Diego Espinel, ENiM 13 (2020), A Lion in A Lettuce. Some Ideas On A Group of Late Old Kingdom Maceheads
Diego Espinel, ENiM 13 (2020), A Lion in A Lettuce. Some Ideas On A Group of Late Old Kingdom Maceheads
Diego Espinel, ENiM 13 (2020), A Lion in A Lettuce. Some Ideas On A Group of Late Old Kingdom Maceheads
A lion in a lettuce?
Some ideas on a group of late Old Kingdom maceheads
Andrés Diego Espinel
Andrés Diego Espinel, « A lion in a lettuce? Some ideas on a group of late Old Kingdom
maceheads », ENiM 13, 2020, p. 263-273.
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A lion in a lettuce?
Some ideas on a group of late Old Kingdom maceheads*
D URING THE FIRST DECADES of the 20th century several piriform or ḥḏ-maceheads
carved with a hard-tipped leaf scale motif were retrieved around the mortuary
complex of king Teti (6th dynasty) at Saqqara [fig. 1]. In 1906-1907, Quibell
discovered “parts of two of them made of reddish limestone” probably at the east of the king’s
pyramid1. At least three other limestone maceheads “were found in the offering room or in the
rubbish near it” by Firth and Gunn while digging in the Teti pyramid temple in the early
1920s2. Two of the former were given by the Egyptian Antiquities Service to the Museum of
Fine Arts of Boston in 19243. The rest, along with other ones probably discovered about the
same time, went to the Cairo Museum. Five of them are currently on display in the Imhotep
Museum at Saqqara4. Almost all of the published examples are made of limestone, but, at
least, there is a wooden example at Boston5. According to the images at hand of the four
published limestone examples, all of them were inscribed with the Horus name of Teti (s.ḥtp
tȝ.wy (rḏỉ ʿnḫ)) and a brief phrase connected to the practical use of these weapons: “subduing
the znṯy.w-rebels (dȝ znṯ(y.)w)”6. Moreover, two of them contain a cartouche with the name of
I thank Francisco Borrego Gallardo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) for the critical reading of a preliminary
draft of this article and for his comments that have enriched significantly this paper.
E.J. QUIBELL, Excavations at Saqqara (1906-1907), Cairo, 1908, p. 72, pl. 5 [3]. Quibell did not precise the
place of their discovery, but since they are published in the same plate that some objects found in that part of the
Teti mortuary complex (ibid., p. 3, pl. 5 [2] [4]), they could come from there too. According to J.-Ph. LAUER,
J. LECLANT, Mission archéologique de Saqqarah I. Le temple haut du complexe funéraire du roi Téti, BiEtud 51,
Cairo, 1972, p. 99 [17], they ont été trouvées dans le temple de Téti, mais on ne possède que peu d’indications
sur elles.
C.M. FIRTH, B. GUNN, Excavations at Saqqara - Teti pyramid cemeteries I. Text. Cairo 1926: 8. They
mentioned (ibid.) that “pieces of a similar macehead had already been discovered by Quibell”.
Boston MFA 24.601-602, Y.J. MARKOVITZ, J.-L. HAYNES, R.E. FREED, (eds.), Egypt in the age of the
pyramids. Highlights from the Harvard University-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition, Boston, 2002,
p. 119 [52].
Cairo JE 49372-3, 39163, 47227 ; J.-P. ADAM, Chr. ZIEGLER, Les pyramides d’Égypte, Paris, 1999, p. 92. A
fragment of Cairo JE 49372-3 was discovered by Quibell, op. cit., pl. 5 [3]. It is not possible to identify the other
macehead on that plate with the ones published by Adam and Ziegler. PM III2 395 reckons the maces as: “Three
and a fragment, in Cairo Mus. JE 49372-3, 39163, 47225. Two (JE 49372-3), QUIBELL, Saqqara (1906-1907),
pl. v [3], p. 72; another two, GUNN MSS. xiv. 1 [2] (photo), xiv. 1A (texts of three); texts of two, QUIBELL, op.
cit. (1907-1908), p. 20 [middle]”.
Boston MFA 24.602.
On znTy.w, see A. DIEGO ESPINEL, Etnicidad y territorio en el Egipto del Reino Antiguo, AulÆg-Stud 6,
Barcelona, 2006, p. 139; M. OMAR, Aufrührer, Rebellen, Widersacher: Untersuchungen zum Wortfeld “Feind”
264 Andrés Diego Espinel
the king (ttỉ/sȝ rʿ ttỉ) too7. No published pictures and descriptions of the Teti maceheads offer
any trace or mention of their original colour (if they were ever painted).
Fig. 1. An example of Teti’s hard-tipped leaf scaled maceheads. Saqqara, Imhotep Museum (no
inventory number stated) (photo: Juan R. Lázaro, distributed under a CC-BY-2.0 license;
<https://secure.flickr.com/photos/71637794@N04/6686051937/> accessed 15 August 2020).
Notwithstanding their peculiar decorative scale-like pattern, these objects have rarely attracted
interest from researchers. Generally, they have been considered vegetal motifs. For instance,
Adam and Ziegler have pointed out that they sont particulièrement remarquables par leur
décor de losanges évoquant un végétal, détail qui est repris sur les bas-reliefs du Moyen
Empire8. In the following lines an alternative interpretation on this decoration will be
proposed by using some iconographic and textual data. In any case, as it will be seen below,
this proposal is just a possibility, since such pieces of information are not sustained by
talkative documentation but by a thin line of reasoning and evidence.
im pharaonischen Ägypten. Ein lexikalisch-phraseologischer Beitrag, ÄAT 74, Wiesbaden, 2008, p. 202-205
[13]; Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (TLA) lemma-no. 138610
<http://aaew.bbaw.de/tla/servlet/GetWcnDetails?u=guest&f=0&l=0&wn=138610&db=0> (accessed 30 May
Some ḥḏ-maceheads with the serekh and the cartouche of Khafre were discovered in the valley temple of his
mortuary complex at Giza, see G. STEINDORFF, “B. Die übrigen Fundstücke”, in U. Hölscher, Das Grabdenkmal
des Königs Chephren, Sieglin Exp. 1, Berlin, 1912, p. 105-115, esp. p. 106-107, fig. 156.
