Austenite Martensite Bainite Pearlite and Ferrite Structures - TWI PDF
Austenite Martensite Bainite Pearlite and Ferrite Structures - TWI PDF
Austenite Martensite Bainite Pearlite and Ferrite Structures - TWI PDF
Austenite was originally used to describe an iron-carbon alloy, in which the iron was in the
face-centred-cubic (gamma-iron) form. It is now a term used for all iron alloys with a basis of
gamma-iron. Austenite in iron-carbon alloys is generally only evident above 723°C, and below
alloy additions such as nickel or manganese. Similarly, ferrite was a term originally used for
iron-carbon alloys, in which the iron was in the body-centred cubic (alpha- or delta-iron)
morphology, but is now used for the constituent in iron alloys, which contains iron in the
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alpha- or delta-iron form. Alpha ferrite forms by the slow cooling of austenite, with the
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associated rejection of carbon by di usion. This can begin within a temperature range of 900°C
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to 723°C, and alpha-ferrite is evident to room temperature. Delta ferrite is the high
temperature form of iron, formed on cooling low carbon concentrations in iron-carbon alloys 1/9
11/3/2020 Austenite Martensite Bainite Pearlite and Ferrite structures - TWI
from the liquid state before transforming to austenite. In highly alloyed steels, delta ferrite can
When iron carbon alloys transform from austenite on cooling, the solubility limit of carbon in
ferrite is commonly exceeded. Under slow cooling conditions, carbides are formed, and at
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11/3/2020 Austenite Martensite Bainite Pearlite and Ferrite structures - TWI
Pearlite is usually formed during the slow cooling of iron alloys, and can begin at a
lamellar (alternate plate) combination of ferrite and cementite (Fe3C). It is formed by eutectoid
decomposition of austenite upon cooling by di usion of C atoms, when ferrite and cementite
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grow contiguously, C precipitating as Fe3C between laths of ferrite at the advancing interface,
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leaving parallel laths of Fe and Fe3C which is pearlite.
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11/3/2020 Austenite Martensite Bainite Pearlite and Ferrite structures - TWI
Martensite is formed in steels when the cooling rate from austenite is su ciently fast. It is a
very hard constituent, due to the carbon which is trapped in solid solution. Unlike
decomposition to ferrite and pearlite, the transformation to martensite does not involve atom
di usion, but rather occurs by a sudden di usionless shear process. The term is not limited to
steels, but can be applied to any constituent formed by a shear process which does not involve
temperature range that can be de ned precisely for a given steel. The transformation begins at
a martensite start temperature (Ms), and continues during further cooling until the martensite
nish temperature (Mf) is reached. Ms can occur over a wide range, from 500°C to below room
temperature, depending on the hardenability of the steel. The range Ms to Mf is typically of the
order of 150°C. Many formulae have been proposed to predict the martensite start
temperature. Most are based on the composition of the steel, and a selection are listed in the
following table:
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11/3/2020 Austenite Martensite Bainite Pearlite and Ferrite structures - TWI
Savage (1942) Ms (°C) = 500 - 300C - 35Mn - 20Cr - 15Ni - 10Si - 10Mo
Grange and Steward Ms (°C) = 538 - 341C - 39Mn - 39Cr - 19Ni - 28Mo
Steven and Haynes Ms (°C) = 561 - 474C - 33Mn - 17Cr - 17Ni - 21Mo
Andrews II (1965) Ms (°C) = 512 - 453C +217C2 - 16.9Ni +15Cr - 9.5Mo - 71.5CMn -
elemental composition
Cr(eq) = Cr + Mo + 1.5Si + W + V + Al
Beres and Beres [1] stated that their formulae were within 40°C of the actual Ms , in all cases
studied, whereas other formulae had larger scatter bands. More recently, Ms models have
been developed through the use of neural networks, trained on experimental data and using
further data to validate and test the model, a reasonable approximation of Ms can be
identi ed. Such models are available on the web [2] and can be used with compositional
information. Neural networks based on the relationship between the chemical composition,
transformation temperature and kinetics during continuous cooling enable calculation of a CCT
diagram for the steel. These also take into account the in uence of alloying elements on the
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phase transformation curves, as well as the resulting hardness. It is also possible to predict
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quantitatively the microstructure of the steel e.g. the percentage of ferrite, pearlite and bainite
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etc. [3] 5/9
11/3/2020 Austenite Martensite Bainite Pearlite and Ferrite structures - TWI
microstructural development are also applicable. Finite element analysis enables evaluation of
the local stress and strain elds as well as monitoring the kinetics of martensitic
In-situ experimental studies based on synchrotron radiation can also result in valuable data to
support computer models, as real-time study of such di usionless phase transformations will
Bainite is formed at cooling rates slower than that for martensite formation and faster than
that for ferrite and pearlite formation. There are two forms of bainite, known as upper and
lower bainite.
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Lower bainite (TWI photo no.B1d7) 6/9
11/3/2020 Austenite Martensite Bainite Pearlite and Ferrite structures - TWI
Upper bainite generally forms at temperatures between 550 and 400°C. There are several
temperature of the steel, resulting in slightly di erent morphologies. Low carbon steels exhibit
ne bainitic laths, nucleated by a shear mechanism at the austenite grain boundaries. Carbon
solubility in bainitic ferrite is much lower than in austenite, so carbon is rejected into the
austenite surrounding the bainitic ferrite laths. When the carbon concentration in the
at the ferrite/austenite interfaces. As the carbon content increases, the cementite laments
become more continuous, and at high carbon contents, the bainitic ferrite laths are ner with
the cementite stringers more numerous and more continuous. The structure can appear more
Lower bainite generally forms at temperatures between 400 and 250°C, although the precise
changeover temperature between upper and lower bainite depends on the carbon content of
the steel. The transformation nucleates, like upper bainite, by partial shear. The lower
temperature of this transformation does not allow the di usion of carbon to occur so readily,
so iron carbides are formed at approximately 50-60° to the longitudinal axis of the main lath,
contiguously with the bainitic ferrite. With low levels of carbon, the carbide may precipitate as
discrete particles, following the path of the ferrite/austenite interface. However, the overall
mechanism of lower bainite formation is independent of carbon content in the main. The
appearance of lower bainite strongly resembles that of martensite, but lower bainite is formed
1. Beres L andSubscribe
Beres Z: 'Neue
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to receive der
the latest
Martensitbildungstemperatur der Stahle', Schweisstechnik (Wien), 47 (12),
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December 1993, pp186-188
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2. Sourmail T and Garcia-Mateo C: 'A model for predicting the Ms temperatures of
steels' Computational Materials Science Volume 34, Issue 2, September 2005. 7/9
11/3/2020 Austenite Martensite Bainite Pearlite and Ferrite structures - TWI
pp213-218. 8/9
11/3/2020 Austenite Martensite Bainite Pearlite and Ferrite structures - TWI
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