Feed-Forward Neural Networks (Part 1)

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Feed-forward Neural

(Part 1)
Outline (part 1)
‣ Feed-forward neural networks
‣ The power of hidden layers
‣ Learning feed-forward networks
- SGD and back-propagation
‣ So far our classifiers rely on pre-compiled features

ŷ = sign ✓ · (x)
Neural Networks
(Artificial) Neural Networks

x2 f

(e.g., a linear classifier)
A unit in a neural network

x2 f

A unit in a neural network

x2 f

Deep Neural Networks

‣ Deep neural networks

- loosely motivated by biological neurons, networks
- adjustable processing units (~ linear classifiers)
- highly parallel, typically organized in layers
- deep = many transformations (layers) before output

e.g., edges -> simple parts-> parts -> objects -> scenes
Deep Learning
‣ Deep learning has overtaken a number of academic
disciplines in just a few years
- computer vision (e.g., image, scene analysis)
- natural language processing (e.g., machine translation)
- speech recognition
- computational biology, etc.
Deep Learning
‣ Deep learning has overtaken a number of academic
disciplines in just a few years
- computer vision (e.g., image, scene analysis)
- natural language processing (e.g., machine translation)
- speech recognition
- computational biology, etc.
‣ Key role in recent successes
- self driving vehicles
- speech interfaces
- conversational agents
- superhuman game playing
Deep Learning
‣ Deep learning has overtaken a number of academic
disciplines in just a few years
- computer vision (e.g., image, scene analysis)
- natural language processing (e.g., machine translation)
- speech recognition
- computational biology, etc.
‣ Key role in recent successes
- self driving vehicles
- speech recognition
- conversational agents
- superhuman game playing
‣ Many more underway
- personalized/automated medicine
- chemistry, robotics, materials science, etc.
Deep learning … why now?
‣ Reason #1: lots of data
- many significant problems can only be solved at scale

‣ Reason #2: computational resources (esp. GPUs)

- platforms/systems that support running deep (machine)
learning algorithms at scale

‣ Reason #3: large models are easier to train

- large models can be successfully estimated with simple
gradient based learning algorithms

‣ Reason #4: flexible neural “lego pieces”

- common representations, diversity of architectural choices
One hidden layer model
layer 0 layer 1 layer 2
(tanh) (linear)
W11 z1
x1 f1
W12 z

x2 W22
One hidden layer model
layer 0 layer 1 layer 2
(tanh) (linear)
W11 z1
x1 f1
W12 z

x2 W22
One hidden layer model
‣ Neural signal transformation

layer 0 layer 1
W11 z1
x1 f1
x2 W22
Example Problem
Hidden layer representation

Hidden layer units


Hidden layer representation

Hidden layer units Linear activation



Hidden layer representation

Hidden layer units Linear activation



Hidden layer representation

Hidden layer units Linear activation



Hidden layer representation

Hidden layer units Linear activation



Hidden layer representation

Hidden layer units tanh activation



Hidden layer representation

Hidden layer units ReLU activation



Does orientation matter?

Hidden layer units


Does orientation matter?

Hidden layer units tanh activation



Does orientation matter?

Hidden layer units ReLU activation



Random hidden units

Hidden layer units

Random hidden units

Hidden layer units tanh activation


Random hidden units

Hidden layer units

(10 randomly chosen units)

Random hidden units

Hidden layer units

Are the points

linearly separable
in the resulting
10 dimensional space?

(10 randomly chosen units)

Random hidden units

Hidden layer units

Are the points

linearly separable
in the resulting
10 dimensional space?

(10 randomly chosen units)

Random hidden units

Hidden layer units

(10 randomly chosen units) what are the coordinates??

‣ Units in neural networks are linear classifiers, just with
different output non-linearity
‣ The units in feed-forward neural networks are arranged
in layers (input, hidden,…, output)
‣ By learning the parameters associated with the hidden
layer units, we learn how to represent examples (as
hidden layer activations)
‣ The representations in neural networks are learned
directly to facilitate the end-to-end task
‣ A simple classifier (output unit) suffices to solve complex
classification tasks if it operates on the hidden layer

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