ADAM, ZIEGLER, op. cit., p. 92.
Cairo JE 39748; R. MOND, O. H. MYERS, The temple of Armant. A preliminary survey, MEEF 43/1-2, London,
1940, p. 166-167, pl. 88 (<[1]> top left).
P. LACAU, H. CHEVRIER, Une chapelle de Sésostris Ier à Karnak II. Planches, Cairo, 1969, pl. 13 [sc. 4]; 14
[sc. 6]; 16, xxviii [sc. 10]; 17 [sc. 11]; 31 [sc. 10’] ; 35 [sc. 18’]; xxvii [sc. 18’] ; A. ARNAUDIÈS, N. BEAUX,
A. CHÉNÉ, Une chapelle de Sésostris Ie à Karnak, EdE 13, Paris, 2015, pl. 13 [sc. 4]; 14 [sc. 6]; 16, xxviii [sc.
10]; 17 [sc. 11]; 31 [sc. 10’] ; 35 [sc. 18’]; xxvii [sc. 18’]; L. COTELLE-MICHEL, “Présentation préliminaire des
blocs de la chapelle de Sésostris Ier découverte dans le IXe pylône de Karnak”, CahKarn 11, 2003, p. 339-363,
esp. p. 355, fig. 3.
<http://www.cfeetk.cnrs.fr/archives/?n=57176> accessed 1 September 2020 (7th pylon, southern wall of the
western side); LD III 61 (8th pylon, southern wall of the western side).
Cairo JE 60707; JE 60708; PM I2 570 [4].
Cairo JE 61623;
(accessed 9 september 2020). H. Carter described its decoration as “an incised net-work or cone-pine pattern”,
c233> (accessed 9 september 2020).
A. MARIETTE-BEY, Abydos I. Description des fouilles exécutées sur l’emplacement de cette ville, Paris, 1869,
pl. 50; PM VI 26 [241-242].
E.g., LACAU, CHEVRIER, op. cit., p. 64 [136].
KEIMER, L. Die Gartenpflanzen im Alten Ägypten. I. Band, Hamburg, Berlin 1924, p. 77-78.
Brooklyn, Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund 59.199.2;
<https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/objects/3677> accessed 30 April 2020.
P. NORRIS, “The lettuce connection. A re-examination of the association of the Egyptian god Min with the
lettuce plant from the Predynastic to the Ptolemaic Period”, PhD thesis, University of Manchester, 2015, p. 173-
266 Andrés Diego Espinel
reasonably similar19, but their shapes are definitely different (lettuces depicted in Egyptian art
are much longer and thinner) and shed doubts about the vegetal inspiration for these maces.
A new interpretation
The geometric pattern on Teti’s maceheads, that renders their surface uneven, could have
practical aims, since it could cause more damage than a smooth piriform ḥḏ-mace. However,
considering that the motif appears briefly, but consistently along a millennium of the history
of ancient Egypt, it is probable that it wasn’t only a stylish fancy with no symbolic intentions.
The identification of these maceheads with a precise vegetable (a lettuce, an artichoke?)20 is
difficult to explain, even though the ḥḏ-mace could be inspired in the shape of an onion
(ḥḏw)21. It is hard to believe that the lettuce or, less feasibly, the artichoke were related to one
of the more frequently depicted weapons in the official smiting scenes. In this regard, the
hard-tipped leaf scale decoration on these maceheads seems to be better inspired by the
animal world, and particularly by the lions (Panthera leo), because of two different
First, the detailed and well-prepared patterns in Teti’s maceheads have a great resemblance with
a motif that depicts the outer parts of the lions’ mane. It was described by Schweitzer as “an
inverted bottle-shaped shag (umgekehrt flaschenförmig Zotteln)”22. Its first known example is
the mane of a mid 5th dynasty granodiorite (?) lion’s head from a gargoyle in the mortuary
complex of Niuserre at Abusir23, but a similar pattern is already attested in earlier times as it is
evident in the predynastic “Battlefield palette”, or in an early dynastic ivory gaming piece from
the tomb of Djer at Umm el-Qaab24. Similar examples are also attested, for instance, in several
lions with human faces during the Middle Kingdom25, the New Kingdom26, and the Kushite
See, e.g., the lettuces depicted in the mortuary complexes of Sahure and Pepy II in L. BORCHARDT, Das
Grabdenkmal des Königs SaAHu-rec II. Die Wandbilder, WVDOG 26, Leipzig, 1913, pl. 61, 63; G. JÉQUIER, Le
monument funéraire de Pepi II II. Le temple, Cairo, 1938, pl. 76-80, 92-96, 100-104.
There is no conclusive evidence of artichokes (Cynara scolymus) in ancient Egypt, see L. KEIMER, Die
Gartenpflanzen im alten Ägypten I, Hamburg, Berlin, 1924, p. 78 [12]. For some (dubious) examples, see A. EL-
KERETY, “Recent work in the tomb of Nebkauhor at Saqqara”, in N. Strudwick, H. Strudwick (eds.), Old
Kingdom, new perspectives: Egyptian art and archaeology 2750-2150, Oxford, 2011, p. 1-8, esp. p. 7-8.
