Evolution of Man
Evolution of Man
Evolution of Man
Evolution of Man
Archaeologist (pick and shovel historians) pointed the “Dark Continent” as the cradle of mankind.
It was Charles Darwin through his book “The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection” proposed the scientific
Causes of Evolution
the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations.
seasonal movement of animals from one region to another.
Causes of Evolution
Genetic drift
variation in the relative frequency of different genotypes in a small population, owing to the chance disappearance of
particular genes as individuals die or do not reproduce.
Natural selection
the process by which forms of life having traits that better enablethem to adapt to specific environmental pressures, as
predators,changes in climate, or competition for food or mates, will tend tosurvive and reproduce in greater numbers th
an others
Causes of Evolution
Adaptation a form or structure modified to fit a changed environment.
Stages of Evolution
About 5 Million years ago, earth crust was formed and simple life forms originated at sea.
Age of Fishes - 400 – 200 million years ago when fishes and amphibians became the dominant species.
Age of Reptiles – about 200 – 70 million years ago when cold blooded backboned creatures bed on land sea, and air.
The age of mammals - 70 – 2 million years ago the mammals who nourished their young with milk from their breasts
become the most important living creatures.
Eventually the man become the most successful creature on earth.
4 Stages of Mankind
HOMINID(40 Million years ago)
1. Ramapithecus – relics had been found in Siwalik Hills of India and Africa.
Could stand upright, had a jaw which is not jut out and could pick up stones and sticks to frighten enemies.
2. Lucy – discovered at Hadar of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia by Donald C. Johanson.
She was 3 ½ feet tall with head as large as soft ball and walk erect.
3. Australopithecus – (Southern Ape) discovered in Eastern and Southern Africa.
His brain was as small as modern ape’s head, but he can walk straight and use simple tools. (bone or sharp tools).
1. Zinjanthropus – (East African Man) found in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania East Africa by Dr. Louis S.B Leakey.
Believed to be about 1.75 million years old.
About 4 feet tall, walk upright and had a smaller brain than the “1470 man”
He also he knew how to make knew how to make crude stone weapons.
2. 1470 Man or Lake Turkana man – found in Lake Turkana, Kenya by Richard Leakey.
The name come from the relic’s catalog number in the Kenya National Museum.
About 2 million years old, walked upright, was about 5 feet tall and had a brain double the size of the chimpanzee.
He made the first true tools by striking and sharpening stones.
Homo Erectus (Upright Man)
1. Java Man – found in Trinil, Java, Indonesia by Eugene Dubois.
Live about a million years ago, he was about 5 feet tall walked erect, had heavy chinless jaw a hairy body and a brain
almost as large as that of a modern man.
1. Peking Man – found at Choukoutien village 30 mile southeast of Peking (Beijing), China by a group of Chinese
and European archaeologist.
He stood 5’2 tall, walked upright, with brain almost as large as modern man.
He knew how to use hunting tools .
They live about 500,000 years ago.
Homo Sapiens (wise man)
1. Neanderthal man – found in the cave of Neanderthal Dusseldorf, Germany.
The first human species called Homo Sapiens
Built with powerful muscles, powerful jaw but was chinless.
Brain was little larger than modern man.
Brutish in appearance he was intelligent.
He develop ideas.
2. Cro Magnon Man – found in Cro Magnon cave, Les Eyzis France by Louis Lartet.
2. About 5’11 inches in height.
3. He had more develop brain than Neanderthal man.
4. He wore animal skin sewed with bone needles.
5. Made fire by rubbing dry sticks.
6. Mighty hunter and skilled artist.
3. Tabon Man - refers to fossilized anatomically modern humanremains discovered in the Tabon Caves in Lipuun
Point in Quezon, Palawan in the Philippines on May 28, 1962 by Dr. Robert B. Fox, an American anthropologist of
the National Museum of the Philippines.
Believed to be about 47,000 years old.
4. Callao Man - fossilized remains discovered in Callao Cave, Peñablanca, Cagayan (The Philippines) in 2007 by
Armand Salvador Mijares.
was found to be at least about 67,000 years old.
Carbon Dating 14
The method in determine the age of a fossils.