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Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Management Management Management Management Information Information Information Information Systems Systems Systems Systems
Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Management Management Management Management Information Information Information Information Systems Systems Systems Systems
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There is no current use for this option at this time.
Print Setup
The Print Setup Option allows to select the Print that you would like to Print to.
All the printers that are currently setup in Windows 95, 98, or NT can be selected at any time. If you
have a Fax Modem with the proper software loaded you may also fax a print out to a selected fax
The Exit selection will exit the application and close down Hotel Management Information Systems.
Add Reservation
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The first selection is Add Reservation.. Selecting this option will display the Room Reservation
screen. The automatic reservation number will be incremented and displayed for you as you
complete the reservation. ALL raised headings represent pop-up selections you may mouse click
TRAVEL AGENT, AND MARKET CODE are all selection drop downs for your quick selection entry
of these key entry fields.
Room Information
Arrival Date
Date: is the arrival date of the guest or group and will be entered in mm/dd/yy format for
US version only. To expedite the arrival date, an on-screen calendar can be selected by clicking
the mouse button on the ARRIVAL heading heading. Then by using the arrow or keys or clicking on the
date, you can click on the proper date. You can toggle the Date POP-up off and on by clicking on
the ARRIVAL heading or clicking on the Calendar Close button.
# nights
nights:, which is the number of nights that this reservation is being made for. Click on the (-) or
(+) button to decrease or increase the length of a reservation.
Depart. Date: is the departing date or check-out date of the guest or guests. This date will be
displayed automatically depending on the number of nights that had been previously entered
above. The day of the week will also be displayed for both the arrival (check-in) and departure
(check-out) dates entered.
Arrv. time
time:, will be selected next and this will be the time of the day the guest is checking in. The
format for the time will be hh:mm xx, which stands for hours:minutes and AM or PM, depending
on morning arrival, or afternoon and evening arrivals. Click on the down arrow to select the
correct check-in time.
Unit Type
Type: entry will be the type of room that is being requested. These room types and
associated rates have already been setup. If you would like to display the available room types on
the dates requested you would click the mouse button on the UNIT TYPE heading. This would
display all the available rooms and rates for the dates requested. Choosing the room type is as
easy as scrolling up or down with the arrow keys and double-clicking the Room Type or by
pressing the enter key. Using the UNIT TYPE Drop Down List will also help you to check the
actual number of units available for the dates requested, for each type of unit type.
Set default room type - in the Unit Type drop down allows you to set a default room type when
entering reservations. This is a nice feature for Properties that have only one unit type or for
properties that may be entering many new reservations and this helps save a few steps in the unit
type selection process.
Clear - the Unit Type default will be cleared.
Close - to close the drop down unit type selection
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UNIT TYPE Bed Icon - The Bed Icon next to the UNIT TYPE heading gives you a complete list of
all unit types and units available for a specific date range. You can filter, sort, and Print these
results. This feature is similar to the room chart in its functionality during the reservation process.
Click the retrieve button once you have entered your date ranges, etc. and you can quickly find the
units that are available for your guests interests. The start and end date ranges default to the
arrival and departure dates you entered in the reservation add screen.
Once you see a Unit number you would like to select, double click on that unit no. line and the unit
will be selected and return you to the add reservation entry screen. The system will warn you of the
Unit Type and unit no. you are selecting since you may be selecting a different unit type as well.
The Print button will print a list of all the units in your selection criteria.
The Close button allows you to close this selection screen, and continue with adding a new
There are many ways to select and setup new reservations. HMIS encourages you to try all
features in the system to see what works best for your daily operations.
Tax Exempt
Exempt: will be Clicked or Checked off if there are no taxes. Taxes will not be posted for this
reservation at time of check-in. The default is to Post taxes.
Guarantee: Guarantee field represents a reservation that a deposit has been received for (and/or)
the room number is guaranteed.
Day, Week, Month, Pkg, Pkg-D check boxes can be clicked on to setup the type of rate that will
post to the Guests Folios. You may Post once a day, once a week, or once a month. Pkg will post
1 time only, and Pkg-D will post 1 time only with detail lines for the charges that are setup for that
package selection
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UNIT NO: is the UNIT # that will actually be reserved for the Reservation. By clicking the mouse
button, all UNIT numbers available for the selected Unit type of dates requested will be displayed.
Choosing a room or unit from the available units displayed may depend on the status or
description about that room, number of beds, what floor, condition of room, repairs pending,
phone, portable bar, etc. All this information about a room can be set up temporarily or
permanently. The description or characteristics of a room can always be modified. Double click
the room/unit you would like to select. Selecting a Unit is not required when entering a new
Guest Type
Type: entry will be the type of guest that is checking in. These guest types have already
been setup in Setup, Guest Type Maintenance setup in the Setup Menu Menu. If you would like to
display the available guest types on the system you would press -click the mouse button on
the Guest Type heading. This would display all the Guest Types. Using the Guest type is not
required, however for managing reports and marketing it will be helpful to track Guest History
information by Guest Types.
Adult/child: / question refers to the number of adults and children checking in. The format
will be for example 2/1, which will stand for 2 adults and 1 child. The total number of adults in a
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room can have additional charges added to the daily rate. This can be setup in Room/Rate
Maintenance, in Setup
Rate: entry field represents the 1 night rate of the type of room chosen. By clicking the mouse
button you will be able to display the different rates set up for that room type. By selecting the
correct rate and pressing the enter key or clicking on the Rate Type the accepted rate will be
displayed in the Rate: field. Once you Select a Rate from the Rate List you have activated the
Rate Table. Activating the Rate Table controls and protects Rates from being changed. If you
would like to override a rate after selecting from the rate drop down you must re-select the Rate
Type first, this will clear out the rate table activation and allow you to manually enter a rate for that
Discount: field represents a discount for the Reservation. This discount can be group rates,
special promotions, or guest discounts known in advance. Enter the discount amount in Amount of
Discount per Night. (Optional). If you would like to enter a % discount then click on the DISC
heading and a discount calculation pop-up screen will allow you to enter 10% and then click
calculate to display the discounted amount. Last, click the return button to exit the calculation pop-
up and automatically have the discount amount entered into the DISC amount.
Misc. Acct: field represents a Miscelaneous Charges. Click the mouse button to Select from a list
of Charges. This is not required for Additional Charge postings, but if used will give you Detail
information of the type of Misc charge that will post.(Optional)
Misc. Amt
Amt: is the Rate per Night of any additional charges that are recognized at the time of the
booking. For example, extra beds, limousine service, special dinning plans, or group trips through
the hotel guest services, etc.(Optional)
Reservation Total: field will display the total amount for 1 Reservation for the nights reserved.
(display only)
Group Total: Will display the Total of a group reservation.(display only)
Total Room: field is an automatic display field. The Total room amount for the reservation.. The
Total room revenue will display automatically for the entire Reservation.(display only)
Total Tax: field is an automatic display field. The Tax Rates were set up in Property setup.. The
Tax amount will display automatically for the entire Reservation. (Display only).
Guest Information
Guest Last Name: If the guest has visited the property in the past and consequently has an
Account set up on the Guest Tracker system there is no need to reenter the guest information.