The onion could be a magical element against hostile forces according to A. NIWIŃSKI, “The origin of the two
sacred white attributes of the early Egyptian king: crown and mace”, in K. Ciałowicz, J. Ostrowski, (eds.), Les
civilisations du basin Méditerranéen: hommages à Joachim Sliwa, Krakow, 2000, p. 155-162. On the properties
of onions against the venom of the snakes, see A. M. ROSSO, “Antidotes and counter-poisons in the ancient
world: onions (HDw) (Allium cepa L.) in Egypt, the preferred antitoxic for snake bites”, JARCE 55, 2019, p. 173-
187; for a clear identification of the ḥḏ-mace with the onion, see J.Fr. QUACK, “Zwiebel und Keule”, SAK 24,
1997, p. 231-239.
U. SCHWEITZER, Löwe und Sphinx im Alten Ägypten, ÄgForsch 15, Glückstadt, Hamburg, 1948, p. 37.
Berlin ÄM 16700; PM III2 336; O. ZORN, “Le lion, symbole du pouvoir”, in M. González Menéndez (ed.),
Des lions et des hommes – Mythes félins: 400 siècles de fascination, Paris, 2019, p. 60-65, esp. p. 62 [cat. 26].
London BM EA 20791 and BM EA 35529 respectively; D. CRAIG PATCH, “Early Dynastic art”, in id. (ed.),
Dawn of Egyptian art, New York, 2011, p. 136-179, esp. p. 147 [cat. 123]; W.F.M. PETRIE, The royal tombs of
the first dynasty: 1901 II, MEEF 21, London, 1901, pl. 6 [4].
Cairo CG 393, CG 394, CG 530, CG 1294, JE 87082, N. 419; Berlin ÄM 22580; Munich ÄS 7132; B. FAY,
The Louvre sphinx and royal sculpture of the reign of Amenemhat II, Mainz am Rhein, 1996, p. 65 [*23] (Berlin
22580); 67 [41; *42; 43-47] (Cairo CG 391; Munich ÄS 7132; Cairo CG 393; CG 394; CG 530; CG 1243; JE
87082); for similar examples, see ibid., p. 64 [*20; 21] (Louvre A 23; Cairo JE 37478 + CG 638); 65-66 [*27-
31] (private collection; Boston MFA 88.747; Cairo CG 1119; New York MMA 17.9.2; Karnak); 66 [*39]
(private collection); 67 [48] (Cairo N. 419); see also E. WARMENBOL (ed.), Sphinx. Les gardiens d’Égypte,
Brussels, 2006, p. 208 [50-51].
Period27. The same patterns, but more schematically carved, also appear on the manes of the
Sekhmet statues of Amenhetep III, for instance28.
Second, in some instances the shape of the hairy tuft of the lion’s tail in Egyptian art is similar
to the ḥḏ-maceheads. A good example is a relief from the mortuary temple of Sahure at Abusir
(5th dynasty)29, but it is also evident on some other private and official reliefs30. Such similarity
seems to be a convention since the actual tips of the tails are different. Visual puns where
animals and weapons interplay were not new in Egyptian iconography. Zoomorphic images of
the god Seth often included tails with the shape of different weapons. For instance, during the
Old Kingdom they were represented as ḥḏ- and disc shaped maceheads, and arrow fletchings.
The repertoire even increased in later periods, with tails like axe heads, staves with forked
finials, or clubs31.
Back to the depictions of the lion’s tail as a ḥḏ-mace, the curved tail upwards in the reliefs of
sphinxes and/or griffins that trample down foreign enemies recall, because of its place and
arrangement in the scene, the raised arm of the king while holding the ḥḏ-mace in the smiting
scenes32. In fact, both types of scenes have analogous ideological intentions and meanings.
They were also attested in later periods, as it is the case, for instance, of two pectorals
discovered in the tomb of the princess Mereret (B) at Dahshur (12th dynasty)33 [fig. 2, a-b]. Of
course, a univocal identification of the lion’s tail with the mace should be taken with caution,
as the tails of sphinxes and lions were often depicted or sculpted differently to the motif under
study. In some cases they were shaped as other symbols of royal power. This is the case of the
Louvre sphinx of Amenemhat II and two other sphinxes of Senwosret III that have an
elongated tail with a zig-zag pattern which recalls the same motif in the bovine royal beard
that is also present in the two former examples34. Actually, according to Köller, the long tuft
in the tail of these statues could depict the bull’s tail worn by the kings in order to mix in the
Cairo JE 53113, New York MMA 31.3.94; R. TEFNIN, La statuaire d’Hatshepsout, MonAeg 1, Brussels, 1979,
p. 129-133; C.A. K[ELLER], “89. Hatshepsut as a maned sphinx,” in C.H. Roehrig (ed.), Hatshepsut. From
Queen to pharaoh, New York, New Haven, London 2006, p. 166 [89]. The mane of the Cairo sphinx is painted
in blue. The lions’ manes in some reliefs in Hatshepsut’s temple at Deir el Bahari have similar patterns, see
N. BEAUX, “King, lion and falcon at Deir el-Bahari: from rw.ty to Horus. A study of the ramp newel posts in the
temple of Hatshepsut”, PAM 24/2, 2015, p. 61-74, esp. p. 65, fig. 4; 68, fig. 8.
BM EA 1770, Torino inv. C1413; Warmenbol (ed.), op. cit., 210 [54].
S. CONNOR, Le statue della dea Sekhmet, Torino, 2017.
Berlin ÄM 21832; BORCHARDT, op. cit., pl. 8.
