Scream Filter For Maintain TSS OCCW PDF
Scream Filter For Maintain TSS OCCW PDF
Scream Filter For Maintain TSS OCCW PDF
October 2012
Will Lintner, PE
Federal Energy Management Program
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20585-0121
Phone: (202) 586-3120
E-mail: [email protected]
Cover photo: Cooling Towers. Photo from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The authors of the report would like to thank the following individuals that provided support to
the production of the technology evaluation:
Elisabeth Giever
Rose Zanders
Jim Cabe
Matt Wilburn
Shannon Colson
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air
Conditioning Engineers
kW kilowatt
L liter
mm millimeter
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. vii
6 References .......................................................................................................................................... 19
List of Figures
Figure 1.1. Cooling Tower Primary Treatment Concerns. ...................................................................... 2
List of Tables
Table ES.1 Side Stream Filtration System Characteristics ................................................................... vii
Table 1.1. Relative Size of Common Cooling Water Contaminants (McDonald 2009). ........................ 4
Table 3.1. Life-Cycle Analysis for Gravity Sand Filtration Systems.* .................................................. 14
Executive Summary
This technology evaluation assesses side stream filtration options for cooling towers, with an
objective to assess key attributes that optimize energy and water savings along with providing
information on specific technology and implementation options. This information can be used to
assist Federal sites to determine which options may be most appropriate for their applications.
This evaluation provides an overview of the characterization of side stream filtration technology,
describes typical applications, and details specific types of filtration technology.
Cooling towers are an integral component of many cooling systems that provide comfort or
process cooling. Cooling tower systems operation is most efficient when their heat transfer
surfaces are clean. However, due to variations in the water source and their operating in an
open environment, cooling towers are subject to four major water treatment concerns: corrosion,
scaling, fouling and microbiological activity. These factors can significantly reduce the
efficiency of the cooling towers. Side stream filtration systems can be a cost effective method
to address these water concerns through filtering suspended solids out of the cooling water.
Side stream filtration systems continuously filter a portion of the cooling water to remove
suspended solids, organics, and silt particles, reducing the likelihood of fouling and biological
growth, which in turn helps to control other issues in the system such as scaling and corrosion.
This results in both water and energy efficiency gains due to a reduction in the amount of water
discharged from the cooling system and a decrease of scale formation on the heat transfer
surfaces. The filter types examined in the technology evaluation are centrifugal separators,
automatic screen filters, plastic disc filters, and sand filters. An overview of their main
characteristics is summarized in Table ES.1 and more detailed information on each system
type is presented in the main body of the report.
A life-cycle cost analysis was performed on a hypothetical example of a pressure sand filter side
stream filtration system as part of the technology evaluation. The system characteristics were
based on a typical system for a 400 ton chiller with a total installation cost of $45,000 (see
Section 3 on System Economics for more details on the example system). The results of the life-
cycle cost analysis shows an annual cost savings of $8,800, 8 year simple pay back, and a
savings to investment ratio of 2.3.
When considering a side stream filtration system, there are several key parameters that are
important to weigh including the level of particle removal, filtration sizing, installation methods,
economic analysis, and savings potential. Careful examination of these features will help to
properly specify the side stream filtration system for the appropriate application.
1 Technology Review and Evaluation
This technology evaluation was performed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory on behalf
of the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). The technology evaluation assesses side
stream filtration for cooling towers. The evaluation provides a characterization of side stream
filtration technology, describes typical applications, and details specific types of filtration
technology. System economics are also discussed, providing an example project with life-cycle
cost analysis results to show the potential savings of a typical application. A Federal case study
at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is also provided to showcase a success story of a side
stream filtration application.
The evaluation’s overall objective is to provide information on key impacts related to energy,
water, and cost savings of side stream filtration as well as key attributes on specific technology
options and component specifications so that Federal energy and facility managers can make
informed decisions on which options may be most appropriate for their site.
1.1 Background
Cooling towers are an integral component of many cooling systems that provide comfort or
process cooling. They are commonly used in industrial applications and in large commercial
buildings to release waste heat extracted from a process or building system through evaporation
of water. They receive the heated water, and evaporate a portion of the water to cool the
remaining water so that it can re-used to again extract heat from the cooling system.
Cooling tower systems operation is most efficient when their heat transfer surfaces are clean.
