A620416 PDF
A620416 PDF
A620416 PDF
Joshua S. Bowes
Mark T. Newdigate
Pedro J. Rosario
Davis D. Tindoll
December 2013
11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy
or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. IRB protocol number ____N/A ____.
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited A
13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words)
This capstone project analyses subterranean threats in the contemporary operational environment. It identifies the doctrinal gap in
the U.S. military regarding operations within tunnels, urban and natural cavities, and other underground facilities, and outlines the
changes necessary to prepare ground forces to operate in these complex environments. This paper reviews historical cases
spanning back over half a millennium, proposes a new typological classification system, and investigates the subterranean
environment in terms of the United States Army doctrine, organization, training, matériel, leadership and education, personnel, and
facilities process. Additionally, it provides analysis geared toward countering subterranean threats through indirect means to
include: incendiary weapons, cyber-based attacks, and military information support operations. The capstone finds that: 1) Current
U.S. military doctrine does not properly prepare units for operations in subterranean environments; 2) Future conflicts will require
general purpose forces to deal with subterranean threats; and 3) Understanding the use of indirect approaches is critical in the
conduct of subterranean operations. This research leads to the recommendation that the Training and Doctrine Command
Intelligence Support Activity recognize “subterranean” as an operational environment. Additionally, this capstone provides
guidance to commanders and staffs to assist in pre-mission training even before the doctrinal gap is filled.
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
Joshua S. Bowes
Major, United States Army
B.A. University of Southern Mississippi, 1997
Mark T. Newdigate
Major, United States Army
B.A., University of Kentucky, 2003
Pedro J. Rosario
Major, United States Army
B.A., Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, 2003
Davis D. Tindoll
Major, United States Army
B.A, Troy State University, 2001
from the
I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1
A. BACKGROUND ..............................................................................................1
B. DESCRIBING THE PROBLEM....................................................................2
C. SCOPE OF RESEARCH ................................................................................2
D. RESEARCH QUESTIONS .............................................................................3
II. METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................5
A. LITERATURE REVIEW ...............................................................................5
1. Doctrinal Void for General Purpose Forces .....................................5
2. Historical Trajectory of Subterranean Threats ................................5
3. Non-standard Approaches Have Value .............................................6
B. ARGUMENTS..................................................................................................6
1. Current U.S. Military Doctrine Does Not Properly Prepare
Units for Operations in Subterranean Environments ......................6
2. Future Conflicts Will Require General Purpose Forces to Deal
With Subterranean Threats ................................................................7
3. Understanding the Use of Indirect Approaches is Critical in
the Conduct of Subterranean Operations..........................................8
C. TYPOLOGY.....................................................................................................9
1. Defining the Typology..........................................................................9
2. Typological Attributes .......................................................................10
3. Categorizing Subterranean Structures ............................................16
D. CASE STUDY LOGIC AND SELECTION ................................................23
III. CASE STUDIES .........................................................................................................27
A. THE SIEGE OF CONSTANTINOPLE (1453) ...........................................27
1. Introduction ........................................................................................27
2. Background ........................................................................................27
3. Subterranean ......................................................................................30
4. Effects ..................................................................................................33
5. DOTMLPF Application.....................................................................34
6. Conclusion ..........................................................................................35
(1864) ...............................................................................................................35
1. Introduction ........................................................................................35
2. Background ........................................................................................36
3. Subterranean ......................................................................................37
4. Effects ..................................................................................................42
5. Application of DOTMLPF ................................................................43
6. Conclusion ..........................................................................................44
(1917) ...............................................................................................................45
1. Introduction ........................................................................................45
2. Background ........................................................................................46
3. Subterranean ......................................................................................47
4. Effects ..................................................................................................51
5. Application of DOTMLPF ................................................................53
6. Conclusion ..........................................................................................53
D. THE BATTLE OF OKINAWA (1945) ........................................................55
1. Introduction ........................................................................................55
2. Background ........................................................................................55
3. Subterranean ......................................................................................57
4. Effects ..................................................................................................65
5. Application of DOTMLPF ................................................................66
6. Conclusion ..........................................................................................66
1. Introduction ........................................................................................67
2. Background ........................................................................................68
3. Subterranean ......................................................................................71
4. Effects ..................................................................................................77
5. Application of DOTMLPF ................................................................78
F. CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................79
IV. CASE STUDY COMPARISON AND ANALYSIS.................................................81
A. TREND COMPARISON ...............................................................................81
B. DOTMLPF ANALYSIS OF CASE TRENDS .............................................83
V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ...................................................85
1. Doctrine...............................................................................................85
a. Planning Considerations ........................................................86
b. Threats .....................................................................................88
c. Challenges ...............................................................................89
d. Indicators and Detection of Subterranean Activity ...............90
e. Alternate Approaches..............................................................92
2. Organization .......................................................................................94
3. Training ..............................................................................................95
4. Matériel ...............................................................................................95
a. Air Quality ...............................................................................96
b. Optics/Visibility .......................................................................97
c. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear .................98
d. Hearing Protection..................................................................98
e. Breaching Equipment .............................................................99
f. Incendiary Weapons ...............................................................99
g. Remote Controlled Robotics .................................................100
h. Air blowers.............................................................................101
5. Leadership and Education ..............................................................102
6. Personnel...........................................................................................103
7. Facilities ............................................................................................103
a. Tunnel Training ....................................................................104
b. Urban & Natural Cavity Training ........................................104
c. Underground Facility Training ............................................105
d. Other Training Opportunities...............................................106
B. AREAS FOR CONTINUED RESEARCH ................................................107
C. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................108
1. Case Studies ......................................................................................108
2. Typology............................................................................................108
3. DOTMLPF........................................................................................111
4. Incendiary Weapons, Cyber-based Attacks, and MISO: .............112
5. Final Thoughts .................................................................................113
APPENDIX A. INFORMATION DOMINANCE ...................................................115
MILITARY DECEPTION ..........................................................................115
1. Contaminated Air Supply ...............................................................115
2. Structure Collapse ...........................................................................116
3. Food/Supply Shortages ....................................................................116
4. Fire/Smoke Inhalation .....................................................................116
5. Flooding ............................................................................................117
6. Tunnel Remediation ........................................................................118
7. Social Media .....................................................................................118
8. Local Populace Interaction .............................................................119
B. CYBER AND ELECTRONIC ATTACK ..................................................121
1. Introduction ......................................................................................121
2. Stuxnet ..............................................................................................121
3. Subterranean Lessons Learned ......................................................123
4. Conclusion ........................................................................................124
THE KOREAN WAR, AND THE VIETNAM WAR ..............................130
1. World War II....................................................................................130
2. Korea .................................................................................................132
3. Vietnam .............................................................................................132
B. SECTION TWO: WEAPONS USED BY TERRORISTS .......................134
1. 2004 Beslan School Massacre..........................................................134
2. 2008 Attack in Mumbai ...................................................................134
3. 2012 Attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi ............................135
SUFFERING OF ENEMY PERSONNEL.................................................136
D. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................138
APPENDIX C. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................141
A. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS STUDIES .........................................141
1. Underground Structures of the Cold War: The World Below
by Paul Ozorak.................................................................................141
2. Lexicon of Hardened Structure Definition and Terms, by the
Defense Intelligence Agency ............................................................142
3. Classification of the Typologies of Artificial Cavities in the
World, by the Speleological Society of Italy. .................................143
4. [Title Classified Secret] a Thesis by James Papineau at the
Naval Postgraduate School .............................................................143
B. HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS...............................................................144
1. The Fall of Constantinople 1453, by Steven Runciman................144
2. The Battle of the Crater, by Alfred P. James ................................145
3. In Flanders Fields: The 1917 Campaign, by Leon Wolff .............145
4. Okinawa: The Last Battle of World War II, by Robert Leckie ..146
5. The Tunnels of Cu Chi, by Tom Mangold .....................................146
6. A Historical Analysis of Tunnel Warfare and the
Contemporary Perspective, by Major Allen Reece ......................147
7. Underground Combat: Stereophonic Blasting, Tunnel Rats,
and the Soviet-Afghan War by Lester W. Grau ...........................147
C. DOCTRINAL PUBLICATIONS ................................................................147
1. ATTP 3-06.11 Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain ...147
2. FM 90-8 Counterguerrilla Operations, FM 90-10 Urban
Operations, and FM 90-10-1 An Infantryman’s Guide to
Combat in Built Up Areas ...............................................................148
LIST OF REFERENCES ....................................................................................................153
INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST .......................................................................................161
IPOE intelligence preparation of the operational environment
IR infra-red
ISR intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
JTTR joint tunnel testing range
LOS line of sight
LTC lieutenant colonel
LTG lieutenant general
MASINT measurement and signature intelligence
METT-TC mission, enemy, time, terrain, troops available, and civilian
MG major general
MILDEC military deception
MISO military information support operations
MIST military information support teams
MOPP mission oriented protective Posture
MUTC Muscatatuck Urban Training Center
MWD military working dogs
NBC nuclear, biological, or chemical
OIL observations, insights, and lessons
OCO overseas contingency operations
OPFOR opposing forces
OPSEC operational security
PLC program logic control
POL petroleum, oil, and lubricants
PPE personal protective equipment
RF radio frequency
SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus
SMU special mission unit
SOF Special Operations Forces
SPV single point of vulnerability
SWG Subterranean Working Group
TBM tunnel-boring machine
TCO trans-national criminal organization
TRADOC U.S Army Training and Doctrine Command
TRISA training and doctrine command intelligence support activity
TTP tactics, techniques and procedures
UFAC Underground Facility Analysis Center
UGF underground facility
UGS shallow underground facility
USSOCOM U.S. Special Operations Command
VC Viet Cong
VEO violent extremist organization
WSMR White Sands Missile Range
WMD weapons of mass destruction
WSMR White Sands Missile Range
WWI World War I
WWII World War II
The Subterranean Working Group (SWG) Capstone represents a combined effort with the
Naval Postgraduate School Defense Analysis Department and the Asymmetric Warfare
Group (AWG). The result of this effort is an analysis of subterranean threats in the
contemporary operational environment (COE) and a description of what actions must be
taken to prepare ground forces to operate underground. More importantly, this project
has created a subterranean lexicon which ranges from the most rudimentary tunnels to
deeply buried hardened facilities. With this lexicon, the Subterranean Working Group
has created a tool that can assist commanders in planning and executing subterranean
operations. Proliferation of subterranean structures continues unabated among those with
hostile intentions, including rogue states and criminal, insurgent, and terrorist networks.
The most modern underground facilities, incorporate design features that make them
essentially impervious to air or missile attack. Currently, ground-assault options are
limited to small special operations forces (SOF) contingents. This research suggests that
general purpose forces (GPF) solutions may prove necessary to meet these threats.
The current courses of action for defeating subterranean threats are insufficient.
Techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTP) for U.S. forces encountering urban and natural
cavities and tunnels are developed ad hoc. However, such responses lack efficiency and
require soldiers to assume unnecessary risks. These risks cannot be effectively mitigated
unless U.S. forces have conducted training in subterranean operations. The current
course of action for the defeat of underground facilities (UGF) is the use of earth-
penetrating munitions and, possibly, tactical nuclear weapons. However, deep
penetrating munitions will not destroy some reinforced UGF and the use of nuclear
weapons is simply not politically or morally feasible. Thus, ground forces must be
prepared to conduct operations in a subterranean environment.
Doctrinal Gap
A classification methodology was also created that will enable ground elements
and military planners to understand what information is critical to underground
operations. The coding system and graphical symbol proposed will enable commanders
and staffs to plan subterranean operations effectively within their areas of operation.
environments and identifying targeting attributes, leaders and planners will be made
aware of the multiple challenges that could be faced underground. These targeting
attributes are represented in Figure 2.
The case studies show that incendiary weapons have been effective in the tunnels
and underground facilities (UGFs) of Constantinople, Turkey; Okinawa, Japan; and
Vietnam. Incendiary weapons are a simple, cost effective means of combating
underground threats and cause immediate psychological and physical damage. Due to
the irresponsible use of incendiary weapons in the past, a normative taboo has formed
against this effective enabler. This capstone explains how the taboo is hindering U.S.
forces conducting operations against subterranean threats. Ground forces conducting
underground operations should receive proper training on the effects of incendiary
weapons, when they should be used, and how they should be used.
and doctrine for subterranean operations, electronic warfare should be further explored
and incorporated to fill this gap.
We would like to thank our advisor, Professor Leo Blanken, whose direction and
patience was deeply appreciated throughout the capstone process. We are also grateful to
our second reader and Department Chair for Defense Analysis, Professor John Arquilla.
Thank you both for assembling this capstone group, and affording us the opportunity to
impact the Department of Defense on such an important topic.
We also benefited greatly from a partnership with our sponsors, the Asymmetric
Warfare Group (AWG). The support AWG provided allowed for first-hand research
efforts in a multitude of varying subterranean environments essential to validating our
proposed typology. While these pages cannot recognize every unit member, special
thanks go to COL Patrick Mahaney, LTC Michael Richardson, MAJ Scott Broome, CSM
Dan Hendrex, SGM Brendan O’Connor, Mr. Scott Kesterson, and the men and women of
“Dog Squadron.”
Additionally, this work would not have been possible without the knowledge
gained from experts throughout the subterranean and defense community. These include
but are not limited to COL Jonathan Braga, NPS SOF Fellow; COL(R) Fred Meurer,
former Vietnam “tunnel rat” Commander; Mr. Michael Gold, Defense Intelligence
Agency, and the staff of the Underground Facility Analysis Center; 1SG(R) Alex Robles,
Colorado School of Mines; Joint Task Force—North; the U.S. Customs and Border
Patrol; the 911th Tech Rescue Engineer Company; the New York Fire Department; the
Baltimore Fire Department; the San Diego Tunnel Task Force; and the Defense Threat
Reduction Agency.
Most importantly, we would like to thank our families. Their support and
encouragement over the past 18 months has been critical to the completion of not only his
capstone, but to our overall studies at NPS as well.
Even though large amounts of national resources and intelligence collection are
invested in munitions with the purpose of penetrating and destroying subterranean
systems, limitations on their use requires a reassessment of the methods used to prepare
Special Operations Forces (SOF) and general purpose forces (GPF) to operate in the
subterranean domain. Historical analysis has shown that adversaries in the future
operational environment (FOE) will likely use subterranean systems to protect personnel
and equipment and that they may include weapons of mass destruction (WMD). In order
to fill the operational gap, U.S. ground forces must be prepared to operate within
subterranean environments.
This project seeks to explore a doctrinal gap in the U.S. military regarding
operations within underground tunnels and deeply buried hardened facilities. Despite the
fact that the U.S. military has fought in subterranean environments since prior to the
American Civil War, currently no military doctrine exists that identifies “subterranean”
as a unique operational environment, apart from being subsumed as a minor component
of the urban environment. However, the U.S. ground forces organized, trained, and
equipped for urban environments are not prepared for the unique challenges of
underground engagements. Increasingly, more adversaries are turning to the
underground in order to minimize U.S. air power and ISR effectiveness. The purpose of
this capstone project is to create awareness of this complex problem-set in order for the
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) intelligence support activity to
recognize “subterranean” as a unique operational environment.
enemy a safe haven and potentially enable the enemy to operate rear of friendly lines.
Such an advantage acquired by the enemy cannot be discounted if a military force is to
achieve success. Through understanding historical patterns more fully, and by placing
such historical analysis in a sound theoretical framework, contemporary military leaders
will be able to anticipate and plan for the subterranean problem-set.
How should U.S. ground forces prepare to deal with the increasing use of
subterranean environments by state and non-state actors within the contemporary
operational environment?
Following the end of the Cold War, enemies of the U.S. have recognized that they
must counter military and technological might with unconventional tactics. In order to
counter U.S. air and space dominance, and the technical capabilities of ISR, today’s
opponents are reverting to the underground.
move men, weapons, and equipment across international borders. Subverting a nation’s
ability to control its borders directly holds sovereignty at risk and creates irregular
challenges for defense forces.
State actors attempting to conceal and protect military capabilities are doing so by
placing them underground, and in some cases, beyond the projected capabilities of kinetic
air strikes. Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) have long been used as a deterrent
against state aggression. The international community seems to have accepted the status
quo on current proliferation and regularly engages in efforts to reduce stockpiles and
counter any further acquisitions. States that feel an unequal balance in deterrence
capability, however, can choose to undermine counter-proliferation efforts by building
storage and production facilities deep underground where detection, surveillance, and
destruction are difficult.
Past adversaries, in conventional, irregular, and total war have used underground
structures for various activities that have grown in complexity over time. The group
researched five hand-selected case studies that not only followed this trend, but also
incorporated the full spectrum of the typology seen today. The proliferation of the
underground phenomenon was explored in chronological order, starting with
subterranean warfare at Constantinople in 1453, followed by the siege of Petersburg in
the American Civil War and the Flanders Campaign in the First World War, the battle of
Okinawa in the Second World War, and finishing with the Tunnels of Cu Chi in the
Vietnam conflict. Research shows this trend of underground threats seems to be growing
in the present operational environment.
3. Non-standard Approaches Have Value
Non-standard approaches such as the use of fire and smoke have had immense
value towards combating subterranean threats for centuries. The battle of Constantinople
was among the first recorded subterranean warfare events that captured the value of fire
and smoke in a confined environment when the Ottomans used it against the Byzantines.
Centuries later such approaches proved useful yet again, this time for Soviet forces in
their fight against the Mujahedeen, annotated in Underground Combat, Stereophonic
Blasting, Tunnel Rats, and the Soviet-Afghan War and AWG’s Subterranean Warfare
Handbook. While fire and smoke remain relevant today, newer indirect approaches such
as cyber-based attacks and MISO are also impacting the battlefield.
1. Current U.S. Military Doctrine Does Not Properly Prepare Units for
Operations in Subterranean Environments
Currently, the U.S. military does not possess adequate doctrine addressing
effective operation in a subterranean environment. All current field manuals and/or joint
publications address the subterranean environment as an additional factor, such as sewers
and basements, to consider while operating in an urban environment. The subterranean
environment that exists as part of the urban operational environment does not adequately
encompass the level of planning needed when considering all the possible subterranean
threats used by today’s adversaries. From a mission planning perspective, much of the
tactical considerations regarding the subterranean environment are scattered across
several manuals. Some major subterranean concerns that are not addressed in current
manuals are: command and control, communications, movement techniques, navigation,
vulnerabilities of a tunnel above/below ground and environmental factors that hinder
soldiers underground. These factors will be a primary focus for current U.S. adversaries
that are increasing their use of underground facilities.
Current and historical doctrine does address rudimentary tunnels and urban
cavities. However, it does not consider structures that are larger, deeper, more complex
and reinforced. Military planning considerations need to be updated to address the
current threat as well as to update technological advances and capabilities that should
increase the survivability of U.S. troops. Failure to do so will jeopardize future
operations and the lives of soldiers forced to operate underground.
