Wellness Communication Valuing Culture: Unit Plan / Web
Wellness Communication Valuing Culture: Unit Plan / Web
Wellness Communication Valuing Culture: Unit Plan / Web
Understand that people differ in various Valuing Culture
ways Communication Understand that families live in
communities; demonstrate an appreciation
Continue to identify patterns in word families
Begin to understand basic differences for differences in people who live in the
Continue to engage in two-way conversations
between unhealthy and unhealthy choices community
Continue to identify likenesses/differences in
and preferences symbols, shape and letters Talk about ways each person can be a good
Write legible word and sentences with correct member of family, community and country
Play roles of familiar adults in their spacing
environment Participate in national celebrations held in
school, community and country
Demonstrate a strong sense of belonging
Term: 3
Theme: People in Our Community
Sub-Theme: What is Community?
Intellectual Empowerment Age Group: 4 year olds
Continue to make representational drawings of Resilience
objects, people and scenes from the environment Continue to show increasing ability to adapt
to different situations
Talk about creative efforts and those of others
Select safe places to play
Use role-play and improvisation to demonstrate the
importance of community helpers and to appreciate Respect Recall what to do in an emergency; recognize
their contribution to the community Display strong sense of belonging-to family, when in need of help and when to seek adult
group, school, community attention
Begin to assume the role of a character in a story;
Continue to listen courteously and
give reasons for the choices made by that character Express positive and negative feeling
supportive manner and share personal
stories and event
Show awareness and appreciation of roles
of different people in the community
Term 3 Theme: People In Our Community Sub-Theme: What is Community? Age Group: 4 Year Olds
Arrival &Free Pictures and labelled Pictures and labelled Pictures and labelled Pictures of a garbage collector Sand box, word
Play replicas of buildings in replicas of buildings in replicas of buildings in the and tools used by the garbage cards and pictures of
the school’s community the school’s community school’s community and collector will be added to the a garbage truck will
will be added to the and pictures of other pictures of other important centre. be added to the
centre of interest. important buildings not buildings not in the centre of interest.
in the school’s school’s community will
community will be be added to the centre of
added to the centre of interest. A diorama of the
interest. community will also be
Devotion Sing song, “We are Read scripture lesson Read scripture lesson Read scripture lesson about Sing song, “We are
together again”. about togetherness. about cleanliness. cleanliness. together again”.
A community is a place Communities are In the communities people The garbage collector helps to We can help to keep
where people live, go to different from each work together, cooperate keep our community clean. our communities
church, go to school, go other; some are in the and support each other in The garbage collector comes to clean by putting our
to work, or play together. rural areas while others different ways; they clean our community on a garbage garbage first into
A community has are in urban areas. the community together; truck and uses specific tools plastic bags which
buildings of different Some communities are play football, cricket, and protective gears. Most can be placed in
sizes, shapes and colours. large with many people netball and other games garbage trucks have six garbage containers.
The word community and some are small with together; go to church wheels. The garbage collector There are small and
begins with the hard /c/. fewer people. together. Different slogans helps to keep our community large garbage bags.
We can count the and signs are displayed in clean. We should show them Different bags can
buildings in our There are places and the communities on how to respect. go for different
community. The past things in the keep it clean e.g. “Pick it garbage.
tense verb is used to community that begins Up”. We can group and
describe events that have with the /c/ sound such count the signs in our Activity: Resource Person Garbage can be
already occurred. as corner, Catholic, community recycled.
cart, car A resource person who is a
Review the hard /c/ sound garbage collector will share Small bags hold
Some numerals are his/her roles with children. lesser garbage than
Activity: Field Trip more than others E.g. 5 Activity: Group He/she will respond to large bags.
is 1 more 4 discussion. questions asked by the
Children and teacher will Containers, clean
drive around the Children and teacher will children. With the teacher’s
Activity: Picture assistance, the garbage and care also begin
community. Children discussion discuss and share activities with the letter /c/
will be encouraged to that they do together with collector will also ask children
pay keen attention to Children will be shown others in their community. questions based on information Activity: Discussion
buildings in the pictures of rural and shared.
community. urban community Children and teacher
buildings that will lead will discuss ways in
into a discussion. which garbage is
disposed. They will
speak about ways
that are appropriate
and those that are
Children will use legos Circle the group of Children will work Colour picture of a garbage Children will match
and building blocks to buildings that has more together in cleaning up man/woman. the /c/ objects in the
make replica of buildings their area and disposing of community that are
in the community. Activity 2 their garbage in the bin. Activity 2. similar
Creative Activity Children will identify the Children will continue Children will use card Children and teacher will Children will work
order of buildings working on diorama board to create a cricket create a garbage truck. together in making
pointed out, e.g. first, field with player in action and decorating a
second, third, fourth, garbage container for
fifth; help to make a the class.
community diorama with
buildings, toy people,
animals, vehicles, and
more; label items.
