2.0 3.5 Ton at 500mm Load Center: SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07

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3.5 ton
at 500mm
Load Center
SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07
Dimensions Load Capacity Chart (without sideshifter)

No capacity reduction until 4000 mm height. Load capacities are

computed with following conditions, a)Standard 2W Mast and
b) Mast in vertical position.

Tire and Tread Specifications

Front Tire Single Double
Front Tire Size 7.00-12-12PR (Ⅰ)
Overall Width mm 1150 1640
Front Tread mm 960 1205

Ground Clearance
Under mast mm 115
Under power unit mm 135
Under frame mm 155

Mast Specifications & Rated Capacities

Overall height Free lift Tilt angle Capacity
Max. Fully extended Front Single tire Double tire
Mast Mast fork Fully Without With STD overhang Forward/ Load center Load center
type name Without With STD
Height lowered backrest backrest Backward 500mm 500mm
backrest backrest
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm deg kg kg
2W300 3000 1995 3620 4045 6/12 2000
(Wide view 2W)

2W330 3300 2145 3920 4345 6/12 2000

Two stage

2W350 3500 2280 4120 4545 6/12 2000

2W370 3700 2405 4320 4745 155 155 455 6/12 2000
2W400 4000 2595 4620 5045 6/12 2000
2W450 4500 2845 5120 5545 6/6 1950
2W500 5000 3095 5620 6045 6/6 1700 1850
2F300 3000 1995 3650 4045 1385 990 6/12 2000
(Full free 2F)
Two stage

2F330 3300 2145 3950 4345 1535 1140 6/12 2000

2F350 3500 2280 4150 4545 1670 1275 6/12 2000
2F370 3700 2405 4350 4745 1795 1400 6/12 2000
2F400 4000 2595 4650 5045 1985 1590 6/12 2000
2F420 4200 2695 4850 5245 2085 1690 6/12 1950*
3F385 3850 1845 4500 4895 1235 840 6/6 2000
3F430 4300 1995 4950 5345 1385 990 6/6 1900
(Full free 3F)
Three stage

3F475 4750 2145 5400 5795 1535 1140 6/6 1800 1850
3F515 5150 2280 5805 6200 1670 1275 6/6 1550 1800
3F550 5500 2405 6150 6545 1795 1400 6/6 1450 1750
3F600 6000 2595 6650 7045 1985 1590 6/6 900 1650
*3F650 6500 2845 7150 7545 2235 1840 6/6 **- 1550
*3F700 7000 3095 7650 8045 2485 2090 6/6 **- 1200
* Load capacity for 2F420 (single/double tires): 1950kg for gasoline・gasoline/LPG models, 2000kg for diesel models.
** Double tire only.
SH1F2-1 / 08 Mar. ’10 1F2-02
Main Truck Specifications
U1F2A20U/WU Y1F2A20U
Item (U1F2M20U/WU) (Y1F2M20U)

1 Manufacturer Nissan Nissan Nissan Nissan Nissan 1

U1F2A20U/WU Y1F2A20U

2 Model P1F2A20JU/DU P1F2A20U/WU U1F2A20JU/DU 2

(U1F2M20U/WU) (Y1F2M20U)
3 Load capacity Q Load lifted kg 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 3
4 Load center C Distance mm 500 500 500 500 500 4
5 Power unit Battery, diesel, Gasoline, LP gas Gasoline/Gasoline・LPG Gasoline/Gasoline・LPG Gasoline/Gasoline・LPG Gasoline/Gasoline・LPG Diesel 5
6 Operator type Walkie, rider / stand, rider / seat Rider / seat Rider / seat Rider / seat Rider / seat Rider / seat 6
7 Tire type front / rear Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic 7
8 Wheels(x=driven) Number front / rear 2x / 2 2x / 2 2x / 2 2x / 2 2x / 2 8
9 Maximum fork height h3 Standard lift height mm 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 9
10 Free lift h2 Standard free lift mm 155 155 155 155 155 10
13 Fork size s.e.l mm 40×100×1070 40×100×1070 40×100×1070 40×100×1070 40×100×1070 13
Max. Fork Spread mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Min. Fork Spread mm 250 250 250 250 250

14 Tilt range α/β Mast forward / backward deg 6 / 12 6 / 12 6/12 6 / 12 6 / 12 14

15 L2 Length to fork face mm 2490 2490 2490 2490 2490 15
16 B Overall width mm 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 16
17 h1 Height mast fully lowered mm 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 17
Overall measurement
18 h4 Height mast fully extended mm 4045 4045 4045 4045 4045 18
19 h6 Height overhead guard mm 2115 2115 2115 2115 2115 19
20 h7 Height of driver's seat mm 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 20
21 Turning radius (outside) Wa mm 2145 2145 2145 2145 2145 21
22 Load distance X From center of front axle mm 455 455 455 455 455 22
23 Right angle stacking aisle Ast pallets (L×W) 1200×800/1000×1200 mm 4000 / 3800 4000 / 3800 4000 / 3800 4000 / 3800 4000 / 3800 23
full load km/h 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5
24 Travelling 24
no load km/h 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5

full load mm/s 640 550 660 590 640

25 Speeds Lifting 25
no load mm/s 690 620 700 680 690
full load mm/s 500 500 500 500 500
26 Lowering 26
no load mm/s 500 500 500 500 500
17300 / 15300
28 Max. drawbar pull full load / no load N 17100 / 15300 15200 / 15300 18400 / 15300 20700 / 16100 28
(18000 / 15300)
29 Gradeability at 2km/h full load / no load tanθ% 28 / - 25 / - 32 / - 31 / - 37 / - 29
30 Max. gradeability full load / no load tanθ% 34 / 28 30 / 28 37 / 28 35 / 28 42 / 28 30

32 Truck weight no load kg 3365 3365 3365 3365 3490 32

33 full load front / rear kg 4740 / 625 4740 / 625 4740 / 625 4740 / 625 4780 / 710 33
Weight distribution
34 no load front / rear kg 1550 / 1815 1550 / 1815 1550 / 1815 1550 / 1815 1590 / 1900 34
35 Number front / rear each 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 35
36 Tires Size-front 7.00-12-12PR(Ⅰ) 7.00-12-12PR(Ⅰ) 7.00-12-12PR(Ⅰ) 7.00-12-12PR(Ⅰ) 7.00-12-12PR(Ⅰ) 36
37 Size-rear 6.00-9-10PR(Ⅰ) 6.00-9-10PR(Ⅰ) 6.00-9-10PR(Ⅰ) 6.00-9-10PR(Ⅰ) 6.00-9-10PR(Ⅰ) 37

38 Wheelbase y mm 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 38

39 Tread sprw 1 / sprw 2 front / rear mm 960 / 975 960 / 975 960 / 975 960 / 975 960 / 975 39
Backrest height Hb top of backrest ~ upper of fork face mm 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005
Overhead guard clearance Hh mm 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080
Counter weight height Hc mm 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080
40 m1 Full load minimum mast mm 115 115 115 115 115 40
Ground clearance
41 m2 Full load center of wheelbase mm 155 155 155 155 155 41
42 Service brake Mechanical / hydraulic / electric / pneu Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic 42
43 Parking brake Foot / hand / seat switch Hand Hand Hand Hand Hand 43
45 Battery Voltage / Capacity (5 hour) V/AH 12 / 27 12 / 27 12 / 27 12 / 27 12 / 64 45
Nissan / K21 Nissan / K21 Nissan / K25 Nissan / K25
49 manufacturer / type Nissan / QD32 49
(ECCS) (Carburetor) (ECCS) (Carburetor)

50 maximum engine rated power KW 41 34 46.9 40 38 50
Combustion engine
51 rated rpm rpm 2700 2200 2700 2200 2000 51
52 Number of Cylinders / Displacement / cc 4 / 2065 4 / 2065 4 / 2488 4 / 2488 4 / 3153 52
type Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic (Manual) Automatic (Manual)
55 Transmission 55
speed 1/1 1/1 1/1 1 / 1 (2 / 2) 1 / 1 (2 / 2)
57 Operating pressure for attachment (Side shift) MPa 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 57

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. ’07 1F2-03

Dimensions Load Capacity Chart(without sideshifter)

No capacity reduction until 4000 mm height. Load capacities are

computed with following conditions, a) Standard 2W Mast and
b) Mast in vertical position.

Tire and Tread Specifications

Front Tire Single Double
Front Tire Size 7.00-12-12PR (Ⅰ)
Overall Width mm 1150 1640
Front Tread mm 960 1205

Ground Clearance
Under mast mm 115
Under power unit mm 135
Under frame mm 155

Mast Specifications & Rated Capacities

Overall height Free lift Tilt angle Capacity
Max. Fully extended Front Single tire Double tire
Mast Mast fork Fully Without With STD overhang Forward/ Load center Load center
type name Without With STD
Height lowered backrest backrest Backward 500mm 500mm
backrest backrest
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm deg kg kg
2W300 3000 1995 3620 4045 6/12 2500
(Wide view 2W)

2W330 3300 2145 3920 4345 6/12 2500

Two stage

2W350 3500 2280 4120 4545 6/12 2500

2W370 3700 2405 4320 4745 155 155 455 6/12 2500
2W400 4000 2595 4620 5045 6/12 2500
2W450 4500 2845 5120 5545 6/6 2150 2450
2W500 5000 3095 5620 6045 6/6 1850 2350
2F300 3000 1995 3650 4045 1385 990 6/12 2500
(Full free 2F)
Two stage

2F330 3300 2145 3950 4345 1535 1140 6/12 2500

2F350 3500 2280 4150 4545 1670 1275 6/12 2500
2F370 3700 2405 4350 4745 1795 1400 6/12 2500
2F400 4000 2595 4650 5045 1985 1590 6/12 2500
2F420 4200 2695 4850 5245 2085 1690 6/12 2450*
3F385 3850 1845 4500 4895 1235 840 6/6 2500
3F430 4300 1995 4950 5345 1385 990 6/6 2300 2400
(Full free 3F)
Three stage

3F475 4750 2145 5400 5795 1535 1140 6/6 2000 2300
3F515 5150 2280 5805 6200 1670 1275 6/6 1750 2250
3F550 5500 2405 6150 6545 1795 1400 6/6 1600 2200
3F600 6000 2595 6650 7045 1985 1590 6/6 1000 2100
*3F650 6500 2845 7150 7545 2235 1840 6/6 **- 1650
*3F700 7000 3095 7650 8045 2485 2090 6/6 **- 1300
* Load capacity for 2F420 (single/double tires): 2450kg for gasoline・gasoline/LPG models, 2500kg for diesel models.
** Double tire only.
SH1F2-1 / 08 Mar. ’10 1F2-04
Main Truck Specifications
U1F2A25U/WU Y1F2A25U
Item (U1F2M25U/WU) (YF12M25U)

1 Manufacturer Nissan Nissan Nissan Nissan Nissan 1

U1F2A25U/WU Y1F2A25U

2 Model P1F2A25JU/DU P1F2A25U/WU U1F2A25JU/DU 2

(U1F2M25U/WU) (Y1F2M25U)
3 Load capacity Q Load lifted kg 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 3
4 Load center C Distance mm 500 500 500 500 500 4
5 Power unit Battery, diesel, Gasoline, LP gas Gasoline/Gasoline・LPG Gasoline/Gasoline・LPG Gasoline/Gasoline・LPG Gasoline/Gasoline・LPG Diesel 5
6 Operator type Walkie, rider / stand, rider / seat Rider / seat Rider / seat Rider / seat Rider / seat Rider / seat 6
7 Tire type front / rear Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic 7
8 Wheels(x=driven) Number front / rear 2x / 2 2x / 2 2x / 2 2x/2 2x/2 8
9 Maximum fork height h3 Standard lift height mm 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 9
10 Free lift h2 Standard free lift mm 155 155 155 155 155 10
13 Fork size s.e.l mm 40×100×1070 40×100×1070 40×100×1070 40×100×1070 40×100×1070 13
Max. Fork Spread mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Min. Fork Spread mm 250 250 250 250 250

14 Tilt range α/β Mast forward / backward deg 6/12 6/12 6/12 6/12 6/12 14
15 L2 Length to fork face mm 2555 2555 2555 2555 2555 15
16 B Overall width mm 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 16
17 h1 Height mast fully lowered mm 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 17
Overall measurement
18 h4 Height mast fully extended mm 4045 4045 4045 4045 4045 18
19 h6 Height overhead guard mm 2115 2115 2115 2115 2115 19
20 h7 Height of driver's seat mm 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 20
21 Turning radius (outside) Wa mm 2230 2230 2230 2230 2230 21
22 Load distance X From center of front axle mm 455 455 455 455 455 22
23 Right angle stacking aisle Ast pallets (L×W) 1200×800/1000×1200 mm 4085 / 3885 4085 / 3885 4085 / 3885 4085 / 3885 4085 / 3885 23
full load km/h 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5
24 Travelling 24
no load km/h 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5

full load mm/s 660 550 660 590 640

25 Speeds Lifting 25
no load mm/s 700 620 700 680 690
full load mm/s 500 500 500 500 500
26 Lowering 26
no load mm/s 500 500 500 500 500
17300 / 15300 20700 / 16100
28 Max. drawbar pull full load / no load 5min. N 17100 / 15300 15200 / 15300 18400 / 15300 28
(18000 / 15300) (16400 / 13900)
29 Gradeability at 2km/h full load / no load tanθ% 24 / - 22 / - 28 / - 27 / - 31 / - 29
30 Max. gradeability full load / no load tanθ% 29 / 23 26 / 23 32 / 23 29 / 23 35 / 24 30

32 Truck weight no load kg 3730 3730 3730 3730 3850 32

33 full load front / rear kg 5460 / 770 5460 / 770 5460 / 770 5460 / 770 5495 / 855 33
Weight distribution
34 no load front / rear kg 1470 / 2260 1470 / 2260 1470 / 2260 1470 / 2260 1505 / 2345 34
35 Number front / rear each 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 35
36 Tires Size-front 7.00-12-12PR(Ⅰ) 7.00-12-12PR(Ⅰ) 7.00-12-12PR(Ⅰ) 7.00-12-12PR(Ⅰ) 7.00-12-12PR(Ⅰ) 36
37 Size-rear 6.00-9-10PR(Ⅰ) 6.00-9-10PR(Ⅰ) 6.00-9-10PR(Ⅰ) 6.00-9-10PR(Ⅰ) 6.00-9-10PR(Ⅰ) 37

38 Wheelbase y mm 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 38

39 Tread sprw 1 / sprw 2 front / rear mm 960 / 975 960 / 975 960 / 975 960 / 975 960 / 975 39
Backrest height Hb top of backrest ~ upper of fork face mm 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005
Overhead guard clearance Hh mm 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080
Counter weight height Hc mm 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080
40 m1 Full load minimum mast mm 115 115 115 115 115 40
Ground clearance
41 m2 Full load center of wheelbase mm 155 155 155 155 155 41
42 Service brake Mechanical / hydraulic / electric / pneu Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic 42
43 Parking brake Foot / hand / seat switch Hand Hand Hand Hand Hand 43
45 Battery Voltage / Capacity (5 hour) V/AH 12 / 27 12 / 27 12 / 27 12 / 27 12 / 64 45
Nissan / K21 Nissan / K21 Nissan / K25 Nissan / K25
49 manufacturer / type Nissan / QD32 49
(ECCS) (Carburetor) (ECCS) (Carburetor)

50 maximum engine rated power KW 41 34 46.9 40 38 50
Combustion engine
51 rated rpm rpm 2700 2200 2700 2200 2000 51
52 Number of cylinders / Displacement / cc 4 / 2065 4 / 2065 4 / 2488 4 / 2488 4 / 3153 52
type Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic
55 Transmission 55
speed 1/1 1/1 1/1 1 / 1 (2 / 2) 1 / 1 (2 / 2)
57 Operating pressure for attachment (Side shift) MPa 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 57

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. ’07 1F2-05

Dimensions Load Capacity Chart(without sideshifter))

No capacity reduction until 4000 mm height. Load capacities are

computed with following conditions, a) Standard 2W Mast and
b) Mast in vertical position.

Tire and Tread Specifications

Front Tire Single Double
Front Tire Size 28X9-15-12PR (Ⅰ) 28X8-15-12PR (Ⅰ)
Overall Width mm 1250 1665
Front Tread mm 1030 1210

Ground Clearance
Under mast mm 145
Under power unit mm 165
Under frame mm 185

Mast Specifications & Rated Capacities

Overall height Free lift Tilt angle Capacity
Max. Fully extended Front Single tire Double tire
Mast Mast fork Fully Without With STD overhang Forward/ Load center Load center
type name Without With STD
Height lowered backrest backrest Backward 500mm 500mm
backrest backrest
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm deg kg kg
2W300 3000 2025 3640 4140 6/12 3000
(Wide view 2W)

2W330 3300 2175 3940 4440 6/12 3000

Two stage

2W350 3500 2310 4140 4640 6/12 3000

2W370 3700 2435 4340 4840 160 160 485 6/12 3000
2W400 4000 2625 4640 5140 6/12 3000
2W450 4500 2875 5140 5640 6/6 2700 2950
2W500 5000 3125 5640 6140 6/6 2200 2850
2F300 3000 2025 3665 4140 1405 930 6/12 3000
(Full free 2F)
Two stage

2F330 3300 2175 3965 4440 1555 1080 6/12 3000

2F350 3500 2310 4165 4640 1690 1215 6/12 3000
2F370 3700 2435 4365 4840 1815 1340 6/12 3000
2F400 4000 2625 4665 5140 2005 1530 6/12 3000
2F420 4200 2725 4865 5340 2105 1630 6/12 2950*
3F385 3850 2025 4485 4990 1435 930 6/6 3000
3F430 4300 2175 4935 5440 1585 1080 6/6 2900 2950
(Full free 3F)
Three stage

3F475 4750 2310 5385 5890 1720 1215 6/6 2650 2850
3F515 5150 2435 5790 6295 1845 1340 6/6 2000 2650
3F550 5500 2625 6135 6640 2035 1530 6/6 1650 2600
3F600 6000 2875 6635 7140 2285 1780 6/6 1150 2500
*3F650 6500 3125 7135 7640 2535 2030 6/6 **- 2200
*3F700 7000 3375 7635 8140 2785 2280 6/6 **- 1900
* Load capacity for 2F420 (single/double tires): 2950kg for gasoline・gasoline/LPG models, 3000kg for diesel models.
** Double tire only.
SH1F2-1 / 08 Mar. ’10 1F2-06
Main Truck Specifications
Item (YG1F2M30U)

1 Manufacturer Nissan Nissan Nissan 1


2 Model UG1F2A30JU/DU UG1F2A30U/WU 2

3 Load capacity Q Load lifted kg 3000 3000 3000 3
4 Load center C Distance mm 500 500 500 4
5 Power unit Battery, diesel, Gasoline, LP gas Gasoline / Gasoline・LPG Gasoline / Gasoline・LPG Diesel 5
6 Operator type Walkie, rider / stand, rider / seat Rider / seat Rider / seat Rider / seat 6
7 Tire type front / rear Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic 7
8 Wheels(x=driven) Number front / rear 2x / 2 2x / 2 2x / 2 8
9 Maximum fork height h3 Standard lift height mm 3000 3000 3000 9
10 Free lift h2 Standard free lift mm 160 160 160 10
13 Fork size s.e.l mm 45×122×1070 45×122×1070 45×122×1070 13
Max. Fork Spread mm 1000 1000 1000
Min. Fork Spread mm 250 250 250

14 Tilt range α/β Mast forward / backward deg 6 / 12 6 / 12 6/12 14

15 L2 Length to fork face mm 2715 2715 2715 15
16 B Overall width mm 1250 1250 1250 16
17 h1 Height mast fully lowered mm 2025 2025 2025 17
Overall measurement
18 h4 Height mast fully extended mm 4140 4140 4140 18
19 h6 Height overhead guard mm 2150 2150 2150 19
20 h7 Height of driver's seat mm 1050 1050 1050 20
21 Turning radius (outside) Wa mm 2330 2330 2330 21
22 Load distance X From center of front axle mm 485 485 485 22
23 Right angle stacking aisle Ast pallets (L×W) 1200×800/1000×1200 mm 4215 / 4015 4215 / 4015 4215 / 4015 23
full load km/h 19.5 19.5 19.0
24 Travelling 24
no load km/h 19.5 19.5 19.0

full load mm/s 530 500 540

25 Speeds Lifting 25
no load mm/s 560 550 580
full load mm/s 500 500 500
26 Lowering 26
no load mm/s 500 500 500
21700 / 11800
28 Max. drawbar pull full load / no load N 18200 / 11800 17000 / 11800 28
(17500 / 11800)
29 Gradeability at 2km/h full load / no load tanθ% 24 / - 21 / - 29 / - 29
30 Max. gradeability full load / no load tanθ% 26 / 23 24 / 23 31 / 24 30

32 Truck weight no load kg 4280 4280 4400 32

33 full load front / rear kg 6415 / 865 6415 / 865 6455 / 945 33
Weight distribution
34 no load front / rear kg 1675 / 2605 1675 / 2605 1720 / 2680 34
35 Number front / rear each 2/2 2/2 2/2 35
36 Tires Size-front 28x9-15-12PR (Ⅰ) 28x9-15-12PR (Ⅰ) 28x9-15-12PR (Ⅰ) 36
37 Size-rear 6.50-10-10PR (Ⅰ) 6.50-10-10PR (Ⅰ) 6.50-10-10PR (Ⅰ) 37

38 Wheelbase y mm 1700 1700 1700 38

39 Tread sprw 1 / sprw 2 front / rear mm 1030 / 980 1030 / 980 1030 / 980 39
Backrest height Hb top of backrest ~ upper of fork face mm 1095 1095 1095
Overhead guard clearance Hh mm 1080 1080 1080
Counter weight height Hc mm 1110 1110 1110
40 m1 Full load minimum mast mm 145 145 145 40
Ground clearance
41 m2 Full load center of wheelbase mm 185 185 185 41
42 Service brake Mechanical / hydraulic / electric / pneu Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic 42
43 Parking brake Foot / hand / seat switch Hand Hand Hand 43
45 Battery Voltage / Capacity (5 hour) V/AH 12 / 27 12 / 27 12 / 64 45
Nissan / K25 Nissan / K25
49 manufacturer / type Nissan / QD32 49
(ECCS) (Carburetor)

50 maximum engine rated power KW 46.9 40 38 50
Combustion engine
51 rated rpm rpm 2700 2200 2000 51
52 Number of cylinders / Displacement / cc 4 / 2488 4 / 2488 4 / 3153 52
type Automatic Automatic Automatic (Manual)
55 Transmission 55
speed 1/1 1/1 1 / 1 (2 / 2)
57 Operating pressure for attachment (Side shift) MPa 12.7 12.7 12.7 57

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. ’07 1F2-07

Dimensions Load Capacity Chart(without sideshifter)

No capacity reduction until 3700 mm height. Load capacities are

computed with following conditions, a) Standard 2W Mast and
b) Mast in vertical position.