The global proliferation of underground tunnels and facilities has grown far
beyond the capabilities of air power and special mission units (SMUs) to effectively
succeed alone. This is especially true, given the small percentage of the SMU
community trained in the complexities associated with UGFs and Counter-WMD
scenarios. This is not to say that a GPF unit could not clear an underground structure
today. It has been learned from more than 11 years of fighting the Global War on
Terrorism (GWOT), and Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO), that units have
encountered and achieved much success utilizing varying techniques and procedures
against underground enemies. As early as the American Civil War, GPF units used
intrinsic capabilities when encountering such structures based on individual soldier
backgrounds and experiences. Unfortunately, following the Vietnam conflict,
observations, insights, and lessons (OIL) regarding subterranean warfare were not
effectively captured or recorded for future generations. All GPF units need to be
provided with education and training, in the form of a more comprehensive Army
doctrine and training publication, which defines subterranean as its own operational
environment. This is not to say that GPF units need to restructure their missions or
organizations since the COE has seen enemy forces continuing to seek subterranean
environments as a means to limit U.S. kinetic capabilities and ISR platforms. The SMUs
simply do not have the manpower to engage every subterranean threat. In order to
discourage the proliferation of subterranean threats, unilateral capabilities and
preparedness within GPF and SOF must be increased.
3. Understanding the Use of Indirect Approaches is Critical in the
Conduct of Subterranean Operations
In some situations, the risk of ground forces entering a subterranean system may
be too great. Indirect approaches like incendiary weapons, cyber-based attacks, and
MISO can assist in lowering risk and possibly defeating a subterranean threat. A better
understanding of these topics could provide commanders and staffs with a variety of
options for “prepping” an underground target.
Cyber-based attacks have also proven effective against subterranean threats. The
Stuxnet virus was used in Natanz, Iran is one example that proves the valid applicability
of cyber-based attacks. Open-source reports have stated that the physical damage done to
the underground centrifuges set the nuclear program back approximately three years. An
understanding of how cyber-based attacks can be used against subterranean targets is
crucial to combating such a threat. Due to the lack of subterranean doctrine and limited
underground training, the employment of electronic warfare should be researched in
order to be incorporated and fill this gap.
Military support operations are another capability that can shift the offense/
defense balance. Where cyber-based attacks may only be used against subterranean
systems with modern infrastructure, MISO is flexible enough to be used against both
primitive and modern underground threats. These operations can be used to influence the
behavior of personnel contributing to and operating within a subterranean complex. This
capstone will explore a multitude of themes, messages, and actions to support this
In his book, Spec Ops Case Studies in Special Operations Warfare: Theory and
Practice, Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), Admiral
William McRaven stated that relative superiority is the condition that exists when a
smaller force gains a decisive advantage over a larger or well-defended enemy.1 In the
subterranean environment, the defending force has an intrinsic advantage over the
attacking force. Understanding the use of indirect approaches is critical for U.S. forces to
achieve the required degree of relative superiority in the conduct of subterranean
1 William H. McRaven. Spec Ops Case Studies in Special Operations Warfare: Theory and Practice
(Monterey, CA: Presidio Press, 1996).
An explanatory typology is a multidimensional conceptual classification based on
observations that allows the description of a subterranean environment likely to be
encountered by ground forces. This typology acknowledges the complexity of the
subterranean operational environment and seeks to consolidate the number of possible
types and heterogeneity of such types into categories that may affect the operational
posture of ground forces.2 Using a classificatory function, empirical case studies can be
inserted into this typology and evaluated as to a particular category. In addition,
typological attributes can be used to create a common graphical control measure or
symbol that enables commanders to quickly determine resources required to defeat
threats within identified subterranean areas. The attributes associated with the
subterranean environment are numerous and different audiences have different
information requirements. Geologists, for example, concern themselves with types of
soil and rock, weapons developers want to know the depth and construction
characteristics, and intelligence analysts want to know everything else. For the ground
force commander who is directed to commit lives into these unknown spaces,
information requirements are more intimate. Pragmatic compression will allow linking
of the many different types of underground structures into categories with similar
attributes where expansion would not better serve the ground force commander.3 At this
stage of research, it is important to lay out the entire breadth of the typological property
space. The purpose of this style of typology, therefore, is to begin the process of
evaluating what attributes constitute a particular type of underground structure, providing
the commander with the knowledge of what to expect based on known characteristics.
2. Typological Attributes
2 Kenneth D. Bailey, “Constructing Monothetic and Polythetic Typologies by the Heuristic Method,”
The Sociological Quarterly (Midwest Sociological Society), 14, no. 3 (Summer, 1973):291, last accessed
August 10, 2013, http://www.jstor.org/stable/4105680.
3 John C. McKinney, “Typification, Typologies, and Sociological Theory,” Social Forces 48, no. 1
(September 1969): 3, last accessed August 10, 2013, http://jstor.org/stable/2575463.
particular subterranean structures can be coded.4 The Defense Intelligence Agency
(DIA) maintains a coding or categorization system of hardened structures based on
physical characteristics.5 One drawback of this system is its limitation to hardened
structures, and its use of structural elements or characteristics that would affect the
behavior of earth penetrating munitions. A typology of the subterranean operational
environment must consider a wider spectrum of subterranean structures and must relate to
intelligence requirements of the ground forces likely to enter these areas. The
subterranean typology presented here is based on five attributes: function, infrastructure,
mobility, threat, and accessibility.
4 Ibid.
5 Defense Intelligence Agency, Lexicon of Hardened Structure Definitions and Terms
(UNCLAS/FOUO), Washington, DC: Defense Intelligence Agency, 2011, 85.
The mobility within a subterranean passage typically coincides with the largest
item that can be conveyed through or housed within the functional workspace. Mobility
within the subterranean environment in terms of the maneuverability of ground forces
will ultimately determine the tactics employed. The specific assessment of mobility
refers to the dimensions of the access portal or entrance, as well as that of the entrance
tunnel or adit. The mobility attributes are defined as restricted, semi-restricted,
permissive, and unrestricted. Restricted adits are characterized by their confined space
that permits only the single file movement of persons in a prostrated or less than fully
upright posture. Semi-restricted adits allow for the fully upright movement of persons in
single file. Permissive adits allow for the fully upright movement of persons in columns
of two. Unrestricted adits are large enough to support upright movement of more than a
two-person column and may even support the movement of vehicles.
Figure 1. Restricted6
Figure 3. Permissive8
7 “IDF Fighters Go Underground for Subterranean Warfare Training,” [image], July 26, 2013, Defence
Talk, http://www.defencetalk.com/idf-fighters-go-underground-for-subterranean-warfare-training-48577/.
8“Tunnel Warfare” [image], 3 Nation Airsoft, accessed December 12 2013,
Figure 4. Unrestricted9
The threat attribute characterizes the potential risk to forces entering the
subterranean environment. This threat attribute may also factor into the size,
composition, weapons posture, and special equipment needed to effectively operate in a
particular subterranean environment. Threat characteristics within subterranean
environments include environmental, personnel, and matériel. Environmental hazards
include: naturally occurring gasses that affect air quality; dangerous insects, arachnids,
reptiles, and other wildlife; unstable ground control; stagnant water that may release
deadly gases such as hydrogen sulfide or deep water that could create a drowning hazard.
Personnel hazards account for the presence of potentially hostile persons within the
subterranean structure. These could include armed defense forces or non-combatants that
may become hostile once encountered. Matériel hazards include those hazards artificially
introduced into the environment. These can include: explosives, booby traps, and
improvised explosive devices (IEDs); nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC) storage or
production equipment; fuel and other petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL); as well as
other man-made implements.
3. Categorizing Subterranean Structures
Sophisticated tunnels are typically dug using mechanical tools or larger heavy
equipment. Equipment must rely on air compressors or electricity for power, unless
significant ventilation is available to support the use of combustion engines. A noticeable
characteristic in sophisticated tunnels is the effort placed in the shoring up of access
portals and walls. The use of concrete-like material or masonry and timber to line the
walls indicates a deliberate effort to maintain a lasting subterranean passage. These
tunnels are more expensive to build; however, greater distances can be achieved with that
added financial investment. Sophisticated tunnels routinely have ventilation conduits and
are tied to existing power supplies. Ground water removal is also either structurally
engineered or drainage lines and pumps are installed. The size of sophisticated tunnels
can range from semi-permissive to unrestricted. Umbilical infrastructure will likely be
vulnerable and portals will likely have a level I accessibility. Because of the amount of
financial investment in the construction of sophisticated tunnels, they are most likely
used for conveyance of persons and goods that offer returns on the investment.
Environmental hazards are still a consideration; however, they are less likely with
increased levels of support infrastructure. Personnel encountered may be more prepared
to engage in hostilities to protect the structure, but the small narrow passages would not
support any sustained resistance. In order to protect the structure, matériel hazards such
as IEDs or booby traps would likely be placed near portals to deny access.
Urban and natural cavities earn their own category particularly based on the
characteristic that most have dual usage; the original structure can be adapted for military
purposes. Special considerations must be taken into account with dual use facilities due
the impact they may have on civilian populations. Urban and natural cavities cover a
wide variety of structures, and the focus is on potential impacts on the civilian
population. As such, the size of these cavities can range from restricted to unrestricted.
Urban and natural cavities are not hardened in terms of special construction material or
design. These subterranean spaces gain additional protection from existing above ground
structures and naturally occurring overburden. In terms of accessibility, these adapted
structures would likely be rated as a level I or II. The subcategories of urban and natural
cavities are substructures and civil works.
Civil works such as sewers, subways, electrical and exhaust tunnels, and
aqueducts, all support habitability in a growing urban population. Although these
structures are primarily used to support a civilian population, both state and non-state
actors can use these same structures to facilitate clandestine movement of high value
personnel and equipment, and storage of weapons and illicit matériel. Civil work
subterranean structures may be significantly large and have multiple ingress and egress
points. Although these structures may appear similar to sophisticated tunnels, or have an
infrastructure similar to a UGF, the significant collateral damage considerations make
these structures unique in terms of how ground forces can hold threats in these areas at
risk. Similar to tunnels, these areas are likely to be unoccupied unless movement activity
is taking place. Caution should be used when entering civil work structures due to
increased environmental hazards of water, gases, and electrical conduits.
10 Ibid., 15.
than the physical characteristics which may present a functional defeat option or access
Deep underground facilities (DUGs) are purposely built or adapted facilities, used
by governments to protect and house strategic level information, personnel, equipment, or
production. Also, they may function as part of a national level C3I system. Designed to
sustain conventional weapon penetration, and resist air-blast and ground shock from
nuclear weapon effects, these structures are built using advanced tunneling methods,
often using a tunnel-boring machine (TBM).13 Caves and mines can also be adapted for
strategic usage. In less developed countries, converted mines can create an ideal
11 Ibid., 8.
12 Ibid., 2.
13 Ibid.,15.
opportunity for the construction of a DUG. The sizes of these structures are typically
very large and mobility would be considered permissive to unrestricted. These facilities
are designed to be tied to surface infrastructure; however, they maintain enough critical
internal infrastructure, such as water and fuel reservoirs, power generation, air filtration
systems, and food rations, to sustain operations from anywhere from 60–90 days in a
“buttoned-up” posture. Some facilities may boast longer sustainment capabilities;
however, human psychological factors are likely more of a limiting factor, particularly if
under siege. The entrances to DUG facilities can be either horizontally or vertically dug
to reach the desired depth of operational workspace.14 These entrances are typically well
hardened to resist kinetic munitions and will likely require accessibility level III or IV
breaching methods. Additionally, interior spaces may require additional level III
breaching methods. Because of the sustainability mechanisms and life support systems,
merely collapsing access portals may not be sufficient to achieve a functional defeat.
Facilities may contain excavation implements to remove rubble and repair portals.
Threats found within these facilities are likely to be personnel and matériel related.
14 Ibid.,16–17.
Table 1. Subterranean Operational Environment Typological Coding System
The case studies selected for use in this project have been chosen because of their
historical significance and impact on military forces operating underground. The case
studies span over half a millennium of military conflict. In each highlighted case, the
aggressor or the defender determined that the ability to maneuver conventionally was
severely restricted and the best remaining option was subterranean. The case studies
have served to assess and refine the typological space in reference to a military’s
subterranean efforts. They also allow for the development of DOTMLPF implications
from broad but relevant perspectives.
The siege of Petersburg during the American Civil War in 1864 provides an
example of a subterranean approach during what can be called “the first modern war.”
The Union Army laid siege to a strongly held Confederate defensive position in
Petersburg, Virginia. In order to break the stalemate, the Union looked to an
underground solution. Former miners, who were now Union soldiers, tunneled
underneath Confederate lines in order to breach the defensive positions. Union miners
detonated a large amount of explosives under the Confederate trenches, creating a huge
crater. Union troops rushing into the massive crater were trapped. Confederates
counterattacked and easily dispatched the Union troops trapped inside. This action was a
catastrophe for the Union Army and extended the siege for another eight months.
Regardless of the tactical error, the cunning behind the design of this particular tunnel
should not escape analysis. The employment of soldiers with previous training in
underground mining proved critical to the subterranean operation. The efforts to mask
the presence of a single ventilation shaft displayed understanding of the vulnerabilities
associated with such support structures as well as efforts against detection through
deception. Having specially trained or adapted soldiers and understanding the art of
deception are both essential elements to subterranean operations today.
The Petersburg tunneling technique was used with much greater success in 1917,
during World War I at the Battle of Messines Ridge. In this incident, the British devised
a more elaborate plan to detonate explosives under German trenches. Nineteen tunnels
were exploded, instantly killing 10,000 Germans enabling the British to capture the ridge.
For the first time in World War I, a strong defense incurred more casualties than the
attacking force. This example illustrates how subterranean operations can be successful
if incorporated into a combined arms strategy. This case study relates the frightening
realities of subterranean combat where miner-soldiers sometimes were engaged in hand-
to-hand combat with counter-miners. The psychological factors associated with living
underground for nine months or more required specially trained soldiers or those
experienced in mining. In order to avoid detection and destruction by bombardment,
miners found themselves going to new depths, increasing levels of sophistication in their
operations , and incorporating new technology to sustain life.
In 1945, during World War II, the Battle of Okinawa became the last stand for the
Japanese prior to a possible U.S. invasion of the home islands. This case displays an
army’s adaptation to underground tactics in order to inflict massive U.S. casualties. The
Japanese on Okinawa transitioned their efforts into a defensive strategy that utilized
underground bunker systems connected by mutually supporting tunnels, effectively
becoming a UGS. The Japanese also took advantage of the terrain, which made Okinawa
the bloodiest and most costly single battle for the U.S. in World War II. Choosing not to
commit forces underground, American soldiers made effective use of specialized
weapons such as flamethrowers and shotguns. Capitalizing on vulnerabilities, motor oil
was poured down ventilation shafts to spread and sustain fire and smoke. The effective
use of incendiary weapons as an alternative to committing forces underground,
contributes to making this a valuable case study.
During the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong constructed a vast subterranean tunnel
network that was intended as a staging area for the Tet Offensive of 1968. This case
illustrates the benefit of an irregular force remaining concealed underground and the
difficulties with efforts to find them. For the first time, the U.S. began to form specially
trained units to enter tunnels to interdict and clear Viet Cong hiding inside. This case
exemplifies the tactics, techniques and procedures that can be effectively utilized in
countering rudimentary tunnels. It also shows the psychological effects on soldiers
operating in a subterranean environment.
1. Introduction
Since Roman times, tunnel warfare has been utilized as a means for armies to gain
a tactical advantage in battle. One of the earliest and most notable uses of subterranean
operations was employed in 1453 during the siege of Constantinople by the Ottoman
Turks. This battle provides an early indicator of how armies, when faced with adversity
above ground, will seek to gain a tactical advantage underground. The battle
incorporated a tunneling operation by Ottoman invaders to breach city walls while
Byzantine defenders struggled to counter it. The battle remains a pertinent historical
example by demonstrating an army’s natural tendency to go underground. As modern
technology continues to drive conflict underground, the Siege of Constantinople becomes
more relevant to modern warfare than ever before.
2. Background
The siege of Constantinople was the great enterprise of Ottoman Sultan Mehmed
II. His goal was to capture the capital of the Byzantine Empire which was the last
remnant of Rome. The Byzantine emperor Constantine XI made the firm assertion that
the city of Constantinople would hold out to the last man if invaded. He believed that it
was the religious duty of every Christian to show no fear in the face of their Muslim
enemies. To lose such a city would be a blow to Christendom and allow Muslims the
opportunity to invade Europe; the city of Constantinople had to make a stand.15
When an attack on the city became imminent, Constantine rapidly mobilized the
city to prepare defensive measures. The Ottoman Turks had a professional army of
80,000 which included a coalition of many countries that were loyal to the Sultan.16
Constantinople could muster only an army of 7,000 to defend itself. One defensive
measure was a large chain manufactured in order to block the mouth the city’s harbor.
The chain was so large that it was supported on the water by floating wooden barges.
Constantine’s intent was to keep the harbor open to the possible arrival of foreign
assistance but to also block Turkish ships. Additionally, the walls of the city were
reinforced to form two layers of security which where comprised of an inner and outer
wall. A moat was dug between the two walls with towers at every 50-60 yards.17 This
provided the city a formidable defense which would allow the Byzantines to hold out
until external support arrived from Rome.
The Sultan attempted to strangle the city by sea as well as land operations. One of
the first actions taken by the Turks was a blockade of the city by 126 Turkish ships off
the coast of Constantinople. Due to Constantine’s defensive measures of the massive
chain, Turkish ships were unable to enter the harbor. The Sultan understood the city’s
walls had been reinforced and were formidable enough to render typical artillery of the
time obsolete. A new weapon was developed by the Turks to solve this problem. The
Sultan commissioned a German engineer to forge massive cannon called “The Basilic.”
The Basilic was 27 feet long and was able to hurl a 600 pound stone ball over a mile.
The Basilic was so large that it was accompanied by a crew of 60 oxen and 400 men.18
Initially, the Turks assumed this new weapon would be all that was necessary to breach
the outer walls of Constantinople.
15 Paul Davis, 100 Decisive Battles from Ancient Times to the Present (Oxford, England: Oxford
University Press, 1999), 165.
16 Roger Crowley, The Last Great Siege, 1453 (New York: Bloomsbury House, 2005), 95.
17 Crowley, 79–86.
18 Davis, 165.
In April of 1453, the Sultan’s troops positioned themselves to begin bombarding
the city walls. The Basilic’s fire was focused at the middle section of the outer wall on
the inland side of the city. Due to the limited size of the Byzantine army, Constantine
only had enough troops to occupy the outer defensive wall of the city. Initially, as the
Basilic fired on the outer wall, massive damage was inflicted which caused the Sultan to
assume it was only a matter of time before the walls could be breached (see Figure 10).