By clicking the mouse button on Last Name heading you can display all accounts in
alphabetical order by last name, starting with 1 letter or letters you have partially entered in the
Last Name
Name. It is important to enter only a few letters from the last name. If they have not stayed
with you before and you do not see their name in the popup list, then Click on the CLOSE Button to
escape and continue entering the last name, first name, address, phone, and so on. You may also
click on the CLEAR GUEST button. This will clear the Guest Information only to start fresh.
Once a Guest is selected or entered for the first time you can enter guest notes about the Guest.
By clicking on Notes button, a Notes Windows will display and prompt the user to enter any
pertinent information about the reservation or guest. Previous guest notes from that guest will
also appear if they exist. When you are done entering guest notes press the NOTES button
again to save your guest notes.
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Company: If the guest has an established relationship with the property the Guest will
consequently have a Direct Bill Account set up on the Guest Tracker system. By clicking the
mouse button you can display all Direct Bill Accounts in alphabetical order by Company name,
starting with 1 letter or letters you have partially entered in the Company NameName. At the time of
check out the system will allow you to post an Invoice to this Direct Bill Account.
Guest E-mail: Enter the Guest e-mail to enable you to e-mail confirmation letters or any custom
letter to the Guest. Also, to build an e-mail Database for off season marketing through your e-mail
database of Guest accounts.
Billing Information
Card Type
Type: field only needs to entered if the guest is reserving the rooms or room by credit card. If
a deposit is being mailed in via cash, check or money order this entry can be left blank.
Name - card holder
holder: will be entered with the exact name as it would appear on the credit card.
Card #: will be the credit card number exactly as printed on the credit card.
Exp Date: is the expiration date on the credit card. This date will be in the format of (month/year),
ex. 10/02.
Deposit / Payment
Amount: field will be the amount of deposit due prior to check-in for that reservation.
Account: is the G/L account to track Deposits by Acct # for accounting reports.. By clicking the
mouse button a window of deposit accounts will be displayed. Your unique deposit accounts may
be set up in G/L Accounts. For example, Deposit Amex, Visa, Mastercard, Cash, Check, etc.
Date: will represent the date the deposit is due in order to confirm the reservation. This date will
be used in the Deposit Due report. This date can be overwritten with any date you chose.
Post Deposit: will indicate whether or not the deposit has been received and the Reservation is
confirmed at the time of making the reservation. The room deposit will be posted and credited to
the Guest Folio. In this case check off Post Deposit at the bottom of the screen.
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Settlement: filed is an optional field for billing arrangements for checkin or checkout. The
settlement amount will display the Balance Due during check in, considering the deposit received
thus far.
Travel Agent: field is to select a Travel agent. To select a Travel agent by clicking the mouse
button on the Travel Agent heading a Drop Down List will Display all Travel Agents. To track travel
agents business use this field to enter the correct Travel Agent.
Market Code: field is to select a Market Code Type. To select a Market Type click the mouse
button on the Market Code heading and a Drop Down List will Display all Market Codes from
SETUP. To track business by Market Type this field should be entered. (Optional).
Vehicle Information
License / Model / Make: To enter information about a Vehicle you will. The License, Model, and
Make of the Vehicle will be entered here.
ADD Button:
A last pop up screen will display the details of the reservation and ask “Add Reservation Yes or
No. This will be your last chance to review the details of the reservation before writing it. If you
enter “N” the system will return to the reservation screen for any changes.
If you click on YES the system will write the reservation.
If you entered Deposit information and checked off Post Deposit the system will prompt you to
Print a Letter from a list of letters you have pre-defined.
At this point the system will reset for the next reservation to be entered. If you would like to Close
the Add Reservation, click on the CLOSE button in the bottom right hand corner.
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that displays “Click here to Add current reservation to Group Queue”. Then that 1st block will
display in the Group Queue. Tip * - before clicking group Queue, enter the Guest Name information
since the Group Queue Display will block the Guest name information. Make sure the last entry of
a group is on the main reservation screen and not in the group queue.
Add to Group: This button will be used if you need to add a reservation to an existing group
reservation. Once you select this feature a list of all existing Group leaders and their reservations
will pop up. Select the Group you would like to add to.
Split Resrv: If you have a reservation that will require a room change during the stay or a Package
rate + additional nights this box will be checked to allow you to create 2 reservations that are linked
together as 1 reservation under that Guest. Once you complete the first part of the reservation, the
system will automatically bring up a new reservation screen ready to enter the second part of the
reservation. The arrival date will be the departure date of the first part and the room type, room,
and rate can be a different selection.
Add-To-Group: This is used for entering and adding a to an existing Group reservation. This
feature allows you to select the Group from a pop-up list, and then a single reservation to it. The
reservation will be connected to the Group for Confirmations and Check-In’s.
ADD: The Add button is clicked when you are ready to Add the reservation. If there was a required
field the system will prompt you with fields in red to be entered. There are only a few required fields.
Dates, Guest name and city, ST, and room type.
Calculate Balance: Calculates amount difference between Reservation total and deposits
received so far.
Print - Letter: You will automatically have an option to print a confirmation letter when you have
added the reservation. In Update Reservation you will have the option to Print more that 1 letter
with the Print Letter option. Also, you may print our standard letters built into the system or custom
Word documents custom designed with MS Word.
Wait List: You can Wait List a reservation if there are no room types left of the requested room
type by the Guest. The Waiting List reservation allow you to build up a Waiting List. The system will
prompt you that it is adding a Waiting List reservation. You can later turn a waiting list reservation
into a active reservation in the Rsrv Menu, then Wait List option. You can then select a Wait List
reservation from there.
Close: If you would like to Close the Add reservation program at any time prior to Adding the
reservation you may click on the Close button.
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INTRODUCTION: Group reservation is used to link multiple reservations under a common group leader,
which may or may not be staying at the hotel. The leader could be a guest or a company that will be direct
billed and invoiced through account receivable (A/R).
SIMPLE group will have the same length or stay, unit type and rate type.
COMPLEX will have guest members with different units and rate types.
• Enter the arrival and departure dates of the group.
• Click on the ‘UNIT TYPE’ button and the pop up window will appear which will enable you to
determine how many units are available for each unit type.
• Select the unit type that will be used for the group by double clicking your selection.
• Now click on the ‘Rate’ button and select the rate that will be used or if you are not using a pre-set rate
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• Click on the check box: ‘Group Reserv.’ a check mark will appear and a message will be displayed: Will
the group consist of differing Unit type and rates? For simple group select ‘NO’.
• After selecting ‘NO’, another box will appear “Bill To Group Leader?” ‘Group leader accepting
charges?’ If your group leader is accepting all or most of their group members, select ‘YES’ otherwise
select ‘NO’.
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• A small box will appear at the top right corner of the screen indicating whether you have chosen to
charge the Group Leader or not.
Notice where the unit number displayed now reads: ‘TOTAL UNITS’ (in red) with a drop down box.
• Select the drop down arrow and pick the number of units that will be needed to the already selected unit
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• Select the ‘ADD GROUP’ button located at the bottom of the screen.
Select ‘Yes’ to the pop up window if the number of confirmation displaying is correct. ‘No’, if not correct.
If ‘YES’, a few pop up windows for printing reports may appear, leading back to a blank ADD
• Enter the arrival and departure dates of the group.
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• Click on the ‘UNIT TYPE’ button and the pop up window will appear.
