15 Attributes of The Slaves of The Most Beneficent Sh. Saalih As Suhaimi 1
15 Attributes of The Slaves of The Most Beneficent Sh. Saalih As Suhaimi 1
15 Attributes of The Slaves of The Most Beneficent Sh. Saalih As Suhaimi 1
u ^ jll iU c .
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Title Page
Preface 1
All praise is due to Allaah, I testify that none has the right to be
worshipped except Allaah and that Muhammad is His slave and last
Messenger sent to mankind.
I pray that this is a proof for us and not against us when we meet our
Lord. Ameen. Indeed actions are in accordance with one's intention
and everyone will have what they intend.
Abdulilah Lahmami
Language and Translation Department
Taibah University
Madinah Nabawiyyah
Saudi Arabia
19 Jumaada Akhir 1431/ 19th May 2010
P er m is s io n fr o m S haikh S a alih A l -S u h a im i t o prin t th e b o o k
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Saudi Arabia - Al-Madina Al-Munawarah - P.O .Box *47 - Fax M T J I M - Mob. 060S310SS2
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Indeed all praise is due to Allaah, we praise Him and seek His aid and
forgiveness. We seek refuge from the evil of ourselves and from the
evil of our actions. Whoever Allaah guides there is none that
misguides and whomsoever Allaah misguides (due to their
perversion) there is none that can guide. I testify that none has the
right to be worshipped except Allaah who has no partners. And I
testify that Muhammad % is His slave and Messenger may Allaah
make mention of him M in the highest of places and may Allaah
protect and bless him M , his family and the companions altogether.
After which follows; My brothers and beloved ones for the sake of
Allaah, we are discussing the last verses from Soorah Al-Furqaan (The
Criterion). These great Verses capture the attributes of the believers
and warn against some of the attributes opposing them.
Allaah said in Soorah al-Furqan:
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61. Blessed be He Who has placed in the heaven big stars, and has placed
therein a great lamp (sun), and a moon giving light.
62. And He it is Who has put the night and the day in succession, fo r such
who desires to remember or desires to show his gratitude.
63. And the slaves of the M ost Beneficent (Allaah) are those who walk on
the earth in humility, and when the foolish address them (with bad words)
they reply back with mild words of gentleness.
64. And those who spend the night before their Lord, prostrating and
65. And those who say: "Our Lord! Avert from us the torment of Hell.
Verily! Its torment is ever an inseparable, permanent punishment."
67. And those, who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor miserly,
but choose a middle course between those (extremes).
68. And those who invoke not any other deity along with Allaah, nor kill
such life that Allaah has forbidden, except fo r just cause, nor have illegal
sexual relations and whoever does this shall be met with his punishment.
69. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he
will abide therein in disgrace;
70. Except those who repent and believe correctly, and do righteous deeds,
for those, Allaah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allaah is Oft-
Forgiving, M ost Merciful.
71. And whosoever repents and does righteous good deeds, then verily, he
repents towards Allaah with a true repentance.
72. And those who do not witness falsehood, and if they pass by some evil
talk, they pass by it with dignity.
73. And those who, when they are reminded of the Ayaat (proofs,
evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord, fall not
deaf and blind thereat.
74. And those who say: "Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our
offspring, those who will be the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders
fo r the pious ones."
75. Those will be rewarded with the highest place (in Paradise) because of
their patience. Therein they shall be met with greetings and the word of
peace and respect.
77. Say: "My Lord pays attention to you only because of your worship to
Him. But now you have indeed denied (Him). So the torment will be yours
for ever."
Ponder with me, May Allaah protect and nurture you, over these
blessed Verses and what they contain from the attributes of the
believers and ponder over the fact that Allaah began with His saying:
"And the slaves of the Most Beneficent (Allaah)"
T he F irst A t t r ib u t e -
T h e S la ves of A lla a h
2 Soorah A l-lsraa: 1.
"The Messiah does by no means disdain that he should be a
servant of Allaah, nor do the angels who are near to Him"
"Do not over praise me just as the Christians over praised ('Isa)
the son of Maryam, Indeed I am His slave, so say slave of Allaah
and His Messenger"
S e c o n d a t t r ib u t e - h u m ility
5 The Messenger 4* said "Whoever humbles himself to Allaah then Allaah raises
him." As-Saheehah (2328).