M. BAUD, Famille royal et pouvoir sous l’Ancien Empire, BiEtud 126, Cairo, 1999, p. 201, fig. 21.
I.R. TAYLOR, “Deconstructing the iconography of Seth”, PhD thesis, University of Birmingham, 2016, p. 264-
273, 324; for different examples of these tails, see ibid., 566-572 [3.3.1-3.3.67].
BORCHARDT, op. cit., pl. 8; in this relief (Berlin ÄM 21832), captioned as “trampling the rebels (ptpt znṯy.w)”,
there is another visual metaphor that enriched the meaning of the scene, see W.V. DAVIES, “Hands and hearts
(Berlin 1157): an alternative”, JEA 62, 1976, p. 176-177. For other examples of sphinxes and griffins, see
G. JÉQUIER, Le monument funéraire de Pepi II III. Les approches du temple, Cairo, 1940, pl. 15-18, where there
are no remains of the tips of their tails; see also BEAUX, PAM 24/2, 2015, p. 71.
Cairo CG 52002 and CG 52003; W. GRAJETZKI, Tomb treasures of the late Middle Kingdom – The
archaeology of female burials, Philadelphia, 2014, p. 88-89, figs. 68-69 respectively.
Louvre A 23, New York MMA 17.9.2 and London BM EA 1849. On the two latter, see F. POLZ, “Die
Bildnisse Sesostris’ III. und Amenemhets III. Bemerkungen zur königlichen Rundplastik der späten 12.
Dynastie”, MDAIK 51, 1995, p. 227-238, esp. p. 242-243, fig. 4 [A]. On the bovine origin of the royal beard, see
S. HENDRICKX, M. DE MEYER, M. EYCKERMAN, “On the origin of the royal false bear and its bovine
symbolism”, in M.A. Jucha, J. Dębowska-Ludwin, P. Kołodziejczyk (eds.), Aegyptus est imago caeli – Studies
presented to Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz on his 60th birthday, Krakow, 2014, p. 129-143.
268 Andrés Diego Espinel
same image the pharaoh as a human, feline and bovine being35. In the same line, the presence
of tails like ḥḏ-maces in griffins, sphinxes or lions depicted in the smiting scenes would play a
similar role, as they enhanced the bellicose nature of these animals, and identified them with
the king as victorious leader.
Fig. 2, a-b. Pectorals of Mereret at Cairo Museum. a) Cairo CG 52003; b) Cairo CG 52002 (photos:
from J. DE MORGAN, Fouilles à Dahchour. Mars – Juin 1894, Vienna, 1895, pl. 21; public domain,
cropped from <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Tresor-dahchour-sesostris3-
3.jpg> accessed 15 august 2020).
Considering both circumstances, the motifs on the maceheads of king Teti could recall the
leonine character of the king by replicating the conventional patterns that served for depicting
the lion’s mane and/or tail.36 Moreover, besides its “hairy” nature, these maceheads could
reinforce their aggressiveness incorporating into the tuft/mane of the lion hard-tipped shapes
that also recalled the paws of the statues of lions and sphinxes.37 Similarly, there are
attestations of Egyptian weapons decorated with other aggressive animals during the 3rd
millennium BCE. According to Egyptian performative ideas, their shapes would reinforce and
improve their offensive effectiveness. Such could be the case, for instance, of two early
dynastic (or predynastic) maceheads that have the shape of a hippopotamus head38, or several
similar predynastic examples with the shape of bulls39. Moreover, the royal mortuary
Kl. KÖLLER, “Trägt der Louvre Sphinx A 23 einen Stierschweif?”, GM 160, 1997, p. 59-61; see also B. F[AY],
B., “Cat. 69”, in Warmenbol (ed.), op. cit., p. 220-222 [69]. For a detailed description of the tail of the Louvre
sphinx, see FAY, The Louvre sphinx, p. 22, pl. 38b-42. On the relation of lions and bulls in ancient Egypt, see
C. DE WIT, Le rôle et le sens du lion dans l’Égypte ancienne, Leiden, 1951, p. 400-403.
On the lion in ancient Egypt, see e.g. DE WIT, op. cit.; D. KLEINSGÜTL, Die Feliden in Altägypten, BeitrÄg 14,
Vienna, 1997, p. 29-63; D.J. OSBORN, H. OSBORNOVÁ, The mammals of ancient Egypt, Warminster, 1998,
p. 113-119; P. VERNUS, J. YOYOTTE, Bestiaire des pharaons, Paris, 2005, p. 152-166.
I owe this observation to F. Borrego (personal comm.). On the use of the paws for subduing the enemies, see
the scenes in n. 32 and 45, and the passage of the Pyramid Texts mentioned below (PT 1212a-f); see also DE
WIT, op. cit., p. 25-26 for later examples.
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum 1892.999, Brooklyn Museum L58.2.1; A. BEHRMANN, Das Nilpferd in der
Vorstellungswelt der Alten Ägypten I. Katalog, Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe XXXVIII-Archäologie
22, Frankfurt, Bern, New York, Paris, 1989, Dok. 49 a/b; for the second example see W. NEEDLER, Predynastic
and archaic Egypt in the Brooklyn Museum, New York, 1984, pp. 260-261 [148].
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum E 134, Cairo JdE 38743, Berlin ÄM 15142; NEEDLER, op. cit., p. 260-261 [148];
see also S. HENDRICKX, “Bovines in Egyptian predynastic and early dynastic iconography”, in F.A. Hassan (ed.),
Droughts, food, and culture: ecological change and food security in Africa’s later prehistory, New York, 2002,
p. 275-318, esp. p. 285
complexes of Userkaf and Unis (5th dynasty) include depictions of the kings holding with the
same hand a ḥḏ-mace and a long axe head (for a later example of this motif cf. fig. 2, a)
decorated at its back with a falcon. Similarly, another relief in the complex of Pepy II (6th
dynasty) includes a royal assistant that has a similar axe with a crocodile head at its back40.