Tire and Tread Specifications

Front Tire Single Double
Front Tire Size 250-15-16PR (Ⅰ) 28X9-15-12PR (Ⅰ)
Overall Width mm 1280 1720
Front Tread mm 1060 1230

Ground Clearance
Under mast mm 155
Under power unit mm 170
Under frame mm 190

Mast Specifications & Rated Capacities

Overall height Free lift Tilt angle Capacity
Max. Fully height Front Single tire Double tire
Mast Mast fork Fully Without With STD overhang Forward/ Load center Load center
type name Without With STD
Height lowered backrest backrest Backward 500mm 500mm
backrest backrest
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm deg kg kg
2W300 3000 2185 3740 4140 6/12 3500
(Wide view 2W)

2W330 3300 2320 4040 4440 6/12 3500

Two stage

2W350 3500 2445 4240 4640 6/12 3500

2W370 3700 2635 4440 4840 160 160 485 6/12 3500
2W400 4000 2885 4740 5140 6/12 3450
2W450 4500 3135 5240 5640 6/6 3400
2W500 5000 3385 5740 6140 6/6 3300
2F300 3000 2185 3790 4140 1440 1090 6/12 3500
(Full free 2F)
Two stage

2F330 3300 2320 4090 4440 1575 1225 6/12 3500

2F350 3500 2445 4290 4640 1700 1350 495 6/12 3500
2F370 3700 2635 4490 4840 1890 1540 6/12 3500
2F400 4000 2885 4790 5140 2140 1790 6/12 3450
3F385 3850 2035 4670 4990 1260 940 6/6 3500
3F430 4300 2185 5120 5440 1410 1090 6/6 3450
(Full free 3F)
Three stage

3F475 4750 2320 5570 5890 1545 1225 6/6 3400

3F515 5150 2445 5975 6295 1670 1350 6/6 3200 3250*
3F550 5500 2635 6320 6640 1860 1540 6/6 2700 3200
3F600 6000 2885 6820 7140 2110 1790 6/6 2000 3100
*3F650 6500 3135 7320 7640 2360 2040 6/6 **- 2500
*3F700 7000 3385 7820 8140 2610 2290 6/6 **- 2200
* Load capacity for 3F515 (double tires): 3250kg for gasoline・gasoline/LPG models, 3300kg for diesel models.
** Double tire only.

SH1F2-1 / 08 Mar. ’10 1F2-08

Main Truck Specifications
Item (YG1F2M35U)

1 Manufacturer Nissan Nissan Nissan 1


2 Model UG1F2A35JU/DU UG1F2A35U/WU 2

3 Load capacity Q Load lifted kg 3500 3500 3500 3
4 Load center C Distance mm 500 500 500 4
5 Power unit Battery, diesel, Gasoline, LP gas Gasoline / Gasoline・LPG Gasoline / Gasoline・LPG Diesel 5
6 Operator type Walkie, rider / stand, rider / seat Rider / seat Rider / seat Rider / seat 6
7 Tire type front / rear Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic 7
8 Wheels(x=driven) Number front / rear 2x / 2 2x / 2 2x / 2 8
9 Maximum fork height h3 Standard lift height mm 3000 3000 3000 9
10 Free lift h2 Standard free lift mm 160 160 160 10
13 Fork size s.e.l mm 45×122×1070 45×122×1070 45×122×1070 13
Max. Fork Spread mm 980 980 980
Min. Fork Spread mm 275 275 275

14 Tilt range α/β Mast forward / backward deg 6 / 12 6/12 6/12 14

15 L2 Length to fork face mm 2780 2780 2780 15
16 B Overall width mm 1280 1280 1280 16
17 h1 Height mast fully lowered mm 2185 2185 2185 17
Overall measurement
18 h4 Height mast fully extended mm 4140 4140 4140 18
19 h6 Height overhead guard mm 2155 2155 2155 19
20 h7 Height of driver's seat mm 1055 1055 1055 20
21 Turning radius (outside) Wa mm 2420 2420 2420 21
22 Load distance X From center of front axle mm 485 485 485 22
23 Right angle stacking aisle Ast pallets (L×W) 1200×800/1000×1200 mm 4305 / 4105 4305 / 4105 4305 / 4105 23
full load km/h 19.0 19.0 19.0 (18.0)
24 Travelling 24
no load km/h 19.0 19.0 19.0 (18.0)

full load mm/s 450 400 440

25 Speeds Lifting 25
no load mm/s 470 460 480
full load mm/s 420 420 420
26 Lowering 26
no load mm/s 360 360 360
21700 / 11800
28 Max. drawbar pull full load / no load N 17300 / 11800 15700 / 11800 28
(17500 / 11800)
29 Gradeability at 2km/h full load / no load tanθ% 19 / - 17 / - 26 / - 29
30 Max. gradeability full load / no load tanθ% 22 / 22 20 / 22 28 / 23 30

32 Truck weight no load kg 4605 4605 4730 32

33 full load front / rear kg 7140 / 965 7140 / 965 7190 / 1040 33
Weight distribution
34 no load front / rear kg 1615 / 2990 1615 / 2990 1665 / 3065 34
35 Number front / rear each 2/2 2/2 2/2 35
36 Tires Size-front 250-15-16PR (Ⅰ) 250-15-16PR (Ⅰ) 250-15-16PR (Ⅰ) 36
37 Size-rear 6.50-10-12PR (Ⅰ) 6.50-10-12PR (Ⅰ) 6.50-10-12PR (Ⅰ) 37

38 Wheelbase y mm 1700 1700 1700 38

39 Tread sprw 1 / sprw 2 front / rear mm 1060 / 980 1060 / 980 1060 / 980 39
Backrest height Hb top of backrest ~ upper of fork face mm 1095 1095 1095
Overhead guard clearance Hh mm 1080 1080 1080
Counter weight height Hc mm 1120 1120 1120
40 m1 Full load minimum mast mm 155 155 155 40
Ground clearance
41 m2 Full load center of wheelbase mm 190 190 190 41
42 Service brake Mechanical / hydraulic / electric / pneu Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic 42
43 Parking brake Foot / hand / seat switch Hand Hand Hand 43
45 Battery Voltage / Capacity (5 hour) V/AH 12 / 27 12 / 27 12 / 64 45
Nissan / K25 Nissan / K25
49 manufacturer / type Nissan / QD32 49
(ECCS) (Carburetor)

50 maximum engine rated power KW 46.9 40 38 50
Combustion engine
51 rated rpm rpm 2700 2200 2000 51
52 Number of cylinders / Displacement / cc 4 / 2488 4 / 2488 4 / 3153 52
type Automatic Automatic Automatic (Manual)
55 Transmission 55
speed 1/1 1/1 1 / 1 (2 / 2)
57 Operating pressure for attachment (Side shift) MPa 12.7 12.7 12.7 57

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. ’07 1F2-09

Loading Capacity
P1F2A20JU, P1F2A20DU, P1F2A20U, P1F2A20WU, U1F2A20JU, U1F2A20DU,
U1F2A20U, U1F2M20U, U1F2A20WU, U1F2M20WU, Y1F2A20U, Y1F2M20U Unit: kg
Load Center
500 mm 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Mast Name
2W300 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2W330 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2W350 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2W370 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2W400 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2W450 1950 1765 1610 1485 1375 1280 1195 1125 1060 1005 950
2W500 1700 1540 1405 1295 1195 1115 1045 980 925 875 830
2F300 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2F330 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
Single Tire

2F350 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2F370 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2F400 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
*2F420 1950 1765 1610 1485 1375 1280 1195 1125 1060 1005 950
**2F420 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
3F385 2000 1815 1660 1530 1415 1320 1235 1160 1095 1040 985
3F430 1900 1720 1575 1450 1345 1255 1175 1105 1040 985 935
3F475 1800 1630 1490 1375 1275 1190 1110 1045 985 935 885
3F515 1550 1405 1285 1185 1100 1025 960 900 850 805 765
3F550 1450 1315 1200 1110 1025 955 895 840 795 750 715
3F600 900 815 745 685 635 595 555 525 495 465 445
2W300 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2W330 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2W350 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2W370 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2W400 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2W450 1950 1765 1610 1485 1375 1280 1195 1125 1060 1005 950
2W500 1850 1675 1530 1405 1305 1215 1135 1065 1005 950 905
2F300 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2F330 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
Double Tire

2F350 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2F370 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
2F400 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
*2F420 1950 1765 1610 1485 1375 1280 1195 1125 1060 1005 950
**2F420 2000 1810 1655 1520 1410 1310 1225 1155 1085 1030 975
3F385 2000 1815 1660 1530 1415 1320 1235 1160 1095 1040 985
3F430 1900 1720 1575 1450 1345 1255 1175 1105 1040 985 935
3F475 1850 1675 1535 1415 1310 1220 1145 1075 1015 960 910
3F515 1800 1630 1490 1375 1275 1190 1110 1045 985 935 885
3F550 1750 1585 1450 1335 1240 1155 1080 1015 960 910 860
3F600 1650 1495 1370 1260 1170 1090 1020 960 905 855 815
3F650 1550 1405 1285 1185 1100 1025 960 900 850 805 765
3F700 1200 1090 995 915 850 790 740 695 660 625 590
*For P1F2 and U1F2 models.
**For Y1F2 model.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-10

P1F2A25JU, P1F2A25DU, P1F2A25U, P1F2A25WU, U1F2A25JU, U1F2A25DU,
U1F2A25U, U1F2M25U, U1F2A25WU, U1F2M25WU, Y1F2A25U, Y1F2M25U Unit: kg
Load Center
500 mm 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Mast Name
2W300 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2W330 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2W350 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2W370 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2W400 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2W450 2150 1945 1775 1635 1515 1410 1320 1240 1170 1105 1050
2W500 1850 1675 1530 1405 1305 1215 1135 1065 1005 950 905
2F300 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2F330 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
Single Tire

2F350 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2F370 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2F400 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
*2F420 2450 2215 2025 1865 1725 1605 1505 1415 1330 1260 1195
**2F420 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
3F385 2500 2265 2075 1910 1770 1650 1545 1455 1370 1300 1230
3F430 2300 2085 1905 1755 1630 1520 1420 1335 1260 1195 1135
3F475 2000 1815 1660 1530 1415 1320 1235 1160 1095 1040 985
3F515 1750 1585 1450 1335 1240 1155 1080 1015 960 910 860
3F550 1600 1450 1325 1220 1135 1055 990 930 875 830 790
3F600 1000 905 830 765 710 660 620 580 550 520 490
2W300 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2W330 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2W350 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2W370 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2W400 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2W450 2450 2215 2025 1865 1725 1605 1505 1415 1330 1260 1195
2W500 2350 2125 1940 1785 1655 1540 1440 1355 1280 1210 1145
2F300 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2F330 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
Double Tire

2F350 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2F370 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
2F400 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
*2F420 2450 2215 2025 1865 1725 1605 1505 1415 1330 1260 1195
**2F420 2500 2260 2065 1900 1760 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220
3F385 2500 2265 2075 1910 1770 1650 1545 1455 1370 1300 1230
3F430 2400 2175 1990 1835 1700 1585 1485 1395 1315 1245 1180
3F475 2300 2085 1905 1755 1630 1520 1420 1335 1260 1195 1135
3F515 2250 2040 1865 1720 1595 1485 1390 1310 1235 1170 1110
3F550 2200 1995 1825 1680 1560 1450 1360 1280 1205 1140 1085
3F600 2100 1905 1740 1605 1485 1385 1300 1220 1150 1090 1035
3F650 1650 1495 1370 1260 1170 1090 1020 960 905 855 815
3F700 1300 1180 1080 995 920 860 805 755 715 675 640
*For P1F2 and U1F2 models.
**For Y1F2 model.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-11

UG1F2A30JU, UG1F2A30DU, UG1F2A30U, UG1F2A30WU, YG1F2A30U, YG1F2M30U Unit: kg
Load Center
500 mm 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Mast Name
2W300 3000 2725 2495 2300 2135 1990 1865 1755 1655 1565 1490
2W330 3000 2725 2495 2300 2135 1990 1865 1755 1655 1565 1490
2W350 3000 2725 2495 2300 2135 1990 1865 1755 1655 1565 1490
2W370 3000 2725 2495 2300 2135 1990 1865 1755 1655 1565 1490
2W400 3000 2725 2495 2300 2135 1990 1865 1755 1655 1565 1490
2W450 2700 2450 2245 2070 1920 1790 1675 1580 1490 1410 1340
2W500 2200 1995 1830 1685 1565 1460 1365 1285 1215 1150 1090
2F300 3000 2725 2500 2305 2140 1995 1870 1760 1665 1575 1495
2F330 3000 2725 2500 2305 2140 1995 1870 1760 1665 1575 1495
Single Tire