6 Soorah Al-Furqan: 63.
7 See appendix 1.
T h ird A tt r ib u t e -
T h e y d o n ’ t a r g u e w i t h t h e f o o l i s h
"When the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply
back with mild words of gentleness."
"And when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply
back with mild words of gentleness."
< 0 >
"Take to forgiveness and enjoin good and turn away from the
X* j ; j j \ i o l l i U ij t lo D i ^
“The strong one is not the one who overcomes the people by
his strength, but the strong one is the one who controls himself
while at the point of anger."
L)J> \ i jl j O lij!
o 0 J l ^
The poet said:
Patience and forbearance has its times and likewise foolishness is similarly
given its time,
And those that speak (foolishly) of me are not able to express themselves
properly but I am able to be eloquent.
They see that maybe my outlook is due to my modesty and it shows them
Many disputes and quarrels occur due to replying to the foolish ones
and answering them back. However, if you turn away from them as if
you didn't even hear what they said, you will succeed by not being
harmed in many things.
"And when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply
back with mild words of gentleness."13
13 Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadi Al-Madhkhali said, "This is a lesson in manners where
Allaah is educating us and clarifying to us the attributes of His close companions and
the few. He is mentioning to us their noble manners, so just as we benefit from the
scholars' understanding of this religion and belief. Likewise, we must benefit from
their manners, tread their path and follow their example." 'Majaalis Tadkeeriya,
Tafseeriya, Qur'aniyyah' p.43.
T he fo u rt h a t t r ib u t e -
T h o s e w h o s p e n d t h e i r n i g h t p r o s t r a t i n g
"And those who spend the night before their Lord, prostrating and
Allaah said:
"Their sides draw away from (their) beds, they call upon their
Lord in fear and in hope, and they spend (benevolently) out of
what We have given them. So no soul knows what is hidden for
them of that which will refresh the eyes; a reward for what they
Allaah said:
"They used to sleep but little at night [invoking their Lord
(Allaah) and praying, with fear and hope]. And in the hours
before dawn, they were (found) asking (Allaah) for
They pray the night prayer seeking the mercy of Allaah. They get up
in the last part of the night when Allaah calls upon His slaves, when
Allaah descends to the lowest heavens in a way which befits His
majesty and greatness and calls upon his Lord:
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F ifth A ttr ib u te — s e e k i n g p r o t e c t i o n
They seek protection with Allaah from the Hellfire and they do
righteous deeds hoping Allaah keeps them away from the Hellfire.
"And those who say: Our Lord! Avert from us the torment of
Hell. Verily! Its torment is ever an inseparable, permanent
Its punishment is severe, great loss and regret for the one entering it,
what an evil abode it is.
Such is the Hellfire; the fire in this life is only one seventieth of the
fire in the hereafter. Such is the fire...
"whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed)
angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the
Commands they receive from Allaah, but do that which they are
The slaves of the Beneficent turn to Allaah seeking His protection and
"Our Lord! Avert from us the torment of Hell. Verily! Its torment
is ever an inseparable, permanent punishment."20
19Soorah At-Tahreem: 6.
20 Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadi Al-Madhkhali said, "The companions were not amazed by
their righteous actions, their worship and night prayer. Nor did they say: the fact that
we prayed at night then we are deserving of paradise! As some foolish ones think
such as the innovators and misguided ones!!" Ibn Abi Mulaika said "I have met thirty
Companions of the Messenger 3k and all of them feared hypocrisy for
themselves."[Ahmed (2/237) Muslim (588)]. Hasan said "none fears it except a
believer and none feels secure from it except a hypocrite" [Fath 1/134). This was to
their being so careful and far away from falling into amazement with one' self and
actions, hence they were afraid of falling into hypocrisy. Are we like that O
Sixth Attribute -
Charitable not miserly
Their middle course in spending shows that they are not extravagant
nor are they miserly but rather they spend in a balanced way without
being deficient nor extravagant. They fulfil the rights placed on them.
They pay the obligatory charity (Zakaat) and they give optional
charity. At the same time they eat, drink and spend and wear
garments without being extravagant.
