers— Rock Island for artillery and
been given to decentralization along the Detroit Tank Arsenal for tanks and
product lines. The five services proposed other vehicles. For small arms they chose
for the Office of the Chief of Ordnance Frankford rather than Springfield, Pica-
were functional in nature, but they were tinny rather than Indiana Ordnance
to be strictly limited to staff work and Works for ammunition, Pottstown Depot
were not to engage in actual operations. rather than Frankford for fire control, and
The six Product Centers were to be the Raritan instead of Augusta Arsenal for
main operating divisions. Just as the Tank- troop equipment.6
Automotive Center had become a decen- In addition to its specific recommenda-
tralized and semiautonomous organization tions for organizational changes, the Harris
specializing in the development, produc- Board laid down certain fundamental
tion, and distribution of one broad class principles of organization to guide the fu-
of matériel, so each proposed Product ture development of the Department. First
Center was to become a decentralized and most fundamental was the principle
headquarters specializing in one class of that the technical services should continue
ordnance. to exist. "The successful prosecution of
The broad principles of the Product any war effort," the report stated, "can be
Center idea were accepted by many Ord- obtained only by retaining the Technical
nance officers during the 1944-45 period, Services as entities in the postwar organi-
but there were differences of opinion as to zation of the War Department." The
how the six proposed Centers should be second principle was that the peacetime
administered. In March 1944, for example, organization of the Department should be
when General Hayes was asked to com- capable of handling the wartime mission
ment on the Harris Board's preliminary simply by expansion, without a major or-
report, he declared: "I think that the ganizational change. The third principle
Product Centers are a very fine idea, and was that the Department should be or-
they are probably essential to the further ganized along product lines, with decen-
healthful development of the Ordnance tralization of operations to Product
Department. As shown on the chart, how- Centers. The Harris Board also recom-
ever, I am not sure exactly how they will mended that the Ordnance Districts be
work because they seem to have too many continued as the procurement agencies of
bosses, i.e., Chiefs of all Services except the Department, that the existing Indus-
the Military Service. . . ." 5 General Barnes try-Ordnance Team be maintained, and
and Safford expressed similar views. that the manufacturing arsenals "return
There was also disagreement as to the to their pre-war role of keeping alive those
most desirable locations for the six pro- phases of munitions art that do not have
posed Product Centers. In September 1945 a commercial counterpart."
six committees were appointed to study
this matter and make recommendations 5
Memo, Hayes to Campbell, 17 Mar 44, OHF.
as to which Ordnance installations were 6
Memo, Christmas for Sayler, 2 Oct 45, sub:
best suited for use as Product Centers. Product Organization of Ord Dept, OHF. Reports
These committees agreed with the recom- of the six committees are also in OHF.

The recommendations of the Harris tremendous uproar that would be created

Board take on added significance when if we tried to destroy all that sentiment
they are compared with the trend of think- by wiping out the distinction of the serv-
ing within the Army Service Forces. The ices with their insignia, etc." Stimson also
proposal that the Ordnance Department knew that the technical services had done
be organized along product lines ran di- outstanding work in organizing production
rectly counter to the prevailing opinion for war and specifically noted the high
in the ASF that the technical services quality of General Campbell's perform-
should be organized on a functional basis. ance. He therefore opposed "stirring up a
During the preceding summer, General hornet's nest right in the middle of the war
Somervell's staff had drafted a plan for when things are going well."
the complete reorganization of the ASF, The Harris Board was appointed just
abolishing all of the technical services and three months after this rejection of the
merging their functions in various divisions ASF reorganization plan by the Secretary
within the ASF headquarters.7 All re- of War. The Board's conclusions were
search, development, and procurement diametrically opposed to the ASF pro-
activities of the technical services would posals, and represented the point of view
have been centralized in one ASF division, held by most high-ranking Ordnance of-
all transportation in another, all supply in ficers. As a result of wartime operational
another, and so on. At the same time, the experience, leaders in the Ordnance De-
field establishments of all the technical partment had become convinced not only
services, including the Ordnance Districts, that the traditional product basis of the
arsenals, and depots, would have been ab- technical services should be preserved but
sorbed by the headquarters of the Service also that the internal organization of each
Commands in which they were geographic- service should be along product lines.
ally situated. General Campbell was in full agreement
General Somervell and his staff vigor- with the recommendations of the Harris
ously pushed this reorganization proposal Board, and in May 1945 directed a memo-
during the summer of 1943, but when it randum to the chiefs of his staff divisions
was finally referred to the Secretary of War announcing that the Harris Board report
in September he refused to approve it. was to be the basis of all planning of
As explained in his published memoirs, postwar organization within the Depart-
Stimson "was prepared in general to ac-
cept Somervell's judgment that his pro-
posed changes would in the end increase For a description of this plan, see Millett,
the efficiency of the Service Forces, but it The Organization and Role of the Army Service
Forces, Chapter XXIV. Another similar proposal
was a grave question whether the improve- was advanced in 1944 by the ASF Control Di-
ment would outweigh its concomitant dis- vision, but was not accepted by the Under Secre-
advantages in the creation of bad feel- tary of War. This plan would have retained the
names of the technical services but would have
ing." 8 Stimson knew from experience "how assigned all procurement to Ordnance, all storage
deeply imbedded in sentiment the services and distribution to Quartermaster, etc. Organiza-
of the Engineers, Ordnance, and Quarter- tion of the ASF in the Post-War Military Es-
tablishment, 15 Jul 44, ASF Contl Div files, 020.
master are in the memories of all the 8
Stimson and Bundy, On Active Service in
people that belonged to them, and the Peace and War, p. 452.

ment.9 But he decided against any attempt planning? Of what use were production
to revamp the organization of the Depart- plans or factories designed to swing into
ment along such lines while the war was in war production after from three to six
progress. As a result, no major changes months of conversion time? Would it ever
occurred before the surrender of Japan in again be possible to concentrate great
August 1945. Even then there was no quantities of supplies in huge depots of the
sudden reorganization, but only a reduc- World War II type, either at home or
tion of staff, a gradual consolidation of overseas? Would all the experience of
administrative groups, and the elimination that war have any relevance at all to the
of specialized branches that were no longer atomic war of the future?
needed. These and many other questions went
After the war the Ordnance Department through the minds of the Ordnance offi-
did not settle down immediately to a quiet cers and key civilians who remained in
life of peacetime routine. Too many star- service after the war. There were no sure
tling new developments were in the air. In answers immediately forthcoming. It
the closing months of 1945 it was widely seemed to many Ordnance men that they
felt that the atomic bombs that had had successfully concluded one war, with
blasted Hiroshima and Nagasaki had ush- prodigious effort, only to find themselves
ered in a new era in the history of war, or confronted with a host of new, baffling,
indeed in the history of mankind. The new and yet challenging problems.
forces miraculously unleashed from the The situation was in some respects not
nucleus of the atom made the power of unlike that following the Armistice of
TNT suddenly appear puny and out- 1918 when the armored tank and the
moded. At the same time, the future airplane appeared as dread new devices
possibilities of long-range rockets and that threatened to change altogether the
guided missiles were taking definite shape. nature of war. People had said then, as
Even without the atomic bomb these new they were saying in the fall of 1945, that
devices were in themselves sufficient to war had become too terrible to contem-
mark a major turning point in the long plate and ought to be outlawed by inter-
history of weapons. Some Ordnance men national agreement. The older Ordnance
were momentarily stunned by the thought leaders could remember the earlier years;
that rockets might some day render all their experience during the 1930's had
existing artillery obsolete. Was the era of left them with little faith in leagues of
guns and howitzers that had opened about nations; they found it hard to compre-
the time of the battle of Crécy in 1346 hend the magnitude of the new weapons.
now about to end after six long and turbu- The younger men paid little heed to philo-
lent centuries? Were small arms and tanks sophical principles; they turned their at-
to be of any military value in the future? tention to the immediate problems at hand,
In the face of the onrushing weapons revo- began to pick up the scattered pieces left
lution, would any of the arsenals save by the departing armies, and worked to
Redstone be able to hold their positions? master the techniques of the new science
If future wars were waged with long- of war.
range missiles carrying atomic warheads
and lasted only thirty days, as some pre- 9
Campbell. The Industry-Ordnance Team, p.
dicted, where was the value of procurement 444.
Bibliographical Note
As a starting point for their research on this volume, the authors turned
to the extensive collection of World War II records, both classified and un-
classified, in the Historical Branch of the Executive Office, known as the Ord-
nance Historical Files (OHF). Here they found a comprehensive series of type-
written historical reports submitted quarterly during the war to the Historical
Branch. These reports had been prepared by the division and staff offices in
the Office Chief of Ordnance and by scores of Ordnance field installations,
including arsenals, depots, district offices, proving grounds, plants and works,
and decentralized headquarters such as OCO-Detroit and the Field Director
of Ammunition Plants in St. Louis. They were made on a quarterly basis for
the war years (1942-45); those from the older installations include introductory
sections outlining the prewar history, some going back for more than one
hundred years. In spite of their uneven quality, these reports were of inestim-
able value as records of major events and as accounts of the more important
problems and achievements. Their appended documents, photographs, maps,
charts, and statistical tables were particularly useful to the historians, as were
some of the historical narratives prepared by contractors to supplement the
histories of the Ordnance district offices.
Closely related to these periodic reports are many historical monographs—
generally referred to as project papers or project supporting papers. These
monographs had been prepared during the war, or soon after its close, by
members of the Historical Branch or by specialists in other branches of the
Office Chief of Ordnance. Each monograph covers a longer time span than do
the individual quarterly reports and endeavors to treat a broad topic in analyti-
cal fashion.
The Ordnance Historical Files also include a useful set of personal narra-
tives known as Key Personnel Reports. These reports had been written at the
end of the war by Ordnance officers and civilians to describe their wartime
experiences. Of comparable importance are the minutes of General Wesson's
regular 11 o'clock conferences at which he discussed with his staff the major
problems facing the Department during the 1940-42 period. For Field Service
in the 1940-41 period, Col. James K. Grain's diary was invaluable. Of special
importance for the chapter on motor transport vehicles was the collection of
notes and documents assembled by Herbert R. Rifkind of the Historical Branch,
Office of The Quartermaster General, and turned over to the Ordnance Histor-
ical Branch.
After exhausting the OHF material on a given subject the authors turned to
a variety of other sources. Most important was the collection of retired Ordnance

records, dating back to 1940. At the time of research, these records were in
the custody of Departmental Records Branch (DRB) of The Adjutant General's
Office. Subsequent to their use for this volume, however, this collection of
records was transferred to the custody of the Federal Records Center, Region
3, General Services Administration, in Alexandria, Virginia. These records—
letters, memos, reports, conference minutes, and the like—were voluminous and
were not always systematically arranged for ready reference. For pre-1940
Ordnance records the authors went to the National Archives. They also made
intensive searches in the retired files of the Office of the Under Secretary of
War, the Army Service Forces, the G-4 Division of the War Department
General Staff, the Office of The Inspector General, the Transportation Corps,
the former Motor Transport Service of the Quartermaster Corps, and the War
Production Board. The series of volumes known as the Quartermaster Corps
Historical Studies proved useful, and the hearings of Congressional committees
were invaluable. The authors also consulted copies of lectures, committee re-
ports, and research projects in the library of the Industrial College of the
Armed Forces and in the General Reference Section of the Office, Chief of
Military History. One of the. most useful works for the purposes of the present
volume, produced by the latter Office, was The Army and Economic Mobiliza-
tion, by Dr. R. Elberton Smith, published in 1959.
Special mention needs to be made of Army Ordnance (now Ordnance),
the bimonthly publication of the American Ordnance Association, whose pages
included articles written by persons with firsthand knowledge. The Historical
Branch possessed a complete set of this remarkable periodical beginning with
the first issue of July-August 1920. There is scarcely a chapter in this volume
that is not indebted in one way or another to material first published in Army
Final and most rewarding sources for the authors were interviews and
correspondence with persons who held key positions during the war, whether in
Ordnance or in other branches of the Army, and some industrial contractors,
all of whom had intimate personal knowledge of events. This correspondence
was carefully preserved, along with interview notes, and made a part of the
Ordnance Historical Files.
AA Antiaircraft
AAF Army Air Forces
ACF American Car and Foundry Company
Acft Aircraft
ACofAS Assistant Chief of Air Staff
ACofS Assistant Chief of Staff
ACofOrd Assistant Chief of Ordnance
Actg Acting
Admin Administration
AEF American Expeditionary Forces (1917-18)
AF Air Force
AG Adjutant General
AGF Army Ground Forces
AGO Adjutant General's Office
AIC Ammunition Identification Code
Ammo Ammunition
ANMB Army and Navy Munitions Board
Ann Annual
AOA Army Ordnance Association
AP Armor piercing
APC Automotive Production Committee
APG Aberdeen Proving Ground
API Armor piercing incendiary
App. Appendix
AR Army Regulation
Arty Artillery
ASF Army Service Forces
ASP Army Supply Program
Asst Assistant
ASW Assistant Secretary of War
AT Antitank
BAR Browning automatic rifle
Bd Board
Br Branch
Bull Bulletin
Bur Bureau
CG Commanding general
Cir Circular