2F350 3000 2725 2500 2305 2140 1995 1870 1760 1665 1575 1495
2F370 3000 2725 2500 2305 2140 1995 1870 1760 1665 1575 1495
2F400 3000 2725 2500 2305 2140 1995 1870 1760 1665 1575 1495
*2F420 2950 2680 2455 2265 2105 1965 1840 1730 1635 1550 1470
**2F420 3000 2725 2500 2305 2140 1995 1870 1760 1665 1575 1495
3F385 3000 2725 2495 2300 2135 1990 1865 1755 1655 1565 1490
3F430 2900 2630 2410 2220 2060 1925 1800 1695 1600 1515 1440
3F475 2650 2405 2200 2030 1885 1755 1645 1550 1460 1385 1315
3F515 2000 1815 1660 1535 1420 1325 1240 1170 1105 1045 990
3F550 1650 1495 1370 1265 1175 1095 1025 965 910 860 820
3F600 1150 1045 955 880 815 760 715 670 635 600 570
2W300 3000 2725 2495 2300 2135 1990 1865 1755 1655 1565 1490
2W330 3000 2725 2495 2300 2135 1990 1865 1755 1655 1565 1490
2W350 3000 2725 2495 2300 2135 1990 1865 1755 1655 1565 1490
2W370 3000 2725 2495 2300 2135 1990 1865 1755 1655 1565 1490
2W400 3000 2725 2495 2300 2135 1990 1865 1755 1655 1565 1490
2W450 2950 2680 2450 2260 2100 1955 1835 1725 1625 1540 1465
2W500 2850 2585 2370 2185 2025 1890 1770 1665 1570 1490 1415
2F300 3000 2725 2500 2305 2140 1995 1870 1760 1665 1575 1495
2F330 3000 2725 2500 2305 2140 1995 1870 1760 1665 1575 1495
Double Tire

2F350 3000 2725 2500 2305 2140 1995 1870 1760 1665 1575 1495
2F370 3000 2725 2500 2305 2140 1995 1870 1760 1665 1575 1495
2F400 3000 2725 2500 2305 2140 1995 1870 1760 1665 1575 1495
*2F420 2950 2680 2455 2265 2105 1965 1840 1730 1635 1550 1470
**2F420 3000 2725 2500 2305 2140 1995 1870 1760 1665 1575 1495
3F385 3000 2725 2495 2300 2135 1990 1865 1755 1655 1565 1490
3F430 2950 2680 2450 2260 2100 1955 1835 1725 1625 1540 1465
3F475 2850 2585 2370 2185 2025 1890 1770 1665 1570 1490 1415
3F515 2650 2405 2200 2030 1885 1755 1645 1550 1460 1385 1315
3F550 2600 2360 2160 1990 1850 1725 1615 1520 1435 1360 1290
3F600 2500 2270 2080 1915 1775 1660 1555 1460 1380 1305 1240
3F650 2200 1995 1830 1685 1565 1460 1365 1285 1215 1150 1090
3F700 1900 1725 1580 1455 1350 1260 1180 1110 1050 990 940
*For UG1F2 model.
**For YG1F2 model.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-12

UG1F2A35JU, UG1F2A35DU, UG1F2A35U, UG1F2A35WU, YG1F2A35U, YG1F2M35U Unit: kg
Load Center
500 mm 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Mast Name
2W300 3500 3175 2910 2680 2485 2320 2175 2045 1930 1825 1735
2W330 3500 3175 2910 2680 2485 2320 2175 2045 1930 1825 1735
2W350 3500 3175 2910 2680 2485 2320 2175 2045 1930 1825 1735
2W370 3500 3175 2910 2680 2485 2320 2175 2045 1930 1825 1735
2W400 3450 3130 2865 2645 2450 2285 2140 2015 1900 1800 1710
2W450 3400 3085 2825 2605 2415 2255 2110 1985 1875 1775 1685
2W500 3300 2995 2740 2530 2345 2185 2050 1925 1820 1720 1635
2F300 3500 3180 2915 2690 2495 2330 2180 2055 1940 1835 1745
Single Tire

2F330 3500 3180 2915 2690 2495 2330 2180 2055 1940 1835 1745
2F350 3500 3180 2915 2690 2495 2330 2180 2055 1940 1835 1745
2F370 3500 3180 2915 2690 2495 2330 2180 2055 1940 1835 1745
2F400 3450 3135 2870 2650 2460 2295 2150 2025 1910 1810 1720
3F 385 3500 3180 2915 2690 2495 2330 2180 2055 1940 1835 1745
3F 430 3450 3135 2870 2650 2460 2295 2150 2025 1910 1810 1720
3F 475 3400 3090 2830 2610 2425 2260 2120 1995 1885 1785 1695
3F 515 3200 2905 2665 2460 2280 2130 1995 1875 1775 1680 1595
3F 550 2700 2455 2245 2075 1925 1795 1685 1585 1495 1415 1345
3F 600 2000 1815 1665 1535 1425 1330 1245 1175 1110 1050 995
2W300 3500 3175 2910 2680 2485 2320 2175 2045 1930 1825 1735
2W330 3500 3175 2910 2680 2485 2320 2175 2045 1930 1825 1735
2W350 3500 3175 2910 2680 2485 2320 2175 2045 1930 1825 1735
2W370 3500 3175 2910 2680 2485 2320 2175 2045 1930 1825 1735
2W400 3450 3130 2865 2645 2450 2285 2140 2015 1900 1800 1710
2W450 3400 3085 2825 2605 2415 2255 2110 1985 1875 1775 1685
2W500 3300 2995 2740 2530 2345 2185 2050 1925 1820 1720 1635
2F300 3500 3180 2915 2690 2495 2330 2180 2055 1940 1835 1745
Double Tire

2F330 3500 3180 2915 2690 2495 2330 2180 2055 1940 1835 1745
2F350 3500 3180 2915 2690 2495 2330 2180 2055 1940 1835 1745
2F370 3500 3180 2915 2690 2495 2330 2180 2055 1940 1835 1745
2F400 3450 3135 2870 2650 2460 2295 2150 2025 1910 1810 1720
3F385 3500 3180 2915 2690 2495 2330 2180 2055 1940 1835 1745
3F430 3450 3135 2870 2650 2460 2295 2150 2025 1910 1810 1720
3F475 3400 3090 2830 2610 2425 2260 2120 1995 1885 1785 1695
3F515 3250 2950 2705 2495 2315 2160 2025 1905 1800 1705 1620
3F550 3200 2905 2665 2460 2280 2130 1995 1875 1775 1680 1595
3F600 3100 2815 2580 2380 2210 2060 1935 1820 1715 1625 1545
3F650 2500 2270 2080 1920 1780 1665 1560 1465 1385 1310 1245
3F700 2200 2000 1830 1690 1570 1465 1370 1290 1220 1155 1095

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-13

Loading Capacity (2.0 ton Model) w/sideshifter
U1F2M20U/WU, U1F2A20U/WU
Load Center
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Mast Name
2W300 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2W330 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2W350 1950 1775 1630 1510 1405 1310 1230 1160 1095 1040 990
2W370 1900 1730 1590 1470 1365 1280 1200 1130 1070 1015 965
2W400 1850 1685 1550 1430 1330 1245 1170 1100 1040 985 935
2W450 1750 1595 1465 1355 1260 1175 1105 1040 985 935 885
2W500 1600 1460 1340 1240 1150 1075 1010 950 900 855 810
2F300 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
Single tire

2F330 1950 1775 1630 1510 1405 1310 1230 1160 1095 1040 990
2F350 1900 1730 1590 1470 1365 1280 1200 1130 1070 1015 965
2F370 1900 1730 1590 1470 1365 1280 1200 1130 1070 1015 965
2F400 1800 1640 1505 1395 1295 1210 1135 1070 1010 960 910
3F385 1800 1640 1510 1400 1300 1215 1145 1080 1020 965 920
3F430 1750 1595 1470 1360 1265 1185 1110 1050 990 940 895
3F475 1650 1505 1385 1280 1195 1115 1050 990 935 885 845
3F515 1500 1370 1260 1165 1085 1015 955 900 850 805 765
3F550 1350 1230 1135 1050 975 915 855 810 765 725 690
3F600 650 595 545 505 470 440 415 390 370 350 330
2W300 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2W330 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2W350 1950 1775 1630 1510 1405 1310 1230 1160 1095 1040 990
2W370 1900 1730 1590 1470 1365 1280 1200 1130 1070 1015 965
2W400 1850 1685 1550 1430 1330 1245 1170 1100 1040 985 935
2W450 1800 1640 1505 1395 1295 1210 1135 1070 1010 960 910
2W500 1700 1550 1425 1315 1225 1145 1075 1010 955 905 860
2F300 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2F330 1950 1775 1630 1510 1405 1310 1230 1160 1095 1040 990
Double tire

2F350 1950 1775 1630 1510 1405 1310 1230 1160 1095 1040 990
2F370 1900 1730 1590 1470 1365 1280 1200 1130 1070 1015 965
2F400 1850 1685 1550 1430 1330 1245 1170 1100 1040 985 935
3F385 1800 1640 1510 1400 1300 1215 1145 1080 1020 965 920
3F430 1750 1595 1470 1360 1265 1185 1110 1050 990 940 895
3F475 1700 1550 1425 1320 1230 1150 1080 1020 965 915 870
3F515 1600 1460 1345 1245 1155 1080 1015 960 905 860 815
3F550 1550 1415 1300 1205 1120 1050 985 930 880 835 790
3F600 1500 1370 1260 1165 1085 1015 955 900 850 805 765
3F650 1450 *1325 *1215 *1125 *1050 *980 *920 *870 *820 *780 *740
3F700 1100 *1005 *925 *855 *795 *745 *700 *660 *625 *590 *560
*U1F2A20JU/DU, U1F2M20U/WU, U1F2A20U/WU

SH1F1-0 / 04 Mar. '10 1F2-14

Loading Capacity (2.0 ton Model) w/sideshifter
Y1F2M20U, Y1F2A20U

Load Center
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Mast Name
2W300 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2W330 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2W350 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2W370 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2W400 1950 1775 1630 1510 1405 1310 1230 1160 1095 1040 990
2W450 1850 1685 1550 1430 1330 1245 1170 1100 1040 985 935
2W500 1650 1505 1380 1275 1185 1110 1040 980 925 880 835
2F300 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
Single tire

2F330 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2F350 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2F370 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2F400 1950 1775 1630 1510 1405 1310 1230 1160 1095 1040 990
3F385 1900 1735 1595 1475 1375 1285 1205 1140 1075 1020 970
3F430 1850 1690 1555 1435 1340 1250 1175 1110 1050 995 945
3F475 1750 1595 1470 1360 1265 1185 1110 1050 990 940 895
3F515 1550 1415 1300 1205 1120 1050 985 930 880 835 790
3F550 1400 1275 1175 1085 1010 945 890 840 795 750 715
3F600 650 595 545 505 470 440 415 390 370 350 330
2W300 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2W330 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2W350 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2W370 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2W400 1950 1775 1630 1510 1405 1310 1230 1160 1095 1040 990
2W450 1900 1730 1590 1470 1365 1280 1200 1130 1070 1015 965
2W500 1800 1640 1505 1395 1295 1210 1135 1070 1010 960 910
2F300 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2F330 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
Double tire

2F350 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2F370 2000 1820 1675 1550 1440 1345 1260 1190 1125 1065 1015
2F400 1950 1775 1630 1510 1405 1310 1230 1160 1095 1040 990
3F385 1900 1735 1595 1475 1375 1285 1205 1140 1075 1020 970
3F430 1850 1690 1555 1435 1340 1250 1175 1110 1050 995 945
3F475 1800 1640 1510 1400 1300 1215 1145 1080 1020 965 920
3F515 1700 1550 1425 1320 1230 1150 1080 1020 965 915 870
3F550 1650 1505 1385 1280 1195 1115 1050 990 935 885 845
3F600 1600 1460 1345 1245 1155 1080 1015 960 905 860 815
3F650 1500 1370 1260 1165 1085 1015 955 900 850 805 765
3F700 1150 1050 965 895 830 780 730 690 650 620 585