However, these are dynamic systems, due to variations in the water source and their operating in
the open environment. Surface water sources such as lakes, rivers, and streams have seasonal
variations in water quality and can carry high levels of suspended silt and debris. Groundwater
sources don’t have the seasonal variations, but can have high levels of dissolved minerals
depending on the geology of the region.
Since cooling towers operate outside they are susceptible to dirt and debris carried by the wind.
Birds and insects like to live in and around cooling towers due to the warm, wet environment.
The combination of process and environmental factors can contribute to four primary treatment
concerns encountered in most open-recirculating cooling systems: corrosion, scaling, fouling,
and microbiological activity. As shown in Figure 1.1, these treatment concerns are inter-related
such that reducing one can have an impact on the severity of the other three.
• Scaling: Scaling is the precipitation of dissolved mineral components that have become
saturated in solution, which can lower efficiency of the system. Factors that contribute to
scaling tendencies include water quality, pH, and temperature. Scale formation inhibits
heat exchangers because of the insulating properties of scale. Scale buildup will make the
entire system work harder to meet the cooling demand.
• Fouling: Fouling occurs when suspended particles or biologic growth forms an insulating
film on heat transfer surfaces. Common foulants include organic matter, process oils,
and silt, which can also lower system performance. Factors that cause fouling include
corrosion and process leaks. Much like scale, fouling deposits create an insulating barrier
on the heat exchanger surfaces that can significantly affect the energy performance of the
cooling system.
Side stream filtration systems reduce suspended solids and debris in the system cooling
water, which leads to less fouling in the system. Decreasing suspended solids can also help
reduce biological growth in the system because suspended solids are a good source of food
for microbiological organisms. Decreasing biological growth in turn helps to reduce
microbiologically influenced corrosion. In addition, scaling can be reduced from side
stream filtration by limiting fouling and corrosion by-products, which can also contribute
to scale formation on the heat exchange surfaces. Effectively managing these conditions
through filtration can optimize system performance, often resulting in moderate to significant
energy and water savings.
Each of the treatment concerns can decrease cooling tower performance, increase the use of
water treatment chemicals as well as reduce cycles of concentration. “Cycles of concentration” is
an industry term used to describe the relationship between the amount of system feed water flow
and the amount of flow sent down the drain as blowdown. Low cycles of concentration (high
amount of blowdown in relation to the system feed) correlate to inefficient use of water in a
system to satisfy cooling needs.
Full flow and side stream filtration are the two most common methods used to filter the water
that is pumped into the circulation systems. Full flow filtration uses a filter installed after the
cooling tower on the discharge side of the pump. This filter continuously filters all of the
recirculating system water in the system. Inherently, the filter must be sized to handle the
system’s design recirculation rate. Side stream filtration, on the other hand, continuously filters
a percentage of the flow instead of the entire flow. It can be a cost-effective alternative to full
flow filtration that can easily improve the water quality to reduce water consumption and ensure
efficiency of the cooling systems. And unlike full flow filtration, side stream filtration systems
can be cleaned while the cooling systems are online, avoiding the need for planned downtime
(BAC 2012).
Side stream filtration requires a minimum supply pressure to account for the inherent differential
pressure drop across the filter medium. This typically ranges from 20 to 30 psi. All side stream
filters have a maximum working pressure; sand filters have a threshold of 80 psi, while
mechanical filters, such as screen filters, can operate up to 150 psi. If adequate pressure is
not available from the system, an additional pump may be required to pressurize the system.
Backwashing of filters is required for side stream filtration systems to remove debris and
particles that are collected during the filtration process.. Backwashing is typically activated when
there is a pressure difference across the filter that indicates the filter is clogged, or by a simple
timer that activates backwashing on a regular schedule.
Filters are rated by the size of particles that can be removed, measured in microns. Suspended
solids in cooling towers typically range in size from 1 to 50 microns as shown in Table 1.1. In
general, 90% of the particles in cooling towers are smaller than 10 microns (Bobby et al. 2001).
However, for mechanical filtration the smaller numbers of larger particles are of more concern
than the large number of smaller particles which are often bacteria removed by disinfection
rather than filtration (BAC 2012), or micron and sub-micron sized suspended solids which
can be treated and removed by chemical treatment. (See an example of particle removal in
Table 4.1.) Side stream filtration systems are generally sized to filter from 3 to 10% (up to 20%)
of the overall system flow. Filters are selected based on the percent of flow that the side stream
filtration system is designed to handle. For example, in a cooling system with a recirculation rate
of 1500 gpm, a filtration system sized to handle 10% of the recirculation rate would be sized to
handle 150 gpm.
Table 1.1. Relative Size of Common Cooling Water Contaminants (McDonald 2009).
Particle Microns
Sand 100 to 2,000
Pollens 10 to 1,000
Mold Spores 10 to 30
Bacteria 3
Side stream filtration increases water and energy efficiency and reduces cost, as described below
(Latzer 2012; BAC 2012).
• Reduction in energy consumption: Side stream filtration reduces the likelihood of scale
and fouling on the heat exchangers. Even the smallest layer of scale or fouling on heat
exchange surfaces can reduce the rate of heat exchange, forcing the system to work
harder to achieve the desired cooling and in turn increases energy costs.
• Reduction in chemical use: Chemicals are used to bind suspended particles in the water
stream and prevent scaling and corrosion. Dirty water requires more chemicals than clean
water because a buildup of solid contaminants provides a buffer that reduces the effects
of treatment chemicals. A side stream filtration system can remove suspended particles,
reducing the need for additional chemical treatments such as dispersants and biocides.
• Lower maintenance cost: Traditionally, cooling towers are cleaned by draining the
tower and having the sediment removed mechanically or manually from the sump. Costs
associated with the cleaning process include downtime, labor, lost water, and additional
chemicals. Cooling systems that are cleaned via side stream filtration routinely provide
longer periods of continuous operation before being taken off-line for required
• Control of biological growth: Biological growth control and reduction can mitigate
potential health problems, such as those caused by Legionella. ASHRAE Guideline 12-
2000 has basic treatment recommendations for control and prevention, stating that the
key to success is system cleanliness. Legionella thrives where there are nutrients to aid its
growth and surfaces on which to live. Use of side stream filtration can minimize habitat
surfaces and nutrients by maintaining lower particle levels in the water stream.
• Systems for which the primary source of makeup water is a surface or other an
unclarified source. Unclarified water sources, such as rivers or streams, can contain
contaminants too small to be filtered out in a large grate protecting inlet piping. These
contaminants can be both biological and environmental, and fluctuate based on season.
• Systems with difficult biological problems, even with the presence of a good biocide
program. A good biocide program often increases the number of dead organisms in the
water stream (Lingen, 2009). These organisms can be removed with a side stream
filtration system.
• Systems that are susceptible to fouling due to either the nature of the application or the
environment in which they operate. This is especially true if fouling is a problem even
with the implementation of a good anti-foulant program. In some instances, a cooling
system becomes contaminated on the process side of the heat exchanger, causing
additional fouling with each cycle (Venkat).
• Systems where scaling deposits cause a loss of heat transfer. Scaling can be reduced from
side stream filtration by limiting fouling and corrosion by-products, which can also
contribute to scale formation on heat transfer surfaces.
• Systems with high levels of solids buildup in the sump due to dirt and debris deposited by
windy conditions. Solids buildup in the sump can contaminate the cooling supply system
from outside the makeup water supply. Operators cannot control the direction the wind
blows, but the addition of a side stream filtration system can remove contaminants
deposited by the wind.
• Systems in which the heat exchangers require frequent mechanical cleaning. Side stream
filtration filters a portion of the cooling system continuously. Depending on the sizing of
the system, the entire cooling capacity can be cleaned in a relatively short period. With
the right chemical and biological treatment in addition to the side stream filtration,
mechanical cleaning of the heat exchangers can be reduced and efficiency increased
(Wymore, 2003).
2 Side Stream Filtration System Options
There are generally four system options for side stream filtration; centrifugal separators, screen
filters, disc filters, and sand filters. For all of these options, the key performance elements to
consider in the filter system are the particle removal level, self-cleaning function, ease of
operation and water loss from back wash. These characteristics were assessed for the four
basic types of side stream filtration systems. An overview of their performance characters is
summarized in Table 2.1 and more detailed information on each system type is presented in the
following sections.