"And those, who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor
miserly, but choose a middle course between those
They are balanced not being miserly, tight fisted, who don't give their
wealth its' right nor do they take out of their wealth that which
Allaah has obligated them with. Such miserly people are those whose
hands are tied. The balanced (slaves of Allaah) are between the
former and the spendthrifts who spend in that which Allaah has
brothers?! Do we find this spirit and feeling that we fear for ourselves?! Majaalis
Tadkeeriya, Tafseeriya, Qur'aniyyah' p.48.
21 Soorah Al-Furqan:67.
prohibited. The balanced ones realise that they are responsible and
accountable in front of Allaah on the Day of Judgement.
3 j ImmTI ^ i l 4JI 4 j t*)K>} 4jLJii j a lii L»~9 0
"The feet of the children of Adam will not be moved on the Day
of Judgement from his Lord until he is questioned about five
things: His life and how it was spent, his youth and how he
benefited from it, his wealth and how he acquired it and with
what he spent it and what he did with his know ledge.""
S eventh A t t r ib u t e -
"And those who invoke not any other deity along with Allaah""'
They do not associate partners with Allaah. They do not sacrifice nor
make an oath to other than Allaah. They do not seek benefit from
other than Allaah (for things only He is capable of) such as from the
dead in the graves. They do not seek the fulfillment of their needs
from them nor do they ask the dead to relieve any harm and
calamities. They are free from Shirk and its people. They are afraid of
falling into Shirk and whoever is afraid, then Allaah willing, he is
saved. Whoever is afraid, walks quickly (away from harm) and
whoever does that is saved.
Ibrahim ^ said:
IM '* .
Ibrahim At-Taymi said "And who could feel secure over trials after
Ibrahim % V
Some may not be serious and think that certain actions are not Shirk.
For example, a person's ear may ring or his eye may twitch and then
say, "this is good news, 0 Allaah make it good." He understood that
something good is going to happen to him! If he believes that totally
then he has associated partners with Allaah and we seek refuge in
Some people, if something affects them (seek help from other than
Allaah and) say, "0 Muhammad, 0 AN, 0 Hussein, 0 Shadhli, 0
Naqshbandi!" All of this is major Shirk which takes a person out of
the fold of Islam. This is why Allaah described His slaves as:
"those who invoke not any other deity along with Allaah"
If you call upon (for help) a Prophet, angel or righteous (dead) person
then you would have committed Shirk with Allaah and left the
religion of Islam. Be warned, O slave of Allaah, from this. When one is
afflicted with something and they call upon so and so, "0 Hussein, 0
Muhammad, 0 Zaid, 0 Shadhli, O Al-Abaas", this is clear Shirk. Allaah
will not accept any excuse from him.
From amongst the affairs of Shirk, are those Sufi deviated paths26
such that they claim that their Shaikh has the ability to bring about
good or remove harm even to the extent that some of the blind
followers seek the Sufi Shaikh's mucus and sputum and they eat from
it (seeking blessings!) It maybe the Sufi Shaikh orders that the water
he uses to take a bath in is used to drink seeking his blessing, even
though, that water has passed over his naked body and private parts.
This is clear Shirk where Allaah will not accept any excuse for.
26 As is clear nowadays, where some people call to cooperating with the Sufis and
Ash'aris. Refer to the tape collection "Where is Allaah?" by Shaikh Al-Albaani
rahimahullaah for a refutation of the Ash'aris (translated into English) and their Sufi
teacher Hasan Saqqaf who is the teacher of Nuh Haa Min Keller the Asha'ri, Sufi. Nuh
Haa Min Keller believes that it is allowed to call upon the Messenger 3g in times of
hardship. In his book 'Reliance of the Traveller' he defends the heretic Ibn 'Arabi who
says that Allaah and creation are one!! He believes that there is good innovation and
calls for the celebration of the Prophet's birthday. He claims that the Prophet is
present during his birthday!! His student Hamza Yusuf has translated the Poem 'Al-
Burda' of Al-Busairi which claims that salvation on the Day of Judgement lies in
holding the hand of the Messenger Jig. Other aspects of Shirk are mentioned in that
poem such as claiming the knowledge of the Prophet % is the knowledge of the Pen
and Preserved Tablets! Ahl-us-Sunnah, on the other hand believe that only Allaah
alone knows the unseen, He alone should be called upon and that all the affairs
belong to Allaah alone. Hamza Yusuf can be seen on the internet partaking in a Sufi
Dhikr session where they ask the Messenger^ for help besides Allaah.
Allaah said, "Have you seen those that they call on others besides Allaah? If Allaah
decreed harm for me, would they be able to prevent the harm?" [Zumar: 38].
Allaah said, "Do not call upon other than Allaah, that which cannot bring you benefit,
nor cause you any harm. If you do so then you will be amongst the great
wrongdoers." [al-Ankabout:29].[Tr.] See Appendix 2 for a detailed analysis of what is
bid'ah - innovation? So as to be clear that these misguided Sufis call to Bid'ah not
I remember when I was young, in Madinah, during the eighties
(1380's), there was a man who was trialed, maybe he was possessed.
People would come to him in the Prophet's mosque with their cups
of water such as a child would come thinking he has failed his exams
and the Sufi Shaikh would spit in his cup and the boy would drink it
hoping it would bless him to pass his exams.
Those who are attached to this man in this way seeking help from
him is indeed Shirk with Allaah.
"And those who invoke not any other deity along with Allaah"
E ig h th A t t r ib u t e -
T h e y d o n ’ t k i l l i n n o c e n t s o u l s
A llaah says:
LL-L i> *
ji& i t i l lit if
Every Muslim must be warned from relying upon other than Allaah
and killing a soul unjustly28. The honour of a Muslim is even more
sacred than the honourable Ka'ba. This is why Allaah said, "that if
anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread
mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all of mankind,"
Even killing yourself in suicide operations is forbidding: Shaikh Salih bin Fawzan Al-
Fawzan explains, "Allaah says in the Qur'an "And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one
another). Surely Allaah is Most Merciful to you. And whosoever does that act of
aggression and injustice, We shall cast him into the Fire, and that is easy for
Allaah."[Soorat-un-Nisaa: 29-30]... So it is not allowed for a person to kill himself
rather one should preserve his life with utmost protection...As for purposely killing
himself by suicide operations then this is not allowed. In the time of the Messenger
S and in one of the battles there was a brave man who was fighting (apparently) for
the sake of Allaah along with the Messenger Fie was killed and the people praised
him saying, "None of us fought as courageously as he did." So the Prophet % said,
"Fie is in the Hellfire." A Companion who had followed him and seen that during the
battle, he was injured after which he placed the handle of his sword on the ground
raised its head upright and plunged himself over it until it entered his chest, exited
from his back and he died. The Companion (who had seen him) then said that the
Messenger & spoke the truth. [Saheeh Al-Bukhaari ( 3062), Muslim (111)]. So they
knew that the Messenger ^ never spoke of his own accord. Why did he enter the
FHellfire for this act? Because he deliberately took his own life and was not patient, so
it is not allowed for a person to kill himself." [See Ajwibaat Al-Muhima fil Mashaakil
Al-Mumilah of Shaikh Saalih Bin Fawzan Al-Fawzan p.82,83],
"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is
Hell to abide therein, and the Wrath and the Curse of Allaah are
upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him.""
From those who are known to kill innocent people are the
Khawaarij30 those who make lawful (to shed) the blood of Muslims in
the name of Jihaad in the path of Allaah. They are the most corrupt
individuals upon the earth. The Messenger of Allaah % described
them as:
( U l J l f jS C jx j "jJit
<uLAsiJ\j jJi>
They make the blood of the Muslims lawful and kill unjustly, they are
ignorant and foolish. They are given platforms to speak on some of
the Islamic channels, the Khawaarij leave Islam's path just as the
Messenger described them as:
32 Saheeh Muslim (2466) Chapter (49/50) - The Khawaarij are the worst of creation -
33 Saheeh Muslim (2459) Chapter (48/49) - The encouragement to fight the
Khawaarij - (1066/154).