This will enable you to determine how many units are available for each unit type. Make sure you have
enough units available in each one that is chosen.
• Select one of the unit types that will be used for the group by double clicking your selection.
Notice that only one unit type is selected for now.
• Click on the ‘Rate’ button and select the rate that will be used or if you are not using a pre-set rate just
type the rate you want.
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• Now find the ‘Select’ button at the bottom of the screen, look to the left of it and find a check box.
• Click on the check box: ‘Group Reserv.’ a check mark will appear and a message will be displayed:
‘Will the group consist of differing unit types and rates?’ For COMPLEX group select ‘YES’.
• After selecting ‘YES’ another box will appear ‘Bill to Group Leader?’ ‘Group leader accepting
If your group leader is accepting all or most of their group members, select ‘YES’ otherwise select ‘NO’.
• Once ‘YES’ is selected to ‘Use Group Queue’ than a queue will appear with ten rows for different unit
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types to be entered.
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• Select the ‘UNIT TYPE’ button again and select your second unit type.
Pick the accurate number of total units needed and change the rate that is desired for your new unit type
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• If these two ‘UNIT TYPE’ contain all the units that you need for your group than Select ‘ADD GROUP’
at the bottom of the screen.
• Select ‘Yes’ to the pop up window if the number of confirmation displaying is correct. ‘No’, if not
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• If ‘YES’, a few pop up windows for printing reports may appear, leading back to a blank ADD
reservation screen.
• After creating the group reservation, all group members should be updated with the correct guest first
and last name, city and state, after selecting NEW GUEST button found in either their reservation or
check in screen.
• Printing a confirmation letter from a group leader will contain the break down of the total group
reservation. Confirmation letters printed from the guest members will only display their specific
• After creating a Group, the member’s billed to group leader option always be changed by checking or
unchecking this option found above the rate.
Update Reservation
The only 2 differences between Adding a Reservation and Updating a Reservation is you must
first select a Reservation that exists in Update Reservation. The 2nd added feature when you have
selected an existing reservation is the FOLIO * UPDATE bar the middle of the screen between the
Guest information and the Billing information. This bar when clicked on will open the Folio Billing /
Deposits posted thus far. Here you can make adjustments and additional postings including
payments, charges, etc.
When first selecting the UPDATE Reservation a list of existing Reservations will be displayed in
Arrival Date Order.
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To limit the search, enter the first few letters of the Guests Last Name and Click on Retrieve.
To further limit the Search, enter the Arrival Date of the Guest, and click on Retrieve.
Or, enter the Reservation Number and click on the Retrieve Button.
Use the Update Reservation Program to Post deposits. Click on the Post Deposits Button and the
system will post deposit receipt information to the Guests Folio.
Click on Print Letter to Print a Confirmation Letter. Make sure you have posted Deposit
information first!
After clicking on Update, the system will prompt you on your changes. Update Reservation, Yes
or No?
UPDATE: To update the changes you have made to the reservation selected. Or to post the
deposit amount just received.
Calculate Balance: Calculates amount difference between Reservation total and deposits
received so far.
Print Letter: You will automatically have an option to print a confirmation letter when you have
added the reservation. In Update Reservation you will have the option to Print more that 1 letter
with the Print Letter option. Also, you may print our standard letters built into the system or custom
Word documents custom designed with MS Word.
E-Mail: You have the option to e-mail a Confirmation letter or any letter to the Guest as long as an
e-mail address has been correctly entered into the e-mail field. Once you click on the E-mail button,
make sure you have e-mail setup on this computer and is working. The Hotel Management
Information Systems will make use of the existing e-mail system you have setup for your Property.
The Close button will Close the Update Reservation screen, when you are finished.
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Use the Folio update bar in the middle of the screen to display the open deposits or folios on the
account. These posting must be resolved and = to a balance of 0.00, before the system will allow
you to Cancel the reservation. TIP- make sure the balance is = to 0.00.
When first selecting the Cancel Reservation a list of existing Reservations will be displayed in
Arrival Date Order.
At any time double-click on the Reservation you would like to Cancel.
To limit the search, enter the first few letters of the Guests Last Name and Click on the Retrieve
To further limit the Search, enter the Arrival Date of the Guest, and click on Retrieve.
Or, enter the Confirmation Number and click on the Retrieve Button.
Once you double click on the Reservation to Cancel, the System will ask you if this Confirmation #
is the one you would like to Cancel? When completed you may Close the Cancel Reservation
Remember you need a Folio balance of 0.00 to Cancel a reservation
Wait List
Wait List Select a reservation from the Wait List reservation to Restore.
When first selecting the Wait List Reservations a list of reservations will be displayed in Arrival
Date Order.
At any time double-click on the reservation you would like to Restore.
To limit the search, enter the first few letters of the Guests Last Name and Click on the Retrieve
To further limit the Search, enter the Arrival Date of the Guest, and click on Retrieve.
Or, enter the Confirmation Number and click on the Retrieve Button.
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Once you double click on the Wait List Reservation to Restore, the System will ask you if this
Confirmation # is the one you would like to Restore?. When completed you must Update the
Reservation to check room availability and select a room type.
Internet Rsrv
This Add-On module if installed will allow you automatically Import reservations into the Hotel
Management Information Systems pending reservation screen. If there are internet/GDS
reservations that have been booked via outside services you will be able to view the pending
reservations ready for Import.
IMPORT: Click on the Import button to import the reservations On-screen.
When this 1st step is complete, uncheck the internet import button and will then display all pending
reservations, ready to become active reservations. Select the reservation you would like to activate
and move to the reservation system.
CLOSE: Close the Internet reservation screen when you are completed.
Guest Update - F3 The Guest maintenance program will first display a Selection screen of all
Guests listed in Alphabetical order by Last Name. You can select the Guest Maintenance program
from the Guest Icon on the Icon Menu Bar.
To select a Guest enter 1 to 4 letters of the Guests Last name in the Last Name: and click on the
Retrieve button. This will start and sort your selection by Guests Last Name. Next, double click on
the Guest that you would like to Retrieve.
The next inquiry screen will display all information about a Guest, including Notes, Guest History,
and future Reservations.
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To View extended information about Guest History and Guest Reservations, click and drag side bar
and bottom bar down or to the right, respectively.
The buttons along the bottom are Notes Select Delete Insert Update Close
Click on the Notes button to Insert or Modify notes about a Guest.
Click on the Select button to Select a different Guest.
Click on the Print button to Print that Guests Information out.
Click on the Delete button to Delete a Guest.
Click on the Insert button to Insert a New Guest.
Click on the Update button to save and update all your changes.
Click on the Close button to discard changes and exit the Guest maintenance program.
Click on the Update then Close button to Save and Exit the program.
Guest Selection – new fields
Click on the New button to add a new Guest record of information.
Click on the Clear button to clear the Guest information, to start over
Click on the Notes button to Insert or Modify notes about a Guest.
Click on the Extra button to enter Birth dates, Anniversary Dates, and special messages for
Guests when selected in Reservations, or Check In.
Click on Member to enter Membership information.
Check In Menu
Occupied Room Update
Walk In
The Walk In Guest does not have a Reservation. This is the Only difference between Walk In and
Check In.