Civ Civilian
CO Commanding officer
Co. Company
CofAC Chief of Air Corps
CofAS Chief of Air Staff
CofEngrs Chief of Engineers
CofFA Chief of Field Artillery
CofInf Chief of Infantry
CofOrd Chief of Ordnance
CofS Chief of Staff
Comdr Commander
Comm. Committee
Conf Conference
Cong. Congress
Contl Control
Contr Contract
CPFF Cost-plus-fixed-fee
DCofS Deputy Chief of Staff
Dept Department
Dev Development
Dir Directive
Dist District
Div Division
DNT Dinitrotoluene
Doc. Document
Dr Drawer
DRB Departmental Records Branch
Dukw 2-1/2-ton amphibian truck
EAM Electrical accounting machines
ECO Engineering Change Orders
Ed. Editor
Educ Educational
EEPL Essential Extra Parts List
Engr Engineering
ETO European Theater of Operations
ETOUSA European Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
EUCOM European Command
Ex. Exhibit
Exec Executive
ExecO Executive Office
FA Field Artillery
FDAP Field Director of Ammunition Plants
FEPC President's Committee on Fair Employment Practices
Fig. Figure
Fisc Fiscal
FM Field Manual
FS Field Service
FTC Federal Trade Commission
FY Fiscal year
G-3 Operations and Training Division of the War Depart-
ment General Staff
G-4 Supply Division of the War Department General Staff
GAO General Accounting Office
GE General Electric
Gen General
GF Ground Forces
GHQ General Headquarters
GMC General Motors Corporation
GO General Order
GOCO Government-owned, contractor-operated
Gp Group
GP General Purpose
GPF Grande Puissance Filloux
HE High explosive
Hist History
HP Horsepower
Hq Headquarters
H.R. House of Representatives
H.S. Mustard gas
IBM International Business Machines Corporation
ICAF Industrial College of the Armed Forces
Incl Inclosure
Ind Industrial
Inf Infantry
Info Information
Instr Instruction
Intel Intelligence
Interv Interview
IOC Introduction to the Ordnance Catalog
JANASB Joint Army-Navy Ammunition Storage Board
JTR Joint Termination Regulations
Ltr Letter
Maint Maintenance
MBCA Munitions Board Cataloging Agency
Memo Memorandum
MDL Maximum Distribution Level
Mfg Manufacturing
MG Machine gun

Mil Military
Min Minutes
Misc Miscellaneous
MS Manuscript
Msg Message
Mtg Meeting
MTOUSA Mediterranean Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
MTS Motor Transport Service
MWO Modification Work Order
NA National Archives
NADA National Automobile Dealers Association
Natl National
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATOUSA North African Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
N.d. No date
NDAC National Defense Advisory Commission
NDRC National Defense Research Committee
No. Number
NRA National Rifle Association
OASW Office of the Assistant Secretary of War
OC Ordnance Committee
OCM Ordnance Committee Minutes
OCMH Office of the Chief of Military History
OCO Office of the Chief of Ordnance
OCO-D Office, Chief of Ordnance-Detroit
OD Ordnance Department
ODO Ordnance Department Order
OHF Ordnance Historical Files
00 Ordnance Office
OOM Ordnance Office Message
OP Ordnance plant
OPM Office of Production Management
Opns Operations
OPSI Ordnance Publications for Supply Index
Ord Ordnance
Orgn Organization
OSRD Office of Scientific Research and Development
OSW Office of the Secretary of War
OUSW Office of the Under Secretary of War
OWMR Office War Manpower and Reconversion
Par. Paragraph
PASO Philadelphia Ammunition Supply Office
Pers Personnel
PL Public Law

Plng Planning
PMP Protective Mobilization Plan
POW Prisoner of War
PP Project Paper
PR Procurement Regulations
Proc Procurement
Prod Production
PSP Project Supporting Paper
PT Point detonating
PWP Preliminary work plan
QM Quartermaster
QMC Quartermaster Corps
QMG Quartermaster General
QMR Quartermaster Review
Rcd Record
R&D Research and Development
Rds Rounds
RDX Research Department Explosive (cyclonite)
Ref Reference
Regt Regiment
REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Res Resolution
Ret Retired
Rev Review
RP Research Project
Rpt Report
Rqmt Requirement
S. Senate
SA Small arms
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SC Service command
Sec Section
SecNav Secretary of the Navy
Secy Secretary
Serv Service
Sess. Session
SNL Standard Nomenclature List
SO Special Order
SOS Services of Supply
SP Self-propelled
Spec Special
SR Senate Resolution
Stat Statistical
Stat. Statutes
Sup Supply
Supp. Supplement
SW Secretary of War
T-AC Tank-Automotive Center
TAG The Adjutant General
TCVD Tank and Combat Vehicle Division
Tech Technical
Telcon Telephone conversation
Telg Telegram
TIG The Inspector General
TM Training Manual
Tng Training
TNT Trinitrotoluene
T/OE Tables of Organization and Equipment
TORCH Allied invasion of North and Northwest Africa, 1942
TQMG The Quartermaster General
U.K. United Kingdom
USAF United States Air Force
USSBS United States Strategic Bombing Survey
USSR Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
USW Under Secretary of War
V-E Victory in Europe
V-J Victory in Japan
WD War Department
WDAB War Department Appropriations Bill
WDBO War Department Budget Officer
WDGS War Department General Staff
W.P. White phosphorus
WPB War Production Board
WPD War Plans Division
ZI Zone of Interior

The following volumes have been published or are in press:

The War Department
Chief of Staff: Prewar Plans and Preparations
Washington Command Post: The Operations Division
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: 1941-1942
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: 1943-1944
Global Logistics and Strategy: 1940-1943
Global Logistics and Strategy: 1943-1945
The Army and Economic Mobilization
The Army and Industrial Manpower
The Army Ground Forces
The Organization of Ground Combat Troops
The Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops
The Army Service Forces
The Organization and Role of the Army Service Forces
The Western Hemisphere
The Framework of Hemisphere Defense
Guarding the United States and Its Outposts
The War in the Pacific
The Fall of the Philippines
Guadalcanal: The First Offensive
Victory in Papua
CARTWHEEL: The Reduction of Rabaul
Seizure of the Gilberts and Marshalls
Campaign in the Marianas
The Approach to the Philippines
Leyte: The Return to the Philippines
Triumph in the Philippines
Okinawa: The Last Battle
Strategy and Command: The First Two Years
The Mediterranean Theater of Operations
Northwest Africa: Seizing the Initiative in the West
Sicily and the Surrender of Italy
Salerno to Cassino
Cassino to the Alps
The European Theater of Operations
Cross-Channel Attack
Breakout and Pursuit
The Lorraine Campaign
The Siegfried Line Campaign
The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge
The Last Offensive

The Supreme Command

Logistical Support of the Armies, Volume I
Logistical Support of the Armies, Volume II
The Middle East Theater
The Persian Corridor and Aid to Russia
The China-Burma-India Theater
Stilwell's Mission to China
Stilwell's Command Problems
Time Runs Out in CBI
The Technical Services
The Chemical Warfare Service: Organizing for War
The Chemical Warfare Service: From Laboratory to Field
The Chemical Warfare Service: Chemicals in Combat
The Corps of Engineers: Troops and Equipment
The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Japan
The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Germany
The Corps of Engineers: Military Construction in the United States
The Medical Department: Hospitalization and Evacuation; Zone of Interior
The Medical Department: Medical Service in the Mediterranean and Minor
The Ordnance Department: Planning Munitions for War
The Ordnance Department: Procurement and Supply
The Ordnance Department: On Beachhead and Battlefront
The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and Services, Volume I
The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and Services, Volume II
The Quartermaster Corps: Operations in the War Against Japan
The Quartermaster Corps: Operations in the War Against Germany
The Signal Corps: The Emergency
The Signal Corps: The Test
The Signal Corps: The Outcome
The Transportation Corps: Responsibilities, Organization, and Operations
The Transportation Corps: Movements, Training, and Supply
The Transportation Corps: Operations Overseas
Special Studies
Chronology: 1941-1945
Military Relations Between the United States and Canada: 1939-1945
Rearming the French
Three Battles: Arnaville, Altuzzo, and Schmidt
The Women's Army Corps
Civil Affairs: Soldiers Become Governors
Buying Aircraft: Materiel Procurement for the Army Air Forces
The Employment of Negro Troops
Manhattan: The U.S. Army and the Atomic Bomb
Pictorial Record
The War Against Germany and Italy: Mediterranean and Adjacent Areas
The War Against Germany: Europe and Adjacent Areas
The War Against Japan
Aberdeen Proving Ground, 7, 169, 172, 229, 326-Ammunition, artillery—Continued
29, 361, 390-91, 424 requirements for, 112
AC Spark Plug Division (GMC), 180 Second Phase plants for, 109
Accepted Schedules of Production, 17, 28-31, 468 shortage of in ETO, 148, 469
Adamson, Maj. Keith F., 352 sites for plants, 108-10
Administrative Service, postwar proposal for, 473 stocks on hand in 1940, 104
Advisory Commission to the Council of National storage of, 364-65
Defense (NDAC), 16 tactical use of, 104
Affiliated units, Ordnance regiments, 447 types of procured, 106, 147, 152
Air Corps, U.S. Army. See Air Forces, U.S. Army. Ammunition, balancing production of, 140-44
Air Forces, U.S. Army, 4, 6, 11, 29, 38, 44, 51, 55, Ammunition, direct shipments of, 433-35
57, 79, 98, 106, 119, 143, 197, 245, 250, 348, Ammunition Division, Industrial Service, 107, 114,
363, 369, 373-74, 386, 432, 448, 453 117, 125, 140-44, 146, 153, 329
Air Technical Service Command, 51 Ammunition Identification Code, 424
Aircraft guns, 79-81, 90, 99, 101, 154, 156, 159, Ammunition, small arms
180-81, 214 belts for, 213-14
Algeria, requirements teams sent to, 50 contrasted with artillery ammunition, 189
Allegany Ordnance Plant, 200, 203, 218 cutbacks in production of, 217-21
Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, 15, 79, and descriptions of manufacture, 204-05
293 Educational orders for, 192
Allocation of plants, 15, 19, 29-31 Fifth Wave, 202-03
Amatol, 120, 134 First Wave, 194-95
American Bantam Car Company, 270, 273, 276-79, foreign orders for, 192
295 Fourth Wave, 200-202
American Brass Company, 196 Frankford Arsenal production of, 190-93
American Can Company, 216 for Garand rifle, 165
American Car and Foundry Company, 225-26, 231, GOCO plants for, 193-203
241-43, 246, 249-52, 257, 302, 304 increase in rate of fire of, 188
American Locomotive Company, 225-26, 230-31, inspection of, 207-11
233-34, 241-42, 259, 304 machinery for production of, 191-92
American Revolution, 188, 360 packing of, 216-17
American Rifleman, The, 165 prewar plans for production of, 191-92
American Steel Foundries, 249 quantities produced, 188-89, 219
American Type Founders, Inc., 73, 81, 87 requirements for, 199-203, 469
Ammonia plants, location of, 109-10 reserves of, 190
Ammonium nitrate, 134 Second Wave, 195-97
Ammonium picrate, 111-12 shortage of, 195
Ammunition, artillery steel cartridge cases for, 213
and crisis in 1944-45, 144-50 suboffice for, 203-04
dollar value of, 106, 147 Third Wave, 197-98
expenditures for, 148 transfer to British, 190
First Phase loading plants for, 109 types of, 189, 220
first prewar depots for, 366-68 Ammunition supply, 423-39
GOCO plants for, 105, 107-53 control of excess stocks 435-39
heavy, 144-50 direct shipments, 433-35
light, 146, 149 distribution, 429-39
means of identification of, 423-25 Lend-lease shipments, 430-31
medium, 146, 149 lot numbers, 424
metal components for. 113-24 methods of reporting, 425-26
preparation for, 125-53 Ammunition Supply Branch (Division), Field Serv-
production of, 107-08, 125-53 ice, 364, 426, 433, 436, 438-39
quality of, 150-53 Anhydrous ammonia, 112