SH1F1-0 / 04 Mar. '10 1F2-15

Loading Capacity (2.5ton Model) w/sideshifter
U1F2M25U/WU, U1F2A25U/WU
Load Center
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Mast Name
2W300 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2W330 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2W350 2450 2230 2050 1895 1765 1650 1545 1455 1375 1305 1240
2W370 2400 2185 2010 1855 1725 1615 1515 1425 1350 1280 1215
2W400 2350 2140 1965 1820 1690 1580 1485 1400 1320 1255 1190
2W450 2100 1915 1755 1625 1510 1410 1325 1250 1180 1120 1065
2W500 1800 1640 1505 1395 1295 1210 1135 1070 1010 960 910
2F300 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
Single tire

2F330 2450 2230 2050 1895 1765 1650 1545 1455 1375 1305 1240
2F350 2400 2185 2010 1855 1725 1615 1515 1425 1350 1280 1215
2F370 2400 2185 2010 1855 1725 1615 1515 1425 1350 1280 1215
2F400 2300 2095 1925 1780 1655 1545 1450 1370 1295 1225 1165
3F385 2300 2100 1930 1785 1665 1555 1460 1375 1305 1235 1175
3F430 2200 2010 1845 1710 1590 1490 1400 1315 1245 1180 1125
3F475 1900 1735 1595 1475 1375 1285 1205 1140 1075 1020 970
3F515 1700 1550 1425 1320 1230 1150 1080 1020 965 915 870
3F550 1500 1370 1260 1165 1085 1015 955 900 850 805 765
3F600 700 640 585 545 505 475 445 420 395 375 355
2W300 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2W330 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2W350 2450 2230 2050 1895 1765 1650 1545 1455 1375 1305 1240
2W370 2400 2185 2010 1855 1725 1615 1515 1425 1350 1280 1215
2W400 2350 2140 1965 1820 1690 1580 1485 1400 1320 1255 1190
2W450 2250 2050 1885 1740 1620 1515 1420 1340 1265 1200 1140
2W500 2200 2005 1840 1705 1585 1480 1390 1310 1235 1175 1115
2F300 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2F330 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
Double tire

2F350 2450 2230 2050 1895 1765 1650 1545 1455 1375 1305 1240
2F370 2400 2185 2010 1855 1725 1615 1515 1425 1350 1280 1215
2F400 2350 2140 1965 1820 1690 1580 1485 1400 1320 1255 1190
3F385 2300 2100 1930 1785 1665 1555 1460 1375 1305 1235 1175
3F430 2250 2055 1890 1750 1625 1520 1430 1345 1275 1210 1150
3F475 2150 1960 1805 1670 1555 1455 1365 1290 1220 1155 1100
3F515 2050 1870 1720 1595 1480 1385 1300 1230 1160 1100 1050
3F550 2000 1825 1680 1555 1445 1355 1270 1200 1135 1075 1020
3F600 1900 1735 1595 1475 1375 1285 1205 1140 1075 1020 970
3F650 1450 1325 1215 1125 1050 980 920 870 820 780 740
3F700 1100 1005 925 855 795 745 700 660 625 590 560

SH1F1-0 / 04 Mar. '10 1F2-16

Loading Capacity (2.5ton Model) w/sideshifter
Y1F2M25U, Y1F2A25U

Load Center
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Mast Name
2W300 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2W330 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2W350 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2W370 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2W400 2450 2230 2050 1895 1765 1650 1545 1455 1375 1305 1240
2W450 2150 1960 1800 1665 1545 1445 1355 1280 1210 1145 1090
2W500 1850 1685 1550 1430 1330 1245 1170 1100 1040 985 935
2F300 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
Single tire

2F330 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2F350 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2F370 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2F400 2400 2185 2010 1855 1725 1615 1515 1425 1350 1280 1215
3F385 2400 2190 2015 1865 1735 1625 1525 1435 1360 1290 1225
3F430 2250 2055 1890 1750 1625 1520 1430 1345 1275 1210 1150
3F475 1950 1780 1635 1515 1410 1320 1240 1170 1105 1050 995
3F515 1750 1595 1470 1360 1265 1185 1110 1050 990 940 895
3F550 1550 1415 1300 1205 1120 1050 985 930 880 835 790
3F600 800 730 670 620 580 540 510 480 455 430 410
2W300 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2W330 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2W350 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2W370 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2W400 2450 2230 2050 1895 1765 1650 1545 1455 1375 1305 1240
2W450 2350 2140 1965 1820 1690 1580 1485 1400 1320 1255 1190
2W500 2300 2095 1925 1780 1655 1545 1450 1370 1295 1225 1165
2F300 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2F330 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
Double tire

2F350 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2F370 2500 2280 2090 1935 1800 1680 1580 1485 1405 1330 1265
2F400 2450 2230 2050 1895 1765 1650 1545 1455 1375 1305 1240
3F385 2400 2190 2015 1865 1735 1625 1525 1435 1360 1290 1225
3F430 2350 2145 1970 1825 1700 1590 1495 1405 1330 1265 1200
3F475 2250 2055 1890 1750 1625 1520 1430 1345 1275 1210 1150
3F515 2150 1960 1805 1670 1555 1455 1365 1290 1220 1155 1100
3F550 2100 1915 1760 1630 1520 1420 1335 1260 1190 1130 1075
3F600 2000 1825 1680 1555 1445 1355 1270 1200 1135 1075 1020
3F650 1550 1415 1300 1205 1120 1050 985 930 880 835 790
3F700 1200 1095 1005 930 870 810 760 720 680 645 615

SH1F1-0 / 04 Mar. '10 1F2-17

Loading Capacity (3.0 ton Model) w/sideshifter

Load Center
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Mast Name
2W300 3000 2740 2525 2340 2180 2040 1915 1810 1710 1625 1545
2W330 2950 2695 2480 2300 2145 2005 1885 1780 1685 1595 1520
2W350 2900 2650 2440 2260 2105 1970 1855 1750 1655 1570 1495
2W370 2850 2605 2400 2220 2070 1940 1820 1720 1625 1545 1470
2W400 2800 2560 2355 2185 2035 1905 1790 1690 1595 1515 1440
2W450 2600 2375 2190 2025 1890 1770 1660 1565 1485 1405 1340
2W500 2100 1920 1765 1635 1525 1430 1340 1265 1200 1135 1080
2F300 3000 2745 2530 2345 2185 2045 1925 1815 1720 1630 1555
Single tire

2F330 2950 2700 2485 2305 2150 2010 1890 1785 1690 1605 1525
2F350 2900 2650 2445 2265 2115 1980 1860 1755 1660 1575 1500
2F370 2850 2605 2400 2225 2075 1945 1830 1725 1635 1550 1475
2F400 2750 2515 2320 2150 2005 1875 1765 1665 1575 1495 1425
3F385 2750 2515 2315 2145 2000 1870 1755 1660 1570 1490 1415
3F430 2650 2420 2230 2065 1925 1800 1695 1595 1510 1435 1365
3F475 2550 2330 2145 1990 1850 1735 1630 1535 1455 1380 1315
3F515 1900 1735 1600 1480 1380 1290 1215 1145 1085 1030 980
3F550 1350 1235 1135 1050 980 920 860 815 770 730 695
3F600 800 730 675 625 580 545 510 480 455 435 410
2W300 3000 2740 2525 2340 2180 2040 1915 1810 1710 1625 1545
2W330 3000 2740 2525 2340 2180 2040 1915 1810 1710 1625 1545
2W350 2900 2650 2440 2260 2105 1970 1855 1750 1655 1570 1495
2W370 2850 2605 2400 2220 2070 1940 1820 1720 1625 1545 1470
2W400 2800 2560 2355 2185 2035 1905 1790 1690 1595 1515 1440
2W450 2700 2465 2270 2105 1960 1835 1725 1625 1540 1460 1390
2W500 2600 2375 2190 2025 1890 1770 1660 1565 1485 1405 1340
2F300 3000 2745 2530 2345 2185 2045 1925 1815 1720 1630 1555
2F330 2950 2700 2485 2305 2150 2010 1890 1785 1690 1605 1525
Double tire

2F350 2900 2650 2445 2265 2115 1980 1860 1755 1660 1575 1500
2F370 2850 2605 2400 2225 2075 1945 1830 1725 1635 1550 1475
2F400 2800 2560 2360 2190 2040 1910 1795 1695 1605 1525 1450
3F385 2800 2560 2355 2185 2035 1905 1790 1690 1595 1515 1440
3F430 2700 2465 2270 2105 1960 1835 1725 1625 1540 1460 1390
3F475 2600 2375 2190 2025 1890 1770 1660 1565 1485 1405 1340
3F515 2500 2285 2105 1950 1815 1700 1600 1505 1425 1355 1290
3F550 2400 2195 2020 1870 1745 1630 1535 1445 1370 1300 1235
3F600 2300 2100 1935 1795 1670 1565 1470 1385 1310 1245 1185
3F650 2000 1830 1685 1560 1455 1360 1280 1205 1140 1085 1030
3F700 1700 1555 1430 1325 1235 1155 1085 1025 970 920 875

SH1F1-0 / 04 Mar. '10 1F2-18

Loading Capacity (3.0 ton Model) w/sideshifter
YG1F2M30U, YG1F2A30U

Load Center
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Mast Name
2W300 3000 2740 2525 2340 2180 2040 1915 1810 1710 1625 1545
2W330 3000 2740 2525 2340 2180 2040 1915 1810 1710 1625 1545
2W350 3000 2740 2525 2340 2180 2040 1915 1810 1710 1625 1545
2W370 2950 2695 2480 2300 2145 2005 1885 1780 1685 1595 1520
2W400 2900 2650 2440 2260 2105 1970 1855 1750 1655 1570 1495
2W450 2600 2375 2190 2025 1890 1770 1660 1565 1485 1405 1340
2W500 2100 1920 1765 1635 1525 1430 1340 1265 1200 1135 1080
2F300 3000 2745 2530 2345 2185 2045 1925 1815 1720 1630 1555
Single tire

2F330 3000 2745 2530 2345 2185 2045 1925 1815 1720 1630 1555
2F350 3000 2745 2530 2345 2185 2045 1925 1815 1720 1630 1555
2F370 2950 2700 2485 2305 2150 2010 1890 1785 1690 1605 1525
2F400 2850 2605 2400 2225 2075 1945 1830 1725 1635 1550 1475
3F385 2850 2605 2400 2220 2070 1940 1820 1720 1625 1545 1470
3F430 2750 2515 2315 2145 2000 1870 1755 1660 1570 1490 1415
3F475 2650 2420 2230 2065 1925 1800 1695 1595 1510 1435 1365
3F515 1950 1780 1640 1520 1415 1325 1245 1175 1110 1055 1005
3F550 1400 1280 1180 1090 1015 950 895 845 800 760 720
3F600 850 775 715 660 615 580 545 510 485 460 435
2W300 3000 2740 2525 2340 2180 2040 1915 1810 1710 1625 1545
2W330 3000 2740 2525 2340 2180 2040 1915 1810 1710 1625 1545
2W350 3000 2740 2525 2340 2180 2040 1915 1810 1710 1625 1545
2W370 2950 2695 2480 2300 2145 2005 1885 1780 1685 1595 1520
2W400 2900 2650 2440 2260 2105 1970 1855 1750 1655 1570 1495
2W450 2800 2560 2355 2185 2035 1905 1790 1690 1595 1515 1440
2W500 2700 2465 2270 2105 1960 1835 1725 1625 1540 1460 1390
2F300 3000 2745 2530 2345 2185 2045 1925 1815 1720 1630 1555
2F330 3000 2745 2530 2345 2185 2045 1925 1815 1720 1630 1555
Double tire