In this regard, the following passage in the Pyramid Texts is a good example of the
conferment of divine and animal features to a weapon:
May you receive for you that praised harpoon of yours, your mȝ.t-staff that seizes the river
channels, whose points are the sun rays of Re, whose barbs are the claws of Mafdet, and I (the
king) will cut with it the heads of the adversaries who are in the Field of Offerings (šzp⸗k n⸗k
mʿbȝ⸗k pw Hzw.tỉ mȝ.t ỉ.ḫmʿ.t ỉtrw.w bwn⸗s ḥnb.w rʿ qs.w⸗s ʿn.wt mȝfd.t ỉ.šʿ.n N tpy.w⸗sn ỉm n.w
ḏȝyty.w ỉmy.w sḫ.t ḥtp) (spell 519, PT 1212a-fPMN).
Even though there are no explicit hints that point to the identification of the hard-tipped leaf
scale motives on maceheads as a lionine feature, this idea fit well with four other pieces of
evidence that permit to contextualize such possibility within the Egyptian official ideology
during the Old Kingdom.
First, the lion, alike the bull, formed part of the image of royal power, as it is evident in some
spells of the Pyramid Texts:
He will seat on his ḫndw-throne of metheoric iron whose faces are wild lions, and its legs are
the hooves of the great wild bull (ḥms⸗f r⸗f ḥr ḫndw ỉp⸗f bỉȝ ntỉ ḥr.w⸗f m mȝ-ḥzȝ rd.w⸗f m ʿȝg.wt-
smȝ wr) (spell 509, PT 1124a-cP)41.
Your face is (that of) a jackal, your tail is (that of) a wild lion. You will sit on that ḫndw-throne
of yours and will govern the akhs (ḥr⸗k m zȝb ḫbz.t⸗k m mȝỉ-ḥz ḥms⸗k ḥr ḫnd⸗k pw wḏ⸗k mdw n
ȝḫ.w) (spell 355, PT 573a-bTPMN).
Several sealings from 5th dynasty Amtsiegeln support the identification of the king with the
lion. A sealing from Abusir states: “Sahure, the royal lion, beloved of Wadjet and Hedjet-
Nekhen(?) (sȝḥw-rʿ mȝỉ ny-sw.t mry wȝḏy.t ḥḏ.t-nḫn?)”42, and two other impressions of
Menkauhor from the same site probably refers to the king as such “royal lion” or “king-lion”
A. LABROUSSE, J.-Ph. LAUER, Les complexes funéraires d’Ouserkaf et de Néferhétepès. Texte, BiEtud 130/1,
Cairo, 2000, p. 119, n. 279. For the Userkaf and Teti examples, see ibid., p. 119 [doc. 185]; id., Les complexes
funéraires d’Ouserkaf et de Néferhétepès. Planches, BiEtud 130/2, Cairo, 2000, p. 81, fig. 257a-b [doc. 185];
LAUER, LECLANT, Le temple haut du complexe funéraire du roi Téti, p. 93 [3], pl. 33 [B]; for the example of
Pepy II, see JÉQUIER, Le monument funéraire de Pepi II II, p. 37, pl. 47. For an interpretation of these objects as
a single mace-axe weapon, see M. MEGAHED, “Union with god. A coronation scene (?) from the pyramid
complex of Djedkare”, in P. Jánosi, H. Vymazalová (eds.), The art of describing. The world of tomb decoration
as visual culture of the Old Kingdom. Studies in honour of Yvonne Harpur, Prague, 2018, p. 249-259, esp.
p. 251-252, fig. 3. Megahed mentions Old and New Kingdom examples, for a Middle Kingdom image (Cairo
CG 52003), see n. 33 and fig. 2a. For other examples of weapons with animal shapes, see BEHRMANN, op. cit.,
Dok. 49 a.
F.L. BORREGO GALLARDO, “Los tronos de Bia en los Textos de las Pirámides y las estatuas de Jafra”, Isimu 7,
2004, p. 277-312, esp., p. 279, 284. A similar text is spell 667 (PT 1939a), see ibid., p. 279, n. 5.
Current whereabouts unknown; P. KAPLONY, Die Rollsiegel des Alten Reiches. II. Katalog der Rollsiegel,
MonAeg 3a-b, Brussels, 1981, p. 196-197, pl. 61 [sȝḥw-rʿ 27]. The text can be read alternatively as “beloved of
the royal lion, Wadjet and Hedjet-Nekhen (?) (mry mȝỉ ny-sw.t wȝḏy.t ḥḏ.t-nḫn?)”.
270 Andrés Diego Espinel
too43. Moreover, another sealing describes Reneferef as “the victorious and fearful lion,
beloved of Sobek (mȝỉ nḫt nr(w) mry sbk)”44. In fact, the king was depicted as sphinx or lion
in different occasions, as it is the case of the aforementioned relief in the Sahure mortuary
complex45. Similar images also appear in some seals and sealings of the late 5th dynasty.
Sometimes the Horus’ falcon on the serekh was substituted by a sphinx46. It is significant that
in one instance the façade-like base of the serekh includes a smiting scene47. Similarly,
another sealing from Abusir includes in the bases of two serekhs a squatting lion and a lion or
sphinx that tramples an enemy respectively48.
The identification of the king with a lion or sphinx is much more explicit in later periods49.