Anniston Ordnance Depot, 367, 369, 376, 378-80, Army Supply Program (ASP), 54, 58-64, 91-92,
382, 389-91 96, 100, 142-44, 171, 175, 180, 238, 240, 250,
Antiaircraft guns, 61, 76-79, 90, 101 261, 281, 287
Antitank guns, 61, 81-85, 87-90 Arnold, Gen. Henry H., 121
Aparejo, 354 Arsenals, 15-16, 20, 467. See also individual arsenals
Appropriations, 1-2, 24, 44, 55, 363-65 by name.
Appropriations Committee, House of Representa- and artillery production, 72-76
tives, 128 modernization of, 22
Arkansas Ordnance Plant, 127 placement of orders with in 1940, 26-27
Arma steel, for machine guns, 181 and relations with District offices and OCO, 31-32
Armor, body, 185-86 after Revolutionary War, 360
Armor, tank, 247-50, 330 and role in prewar planning, 5, 12-13
Armored cars, 238 and small arms production, 160
Armored Force, 4, 53, 227-28, 245, 261, 263 and training of inspectors, 323-24
Armored Force Board, 222, 261 Artillery Division, Ordnance, 224, 226
Armory. See Springfield Armory. Artillery weapons
Armstrong, Brig. Gen. Donald, 240 and aircraft bombing, 102-04
Armstrong Cork Company, 116 compared with small arms, 154
Army and Navy Munitions Board (ANMB), 19, early neglect of, 68-69
38-39, 80, 270, 284, 433 exacting nature of production of, 71-72
Army Ground Forces, 62, 100-101, 143, 261, 386, fire control instruments for, 72, 95-99
432, 436, 446, 458 German. 68, 102
Army Industrial College, 11, 30. See also Industrial heavy, 68, 90, 100-103
College of the Armed Forces. new types of, 69, 99-100
Army Motors, 452-53 production goals for, 83-84, 91
Army Ordnance, 23, 35, 466, 478 production preparedness for, 71-74
Army Ordnance Association, 11, 19, 23, 161, 466, production techniques for, 92-95
478 self-propelled, 90, 100-101, 236-38
Army Regulations, and transport vehicles, 269, 284 summary of production of, 101
Army Service Forces, 95, 246, 284, 407, 432, 478 supplies of on hand in 1940, 1, 3-4, 69-71
and Army Supply Program, 61-64, 142 transfer of to British, 70
and echelon system of maintenance, 449 3-inch gun, 70-71, 73, 76, 84, 87-88, 91, 100,
and excess ammunition, 437-39 152, 260
and functional organization of technical services, 4.5-inch gun, 83, 100, 152
475 8-inch gun, 68, 83, 89, 145, 150-52
and heavy artillery, 101 8-inch howitzer, 70, 83, 100, 145, 150-52, 440
and heavy artillery ammunition, 144-45 16-inch howitzer, proposed, 101
and heavy-heavy trucks, 286 20-mm. aircraft gun, 79-80, 84, 87, 100, 152
and importance of stock control system, 410 37-mm. AA gun, 70, 75-76, 78, 84-86, 152
influence of on Ordnance Department, 467-69 37-mm. AT gun, 70, 75, 81, 84, 88, 91, 100, 147,
and inspection practices, 331 152
and instructions for terminating contracts, 348-49 37-mm. tank gun, 70, 81, 84, 87, 99, 152
and McCoy Board Report, 65 37-mm. aircraft gun, 76, 80-81, 84, 100, 152
and medium tanks, 257 40-mm. AA gun, 77-78, 85-86, 91, 99, 152
and Readjustment Division, 346 57-mm. AT gun, 88, 91, 146, 152
and reallocation of depot space, 379, 386-87 57-mm. tank gun, 252-53
and reconditioning of tanks, 258 75-mm. gun, 69-70, 81-84, 88, 99, 147, 152, 226,
and requirements, 50-51, 54, 142 228, 252-53
and small arms ammunition, 1944, 221 75-mm. howitzer, 70, 73, 81-82, 84, 88, 147, 152
and spare parts supply, 306 76-mm. gun, 88, 100, 152, 253, 261
and stock control, 415, 421, 470-71 90-mm. AA gun, 73, 75-78, 84-86, 91, 99, 152
and studies of item identification, 408 90-mm. tank and AT gun, 88, 102, 146, 152, 261
and supply control program, 416-18 105-mm. AA gun, 70
and supply procedures, 401-02 105-mm. howitzer, 70, 83-84, 88, 100, 146, 152,
and termination manual, 345 253, 261
and transfer of motor vehicles to Ordnance, 282- 120-mm. AA gun, 99-100
83, 399 155-mm. gun, 68, 70, 83-84, 89, 100, 146-47,
and utilization of small business, 42 150-52, 440

Artillery weapons—Continued Belts, ammunition, 213-15

155-mm. howitzer, 70-71, 83, 88, 100, 150-52 Bendix Aviation Corporation, 75, 79-80, 122, 169.
240-mm. howitzer, 68, 70, 83, 89, 100. 145, 150- 273
52 Bendix Carburetor Company, 314
Ashton, Capt. J. D., 352 Bendix Products Division, 273-74
Assistant Secretary of War, 4-5, 9, 11, 16-17, 34, Ben Hur Company, 295
37, 59, 193-95, 269, 271, 273, 303, 396. See Benicia Arsenal, 365, 374. 376
also Patterson, Robert P. Benicia Ordnance Depot, 353, 362, 387-88, 438
Associated Press, 165 Big business, and share of defense contracts, 40
Atlanta Base Shop, 458 Binoculars, 96-97
Atlanta Ordnance Depot, 385, 389-90, 402 Birkigt type 404, Hispano-Suiza gun, 79
Atlantic Clipper, 7 Birmingham Ordnance District, 18
Atlas Powder Company, 32, 112 Black Hills Ordnance Depot, 375-76, 378, 381-82,
Atomic bomb, 6, 476 387-88, 390
Attorney General, U.S., 40, 123, 342, 349 Blake Manufacturing Corporation, 178n
Auditing, and contract settlement, 340-44 Blandy, Admiral W. H. P., 134
Augusta Arsenal, 336, 362, 382, 473-74 Bliss, E. W., Company, 192
Augusta Ordnance Depot, 353, 388, 390, 402 Blue Grass Ordnance Depot, 372, 377-78, 381-82,
Aurand, Brig. Gen. Henry S., 171 387, 391
Australia, requirements team sent to, 50 Bodine, Lt. Col. Robert N., 364
Auto Ordnance Corporation, 158 Body armor, 185-86
Autocar Company, 88, 273, 287, 292 Bofors Company, 77
Autofrettage. See Cold-working of gun tubes. Bofors 40-mm. AA gun, 77
Automotive Council for War Production, 281, 316 Bombs, 2, 6, 52, 106, 119-21, 128, 143, 147, 152
Automotive parts. See Spare parts. Book of Standards, Ordnance Department, 358
Automotive Production Committee of WPB, 288-89 Booth, Lt. Col. Lucian D., 352
Aviation ordnance, 51-52 Borg-Warner Corporation, 273-74
Axles, 273-74 Boston Ordnance District, 323, 331, 346
Boston Wire Stitcher Company, 178n
Badger Ordnance Works, 111, 138 Brace-Mueller-Huntley, Inc., 177
Bag loading, methods of, 140 Brandt, Edgar, 89
Baker Board (1934), 361 Brass, 118-19, 196, 205, 213
Balanced Program. See Army Supply Program. Bridgeport Brass Company, 27, 118, 196
Baldwin, Hanson, 223 Briggs, Dr. Lyman J., 6
Baldwin Locomotive Works, 225-26, 230-31, 233- British Army, supply system of, 352, 355
34, 242, 256-57, 260-61, 304 British government, 38, 59, 62, 70, 110-11, 155-56,
Ball powder, 220 158, 180, 192, 199
Ballistic Research Laboratory, 327 British Ministry of War Transport, 431
Bantam Car Company. See American Bantam Car British Purchasing Commission, 98, 136, 431
Company. British rearmament, 33
Barkley, Senator Alben W., 372 British report on spare parts, 305
Barlow, Lester P., 7 British Tank Commission (1940), 227
Barnes, Maj. Gen. Gladeon M., 40, 465, 467, 474 British Tank Mission (1942), 236
Barroll, Lawrence S., 303-04, 396, 398, 404 British tank production, 223, 264
Baruch, Bernard, 146, 402 Brockway Motor Truck Company, 287
Baruch-Hancock Report, 347-48 Brown, Lewis H., 390, 402
Base shops, Ordnance, 458 Browning automatic rifle (BAR), 56, 155-56, 170-
Basic Nomenclature and Classification File, 358 72, 178
Battalions, Ordnance, 6, 444-47 Browning machine guns, 159, 179-81
Battle of the Bulge, 418 Brown-Lipe-Chapin Division (GMC), 180
Bausch and Lomb Optical Company, 75, 96-97 Brunton Pocket Transit, 96
Baxter, James Phinney, 123n Buckeye Ordnance Works, 110
Baytown Ordnance Works, 43, 110, 135, 204 Bucyrus-Erie Company, 15
Bazooka rocket launcher, 182-84 Budd Wheel Company, 27, 273-74
Beaverbrook, Lord, 59, 234, 237-38 Buffalo Arms Corporation, 159, 180, 182
Becker, Col. Ward E., 315 Buhl, Maj. Charles M., 405-06
Bell Telephone Laboratories, 329 Buick Division (GMC), 246
Bell Telephone System, 327 Bullets, for small arms ammunition, 205-07
Bulova Watch Company, 99 Cartridge cases, 118-19, 204-13
Bunker Hill, 151 Case, Brig. Gen. Rolland W., 306
Bureau of the Budget, U.S., 112, 218, 255-57, 409 Cassino, use of artillery at, 104
Bureau of Standards, 6 Caterpillar Tractor Company, 233, 246, 253, 293
Burgan, Wilfred G., 318-19 Cavalry, 4, 168
Burns, Maj. Gen. James H., 12, 33-34, 465 Central Planning Committee, Artillery Division, 92
Burroughs, Lt. Richard T., Jr., 426-27 Centrifugal casting, 92-94
Bush, E. J., 289-90 Chandler, Senator Albert B., 372
Bush, Vannevar, 124 Chapman, Rep. Virgil, 372
"Butterflies" (bombs), 119 Charleston Ordnance Depot, 109, 363, 387, 438
Byron Jackson Company, 7 3 Charleston Port of Embarkation, 391
Chase Brass and Copper Company, 196
Cactus Ordnance Works, 110 Chavin, Col. Raphael S., 399
Cadillac Motor Company, 242, 248, 250-52 Checker Cab Company, 295
Calhoun, Capt. Joseph J., 434 Chemical Warfare Service, 106, 120, 186, 362, 460
California Institute of Technology, 138 Cheney Bigelow Wire Works, 184
Campbell, Lt. Gen. Levin H., 40, 203. 222, 412, Cherokee Ordnance Works, 136
418, 421, 427, 431 434, 453, 455, 464-65 Chester Tank Depot, 254
and creation of T-AC, 240 Chevrolet Division (GMC), 79, 86, 274
and credit for jeep development, 279 Chicago Core Plant, 198
and decentralization of stock control, 412-13 Chicago Ordnance District, 15, 91, 343-45
and Drew Pearson's charges, 209 Chicago Tribune, 4
and GOCO plants, 125 Chickasaw Ordnance Works, 110
and heavy artillery, 101 Chief of Coast Artillery, 77
and heavy artillery ammunition, 145-46 Chief of Field Artillery, 83
and heavy-heavy trucks, 287-89 Chief of Ordnance, 5, 15-16, 20, 31, 36, 83, 127,
and industry integration committees, 122-23 143, 219, 341, 351, 396, 400, 412, 416, 427.
and inspection, 325 See also names of individual chiefs: Campbell;
and low priority for Ordnance, 39 Tschappat; Wesson; Williams,
and machine tool panels, 91 and bazooka rocket launcher, 182
and master depot system, 390-91 and depot plans, 361-62, 369, 372
and Ordnance designs, 35 and educational orders, 323
and placement of contracts with big business, 41 and electrical accounting machines, 397
and postwar plans, 472-76 and freezing designs, 34-35
and production shortcuts, 94 and inspection of matériel, 323-24, 334
and Safety Branch, 131 and placement of contracts, 15-16, 28
and selection of plant operators, 113 and replacement factors, 49
and spare parts, 301, 305-06, 310, 395, 398, 413 and Service Command Shops, 457
and specifications, 115-16 and spare parts, 305, 395-96, 398, 413
and St. Louis plant episode, 209 and staff enlarged, 28-29
and Stock Control Branch, 415 and truck procurement, 268
and tank overhaul, 258 Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, 4, 5, 70, 268, 450
and tank production, 257 China, orders by, 158, 192
and termination of ammunition contracts, 219 Christmas, Brig. Gen. John K., 232, 234-35, 238,
and transfer of trucks to Ordnance, 283 240, 245, 253, 255, 286, 288
Camp Eustis, 440, 442 Chrysler Corporation, 32, 77-78, 85, 202-03, 216,
Camp Hood, 460 228-31, 233, 243, 270, 273, 305, 311
Camp Jackson, 440, 442 Chrysler tank arsenal. See Detroit Tank Arsenal.
Camp Meade, 442 Churchill, Winston S., 59, 199, 469
Camp Perry, 164, 326-27 Cincinnati Field Survey, 42, 325
Candler Motor Supply Depot, 385 Cincinnati Ordnance District, 28, 325
Carbine Production Committee, 175 Civil Service Commission, U.S., 323
Carbines, 154-55, 168-70, 174-78 Civilian Automotive Adviser Program, 452-53
Carlisle, Capt. Hollis M., 431-33 Civilian Conservation Corps, 270
Carlisle Hardware Company, 431 Clark Equipment Company, 274, 288
Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, 233, 248-49 Clay, Maj. Gen. Lucius D., 65, 146, 238, 245-46,
Carter Carburetor Division, 314 287
Carteret Motor Reception Park, 385 Cleveland Ordnance District, 13, 28

