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Tugas 1 - Unit 2 Navigation

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Exercise 2-1 : Logging on to SAP Systems

Exercise Objectives

After Completing this exercise, you be able to :

 Create a logon entry

 Log on to an SAP System
 Personalize your user interface

Business Example

As an Employee of a company that manages their business with SAP, you need to gain access to an
SAP Systems to do your daily business transactions.

Task 1 :

Create a logon entry to define which systems you would like to gain access to. Then access that
system with the appropriate client, user ID, and password.

1. Create an entry in the SAP GUI logon screen based upon the information provided by the

Field Entry
Description SAP Course
Application Server
SAP Router String
System Number

2. You have now created a logon entry. Use this entry to gain access to the SAP Systems with
information provided.

Field Entry
User <to be provided by the instructor>

Password <to be provided by the instructor>

Client <to be provided by the instructor>

Language EN

New Password

Task 2 :

You are just beginning to use the SAP Systems and you want to personalize your user interface.

1. The first thing you would like to do is to have teh system and error messages appear in a pop
up window instead of the status bar.
2. Confirm that the date currency format display according to you preference.
Solution 2-1 : Logging on to SAP Systems

Task 1 :
Create a logon entry to identify which system you would like to gain access to. Then, access
that systems with the appropriate client, user ID, and password.

1. Create an entry in the SAP GUI logon screen based upon the information provided by the

Field Entry
Description SAP Course
Application Server
SAP Router String
System Number

a). Locate the SAP Logon program icon on your desktop.

Note : There are a variety of ways to find the program and a variety
of places it could reside on your desktop. These variables depend on
how the GUI software was installed. Consult your technical support
if you cannot find the application.

b). Choose User-defined...

c). Enter SAP Course in the Description Field.

d). Enter the Application Server: sapsrv.

e). Enter the SAP Router String: <leave blank>

f). Enter the System ID: 12 R.

g). Enter the System Number: 00.

h). Choose R/3 for the SAP System.

i) Choose Add. The new logon entry appears in the list of SAP systems.
2. You have now created a logon entry. Use this entry to gain access to the SAP system
with the information provided.

Field Entry
User <to be provided by the instructor>

Password <to be provided by the instructor>

Client <to be provided by the instructor>

Language EN

New Password
a). Choose SAP Course.

b). Choose Log on.

c). Enter the Client: <to be provided by the instructor>.

d). Enter the User: <to be provided by the instructor>.

e). Enter the Password: <to be provided by the instructor>.

f). Enter the Language: EN (Optional).

g). Select √ Enter.

Note: You might be asked to change your password. If so, continue with the

following steps. If you are not asked, skip to solution step k.

h). A password chane dialog box displays. Enter a New Password. <enter your own new


i). Enter Repeat Password. <Repeat the entry again to confirm the password change>.

j). Choose √ Enter.

k). Choose Enter as many times a needed, reading any systems messages that might display,
until you get to the SAP Easy Access screen.
Task 2:

You are just beginning to use the SAP Systems and you want to personalize your user


1. The first thing you would like to do is to have the system and error messages appear in a
pop up window instead of the status bar.
a). Choose Customizing of Local Layout.
Hint: This button appears in the system tool bar along the top of the
b). Choose Options.
c). Choose the Options tab.
d). Choose:
 Dialog Box at success Message
 Dialog Box at Warning Message
 Dialog Box at Error Message
e). Choose OK.
2. Confirm that the date and currency format display according to your preference.
a). From the Menu bar, choose System User profile Own Data.
The Maintain User Profile scree opens in a new window.
b). Choose the Defaults tabs.
Hint: You may need to toggle to the Maintain User Profile screen by pressing
c). Confirm that your desimal notation is set to a period that your date format appears in
MM/DD/YYYY format, if this is your preference.
d). Choose Save. A confirm that your user information was saved displays.
Note: The information window appears in a pop-up window instead of the
status bar, as set up in the previous step.

Exercise 2-2: Navigating in the SAP System

Exercise Objectives

After completing the exercise, you will be able to:

 Locate spesific folders in the SAP Easy Access menu.

 Navigate the SAP Easy Access menu to locate a spesific transaction.
 Initiate transactions using transaction codes.
Business Example

As a new user working on a SAP system, you need to locate specific transactions in the system.

Task 1:

Locate a variety of transactions by navigating the SAP Easy Access menu.

 What are the names of the transactions tha are located under the folder Order in Sales and
Distribution? Record your results in the following table.
 What are the names of the transactions tha are located under the folder Posting folder in
the general record? Record your answers in the following table.

Task 2:

You have found that transaction codes provide an easy way to navigate directly to a transaction. Try
out a few transaction codes.

1. Start this exercise in the SAP Easy Access screen and try out these transaction codes without
returning to the SAP Easy Access screen. Record your result in the space provided.

Field Transaction Name


2. Hint: In case you do log out, please refer to exercise 1 (logging in) for instructions on how to
log back in to the system.

Entry Result

3. You want to display a list of users who are logged on to the system. First use the SAP
standard menu to do this. Start with the Tools menu.
4. Display the trabsaction code for this transaction using the system status menu. Record you
5. Return to the SAP Easy Access screen and use the transaction code to initiate the transaction
to display the user overview, which provides a list of users who are logged on to the system.