Walk In / Check In
When selecting Check In from the Check In Menu or the Check In icon icon, all of the reservations
that have not been checked in yet are available for check in. The first screen that will display after
selecting Check In will be a SELECT screen that will display all the reservations that can be
checked in. By entering Last Name, Arrival Date, or Reservation Number you may then click on
the Retrieve Button to Limit your selection criteria. Once you have limited the selection criteria you
can double click on the correct Reservation to Check In.
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Daily Weekly and Monthly check boxes can be clicked on to setup the type of rate that will post
to the Guests Folios. You may Post once a day, once a week, or once a month.
Pre-Post Charges: If you check the Pre Post Button, the system will post Room charges for each
night of the reservation at the time of check In. All charges will be posted with the correct dates of
posting to maintain night audit accounting balances for each night separately.
Balance: The Calculate Balance button will look for any deposits received and calculate the
balance due at time of check-in for full payment in advance. You may then enter this amount into
the Pay Amt:
Folio * Update: The middle side bar of the Check-In screen when clicked on will open the Folio
screen for this Guest Reservation to view or adjust open Folios for this Reservation.
The Print Receipt (Yes/No) This will print out a Bill or Registration of all Reservation Information,
Billing charges, and Payments created during the Check In procedure.
Click on the Print button any time to get a print out of the reservation screen (print screen).
Click on Check In to Check In the Guest and create an occupied status on the room.
The Guest will now have an Open Folio in Folio / Billing and an Occupied Status for this reservation.
When you are finished with Check In, click on the Close Button for the selection screen and the
Close Button for the Check In screen.
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Post Remaining Nights: If a Guest wants to extend their stay, after changing the Departure Date,
you may click on this button to post the additional nights in advance.
Calculate Balance: The Calculate Balance button will look for any payments in the Folios and
subtract that amount from the Total Reservation. You must use the Folios to enter payments
against the account.
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What is the difference between Folio / Billing and Check Out? None
You can check out a Guest from either program. Both programs will actually Close out the Folio,
and move all the Open Folios to Folio History. Both programs will create a Guest History Record.
Once a Guest is checked In the system will have generated Folio billing information. By Selecting
the Folio Icon the system will display the Folio Selection screen. You may limit your search here.
By entering Room #, Last name, or Confirmation #. Then by clicking on the Retrieve Button
the selection will be searched. You do not have to use the selection criteria. The system will default
to all outstanding Occupied Guests.
Once you select a Guest Reservation the system will display the open Folios for that Reservation
or Guest. By Clicking on a Reservation line, you will select the Reservation.
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The Check-Out Guest on the right gray column Button will check out the Guest. The Balance must
be 0.00 to check out a Guest.
After you have selected a Room Number or Guest, you will now retrieve the Folio Detail Lines.
They will be sorted by Room Numbers. Delete, Insert, Update, and Close Buttons along the
Bottom of the screen will allow you to adjust the Guests Folio /Billing Information.
Pay Balance
The Pay Balance Button will calculate the amount due and display a drop down list of Pay Types
to select from, (Amex, Visa, etc). Click on the Update Button to update the Guest Account. If you
click on Refresh or Close the changes or additions will not be saved.
The Refresh Button will allow you to get back to the original Folio. For example, if you Insert or
delete a Folio line by mistake. Just hit the Refresh Button.
Select Another
Occupied Folios - Display all In-House Guests folios only - Checked In
Reservation Deposits - Display all Open reservations and deposits only.
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payment. The description will display. Lastly, the amount will be entered. F5 will pop up a G/L
Account Selection Box to choose the account.
To Delete a Folio Record click on the Folio that you want to Delete. Next, Click on The Delete
The Close Button will close the Folio / Billing or Check Out Program. When you have competed the
Folio / Billings you will close the screen.
Folio/Billing History
Once a Guest is checked out the system will generate Folio History. By Selecting Folio/Billing
History the system will display the Folio History Selection screen. You may limit your search here.
By entering a Date Range, Last name, or Confirmation #. Then, by clicking on the Retrieve
Button the selection will be searched. You do not have to use the selection criteria. The system
will default to all Guests Checked out today.
Once you select a History record the system will display the closed Folios for that closed
Reservation. By Clicking on a closed Reservation line, you will display all the closed folios for that
Reservation. What is the difference between Folio / Billing and Folio Billing History? Folio /
Billing displays open folios. These Folios can be edited and added to. Folio History detail are
closed folios that can only be displayed or used to recreate a Bill.
These are key reports that will report in detail or in Summary all Folio Information for the day, week,
or month. You can run reports for Open Folios or “Open and Closed” Folios (All). The Folio Activity
Report in a page or two will total all G/L Accounts for the Audit.
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Detail Report of All Folios, printed or displayed, by Guest Last name sequence. This report
represents all Guest Folios, (Open / Closed).
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The Folio Occupancy Summary is an overall picture of your property at a glance of all past
Revenues. In the example above for a 31 room property, there is 1 history record for simplicity. The
first section displays or prints the room details, with total number of nights, occupancy %, total
income, and Average room rate for the date range selected. The stay was for 9 nights with a total
income of 720.00 @ 80.00 / night.
The Percentage Occupancy is 90%. Since we ran the report from the 21st to the 30th equaling 10
days, the calculation is 9 out of 10 days were occupied for room 122, or 90% occupancy level. You
would normally run the report for a 1 month period or more.
The date range you select will only include information for that time period.
Revenue Totals for: 10 days
days, calculates from the date range entered.
Room nights Occupied 9, equals the total nights occupied for all 31 rooms.
Percent Occupancy: 0.03, equals 9 room nights occupied divided by 310 room nights,(31 rooms
X 10 night date range entered, 06/21/2000 – 06/30/2000). A full property would have 100%
Average Rate: Equals the Total income of all rooms and divides this amount by the total nights
Total Room Income: Equals the total Income of all rooms for the date range selected.
35 of 77
Total Occupied (History): Total number of reservations for that time period. In this case, there
was 1 stay.
Total Occupied (Present): Total number of occupied rooms 0-31, for this 31 rooms property.
Total Room Nights (100% Occupancy) Equals 310 room nights, (31 rooms x 10 days)
First Time Guests First time guests in this date range
Repeat guests Total number of repeat guests for this date range
Bottom BAR
Exclude Occupieds w /no room charges To exclude occupied comp rooms from report
Exclude History w/no room charges_ To exclude comp rooms from report
Graph If you check this box, and click the Run button a graphical display will appear of all the
details above.
Filter To filter out or select certain rooms in reporting
Graphs To select which graph you would like to display or print
Reset To Reset all dates and options selected.
Print To print report
Run To run report with new date range
Close To close program and return to main menu.
Conf# Conf Group Guest # First Name Last Name Rm # DateIn DateOut Rm Type
27 200 Bill Clayten 154 7/21/00 7/24/00 KING
This report will also total the number of Rooms occupied, total people, total Adults, and total
children occupied in rooms. This report can be displayed or printed.
36 of 77
Bottom Bar
Revenue Forcast
The Revenue Forcast report is an overall picture of your property at a glance of all Reservations. In
the example above for a 31 room property, there is 1 history record for simplicity. The first section
displays or prints the room type details, with total number of nights, booked %, total forcasted
37 of 77
income, and Average room rate for the date range selected. The 1 reservation was for 9 nights
with a total income of 720.00 @ 80.00 / night.