Cleveland Tractor Company, 293 Crain, Maj. Gen. James K.—Continued

Clifford, Colonel, 414 and selection of depot sites, 367, 370-72
Coast Artillery, 4, 77 and spare parts supply, 303-05
Coast Guard, 423, 453 and World War I experience, 352, 444, 466
Cold-working of gun tubes, 92 Creamer, Jack, 308
Colt's Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company, Crécy, battle of, 476
27, 75-76, 78, 80, 85, 156, 158-59, 179-81, 185 Cressona Ordnance Plant, 461
Columbus General Depot, 382, 391 Crim, Maj. Lemuel P., 367
Combined shops, 458-61 Cross Reference List of Ordnance Part and Stock
Company, ammunition, 445 Numbers, 406-07
Company, Ordnance maintenance, 441, 443, 445, Crosshauling of ammunition, 429-39
451 Crowell, Benedict, 23, 72, 135, 466.
Company (Heavy Maintenance), 33rd Ordnance, Crowley, Patrick E., 13
443 Cummings, Col. Emerson L.. 289
Compasses, 96 Cuneo Press, Inc., 198
Competitive bidding, 267 Curtis Bay Ordnance Depot, 353, 363, 387, 438
Comptroller General, U.S., 267-68, 347 Cutbacks in ammunition program, 1943, 143-44
Congress, 1, 2, 7, 11, 19, 21, 24, 32, 40, 160, 162, Cyclonite, See RDX.
166, 170-71, 360-61, 371
Congressional Record, The, 128 Davis, C. K., 191
Consolidated Stores Reports, 402, 411 Davis, Senator James J., 372
Constant velocity joints, 273-74 Davis, Brig. Gen. Merle H., 140, 151, 208
Continental Foundry and Machine Company, 249 Day of supply for ammunition, 48-51, 199, 217
Continental Motors Company. 225, 244-45, 288,Decentralization, 13-16, 411-13, 467
341 Defense Aid depots. See War Aid depots.
Contract Settlement Act (1944), 348 Defense Contract Service of OPM, 41
Contract Settlement, Office of, 348-50 Defense Industries, Ltd., 221
Contractors, criteria for selection of, 113 Defense Plant Corporation, 196, 249
Contracts, 16-17 Defense program, criticism of, 34-35, 57
businessmen's attitude toward, 29 Defense Special Trains, 41
CPFF, 110, 113, 127 Defense Supplies Corporation, 158
criticism of terms of, 129-30 Deitrick, Maj. Carroll H., 371-75
ground rules for negotiation of, 28 Delaware Ordnance Depot, 109, 353, 387
placement with industry in 1940, 26-27 Denver Ordnance Plant, 43, 194, 200, 218
settlement of, 339-50 Depots. See also names of individual depots.
speedy placement of, 36 "A" and "B" types of, 378
termination of, 339-50 for ammunition, 387
Control Division, ASF, 306, 417, 420 changes in mission of, 391-94
Controlled Materials Plan, 177 cost of, 377-78
Copper, shortage of, 119, 197-98, 202, 213 evaluation of, 393-94
Corbitt Company, 273, 275, 287, 294 general, 353, 382
Cordite, 137 master depot system of, 389-91
Cornhusker Ordnance Plant, 204 overconstruction of, 469
Corning Glass Works, 99 plans for renovating ammunition at, 109
Corps Areas, 354, 362, 443. See also Service Com- problems concerning, 376-79
mands. reallocation of by ASF, 386-87
Corps of Engineers. See Engineers, Corps of. and storage of general supplies, 379-83
Cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts (CPFF), 16, 113. 127, for tanks, 254-55
130, 256, 349 transfer of from QMC, 383-86
Cotton linters, 136-37 types of, 352-53, 387-89
Cowdrey Machine Works, 73, 82, 87 War Aid, 380-81, 383, 385
Craig, Gen. Malin, 3, 70n after World War I, 360
Crain, Maj. Gen. James K., 5-6, 448, 465 Depression, effect of on procurement planning, 10
diary of, 477 Deputy Chief of Ordnance, proposal for, 473
and plans for Ordnance battalions, 444-45 Descriptions of manufacture, 156-57
and plans for storage facilities, 364, 383 Desert Training Center, 385
and proposed Ordnance regiments, 447 Designs, Ordnance, 34-35, 225-29

Des Moines Ordnance Plant, 195, 200, 202, 203,Edgewood Arsenal, 362
221 Edison G. E. Appliance Company, 198
Detonators, machines for loading, 138 Educational orders, 5-6, 18-22, 73, 86, 95, 97, 114,
Detroit cup plant, 200 116, 157, 163, 174, 192. 224-25, 468
Detroit Ordnance District, 28, 184 Educational Orders Act (1938), 19, 192, 323
Detroit Ordnance Plant, 32 Edwards, George D., 329-30
Detroit Tank Arsenal, 86, 234, 246, 463, 473-74 Egypt, requirements team sent to, 50
construction of, 227-30 Eisenhower, General of the Army Dwight D., 102,
cost of tanks produced at, 256 285
development of, 242-43 Eisner, Will, 454
total production at, 242 Electric Auto-Lite Company, 254
Devers, Maj. Gen. Jacob L., 245, 261 Electrical accounting machines, 386, 396, 421, 470
DeWitt, Maj. Gen. John L., 268-69 Elgin National Watch Company, 15
Diamond T Motor Company, 88, 273, 275, 287, Elliott Addressing Machine Company, 178n
293, 295 Elliott Fisher bookkeeping machines, 397, 426
Dickson, Brig. Gen. Tracy C., 93 Elwood Ordnance Plant, 110, 131
Dickson Gun Plant, 94 Emerson Radio and Phonograph Corporation, 124
Diebold, Inc., 249 Empire Ordnance Corporation, 82, 87
Directors, 97-98 Enfield rifles, 56, 156, 170
Disston, Henry and Sons, 233, 249 Engel, Rep. Albert J., 128, 132
Distribution factor, 51 Engineering Administrative Branch, 405, 408
Distribution Unit, Field Service, 432-33 Engineering Advisory Committees, 36, 39-40
District Administration Branch, 31 Engineering Change Orders, 297
District Offices, Ordnance, 11, 305, 310, 466-67, Engineering Division, OCO-Detroit, 297
474 Engineers, Corps of, 110, 186, 244-46, 253, 283,
"activation" of in 1940, 27 293, 460
contracting procedures of, 28 Engines, 244-46, 265, 297
evaluation of, 22 England, requirements team sent to, 50
and inspection practices, 325 Equipment, "critical" and "essential" items of, 46,
personnel of, 29 55
prewar plans and organization of, 13-16 Equipment Division of Field Service, 364, 398
relations of with arsenals and OCO, 31-32 Erie Proving Ground, 326, 390, 442
and termination of contracts, 344-46 Essential Extra Parts Lists (EEPL's), 463
and training of inspectors, 323-24 European Theater of Operations
and utilization of small business, 41 and heavy-heavy trucks, 291
Division, armored, 53 recoilless rifles in, 184
Division, triangular, 53, 444 return of excess stocks from, 437-39
Division, 26th Infantry, 455 shortage of ammunition in, 148-49
Dixie Ordnance Works, 110 surplus matériel in at end of war, 150
DNT, 43 Evansville Ordnance Plant, 200, 202-03, 218, 259
Dodge Motor Company, 274 Evening Star, 165
Dominion Arsenal, 221 Excess stocks, 418-20, 435-39
Dominion Engineering Works (Canada), 184 Executive Order No. 9001, 342
Drefs, Arthur G., 314 Expenditure Programs (1940-42), 24-25, 55-58, 60,
Dresser Manufacturing Company, 116 62
Drewry, Brig. Gen. Guy, 198, 211 Explosions, accidental, 130-31
Dukw (2½-ton amphibian), 258, 284-86, 295-97 Explosives Safety Branch, 131
Dunkards, and opposition to depot, 372 Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) 212-
Duplex Printing Press Company, 81 13
DuPont Company, 27, 32, 110, 112 Fairless, Benjamin F., 402
Duraloy Company, 73 False Claims Act, 210
Eastman Kodak Company, 73, 96-97 Fargo Division (Chrysler), 274
Eaton Company, 288 Farrell, James A., 13
Eau Claire Ordnance Plant, 200, 218 Federal Bureau of Investigation, 208
Echelon system, problems of, 448-50 Federal Cartridge Company, 196, 203
Eclipse Machine Division (Bendix Aviation), 79 Federal Machine and Welder Company, 242, 256
Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product, Federal Motor Truck Company, 273, 275, 287
The, 327 Federal Standard Stock Catalog, 357, 402-04, 408