However, due to the inaccuracy of the cannon and its extremely slow rate of fire (three
hours to reload); the Byzantines were able to repair the walls after each shot.19 These
factors severely limited the effectiveness of the Basilic and strengthened the resolve of
the Byzantines.
19 Franz Babinger, Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
1992), 80–81.
20 “Ottoman Superguns” [image], accessed December 12, 2013, Weapons and Hardware,
use a series of tunnels to weaken and/or breach the outer walls.21 However, the Turkish
sappers did not anticipate the difficulties and dynamic problem sets that would come with
such an unconventional subterranean approach.
3. Subterranean
Pasha and his men immediately began construction of the first Turkish tunnel, in
full view of the defenders, just beyond the range of Byzantine weapons. Around the
clock digging by the Turkish sappers revealed large amounts of spoilage (excess earth
from the tunnel) that was being removed. Due to the amount of spoilage, the Byzantine
defenders knew that it was only a matter of time before the Turks would reach the city
walls. As the Byzantine defenders continued to observe Pasha’s efforts, it became crucial
to devise a plan to counter this new underground threat.
As the Byzantine defenders came into contact with sappers underground on the
night of May 16, intense hand to hand combat ensued. Initially, the Byzantines were able
to inflict massive casualties upon the Turks and blocked the Turkish approach. As the
intense fighting within the tunnel progressed, Greek fire and water were introduced into
the struggle. As the Byzantines poured Greek fire and/or water into the tunnels, the
terrified Turks were overwhelmed by fear, causing them to flee from the tunnels.23 The
21 Babinger, 86.
22 Ibid.
23 Davis, 167.
Byzantine engineers were then able to block the tunnels with brick and earth. A citizen
of Constantinople named Tetaldi described this event in his diary by writing:
There were many men who knew how to mine all sorts of metals from the
earth. Their captains led them, with cleverness and cunning, and they
began to dig to bring down and destroy the walls. But the Christians from
within the city dug a counter-mine, met the Turks at some point, and killed
them with smoke; they lost their lives underground with the stench of
corpses. Our side even drowned them with water and prevented them
from accomplishing their task.24
Greek fire created such fear for Turkish sappers that deception was used to
conceal the direction of the tunnels and the breach point under the wall (see Figure 11).
The Turkish sappers conducted this deception by intentionally making no attempt to
conceal the entrance of a newly constructed tunnel leaving it in full view of the
Byzantines. However, the Turkish intent was to encourage the Byzantines to assume the
tunnel would follow a straight line to the wall. Instead, the sappers would construct the
tunnel at an oblique angle to the wall which would make tunnel detection difficult for the
Byzantine defenders.25 Once the Turkish sappers reached the wall undetected, piles of
logs we set on fire under the wall. It was the intent of the sappers to weaken the structure
of the wall to the point of collapse. This action by the Turkish sappers, to weaken the
city walls in support of bombardment by the Basilic, was only moderately successful.
The walls were never reduced enough to enable a breach that could be exploited by
Turkish troops above ground.
24 Marios Philippides and Walter Hanak, The Siege and Fall of Constantinople in 1453 (Surrey,
England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2011), 509.
25 Crowley, 170.
Figure 9. Ancient use of Greek fire26
Pasha then decided the sappers had to focus on making a breach point under the
walls that could accommodate a large assault force. This was accomplished by sappers
constructing multiple tunnels at oblique angles in preparation for a final assault on the
city. At this point, Grant was faced with the problem of detecting multiple Turkish
tunnels while simultaneously having to interdict each effectively. A young Byzantine
engineer came up with a technique of using barrels of water to detect new tunnels. The
Byzantines would simply place barrels of water at close intervals along the inside of the
city wall.27 The barrels were monitored for disturbances in the water that indicated
vibrations from Turkish underground digging. This method became very successful for
the Byzantines and incurred additional casualties for the Turkish sappers. The tunnels
were again bricked up and filled with earth. This caused the sappers to take even more
care with tunnel construction in order to limit the amount of vibration and made tunnel
detection difficult for the Byzantines, but not impossible. The defenders continued to
hastily interdict Turkish tunnels but Grant was determined to enhance Byzantine counter-
tunnel methods.
intelligence was obtained, the two Turkish officers were beheaded and their heads
displayed on the city walls as a message to the Turks.28 This enraged the Turks, but new
tunnel construction continued. As Turkish tunnels continued to be compromised, the
Sultan came to the realization that the number of casualties underground was far too
costly with too little chance of success. With tunnel efforts thwarted by the Byzantines at
every turn, Turkish underground efforts became futile and the Sultan abandoned the
4. Effects
Due to the extensive resources required to counter Turkish tunnels, the remaining
Byzantine defenses along the city wall were degraded. Eventually, the Sultan made the
decision to focus his remaining resources in a massive frontal assault on the city’s
northwest corner, which had been severely damaged by the Basilic (see figure 12).29 This
proved to be more than the Byzantine defenders could handle; the outer wall was
breached and an intense battle occurred within the city’s inner walls. As the Byzantines
continued to lose ground, the Turks penetrated deeper into the city. The battle finally
ended when Constantine killed himself as the Turkish invaders were on the steps of the
city cathedral, Saint Sophia. The Byzantine Empire expired with the fall of
28 Steven Runciman, The Fall of Constantinople 1453 (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press,
1990), 108.
29 Crowley, 217.
Figure 10. Final assault of the walls of Constantinople30
5. DOTMLPF Application
30 Marion James, “Sultan Mehmet II Conquest of Istanbul” [image], accessed December 12, 2013,
• Facilities—Facilities for subterranean warfare consisted of actual time
spent in private and commercial mines during time served in non-military
6. Conclusion
Even though the subterranean battle beneath the walls of Constantinople was not
the final determining factor in the conflict, it did influence the Turks to alter their plan of
attack. The Turks determined the city’s remaining defenses were neglected, due to the
resource-intensive counter-tunneling. Additionally, despite successful counter-tunneling
efforts, morale within the city also began to plummet when the defenders received word
that no reinforcements would arrive from Rome. Mehmed knew the city’s defenses were
at its weakest point. The Turks resumed the frontal attack, which resulted in the fall of
the city. The operation exemplifies how underground warfare can be used in both the
offense and the defense. It is the first significant case of subterranean warfare as a
breach, use of counter tunnels, fire as a weapon, tunnel detection and concealment. The
amount of underground expertise needed by skilled combat troops demonstrated the need
for specialized units and training needed to conduct underground warfare. Finally, the
case showed how underground operations could work in tandem with activities
aboveground, opening new lines of operation and relieving pressure by expanding the
scope of the battle space. To dismiss an underground threat could alter the tactical
situation above ground and become disastrous in battle. These same underground lessons
can still be applied in today’s modern warfare.
1. Introduction
During the American Civil War, advances in small arms and artillery resulted in
devastating casualties on both sides. This case study examines the use of the
subterranean operations during the siege of Petersburg by Union forces. The case is
another example of the trend to go underground to expand the scope of the battle space.
The Petersburg operation showcases specific subterranean tactics of tunnel construction,
concealment, deception, and the utilization of an explosive breach. These examples and
their implications are relevant to today’s threats.
The “Battle of the Crater,” as it became known, took place on July 30, 1864,
during the siege of Petersburg, Virginia, between the United States (Union forces) and
Confederate States of America (CSA). Under the command of Lieutenant General (LTG)
Ulysses S. Grant, Major General (MG) George Meade’s forces waged a nearly month-
long struggle against entrenched, fortified, and well-armed Confederate forces. An
assault, facilitated by underground sappers was conducted on entrenched Confederates
and resulted in devastating casualties for the Union; thus, subterranean warfare might be
mistakenly disregarded as counterproductive. To the contrary, the Union debacle was not
due to the employment or logic behind an explosive tunnel, but more importantly to the
leadership and tactical exploitation of the breach itself. Without proper tactical
coordination of troops above and below ground, as part of an overall attack plan,
momentum gained was squandered resulting in unnecessary casualties.
2. Background
In the days leading up to the battle, General Meade’s force had been in a deadlock
with Confederates; General Grant was eager for suggestions. One idea came from
Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Henry Pleasants who had been a mining engineer in
Pennsylvania. Pleasants proposed digging a mineshaft that would extend beyond the
Union breastworks and terminate under Confederate entrenchments.31 At the end of the
shaft, explosives would be emplaced and detonated, killing the defenders above. The
resulting crater would enable a breach point through which Union forces could penetrate.
The target would be an area known as Elliott’s Salient in the middle of the
Confederate First Corps line. This section was a fortified position that was defended by
South Carolina troops. The position was also occupied by several artillery pieces that
were integrated into established Confederate entrenchments. An explosive breach at the
Salient was intended to neutralize its firepower while simultaneously providing a gap in
the Confederate defensive line that could be exploited. Thus, it was hoped that the
Confederate defenses at Petersburg would crumble leaving the Confederate capital of
31 Jim Corrigan, The 48th Pennsylvania in the Battle of the Crater: A Regiment of Coal Miners Who
Tunneled Under the Enemy (New York: McFarland & Company Inc, 2006), 21–22.
Richmond vulnerable.32 Additionally, five railroads converged in Petersburg providing a
life line of supplies to the Confederate Army. Without Petersburg, the Confederacy itself
might fall.33
3. Subterranean
During the Civil War, an operational tunnel was known by the French term “sap.”
The term referred to a trench or tunnel that was dug beneath enemy fortifications. The
intent was to render the ground underneath the enemy’s defensive position unstable,
either through the use of fire or explosives to effectively produce a penetrable breech.
The structure was usually a rudimentary tunnel dug with hand tools with basic support
structures for shoring. The size was limited to the space needed to move a small number
of men and equipment. A restricted size also aided in the speed of construction and the
effectiveness of fire or explosives.
Pleasants’s plan called for a 500 foot shaft to be dug under Elliott’s Salient. The
mission was estimated to take twelve days and use 12,000 pounds of explosive powder.34
General Grant remained skeptical due to his prior failed attempts with tunnels at
Vicksburg. During the siege at Vicksburg, 36 former Union coal miners tried to detonate
2,200 pounds of gun powder under Confederate entrenchments. However, the 3rd
32 Corrigan, 24.
33 David J. Eicher, The Longest Night: A Military History of the Civil War (New York: Simon &
Schuster, 2001), 687.
34 Corrigan, 22.
Louisiana Regiment discovered the mining and countered it by digging secondary
trenches. The ensuing Union fiasco became known as the battle of the “Death Hole.”35
Pleasants commanded the 48th Pennsylvania Regiment, of which almost 100 were
miners from the Schuylkill County, a Pennsylvania coal region. The regiment had earned
a distinguished combat record, and like most, its soldiers would do almost anything to
end the war.36 Thus, a force with previous civilian miner experienced was utilized.
Approximately 100 ex-miners from the regiment dug around the clock in two and a half
hour shifts. Without any special equipment, they improvised crate-made wheelbarrows
and used cracker boxes for hauling dirt (see figure 13). Understanding the need for
operational security (OPSEC), they hauled the dirt into the woods and covered it with
underbrush at night.37 Pleasants gave testimony before the Committee on the Conduct of
the War in which he said, “I got pieces of hickory and nailed on the boxes in which we
received our crackers, and then iron-clad them with hoops taken from old pork and beef
barrels.” Additionally, in his statement he noted that General Meade and Grant’s chief
engineer regarded the effort as nonsense; that a mine that length had never been built in
military operations; that the men would likely be suffocated or crushed by earth or the
enemy would discover their intentions, and countermine. He stated that, despite his
request, he could get no supply of lumber for shoring and had to cannibalize wagons, an
old bridge, and even raided a rebel saw-mill. Without the proper hand tools, Pleasants’
men used blacksmiths to straighten and flatten common army picks and axes. Pleasants
knew that the most important calculation would be the distance mined. If the distance
fell short or long the explosion would have little effect. A surveying tool, called a
theodolite, was procured to measure distance and azimuth to the enemy defenses.38
35 Ibid, 28.
36 Ibid, 30.
37 Ibid, 33.
38 William H. Powell, Battles & Leaders of the Civil War, vol. 4 (New York: The Century Company,
1987), 545–546.
Figure 11. Entrance to Union Mine (Petersburg 1865)39
Digging through the sand and thick clay, the 400-man regiment averaged nearly
40 feet per day. At about 250 feet, they hit heavy clay. Pleasants directed the shaft to
continue at an incline toward the Confederate lines. The incline enabled ease of water
drainage without congestion. Pleasants also designed an ingenious air-exchange system
to provide ventilation. A single ventilation shaft was constructed vertically, well behind
Union lines, to prevent observation. At the base of the shaft, a canvas partition was
installed and a fire was kept continuously burning. The heat forced stale-air, from inside
the mine, up the shaft while creating a vacuum of fresh air from the tunnel entrance. To
conceal the smoke from the shaft, General Burnside ordered round the clock campfires
along Union lines to mask the tunnel fire.
Having begun on June 25, the main shaft reached the Confederate lines on July
17. The mine was then extended into a 75-foot gallery running parallel to Confederate
40 Daniel Ingham, “Archives of Maryland: Biographical Series” [image], accessed December 12,
2012, http://msa.maryland.gov/megafile/msa/speccol/sc3500/sc3520/009200/009241/html/09241bio.html.
General speculation and gossip along the CSA lines suggested a Union mining
operation. The lack of visible aggression towards the Elliott’s Salient section led to
suspicions by the Army of Northern Virginia 1st Corps artillery chief General Edward P.
Alexander. No visible ventilation shafts forward of Union lines suggested a lack of
mining efforts to most of the Confederate defenders. Confederate Commander Robert E.
Lee was skeptical. However, to be safe, Lee tasked Captain Thomas H. Douglas to begin
countermining, to be sure. Lee’s skepticism was also fueled by an observation from a
British journalist who stated that the British had attempted a similar tunnel of the same
length in India. However, the length of that tunnel caused a failure due to lack of air.
41 “Petersburg Battlefield the Crater” [image], accessed December 12, 2013, http://www.the-visitor-
4. Effects
After Union miners reached their limit of advance, 8,000 pounds of gunpowder
were emplaced and tamped with earth. On July 28, a single fuse was spliced multiple
times to reach the entrance to the mine; 12,000 pounds of explosive powder were
emplaced at the end of the mine and primed (see Figure 16). The mine was set to
explode in the early morning hours of July 30. After the initial attempt to detonate the
explosive failed, two brave members of the 48th Regiment crawled inside to repair the
fuse. After relighting of the 60-minute fuse, the mine finally erupted in a massive
explosion. The resulting crater was 170 feet long, 120 feet wide and at least 30 feet deep
(see Figure 17). The blast instantly killed 278 Confederate soldiers. The surviving
Confederate defenders were dazed, confused and scrambled to consolidate and
reorganize. While the shock of the blast was a success, Union troops failed take
advantage of the opportunity quickly. For more than fifteen minutes, not a single shot
was fired by Union troops. The delay enabled Confederates, led by Brigadier General
(BG) William Mahone, to quickly seal the breach. (see Figure 15). Meanwhile, as Union
troops attempted an assault through the blast site, they became trapped inside the massive
crater. Confederates easily slaughtered Union troops as they continued to flow into the
42 Alfred Rudolph, “Petersburg Crater Sketch LOC” [image], Wikipedia, accessed November 7, 2013,
Figure 15. Confederate Reinforcement of the Breach43
The Union assault was a complete and devastating failure and the Siege at
Petersburg continued for another eight months. Even though the Union subterranean
successes were squandered, this event was significant. It displayed how a force with
subterranean capability can overcome adversity in an unforgiving environment to achieve
a tactical surprise. Another significant factor to this event was that Union miners were
given the latitude to design the tunnel themselves, indicating a “bottom up planning”
technique. Union commanders understood that those closest to the enemy can have a
better understanding of what is required. Given the qualities of this unique operation, it
is easy to see why subterranean warfare is a special skill set that can achieve tactical
5. Application of DOTMLPF
6. Conclusion
The siege of Petersburg, Virginia offers a glimpse into one of the earliest uses of
subterranean operations by America forces. However, the trend to dig underground still
exists. Even today rudimentary cross-border tunnels are seen throughout the world. It
would not be implausible for an insurgent to infiltrate a country or a military facility, via
a tunnel, with a weapon of mass destruction. Such a happening would be devastating.
Several lessons can be drawn from the Petersburg example and applied to modern
tactical considerations. Rudimentary construction can be seen in any modern day
smuggling tunnel used by criminals or insurgent groups. Concealment is also essential to
preventing an adversary from discovering a subterranean effort. Even with today’s
advances in measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT) and persistent
intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR), tunnel detection is severely limited.
Ventilation is also a critical necessity and significant vulnerability. Today, mechanical
air ventilation conduits are common in most rudimentary tunnels and underground
facilities. Knowledge and exploitation of these characteristics can provide modern
militaries the means to counter an enemy’s use of the subterranean environment.
1. Introduction
The Western Front was caught in a quagmire; by 1916, Germany and a European
alliance had been entrenched in static positions for two years. Both sides were unwilling
to yield ground, but the need for a breakthrough grew more prevalent each day if victory
were to be achieved. The war had already seen hundreds of thousands of men die and
pressured military commanders to conceive a strategy that might end the war quickly. Sir
Herbert Plumer, Commander of the British 2nd Army, proposed that in order to defeat the
Germans, Allied forces needed to utilize clandestine subterranean methods. An
underground approach along the Western Front, more specifically at Messines Ridge, was
devised to provide a tactical advantage to the British.
Messines Ridge was a prominent natural stronghold that had been previously
captured by the Germans in 1914.45 Messines was located to the southeast of Ypres,
Belgium and its significance was that it acted as a natural obstacle for the Germans. For
the British, clearing Germans from the ridge would open a route towards Roulers, a key
German distribution point of matériel and troops.46 From the start of the stalemate,
Messines Ridge had been the scene of persistent harassment for Allied Forces. The
Germans occupied the high ground with fortified entrenchments (machine guns and
artillery) that made any allied assault futile. The British pinned down in the trenches and
receiving casualties, required drastic measures. Sir Herbert Plumer devised an alternative
course of action for the British to break the stalemate.
44 Michael Duffy, “The Battle of Messines,” last accessed March 20, 2013,
45 Ibid.
46 Peter Barton, Beneath Flanders Fields: The Tunnellers’ War, 1914–1918 (Staplehurst, England:
Spellmount Press, 2005), 164.
2. Background
Plumer knew every inch of Messines, having fought there since 1914. To break
the stalemate, Plumer recommended going underground to disrupt the German defensive
position. At an Allied commander’s conference in England, Plumer revealed an
operational concept to dig multiple mine shafts, fifteen feet under German
entrenchments, nested within a massive above-ground assault. However, tunnels at that
depth could be easily discovered by German countermine efforts, even though they were
not susceptible to artillery bombardment. Plumer discussed the problem with the British
Expeditionary Force geologist. A solution was required that could achieve relative
stealth in terms of preventing German detection while maintaining structural integrity.