The Percentage Occupancy is 90%. Since we ran the report from the 21st to the 30th equaling 10
days, the calculation is 9 out of 10 days are reserved for room type Single, or 90% occupancy level.
You would normally run the report for a 1 month period or more.
The date range you select will only include information for that time period.
Revenue Totals for: 10 days
days, calculates from the date range entered.
Room nights Occupied 9, equals the total nights booked for all 31 rooms.
Percent Occupancy: 0.03, equals 9 room nights booked divided by 310 room nights,(31 rooms X
10 night date range entered, 06/21/2000 – 06/30/2000). A full property would have 100% Booked.
Average Rate: Equals the Total income of all rooms and divides this amount by the total nights
Total Room Income: Equals the total forcasted Income of all rooms for the date range selected.
Total Reservations: Total number of reservations for that time period. In this case, there was 1
booked room.
Total Occupied (Present): Total number of occupied rooms 0-31, for this 31 rooms property.
Total Room Nights (100% Occupancy) Equals 310 room nights, (31 rooms x 10 days)
First Time Guests First time guests in this date range
Repeat guests Total number of repeat guests for this date range
38 of 77
Bottom BAR
Exclude Occupied w/no room charges To exclude comp rooms from report
Exclude History w/no room charges_ To exclude comp rooms from report
Graph If you check this box, and click the Run button a graphical display will appear of all the
details above.
Filter To filter out or select certain rooms in reporting
Graphs To select which graph you would like to display or print
Reset To Reset all dates and options selected.
Print To print report
Run To run report with new date range
Close To close program and return to main menu.
Settlement Report
This report is part of the Add-On Module for Credit Card Interface Module.
This report will help balance all transactions through the CC module by date for the Night Audit to
be completed.
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System defaults to today’s date. This report will be run during Night Audit or first thing in the
morning for the day’s arrivals. Check off the sort order of the report, either by Guest name or
Arrival Date / Room Number
Conf# Rm # Rm Type Rate Arv Date Dep Date Deposit Guar Stat User
129 110 SINGLE $80.00 01/01/99 01/09/99 $100.00 No R super
Departures by Date
The Departures by date report can be displayed or printed. A Date range can be entered. The
System defaults to today’s date. This report will be run during Night Audit or first thing in the
morning for the day’s departures. Check off the sort order of the report, either by Guest name or
Room Number
40 of 77
Conf# Rm # Rm Type Rate Arv Date Dep Date Deposit Guar Stat User
129 110 SINGLE $80.00 01/01/99 01/09/99 $100.00 No R super
Room Chart
The Room Chart Inquiry or Room Chart icon will display 1 full month of Reservations/Occupied
Rooms from the start date, which will default to today’s date. The Chart is Sorted by Room Type,
then by Room number. From left to right are the dates of the month.
You are welcome to start a new reservation from the Room Chart Chart. Just double-click on the
correct Arrival date and room number you would like to make a Reservation for.
You may also update an existing reservation from the room chart. Just click on the Last name of
the Guest Reservation you would like update or view.
All Occupied Rooms are in Red
All Reserved Rooms are in Yellow
All Reserved Rooms with deposits received are in Green.
Click on any Reservation or Name and hit the F5 key to view Reservation Detail Information.
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Click on any Room Number down the Left side and hit the F5 key, (or right-click) to view Room
Characteristics, Comments, and Housekeeping status.
You may enter a Room Type from the Drop Down List to view room information from that Room
Type only. Once you select a Room Type click on Filter.
To view all Room Types click on All
Click on the Sort by Room to sort the chart by Room number.
Click on Print to print the Color Room Chart to a Color printer.
Click on Close when you are finished with Viewing the Room Chart.
It is Important to note that assigning room numbers will give you a complete picture of your
property, for the Room Chart to be useful.
Rooms Status
The Room Status Report will print or display Available and Reserved/Occupied detail of each
and every room for the Date range entered. The default dates are Check in today and Check out
tomorrow. The Dates entered will represent the length of the stay.
The Room Status is useful for quick Room availability checking.
If the Dates are changed, make sure to click the Run Button.
Print Occupied To print out a report of all Occupied and Reserved Rooms
Print Available To print out a report of all Available Rooms for the date range selected. You may
use this program to see which rooms will be available for a specific reservation inquiry, rather than
using the Add Reservation program.
When you are done viewing Room Status, click on the Close button.
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Available Rooms Number / Percent Inquiry will display all Room Type Totals in number of Rooms
available and % Available.
The Start Date will default to today’s date.
Remember to click the Run button if the date is changed.
Click on Close when you are finished Viewing Available Room Types.
Useful View when booking Groups.
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There is a Filter button that will allow you to select only 1 room type, by clicking on the Filter
Click on the Reset button to Print all rooms.
The Start Date defaults to today’s date. This is the Date Housekeeping will be done.
Click on the Print button to Print out the Housekeeping Report
Click the Sort button to sort the report by another field other than Room number
Click the Filter to use the advanced Filter function to filter out certain rooms
Click the Run button after a Date change for the Start Date.
Click on the Close button to exit the Housekeeping Program.
Display Guest name - to display guest name
Last Night Status Override - to view reservations in future
Sort by:
Arrival date, Guest name
Arrival date, Room number, Guest
Departure Date, Guest name
Departure Date, Room number, Guest name
The Housekeeping notes will print a short description of the rooms status based reservation notes.
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The Start Date defaults to today’s date. This is the Date Housekeeping will be done.
Click on the Print button to Print out the Housekeeping Report
Click the Run button after a Date change for the Start Date.
Click on the Close button to exit the Housekeeping Program.
The Vehicle License Search allows you to find a Guest by the Vehicle License number.
By typing in the License Plate Number and clicking on the Run Button you may quickly find the
You may also Print the Guest Reservation, Room number, and Car make and Model.
Click on the Close button when you are finished with the Vehicle/License Search.
Phone List
This report will display or Print a summary list of all Guests by Guest Last name with Unit no. and
Phone extension information.
The Mailing Label program will generate labels,(3 x 10) 30 labels. Use laser labels for your laser or
Deskjet printer. These labels are used for mailing and Sort or Filtered in many ways.
Print To print the Labels
Sort To Sort the Labels in any order. You may drag and drop from the left to the right, the fields
you would like to sort by.
Filter This advanced filter will allow to select a Column
Column,(all the fields to select from), and then
select an Operation
Operation, (=,>,<), and last a Value
Value,(NY,10980, or > Smith). Very useful and powerful.
You may Run you selection filters before actually Printing Labels.
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Deposit Aging
The Deposit report allows you to track all reservation that have deposits due.
Sort by # of days old _ This sort check box will sort the deposits by most delinquent.
Sort by Arrival Date _ This check box will sort the report by arrival date.
Print To print the report
Run To Run the report with the new options selected.
Close To Close the report
Balance Due
The Balance Due report is the total Balance Due of each In-House Guest reported by unit number.
Daily Managers Report
The Daily managers report is comprehensive summary report with sub-totals by each G/L group
as well as each Account. This report will give managers a snap shot of today's postings, as well as
Month to date and YTD totals.
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The Setup Menu is where you will customize your Hotel Management Information Systems System
to match your Property’s characteristics.