Federal Trade Commission, 279 Frankford Arsenal—Continued

Fees, contractors', 129-30 maintenance sub-office at, 463
Ferguson, Senator Homer, 102-03 and postwar plans, 473-74
Ferrous Metallurgical Advisory Board, 248-49 and small arms ammunition, 190-95, 218, 466
Field Artillery, 4, 57, 441 and Small Arms Ammunition Sub-Office, 203
Field Director of Ammunition Plants, 125-30, 143, and steel cartridge cases, 213
203, 467, 477 Franklin, Lt. Col. Edward C., 175-76
Field Service, 5, 460, 473 French Eleventh Corps, 444
and ammunition supply, 217, 423-39 Frigidaire Division (GMC), 180
decentralization of, 411-13 Frink, Brig. Gen. James L., 283, 308-09
and depots, 352-54, 360-78, 379-94, 469-70 Fruehauf Trailer Company, 294-95
establishment of, 351-52 Fuller Company, 274, 288
and IBM machines, 396-98, 426-27 Functional organization, ASF plan for, 475
and Lend-Lease shipments, 430-31 Furlough program, 146
and maintenance, 440-64, 471-72 Fuzes, 121-24
and Ordnance Provision System, 354-58, 410-11
and parts numbering, 402-03 Gadsden Ordnance Plant, 43, 111, 115
and spare parts, 302-07, 398-99, 402-07, 413-14. Gage laboratories, 326
470 Gage Section. Ordnance, 326
and Standard Nomenclature Lists, 358-59 Gages, 18-19, 326
and stock control, 410-22, 471 Gallagher, Lt. Col. William, 333-34
and transfer of motor vehicles to Ordnance, 399- Gamrath, Col. W. C., 393, 414
401 Garand, John C., 161, 169
Fincke, D. M., 176 Garand rifle, 157, 160-68, 173-74
Finland, orders by, 192 Garner, John Nance, 2
Fire control instruments, 72, 95-99, 336-37 Gary Armor Plant, 249
Fire Control Sub-Office (Frankford), 85, 96, 99, Gause, G. Rupert, 331n
336-37 Gear Grinding Machine Company, 273-74
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, 77-78, 90, General Accounting Office, 342, 347, 349
94, 99 General Aviation Equipment Company, 215
First War Powers Act, 342 General Board, U.S. Forces, ETO, 153
Fisher Body Division (GMC), 233 General depots, 382
Fisher tank arsenal, 233, 235, 242, 253, 256-57, 261 General Electric Company, 13, 31, 75, 99, 124,
Flannery Bolt Company, 185 183-84
Flora, George B. McClellan, 373 General Grant tank (M3), 82, 229, 235, 246, 252-
Forbes, Maj. Gen. A., 355n 54, 263
Ford, Col. Elbert L., 81 General Inspection Manual (1935-38), 322
Ford Motor Company, 86, 235, 242, 246, 249, 254, General Motors Corporation, 27, 106, 270, 273, 296,
256, 267, 270, 273, 277, 296, 311 306, 311, 313. See also divisions by name.
Foreign orders, 158 General Motors Overseas Operations, 308n, 396, 398
Fort Benning, 305 General Pershing tank (M26), 259, 262
Fort Crook Depot, 389 General Sherman tank (M4), 235, 252-56, 263
Fort Knox, 459-60 General Staff, War Department, 46-48, 54, 352, 432,
Fort Lewis, 385 436
Fort McClellan, 367 and artillery, 68
Fort Pitt Bedding Company, 215 and depot sites, 365-67, 377
Fort Wayne Ordnance Depot, 385, 387, 389-90, and expansion of depots, 380-83, 386
392, 419 and feasibility dispute, 62
Fort Wingate, 366-67 G-3, 52
Four Wheel Drive Company, 273, 287 G-4, 4, 25, 48, 52, 55, 59, 81, 102, 145, 193-97,
Fourth Corps, Ordnance battalion with, 445 365-67, 380, 436-37, 478
France, 1, 7, 38, 158, 192 and procurement objectives in 1940, 24
Frankford Arsenal, 11, 27, 35, 42, 72, 120, 133 221, and storage requirements in 1940, 363-64
390, 412, 467 and tank requirements, 234
and artillery ammunition, 105, 114, 118 War Plans Division of, 59
and fire control instruments, 95-98, 353 General Steel Castings Corporation, 248-49
Fire Control Sub-Office at, 85 General Stuart tank, 226
and fuzes, 122-23 General supplies, storage of, 365-66

General Supply Branch, 398-99, 402, 411 Harris, Maj. Gen. Charles T., Jr.—Continued
Gerber, Col. Theodore C., 125, 127, 130-31 and requirements, 57, 238
German army, 226-27 and small arms ammunition production, 199, 217
Germany, 33, 239, 259-64, 292, 465 and spare parts, 303-05
Gerstenslager Company, 295 and White House conference on tanks, 232
Gillespie, Col. Alexander G., 226-27 Harris, Col. John P., 108-09, 134-35
Gillespie, T. A., Company, 130 Harris Board Report, 472-76
Gitzendanner, Maj. F. A., 335n Hatch, Senator Carl A., 103
Glancy, Brig. Gen. Alfred R., 240, 256 Hatcher, Maj. Gen. Julian S., 402, 407, 415, 465
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 87 Hauseman, Col. David N., 346
Gopher Ordnance Plant, 145 Hayes, Maj. Gen. Thomas J., 119, 197, 208, 213,
Government-owned, contractor-operated plants 259, 287, 289, 331, 474
(GOCO), 13, 468-69. See also Field Director of Height finders. See Fire control instruments.
Ammunition Plants and names of individual plants. Helmets, 34, 186
for artillery ammuntion, 105-53 Henry Disston and Sons, 233, 249
competition among, 127-28 Hercules Motor Company, 273, 275, 288
contracts for in 1940, 32-33 Hercules Powder Company, 32, 112, 131, 137-38
dual control at, 126-27 Herlong, Capt. Henry W., 374
for small arms ammunition, 194-221 Heron, Col. Thomas, 355
Gramm Company, 295 Hertz Committee, report of, 282, 452
"Grand Slam" bombs, 119, 147 High Standard Manufacturing Company, 158-59,
Green, Dr. Constance M., 333 185
Gregory, Maj. Gen. Edmund B., 276, 279-80 Highway Company, 295
Grenades, 152 Hinchcliffe, Arthur, 425
Griffenhagen and Associates, 408 Hiroshima, 476
Gross, Lt. Col. Boone, 203, 217 Hispano-Suiza gun, 79
Group, Ordnance, 447 Hitler, Adolf, 1, 223, 239
Group chiefs, Field Service, 357, 399, 410 Hoe, R. and Co., 73, 75, 86
Groups, supply, 356-57 Holabird QM Depot, 268, 385-86
Guiberson Diesel Engine Company, 227, 244, 341-42 Holston Ordnance Works, 111, 136
Guide Lamp Division (GMC), 182 Hoover Commission, 395
Guided missiles, 476 Hopkins, Harry L., 234
Gulf Ordnance Plant, 144 Houston, Sam, 370
Gulick, Dr. Luther, 325 Houston Ship Channel, 370
Gun motor carriages, 88, 237 Houston Tool Company, 94
Gunner's quadrant. See Fire Control Instruments. Howard, Col. Graeme K., 404
Guns. See Artillery weapons. Howitzers. See Artillery weapons.
Hughes, Maj. Gen. Everett S., 364, 413, 464
Haines, Rep. Harry L., 372 Humble Oil and Refining Company, 135
Half track cars, 88, 292-93 Hurley, Roy T., 122
Half Track Industry Integration Committee, 293 Hutchinson, B. Edwin, 402
Hambleton, Col. Harry B., 405-06 Huth, Capt. C., 352
Harbord, Maj. Gen. James G., 13 Hyde, George J., 169
Hardy, Brig. Gen. Roswell E., 130, 140, 142, 144 Hynds, Maj. William, 399
Hare, Lt. Col. Ray M., 30
Harrington and Richardson Arms Company, 157-
58 IBM machines, 396-98, 421, 426-28. See also In-
Harris, Maj. Gen. Charles T., Jr., 22, 37-39, 59, ternational Business Machines Corporation.
114, 197, 226, 228, 325, 465, 468 Igloos, ammunition storage, 361, 368
and additional ammunition plants. 197-200 Illinois Institute of Technology, 132
and British requirements, 199 Illinois Ordnance Plant, 108, 111, 144
as chief of Industrial Service, 5-6, 13 India, requirements team sent to, 50
as chief of Planning Branch, 9 Indiana Ordnance Works, 32, 110-11, 131, 137-
and defense of Ordnance program, 57-58 38, 473-74
and designs for mass production, 35 Industrial College of the Armed Forces, 478
and machine tool deliveries, 39 Industrial Service (or Division), Ordnance, 5, 27-
and plans for new facilities, 12, 32 28, 31-32, 95, 303-04, 325, 330-31, 351, 414,
and plans for postwar organization, 472-76 434, 467

Industry integration committees, 142-43, 471 Joint Aircraft Committee, 120

for carbines. 175-77 Joint Army-Navy Ammunition Storage Board, 361,
for heavy trucks, 288 368, 436
for machine guns, 181 Joint Termination Board, 346
for M43 mechanical time fuze, 122-23 Joint Termination Regulations (JTR), 348-49
for small arms ammunition, 203-04 Joint Working Committee Concerning Return of
for tanks, 244 U.S. Army and U.S. Navy Ammunition from
"Industry-Ordnance Team," 465 Overseas, 438
Infantry, 4, 164, 168-69, 227 Jones, R. A., and Company, 138
Infantry Board, 166 Judge Advocate General, 112, 342, 347
Initial Protective Force program, 109, 363 Julian P. Friez and Sons, 124
Inland Manufacturing Division (GMC), 169-70, Justice Department, 209
174-75, 177-78, 182
Inspection, 320-38, 472 Kankakee Ordnance Plant, 43, 110
of artillery, 95 Kearney and Trecker Corporation, 288
and artillery ammunition, 140 Keller, K. T., 228, 230, 244, 310, 390, 402
Edwards report on, 329-30 Kelly-Springfield Tire Company, 200, 203
of fire control instruments, 336-37 Kelsey-Hayes Wheel Company, 159, 181, 273, 278
gages for, 326 Kennedy-Van Saun Engineering and Manufactur-
of machine guns, 181 ing Company, 90
manuals for, 322-23, 334 Kenosha Ordnance Plant, 200, 203
recruiting and training personnel for, 323-24 Kenworth Motor Truck Company, 287, 294
of small arms ammunition, 209-11 Kerr, John D., 370-71
of tank-automotive matériel, 334-36 Kerrison predictor, 97-98
Trundle report on, 331-32 Keuffel and Esser, 96
types of, 321-22 Key Personnel Reports, 477
Inspection Branch, Ordnance, 330 Keystone Ordnance Plant, 134, 145
Inspector General, The, 129, 401, 451, 456-57, 478 Kings Mills Ordnance Plant, 200, 202-03, 218
Integration committees. See Industry integration Kingsbury Ordnance Plant 113, 204
committees. Kirk, Maj. Gen. James, 220
Interchangeability of parts, 403-05 Knight, Lt. Col. William W., Jr., 232
Interior, Department of, 367 Knuckey Truck Company, 294
Internal Revenue Bureau, 350 Knudsen, William S., 16, 45-46, 86, 227-28, 234-
International Business Machines Corporation, 80, 35
175, 178, 395, 397, 426 Korean War, 151
International Harvester Company, 27, 80, 242, 251, Krock, Arthur, 231
270, 273, 275, 287, 293, 343-44 Kroeger, William J., 184
International Silver Company, 178n "Kromuskits," 184
Introduction to the Ordnance Catalog (IOC), 358 Kutz, Brig. Gen. Harry R., 402
Iowa Ordnance Plant, 43, 131
Iowa Transmission Company, 233, 246 Labor supply, 37, 211-12, 377
Irwin-Pederson Arms Company, 174-75 Laidlaw, Col. Waldo E., 414
Isham, H. P., 340, 345 Lake City Ordnance Plant, 43, 194, 198, 200, 203,
Italian campaign, 102, 104, 145 218, 221
Ithaca Gun Company, 158, 185 Lamont, Robert P., 13
Iwo Jima, 104 Lane, Capt. R. K., 352
Lansdowne Steel and Iron Company, 110
Jackes Evans Manufacturing Company, 215 L. C. Smith-Corona Typewriter Corporation, 173
James, Gov. Arthur H., 372 Leasing of storage space, 365-66
Jayhawk Ordnance Works, 110 Leathers, Lt. Leon M., Jr., 430
Jeep (54-ton truck), 276-79, 295-97 Lee-Enfield rifle, 159, 171-72
Jefferson Proving Ground, 327 Legal restrictions on procurement, 16-17, 26
Joe Dope posters, 454 Lend-Lease Act, 57, 111, 159, 190, 307
John Deere Company, 233 Letterkenny Ordnance Depot, 373, 378, 380-82,
Johns-Manville Corporation, 390 386-92
Johnson, Louis, 17-18, 23, 34, 59 Lewis, Brig. Gen. Burton O., 17, 228, 232
Johnson, Capt. Melvin M., Jr., 165-68 Life magazine, 165
Johnson rifle, 160, 165-68 Lima Locomotive Works, 230, 233, 235, 242, 256

