D1.C.9 Composite Beam Design Per The AISC LRFD 3rd Edition Code
D1.C.9 Composite Beam Design Per The AISC LRFD 3rd Edition Code
D1.C.9 Composite Beam Design Per The AISC LRFD 3rd Edition Code
Theoretical Basis
1. Find the maximum compressive force carried by concrete as:
0.85 fc⋅b⋅t
2. Find the maximum tensile force carried by the steel beam as:
As . fy
3. If step 1 produces a higher value than step 2, plastic neutral axis (PNA) is in the slab. Else, it is in the
steel beam.
Find the depth of the PNA below the top of the slab as:
0.85fc⋅b⋅a = As⋅fy
Rearranging terms:
a = As⋅fy/(0.85fc⋅b)
Moment Capacity
Cs + Cb = Tb
Rearranging terms:
Determine whether the PNA is within the top flang of the steel beam or inside the web:
If Cf ≥ Cb, the PNA lies within the flange (Case 2A)
If Cf < Cb, the PNA lies within the web (Case 2B)
y = Cf/(bf⋅fy)
The point of action of the tensile force is the centroid of the steel are below the PNA. After find that point,
e1 and e2 can be calculated.
Plastic neutral axis falls within the top flange
Moment Capacity
φb(Cf⋅e1 + Cs⋅e2)
g = Cw/(tw⋅fy)
The point of action of the tensile force is the centroid of the steel area below the PNA. After finding that
point, e1, e2, and e3 can be calculated.
Moment Capacity
φb(Cs⋅e2 + Cf⋅e1 + Cw⋅e3)
1. Rib Height is the distance from top of flange of steel beam to lower surface of concrete.
2. If the slab is flush on top of the steel beam, set the Rib Height to zero.