The License Maintenance Program will have the Property Name, Address, City, State, Zip,
Phone, and Fax number.
Post first Night at Check-In If this box is checked off, the first night of the Guests stay will be
posted at time of Check In. Otherwise, The Post Room and Tax in Night Audit will Post the first
nights charges.
Print property information on billing receipt?
The Property name and Address will print on the Billing Receipts if this question is checked off.
A/R Billing Account
This is the default A/R Billing account used for Direct Bill Accounting. When checking out a Guest
this Account will trigger an Invoice for Accounts Receivables.
The Serial Number will display only the Serial number and version number of the Software.
The Room Account is the default G/L Account the system will use to Post Room Charges during
Night Audit.
State, City, and Local Tax.
Up to 3 Itemized taxes can be set up for Automatic Tax Postings.
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These are Housekeeping Status Codes that can be automatically set when you perform these
When you have completed your changes click on the UPDATE button
button, to save your changes.
When you have finished using the License Maintenance, click on the CLOSE button.
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Click on the Week-End Rate Surcharge button to setup a day during the week, (Monday-Sunday),
to increase or decrease the Rate by an incremented dollar amount.
The Fourth column is the Rate Amount setup for this Rate Type.
The Rate Amount can also represent the incremented amount on a given day of the week.
Ex. Saturday, there is an additional $20.00 added to the base rate of $200.00 /night = $220.00 /
The Fifth column, Adult Limit is the number of Adults allowed in a Room before an extra person
surcharge is added.
The Six column is the Surcharge Per Adult over the Adult Limit for that Room Rate.
The 7th column, Child Limit is the number of Children allowed in a Room before an extra child
surcharge is added.
The 8th column is the Surcharge Per Child over the Child Limit for that Room Rate.
The 9th column is the Rate Plan selected.
Day This rate plan when selected will post daily
Week This rate plan when selected will post once a week
Month This rate plan when selected will post once a month
Package This rate plan when selected will post once on the arrival date only.
The Extended Rate Maintenance button will display a drop down list of all the Room Types /
Room Rates.
Select the Room Type that you would like to setup special rates for by a specified Date Range and
day of the week if needed.
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Special Date Ranges for Holiday Rates or Seasonal rates will override any other Rates setup on
the first screen.
Whether in Room/Rate Maintenance or extended Room/Rate maintenance the Print
Print, Delete,
Insert, or Update button can be clicked to perform similar actions.
To change a Room Type or Rate click on the line you would like to change and type the changes.
To Delete a Room Type / Room Rate, click on the line to Delete and click on the Delete button.
To Insert a Room Type / Rate, click on the Insert button and type in the new Room Type / Room
To Update the changes click on the Update button.
To Close the Room Type / Rate Maintenance click on the Close button.
Package Detail
First you need to select a Rate that has been setup as a Detailed Package Rate, and has an entry
for Max Days, which is the maximum number of days the package can be setup for.
Next, click on the Package Detail button, and the screen above will be displayed.
You can Insert, Delete, and Modify the existing packages setup entries anytime.
Line NO Display only line number for internal system numbers.
Acct No Right-click on this entry field and select a Charge account.
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Tax Amount Auto display will calculate total taxes for each charge based on taxes setup in the G/L
account setup program.
Update To save Package detail changes you have made.
Print You may print a copy of the package you are working with.
Grand Total Pkg Amount Display the Total of the package you have created.
To Test a Room Type, click on the Test button to view a drop down list of all the Room numbers
for that room type in Room # order.
To Delete a Room Number click on the Room number you want to Delete and click on the Delete
To Insert a Room number, click on the Insert button and a new line will be created ready for the
new Room number. The Room number will not exist, and the room type will be selected from a
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Security maintenance
The Security maintenance program will be used to set up Users and Passwords, with associated
access rights. Only the Supervisor will have access to setting up new users and rights. Setup
Menu controls the User maintenance program. To enable access to the entire system click on
every box for full access.
To Select a user to modify or update, click on the Select button. A list of users will display in a
Drop down list. Double click on the user to update.
Click on the Delete button to Delete the current User.
Click on the Insert button to Insert a new User.
Click on the Update button to save and update all your user updates.
Click on the Close button to discard changes and exit the Security Maintenance
Click on the Update, then Close button to Save and Exit the Security Maintenance program.
In the example screen shot the options that have been clicked and selected are the most common
options selected.
A list of the options and the switches selection and meaning follow below:
Restore and Cancel
Guest Update
Folios after Add Res.
Pre-Post Reservation
Post Deposits Checked:
Group Reservations
Email Reservations
Ask to Email Reservations
Internet Import
Market Code Required
Guest Popup Wheel
Change User Drpdwn
1st Reservation Letter
2nd Reservation Letter
Standard Reg Letter
1st Walk/Check Letter
53 of 77
The Direct Bill maintenance program will first display a Selection screen of all Companies listed in
Alphabetical order.
To select a Company enter 1 to 4 letters of the Company name in the Company Name: and click
on the Retrieve button. This will start and sort your selection by Company Name. Next, double
click on the Company that you would like to Retrieve.
The next inquiry screen will display all information about the Company, including Invoices, Amounts
due, Receipts, and Notes.
The buttons along the bottom are Notes Select Delete Insert Update Close
Click on the Notes button to Insert or Modify notes about a Company.
Click on the Select button to Select a different Company.
Click on the Delete button to Delete a Company.
Click on the Insert button to Insert a New Company.
Click on the Update button to save and update all your changes.
Click on the Close button to discard changes and exit the Direct Bill maintenance program.
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Click on the Update then Close button to Save and Exit the program.
The Refund program will allow you to setup Full refunds within a certain number of hours, or a
partial refund within a certain amount of hours. You can set up 3 different refunds by hours or full
Refund Hours1 will be the numbers of hours you will refund a full refund automatically. The Refund
button is on Bottom bar of the Check Out screen, and will not be allowed to be used after the
number of hours has elapsed.
55 of 77
The G/L Account Maintenance program allows you to maintain your Chart of Accounts. The G/L
Accounts are sorted by type of Account, then by GL Acct number.
The G/L Account must be a unique number.
The G/L Type must be either CR or DB.
The G/L Description is the description of the account as it will appear on all inquiry’s and reports.
The G/L Seq
Sequence is a unique number assigned to the Account that will represent the Print
sequence of the G/L Summary Reports.
The G/L Group code is the sub-total code for G/L Account group sub-totals.
The G/L Tax Acct is the G/L Tax Account that will automatically post when this G/L account is
selected. 2 folios will post, 1 for the charge and 1 for the tax.
The G/L Tax % is the percentage that will apply against the Folio Amount entered.
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57 of 77
Click on the Update button to save and update all your changes.
Click on the Close button to discard changes and exit the Market Type maintenance program.
Click on the Update, then Close button to Save and Exit the program.
Receipt Bill Text that will print at the bottom of each Folio Invoice
The Login can be initiated from the Menu or the Login Icon.
Click on Login to Login as a User.
Type in your user name assigned and type in your password assigned.
Your Access will depend on the security level granted.
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When you are done using the system click on Login and click on Logout to Logout of the system.
The next user will need to Login in order to access any programs.