Lima Tank Depot, 94, 254 Maintenance of Ordnance matériel—Continued

Lincoln Ordnance Depot, 390 problems of automotive, 450-51
Lippmann, Walter, 1n and the reclamation program of 1944, 451-62
Little Rock Motor Supply Depot, 385-86 shops for, 455-58
Lloyd, N. P., 91 Maintenance shops, 455-58
Loading plants, 105-12, 138-40 Manufacturing Service, Ordnance, 351
Lodge, Senator Henry Cabot, 2, 4 Marine Corps, 47, 143, 166-67, 423, 453
"Logistics in World War II," ASF final report, 393 Maritime Commission. See United States Maritime
London Times, 223 Commission.
Lone Star Ordnance Plant, 371 Marks, J. H., 340n
"Long Tom," 155-mm. gun, 68, 70. See also Artil- Marlin Firearms Company, 159, 181
lery weapons. Marmon-Herrington Company, 242, 252, 257, 287
Longhorn Ordnance Plant, 147 Marshall, General of the Army George C., 4, 59, 76
Longue Pointe Depot, 254 Martin, Glenn L., 7
Lordstown Ordnance Depot, 385, 389 Massey-Harris Company, 242, 251-52
Los Angeles Ordnance Depot, 387 Master depot system, 389-91, 407, 470
Lot numbers, ammunition, 424 Master supply depots, 388
Lowell Ordnance Plant, 200, 203, 218 Materials, shortage of, 37, 91-92, 238, 257
Lucas, Maj. Gen. John P., 104, 275n Matériel Control Division, OCO. 67
Luke, Lt. Col. Ittai A., 367, 370 Mauldin, Bill, 299
Lutes, Lt. Gen. LeRoy, 417 Maximum Distribution Level, 416
Mead Committee, U.S. Senate, 153, 310, 314, 317,
Macauley, Alvan, 281 400
McCord Radiator and Manufacturing Company, Meader, George, 314
186 Mechanical Time Fuze Committee (M43), 122-23
McCormick, Fowler, 402 Medal for Merit, 161
McCoy, Maj. Gen. Frank R., 65-66, 143-44 Medical Department, U.S. Army, 106, 186, 386, 460
McCoy Board (1943), 52, 65-66, 143-44 Mennonites, 372
McFarland, Brig. Gen. Earl, 5 "Merchants of Death" era, 107
Machine guns, 61, 154-56, 159, 170-71, 178-81, Mergenthaler-Linotype Company, 73, 97-99
213-14. See also Small arms weapons. Metallic Belt Link Industry Integration Committee,
Machine pistols, 182 215
Machine Records Unit, 398 Metallic belt links, 213-15
Machine-Tool Panels, 91, 471 Mexican punitive expedition, 318
Machine tools, 18, 28, 38-39, 84, 91, 161-62, 192, Meyns, Col. L. J., 397, 399, 411
196, 238, 241, 244, 246, 251, 257, 282 Midland Steel Corporation, 278
Mack Manufacturing Company 230, 246-47, 270, Milan Ordnance Depot, 378, 387
273, 275, 287, 295 Miles, Col. Francis H., Jr., 131
McMahon, Col. Fred A., 420 Military Affairs Committee, House of Representa-
MacMorland, Brig. Gen. E. E., 414, 450, 458-60 tives, 339, 346-47
McNair, Lt. Gen. Lesley J., 100, 447, 451 Military Affairs Committee, Senate, 7
McNarney Directive, 66 Military Service, Ordnance, 5
McQuay-Norris Company, 194, 206, 211-12, 314 Military Service, proposal for, 473
Magnavox Company, 183 Miller Printing Machinery Company, 184
Magnesium, plant for producing, 111 Milwaukee Ordnance Plant, 200, 218
Maintenance Company, 33rd, 443 Mines, 152
Maintenance Division, ASF, survey by, 459 Ministry of Supply, British, 239
Maintenance Division, Field Service, 442, 464 Minton, Brig. Gen. Hugh C., 257
Maintenance Division, OCO-D, 464 Missouri Ordnance Works, 110
Maintenance engineering 463-64 Mobilization Regulations 4-2 (1935), 461
Maintenance factor, 47 Modification Work Orders (MWO's), 442, 450-51,
Maintenance of Ordnance matériel, 354, 440-64, 463-64
471-72 Montgomery Ward and Company, 355, 431
at the arsenals, 442-43 Montreal Locomotive Works, 242
combined shops for, 458-61 Moore, Maj. Gen. Richard C., 63, 171, 193, 235
echelon system of, 448-50 Morgantown Ordnance Works, 110, 132, 136
neglect of, 454-55, 471 Mortars, 70, 74, 84, 88-90, 101, 146, 152, 154, 166
preventive, 451-55 Mosler Safe Company, 249

Motor bases, transfer of, 383-86 New York Times, The, 231
Motor reception park, 385 New York University, 346
Motor supply depots, 385 Newsweek magazine, 281n
Motor Transport Service (Division), QM, 269, 275, Niblo, Brig. Gen. Urban, 447, 450, 465
282-83, 306-09, 385, 399, 404, 448, 450, 470 Normoyle Ordnance Base Shop, 386, 458
Motor transport vehicles. See Trucks. Normoyle Ordnance Depot, 415
Mt. Rainier Base Shop, 458 North Africa, 65, 261-62, 286, 336, 343, 437-39,
Mt. Rainier Ordnance Depot, 386 451-52
Mulliken, Maj. Stanley E., 433 North African Theater (NATOUSA), 437, 454
Muncie Gear Works, 81 Numbering, spare parts, 402-03, 470
Munitions Assignment Board, 308 Numerical Index of Manufacturers' Part Numbers
Munitions Board Cataloging Agency, 409 and Drawing Numbers, 406
Munitions Building, 5, 8, 29 Nye, Senator Gerald P., 7
Munitions Manufacturing Corporation, 80, 87
Munitions Program of 30 June 1940, 7, 12, 16, 32, Office Chief of Ordnance-Detroit, 125-26, 240,
34, 55-56, 59, 193, 227, 364-65 297, 467, 477. See also Tank-Automotive
Musser, C. Walton, 184 Center.
Office of Contract Settlement, 348-50
Nagasaki, 476 Office of Matériel Control, 419
Nansemond Ordnance Depot, 109, 353, 363, 387, Office of Production Management (OPM), 21, 37,
438 39, 41, 51, 62, 197, 232, 234, 272, 277
Nash Engineering Company, 74 Office of Scientific Research and Development
Nash-Kelvinator Company, 97-98, 156, 251, 295 (OSRD), 124
Nathan, Robert, 234 Office of War Mobilization, 346
National Automobile Dealers Association, 447 Official Ordnance Part Number, 405
National Blank Book Company, 178n Official Stock Number, 405, 407, 414
National Bureau of Standards, 124 Ogden Arsenal, 420
National Defense Act of 1920, 9, 360 Ogden Ordnance Depot, 353, 360 362, 373, 375.
National Defense Advisory Committee (NDAC), 379-81, 387-91, 461
112, 227, 273, 277 Ohio Gun Plant, 94. See also Lima Tank Depot.
National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), Ohio Steel Foundry Company, 94
124, 136, 138, 284 Okinawa, recoilless rifles used on, 184
National Match rifle, 164 Oldsmobile Division (GMC), 80, 82, 87
National Pneumatic Company, 74, 81, 87 Oleum, production of, 111-12
National Rifle Association, 164-65 Oliver Farm Machinery Company, 79, 86
National Rifle Matches, 164 On-vehicle matériel, 254-55
National Safety Council, 132 Optical elements, 98-99
National Slug Rejectors, Inc., 288 Optical Research Company, 98
National Tube Company, 116 ORD-5, 406, 470
Navajo Ordnance Depot, 376-78, 381-82, 387 ORD-14, 406, 470
Naval Ammunition Depot, 360 ORD-15, 406-07, 470
Naval Gun Factory, 72 Ordnance (magazine), 478
Navy, U.S., 29, 38, 40, 44. 47, 58, 61, 72, 77, 79, Ordnance Base Armament Maintenance Battalions,
98, 102, 106, 119-20, 124, 136, 143, 197, 245, 447
250, 286, 360-61, 381, 386, 419, 423, 433, 453, Ordnance Committee. See Ordnance Technical
468 Committee.
Negotiated contracts, 271-72 Ordnance Department. See also Chief of Ordnance,
Negotiated settlements, 342-50 plans for postwar organization of, 472-76
Negro workers, 211-13 role of, 4
Nelson, Donald M., 59, 86-87, 102-03, 234, 290 Ordnance Gage Section, 326
Netherlands, orders by, 158 Ordnance Group, 447
Neutrality legislation, 10 Ordnance Light Maintenance Company, 451
New Caledonia, requirements team sent to, 50 Ordnance Numbering Board, 404, 421
New Cumberland General Depot, 382 Ordnance Provision System, 354-56, 358-59, 396,
New England Small Arms Corporation, 42, 172, 178 410-11, 414, 471
New York Central Lines, 13, 254 Ordnance Publications for Supply Index (OPSI),
New York Ordnance District, 13, 28, 37, 98, 324, 358
346 Ordnance Safety Board, 368

Ordnance Service Command Shops, 456-57 Polk, R. L., Company, 406

Ordnance Technical Committee, 25, 165, 169, 238, Pomona Ordnance Base, 385
276, 358, 408, 418 Pontiac Division (GMC), 85
Ordnance Vehicle Maintenance Committee, 453 Port Chicago explosion, 131
Otis Elevator Company, 73, 75, 86 Portage Ordnance Depot, 367, 376, 378, 387, 426
Ozark Ordnance Works, 110 Pottstown Ordnance Depot, 474
Powell, Col. Grosvenor F., 424
"P" items, 419 Power trains. See Transmissions.
Pacific Car and Foundry Company, 235, 242, 249, "Preliminary work plan sheets," 142-43
256, 287-88, 294 Presidential objectives for production, 59-61, 83-84,
Packing boxes and cans, 216-17 305
Palmer Woods Ordnance Depot, 387, 390 President's Committee on Fair Employment Prac-
Pantex Ordnance Plant, 144 tices (FEPC), 212-13
Panther tank, 239, 261, 263 Pressed Steel Car Company, 116, 233-34, 242
Paper and Textile Machinery Company, 93 Preventive maintenance, 451-55
Parker-Wolverine Company, 200 Preventive Maintenance Board, 453
Partridge, Lt. Col. Clarence E., 49 Preventive Maintenance Branch, Ordnance, 453
Partridge Board Report (1938), 49, 51 Preventive Maintenance Section, 452
Parts and Accessories Unit, Field Service, 396 Priest (105-mm. howitzer), 88
Parts and Supplies Section, of General Supply Priorities, 38-39, 84, 231-33, 282, 287, 468
Branch, 398, 400 Probable Failure of Ordnance Program, memo on,
Parts Control Division, Ordnance, 306, 398 38
Parts Number Control Section, OCO-D, 406 Procter and Gamble Soap Company, 113
Parts Numbering and Interchangeability Program, Procurement Control Branch, QM, 280
402, 409, 414 Procurement planning, 9-23, 26-31
Patterson, Robert P., 171, 230, 232, 235, 237-38, Procurement Review Board, 143, 217-18
272, 349. See also Assistant Secretary of War; Procurement Service, proposed, 473
Under Secretary of War. Product Centers, proposed, 473-76
and artillery ammunition production, 146 Product Correction Reports, 463
and Colt plant, 80 Production achievements, 1940-41, 42-44
and criticism of procurement progress, 34-36 Production Consultants Committee of WPB, 290
and demand for AA guns, 79 Production Division, ASF, 257
and lag in truck production, 280 Production planning books, 62
and machine tools, 38-39 Production Service Branch, Industrial Service, 325
and St. Louis plant, 208 Production studies, 19-21, 73, 156, 468
and small arms ammunition, 195, 198 Propellants, 107
and tank improvements, 226 Protective Mobilization Plan (PMP), 24-25, 42, 55-
and termination of contracts, 219, 339 56, 158, 363, 365
Patton, Lt. Gen. George S., Jr., 285 Proving grounds, 326-27
Paullin, Lt. Col. Charles S., 208 Provisional Manual for Ordnance Field Service (1919),
Pearson, Drew, 209 352, 355
Pennsylvania, University of, 346 Proximity fuze, 123-24
Pennsylvania Ordnance Works, 387 Public Law 703 (1940), 271
Pentagon, 8, 29, 467 Public Works Administration, 270
Periscopes. See Fire Control Instruments. Pueblo Ordnance Depot, 374, 378, 381-82, 387-88
Personnel carriers, 292-93 Pullman-Standard Car Manufacturing Company,
Philadelphia Ammunition Supply Office (PASO), 90, 116, 230, 233-34, 242, 256
412, 428, 431, 438 Pyle, Ernie, 300
Philadelphia Ordnance District, 28, 324-25
Philco Radio and Television Corporation, 124 Quad Cities Tank Arsenal, 251-52, 255, 259, 343-44
Picatinny Arsenal, 11, 27, 31, 74, 105, 122, 125, Quadrants. See Fire control instruments.
135, 138-39, 327, 360, 474 Quaker Oats Company, 113
Pig Point Ordnance Depot, 353. See also Nanse- Quality control, statistical, 207, 320-38, 472. See
mond Ordnance Depot. also Inspection.
Pistols, 154-55, 168, 185-86 Quality Hardware and Machine Company, 174
Pittsburgh Forgings Company, 116 Quartermaster Corps
Pittsburgh Ordnance District, 18, 116-17 and allocated facilities, 30
Planning Branch, Office of ASW, 9, 11 and construction of new plants, 110

