Family Fitness Night
Family Fitness Night
Family Fitness Night
Directions Directions
Have children stand behind a line
(point of origin). Bowling pins will be Have children stand behind a line (point of Have children do self turned rope jumps.
about 8 feet away from the line. origin). Buckets will be about 8 feet away Children should count their jumps for
Children have to use underarm throw from the line. Children have to use over- 1minute which will be timed by parents
arm throw to get as many beanbags into overseeing this station.
to hit as many pins with a bouncing
ball. their buckets. Each child will have 5
beanbags to try.
Learning objectives:
Learning objectives: Learning objectives:
Children will be able to
describe scoring techniques Children will be able to describe Children will be able to count
scoring techniques number of jumps
Children will be able to count
number of pins they hit Children will be able to count
beanbag that lands inside bucket
Targeted fine gross motor skill
Targeted fine gross motor skill Targeted fine gross motor skill
Underarm throw
Over -arm throw Learning how to jump in one spot
Hand-eye coordination
Hand-eye coordination Hand-eye coordination
Learning how to practice good
Learning how to practice good grip Foot-eye coordination
grip and stance
and stance Dynamic Balance
Importance Importance
This activity promotes good hand-eye
coordination that young children need This activity promotes good hand-eye This activity improves children’s muscle
to develop at an early stage. Improves coordination that young children need to development and cardio. It promotes
dexterity to perform complex tasks like develop at an early stage. Children will good breathing and it makes the heart
picking small stuff up (“13 throwing also practice how to take turns in a game. stronger. It also improves bone density
games,” 2018). Children will also When children uses bean bags, it acts as a and reflexes (McCall, 2017).
practice how to take turns in a game. tool that is important for “sensory
This activity also improves aim. integration and proprioception” (Graham,
Differentiation Differentiation
Children with special needs, physical
limitations or developmental delays: Children with special needs, physical Children with special needs, physical
limitations or developmental delays: limitations or developmental delays:
Instead of 8 feet, have these
children stand closer to pins. Instead of 8 feet, have these Parents will have a separate jump
Use 5 feet. children stand closer to bucket. rope station for these children.
Use 5 feet. Parents will hold rope end to end
Use smaller balls for less
These children can use lighter while each child jumps in the
developed grips.
bean bags. middle as parents turn rope over.
Graham, B. (2016, September 27). Bean bag games for higher learning development. Retrieved from
McCall, P. (2017, April 27). 7 benefits of jumping rope. Retrieved from
13 throwing games for kids. (2018, December 4). Retrieved from