The sand and clay layers of Messines were analyzed at varying depths for capacity to dig,
mine, and handle explosives. After some debate, an agreement was reached. The heavy
clay found between 80–120 feet subsurface was the most optimal for the operation. This
would be the layer Allied Forces would use to punch through to achieve surprise.
In preparing for the operation, Plumber had authorized the laying of 22 mine
shafts underneath German lines all along the ten kilometer natural ridge. The plan was to
detonate all 22 tunnels at zero hour on June 7, 1917.47 The attack would then be followed
by infantry assaults against a presumably dazed and confused German defense. This
unique operation was the largest underground attack ever attempted.
Initially, allied countries such as England, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia
heavily recruited civilian miners and tunnellers to join the war effort. With civilian
subterranean experience, a typical engineer soldier could utilize geological and
metallurgical capability never before seen in combat. From Australia alone, over 4,800
miners/tunnellers were recruited and sent to a makeshift basic training camp in Sydney.
In England, “clay kickers” were recruited due to their vast experience developing
aqueducts and underground cisterns in Manchester and London. Naturally, the dire need
for mining skills meant some recruitment standards were overlooked. Some recruits were
well into their late 60s, and others had disciplinary problems. Ex-miners assigned to
other branches were reassigned to engineer tunneling units. In all, about 20,000 miners
were assembled in Belgium.
3. Subterranean
Despite being professionals at home, these men still needed to be educated on the
military aspects of tunneling. For instance, a “listener” was trained to detect enemy
digging utilizing the most rudimentary methods. The listener would drive a stick in the
ground and place the other end between his teeth. The listener would feel for vibrations,
informing him if enemy countermines were occurring underground. Listening posts also
contained medical stethoscopes, which became another method of detection. If any
digging was detected, all work ceased, even if the sound was later identified as coming
from rats. Strings, attached to bells hundreds of feet apart, lined tunnel ceilings in order
to relay warnings from the listener to other miners. Lastly, every listener had a caged
canary nearby. The canary’s small lungs were more susceptible to carbon monoxide and
dioxide than a human’s. A dead canary, or one in distress, was a tell-tale sign that the
tunnel should be evacuated.
Construction of the tunnels proved rigorous for the laborers. A typical miner
rotational schedule encompassed four days in and four days out. As Plumer’s target date
of June 7 loomed closer, the rotations were changed to six days in and two days out.48
Tunneling became a 24-hour operation with a typical shift being around twelve hours.
The living conditions underground were nearly intolerable due to the increased exposure
to lice, bugs, and rats. One miner described it, “If you cut your hand, it was a criminal
offense not to go and be injected against tetanus. Jaundice, boils and tetanus were rife.”49
In addition, at 80 to 120 feet below ground, water became a constant hazard and miners
were consistently operating in roughly one foot of water under poor lighting that affected
them mentally and physically. The military aspect of tunneling was a traumatic
experience for most. Many miners turned to alcohol as a means to cope with their
problems and alcoholism became the largest problem warranting punitive action amongst
tunneling units. Any spare time was used to write loved ones back home and fill sand
bags with excess tunnel spoilage.
One of the biggest fears every miner faced was an underground encounter with
the enemy. Before the war, miners did not even consider the possibility of running into
another shaft resulting in a fight to the death. However, in wartime, this became a real
threat. Typically, when one tunnel collapsed into another, fighting was a claustrophobic
brawl, with little room to maneuver. A miner would use anything at his disposal to defeat
his adversary, including picks, shovels and knives. Side arms were seldom used. The
sound of a pistol could give away a miner’s position and compromise the entire
operation. Another fear was being buried alive. One Australian miner, William Bedson,
faced just that outcome when German countermining efforts blew a charge to collapse the
tunnel in which he was located. After the collapse, Bedson was entombed for six days,
surrounded by his dead friends.50
For the regular infantry unit, knowing that a tunneling company was assigned or
attached to them was not an appealing thought. Not only were artillery shells and gas
attacks a concern, now soldiers felt they had to also worry about an attack from below as
well. The Germans routinely conducted fly-overs of Allied positions. Detection of
mountainous heaps of spoilage alerted Germans to Allied tunneling efforts. However, in
reference to countermines, the Germans were deceived and did not know the Allies were
typically digging at least five to ten feet deeper than their own tunnels.
50 Ibid., 175.
soldier would pull a rope, from above ground, which would cause the picks to strike steel
spikes leaning against a tunnel wall at an alternate location. The sound was enough to
resonate onto German geophones to conceal an actual operational tunnel under
construction. Miners would then move the contraption forward to replicate a digging rate
of progress. The deception worked and left the Germans completely unaware of British
underground preparations for a massive assault.
Plumer’s plan was coming to fruition. Like most great concepts, his was simple
and easily understood multiple echelons below. The entire operation was essentially
broken down into three phases. Phase One was the prolonged deception operation. This
phase took the form of multiple mass feint attacks later on. Phase Two was to dig
underneath the German position along Messines Ridge and lay 1,000,000 pounds of
explosives. The explosives would be distributed throughout tunnel pockets called
galleries (see Figure 18). Following the detonation, Phase Three encompassed the
infantry retaking the ridge against presumably dazed German defenders. The infantry
would be supported by close air bombardments of high explosives and mustard gas. The
end state was the capture of Messines Ridge.
In order to exploit this tactical underground advantage, the galleries were dug
measuring three-by-six feet. After completion of each gallery, a mine was laid in place
In the days leading up to day zero, heavy and light artillery had been expanded on
the Allied front lines. Over 2,300 guns were lined up wheel to wheel with no effort to
hide their positions. An additional 300 heavy mortars were also brought forth. The
Germans on Messines Ridge included four divisions with two more divisions on reserve.
For two weeks, artillery shells pounded food and water supplies, key roads, and supply
dumps. Mustard gas shells were also fired in an effort to force the Germans to don gas
masks and lose sleep. On two occasions the artillery fires were doubled in total output to
deceive the Germans into believing a massive attack had commenced. In reality, it was
to desensitize them before the actual assault. The bombardment was effective and by
early June almost half of all German howitzers on the ridge were out of action.
As Allied units conducted rehearsals in the final days leading to the assault,
British planners conducted terrain analysis of the breach points above ground. The
miners were also incorporated into the assault as infantry above ground, post-detonation.
The final time of execution was not released until June 5. Great measures were taken to
conceal the date of the offensive, even from the miners themselves. To the British, it
seemed unlikely that the Germans did not know of the deep mines beneath their own
entrenchments. The British assumed that captured British prisoners had been forced to
reveal tunnel locations. In actuality, not one prisoner of war had revealed any
52 Leon Wolff, In Flanders Fields: The 1917 Campaign (Alexandria, VA: Viking Press, 1958), 133.
information of the mines to the Germans. By June 5, over 8,000 meters of tunnels had
been dug 100 feet below the surface. After eighteen months of mining, the offensive was
set for execution. Mining officers met beneath the German entrenchments, on the eve of
day zero, for a final champagne toast.
4. Effects
At 0310 hours on June 7, the miners were given the order to detonate the charges.
Nineteen of the 22 mines exploded in unison with massive ground turbulence.
Immediately, curious miners peered over their own defenses to catch a glimpse of
nineteen red mushroom clouds that now occupied Messines Ridge. Large amounts of
earth were hurled 3,000 feet into the air. The concussion of the blast knocked the miners
down as they watched. The blast was so loud that Londoners even claimed to hear the
explosion. The simultaneous detonation of nineteen mines comprised the loudest man-
made explosion until that point. Some British soldiers described the detonations as a
pillar of fire across the sky. The trembling of the earth itself could be felt in Lille, a town
twelve miles away.
The effect of the mine explosions upon the German defenders was devastating
(see Figure 19). Some 10,000 men were instantly killed during the explosion alone53.
Within minutes, 80,000 British infantry assaulted through the blast site, capturing over
7,300 dazed and confused Germans prisoners. The operation was a complete success.
Surrendering Germans waved handkerchiefs as they wept, grasping the ankles of their
6. Conclusion
The British offensive at Messines Ridge should not have been such a surprise to
the Germans. Of the original 22 mines installed for the operation, two did not detonate
and one was actually discovered by the Germans prior to the assault. As the Germans
destroyed the mine, they assumed it to be a unilateral effort. It was unconceivable to
them that there could be 21 more mines just as deep. Some German military
commanders had suggested the abandonment of the ridge prior to the blast, but the
The battle for Messines Ridge highlighted, for the first time on the Western Front,
that defensive casualties in a major engagement actually exceeded attacking losses. It
was a victory literally years in the making. The battle exemplifies the techniques of
deception and concealment that were never known to the Germans. The success of the
mission can be credited to the unconventional and innovative techniques developed by
former civilian miners. The British were also able to organize these soldiers into
tunneling units which enabled the creativity needed to construct the tunnels undetected.
Allowing the miners to develop their own tactics, technique, and procedures, without
interference, was a significant factor that ensured mission success. Nonetheless, the
Battle of Messines does highlight how a group of men, with underground skill sets, were
brought together for a tactical advantage.
What the Battle of Messines should teach us is how lessons of the past are so
quickly forgotten. World War I may have been the greatest allied use of subterranean
warfare. However, tunneling efforts were dismissed after World War I because they
were deemed too slow and not worth the investment. Today, however, adversaries are
turning to the underground in order to counter U.S. kinetic capabilities, avoid
surveillance platforms, and as a means to cache weapons. There is currently no U.S.
doctrine that identifies subterranean as an operational environment despite the fact that
the U.S. has fought in subterranean environments since the Civil War at Petersburg.
1. Introduction
The largest amphibious assault in the Pacific campaign was that on the island of
Okinawa in 1945 which was larger and more costly than the D-day invasion of Europe.
United States’ casualties from this conflict not only revealed Japanese resolve, but more
importantly, were the deciding factor for President Truman to drop two atomic bombs on
Japan. The high cost to U.S. and Japanese forces, during this engagement, was due to an
evolution of understanding in how the two militaries could better fight each other through
tactical innovations by both sides. One of the most significant of these developments was
the Japanese tactic of going underground for protection as well as inflicting maximum
casualties on the invaders. Thus, the Japanese adopted underground bunker networks to
optimize the effectiveness of their weapon systems and their own survivability. The
battle constituted the culmination of both Japanese subterranean techniques for defense,
as well as U.S. counter-subterranean assault tactics in the Pacific theater.
Okinawa was intended to be the last stand for the Japanese before the main
islands of Japan were vulnerable to invasion. The intent of U.S. forces was to capture the
island in order to utilize it as a staging area for a subsequent invasion of Japan, vital to
U.S. strategy.58 The Japanese viewed the island’s operations as a delaying action in order
to buy time for the entire civilian population of Japan to mobilize for a U.S. invasion.
Japanese military leaders also intended for the battle to inflict enough U.S. casualties to
demoralize the U.S. in hopes of a cease fire. It was critical to Japanese strategy,
therefore, for the Battle of Okinawa to be one of attrition.
2. Background
Prior to the Battle of Okinawa, three years of combat in the Pacific had evolved
into a series of “island hopping” maneuvers.59 From the Battle of Guadalcanal in 1942 to
the Battle of Iwo Jima in 1945, the U.S. and Japanese forces incessantly refined their
tactics, techniques and procedures. The U.S. focused on improving its combined arms
58 Bill Sloan, The Ultimate Battle (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2007), 12.
59 Roehrs and Renzi, “World War II in the Pacific” (2nd ed.), (London: ME Sharpe, 2004), 122.
concept to maximize lethality while seizing islands in the approach to Japan. The
Japanese similarly evolved their tactics. The famous Japanese Banzai charge (suicide
charge) was being utilized less frequently, but their ability to utilize subterranean bunker
complexes began to increase as the war progressed. As the Japanese army continued to
lose momentum, due to superior U.S. firepower, it was forced to utilize the only tactical
advantage it had left, preparing underground defensive positions.
By 1945, the U.S. still did not have specially trained soldiers and marines to enter
underground networks in its ranks. Consequently, U.S. troops rarely entered Japanese
tunnels. Instead, to mitigate the underground threat, U.S. troops increased their usage of
pinpoint indirect fire, flamethrowers as well as demolition teams.60 They used these
techniques to neutralize the underground bunkers from above by sealing off or collapsing
tunnel entrances, air vents and exits. Those Japanese that survived U.S. flamethrowers,
by retreating further underground for safety, were left to suffocate or starve to death
unless they surrendered. Many Japanese chose suicide or desperate Banzai charges
against U.S. troops waiting at a solitary exit, only to be cut down by U.S. rifles and sub-
machine guns.
60 Sloan, 163–164.
61 Hiromichi Yahara, The Battle for Okinawa, (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1995), 64.
3. Subterranean
Ushijima had formulated his battle plan into two separate defensive strategies. In
the North he employed a token Japanese force to keep the U.S. troops occupied and to
reduce U.S. troop strength as much as possible. In the South, Ushijima focused the bulk
of his combat power into three defensive lines that stretched the entire width of the island
(east to west). The three defensive lines were centered on the Shuri line which became
the most dynamic of the three. The Shuri line also concealed Ushijima’s command and
control center that was 160 feet below Shuri Castle (a Japanese Monastery). The
command bunker was made up of 1,287 feet of tunnels that encompassed 30 rooms and
was impervious to artillery and U.S. air strikes.
62 Yahara, 8.
63 Yahara, 71–72.
United States’ troops landed on the island of Okinawa on April 1, 1945 at 08:30
hours. The U.S. invasion force was under the command of Army Lieutenant General
Simon Bolivar Buckner. Bucker’s invasion force consisted of two Army divisions and
two Marine divisions. After a successful amphibious landing on the west central coast of
the island, Buckner divided his invasion force by sending the two Marine divisions north
and two Army divisions south. His intent was to locate the bulk of the Japanese force
and destroy it in a decisive battle.64 Buckner had no idea he was playing right into
Ushijima’s defensive plan.
Within the first six days of the operation, the Marines were able to quickly secure
most of their northern objectives with minimal Japanese resistance. The only exception
to this occurred on the northwest coast of the island within the Motobu Peninsula.65 A
small northern Japanese force utilized the wooded and rocky terrain of the peninsula to
put up fierce resistance. However, the underground bunker networks were not yet fully
known and the Marines assumed the Japanese use of the natural terrain was no different
from that of previous engagements. The Marines secured the peninsula on April 8. To
the contrary, the soldiers in the south did not have such a swift success.
While the Marines were quickly securing the north, Buckner’s two Army
divisions began to receive stiff Japanese resistance within 48 hours of their approach
south. Soldiers ran directly into Ushijima’s outposts of the Japanese first line of defense.
Without knowing the location of Ushijima’s main effort, soldiers received an introduction
to the subterranean threat that would define the battle to come. The initial fighting took
place on two fortified ridgelines named the Pinnacle and Cactus Ridge.66 The first of
Ushijima’s defensive lines was surprisingly effective and completely halted the Army
advance south. By April 8, the Army was finally able to clear the initial fortified outposts
at a cost of over 1,500 U.S. casualties. However, in the process, 4,500 Japanese soldiers
64 James Hallas, Killing Ground on Okinawa (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1996), 25–26.
65 Hallas, 8.
66 Sloan, 85–87.
were killed or captured. Buckner was now convinced that he had located Ushijima’s
main force and began to reorganize his operations. The Battle of Okinawa had only just
Buckner redirected his two Marine divisions south to reinforce his two Army
divisions. As U.S. troops advanced further south, the Marines were positioned on the
western flank and the Army on the eastern flank. Buckner’s troops then came into
contact with Ushijima’s primary defense in depth, the Shuri line.67 Initial contact
occurred on April 11 as Army elements attempted to seize two hills that were connected
by a saddle (Kakazu Ridge) forming the eastern half of the Shuri line’s defense (see
Figures 21). A massive Japanese artillery attack, combined with machine gun fire from
fortified defensive positions within the two hills, inflicted severe U.S. casualties. One
soldier described it as “running into a beehive of bullets.” Eventually, soldiers were able
to utilize their combined arms approach by quickly calling for fire from artillery, naval
guns offshore and close air support to achieve fire superiority. However, the Japanese
defenders simply retreated into the safety of their underground sanctuary to wait for the
U.S. bombardment to cease. This allowed U.S. soldiers to retrieve their wounded and
move to safer positions. Regardless, the U.S. advance was halted once again and the
Japanese had received minimal casualties.
67 Sloan, 169-170.
Figure 19. Kakazu Ridge on the Shuri Line68
Ushijima and his subordinate commanders were overjoyed with their initial
success at Kakazu Ridge. Ushijima began to give into the enthusiasm of his troops to
exploit the situation. On the night of April 12, he ordered a counter attack along the
entire length of the Shuri line. The assault was, however, a catastrophic loss that resulted
in 7,000 Japanese killed.69 This event confirmed that Ushijima’s original defensive
strategy was the only option in the face of U.S. fire superiority. The Japanese would
remain on the defensive for the remainder of the battle.
68 “Background to ‘The Pacific’ Part V: Okinawa” [image], accessed May 17, 2013,
69 Yahara, 109.
70 Sloan, 143.
importantly, to consume all oxygen inside a tunnel in order to suffocate Japanese forces
deep within. The process continued until May 13 when tanks where brought forward to
capture key terrain that anchored the eastern flank of the Shuri line called Conical Hill.
The tanks proved invaluable and were able to seize Conical Hill quickly.
Figure 20. U.S. Marine using a flame thrower to clear bunkers (Okinawa 1945)71
Meanwhile on the western flank, the Marines were also running into a quagmire.
The western anchor of the Shuri line, crucial to the Marines, was three small hills.
Unknown to the Marines, the three hills were mutually supporting with interlocking
fields of fire for the Japanese. The hills were given names of Sugar Loaf, Half Moon and
the Horseshoe, which would soon be infamous in Marine Corp history.73 Like the Army,
the Marines also utilized U.S. advantages in firepower when approaching these hills.
However, in this case, these hills, that had extensive underground bunkers systems posed
a serious challenge to the Marines. The Marines quickly realized, to move forward, all
three hills had to be suppressed in order to approach one hill. The Japanese fire was so
intense that regiments were reduced to company strength and, in some cases, platoons
and squads simply ceased to exist. To add to the horrific conditions, monsoon rains
began to turn the ground into a muddy tangle of garbage and dead bodies. The decaying
72 Robert M. Cusack, A Demolition Crew from 6th Marin Division Watches Dynamite Charges
Explode and Destroy a Japanese Cave [image], accessed May 17, 2013,
73 Hallas, 34.
American and Japanese corpses sank into the mud and made the smell intolerable. Any
Marine forced to seek cover by lying on the ground could expect to be covered in
Many times, Marines were able to make it to the crest of these hills, only to be
driven off by interlocking fire from other hills. In most cases, due to the concealment of
Japanese fighting positions, Marines could not even see the Japanese who were shooting
at them.75 Once Marines were able to maneuver onto a Japanese fighting position,
alternate methods were used to clear the tunnels (see Figure 24). One of the most
effective occurred when Marines poured oil into the tunnels and underground bunkers
(see Figure 25). A flamethrower then would set the oil ablaze, incinerating any Japanese
deep inside. At Sugar Loaf alone, the Marines assaulted the hill eleven times during a
twelve-day period and sustained 2,000 casualties. The intense Japanese fire from
underground bunkers significantly reduced three regiments before the hill was taken on
May 18.