N inth A t t r ib u t e -
T h e y g u a r d t h e i r p r i v a t e p a r t s
A llaah said:
"Nor have illegal sexual relations and whoever does this shall be
met with his punishment. The torment will be doubled to him on
the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace;"
Due to the evil act of illegal sexual relations, the family lineage is lost
and honour is taken away. Likewise, many diseases are spread and
Allaah warned us by describing the believers as:
35 Soorah Nur:3.
T enth A t t r ib u t e — th e y repent
Then Allaah clarified that from the attributes of the slaves of Allaah is
they hasten to repent to Allaah.
Repentance wipes away the sins that have transpired and Islam also
wipes away the sins that occurred before a person accepts Islam so
long as the condition of repentance38 are met. They are four:
36 Soorah Nisaa: 1 7.
37 Soorah Al-Furqan: 70.
• To stop the sin that was being committed
• To intend not to return to the sin
• Regret what had occurred
• Return the rights of the people that he has taken.
38 After quoting the Verse from Soorah Al-Baqara: 160 "Except those that repent
and rectify and clarify," Shaikh 'Abdulaziz bin Baz rahimahullaah said Repentance is
by speech and rectification is with action, both must be associated with
CLARIFICATION and if not then the one who claims repentance is not
truthful..."[Majmu' Fatawa: vol. 6: 155,156].
E leven th an d T w e l t h A t t r ib u t e
T h e y b e l i e v e in A l l a a h c o r r e c t l y a n d d o
"O you who believe! Turn to Allaah with sincere repentance!"
T h irte e n A t t r ib u t e - t h e y d o n ’ t
Their tongues are dignified, they don't speak with false speech nor do
they partake in being a false witness. They don't say except truth and
they don't move except upon truth. They trained their tongues to be
upon the remembrance of Allaah. They kept away from speaking
about unlawful matters such as cursing, insulting and lowly
despicable speech.42
42 Abu Musa AI-'Asharee radiallaahu 'anhu said, ‘0 Messenger of Allaah, which of the
Muslims are better?' The Messenger of Allaah said, 'Those whom the Muslims are
free from harm from their tongues and hands.'[Saheeh Al-Bukhaari [fath 54/1] and
Saheeh Muslim [42], Saheeh Al-Adhkaar (764/1001)].
In the Sahihain on the authority of Abu Hurayra radiallaahu 'anhu that he heard the
Messenger * say ‘Indeed a servant may say a word which he doesn't realize the
consequence and he falls into the Hellfire due to it further than that what is between
the East and the West.'[Saheeh Al-Bukhaari [fath 308/ll] and Saheeh Muslim [2988],
Saheeh Al-Adhkaar (766/1003)].
Tirmidhi (d.279), Nisaai and Ibn Majah record a hadeeth which is hasan saheeh on
the authority of Sufyaan bin 'Abdullah radiallaahu 'anhu who said, 'I said: O
Messenger of Allaah tell me something that I may be firm upon?' He % said 'Say: My
Lord is Allaah then be upright.’ I said 'O Messenger of Allaah what is the thing you
False speech consists of every lowly, despicable speech whether it is
bearing witness upon someone (falsely), taking someone's right,
cursing and insulting, futile speech or other than that from unlawful
matters regarding the ills of the tongue.
fear for me most?' So the Messenger % took hold of his (own) tongue and said
'This!"[ Saheeh: Tirmidhi (2522), Ibn Majah (3972), Ahmed (413/3)].
F o u r te e n t h A t t r ib u t e - T hey
They are humble upon the remembrance of Allaah. They are those
whose hearts soften with the remembrance of Allaah.
"And those who, when they are reminded of the Ayaat (proofs,
evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord,
fall not deaf and blind thereat."
J i I L j a '£ \% C S i
"The believers are only those who, when Allaah is mentioned, feel
a fear in their hearts and when His Verses (this Qur'an) are recited
unto them, they (i.e. the Verses) increase their Faith; and they put
their trust in their Lord (Alone);"44
The believer is the one who when is reminded, it benefits him and
when he is warned takes heed. When the believer hears "Allaah said,
The Messenger % said such and such..." his heart trembles and is
ready to obey Allaah and His Messenger The believers are not
those who are not moved when they hear the remembrance of
The reason being is that the ones who turn away from the
remembrance of Allaah their situation is dangerous.