Guided Out- Door Teacher along with Children will role play Children will work in Children will role-play Children and teacher
Play children will create songs day-to-day activities in teams to play either a collection of garbage in the will create song, “
about their community large & small game of netball or school environment. The wheels on the
and sing and dance to communities. football. Truck go round &
them outdoors. round”
Story Children will share Children will share Listen to story about, “A Children will share their Children will listen
stories about their their own stories about day at church” experiences about garbage to story about the
communities. a visit to one of the collection in their community. garbage collector.
community buildings. The will wear gloves as they
work together to keep their
school community clean.
Clean-up and Clean-up and Dismissal Clean-up and Dismissal Clean-up and Dismissal Clean-up and Dismissal Clean-up and
Dismissal Dismissal
Involving Parent
-Ask parents to assist practitioners; help in supplying materials for children to construct models of community
Term 3
Day: Monday
Duration: 25 minutes
speak clearly in SJE including expressing themselves using the past tense verb
identify the different shapes, sizes and colour of the buildings in the community
identify places and things in the community with the /c/ sound
The word community begins with the hard /c/. We can count the buildings in our community. The past tense verb is used to describe events that have already occurred.
Materials needed: - Permission slip, children’s roster, /c/ chart, word cards for different name of communities, shapes chart
Introduction: Teacher will begin lesson by taking students on a field trip within their immediate community
Development /Steps
Step 1: Teacher will encourage children to observe and name the types of buildings seen. Students and teacher will discuss the size of the buildings and the colours they are painted
in. Teacher will also encourage children to observe and identify the shapes seen in the construction of the buildings.
Step 2: At school, students will be allowed to identify the shapes seen on the shape chart. They will also be allowed to tell what they saw in sentence patterns using the past tense
verbs. E.g.” I saw a red fire station.” ” The roof looked like a triangle.”
Step 3: Teacher will also provide opportunities for children to count and tell the number of each building they saw in the community. For example two churches, three schools, etc.
Step 4: Students will be allowed to repeat the word community, listen and reproduce the hard /c/ sound heard at the beginning then identify other objects and names with the
initial /c/ sound such as caterpillar, camel, calaloo and candy. Differentiate between the capital (upper) and common (lower) /Cc/
Assessment: Students will be asked to trace or write the upper and lower case /Cc/ (development of fine motor skill)
Activity 1: Children will use legos and or building blocks to make replica of buildings found in their community
Activity 3: Children will discuss the field trip. Each child will be allowed to tell using past tense one thing they saw on trip then draw that one thing. Teacher will assist children in
writing their sentence to complement their drawing. (Teacher directed)
Materials Needed:
Activity: Children will identify the order of buildings pointed out, e.g. first, second, third, fourth, fifth; help to make a community diorama with buildings, toy people, animals,
vehicles, and more; label items.
Objectives: Children should be able to:
SECTION 4- REFLECTION In this section, you will need to reflect on all the activities you and the children were engaged in from the beginning to the end and state in a summary what the
responses of the children were like. Were they able to do all that was required for them to do? How did you feel about your implementation? Were your objectives met? What could you have
done differently? How could you improve this lesson if you were to re-teach it?
Term 3
Day: Tuesday
Duration: 25 minutes
identify places and things in the community with the hard /c/ sound
recognize that some things are more and some are less E.g. 5 is one more than 4
Content/Concept: Communities are different from each other; some are in the rural areas and others are in urban areas. Some communities are large with many people and some are
small with fewer people. In the larger communities, there is more access to more facilities, such hospitals, banks, police station, etc. Some of these buildings are tall
and different shapes can be seen on them.
Materials Needed: Pictures of different communities showing specific buildings and people doing various activities
Teacher and children will sing the song “A Building is a Place in Our Community”
There are big ones, small ones, old ones, new ones
But in your rural community you only have small shops and no bakery.
