Definition of Communication Skills
Definition of Communication Skills
Definition of Communication Skills
Communication skills are the abilities you use when giving and receiving different
kinds of information. In short, the ability to convey or share ideas and feelings
effectively is known as communication skill. Some examples include
communicating new ideas, feelings or even an update on your project.
Communication skills involve listening, speaking, observing and empathizing. It is
also helpful to understand the differences in how to communicate through face-
to-face interactions, phone conversations and digital communications like email
and social media
There are many reasons why interpersonal communications may fail. In many
communications, the message may not be received exactly the way the sender
intended and hence it is important that the communicator seeks feedback to
check that their message is clearly understood. There exist many barriers to
communication and these may occur at any stage in the communication process.
There are many reasons why interpersonal communications may fail. In many
communications, the message may not be received exactly the way the sender
intended and hence it is important that the communicator seeks feedback to
check that their message is clearly understood. There exist many barriers to
communication and these may occur at any stage in the communication process.
I have outlined four types of communication, but I believe there are actually five
types of communication: verbal, nonverbal, written, listening, and visual.
Oral Communication
Example: Face to face conversation, presentation at business meeting or class
Written Communication
Example: write someone letter or SMS.
Mediated Communication
Example: Mediated communication also includes telecommunications, radio, film,
television and digital technologies. Electronic mail is digital mechanism for
exchanging messages through internet or intranet communication platforms.
Speech Communication
Example: Examples of channels include radio, phone, internet, tv, and verbal. As
such, public speaking is more than just in person but through other channels as
Codes Communication
Example: A verbal codes is a set of rules about the use of words in the creation of
messages. Words can obviously be either spoken or written. Verbal codes, then,
include both oral (spoken) language and non-oral (written) language.
Nonverbal communication:
Nonverbal communication is the transfer of information through the use of body
language including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures and more. For
example, smiling when you meet someone conveys friendliness, acceptance and
openness. Everyone uses nonverbal communication all the time whether they
know it or not.
1. Body language
Example: Someone might cross their arms if they are feeling angry or nervous.
2. Movement
Example: Sitting still and paying attention in a meeting conveys respect and
3. Posture
Example: Someone might slouch their shoulders if they feel tired, frustrated or
4. Gestures
Example: Someone in the United States might display a “thumbs up” to
communicate confirmation or that they feel positively about something.
5. Space
Example: You might stand two to three feet away from a new contact to respect
their boundaries.
6. Paralanguage
Example: You might speak quickly if you are excited about something.
Too often, participants in a debate or argument misunderstand the opponent
meaning and then respond to what they assume the opponent is saying.
Confused Messages
Even if you do your best to understand what someone is saying, you still might
miss the point. And even if you express yourself as clearly as possible, the other
person might miss yours.
Eye Contact
Eye contact indicates interest, attention and involvement. Research indicates that
people rely on visual clues to help them decide on whether to attend to a
message or not. It is essential that you engage every member of the audience by
looking at them.
A gesture is a non facial body movement intended to express meaning. Gestures
may be articulated with hands, arms or body, and also include movements of the
head, face and eyes such as winking, nodding or rolling your eyes. In the business
setting, consumers rely heavily upon your face and hands to draw conclusions
about the passion and conviction you have toward your products and services.
Your posture tells a powerful, nonverbal story. Positive body posture transmits a
message of authority, confidence, trust and power. Studies indicate that a person
who displays a forward lean or a decrease in backwards lean signifies positive
sentiment during communication.
People who laugh and smile, even when they don’t feel especially happy, make
their brain’s left hemisphere surge with electrical activity. When you laugh, every
organ in your body is affected in a positive way. As with smiling, when laughter is
incorporated as a permanent part of who you are, it attracts friends, improves
health and extends life.
The power of the touch, whether it be your handshake, touch on the elbow, a
high five or pat on the back demonstrates positive impact. Understanding of the
importance of eye contact, gesture, posture, touch, smile and laughter will allow
you to enhance your level of communication.
10. Importance and the ways to improve communication skills
Good communication is an essential tool in achieving productivity and
maintaining strong working relationships at all levels of an organization.
Employers who invest time and energy into delivering clear lines of
communication will rapidly build trust among employees, leading to increases in
productivity, output and morale in general. Meanwhile, employees who
communicate effectively with colleagues, managers and customers are always
valuable assets to an organization and it is a skill which can often set people apart
from their competition when applying for jobs.
There are specific things to do that can improve your communication skills: