Megan Goodale 2012 PDF
Megan Goodale 2012 PDF
Megan Goodale 2012 PDF
Megan Goodale
Acting Occupational Therapy Manager
Cork University Hospital
Occupational Therapy with Children
¨ Occupational Therapists help children to develop
skills for everyday life in the areas of self care,
work (school) and play.
¨ Educational
¤ Memory
¤ Attention
¨ Treatment
¤ Individual or group
¨ Reviews appointments
¨ School visits
Areas of Assessment
¨ Visual Perception
¨ Visual Motor Integration
¨ Social/Emotional
¨ Cognitive
¨ Visual Perceptual Skills – is the process responsible
for the reception and cognition of visual
¤ Reception – receiving and organising relevant
information from the environment.
¤ Cognition – interpreting what is seen and using this
information in a meaningful way.
¨ Visual Perceptual Skills
¤ Visual memory
¤ Form Constancy – recognition that forms are the same
in various sizes and orientations
¤ Visual Closure – identification of forms from incomplete
¤ Figure Ground – differentiation of foreground from
¤ Position in space – awareness of positioning between
¨ Visual Motor Integration
¤ The ability to use visual and motor systems together.
¤ Bathing
¤ Toileting
¤ Feeding
¤ Relationships
¤ Sequencing
¤ Problem solving
¤ Organisation
¨ Where do OTs work
¤ Community Paediatric Teams
n Early Intervention teams – 0-6 years
n School Age Teams 6-18 years
n Enable Ireland/CRC – physical difficulties
n Learning Disability services – tend to be non Government
services, eg. Brothers of Charity, Western Care
¨ Local teams can vary in every area
¨ If seeing another health professional they can