For instance, an 18th dynasty reference indicates that some royal weapons and tools were
markers of the king’s presence as a powerful lion, as it is the case of the great ʿwnt-staff in the
tale of The taking of Joppa50.
Second, in the same line of reasoning, the mane of the lions could identify this animal with
the sun, as it is stated in Horapollon’s Hieroglyphica: which seems to be inspired on older
ideas on this regard:
(…). For this animal has a large head. And it has fiery eyes, and its forehead is spherical, and its
mane radiates from about it, in imitation of the sun (Horapollon, Hieroglyphica I 17)51.
The solar connotations of the lions and lionesses are well attested in ancient Egypt. It is the
case, for instance, of the gods Aker and Ruty during the Old Kingdom52. However, a possible
identification of the lion’s mane as the sun rays has been generally overlooked by
M. VERNER, Abusir III. The pyramid complex of Khentkaus, Prague, 2001, p. 99, pl. 22 [279/A/98]; 112, pl. 24
Berlin ÄM 20382; KAPLONY, op. cit., p. 284, pl. 81 [rʿ-nfr-f 3]. Again (cf. n. 42), there is another possible
reading: “beloved of the victorious and crocodile-like fearful lion (mry mȝỉ nḫt nrw). F. Borrego has pointed me
that this sealing could be the same than another one discovered in the mortuary complex of this king, see
M. VERNER, Abusir IX. The pyramid complex of Raneferef – The archaeology, Prague, 2006, p. 253 [189 =
1052w/I/84]. For another sealing with a (dubious) example of a lion, ibid., 232 [102 = 824x/I/84].
On this relief and other scenes, see n. 32 and L. BORCHARDT, Das Grabdenkmal des Königs Ne-user-rec,
Leipzig, 1907, p. 46-49, fig. 29, pl. 8-10.
Cairo JE 72204; KAPLONY, op. cit., pl. 89 [ḏd-kȝ-rʿ 25]; VERNER, Raneferef, p. 209 [1 = 99b/I/82].
Berlin ÄM 20386; KAPLONY, op. cit., p. 327-328, pl. 88 [ḏd-kȝ-rʿ 23]
VERNER, Khentkaus, p. 100 [287/A/78].
E.g., DE WIT, Le rôle et le sens du lion, p. 16-34, 39-56; see also S.-W. HSU, “Figurative expressions referring
to animals in royal inscriptions of the 18th dynasty”, JEH 6, 2013, p.1-18, esp. p. 5-9; id., “Pharaos Körper: Tiere
als bildliche Ausdrücke in der Königsinschriften”, SAK 43, 2014, p. 143-157; N. BEAUX, “Le lion et le belier
Nebmaâtre roi et dieu à Soleb”, in N. Beaux, N. Grimal (eds.), Soleb VI. Hommages à Michela Schiff Giorgini,
Cairo, 2013, p. 9-36, esp. p. 12, 36.
Pap. Harris 500 vso. I, 8; H. GOEDICKE, “The capture of Joppa,” CdE 85, 1968, p. 219-233, esp. p. 219, 223-
225 [i-j]. For the ʿwnt-staff, see ibid., p. 224-225 [i]; C. MANASSA, “The chariot that plunders foreign lands: ‘The
hymn to the king in his chariot’”, in A.J. Veldmeijer, S. Ikram (eds.), Chasing chariots: proceedings of the first
international chariot conference (Cairo 2012), Leiden, 2013, p. 143-156, esp. p. 148.
English translation from G. BOAS, The hieroglyphics of Horapollon, New York, 1950, p. 70; see
Fr. CREVATIN, G. TEDESCHI, Horapollo l’Egiziano. Tratatto sui Geroglifici, Naples, 2002, p. 69 [17]; 99, n. 113,
with references. On the reliability or plausibility of Horapollon’s ideas, see P. GERMANO LEAL, “Reassesing
Horapollon: a contemporary view on Hieroglyphica”, Emblematica 21, 2014, p. 37-75.
G. MEURER, Die Feinde des Königs in den Pyramidentexten, OBO 189, Freiburg, Göttingen 2002, p. 52-57
(Aker); 58-59 (Ruty); on the lion as a solar divinity, see, e. g., DE WIT, op. cit., 138-147.
Similarly, one wonders if the manes in the statues of the lioness goddess Sekhmet (see, e.g.
the aforementioned Sekhmet statues of Amenhetep III) could evoke, along with their sun
disks and uraeus, the power of the sun rays too. The goddess, among other deities, was
considered Re’s daughter and the Eye of the sun, being sometimes described as “the she-sun
disk (tȝ ỉtnt)”56. Moreover, several rare depictions of the sun and its rays in the spells 64, 92
and 136b of the Book of the Dead in the papyrus of Neferwebenef (reign of Thutmosis IV,
18th dynasty) recall strongly the shape and radial arrangement of the manes of the sphinxes
and the statues of Sekhmet mentioned above57. Considering all these tenuous connections
between the lions and sphinxes and the sun, Teti’s “leonine” maceheads could be related to
the normal ḥḏ-maces that, on the other hand, seem to have solar connotations mainly related
to dawn too58.
Third, the formal similarities of the scenes of the king smiting foreigners and the sphinxes or
griffins trampling down enemies mentioned above could be inspired by ancient Egyptian
ethological observations. The maces could be identified with the lions’ tails because the latter,
when these felines are excited, recall the way the former were used in battle (up-down, left-
right) [fig. 2, b], as it was already observed in the past59. They move their tails differently
depending on their state. According to Liebenberg
Cl. Douglas (ed.), Visions. Notes of the seminar given in 1930-1934 by C.G. Jung, BollSer 99, Princeton,
1997, p. 1038
K. GOEBS, “Untersuchungen zu Funktion und Symbolgehalt des nms”, ZÄS 122, 1995, p. 154-181, esp. p. 166;
id., Crowns in Egyptian funerary literature. Royalty, rebirth, and destruction, Oxford, 2008, p. 30; 91; 368.
