O'Neill, T. A., & Salas, E. (2018) - Creating High Performance Teamwork in Organizations. Human
O'Neill, T. A., & Salas, E. (2018) - Creating High Performance Teamwork in Organizations. Human
O'Neill, T. A., & Salas, E. (2018) - Creating High Performance Teamwork in Organizations. Human
O'Neill, T. A., & Salas, E. (2018). Creating high performance teamwork in organizations. Human
Nowadays, managers concern about how individual can work together effectively with
common working tasks. Therefore, high performance teamwork is necessary for each
organization. Because most teams are fail to reach their full teamwork potential, high
advanced future research and create high performance teamwork. This study examines some
aspects of high performance teamwork including its definition, current industry trends of
teamwork and some challenges that organizations can face. Some empirical review articles were
used in order to emphasize way of exploiting full potential of teams depending on themes of
those articles. There are four themes of those review articles in this special issue. Each of them
represents how to help team to achieve their effective performance: work across boundaries;
build effective team processes and states; manage team development issues and leverage human
capital. However, the preliminary results of those articles show that attempt in high performance
teamwork should be based on realities which need to be addressed. On the other hand, authors
provided some realities for future research on high performance work team. There are six
realities that team members have to take a look. Those realities involve to how many teams can
work together, how social network affect team’s productivity, how teams become more active,
how psychological affects teamwork and reason of teams have to adaptive and change into social
structure. The conclusion can be drawn that workers can build high performance teamwork by
organization. While only minority of team achieve its goal, almost workers do not know what
they are supposed to do in a team. As the result, many working team were not successful.
Therefore, some instruments were used to measure team statistics: Teamwork-KSA, Acumen
team skills, MBTI, FIRO and TKI. All those instruments met criterion including free and easy to
use. However, to be more accurate, we have to compare result of those instruments to literature
instrument. There was a study, which were in English, were conducted at Indian energy
company, among a group of 16 managers. They had experiences in manager for many years. The
main purpose of this study is that what is attributed to make a successful team. A questionnaire
was used to evaluate teamwork skills of working experts and education workers. On average, an
evaluation showed that each participant to be at least an “effective team person”. The
preliminary result of the study showed that effective working together is impossible without
communication among members, and listening is a key contributor to team success. The author
also mentioned the importance of understanding each other’s pros and cons and of encouraging
each member. In conclusion, after comparing, the experiences of manager, who participate in a
study, match a result of team instruments. However, organization struggle to use measurement to
Effective teamwork is necessary for each organizations. One organization can turn its traditional
operation into high-productivity firm by realizing important of teamwork and positive aspect.
The author intended to show relationship between effective team and efficient way to
communicate with patient, some way to improve communication and importance of teamwork.
In addition, efficient teams and communication are built by three basic components: SBAR
(Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation), debriefing and SOAP (Subjective-
Objective-Assessment-Plan). This study aimed at patient care personnel who are directly interact
to patients. Some questionnaires and interviews were used to collect date from 200 healthcare
employees followed by criteria such as people working in surveyed hospital Amritsar, permanent
employees and employees whose age were older than 18 years. Those questionnaires were filled
individually without announcement. Results of this article confirmed that the level of patient care
improved by teamwork and communication. However, there were some issues with quality of
nursing. The nursing staffs were reported that they tend to leave after theirs shift was over. The
reason of this situation was that they felt frustrated with a ton of documentations of patients. The
author also gives some suggestions to enhance ability of teamwork and communication:
managers should encourage team member to speak and share their point of view, conflict among
employees should not affect to organization or workers know how to handle amount of working
tasks in order to finish on time. Finally, the author concludes that improving effective teamwork
and communication can be attributed by increasing the efficiency and confident of staffs, patients
and doctors.
In this decade, team is vital part in every organization’s system, but creating a team with a bunch
of experts is not enough for teams to be effective. In contrast, team members should know how
to working together effectively in order achieve common purposes. The authors also concerned
about how teamwork intervention is effective, and suggestion of future research were also
mentioned. The main purpose of this article is that authors collect researches assessing how team
each article have to match eligibility criteria. Then those articles were extracted to different size
and code in order to be analyzed. Many databases were used to collect data about potential
articles. A literature search returned 16,849 unique articles. In addition, 51 articles, comprising
72 (k) unique interventions, 194 effect sizes, and 8439 participants were used to figure out the
meta-analysis, using a random effects model. Additionally, positive and significant effects were
found for teamwork interventions on both teamwork and team performance. There were three
results in total: result of overall effect of teamwork intervention on teamwork processes, results
of the overall effect of teamwork interventions on team performance and result of the moderator
analyses. All of those results had a huge impact on team performance. In conclusion, the authors
mentioned that teamwork training is the best way to enhance teamwork and team performance.
On the other hand, intervention is effective when it is used to create experimental activities for