Quartermaster Corps—Continued Requirements—Continued

and standardization of vehicles, 266-70 for small arms, 170-71
and transfer of depots to Ordnance, 383-86 for spare parts, 470-71
and transfer of trucks to Ordnance, 64, 240, 266, and Supply Control, 64-67
467, 471 for tanks, 232-33, 235-37, 240, 256-59
Quartermaster Corps Freight Traffic Branch, 425 teams for collecting data for, 50
Quartermaster Corps Technical Committee, 284 Requirements Division, ASF, 257
Quartermaster General, The, 112, 272, 376, 451-52 Requirements Division, Ordnance, 51, 67
Research and Development Division, 467
Radford Ordnance Works, 110-11, 131, 137-38 Research and Development Service, proposed, 473
Radio Corporation of America, 13 Reserve officers, Ordnance, 29
Rainbow Division, 6 Reserve Storage depots, 388
Ramsey, Col. Norman F., 362 Revere Brass and Copper Company, 27, 196
Ramsey Board, 362-63, 443-44 Revolvers, 156, 185-86
Randolph, Rep. Jennings, 372 Rice, Brig. Gen. John H., 161, 351, 441
Range finders. See Fire control instruments. Richards, Brig. Gen. George J., 66
Raritan Arsenal, 351, 359, 362, 404, 430, 474 Richmond Tank Depot, 254
Raritan Ordnance Depot, 109, 353, 387, 389-91 Rifles, 2, 154, 174, 333-34. See also Recoilless rifles.
Ravenna Ordnance Depot, 367, 369 Browning automatic (BAR), 155-56, 170-72, 174,
Ravenna Ordnance Plant, 110, 367 178
Raw Materials Facility, 177 Enfield, 156, 170, 174
RDX, 111, 114, 130, 134, 136, 147, 204 Japanese, 168
Read Machinery Company, 89 Johnson, 165-68
Readjustment Division, ASF, 346 Lee-Enfield, 159, 171-72, 174
Reclamation program (1944). 461-62 Ml (Garand), 155, 160-68, 170-74
Recoil mechanisms, 72-73, 86 Production of, 171-74
Recoilless rifles, 154, 184-85 Requirements for, 170-71
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 420 Springfield 1903, 155, 160-61, 167-68, 170-74
Records Group, 427-28 Tokarev 1940, 167-68
Recuperators, 72 Rochester Defense Corporation, 174
Red Ball Express, 291 Rock Island Arsenal, 27, 81, 85, 187, 242, 248,
Red River Ordnance Base Shop, 458 353-54, 467
Red River Ordnance Depot, 371, 378, 380, 382, as center for carriages and recoil mechanisms, 72
386-90, 420, 436 and descriptions of manufacture, 15 7
Redstone Arsenal, 476 and early tank production, 223-26, 252
Reed Roller Bit Company, 246 Field Service suboffice at, 412, 463
Regiments, infantry, equipment of, 53 and machine gun production, 180
Regiments, Ordnance, 447 and maintenance work, 442-43
Regular Army, 5, 9, 55, 440 and metallic belt links, 215
Regular Army officers, 29, 108 proposed artillery product center, 473-74
Remington Arms Company, 27, 156, 159, 163, 172- and rifle-making machinery in storage, 159-60,
73, 191-95, 202-03, 218-19, 221 172
Remington-Rand accounting machines, 397 and spare parts for vehicles, 302-05
Remington-Rand Company, 185, 397 Rockefeller Center, 113
Renegotiation Act, 346, 350 Rocket launcher, 2.36-in., 154, 182-84
Reo Motor Company, 275 Rocket launcher, 4.5-in., 99
Replacement factor, 47-51 Rocket powder, production of, 137-38
Republic Steel Corporation, 233, 249 Rockets, 66, 476
Requirements, 45-67 Rock-Ola Company, 174-75
and Army Supply Program, 59-64 Rollins, Maj. Joseph, 435-36
for artillery, 1943-45, 99-103 Rommel, Erwin, 300
for artillery ammunition, 143-46 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 2, 365, 409
for aviation ordnance, 51-52 and aid to Britain, 156
and day of supply, 48-51 and production of gages, 326
and defense period, 55-59 and production goals, 59-64, 83-84, 171, 180,
elements of computation of, 46-54 199, 232-39
fluctuations in, 52-54 and visit to Watervliet Arsenal, 74
importance of, 45-46, 469 Roosevelt, Theodore, 172
Rossford Ordnance Depot, 385, 389-90 Shot, procurement of, 114, 117
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME), Sicily, Dukw in invasion of, 285
459 Sierra Ordnance Depot, 374, 377-78, 380-82, 387-90
Rubber, shortage of, 281-84 Signal Corps, U.S. Army, 106, 124, 186, 386, 460
Rudolf Wurlitzer Company, 124 Simmons Bed Company. 200
Russell Manufacturing Company, 213-14 Simon, Col. Leslie E., 327-29, 472
Singer Manufacturing Company, 97-98, 156-58
"S" items, 419 Sioux Ordnance Depot, 376, 378, 381-82, 387-88
Sadtler, Col. William Field, 411 Site Board, ASW appointment of, 112
Safety, in artillery ammunition plants, 109, 130-33 Sites for ammunition plants, 108-10
Safety and Security Branch, 131 Sites for depots, 366-76
Safford, Brig. Gen. Hermon, 474 Slezak, Col. John, 343
Safford Committee (1945), 414 Small arms weapons, 2, 154-87. See also individual
Saginaw Steering Gear Division (GMC), 157, 175, items such as carbines and rifles.
180 and aid to Britain, 155-56
St. Louis Ordnance Depot, 390, 412 and BAR production, 178
St. Louis Ordnance District, 28, 208 and bazooka rocket launcher, 182-84
St. Louis Ordnance Plant, 194, 204-13, 218, 221 and carbine production, 168-70, 174-78
St. Louis Star-Times, 207-08 Garand-Johnson rifle controversy, 165-68
San Antonio Arsenal, 362 and machine guns, 178-81
San Antonio Ordnance Center, 385 miscellaneous items, 185-86
San Antonio Ordnance Depot, 354, 363, 387-88, and production of Garand rifle, 160-61, 163-65
390 and production preparedness, 156-60
San Francisco Ordnance District, 28, 346 and recoilless rifles, 184-85
San Jacinto Ordnance Depot, 370, 378, 387, 438 requirements for, 170-71
Santa Anna, 370 rifle production, 171-74
Savage Arms Corporation, 158-59, 180 and Springfield Armory, 161-63
Savanna Ordnance Depot, 109, 353, 360-63, 387 and submachine guns, 181-82
Savanna Proving Ground, 442 Small arms ammunition. See Ammunition, small
Sayler, Maj. Gen. Henry B., 151 arms.
Schedules of Stores Reports, 357-58 Small Arms Ammunition Suboffice (Philadelphia),
Schenectady General Depot, 382 203
Schick, John, 426 Small Arms Division, Industrial Service, 203
"Science-Industry-Ordnance Team," 465 Small Arms Division, Research and Development
Scientists Against Time, 123 Service, 184
Scioto Ordnance Plant, 218 Small business, alleged neglect of, 40-42
Seabees, 453 Smaller War Plants Corporation, 184
Sears Roebuck and Company, 355, 402 Smith and Wesson, Inc., 186
Secretary of War, 20, 36, 60, 83, 104, 146, 234, Smith, R. Elberton, 478
272, 284, 353, 361-62, 369-70, 372, 375, 423, Smith, Lt. Col. Samuel L., 425-26, 435
475. See also Stimson, Henry L. Smith-Corona Typewriter Corporation, 173
Select Committee on National Expenditure (British), Smith-Hinchman and Grylls, 406
239 Smokeless powder, 11-12, 43, 104, 109, 111, 137,
Seneca Ordnance Depot, 371, 378, 381-82, 387-88 220
Service Command shops, 456-57, 462 Social Security Building, 29
Service Commands, 388, 391, 415, 436, 456, 458,Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 272, 453
461, 475 Somers, Brig. Gen. Richard H., 325, 329
Services of Supply. See Army Service Forces. Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B., 418, 420, 453
Services of Supply, U.S. (World War I), 352 and AA gun production, 281
Settlement of contracts, 339-50 and Army Supply Program, 58, 62
Settlement Review Board, 344-45 and bomb requirements, 121
Seventh Army, 285, 424 and Defense Aid requirements, 63
Shaw, Brevet Lt. Col. George C., 395 and depot construction, 381
Shells, procurement of, 114-18 and motor vehicle production, 281
Shepherd, Lt. Col. Harold, 342 and postwar organization plans, 475
Sherwin-Williams Paint Company, 113 and Service Command shops, 457-59
Shewhart, Dr. Walter A., 327-29 and small arms ammunition requirements, 195,
"Short List," 141 200

Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B.—Continued Standardization, motor vehicle, 266-70

and small arms requirements, 171 Star-Times, 207-08
and spare parts, 308, 317, 413 Station Excess Stock Teams, 420
and stock control, 401-02 Statistical sampling. See Inspection; Quality con-
and tank requirements, 237-38 trol, statistical.
and transfer of motor vehicles, 283, 289, 468 Steel
Southwestern Proving Ground, 327 need of for carbines, 176-77
Soviet Union, 59-60, 138, 232, 275 shortage of for trucks, 282, 284
Spalding, A. G., and Brothers, 178n use of for cartridge cases, 119, 213
Spalding, Brig. Gen. George R., 362 Steese, Col. Charles M., 376, 380
Spare parts, 257, 266, 269 Sten gun, ammunition for, 192
for automotive vehicles, 413-15, 470 Stevens Arms Company Division (Savage Arms
categories of, 301-02, 312-13 Corporation), 159
consumption data (1921), 442-43 Stewart-Warner Corporation, 15
effect of motor vehicles transfer on, 399-400 Stilwell Road, 291
identification and numbering of, 395-409 Stimson, Henry L., 104, 373, 450, 475. See also
interchangeability of, 316, 403-05 Secretary of War.
methods of procurement of, 311-14 Stock control, 410-22, 471
Ordnance and (1939-42), 302-07 Stock Control Branch (OCO-D), 412-13
overseas supply of, 314-18 Stock Control Branch (OCO), 415
packaging of. 315 Stock Control Division (ASF), 420
Quartermaster Corps and (1939-42), 307-09 Stock Control Division (Field Service), 413
reclamation of, 461-62 Stock levels, 416
Senate Committee investigation of, 311-14 Stock List of Items, 406
after transfer of vehicles (1942-45), 309-19 Stockton Base Shop, 458
and weapons, 301-02, 413, 470 Stockton Ordnance Depot, 389
Spare Parts Board, 304, 306 Stokes, F. J., Machine Company, 139
Spare Parts Service, proposed, 306 Storage catalogue, World War I, 354-55
Sparkman and Stephens, Inc., 285 Stribling, Col. Simpson R., 146
Special Parts and Interchangeability Group, 404 Studebaker Company, 273, 275, 296
"Special planning" studies, 67 Subcontracts and small business, 41-42
Specifications, 34-36, 115-16, 267-68 Submachine guns, 155, 181-82, 192
Speer, Albert, 239 Submarine Mine Depot, 391
Sperry Corporation, 75 Suboffices, Field Service, 412
Sperry Gyroscope Company, 86, 96 Sullivan's expedition (1779), 371
Spicer Manufacturing Corporation, 246, 273, 278, Sunbeam Electric Company, 202
288 Sunflower Ordnance Works, 111, 137-38
Springfield Armory, 27, 35, 81, 92, 155, 176, 178- Supply and Maintenance Service, proposal for, 473
79, 353-54, 360, 390, 466, 473-74 Supply Contract No. 1 (form), 340
and carbine design, 169 Supply control, 64-67, 416-18
and fabric belts, 214 Supply Control System, ASF, 416-18
and inspection problems, 333-34 Supply Section, Ammunition Supply Division, 425
and lag in Garand production, 173-74 Supreme Court, U.S., 210
and miscellaneous items, 185-87 Surgeon General's Office, 131
and production preparedness, 156-60 Surplus matériel, 418-19
reserves stored at, 353 Surplus Property Act (1944), 420
and rifle controversy, 165-68 Surveys of industry, 17-19, 73, 468
rifle output at, 2, 161-63 Susquehanna Ordnance Depot, 387
Springfield Ordnance District, 184, 346
Springfield rifle (1903), 155, 160-61, 167-68, 170-73 Tables of allowances, 47, 63, 358
Stalin, Josef, 234 Tables of basic allowances, 47, 63, 358
Standard Form No. 32, 16 Tables of equipment, 47, 53
Standard Nomenclature Lists (SNL), 351, 358-59, Tables of organization, 47, 63
397, 403, 408, 424, 451 Tables of organization and equipment, 358
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, 135 "Tall Boy" bombs, 119, 147
Standard Products Company, 175 Talladega National Forest, 367
Standard Steel Spring Company, 249, 288, 292 Tank and Combat Vehicle Division, 283
Standard truck fleet, proposed, 268-70, 296 Tank arsenal. See Detroit Tank Arsenal.