TEFNIN, op. cit., p. 131.
Sekhmet’s solar connotations are clearly expressed from the Middle Kingdom: see an harpist song in the tomb
of Senet at Thebes (TT 60), in N. DE G. DAVIES, The tomb of Antefoḳer, vizier of Sesostris I (no. 60), TTS 2,
London, 1920, p. 24-25, pl. 27; Fr. BORREGO GALLARDO, “Luz solar material: himnos y canciones a la diosa
Hathor como oro entre el Reino Antiguo y el Reino Nuevo egipcios”, in Fr. Borrego Gallardo, M. Herrero de
Jáuregui (eds.), Éter divino: Teopoética de la luz y el aire, Madrid, 2018, p. 35-66, esp. p. 56-58, with
references; for later examples, see J.-Cl. GOYON, Le rituel du sḥtp sḫmt au changement de cycle annuel,
BiEtud 141, Cairo, 2006, passim. On Sekhmet as sun disk, see Ph. GERMOND, Sekhmet et la protection du
monde, AH 9, Geneva, 1981, p. 34-35; and as solar radiance, see, e.g., GOYON, op. cit., p. 28 [B 12]; 30, n. 9.
Pap. Louvre N. 3092 [III 93]; <totenbuch.awk.nrw.de/objekt/tm134308> accessed 14 July 2020; see also
H. KOCKELMANN, “Sunshine for the dead: on the role and representation of light in the vignette of Book of the
Dead spell 154 and other funerary sources from pharaonic and Graeco-Roman Egypt”, in R. Jasnow,
Gh. Widmer (eds.), Illuminating Osiris. Egyptological studies in honor of Mark Smith, MVCAE 2, Atlanta GA,
2017, p. 181-196, esp., p. 182, fig. 1.
J.R. PÉREZ ACCINO, “All’alba vinceró: a violent metaphor at dawn”, TdE 1, 2002, p. 91-102; C. GRAINDORGE,
“L’oignon, la magie et les dieux”, in S. Aufrère (ed.), Encyclopédie religieuse de l’univers végétal: croyances
phytoreligieuses de l’Égypte ancienne I, OrMonsp 10, Montpellier, 1999, p. 317-333.
PLINY, Historia Naturalis VIII 19, and, maybe, Homer, Iliad XX 165-171. Ancient Egyptians were sharp
observers of the ethology and morphology of animals; see, e.g., an observation on the lion in D. BUDDE, “Zur
Symbolik der sogennanten Schulterrosette bei Löwendarstellungen”, ZÄS 127, 2000, p. 116-13; see also n. 62.
272 Andrés Diego Espinel
(…) if the lion’s tail is twitching or jerking, but the ears are still cocked, it is probably just
nervous or excited, but not angry. An angry lion flattens its ears, crouches low, and whisks its
tail ever more rapidly from side to side, while uttering a nerve-racking series of coughing grunts
or slurring growls. As its anger mounts, its tail is jerked stiffly up and down, and it initially
comes at a trot before charging60.
Part of these movements, along with other ones such as the muzzle clamp of the lion, were
observed and reflected on art by the Egyptians62.
Finally, if Teti’s maceheads are “leonine” weapons, they could be related in some way to the
circumstance that the lion also appears as a decorative motif in many Mesopotamian
maceheads during the 3rd millennium BCE. In fact, it is the most depicted animal on these
weapons by far, and vegetal elements are barely present in the maces discovered in this area63.
Moreover, very similar Near Eastern examples of hard-tipped leaf scale motives appear on
bronze maceheads from the late 3rd millennium BCE and on some later stone maces64. Even
though it is not possible to know if there was a direct connection between the Egyptian and
Mesopotamian weapons, the common use of similar objects with related decorative motives
in both areas could be the result of long-distance cultural transmissions, especially in a
moment in which connections between Egypt and the Levant were well established, mainly
via Byblos65. It is possible that similar cultural values could spread out broadly. In this regard,
the identification of lapis lazuli with the hair of gods and goddesses could be introduced into
Egypt from the East through the commercial networks that permitted the entrance of the stone
into the Nile valley, as its bluish colour is far from being similar to the colours and tones of
L. LIEBENBERG, A field guide to the animal tracks of southern Africa. Cape Town, 1990, p. 54; see also
G.B. SCHALLER, The Serengeti lion: a study of predator-prey relations, Chicago, 1972, p. 102-103.
J.A. RUDNAI, The social life of the lion. A study of the behaviour of wild lions (Panthera leo massaica
[Newman]) in the Nairobi national part, Kenya, Wallingford PA, 1973, p. 42.
L. EVANS, Animal behavior in Egyptian art, ACE-Stud 9, Oxford, 2010, p. 111-113, pl. 8.
For maceheads with lions, see B. MUHLE, Vorderasiatische Keulen und ihr Umfeld vom 9. bis ins frühe 1. Jt.
v. Chr. Typologie und Deutung. PhD Thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Iniversität Munich, 2008, p. 57-59 [2.6.3. –
Typ 1)c)]; 63-64; 409-414. See also p. 482 [nos. 1775, 1777-1780]; for examples with vegetal motifs, see ibid.,
p. 56-57 [2.6.2. – Typ 1)b)]; 409.