74 Hallas, 199.
75 Hallas, 204.
Figure 22. Japanese soldier emerges from smoke filled bunker76
Figure 23. U.S. troops using smoke to clear bunkers (Okinawa 1945)77
76 Pacific War Post, “Seeing the Light” [image], Pacific War Museum, accessed December 18, 2013,
77 “WWII Photos,” [image], Game Squad, accessed December 18, 2013,
Ushijima now had his left and right flanks taken by U.S. troops. As Army and
Marine units began to close in on Shuri Castle, Ushijima knew he could hold the Shuri
Line no longer. Ushijima gave the command for his surviving troops to displace and
move south to their third and final defensive line. At this point, the Japanese Army was
losing its command and control structure and organization. As U.S. troops cautiously
pursued the Japanese, resistance began to degrade. The Japanese no longer had the troop
strength to inflict massive U.S. casualties from mutually supporting fortified positions.
The Japanese were reduced to small cells of troops intent on holding out to the death.
The battle evolved into a manhunt as U.S. troops cleared Japanese soldiers from bunker
to bunker. Once again, surviving Japanese had only two options, commit suicide or
surrender. Most chose the former, including Ushijima himself.78 Small elements
continued to be cleared from their defensive positions until June 22 when hostilities
4. Effects
There is no doubt that the Battle of Okinawa was one of the bloodiest battles of
the entire war. However, if U.S. tactics during this time had been reconsidered, U.S.
casualties could have been reduced. By marines and soldiers disregarding the option to
enter and clear tunnels, they were forced to operate in full view of the Japanese from
other fortified positions. This caused unnecessary U.S. casualties and prolonged the
operation. If specially trained underground teams could have surgically cleared the
complex from within, less manpower might have been placed at risk. To the contrary, if
Ushijima would have not ordered a counter attack, which wasted valuable manpower,
Japanese troops may have continued their defensive strategy for a longer period of time.
This most certainly would have created even more U.S. casualties and enabled a further
delay for Japan to prepare for an inevitable invasion of its homeland.
78 Yahara, 155.
5. Application of DOTMLPF
6. Conclusion
In the end, only 7,000 of the 100,000 Japanese soldiers surrendered. Most were
killed in combat or committed suicide. Approximately, one third (150,000) of the
civilian population of Okinawa was also killed. The U.S., in total, had approximately
13,000 killed and 38,000 wounded. To President Truman, the prospect of even more
U.S. casualties to be expected from another underground threat became an unthinkable
option. It was an indication of what an invasion on the home island of Japan would
entail. Measures would have to be taken in order to save American lives, and therefore,
Truman thought, using the atomic bomb became the only reasonable option.
Underground bunker systems are even more likely today than ever before, due to
the superiority of U.S. airpower. Several lessons can be learned from the Battle of
Okinawa and applied to tactical considerations today. One of the most significant is the
decision not to enter a bunker system in order to clear it with superior firepower. It is
well known that currently most adversaries will certainly seek cover while
simultaneously attempting to inflict high numbers of U.S. casualties. The choice to not
enter a subterranean system leaves dead space on the flanks and to the rear that can be a
threat to U.S. troops; this may result in a prolongation of the mission and unnecessary
U.S. lives lost due to not clearing tunnels surgically with troops. On Okinawa, if U.S.
troops had cleared tunnels from below ground, an advance could have been more
efficient with fewer risks to U.S. soldiers above ground. Thus, the need for U.S. troops to
advance while being fired upon by multiple positions would have been mitigated. In
other words, the decision to not enter enemy tunnel systems appears to have been
detrimental in a combat environment.
1. Introduction
One of the most notable subterranean efforts by the United States military was
during the Vietnam War. The Viet Cong use of tunnel warfare forced the U.S. military to
reevaluate its subterranean tactics, techniques, and procedures. For the first time, the
U.S. military decided to no longer avoid entering enemy tunnel systems. An
underground capability was needed to breach and clear subterranean safe havens, and
thus, a specialized unit of subterranean warriors was formed to operate underground. A
new method was established by organizing and training soldiers that were specially
selected for their small stature and emotional fortitude; this all-volunteer force
transformed themselves into subterranean specialists. Using only a handgun, knife and
flashlight, they trained themselves in tunnel-exploration and tunnel-warfare. They are
best known as “Tunnel Rats.”
Unlike past experiences in World War II, when U.S. troops rarely entered a tunnel
complex, the Vietnam War presented a new underground problem set that U.S. troops
were forced to confront. The Viet Cong (VC) was an insurgent force that preferred not to
reveal its position unless it was at a tactical advantage. In order to conceal its safe havens
and movements, the VC constructed tunnel complexes that ranged from the rudimentary
to sophisticated in construction. These tunnels gave the VC a sense of invulnerability,
which boosted their moral. The tunnels were usually located in the rural areas and
villages of South Vietnam, which “afforded the VC excellent cover and allowed them to
pop-up at any time” while concealing movement to and from combat operations.79 In
most cases, U.S. troops would rarely see more than a glimpse of the VC during an
2. Background
79 Allen D. Reece, A Historical Analysis of Tunnel Warfare and the Contemporary Perspective, 1998,
last accessed March 11, 2013, http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a339626.pdf
Figure 24. Example of Viet-Cong Tunnel System80
After several clearing operations, through VC controlled areas, there were very
few considerable engagements that enabled U.S. troops to close with and destroy VC
units. This all changed in January, 1966 when the 173rd Airborne (ABN) Division
conducted Operation Crimp in a notorious VC stronghold known as the Iron Triangle.
During the operation, U.S. troops encountered several booby-traps and bunkers.
Australian engineer sappers were called in which were attached to the 173rd ABN. As the
Aussie sappers began to clear, they stumbled onto a heavily concealed door that led into a
tunnel entrance. An American working dog was called in to investigate. After the dog
refused to enter the tunnel entrance, the Aussie sappers stood by unsure of what action to
take next. After a brief deliberation, the Aussie sappers entered the tunnel entrance with
a flashlight and a bayonet.81 Once inside, the Aussie sappers were astonished to see the
level of sophistication in tunnel construction. The tunnel complex “turned out to be VC
80 “Vietnamese Tunnels,” [image], accessed November 17, 2013, About Facts Net,
81 Irrp, “Tunnel Warfare: Vietnam Experience - Six Silent Men,” July 12, 2008, last accessed March
13, 2013, http://lrrp2.wordpress.com/2008/07/12/tunnel-warfare-vietnam-experience/
headquarters and one of the biggest intelligence coups in the war to that time.”82 It was
also the first example of soldiers entering a VC tunnel complex in Vietnam. This
complex would be known as the Cu Chi Tunnels.
The Cu Chi tunnel complex was built by the 9th VC Division. The tunnels
consisted of hospitals, dormitories and a command and control centers. Unknown to the
Australians and the 173rd ABN, the tunnel complex stretched from Saigon to the Ho Chi
Minh Trail in Cambodia, which was a distance of roughly 155 miles. It later became a
VC staging area for the Tet Offensive in 1968. As Australian and U.S. troops began to
discover more of the tunnel complex, numerous intelligence documents were discovered
inside. Thus, U.S. commanders were compelled to send even more soldiers into the
tunnels. The intent was to recover weapons caches and documents, and engage the VC
face to face. These subterranean soldiers were all volunteers and became known to U.S.
troops as “Tunnel Rats” and to Australians troops as “Ferrets.” This volunteer cadre was
formed out of necessity and expanded the Vietnam War into two operational
environments, evolving into operations above and below ground.
As word spread of VC tunnel activity in Cu Chi, the U.S. Army soon realized that
attempting to destroy a VC tunnel complex would be inconsequential. If a tunnel was
destroyed before it could be exploited, the opportunity to gather vital intelligence on the
VC would be lost. Moreover, the tunnel could not be bypassed since it would involve
ignoring a threat and would enable the VC to attack from the rear. Thus, there was the
realization that a formal unit must be organized to enter and clear every tunnel
discovered. United States’ Army infantry units began to informally piece together
volunteers to enter this foreign subterranean environment (see Figure 27).
82 Allen D. Reece, A Historical Analysis of Tunnel Warfare and the Contemporary Perspective, 1998,
last accessed March 11, 2013, http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a339626.pdf.
Figure 25. Tunnel Rat Unit Patch83
3. Subterranean
One of the first attempts to formalize such a unit of “Tunnel Rats” was by a
chemical officer from the 1st Infantry Division, CPT Herbert Thornton. In selecting
volunteers “Thornton sought a special breed of solider. He had to have an even
temperament, an inquisitive mind, a lot of common sense (in order to know what to touch
and what not to), and to be exceptionally brave.”84 Most of Thornton’s men were small
in stature. They were intended to squeeze through tight trap doors and crawl along the
narrow passages with relative ease. Volunteers soon became part of standard operating
procedure for most infantry units.
Due to the operational tempo of infantry units in combat, there was not much time
for formal training for most Tunnel Rat units. Thus, a new Tunnel Rat recruit would be
forced to learn from a more experienced Tunnel Rat, or through direct experience. A
Tunnel Rat soon realized that entering into a tunnel entrance was a terrifying experience.
New techniques had to be developed in order to enter a tunnel entrance while maintaining
security. Before entering a tunnel, each Tunnel Rat would strip off any excess clothing
and/or equipment. This would allow the Tunnel Rat ease of movement underground.
Equipment was kept to a minimum, usually just a flashlight, bayonet, pistol and spare
83 Command Post, “Tunnel Rat Patch” [image], accessed November 17, 2013, Army Surplus World,
84 Irrp, “Tunnel Warfare: Vietnam Experience—Six Silent Men”, last accessed March 13, 2013,
ammunition. Sometimes a mask was carried if gas had been utilized prior (see Figure 28
and 29). Eventually, the U.S. Army developed tunnel exploration kits that consisted of a
“headlamp, communication system (utilizing a wire and bone microphone), and a .38
caliber revolver with silencer and aiming light. These innovative kits rarely made it to
the troops in the field conducting combats operations.”85 Thus, Tunnel Rats were more
often reliant on a flashlight, 1911 pistol (.45 caliber automatic) and a bayonet (see Figure
30). Most Tunnel Rat units would operate in two to three man teams in order to support
each other in case of enemy contact.
Figure 26. Australian and U.S. troops utilizing a blower to clear tunnel at Cu Chi86
85 Army Concept Team in Vietnam, Evaluation of Tunnel Exploration Kit, 1967 last accessed March
13, 2013, http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=AD0804859&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf
86 “Viet Cong Tunnels,” [image], accessed November 17, 2013, Australia and the Vietnam War,
Figure 27. Tunnel Rat entering a tunnel wearing a gas mask87
Figure 28. Clearing tunnel with .45 caliber pistol and flashlight (Cu Chi 1967)88
87 “Vietnam War, Tunnel Warfare,” [image], accessed November 17, 2013, Warchapter.com,
88 Robert C. Lafoon, “SGT Ronald A. Payne Tunnel Rat Vietnam” [image], accessed December 12,
2013, Wikimedia, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sgt._Ronald_A._Payne_Tunnel_Rat-
One of the most difficult tasks for the troops above ground was tunnel detection.
The VC was able to camouflage tunnel entrances so effectively that a U.S. solder would
have to stomp his foot on the door of a VC tunnel entrance to locate it. Eventually, some
of the indicators for tunnel detection were clumps of bamboo that afforded a terrain
advantage. Even though an entrance was camouflaged, a very distinct trail could be seen
leading through the bamboo. This trail would inevitably end in the area of the tunnel
entrance. Also, air shafts could be detected by looking for bamboo stalks stuck in the
ground meant to look like the surrounding bamboo. These air shafts usually could be
seen by detecting a stalk that had been cut.89
Once a tunnel entrance had been detected, a Tunnel Rat would enter a narrow
tunnel entrance head first, while his teammates would lower him into the tunnel by
holding his ankles (see Figure 31). This allowed the lead Tunnel Rat to have his M1911
pistol in one hand and his flashlight in the other to engage enemy personnel (see Figure
32). Once inside, the lead Tunnel Rat would also utilize his bayonet to probe for mines
or booby traps. As a team would progress further into a tunnel, the lead man would
continue to probe with a bayonet while the number two man would assist in pulling
security while simultaneously checking for trip wires on the ceiling of the tunnel. Some
accounts describe how the VC would hang poisonous snakes (bamboo viper, or krait)
from the ceilings in a tunnel as a booby trap. This created a psychological effect on U.S.
Tunnel Rats that only the most resolute could overcome. For some, the mental factor was
a far biggest obstacle:
…imagine yourself worrying that your heart is beating too loud, is there
enough air, where is the trip wire, where are the snakes, will the pistol
work, how fast can I crawl backwards and I hope the VC is moving away
from me? 90
These were the thoughts that could sometimes overwhelm a Tunnel Rat.
89 Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Techniques for Detecting, Neutralizing and Destroying
Enemy Tunnels, 1969, last accessed March 13, 2013, http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-
90 Fred Meurer (former Tunnel Rat commander), interview with Josh Bowes (author) August 12, 2013
Figure 29. Tunnel Rat entering a tunnel head first91
A typical VC tunnel was constructed with several 60 and 120 degree turns. This
would deny Tunnels Rats the ability to fire down a tunnel more that 10–20 yards. It
91 “The Vietnam War Tunnel Rats,” [image], in Cherries: A Vietnam War Novel, accessed December
12, 2013,http://cherrieswriter.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/the-vietnam-war-tunnel-rats-guest-blog/.
92“Vietnamese Army Including the Viet Cong,” [image], accessed November 17, 2013,
would also provide cover for VC in order to ambush a Tunnel Rat as he approached. If
enemy contact was made in the tunnel, a Tunnel Rat learned to fire his pistol reflexively,
without taking careful aim, due to the close proximity. After the engagement, a Tunnel
Rat quickly conducted a magazine change regardless if his pistol was empty or not. This
was due to the VC knowing how many rounds an M1911 pistol would fire until it was
empty and in need of a magazine change. This delay would provide the VC an
opportunity to engage a Tunnel Rat unopposed.
It was well known to conventional forces above ground that Tunnel Rats would
experience a very physically and mentally demanding task underground. It could also
push a Tunnel Rat’s emotional state to his breaking point. Operating in a confined pitch-
black environment, while crawling for hours looking for a heavily armed enemy, who
have the advantage, would cause most soldiers to mentally break down. According to
Tunnel Warfare, “Occasionally, under the strain, a Tunnel Rat’s nerves would break and
he’d be dragged from the tunnel screaming and crying. Once this happened he would
never be allowed down a tunnel again.”93 Only the strongest were allowed to continue.
Some infantry units developed tear gas generators to utilize in conjunction with
their Tunnel Rats. In order to mitigate these efforts, the VC constructed water traps
underground. A water trap was an obstacle that was intended to seal off a tunnel from
gas. In order to clear a water trap, a person entering the tunnel would need to submerge
under the water to clear the obstacle, in order to continue through the tunnel to the other
side. As a Tunnel Rat would clear a water trap and rise out of the pitch black water, he
was completely defenseless. A VC soldier could easily be waiting on the other side of
the water trap in ambush. The thought of an AK-47 waiting as they raised heads out of
the water, was more that some Tunnel Rats could take. The 25th Infantry Division had a
standing rule for its Tunnel Rats. If a Tunnel Rat cleared more than three water obstacles
in one day, he was relieved by a teammate and was not allowed to continue for the next
24 hours.
93 Irrp, “Tunnel Warfare: Vietnam Experience—Six Silent Men,” 2008, last accessed March 13, 2013,
Most Tunnel Rats would describe the experience by saying, “the feeling you get,
crawling into a tunnel, knowing that someone or something is trying to kill you, can
never be fully understood or explained. At the time, we thought we were invincible.”94
Another fear factor for a Tunnel Rat was not only what could happen underground but
also what could happen above ground as they came out at a different tunnel entrance.
The sight of a small man, stripped of a uniform, covered in dirt, would surely be
mistaken for a VC and shot by a fellow U.S. solider. The Tunnel Rats developed signals,
such as simply whistling “Dixie” before he exited a tunnel to alert any fellow U.S.
4. Effects
Once a tunnel complex was clear of VC, a ground force commander would make
the decision to destroy the tunnel and U.S. Army engineers would be called in. The
Tunnel Rats would then assist the engineers in destroying a tunnel complex in order to
deny it from being used again by the VC.95 The demolition process would initiate with a
Tunnel Rat having to re-enter the tunnel to place explosive charges. The explosives were
placed at intervals throughout the tunnel. Each satchel charge was set in a descending
order in reference to the time fuses. This would enable the charges to detonate
94 Fred Meurer (former Tunnel Rat commander), interview with Josh Bowes (author) August 12, 2013
95 “Tunnel Destruction pt1-2 1969 US Army Training Film Vietnam War” YouTube video, posted by
“Jeff Quitney,” December 18, 2013, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeNP-aUT0sY
simultaneously while allowing the Tunnel Rat time to get to a safe distance away. After
total destruction of the tunnel, Tunnel Rats would consolidate, reorganize and move to
the next tunnel complex to start the process again.
5. Application of DOTMLPF
The tunnel networks during the Vietnam War presented an extensive dangerous
combat environment for U.S. troops. “By the end of 1970, 4,800 tunnels had been
discovered by the United States and allied forces.”96 Viet Cong tunnels were able to
delay and/or stop U.S. infantry units with a profound disruption to combat operations.
With no choice but to clear newly discovered tunnels, the U.S. Army depended on the
specialized skill set of the Tunnel Rats. Without such a specialized force, U.S. troops
would have most certainly incurred far more casualties and achieved far less success. In
future conflicts, much can be learned from references to tactics, techniques and
procedures that were established by the Tunnel Rats. Not to learn from that experience
would constitute a lost opportunity for U.S. military efforts.
During the Vietnam War, the utilization of uniquely skilled subterranean soldiers,
organized into distinct units, was a huge leap forward in underground warfare. It marked
the creation and the disappearance of subterranean doctrine in a combat environment.
Subterranean lessons learned began to be disseminated through the ranks from which
other Tunnel Rat units could benefit. However, valuable subterranean tactics, techniques
and procedures were never established into formal military doctrine. Most of the lesson
learned were filed away into unit store rooms or lost over time.