Tank-Automotive Center (T-AC), 256, 331, 402,Todd and Brown, Inc., 113
404, 412, 451, 474. See also Office Chief of Tokarev rifle, 167-68
Ordnance-Detroit. Tolan Committee, House of Representatives, 32-33,
establishment of, 240, 283 40, 42
and follow-up of truck production, 288-89 Toledo Core Plant, 196, 221
and inspection, 334-36 Toledo Ordnance Depot. See Rossford Ordnance
and parts distribution, 399, 402, 421 Depot.
and personnel cuts, 400-401 Toledo Tank Depot, 254
Supply Branch of, 388, 404 Toluene, production of, 43, 112, 135
Tank Committee, 36 Tooele Ordnance Depot, 378, 381-82
Tank Corps, World War I, 224 Tool and Equipment Catalog, ASF, 408
Tank depots, 254-55 TORCH, 401-02
Tank guns, 81-85, 87-89, 101 Tractors, 293
Tank recovery vehicles, 253, 293-95 Trailmobile Company, 295
Tank transporters, 293-94 Transfer cases, 273-74
Tanks, 2, 3, 61, 64 Transmissions, 246-47, 297
British, 223-24, 239, 254, 263 Transport vehicles. See Trucks.
Canadian Ram type of, 253 Transportation Corps, 106, 186, 386, 430-31, 434,
cost of, 256 460, 478
criticism of, 222-23 Treasury Department, U.S., 357, 386, 419-20
depots for, 254-55 Trojan Powder Company, 112
early plans for procurement of, 223-26 Troop Basis, 47, 52-55, 59-60, 63-64, 101
educational orders for, 224-25 Trucks
engines for, 244-46, 253
amphibian (Dukw), 258, 284-86, 295-97, 471
evaluation of record of, 262-64
ban on civilian production, 280-81
German, 222-23, 239-40, 261-63 Brockway 6-ton, 284
heavy, 231, 235, 239, 259-62 Chevrolet 1½-ton, 274, 284
and howitzer, 75-mm., 81-82 Chrysler ½-ton, 274, 284
industry-integration committee for, 244 Class B (World War I), 267-68, 270
inspection of, 334-36 Corbitt 6-ton, 284
light, 225-26, 250-52, 262 during defense period, 270-80
medium, 226, 228-30, 252-54, 257, 262 Diamond T, 4-ton, 4-5-ton, 5-6-ton, 284
production methods for, 241
production of by facility, 242
Dodge ¾-ton, 284
production totals, 262-63 Dodge 1½-ton, 271
German army's standardization of, 269
"remanufacture" of, 258-59
GMC 2½-ton, 271, 274-75, 471
requirements for, 231-39, 469
heavy, 281
Soviet, 223, 239, 264
heavy-heavy, 275, 286-92
transmissions for, 246-47
jeep ¼-ton, 276-79, 284, 471
"Taxi" numbers, 357, 398
lag in production of, 279-80
Taylor, Col. Brainerd, 269n
Mack 6-ton, 271
Technical Division, Ordnance, 467
Technical services, 474-75 maintenance of, 282, 299
production record, 297-99
Technological advances, 133-40
Telescopes, 97. See also Fire control instruments. spare parts for, 413-15, 470
Tennessee Eastman Corporation, 136 special types of, 292-99
Termination Accounting Manual, 345 storage of, 385
Termination of contracts, 217-20, 339-50, 472 struggle for standardization of, 266-72
Terre Haute Ordnance Depot, 390 transfer of to Ordnance, 64, 266, 282-84, 383,
Third Army, 447 399-400, 467-68
White 6-ton, 284
Thompson submachine gun, 155, 158, 181
World War I experience with, 265
Tiger tank, German, 223, 239, 261, 263
Tilson, Rep. John Q., 359 Yellow (GMC) 2½-ton, 274-75, 284
Time magazine, 4 Truman, Harry S., 102-03, 194, 409
Time objectives for procurement, 25, 42, 58, 87, 280 Truman Committee, U.S. Senate, 12, 32, 40, 102,
Timken-Detroit Axle Company, 246, 270, 273-74, 288 311-14
TNT, 11, 12, 32-33, 43, 107, 111, 114, 120, 128, Trundle Engineering Company, 331-32
130-31, 134-36, 138-39, 143, 147, 204, 366-67, Trundle Report, 331-32
476 Tschappat, Maj. Gen. William H., 362-63

Twin Cities Ordnance Plant, 195-96, 198, 202-03, War Department—Continued

218, 221, 461 and preventive maintenance, 451-52
Tyson Valley Powder Storage Area, 207 and procurement of trucks, 271-72
and sites for depots, 366-68
Umatilla Ordnance Depot, 367-69, 376, 378, 380- and spare parts, 311
82, 387 and theater requirements, 50-51
Under Secretary of War, 30, 33, 38, 42, 62, 87, 197, War Department Budget Advisory Committee, 380
203, 234, 279-80, 305, 478. See also Patterson, War Department Circular 245, 266
Robert P. War Department Procurement Review Board, 65-
Underwood-Elliott-Fisher Company, 174-76 66, 143-44, 217
Underwriters' Laboratories, 132 War Manpower Commission, 146
Union Guardian Building, 283 War Mobilization, Office of. See Office of War
Union Pacific Railroad, 367 Mobilization.
Union Switch and Signal Company, 185 War Munitions Program (11 Feb 42), 174, 180, 380
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of War Munitions Program, Overall Requirements for,
America, 219 60-61
United Motors Service Division (GMC), 254 War Office, British, 239
United Nations lists, 308 War Plans Division, General Staff, 59
United Shoe Machinery Corporation, 81, 87 War Production Board, 51, 146, 173, 255, 283-84,
United States Cartridge Company, 194, 204, 208-12 427, 478
United States Maritime Commission, 119, 250, 287 and availability of copper, 200
United States Optical Supply Corporation, 99 and ban on civilian automotive production, 280-
United States Public Health Service, 131 81
United States Rubber Company, 196, 200, 203 and feasibility dispute, 62-63
United States Standard Commodity Catalog, 409 history of cited, 58
United States Steel Corporation, 13, 27 and production of Dukw's, 286
United States Steel Export Company, 190 and production of heavy trucks, 286-89
United States Tank Committee, 236-37 and requirements, 45, 58
Unit Training Center, 112 and rules for wartime construction, 381
Utah Ordnance Plant, 195, 202, 218 War Reserve Equipment, 191
War Shipping Administrator, 431
Van Deusen, Col. Edwin S., 301 Ward-La France Company, 273, 288, 294
Van Dorn Iron Works, 225 Warehouses, 379. See also Depots.
Victory Program, 59-60, 232, 234 Warner, Lt. Col. Walter W., 229
Vilter Company, 87 Warren, Lindsay, 347
VT fuze, 123-24 Washington Evening Star, 165
Washington, President George, 466
Wabash Ordnance Works, 136, 147 Waterbury-Farrel Foundry and Machine Company,
WAC's, 428 192
Wagner Act, 277 Watertown Arsenal, 27, 72, 74-75, 78-79, 85-86,
Wallace, Henry A., 234 92-94, 352, 354, 391, 467
Walter Scott and Company, 73, 341 Watervliet Arsenal, 27, 72, 74-75, 77-82, 85-87,
War Aid depots, 381, 383, 385, 390 89-90, 92-93, 352, 354, 391
War Aid Section, Field Service, 430-31 Waukesha Motor Company, 288
War Department, 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 21, 44, 59-60, Weapons of World War II, 465
118, 129, 195, 376 Welch, Col. Gordon B., 336
and approval of ammunition plants, 195 Welding of tank armor, 248
and combined shops, 460-61 Weldon Springs Ordnance Plant, 43, 145
and contract termination, 339, 347-48 Wells, Brig. Gen. Gordon M., 85-86, 89, 92, 94-95,
and control of ammunition supply, 423, 429, 432 404
and curtailment of ammunition production, 129, Wells Board, 404-05
143 Wesson, Maj. Gen. Charles M., 5, 85-86, 163, 222
and defense of policy toward small business, 40-41 and accepted schedules of production, 17
and demobilization studies, 67 and aircraft guns, 180
and depot construction policy, 380-82 and arsenal aid to manufacturers, 74
and IBM machines, 397 and Colt Company production problems, 80-81
and plans for new facilities, 32-33 and District Office display rooms, 41
and plans for storage facilities, 361-63, 383 and eleven o'clock conferences, 5, 477
and plans for tanks, 227 and establishment of Fire Control Sub-Office, 96
Wesson, Maj. Gen. Charles M.—Continued Whittemore, Brig. Gen. James M., 386
and growth of staff, 28-29 Whittemore Base Shop, 458
and legal restrictions on procurement, 16-17 Whittemore motor transport depot, 386
and low priorities, 468 William W. Gherard, S.S., 315
and machine tools, 38-39 Williams, Maj. Gen. C. C., 35, 65, 322, 351
orders highest priority for spare parts, 304-05 Williams, Maj. Gen. L. H., 300n
and procurement plans, 12, 15-16 Williamsburg restoration, 113
and production of rifles, 159, 163 Willys-Overland Company, 196, 270, 273, 277-79,
and production of small arms ammunition, 194- 295-96
95, 197-98 Wilmington, suboffice at, 11, 108
and production of tanks, 228-38 Winchester Repeating Arms Company, 20, 157-58,
and production studies, 21 163, 167, 169-70, 173-74, 191, 218-19, 221
and rearmament expenditures, 10 Wingate Ordnance Depot, 353, 376, 378, 381, 387
and requirements for ammunition, 198-200 Winter-Weiss Company, 295
and reserve machinery, 159 Witter, Col. Dean, 346
retirement of, 306 Wolf Creek Ordnance Plant, 108, 113, 370
and sites for ammunition plants, 108 Wood, Brig. Gen. Robert E., 402
and sites for depots, 375-76 Wood, Brig. Gen. Walter A., Jr., 54
and spare parts board, 304 Wood Newspaper Machinery Corporation, 73
and time needed for production, 21 Wood pulp, 136-37
West Point, arsenal at, 360 Woods, S. A., Company, 5
Western Cartridge Company, 191-92, 194, 196, 203,Worthington Pump Company, 79
205, 220-21 Wreckers, heavy truck, 293-95
Western Electric Company, 124 Wright Aeronautical Corporation, 227, 244
Western Union, 348
Westervelt Board, 68
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Com- Yellow Truck and Coach Company, 273-75, 285-86
pany, 97-98, 124 York Arsenal (Canada), 221
Wheels, Inc., 308 York Safe and Lock Company, 77-79, 81, 87
Young, Owen D., 13
Wheland Company, 79, 86
Young, Col. William C., 439
"Whirlwind" tank engines, 244
White Motor Car Company, 27, 88, 273, 275, 288,
292-93 Zenith Carburetor Company, 314
Whitney, Eli, 155 Zenith Radio Corporation, 124


PIN : 038989-000

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