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Pressure Sequence Valve, Direct-Operated Type DZ 6 DP: RE 26076, Edition: 2019-09, Bosch Rexroth AG

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RE 26076

Edition: 2019-09
Replaces: 04.07

Pressure sequence valve,


Type DZ 6 DP
▶▶ Size 6
▶▶ Component series 5X
▶▶ Maximum operating pressure 315 bar
▶▶ Maximum flow 60 l/min


Features Contents

▶▶ For subplate mounting Features 1

▶▶ Porting pattern according to ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 Contents 1
(with or without locating hole) Ordering codes 2
▶▶ 5 pressure ratings Symbols 2
▶▶ 4 adjustment types, optionally: Function, section 3
–– Rotary knob Technical data 4
–– Grub screw with hexagon and protective cap Characteristic curves 5
–– Lockable rotary knob with scale Dimensions 6
–– Rotary knob with scale Further information 7
▶▶ Check valve, optional

RE 26076, edition: 2019-09, Bosch Rexroth AG

2/8 DZ 6 DP | Pressure sequence valve

Ordering codes

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
DZ 6 DP – 5X / *

01 Pressure sequence valve, size 6, direct-operated DZ 6 DP

Adjustment type
02 Rotary knob 1
Grub screw with hexagon and protective cap 2
Lockable rotary knob with scale 1) 3
Rotary knob with scale 7

03 Component series 50 … 59 (50 … 59: unchanged installation and connection dimensions) 5X

Maximum sequencing pressure

04 25 bar 25
75 bar 75
150 bar 150
210 bar 210
315 bar 315 2)

Pilot oil flow

05 Internal pilot oil supply, internal pilot oil return no code
External pilot oil supply, internal pilot oil return X
Internal pilot oil supply, external pilot oil return Y
External pilot oil supply, external pilot oil return XY

06 With check valve no code

Without check valve M

Seal material (observe compatibility of seals with hydraulic fluid used, see page 4)
07 NBR seals no code
FKM seals V

08 Without locating hole no code

With locating hole /60 3)

09 Further details in the plain text

1) H-key with material no. R900008158 is included in the scope

of delivery.
2) Only with adjustment type "2" and without check valve
3) Locking pin ISO 8752-3x8-St, material no. R900005694
(separate order)


Version "no code" Version "X" Version "Y" Version "XY"


M M T(Y)
B(X) B(X) T(Y)


Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 26076, edition: 2019-09

Pressure sequence valve | DZ 6 DP 3/8

Function, section

Valve type DZ 6 DP is a direct-operated pressure sequence The control signal is received internally via the control
valve. It is used for the pressure-dependent connection line (6) from channel P or externally via port B (X).
of a second system. The sequencing pressure is set via the Depending on the use of the valve, pilot oil return is
adjustment type (4). realized externally via port T (Y) or internally via A.
The compression spring (3) holds the control spool (2)
in the initial position, the valve is blocked. The pressure
in channel P is applied via the control line (6) at the spool
With internal pilot oil return, the set cracking pressure
face of the control spool (2) opposite the compression
is increased by the pressure in channel A.
spring (3).
A check valve (5) can be optionally installed for free
If the pressure in channel P reaches the set value of the
hydraulic fluid return flow back from channel A to
compression spring (3), the control spool (2) is moved
channel P.
to the left and the connection from P to A is opened.
A pressure gauge connection (1) enables control
The system connected to channel A is connected without
of the sequencing pressure at the valve.
a pressure drop in channel P.

4 3 2 5 6 1

Type DZ 6 DP1–5X/… P A (Y) (X)

4 3 2 1

Type DZ 6 DP1–5X/.XYM… P A T B
(Y) (X)

RE 26076, edition: 2019-09, Bosch Rexroth AG

4/8 DZ 6 DP | Pressure sequence valve

Technical data
(For applications outside these values, please consult us!)

Mass kg approx. 1.2
Installation position any
Ambient temperature range °C –30 … +80 (NBR seals)
–20 … +80 (FKM seals)

Maximum ▶▶ Ports P, B (X) bar 315
operating pressure ▶▶ Port A
–– External pilot oil return bar 315
–– Internal pilot oil return bar 160
▶▶ Port T (Y) bar 160
Maximum sequencing pressure (adjustable) bar 25; 75; 150; 210; 315
Maximum flow l/min 60
Hydraulic fluid See table below
Hydraulic fluid temperature range °C –30 … +80 (NBR seals)
–20 … +80 (FKM seals)
Viscosity range mm2/s 10 … 800
Maximum admissible degree of contamination of the hydraulic Class 20/18/15 1)

fluid, cleanliness class according to ISO 4406 (c)