The capacity for solids removal capacity is a function of particle density, size, and shape, and
device design. Centrifugal separators are best used for and most efficient at separating large,
heavy particles. A centrifugal separator requires little maintenance and infrequent replacement
because it does not trap particles that clog or damage its system. Therefore, centrifugal separators
tend to be more economical than other filtering systems with the same filtration efficiency, but
are just as effective at removing suspended solids. (Griswold Filtration, 2008)
The driving mechanism of the filter rotates the suction scanner assembly at a slow, fixed rotation
while simultaneously moving the scanner linearly at a fixed speed. The combination of the
rotation and the linear movement gives each suction scanner nozzle a spiral path along the inside
surface of the filter screen, which allows the nozzles to remove the filter cake from every square
inch of the filter screen. The cleaning cycle usually takes less than 1 minute. The total volume of
water used for cleaning is small, usually less than 1% of the total flow.
Automatic screen filters are unique in that the self-cleaning cycle does not require the entire
system flow to stop and reverse. Therefore, unlike many other types of filters, the self-cleaning
cycle of these filters does not interrupt system flow during the rinse cycle. In addition, automatic
screen filters provide a two-dimensional, discrete opening that positively removes particles that
are larger than the pore size of the screen based on size alone, regardless of other characteristics
such as particle density, shape, or particle material. Self-cleaning screen filters are used in a
variety of applications where continuous water flow is crucial, including industrial equipment
protection, irrigation nozzle protection, and municipal water treatment. This technology is
relatively inexpensive for the high flow rates it offers (BAC 2012).
Disc filters can remove both solids and organic particles effectively. These filters also use
much less water than other types of self-cleaning filters for backwash cycles, and tend to have
relatively lower installation and operating costs compared to other filters with equivalent
filtration rates. Disc filters can backflush multiple filters sequentially, and because the backflush
cycle is sequential the filtration process is seldom interrupted. Triggered by differential pressures
or timing intervals, or a combination of both, the self-cleaning process is fully automatic,
requiring little maintenance.
A feature of sand filter design that should be considered is the capability of supplemental
chlorination during backwash or routine maintenance. The filter medium in many types of sand
filters coupled with the increased temperature of the recirculating cooling water can support
biological activity. Supplemental chlorination is an effective strategy to reduce increased bio-
growth in the filter medium, and therefore in the cooling water as well.
In short, sand filters provide excellent removal of suspended solids, but size, expense, and
maintenance concerns are considerations when selecting this technology. The following sections
describe two main types of sand filters: pressure sand filters, and high efficiency sand filters.
For pressure sand filters, the backwash requirement is relatively high and an external source
of backwash water is needed. Clean, treated city water or clarified, chlorinated water are the
preferred water source for backwash, which typically takes 10 to 15 minutes per backwash.
Backwash is initiated by either a pressure differential switch measuring the incoming and
outgoing pressures or an adjustable timer. A backwash with a clean, chlorinated source is
recommended at least once per day to maintain media efficiency and to prevent microbiological
2.4.2 High Efficiency Sand Filters
This type of filter is similar to the pressure sand filter in that sand is used as the filtration media.
However, the media layer order is reversed, with extra fine sand as the top layer and layers of
gradually coarser sand down to the bottom layer (Figure 2.5). Raw water is introduced to the
pressure vessel, with an angled inlet creating a turbulent and spinning flow across the media bed,
called a “vortex.” The particles in the vortex collide with the fine sand barrier and with the vessel
wall. The collision causes the particulates to fall out tangentially and coat the media bed and
vessel with a filter “cake.”
These filters operate efficiently in a smaller installation footprint. High efficiency filters can
filter 18 gallons of water per square foot of media surface, compared with 8 to10 gallons per
square foot of conventional pressure filters. This filter footprint difference can be very important
for selecting equipment in mechanical rooms.
3 System Economics
This section discusses the economics of a side stream filtration system, using a hypothetical
example of life-cycle cost analysis for a side stream filtration system using pressure sand filters.
To calculate the potential savings associated with a filtering system, the analysis presented here
is based on the following cooling tower specifications:
• Cycles of concentration is 3
• Cooling tower consumes $1,500 worth of water treatment chemicals per year.
• Cooling tower is cleaned three times per year; each cleaning requires two people for
24 hours at a total estimated cost of $4,320.
The supply water contains particles with a minimum size of 20 microns. These particles take up
90% of the total particle volume and have the potential to form a layer of foul measuring
approximately 0.001 inch thick. Each 0.001 increase in fouling results in a 10 % increase in
power (ASHRAE Standard 550-98). In addition, this amount of particles can cause a 20%
increase in the costs of water treatment chemicals (Dearmont et al. 1998).