Development Steps:
Step 1 Children will be invited to look at the picture charts and name some of the buildings they see in their communities. The will be encouraged to describe these buildings and
differentiate among those that are large or small.
Step 2 Teacher will engage children in a session of question and answer. Teacher will ask specific questions about children’s visits to places similar to ones seen in the chart. For
example, “Have you ever visited the bank?” share with us what you see when you visit there. Children will be encouraged to speak in a complete sentence using SJE.
Step 3 Children will be encouraged to tell which of the two communities seen on chart is large and which is small. They will also be guided to look for shapes seen in the large
community as well as and shapes seen in the small community. Children will be encouraged to speak in a complete sentence using SJE. Teacher will introduce the concept of
more/ less, recognizing that larger communities can hold more persons than a smaller community.
Step 4 Students will be engaged in a brain game of identifying which number from the pair called by the teacher, is more.
Step 5 Students will be allowed to observe or brainstorm for objects or names within the community that begins with the /c/ sound. As many objects as possible will be displayed by
teacher on display board
Activity 1: Students will be asked to circle the group of buildings that has more in it
Activity 2: Children will be provided with boxes of various sizes to make model of buildings in the community.
Activity 3: Children will be engaged in a memory game about buildings in their community. For example
Materials Needed:
have fun
SECTION 4- REFLECTION In this section, you will need to reflect on all the activities you and the children were engaged in from the beginning to the end and state in a summary what the
responses of the children were like. Were they able to do all that was required for them to do? How did you feel about your implementation? Were your objectives met? What could you have
done differently? How could you improve this lesson if you were to re-teach it?
Term 3
Day: Wednesday
Duration: 25 minutes
identify ways they can help in their community (school or home) and how they can encourage others to take care of their community
recognize that signs give instructions in print or pictures and can be used to display rules in the community
group and count the signs that are similar in their communities
play the letter /c/ hopscotch and identify letters of the alphabet
Concept/content: In the communities people work together, cooperate and support each other in different ways; they clean the community together; play football, cricket, netball and other
games together; go to church together. Different slogans and signs are displayed in the communities on how to keep it clean e.g. “Pick it Up”. We can group and count the
signs in our community. Review the hard /c/ sound
Materials needed: Picture of a community, letter /c// alphabet chart, model of some signs that are seen in a community, number
Introduction: Teacher will begin lesson by allowing students to view picture of a community and describe what they see.
Development /Steps
Step 1: Teacher will engage children in discussion to compare the community seen on the chart to their community. They will be encouraged to tell how the persons in the
community associate with each other.
Step 2: Teacher will provide opportunities for children to tell how they help in their community and how they can encourage persons to assist in their community.
Step 3: Teacher will introduce the community signage and allow children to identify and tell if they see these signs in their communities. They will also be encouraged to tell what
these signs mean. Teacher will then sensitize children about the signs and inform them that these signs can be used to tell persons what they should or should not do in
taking care of their community.
Step 4: Teacher will also inform children that their community is a special place and it is where they should feel safe especially at play. Teacher will prompt children to tell the
name of games that they can play in their community. Teacher will highlight the game of hopscotch. Teacher will engage children to play letter /c/ hopscotch to review the
Assessment: Students will be asked to jump on the letter /c/ objects to complete their hopscotch journey
Activity 1: Children will be allowed to work together in cleaning up their area and disposing of their garbage in the bin.
encourage their friends and class mate to keep their surroundings clean
Activity 2: Children will use play dough to create a community with tall and short (revision) buildings that are clean.
Objectives: Students should be able to:
Activity 3: Children will take turns to tell how they care for their communities using SJE. They will also create slogan/sign on how to take care of their communities. For e.g. “Do not
litter” Teacher directed
Materials Needed:
Activity: Children will use card board to create a cricket field with players in action.
SECTION 4- REFLECTION In this section, you will need to reflect on all the activities you and the children were engaged in from the beginning to the end and state in a summary what the
responses of the children were like. Were they able to do all that was required for them to do? How did you feel about your implementation? Were your objectives met? What could you have
done differently? How could you improve this lesson if you were to re-teach it?
Term three
Day: Thursday
Duration: 25 minutes
extend thanks to the garbage collector for his/her assistance in keeping their communities clean
Content/Concept: The garbage collector helps to keep our community clean. The garbage collector comes to our community on a garbage truck and uses specific tools and protective
gears, for example gloves, mask, rakes, boots etc. Most garbage trucks have six wheels. The garbage collector helps to keep out community clean. We should show
them respect.