For 3rd millennium BCE bronze examples, see ibid., p. 90-91 [6.2.5 – Typ 4.2.2)f1)]; 479-480; 95-96 [6.4.3 -
Typ 4.4]f1]]; 485-488; for later examples, see ibid., p.73 [3.4.3 – Typ 2]f1]]; 452-453.
K.N. SOWADA, Egypt in the eastern Mediterranean during the Old Kingdom. An archaeological perspective,
OBO 237, Friburg, Göttingen, 2009, p. 128-141; 181-182; 218-222; M. MARCOLIN, A. DIEGO ESPINEL, “The
sixth dynasty inscription of Iny: more pieces to the puzzle”, in M. Bárta, F. Coppens, J. Krejčí (eds.), Abusir and
Saqqara in the Year 2010, Prague, 2011, p. 570-615. For the transmission of weapons in the ancient Near East,
see G. GERNEZ, “Des armes et des hommes. La question des modèles de diffusion des armes au Proche-Orient à
l’Âge de Bronze”, in P. Rouillard, C. Perlés, E. Grimaud (eds.), Mobilités – Immobilismes. L’emprunt et son
refus, Colloques de la Maison René-Ginouvés 3, Paris, 2007, p. 119-134; id., “The exchange of products and
concepts between the Near East and the Mediterranean: the example of weapons during the Early and Middle
Bronze Ages”, in K. Duistermaat, I. Regulski (eds.), Intercultural contacts in the ancient Mediterranean.
Proceedings of the international conference at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo, 25th to 29th October
2008, OLA 202, Leuven, Paris, Walpole MA, 2011, p. 327-342, esp. p. 328-330.
human hair66. Moreover, both Egypt and the Levantine region could share common and/or
coincidental cultural traits that favoured communication. In this regard, lions were considered
in both areas as symbols of power and they were common, for example, in sealings on
Southern and Northern Levantine pottery of the Early Bronze Age that was imported, in some
instances, into Egypt67.
Despite the absence of explicit connections between the leaf scale motifs on Teti’s maceheads
and the lions, the aforementioned pieces of evidence permit to offer a more feasible
interpretation of these weapons than their previous identification as vegetal motifs. Just like
the bovine tail and beard as royal symbols, the lionine nature of these maces is not clearly
mentioned in the texts and its origin and meaning are omitted from the royal and religious
texts, but contrarily to the bull-related regalia these weapons left a lesser mark on the official
iconography, being only depicted sporadically.
A similar long distance transmission, but in the opposite direction, could be the diffusion of Near and Middle
Eastern maceheads types to Western China, see L. SHUICHENG, “The mace-head: a significant evidence of the
early cultural interaction between West and East”, Social evolution & History 17/2, 2018, p. 258-272; on
problems regarding this statement see G. SHELACH, Prehistoric societies on the northern frontiers of China:
archaeological perspectives on identity formation and economic change during the First Millennium BCE,
London, New York, 2009, p. 124. Copper and bronze metallurgy seem to have followed the same eastward
direction from an unknown origin, see J. MEI, Y. YU, K. CHEN, L. WANG, “The appropriation of Early Bronze
technology in China”, in Ph. Stockhammer, J. Maran (eds.), Appropriating innovations – Entangled knowledge
in Eurasia, 5000 – 1500 BCE, Oxford, 2017, p. 231-240. Such transmissions, however, have to be considered
with caution. On this regard, see, e.g., V. ALMANSA-VILLATORO, “The cultural indexicality of the N41 sign for
bjA: the metal of the sky and the sky of metal”, JEA 105/1, 2019, p. 73-81. For other possible examples of early
long distance trade and cultural exchanges, see, e.g., J. C. MORENO GARCÍA, “Trade and power in ancient Egypt:
Middle Egypt in the late third/early second millennium BC”, JAR 25/2, 2017, p. 87-132.
For the lions on the sealings, see A. M. MAEIR, I. SHAI, L. KOLSKA HORWITZ, “‘Like a lion in cover’: a
cylinder seal from Early Bronze Age III Tell eṣ-Ṣafi/Gath, Israel”, IEJ 61, 2011, p. 12-31, esp. p. 21-24; on the
pottery with this kind of sealings discovered in Egypt, see V. TUMOLO, “The Levantine seal-impressed jar from
the tomb G 2370 B at Giza revisited”, in A. Vacca, S. Pizzimenti, M.G. Micale (eds.), A oriente del Delta. Scritti
sull’Egitto ed il Vicino Oriente in onore di Gabriella Scandone Matthiae, CMAO 18, Rome, 2018, p. 611-632,
esp. p. 617-619. On the lion in northern Levant, see L. PEYRONEL, “Il ruggito del leone. Qualche osservazione
sulle immagini ferine nel mondo siriano del III millennio a.C.” in S. Valentini, G. Guarducci (eds.), Between
Syria and the highlands – Studies in honor of Giorgio Buccellati & Marylin Kelly-Buccellati, Studies on the
ancient Near East and the Mediterranean 3, Rome, 2019, p. 323-334.
Résumé :
Cet article étudie les têtes de massues avec ce que l’on décrit habituellement comme un « décor
de losanges évoquant un végétal », découvertes dans le complexe mortuaire du roi Teti à
Saqqara (début de la 6e dynastie). Compte tenu de divers éléments de preuve, un tel motif
rappellerait plutôt la crinière d’un lion et/ou la touffe de sa queue au lieu de représenter un
This article studies some maceheads with a hard-tipped leaf scale motif discovered in the
mortuary complex of king Teti at Saqqara (early 6th dynasty). Considering several pieces of
evidence, such pattern would recall the lion’s mane and/or tuft of its tail instead of depicting
some kind of vegetable, according to previous interpretations.
ISSN 2102-6629