This option is for the Multi-Property Module which allows you to select from a number of database
with different Properties to manage. When you click on this option you will see a list of Properties to
select from. You can toggle back and forth from 1 property to the next.
Guest Purge
The Guest Purge Program will purge Guest records that do not have any outstanding reservations.
Guests are purged are based on their inactivity in the system. Each time a Guest is selected the
Last update date is recorded. This is the date used for Purging Guests. The From and To Date are
the range of dates to purge.
Click on the Retrieve button to view the Guests that will be deleted from the system.
Click on the Delete button to purge the records from the system.
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Accounts Receivables
The Accounts Receivable module will have automatic Invoices created from the Check Out
procedure. If an Account is setup as a Direct Bill Account, the posting of Payment is an Invoice
rather than a form of immediate Payment, (Amex, Visa, Cash, etc.)
There are 3 steps to A/R. Invoices can be entered manually or posted automatically. Second,
entering Receipts into the system. These are checks that will be entered against an Account. And
last, to apply these receipts of Payment against the correct Invoice or Invoices, which is Payments
This system allows you to enter Checks today and apply the Payments to Invoices at a later time.
When you select Invoices, you must first select the Company you will be adding an Invoice to. The
first screen will be a drop down list of all Direct Bill Accounts. You may enter a Letter in the
Company Name field and click on the Retrieve button. Double click on the Company you would
like to work with.
The next screen will display the Direct Bill accounts Open Invoices, and allow you to Delete, Insert,
Update, Refresh the Current Invoices outstanding.
To Insert an Invoice click on the Insert Button and enter the Amount of the Invoice and a
The system will automatically assign the Invoice numbers. Just enter the amount of the Invoice and
click on the UPDATE button.
You can only VOID an existing invoice.
To Delete an Invoice just Inserted click on the Invoice and click on the Delete button
When you are done entering Invoices for this Account, click on the CLOSE button
All Outstanding Invoices will be displayed on the top of the screen.
When you select Payments, you must first select the Company you will be applying a Payment to.
The first screen will be a drop down list of all Direct Bill Accounts. You may enter a Letter in the
Company Name field and click on the Retrieve button. Double click on the Company you would
like to work with.
The next screen will display the Direct Bill accounts Open Invoices, and Open Receipts, allowing
you to Delete, Insert, Update, and Refresh the current Payments you are applying only.
All Outstanding Invoices will be displayed on the top of the screen.
All unapplied open receipts will be displayed on the right side of the screen.
You must click on the receipt you will be applying payment against. The system will default to the
oldest receipt entered into the system. Once a Receipt is allocated it will not be displayed and will
be closed.
To Insert a Payment click on the Insert Button and enter the Amount of the Payment and a
description of the Payment.
The system will automatically assign the Payment Reference numbers. Just enter the amount of
the Payment and click on the UPDATE button. Remember, you must apply the payments = to The
total receipt you select to continue.
61 of 77
To Delete a Payment just Inserted click on the Payment and click on the Delete button
When you are done entering Payments for this Account, click on the CLOSE button
The Adjustment button if checked off will display adjustments only. If you setup adjustments in
Receipts entry you will now be apply them to all open and closed Invoices. When you click on the
Adjustment button all Invoices will be displayed on the Top section of the screen.
When you select Receipts, you must first select the Company you will be entering a Receipt of
Payment for. The first screen will be a drop down list of all Direct Bill Accounts. You may enter a
Letter in the Company Name field and click on the Retrieve button. Double click on the Company
you would like to enter receipts for.
The first screen will display all existing receipts applied and unapplied. Also, any adjustments and
Voided Receipts.
To Insert a Receipt click on the Insert Button and enter the Amount of the Receipt and a
description of the Receipt,(Check #).
The system will automatically assign the Receipt Reference numbers. Just enter the amount of the
Payment and click on the UPDATE button. Remember, you can enter multiple Receipts for 1
Company before Update.
To Delete a Receipt just Inserted click on the Receipt and click on the Delete button
The Void Receipts button if checked off will display all open Receipts. You can now change the
Type of the Transaction from Receipt to Void. Click the Update Button to save the change. If a
Receipt was entered incorrectly you may Void it here.
When you are done entering Receipts for this Account, click on the CLOSE button
The Statement program will Display or Print the activity of 1 Company, including all Invoices,
Payments, adjustments to the account.
When you select Statements, you must first select the Company you will be Printing activity for.
The first screen will be a drop down list of all Direct Bill Accounts. You may enter a Letter in the
Company Name field and click on the Retrieve button. Double click on the Company you would
like to Display or Print.
You may click on the Only Open Invoices to Display Invoices that have not been paid.
62 of 77
Aging Report
The Aging program will Display or Print the activity of all Companies, including all Invoices,
Payments, adjustments to the account that have not been settled.
When you select the Aging Report the system will run an Aging for all Outstanding Accounts. This
Report can be printed or displayed.
The Recalculate button will search through all Invoices, Payments, and Receipts and re-calculate
the aging, Balances Due and Direct Bill Accounts. Run Once a month.
63 of 77
Using the demo data in HMIS, the demo POS main menu was decided to be called POS. The names of the
sub-menus where as follows: BAR, FOOD & BEVERAGE, RESTAURANT, ROOM SERVICE, POOL
Step 1 )
Lets start with the Gtrack.ini table on the gtrack61 folder. Once open, you should find the demo POS setup(If
not found enter it at end). Scroll down until you see the word POS surrended by brackets. The brackets
signify the start of a new section. This is the only section used for POS. The property should change the
below to represent their individual setup, but I recommend just commenting out the below with two slashes
and writing a new section below it.
Then enter your custom menu system directly below in the gtrack.ini file. The same entries are repeated in
order to reference the demo POS entries in the gtrack.ini file to the Demo entries in the General Ledger table
(You should enter your agreed on menu system). Remember, The main menu will be the first entry, P1 from
the below. The rest are sub-menus, which will contain chargable items buttons. Except for the TIPS, this
should read and exactly like this if you want tips as part of your receipts. The P7 could be different, but the
“TIPS” must be in caps. IF you only want one menu and TIPS, then P1 and P7 would be enough.
Once this gtack.ini file is saved, which has to be on every computer that will use the POS menu system, its
time to enter the General Ledger entries that will represent this POS menu structure.
In HMIS, under setup, under G/L Account you can see all the entries that make up the demo POS menu
system by clicking on the column heading TYPE. Easily found on the top with a navy blue backgroud
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entitled TYPE. Scroll down to the section POS. Each entry in the G/L table that has the following two
column values will create a button in the POS system(last two columns(snapshot B).
What determines if the button is a menu-to-menu button or a chargable item button is the Seq column.
Note: both chargable items and menu-to-menu buttons will always appear in order of the seq.
Example: 900001, 900002, 900003 etc. OR 1, 2, 3 etc
What makes a G/L entry with a seq number from 1 to under 90000 have a preset amount attached to it, which
makes the amount display when the button is select is an entry in the t3(%) field. If left blank the amount will
be 0.00 and the keyboard buttons will display for an amount entry(3rd column from end of snapshot B).
All entries that are intended for use in the G/L table for the POS should always have the following values in
the G/L table.
All entries need an account number in the G/L table. We recommend to pick a range of sequencial
numbers intended for use with the POS menus.