Rudimentary tunnel systems as experienced during the Vietnam War are not
unique to that conflict; it is an underground pattern that continues today. The U.S. must
not ignore lessons from the past or current threats that are seeking advantages
underground. North Korea, Iran, transnational criminal organizations, and violent
extremist organizations are all known to conduct tunneling activities. Much like airborne
forces are designed to conduct a vertical envelopment, subterranean forces may offer the
strategic surprise of envelopment from below.
96 Allen D. Reece, A Historical Analysis of Tunnel Warfare and the Contemporary Perspective, 1998,
last accessed March 11, 2013, http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a339626.pdf
There are several trends that are apparent in warfare. Even though the case
studies that have been presented span many centuries of warfare, there are several
elements that are common to all. The most significant tendency is for militaries to seek a
subterranean advantage when the ability to maneuver has been reduced. In all five case
studies, maneuver was disrupted by either a stalemate at the tactical level, or an
insurgency that was forced underground for protection at the operational level. All
scenarios have also indicated how the subterranean option became logical, to employ,
when no other means of maneuver was possible. A clear understanding of these
subterranean trends will be invaluable to future conflict.
During the siege of Constantinople, the Ottoman Turks were unable to maneuver
in order to defeat the Byzantines inside the city walls. The Turks chose to employ
rudimentary tunnels under the walls to breach the cities’ defenses. During the siege of
Petersburg, the Union army was at a stalemate due to the formable Confederate
entrenchments around the city. The Union army also chose to utilize a rudimentary
tunnel under the Confederate defensive line to emplace an explosive breach. During
World War I, the Allies were also at a stalemate with German forces at Messines Ridge.
To break the quagmire, 22 tunnels were dug in order to detonate simultaneous explosive
breaches that were nested with massive Allied assault. In Okinawa during World War II,
the Japanese chose to construct mutually supporting underground bunker systems. By
going underground, the Japanese minimized their vulnerabilities while maneuvering from
one defensive position to another. In South Vietnam, the Viet Cong were also forced to
seek an underground solution to mitigate being detected by U.S. aircraft or ground troop.
The human instinct to go underground, when maneuver is disrupted, is a key factor in
every case study. It is also an indicator of what an adversary will be inclined to pursue
when faced with in similar circumstances.
In terms of significant commonalities, there are also factors that have been
repeated in the past that will provide awareness for the future. In the case studies of the
Byzantines and World War I, both involved tunneling and counter tunneling. The ability
of an attacker to approach a defensive line undetected is problematic for either side. In
both cases, counter tunnels were dug to interdict an attacker’s approach which
demonstrates a defender’s ability to detect and locate an attacker’s tunnel. Finally, both
case studies involve intensive hand-to-hand combat that occurred when contact was made
The concealment of tunnels is also a repeated. The Turks purposely dug tunnels
at oblique angles, from the walls of Constantinople, to conceal their approach. In
Petersburg, Union miners made an effort to conceal their ventilation system between
siege lines. The use of a fire in the tunnel, for air circulation, was concealed by keeping
multiple Union campfires burning to produce smoke which concealed the air/exhaust
vent. In Vietnam, the Viet Cong created numerous methods to conceal tunnel entrances,
airshafts and exits in plain sight by utilizing what was natural to the landscape.
The superiority of U.S. firepower has also been a factor causing adversaries to
seek the subterranean environment for protection and/or concealment. In Okinawa, the
Japanese were forced to modify above ground operations into subterranean tactics for
protection while inflicting massive U.S. casualties. In the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong
were also forced to go underground for protection in the face of superior U.S. firepower.
However, VC tunnels were utilized as clandestine safe havens instead of fortified
positions. The Okinawa case study also illustrates how the decision for U.S. troops not to
enter Japanese subterranean bunkers became instrumental in causing high U.S. casualties.
To the contrary, the Vietnam case study validates the effectiveness of specialized
U.S. troops to enter tunnel systems to mitigate the VC threat from their rear. The shift in
U.S. tactics became the catalyst for the development of subterranean tactics, techniques
and procedures that remain relevant today. This U.S. underground surgical approach also
resulted in minimal U.S. casualties. In addition, during World War I, the Allies were also
very successful in the construction of 22 tunnels that required dynamic subterranean skill
sets. The formation of underground units greatly contributed to the overall Allied success
at Messines Ridge.
Given the factors from all five historical case studies, it is easy to see why
subterranean warfare is a trend that continues today. Some broader conclusions from the
cases of subterranean operations can be drawn through the application to DOTMLPF:
• Doctrine—Doctrine did not exist in any of the case studies presented.
However, the refinement of subterranean tactics, techniques and procedure
remained at the unit level in all five case studies. The U.S. military failed
to establish these subterranean lessons into doctrine; the majority of the
lessons it learned were poorly documented, limited to the participating
unit, and not widely distributed throughout the U.S. military.
• Organization—The formation of specialized underground units did not
occur until World War I when the Allies temporally organized ex-miners,
from their ranks, into tunneling companies. The U.S. formation of Tunnel
Rat units refined the organization into a semi-permanent element that was
utilized throughout the war but afterwards disbanded.
• Training—Formalized training for subterranean units did not exist in any
of the case studies presented. The majority of the case studies relied
heavily on the experience and expertise of former miners within their
ranks. In Vietnam, the U.S. military did not provide standardized training
to inexperienced soldiers when assigned to Tunnel Rat units. As a result,
inexperienced Tunnel Rats relied heavily on the lessons learned from more
experienced members within the unit. The high operational tempo of
Tunnel Rat units forced new arrivals to learn by means of on the job
training during combat operations.
• Matériel—Out of necessity, in all five case studies, underground soldiers
were forced to utilize organic resources to construct or clear tunnels. Most
utilized weapons and equipment that were already in their inventories, in a
subterranean environment. For example, in Okinawa, flame throwers
were instrumental in clearing tunnels from above ground. In Vietnam,
Tunnel Rats simply relied on their senses, a .45 caliber pistol, and an
elbow flashlight when entering a tunnel.
• Leadership—The success or failure of all five case studies can be credited
by the leadership of commanders that had a clear and definitive
understanding of the subterranean environment. Not understanding the
capabilities and limitations of underground warfare can be catastrophic to
U.S. forces operating underground.
• Personnel—In all five case studies, the majority of organizations relied on
former miners that were already acclimated to a subterranean
environment. In Vietnam, due to lack of miner experience, Tunnel Rats
were an all-volunteer force. Most volunteers were small in stature and
could easily traverse through restrictive rudimentary tunnels. However,
once a Tunnel Rat displayed any mental adversity (an emotional
breakdown) to operating underground, he was never allowed into another
tunnel and was sent back to the regular force.
• Facilities—Training facilities, for subterranean warfare, consisted of
combat operations that were on-going at the time (on the job training).
1. Doctrine
The extent of subterranean warfare doctrine within the U.S. Army is found within
the following current publications: FM 3-06 Urban Operations, ATTP 3-06.11 Combined
Arms Operations in Urban Terrain, ATTP 3-21.50 Infantry Small-Unit Mountain
Operations, and FM 3-34.170 Engineer Reconnaissance. Historical doctrinal
publications such as FM 90-8 Counterguerrilla Operations, and FM 90-101-1 An
Infantryman’s Guide to Urban Combat also contain fragments of subterranean doctrine.
The U.S. Army’s Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG) combines a majority of this
doctrine into a single publication titled, AWG Subterranean Handbook. The limitations
of these current publications is the lack of consideration beyond tunnels and urban and
natural cavities, and the limited detail to which other DOTMLPF factors and operational
considerations are discussed. The subterranean environment, as described by this
capstone’s established typology, spans environments ranging from the most rudimentary
tunnels to deep underground facilities; the totality of which current doctrine fails to
address. Today’s military forces, regardless of location or geographic orientation, must
concern themselves with the preparedness to engage in subterranean operations. This
section of the analysis seeks to identify gaps in current publications and highlight the
need for a more comprehensive doctrine.
typology. Integrating the identified subterranean attributes can assist leaders in focusing
intelligence collection and can aid in determining resource allocation. Finally, alternate
approaches should be discussed to provide commanders with options other than
committing forces underground.
a. Planning Considerations
97 U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group, Subterranean Warfare Handbook (Fort Meade, MD:
Headquarters, U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group, 2009), 3-1.
among different parts of the population. The IPOE process is a cycle and should be
continually evaluated to assess changes in the environment and how these systems impact
culture and economic conditions in the AO.98
98 Ibid., 3-2.
Understanding the surrounding local infrastructure is critical to force protection.
Intelligence should be gained on what residences or businesses have been recently
purchase or rented. Distances from perimeter protection to surface infrastructure and
residences or businesses should be identified.
b. Threats
c. Challenges
100 U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group, Subterranean Warfare Handbook, iii.
101 Ibid.
with consideration not only for the operational safety of soldiers and mission
accomplishment, but also with concern for civilian casualties and collateral damage.
The detection of tunnels and the identification of tunneling activity are key
skills in eliminating an enemy’s ability to build and use underground facilities. While
innovations in tunnel detection technology offer promising long-term strategy,
technology cannot be the sole solution. Technology can assist in subterranean activity
detection and is utilized on the U.S./Mexico border and other locations globally.
Although a number of detection technologies exist, no single piece of equipment,
currently available, is sufficiently accurate for routine subterranean detection. Inherent
difficulty exists, in part, because of the varying sizes and depths of tunnels in diverse
geological conditions. Currently, subterranean detection technology is in use by the U.S.
military only in Afghanistan. Because the technology is not widely used, it is important
for soldiers to know the indicators of subterranean activity to assist in non-technical
detection. Situational awareness is critical.
During searches, all wires should be traced to determine both the power
source and what is being powered. Large amounts of wire are needed for communication
lines and to power lights, fans, and digging equipment.
Holes in the ground or pipes sticking out of the ground can be used to
provide ventilation to a subterranean structure. Hoses, metal piping, or PVC piping can
be used to provide air to a tunnel, or to move water out. Water is also needed to keep
dust down to a minimum during construction. As with wire, it is important to trace a
hose, beginning to end, to determine its source and what is being watered.
e. Alternate Approaches
The United States Army describes the mission of infantry as “to close with
the enemy by means of fire and maneuver in order to destroy or capture him, or to repel
his assault with fire, close combat, and counterattack. The Infantry will engage the
enemy with combined arms in all operational environments to bring about his defeat.”102
This may not be the best way to proceed when dealing with subterranean operations.
Placing troops in a subterranean environment must be carefully thought out.
Commanders must determine the driving force requiring ground forces to enter a
subterranean environment. Personnel recovery, securing a high value target, or weapon
of mass destruction may be that mission which requires the commitment of ground forces
into the underground.
102 Headquarters, Department of the Army, Field Manual 3-21.8, The Infantry Rifle Platoon and
Squad (Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2008).
103Headquarters, Department of the Army, Field Manual 3-24.2, Tactics in Counterinsurgency,
(Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2009).
sieges involve surrounding the target and blocking the reinforcement, re-supply, or
escape of troops. This could be coupled with locating and sealing off entrances/exits,
cutting off power, attacking ventilation, and other life support mechanisms.
Unfortunately, a commander may not have the undetermined amount of time required for
a siege to be effective and all exits may not have been secured.
Military working dogs (MWD) are quite popular with ground forces and
bring a unique combat multiplier to the battlefield. A dog can be used prior to sending a
team into a subterranean structure, or can be used in conjunction with a clearing team.
Some dogs are trained to detect explosives and can prevent the triggering of booby traps.
Dogs are notorious for instilling fear in the opposition and can assist in locating
personnel. When planning operations, these advantages should be weighed against the
military working dog’s potential vulnerability to drowning or lack of air, disorientation
from an enclosed environment, unusual sounds, and susceptibility to booby traps. Dogs
need to be screened and trained to identify which can operate in a subterranean
2. Organization
The current organizational structures of Army maneuver forces are adequate for
dealing with subterranean threats. Light infantry, reconnaissance, combat engineers, and
Special Forces are particularly adaptable to this type of warfare. Although historical
examples have shown the utility of specially organized subterranean units, these elements
were formed during wartime in order to meet immediate threats. Today’s military should
anticipate future conflicts and recognize the value of having widely skilled and adaptable
forces for any operational environment, to include subterranean.
In terms of task organization for any given subterranean operation, every situation
will be different and the extent of subterranean environments is difficult to assess from
the surface. Rudimentary tunnels may only require a two or three man clearing team,
while large underground facilities could require a battalion-level operation. Tactical
leaders can be expected to assess operational requirements and utilize the fundamental
task organization of assault, support, and security elements. The key to success is having
available the right enabler(s) such as a NBC reconnaissance team, MWD handler, EOD
technician, tactical MISO team, demolition team, and specialized SSE teams. In a perfect
world, all these enablers should be readily available in support of subterranean
operations; however, units must strive to attain even the most basic internal capabilities
within each of these areas.
United States military forces are highly adaptable. When given the task to
conduct operations in subterranean environments no hesitation is likely to be found.
However, commanders must understand that this environment is indeed unique and other
DOTMLPF elements should be considered in order to mitigate risks and provide the best
possible conditions for success. The Army should develop skilled individuals across
organizations that allow for an increased knowledge base and enhanced overall
3. Training
Realistic training is the decisive aspect of DOTMLPF that will determine success
in subterranean operations. The high operational tempo since 2001, and ever-increasing
demand for technological solutions, has found many units training with and employing
new equipment while engaged in combat operations. Combat is not the first place
soldiers should be exposed to operating underground. As units conduct collective
training prior to combat, they must be exposed to the challenges of subterranean
Although many urban training areas have underground tunnels, many units are not
comfortable in their use, or mark them as “off limits” for risk mitigation. Not since the
Vietnam War has the Army had formalized training on operations against tunnels.
Today, many soldiers that encounter caves, aqueducts, or tunnels in Afghanistan simply
venture into these spaces without proper planning and equipment.
4. Matériel
Through the U.S. Army’s acquisition processes and rapid fielding initiatives, new
technologies and current equipment upgrades have flooded today’s battlefield. There are
many current pieces of soldier equipment that can enhance capabilities during
subterranean operations; however, much of this gear is not widely distributed beyond the
SOF community. Other equipment that has been found to be essential for subterranean
operations is available on the civilian commercial market. Available commercial-off-the-
shelf (COTS) items that can be adapted for military uses in subterranean environments
are currently in use by the fire and rescue, commercial mining, industrial safety, and
recreational climbing communities.
a. Air Quality
104 Industrial Scientific, “IBRID MX6” [image], accessed December 13, 2013,
b. Optics/Visibility
d. Hearing Protection
Weapon suppressors, for both rifle and pistol, should be used underground. The
overpressure exerted by firing weapons underground results in excessive amounts of dust
and debris to cloud the air. This not only impairs visibility, but also degrades air quality.
The use of a suppressor will reduce the decibel level of weapons fired as well as reduce
the flash signature, making it harder for the enemy to effectively return fire. Weapon
suppressors are not readily available outside of SOF. Their utility goes beyond their use
in the subterranean environment and fielding should be expanded to GPF.
e. Breaching Equipment
f. Incendiary Weapons
106 Optics Planet, “Peltor Comtac II Electronic Headset 21db Hearing Protection” [image], accessed
December 18, 2013, http://www.opticsplanet.com/peltor-comtact-ii-electronic-headsets-military-green-
subterranean operations. The AWG should be tasked to conduct research on the
employment of flamethrowers by U.S. forces within subterranean environments.
Incendiary weapons that are currently in the U.S. military’s inventory such as the
AN/M14 incendiary grenade and the M15 white phosphorus grenade should be tested in
subterranean training sites for possible TTPs.
Figure 35. Soldier uses a robot to detect booby traps in an Afghanistan cave108
h. Air blowers
108“Can Human-Robot Bonding Affect Mission Performance?,” [image], accessed December 18,
2013, Military 1, http://www.military1.com/products/military-technology/military-robots/article/406317-
Figure 36. Technical rescue team using portable air-blower109
Leaders must be creative and seek opportunities to learn about the subterranean
domain. Courses taught by civilian institutions on underground mining, confined space
search and rescue, along with government agencies that specialize in intelligence
collection and analysis of underground facilities can be just the beginning to gaining a
high degree of preparedness for subterranean operations. Due to the lack of emphasis on
110 Rottman, Gordon L. Viet Cong and NVA Tunnels and Fortifications of the Vietnam War. Oxford:
Osprey Publishing, 2006.
training in the subterranean environment, leaders are only limited by their imagination
and the unit’s willingness to resource training, not the availability of facilities.
6. Personnel
7. Facilities
United States Army installations do contain facilities that address some of the
underground structures presented in this project; however, they fall short of the full range
identified within the typological space. Today’s fiscal environment requires creative
training solutions and home station opportunities. The following are training facility
environments the SWG experienced through field research that represents the range of
subterranean typology. Characteristics of these training areas can also be developed into
existing home station training areas.
a. Tunnel Training
Similar to tunnel training areas, many CTCs and urban training areas
contain opportunities for leaders to replicate urban cavity training. Additionally, civil
underground facilities such as subway systems and building sub-structures may be
utilized through memorandums of agreement. Locations that support training within
natural cavities also exist at CTCs (see Figure 39); however, these areas may have
restrictions that prevent employment of devices such as pyrotechnics and weapon
simulators. In addition to replicating combat effects, exercise control and safety
procedures may be constrained by the natural complexities of subterranean environments.
Complicating training factors include degraded radio communications and visibility.
Figure 37. Cave locations at the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, CA111
111 Brant Hoskins, Todd Heintzelman, and Melvin Cuffee, “National Training Center Offers New
Training Opportunities” [image], Army Chemical Review (Jul–Dec 2005), 23.
of training should be tactical leaders and planners and should capitalize on existing
opportunities offered by the DIA’s UFAC.
In the conduct of field research for this project, it was discovered that most
installations with maneuver units have trench complexes that can be modified to replicate
rudimentary tunnels. The AWG has devised effective means for conducting subterranean
training. One concept being proposed essentially modifies a unit’s subterranean training
plan to address any of the three outlined typologies. An installation could possibly
procure shipping containers from the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office
(DRMO), and create underground training environments by emplacing them
112 Sonise Lumbaca, “AWG Subterranean Risk Reduction Exercise Prepares Soldiers for NIE
14.1,” [image] The Army Homepage, accessed November 25, 2013,
In order for the dynamics of subterranean warfare to become inherent within unit
level collective training, research should be conducted to evaluate how this unique
environment could be incorporated into the force generation elements of the U.S. Army.
Courses such as basic training, officer basic courses, and tactical leader courses such as
the Sapper Leaders Course and Ranger School could potentially develop programs of
instruction (POI) of TTPs when operating in the subterranean environment. Part of this
future research should be on the development and analysis of specific tasks essential to
subterranean operations. Potentially a course unique to subterranean warfare could be
developed maximizing individual skill development in techniques for both differing
subterranean categories and specialty equipment use training.
emerging technologies could be valuable to many different government agencies,
potentially spurring the development of new capabilities.