J * S-L7 ^ A* 2 '
signs came unto you, but you disregarded them and so this Day, you
will be neglected." 45
- ^ lll J J j u j j ^ i 3 ‘ ^W 3 ^3 ^ 4 ^ 1 C ilj 4 t l- k ( J jo lk i
4a& 4 l l l j_ p a ^ ) C .t a 4 ( jJ a jC - U
45 Soorah Taha:124-126.
his face from Allaah and went away, so Allaah turned His face
from him likewise."
F ifteenth A t t r ib u t e - T hey
Allaah said:
"And those who say: "Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and
our offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and make us
leaders for the pious ones."
"And those who say: "Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and
our offspring those who will be the comfort of our eyes"
How will they be a comfort to the eyes? If they are obedient to Allaah
and if you educate and cultivate them well, such that they are
steadfast in the prayer and in doing good, when they use good
speech and when they are regular in reading the Qur'an because you
taught them to be attached to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of
the Messenger You protected your wife and children from going
with the people of desires and atheists and away from the deviated
people who have doubts.
Your children will be a comfort for your eyes if you trained them
upon the obedience to Allaah from their childhood and are good to
them from a young age for as you are to them they will be to you.
Protect your children such that they do not become lost between the
extremists and those who are not serious, those who are considered
to be followers of desires from those who mock Islam and its' people.
Some of these individuals even write in our newspapers! Protect your
children from the followers of deviated ideologies such as the
Khawaarij, those who speak in the name of Islam and Islam is free
from them and they are free from it.
"And those who say: "Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives
and our offspring those who will be the comfort of our eyes, and
make us leaders for the pious ones."
The meaning of "make us leaders for the pious ones" is that you
are an example in bringing about good and guidance. Look to what
Allaah has prepared for them:
They are secure in paradise where "no eye has seen nor an ear has
heard nor a heart considered." 47
Then Allaah showed at the end of the chapter the reason why we
were created. That is for the sole purpose to worship Him alone.
Say: "My Lord pays attention to you only because of your worship
to Him.
"And I (Allaah) created not the jinns and humans except they
should worship Me (Alone)."
"I have prepared for my righteous slave what no eye has seen nor
an ear heard nor a heart even imagined, if you wish you can recite this Verse
from the Qur'an "No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy
[32:17]" [Saheeh Al-Bukhaari (3244)].
"But now you have indeed denied (Him)."
t * V "
L* --o
"The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail, Except him
who comes to Allaah with a clean heart [clean from Shirk
(polytheism) hypocrisy]." °
"Do they not then consider the Qur'an carefully, or are their
"Do they not then consider the Qur'an carefully? Had it been
from other than Allaah, they would surely have found therein
many contradictions."
0 Allaah, make us of those who fulfill the clear lawful matters and
believe in the unseen.
0 Allaah, make us of those who learn the Qur'an and teach it.
0 Allaah, you are the All-Living the Self subsisting, You are the
possessor of all honour and blessing...
A ppe n d ix 1
A r r o g a n c e a n d L y i n g - Two e v i l t r a i t s
S h a i k h R a b e e ’ b in H a a d i A l -M a d h k h a l i
jb Jl i j 4S3JU5 j!
Pride is my cloak and majesty is my lower garment, and I shall throw him
who competes with me regarding one of them into Hell.
In another narration:
7$ d^? d ^
He will not enter paradise whoever has in his heart an atoms weight of
How can you be arrogant towards people while you are in this state.
Who are you (to be arrogant)?!
Then, if a thorn pierces you, you cry because of it, how can you be
arrogant towards people?
worthless and lowly it is and that from the most degraded of people
are the arrogant ones.
Nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allaah likes not
each arrogant boaster.54
c r- * 5
"And do not walk upon the earth exultantly. Indeed, you will
never tear the earth [apart], and you will never reach the
mountains in height."55
A p p e n d ix 2
W h a t is B i d ’a h ? - I n n o v a t i o n in t h e r e li g i o n 56
[Soorah al-Baqara:117]
'ja IPJU u ji
[Soorah al-Ahqaaf:9]
From these two Verses, it is clear that that the word Bid'ah means
something new or invented that wasn't present before. No one
preceded Allaah in creating the heavens and the earth and likewise
56 Some of these benefits have been taken from the book on Bid'ah by
Sheikh 'AN Nasr Al-Faqeehi m ay Allaah protect him .