If the property has sub-menus, the button for retrurning to the main menu should be the sequence
number 1. This menu-to-menu button returning to the main menu should be in all SUB-MENUS,
except the for the main menu.
G/L Description
If the Seq number is 1 to less then 900000, the description is the verbage that appears on the button
itself. If greater then 900000 then the description is match with the description of the gtack.ini
entries under POS section(right side of the equal sign) to find the P1, p2, p3 etc. value. This value
then determines what sub-menu to gotot and display. For example in snapshot C the FOOD &
BEVERAGE, which is a menu-to-menu because it has a seq 900000 or greater, directs the sub-menu
P3 to display. P3 sub-menu is displayed because in the gtrackini file
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Then all chargable items will then display. Their attributes are seq under 900000 and group=P3.
If you look at the top of snapshot C you will also see that DESERT has a group equal to P3 and seq
under 900000, which means this button will be displayed on the P3 sub-menu system. As well as all
other entries like it.
IMPORTANT: All menu-to-menu entries in the G/L table must appear exactley like it is in the
Gtrack.ini table. Cap and space sensitive. There must be a representation for each sub-menu in the
G/L table. This also alpplies to the Gtrack.ini file POS section entries.
ONLY values listed in the left side of the equal sign in the gtrack.ini table. We recommend this
being a two digit field letter and incrementing number. Should use same format as demo for
SnapShot B
After the Gtrack.ini sub-menu system is created, the best first step is to enter The G/L entries with the above
rules in mind.
Step 2)
Enter one G/L entry for each Gtrack.ini POS entry excluding the main menu and TIPS. For example P2
through P6. Do not forget, start at seq 900001 and for each entry increase by one(snapshot C). : BAR, FOOD
Group is P1 or whatever you used for the main menu.
Enter more G/L entries with Seq over 900000. Again, enter one G/L entry for each Gtrack.ini POS entry
excluding the main menu and TIPS. In the G/L Description enter the main menu description in the gtrack.ini
file. In our example its POS. These will be the sub-menu buttons that will go back to the main menu
P1(snapshot C). OF course only do this if you have sub-menus.
Enter all the charge item buttons, entering the Group that they belong to referencing the gtrack.ini file. If you
want it to be a preset charge fill in the t3(%) column. Remember seq number must be under 900000.
66 of 77
Enter a tip button for each server employee that you can have during maximium capacity. Look at account
numbers 821and 817 in snapshot C. Make sure you place P7 in the group or whatever has been linked to the
TIPS in the gtrack.ini
In our example there are chargable item buttons in the main menu as well see account number 818, 819 etc.
these may or may not be used in your property.
SnapShot C
SnapShot D
67 of 77
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The Unit Owner Module is fully integrated with the Hotel Management Information Systems
Property Management System. Setup each Unit Owner account, with Revenue Postings, Monthly
Charges, and Management fees. Each reservation will allow for override management fees. Each
Unit Owner has a fully Open Statement that can be Printed with Balance forward, or full Statements.
Manual Postings and Adjustments can be posted to all unit Owner Statements. End of month
Owner Check Disbursements can be issued and printed with the Laser Check Printing Option.
Post Charges
Post Charges Posting Program can be run daily, weekly, or end of month. This Program will post
pre-defined charges that have been setup in Unit Owner maintenance. Charges can be setup for all
Units, or specific units, for any date of the month. The frequency with which this Posting program is
run will be dependent upon the types of charges that you will define in Unit Owner maintenance.
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Unit Owner
Unit Owner maintenance – setup all information about each unit owner for each unit that will
managed by your Property. There will a record setup for each Unit that is owned, and there is 1
control record that is referenced ALL.
All”” record represents scheduled fees for all of the Units in the system. The All record is
The “All
where you will setup charges that will post to all Units on a given date of the month. Common
charges, and or assessments are common entries in the “ALL” record to post monthly to all Units.
Gray bar buttons at bottom of Unit Owner Maintenance Screen
Owners Screen
Delete - To Delete an existing Unit Owner record from the system
Insert - To Insert a new Unit Owner record into the system. After you click the Insert button all of
the fields that will need to be entered will display. Select the Unit Owner from the drop down
selection arrow, then enter all of the basic information about the Unit Owner. You can also enter
Credit Card Information for processing Cards to pay Monthly (-) balance Accounts.
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Category – Click on this button to select a Unit Owner Category to manage Groups of Unit Owners
by Category.
Mkt Code – Click on this button to select a Unit Owner Market code to Group Owners by market
MgtFee Acct: - GL Account that will used to post management fees and commissions – 550 is the
default management Fee GL account.
MgtFee %: - Management fee % that will be calculated based on the total revenue collected upon
the Check out of each guest reservation, ex. 30.00%.
Unit Owner Tax ID: - Tax ID for printing 1099 Tax forms at the end of the year.
Acct No. - These are the pre-defined GL Charge accounts that have been setup in the G/L
account maintenance. Pick these accounts from the drop down selection popup.
Type - The type of posting account will display here, usually CR for charge accounts
Description – The description will populate from the GL acct. selection made
Charge – The amount of the charge to post
Post Cycle - How often this charge will post to the Unit Owners Account
Day – Day of the month to post this charge
Start Date - The Date hat this charge will start posting
Last Run – Information only on the last date this charge was posted to the Unit Owners account
Activate – To Activate or De-activate a charge posting. Useful when working on setting up new
accounts that are not activated yet
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Owners Statements
The Unit Owners Statements can be printed each month. The Unit owner revenue will post
automatically from the reservations Module. The Management fees will also post from the
reservation module. Charge Postings that have been setup to Post will also post to the Unit
Statements. You can also manually post charges and adjustments to the Unit Owner Statements.
You have full control of your statements including posting check disbursements to each unit owner.
Detail lines posted for Unit Owners Statements
Line No. Date Unit Folio Account / Description Arrival Nights Charges Revenue
9 08/01/04 100 500 Unit Owner Revenue 08/01/04 4 400.00
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Delete – Click to delete unit owner folio line, first click on the line with the green arrow
Close – Click the Close button to Close the Unit Owner Statement Program
Gray Bar on right side of screen - Printing
Change Unit Owner – To select a different Unit Owner Statement
Print Statements – To Print a Unit Owner Statement
Standard – To Print a standard Unit Owner Statement – all activity
Balance Forward – To Print a Statement as of a specified date range, and to include up to a
specified date as well.
YTD Print – To Print a YTD Summary Statement at Year End for each Unit Owner – this Statement
summarizes and sub-totals the years activities.
Pay Balance – At the end of each month if there is a Balance Due the unit Owner, click on pay
Balance to enter the Check Disbursement amount to pay the Unit Owner
Post Accounts
The Unit Owner Post Accounts is the GL accounts that will posted automatically from the Checking
out of each reservation posting to each Unit Owner Statement. The most common account is Room
Charges Revenue and management fees that will post to the Account 500 – Unit Owner Revenue,
and the management fee account 550.
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Management Report
Unit Owner management Report will Print a Summary of all GL accounts, sub-totaled by each
account and each Group Total.
Gray bar at bottom of screen
Start Date - Starting date Range
End Date - Ending Date Range
Run - Click to Run report for a different date range
Print – To Print the report
Close – To Close the Report Program
Folio Detail by Unit – Check box to Display/Print report by Unit with detail lines
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