The authors believe that this capstone provides sufficient support to confirm
original arguments:
• Current U.S. military doctrine does not properly prepare units for
operations in subterranean environments.
• Future conflicts will require GPF to deal with subterranean threats.
• Understanding the use of incendiary weapons is critical in the conduct of
subterranean operations.
1. Case Studies
Support of arguments has been based on the examination of five case studies that
show multiple forms of subterranean environments, uses, and techniques. These case
studies cover over half a millennium, ranging from a single battle to an entire campaign.
The main “take-away” from the case studies is that subterranean warfare has been a
persistent aspect of warfare throughout history. It has evolved from siege warfare, to
conveyance of forces, to cross-border smuggling, and to storage of WMD. This
illustrates that, though considered primitive, it will always have an application in modern
warfare. Recent warfare has not been traditional siege warfare. Maneuver forces have
found tunnels used by the enemy and tried to exploit them for intelligence value as well
as deny their further use to the enemy. The enabling effects of the subterranean
environment for enemy forces can be seen today in Israel, Afghanistan, Central America,
Syria, and on the Korean Peninsula. The predominant theme throughout the case studies
is that of complexity. The case studies show that the underground option is always taken
when one side has the technological advantage; a primitive tactic to defeat a modern
2. Typology
In defining the typology, attributes most relevant and significant for planning
considerations have been identified. By merging the efforts of the DIA, U.S. Customs
and Border Protection, and the Asymmetric Warfare Group, the authors have created a
lexicon that can be applied by any element conducting operations in a subterranean
Figure 41. Messines (WWI)
Figure 45. A Karez tunnel in Afghanistan
These examples show the flexibility of the proposed typology and classification
which recognizes the widely varying uses for a subterranean system. It also affords a
leader the ability to control the collection process for planning operations in this complex
environment. By simply “plugging” the information into the graphic, commanders and
staffs are forced to acknowledge the multiple challenges that could be faced underground.
Most units that have encountered subterranean threats in the COE have limited
formal training, and have had to learn on the job. Subterranean pre-mission training
should be included for deploying forces that are likely to encounter underground threats.
As shown in the DOTMLPF analysis, most Combat Training Centers (CTCs) have
rudimentary tunnel networks. At a minimum, this provides leaders the opportunity to
expose their soldiers to the psychological impacts of being in a confined space.
The AWG has developed a Subterranean Warfare Handbook that provides
relevant information to units conducting operations within subterranean systems and
underground structures and facilities. Though a tactical application, it is a large step in
the right direction and will assist leaders in prioritizing training tasks during a pre-
deployment phase for upcoming operations.
The paper’s case studies have shown that incendiary weapons such as
flamethrowers and napalm have proved effective in the tunnels and UGFs of
Constantinople, Okinawa, and Vietnam. Incendiary weapons are a simple, cost-effective
means of combating subterranean threats and have immediate psychological and physical
In some cases there may be a subterranean threat that cannot be engaged due to an
overwhelming risk. This research shows that although incendiary weapons would be the
appropriate choice in such a scenario, leaders will not authorize their use due to a
normative taboo. Soldiers should not take unnecessary risks when there is a capability
that could reduce or eliminate those risks. This capstone has addressed this taboo and
recommends that U.S. forces be properly trained on the effects of incendiary weapons,
when they should be used, and how they should be used.
(see Appendix A). Due to the lack of training and doctrine for subterranean
environments, electronic warfare should be further explored and incorporated to fill this
5. Final Thoughts
An instruction from the Commander-in Chief for the need of research such as that
done with this capstone can be seen below:
By empowering ground forces with the proper understanding, training, and PPE
to operate underground, the overall risk to forces is lowered while their ability to operate
in an asymmetrical environment is raised. Regardless of the tactics, techniques, and
procedures (TTPs) employed, or special equipment developed to conduct subterranean
operations, leaders should begin to consider the preparedness of forces to engage threats
within this domain. The subterranean environment has been mentioned in narratives of
historical military campaigns, and its use is likely to continue as a valuable tactic in
future engagements, large and small. Additional analysis and research should be
conducted on specific subterranean structures within emergent threat locations. The
DIA’s UFAC collects classified information for use by weapons developers and airborne
attack planning. This information would also be of value to those training facilities that
might need to replicate these potential environments and structures as part of troop and
mission preparedness.
113 Office of the Secretary of Defense, Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century
Defense (Washington, DC: Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2012), 4.
The authors of this capstone had the ability to conduct site visits on at least one
example of each of the subterranean structures that encompass the full typology. Based
on those site visits, the proceeding areas were deemed possible points of interest for
MISO and MILDEC which can possibly influence a subterranean target audience through
themes, messages, and actions.
of personnel in an underground setting cannot avoid the mental stress associated with
thoughts of contaminated air. Contaminated air can stem from particulates associated
with underground works or can come from above (e.g., chemical agents). Soviet forces
were reported to have used such agents against Mujahedeen hiding in karez systems in
2. Structure Collapse
3. Food/Supply Shortages
4. Fire/Smoke Inhalation
116 Graham Smith, “The ‘Pompeii’ of the Western Front: Archaeologists Find the Bodies of 21 Tragic
World War One German Soldiers in Perfectly Preserved Trenches,” Mail Online, February 10, 2012,
accessed November 1, 2013, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2099187/Bodies-21-German-
mettle against subterranean environments in World War II and Vietnam. The ability to
vacuum oxygen out of a confined space is what makes the armament so effective and
psychologically debilitating to combatants.
5. Flooding
Figure 47. A Palestinian attempts to clean out sewage from a tunnel in Rafah.118
117 Ibrahim Barzak, “Hamas Accuses Egypt of Flooding Gaza Tunnels,” Associated Press, February
19, 2013, accessed November 1, 2013, http://news.yahoo.com/hamas-accuses-egypt-flooding-gaza-tunnels-
118 Ibrahim Barzak, “Hamas Accuses Egypt of Flooding Gaza Tunnels,” [image], accessed November
1, 2013, http://news.yahoo.com/hamas-accuses-egypt-flooding-gaza-tunnels-132142173.html.
6. Tunnel Remediation
Figure 48. U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agents contract cement trucks to fill a
tunnel along the Tucson sector of Nogales.120
7. Social Media
119 U.S. Customs and Border Protection “Mapping the Smuggling Threat” (presented at Virginia Tech
Applied Research Corporation, Alexandria, VA, 8 January 2013).
120 Ibid.
age males that comprise both non-state and state actors operating underground are avid
users of this technology despite some of their safe havens deemed “failed states.”
military information support teams (MIST) can also target these mediums to observe
patterns of life. The CORE Lab located at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey,
California was able to map Twitter hashtags posted during the Arab Spring, to map
patterns of life and movements of key personnel.121 Such creative adaptations of
technology should be leveraged in order to draw combatants out of underground
structures and prevent hostile actions on both sides.
121 Gregory Wilson, “CORE Lab Introduction” (lecture at Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA,
August 15, 2012).
122 Joint Task Force North, “Counter Tunnel & Tunnel Detection” (presentation at Virginia Tech
Applied Research Corporation, Alexandria, VA, January 8, 2013).
Figure 49. Cartels force local vendors to conceal tunnel entrances and exits
In summary, MISO and MILDEC serve as force multipliers that shape the
information environment in order to persuade, change, or influence the behaviors of a
target audience. To optimize their value, they must both be integrated early into planning
at all levels of war: strategic, operational, and tactical. Effective MISO and MILDEC
must also receive adequate intelligence, organization, and evaluation feedback from first-
line leaders.
of living and working underground. Efforts made to understand this psychology further
will enhance MISO and MILDEC operations and increase their probability of success.
1. Introduction
The following description is of a cyber-attack that not only made domestic and
international news headlines, but is currently altering the way cyber activities in both the
legal and ethical sense are being considered. Many aspects of the events that unfolded in
Natanz, Iran have been and are generally deemed still classified in nature. There were,
however, many open lessons learned of which state and non-state actors have taken
notice, reevaluating internal cybernetic infrastructure intended to protect interests above
and below ground. The most important lesson remains that underground facilities,
specifically HDBTs, capable of withstanding air and ground strikes, must now also
contend with cyber-attacks. Stuxnet, as the virus was termed, became the first ever
cyber-attack used to cause physical destruction.
2. Stuxnet
What is known about Stuxnet began in June of 2010 when a highly sophisticated
computer worm was first detected. Stuxnet was discovered by a Belarus-based security
company which traced the worm to an Iranian client after a complaint of a software
glitch. Originally the virus was thought to have been designed to steal industry secrets.
Stealing industry secrets by means of the web has long been a common practice within
the competitive business world. This worm, however, was acting differently, targeting
specific Siemens123 settings, and self-injecting malicious code into the program logic
control (PLC).124 The code’s role was to change existing cybernetic infrastructure.
The significance of the PLC is one that cannot be understated. For Natanz, it was
also a major point of vulnerability. A PLC like the one in Figure 52 serves as the
operations hub for many machinery and industrial-type systems. Conveyor belts,
elevators, and roller coasters are just a few examples that operate by means of a PLC. As
Stuxnet self-injected into the Natanz PLC, it cleverly remained undetected. Investigators
believe it was purposely built this way to avoid raising alarm; an indicator of the
technical expertise of the code’s author(s). By all best estimates, the PLC may have
intruded well into a year before it was discovered.
Reports on the damage caused by Stuxnet vary due to the sensitive and top-secret
nature of nuclear facilities. One source said the damage done to the centrifuges was
significant enough to set back the nuclear program for at least three years.125 Nuclear
centrifuges serve an important role of separating U-235 and U-238, the two isotopes
required to power a nuclear plant or make a bomb. By the first account, Stuxnet caused
hundreds of centrifuges to essentially spin beyond control, ultimately breaking in the
process. A second report had the facility well on its way to recovery only six months
after the attack.126 United Nations inspectors representing the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) witnessed over 900 centrifuges removed from the underground
The underground facility at Natanz was by the definition laid out in this capstone,
an HDBT. The point of vulnerability was ultimately its cyber defenses, which lent access
to the PLC where the disruption occurred. Today’s underground facilities are typically
used around the world for uranium mining, processing, enrichment, heavy/light water
processing, and C3I structures. Most of these operate cybernetically through a PLC, and
vary in cryptic defense. Since Stuxnet, Iran has positioned over 100 academics to work
on information security in an effort to prevent future mishaps.128
The malware that Stuxnet loaded into Natanz’s subterranean facility was aimed
specifically to target the Siemens PLC. What can be deduced is that the author(s) of
Stuxnet had prior intelligence of the internal infrastructure and built the virus around that
knowledge. This validates the point that while cyber-attacks by themselves are extremely
potent, when coupled with human intelligence (HUMINT), the probability of success
naturally increases.
The authors of Stuxnet may never be identified further than speculated. What is
known is that there are only a handful of technical experts worldwide capable of
127 Ibid.
128 John Arquilla, “Conflict in the Information Age” (lecture at Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
CA, October 24, 2012).
129 60 Minutes Overtime, “Stuxnet Copycats: Let the Hacking Begin,” CBS News, March 4, 2012,
accessed October 15, 2013, http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504803_162-57389729-10391709/stuxnet-
conducting such an attack. Like SOF, hackers are not mass produced. While the U.S. is
making strides in building tomorrow’s cyber warrior within the Armed Forces, hackers
are the key. The U.S. government seems to prosecute rather than cultivate such skills.
Anyone can go from enemy to hero. This was the case for the V2 rocket scientists in
World War II that joined Allied Forces after leaving the Nazis, in itself a huge strategic
narrative victory.
Cyber-attacks may prevent the need for ground forces altogether. However,
cyber-attacks can also be coordinated with ground forces. This scenario was almost a
reality during the 2007 cyber-attack against Estonia, reportedly at the hands of Russia for
retribution when a Red Army statue was removed in the Estonian capital of Tallinn.
Troops were mobilized; however, cyber force never reached physical force. To this day,
a cyber-attack has yet to be retaliated against by ground forces.
4. Conclusion
Stuxnet is in the past; focus is now shifted to the next cyber-attack. As FBI
Director Robert Mueller said, “I do believe that the cyber-threat will equal or surpass the
threat from counterterrorism in the foreseeable future.”130 State actors and non-state
actors capable of conducting similar attacks understand that cyber has low entry costs and
based on the skill of the “wizard” can be difficult to trace. As for those capable of
triggering a “Cybergeddon,” “Cyber Pearl Harbor,” or a “Cyber 9-11,” the number of
master hackers, state-sponsored or not, are a limited few. In the U.S., it has been
traditional to alienate those whose capabilities could be harnessed for self-defense. A
disturbing thought is that some nation states have more Internet users than the U.S. has
130 Ibid.
affect the underground is limited by manpower. Electronic warfare is a proven capacity
against underground facilities that must be further explored and incorporated as a
normative U.S. arsenal method of engagement.
There are no national or international laws that prevent U.S. forces from using
incendiary weapons against confirmed enemy forces and positions. FM 27-10 The Law
of Land Warfare states that:
133 International Committee of the Red Cross, “Humanitarian Law: Protocol on Prohibitions or
Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons (Protocol III). Weapons Category,” October 10, 1980.
134 Headquarters, Department of the Army, FM 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare (Washington, DC:
Headquarters, Department of the Army, 1956).
It is prohibited in all circumstances to make any military objective located
within a concentration of civilians the object of attack by air-delivered
incendiary weapons.
Despite the absence of any legal prohibition, the U.S. military has developed a
normative taboo against the use of incendiary weapons. The term “normative taboos”
refers to the widespread repulsion against incendiary weapons and the widely held
inhibitions on their use.136 This normative taboo is hindering military ability to
effectively defeat and destroy certain types of subterranean threats in the COE. This
normative taboo stems from three catalysts:
• Civilian deaths during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam
• The perception that incendiary weapons are only used by terrorists
• The negative stigma that incendiary weapons cause the unnecessary
suffering of enemy personnel
Section One will provide a historical account of the use of incendiary weapons by
U.S. forces during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. This section
will show how the irresponsible and improper use of such weapons contributed
significantly to the current normative taboo against incendiary weapons. The majority of
research provided in this section was derived from the International Committee of the
Red Cross (ICRC) report, Weapons that may Cause Unnecessary Suffering or have
135 International Committee of the Red Cross, “Humanitarian Law.”
136 Nina., Tannenwald, The Nuclear Taboo: The United States and the Non-use of Nuclear Weapons
Since 1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, 435
Indiscriminate Effects, and Dr. Malvern Lumsden’s Incendiary Weapons. Both readings
provided a detailed account of all incendiary weapons used by international military
forces from World War I to the end of the Vietnam War. Though the intent of both
reports is to provide detailed information on incendiary weapons in order to prevent their
use, they do point out when incendiary weapons had successful results.
Section Two will show that the successful use of incendiary weapons by terrorist
organizations has contributed more to the normative taboo by branding it as a “weapon
used by terrorists.” The following three cases where terrorist organizations have
successfully used incendiary weapons will be examined:
1. 2004 Beslan School massacre
2. 2011 attack in Mumbai, India
3. 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
For the Beslan School massacre and bombings in Mumbai the thesis, Braving the Swarm:
Lowering Anticipated Group Bias in Integrated Fire/Police Units Facing Paramilitary
Terrorism, conducted by Fire Department of New York CPT Sean Newman provides
sufficient information on the attacks. Captain Newman’s argument that terrorist
organizations are shifting more towards the use of incendiary weapons and tactics adds
credibility to the negativity that can be associated with this normative taboo. Many
people believe that the use of incendiary weapons projects an image of terrorism. The
Accountability Review Board Report (unclassified) on Benghazi Embassy Attack,
provided information that showed a terrorist organization’s successful use of incendiary
weapons and tactics resulted in catastrophic losses.
Section Three addresses the stigma that incendiary weapons cause the
unnecessary suffering of enemy personnel. This stigma also drives the normative taboo
against incendiary weapons through what Tannenwald refers to as “taboo talk.” For
example, she mentions lines like “this is simply wrong” and “we just don’t do things like
this” and how they may help identify a normative taboo.137 The International Committee
of the Red Cross report, Weapons that May Cause Unnecessary Suffering or Have
Indiscriminate Effects provides a great deal of data that spans what is called the
137 Ibid.,440.
“principle categories of weapon and their effects.” These principle categories consist of:
explosive, penetrating, incendiary, nuclear, biological, and chemical.138 The report
provides an excellent account of what medical risks come with each category, but could
not show whether one principle category caused more suffering than the other.
The conclusion will state the need for a paradigm shift away from the normative
taboo against incendiary weapons to a responsible acceptance of these enabling
capabilities. Finally, the authors of the capstone will recommend how and when
incendiary weapons should be employed in order to prevent future taboos.
In previous wars, the use of incendiary weapons was an obvious choice due to the
psychological effect against enemy combatants. Weapons that May Cause Unnecessary
Suffering or Have Indiscriminate Effects, states “man seems to have an intense inbred
fear of fire, and incendiary weapons, particularly those based on scatter-type agents, may
unnerve him to an extent that other forms of attack may not.”139 Even the Old
Testament: Book of Judges tells a story of Samson and his use of incendiary weapons
when angered by the Philistines. Samson captured 300 foxes, set their tails on fires, and
then released them into a cornfield occupied by his enemies.140 Though incendiary
weapons can be traced as far back as the creation of fire, U.S. forces did not start
employing incendiary weapons systematically until World War II.
1. World War II
138 International Committee of the Red Cross, Weapons that May Cause Unnecessary Suffering or
have Indiscriminate Effects (Geneva: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 1973), accessed
November 4, 2013, http://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/pdf/RC-Weapons.pdf, 22.
139 International Committee of the Red Cross, 58.
140 American Bible Society. Old Testament: Book of Judges. New York, NY: American Bible
Society, 1816, 15, 3-6
flamethrowers, and various incendiary bombs dropped by U.S. aircraft.141 The first
successful employment of flamethrowers was used by U.S. forces on January 15, 1943 at
the battle of Guadalcanal against Japanese forces.142 The original report states that the
flamethrowers were specifically successful “against caves and tunnels.”143 Though the
flamethrower was employed in both theatres of World War II, it was used more
frequently in the Pacific. Lumsden states that this was due to the fact that “the Japanese
soldier was said to be less likely to surrender than his German counterpart, who might
give up a position when confronted by a flamethrower.”144
The primary use of incendiary weapons by U.S. forces during World War II was
via strategic bombing. The U.S. forces viewed strategic bombings as a means of bringing
the war to the center of Germany and its industrial infrastructure. The majority of these
bombings were conducted at night and incendiary bombs were used at the beginning of
each raid to mark targets for subsequent aircraft actions.145
Lumsden states “incendiary bombs were used in Asia with much the same
rationale as in Europe—as weapons for mass destruction.”146 The U.S. forces dropped
over 650,000 tons of bombs in the Pacific Theatre. Some of these bombing attacks
consisted solely of incendiary weapons:
Altogether during WWII, the U.S. Army Air Force dropped about 14,000
tons of napalm bombs, over two-thirds of them the Pacific area. U.S.
military experts concluded that napalm bombs were most effective against
human targets and in addition had a terrorizing effect, though prisoners of
war state that widely dispersed napalm bomb hits had little or no effect on
141 Lumsden, Malvern. Incendiary Weapons. Stockholm: Stockholm International Peace Research
Institute, 1975, 78–79.