2F350 3000 2745 2530 2345 2185 2045 1925 1815 1720 1630 1555
2F370 2950 2700 2485 2305 2150 2010 1890 1785 1690 1605 1525
2F400 2850 2605 2400 2225 2075 1945 1830 1725 1635 1550 1475
3F385 2850 2605 2400 2220 2070 1940 1820 1720 1625 1545 1470
3F430 2750 2515 2315 2145 2000 1870 1755 1660 1570 1490 1415
3F475 2650 2420 2230 2065 1925 1800 1695 1595 1510 1435 1365
3F515 2600 2375 2190 2025 1890 1770 1660 1565 1485 1405 1340
3F550 2500 2285 2105 1950 1815 1700 1600 1505 1425 1355 1290
3F600 2400 2195 2020 1870 1745 1630 1535 1445 1370 1300 1235
3F650 2100 1920 1765 1635 1525 1430 1340 1265 1200 1135 1080
3F700 1700 1555 1430 1325 1235 1155 1085 1025 970 920 875

SH1F1-0 / 04 Mar. '10 1F2-19

Loading Capacity (3.5ton Model) w/sideshifter

Load Center
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Mast Name
2W300 3500 3200 2945 2725 2540 2380 2235 2105 1995 1890 1800
2W330 3450 3150 2900 2690 2505 2345 2205 2075 1965 1865 1775
2W350 3400 3105 2860 2650 2470 2310 2170 2045 1935 1840 1750
2W370 3350 3060 2820 2610 2430 2275 2140 2015 1910 1810 1725
2W400 3250 2970 2735 2535 2360 2210 2075 1955 1850 1755 1670
2W450 2950 2695 2480 2300 2140 2005 1885 1775 1680 1595 1515
2W500 2350 2145 1975 1830 1705 1595 1500 1415 1340 1270 1210
2F300 3500 3200 2950 2735 2550 2385 2245 2115 2005 1900 1810
Single tire

2F330 3450 3155 2905 2695 2510 2350 2210 2085 1975 1875 1785
2F350 3400 3110 2865 2655 2475 2315 2180 2055 1945 1845 1760
2F370 3300 3020 2780 2575 2400 2250 2115 1995 1890 1795 1705
2F400 3150 2880 2655 2460 2295 2145 2020 1905 1805 1710 1630
3F385 3200 2925 2695 2500 2330 2180 2050 1935 1830 1740 1655
3F430 3100 2835 2610 2420 2255 2115 1985 1875 1775 1685 1605
3F475 2950 2700 2485 2305 2145 2010 1890 1785 1690 1600 1525
3F515 2250 2055 1895 1755 1640 1535 1440 1360 1285 1220 1165
3F550 1550 1415 1305 1210 1130 1055 995 935 885 840 800
3F600 950 870 800 740 690 645 610 575 545 515 490
2W300 3500 3200 2945 2725 2540 2380 2235 2105 1995 1890 1800
2W330 3450 3150 2900 2690 2505 2345 2205 2075 1965 1865 1775
2W350 3350 3060 2820 2610 2430 2275 2140 2015 1910 1810 1725
2W370 3300 3015 2775 2570 2395 2240 2105 1985 1880 1785 1700
2W400 3200 2925 2690 2495 2325 2175 2045 1925 1825 1730 1645
2W450 3100 2830 2605 2415 2250 2105 1980 1865 1765 1675 1595
2W500 2850 2605 2395 2220 2070 1935 1820 1715 1625 1540 1465
2F300 3450 3155 2905 2695 2510 2350 2210 2085 1975 1875 1785
2F330 3400 3110 2865 2655 2475 2315 2180 2055 1945 1845 1760
Double tire

2F350 3350 3065 2820 2615 2440 2285 2145 2025 1915 1820 1730
2F370 3300 3020 2780 2575 2400 2250 2115 1995 1890 1795 1705
2F400 3250 2970 2740 2540 2365 2215 2085 1965 1860 1765 1680
3F385 3250 2970 2740 2540 2365 2215 2085 1965 1860 1765 1680
3F430 3100 2835 2610 2420 2255 2115 1985 1875 1775 1685 1605
3F475 3000 2745 2525 2345 2185 2045 1920 1815 1715 1630 1550
3F515 2850 2605 2400 2225 2075 1940 1825 1725 1630 1550 1475
3F550 2800 2560 2360 2185 2040 1910 1795 1695 1600 1520 1445
3F600 2500 2285 2105 1950 1820 1705 1600 1510 1430 1360 1290
3F650 2100 1920 1770 1640 1530 1430 1345 1270 1200 1140 1085
3F700 1700 1555 1430 1330 1235 1160 1090 1030 975 925 880

SH1F1-0 / 04 Mar. '10 1F2-20

Loading Capacity (3.5ton Model) w/sideshifter
YG1F2M35U, YG1F2A35U

Load Center
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Mast Name
2W300 3500 3200 2945 2725 2540 2380 2235 2105 1995 1890 1800
2W330 3500 3200 2945 2725 2540 2380 2235 2105 1995 1890 1800
2W350 3450 3150 2900 2690 2505 2345 2205 2075 1965 1865 1775
2W370 3400 3105 2860 2650 2470 2310 2170 2045 1935 1840 1750
2W400 3300 3015 2775 2570 2395 2240 2105 1985 1880 1785 1700
2W450 3000 2740 2525 2340 2180 2040 1915 1805 1710 1620 1545
2W500 2400 2195 2020 1870 1740 1630 1530 1445 1365 1295 1235
2F300 3500 3200 2950 2735 2550 2385 2245 2115 2005 1900 1810
Single tire

2F330 3450 3155 2905 2695 2510 2350 2210 2085 1975 1875 1785
2F350 3400 3110 2865 2655 2475 2315 2180 2055 1945 1845 1760
2F370 3300 3020 2780 2575 2400 2250 2115 1995 1890 1795 1705
2F400 3200 2925 2695 2500 2330 2180 2050 1935 1830 1740 1655
3F385 3250 2970 2740 2540 2365 2215 2085 1965 1860 1765 1680
3F430 3150 2880 2655 2460 2295 2145 2020 1905 1805 1710 1630
3F475 3000 2745 2525 2345 2185 2045 1920 1815 1715 1630 1550
3F515 2300 2105 1940 1795 1675 1565 1475 1390 1315 1250 1190
3F550 1600 1465 1350 1250 1165 1090 1025 965 915 870 825
3F600 1000 915 840 780 730 680 640 605 570 545 515
2W300 3500 3200 2945 2725 2540 2380 2235 2105 1995 1890 1800
2W330 3500 3200 2945 2725 2540 2380 2235 2105 1995 1890 1800
2W350 3400 3105 2860 2650 2470 2310 2170 2045 1935 1840 1750
2W370 3350 3060 2820 2610 2430 2275 2140 2015 1910 1810 1725
2W400 3250 2970 2735 2535 2360 2210 2075 1955 1850 1755 1670
2W450 3150 2880 2650 2455 2285 2140 2010 1895 1795 1705 1620
2W500 2900 2650 2440 2260 2105 1970 1850 1745 1650 1570 1490
2F300 3500 3200 2950 2735 2550 2385 2245 2115 2005 1900 1810
2F330 3450 3155 2905 2695 2510 2350 2210 2085 1975 1875 1785
Double tire

2F350 3400 3110 2865 2655 2475 2315 2180 2055 1945 1845 1760
2F370 3350 3065 2820 2615 2440 2285 2145 2025 1915 1820 1730
2F400 3300 3020 2780 2575 2400 2250 2115 1995 1890 1795 1705
3F385 3250 2970 2740 2540 2365 2215 2085 1965 1860 1765 1680
3F430 3150 2880 2655 2460 2295 2145 2020 1905 1805 1710 1630
3F475 3050 2790 2570 2380 2220 2080 1955 1845 1745 1655 1575
3F515 2900 2650 2445 2265 2110 1975 1860 1755 1660 1575 1500
3F550 2850 2605 2400 2225 2075 1940 1825 1725 1630 1550 1475
3F600 2600 2375 2190 2030 1890 1770 1665 1570 1490 1410 1345
3F650 2100 1920 1770 1640 1530 1430 1345 1270 1200 1140 1085
3F700 1700 1555 1430 1330 1235 1160 1090 1030 975 925 880

SH1F1-0 / 04 Mar. '10 1F2-21

Truck Weight
Mast P1F2 U1F2 Y1F2
Mast Name
Type 20 20 20
2W300 3365 3365 3490
(Wide View 2W)

2W330 3390 3390 3510

Two Stage

2W350 3410 3410 3535

2W370 3460 3460 3580
2W400 3490 3490 3610
2W450 3530 3530 3650
2W500 3575 3575 3695
2F300 3365 3365 3485
(Full Free 2F)

2F330 3390 3390 3510

Two Stage

2F350 3410 3410 3530

2F370 3450 3450 3570
2F400 3480 3480 3605
2F420 3480 3480 3600
3F385 3520 3520 3645
3F430 3560 3560 3680
(Full Free 3F)
Three Stage

3F475 3595 3595 3715

3F515 3625 3625 3745
3F550 3690 3690 3810
3F600 3735 3735 3855
3F650 <3890> <3890> <4010>
3F700 <3940> <3940> <4060>
Truck weight without mast 2685 2685 2805
Add 95 kg for 20 and 25 double tire models.
Figures in <> are for double tire models.
Mast P1F2 U1F2 Y1F2
Mast name
type 25 25 25
2W300 3730 3730 3850
(Wide View 2W)

2W330 3755 3755 3875

Two Stage

2W350 3775 3775 3895

2W370 3820 3820 3945
2W400 3850 3850 3975
2W450 3895 3895 4015
2W500 3935 3935 4055
2F300 3725 3725 3850
(Full Free 2F)

2F330 3750 3750 3870

Two Stage

2F350 3775 3775 3895

2F370 3815 3815 3935
2F400 3845 3845 3965
2F420 3840 3840 3960
3F385 3885 3885 4005
3F430 3920 3920 4040
(Full Free 3F)
Three Stage

3F475 3955 3955 4075

3F515 3990 3990 4110
3F550 4050 4050 4170
3F600 4095 4095 4215
3F650 <4250> <4250> <4370>
3F700 <4305> <4305> <4425>
Truck weight without mast 3050 3050 3170
Add 95 kg for 20 and 25 double tire models.
Figures in <> are for double tire models.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-22


Mast UG1F2 YG1F2
Mast Name
Type 30 30
2W300 4280 4400
(Wide view 2W)

2W330 4305 4425

Two stage

2W350 4325 4445

2W370 4375 4495
2W400 4410 4530
2W450 4455 4575
2W500 4495 4620
2F300 4295 4415
(Full free 2F)

2F330 4320 4440

Two stage

2F350 4345 4465

2F370 4385 4505
2F400 4415 4540
2F420 4390 4510
3F385 4470 4590
3F430 4510 4630
(Full free 3F)
Three stage

3F475 4545 4665

3F515 4605 4730
3F550 4655 4775
3F600 4720 4840
3F650 <4890> <5010>
3F700 <4945> <5065>
Truck weight without mast 3530 3650
Add 110 kg for 30 double tire models.
Figures in <> are for double tire models.