The current energy cost of this cooling tower is estimated to be $47,393 per year, based on the
following formula:
A\C ton × kW/ton × load factor × hours of operation/yr × cost/kWh = energy costs/year
400 ton A\C × 0.65 kW/ton × 0.7 load factor × 3,720 operating hours × $0.07/kWh = $47,393
In this example, a side stream filtration system is installed that filters 10% of the entire flow
rate to remove the identified particles, with a minimum size of 20 microns. With this system
installed, it is estimated that the cooling tower would consume 10% less energy (PEP, 2010),
which translates to $4,739 of energy savings per year. Cycles of concentration would increase
from three cycles to four in the system and create a water savings of 228,000 gallons of water
annually (PNNL 2012). At a combined water cost of $7 per thousand gallons, this will save
$1,596 annually. In addition, the filtration system is projected to reduce water treatment cost
by 20% saving $300 per year. Finally, it is estimated that the maintenance requirement for the
cooling tower could be cut in half (LAKOS, 2012), generating an annual maintenance saving of
$2,160. In total, the side stream filtration system would save $8,795 per year.
A life-cycle cost (LCC) analysis was performed on this hypothetical example for a pressure sand
filter. Pressure sand filters generally have the highest estimated cost of equipment and
installation. It was concluded then, if the pressure sand filtration system had favorable
economics, then all other systems would likewise be favorable. The savings estimates were
based on a few manufactures’ return on investment (ROI) Excel spreadsheet calculator tools
(LAKOS 2012; PEP, 2010) and LCC calculations were performed using the Department of
Energy’s Building Life Cycle Cost (BLCC) (v5.3-11) software.
4 Evaluate Field Application of Technologies
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) cooling tower at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
is a four-cell, cross-flow tower that is divided into two two-cell operating systems. Half of the
system meets the comfort cooling load of the research facilities in the SNS area, while the other
half provides process cooling for the accelerator. Both sides of the tower are operated and
controlled independently even though they share the same structure. The makeup water quality is
also the same for both sides of the system. The critical nature of the accelerator cooling requires
that only trace levels of suspended solids be present in the cooling tower bulk water; therefore,
ORNL instituted a plastic disc filter system to manage suspended solid levels in the side of the
cooling tower that serves the accelerator.
The disc filter system at ORNL has successfully maintained suspended solids within the
threshold levels. Table 4.1 gives a side by side comparison of the overall particle volume for
both the system with side stream filtration and the system without. The table shows particle
volume, measured in cubic millimeters per one hundred liters (mm3/100L). The total particle
volume of the system without side stream filtration is 3,986 but is reduced to only 43 mm3/100L
in the system with side stream filtration. This represents a 95% reduction in suspended solids,
including complete removal of particles larger than 80 microns.
5 System Implementation Considerations
When considering a side stream filtration system, there are several key parameters that are
important to weigh including the level of particle removal, filtration sizing, installation methods,
and cost and water savings potential. Carefully examine the following features to properly
specify the proper side stream filtration system for the appropriate application:
• Filtration sizing: Properly sizing a side stream filtration system is critical to achieving
optimum filter performance. Flow rate and filtration efficiency are major factors in sizing
a filter. The flow rate should be targeted to achieve a certain percentage of the entire
recirculation flow rate, depending on how efficiently the chosen technology removes the
identified particles in the recirculation water. More efficient technologies require a
smaller percentage of the recirculation flow since they capture more particles per gallon.
The number of system volume turnovers per day is equally important to properly sizing
the side stream filtration for a cooling system. A common guideline is to size the filter to
handle a flow rate that turns the system volume over once an hour. A side stream
filtration system’s flow rate generally ranges from 3 to 10% (but can be up to 20%) of the
total recirculated cooling water flow rate. A side stream filtration percentage of 3% or
less of the total circulation flow rate has been shown to damage cooling systems, causing
fouling throughout the cooling loop.
• Installation methods: Two common methods are used to install side stream filters in
cooling systems. One method is to install a filtration system on a tap off the water flow
line. The installation on a tap off the water flow line takes a percentage of the flow
downstream of the pumps and then delivers the filtered water back to the basin or back to
the full flow stream with the aid of a booster pump. When a filter is tapped on the water
supply line and filtered water is returned to the basin, additional pumps are not required.