Solution 2-2: Navigating in the SAP System

Task 1:

Locate a variety of transactions by navigating the SAP Easy Access menu.

1. What are the names of the transactions tha are located under the folder Order in Sales and
Distribution? Record your results in the following table.
Field Transaction Name
a). From the SAP Easy Acces menu, choose the triangle to the left of SAP menu.
b). Choose the triangle to the left of Logistics.
c). Choose the triangle to the left of sales and distribution.
d). Choose the triangle to the left of sales
e). Choose the triangle to the left of order.
f). Record your result.

Field Transaction Name

Transaction Create
Transaction Change
Transaction Display
Transaction Create Using Part Load Lift Orders

2. What are the names of the transactions tha are located under the folder Posting folder in
the general record? Record your answers in the following table.
a). From the SAP Easy Acces menu, choose the triangle to the left of SAP Accounting.
b). Choose the triangle to the left of Financial Accounting.
c). Choose the triangle to the left of General Ledger.
d). Choose the triangle to the left of Posting.
e). Record your results.

Field Transaction Name

Transaction Enter G/L Account Posting
Transaction General Posting
Transaction Edit or Park G/L document
Transaction General Document Parking
Transaction Post with Clearing
Transaction Incoming Payments
Transaction Outgoing Payments
Transaction Cash Journal Posting
Transaction Valuate Foreign Currency

Task 2:
You have found that transaction codes provide an easy way to navigate directly to a
transaction. Try out a few transaction codes.
1. Start this exercise in the SAP E ASY Access screen and try out these transaction codes
without returning to the SAP Easy Access screen. Record your results in the space
Hint: In case ypu do is log out, please refer to exercise 1 (logging in) for
instructions on how to log back in to the system.

Entry Result
a). You activities should have resulted in the following.

Entry Result
Su3 Initiates the screen for
maintaining your own user
Sm04 Does not initiate a transaction. A
transaction can only be started
directly from the SAP Easy
Access screen unless you use a
/nsm04 Initiates the user overview
succesfully. /n firstg ends the
active transaction and then
initiates the specified
/nend A log off confirmation pop-up
window appears. You could now
exit the system.
2. You want to display a list of users who are logged on to the system. First use the SAP
standard menu to do this. Start with the Tools menu.
a). From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Tools Administration

Monitor System Monitor User Overview.

3. Display the transaction code for this transaction using the system status menu. Record
your result.
a). From the menu bar, choose System Status.
b). Locate the transaction code, which is sm04.
4. Return to the SAP Easy Access screen and use the transaction code to initiate the
transaction to display the user overview, which provides a list of users who are logged
on to the system.
a). Enter sm04 in the command field.
b). Choose √ Enter. The user overview display.
c). Choose Exit to exit the screenn to the SAP Easy Acces menu.

Exercise 2-3: Creating Favorites Using the menu

Exercise objectives

Aftre completing this exercise, you will be able to:

 Navigate to a transaction you would like to save as a favorite.

 Use the menu bar to create and store a favorite transaction.

Business example

You have specific transactions, files, or web sites that you access frequently, so you want to add the
to your favorites folder. This will enable you to quickly and easily access these transactions wthout
having to navigate the standard or role-based menus.


Create a variety of favorite transactions that will appear in the favorites menu on your SAP Easy
Access screen.

1. Create a favorite for the transaction to post an incoming payment in accounts receivable.
This is transaction code F-28.
2. Create a favorite for the transaction to display a cutomer (centrally) in sales and distribution.
This is transaction code XD03.
3. Create a favorite for the transaction to maintaining master data in human resources. This is
transaction code PA30.

Solution 2-3: Creating Fvorites Using the menu


Create a variety of favorite transactions that will appear in the favorites menu on your SAP Easy
Access screen.

1. Create a favorite for the transaction to post an incoming payment in accounts receivable.
This is transaction code F-28.
a). From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Accounting Financial Accounting

Customer Document Entry.

b). Choose Incoming payments.

Caution: dont double klick Incoming Payment. You simply want to highlight the

menu item, not initiate the transaction.

c). From the menu bar, choose Favorite Add.

Hint: This menu path is at the top of your windown. You can alwo use Add to

2. Create a favorite for the transaction to display a cutomer (centrally) in sales and distribution.
This is transaction code XD03.
a). From the SAP Easy Acces menu, choose Logistics Sales and distribution

Master data Business partners Customer


b). Choose Complete.

Caution: dont double klick Incoming payments. You simply want to highlight the

menu item, not initiate the transaction.

c). From the menu bar, choose favorites Add.

Hint: This menu path is at the top of your windown. You can alwo use Add to


3. Create a favorite for the transaction to maintaining master data in human resources. This is
transaction code PA30.
a). From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human resources Personnel
management administrations HR Master Data.
b). Choose maintain

Caution: dont double klick Incoming payments. You simply want to highlight the

menu item, not initiate the transaction.

c). From the menu bar, choose favorites Add.

Hint: This menu path is at the top of your windown. You can alwo use Add to


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