Mast UG1F2 YG1F2

Mast Name
Type 35 35
2W300 4605 4730
(Wide view 2W)

2W330 4630 4750

Two stage

2W350 4660 4780

2W370 4695 4815
2W400 4740 4860
2W450 4785 4905
2W500 4830 4950
2F300 4635 4755
(Full free 2F)
Two stage

2F330 4660 4780

2F350 4705 4825
2F370 4740 4860
2F400 4785 4905
3F385 4830 4950
3F430 4865 4990
(Full free 3F)
Three stage

3F475 4900 5020

3F515 4965 5085
3F550 5010 5135
3F600 5075 5195
3F650 <5265> <5390>
3F700 <5325> <5445>
Truck weight without mast 3830 3950
Add 125 kg for 35 double tire models.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-23

Additional Truck Weight
■TIRE WEIGHT Unit:kg ■CABIN Unit:kg
Model (Capacity code) Model (Capacity code)
20-25 30 35 20-35

J-lug (Textile) ±0 ±0 ±0 Windshield +20

Solid +60 +65 +75 Canvas Cabin +20
Solid (White/Green) +65 +65 +90 Steel Cabin +150
AirBoss +60 +65 - Air conditioner +180
J-lug (Textile) ±0 ±0 ±0 Heater & Air conditioner +190
Solid +120 +135 +135 Heater +10
Solid (White/Green) +130 +135 +135 Sub guard +15
AirBoss +120 +125 -
J-lug (Textile) ±0 ±0 ±0

Rear Single
Solid +30 +45 +40 ■CARRIAGE & BACKREST Unit:kg
Solid (White/Green) +35 +45 +45 CARRIAGE BACKREST 20-25 30 35
AirBoss +30 +45 - Standard Standard ±0 ±0 ±0
High +5 +5 -
Without Backrest -25 -30 -
■LPG SYSTEM Unit:kg Wide High * +35 +45 +55
Type 20-35 Extra Wide High +55 +60 +70**
Without Tank & Bracket & Hose LPGC +5 * Except ANGLE & WIDE HIGH BACKREST
Tank + Bracket + Hose LPGA +35 ** 2W MAST only
Swing-back Bracket + Hose LPGB +15
Bracket only LPGE +15
Tank + Bracket + Hose LPGF +40 ■SMOOTH-RUN SYSTEM Unit:kg
Swing-open Bracket + hose LPGG +20 Model (Capacity code)
Bracket only LPGH +20
Tank + Bracket + Hose LPGP +45 With Smooth-run System +10
Swing-down Bracket + Hose LPGQ +25 Without Smooth-run System 0
Bracket Only LPGR +25

■FORKS Unit:kg
Model (Capacity code)
20-25 30 35

Without Forks -110 -140 -140

920 -15 - -
1000 -10 - -
1070 ±0 ±0 ±0
Fork Length mm 1150 +0 -5 +5
1220 +20 +15 +15
1370 +20 +25 +20
1520 +60 +40 +40
1620 +65 +50 +40

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-24

Option Availability
●…Standard ○…Option
(P/U)1F2 20-25 Gasoline Y1F2
ECCS ECCS Carburetor Carburetor 20-25
Gasoline Dual Gasoline Dual Diesel
Truck management VCM ● ● ● ● ●
Powertrain Powertrain floating ● ● ● ● ●
ECCS ● ● - - -
Carburetor type - - ● ● -
Speed Selector ○ ○ - - -
Power / Eco Selector ● ● - - -
Corrugated fin type radiator ● ● ● ● ●
Radiator screen ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Radiator Oil cooler (Radiator built-in type) (AT model) ● ● ● ● ●
30% density LLC (Non-amine) ● ● ● ● ●
50% density LLC (Non-amine) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Standard muffler - - ● ● ●
3-way catalytic muffler ● ● - - -
Muffler Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) - - - - ○
Overhead exhaust muffler ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Anti-fire spark muffler (Cyclone) - - - - ○
Super air intake system ● ● ● ● ●
Air cleaner Cyclone air cleaner ● ● ● ● ●
Donaldson-type air cleaner ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
LPG system (Dual fuel)* Tank + Bracket + Hose - ○ - ○ -
Swing-back Bracket + Hose - ○ - ○ -
Swing-open Bracket only - ○ - ○ -
Swing-down Without Tank + Bracket + Hose - ○ - ○ -
Multipurpose warning ● ● ● ● ●
Glow plug indicator - - - - ●
Check engine warning ● ● ● ● -
Oil pressure warning ● ● ● ● ●
Charge warning ● ● ● ● ●
Brake warning ● ● ● ● ●
Seatbelt warning ● ● ● ● ●
Directional indicator ● ● ● ● ●
Fuel & water temperature gauges ● ● ● ● ●
Hour meter ● ● ● ● ●
Multifunctional Clock/calendar ● ● ● ● ●
LCD Meter Speedometer ● ● ● ● ●
Torque converter oil temp. warning ● ● ● ● ●
Water separator warning - - - - ●
Mast lock warning ● ● ● ● ●
A/T power cut-off warning ● ● ● ● ●
LPG fuel warning - ● - ● -
Air cleaner clogging warning ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Radiator water level warning ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
PIN Access ● ● ● ● ●
Self-diagnosis System ● ● ● ● ●
Service Reminder System ● ● ● ● ●
Back-up buzzer ● ● ● ● ●
Warning buzzer
Parking brake warning buzzer ● ● ● ● ●
*Swing-back type is standard.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-25

Option Availability
●…Standard ○…Option
(P/U)1F2 20-25 Gasoline Y1F2
ECCS ECCS Carburetor Carburetor 20-25
Gasoline Dual Gasoline Dual Diesel
Head lights (Without guard) ● ● ● ● ●
Head lights (With guard) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Rear combination lamps ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Rear working lamps ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Turning signal lamps ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Rotating light (Yellow) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Brake Toggle joint type parking brake with warning buzzer ● ● ● ● ●
J-lug tires (Textile) ● ● ● ● ●
Solid tires ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Solid tires (Green/white) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Snow tires ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
AirBoss tires* ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Double tires ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Built-in bolt type disc wheels ● ● ● ● ●
Spare tires (1 for front and 1 for rear) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Rain guard (Vinyl type) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Rain guard (Resin type) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Sub guard ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Canvas cabin ○ - ○ - ○
Windshield ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Steel cabin ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Damper stay for top panel opening ● ● ● ● ●
Top panel lock ● ● ● ● ●
Rearview mirrors (Both sides) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Heater ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Restraint seat with suspension ● ● ● ● ●
Without seat ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
2W mast ● ● ● ● ●
2F mast ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
3F mast ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Without mast ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tilt cylinder cover ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tilt cylinder boot ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Mast tilt gauge ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tilt Leveling System ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Standard carriage ● ● ● ● ●
Wide carriage ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Extra wide carriage for tire chain ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Carriage & Standard backrest ● ● ● ● ●
Backrest High backrest (ANSI) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Wide & high backrest (ANSI) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Extra wide & high backrest (ANSI) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Without backrest ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Long fork** ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Fork Extension fork ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Without fork ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Small-diameter steering wheel with tilt adjustment ● ● ● ● ●
Steering system
Steering synchronizer ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
*AirBoss tire is registered by AirBoss® of Australia.
**Refer to Fork Availability.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-26

Option Availability
●…Standard ○…Option
(P/U)1F2 20-25 Gasoline Y1F2
ECCS ECCS Carburetor Carburetor 20-25
Gasoline Dual Gasoline Dual Diesel
Hydraulic control 2 spool valve ● ● ● ● ●
3 spool valve ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
4 spool valve ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
5 spool valve ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Electric control 2 spool valve ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Electric control 3 spool valve ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Electric control 4 spool valve ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Single control lever ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Double control leveer ● ● ● ● ●
FINGERTIP control (Single type)* ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
FINGERTIP control (Double type)* ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
3 spool piping to carriage ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
4 spool piping to carriage ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Quick release type piping connector ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Smooth-run system ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tool kit ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tool kit
Tool kit with jack ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Special color ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Rustproof specification ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Dustproof specification ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Special application
Low noise specification ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Cold area specification ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tropical area specification ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
English ● ● ● ● ●
German ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
French ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Spanish ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Side shift ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Hinged fork (Single/dual) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Load stabilizer (Standard/short) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Attachment Rotating fork ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Shaft type fork positioner (Individual/simultaneous) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Roll clamp ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Input bucket (Pointed/flat) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
*Available on 2.0 to 2.5 ton models with 2W or 3F mast.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-27

Option Availability
●…Standard ○…Option
UG1F2 30-35 Gasoline YG1F2
ECCS ECCS Carburetor Carburetor 30-35
Gasoline Dual Gasoline Dual Diesel
Truck management VCM ● ● ● ● ●
Powertrain Power train floating ● ● ● ● ●
ECCS ● ● - - -
Carburetor type - - ● ● -
Speed Selector ○ ○ - - -
POWER / ECO Selector ● ● - - -
Corrugated fin type radiator ● ● ● ● ●
Radiator screen ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Radiator Oil cooler (Radiator built-in type) (AT model) ● ● ● ● ●
30% density LLC (Non-amine) ● ● ● ● ●
50% density LLC (Non-amine) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Standard muffler - - ● ● ●
3-way catalytic muffler ● ● - - -
Muffler Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) - - - - ○
Overhead exhaust muffler ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Anti-fire spark muffler (Cyclone) - - - - ○
Super air intake system ● ● ● ● ●
Air cleaner Cyclone air cleaner ● ● ● ● ●
Donaldson-type air cleaner ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
LPG system (Dual fuel)* Tank + Bracket + Hose - ○ - ○ -
Swing-back Bracket + Hose - ○ - ○ -
Swing-open Bracket only - ○ - ○ -
Swing-down Without Tank + Bracket + Hose - ○ - ○ -
Multipurpose warning ● ● ● ● ●
Glow plug indicator - - - - ●
Check engine warning ● ● ● ● -
Oil pressure warning ● ● ● ● ●
Charge warning ● ● ● ● ●
Brake warning ● ● ● ● ●
Seatbelt warning ● ● ● ● ●
Directional indicator ● ● ● ● ●
Fuel & water temperature gauges ● ● ● ● ●
Hour meter ● ● ● ● ●
Multifunctional Clock/calendar ● ● ● ● ●
LCD Meter Speedometer ● ● ● ● ●
Torque converter oil temp. warning ● ● ● ● ●
Water separator warning - - - - ●
Mast lock warning ● ● ● ● ●
A/T power cut-off warning ● ● ● ● ●
LPG fuel warning - ● - ● -
Air cleaner clogging warning ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Radiator water level warning ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
PIN Access ● ● ● ● ●
Self-diagnosis System ● ● ● ● ●
Service Reminder System ● ● ● ● ●
Back-up buzzer ● ● ● ● ●
Warning buzzer
Parking brake warning buzzer ● ● ● ● ●
*Swing-back type is standard.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-28

Option Availability
●…Standard ○…Option
UG1F2 30-35 Gasoline YG1F2
ECCS ECCS Carburetor Carburetor 30-35
Gasoline Dual Gasoline Dual Diesel
Head lights (Without guard) ● ● ● ● ●
Head lights (With guard) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Rear combination lamps ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Rear working lamps ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Turning signal lamps ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Rotating light (Yellow) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Brake Toggle joint type parking brake with warning buzzer ● ● ● ● ●
J-lug tires (Textile) ● ● ● ● ●
Solid tires ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Solid tires (Green/white) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Snow tires ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
AirBoss tires* ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Double tires ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Built-in bolt type disc wheels ● ● ● ● ●
Spare tires (1 for front and 1 for rear) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Rain guard (Vinyl type) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Rain guard (Resin type) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Sub guard - - - - -
Canvas cabin ○ - ○ - ○
Windshield ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Steel cabin ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Damper stay for top panel opening ● ● ● ● ●
Top panel lock ● ● ● ● ●
Rearview mirrors (Both sides) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Heater ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Restraint seat with suspension ● ● ● ● ●
Without seat ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
2W mast** ● ● ● ● ●
2F mast ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
3F mast ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Without mast ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tilt cylinder cover ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tilt cylinder boot ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Mast tilt gauge ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tilt Leveling System ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Standard carriage ● ● ● ● ●
Wide carriage ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Extra wide carriage for tire chain ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Carriage & Standard backrest ● ● ● ● ●
Backrest High backrest (ANSI) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Wide & high backrest (ANSI) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Extra wide & high backrest (ANSI) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Without backrest ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Long fork*** ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Fork Extension fork ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Without fork ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Small-diameter steering wheel with tilt adjustment ● ● ● ● ●
Steering system
Steering synchronizer ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
*AirBoss tire is registered by AirBoss® of Australia. This option is not available for 3.5 ton model.
**3.5 ton model is 2-stage inner chain wide view mast.
***Refers to Fork Availability.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-29

