ISO 14001 Self Assessment Checklist FDIS FINAL July 2015 PDF
ISO 14001 Self Assessment Checklist FDIS FINAL July 2015 PDF
ISO 14001 Self Assessment Checklist FDIS FINAL July 2015 PDF
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ISO 14001:2015
Self-assessment questionnaire
How ready are you for ISO FDIS 14001:2015?
This document has been designed to assess your company’s readiness for an ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management System certification assessment. By completing this questionnaire your
results will allow you to self-assess your organization and identify where you are in the implementation or
transition process in relation to the main requirements of the standard.
Has the organization undertaken a review to identify interested Has the organization established an environmental policy?
parties, to understand their needs and expectation and which
of these, if any, they will adopt as a compliance obligation? Has the organization assigned responsibilities and authorities
in respect of the EMS?
Has the organization determined the boundaries and
applicability of the Environmental Management System (EMS)?
Planning Operation
Does the organization follow a process that determines risks Has the organization determined, planned and implemented
and opportunities? control of the processes to meet the requirements of the
Have the risks and opportunities been considered with
regard to the context of the organization and the needs and Has the organization considered the life cycle perspective
expectations of interested parties? where appropriate when procuring products and services,
designing its products and services, communications with
Has the organization identified and evaluated its contractors and end users?
environmental aspects and impacts, and identified the risks
and opportunities associated with adverse and beneficial Has the organization established and implemented a process
impacts? specifying how it will respond to a potential environmental
emergency situations?
Has the organization determined and have access to its
compliance obligations and determined how these apply?
Performance evaluation
Has the organization established an action plan to address
Has the organization determined details, methods and frequency of areas
the identified risks and opportunities and determined how
of operation that need to be monitored, measured, analyzed and evaluated
these specifically apply to the organization? in order to establish the performance and effectiveness of the EMS?
Does the organization have plans in place to achieve Has the organization established and implemented a process to evaluate
environmental objectives? the organization’s level of conformances with its compliance obligations,
recording the results?