142 Lumsden, Incendiary Weapons, 38–39.
143 Ibid, 39.
144 Ibid, 39.
145 Ibid, 33.
146 Ibid, 36.
147 Ibid, 40.
The philosophy of destroying the enemy’s means of production through strategic
bombing with incendiary munitions caused a catastrophic number of civilian deaths.
General Curtis Lemay was quoted as saying, “I’ll tell you what war is about, you’ve got
to kill people, and when you’ve killed enough they stop fighting.”148 This tragedy
stimulated what is now the normative taboo against incendiary weapons. What seemed to
be a successful use of flamethrowers was overshadowed by the outlandish civilian death
toll caused by incendiary bombing raids.
2. Korea
The Korean War witnessed the transition to napalm bombs via the U.S. Far East
Air Force (FEAF). Lumsden states that the FEAF “used a total of 32,557 tons of
napalm” during the Korean War.149 Napalm tactics showed initial success against enemy
forces, however, the irresponsible use of this enabler resulted in negative media attention.
During the Korean War, U.S. ground forces also used flamethrowers, flame land-mines,
and flammable liquids. Due to the negative overshadowing outcomes of incendiary
bombings, it is difficult to find data of successful uses, especially regarding incendiary
weapons by ground forces. Poor target selection and “cure-all-ism” with bombing raids
added fuel to the growing normative taboo against incendiary weapons.
3. Vietnam
The Vietnam War saw the most profligate use of incendiary weapons. The
negative media alone might be responsible for the normative taboo against incendiary
weapons. Most notably was the Pulitzer price-winning photo of the “Napalm Girl” taken
by Nick Ut (see Figure 54). According to Lumsden, of the 6,650,543 tons of munitions
dropped by aircraft, 400,000 tons were incendiary bombs.150 The blast from the atomic
bomb dropped in Hiroshima was equivalent to 15,000–20,000 tons of TNT.
Figure 52. Napalm Girl151
The quantities of ground flame weapons procured by U.S. forces were 394 million
AN-M14 thermite incendiary grenades and 379 million white phosphorus grenades.152
The XM-191 was also fielded in 1969 and replaced the flamethrower. This incendiary
weapon fired up to four rockets filled with a pyrotechnic fuel that would ignite once it
impacted its target. Again, due to the overwhelming number of civilian deaths tied to
aerial napalm and incendiary bombing attacks, little data has been reported of the positive
effects of ground based incendiary weapons.
Reports began to filter through to the West in the press and other mass media
about the use of incendiaries, and in particular napalm, by U.S. troops in Vietnam. The
increasing number of these reports contributed to a wave of public concern. This public
interest, in turn, led to a number of investigations and it is possible that these were
instrumental in the formation of more restrictive rules of engagement.153 Negative public
opinions stemming from horrific scenes of napalm attacks in Vietnam have contributed
greatly to the normative taboo against incendiary weapons. However, instead of learning
from mistakes made and correcting how incendiary weapons are used, incendiary
weapons have simply been removed from property books.
151 Nick Ut, “Napalm Girl” [image], June 1972, accessed December 18, 2013,
152 Ibid, 53.
153 Ibid, 56.
Recent successful terrorist attacks that have benefited from the use of incendiary
weapons have added to the normative taboo against these weapons. Fire is a simple,
cheap, and easily employed weapon for terrorist organizations. The psychological and
physical consequences of incendiary weapons used by terrorists are severe. The idea of
dying by fire is religiously symbolic, making this technique even more appealing to
154 Sean S. Newman, Braving the Swarm: Lowering Anticipated Group Bias in Integrated Fire/police
Units Facing Paramilitary Terrorism (Master’s thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 2011).
155 Ibid, 20.
156 Ibid, 20.
157 Ibid, 17.
158 Ibid, 17
arms fire and incendiary weapons proved to be an effective tactic. Firefighters and
security forces were not trained to put out fires during a gunfight and the results were
The most resonating image of the 2008 bombings in Mumbai was one with
plumes of smoke and fire pouring out of the symbolic Taj Mahal. Public safety first-
responders stood helpless as the civilians trapped inside perished. This horrible scene is
an example of how incendiary weapons can contribute to the creation of a normative
The terrorists attack in Benghazi caused the “deaths of four U.S. government
personnel, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty;
seriously wounded two other U.S. personnel and injured three Libyan contract guards;
and resulted in the destruction and abandonment of the U.S. Special Mission compound
and Annex.”160 The terrorists’ use of incendiary weapons in Benghazi adds to the
normative taboo against incendiary weapons and is responsible for the loss of life,
injuries, and damage to U.S. property.
This normative taboo creates a slippery slope logical fallacy that “terrorists use
incendiary weapons. Therefore, if U.S. forces use incendiary weapons then they are also
159 U.S. Department of State, Accountability Review Board Report (unclassified) on Benghazi
Embassy Attack, December 2012, Accessed June, 2013,
http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/202446.pdf, 1.
160 Ibid. 4.
terrorists.” However, like terrorists, U.S. forces also use body armor and assault rifles
and that does not make them terrorists. Nor does it make body armor and assault rifles
“weapons of terrorists.” If incendiary weapons are employed properly against enemy
combatants (in accordance with international law and the Department of the Army FM
27-10) then it is simply another way to achieve victory in combat.
Incendiary weapons cause deep and excessive burns since they have been
engineered to the level required to damage targets that are more durable than the human
body.163 Lumsden and the ICRC argue that victims of serious burns do not always die
immediately. Depending on the quality of accessible medical treatment, size of the burn,
and the degree of burn, victims may suffer for “hours, days, or even weeks.”164 They
also argue that “skin does not have the immediate impact of, say a bullet wound in the
heart or brain.”165 This “suffering” from burns contributes to the normative taboo against
incendiary weapons.
This project argues that not all bullets hit the “heart or brain” and not all explosive
fragmentations or blasts result in immediate deaths. Many injuries from explosive or
penetrating weapons have prolonged physically painful and psychologically damaging
effects. In fact, Lumsden states that third degree burns destroy pain receptors and the
victim may die without feeling much pain.166 This is not common with explosive and
penetrating weapons that are currently employed by U.S. forces. Unless the explosive or
penetrating weapon causes damage to the spinal column, pain is instant and excruciating.
In terms of pain, incendiary weapons could be less painful if the burns are deep enough.
All categories of weapons and their effects cause suffering. However, just like a
combatant can be taught to “shoot to wound” or “shoot to kill,” soldiers can also be
taught to employ incendiary weapons in a way that would not cause unnecessary
suffering. If employed against the proper type of targets, incendiary weapons could
prevent the unnecessary loss of U.S. soldiers. The matrix for whether a particular
weapon should be employed should not be based on suffering, but on how well it can
help win the fight, while not creating human-rights problems.
In conclusion, the U.S. military has developed a normative taboo against the use
of incendiary weapons. This normative taboo is preventing troops from effectively
defeating the enemy in certain types of strongholds and fortified positions. These
positions include caves, underground tunnels, and subterranean complexes. Given the
fact that there are no national or international laws that expressly forbid them, there
should be nothing preventing U.S. forces from using incendiary weapons. Decision
makers would not expect a soldier to clear a room with his or her knife, or engage a tank
1,000 meters away with a shotgun. With efficient training in proper use and rules of
engagement, U.S. forces would benefit from the use of incendiary weapons.
In the past, incendiary weapons have been used irresponsibly during World War
II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. In each case, the most negative results came
primarily from incendiary weapons being used via aircraft. In caves, underground
tunnels, and subterranean complexes, incendiary weapons would be employed via man-
portable devices. Man-portable devices are easier to control and do not indiscriminately
destroy large areas at a time. In World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War,
the reports of man-portable devices were positive, especially against “both caves and
tunnels.”168 Any weapon can have a negative result if used incorrectly or irresponsibly.
However, U.S. forces should not suffer today due to a normative taboo that has
manifested from mistakes in the past.
The fact that terrorists have used incendiary weapons also adds to the normative
taboo. Incendiary weapons are cheap, simple, and effective. These characteristics are
why terrorists use them, not because incendiary weapons are evil, but because they work.
Terrorists have also successfully used social media and networks to plan and execute
successful attacks. Does this mean that having a Twitter or Facebook account implies
conducting or planning acts of terror? Due to the organizational design of terrorist
groups they quickly adopt effective tactics and techniques for recruiting, supporting,
funding, training and executing their operations. Today they may use incendiary
weapons; tomorrow they may use cyber terror. Not using a weapon or tactic simply
because terrorists use it is unacceptable.
United States forces should be properly trained on how and when to use
incendiary weapons. Leaders who irresponsibly use these weapons and cause the
unnecessary suffering or death of civilians should be severely punished. This project
recommends that in order to overcome these normative taboos, incendiary weapons
should be used in a way that shows their positive effects. For example, they should be
employed in an environment where they have been successful in the past (i.e., man-
portable devices in tunnels and caves). Simply removing incendiary weapons as an
option for U.S. forces does not increase the forces’ chances of survivability or success.
Paul Ozorak’s book, Underground Structures of the Cold War: The World Below,
is a historical compilation, detailing the use of bunkers and complex underground
facilities by more than 60 countries during the Cold War. The book describes the types
of underground structures used by countries from Afghanistan to Vietnam. The
particular focus is on the threat posed by the use of nuclear weapons and the protection
needed to ensure retaliatory capabilities, continuity of governments, and civil defense.
Paul Ozarok, a Canadian military historian, allocates a large portion of text to the politics,
protocols, defense capabilities, and planning associated with underground nuclear
defense structures. As expected, the largest sections are committed to the United States,
Russia, Germany, China, and the author’s home, Canada. Many critical characteristics of
underground facilities such as depth, sizes of blast doors, ventilation systems, escape
hatches, and life support elements are highlighted.
169 Statement to the Senate Armed Services, Current and Projected National Security Threats to the
United States, Hearing, 109th Cong., (2004) (statement of Jacoby E. Lowell).
This compilation of research illustrates the global proliferation of underground
structures during a very dark and unstable point in history. As technology in the
precision and effect of conventional munitions increases, more and more countries,
interested in illicit activities, are turning to subterranean environments for cover and
concealment of critical infrastructure and defense capabilities. Defense community
professionals must understand that even though many of the structures discussed are no
longer in use, the use of underground facilities has continued, and the fundamental
characteristics of these structures have not changed. Advances in tunneling and
construction technology have made newer facilities more concealable and hardened.
Rather than building underground facilities under government buildings or in isolated
areas, governments choosing to take advantage of aversions to collateral damage, are
likely to build illicit underground facilities under traditional “no fire areas,” such as
schools, hospitals, religious centers, and cemeteries. As aerial delivered munitions are
unlikely to be used in such environments, ground forces must be prepared to enter and
clear these types of underground structures.
The DIA has composed a Lexicon of Hardened Structure Definition and Terms,
that establishes consistent terminology used by intelligence, operations, and weapon
development communities. The focus of this reference is on hardened structures and
serves as a guide to understanding the construction of hard and deeply buried targets
(HDBTs). 170 Subterranean environments used for military purposes can be both natural
and man-made. Understanding the mission of these underground structures is critical and
proper identification and typology is the first step in assessing how effects can be applied.
Scientists and engineers have studied the subterranean environment in great detail, and a
goal of this project is to integrate terminology across disciplines in order to better
communicate an understanding of the unique subterranean environment.
170 Ibid.
3. Classification of the Typologies of Artificial Cavities in the World, by
the Speleological Society of Italy.
171 Carla Galeazzi, “Classification of the Typologies of Artificial Cavities in the World” (presented at
International Workshop, Turin, Italy, 18, 19, and 20 May 2012).
172 James Papineau, [Title classified S] (master’s thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, 1994). This
document is classified Secret.
support, power, and environmental control. He also discussed surface support elements
such as ventilation openings, water supply, waste handling, municipal power,
communication connections, and transportation corridors. All of these characteristics
will be considered in developing a typology of all military purposed subterranean
During the fifteenth century, one of the most consequential struggles during the
middle ages took place in the Byzantine Empire during the siege of Constantinople. The
173 Ibid.
174 Ibid.
forces of Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II laid siege to the ancient city of Constantinople.
This forced its Christian inhabitants to seek refuge underground. Entire underground
cities began to form under Constantinople to mitigate the threat from their Muslim
The tendency for military units to seek defensive positions underground continued
to play a significant role in defensive positions through the centuries. This was again
demonstrated in 1864 during the American Civil War. Confederate forces were heavily
entrenched and fortified around Petersburg, Virginia when Union forces laid siege to the
city. These elaborate, in many cases underground confederate defensive positions
prompted Union forces to attempt an offensive tunneling campaign by emplacing a large
amount of explosives underground to breach confederate lines. Results of the explosion
were disastrous and caused a catastrophic loss to union forces during the battle. This
required the Union forces to reevaluate their subterranean operations.176
175 Steven Runciman, The Fall of Constantinople 1453 (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press,
176 Alfred P. James, “The Battle of the Crater,” The Journal of the American Military History
Foundation 2 (1938).
sides.177 The experiences of the British, Australian, Canadian, and New Zealand
contingent caused U.S. forces to approach subterranean defensive positions with caution
during World War II.
Towards the end of World War II, the Japanese Army made a tactical decision to
use underground defensive positions throughout the Pacific in order to neutralize U.S. air
power and naval gunfire. The U.S. forces in the Pacific were ordered not to enter
underground defensive positions occupied by the Japanese. During the Battle of
Okinawa in 1945, U.S. forces focused on using incendiary weapons such as
flamethrowers to drive out or kill Japanese troops in their underground positions. The
mounting casualties and difficulties associated with an invasion of the fortified and
entrenched Japanese homeland may have been a contributing factor in the Truman
administration’s decision to use the first nuclear weapons in warfare, in order to save
American lives.178
The lessons learned from World War II, also played a role in future U.S.
subterranean conflicts. One of the most notable was during the Vietnam War. Instead of
attempting to drive North Vietnamese from their subterranean defensive positions, to
engage the enemy above ground, U.S. forces adopted a new strategy of entering tunnels
to engage the enemy in order to clear a tunnel. This became evident in the Cu Chi
tunnels east of Saigon. The tunnel complex became so extensive it caused severe
disruption to U.S. forces.179
177 Leon Wolff, In Flanders Fields: The 1917 Campaign (Alexandria, VA: Viking Press, 1958).
178 Robert Leckie, Okinawa: The Last Battle of World War II (Australia: Penguin Books, 1996).
179 Tom Mangold, The Tunnels of Cu Chi (New York, NY: Random House, 1985).
6. A Historical Analysis of Tunnel Warfare and the Contemporary
Perspective, by Major Allen Reece
The current U.S. FMs also fail to address weaponry and personal protective
equipment (PPE). According to Lester W. Grau’s (1998) article, Underground Combat:
Stereophonic Blasting, Tunnel Rats, and the Soviet-Afghan War, concussion, explosive,
thermo-baric, incendiary, fire and smoke tactics and munitions were extremely effective
against insurgents in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and Vietnam.181 These forms of
weaponry have been successful in combating tunnel networks in multiple theaters by
many military organizations, yet U.S. doctrine has failed to provide what U.S. forces
should use when conducting a subterranean operation.
180 Allen D. Reece, “A Historical Analysis of Tunnel Warfare and the Contemporary Perspective”
(monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 1997).
181 Lester Grau and Ali Ahmad Jalali, “Underground Combat: Stereophonic Blasting, Tunnel Rats,
and the Soviet-Afghan War,” Engineer 28, no. 4, (1998): 20–23.
of what the tactical planner or soldier should consider when preparing to enter urban
tunnels and basements. On the spectrum of typology, urban subterranean environments
are one element, and although many of the same tactical considerations can be applied,
understanding the environmental challenges from rudimentary tunnels to underground
facilities and everything between is essential.
Civil works—Such as sewers, subways, electrical and exhaust tunnels, and aqueducts, all
support habitability in a growing urban population. Although these structures are
primarily used to support a civilian population, both state and non-state actors can
use these same structures to facilitate clandestine movement of high value
personnel and equipment, and storage of weapons and illicit matériel.
Hard and deeply buried target (HDBT) —This generic term refers to all types of
intentionally hardened targets, either above ground or below ground, that are
designed to withstand or minimize kinetic weapon effects. 183
183 Defense Intelligence Agency, Lexicon of Hardened Structure Definitions and Terms
(UNCLAS/FOUO) (Washington, DC: Defense Intelligence Agency, 2011), 85.
184 Ibid. 85.
Hard structure—Hard structures include those that are intentionally or unintentionally
hardened. Hard structures, such as highway or railroad tunnels, certain types of
bridges, and some airfield runaways, may be inherently hard without special
construction because of their normal design.185
Permissive—Adits that allow for the fully upright movement of persons in columns of
Personnel hazards—Account for the presence of potentially hostile persons within the
subterranean structure. This could include armed defense forces or non-
combatants that may become hostile once encountered.
Restricted—Adits that are characterized by their confined space permitting only the
single file movement of persons in a prostrated or less than fully upright posture.
Rudimentary tunnels—Are typically hand dug using mechanical and/or general purpose
tools. The walls of these tunnels are bare and have limited to no support features
or shoring to prevent structural collapse. Rudimentary tunnels have little to no
infrastructure installed and instead rely on natural air flow ventilation and
structurally designed water removal.
Semi-restricted—Adits that allow for the fully upright movement of persons in single
185 Ibid.
Sophisticated tunnels—Are typically dug using mechanical tools or larger heavy
equipment. Equipment must rely on air compressors or electricity for power,
unless significant ventilation is available to support the use of combustion
engines. A noticeable characteristic in sophisticated tunnels is the effort placed in
shoring up of access portals and walls. The use of concrete-like material or
masonry and timber to line the walls indicates a deliberate effort to maintain a
lasting subterranean passage.
Tunnels—Tunnels are generally used as a means to clandestinely move people and items
between two or more locations. Tunnels can be classified into two subcategories,
Rudimentary and Sophisticated.
Unrestricted—Adits that are large enough to support upright movement of more than a
two person column and may even support the movement of vehicles.
Urban and natural cavities—Most have dual usage; meaning the original structure can
be adapted for military purpose; cover a wide variety of structures, with the focus
being on potential impacts on the civilian population. The subcategories of Urban
and Natural Cavities are Substructures and Civil Works.
186 Ibid.
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