Option Availability
●…Standard ○…Option
UG1F2 30-35 Gasoline YG1F2
ECCS ECCS Carburetor Carburetor 30-35
Gasoline Dual Gasoline Dual Diesel
2 spool valve ● ● ● ● ●
3 spool valve ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
4 spool valve ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
5 spool valve ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Electric control 2 spool valve - - - - -
Electric control 3 spool valve - - - - -
Electric control 4 spool valve - - - - -
Hydraulic control Single control lever ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Double control leveer ● ● ● ● ●
FINGERTIP control (Single type)* - - - - -
FINGERTIP control (Double type)* - - - - -
3 spool piping to carriage ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
4 spool piping to carriage ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Quick release type piping connector ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Smooth-run system ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tool kit ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tool kit
Tool kit with jack ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Special application Special color ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Rustproof specification ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Dustproof specification ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Low noise specification ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Cold area specification ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tropical are specification ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
English ● ● ● ● ●
German ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
French ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Spanish ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Side shift ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Hinged fork (Single/dual)** ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Load stabilizer (Standard/short)*** ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Attachment Rotating fork ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Shaft type fork positioner (Individual/simultaneous) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Roll clamp ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Input bucket (Pointed/flat) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
*Available on 2.0 to 2.5 ton models with 2W or 3F mast.
**Dual type is available on 2.0 and 2.5 ton models.
***Not available for 3.5 ton models.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-30

Fork Availability

Model 1F2
Length (mm) 20-25 30 35
Without Forks ○ ○ ○
920 ○ - -
1000 ○ - -
1070 ● ● ●
1150 ○ ○ ○
1220 ○ ○ ○
1370 ○ ○ ○
1520 ○ ○ ○
1200 ○ ○ ○
1300 ○ ○ ○
1500 ○ ○ ○
Extension Fork 1600 ○ ○ ○
1700 ○ ○ ○
1800 ○ ○ ○
2000 ○ ○ ○

Fork Dimensions
Width [W] x Thickness [T] mm
20-25 30 35
All Length 122 x 40 122 x 45 122 x 45

Carriage & Backrest Dimensions

1F2 G1F2 1F2 G1F2
20-25 30-35 20-25 30-35
Class Class
Class Standard 1005 1095
**Number of Rollers High
6 6 1215 1310
(Number of side rollers not included) Backrest Backrest
Height [H] Wide & High
Standard 1020 1020 1215 1310
Carriage mm Backrest
Width Extra Wide & High
Wide 1335 1335 1215 1310
[W] Backrest
mm Standard &
*Extra Wide *1550 1550 1045 1045
Backrest High Backrest
width [L] Wide & High
Standard 1005 1005 1360 1360
Max. Fork mm Backrest
Spread Extra Wide & High
Wide 1320 1320 1575 1575
mm Backrest

*Extra Wide 1535 1535 Plate Thickness [T] mm 12 12

* Two stage mast (2W) only

** Except for three stage mast (3F).
Numbers of rollers for three stage mast are 4 pieces only.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-31

Tire Size
●…Standard ○…Option
Model 1F2
Tire 20-25 30 35
Tire size (STD) 7.00-12-12PR(I) 28 x 9-15-12PR(I) 250-15-16PR(I)
Rim size (STD) 5.00S x 12DT 7.00T x 15IRA 7.00T x 15IRA
J-lug (Textile) ● ● ●

Snow Tire ○ ○ ○
7.00-12 28 x 9-15

AirBoss Tire -
○ ○
7.00-12 28 x 9-15 250-15
Solid Tire*
○ ○ ○

Tire Size (STD) 7.00-12-12PR(I) 28 x 8-15-12PR(I) 28 x 9-15-12PR(I)

INR 5.00S x 12DT
Rim Size (STD) 6.00S x 15IRA 7.00T x 15IRA
OTR 5.00S x 12TB
J-lug (Textile) ○ ○ ○

Snow Tire ○ ○ ○

AirBoss Tire - -

7.00-12 7.00-15 28 x 9-15
Solid Tire*
○ ○ ○
Tire Size (STD) 6.00-9-10PR(I) 6.50-10-10PR(I) 6.50-10-12PR(I)
Rim Size (STD) 4.00E x 9DT 5.00F x 10DT 5.00F x 10TB
J-lug textile ● ● ●

Snow Tire ○ ○ ○

6.00-9 6.50-10

AirBoss Tire -
○ ○
6.00-9 6.50-10 6.50-10
Solid Tire*
○ ○ ○
*Green/white color solid tires are included.

Tool Options
8 x 10 ○
Wrench 12 x 14 ○
Tool kit
14 x 17 ○
Screwdrivers ○
Wheel nut wrench ○
Tool bag ○
Jack ○*
*Jack is available by separate request.

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-32

Unit Specification
Model K21
ECCS ECCS Dual Carburetor Carburetor
Gasoline Gasoline/LPG Gasoline Gasoline/LPG
Cycle 4
Type 4 cylinder in-line OHV
Displacement c㎥ 2065
Bore x Stroke mm 89 x 83
Compression ratio 8.7
Air cleaner Cyclone type, dry element
Pneumatic type
(Specified speed range control)
Oil filter Cartridge type
Oil pump Gear type
Electronic fuel injection type
Injection pump -
Fuel pump Diaphragm type
Water pump Centrifuge type
Radiator Corrugated fin
Battery 12V-27AH
Alternator 12V-50AH
Starter motor 12V-1.2kw (Conventional type)
Torque converter type 3-element, 1-stage, 2-phase
Automatic Constant mesh, Power shift, One forward, One reverse speed.
Transmission type
With neutral start switch. Wet multi-disc hydraulic clutch.
Clutch type Single, dry friction disc
Manual Full synchromesh, two speeds
Transmission type
forward and reverse
Type Fully hydrostatic power steering
Steering unit ORBITROL
Power cylinder Mounted on steering axle
Steering wheel Tilting type
Type Propeller shaft type
Final gear Hypoid gear
Type Center pin system
Suspension system Rubber bushing mounted
Service brake Hydraulic, Duo-servo with auto-adjuster. Operates on drive wheels
Parking brake Dead point lock type, Mechanically operates on drive wheels
Frame structure Integral, All welded frame
Overhead guard Strength conforms to ISO, ANSI standards
Fuel tank 2.0-2.5 ton:63 liters
Hydraulic oil tank 45 liters upper limit on level gauge
Hydraulic oil pump Gear type, used for hoisting and power steering
Control valve Sectional type with tilt lock valve
Lift cylinder MC/FTC Without flow regulator valve / With flow regulator valve
Oil filter 150 mesh suction filter, 20 micron filter on the return circuit
Mast All roller mast, Grease sealed roller bearing
Forks Forged alloy steel, Hook type, Conforms to ITA standards
Directional indicator / Fuel & water temperature gauge / Hour meter /
Gauge & meter (LCD) Clock/calendar / Speedometer / Torque converter oil temperature warning /
Mast lock warning / A/T power cut-off warning / LPG fuel warning /
Multipurpose warning / Check engine warning / Oil pressure warning /
Warning lamp (LED)
Charge warning / Brake warning / Seatbelt warning
Switch & knob Lighting switch / Starter switch

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-33

Unit Specification
Model K25
ECCS ECCS Dual Carburetor Carburetor
Gasoline Gasoline/LPG Gasoline Gasoline/LPG
Cycle 4
Type 4 cylinder in-line OHV
Displacemen c㎥ 2488
Bore x Stroke mm 89 x 100
Compression ratio 8.7
Air cleaner Cyclone type, dry element
Pneumatic type
- (Specified speed range control)
Oil filter Cartridge type
Oil pump Gear type
Electronic fuel injection type
Injection pump -
Fuel pump Diaphragm type
Water pump Centrifuge type
Radiator Corrugated fin
Battery 12V-27AH
Alternator 12V-50AH
Starter motor 12V-1.2kw (Conventional type)
Torque converter type 3-element, 1-stage, 2-phase
Automatic Constant mesh, Power shift, One forward, One reverse speed.
Transmission type
With neutral start switch. Wet multi-disc hydraulic clutch.
Clutch type Single, dry friction disc
Manual Full synchromesh, two speeds
Transmission type
forward and reverse
Type Fully hydrostatic power steering
Steering unit ORBITROL
Power cylinder Mounted on steering axle
Steering wheel Tilting type
Type Propeller shaft type
Final gear Hypoid gear
Type Center pin system
Suspension system Rubber brushing mounted
Service brake Hydraulic, Duo-servo with auto-adjuster. Operates on drive wheels
Parking brake Dead point lock type, Mechanically operates on drive wheels
Frame structure Integral, All welded frame
Overhead guard Strength conforms to ISO, ANSI standards
Fuel tank 2.0-2.5 ton: 63 liters 3.0-3.5 ton: 69 liters
Hydraulic oil tank 2 ton: 45 liters 3 ton: 50 liters upper limit on level gauge
Hydraulic oil pump Gear type, used for hoisting and power steering
Control valve Sectional type with tilt lock valve
Lift cylinder MC/FTC Without flow regulator valve / With flow regulator valve
Oil filter 150 mesh suction filter, 20 micron filter on the return circuit
Mast All roller mast, Grease sealed roller bearing
LOADING SYSTEM Carriage 2.0-2.5 ton: Class II 3.0-3.5 ton: Class III
Forks Forged alloy steel, Hook type, Conforms to ITA standards
Directional indicator / Fuel & water temperature gauge / Hour meter /
Gauge & meter (LCD) Clock/calendar / Speedometer / Torque converter oil temperature warning /
Mast lock warning / A/T power cut-off warning / LPG fuel warning /
Multipurpose warning / Check engine warning / Oil pressure warning /
Warning lamp (LED)
Charge warning / Brake warning / Seatbelt warning
Switch & knob Lighting switch/Starter switch

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-34

Unit Specification
Model QD32
Classification Diesel
Cycle 4
Type 4 cylinder in-line OHV
Displacemen c㎥ 3153
Bore x Stroke mm 99.2 x 102
Compression ratio 22
Air cleaner Cyclone type, dry element
Governor Mechanical type
Oil filter Cartridge type
Oil pump Gear type
Injection pump VE type
Fuel pump -
Water pump Centrifuge type
Radiator Corrugated fin
Battery 12V-64AH
Alternator 12V-60AH
Starter motor 12V-2.8kw (Reduction type)
Torque converter type 3-element, 1-stage, 2-phase
Automatic Constant mesh, Power shift, One forward, One reverse speed.
Transmission type
With neutral start switch. Wet multi-disc hydraulic clutch.
Clutch type Single, dry friction disc
Manual Full synchromesh, two speeds
Transmission type
forward and reverse
Type Fully hydrostatic power steering
Steering unit ORBITROL
Power cylinder Mounted on steering axle
Steering wheel Tilting type
Type Propeller shaft type
Final gear Hypoid gear
Type Center pin system
Suspension system Rubber bushing mounted
Service brake Hydraulic, Duo-servo with auto-adjuster. Operates on drive wheels
Parking brake Dead point lock type, Mechanically operates on drive wheels
Frame structure Integral, All welded frame
Overhead guard Strength conforms to ISO, ANSI standards
Fuel tank 2.0-2.5 ton: 63 liters 3.0-3.5 ton: 69 liters
Hydraulic oil tank 2 ton: 45 liters 3 ton: 50 liters upper limit on level gauge
Hydraulic oil pump Gear type, used for hoisting and power steering
Control valve Sectional type with tilt lock valve
Lift cylinder MC/FTC Without flow regulator valve / With flow regulator valve
Oil filter 150 mesh suction filter, 20 micron filter on the return circuit
Mast All roller mast, Grease sealed roller bearing
LOADING SYSTEM Carriage 2.0-2.5 ton: Class II 3.0-3.5 ton: Class III
Forks Forged alloy steel, Hook type, Conforms to ITA standards
Directional indicator / Fuel & water temperature gauge / Hour meter /
Gauge & meter (LCD) Clock/calendar / Speedometer / Torque converter oil temperature warning /
Mast lock warning / A/T power cut-off warning / Water separator warning /
Multipurpose warning / Glow plug indicator / Oil pressure warning /
Warning lamp (LED)
Charge warning / Brake warning / Seatbelt warning
Switch & knob Lighting switch / Starter switch

SH1F2-0 / 31 Aug. '07 1F2-35

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