Hydraulic fluid Classification Suitable sealing Standards Data sheet

Mineral oils HL, HLP, HLPD, HVLP, HVLPD NBR, FKM DIN 51524 90220
Bio-degradable ▶▶ Insoluble in water HETG FKM
ISO 15380
HEES FKM 90221
▶▶ Soluble in water HEPG FKM ISO 15380
Flame-resistant ▶▶ Water-free HFDU (glycol base) FKM
HFDU (ester base) FKM ISO 12922 90222
▶▶ Containing water HFC (Fuchs: Hydrotherm 46M, NBR
Renosafe 500;
Petrofer: Ultra Safe 620; Hough- ISO 12922 90223
ton: Safe 620;
Union: Carbide HP5046)
▶▶ Flame-resistant – containing water:
Important notices on hydraulic fluids:
▶▶ For further information and data on the use of other hydraulic Due to increased cavitation tendency with HFC hydraulic fluids,
fluids, please refer to the data sheets above or contact us. the life cycle of the component may be reduced by up to 30%
▶▶ There may be limitations regarding the technical valve data as compared to the use with mineral oil HLP. In order to reduce
(temperature, pressure range, life cycle, maintenance intervals, the cavitation effect, it is recommended - if possible specific
etc.). to the installation - to back up the return flow pressure in ports T
▶▶ The ignition temperature of the hydraulic fluid used must be 50 K to approx. 20% of the pressure differential at the component.
higher than the maximum surface temperature.
▶▶ Bio-degradable and flame-resistant – containing water:
If components with galvanic zinc coating (e.g. version "J3"
or "J5") or parts containing zinc are used, small amounts
of dissolved zinc may get into the hydraulic system and cause
accelerated aging of the hydraulic fluid. Zinc soap may form
as a chemical reaction product, which may clog filters, nozzles
and solenoid valves – particularly in connection with local heat

1) The cleanliness classes specified for the components must

be adhered to in hydraulic systems. Effective filtration prevents
faults and simultaneously increases the life cycle of the
Available filters can be found at www.boschrexroth.com/filter.

Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 26076, edition: 2019-09

Pressure sequence valve | DZ 6 DP 5/8

Characteristic curves
(measured with HLP46, ϑoil = 40 ±5 °C)

p-qV characteristic curves



∆p-qV characteristic curves

Sequencing pressure in bar

250 25

Pressure differential in bar
200 20

150 15
100 10

50 5

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Flow in l/min → Flow in l/min →

1 A to P, via check valve

2 P to A
The characteristic curves apply to the pressure at the valve
output p = 0 bar across the entire flow range.

RE 26076, edition: 2019-09, Bosch Rexroth AG

6/8 DZ 6 DP | Pressure sequence valve

(Dimensions in mm)

6 4 5 1 12
18 233


3 2 1


3 13


9 8 14 10
2 84.5 12.5 11

0,01/100 F1 T(Y) F2

Rzmax 4 A

Required surface quality
of the valve contact surface F4
P F3

4 x Ø5.4

1 Name plate 14 Porting pattern according to ISO 4401-03-02-0-05

2 Adjustment type "1" (with or without locating hole; with locating hole for
locking pin ISO 8752-3x8-St, material no. R900005694,
3 Adjustment type "2"
separate order)
4 Adjustment type "3"
5 Adjustment type "7" Subplates (separate order) with porting pattern according
6 Dimension required to remove the key to ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 see data sheet 45100.
7 Valve mounting bores
Valve mounting screws (separate order)
8 Lock nut, wrench size 24 4 hexagon socket head cap screws
9 Hexagon, wrench size 10 ISO 4762 - M5 x 50 - 10.9-flZn-240h-L
10 Identical seal rings for ports A, B(X), P, T(Y) Friction coefficient µtotal = 0.09 … 0.14,
tightening torque MA = 7 Nm ± 10%,
11 Pressure gauge connection G1/4, 12 deep; internal hexagon,
material no. R913000064
wrench size 6
12 Without check valve Pipe thread (G..) according to ISO 228/1
13 With check valve

Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 26076, edition: 2019-09

Pressure sequence valve | DZ 6 DP 7/8

Further information

▶▶ Subplates Data sheet 45100

▶▶ Hydraulic fluids on mineral oil basis Data sheet 90220
▶▶ Environmentally compatible hydraulic fluids Data sheet 90221
▶▶ Flame-resistant, water-free hydraulic fluids Data sheet 90222
▶▶ Flame-resistant hydraulic fluids - containing water (HFAE, HFAS, HFB, HFC) Data sheet 90223
▶▶ Hydraulic valves for industrial applications Operating instruc-
tions 07600-B
▶▶ Selection of filters www.boschrexroth.com/filter
▶▶ Information on available spare parts www.boschrexroth.com/spc

RE 26076, edition: 2019-09, Bosch Rexroth AG

8/8 DZ 6 DP | Pressure sequence valve


Bosch Rexroth AG © All rights reserved to Bosch Rexroth AG, also regarding any disposal,

Industrial Hydraulics exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event
Zum Eisengießer 1 of applications for industrial property rights.
97816 Lohr am Main, Germany The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No statements
Phone +49 (0) 93 52 / 40 30 20 concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can
[email protected] be derived from our information. The information given does not release
www.boschrexroth.com the user from the obligation of own judgment and verification.
Please note that our products are subject to a natural process of wear
and aging.

Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 26076, edition: 2019-09

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