Materials Needed: Model of a garbage truck, chart with poem “The Garbage Man”, rake and Resource Person.
Introduction: Invite children to listen to the teacher as she reads the poem “The Garbage Man” from a chart. Children will then be encouraged to repeat the poem as the teacher reads.
Development Step
Step 1 The resource person dressed in his/her protective gear and carrying one tool he/she uses (rake) will be introduced to the students by his/her name. The children will be
asked to name some of the items that this resource person has and to tell the importance of having such a community person.
Step 2 Invite children to listen attentively to the garbage collector as he/she shares with children what his/her job entails on a daily basis. The garbage collector will also share with
children the name of some of the things he/she uses to protect him/her and things used to make their jobs easier. The garbage collector will use pictures and tools/materials
to demonstrate.
Step 3 Children will be encouraged to ask the garbage collector questions about his/her job. They will be encouraged to ask questions in complete sentences using SJE.
Step 4 The teacher and garbage collector will engage children in a question and answer session based on what was presented by the visitor. For example,
(1) What are two of the items used by the garbage collector?
(2) What does a garbage collector do?
(3) Why is the garbage collector’s job important?
Step 5 One child will be encouraged to give a vote of thanks to the garbage collector on behalf of the class.
Children will role play the different activities involving in the garbage collection. They will be encouraged to pretend that they are wearing appropriate gears and using
appropriate tools.
Activity 2: Count the number of wheels on a garbage truck and represent using counters.
Objective: Children should be able to:
Activity 3: Students will share with teacher what some of the roles and responsibilities of a garbage collector are. They will be encouraged to speak in sentences using SJE.
Materials Needed:
Activity 3- None
Activity: Children and teacher will create a garbage truck from discarded materials.
have fun
Day: Friday
Activity: Discussion
Duration: 25 minutes
identify what is classified as garbage and discuss the proper way for its disposal
recognize that garbage is supposed to be placed in garbage bags before they are placed in garbage containers.
discuss ways in which garbage can be grouped for disposal before placed in containers. E.g. All glass can go together, paper and plastics
identify that there are large and small garbage bags. Large bags hold more, small bags hold less.
Concept/content: We can help to keep our communities clean by putting our garbage first into plastic bags which can be placed in garbage containers. There are small and large garbage
bags. Different bags can go for different garbage. Garbage can be recycled. Small bags hold lesser garbage than large bags. Containers, clean and care also begin with the
letter /c/ (review the hard /c/ sound
Materials needed: Garbage bags, picture/scene showing garbage being disposed, /c/ chart,
Introduction: Teacher will begin lesson by allowing students to view picture/ scene of persons disposing of garbage.
Development /Steps
Step 1: Students and teacher will engage in discussion about the picture shown. Teacher will allow children to describe what they see
Step 2: Teacher will place emphasis on putting garbage in bags before placing them into the bin. Students will be allowed to recognize that this practice is healthier and thus safer.
Step 3: Teacher will introduce the concept of recycling. Tell children that recycling begins with placing garbage made of the same or similar materials into one garbage bag.
Teacher will inform children that recycling means the reusing of our garbage to do or make something else. For example using tissue rolls to make pencil holders
Teacher will allow children to recognize that garbage is placed in small and large garbage bags before they are placed in the garbage containers.
Teacher will reinforce letter “c” by allowing children to identify and reproduce the /c/ sound in containers. Teacher will also highlight other words or object with the
beginning /c/ sounds.
Assessment: Students will be asked participate in treasure hunt to find /c/ objects hidden. (The child who finds the most objects will be rewarded)
Activity 1: Children will match the /c/ objects in the community that are similar
exercise visual skills in identifying the objects that are the same
Activity 2: Children will draw garbage in the large bag to full it.
Teacher directed
Activity 3: Children will make mini garbage containers and label them.
Materials Needed:
Activity: Children will work together to make and decorate a large garbage container for the classroom.
Objectives: Children should be able to:
SECTION 4- REFLECTION In this section, you will need to reflect on all the activities you and the children were engaged in from the beginning to the end and state in a summary what the
responses of the children were like. Were they able to do all that was required for them to do? How did you feel about your implementation? Were your objectives met? What could you have
done differently? How could you improve this lesson if you were to re-teach it?