A major consideration with this installation is the downstream effect on the cooling
capacity since it may affect the flow rate pressure of cooling water sent to the heat
source. The second method is to install the system off the basin/sump of the cooling
tower. With this type of installation, the system takes suction from the tower sump and
returns treated water back to the basin. This installation method requires a dedicated
pump rated at the required flow rate, control valve, and controller. It also requires the
operating pressure of the filter system recommended by the chosen technology’s
manufacturer. This is a preferred installation option for process towers where common
supply headers are inaccessible or difficult to tap.
• Filtration design features: Once the types and sizing of filtration systems are selected for
a cooling tower system, another important consideration is the design features of the
selected filtration system. Automatic backwash functions are a key design feature for
cost-effective systems. Side stream filtration systems with automatic backwash functions
can reduce maintenance requirements, reducing operating costs. Side stream filtration
systems without automatic backwash features, such as screen, cartridge, and bag filters,
require more maintenance, making them difficult to justify as a long-term solution. Other
considerations include whether the filtration system requires electricity and backwash
water, and whether the system is simple to operate, because a complicated operating
system can significantly increase operating costs. Another consideration is whether the
system incorporates design features to allow easy upgrading.
When performing a financial analysis, it is important to consider the costs associated with
the different filtering technologies. The largest cost is the filtration system. However,
there is a varying cost of different types of filters. A quote received during the evaluation
priced a sand filtration system at $32,000 for a 400 ton cooling tower. In another estimate
for the same cooling tower, a high efficiency sand filter was proposed at $23,000. As
another example, a Spokane, Washington hospital installed a $22,000 centrifugal
separator system. Each of these systems utilizes different technologies, which results in
varying levels of performance. The high efficiency sand filter, for example, filters down
to 0.45 micron particles, but the centrifugal separator generally only filters down to 40-50
micron particles. The costs, therefore, must also be weighed against the requirements of
the system.
Once a filtering system is selected, the material and labor costs associated with
installation should also be included in the financial analysis. Pumps, piping, and
installation will all vary with respect to system configuration.
• Savings considerations: There are several different savings to consider and quantify
when selecting the filtration systems. As the cooling water is filtered, there likely will be
less fouling of the cooling lines, radiators and condensers which will increase the overall
efficiency of the cooling system. Based on the particle analysis and estimated particle
volume reduction, the efficiency improvement of the cooling systems as well as the
related energy consumption savings can be calculated. Furthermore, an effective filtration
system can reduce costs associated with the traditional cooling tower cleaning process
include downtime, labor, lost water, and additional chemicals. Therefore, these
operational and maintenance savings including water, labor and water treatment savings
should be estimated and accounted in the financial analysis.
6 References
Allhands M. 2005. It’s Time to Rethink Cooling Tower Filtration. 2005 Cooling Tower
Institute Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX.
BAC – Baltimore Aircoil Company. 2012. Product and Application Handbook 2012. Jessup,
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Bobby C., R. Ellis, J. Hermon, J. Mick, J. Ronco, C. Schissle, D. Willetts, J. Hermon and
Associates. 2001. Cooling Tower Water Treatment – Part II. Englewood, CO.
Melancon C. 2004. Cooling Tower Side Stream Filtration 101. 2004 Cooling Technology
Institute Annual Conference. Houston, TX.
Dearmont D., B. McCarl, D. Tolman. 1998. Costs of Water Treatment due to Diminished
Water Quality: A Case Study in Texas. Water Resources Research. 34(4):849.
Griswold Filtration. 2008. Separators, Separator Systems and Sand Filters. Irvine, CA.
works.pdf. Accessed April 2002.
LAKOS. 2008. Particle Counts vs. Particle Volume. Filtration Facts from LAKOS. Fresno,
775_FiltrationFacts_ParticleCountAndVolume_PRINT.pdf. Accessed April 2012.
Latzer K. 2012. The Importance of Side Stream Filtration in Water and Energy
Conservation. Tech Talk.
Chemtech%20Sidestream%20Techtalk.pdf. Accessed May 2012.
Venkat, C. n.d. Fouling Factor: How Much This Dirt Cost You? Accessed April 2012.
WPCP – San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant. 2002. Guidelines for Managing
Water in Cooling Systems. San Jose, CA.
Accessed April 2012.
Wymore, G. 2003. Cooling Tower Filters –What You Need to Know. Cedar Rapids, IA. Accessed April 2012.