The Meaning of Bid'ah in the Arabic Language:
Sheikh 'Abdulrahman Sa'di (rahimahullaah) said regarding this Verse,
"the day referred to here is the day of 'Arafat where Allaah
completed His religion and gave victory to His servant and
Messenger...this is why the Book and the Sunnah are sufficient in the
rulings of the religion, its fundamentals and branches."
(O j ^ •j * o * ))
"Whoever introduces into our affairs that which is not from it, itwill
be rejected." [Saheeh Al-Bukhaari]
You disobey Allaah while showing outwardly that you love Him
If your love for Allaah were true then you would have obeyed Him
'Abdullah bin 'Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with him and his father)
said, "Indeed the most hated of affairs with Allaah is innovation." [al-
Laalikaaee (1/132) Abu Nu'aim in Hulyah (7/26) and Baghawi in Sharh
Sunnah (1/216)].
have said "The Prophet left us without leaving anything out even
the bird flapping its wings in the sky he told us about." The Prophet
added, "There isn't anything left out that will get you closer to
paradise and keep you awat from the hellfire except that it has
been clarified to you." [As-Saheehah: 1803]
They were saying Allaahu Akbar, Laa ilaaha ilal Laah, Subhana
Allaah in a collective gathering so 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud said to them,
"Count your sins... Woe to you oh nation of Muhammad! How quick
you rush to destruction. These are the companions of your Prophet
&& who are many in number and these are his clothes that worn out
and his utensils haven't broken yet and by the One whose hands is
my soul either you are upon a path better than the guidance of
'Abdullah ibn 'Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him and his father)
Naafi' reported that a man sneezed by the side of Ibn 'Umar (may
Allaah be pleased with him and his father) and said "All praise is due
to Allaah and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger!" So Ibn
'Umar said and I say All praise is due to Allaah and peace and
blessings be upon His Messenger (in any other time) but this is not
how the Messenger S& taught us (to say after sneezing), rather he
taught us to say "All praise is due to Allaah in all
situations."[Tirmidhee 2738, Haakim 4/265-266, Mizi in Tahdeeb al-
Kamal 6/553].
( j i i Ijfriu J V j Ijju jI )
"Follow and do not innovate for you have been sufficed (by those
who preceded you)." [Sunan ad-Daarimi (205) and Shu'an al-eeman
of al-Baihaqi (2143). Sheikh al-Albaani rahimahullaah said it is
Qurtubi said in his Tafseer "everything that it passes by from men of
'Aad and their wealth."
It maybe that Ibn Abil 'Izz was referring to bid'ah in the language not
in the religion as Ibn Katheer (rahimahullaah) says, "Bid'ah is of two
types: sometimes it is Bid'ah shar'eeyah (which tries to resemble the
legislation) and sometimes it is bid'ah in the language as the saying of
the Ameer of Muslims 'Umar ibn al-Khattab (radiallaahu 'anhu)
regarding reviving the Sunnah of Taraweeh prayers in a gathering
when he said "what a blessed bid'ah it is!"" [1/283 Ibn Katheer -
Sheikh Muqbil's checking]
"just as closeness to Allaah is not sought by standing at
'Arafat and Muzdalifah and throwing the pebbles at the Jimaar and
walking between Safa and Marwa without being in a pilgrimage
occurring in its prescribed time upon the correct reason and
prerequisites likewise closeness to Allaah is not sought by a separate
prostration. And if it is considered to be closeness then that is if the
reason is correct...also closeness to Allaah is not sought through
prayer and fasting in every time, it maybe that the ignorant one tries
to come closer to Allaah with that which is distant from Him without
them even knowing it." [Targhheeb fi salat Raghaaib alMuwdu'ah
P- 7 , 8 ],
In Conclusion:
This shows that the innovators do not have proof for celebrating the
Prophet's birthday, innovated dhikr of the Sufis, specifying prayers
for the night of the 15th of Sha'ban or specifying its day for fasting,
the congregational supplication of the imam after every prayer and
other that these innovated matters. This is what the fuss is about, if